#when i was 4 i was obsessed with lion king.
cowboyhorsegirl · 2 years
the problem with reading DC vs. vampires as my first introduction to anything DC is that now i will never trust hal jordan ever for as long as I live
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smokerswifey · 10 months
The seven deadly assholes :
This post is basically me ranting about the biggest bastards in the nnt universe ( I'd rlly like to see other people's opinion on this lol).
7. Ban's Parents
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Ban's parents have the last place in the list ( both on parenting and in being assholes ) . They literally had one page in the entire series and still managed to make it into this list !
Seeing Ban getting beat up in the manga was hard enough but in the anime + the emotional music had me punching the air like a 5 year old .
I hope these two are roting in their disgusting home, crying in rage when they find out that there " crap for brains" son is a wealthy king with a family of his own now .
6. Ironside
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Yet another crappy parent has made it into the running ! Not only did this jerk abandon his son as a baby and dumped him on his father ( is percival even Ironside's son ?) he couldn't let the poor kid live in peace and MURDERED Percy's grandpa, his own father in cold blood before trying to kill percival too leaving him to die .
If that wasn't enough we found out not that long ago that this ass is happily raising HIS OTHER SON in Camelot, proving that he can actually be a good dad... BUT NOT TO PERCIVAL 💀.
No instead the few times they ran into each other, Ironsid tried to kill percival, harmed his friends and even tried manipulating him into thinking he cared for him to take him by surprise in a fight .
Diodra and Percy both deserve a better dad tbh.
5. Cath Palug
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This adorable piece of crap is what triggered Arthur's descent into evil and I will never ever ever forgive him for that.
( I really loved him...)
4. Arthur
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Since I was talking about arthur, I think that the king of chaos rightfully deserved 4th place ( ironically he got 4th place in the popularity contest )
This boy has lost his entire kingdom and his subjects .
He has been betrayed by his closest companions ( Cath, Meliodas when he lost his emotions, Merlin when she used him to awaken Chaos )
He even DIED and came back to life which must've been very traumatising for a teenager ( I think he was 16 during the holy war.
The fact that he went through all of his crap makes a lot of the fandom ( including me ) a bit more emphathising towards him when he became evil .
But he still murdered hundreds of fairy's and giants when they were being manipulated by the supreme deity, ( cursed by light ), capture non human races to turn them into disfigured freaks ( Grudge of edinburgh) and manipulated vulnerable people who lost loved ones in the holy war to join his side . Plus his punishments for knights who have failed his expectations are horrific.
So yeah Arthur your kind of an asshole.
( but I blame merlin and chaos and hopelessly keep believing that he'll come to his senses )
3. Supreme deity and Demon King
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You guys take the crown for the worst parents in the nnt universe aswell as the worst leaders of your races .
I'm getting tired and I'm too lazy to make the two page essay of why these creatures are the biggest shit stains on Brittania .
So instead I'm going to close my eyes and revel in the fact that they are both gone.
I'm still reveling
2. Vivian
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1. Merlin
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Merlin, merlin, merlin...
My old favorite character Merlin...
The most badass female character in nnt Merlin...
I was rooting for you...
Until you screwed over all your friends, your apprentice and the whole world for your thirst for KNOWLEDGE.
Arthur became a racist for knowledge???
You betrayed your found family for knowledge ??
Escanor's death and sacrifice...was for knowledge...?
You know what glutton, you won the mofo first place just GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU, HOW DARE YOU-
Sorry for the mistakes and lazy writing i got tired in the end ngl .
Thank you, brave people who read this and goodnight
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schmem14 · 1 year
 5 Underrated HP Ships (+ Recs!)
@lumosatnight thanks for the tag! I love this! Read Lani’s list HERE
1. Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin
I know what you’re thinking, didn’t Remus make this mistake with Tonks already? And what about Sirius?? (I HC Wolfstar for sure) BUT If Remus were attracted to women, I think that this age gap ship makes more sense than Remadora. I think it has a lovely, erudite feel to it. Hermione needs someone who will challenge her, and Remus needs someone to ground him when he gets insecure (as we know he does.)
Those Who Can, Teach by @inlovewithforever (E, 12.4 k)  Sixty Minutes by @mightbewriting (E, 5.4 k) 
2. Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom
This is such a NICHE ship that embodies one of my favourite dynamics--the Slytherin/Hufflepuff relationship. I know Neville is not a Hufflepuff, but he has a lot of those personality traits. He’s soft, thoughtful, and quietly assertive. He’s a good-natured teddy bear who won’t necessarily let you walk all over him but is honest and forgiving in the purest way. Enter post-War Draco, made surly and self-deprecating by his downfall. He’s jagged around the edges, unwilling to accept love willingly. He just needs someone to coax him out of his prickly shell. 
The Ugly Duckling and the Peacock by @vukovich (E, 12.3 k) All This and Heaven, Too by meansgirl (E, 103.7 k)
3. Pansy Parkinson/Percy Weasley
A HOT combination. I almost don’t know how to describe these two. Neither get a lot of love in canon because they’re both intense people in unpleasant ways, but when they’re older and a bit wiser, these traits make them the ultimate power couple. Pansy likes to get under Percy’s skin, and Percy loves playing mind games. These two are also the ones I most picture having a forbidden romance (yes, there’s a rec for that!) Also, Percy is totally a Slytherin in lion’s clothing. That was an incorrect house placement for sure. 
