#who drops keys on the highway
raspberryspace · 1 year
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I had a random house key puncture my tire today while on the highway. I prayed to god to get me 4 miles to the tire shop without it blowing out. Had to stop and refill the air once. Made it safely and didn’t ride the sidewall. Good thing I have a warranty… today wasn’t great in a lot of ways.
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ozzgin · 1 month
Yandere! Bad Guy x Reader
I am currently in my Natural Born Killers nostalgia, and so I'm borrowing its vibes and bringing you this: a bad-to-the-bone, rock-and-roll attitude yandere who constantly makes you question your own morality. Featuring an old OC!
Content: gender neutral reader, violence, murder, male yandere
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He fell in love with you at first sight. A goody two shoes, quiet and obedient. Shy. Oh, terribly shy. You couldn't even meet his eyes. He knew you were the kind others would step on, take advantage of. But there was more to it, much more to uncover.
Who was it? A relative, a friend, a coworker? You know, that person holding you back, keeping you in your place. The one who'd always make you feel small and insignificant. The one who would always find something to criticize. How did it feel when you found them on the ground, bashed in and bloodied up? He was standing above the lifeless body, catching his breath, a cocky smile plastered on his face. His way of courting you.
He looked so tall in that moment, towering above your hesitant self, his gaze of a confidence and intensity you'd never known before. "Well? What are you waiting for? Get in", he said, gesturing towards a convertible he most likely stole earlier that day. What possessed you in that moment to join him without delay? Was it his charisma? Or did you know in the depth of your soul that he wouldn't take no for an answer?
You see, he's known it from the beginning. Someone like you needs someone like him. You’re a sweet little lamb lost among the wolves. The world would eat you right up if you were left by yourself. But now you have him. And he won't let his precious prey get away. Oh, dear, no. If he wants something, he gets it. And he's never wanted anything more than you.
"You didn't...even tell me your name", you sheepishly spoke up from the passenger seat, trying to keep your mind away from the crime you'd just witnessed. "Just call me Tig", he said casually with a yawn, speeding away. "Won't you be in trouble, Tig? Why would you even kill-" you tried to reason. "What kinda question is that? They treated you like shit and it pissed me off." He glanced at you with a frown, taking another drag off his cigarette. "You're mine now, so whatever happens to you is my business. Got it?" You just stared. Was that his way of asking you out?
Tig lives by his own rules, as you quickly learned from becoming his companion. Always on the run, indifferent to the world. For the most part, to your surprise, he's well-behaved. If people don't mess with him, he doesn't mess with them. Simple as that.
Anything involving you, however, sets him off terribly. Like a rabid, ferocious guard dog, he's ready to pounce on whoever approaches you the wrong way. Last week you stopped at a highway diner for coffee, and on your way back to your table, you jokingly pulled a clumsy dance move to the song playing from the speakers. Tig observed you with an amused smile, sipping from his cup. A passerby joined you, resting his arm on your waist flirtatiously. Tig's smile dropped in an instant, and next thing you knew, the whole place was splattered in blood. No one made it out.
"I didn't even finish my coffee", you whined, already used to the occasional massacre. The man hopped behind the counter and threw on a bloodied cap. "What will it be, sir/ma'am?" he pretended, dangling a takeaway cup and starting the espresso machine. "I never told you, but I used to be a barista", he declared proudly. An entirely different person from the unhinged killer you witnessed minutes ago. "What? You said you were a mechanic", you questioned with raised brows. "That's also true. I'm a jack of all trades, I suppose. You know what I'm best at, though?" He lowered himself until his forehead touched yours. "Pleasing you."
The man is romantic in his own way. He twists the key, and the engine stops. You follow him out of the car in confusion. "Why did we stop here?" He briefly lifts himself up onto the tall fence securing the bridge, and inhales deeply. "Isn't it a nice view?" he says, nodding ahead. It is a scenic sight, sure. The river slithers along the lush valley, and the setting sun gives everything a dramatic tint. "Give me your hand", he suddenly demands as he goes to grab it himself. Before you can ask for an explanation, he quickly drags a blade across your palm, and you wince in pain. He repeats the gesture with his own hand, locking his fingers with yours over the rail. You watch as fresh blood trails along your skin, eventually falling into droplets and vanishing into the river. "Now we're going to be everywhere", he remarks playfully. "Okay, but what was the point?" you insist, a little baffled.
"Isn't it obvious? Maybe this will help", he continues, procuring a ring from his pocket. "I'm saying I want to marry you, (Y/N)."
You open your mouth to answer, but he already slides it up your finger, eyes glimmering in excitement.
"You're never getting away from me, love."
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catfern · 30 days
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in support of palestine ∙ the reality of tlou ∙ resources
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pairing: trucker!abby x afab!reader
music: her - unloved
word count: 1.7k
summary: the night shift at a remote petrol station sounded like easy double pay. but nights get lonely. you've gotta find something to keep yourself entertained.
warnings: porn with a smidgen of plot, fingering, some perverted staring, tiny tiny implied age gap, australia. this is rlly just porn
fern says ⎯ THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE AUSSIES IN THE AUDIENCE MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!!! this truly is self indulgent cause i miss flirting with hot women who call me darl.
you brought this on yourself, really.
the pale blue of the bug zapper fought a contrast with the dying fluorescents, painting half the aisles in an eery, twilight movie shade. the heat of a high december night was creeping, clinging to your shitty polyester uniform as you camp out in front of the only standing fan.
you had begged for a job, pleaded for it really, in the wickedness of this economic climate. you had run, tail between your legs, from your local chain grocery at the sight of the price of an avocado, and thrown yourself at the feet of the next passing employer. like a squire to the knights of old.
you just hadn’t expected it would be this job.
the gatekeeper of one of the last vestiges of civilisation. the night shift at a deserted highway petrol station.
the flickering floodlights by the pumps fighting an uphill battle to keep the creeping night at bay, you can do nothing but stare, eyes adjusting, ‘unadjusting’, readjusting to the dark over and over again. you’d had a total of two customers since you took over from the day shift crew. one just threw a gatorade your way in exchange for the bathroom key.
the high beam headlights of an oncoming truck shake you from your fading thoughts, baking you into the linoleum tile as you squint, blind. asshole.
you’d been warned about truckers, briefly. handsy rednecks, your manager had called them in passing while giving you a tour of the storage room. desperate old fucks who crawl like dogs to anything with a hole.
you watch with an almost bated breath as the peeling yellow cabin of the long-haul truck pulls into park, your eyes following its jaunty movement through the glass of the front windows. you’re starting to think maybe you should have brought an illegal switchblade to work. if you had one.
you avert your gaze quick, grabbing at something from the magazine rack in desperate hopes to appear disinterested, unapproachable. 15 Ways to Homeschool Your Kids. sure, that works.
the bell above the door chimes, you spy the scuffed leather boots crossing the plastic tiling with heavy footfall. 
“y’got a lounge?”
standing at the counter, you have to admit, she’s not what you pictured when you saw the truck. not that what you see is at all worth of complaint.
a thin sheen of sweat clings to her, echoes of the heat of the road. her skin is flushed, the contour of her muscle sitting, almost man-made, in a thin, cotton singlet. her hair is tied tight, her features, sharp, discerning, eyeing you down. you try not to stare, too obviously, at the soft outline of her nipple piercings beneath her shirt.
“hm?” you’re distracted.
“a lounge, darl. trucker lounge?” she repeats slowly with a bite of a smirk, looking at you like you were only a little bit stupid. your stomach drops with the honey of the nickname.
your eyes dart around the small space of the shop. you barely had space for the 3 aisles and the dingy bathroom. you clear your throat, trying to shake the feeling of fascination, “oh — uh, nah.”
she scoffs, a wicked, small laugh, before retreating to browse the snack section.
you watch her, when you think she isn’t looking. small, caught glimpses in your feigned disinterest. she’s been on the road long, a tension in the broadness of her shoulders obvious as she readjusts her posture, eyeing the chips. you try bury whatever rears its head in your stomach when you hear her groan as she squats to better see the canned fruit. a roughness in her voice, lead with age and smoke.
you drop your reading material and smile, tight lipped, polite, as she approaches the counter. a cold meat pie and a ginger beer.
