#which is also on this blog. bc it has existed that long. lmao.
lamphous · 6 months
can't say I ever paid much attention to it, but now that I work at a place pretty famously named after the guy (and have a handy copy of that fucking stephen king book), I was aware that this year was the 60th anniversary of kennedy's assassination
and I also knew by virtue of being me that it is the anniversary of doctor who. and that they're the same week. and it's also the 60th. and I just realized that wait... that means they came out near each other then, right? so then I (again, being me) went to wikipedia and
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lacefuneral · 1 year
hi reddit. here are some tips.
i will be putting these below a "readmore" - which is the first lesson. on desktop there is a button for this. on mobile you type :readmore: followed by a linebreak. it is considered common ettique to shorten your long posts in this way.
by the way, are you reblogging a long post that isn't under a readmore? tag that as #long post so users can blacklist it and not have to scroll for five years.
(weird gaps in bullet points due to character limits lmao)
Title. Icon. Banner. blog description. (look around if you need an idea for what to put in your blog description.) Blogs without this information (ESPECIALLY the no icon + no title combo) gets you blocked immediately. This is because tumblr has always had a severe bot problem. Just grab a meme from your camera roll or a picture of a character you like from google.
also, because most users have their pronouns in their bio, it is expected that you will look there to check before addressing them, out of courtesy. don't just default to "they" - only do that if a person's pronoun's are unclear or if the pronouns listed ARE "they."
Disable public likes. the like button is for personal bookmarking. very often, people will like posts they have not read yet, so that they can read them later. a person's likes is not always reflective of their stances, and if your likes are public, people may use them against you in an argument. think of your likes as your browser history. tumblr users value privacy in this instance.
unrelated to the above point: likes are also used to show compassion for a user going through a tough time, or to say "hey, i thought this joke you made was funny." this use of likes is more for friend-to-friend communication.
Disable anything in your settings that is algorithmic including seeing posts based on other people's likes (one, because algorithms exist to make you mad and two, as part of respecting privacy)
set "following" to appear before "for you" (and overall avoid "for you")
Snooze Tumblr Live (sorry. you have to do this once a week bc tumblr sucks.)
Open your askbox so people can communicate with you. Decide if you want to allow anonymous asks and/or public DMs.
Enable the desktop version of your blog. This makes it so that when you use a computer and go to [yourusername].tumblr.com you can have a website with HTML and CSS. tumblr has tried very hard to kill blog personalization but you can find many helpful users posting in the tags, as well as pre-made themes you can install. tumblr users are the ones making the bulk of neocities websites, and in general tend to be friendly in redirecting you to resources.
enabling your desktop blog also allows you to insert links and do very basic editing (like inserting line breaks) in your blog description (we call "bio") which translates to the mobile version of your theme. you have to do this in the editor for the desktop on a computer. also, editing your theme on mobile (like changing color, font) will undo your HTML. your best bet is to edit your mobile theme first and THEN do the HTML/link stuff on a computer. i know it sounds a bit convoluted but you'll figure it out. (this website is made of duct tape)
also while you are on desktop: download xkit rewritten. it won't work on mobile but it gives you a lot of helpful features. also consider installing ublock origin if you haven't already, because tumblr will sometimes add annoying widgets to their website and that tool will allow you to block them. i also use "palettes for tumblr" to customize my dashboard color. tumblr DOES have built-in dashboard themes but i do not like them personally.
pinned posts. you can pin any post you make or reblog. some people use this to pin a funny meme, and other people use the pinned post as an extended bio (or otherwise an alternative to it). a tumblr post made on desktop can hold up to 30 images (the limit is 10 on mobile.) you can also embed links, a video, and even audio. you can change text color, have bullet points, and increase font size. as such, you can express yourself much more in a pinned post than in your mobile blog description. a typical pinned post may include information about the user, a link to an external website (like a carrd, neocities, or linktree), and sometimes an image or two. tumblr allows you to disable reblogs for a post, so most pinned posts are set this way so it just stays on a user's blog.
DNIs (also called "BYF"). not everyone uses them, and they can be divisive. it stands for "Do Not Interact" - and is a boundary set to keep people away. this may include age (example: "minors DNI"), political opinions (example: "prolifers DNI"), and sometimes deeply niche online discourse. DNIs are also sometimes a joke (example: "DNI if you like tuna salad"). there is actually a meme where someone will write a post with a very long, unreasonable DNI and users will count how many apply to them.
If you would upvote a post on reddit, you would reblog it here. If you see something and you think it is cool, you think it is funny, or you think it is helpful, reblog it. Some users have sideblogs (you can have infinite sideblogs attached to your main account) to organize all of the posts they reblog. Others simply use a tagging system for organizational purposes (and so users can blacklist ("filter") those tags in their settings if they don't want to see the post). For example, if I followed a user for Star Trek, but they also posted a lot of Star Wars, I might add "#star wars" to my list of filters. This way, I am only seeing the Star Trek posts. Tumblr's default way of handling this is to display a box that says "this post contains #Star Wars" and you can choose whether or not to open it. on desktop with xkit rewritten, you can have it hide those boxes entirely. please use filters. your sanity will thank you.
In a reblog, Organizational Tags are for /you./ I see a lot of confusion about this from new users. If you reblog someone else's post and add 500 tags..... it's not going to get picked up in tumblr search. You're not going to get any sort of exposure. Because it is not your post. Those tags are only for /you/ - if you want to find the post again.
tags are also used for commentary. most tumblr users do /not/ talk in post replies or in the comments of a reblog. most of them talk in tags. tags have a character limit so these messages are broken up in fragments. tumblr uses a comma (,) to make a new tag, so users often use either no punctuation or a period (.) or a hyphen (-) to break up thoughts. two apostrophes ('') are used instead of quotation marks (because they dont work in tags). this is also where "tumblr writing style" comes from. we all began to write in lowercase and use punctuation in. a weird way. like. for emphasis. there is also the Tumblr Comma, a special unicode character that resembles a comma and works in tags when copy+pasted or put there with a keyboard shortcut. but this is often not used. here it is: ‚
also here's an example of tags. you will notice that commentary goes before organizational: #GOD DHSHSKDDJDL #i cannot BELIEVE i forgot about this. what the fuck #star trek #spock
when leaving tags, most users talk to themselves. but please remember that tags can be seen by anyone, including the original poster. in general, it is discouraged to traumadump or be rude.
"prev tags" (which tumblr staff is trying their damnest to erase sadly) is when a user reblogs a post from another user and tags it simply ''prev'' or ''prev tags" (meaning "i agree with the previous user's tags"). sometimes it's because a thoughtful observation was made, but usually it's a way of saying "hey! that was a funny joke!" without putting the user on blast by screenshotting the tags. it's most common between friends and mutuals (users following each other). i would say it is equivalent to users whispering to each other and giggling rather than getting up on a table and shouting. "prev tag chain" is when users reblog "prev tags" "prev prev tags" - and so on. however, sadly, tumblr has removed the feature of moving backwards in a reblog chain on desktop. i have not updated my app and refuse to, so i so not know if it is gone on mobile as well, but it probably is. EDIT: the browser extension Xkit Rewritten has an option now, in "tweaks" called "restore links to individual posts in post header." it should be the first option. prev tags, on desktop at least, is saved!
screenshotting someone elses tags and adding the image in a reblog is known as "passing peer review." it is, however, considered to be Greatly Annoying to accompany those tags with unnecessary commentary (ex: "these tags pass peer review!" "WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE THIS IN THE TAGS" "LMAAOO THIS IS SO FUNNYYY"). the tags can stand on their own. the only instance in which this is different is during a serious discussion, when you want to build off of another user's perspective. in which case, you address them as normal. some people credit taggers, some people don't. crediting tends to occur in discussions.
when making an original post, do not use irrelevant tags for Exposure. this is Greatly Hated by the userbase and is also against the TOS. you will get blocked at best, reported or yelled at at worst. only add relevant tags, and do not go overboard.
reposting other people's artwork is highly discouraged and is considered the Highest Offense. if you do any sort of reposting, you should credit and link to a creator directly. however, tumblr loves reposted videos, especially ones from tiktok. there are entire accounts dedicated to posting those.
sideblogs! it is possible to have multiple blogs under one email address. tumblr treats these blogs as proxies of your main blog. this means that sending someone an ask/commenting in the replies of a post will always appear with the name of your main blog, your likes will appear with the name of your main blog, and that if you follow someone you will appear on their followers list as your main blog (so you may be mutuals with someone and not even know it because their sideblog interacts with you, but isn't on your follower's list... because their main blog is listed there instead.) however, DMs DO appear as the sideblog name. you cannot swap your main blog with your sideblog. and right now, there is a bug where deleting a sideblog will delete your entire tumblr account so. don't do that lol. anyway, the amount of sideblogs you can make is literally infinite and i think there's just a Daily Limit of creating 10 of them or something. some users make a sideblog for each interest they have. others have no sideblogs and reblog everything to main. and then you have people like me that do both. somehow. some users will make sideblogs to hoard URLs. also sorry i'm just introducing this now, but that is what our usernames are called. because when tumblr was more desktop-oriented, every blog was literally a Personal Website. so ya. we call them "URLs." anyway, if someone wants to hang onto a URL for later, they might save it on an empty blog. this usually pisses people off. a "canon URL" is when someone has a URL that is like One Word or a Company Name or a Fictional character. hypothetical examples: "ketchup" "burgerking" "lukeskywalker." these are highly rare, coveted, and you look cool as hell if you have one.