Mile End by @pacific-rimbaud (E, 8.3 k) The Secretary by @pacific-rimbaud (E, 45.9 k)
4. Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood
This ship took me by surprise during the Rare Pair Fest last year, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I see Pansy as someone who is boxed in by expectations, repressed pain, and fear. Luna is the opposite. She’s free-spirited, otherworldly, and she feels everything with her whole soul open to it. It’s a beautiful pairing with lots of healing potential. 
Landlocked, Oceanbound by @nanneramma (T, 7.4 k)
5. Draco Malfoy/Ronald Weasley
Don’t slam the breaks just yet, and hear me out. These two are so dynamic that this ship could go ANY WAY YOU WANT. Throw Harry in there, and you have some peak tension and jealousy and love triangle perfection. Maybe a humbled Draco finding that Ron is actually quite lovely? Or, Draco composing an entire song titled Weasley is our King (the Drarry obsession potential could indeed to extended to include Ron)? Or, forced proximity homoerotic hate fest? OMG, I am all in. Bisexual Ron is one of my new favourite HC’s, so I’m adding as a sub-pairing that Draco/Ron/Hermione is surprisingly delicious. I read this one brilliant fic and then sobbed because I want MOAR of them and it doesn’t exist. 
A Weasel in the Hamptons (has a sequel!) by @peachpety (E, 15.4 k) The Evergreen Game (this is THE Draco/Ron/Hermione that made me go feral) by imaginarium_imperfecta (E, 57.2 k)
Tagging @vukovich, @nanneramma, @the-francakes, @mugsdontlie, @holygnocchi, @broomsticks to do your own list if you’re feeling inspired <3
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valentinetypewriter · 8 months
I'm obsessed with the names of The Noble House of Black
Enjoy my not so little rant about the black family names since astronomy is my ⭐️special⭐️ interest
This only cover Sirius Black, Regulus Arcturus Black and Orion Black
Sirius Black the 3rd
We all know Sirius - the star from the dog constellation - is the brightest star in the sky it's almost twice as bright as the star Canopus which is the second brightest star in the sky. (which is quite fitting for Sirius Black, the brightest in the family, Sirius does translate to glowing or scorching, and spoilers but the man can turn into a dog). What's insanely interesting to me about the name of Sirius (and his animal form) and his father Orion though is that Canis Major (the constellation that Sirius is a part of) and canis minor are known as Orion's hunting dogs.
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Regulus Arcturus Black
The star Regulus is ranked 21 on the list of brightest stars, Regulus just so happens to be the brightest star in the Leo constellation (the fucking lion constellation, and Regulus did die because of an act of Bravery, to betray not only his family but the dark lord to try and stop him, knowing the risk of death) not to mention the star is also known as Qalb Al Asad, from the Arabic phrase meaning 'the heart of the lion'. The traditional name for the star 'Regulus' is Latin for prince/little King, more of its other names in different languages translates to things like The king, the great, the mighty. Another interesting thing is that it isn't just one star, it's actually a star system made up of around 4 stars that orbit each other due to their gravitational attraction. But while his first name is ranked 21 his middle name Arcturus (and yes I know his middle name is after his grandfather but this is about Reggie) is ranked as the 4th brightest star and is a red giant, it's also incredibly huge compared to our sun
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Orion Black
(Again canis major and minor are literally his dogs.) In Greek mythology Orion was a huntsman placed among the stars by Zeus as a constellation. Another interesting link between Sirius and Orion is That in ancient Egypt, the stars of Orion were regarded as a god by the name of Sah who was known as the father of the gods. This was because Orion rises before Sirius, the star whose heliacal rising was the basis for the Solar Egyptian calendar
(Heliacal rising - the phenomenon of when a star first becomes visible above the eastern horizon just before sunrise after a complete orbit of the Earth around the Sun. What's also interesting is that the most historically import of these "morning stars" Is the rising of Sirius)It's actually very interesting to me that Orion and Sirius are named after those specific stars, they have quite a few connections to each other.
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i-am-a-fan · 10 months
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A rant you say?
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three people want to hear my deranged thoughts.
Just so ya know, they won’t be cohesive and i’m really tired so if i don’t use proper spelling or grammar, i’m so sorry.
I’m going to just type as ideas come out so if this doesn’t flow like normal. Again, I apologize.
I both love the clones and find myself the most disappointed with them.
On one hand they are a great way to look into Mk’s psyche. They break down the character into simpler little niches that can later be used to build and expand on how a character reacts to a situation.
Porty Mk is a reflection of Mk’s impulsiveness and not wanting the people around him to leave.
Painter/ Artist Mk is a reflection on his perfectionism and strive to meet expectations.
but Delivery clone??? UGH. I’ve seen people write them very well, but they aren’t a good reflection of Mk. More so, it was horribly fat-phobic. Sure, it might show Mk’s lack of wanting to work hard, but it’s a horrible way to show it.