"and uh — pack'a rothmans, thanks, love.”
you nod, turning to wrestle with the rusting cigarette cage behind the counter, when you hear her chuckle, breathy and deep as she talks,
“y’look a little young to have kids.”
spinning back so quick you make yourself dizzy, you swipe the shitty magazine off the counter, discarded and unimportant, “nah, i… i was just bored.”
she rakes her eyes over you, slow, and you can’t help but feel the pull, magnetic, a knot in your stomach as she studies you. you feel caught in a trap, under her gaze. looking up at her, her looming presence is becoming all too real.
you slide the pack of cigarettes over the counter, trapped meeting her eye. a smile, something sly, plays on her lips as she thanks you, moving to catch a breeze of the fan.
an uncomfortable beat of silence passes between you. well, it’s uncomfortable for you. no longer able to hide behind disinterest behind glossy paper, you instead wrestle with yourself to seem at least neutrally interested, not utterly obsessed. you wring your hands behind the shelter of the till.
the woman shakes a cigarette free from the pack, holding it between the skin of her lips. “you smoke?” she’s looking at you, through the corner of her eye.
no, never.
“uh, yeah.”
you follow her out the shop, tied to her artificial shadow in the fluorescents. something is crawling in the night, when you step outside. a cicada silence echoes across the gathering dirt and dust.
she offers you the cig she had been holding, you take it gingerly, holding it in your mouth as she holds her lighter up. she brings her hand to cup the flame, to keep the absent breeze from destroying it. you feel, just slightly, the brush of her calloused palms against the low of your cheek, and you pray that the navy hue of the bug zapper is enough to hide the heat on your skin.
smoke fills your lungs, foreign and quick, an itch inside you that feels impossible. you cough and splutter to the chorus of her raspy laughter.
“you haven’t smoked a day in your life.” she says with a lopsided smile, plucking the cigarette from your hand and bringing it to her lips, taking a long, constrastly confident draw.
you shake your head in between wheezes, “is that what everyone is always going on about?”
“you’ll get used to it, here,” 
she hands it back to you, you feel obliged to take it. to try again, as she so quietly commands. your second go is met with an only slightly irritating tickle in your throat.
“that’s it, good girl,” something that seems so unsure rolls off her like syrup, something you had never known you were so desperate for. her hand finds the small of your back, her fingers dancing circles in something akin to comfort, to praise.
you look up to find her eyes already on you, tracing the contours of your neck in icy blue form.
the smell of artificial pine and day-old dust clings to her, swallows you whole as you fall victim to her touch, light-headed and weak at the knees as her breath fills your lungs.
she’s nothing if not vocal, desperation falling from her lips in tortured moans as she presses herself into the crook below your jaw, drawing your soft skin beneath her teeth, softly licking the littered aftermath, a trail down your chest.
she’s quick to undress you, pulling impatiently at the scratchy fabric of your worn company polo shirt. she’s not phased by any forgotten need for privacy, for decency. she’s only here in passing, after all.
“oh, sweetheart,”
the lace of your bra is a temptation not lost on her, a delight she so happily indulges in after days on the road. in some perverted part of her mind, you wore it for her. maybe, in some cosmic, fated way, you did.
her hands snake down your body, helping themselves to the lux of your curves as her lips press, all-consuming, against yours. her fingers lightly spreading your legs, a mean chuckle souring the kiss.
she’s not at all easy, or kind, the way she pulls you open, watches you fall apart in the brutality of her control. she touches you like she aims to destroy you, her fingers working relentlessly to the pull of your walls, unheard to your pleas to — please, slow down.
“that’s it, darling. come on,” it’s sharp, delirious and oh so pleased to hear you, a whisper tickling the dip of your chest, watching you through the blonde of her eyelashes as you throw your head back, your body rocking to the rhythm she sets.
“p-please, fuck, jesus, fuck!” if she was any meaner, she would have laughed. but god, she’s distracted. driven mad by her own dripping need.
“you wanna come, baby? yeah, yeah?” she’s slowing down, and you chase her question with a desperate, shakey nod. “yeah, you do. come here.”
she takes your hand in hers, delicate, kind, a wicked contrast. under the guidance of her touch, you grip the stiff denim of her jeans, tender, unsure, until she leads you to the heat between her legs and you nearly melt. her hand goes to fiddle with her belt, her eyes finding yours, bleary, in the haze.
“think you can help me out, sweetheart?” she nods along with you, and you’re unsure if she’s copying you, or you are her.
“yeah — i can, please, please,” you whine, your hips still rutting a lazy pace against the now stagnant force inside you. your hand pulls, impatiently, at the waistband of her cotton boxers, pulling them down to sit unceremoniously at her hips.
“fuck, good girl,” she seethes at the languid circles you draw on her clit, gentle and paced, as you chase your own euphoria on her fingers, “come on,” a whisper, hot on your neck, “i’ll go faster if you do, darlin’.”
you pick up in a daze, so compliant to the whim of her demand, so desperate to feel her calloused fingers trace the tide against your centre. rushing that feeling, wretched to have her tear you apart.
her fingers rock against you without care, wrenching every ragged moan from the cut of your throat as her speed picks up, “that’s it, fuck, you feel so good, sweetness. keep — keep going.” hoarse whispers against your chest as she presses sloppy, undone kisses to the ghosts of your ribcage.
you watch, above the broadness of her shoulder, as a peak of the sun paints the horizon a muddy pink, your moans a soundtrack to the emptiness of the desert as you practically bounce on the stranger’s fingers, loud for your own release.
yeah, you lost your job.
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⎯ kofi
taglist; @whore4abby @endureher @beemillss @afraidofheightss @sentimentalyellow
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
Oh to be a fly next to Daniel when he received the news about her pregnancy
His Best Man || DR3 {Daniel’s Reaction}
A/N: quick 700 words written on my phone 💕 F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Daniel’s Reaction
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Daniel wouldn’t normally have his phone with him when he was meant to be listening to the debrief. His entire concentration should have been on the technicians reading the data from the free practice he had just completed. But since you hadn’t been feeling the best you decided to stay home instead of going to the paddock, and it had left him feeling a little unsettled. He missed your company.
Like a teenager in class, he had his phone on his lap hidden under the table and the moment it lit up he snatched it. His thumb froze over the green icon as his brain registered the name on the screen wasn’t yours.
“Excuse me, guys, I need to take this,” he interrupted as he abruptly stood up and left the room. He and James hadn’t spoken since the phone call in Portland nearly two months ago and if the biometric monitor was still attached from the practice it would have caught the sudden spike in his heart rate.
For a second Daniel thought about letting the call go to voicemail but he wasn’t a coward, so he took a deep breath and answered the call. “Hello, mate, it’s been a while,” he greeted with a confidence he didn’t feel.
Immediately James’ laugh set him on edge and he closed the door to his driver room since there were still a lot of people loitering around. “Tends to happen when you fuck someone’s wife.”
“Ex-wife, which tends to happen when you’re a cheating piece of shit,” Daniel shot back.
“Hmm, I don’t remember signing any court documents.”
Daniel was usually patient by nature but his patience for this man had run out on the side of a highway in Perth. “Why did you call me, James?”
“I just thought we could celebrate the wonderful news together, since my wife is pregnant. I’m assuming you’re the father but considering she’s a whore, who knows?”