tumblr's /\/SFW policy (/\/ is an N. i've censored it.) is best described as ???. posts that are safe for work get marked as /\/SFW and hardcore p0rn somehow persists. in general, be very wary of posting even artistic nvdity (even though it is supposedly permitted.) never deliberately mark your own posts as Mature. this is essentially like walking directly into a bear trap and waving a big sign at tumblr staff saying "hey! make it so people can't find my blog and i'm far more likely to get banned!" also do not tag posts with "/\/SFW." too many of those will get your entire blog marked as mature (which makes your posts pretty much invisible to other users.) tumblr users used /\/SFT (/\/ot safe for tumblr) for a long time, but staff caught on. there is now no consensus and people use their own personal tags for it. just pick something and people will catch on and blacklist it if need be. (btw you CAN type whatever you want on this website. i am only censoring in the hopes that this will allow my post to appear in the tags. this isn't tiktok lol)
while it is possible to disable reblogs on a post, this is a very RECENT addition and most users forget it exists. as such, please use common sense. if someone has written a post about, say, how sad they are feeling because they got in a fight with their family... that's not a good post to reblog. a like would be better here, like a pat on the back.
we LOVE polls. we love them. they are like sports to us. most of them are popularity polls - who is the better character? but people also use polls for, say, making bug emojis "race" each other. or "lets build a cake." other people use polls to write poetry, or learn about regional differences, or even to draw a pen!s. if you tag a poll as "poll" it will most likely be seen and voted in, because users look in the tag to find buttons to click.
there is unfortunately a T3RF (this one censored specifically to protect my notifs lmao. 3 is E) presence here. report, block, ignore, move on. common courtesy for users to inform each other if one is accidentally reblogged from. it also helps to blacklist tags related to them to avoid them. use shinigam! eyes browser extension on desktop.
there is NO equivalent to reddit awards on this website. as the userbase hates the staff, it is considered blasphemous to spend your money on checkmarks, etc. - buying them as a gift for another user is seen as a hostile act. it's like receiving a "kick-me" sign. once owned, badges cannot be deleted. thankfully, tumblr now allows you to disable checkmarks and other badges from appearing publically. that said, some users also give checkmarks unironically to show appreciation??? and others buy checks for themselves???? so yeah. tumblr doesnt actually have a verification system - these exist to mock twitter and to make a quick buck.
tumblr blaze. essentially, tumblr has a system in place to showcase user posts instead of advertisements sometimes. this is done by the user paying money. the higher the amount, the more impressions. tumblr users can now also blaze OTHER PEOPLE'S POSTS. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BLAZE DISABLED!!! blazing another person's post (without asking first) is seen as a hostile act. why? because most blazed posts result in rude comments from strangers who are annoyed to see the post on their dashboard. unless it's like, a cute picture of a cat. or something genuinely helpful. boosting your soundcloud or a selfie or a rant about fandom does not typically garner positive responses. you can blaze just like. watch out. and also always ask the OP if you want to blaze someone else's post. (there is a reason this feature is called "blaze pvp")
tumblr merch is also frowned upon, as tumblr staff steals ideas from the userbase and profits off of them without financially compensating or crediting the users. there was a meme on here, "vanilla extract", that tumblr turned into water bottles while the person who made the meme was having to fundraise to survive :(
umm i think thats it for now. but like if you have questions feel free to launch them into The Void with some tags and users are pretty quick to help out! hopefully i covered some stuff that other ppl haven't
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curufiin · 27 days
Plz tell me more things about your Elves I crave parallels like mineral
i had to get a good night’s sleep before i answered this ask and now i’m awake so. >:) here we go
SO. THE ELVES. it’s time for more fanon dissection and what not except it’ll read way less clearly than my last elf analysis post 😔😔
it’s just very interesting to me that kit and elton’s dynamic of who’s the more composed and (whatever other word my vocab has been reduced to shreds) changes in the ring, whereas if you juxtapose that with fanon c+c, their attitudes follow them into combat.
fanon celegorm tends to be portrayed as more energetic, ‘dominant’ if you will (i got an ask on my old blog that was like ‘who’s the real leader between them’ and it was super fun to analyze but alas :( idk if i can find it now but anyway), and generally he’s like. the guy who does things. he killed a whole army of orcs, he was the one who spoke out against finrod first, he started the second kinslaying. and especially in tense or combat situations, i feel like he gets portrayed as like… pretty feral LMAO almost bloodthirsty even!
and that is absolutely a fair interpretation because in an early draft of Silm, Finrod didn’t exist and Celegorm took his role. and since Finrod’s death at Sauron’s werewolf is like… uncharacteristically violent (you’re telling me the son of ‘oh i don’t want to go to beleriand anymore’, known for being kind and gentle and loves wandering and generally tries to be a good person. is capable of killing a werewolf by his bare hands? nah i don’t believe you), it makes a LOT more sense when you remember that was supposed to be Celegorm. aka trained under god of hunting, has a dog, and is probably strong enough to break your spine— of course he could rip at a werewolf with his teeth. it checks out.
whereas curufin, despite the fact the shibboleth of feanor says he “alone showed in some degree the same temper and talents”, in fics tend to be the colder and more calculated between them, almost like they’re a brain and brawn duo where curvo is the brain (not my favorite take bc i think celegorm can also be absolutely vicious when it comes to plots but it works LOL). he’s also like. the most evil of the seven bros? to the point hwere jirt had to tone him down bc he felt like c+c was too much of a villain and so he wrote the scene between curvo and eol. there was a note in the lays of beleriand (i think) where it says that “it was curufin who put evil into celegorm’s heart” and i think that’s SO INTERESTING
also, in the usurping of nargothrond and the kidnapping of luthien which is where c+c most prominently features, we get a lot of this dynamic of celegorm speaking first and curufin speaking second. in published silm after celegorm finishes his tirade, curufin speaks “more softly but with no less power”, and instead of talking about oh if you steal the silmaril we’ll kill you, he actually conjures images of terrible wars and the destruction of nargothrond.
and in the lay of leithian, when c+c go out to hunt and meet luthien, curufin is literally Completely in control it’s actually kind of scary. he is the one to suggest that they go to ride out and hunt so they can kill some of sauron’s wolves, but also secretly find out if finrod is alive or dead. specifically these two words from the lay “Celegorm listened.” Drives me absolutely NUTS and it completely changes the question of like. who really holds power between them!! okay anyway
they meet luthien and they learn finrod is dead, and curufin (not celegorm unlike canon silm!!) falls in love with luthien. but the way his falling in love is described feels a little. idk. wrong?
“Long did Curufin look and stare. / The perfume of her flower-twined hair, / her lissom limbs, her elvish face, / smote to his heart, and in that place /enchained he stood.”
it almost sounds like he was spelled rather than just fell in love because this is exactly what happened to thingol. but that’s another thing for later
so celegorm chats up luthien for a bit and then the next line says
“To Celegorm said Curufin / apart and low:”
TO CELEGORM!! SAID CURUFIN!!!!!!! i know some people aren’t that into curufin’s fanon portrayal as this scheming manipulative asshole but like… that’s literally what he does!!! AHH!!
hopefully this still makes sense LMFAO god i love talking about these two. i think having them reflect kit and elton’s in ring dynamic would also be Super interesting though because there’s got to be Something that can make curufin snap to the point where he can only see blood (hint hint there is and i might write it)
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darker-overlord · 1 year
My OCs from different fandoms!
thank u @kindan-no-kanojo for the tag i'm about to be INSUFFERABLE for one full post <3
i wasn't the type to make ocs until last year so it's like 20% actual old ocs and 80% unintroduced dl charas :D it's my personal acc anyway someone HAS to see them before i go insane (they have lore drops tho so just look at the pretty pictures if u don't wanna know (?))
(also using the dividers on the oc blog i'm too lazy to find a cute one >:D)
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Diabolik Lovers OC/s (introduced)
Komori Kayo x2 (human and fiend)
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we have the babygrills of the blog, kayo and edgy kayo. jk but for ocs i only made like? january of this year i have spent WAY too much time thinking about and drawing them. hunter came first and the loser meowmeow drenched in milk pathetic loser one came after actually :p
i can go on and on about how i designed her appearance in specific but that's for another day :D just know that her blue/yellow color palette is literally a forget-me-not, and hunter's red/yellow color palette is a forget-me-not drenched in blood :D
hunter kayo's "species" is actually called a fiend (a term i just stole from csm LMAO) which is a very rare set of humans that are able to successfully be transplanted with a demonic organ. yes, yui is technically a fiend too in this case.