I say that the writers should have made Delivery clone into a Chef clone, where his love for his friends and family are amplified. It’d basically be like a mini Pigsy, but with Mk instead. This is the delivery clone in my head, I’ve replaced him. Given him a new life.
The main issue I have with the clones is that they are written/drawn as separate people from Mk, instead of an extension of him.
Porty Clone is rude and arrogant, but we see Mk act that way in the ‘Great wall race’ episode. Porty clone literally kidnapped Mei and a ton of unsuspecting people to Porty forever, and Mk has been shown to have a huge fear of people leaving him. Porty isn’t a bad person but more spontaneous than normal Mk, which is why he’s perfect to send in to mess with Azure Lion at the end of Season 4.
Painter clone has less screen time, but he’s a perfectionist same as Mk. He wants to keep training to defeat the lady bone demon. He wants to be perfect, make sure he knows he can handle it (the episode where they find SWK’s video game.) He tries to keep learning new skills and live up to the monkey kings expectations of him (Minor chord episode i think.) He has some self confidence issues, as seen in the episode shadow play, and Painter Mk most likely is the part of Mk’s psyche that is used to combat it.
It’s like if I took 1 song, a quartet piece for instance, and each clone is an instrument. Yeah, the instrument can play it’s part by itself and it can play other music too, but what makes it special is the fact that when these 3 instruments play together, they make a wonderful complex arrangement.
Building on this, and let me say I’m not a writer on the show I’m just a guy obsessed with legos, that all of Mk’s clones turned evil??!?!?
Like. Given the time and space, every single one of Mk’s clones had been lead by Porty to attack the original.
If the clones really are flimsy yet carbon copies of the original Mk, why did they turn evil??
Probably simply for plot purposes. But still. They could have just been annoying. But no, they kidnapped and attacked other people.
Mk’s got issues man. Get that boy into therapy.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 1 year
I’ve been hesitant to post this because I’m afraid of it becoming popular and blowing up my notifications but I just have to get it off my chest
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish, one of the most artistically beautiful films I’ve ever seen, would not be possible if it weren’t for the animation industry’s obsession with making CGI look “realistic”
You’re probably wondering what I mean. After all, when comparing the two movies in the Puss In Boots series, the first one definitely looks more realistic while the second looks more cartoonish
But a cartoonish art style is not a downgrade. A really bad art teacher once told me that “in order to draw good cartoons one has to first master realism.” While this advice did not help me in the slightest, I think I finally understand what she meant
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish isn’t in a realistic art style but it still feels real in its own universe thanks to the techniques the animation industry learned from realism. I’m struggling to properly put my thoughts into words so let me try an example
You know how people used to compare the dog from the first Toy Story to the cat from Toy Story 4? And how realistic the cat looked while the dog looked ugly and plastic? Imagine if those animators tried to remake the dog with their new techniques
If they aimed for total realism, it’d look realistic but unrecognizable from it’s original design. However, by taking the road to realism and then turning at the fork into cartoonism, the plastic looking dog can be both realistic and recognizable when art styles are merged properly
I think what my old art teacher was trying to say was that if I draw a cartoon nose without perfecting a realistic nose it’ll look off or something. That’s not really true, art styles are forged from the artist’s own experiences and efforts, but I understand that the physics of a sketch should match the physics of reality
Hair should move with the wind, a character’s weight should be consistent, arm length mustn’t change every frame, etc etc. The efforts of CGI animators to master these physics and then attribute them to fictional settings and scenarios is admirable. Ever see those behind the scenes videos for Tangled and how they animated Rapunzel’s hair? That’s so cool how they meticulously made sure it felt natural wherever it landed
Animation was not made to be a substitute for Live Action (looking at you Lion King remake). While it may be utilized as such, its true purpose was to be a medium for unachievable spectacles, such as a small mouse in red shorts piloting a steamship. Animation should be based on this divergence from what is unrealistically possible in our reality and what may be possible in another
That’s why Disney’s live-action remakes aren’t as good as their original films, because they change the context of the medium. If you suddenly introduce a world where Fairy Godmothers exist in live-action, what makes our world so special in comparison?
Anyway uh with how long this post is it probably won’t blow up, so my notes are safe for now. I hope those who do find this post learn something though
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bunnymajo · 6 months
Top 5 childhood favorites (any media) that you still feel strongly about? I'm talking stuff that you watched/read over and over at preschool or elementary school age where you still know every line and image when you revisit it.
(I did 6 because I made it about halfway through this list before remembering one and didn't want to boot anyone out)
6. Once Upon a Forest
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I dunno, just something about this movie I can remember so vividly as part of my childhood even though I don't think I ever owned it.
5. Fantasia
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I rewatched this so many times, something about it just captivated me I think. The segments with the dinosaurs, the greek mythology and the ballet hippo segments I especially remember fast-forwarding to. The only Fantasia merch at the time were some ceramic figurines for collectors but my parents bought them for me anyway and heck yeah did they get broken a lot from me trying to make up new adventures for them.
4. Little Nemo Adventures in Slumberland
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Quite possibly my first anime, according to my mom I watched this all the time and she can still hear Nemo's "PajamaPajamaPajama" spell in her mind. Sorry mom.
