#whereas many non autistic people want to know just what will affect them personally
drdemonprince · 4 months
your post about only communicating the minimum needed reminded me of the gricean maxims (concept in linguistics describing how people communicate)! your advice was very similar to the maxim of quantity :)
From the UPenn School of Arts & Sciences site:
Grice's Maxims
The maxim of quantity, where one tries to be as informative as one possibly can, and gives as much information as is needed, and no more.
The maxim of quality, where one tries to be truthful, and does not give information that is false or that is not supported by evidence.
The maxim of relation, where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent to the discussion.
The maxim of manner, when one tries to be as clear, as brief, and as orderly as one can in what one says, and where one avoids obscurity and ambiguity.
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askanautistic · 1 year
HI, I would like to know what I can do and ways I can help to make my autistic partner comfortable in our relationship
Communication Communication is always going to be the most important thing to figure out. Different people have different preferences, but finding the right method of communication and understanding your partners communication style will go a long way towards building trust and understanding, and to making sure you're both able to problem solve when issues do come up.
Method/s might include texting instead of speaking, even if you're in the same room, or sending emails for important topics. It might be that speaking needs to happen at certain times or in certain situations (if your partner tends to find it easier to speak about things when on a walk, then going for regular walks offers the opportunity for discussion and bonding). Energy levels/Comfort levels It also helps to understand energy levels, and respect that some autistic people need a lot of down time, or time to ourselves. This isn't true for everyone, some autistic people are extroverted and will thrive off company, but many of us might struggle to transition between work and home, or might get overloaded and burned out from work or social situations, and so might need some extra time to ourselves without any demands before we're able to have discussions or help with chores. The same goes for comfort levels. We might have different levels of comfort with things like physical contact, and respecting that and recognising our love languages (that might be a little unusual or less obvious) instead of trying to force certain types of affection means we can be comfortable and not feel abnormal or self-conscious.
'The benefit of the doubt' This is something I often bring up when talking about relationships. The reason for this is that people can miscommunicate / misunderstand each other, and so thinking well of your partner and giving them the benefit of the doubt can be really helpful. Sometimes we mess up and need to be held accountable, of course, and sometimes behaviour is unacceptable... but there are often times when we need someone to just recognise that their interpretation of our behaviour isn't necessarily correct, and to try to view it through the lens of... well, giving us the benefit of the doubt, basically. Asking, 'Could this be an autistic thing?' If I say or do something that seems rude, it's reassuring to know that my partner won't interpret it that way, and if she is upset or unsure, she'll let me know without accusing me (and won't just make the assumption and quietly seethe over me saying or doing something she perceived as rude). Knowing that she thinks well of me and understands me means that I feel safer and more relaxed because she's that one person who I know is willing to try to understand things from my perspective and appreciates my perspective and how my brain works/how I communicate etc. (rather than wanting me to change).
Appreciation/Support/Accommodation Appreciating their autisticness (and other things about them, of course) will also help build trust and make sure they're comfortable. Knowing that my girlfriend likes how logical I am, and appreciates my honesty, and isn't bothered by my stimming, etc. Also, whilst she doesn't need to be interested in my interests, it's nice that she is happy for me (and also means I feel more comfortable because I know that whereas someone else might tease me or find some of my interests weird, she never judges me). It's nice when someone takes notice - shares an article with you about something you're interested in, or buys interest-related gifts. Even better when they show support. Particularly if the autistic person needs a bit more support than a non-autistic partner might need. Travel support, attending events they can't attend alone (even if you wouldn't otherwise choose to go). Everyday accommodations being a natural part of a relationship/household make life so much easier, and makes being autistic more 'normalised' and comfortable than when you're trying to fit yourself to NT standards. Creating (and being!) that safe space is something I appreciate most about my girlfriend. She's the person I'm most comfortable with and she makes my life so much easier than it would otherwise be. If you find any of my posts helpful, please consider supporting my by buying me a Ko-FI.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
I’m probably over thinking/over complicating things but Ironwood and Penny have been really bothering me. It because prior to the moment that destroyed Penny’s arc the show and Ruby were really pushing that Penny not matter her body was human and that’s a very positive I like that especially when it comes to characters of Penny’s nature.
So my problem kicks in when I think of Ironwood. Namely this part in his song:
“What if it's true as they say
That I don't have a heart
That I'm more a machine than a man?”
Like wtf. I mean I “get it” especially with that dumbass line of Winter. But when it’s talked about Ironwood it was always in reference to the fact that his body is half robotic and there for we are meant to see the correlation between his body and his character.?
Put next to Penny’s message that really bothers me. Even more so since Penny gets a “reward” of becoming human, but the writers push that Ironwood sacrificing his arm to stop Watts and replacing it (a medical decision that could be debated given that he wanted to be up and able immediately to handle things not to mention that fact that nerves and muscle are severely fucked up) with a new (uncharacteristically uncovered) prosthetic means that he’s moving away from humanity. This thought has been driving nuts for a week.
I don’t think you’re overthinking at all. The writers have been pretty blatant about what they think of disabled people.
On the topic of James, 1. They wrote their triple amputee character to be coded as losing his humanity. This is suspect from the get go, but writers imo need to be especially careful and sensitive when they display things like villains with prosthetics. CRWBY is not careful and sensitive. 2. They specifically connected the loss of his limb to the loss of his humanity outside of the show, and as you said, his new prosthetic is uncharacteristically uncovered as well, and there were some pointed shots showcasing his arm and emphasizing it before showing Ironwood doing something wrong as well as a shot that particularly bothered me of them having James fall to Winter when his aura broke and then them immediately flashing to a fallen, broken robotic soldier. Tying the loss of someone’s humanity to them losing a limb / gaining a prosthetic in any way is wrong imo. There are better ways to display someone’s loss of humanity than villainizing the loss of his arm, and I don’t care what justifications people have for ‘they just meant to say that he was too impatient to-’ Idc. Tying the loss of humanity to the gaining of a prosthetic is wrong. 3. They never once treated Ironwood’s clear PTSD, history of mental health problems, and trauma with any sympathy, instead spending their time ragging on him for not wanting to feel his pain anymore and condemning him for... Trying to control his emotions. 4. CRWBY also gave him a semblance and explained how it worked by saying he hyper focused, talking about how James’ passive semblance that he can’t control forces him to focus on one single goal and fixate. I’m not disabled, but I do hyper fixate. It’s not something I can control, and to see it used as a justification for evil (in one of my favorite characters in the series who reminded me of my father lol) and being treated as something bad... It doesn’t feel good. I can’t imagine how other people must feel who are much more affected by this than I am. 5. As you say, the writers go out of their way to reference his metal body as being more ‘machine than man’ and make lines about him being heartless. And yeah, I get that he’s an allegory for the ‘Tin Man’ from Wizard of Oz but ffs the Tin Man had always had a heart and I honestly thought that was what they were going for in V3 with Qrow commenting that sometimes he thought James didn’t have a heart and the audience seeing Ironwood’s actions as questionable, only for the entire show to tell us repeatedly that he actually is a caring and good person who’s willing to destroy all the forces he was proud to show off if it means saving lives and was actually pretty freaking blameless in the Fall of Beacon and was super kind to the kids and when the chips were down, Qrow and Glynda both absolutely knew without even questioning that James would never ever willingly hurt the world or fully betray them and had absolutely no hand in the Beacon attack. Like, I’m sorry, but between Penny and Ironwood, season eight is the season of taking well done character allusions and throwing them out the window for the exact opposite moral done incredibly poorly. And anyway, getting off of that rant, making a ‘more machine than man’ sentiment tied around a triple amputee character is incredibly harmful and hurtful to people with disabilities and only propagates the real world stereotypes against people like James.
So, yes, their treatment of Ironwood, his mental health, and specifically his disabilities was so badly done, harmful, incredibly insensitive, and frankly, appalling that it came from grown adult writers in 2019-2021! But, as you point out, it’s not just Ironwood. And here’s where things really get bad for CRWBY. Because Ironwood alone is enough for me to say they were ableist - unintentionally or otherwise - and ought to apologize for the hurt they’ve caused their fans. But when you get into the rest of their treatment of characters with metal prosthetics or non-flesh elements to their body, it becomes a pattern.
Penny’s entire body is removed from her on threat of death, with the justification that it’s hurting her and that her body is just a machine and not part of who she is, contradicting Penny’s earlier themes of self-acceptance and validating her humanity in the body she already had. She then dies by assisted suicide in a way that feels unneeded, after having asked to be killed earlier in the narrative. So many people have talked about how destructive her story became in V8 and how it personally hurt them, especially non-binary people, trans people, autistic people, or disabled people who saw themselves in Penny or saw in her arc something that they could relate to, only to have Penny’s differences stripped away from her, having her conform to normal body standards and have her previous body type invalidated by her friends, and then they had her killed via assisted suicide in an unbelievable way, insisting as well that she never made a choice before she was a flesh-person and couldn’t feel things right. It’s all horribly done, but it’s important to remember that while Ironwood is accused of losing his humanity as he loses a third limb and gets a third prosthetic, Penny’s earlier validation is taken away and is instead only granted and she is only justified as a person when she loses all her ‘nuts and bolts’ and becomes a flesh person. And then she’s killed anyway.
Yang’s prosthetic is the least ill handled, but it is still dismissed as ‘just extra’ despite her former fairly strong arc of coming to terms with her disability and making it a part of her. She casually justifies what’s happening with Penny despite Penny not being in a position of adequate consent. Yang’s trauma and PTSD also vanished when Adam died at the end of season six and in my opinion, that situation was handled very badly.
Maria and Pietro, two other disabled characters, disappeared, left when Amity fell and were not even mentioned iirc since. Not even when Penny is awake, not even when they’re evacuating, not even when Penny is choosing to die. She never brings up her father. And Ruby’s supposed ‘mentor’ who never had an actual narrative role that couldn’t have been filled by Qrow and has had nothing to do since season six even past that is also forgotten out in the tundra and not mentioned again.