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mother <3
in terms of power levels, she's karlheinz on steroids (bc their powers have the same origin but u didn't hear that from me) but she's on another level of psychopathic. was she a demon before she was banished, or did god make her a demon? who knows.
kayo, seiji, and yui's relationship closely mirrors lilith, god, and eve's relationship.
Cecilia Lune
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like spring, gone too soon. all that's left are the ashes she left behind.
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Jumpscare warning: G*nshin Imp*ct OCs
i censored it bc i can't believe my first ocs were for THIS GAME...
i have a love-hate relationship with the game don't mind <3 i still think back to these three fondly and i'll talk about their lore for a bit cause this is probably the only time they'll see the light of day.
the two sisters are inazuman-mondstadter(?) in blood, but in nationality they're both inazuman, and their visions have inazuman casing. however, maya lives in fontaine and miya lives in sumeru.
Mikoshi Maya (Wandering Princess)
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players complaining about too many sweet girls? here's another one!
from the last name, maya is a descendant of mikoshi nagamasa, the human son of the oni chiyo that served the raiden shogun. that part of her backstory doesn't matter to her as much as it matters to her older sister.
maya's a spoiled and lazy child of one of richest businesswomen of fontaine, and she's also a huge hermit. but she has the power to dream of the future, and it always involves someone needing help. even though she's spoiled, she's very kind in nature, so even as a hermit she often travels to help those she finds in her dreams. she's a dancer and has a very pretty appearance so 'wandering princess' is the title she got from traveling the other nations.
ironically, her nickname in fontaine is actually the rumored hermit, from her tendencies to almost never show up. people see her so little some are convinced that she doesn't actually exist.
her future dreams come into play in an interlude quest.
Mikoshi Miya (Transient Swordsman)
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mommy. her name's miya bc i wanted it to match with maya
on the surface, she's a kshahrewar graduate who specializes in mechanics, and she specifically works on machines that can bridge the gap between vision holders and non-vision holders. she's pretty relaxed and sisterly, but at first she seems almost drawn in on herself.
in her past, she was trained as a swordsman by her father, a mikoshi himself. she was considered the greatest prodigy for her time, and she was 'destined for great things'. this was for a specific job that would need way too long to explain but related to this job is the fact that they're a bit of a problem for the fatui. this, and her mother's relationship to the fatui, culminated in someone attempting to subdue her mother with a very special fire made from delusions. however, they mistimed the mission, and instead caught a young miya and her father in the crossfire, which lead to her father's death and miya's hatred for the fatui and for visions.
no matter how much people told her that she was a once in a lifetime swordsman, and how her skill was almost completely unmatched, miya gave up swordsmanship. her skill never saved her father.
miya is intelligent, and always liked making gadgets (her first creation was a mechanical train set at the age of seven), so she instead focused her efforts on helping non-vision holders, including herself, by studying at the akademiya.
miya only gets her electro vision in her story quest, where she confronts her father's killer. she also decides to take up a sword again because of the quest :D
Irina (Witch of Thorns)
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mother. that's my name yes but it kind of fits her. i go by yna anyway so i don't really see myself in her JFKJFSD if miya's past seems like a lot this woman has a whole document just about her lore......
to summarize, she's actually gold/rhinedottir's "accidental" creation, something too long to talk about but trust me on this. she's her first child in that regard, and rhine actually tried to raise her like a regular daughter.
they got separated in the cataclysm and irina ended up in mondstadt, which lead to her considering herself a mondstadter. fatui shenanigans happen with dottore and she changes her original appearance to become the witch of thorns, a witch specializing in an artificial flower with medicinal properties. she changes appearances every other decade and pretends she's the daughter of the last witch of thorns, all the way to the present.
miya and maya are her very real daughters though. maya resembles her true appearance more, while miya resembles how she was when she was younger.
(i also have two men who work under irina, yuuya and a runaway adeptus but their lore is like wayyy shorter than the three and these gi ocs are already taking up way too much of the post...)
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Diabolik Lovers OCs (unintroduced)
HUGE LORE DUMP AHEAD.................... bc i need to vomit it out
Lunar Clan
the descendants of lilith's eldest, nyx.
while all demons are descendants of lilith, there is one uninterrupted line of daughters that are genetically clones of lilith herself. while their appearances do have variation, they all one defining trait: pure white hair. in my lore, white hair is a trait impossible to have if you're a pure founder. the only founders to naturally have this hair color are these clones, who are called lilith's avatars. makes you wonder how carla has white hair, though not purely white. doesn't that make him special?
there can only be one avatar born from a previous one in every generation, and any other child ends up as a regular founder. back then, this line of daughters were the royal family of the founder clan, then known as the lunar kingdom when all kingdoms were comprised of founders rather than the subspecies that arose from evolution.
they were overthrown in an event known as the fall of lunacy, a coup d'état arranged by the final queen, scylla's adviser. despite being overthrown, their connection to lilith and scylla's own sacrifices continued to keep them in an important noble position. their estate is located the closest to lilith's tomb, lilith's resting place, a garden of forget-me-nots the size of a town.
another special trait of the avatars is the ability to control and summon butterfly familiars, all with a unique appearance. they can also take up the butterfly's form.
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all avatars are assigned epithets at one point in their lives. in their time as royal family, they were usually assigned their titles post-mortem, but afterwards their epithets tend to be assigned some time within their lives.
in order of appearance and birth.
Lilith ; Queen of the Night ; Lilith herself wasn't technically part of the Lunar Clan, as it only began upon the establishment of the Lunar Kingdom, long after her supposed death. Still, she was given the epithet due to her reign on Old Eden, characterized by her absolute control over all territories, like the all-encompassing embrace of night.
Queen Nyx ; Lunacy's Founder, the founder of the Lunar Kingdom and the first to take on the last name Lune. Lilith's eldest.
Queen Raikou ; The Silent Queen, the longest-reigning queen, second to only Lilith herself, ruling for 700 years compared to an average of 100 years. Her rule was characterized by its stability, though quickly overturned when the event known as the War of the Fallen occurred.
Queen Scylla ; The Children's Princess, the shortest-reigning queen, Raikou's daughter, and the final ruler of the Lunatic Dynasty. Becoming queen at a young age after her mother's death, she followed her adviser's ill-meaning advice due to the widespread famine in neighboring kingdoms, earning the peoples' ire and contributing to the successful coup d'état. That adviser's family became the reigning royal family up until Giesbach.
Zarya and Krone Lune ; The Dawn and the Dusk, a pair of identical twins. They are the first and only case of two avatars being born in one generation. Due to magic being the focus of the Demon World, Zarya's interest in medicine and biology was seen as a disgrace, especially compared to her twin sister, who excelled in magic and swordsmanship. Zarya was later exiled from the kingdom, though was reluctantly brought back upon the beginning of the spread of Endzeit. She managed to quell the disease's spread all the way until her disappearance, just before the War of Prophecy occurred, which trapped all Founders within the Pandemonium and allowed Endzeit to spread rampantly.
Cecilia Lune ; The Spring Bloom ; Zarya's daughter, the end to the line of avatars. Founders' eyes don't reflect light, and merely glow. Cecilia's eyes sparkled like stars. Hated, then loved by the people, who grieved her death for centuries.
She was known as the human among demons.
extra fact: the divider icon is the lunar clan's family emblem:3 it used to represent the lunar kingdom as a whole, but upon the fall of the dynasty it became associated with the former royal family instead.
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anyway that's all this has gotten very long <3 thank you again for the tag ;w;
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dearest covey,
how is life by the sea treating you? i hope the salty air and wet sand are making you feel at home.
no, but in all seriousness, i love the new blog! this must have taken so long to make! the idea is so cute, too, the vibes are immaculate. I feel like i'm actually at the seaside.
i know i haven't sent a letter in for a while, and i'm sorry, it's just been a super hectic week. i went to visit my grandparents this weekend, and they don't have internet at their cottage, so i wasn't able to access tumblr, but i did manage to finish an essay that has been stressing me out this past week, and i'm really proud of it! in othwe news, i went thrifting on friday, and found the CUTEST white maxi skirt, plus some pretty pajama shorts with blue flowers. i also got some makeup from the mall, including some nice blush/highlighter, and some lip oil. my little brother (5th grade) came third place in a district-wide chess tournament, which makes me a little worried about him getting bullied, but i'm still proud of him lol. seriously, though, that kid is scary smart. he's definitely the favourite child. (joking, I hope). do you have siblings? i have two younger ones, my brother and my sister, and while they can be a pain in the butt and hog the nintendo switch, i'd still die for them any day.
i'm thinking about converting the radio station to a flower shop, if only because there's better inspiration pics on pinterest and i'm not extroverted enough to be a dj lol.
that's all i really have to say, but I hope you life has been good recently!
love from way up in canada, flora. 💐
to my best girl flora,
the salty air is amazing, but compares nothing to sitting in your flower shop with you by my side!!