3. We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story
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I had a huge dinosaur phase as a kid, this one was often rented from the video rental store down the street.
2. The Land Before Time
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The movie that kicked off the aforementioned dinosaur obsession, it and the sequel about Chomper, the baby T-Rex, I would marathon together all the time.
1 . The Lion King
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I. loved. this. movie. I had the bedsheets, I had the plush, I had all the little toys & playsets. The cassette tape soundtrack, you name it! My parents liked it to so I think we saw it in theaters at least 3 or 4 times. Hate that I'm afraid to watch it again for personal reasons, but it's still important to me.
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youtastelike-sunlight · 4 months
4, 19, and 26 for the three song ask game!
4. Three songs that you know thanks to your parents
Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners - fun fact, when I was eight or so my stepdad told the joke... well, I say it was TO me, he says it was IN FRONT OF me, it's a point of contention. Anyway, it's a ridiculous and very common joke: What's worse than Grease on Olivia Newton-John? Come On Eileen. And because I was EIGHT it will literally never leave my brain and so EVERY time this song pops up, that joke appears in my head.
Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus - my mum was a fitness instructor and I can still see the step aerobics routine to this song in my head. It involved a grapevine.
Decomposing Composers by Monty Python - we had this thing on VINYL (before the vinyl renaissance) and I fucking love it
19. Three songs that are your guilty pleasure
You know, I refuse to feel guilty about the songs I like anymore. I spent my teenage/early twenties downplaying and defending my love of TSwift to my rock/metal friends, my love of hard rock to my Swiftie friends, my adoration of movie versions of Broadway shows to my theatre friends.... etc. You get it. HOWEVER, I will put here three songs from my Barbecue Beats playlist that always get me a "THIS?" when people are at my house and hear them lmao.
Get Low by Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz - the day after the RWRB film came out my spouse came into the kitchen while I was cooking and this song was playing, and they were like "Oh, this is stuck in your head because of the film?" and I had to be like no, it's been on my playlist for ages lmao.
Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead - also on my 'Feminism Off Misogyny On' playlist for obvious reasons, it's ridiculous but fuck is it fun to sing.
Pull My Beads Of Love by Mr Fantastic and Sam Riegel (from The Legend of Vox Machina) - this song is fucking unhinged and I'm obsessed with it.
26. Three favourite non-English songs
I actually have two separate playlists for non-English songs: Waiata has all my te reo Māori songs and Esperanto has everything else.
Bist du down? by ACE TEE - this song fucking slaps start to finish
Te Ao Mārama by Lorde - the lyrics are absolutely fucking gorgeous and it's one of those songs that's so fun to sing along to
Kia Tū Au Hei Ariki from Lion King Reo Māori - so far Lion King, Moana, Frozen, and Coco have all had full te reo Māori releases and I believe Encanto is next? And every damn song is incredible, the films aren't direct translations, the use of pronouns, dialects etc is VERY deliberate, and they are all amazing, BUT as Lion King is the only one of these films from MY childhood I have a particular soft spot for it. This song is a banger in every language, but what I like about this one is there are a few lines in it that are sentences/sentence structures you learn very early in te reo lessons, so beginner Māori speakers will listen to this song and be like OH!
["The Three Songs" ask set]
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"¹You'll never be Gwyneth Paltrow — sorry Meghan Markle... & ²Meghan Markle’s participation trophy case is starting to fill up."
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Goopsie Daisy🤭
"Unlike many celebrities — ahem, the Kardashians — who are full of fillers, Ozempic and  bulls – – t, Paltrow is transparent about the ridiculous measures required to look like her. Her gaunt cheekbones are earned, not excavated by a plastic surgeon.
She’s also no Meghan Markle with her Tig — a pre-Prince Harry lifestyle blog 🤭🤭🤭🤭— which reportedly will be reincarnated to be a Goop knockoff.
Markle cries victim from her Montecito manse and has a “strange relationship to objective reality,”🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 according to a reporter, while other accounts have debunked her rags-to-riches story"
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²Lying Meghan Markle shouldn’t be celebrated — sorry, Gloria Steinem
Kirsten Fleming April 4, 2023
Meghan Markle’s participation trophy case is starting to fill up.
It was announced Monday that she’ll receive the 2023 Women of Vision award from famed feminist Gloria Steinem next month.
Perhaps the committee behind the Women of Vision could benefit from a trip to the optometrist.
According to a new tax filing made public last week, Markle and her trauma-loving husband each put in only one documented hour of work a week for their Archewell Foundation in 2021.
That’s 52 hours a year on the books — the equivalent of one episode of “General Hospital” per week.
No, “She Works Hard for the Money” will not be the duchess’s walk-up anthem.
And for her all grit and toil, she’s getting a gala full of self-important, self-congratulatory virtue signalers to throw roses at her feet.
Markle — who never misses an opportunity to share her victimhood bona fides — is living the dream in Montecito, Calif. But the only work the “privacy”-obsessed Sussexes are doing is peddling family secrets to streaming services.
Great country, this America.The award comes courtesy of the Ms. Foundation, a Brooklyn-based organization which called Markle a “feminist, champion of human rights and gender equity and global role model.”