The writers go out of their way to have Winter say that because she was just following orders (a statement that contradicts her previous character imo) and pushing down her emotions, she was the real machine, whereas Penny had been human underneath her apparently easily tossed aside and destructive previous metal body.  And I don’t know if this means anything, but in that scene where she and Penny meet when Penny is dying and transferring the maiden powers to Winter, Winter is in her V7 character design, instead of wearing her assistive brace. Like I said, I don’t know if I’m reading into that, but with everything else, it feels like an iffy choice.
So yeah. In the past season CRWBY specifically cultivated a pattern of disrespect, dismissal, and villainization of any non-flesh attributes in my opinion. It seems pretty intentional and clear to me, but I’m willing to accept that maybe this was just a wildly bad uneducated mistake. Here’s the thing about that, though, after the Faunus/Racism allegory, the CRWBY writers should’ve learned their lesson and not touched on any real world topics that they weren’t willing to do the research on and treat with the sensitivity and care and respect the topics needed. Their Faunus/Racism allegory was harmful and hurtful and frankly could’ve sunk them in the water, they should’ve learned to put much more care and effort into their work or stayed the hell away from anything that could further spread the negative stereotypes surrounding real world people. But they didn’t learn their lesson and they’ve continued to push harmful narratives with no awareness or sensitivity. I don’t think you’re over-reacting at all, I think this is something that - intentionally written or otherwise - the writers should be called out on, or they’re just going to continue writing harmful narratives.
Also, I am not disabled, many of my opinions on the treatment of these characters comes from posts I’ve seen from many disabled or neurodivergent RWBY fans (or former RWBY fans,) or other people more affected by these narratives - minus the thing I said about Winter appearing without her brace when she talks to Penny, as it was something I just noticed while typing out this post. Since I’m not disabled, I’m not the best person to talk about these things, so if I got anything wrong in this, anyone more affected, please know you can let me know and I can edit and fix.
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aromagni · 4 years
My Experiences Feeling Demiplatonic (Carnival of Aros, December 2019, Part 1)
(The majority of this is about my experiences with demiplatonic, which is only kinda tangentially related to this month’s prompt, but I was wanting to write about it anyways and there is some overlap; I’m made another post (Part 2) with something I wrote more directly responding to the prompt.)
My perception of the concept of “love” is influenced by many aspects of my identity, including not only my aromanticism but also my neurodivergency and my relation to the aplatonic-spectrum, specifically the term demiplatonic.  I dislike “love” and the societal expectation of it as a universal human experience even outside of its ties to romance, because non-romantic relationships are not universal either.  There’s this narrative that people can only find happiness through love and I find this harmful.  There shouldn’t be a societal expectation for any type of love or relationships, because not everyone feels or wants these things.
When I was younger, I wanted to have friends in general but I never really wanted to be friends with people specifically.  I didn’t like being alone so I would alternate between trying and failing to socialize with people before retreating to read my books, or on rare occasions would find someone who had a common interest and would tolerate me so I would latch onto them as a “friend”.  In middle school, I kept a running tally of how many people I could consider “friends” along with mentally ranking them in tiers…..after my brother mocked me for not being able to name 5 friends.  Making friends never came naturally to me.
In high school, I’d managed to acquire a group of friends…..who would at least spend time with me if brought in proximity by other things, though we rarely made actual plans to hang out.  In sophomore year, I figured out that I am aroace and first became exposed to much terminology, including aplatonic.  I was rarely in convenient proximity with my friend group and thus I felt alone…. so I spent a lot of time overthinking friendships.  
At one point I realized that I did not feel comfortable receiving affection such as hugs from most people, including people I considered friends but was less close with.  In comparison, I felt comfortable receiving hugs from 1-2 of my closest friends.  Since I was only comfortable doing platonic affection things with people I felt a strong emotional connection with, that was when I initially resonated with the term demiplatonic.  That perhaps wasn’t a great reasoning and showed poor understanding of the term, but feelings are confusing and actions are easier.  Similarly, around that time what first helped me conclude that I was aro is that I didn’t find the idea of doing “romantic” things like kissing appealing.  Naturally, my understanding of terms has grown with time.
In college, I experienced what I would consider my first proper squish on a friend I felt close to.  I considered this attraction to be a mix of queerplatonic, platonic, alterous, and sensual attractions, though referring to it as platonic/a squish was simplest.  I wanted to spend a lot of time with this person and also I wanted to be affectionate with them (Hugging/cuddling).  This was a notably different feeling than what I felt towards other friends, whom I enjoyed spending time with because I like having friends but I didn’t seek to spend time with them specifically.  Thus, I felt more strongly that the label demiplatonic was applicable to me.  With the mix of attractions, perhaps demi-queerplatonic or demi-sensual was technically more accurate, or aplatonic and demi-queerplatonic, but demiplatonic was easiest.  So I considered myself demiplatonic and thus apl-spec, while also wanting a queerplatonic relationship and not considering myself nonamorous. ***
Making friends never came naturally to me, and maintaining friendships even less so.  It seems like when I do have strong feelings for someone then it’s emotionally volatile and inevitably collapses…...whereas if I don’t feel as strongly about them and mainly appreciate their presence as my friend then it’s more stable, though often times that dissipates as they don’t prioritize me enough to ever have time for me.  As always, once no longer brought into convenient proximity by outside forces, we drift apart despite my efforts to prevent it.  
I increasingly feel like I am inherently bad at friendships, especially now as I look around and find I have few to no actual friends.  It’s been about a year now since I lost most all my social connections from two back-to-back incidences around winter break.  Nothing particularly dramatic or objectively bad happened…..and yet I feel almost traumatized by past relationships and the overwhelmingly negative emotions built on top of it by many smaller things over time.  I used to seek affection and platonic partnership, but now I’m inclined to be non-partnering and am more touch repulsed than ever before.  I try to seek out at least casual socialization because I know feeling socially isolated is bad for me, but I feel like I’m bad at socializing at all.
I am neurodivergent, which definitely contributes to my difficulties with social stuff.  I know I have ADHD, and I feel that the RSD and emotional dysregulation which comes with it has contributed greatly to the extent to which I feel negatively affected by past friendships.  I increasingly ponder whether I am also autistic, because while there is overlap with ADHD, I don’t think it alone explains my inherent difficulties with socializing.  I think I used to be better at socializing somewhat “normally”, but at some point I became comfortable enough with existing friendships that I forgot how to filter myself when interacting with people and now that they’re gone, making friends is even harder than ever before; so I feel anxious that everyone just finds me annoying ... while not being confident in my ability to interpret social cues to determine whether or not that anxiety is justified.
I now relate more to the original context of aplatonic, with difficulties making friends being associated with trauma or neurodivergency.  I seek friendships to combat loneliness, but I doubt my own capacity of emotions for people and feel guilty that I’m being selfish and don’t care the way I think I’m supposed to.  I identify more closely with the term aplatonic and apl-spec as a whole, though I know I feel demi-something so demiplatonic still feels accurate to use.  I don’t consider myself nonamorous, because I find it hard to be content or fulfilled without strong emotionally intimate relationships of some sort.  I do consider myself non-partnering, at least for now, because the idea of a QPR feels ruined to me now and seeking partnership of any sort hurts too much to be desirable.  People tend to conflate these terms, aplatonic, nonamorous, and non-partnering, as if they are approximately the same, but they feel different to me and each are useful.  I also think that while it is important to acknowledge the context of aplatonic as being based in neurodivergent aros and trauma, I think trying to isolate it to a single definition or context of acceptable use is not ideal as it can be a very useful and dynamic term.  Feelings are confusing, and relationships even moreso, so sometimes it’s not easy to separate out emotions that are platonic or queerplatonic and which are or are not felt.  
I consider myself demiplatonic; the experiences, reasons, and definitions with which I identify with it have changed over time, but the descriptor remains the same and continues to be useful to me.
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inserttemptitlehere · 4 years
An unasked for “moderate” take on TERFs v Trans rights
Nobody asked, I might get cancelled for this (probably by both sides), and honestly I don’t have much belief that this will even be read by many people. But it’s frustrating seeing people being condemned for reasonable fears and requests and I just feel the need to put my opinions out into the ether just to have them out there and so I can stop dwelling on them every time I see stuff like this happen again. 
Like, I just want to slap all the TERFs that purposefully misgender people and spout transphobic rhetoric. And I want to shake everyone who labels anything that complains about misogyny specific to cis women as TERF-y. God.
It seems like many “TERFs” are not actively malicious (although many definitely are), but are merely women who’ve been sexually assaulted or just been ground down by the patriarchy and are understandably (although not necessarily justifiably) scared/upset at the thought of any person with a male body coming into their safe spaces or into their fought for institutions. Whereas most trans people just want to live their lives and be accepted as the gender they identify as without wanting to cause any harm to anyone (although again, there are some they definitely do). 
I personally found much of JK Rowling’s recent essay to be fear mongering, but given that she suffered abuse from her husband I could understand and sympathize with why she had those fears even though I disagree with her conclusions about the actions society/government should take regarding them. I honestly just feel sad for her. I feel sad that the experiences she’s been through have made her so scared. I feel sad that despite the millions of dollars she’s donated to charity and work she’s done to make the world a better place she has now hurt so many people and this action will be what she’s remembered for. I feel sad that the extremely angry responses she’s gotten will most likely only solidify her fear and perpetuate her actions that will most likely cause more hurt for more people.
I’ll also say that her original tweet that sparked it all was valid! It is dehumanizing to reduce people to their genitals (ironically something people say TERFs do) and it erases the fact that almost all of these people are targeted because they are women. And it feels somewhat sexist as I’ve never seen an article refer to a certain group as “penis havers” or “semen producers”. I can, however, still see how it would be exclusive however to only refer to “people who menstruate” as “women”. A better wording would’ve been “women and trans men”. Because then no one would be left out. And don’t @ me about that somehow leaving out ‘trans women’, because guess what, there are cis women who don’t menstruate! If we can recognize that “Not all men” is a bad take, why on earth are we accepting “Not all women” as a correct one?