(squealing- we're so cutesy, you and i!)
no worries about the time between letters. i'll always wait for all of you!! i actually spent my weekend by the beach but i had the worst goddamn cell service like fr not a single bar in sight- pissing me off lmao. congrats on finishing that essay tho!! i FINALLY found time to talk to my ap gov teacher and she was a massive help with my FRQ4 (essay answer, basically) bc ya girl was STRUGGLING. also, i loveeeee when i have a good thrift. i found the cutest tank top the other day but it's been too gloomy to wear as of late.
also, about your brother, TELL HIM CONGRATS FOR ME!! my school is kinda strange bc we're also having chess competitions rn but they are actually hyped up more than football games. everyone who competes is actually so cool and well loved, so just let him know that cool people play chess too!!
i've got an older sister who's pretty cool. but...tbh, i think in every single other universe, im the older sister (lemme explain-). she's got really bad anxiety so my parents have always kinda babied her and there have never really been any expectations put on her, so they were all kinda put on me. i've gotten really good at lying to take the blame for things that she did bc her anxiety and mental issues would just make my parents reaction worse so i just take the blame bc she's my sister. of course im gonna look out for her, ya know??? she also went through a weird phase of wishing i didn't exist to my face when i was like eight BUT she's gone to therapy and apologize for that so we good!! i truly do love her but i know im her protector, not the other way around!! which is chill, ya know!
ANYWAYS MOVING ON FROM THE KINDA TRUAMA DUMP- i think a floral shop would be so so cute!! and while i LOVE the dj theme, i think it's kinda hard but the floral shop will be so much easier and wayyy easier to find pics for too!!
all my love from da beach,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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lavendershazy · 1 year
rambly tlou thoughts
so ik this isn't like. totally a fandom blog idk if anyone will see this or if it'll vanish whatever but oh well
it has hit me, in no small part bc I had to explain to one of my roommates who was watching w/ me pieces of frank figuring bill out in ep 3 leading up to them getting together (and vice versa) (but mostly said roommate literally jumped in his seat at the kiss bc he didn't see it coming, it was hilarious. but anyway. I been thinking about them A Lot) the stellar tv version tlou hbo gave us kept them poised so much more as equals in a relationship than so much media ever does, tv, movies, etc.
(not that tlou has ever really not gone for that for its main relationships but that's a whole other post; for a while joel's a shot-caller, but he's not the only one involved, ellie, tess, tommy, etc hold their own, so on. again, anyway.)
but even to the end they made for the show - that choice starts w the premise that frank's illness has progressed too far for him and taken too much of his functioning ability; this time, he's the one prepped for facing the end, albeit via a rather charming plan. it's bill, who had never wanted friends or visiting bums, but had gotten caught up in attachment, in being seen, loved, loving, whose immediate reaction is to resist, refuse to help with the suicide, in the hope of finding eventual medical help, even if that hadn't existed before the pandemic.
but as they do, at least in this version, they even out and come to something like a middle - which, very amusingly to me (and yes, frank, very romantically), has bill evaluate the couple of things that mean basically anything to him, and decide that if frank's gonna go out, he's gotten a long enough life to make it both of them. and I know their reasons are different but it's genuinely very funny to me that frank is so taken aback when bill also drinks the wine like. when has this man of yours done anything by halves, sir? mister whole ass electric fence town with his I was never afraid before you showed up and you were just gonna leave earth in his arms and he was gonna be chill about it? sure. right. no, my man, he was gonna tell the people he begrudgingly thinks are decent or better to do their best to keep kicking ass n then follow you wherever God declares lmao. as with 9/10 other moments featuring y'all, it features y'all being stubborn af, which is exactly how you made it to old age in a panini in the first place. history rhymes all over.
(so cheers to that too 🍷 - cause whatever timeline we're in, you know the gays are gonna be stubborn.)
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lemonhemlock · 6 months
i have to say, you guys are relentless, i only need to post one helaemond-related ask and it inevitably brings all the boys to the yard :))
don't get me wrong, i enjoyed reading your takes & i'm posting them under the cut for anyone who wants to read such rants, but, at this point, with so little content, i feel like there's not really a lot more i can personally add to fandom critique that i haven't already said (discourse and metas anyone can find if they go through my designated tag).
so i hope you won't feel offended & this is 100% a helaemond blog but i am going to pause the shipping wars topic for the time being unless something fresh hits our port or we get some kind of news / additional content (maybe like scripts? would love to see those!)
it's been more than a year since the season ended and we've made all the arguments we could possibly make, but we can't control if there are users who still rehash the same three talking points over and over
Anonymous asked: The kids theory was always a long shot and to be fair, their paternity doesn't really matter for the ship to happen. Helaemond can still have romantic feelings to each other without the kids being his, but like you said, if the ship doesn't get confirmed as canon antis and Aemondwives will all be like "We told you so!!! You were all delusional and you should've stopped shipping it!!!!"...okay? It still doesn't change the fact the writers most likely played with the possibility. Setting up potential storylines and not picking them up in a later season is something that has always been happening in TV especially when the team behind the show changes in between seasons like it happened with hotd this time (maybe those who speculated that Sapochnik came up with the idea of Helaemond were right?). Idk how many chances the ships still has if the leaks about B&C being at the end of episode 1 or in episode 2 are real (I doubt there can be a romance after the event), but whatever happens people won't stop shipping it. Non-canon pairings have always been a thing in fandoms and sometimes they may even be more popular than canon ones. It's still baffling to me how hated this ship has become in the fandom though.
Anonymous asked: it feels very obvious because a lot of these fans won’t bring the same “it’s non-canon/made up/etc” vibe to something like Aegond or Daemond, but they will to Helaemond bc they fear it might actually happen in canon. Which, if it does, has nothing to do with the shippers and comes from the writers 😭
Anonymous asked: Some antis are now making up crap about Helaemond shippers hating on Ewan. One of them even made a list and they were listed as his top haters (they also included TB stans and L*cemond shippers but...Alicent and Aegon stans for some reasons as well lmao) while another one claimed Helaemonds are currently bashing Ewan by generally making fun of him and of his looks because of the ship not happening???? I don't know whose comments made them angry but I've yet to see one Helaemond bullying and actually hating on him. Not saying nasty H shippers don't exist but why claim all of them are doing something like this when it clearly isn't the case? At most I've seen people making fun of some of the things he says in interviews but this is not hate. People are allowed to joke.
lmao, people lightheartedly joshing around and pointing out some cringe statements is not hate, dictionaries exist!
Anonymous asked: The funniest thing about the crowing reaction all of the Ewan-obsessed twitter fans had to this supposed leak is when it comes to what canonical "confirmation" Helaemond shippers as a whole most often discussed it was a type of courtly love; probably unconsummated feelings between the two. The kids theory was a niche fun fanon theory mainly used for fics and headcanons, and most people who are still participating in this fandom had little to no "expectation" that we would see that on the show. Funny to point out that expectation isn't even the correct word to use here, as Helaemonds by and large were completely fine with no type of canonical confirmation, and were mainly excited for any Aemond and Helaena interactions we may get in the new season. It's a non-canon ship, people are drawn to all of the potentials they personally see in this dynamic, and how it can be explored in fan content. Shippers like this very rarely care about canonicity - not to say they wouldn't welcome it of course on the off chance it happened, but that is not a priority of their engagement in fandom.
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hi, i’m getting into the community side of tumblr (i’ve been a fan of the show for a while but im only just now following community blogs) and i just followed your page! i saw your ao3 and your trobed fics, which im definitely gonna be reading, but i also saw your daredevil ones and!!!!! omg!!!! i can’t believe you’re the same account!!! i love those fics so much and i can’t believe you’re the same person!!! :D i love the way you portray him, it’s very relatable, 10/10!!!!
anyway, i saw that you wanted fic prompts and idk, this is kinda specific, but have you watched psych? it’s another 2000s sitcom, and if you wanted to write a crossover i think it’d be so good. i just think shawn and gus’ friendship is really similar to troy and abed’s relationship bc they’re all silly4silly and unconditionally supportive and also soulmates :3. (i do interpret shawn and gus platonically tho, but that’s just personal opinion) (also psych is somewhat copaganda tho, so there is that :/ )
if you did want to write this, tho you totally have zero obligation, i think it could go something like: the santa barbara police have a suspect flee to colorado and pursue them/shawn and gus take a case about a missing person or something (star burns??), and shawn and gus maybe go under cover at greendale? i think they’d fit in pretty well, but shawn would definitely fuck w jeff’s ego lol. i think troy and abed would think shawn and gus were super cool, but i think that at some point abed maybe realizes shawn isn’t psychic? i don’t think he’d say anything about it tho, just sort of keep quiet about it bc it’s more fun to pretend and go w it. but things can go from there!
and if you haven’t watched it you can disregard the previous two paragraphs😅
something else that would be just community would be a collective queer awakening for the study group! like, trobed happens, and something about it makes annie realize she’s a lesbian, and talks to shirley about it. shirley is like “everyone has those (gay) thoughts about women, you just need to pray about it” and annie points out that no, she’s been informed that not everyone has those thoughts, and asks if prayer has ever worked? and shirley realizes that no, it hasn’t, and annie and shirley go on that adventure together. and jeff and britta act as queer mentors, bc they’re both practically bisexuals (and dating?). at some point i think shirley would apologize to the dean for some of the things she’s said about him, he forgives her, and they go to brunch. eventually, jeff joins them and they have a nice little weekly brunch thing where they gossip :). this is all happening while troy and abed are being soulmates, and maybe shirley gets past some internalized homophobia by seeing them so happy and realizing there’s nothing wrong w them. maybe annie does, too, bc she wants to be that happy/also realizes that there’s nothing wrong w her for liking women,, etc. but trobed heal the study group. and maybe pierce either doesn’t exist, has a different personality and is supportive, or is kicked out for being homophobic
anyway this is extremely long, but i just wanna say that i love your work!!! whatever you write will be great, even if you don’t write anything!! <3 <3
First of all, welcome to the Community tumblr! The blogs here are lovely!!!
