#western lies
briteredoctober · 4 months
42 Minutes Ago: US pushes for temporary Gaza ceasefire at UN Security Council
29 Minutes Ago: US vetoes UN resolution demanding immediate Israel-Gaza ceasefire
Judge actions, not false words.
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heritageposts · 6 months
getting incredibly tired of westerners responding to firsthand accounts shared by palestinians in gaza with the reflexive demand to see a "source"
because by source, they always mean a western news report
never mind, of course, that international journalists are banned from entering gaza; the word of the western journalist, writing in passive voice about a genocide 6000 miles away, is still deemed more 'reliable' than the firsthand accounts shared by the victims living through that same genocide
a palestinian shares a video of an IOF solider brutalizing civilians in gaza? not good enough; they still need a ''source.'' the video in question was posted by a palestinian journalist? okay cool, but does someone have a more reliable source? can we get a word in from the esteemed fact-checkers over at the new york crimes, or the iraq-has-wmds-post? we just don't want to spread misinformation...
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lets-make-light-now · 3 months
To the Fucking USA.
First you kill us Palestinians by arming Israel.
Then you humiliate us by Veto the cease fire.
You create famine and starvation
And now you want to give humanitarian aid by building a port.
Go the fuck back to fairy tale land.
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World Gased by False Fake-news https://jacquescoulardeau.medium.com/world-gased-by-false-fake-news-39b312295b7e
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I just published World Gased by False Fake-news. The war in Ukraine is the war of the USA and the WEST with NATO as the tool for it against Russia and China to prevent the USA, the WEST, and NATO from losing their leadership in the world. There is a fair chance we will get a nuclear at least incident, if not accident, if not even war from this reckless strategy of Biden in his old age S(terile)-S(enility)-delirium-Tremens. No cure for that old man, but you might cause great damage and we, only us, we, and ours will have to pay the damages while he will bask in the sun in a wheelchair. It is debilitating to see the power of the USA drift away from Washington and all press campaign against Russia and China leads nowhere and certainly not victory for Ukraine. How long will it take these over 80-year-old presidents, ex-presidents, and future presidents to retire at least and die away because they have reached their age of obsolescence? And look at the new head of state in England: he climbs onto the throne when everyone only dreams to retire in the countryside.
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The war in Ukraine is a mental trap in the west and a clear scheme of the rich west led by Washington and Nato in the eyes of the rest of the world, east, north, and south. All that for the USA not to lose its domination of the world which it will never be able to keep. Too greedy and too dictatorial with mass shootings in the USA and spreading their troops everywhere. More imperialistic than the US you will die: they will shoot you before you can think a second time. And they will claim it's China that did it.
Éditions La Dondaine-Medium 2023
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skinks · 1 year
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I don’t think this movie could have been more perfectly catered to me than if I had manifested it into existence like a tulpa
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enjymemink · 4 months
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Notice the difference between headlines?
Ukrainian children are killed.
Palestinian children are found dead.
Ukrainian children murderers are mentioned
Palestinian children are just dead by ??
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
its so weird seeing posts that mock uncle jim for worrying about li ming's queerness as though his dead boyfriend's parents (legally) stealing his entire life savings and leaving him to manage a restaurant business specifically because gay couples aren't legally recognized as couples wasn't what put him in a cycle of crushing debt and endless poverty in the first place
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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voltaical-art · 10 months
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I've got to learn to live until no end // But first I must learn to swim all over again
Yeehawgust week 1: Warning Shot
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romanceyourdemons · 2 months
the violent, hollow, beautiful bourgeois excess of 1920-30s shanghai is something that can be so special actually
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hualianisms · 6 months
i love how fanghua are so danmei coded. fang duobing as the protective nianxia ml whose life was so monumentally changed and shaped by a shifu he met only once when he was younger but whose small act of kindness moved him so deeply that he spent most of his life trying to get stronger, working hard to finally be able to catch up to and be worthy of that glorious shifu that he so admired.
except he finally meets that shifu again years later as an adult and he's finally caught up to him but now their positions are reversed - li lianhua is now the sickly one, and fallen from grace; fdb is now the (physically) stronger one, the young hero, and he becomes friends with and falls for llh who he now no. longer wants to be the disciple of. instead, he now wants to protect and care for li lianhua like one protects and cares for a lover.
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dayinadream · 6 months
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israeli fake news and propaganda 🤥
By Sara Qaed
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ausetkmt · 1 month
How The Western World Lied About Traditional African Religions
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dirtytransmasc · 8 months
to anyone standing with isr*el.
look me in my eye right now and name 47 family names you know, imagine all of those people, each and every one. the mothers and fathers, young and old, some newly weds, others long time soulmates, children gathered at their feet. the aunts and uncles and cousins, all sisters and brothers and children in their own rights. the grandparents with crows feet and wise eyes watching their children and grandchildren. think about them.
name me 47 family names you know off the top of your head right now, think of what they look like, and then imagine them gone. imagine them bloodied and dead, imagine them in rubble and body bags. old and young alike.
look at me and tell me that you don't feel sick to your stomach.
cause that's what is happening in Palestine. 47 whole families, whole bloodlines are gone. isr*el did that. they killed them. all of them. and thats just the current count, god only knows how many have been killed since that count was taken.
how can you stand for that?
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bl3ssed-cursxd · 3 months
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angrybell · 6 months
Posted @withregram • @henmazzig I can’t believe I’m making a video about @gigihadid but here we are
The second part is the one that gets me the most. The rape accusations that have been made recently are never backed up. It’s like this Catch-22 where the IDF, and Israelis in general, so the right thing and don’t sexually assault people - or tolerate it when it does happen - and then they’re attacked for not raping Arabs.
Everyone of the prisoners released has a documented record of crime. Their crimes range from attempted murder to throwing Molotovs. There are not poor misunderstood youths who got swept up for being Arab in the wrong places these are people who went out looking to commit crimes.
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