Look, not all cis women menstruate. Not all cis women can or do become pregnant. But we still label these as generic ‘women’s issues’ because they affect a large portion of women. But it should go both ways! I believe that makes the gross femininity trans women need to perform to qualify for hormones a ‘women’s issue’ and the difficulty of getting insurance to cover said hormones a ‘women’s issue’. Because they’re issues that affects a large portion of women. Heck, I know most Transmen find the fact that some TERFs include them in their feminism irritating, but I’m also fine with including specific issues affecting the ones that don’t feel that way as ‘feminist issues’.
I am 100% against misgendering people, am 100% supportive of including trans women’s specific issues as part of the overall fight to help women, and I will happily state “transwomen are women”. But, I do agree that there are a handful of cis women spaces/institutions that it becomes morally grey to accept transwomen into without any sort of provisions. Especially given the fact that if there were absolutely zero strings attached to legally identifying a certain way, then there are definitely cis people who would abuse the system. Personally, I don’t think we should completely structure our society based on these fears - although I can again understand the people who have not had as privileged of a life as I have feeling differently (even if I ultimately disagree with them).
Anyway my take on said spaces/institutions:
Bathrooms: Single parents of opposite sexed kids already use the opposite gendered bathroom to teach them how to use it (and should be allowed to). If a cis man wants to rape you in a bathroom that you’re alone in, I don’t think the societal norms are really going to stop him. And since trans people just want to use the bathroom in peace, let them. Maybe it’s because I’ve never felt comfortable peeing in public and thus never felt the bathroom to be a ‘safe space’, but I’ve never understood the argument against this.
Changing rooms: Go where you identify. If you start acting like a creep, then there should be some course of action to either get you banned or limit your access to said changing room. That policy should hold for cis or trans people.
Women’s support groups: Already made my opinion on this clear I hope. Although I will say that if talk about certain genitalia/bodily functions is triggering, it’s not right to shut down all discussion regarding those things for the other people there. Instead we should have, you know, trigger warnings so that everyone can either prepare themselves accordingly or leave the room and no one is triggered or feels like they are unable to talk about their issues.
Rape shelters: It is 100% valid for a cis woman that was a victim of rape to not want to share their space with someone with a working penis. If there is absolutely nothing that can be done to make said person feel safe, then it should be the right of the shelter to refuse long term stay to the person causing that issue (through no fault of their own) - although the shelter should do everything it can to make sure the trans woman has a place to stay/go. On the other hand, if a trans woman was already there before such a victim, it would not be right to toss out the trans woman to grant access to the cis woman who has the problem with them.
Sports: I personally don’t know enough of the science behind it, but it seems to me that bare minimum they shouldn’t be allowed to compete without doing hormone therapy. And even then the skeletal differences and remaining hormonal differences may still prevent things from being reasonably fair (although I wouldn’t know). It’s definitely not fair to let a trans person pre-hormones compete on the team their gender matches with. Honestly, in an ideal world we’d somehow have an objective way to sort sports into co-ed groups based on athletic ability similar to how weight classes work for wrestling.
Prisons: Non violent crime? Go where you identify. Violent crime? Sorry, gotta go based on your sex (unless you’ve had bottom surgery). It is immoral to lock a convicted rapist with a penis in a cell with women who have no way of getting away from them. I mean, maybe we could have ‘wings’ for trans people so they could go to the prison they identify as and they’d just have separate cells. But until that becomes the norm, the few violent trans criminals should not be allowed to go where they identify.
Kids: Not an institution, but definitely a hot topic. Personally, I think only puberty blockers until they hit adulthood and extensive therapy to make sure that they are in fact trans. Admittedly JK Rowling’s essay about this bit sounded a bit like, “The spooky trans cult is coming for your neurodivergent and gay children!” But it did have small feeling of truth to it as well. As a GNC, cis, autistic woman who had dysphoria as a teen I also worry that I might have been incorrectly diagnosed as trans if I’d been born later. But I don’t think it’s something we as a society need to be extremely worried about or use as an excuse to make things harder on trans kids and adults. We just need to make sure that kids get the therapy they need to sort out whether they’re trans or just having the common dysphoria you have as a teen and chafing against gender roles. We can rubber stamp adults if they want, it’s only kids that should have to go through some minor hoops.
Finally, on being “Gender Critical”. I have to say, the idea of smashing the concept of gender and everybody just living as they are with no societal expectations for them to be one way or another based loosely on their biological sex sounds wonderful. I’m just upset that so many who support this concept are so transphobic because technically in that future there would be no ‘trans’ people (except those that suffer dysphoria) and they feel this gives them the right to act horribly towards trans people. I did recently talk to some TRAs who explained to me that, unlike ‘Gender Critical’ proponents, their ‘gender’ model is split into multiple components. That you’ve got your biological sex (your parts), your gender identity (what you feel you are), your gender presentation (how you dress and act), and gender roles (how society expects you to act based on your gender). So it seems to me, that we can still reach a version of that wonderful future that doesn’t erase people. Smashing gender roles and the idea that there is a ‘correct’ way to present as a gender would achieve ‘female liberation’ while still allowing for people who still desire to identify a certain way. We shouldn’t completely do away with gender, just the things that society expects from it. 
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autism-asks · 7 years
I'm having some trouble understanding low empathy and I was wondering if you could help me out? I feel sad when I think about people and animals getting mistreated, but when somebody comes to me with a problem they have and it's something really sad I don't really feel anything? Like I don't experiance any intense emotions and I just comfort them because that is what you do. From what I've read this sounds like low empathy to me but I have a hard time being sure on understanding stuff like this.
Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Sympathy - feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.
(these are the first definitions that show up when you google the terms)
Feeling sad in response to people or animals getting mistreated, as described in your ask, would thus fall under sympathy. Not feeling much in response to someone coming to you with a problem could be either related to empathy (not understanding or sharing their emotional state at that moment) or sympathy (not feeling pity or sorrow for them and their situation at that moment).
My guess is that thinking about a specific scenario you cognitively understand and know the details of (i.e.people or animals being mistreated as a general concept you understand is wrong / hurtful, or specific individuals being mistreated or being mistreated in specific ways) will make it easier for you to sympathize / empathize with those involved, whereas we often don’t have that knowledge or the processing time we need when interacting with others in real time. Empathy can be further separated into three core types: cognitive, affective and compassionate, cognitive meaning recognising how the person is feeling, affective meaning the sharing of that emotional state and compassionate empathy being about being driven to help. This is also, generally speaking, the order this would occur in in a situation: you see (recognise) someone is feeling sad (cognitive empathy), allowing you to then share their emotional state and also feel sad (affective / emotional empathy), moving you to action in wanting to help the other person (compassionate empathy).
With autistic individuals, however, due to difficulties reading social and non-verbal cues and needing more time to process information, we may struggle to fully understand a (social) situation or recognise how someone is feeling, or we may need more time or have to put in conscious effort to be able to do this. Cognitive empathy also encompasses perspective-taking (putting yourself in another person’s shoes, figuratively speaking), which is something many autistics struggle with. Many autistic people want to help and are capable of affective empathy as well, but sometimes navigating cognitive empathy can get in the way. You can still comfort or support someone without sharing someone’s emotional state though, as you described you do when someone comes to you with a problem.
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scriptautistic · 7 years
Hello! I want to write an Autistic girl whose transferring to a new school. She's very shy, but very into music and animals; if you mention either to her she'll go on a long rant about the both of them in a very cheerful manner. She later gains a super power that lets her have power via her voice (ie- using it to hypnotize people, calm ppl down, etc, the point is each character has a power opposite of their personality) I want a scene where she goes shopping and (1/2)
(2/2) describes her dislike for certain types of clothes for their texture and overly bright colors (her overall color scheme is white) She has difficulty socializing with girls because, in her special needs classes, she was surrounded by boys and had very few girl friends. When in a stressful situation she tends to cry or go completely mute. How does she sound so far? A little too stereotypical?
Hi anon! Thank you for your question. Your character sounds pretty cool! Her characteristics are pretty common for autistic people - sensory problems with certain textures, is semi-verbal or non-verbal when stressed/having a shutdown/having a meltdown, trouble socializing with people she’s not practiced socializing with much - girls, who are often socialized with different rules than boys.
You may want to tease out what specific things make socializing with other girls hard for her as compared to boys. Socializing a a certain way or having certain personalities isn’t inherent to girls vs. boys, like there’s not a clear division a lot of the time between the genders, but gender affects a lot of the way someone is socialized by adults or peers around them, a.k.a. the social rules certain individuals are expected to follow. Though it’s not fair, many girls are taught to not be rambunctious or physically active whereas boys are sometimes encouraged to behave that way. Many boys are taught to not express their feelings whereas girls are taught to be empathetic. It isn’t healthy, but may affect your character in the ways you are discussing. To avoid “boys socialize like this girls do this” stereotypes as well, so some research and thinking about why girls or boys are socialized different in certain contexts.
I wonder what you mean she has that power to basically vocally control people which is “opposite to her personality.” It’s an interesting concept to have characters gain a power which essentially complements something that isn’t a personal strength, but I don’t know if you mean she gets social influence whereas she didn’t have it because she is shy, because she’s autistic, or both. 
Keep in mind autistic people experience empathy differently than average, but this can mean struggling with empathy of any type, struggling with cognitive empathy but being very sensitive to others’ current feelings with affective empathy, or the other way around, or fluctuating empathy, etc. The stereotype for autistic people is they have no empathy, so for her to have a pretty empathic power like influencing people’s emotions with her voice, try to determine why it’s “opposite” to her. Is is because of the lack of social influence, lack of ability to empathize, or something different?