Second, oh my god??? Thank you so so much!!!!!!!! aaaaa, that's so sweet!!! I have a Daredevil fic I still need to finish and this might just motivate me to finish it. I absolutely love writing Matt and projecting onto him lmao!!!! Thank you <3 and I hope you like the trobed fics too!!! Those two consume my brain 24/7
I've never watched Psych so I don't think I can write a crossover fic anytime soon. But I will keep the other idea in mind! Writing everything and everyone to be queer is always the best, and we can just pretend Pierce doesn't exist.
And genuinely thank you so so much!!! It means so much to me to that you like my writing and I think I might have to go cry about it (in a positive way like happy tears). Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! 💕💕💕
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icharchivist · 2 years
In reference to the opinions re-blog, can you share one such opinion for GBF? Or just any fandom you have a tickle for.
I guess it's my heated "obviously it doesn't matter but i'm heated about it" opinions about gbf are like
... under cut because eventually i got heated (at least you can be sure i am serious about those "stupid things that gets me heated despite knowing it's stupid" lmao)
-GBVS only people who constantly ignores the mobage or act like it doesn't exist, even if it's because they genuinely don't know, gets on my nerves. Similarly recent people who went "i can't wait for relink because i don't want to touch the mobage" please don't. This also extends to people who spams my recommended with "lol granblue sucks it doesn't even have rollbacks" i wish you a very "never get rollbacks if you don't get out from my lawn."
-Seeds of Redemption wasn't THAT BAD everyone is just mean. It wasn't even bad and the vitriol against it when it came out has always puzzled me. Also lowkey holding Nehan and Mugen in my arms like "if you only bitched about SoR don't look at them" which is the pettiest i can get.
-Also the argument against SoR that Seofon is "too manipulative and heartless in it" gets on my nerve like, i've never read him as being heartless, and, "too manipulative"?? my dude how long ago is the last time you read the Eternal recruitment quest, this is Seofon alright. Are you woobifying him.
-Enyo is fine, let a girl be murderous once in a while. this one is weirdly petty bc i've first heard of Enyo when she joined the pool and i was seeing people get VERY upset in gbf en's mentions to the point of insulting them, and i was so confused about it. Then i could gather, from also friends who disliked her, that it was because "she was mean and cruel and wants to kill us and also she was awfully mean to Athena" and i was just "..... and? We all want to fuck Belial here what's the problem?" and i've been an Enyo apologist ever since. well. "apologist" in the sense "let a girl have fun even if this fun is murder, you don't complain when Belial does the same". So i'm weirdly defensive of Enyo despite the fact otherwise i couldn't care less because i do find Athena a bit boring DLKJFDKLF
-It's fine that an event isn't exploring more about the angels. Really. It's fine. If you only come back when there's angels content and ignore everything else perhaps it's a you problem when you get upset the angels content isn't that good
-Bitching every Autumn about the 4kishi getting an event is getting old, "others saga deserves spotlight!!" yeah but it's the oldest running saga leave them be it's just a tradition at this point
That's the things that comes to my mind at least, which is just that basically i am pretty chill until i start to see bad takes too much that i start to be defensive out of things i wouldn't have defended out of pure spite.
But i also recognize those are pretty inconsequential
(very different from getting angry about what i sometimes see about Ladiva or Cags which really put me in a rightful anger that i don't think is THAT inconsequential, tho that does goes back to my point 1) of i really wish gbvs only people to stop discussing whenever Ladiva and Cags are good or bad rep when they then get to answer to clarification by "oh my bad i don't know the game" then don't discuss about whenever they're good or not. I'm specifically vaguing someone who said Cags was bad rep because she was evil which had mobage fans going hey what the fuck you on.)
tho on "inconsequential topics that makes me heated regardless" in any fandom tends to be linked to any conversation about redemption arcs (but ESPECIALLY in slice of life stories) and conversation about true siblings dynamic. On the later i know it's because i have perhaps more serious biases, but you can be sure that generally if i see a post about whenever or not a chara deserves a redemption arc or if we should "accept" their redemption, or whenever i see posts about how "those siblings are unrealistic because they love each other" or "the big sibling doesn't behave like a big sibling" i want to throw tables at people's face and i think we should admire my incredible self control for generally just taking it quietly.
But like those people are generally joking around when they talk about those things so i don't want to be a killjoy either but also i'm just "kill kill maim kill" in my head when those happen. Duality of man ect.
Redemption talks generally annoys the hell out of me because framing an entire character on whenever the apology is acceptable with the situation bores the hell out of me. Genuinely the most boring way to approach a character ever. Like i could be saying something more in depth about how it's reductive of the narrative and frame the entire value of getting better on the person hurt and the apology rather than taking in the personal journey of someone who has to grow with the guilt of their actions, but, i'll just be brief and say i find the way people talk about it boring as hell. (which by the way i will NEVER forgive Zuko from atla for being the only basis of “acceptable redemption arc” for people out there. His arc was great but he’s not the only arc possible and everytime you bring him up as being the only valid redemption arc and directly compare one saying it’s bad in comparaison i hate Zuko a little bit more everyday. Which fucking sucks because i started off loving Zuko, people are just annoying.)
In another fandom i was in (1, 2, 3 moment before the people who still follow me from the fandom goes "i fucking knew Icha would bring it up") one of my fav character was also the most controversial one because he kidnapped MC in a fits of misdirected revenge against someone he cared about but had a misunderstanding with that made him think he ruined his life, so he basically blackmailed him until he realized he was hurting the only person he had left to care about and is now having to struggle with the guilt of his actions while being forcefully adopted in the found family of the person he kidnapped, to whom he ends up becoming extremely soft with despite this guilt toward what he had done to them when he lashed out from trauma, despite trying to distance himself from them because of his guilt.
And so, i love this character to bits, but going into his tags was impossible because of the fact people refuse to accept that he's trying to be better, and constantly throws back his crimes to his face and all of that, and every single time i freeze like "dude, he's done the absolute bare minimum to be a temporary antagonist, it could have been worse. in gbf where i'm from, there's a character who did all of that AND started an apocalypse AND tortured people AND tried to torture your bestie and he's the most popular character of the franchise". Because i dare you, nonny, to reread what i just wrote about my fav from this franchise and not see the exact same way to describe Sandalphon especially in the first wmtsb event.
I was throwing fits WEEKLY about how "oh you guys would not survive ONE MINUTE in gbf.". Now for the sake of "i don't like being angry", at least i don't pay it any mind anymore (my amazing trap cards of "i'm never going in the tags" and "i only seek contents from Japanese fanartists because at least if they have bad takes i can't read them unless i force myself to"), but all of this to say this is probably the last straw of a chara i kept hearing "he didn't even have a proper redemption arc" that annoyed me over the edge. he didn't have one TO YOU. To me tho i'm kissing him on the mouth.
MOVING ON, Genuinely tho i hold gbf in such high esteem for this specific reason, i was fucking tired of hearing the most boring arguments ever to shit on a character because they decide their redemption is not good enough (bc they're not wallowing in misery enough i guess?), that it made me appreciate how much nobody gives a shit about that in the gbf fandom. We stan so many murderers and we just say it's sexy and we move on and i find it soooo sexy.
For siblings stuff in general i'm just genuinely pissed off by the general idea that there is a "one shoe fits it all" of sibling dynamics and especially when it bashes others ones in media. On this one it's a bit more personal because i have such a weird relationship with my siblings that everytime i see those takes i just get angry. It can be argued that therefore it's not completely 'inconsequential" but sometimes i just get angry for no reasons too about how "wow you guys are sO boring of not being able to make JOKES over anything else than your comfort zone of this bubble of normalicy you impose on everyone, do you.". Like man talk about the death of creativity because you refuse to accept something doesn't follow the Only Trope You Ever Considered Realistic To You And No One Else.