“Shut your fucking mouth, James,” Daniel growled as his hands threatened to crush the phone with the grip he had. “You don’t talk about her like that, ever, you understand!”
“That she’s a whore or that she’s pregnant? Because both are true.”
“You’re a fucking liar, and she can’t have kids, she already told me.”
James’ laugh sent Daniel’s stomach dropping and a cold fissure running down his spine. “Who's the liar now…”
The phone went dead before he could respond and he stared at his phone as it returned to his home screen. The image was one of his favourites, though every photo of you was technically a favourite, this one was perfect. You weren’t even paying attention to the camera as he snapped the shot, all of your focus was on the tiny joey cradled in your arms as you bottle fed it.
He already knew about your fertility struggles, it was no secret, but it was clear you would have been a great mother had you been given the chance. It was why he was struggling so much to digest James’ words. You wouldn’t have lied about that, he couldn’t believe it.
Needing the reassurance only you could provide, he tied the arms of his race suit around his waist and started to run. It wasn’t far to his apartment block from the paddock but it felt longer as he sprinted full pelt through the busy streets.
Daniel hadn’t even thought to bring his keys and after a few attempts at knocking loudly he went back to the front desk to borrow a spare one. The knots in his stomach had twisted into a noose by the time he unlocked the door and walked into the silent apartment.
Sweat beaded on his forehead and ran down his spine as he heard a soft sob come from the bathroom. The sound penetrated his heart and spurred him to close the distance in a mad dash to fix whatever had caused you pain but he never expected to find you the way he did. Pregnancy tests littered the floor, three bold plus signs staring him in the face as he stumbled back against the wall and let it take his weight and he slid down to the floor.
“You said you couldn’t have kids.”
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sparklingjay · 2 months
Here is the whole Sonic X Shadow Sonic channel translation for you just in case you haven't read it before or if you want to read it again:
I got the translation from here:
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Beneath the light of the full moon stood the trendy business and shopping district of Mission Street. Sonic perched atop a storefront that overlooked the block, stargazing.
He came here tonight to witness a celestial event.
As usual, Sonic arrived with time to spare, so he turned to watch the hustle and bustle of the city below — when he spotted a black hedgehog engaged in fierce combat behind a back alley… Shadow.
Shadow was one of Sonic's most formidable foes, rivaling his abilities in every way.
He didn’t always choose the dark side, but his ruthless “ends-justify-the-means” attitude had a dangerous unpredictability that sometimes put him at odds with Sonic and his friends…
What was Shadow doing here?
Curious, Sonic dropped to Shadow's side.
Before them lay the wreckage of several G.U.N. Beetle surveillance drones, spewing black smoke and sparks. This was serious.
With an accusatory tone, Sonic asked:
"Yo, Shadow. Looks like you're having a fun night?"
"This is none of your business. Stay out of my way."
Shadow responded curtly, then disappeared into the darkness — but Sonic wasn't one to be left behind. A high-speed chase ensued as they weaved through the twists and turns of Mission Street.
They ran along walls and leaped between buildings, coming to blows as they sped through the rumbling highway into the tunnel… After some time, Shadow kicked out his heel with fearsome agility, but Sonic caught it with both hands.
I'm ending this…
I couldn't dodge it…
They paused in blade lock until Shadow jumped aside, seething in frustration.
"Why are you following me?"
"I don't want anybody pinning your crimes on me again."
"Ha, aren't you paranoid? I'm busy. Farewell!"
Shadow pointed at Sonic, a flickering stone in his hand… A Chaos Emerald.
"Wait! Hold up!"
"Chaos — Control!"
There was a brief flash of blinding light! And when it cleared, Shadow had vanished.
Chaos Control… This was Shadow's signature move, wielding the power of the Chaos Emerald to warp time and space.
To perform this technique with a weakened Chaos Emerald, after exhausting his own power in the previous battle, was an impressive feat for Shadow. Left alone, Sonic could only stare up at the night sky.
☆ ★ ☆
A few blocks away, Shadow had silently infiltrated a suspiciously large bank. The wreckage of a newly-destroyed Beetle rolled at his feet.
"Here. I'm sure of it."
He dispatched another armed Beetle that emerged from the back and proceeded to the second-floor vault, incapacitating the guards who dared fire upon him. As he reached the reinforced vault door, he saw —
Sonic, standing with a smirk, twirling the key card between his fingers.
Using the energy detector he borrowed from Tails, he tracked Shadow’s location and snuck into the bank through an alternate route.
The fact that there were military Beetles all over town, that not one of them sounded an alarm after being destroyed, that they open-fired without warning…
Well, Sonic thought there was something unusual about the whole thing.
"So, what are you willing to exchange for that key card? …No, stupid question. You want the full story of this situation."
With a dour sigh, Shadow lifted his head and recounted the evening’s events.
"This place looks like a bank, but it's a fake… It's actually some sort of a G.U.N. research facility. They're conducting experiments on a mysterious electromagnetic capsule seized from the Doctor's base after our last battle. Now I fear they're using this place as a front to develop even deadlier weapons within the city."
Shadow slowly approached Sonic, continuing:
"I received intel that this capsule is a disguised time bomb set to explode at midnight tonight. If true, it has enough power to obliterate half the city. I tried to send a warning, but they failed to heed it. That's why I came here. What do you believe?"
Shadow paused in front of Sonic, glaring at him interrogatively. Several seconds passed.
"I don't know what to say."
It was a lot to take in. As Sonic worked out his reply, the detector picked up a sudden energy spike and sounded a loud BEEP! Whatever it detected was inside the vault.
"But I know I trust Tails' device."
Sonic grinned at Shadow as he slid the key card through the card reader on the vault. A heavy metallic clanging echoed from within.
Undeterred, Shadow placed his hand on the vault when…!
The vault door swung open from the inside, and a group of researchers frantically rushed out.
"Get out of here!" "It's about to explode!"
Emergency sirens wailed as people fled the scene. The whole facility was in a frenzy.
When Sonic and Shadow burst into the lab, they found that it was much larger than they expected, and at the center was a glass-encased capsule about 6 feet tall, protected by an electromagnetic barrier, emitting intense light.
A swarm of armed Beetles spotted them and unleashed a barrage of bullets, despite the imminent countdown.
"Talk about a work ethic! Shadow, you get the bomb!"
Sonic easily cleared out the three guard robots before him. Shadow leaped through the ensuing blast toward the capsule. The electromagnetic barrier sensed his approach and emitted an electric charge — then deactivated just before Shadow touched it. At that exact moment, Sonic found and destroyed the barrier generator. And then…
"Chaos — Control!"
A halo of light erupted from Shadow's Chaos Emerald, enveloping the surrounding area. And when the light subsided… There was no trace of Shadow or the bomb. Then, seconds later…
A massive explosion filled the sky above Mission Street.
The fireball was so huge that it eclipsed the moon. The soundwaves that followed shook the surface of the earth. Sonic saw it as he leaped from the bank and gave a cheerful thumbs up.
Meanwhile, Shadow, already outside via Chaos Control, looked on with frustration. He had intended to teleport the bomb into space. However, he could only do so much with a malfunctioning Chaos Emerald.
Shadow pulled out the Chaos Emerald and tossed it to Sonic.
"This is no better than a fake emerald. If I give it to you, maybe your soft nature will restore it."
Sonic shrugged as he caught the Chaos Emerald with one hand.
"I was gonna say thanks, but I take it back…"
☆ ★ ☆
"Why are you still following me?"
Shadow asked without turning back as Sonic trailed him down a deserted road outside Mission Street. Sonic wrapped his hands behind his head and gazed into the night sky.
"I'm the one who should be asking the questions. Since when did you become such a guardian of peace?"
"I don't care about peace. I don't care about these people. What I can't stand are the fools of this planet who believe they can get away with whatever they want — whether that's the Doctor or anyone else, including you. So don't misunderstand me."