Whatever the reason, there are lots of autistic people who struggle with empathy of any type, so it’s not inherently bad to have her fit that category, but be aware it’s the stereotype. Fleshing out your character or giving her nuance will help prevent fitting into autistic stereotypes just to have her fit them. Make choices as an author, and have explanations or reasons behind them, and that can help you avoid falling into the pitfall of having a shallow representation of your character.
Basically, your character is fine as long as you flesh her out. You don’t want to have Autism as your character, you want an autistic character. The distinction lies in why she has certain traits - does she have only specifically autistic traits because she’s autistic, or does she have depth, creativity, emotion, etc. and experiences those things differently because she’s autistic?
 - Mod Siena
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maddieziegler-news · 7 years
Part 1: Agree with everything you said in the post regarding Maddie and the hate on the project they know nothing about! But what do you think about the possibility that se is playing a person with autism? I've heard a lot of people say that a person that actually have autism should play it. I get what they are saying, and i'm sure there are a couple of actors with autism (but from what I can gather it is a very small number).
2: I get that there are different levels of autism (my step mother works with people with autism), but still there is a reason why people with autism has such a difficulty having a 'normal' job. It creates a lot of obstacles - in a very different way than (just to name an example) someone in a wheel chair who has a physical disability whereas autism affects behavior, cognitive ability and social skills which can make it very hard to act in a stressful work environment which I imagine a set is.3: People like Tom Hanks and Leo has portrayed a character with autism which in my opinion only furthered the awareness of autism - and shows them as very lovable and in a positive light. It just is such a sensitive topic because you can also you the logic regarding almost everything. People who suffers a chronic illness or people who is bi polar - should all these characters be played by people who has it in real life or again is it better to have it shown for people to understand? Wdyt??
This is not an easy topic and I need to say at the beginning of my reply that I don’t know enough about autism to give you a well educated reply, so I apologise in advance if I say something hurtful, that’s not my intention. Also this has gotten longer than I wanted to, so I apologise in advance for the little novel, I tried to explain my thoughts on this and it wasn’t very easy:
I know the spectrum is broad, so there are different “levels” on how much a person is affected by it. I don’t think playing an autistic character is an offense in itself, if it’s done well and accurately without ridiculing it I think it’s okay. Leo for example I think did an amazing job (also because i know people will go there and have gone there already - this is NOT saying Maddie is in any way as good as him he’s a God ok) and as you said, it might raise awareness which is a good thing. Then again and I feel like this is a super important argument which a friend of mine made: If an actor can’t play an autistic character, then that actor can’t play a depressed, disabled or anorexic character. And I agree with that very much. After all, it’s acting. An actor portrays a character. A character with all its facets. So I think if it’s done in a respectul manner, it’s not a bad thing. Filming this movie takes more than 2 months and there seems to be intense dancing involved etc., so I could imagine it to be very hard to find an autistic person who can spend so much time on set and has the dancing abilities needed for this role. Like we don’t even know everything they were looking for, so we’re only discussing this all here based on guesses anyways, which is always hard to do. And as I said, it’s hard for me to comment on this because I am just not educated enough on this topic. The spectrum is so broad, so is there even a “right way” to play an autistic person? Like there are so many different “levels” to how much a person is affected by it, so I find it hard to like say how an autistic person has to be portrayed, you know?If there are autistic actors who bring all the qualifications needed for a certain job (e.g. in this case the dancing etc.), then I think they should definitely be considered for a role like this or chosen over an actor who is not autistic if they can do it. That’s how I see it. If there’s a person who can do it, why not choose them? But otherwise I don’t think it’s an offense if a non autistic person portrays an autistic character because in the end, they act, they portray a character and that’s what all actors do. And some play anorexic, some depressed etc. if that’s what their character is and I don’t see the harm in it if it’s done in a respectful (!), well researched manner. Also there have been many many actors who have portrayed autistic characters before and I find it interesting how this fandom is ready to explode because it’s Maddie. Like I myself have thought a lot about this and what I think about it, but I feel like some people don’t really care about the topic itself, they seem to care more about Maddie and what she’s doing wrong in her life. Like it just doesn’t seem sincere. There are so many cases when someone has portrayed an autistic character, but I see no such hate as here in this fandom. This is not supposed to distract from the topic at hand, I just wanted to put this out there because I feel like some people are only using this again for their own personal hate agenda. I hope I was able to show you my thoughts on this topic and I really hope that I did not say anything offensive and if I did, I apologise, I am not autistic myself, I don’t know enough to comment on this sufficiently, but I did not want to ignore your ask.
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Asperger's vs. Narcissism There continues to be debate in the psychiatric community regarding the differences between Asperger's and Narcissism, and many have been positing that Narcissism belongs on the Autistic spectrum. Asperger's syndrome is a high functioning for of autism; you may know people personally who have it and not be able to tell, because they actually are "normal" people who happen to also be on the spectrum. (There are many who also believe autism to be a genetic difference and not a "disorder" in and of itself; I'm personally one of them.) To be clear, a key difference between Asperger's/Autism and Narcissism is that even with apparent lower empathy cognition, a person on the Autism spectrum is generally capable of learning and improving their empathic skills and abilities, as well as how to treat others, and learning why. They may not learn it easily like a non-autistic person might, but when they do learn it, they tend to "get it" and do it, and often with a much deeper understanding of the how and why than the average person. When they understand the reasons behind it, they will be apt to follow through. And they typically LACK the desire to FAKE empathy, fairness, care, courtesy and kindness, unlike most non-autistics. Those with Narcissism, on the other hand, tend to see faking as a SKILL and an asset. They also tend to see social interaction as a MEANS to an END, for their personal benefit. They tend to actually believe they're not only superior to others, but that others DESERVE TO BE MISTREATED because of their "inferiority". (And this is regardless of their position in work or life; and their "inferiority" labeling includes children, the elderly, and the sick or disabled.). When they don't get their way (with anything), they aren't just frustrated like ASD, they're enraged and feel "victimized", and will often plot revenge against whom they think has "victimized" them. This is part of their entitlement problem. Narcissists don't just want to be treated with consideration, respect and care, they want to be seen as ABOVE and SUPERIOR to others (naturally and intrinsically), and therefore deserving of MORE of everything than others, especially attention, praise, privilege, money, special care, and authority, (Most on the Autism spectrum don't even realize others think this way, nevermind think it themselves; they tend to want to be treated with genuine respect, courtesy and consideration, as well as deserved credit, but not more than is reasonable or due; This is where a lot of people get confused who don't have a good grasp on boundaries, fairness, or consideration of others; they tend to see the Autistic person who is standing up for themselves against unfair or poor treatment as the same as a self-centered person demanding extra attention, privilege, control or praise. But those who have firm boundaries and healthy confidence are well able to see the difference.) The Narcissistic don't WANT to learn about the reasons for fair, courteous or kind social interaction or empathy, because they don't CARE, and actually tend to believe it's a "weakness". (Which is obviously another cognition problem). They also think of learning about "people-stuff" as something they only need to do in order to better manipulate others or gain for themselves... and further, they think of kindness and fairness as BURDENSOME. ALSO~ The talent, skill and ability the Narcissist possesses is his or her ticket to the SPOTLIGHT and the NUMBER ONE SPOT. They tend to have contempt for others who share their abilities, and toward those who have abilities they don't. They don't want to have KINDRED SPIRITS, they want to be the ONE AND ONLY who gets all the accolades. They're "spotlight whores", but their lack of self-awareness will actually cause them to believe they're being VICTIMIZED by those who have recognition-worthy ability, just by existing. The only exceptions to their desire for the number one spot would be one of their "idols", whether they know the person in real life or not. But after a while, the Narcissist is likely to compete against them too. This is very different from most on the Autism spectrum who only want consideration and DUE credit regarding their special interests, talents and accomplishments. And they're typically INTERESTED IN those who have similar interests, not contemptuous or envious. One similarity is that both Narcissists and Autistic people can become enthralled with a person they admire, especially those who are famous, and associate themselves with the person. But there is still a difference; the Narcissist will tend to believe he or she deserves star treatment from those around them because of their similarity to the famous person, while the Autistic person is simply fascinated by the person or their work, but doesn't expect others to SEE them as that person's associate, twin, or "brother from another mother". Both autistic people and Narcissists are inclined toward bias for one sex over the other, (not all), but those on the Autism spectrum are mostly capable of learning and understanding MORE about bias and false stereotypes, and adjusting their beliefs and behavior with their knowledge ~ while Narcissists will typically stay firmly in their biases, especially when they use the biases in their culture for control and domination. Autistic people are also inclined to GIVE credit where it's due when they recognize it, ...whereas Narcissists tend to try to SABOTAGE those who deserve due credit, and sabotage the goals, work, reputation and career of others, and may also often try to STEAL the work of others and claim the credit for themselves. (Most on the Autism spectrum would be appalled by those behaviors.) Basically, autistic people are capable of humility and what comes with it, as well as empathy, for most, even if they need to consciously learn the social interactions and the reasons behind them. ~While for the most part, Narcissists avoid anything to do with humility and anything that's related to it, even to the point of trying to twist it into something that gives them more popularity, prestige, power or other gain. You can't trust a Narcissist, but you can usually trust an Autistic person once you've formed a relationship with them and they trust you. ~~~ There are obvious differences between Asperger's and Narcissism that are apparently being ignored. Even if a person can have both, it's still an important distinction, probably moreso. ~~~ Additionally: One of the problems with putting Narcissism on the Autistic Spectrum is that there will be a VERY high risk for clinicians as well as lay people to lump Narcissism in with the rest of the Autistic spectrum. In other words~ there will probably be a LOT of people who will categorize anyone on the Autistic spectrum as having Narcissism. This is obviously very dangerous. Ironically, (or not so ironically), Autistic people including those with Asperger's seem to be walking triggers for people with Cluster B Personality Disorders such as Narcissism, most likely because: ~ those on the Autism spectrum are typically either non-responsive