Well, she did write inspirational messages on bananas for sex workers.
And she used her 2019 trip to Africa to bemoan her VIP lot in life: She was “existing, not living,” she said, adding, “not many people have asked if I’m OK.”
As a working royal, she made sartorial sacrifices: wearing neutral colors lest she overshadow those higher on the Windsor food chain.
She can put the newest trophy between her Gracie Award for her Archetypes podcast and the Ripple of Hope honors she and Harry received in December for exposing structural racism within the royal family, according to Kerry Kennedy.emember that brave Oprah interview where she accused an unnamed family member of commenting on how dark Archie’s skin would be?
During his media tour for “Spare,” Harry denied calling his family racist, saying: “No, I didn’t. The British press said that. Did Meghan ever mention that they’re racist?”
Maybe she didn’t use the r-word, but her comments virtually set the palace afire — and secured the couple a spot on the red carpet to be fêted by emcee Alec Baldwin, whose Massachusetts-born wife still insists she’s Spanish.
Meghan is, however, well deserving of a Whopper Award for her numerous royal tall tales, including gushing to the Cut that a South African cast member of “The Lion King” compared her to Nelson Mandela.He said, ‘I just need you to know: When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison,'” she told the mag.
Of course, the only South African male in the show called the claims “baffling.”
Then there’s the bizarre story she told Oprah about marrying Harry in secret before her fairy tale wedding, which the Archbishop of Canterbury categorically denied.
And she has no competition for this year’s Wah Award bestowed upon the whiniest in the land. The Wah Academy couldn’t ignore her inspiring whingefest about the indignity of being a suitcase girl on “Deal or No Deal” on her podcast.
We all know these honors are empty accolades meant to sell tickets to pricey dinners, raise funds and profiles.But in a time that has been so consequential for females — the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the inability of officials to actually define a woman and biological men invading women’s sports — perhaps there’s another lady who is more deserving.
Maybe one who punched in more than an hour’s work. But the schlubs who do the real heavy lifting in life never get the credit.
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theunknownmasks · 17 days
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Get to know Lulu
what's your phone wallpaper: Red fox laying in a forest. I blame Kenshin [Rurouni Kenshin] and Kurama [Yu Yu Hakusho] with fox button icons
last song you listened to: Subaqueous Funeral by Worm and Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token
currently reading: The screen cause my ass hasn't read in a few months
last movie: Megamind for the billionth time
what are you wearing right now?: Black t-shirt with Venom on the front, black shorts, and a tuxedo cat
how tall are you?: 5'6''
piercings / tattoos?: I had my ears pierced once when I was a baby but removed them when I was a teen and they healed over. I technically have 4 tattoos but 1 is a cover up. So fucked up music note with my grad year that was covered up by a cracked skull spilling music notes with roses around it and torn parchment paper beneath with my grad year written in it, Lion King tattoo where Simba's paw print is in his fathers paw print but watercolor edition lmao with 'He lives in you' which was dedicated to my favorite Disney movie and also because I lost my father when I was 10, lastly a Code Geass tattoo. It's a semi 3D purple Geass with Lulu under the symbol as I rp Lulu and my nickname is Lulu.
glasses / contacts: glasses.
last thing you ate?: microwaveable mac and cheese with a salsbury steak and a snickers ice cream bar and sangria wine XDD
favorite color: Fucking PURPLE
current obsession: Lilith, Lucifer, Stolas, Daenerys Targaryen, Egyptian stuff, nerdy game stuff and DnD
do you have a crush right now?: Yes but they're not interested in a relationship at this moment.
favorite fictional character: are you kidding me right now? Being a multi-muse I'm all over the place. I can't pick just one. Definitely Lucifer and Stolas at this time but Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho, Mama K (Karlach), Shadowheart, Astarion, Minthara, Daenerys Targaryen, Rhaenerys Targaryen, Drogon
last place you travelled: Fucking work but actual travel is Michigan.
tagged by: @gctchell RED YOU SWEET BEAN YOU
tagging: YOU! But I'll tag a few don't feel inclined to do this if you don't want to bbies <3 @immolatiism, @zestials, @ofgrce, @blitzs, @rebrnlove, @kuxi-n
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sketching-shark · 1 year
I really don't feel like the show did much to redeem Wukong in Macaque's eyes. Up to the S4 Special, Macaque has now risked his life twice to save Wukong. But we don't really see Wukong do much of anything for Macaque. Which is so weird because the show confirmed that Wukong is basically the sole reason for their friendship crumbling in the first place. Yet Macaque is doing all the work to repair it? I wanted to see Wukong take that first step towards reconciliation, but instead, it's Macaque. Overall, I think this relationship is just so poorly executed.