A few seconds of silence followed. Shadow scowled, but Sonic kept grinning.
"Okay. I getcha. I'll do my best. But I think some people out there would wanna thank you for what you did today."
"Nonsense. Who would —"
Fed up with Sonic, Shadow stopped cold and finally turned back to shut him up…
Sonic stood with his arm outstretched, the lights of the distant city behind him, pointing up at the full moon shimmering out in space — and floating just above that, staring down at them, was the Space Colony ARK.
The sight of this spectacle left Shadow speechless, the ARK appearing otherworldly in the glow of the moonlight.
The ARK… An ark of hope and pain. The place where Shadow was born, where he gained and lost so many precious things and so much time. A tomb lost in the void with nothing left to sacrifice for this planet.
Once a year, there was a night when the orbits aligned, and the ARK was visible directly above the full moon.
Mission Street was one of the best spots to see it, and Sonic loved the view of the two cold, majestic “moons” against the sea of warm city lights.
Shadow silently watched the ARK.
Nobody knew how many memories or secrets of the past remained in his heart or how he felt about them to this day. But to Sonic, his silence seemed like an answer.
As if in response, Sonic slowly lowered his pointed finger.
Shadow traced Sonic’s gesture downward with his eyes —
— until it landed on Sonic’s own smirking face.
Shadow dismissed, then straddled a hidden motorcycle in the bushes at the side of the road. It was a heavy G.U.N. bike. He must have prepared it there ahead of time.
The engine revved to life, drowning out any further comments from Sonic…
"It looks better on its own anyway."
Shadow sped away at full throttle. Sonic didn't chase him this time, but as he turned away, there was a hint of disappointment behind his smile.
☆ ★ ☆
Beneath the light of the full moon stood the trendy business and shopping district of Mission Street.
Beyond the peaceful glow of the city, a lone shadow drifted away as if it was exiled.
The shadow was indistinguishable from the darkness — except to the moon, hanging over the bustling metropolis, watching the shadow from above, always… ★
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johnsgunbelt · 5 months
Hello hello perhaps!!!
141 gang (or whoever you’d like) with a gender neutral reader who owns a motorcycle.
And not only that, but they are low key a pretty cool and pretty silly motorcycle rider. Who wears their helmet all the time like it’s their face
🏍️ 💨💨
Like if you’ve seen little videos like these https://www.instagram.com/reel/CytvzeMvcH9/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
And let me say, they are just this silly and outrageously confident cause their helmet grants them this anonymity to keep their identity a secret. And tucking away their social anxiety cause NOBODy knows who’s under there 😌😌😌
Motorcycles - 141
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pairing: 141 x fem! reader SFW
warnings: none, just pure fluff
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John 'Soap' MacTavish:
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When he first met you, you were wearing a bunny helmet and doing wheelies on the highway and at the next red light he stopped with you and got your instagram.
Definitely notices how you don’t ever show your face at ALL under any circumstances which makes him more intrigued with you
He messaged you as soon as he got home and scheduled for you guys to go riding the next night and he got your # and address (Score for him:p)
He notices that even when you’ve known him for at least 4 months you never showed him your face and maybe it's because of the stunts you do publicly.
Like that one time you fell off your bike while stopped and he had to help you off the ground
Or the time you started singing extremely loudly with people in there cars
But he loves that you’re not afraid to be yourself, at least with your helmet on
And then finally one day while he went to come pick you up he asked to see your face, after 20 minutes you finally caved and took off your helmet for him
He always knew you were pretty but when he saw you for real, he could have sworn he fell in love right there.
“Wow-I mean uhm wow-I mean uhm shit.” He was struggling to find words about how pretty you were but just know after a month or two he asked you out and now he can compliment you all the time.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
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Now He met you when you went to a car show and showed up on your very cute pink motorcycle that complimented your pink helmet. He came over to you and he made small talk with you until he got your number
When he went home he noticed you actually texted him first, he IMMEDIATELY replied.
“Hey! It’s ____ from the car meet <3 just felt like texting you!! It was really nice meeting you tonight.”
“Hey, it was nice meeting you as well. We should definitely go riding sometime.”
“Oh definitely just let me know a time and place!!:)”
Kyle wouldn’t show it directly of course but he was so excited. As soon as he told you to meet him at a local parking lot he was so excited to see you pull up
When you pulled up in front of him he took off his helmet expecting you to do the same but when you didn’t he looked at you confused as you tilted your head
“You don’t take your helmet off huh?” He said softly to you and you just nodded your head as he put on his helmet and invited you to follow him as you rode all night
Eventually the night came to an end and he drove back with you to your place as you parked your bike you said something you’d probably later regret.
“Wanna stay the night..? Youdonthavetoifyoudontwann-" “Alright Alright calm down love of course I wanna spend the night.”
And that’s exactly when he saw your beautiful face.
He looked at you for 10 minutes not saying a word as he admired you 
And to this day while you're laying on his chest 4 months later, he still thinks about that night.
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Simon 'Ghost" Riley:
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Now the way you two met was at a bar, when he pulled up not on a bike, but a car instead.
He hit on you so fast he got your number in 5 minutes tops.
Now in my mind I think after about 2-6 months you guys became official and he started just spending every night at your house no matter if you went out or not on your bike
But what he didn’t tell you is that he KNEW how to drive a motorcycle matter a fact he had one for about 6 years before selling it 
He always tells you he worries about your safety on your bike but you reassure him you’ll be fine but one particular night you said something you’d later find out to be false 
“You’ve never even driven a motorcycle, what do you know silly?”
“Oh? Is that what you think lovie?”
And then he opened the door to the garage and hopped on your bike as he started it and looked at you as he put on one of your spare black helmets
“You just gonna sit there n stare or ya gonna hop on?”
You then quickly hopped on the back wrapping your arms around his broad body
He then backed out of the driveway and sped down many many roads.
And then he brought you to an abandoned little parking garage as he parked the bike all the way at the top for a nice view
“I had a bike for…I wanna say 6 years. I know how to drive a bike lovie s’not that hard.”
You were absolutely shell shocked
“You never told me!! Why?”
“Wasn’t important to me.”
And then from there on out you were his backpack most nights.
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'Captain' John Price:
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Now you and price have known each other for about 6 months he’s seen your face and he like ghost spends most nights at your house
Only difference is he knows how to ride a bike and told you prior to him driving you on your bike
He has a truck but had a bike for about 8 years prior to his truck
He ended up buying another bike just so he could ride with you on some nights.
He loved watching you do your little silly activities like wheelies and when you stopped at red lights and little kids would admire your bike and you would fist bump them his heart would melt
Now because he's a male biker I like to believe he’s had his fair share of girls hitting on them
Usually they back off when you pull up next to him
But sometimes they don’t get the message so if they don’t he’ll say something
“Already married.” “I’ve got a wife.” “That's my wife next to me.”
And the best part is you’re not married he just likes to call you his wife because it makes you all giddy.
Now when you do backpack him he tries to go slow for you but if you tell him to speed up he will 
He lets you basically control the speed and he loves when you’re his backpack regardless of the speed.
THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT SO WORTH IT AHHHHH!! I loved writing this :p.
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kelcemenow · 7 months
Drive Me Crazy - Chapter 1.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 682
Warnings Nothing at all!
Huge thank you to the Anon who sent this in! They had such amazing words to say about my writing which I massively appreciate and then to top it off, had an incredible request for me! I only have experience with mechanics in the UK, so I've tried my best with this one! "I just recently got interested in Travis K. X reader stories and wanted to let you know, I read all of yours as quickly as I could. They are so well done and I couldn’t help but laugh/giggle and feel through each word you typed out. You’re doing amazing and I’m so glad to have stumbled onto your page. If you have any space for a request, I’d be curious about what Trav would think about having a military (like fighter pilot) or engineer or mechanic girlfriend. I see a lot of stories with him paired with models/singers/social media individuals (which are phenomenal!) but just wondering how he would be with a more tomboy like girlfriend!"