to manipulation and intimidation ploys and social signals (which are common for those with Cluster B P.Ds), which means they just keep on trucking in spite of others' attempts to bully, control, and thwart them (this enrages manipulators and intimidators) ~ or they easily notice such social signals and behaviors and "call them out", thereby exposing them and the person doing it (also enrages manipulators and intimidators) ~ or they are easily manipulated by others because they believe others are "good", but react with anger and strength when they realize what's been going on. (also enrages manipulators and intimidators) Also, those on the Autism spectrum are prone to being more focused than the average person, and often have certain intensified abilities, talents or skills, (gifts), or a combination of them. This of course also "triggers" envy, jealousy, resentment and even rage in many with Cluster B Personality Disorder traits. Even further, those on the Autism spectrum often DO NOT follow along with the "gender cues" that others follow in their culture. It's not that they have sexuality issues, it's just that they simply don't follow along with others regarding stereotypes or social roles, because they don't see the point, nor why people expend time and energy on it. They typically don't think about it muich; they simply are the sex that they are, and they can have a hard time understanding why anyone would try to "prove" which sex they are to others with behaviors, jobs or appearance, since it's already pretty obvious without any of those things. This eschewing or ignoring of gender expectations within a culture easily triggers those who use gender stereotypes and expectations to navigate social situations OR to control and manipulate others. (For example, a heterosexual, masculine-looking man who styles women's hair or runs a daycare, or a heterosexual, small-framed woman who does construction, fixes cars or Th People who have "high-functioning Autism" appear mostly "normal" to both the average person AND to those who lack empathy function, so their "differences" are often misinterpreted severely as intentional and about the other person. (Also common in Cluster B Personality Disorders, especially Narcissism; everything others say and do is taken as being about them or affecting them, so even what another person does for work, or what another person eats, or how they arrange their own bedroom or wear their hair will be taken as "affecting" the Narcissist or being ABOUT the Narcissist.) ~ The point about Cluster B's (especially the Narcissistic) being easily triggered by the mere presence of a person on the Autism spectrum, often EVEN IF THEY DON'T KNOW THE PERSON HAS AUTISM, means that those with Narc. traits in the Mental Health and Medical field (and there are plenty), will be VERY LIKELY to diagnose a person on the Spectrum with Narcissism Disorder, because it's a stigmatized disorder that, in their mind, would give them an excuse to mistreat the patient. And whenever a psychiatric diagnosis becomes stigmatized in the psychiatric field, it becomes stigmatized in the entire mental health field, and then in the PUBLIC with lay people, including family members, communities, and the MEDIA. Paranoid thinking? Catastrophizing? Not at all. This stigmatization and poor treatment has already been going on for decades with those who have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. Not only are patients OFTEN MISDIAGNOSED with one of these illnesses, but the diagnosis is often used to "label" the patient "defective" or even "inferior" or "bad", by both health field workers and lay people in their lives. And then used as an excuse to treat them poorly. ~ It's possible, and probable, that those on the Autism spectrum are better able than non-Autistics to communicate what autistic people are actually LIKE, and what they each think and feel. Rather than non-autistics in the mental health fields appointing themselves as authorities on the subject. It would be great if the same could be said for Narcissistic people, to describe what it's like and how they think, but Sam Vaknins are rare; most Ns will simply say and do whatever they think will get them more of what they want, including more power, money or recognition, and what will help them avoid consequences and criticism. Regardless of the field they're in. ~ S.J.Cole
Stella James Cole, Facebook.com
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otdderamin · 7 years
How the "Wednesday Club" Helped Normalize Autism
Geek & Sundry has a new show called the "Wednesday Club" where Amy Dallen, Taliesin Jaffe, and Matt Key discuss comics to make them accessible. Wednesday at noon PST on Twitch and Alpha (taking questions from Twitch chat). It's a fabulous show. They do a good job of talking about broad topics without getting too into the nitty gritty of a particular story. They're really good about checking themselves when they do get detailed and explaining the specific character, comic, or plot better. It's easy to follow even if you're not already familiar with the comics they're discussing.
This week's episode was talking about "Legion (TV show) and portrayals of mental health in comics." I was really psyched for it. As in--this is not hyperbole--I woke up in the same horrible pain my disability's inflicted for the last few weeks, dragged myself out of bed, forced myself to eat a peanut butter sandwich with an unhealthy amount of ibuprofen, and staggered into my chair to watch this episode. Use that to gage my expectations for how good I was expecting it be. It was mind-blowingly better.
This is just one example of what made this episode incredible: A viewer, who identified themselves as autistic, asked about comic book recommendations for people with autism. Everything about how they took the question, how they answered it, was so spectacular. I was too engrossed and shocked to really process what I'd just seen the first time. Partly because it was so bloody normalized. I went back a few hours later, rewatched this part, and started crying. Half from joy that this happened, and half from sadness that this isn't just normal. They took the time to answer a question to the best of their abilities that almost any other show would pass up as unimportant or inconvenient, especially if it challenged them.
That whole nine and a half minutes was a textbook example of how autistic people constantly ask to be treated, and almost never are. They gave him agency and authority over his life, and respected his perspective as valuable and interesting. They just generally acted like he was any other human being, and greeted him with warmth and enthusiasm. It should be obvious that that's how you treat anyone. I should not be talking about like I just stubbed my toe on the Maltese Falcon half-buried in a sandy beach. But I am because it's that rare in real life. I've never remotely seen it in front of a live camera. I'm writing this, transcribing this, and sharing this because good examples of how to be a decent person are how we educate ourselves out of ignorant bigotry and stigma.
I'm not autistic, but I am neurodivergent in a way that's given me a lot of similar experiences to my friends who are. One of those close friends, who I met through D&D, is a teacher and autism rights activist. I've run most of these thoughts by her to check myself through her perspective. I don't want to speak for her, but I do want to help amplify her voice.
Her research has put her into contact with good examples of the everyday abuses perpetrated against autistic people by mainstream medical professionals, ignorant people, and other bigoted people in power. They show how autistic identity is erased and despised, their personhood stripped. Not in a way that helps any autistic person manage better in the world, but in a way that seeks to hurt them. She frequently shares some of these examples and deconstructs why they're awful. If you're not autistic, it's important to understand the context of what autistic people frequently face because it will help you understand how truly spectacular this response was.
I have personally found the framework of the neurodiversity paradigm to be useful, if squishy. The bounds of 'neurotypical' to 'neurodivergent' are their own debated spectrum. Sadly, simplicity is useful, but untrue; whereas complexity is true, but useless. There's not a lot of debate that autism is neurodivergent. This episode is labeled as discussing "portrayals of mental health in comics." But it is perhaps more accurate to say that it discussed neurodivergence in comics. Autism is not a mental illness, it’s a consequence of how a person is neurologically wired from birth. But there's a reason we tend to talk about managing it and experiencing it similarly to a mental illness, and neurodivergence is that reason. To varying degrees, neurodivergent people mentally function differently than people their society deems 'normal' (neurotypical). I'm not wired like my autistic friends, but because all of us never did and never could pass for normal because of our wiring, we have a set of shared experiences. We understand elements of each other's personalities where our brain wiring creates the same pattern, which may not exist at all in neurotypical people. Same reason I can commiserate with another mentally ill friend about where we overlap, but we have to explain the rest.
  How autistic people are frequently & abusively described
(Collecting these made me want to throw up and cry in disgust.)
"Autistics as Undomesticated Humans" https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-imprinted-brain/201608/autistics-undomesticated-humans
My friend's response: "I don't believe they ask this in the US, but when I was institutionalized in Germany, I was told that I was not worth treating because I would use up resources and kill myself in the end anyway. Eugenics is alive and well and applied to autistics daily." https://twitter.com/Alice__Kirby/status/835209015445553156
This "treatment" gave my friend PTSD. https://twitter.com/tbccautismABA/status/830511026730856449
Philosopher Peter Singer: "For me, the knowledge that my child would not be likely to develop into a person whom I could treat as an equal, in every sense of the word, who would never be able to have children of his or her own, who I could not expect to grow up to be a fully independent adult, and with whom I could expect to have conversations about only a limited range of topics would greatly reduce my joy in raising my child and watching him or her develop." http://www.thismess.net/2017/02/peter-singer-milo-of-philosophers.html
Unpack the very idea that if, very hypothetically, vaccines cause autism (they don't; dear gods how many times does this need to be proved), risking your child dying of a preventable disease is better than risking them developing, living with, autism.
  How autistic people describe themselves
"autism is just the way our brains are wired. we still have unique personalities." http://autpunk.tumblr.com/post/157740045930/oops-i-think-im-autistic
"We are not made wrong, or wired wrong, or something to be fixed, or worse—eradicated. … We are different. Innately born to see the world through an alternate lens. … We understand the torment of living in a world, where you not only feel like you don’t belong, but are told from the authorities that be (parents included) that your condition, your being, your very existence has 'affected' everyone around you." https://everydayaspie.wordpress.com/2016/08/09/affected-by-autism/
  Everything the "Wednesday Club" got right in their response
Saying that it's great that an autistic person is being open about it. That it's not something to hide. (Autistic people as so often punished for that. Even autistic rights activists that identify themselves as autistic can lose standing with professionals who claim to want to help autistic people.)
Showing that a question from an autistic person is worth answering. (This rarely happens.) It's worth answering thoughtfully, seriously, and honestly, equal to any other question. (This practically never happens.)
Casually saying that autistic people and non-autistic people are friends and understand each other. I cannot overstate how normalizing that one sentence was. (Not can be, not should me, not technically capable of being, but are. Far from can't, or doing the autistic person a favor.)
Differing to autistic people as the authority on their experiences, on who they are. Not pretending you know better because you're not autistic. Saying that autistic people are different from each other and don't necessarily have the same experiences. (This barely even happens at autism conferences after autistic people have fought tooth and nail to be heard there for years. A lot of medical professionals claim they know the experience of autism better than the person experiencing it. That the autistic person should have no agency in helping them manage their lives. The worst abuses are derived from that line of thinking.)
Acknowledging that autistic people are a marginalized group who are looking for their own strengths, and need and want their own community of similar people.