Once again i never really saw it in gbf due to the fact we don't specifically have major siblings pair in focus in stories? like there's a few and sometimes they fall more into the bickering side anyway but people barely talk about them so i'm at peace. But you can be sure this would end up firing me up.
and on general topics i just don't care for woobification of characters who did commit crimes. I feel like it's an overcompensation because when people say some characters don't deserve redemption they always highlight the bad things they've done, and so, people, instead of realizing it means your outline for redemption is bad and you should feel bad, they interpret it as "then we have to prove the bad things weren't so bad". And no!!! the bad things were bad!!! regardless of the reasons reframe them but don't change that fact. It doesn't make them less good of characters or less worthy of redemption. That's what happened recently over a discussion over Seox on my blog where i was getting heated on the idea of saying he did nothing wrong. What a waste of a good character to say he did nothing wrong just because you can recognize that the circumstances were out of his control. Those aren't mutually exclusive. You can still do bad things and still fundamentally deserves to grow from it, and you can be pushed into making those bad things for good reasons but that doesn't make them less bad, it just means you have a better change to heal from it.
Basically i love fucksup characters who did so much wrongs and intends to do better, and the bigger the wrong the more involved i am, so genuinely the two takes of either they're unredeemable or they are a sweet angel that did nothing wrong don't sit right with me at all.
so this is a good extensive list of stuff that gets easily on my nerves on fandom spaces that, technically, doesn't matter, but is it going to stop me from having it ruining my day? who knows!
So i did get heated and i want to formally apologize if there's any of those points that rings toward anyone, as in, at the end of the day, people have fun in their own way and it's not my intention to police how anyone does it. I'm perfectly aware those are stupid enough like that, so as long as it's not like, something that's thrown in my askbox or something, you do you.
But since you asked..... salutes.
Here you go!
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Spooky Month Mans (bc i have in fact not shown him off)
You WILL look upon my OC, his description is fairly old btw,, but im w a y too lazy to look back and see if I need to re-edit shit but i cant believe i havent,, actually posted his description bc it was,, no where on my blog
but here,, take- take my poor pathetic meow meow of a man
TW: Smoking mentions
| Name: Fredrick Myers
| Nicknames: Fred or Freddy (you can call him Felix too)
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/They)
| Age: N/A but he is an adult (I gotta look up some stuff before I give him a proper age, bc uh if i do it wrong then it’ll conflict with shit)
| Height: 5’7”
| Hair Color: Black (his hair is short, messy and p spiky tbh)
| Eye Color: Dark Brown
| Occupation: Just works where he can tbh, lives in an apartment just on the outskirts of the town.
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s extremely pale but that’s because he doesn’t get out much tbh and he’s overall kinda skinny ngl
| Appearance: His main outfit is a black hoodie that definitely looks worn out, there’s lot of sewn places (those used to be holes) he’s tried to mostly find black material to match the hoodie but because he doesn’t have many clothes he’s settled for anything so long as he could repair the hoodie, he wears black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees and finally he wears black  boots (he calls them combat boots but they REALLY aren’t
…just let him live out the fantasy ok?) even the boots look pretty scuffed up though tbh, he usually keeps the hood up over his head (bc it’s cold but he also doesn’t,, wanna attract any attention to himself) the last piece of clothing is his binder they usually keep on …They TRY not to wear it constantly but oofy…
They don’t have any scars (they can’t afford any kinda top surgery or nothing like that …Yet) the only notable thing I can say aside from clothing-wise of course is he has some stubble and he has really dark circles under their eyes he looks REALLY tired, so uh yeah other than that nothing really special about him, no claws, no sharp teeth, etc- just a normal looking dude!
| Personality: He’s p much shy, usually considered a loner and even antisocial but that’s really not true, he’s just really anxious and gets nervous around others real easily, he keeps to himself as BEST as they can physically manage which is why they usually lurk around, never one to get involved in anything even if invited by someone.
Loves a good movie and some cheese n crackers, his favorite genre is usually sci-fi or just fantasy movies in general, sometimes a cheesy rom-com or two tbh, overall they are just an average dude tryna live their life, tryna make it in the world… There’s genuinely NOTHING special about him, they just exist and that’s it ya know? They got no interesting backstory either really-
I mean sure bad parents and a lil bit of trauma in those regards but in the end that's probs just me projecting …A G A I N lmao
The ONE bad habit I can say he has is he’s a smoker, like he doesn’t smoke EVERY single day I suppose but it’s not a good habit for him to gain (basically what I’m tryna say is that he needs a healthier outlet for his anxiety)
| Side Facts: I’m so not used to making just normal ass characters but I think I’m managing so far gfhjkdfgjd so uh I won’t deny? Fredrick is kinda poor tbh, like they’re still managing to feed themselves and keep their apartment but that’s about the extent, they can’t really treat themselves to much, and sometimes he’ll dumpster dive for things he could use
(ya gotta do what ya gotta do) so it’s uh definitely no wonder he looks constantly tired and even borderline stressed, having to make sure to keep up with the rent money n such, making sure he keeps himself healthy food n water wise, etc- it’s stressful trying to keep up with that, keeping up with work, etc
They’ve heard the rumors about the town nearby (which is why they kinda moved near it but not fully into it), they figured maybe just maybe one day they’ll get some excitement in their life, even if it could be a bit …okay a great deal of danger, it’d be something INTERESTING ya know? But uh, Freddy isn’t gonna go outta their way for something, they just kinda… Hope he’ll get lucky and it’ll come to them instead even though it’s not likely, Fred’s just bored because it’s really just the same things over and over again, never nothing new or exciting happens …But maybe just maybe, one day… All that will change :)
Freddy’s pass time, I wasn’t lying when i said they enjoy cheese n crackers and a good movie, that’s usually what he does in his freetime, they watch random movies they got and just eat some of that- another random fact- Fred seems like they’d be a horror movie guy but he’s actually never fucking watched a horror movie in his life (god if somethin spooky does happen they’d have no idea what to do or how to deal with it fgjkljhfkgdfl they don’t know the basic rules to survival in horror situations!) I’m not saying he’d HATE horror movies, it's literally just they haven’t watched any. They’d probably genuinely love horror movies if they ever got the chance to snag one.
Just an average dude, living his life the best he can, tryna make it on their own, nothing special, they just… Exist.
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malyen0retsev · 2 years
Question tag game :D
I was tagged by @ne8ula thank u thank u!!!
Name: Sarah
Star Sign: Taurus
Height: 5ft 8in (lol) (tall genes)
Time: Just past midnight
Birthday: 25th April *insert Miss Congeniality quote here*
Favourite bands/artists: Biffy Clyro and Baby Queen
Last Movie: The Incredibles with my cousin and IT REMAINS GOD TIER
Last Show: Paper Girls (plz everyone go watch thanks xo)
When did I create this blog: Dude idek, I’ve been on Tumblr since 2011 in some shape or form, maybe this blog has existed since 2013? But either way FAR TOO LONG
What I post: Multifandom sets from people far more talented than me, and text shitposts which for some reason go viral lmao
Last Thing I Googled: "Can fish get asthma” (this was my dad’s fault, do not ask)
Other blogs: Zero, I waste enough time here hehe
Do I get asks: Yes but I swear 70% of them are trolls and send the same ask to about 9 of us at the same time
Following: 238
Average hours of sleep: 8-10 hours, I cannot function on no sleep
Instruments: Piano, guitar, and I used to play the violin but I’m ngl I hated it and then I broke my left arm which made it physically painful to play lol
What I’m wearing: Canterbury sports shorts and the Bash Croft ‘Queer Was Always Here’ dinosaur t-shirt, which is comfy and iconic
Dream job: Author I am making it happen this year I swear, and also a Literature Professor which I am on track to making happen bc doing a PhD lol
Dream trip: New Zealand because I miss living there so much. If it’s somewhere I haven’t been, then I really want to go to Japan and South Korea
Nationality: British, and my heritage is entirely English, Scottish, Irish and Norwegian, so how the hell I have the ability to tan is a mystery tbfh
Favourite songs: At the moment it’s Dover Beach by Baby Queen, but I will always always have a soft spot for Biblical by Biffy Clyro, every time I see that live I cry my eyes out
Last book I’ve read: Golden Boys by Phil Stamper, and I’m currently halfway through The Transgender Issue: An Argument For Justice by Shon Faye
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: Grishaverse, but being a farmer in Kerch away from all the nonsense; the Percy Jackson universe; and the Shire, bc I too have a passion for food and drink and vibing so I’d fit in with hobbit life well I think xo
I’d like to tag (but no pressure ofc!!!): @frodo-baggins @haleths @vestero @daenerys-targaryen @victoriaspriing @lovehimidont @rorylgilmore @rosesau​
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aro-wan · 2 years
Hi!! Just saw your blog and wanted to say that no, if I remember correctly, he never explicitly stated his sexuality. I always hc that he is attracted to pretty and talented people lmao, bc Blaine was both pretty and talented, and I always took the little playful head nod to Rachel in the “I want u back” deleted scene as another, pretty and talented people is what he likes sorta deal. But again, there wasn’t any explicit confirmation so I think it’s safe to hc whatever. Hope that helps!