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You wiped the beads of sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, grabbing your water bottle with the other and slowly gulping down the cool liquid. Taking a deep breath, you closed the hood of the car and gave Jordan a nod of your head to signal that you were finished.
"Thanks, Y/N." He said as he made his way towards you, "I knew you'd figure it out."
"Don't sweat it. You almost had it, bro." You smiled, wiping your hands on the towel that hung from your waistband.
"You're the best." He grinned as he got into the car and started up the engine with ease.
The purring of the motor combined with the sounds of the drills and hydraulics pierced through your ear and although you were used to them, a slight headache was looming. You headed to the small garage office, massaging your temples on the way.
The office door was battered and covered in grease from years of being pushed open by dirty hands, and as it swung open, you were greeted by a smiling face.
"Hey honey!"
"Hey Dad." You said wearily as you pulled open one of the drawers of the desk.
"Oh dear." He groaned, "What's up? That Chevy pushin' against you?"
You shook your head gently as you picked up the bottle of Aspirin, "No, no...I finished it."
"That's my girl."
"Just...I didn't sleep great last night and I got a migraine coming on." You tipped out a couple of tablets into the palm of your hand before popping them into your mouth.
"I'll steer clear of you today then...I wouldn't want to poke the bear." He joked as he opened the door, disappearing onto the shop floor.
"Ha ha." You said flatly, swallowing the Aspirin with a mouthful of water.
The bell above the front door rang and you turned around, plastering a fake smile on your face.
"Good mornin', sir. How can I-"
"Yeah, can I speak to a car mechanic, please?" His eyes were stuck to the phone screen in his hand.
You quietly cleared your throat, clearing away your immediate frustration, "Well, lucky for you, sir, I am one."
The man in front of you looked up and paused, blinking a couple of times before his mouth dropped open, "Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am."
"Happens all of the time." Your lips curled slightly into a smile, "What can I help you with?"
His eyes darted across your dishevelled appearance, almost narrowing with curiosity as he looked at you. Your hair was pulled back and a colourful scarf was covering your hair as best you could. You were wearing one of your Dad's old band shirts, grease and oil stains adorning any space they could and your navy blue coveralls were pulled down and tied at your waist to relieve you from the blistering heat. You blew a rouge piece of hair away from your face and waited patiently as he reached for his keys and gently placed them on the desk in front of you.
"My uhh...car. I was driving down the highway and...it just-" He stumbled.
You slid the keys closer to you, "I'll take a look."
He ran his hands through his beard, "Thank you. And can I please apologise for what I said? Today is not my day and I just-"
"Honestly, it's really not necessary. Like I said, it happens all of the time. Mechanic isn't really a 'typical career' for a woman." You bent your fingers in the air as you spoke, reciting words that you had heard many times before.
The man exhaled a laugh, his eyes gentle yet piercing, "I gotta say, it's pretty impressive. I'm useless when it comes to stuff like this."
You smiled, an uncomfortable silence filling the room.
"So, if I could take your number and I'll call you later today?"
"Uhh yeah." He mumbled, jotting the digits down on the pad positioned next to your hand before turning back to the door. "And I'm sorry...again."
"It's fine..." You glanced down at the pad, "...Mr Kelce."
I know I said that I was going to carry on with requests before diving into another series but this one was too good not to make into a little series so I'm doing it and no one can stop me! This first part is just setting the scene really so I hope I've piqued your interest! If you want to be included in my Taglist for any future chapters, just let me know!
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18 @triski73 @ctn26 @kgcaputo07 @abby-splace @bobthe-turmpetman29 @cedricbitch @jmamas92 @bellstwd @killatravsworld @marchmaiden @chimchimmarie @blackstabbath6 @fanficfanatic15 @jessiemariebarnes @mmb219 @vanwritesfan-fiction
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toasttt11 · 5 months
awaited questions
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December 13, 2023
Carter walked out of her apartment with Cooper walking next to her with her duffle bag and purse in her other hand she put her key into Quinn’s apartment walking in see Quinn sitting at the kitchen counter on his phone before looking up at the sound of the door.
Carter undid Coopers leash letting him run right to Quinn, who quickly pet him.
“You heading out?” Quinn questioned knowing Carter was heading down to Seattle for a two days, to spend some time with someone special to her.
“Yeah gonna leave now. Thank you for watching coop for me.” Carter walked over pulling her brother in a hug resting her head on his shoulder.
“Of course Cart.” Quinn smiled hugging her back, “Now go and go have fun with Connor yeah?” Quinn smiled seeing how exicted his little sister looked and the red on her cheeks.
Carter smiled nodding at her brother before kneeling down in front of her dog, Cooper. “I’ll be come for a bit okay buddy but Quinny is gonna watch you okay.” She pressed a kiss to the top of his golden curls before standing up and walking to the door waving at Quinn as she grabbed her bags and walked out the door.
She headed into the Elevator heading to the parking garage, she walked over to ther olive green mercades g wagon, she opened the back door throwing her duffle bag on the seat before hopping in the front seat throwing her purse on the passenger seat. She plugged her phone in clicking on her hours long Taylor Swift Playlist and put her phone on her phone stand before pulling out of the parking spot and out of the garage.
Carter drove down the street towards the drive thru coffee shop she love and waited in line before getting the chocolate crossing and an ice vanilla latte before she started the two hour car drive to Seattle.
Carter tapped her fingers to the beat of Taylor Swift blasting through her car, as she drove down the highway.
Before she knew it she had drove the two hours and was pulling into the hotel parking lot, she knew he would be most likely be back from his morning skate and he already told her what room he was in and Connor happened to be alone this weekend which was perfect for them.
She grabbed her purse slipping it on her shoulder before getting out the car opening the back grabbing her duffle bag and locking her car. Carter walked up to the hotel and through the lobby and headed to the elevators and clicking the floor level. Carter waited for elevator to go up and then walked through the doors and down the hallway towards Connor’s room. She knocked on the door four times waiting for it to open.
Carter heard Connor’s footsteps coming towards the door and him quickly opening the door, Connor smiled seeing his favorite girl, for the first time in a while.
“Hi Connie.” Carter smiled dropping her bag in the doorway and putting her arms around his neck and burying her head into the side of his neck, feeling his arms come around her waist pulling her close to him.
“Hi Roo.” Connor mumbled kissing the top of her head, breathing out a sigh of relief holding his best friend in his arms again.
They both reluctantly pulled away from each other after a few minutes, Connor grabbed her duffle bag she dropped on the floor before putting a hand on her back and guiding her into his hotel closing the door behind him.
Connor set her bag on the desk and grabbing her purse from her and setting it next to her bag before pulling her towards the bed and gently pushing her on the bed making Carter laugh. Connor layed down next to her burying his face into her side humming contently as her hand softly brushed through his hair.
It was silent in the hotel room as the two cuddled together, the silence was comfortable for both of them, peacefully for the two.
“I missed you.” Connor mumbled into Carter’s side his hand resting on her hip, his thumb gently brushing her hip bone softly.
“I missed you too.” Carter whispered back gently kissing the top of his head.
Truthfully the two have been so use to seeing each other so often for the a few years that Carter leaving to NHL was an an adjustment for both of them and now Connor is playing in the NHL they can see each other a little more.
Carter and Connor slowly relaxed more and more cuddled together and slowly fell asleep.
Two hours later and Connor slowly stirred from where he was cuddled into Carters side, he looked at his watch seeing it was alreadly 3:00 PM and they have been sleeping for a few hours.