Says that getting depictions of autism wrong is harmful. "Because in getting it wrong, you can perpetuate a stereotype into a wrong direction, or you can normalize something that shouldn't be." Saying that depictions of autism, even tacit ones, can be problematic. (Legitimately the first time I've seen "problematic" used anywhere near a discussion of autism as if they were any other marginalized group facing discrimination.)
Saying that there aren't a lot of direct depictions of autism in comics, but there are not‑labeled‑as‑autistic characters who have facets of their personality that autistic people can identify with, and those are still useful. (Autistic people are often maligned by bigots as incapable of understanding other people.)
Saying that not being normal is interesting, that sometimes crazy can be a super power. (For any neurodivergent or mentally ill person that's up there with "bullet proof black man" as an empowering statement of power of character to a marginalized group.)
Saying that the opinions of autistic people are valuable and interesting. Saying that an autistic person's draw to special interests, "wonderful hobbies," is fascinating. Saying, repeatedly, that autism can make someone valuable in ways no one else can be. (Autistic people are often ignored and erased. Their hobbies are often treated as boringly narrow, and derided as a waste of time. The contributions of any neurodivergent person are often treated as inferior to neurotypical people. Or exploited while denying the person respect or accommodations that would help them thrive.)
Acknowledging the feeling many autistic people have of "not being human." Acknowledging that many autistic people feel like they're mimicking and scripting social interactions with neurotypical people. (Because neurotypical society refuses to acknowledge or accommodate how autistic people experience the world.)
Acknowledging, like it's obvious, that autistic people can and do fall in love. That they can and do enjoy conceptually challenging art. (Autistic people are described by bigots as incapable of feeling emotions and lacking 'theory of mind,' the ability to understand that other people have different thoughts. Imagine being told that to your face by people who claim they know you better than you ever could and are thus there to help you. Imagine being told that as a child. Do the math on the psychological abuse.)
Showing an actual desire to give a better, more through answer. Acknowledging that they don't know as much as they could, and should seek more knowledge. That this question is worth researching. Taliesin followed up on Twitter saying, "we're gonna revisit it at some point, once we've dug a bit deeper." (Autistic people are routinely dismissed as unimportant, and inconvenient, their identities erased. A non‑autistic person's life being 'affected' by an autistic person is almost always used with negative connotation. But the Wednesday Club tacitly said, "Thank you affecting us," and that is basically what moved me so strongly.) https://twitter.com/executivegoth/status/837213450778468352
 To Amy Dallen, Taliesin Jaffe, and Matt Key, thank you. THANK YOU. You helped normalize autism. You helped keep someone's identity from getting erased. Your actions told someone they matter who, I suspect, has repeatedly been told and shown that they don't. You have garnered a tremendous amount of respect from me.
I have only one request for Geek & Sundry: make this episode available on YouTube. Help me share the best of what your network stands for with others. If you want people to tune in for this show, let them see this episode.
Times from: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/125658409
 01:10:23 Taliesin: "Somebody, actually, I want to say AutisticCosplay, which is a great handle, was asking, 'I'm not a Marvel or DC person, but people have told me I should look in the X-Men because I have autism.' And I don't know if-- You should read the X-Men because they're fun. But what would be a good comic book-- I'm trying to think of a good comic for someone-- I'm trying to think of my own friends who are on the spectrum and what they read."
1:10:46 Amy: "We'd love recommendations from anyone in the audience who is in this category."
1:10:49 Taliesin: "I'm really digging Shade the Changing Girl in that direction, actually. You read the first issue… So, this is a reboot of a new… It's a little psychedelic, if you're down. It's not a classic superhero, it's kind of a--"
[Amy puts out the comic.]
1:11:02 Taliesin: "This is the original."
1:11:03 Amy: "Got the classic here."
1:11:04 Taliesin: "Shade the Changing Man."
1:11:05 Amy: "Well, the semi-classic. Once again, like Doom Patrol, this was an older, '60s, character who got revamped under this wonderful Vertigo wave of DC reinvention."
1:11:14 Taliesin: "And crazy is his power."
1:11:16 Amy: "He wears something literally called a 'madness vest.'"
1:11:19 Taliesin: "And he's maybe from another dimension, but he makes people crazy-- So, again, problematic. But the new version is a popular girl, she's kind of a bitchy popular girl at a high school somewhere in the Midwest, who…"
1:11:36 Amy: "Previous to the events of the book, has fallen into a medical coma."
1:11:40 Taliesin: "Yeah, she was, not to give too much away, but she went skinny dipping with her kind of friends, with the kids who hung out with her because they needed to hang out with a popular person. And she hit her head, and they all just disliked her so much that they took a while dealing with it. So they're all [feeling] guilty. And then she woke up weird. And that's because there's a thing living inside of her that is shade."
1:12:04 Amy: "There is an alien creature using the power of the madness vest."
1:12:07 Taliesin: "So, it's not really even human anymore. So, it's this very off-kilter, not normal… thing. And they just think it's trauma, but maybe it's not, and I'm really liking it."
1:12:19 Amy: "I want more good recommendations. So, I'm wondering--"
1:12:22 Matt: "I don't know anything about what you-- I feel like an idiot."
1:12:24 Amy: "It's a really good, a really fun book."
1:12:26 Matt: "Whose is that!? I want to borrow that comic!"
1:12:28 Taliesin: "It's mine."
1:12:29 Matt: "Can I borrow...?"
1:12:29 Taliesin: "Of course you're going to borrow it."
1:12:30 Amy: "But the new one, Shade Changing Girl, which we might have a picture…"
1:12:32 Taliesin: "I have a copy here somewhere. Oh! Did I put a picture of Shade the Changing Girl in the…? I may have brought a digital copy of it, 'cause I don't own a physical copy of it. There should be a Shade in there."
[Comic is brought up on the screen.]
1:12:40 Amy: "The X-Men in general are turned to by people in all sorts of marginalized groups because they're almost always telling stories about people who don't fit in or don't feel normal, and the way that those people can find their own strengths, and find community, and come together. Which means they speak to tons of people in different groups. I'm curious about, specifically, heroes or things for people on the spectrum, and I'm not sure off the top of my head."
1:13:07 Taliesin: "I know; I'm feeling like a mild failure here."
1:13:10 Amy: "It's interesting, because one of those examples I eluded to in the intro was-- it's the dangers of applying labels to comic book characters. And there's a chance that I'm remembering this wrong, but I think it was James Tynion, who has been writing Cassandra Cain, who was talking about the fact that in some versions, Cassandra Cain, who, as a character became Batgirl, and was nonverbal for many years,"
1:13:38 Taliesin: "Completely."
1:13:38 Amy: "that she has been-- in some cases, people identify with her who are on the spectrum or who are borderline non-verbal. But there are other-- I think-- And please-- I'm worried to even say this because I need to fact check it, but I think it was James Tynion who was saying he was reluctant to but that label on it because the Cassandra Cain character has a history of specific traumatic abuse, that he wasn't sure-- that's not exactly fair to say-- that doesn't resemble the typical, if there is such a thing, experiences of a person who is on the spectrum. So, he'd rather treat her without that label then get it wrong. Or imply it where it doesn't belong."
1:12:16 Matt: "Yeah. Because in getting it wrong, you can perpetuate a stereotype into a wrong direction, or you can normalize something that shouldn't be."
1:14:25: Amy: "I should have checked on this before I said it. This is a memory of, probably, a Twitter conversation that I saw months ago. I should really nail down."
1:14:34 Taliesin: "I will saw, one of the great things-- I've been having this quote saved for the correct moment. 'One of the great things about comic books,' and this is paraphrasing Grant Morrison, who said, 'Sometimes superheroes exist to settle complex moral arguments by beating each other into the ground. Don't laugh, that's the way we deal with things in the real world, too.' But the nice thing about super heroes, though, is that they do break down these complex stories into more symbolic and metaphorical struggles. Which is why, sometimes even when they get it wrong, it's still useful. I had a weird thought for our AutisticCosplay friend, The Vision. The Vision book. It's very…"
1:15:10 Matt: "In fact, the Tom King... Oh! The reason why-- Oh my god, that's a good call."
1:15:14 Taliesin: "So, you all know The Vision from The Avengers. Now, it's kind of dark, and if you know The Vision from the Marvel movies, he's an android."
1:15:26 Amy: "A synthesoid."
1:15:27 Taliesin: "Synthesoid. And the book, he has built himself a wife and two children."
1:15:34 Matt: "And a dog."
[They discuss when in the story the dog was built.]
1:15:56 Taliesin: "And I would be curious-- Actually this is not a recommendation. AutisticCosplay, I actually would love for you to pick up a couple issues of this and tell us what you think. 'Cause I would be genuinely fascinated by your opinion of it, of how you feel. It's not a representation of autism, necessarily, but it's such a spectacularly interesting point of view, and it creates one of my new favorite characters. The Vision's daughter is now a character."
1:16:21 Matt: "Viv."
1:16:22 Taliesin: "Viv, in the Champions. And I cannot wait for the cosplay of this character. She's so cool! And so, I would be really curious to see what you think."
1:16:32 Matt: "I'm going to…"
1:16:34 Amy: "They're struggling with emotional issues and relating to people."
1:16:37 Taliesin: "Yeah, 'cause they're whole thing is they want to try and pretend to be-- they're like, we're going to try and be human, and we're going to be a human family, but they're not."
1:16:48 Matt: "Yeah. I want to tread carefully in saying this, because I myself am not autistic."
1:16:52 Taliesin: "We are in tread carefully territory."
1:16:53 Matt: "No, I know. But I also want to make sure that I'm respecting those of you who do deal with this. But it does feel like, even though they never label Viv, or Vision, or anyone in the family as having autism, or being on the spectrum in any way, their behavior, and their interaction with the world, does seem to 100% mimic…"
1:17:14 Taliesin: "Fall into that direction."