Monkie Kid spoilers & mini-rant below, so skip if you don't want to read:
SIGH yeah anon I did see someone else comment that they thought forcing this relationship between the two was a major detriment to both Sun Wukong and the Six-Eared Macaque and well I fully agree. Because at this stage not only has the Monkey King been revealed to have been and in many ways still be just as stupid and selfish and thoughtless as Macaque repeatedly said he was, not only did it turn out that he was never a king either loving or otherwise in the first place because the monkey yaoguai of Mt. Huaguoshan seem to have never existed (major L to Azure Lion for pinning all his hopes and dreams on an eccentric park ranger), not only did he either kill or trap each and every one of his sworn brothers and then apparently did literally nothing about that for centuries if not millennia afterwards, but this revelation completely re-contextualizes all of the previous interactions between LEMH and SWK into making the Monkey King quite frankly extremely cruel.
While I know people often balk at the mention of Xiyouji itself when talking about Monkie Kid, I still think it worth bringing up that all of SWK's dismissive jabs against LEMH, along with him clearly not caring about the shadow simian like at all up until the very end of season 3 when the plot suddenly decided he did, made a lot of sense because in the og classic LEMH is the guy who literally hurt both SWK's monkey family and pilgrim family and tried to murder-replace him. But now that it turns out LEMH never did anything wrong ever (well he did but good luck getting the plot to acknowledge that now lmao), we're now dealing with a SWK who's major response to seeing his apparent bestest of besties has been to insult him, go for the throat almost immediately, and oh yeah not give af that said bestie literally exploded right in front of him. And yes yes I know that a lot of season 4 was about SWK regretting basically his entire past but ultimately going forward with hope and something of the reality that he can be better (at least in terms of working as a team), but all of this is intermingled with the sense that he's already done this whole song and dance before on account of the pilgrimage and still ended up causing so much destruction and pain to so many people during the show's timeline, even if he is trying to do the right thing. So here's our Monkey King as he was and still in many ways is everyone! A genuinely terrible leader, a genuinely terrible teacher, and a genuinely terrible friend. And for what.
Honestly, it is kind of morbidly funny at this stage to think that even at his very worst the murder monkey himself Xiyouji SWK never did anything as bad, either deliberately or inadvertently, as play a big part in the near-destruction of all reality :[
So all of that does leave Macaque in this position that frankly sucks because from what's been shown his entire first life was hinted to in large part be him just going along with SWK's selfish and dangerous whims, and then his second chance at life was defined by nothing but his violent obsession with getting revenge against SWK to the point where he has no friends, family, or even hobbies that aren't in some way or another tied to the Monkey King, i.e. the guy he hates so much that he thrashed and threatened MK repeatedly for the crime of being associated with SWK (another thing that makes his whole "yeah I thought SWK was pure evil but then on the journey west he got better ahaha" kind of hilarious in its hypocrisy). I've said before that fully and explicitly leaning into a plot about just how much Macaque defines himself through someone he hates could be a very interesting story line, whether he eventually becomes completely lost to his obsession like potentially with Xiyouji LEMH or learns to stand as his own person, but as it is as you said anon it just feels like he's been left not forging his own path but only offering the umpteenth chance to a guy who literally killed him, or at least who he fully believes killed him. Because yeah, speaking of other morbidly funny things it's still wild that even in a cursed hell scroll that constantly replays your worst memories AND even when Qi Xiaotian explicitly asks LEMH what the hell even happened between him and SWK, his only response was "..." and looking sad before that subject got completely dropped. idk if that was Flying Bark being like "we need more time to figure out how to make the murder-replace plot of the True and False Monkey King arc all SWK's fault!" or if they're saving that bit of story to spend even MORE screen time dragging out this ever-more tedious drama between SWK and LEMH, but you would think that this "I hate the Monkey King because he murked me" plot would at least be mentioned as one of the things that either SWK or LEMH would feel needed to be addressed??? Instead of just going right to "it's okay if you killed me I'll trust you again because reasons :)"???
So yes as always need to note that I'm likely being to harsh on a silly lego show and/or letting my typical negative nancying detract for more positive points, but if I had any advice for Macaque and his evil twin as it currently stands, for Sun Wukong it would be "atonement is an active process" & for LEMH it would be "if it sucks hit da bricks."
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
Songs and Ships!
@starlitangels and @halscafe tagged me for the songs and ships game
So here's a bunch of stuff I associate with my favorite ship, which is, of course...
Colm & Marie
Don't Mess with My Mama - Judah & the Lion Milo 😡 @ Colm re: the whole mess "Everything was fine in the start/ Then you ran away like a coward/ You know she was your wife, then it fell apart/It's okay if you're looking for some drama/Go ahead, run off on me if you wanna/But one thing, one thing you should know of/You don't mess with my mama"
2. I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz Marie @ Colm (She's a healer at heart and she just refuses to let it break...) "And in the end you're still my friend, at least we did intend/For us to work, we didn't break, we didn't burn/We had to learn how to bend, without the world caving in" 3. If You Love Her - Forest Blakk Colm @ himself re: the love of his life
"She loves her whole family/And all of her friends/So if you're the one she lets in/Take it/If she gives you her heart/Don't you break it/Let your arms be a place/She feels safe in/She's the best thing that you'll ever have/She'll love you/If you love her that" 4. I'll Stand By You - The Pretenders This is just...their song, okay? (I hc *hard* that Colm is obsessed with the Pretenders.) "When the night falls on you/Don't know what to do/Nothin' you confess, could make me love you less" 5. This is On Me - Ben Abraham & Sara Bareilles They just want to fix it... Because they're sooooooo soooo in love "Maybe there's hope for us/Until we're one with the other/Babe we can make this thing work/And some phoenix may rise from these ashes/But the fire comes first" 6. Stay Alive - José Gonzalez Yep...still trying to fix it "I will stay with you tonight/Hold you close 'til the morning light/In the morning watch a new day rise" 7. Take It From Me - The Weepies Marie @ Colm, trying to remind him to keep it simple
"Funny how it's hard to take a love with no sting/Come on take it, come on take it, take it from me (we've got a good life)/What can I compare you to, a window the sun shines through?/Maybe the silver moon, a smile rising/The magic of the fading day, satellites on parade/A toast to the plans we've made to live like kings" 8. A Healer's New Year - Frenchie (that's me!) So it's a holiday song... I wrote it for them!!! "It’s true we started out as just the two of us/But now we’ve packed together quite a few/Oh my darling mate, it’s never too late/Any day we can choose to make our family new"
I'm finna tag @teafairywithabook and @penncilkid (Whatchoo got for me?)