Connor softly slid up the bed leaning onto the pillows and Carter in her sleep shuffled closer to Connor, their legs intertwined and her arm around his stomach and his arm around her. Connor softly brushed her hair behind her ear admiring the peaceful look Carter has when she sleeps. He gently kissed her forehead and continued to admire her softly.
Carter gently grumbled cuddling her head into his side, her eyes slowly opening. Connors hand gently play with the ends of her hair as she woke up.
“Hi.” Connor smiled down at his sleepy girl.
“Hi.” Carter mumbled back still waking up.
“You want to go get something to eat?” Connor softly questioned hoping she yes and he can ask the question he should have asked a while ago.
“Do i have to change.” Carter rested her chin on his chest looking at him, pouting slightly not wanting to get changed being comfy.
“Of course not.” Connor shook his head with fond smile, not even thinking she should change, adoring what she’s wearing now, just a pair of olive green sweatpants and his grey Lululemon crew neck she stole a few months ago.
“Then yes.” Carter smiled nodding.
“Good, then let’s go.” Connor gently got up as Carter got off of him, they both got off the bed and slipped on their shoes. Carter grabbed her phone slipping into her pocket, before following Connor out of the room and into the elevator.
“So where are we going?” Carter looked at Connor for an answer.
Connor smirked slighty, “It’s a surprise Roo.”
“Oh cmon.” Carter playfully groaned following Connor out of the elevator and towards the hotel doors, “Can i get a hint.”
“Nope.” Connor shook his head throwing an arm over her shoulder and starting the walk towards where they are going.
“No hint?” Carter pouted slighty looking at her best friend.
“Nope we are onto a few minutes away anyways.”
“Fine.” Carter playfully groaned, enjoying the slightly cold breeze and the warmth coming from Connor as they continued to walk to somewhere.
Connor led them to a small dinner he found online, he opened the door letting Carter in first and following her in. They got led by a waitress to a booth in the corner of the dinner, a dinner that’s pretty calm not many people.
Carter slid into the booth and Conor slid in next to her, use to always sitting to Carter that he rather sit next to her than across the table.
Connor opened the menu scanning it, “They have french toast.” He smiled when he heard the exicted gasp Carter let out.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” Carter smiled holding her pinky towards Connor making him smile and link his pinky with her, something they have done for awhile especially when they have cheat meats and promsie not to two anyone.
They quickly talked about everything and anything wanting to catch up even though they facetime almost every night.
The food was given to them and they quickly ate their delicious french toast.
Connor quickly grabbed the check before Carter could reach it, “Hey! i was gonna pay.” Carter complained softy hitting him gently in the arm.
“No it’s my treat.” Connor smiled putting the money down and hopping out of the booth and extending a hand down to Carter. Carter grabbed his hand and got out of the booth. They walked out of the dinner seeing the sun started to set and sunset looking really beautiful. They walked back the way to the hotel when Connor stopped and quickly jogged across the street towards a floral stand, Carter looked confused as Connor quickly jogged away.
Connor quickly bought a bouquet of pink tulips, Carter’s favorite flowers. Carter smiled softly seeing Connor jog back across the street with flowers in his hands.
“For you Roo.” Connor smiled handing her the flowers.
“Thank you Connie.” Carter leaned up kissing him on the cheek close to his lips.
“Always.” Connor smiled with the blood rushing to his cheeks, they continued to their walk back into the hotel and through the elevator back into his room.
Connor put his hand on her back leading her through his room to the balcony he has, She set her flowers on the desk as she walked through the room before she leaned against the rail looking at the sunset.
Connor had grabbed a small box as they walked across the room and stood behind her resting his chin on her shoulder, “Close you eyes for me.” Carter gently closed her eyes feeling Connor gently gather her hair pulling the to one side of her neck, and she could feel a cold chain come around her neck and something hanging from the chain resting on her chest as Connor clipped the necklace.
“Open your eyes.” Connor gently spoke seemingly slightly nervous.
Carter looked down at the necklace seeing a small flat silver circle with a C engraved in it, She looked at it before looking back at him, “C for…”
“C for Connor.” Connor nervously answered seeing Carters eyes widen and flash with an emotion he couldn’t place, Carter turned around fully her back againt the railing and Connors arms around her resting on the railing, “I know we agreed not to talk about what happened our draft nights, and the times we kissed, i know we’ve both been to busy to talk about us, but Carter i love you.” Connor took a deep breath cupping her face, “I loved you since the moment i laid my eyes on you, i had no idea i was already falling for you since the day we meet. You’re my best friend and the person i want to spend the rest of my life, living out our dreams together. And i know your nervous about our friendship if something’s bad happens between us but i am more than willingly to take that risk, i want to be your boyfriend and i want you to be my girlfriend.” Connor softly spoke looking directly down at Carter.
Carter could feel her face soften as listens to Connor speak, she could see Connor was hopefully waiting for an answer, “Yes yes yes of course.” Carter rapidly nodded cupping Connor’s face and pulling it down to her pressing her lips to his softly putting all the emotions she didn’t say into the kiss.
They pulled back panting heavily as their foreheads leaned againt each other, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Carter nodded smiling knowing she couldn’t live in fear anymore, she wanted to be with Connor.
Connor smiled resting his head in her neck laying a gently kiss on her neck. Carter hand came to the back of his head gently holding his head in her palm.
The two stayed out on the balcony holding each other until the sun was completed gone and the weather was getting even colder, Connor could feel Carter getting cold and shivering slightly, he lifted his head off her neck, “Why don’t we go inside warm up and get changed and stay in bed the rest of the night?”
“Please.” Carter nodded following Connor back into the hotel, slipping off her shoes and setting her phone on the nightstand.
Connor gently tossed a pair of grey sweatpants and a black blackhawk’s long sleeve towards her, “Here.”
Carter caught the clothes, “You know i brought clothes right?”
“Yeah so.” Connor replied back with a smile knowing Carter loves wearing his clothes.
Carter just smiled walking to Connor kissing him softly on the lips before heading to the bathroom to get changed.
Connor shook his head with a lovesick smile before getting changed into a pair of black sweats and a blackhawk’s shirt.
He got under the covers clicking on the tv, when he heard the door click open and Carter come out with her hair in a long braid and in his clothes. Connor smiled admiring her in his clothes always loving her in his clothew.
“What?” Carter questioned looking over at Connor feeling his eyes on her.
“You look beautiful.” Connor truthfully anwsered looking at her with a soft smile.
“Shut up.” Carter mumbled her face heating up, she walked to the bed and slid under the covers, cuddling up to him.
“What i can’t compliment my girlfriend?” Connor smiled looking down at her, Carter hiding her blushing face in the crook of Connor’s neck.
“I like that.” Carter mumbled grabbing one of his hands intertwining it with her hand.
“What?” Connor brushed her hair behind her ear.
“You calling me your girlfriend.” Carter whispered hiding her smile against his neck.
“Yeah? I like it too.” Connor agreed with a smile kissing the top of her head.
December 14, 2023
Connor slowly woke up to the beeping of his alarm, he stretched his arm over shutting it off. He looked down at saw Carter still cuddled into a side, he smiled looking at one of his favorite versions of Carter, her sleeping.
Connor knew he had only had a few minutes before he need to get up so he gently played with ends of Carter’s hair just watching his now girlfriend.
Connor reluctantly started to get up, he slowly moved over letting Carter lean against the pillow and he quielty got out of the bed before leaning over making sure the covers were over her good and kissing her forehead. He headed to bathroom quickly getting ready, throwing on some work out clothes and grabbing his phone. He quickly wrote a note and left it by her phone knowing she would be up before he came back from the morning practice he had. Connor walked to the door and gently closed it behind him.
Carter slowly woke up the feeling of the spot next to her still warm but Connor not there anymore, she knew she probably just missed him leaving. She slowly sat up in the bed rubbing her face yawning, she checked the time and saw it just 8:00 and she knew she had a few hours until Connor would be back. Carter hopped out of bed grabbing a lululemon workout set and heading to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth.