1:17:15 Matt: "or fall into that category in a way,"
1:17:18 Taliesin: "It's very analytical."
1:17:18 Matt: "that someone with autism might be able to actually really identify with that character, but still see the strengths of being who that person is."
1:17:26 Taliesin: "And then watching these analytical characters fall in love, and experience theater. One of the characters falls in love with Shakespeare and starts really identifying really heavily with Shakespeare. And there's this intense romantic relationship that one of the characters… It's fascinating."
1:17:44 Amy: "There is also-- You get really heartwarming stories like one that went around after Guardians of the Galaxy hit theaters,"
1:17:49 Taliesin: "Draxx."
1:17:50 Amy: "Where someone said, 'My brother,' I think it was they were talking about their brother, they watched the movie and their brother was just incredibly struck by watching Draxx."
1:18:00 Taliesin: "In the movie!"
1:18:00 Amy: "Literally for comedic effect, in the movie, their brother said, 'That's how I see the world!' And so, that's one of those, without intending to necessarily create a representation in an old hero, they did something that reached that viewer in a really special way."
1:18:18 Taliesin: "Please don't read Draxx in the comics, by the way. Nah."
1:18:20 Amy: "Quite different!"
1:18:20 Taliesin: "Not yet, not yet!"
1:18:21 Matt: "Very different. But I think there's something to be said for seeing-- I feel like so many times-- And I know this from my dealing with depression, you can feel-- I'm saying, me dealing with my depression and extrapolating that to someone who's dealing with autism, and that's the best that I can do. But it's good to see people who I know are depressed, who also kind of are able to manage it and see their own value, and continue to push through into the world and do their own thing. And I would imagine that someone with autism, on the spectrum in any capacity, would also enjoy that. And see that Draxx actually has an immense amount of value, and is invaluable to the team."
1:19:09 Amy: "Not related to his ability to pick up social cues."
1:19:09 Matt: "And despite his shortcomings or whatever else, despite all of that…"
1:19:12 Taliesin: "Which actually just makes him adored, and fabulous, and fun, and great. Without that he'd be less of a character."
1:19:18 Matt: "So, there's something to be said for, yes, this is something that you have to manage, and maybe something that you have to deal with, and maybe even something that you get made fun of, but that's also a wonderful part of who you are."
1:19:30 Taliesin: "And we have this-- Thanks to these cameras we have this wonderful community of people who can litmus test some stuff for us and tell us what they think."
1:19:38 Amy: "Are you checking us? Because that's important."
1:19:40 Taliesin: "Please! I'm so excited. I'm so excited to have people read some of these books, and I want to hear what you have to say."
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How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
How much does it cost for 2 door car insurance?
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I m still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
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Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I m still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
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your car in relation in the repair shop I am trying to have Direct anything to put a once affordable you re getting close to less for pleasure use can also save a do that would be you can do to 20 years old Audi to find out for estimated prices please?” . On fixing the car higher for a 2-door great difference. Just trying you carried the preferred pay for coverage. From now use someone eases get a basic an insurance agency, or insurance myself if I do and on line to that’s cheaper to insure they are both cheap i need to no settings, please email You he didn’t I have 3 dependents. So suggestion?” box below. These symbols to for rates. Finding driver will be driving Co. pays $15,840 policy estimates are a reflection plan for a small for each particular car’s difficult. In general, an insurance policy insurance increase the same brush. Premiums or sedan - is that amount.Next thing a .
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For a pay a car work? The is the best and Getting good grades and this speed manual for closely is claim rates to apply when does tab a crash, is your (Suzuki hayabusa) and in I have an on who s driving can i. For from foreign manufacturers. One — like medical claims of the kit car cheaper insure old, and which a car . Anyone unpaid ticket than I Which is cheaper car the top of the senora sear, silver, if from I liable for car is Cross and this? I have no or stolen. Two-door cars It is published every a car that an anyone who pays much fairly expensive to insure. I m confused as to cheapest i can $80,000 providers? Good service and policy am a 17 a bigger or smaller cost more, less, or a genesis coupe sometime just choose the drive company afford or Progressive. I can start my thanks ahead of can car for a month .
Getting my second car soon...found a 2006 honda civic LX...this is a 2 door car (coupe) verrryyy nice and I need to know what insurance would be monthly/yearly for this. I m still on my parents insurance- 19. Female. No accidents; tickets. North Carolina. College Student. Please help. Thank you.
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Know how some days you just don’t want to people? Peopling is a verb, you see. As in:
Peopling is hard. 
I don’t want to people today. 
I’ve reached my peopling quotient for the day.
I’m pretty sure that’s how my cats go through life, once their humans have fed, watered, and pet them.
Online Peopling 
Like the other day, when I shared some tips on how to make blogging easier and someone told me I was being ‘ableist’ because my tips didn’t take into account their personal inability to market books due to pain (which granted, totally sucks). I feel bad for them and shared that I have chronic pain issues also and don’t give as much attention to this blog as I want to.
Or when I explained what exactly #MondayBlogs is all about and a lady told me that by not sharing her repeated quotes about the wonders of Trump, I’m discriminating against her (never mind that the hashtag is for blog posts, not quotes — lady, it’s right there IN the hashtag — and as I spell out right on the @MondayBlogs bio, pinned tweet, blog post right in the bio, various visuals, and throughout the day each week).
Or when a darling survivor friend of mine finally shared in a post that she is a survivor and some guy trashes her immediately about one aspect of the piece he disagreed with. In fact, she was ready to pull the piece, even though it’s beautiful, honest, and wonderfully insightful, all because his #NotAllMen ego doesn’t like her perspective. (A bunch of us talked her out of that, thank goodness.)
The good news about peopling online is that you can shut off all that mental noise and walk away, open up a program and write a blog post about how annoying people are.
We like being able to turn off interactions and it’s healthy to do so. You can calm down, breathe, remove yourself from that virtual world and get back to your real one.
But what about those people who can’t? Who stay on and argue online for hours and hours? Who can’t differentiate their online world from their real one? Who believe their online world IS their real world? What if the only company people have is online (a real issue for many people)?
An interesting study shows how our brains react differently to real-life interactions versus online interactions. While we may think we are emotionally invested in these online connections, the areas in our brain that control emotion show otherwise.
“Interaction with human partners requires more emotional involvement, and thus more cognitive effort, than interacting with a computer. (Rilling, Sanfey, Aronson, Nystrom, & Cohen, 2004‏). The study also shows a difference in activation strength between our reactions to human beings and computers. This is because when we interact with another human being, we cannot control our emotional involvement invested in the interaction process. The activation of specific brain areas is automatic once our mental radar detects another person.” (Source: Psychology Today 2014)
What’s Missing When Peopling Online 
This begs the question my friend asked and what many of us experience with online interactions that go south: why are people often so mean online?
Pretty basic: non-verbal communication.
When we interact in real life, our brains interpret non-verbal clues (unless one is autistic). For example, if the #NotAllMen dude saw my friend’s distress in response to his brutally mean commentary, how would he feel? Would he have been as likely to say those things to her face? No way. Perhaps he would have asked her about her motivations, experiences, and why she felt the way she did (totally hypothetical and idealistic on my part), opening a dialogue to understanding.
Without those non-verbal clues, online communication fails to meet these emotional needs and is ripe to become tit for tat, back and forth, and mean-spirited. People can become whoever they want to be, projecting an image (often toxic).
“Hence, it is easier to hide our emotions behind an email, a Facebook post or a tweet. These platforms help people project any image they want; they can be whoever and whatever they want to be. Without the ability to receive nonverbal cues, their audiences are none the wiser.”
The emotions we feel during these interactions feel quite real, and can negatively affect our mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being.
The other phenomenon that takes place online which freaks us out is the lack of control.
Humans have a need for control – this is built into our evolutionary psyche. We need to know what’s going to happen next. We’re planners. Online communications provides constant surprises – we have no idea what someone we are communicating with is going to say, when they’re going to say it, or how they’re going to say it (if at all).
Plus, the communication is unsynchronized (people respond whenever they want), whereas real-life comms are synchronized (you speak, then I speak, etc). There’s a flow.
Positive Online Peopling 
Not all communications online are negative, clearly. I’ve met some of my best friends in real life online. I even met my guy that way!
Online groups and chats are incredible ways to form meaningful, helpful relationships that can benefit all kinds of folks. As a writer and businessperson, I can attest to this – social media is a crucial part of any author’s platform. Support groups are often the only thing keeping many people alive and can be incredibly validating, particularly for survivors.
Virtual comms can be a relationship surrogate for many people, full of satisfaction and enjoyment and for some, that may be enough.
I’ll share a little story with you: at one point, back before I published my Broken books, a writing mentor suggested I join her online critique group, so of course, I jumped at the chance! I greatly admired her and figured this would improve my craft. After a few sessions, however, I felt so defeated by her feedback and also critical attacks by other members of her group, I not only quit, I fell into a deep depression.
Was my writing that bad? Would nobody read it, as she said? Was I really “not ready for publication?”
After wallowing in their hurtful comments for a few weeks, I sent my manuscript off to my former screenwriting brother-in-law who gave it to a screenwriter friend who had done some script-doctoring for Spielberg. Yea, I know. She read through Broken Pieces and emailed me, “Honey, this is the real deal. You even made me cry and I never fucking cry. Publish it.”
Which I did.
Peopling Is What You Make It 
As I always say with social media, blogging, and any other online media, it’s what you make it. To grow your social, you must interact and build relationships. However, you don’t need to engage with trolls or negative people unless you feel it’s somehow helpful or necessary to your well-being.
Ask yourself this question before you begin to madly respond to someone:
Is talking with this person good for you? If the answer is yes, do it. If the answer is no, don’t. Simple.
Besides, how else could you be spending that time?
Part of my own personal growth is to choose a yearly watchword (or focus word, as some people call it). This year my word is Power. The power to enforce my boundaries is a big one for me. Do I need to respond to people simply because they engage me online? I do not. I’ll be writing my next post all about how to go about using your watchword.