Hi!! I didn't think he came out and said it either. I've been thinking about how the framing shows that Seb is all about sex and living while he's young (yes, that was on purpose) and how that doesn't really give us a lot about his character. I also think it's kinda funny how this is supposed to be "bad" when Seb does it but not when Noah does it (which is an entirely different kind of bad since he's a minor or barely an adult getting with much older women but I digress).
Anyway! I've been thinking about how Seb could be one of three things. (1) Seb could be bi/pan/(another of similar theme) as you point out. This could also be noticed in the "sexual tension" between Santana and Sebastian in "Smooth Criminal", which I think can exist even if they both swing opposite ways because acting and getting into the song are things. (2) Seb is "gold star gay" and doesn't use SAM and is into men. (3) Seb does use SAM and identifies as aromantic as well as either of the above options.
As someone who is aroace and doesn't really see how monogamy is supposed to work long term, I think Seb could easily fall into the aro umbrella, especially with the way he is written in a lot of fics. Aromantics experience little to no romantic attraction, and the way I've found him in a lot of fics is where he has only experienced this attraction towards Blaine, which is nice as a trope of sorts, but I feel like it fails Seb on a level to not address this. Does he not date anyone else because he isn't attracted to them and doesn't see the point in a relationship with them? Does he try dating but feel like it's just a friendship with more work that isn't fulfilling enough to keep up? Does he try dating but feel guilty/bad that the other is more "into" or feeling "more" about him than he them?
[When I tried my two brief relationships, I felt guilty because they were a lot more "into" me than I them. I don't experience romantic attraction, so I don't really know how someone would feel about only feeling these feelings for one person. This is my extrapolation.]
Anywho, thank you for responding! <3
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pannyexpress · 1 month
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So they actually know nothing of each other at this point lmao partly due to the fact they aren’t technically supposed to exist simultaneously and also bc they’re both the type to have little interest in traveling outside of their region lol (Anemone is a Hoenn girlie if you couldn’t tell from her being a Draconid)
Technically in the verses where Anemone is brought to the future Mahina assumably wouldn’t exist as-is though I have actually created an excuse for them to exist simultaneously which is that Anemone wasn’t brought to her own timelines future but rather was brought forward to a parallel future of a timeline where she did die which I thought would be a fun and funky use of the whole Ultra Space/Multiverse stuff that was being thrown around at the time I had that idea lol
I’m not sure if I’ll ever have them meet but if you’re curious about how they’d get along… they so similar it’s almost hard to imagine. I think they’d find each other pleasant company if only because they’re both used to more extreme personalities (-side eyes a Zinnia Anemone used to interact with when she was an active rp blog- lol)
Although they share a soul they’ve both grown and become their own people so if they sensed anything about each other it might be the link they have to legendaries but even then they’re also both the type to go ‘well that’s none of my business’ as long as there isn’t an active emergency. Though if there was an emergency they both would be among the first to jump into action. Anemone doesn’t have much battling experience but I do think there would be enough synergy between the two that they could both jump into separate actions without getting in the others way and even able to provide support.
After everything that’s happened so far in their own journeys and lives I don’t think finding out about someone else who shares their soul existing at the same time as them is enough to shake their worldviews at this point and I don’t think they particularly care about going out of their way to meet them. To Anemone it’s the natural way of things and she’s glad to know life truly continues but acknowledges that her reincarnation is still her own person and leaves it at that. Plus she’s more interested in learning more about her tribe and family’s direct descendants. For Mahina it’s obviously confusing to think about someone from the distant past in the present who is also you in a way but it also feels like a very distant concern and despite how it may seem not a direct concern for her. She has no plans to relocate for a prior life and doesn’t think it would be fair to uproot someone from the only home they know and there wouldn’t really be any other reason to meet her.
As high strung and overly willing to take responsibility as the two usually are, in this area they both seem strangely lax and more than willing to let each other pass as ships in the night lol
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crushed-starlight · 4 months
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ok so . yknow how the main original point of this blog was for me to rant about my feelings for meadow? and then i slowly realized that this might not be the healthiest thing to pursue? WELL IT GOT WORSE.
over the winter break p much everyone went home to wherever they lived before uni. during that time, meadow hung out with their 2 friends from before and very quickly and chaotically fell in love with one of them ,, we'll call him wells 2, the sequel to wells in terms of people that meadow has liked that aren't me !!
over winter they got ,, very intimate very fast (it didn't help that wells 2 had just gotten out of a pretty long term relationship lmao) and i got to hear all about it in excruciating detail from meadow .. it was at some point around this time that i decided i desperately needed to stop crushing on them. i decided to just will it out of existence bc i was so tired of the pining and it had become painfully obvious that my feelings weren't reciprocated and i didn't feel like getting the hanahaki any worse.
thinking back on meadow as a person i noticed a lot of stuff that didn't occur to me originally because of the Big Feelings,, i also talked it over with fish and jiji (separately) which helped me realize what was going on a lot better. so here's some Things About Meadow that i Do Not Like !!
they rushed so fast into commitment with wells 2 in a way that i don't think i'd be comfortable with even if it were me..
there were ,, multiple omens. i'm not super spiritual anymore but i do believe in signs from the world and there were a few that i missed, specifically in terms of fictional parallels that showed up in really convenient times, like the world was trying to warn me by showing me mistakes that i could've made. those came in the form of felix love and lucy gray baird, the latter of which meadow literally introduced me to (we saw her movie together, i heavily related to her and meadow didn't like her for all the same reasons)
they don't match my energy !! they make me nervous !! even if it's in a lighthearted way, their teasing of my interests and stims and everything makes it harder to unmask (which i've been trying rly hard to learn) and ultimately makes me even more tired after spending a day with them
doesn't like snowball fights !! reddest flag i've ever seen
basically, meadow likes me, but he doesn't understand me. this'll sound self-obsessed, but my overall energetic optimistic outward personality is basically a product of coping strategies and adhd. i need someone who understands that, and values it as much as i do, if not more. meadow sees what's happening, i've explained it, but i don't think they have the capacity to fully understand since they cope so differently from me
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in other news, chipi. i know he's into me, but the flirting died down a lot over the past few months...................... until it didn't !! over winter break, we spent tons of time on call with an online friend of mine ,, we'll call him cala. i did a little doodle of my roommates as weezer last night since i shared a reel of a different friend group doing the same thing, and chipi started asking which one he was because he 'wanted to know how i perceive him', so naturally i recreated the reel in post-it note sketch form. well literally just now as i was writing this post, i checked discord to double check cala's pronouns and saw that chipi had made the doodle his profile picture ............. wHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION ??????
i'm not attracted to him, and i really don't want to lead him on. i literally sent him a valentines meme that said 'i LIKE you. as a friend ONLY' like i have been so so obvious about it and yet he persists.. i CAN'T date him , for one we're roommates so a breakup could get really ugly, and also there's about a million red flags. i think he feels understood by me in a way he hasn't experienced much before, which i don't want to take away !!
i haven't actively told him to stop flirting with me, since honestly i do like the attention. it's a huge confidence boost to know i'm even capable of being desired in this way.. he's so funny and likes me so much that it's really easy and so entertaining to spend time with him, plus i get flustered super easily and i know he enjoys it too, but i'm scared to accidentally lead him on because i know first hand how much that hurts, even when it's made abundantly clear. hell, i just watched it happen with myself and meadow, but now i'm on the other side.