Carter walked out of the bathroom throwing her hair up in her regular messy bun before grabbing her nike running shoes and slipping them on with a pair of socks, she grabbed her green air-pod maxes and walked across the room to grab her phone but picked up the piece of paper on top of her phone, she smiled seeing the sweet note from Connor. Carter grabbed her phone and headed out of the room towards the hotel gym.
Carter did her workout for an hour before wiping the sweat off her forehead and heading down to the breakfast the hotel had and quickly ate a big breakfast before she walked back to the room, she walked in grabbing her toiletries and headed to the bathroom taking a long shower.
Thirty minutes later she was done and checked the time seeing it was already 9:50. She slipped on one of the robes and did her skincare routine and decided to style her hair for once, Carter always would rather throw it into a braid or bun rather than doing her curly hair routine but knows Connor absolutely loves her curly hair.
Carter sat in the bathroom for at least forty minutes doing her hair before she grabbed a pair of Connor’s sweatpants and a hoodie slipping it on.
She sat down on the bed leaning against the headboard going on her phone, responding to all of Quinn’s text, snapping back to Luke, and doing her round of game pigeon with Jack.
She heard the door click and it open seeing Connor walk in looking freshly showered and she saw him smile once he saw her.
“Your hair.” Connor grinned quickly setting his stuff down and walking right to Carter, he curled one of his fingers around her curls before cupping her face gently and softly pressing his lips to her, feeling her smile into the kiss. Connor slowly leaned back kissing her cheek, “It looks beautiful Roo.”
Carter felt her cheeks go red, “Thanks Connie.”
Carter opened up her arms towards Connor making him smile and quickly slip off his shoes and get into bed resting his head on her chest and throwing his arm around her waist, Carter pressed a kiss to the top off his head before beginning to run her finger through his hair.
Carter feel Connor slowly began to relax and knew it wouldn’t be long before he fell asleep, knowing both of them love to take a pre game nap.
Connor breath slowly evened out and fell fast asleep, Carter picked up her phone going on it for the next hour as Connor took a nap.
Carter checked the time seeing it was already 12:00 and she slowly started rubbing Connor’s back to wake him up, “Con you got to get up.” She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead as his eyes slowly fluttered opened, “Hi.”
“Hi.” Connor mumbling with a sleepy smile. He slowly woke to the feeling of Carter’s fingers in his hair, he gently got off and Carter and got out of bed grabbing his suit and heading to the bathroom. He put on his all black suit and slipped on his socks, running a wet hand through his hair before heading out of the bathroom.
Carter looked up from the bed smiling at Connor before noticing him holding his tie in his hand, something he use to always ask her to do, she fondly rolled her eyes smiling, she stood up walking to Connor and grabbing the tie beginning to wrap it around his neck and started to tie.
“What?” Carter laughed slighty as she felt Connor’s eyes on her, just as she was tying his tie.
Connor hands were rested on her lower back admiring his girlfriend, “Nothing your just beautiful.” He grinned seeing the red bloom on her cheeks and the shy smile she tried to hide. Connor lifted her chin to see her face, “You are my love.” Connor smiled softly kissing Carter’s nose making it scrunched up.
“Stop it you dork.” Carter gently smacked his arm after finishing his tie, “I’ll see you soon yeah?” Carter smiled at him, Connor nodded leaning down and placing a gently peck to her lips before her forehead.
“Soon.” Connor agreed grabbing his phone and AirPods before heading out of the hotel.
Carter grabbed her makeup back sitting at the desk and deciding to start and take her time, about an hour later she was finally done as she may of been distracted by facetiming Quinn, telling him all about yesterday and Connor asking her to be his girlfriend. She finished her red lip stick before getting up and grabbing her outfit getting changed.
She zipped up her heeled boats before looking in the mirror looking at her outift, A long sleeve tight all black dress, black tights, a red trench coat, and black knee high heeled boots, she fixed her C necklace, spraying her perfume before grabbing her phone, wallet, lipstick and car keys. Carter headed out for the room and out of the hotel getting into to her car and driving to the Kraken stadium.
She parked in the parking garage for players and family members before heading through the lot. Carter scanned her ticket before getting into the stadium.
Carter having got tickets from Vince, who once found out she was planning on going to the game got everything set up for her. Carter took the elevator to the suite levels not surprised Vince got her a suite.
She walked to the one that had Dunn on the door and saw only one person in the suite, Daniella Vince’s girlfriend.
Daniella turned around at the door opening smiling at Carter, “Hi Carter.” She walked over pulling the younger girl into a gentle hug.
“Hi Dani.” Carter smiled gently hugging her back, having met her many times now because of Vince, “Is anyone else sitting here with us”Carter asked as they pulled apart.
“Nope just us, Vince made sure.” Daniella shook her head with a fond look, knowing Vince enjoys spoiling the ones he cares for and he would rather they be safe and more comfortable in a suite alone.
“Of course.” Carter fondly shook her head looking around the suite smiling when she noticed Vince had picked out some of their favorite foods. Carter looked up at the sound of cheers seeing the Blackhawks coming out for warming up and the Krakens behind them.
Carter sat on the barstool seat liking the view from that seat and the table in front of her. She looked around the ice looking for her boy, smiling when she found 98 who was already looking at her sending her a smile and a wave, Carter fondly chuckled and gently waved back.
Daniella smiled watching Carter and Connor and is honestly still surprised by how many people don’t realize the two are in love, it was obvious with the way they look at each other and the smiles they have in each others present.
Daniella gently nudged her shoulder to Carter, “So has anything more happened there?”
“He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday.” Carter softly admitted to someone who’s felt like an older sister since they met.
Daniella gasped excitedly shaking Carter’s arm, “Tell me everything!”
And Carter did. Well until the game started and her focus was immediately stuck on the ice, having always loved to watch Connor play.
1-7 Blackhawk lost.
Carter winced slighty at the end of the game knowing Connor will be down a bit, but she still enjoyed being able to watch Connor play, even if she would of done anything to be on the ice playing with Connor.
Daniella linked arms with Carter leading her down towards where the locker rooms are, and they can wait for the boys to come out.
“Hello Carter!” Lukas Reichel called out, as Lukas and Kevin Korchinski were the first ones to walk out, and now they realized why Connor has been in such a good mood the last few days, Connor knew Carter was coming and He’s been spending time with Carter.
“Hello boys.” Carter smiled fist bumping the two when they got to her, having met a lot of Connor’s team when she visited him in Chicago during the summer.
“So your the reason why our boy’s been so happy the last few days.” Alex Vlasic smirked as he walked out of the locker room raising a teasing eyebrow at Carter.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Carter sassed back with an innocent smile.
“Oh i’m sure.” Alex smirked teasingly first bumping Carter standing next to Kevin.
Most of the Kraken and Blackhawk players walked out for the locker room by the time Connor came out, who saw his three of his teammates chatting with his girlfriend.
Connor walked over to them immediately ganning their attention as he stood behind Carter and just rested a hand slighty on her hip, both of them not liking PDA.
Carter relaxed slighty feeling his hand before gently hitting her foot to his foot and sending him a soft smile before turning back to the conversation with the three boys and Daniella.
Anthony Beauvillier and Nick Foligno walked out the locker room talking to each other, before noticing the younger players standing around talking and walked over wondering what they were doing before realizing who was standing with them, Carter.
“Now they wouldn’t be little huggy bear would it.” Anthony smirked as he walked right over to Carter.
Carter spun around at the sound of her old teammates voice smiling at him quickly pulling him into a hug, “B!” Anthony gently hugged her back having missed one of his favorite teammate.
“I didn’t know you were coming to the game?” Anthony asked as they pulled apart.
“Ahh this one begged me too.” Carter sent a teasing smile to Connor, who just fondly rolled his eyes not denying anything.