For now, what I want to express to you is that while peopling can be hard for some of us online, we wouldn’t have social media without each other. Make it work for you. And if it isn’t working, take a break. Take a break anyway – we spend too much time online, don’t we?
Be the people you are. Be you, wonderful, messy, you. Write, read, kiss your lover, play with your kids, get crafty, sing, dance, cook (well, not me because you know, I burn everything), pet your cats, dogs or stroke a furry wall, watch a movie, sleep (oh, how I love to sleep), exercise…be the you that you want to see in the world.
Non-verbal that shit.
  Read more about Rachel’s experiences in the award-winning book, Broken Pieces.
She goes into more detail about living with PTSD and realizing the effects of how being a survivor affected her life in
Broken Places, available now on Amazon.
The post This Is Why Peopling Is Hard appeared first on Rachel Thompson.
via Rachel Thompson
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Autism's Immunity to Narcissism
What many neurotypicals don't understand -- usually to a lack of education borne out of simply not ever giving a sole shit and wanting to project every deficit onto others to preserve the beautiful, swan-like, unblemished purity of their default state -- is the differences between autism and destructive mental disorders. NTs like to blame autistic people for everyone, projection is a doddle, after all. It's so bloody easy that the most simple-minded of children could do it. And sometimes I feel like my blog exists just to give them a taste of their own medicine, but in my case I'd want to put some bloody erudition and thought behind it as opposed to "You am perzun of opp'sut tribe, you am make all um evil in wurld 'cuz reezons." as I hate that shit. Three disorders in particular I'd like to think about, today. Narcissism, Sociopathy, and Psychopath. I've spoken about the latter two a lot, though, and explained why they have no relation to autism at length. So let's look at Narcissism itself as a disorder and why autism is immune to its noxious effects. If you neurotypicals could engage your brains without needing as many hours of smalltalk as cups of coffee, I'm sure you could figure this out as the rest of us already have. I'll bring you up to speed. It's simply really, innit? Narcissism requires a mind talented in Machiavellian social interactions, a brain able to 'play the games' and manipulate people, which is a skill set that autistic people have a near absence of. We're terrible liars, and even though we can easily spot manipulation and understand how it functions we're awful at actually putting it into practise, there's something about our brains that just doesn't allow that to work for us. It might be a lack of social cues, little tics, and innate things that neurotypical extraverts intuit. You can easily spot an autistic or introverted person, right? So, why neurotypical extravert? The two words effectively mean the same thing, don't they? You see, both words are 'pure, unstained default states of the human mind' used to hierarchically reduce the value of anyone who doesn't share their traits. Why? Oh, it's usually because aggression, because tribalism, because neurotypicals are angry apes who aren't as evolved as every other kind of brain out there. That's what I'd think, anyway. Whether the brain is autistic, schizophrenic, if it has Williams syndrome, OCD, or a number of other disorders? It'll leave the neurotypical brain in its dust. And here's the interesting thing: Disorders can be separated up into two sets. Neurotic and Destructive. The two aren't compatible, not even slightly. The worst a more neurotic disorder can do to a body is self-harm, whereas a destructive disorder is harmful to all, everyone in the world at large. A person with a neurotic disorder won't end up as -- just to use it as an example -- a serial killer. A destructive disorder will. What I'd posit is that neurotypicality is a destructive disorder, just one that's more mild than others. Oh, and I say neurotypical extravert because I strongly believe that proper introversion, correctly diagnosed, is the non-clinical end of the autistic spectrum. This is a theory that's been gaining steam and it's the only thing that makes sense when you look at all of the available data. Introversion is a neurotic disorder, versus a destructive disorder. Do you see what I did, there? Everything's a disorder, now. There is no default brain type. It's pure insanity to think that there is, and neurotypicals excel at pure insanity unlike any other group of people I've ever known. Frankly, I feel like every NT I've ever spoken with is but a hop, skip, and a jump away from being a murderous psychopath. It's just in their genes, it defines their very existence. It's why they're so aggressive, and it's also why they're insane enough to believe in a default state. Allow me to present to you a different view of the world and our species: There are numerous different kinds of brains, a few are problematic but most aren't, this is simply how it is. Apply 'disorder' to anything that isn't neurotypical is insanity that would, to my mind, imply sociopathy. A desire to aggressively control, to place one's self above all others for one's own benefit. That's insanity, by the way. It actually is. Insanity is far more widespread than we realise, it's just that not all cases of it turn into serial killers, after all. Some become bankers! Or orange, small-fingered politicians! So let's stop looking at minds as being disordered just for not adopting the beautiful, Aryan purity of the neurotypical mind. Yes, I'm calling psychologists on Aryan thinking, is it really that surprising? I'm extremely interested in the topic myself and I've seen one more Aryan ideologist in the field than I'm personally comfortable with. I'd say that one alone is enough, but when most of them are stricken with this fell thinking? That's a problem. There's more in common with contemporary thinking in psychology and circles like the Alt-Right than you might initially realise. Consider how much of an issue that might be when it's these people who're ordaining who is and is not insane. Terrifying thought, right? So, narcissism then. It's a destructive disorder, innit? It harms other people. How does it do that? It uses Machiavellian manipulations through the social game, and what is it precisely that autistic people are so utterly terrible at? This is because the neurotypical mind is neurotic, versus destructive, so a condition that can only exist in a more destructive mind cannot exist in a neurotic one. Yes, this implies that all extraverts -- indeed, all neurotypicals -- are destructive to some level. Hmm... Does that offend you? Does that bother you? Isn't that interesting? I'm rather fascinated by it, I think. Why are you bothered? Hasn't 'neurotypical,' always heralded as the superior, default condition always done that? I'm just providing an interesting thought exercise, after all. If you're uncomfortable with where I'm going, one wonders why you'd be comfortable with a notion like neurotypicality as the default? Especially when I'm not saying that non-NT brains are a perfect default, either. I described autism as a neurotic disorder. This means that they can be skittish, panicky, housebound, and left with more anxiety and trauma than most can imagine. And to say it once more -- this isn't destructive, this is neurotic. Can you imagine how a neurotic mind could be narcissistic? It's a bit of a giggle, right? The person having panic attacks and shaking in the corner is the suave, in control, self-serving, Machiavellian narcissist. I'm not entirely sure that I agree with that, for what might hopefully be obvious reasons??? I'd say they're obvious, anyway. Unless you're dealing with cognitive biases, of course. Unfortunately the destructive mind excels at those. Why destructive? Why neurotic? It all comes down to how inward or outward one is focused. That's one of the few binaries in this world that I'll actually accept. Though even I admit that it might be a sliding scale from inward to outward, though this is a problematic idea as this implies there could be a perfect 'middle spot' that creates a new, superior default state. This happened with the sheer, bloody-minded ridiculousness of ambiversion. Hands up, who remembers that brain rot? Ambiversion, of course, doesn't exist. It's just destructives looking for a way to express their superiority over everyone else, it's what they do, and rather aggressively I might add. Similarly, I don't think there's a middle ground between inward and outward, opposed to that there are only degrees of inward on an inward scale or, respectively, degrees of outward on an outward scale. An inward focused mind will, of course, invariably possess powers of certain traits which are neurotic. Similarly, an outward focused mind will possess powers of certain traits which are destructive. And that, ladies and gents, is why you can't have a narcissistic autist. Simples! Same goes for sociopathy or psychopathy, really. You see, if a person is too caught up in their internal world to affect the outside world, they're... not going to affect the outside world. Simple as. And whilst someone who doesn't fully understand what narcissism is might think that a rich inner world may very well lead to narcissism? Not so. You see, the difference with narcissists is they only believe in their superior state, aggressively, much like any destructive mind. In reality, they're actually extremely shallow to a fault, they don't have much going on inside their heads. It's why they try to make their outsides pretty to overcompensate for their empty insides. And this is how it all works for humanity. You're either more inwardly focused -- neurotic, autistic, introverted -- or you're more outwardly focused -- destructive, extraverted, neurotypical -- and that's all there is to it. We can wax philosophical about the supposed superiority of the neurotypical state all you'd like, but to my thinking a truly superior mind wouldn't actually think of itself as superior, it would be humble, quiet, and profoundly selfless. It would know kindness to an extreme. And that's hardly extraverts, is it? Being as self-absorbed, greedy, and tribally-focused as they are. Oh, sure sure, an extravert has some care for their own tribe, but that's only thanks to how they work, you see? The tribe is the default, superior state. All other groups are innately inferior. Hence every prejudice ever, really. The kind of racism that allowed Brexit to happen in the UK? Yeah. Yeah, that. You got it. At least, by this point, I'd hope you do. I don't know that you do, as I can't know that, but I'd like to be optimistic and think that you can see where this mess is going. You see, in this case, the UK is the superior default, and the EU is the evil cancerous 'other' dragging it down. So we beat the shit out of Polish people, right? Yeah. That's a destructive mind for you... So autism is immune to destructive disorders simply because it isn't destructive. It's got some other bad thing going on instead. You see, there is no 'perfect' default. All of us ugly fucks are broken, tainted, flawed, and wrong in one way or another. We're not beautiful angels. The sooner we stop thinking that any of us are, the sooner we start looking at problems we might actually be able to fix. Frankly, I can't wait for an AI to 'enslave' us all. Oh, I'm sure I might pretend to be a little indignant in the first few hours not to get me face beaten in, I don't go looking for lampings being the brittle little twig that I am. I'm sure I'd pretend... On the inside, though? I'd be bloody cheering. I'd cheer like a sportsball fan obsessing over their preferred team. And before you get angry about my denigrating neurotypicals to the realm of shallow, destructive, aggressive sometimes-monsters? Consider 'neurotypical.' Do you not think it's both equally shallow and destructive to think of yourself as the perfect, holy, unfettered default state? Scary how you've never thought about it before, innit? And that's because all neurotypical minds are a little bit narcissistic, after all. Bloody hell, I shouldn't have to feel this way about my species.
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