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welcometololaland · 9 months
Because I suck at originality, I’m going to ask you your top 5 Disney movies in exchange for you making me suffer and pick books! You’re lucky ily 💜💜
oh no i'm sorry for causing you pain lmao! love you!! thanks for the ask!
so i don't watch disney that often, and i need to caveat this by saying i have not yet seen the new little mermaid and i desperately want to! so i'm going to answer this ask with my favourite 5 disney movies from childhood (because it's more unhinged). also, i haven't seen so many of the new disney movies incl. moana, frozen, encanto etc. i know i'm behind! i hope you don't mind!
1. the lion king 2: simba's pride (1998) - it's no coincidence that my favourite animal is a lion, and it wasn't until the lion king sequel that my obsession with big cats became fully realised. now, i hear you ask: 'lola? why would your favourite movie be a direct to video sequel?' WELL. my parents didn't watch a lot of tv when i was young, and we didn't get a vcr player until dvd's were just about to make them obsolete. but the one vcr i had was lion king 2 and i used to take it to my grandparents house like once a week and watch it. i watched it so many times the tape went funny. i could literally recite this movie, and i haven't watched it in YEARS. ALSO it doesn't have an elton john slapper but it does have: he lives in you, not one of us and that zira's lullaby which i can't get out of my head now. certified bangers. don't knock it 'til you try it.
2. the lion king (1994) - i don't know if i even have to explain this. the first seventeen times (approx.) i watched this movie i had to hide in the scary parts because it's so good but also i was probably like 4 and didn't understand that movies are the same every time you watch them. kickstarted the obsession with lions. scar's be prepared song is liked on my spotify.
[interlude for a controversial opinion: i don't like toy story. don't come for me.]
3. lady and the tramp (1955) - a classic movie for a dog lover (not JUST a cat lover, turns out i just love animals). i used to be completely obsessed with how cute lady was and i wanted a dog called lady SO BAD. the spaghetti scene is so iconic. lady's sidekicks are so funny. the pound puppies make me cry SOMEONE ADOPT THEM!!! this movie made my parents regret ever letting me borrow something from the video store because i wouldn't stop harassing them for a dog.
4. the incredibles (2004) - still fucking pissing myself at this movie like why did they make the mom have such a dump truck booty??? the dad is hilarious. the kids are lowkey annoying but i do like them. frozone is my favourite character: 'HONEY, WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT??!'
5. the parent trap (1998) - lindsay fucking lohan made me want to get my ears pierced so bad and i only chickened out like five times before i finally got them done. this movie made me wanna be a twin. i kept giving my sister sideways looks and questioning whether we could pull it off (spoiler: we couldn't).
thanks for the ask, this was fun!!!
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veliseraptor · 1 year
Top 5 animated movies?
I see asks like this one for this meme and I'm like "lise what if you just wrote a short and simple response listing movies, then maybe you would actually end up answering all your meme asks" and then my brain goes "nope <3" and I end up with five paragraphs. I'm just not very good at shutting up.
1. The Last Unicorn. This is the "no-brainer" one for me because I always feel like this is just...such an important piece of media, and it's one of those things where when I show it to new people I feel very vulnerable about it and kind of go "please understand that in sharing this with you I am showing you my vulnerable underbelly and if you hate it don't tell me." I don't even know that I could articulate why exactly, but it occupies a very particular place in my heart that few other pieces of media can claim to have. I have watched it so many times and here I am going "maybe I should rewatch it today, actually. plug in my external cd drive and pull out the dvd and everything." It's like that.
2. Princess Mononoke. Another one that came to me immediately as I was coming up with this list. I'm pretty sure I watched it a little too young and the opening scene with the boar creature vs. Ashitaka kind of scarred me a little bit but...lord, what a movie. It's beautiful visually and as a story I also love it. I feel like chronologically Spirited Away was my first Studio Ghibli I remember, but this was the one I latched onto. ngl, the fact that there are wolves in it probably helped.
3. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It started to get a little harder here, but then I remember how I felt when I saw a caption referencing a song from this movie's soundtrack (thanks for the bangers, Bryan Adams! unexpected but I'm grateful) and went "!!!!" like my brain was lighting up like a lightbulb. So yeah, I'm going to say this is an important one. You can take the horses away from the horsegirl but you can't take the horsegirl out of the girl. or something like that. And this was one of my horsegirl movies. I also just now remembered the paint by numbers extras that were on the dvd that I was weirdly obsessed with, so that's cool.
4. Watership Down. Actually this one should've been third and I don't know how I forgot it! I joke that the fact that the animated movies I rewatched most as a kid were this one and The Last Unicorn and that probably explains a lot of things, but honestly it might. This movie has a reputation that's in some ways bigger than it deserves (though the destruction of the warren segment is pretty much as awful as everybody says it is), but it is also just legit a really good story and well-adapted into a movie, in my opinion. I watched the remake and was profoundly disappointed mostly because I felt like the animation style was boring, and one thing this movie definitely had going for it was the style.
5. Atlantis: the Lost Empire. I almost went with The Lion King but then I remembered this movie, and, yeah. What a film. Truly everyone who has talked about the brief period where things were very weird and therefore very interesting at Disney were right. Also Helga probably turned me gay (and specifically gay for female villains), I just didn't notice until later.
Honorable mentions to The Lion King, The Rescuers Down Under, and Mulan. And probably several others I'm forgetting that I'll think of as soon as I hit post.
There are definitely the animated movies I want to see, most notably Song of the Sea, because I suspect I would really like them. I am just terminally bad at watching movies, you know.
shout out to The Secret of the Seal though, which was a movie where I sort of thought one of my sisters and I shared a collective hallucination until finally I managed to track it down with something like "seal macaroni penguin animated movie." not to be confused with the 1992 anime film Tottoi, mind you.
...though considering now that I'm looking again all I can find to prove its existence is a cover, I'm beginning to wonder again. The Rotten Tomatoes page I thought was going to take me to it returns a 404 not found.
IT WAS REAL she screamed as they dragged her away. I SWEAR IT WAS A REAL MOVIE
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lionfloss · 1 year
Top 5 uhhh villains
Oooo! (all in no order)
1. Scar from Lion King 2. Might be weird but Jake gyllenhaals role in Nightcrawler 3. Gollum 4. Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern in home alone 5. Timmy Curry as Pennywise
I’m sure there are better ones but those were the first that came to mind! Also Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Basterds but just cause he played to role so well, I know how ppl are on this site and will equate this to me being pro nazi or some shit 🙄
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1. When you walk outside and you can smell someone’s bonfire in some crispy cold air 2. Currently obsessed with Violet Ends by Boy Smells 3. Pretty much any forest, post rain a lil humid with some wind. 4. Libraries/old books 5. Cashmere scented candles, idk exactly what the scent components are but it’s what I make my own candles with and I will never tire of it
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imperialpatriot66 · 8 months
TLK Headcanon(s): Sarabi lives! 
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TLK Headcanon(s): Sarabi lives! 
Um so yeah, thought this blog(or whatever this is called) would first be about my obsession with Star Wars and the fics I made for that. However I have been on a Lion King high at the moment and read a lot of Lion King fanfiction and I thought I would give it a go as well. For that there comes headcanons and mine is that Sarabi lives! 
In my headcanon Sarabi lives on but gets hurt by Scar when he hits her(in the scene where Simba returns to the Pridelands) she also suffered a lot during Scar’s reign due to the drought and famine and has problems moving later in life. It’s why she is not present at the presentation of either Kiara or Kion(if he got a presentation? But he probably did). However, she was not that old to not be present at some events like the Ukumbusho Tradition when Kion’s guard played.
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(The Front Lioness in The Upper Left Corner has been theorised and it’s my headcanon to be Sarabi.)
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(Chart over size and age of lion cubs)
However, I needed to know how long the characters were for my story which is set roughly 4 years after the end of TLK2. If we go back to the first Lion King according to this chart(above) and a Buzzfeed article Simba is around 2-months old when we first see him. Then a couple of days later his father dies fully grown and looking at pictures of adult male lions I’d say he is around maybe 6 years old which is what I’ll have Sarabi as well(since they were probably betrothed to each other from birth). Simba’s time in the jungle takes place till he becomes a grown adult, maybe 5 years old. So Scar’s reign lasts five years and by that time Sarabi is 11 years old. Which is old but the average lioness lives to be around 17 so not super. The entirety of TLK2 we see Kiara grow up to be a sub-adult(real term) so she is around maybe 3 years old. This makes Sarabi 14 years old. My story then takes place 2 years later which makes Sarabi 16 years old which is still a realistic age as she is taken care of despite her injuries. In my fic, she can barely stand anymore and spends her time in her own private den which is a part of the main den. She also has some trouble with her memory but still can recall her son, granddaughter and great-grandson(Oh! OC mention!).
For the other characters I imagine Simba being 10, Kiara 5, Kovu 6(but still quite close in age but Kovu is older since he was borned during Scar’s reign and Kiara was born around 120 days after Simba came to power), Zazu 15(since an adult Red-horned hornbill is over 3 years old I assume he could be around 5 years old at the start of TLK).
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