i think i just need to trust him to look after his own emotional health through his crush on me, just like i did with meadow, and i hope that at the end of it we can still be friends!! i should probably tell cala about all this, since he's witnessed most of it first hand and is super understanding about every other emotional thing i've brought up so far. shit's wild over here
in other news i sang karaoke with odie and he's so cool if he weren't dating jiji i'd definitely be in love with him by now lmao
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ok i think that's everything !! sorry i was gone for so long, i can't promise i'll stay but i hope these updates can be entertaining for someone :)
TL;DR for anyone following my lore ,, i needed to will my crush on meadow out of existence and just as i was doing that, chipi caught even bigger feelings for me and idk what to do about it lmao
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elaichoi · 11 months
tw: bit of discussion on mental health [diagnoses]; talks of depression/major depressive disorder, [social] anxiety, panic disorder, mention of agoraphobia, god idek tbh im sorry
YES LOL THEY WERE ANNOYING TO DO BUT $5 GIFTCARDS N SHIT ^_^ nooo i almost never did the surveys cus i get random emails and thats annoying and they also take forever,, so i only did the ones where u have to download whatever app (usually a game) they tell u to, use it for x amt of seconds/minutes (i forget) and u go back to the app and it gives u points or whatever that u redeem for giftcards! that's how i got superimpose actually 😭 edit tutorial accs would promote their code for that app/site (i don't remember what its called im not gatekeeping i swear) bc using their code gives both u and them extra points,,, and i wanted superimpose so i gave it a try and well what do u know 🥰🥰
my mental health story is kind of long and redundant and not that exciting so i shall spare u,,, well actually i rewrote this 383299 times bc i ended up trauma dumping i think... so um basics i got depressed my freshman yr of highschool, time skip- got diagnosed w depression, generalized anxiety disorder & agoraphobia, which the agoraphobia turned to be a misdiagnosis and i went somewhere else and got rediagnosed w panic disorder. child of a generational trauma that my asian parents do not think exist🫶 i alr knew a lot (90%) of my anxiety was social anxiety but i did not receive that diagnosis until this year. i lost my panic disorder diagnosis yay! andddd also got a diagnosis for major depressive disorder which was kind of an 'ohhhh' moment for me bc a lot of times i felt like antidepressants made me a lot better i felt cured lmfao i was hardly ever depressed,, except i sometimes get depressive episodes and im still struggling w the symptoms of depression that is not depression itself...if that makes sense...those symptoms being memory issues!! quick act surprised!! focus issues, i procrastinate a lot now.... which is important bc before all of this i was a very.. is high-functioning the right term? i genuinely dk if that's a term im supposed to be using,, but basically i was like top of the class student, always on-time and organized, never procrastinated, always remembered everything, i guess kinda type A personality lmao,,,, and now i am not 😃
im probably forgetting some other key stuffs but its okie,,,,, probably irrelevant but ive always been a fairytale hopeless romantic except a dumb long-term relationship got thrown into the middle and peak of my mental health mess (who told me that was a good idea 👺) has made me v antiromantic if u will 💀💀 i girlbossed myself into thinking im wise emotionally but i honestly am v v naive and sensitive and i will be a crybaby if snri's allow me to at that moment 👍
i used to be v smart but im kinda v dumb now but im also kinda trying to get back up again bc i feel? like im slowly improving in general? idk tbh,,, idk what im doing 😁
erm im v sorry this was very mentally unseggsy of me 😗 can u tell i have no concept of oversharing im so sorry for clogging your feed, qiwis followers pls forgive 🙇‍♀️
wbu? same question u asked me on mental health n cognitive functions ^^ only if ur comfortable answering ofc!
i think u could do it if u rlly wanted to, again u talent/hobby vacuum 👺 /j maybe like for blog milestone or something would be an excuse for a one-time video edit then you wouldn't have to continue if u don't want to ? hmm
whenever i didn't have ideas i would like choose a specific edit i rlly liked and use the same audio and like ""recreate"" it (not to post, its just for me & practice purposes lol). like the editor wouldve already split the audio for transitions and stuff so you can split your audio according to the transitions in their edit and add ur own clips over top. u can try to imitate their transitions or do ur own or whatever. i like doing that to practice bc it gives me somewhere to start! idk that's what worked for me personally,, just an idea for if u ever feel up for it no pressure!!
i don't think i could get into the video editing scene again bc i would want to progress to be a good editor and be confident ab my edits but capcut makes me insecure lol bc if everybody can do it then why should i take the time to grow and progress 😗 (that makes me sound like a pick me but again.. its similar to like ai replacing real working humans yk..😭😭)
my relationship ramble thingy ^ means that i also i love angst and making myself cry 😍😍🫦🫰 crack anything is 1000% your brand ‼️
omg yea real life inspo for ur reincanation aus ☺️ ehehe BUT YAY I LOOK FORWARD TO UR REPLIES SM HAVE UR NOTIFS ON LOLL i love talking to u! <3 consentual kisses! ^_^
wait....did we get engaged and/or married here,,,,,,,, on ur nsfw acct FJDJSK😭💀
oh my god i never tried that but i think there were some apps fr that were like ah yes get this free version and then watch a few ads and get one or two watermark free edits per day. BROOO THSI BRINGS BACK SO SO SO MANY MEMORIES!! (i think i rarely did that bc i was one lazy mf also vindictive so i did what i could to work with free apps)
life really tossed you like a salad damn baby I'm sorry you had to go through all that LIKE YOU COULDN'T CATCH A BREAK oh my god bro it seems like you kinda burned out? if that makes sense? because im sure a lot of things were expected of you ( asian parents here too also BRO THEY DONT think trauma EXISTS!) im glad you're getting better bit by bit HERE'S TO GETTING EVEN BETTER IN THE UPCOMING DAYS!!! we will kick mental illness's ass together lmao!
tbh third world country so never really got diagnosed properly but like most of my time i was suffering from. depression i was gaslit into thinking I'm just being whiny and uts not depression and because of this i developed repressive emotions where NOW it's my own turn where i refuse to acknowledge any kind of shit that happened to me like theres a sense of embarrassment where i can't like outright say like yeah this, and this happened to me because I don't anyone's "pity" and some huge ass shit happened to my family which made me haha something i cant say on here but im like over that now ( lol i need to go therapist for this) but yeah OH and I get the depressive episodes because i get that too oh my god like for weeks but my best friend once gave me, like just feel the emotions and let it pass like sure it will feel like a tractor running u over but it will get over and then one day you will take that shower and brush ur hair and feel a lil better!!!!
ooh but LIKE TUMBLR video platform sucks ass but i really like the idea omg i will think it through!!!
BRO NO WAY CAUSE I DID THAT TOO BUT LIKE WITH edits lmao but you're so freaking TALENTED DO YOU KNOW THAT?! i will have to try it I think with all thr tiktok edit trends now it's become easier to do those things i actualky tried to do some of it for my friends bday and it's coming up again so ill have to try!!!
okay but even if capcut exists which I think in a way is kind of good for people who loved editing but couldn't edit bc they couldn't work with, or afford fancy softwares yk but you can't deny the polishness that alight motion or vs will give you. you can't outdo the doer 💅🏼💅🏼 so you really should give it a try!!
we're already married,, yes on nsfw kinda on theme don't you think so??
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704goomy · 1 year
sunday, 11 june 2023
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Hi, it's me again!! i'm the king of consistency...
For real though.... Maybe this is the day i can turn my life around, somewhat. If i could really stick my mind to it.
Today I woke up pretty early, early enough to do a 1 hour walk around the neighborhood (impressive for me who's lived a sedentary lifestyle for almost 5 years now). I just started back on my diet yesterday, so I think if i can keep up this, the exercise and the diet, that's kind of a leg up (real) from my usual state... (I also have ringfit adventure collecting dust because at the time, I had been obsessed with splatoon. currently i'm not anymore so yknow, maybe this is the right time to replace my gaming addiction. i've just forced myself into recovery from corekeeper)
But anyway on to the thing that made me come back here in the first place.
Somehow between the 2(is it 2?) years since I left this blog to mold, 2 miracles happened.
I got a girlfriend, long distance. Haven't met her yet. She's so cute tho. I love her. I was someone who believed myself to be aromantic, and it's the first time love happened to me. It's wonderful. It's great, even tho my life and future is all weird and I fantasize about disappearing from my parents' general conscience so I can have the life I want with her. It's the first time heartbreak happened to me too, because I discovered recently she has some form of depression (an assumption bc she says its not rly, but I kinda feel like it's something similar), and it hurt that much to know that I can't do anything to help someone I love. God. It was terrible. Like, when I was thinking about it, it hurt physically. But that's why I'm here lol, bc I realize I can't count on her to be an outlet for my entire existence while she's in such a fragile state. I really hope she feels better.
Yuutsumu. It's a ship. It's a ship that I ship like never before. What makes it so special is: its an oc ship which is pretty unprecedented in Snuby history. It's me and my girlfriends' and I think the way it happened is as magical as the actual relationship. There's so much I want to say about it, they're always in my head and I'm always thinking of what more to do with them. It might need a separate post. It might need books, novels, doujin, a game...
I think this writing thing must be relaxing because even tho I'm still kinda crying I already forgot what I was doing here lol. But yea, it's therapeutic. Up until my early uni days, I kept a diary and I think I just really liked writing in it.
But anyway, I was thinking maybe this should be a daily log of what I did during the day, what I plan to do, and how I'm feeling.
This morning I found out I was zoning out last night and threw out a caesar salad that I was looking forward to having :( Mom got me sate padang tho. So i ate that with a banana protein shake. I'm still drinking the shake. These things are kinda hefty.
But anyway. Maybe midday or evening ringfit sesh? I'm thinking I should get about 2 hours of exercise every day, so one in the morning one later. I don't know what I'll have for lunch yet, but I really want carbonara ramyun lmao. so it'll be that, and veggies in the evening.
As for my gf, I want to keep talking to her as normal and as unconditionally as I can. I hope that it can be a reminder that I still love her and think about her and I won't stop ,...
To a kinder and better world tomorrow, cheers <3
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