“Ah of course.” Anthony had a knowing look knowing Carter and Connor have been best friends for years, especially since they were teammates for so long, the two always reminding Anthony of him and Matt.
“Hi Nick.” Carter send a smile and nod towards one of the people that she knew has really helped Connor in Chicago, and Nick who made Connor bring Carter over for dinner when she was in town.
“Hey Carter.” Nick smiled at the girl who was easy to adore, especially his kids quickly grew to love Carter when they met her.
“Are you going with the bus?” Nick questioned Connor who seemed happy even after the brutal loss sticking right next to Carter, leading Nick to think that him and his wife may be right about the two.
“No, i told couch i had a ride.” Connor shook his head sending a soft look to Carter who was already looking at him.
Nick nodded and Anthony, Lukas, Kevin and Alex all said their good byes to Carter before continuing their walk to with the bus was waiting.
Vince was finally coming out of the locker room.
“Took you long enough.” Carter called out as Vince was finally walking over to them.
“It takes time to look this good, dear spitfire.” Vince sassed back with a smirk running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sure.” Carter deadpanned as Vince reached them before laughing as Vince yanked her into a hug, “Thank you V.”
“Course.” Vince murmured back knowing Connor is very important to Carter and was glad he could make things easier for her to see him, “Now get back to the hotel and spend some time with your boy.” Usually Vince would be using this time to spend some time with Carter, but he knew how much Carter has been missing Connor.
“I’ll see you soon.” Carter pulled back from the hug giving Vince a smile before hugging Daniella. Carter smiled once more at the couple before walking away with Connor.
A lot of the Arena was pretty quiet as most fans were gone already and most left were just employees.
Carter felt Connor slip his hand into hers, she looked over seeing Connor look at her with a soft smile before looking forward, Carter felt her cheeks her pink and smiled looking forward. They walked to the parking garage to her car, Connor opened the door for Carter to get in before walking around to the Passenger seat.
Carter slipped her phone out of her pocket handing it to Connor knowing he likes to choose from her music. He smiled at her lock screen seeing the photo of the two of them at the beach with them facing the ocean and the picture was from behind.
Connor looked up from her phone looking at Carter with a fond smile, “Did i tell you look beautiful today?”
Carter blushed looking at Connor with a shy smirk, “You did.”
Connor smiled softly, “Good because you do.” Carter smiled leaning over pressing a gently kiss to Connor’s cheek leaving behind red lip stick on his cheek.
Carter started driving them to the hotel as Connor put on their playlist and held onto one of Carter’s hand as she drove.
They pulled into the hotel parking lot, parking and shutting the car off, Connor got out of the car first walking around opening the driver door for Carter and taking her hand as they walked into the quiet hotel as it already late at night, before getting into the elevator and heading the their floor. Connor unlocked the hotel door before letting Carter walk in first.
She sat on the edge of bed going to unzip her boots when Connor grabbed her hand stopping her and kneeling in front of her. Connor gently unzipped her heeled boots, before standing up and holding a hand out for Carter to take. Carter grabbed Connor’s hand standing up, her arm wrapped around his neck, her fingers playing with the bottom of his hair.
Connor just smiled admiring his girlfriend, he gently brushed her hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek. His thumb gently brushed over the tiny scar that you could barely see on Carter’s cheek bone. He pressed a gently kiss to her scar remembering how he saw her get hit and all the blood on the ice. Connor pressed a kiss to her other cheek and then her nose, and her forehead and then gently connected his lips with hers.
Carter gently pulled away first and couldn’t help but chuckle as she look at the Connor.
Connor was just looking at her with a fond smile, “What?”
Carter giggled, “My lipstick is all over your mouth.” She went to go wipe it off but Connor gently grabbed her hand giving her a sad look not wanting it off yet. Carter smiled leaning up and pressing a kiss on every inch of Connor’s face enjoying seeing her red lip stick get all over his face.
“There.” Carter proudly smiled as she pulled back barely any lipstick even left on her lips.
Connor just chuckled fondly pressing a kiss to the top of her head before reluctantly pulling bald and walking over to his bags grabbing pajamas for both of them and wrapping an arm around her waist picking Carter up with one arm and carrying her to the bathroom as she laughed.
“What are you doing!” Carter giggled as she watched Connor carry her to the bathroom letting her stand and hand her pajamas.
“Change first.” Connor smiled before walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind him so he could change in the room.
Carter just smiled watching him walk out of the bathroom before listening and getting changed into his clothes.
Connor knocked on the door heading Carter say come in, he opened the door just looking at the girl who’s made his heart flutter since the second he saw her.
Connor pushed off the door waking in front Carter and putting his hands on her waist easily picking her up and setting her onto the bathroom counter.
“Really.” Carter fondly quipped to her boyfriend, Connor just smiled shrugging before grabbing her toiletry bag and grabbing her skin care out, setting it onto the counter. He grabbed the makeup remover wipes and took one out before turning bakc to Carter, who was curious watching him. Connor gently whipped the wipe across Carter’s face removing all the makeup. He grabbed her moisturizer gently rubbing it into her face, before grabbing her under eye serum and rubbed under her eyes. He grabbed the chapstick he knows she loves to go to sleep with it on and put it onto her lips.
Carter lovingly watch Connor do her nighttime skin care for her, before she put her hand on his bicep when he was done pulling him towards her, she pulled him to stand between her legs as she reached over grabbing another makeup remover wipe and began wiping away all of the red lip stick on Connor’s face, she set the wipe on the counter when she finished.
“Bed?” Connor asked her, getting a nod. He gently picked her up off the counter letting her stand up as they walked to the bed. He grabbed the covers pulling them back on her side letting her get in as he pulled out as phone walking around the bed, he set an alarm for early in the mourning knowing she had to leave pretty early to drive home as she was leaving for a roadie tomorrow afternoon.
Connor set his phone in the night stand before sliding into the bed wrapping an arm around Carter, who she closer, burying her head into his chest and inhaled.
She missed Connors scent. She missed him. She hates falling asleep in a cold bed alone so use to spending so many nights sleeping in the same bed as Connor. Carter knew she would be seeing Connor in a few days because they would finally be playing against each other in the NHL but she still couldn’t help but be sad knowing she’s still gonna miss him. She always missing him whenever they aren’t together.
Connor looked down sensing something off with Carter, “What’s wrong Roo.” He hummed gently putting his hand under her chin that was hiding in his chest and pushed it up making her look at him.
“I’m just gonna miss you.” Carter softly mumbled.
Connor felt his face soften even more, he pressed a long and soft kiss to her forehead, “I’m gonna miss you too baby.” Carter looked at him with sad eyes before burying her head back into his chest.
“I hate not seeing you everyday anymore.” Carter finally confessed how much she hated not seeing him everyday since she got drafted a year and a half ago, “I hate it Con. I just miss seeing my best friend everyday.”
Connor felt his lip form into a frown, understanding exactly how she felt, “I know, trust me i know. I hate it too.” He rested his face against the top of her hair breathing in her comforting scent.
Carter and Connor slowly fell asleep holding each other.
December 15, 2023
Connor eyes opened hearing his alarm he reached an arm over quickly shutting it off before it could wake Carter up. He looked at Carter who was still cuddle in his chest and her arm wrapped around his waist. Connor smiled kissing the top of her head before reaching for the hotel phone having checked what they have for room service so he could get Carter breakfast before she left to drive home. He quietly order the food through the phome before setting the phone down and resting his cheek against the top of Carter’s head enjoying the time he has been able to spend with her the last two days.
He slowly rubbed her back knowing it will slowly wake her up. Carter started moving more before her eyes seem to softly flutter open.
Connor lifted his head off of Carters leaning back against the pillow, He brushed her curl from her face smiling at her, as she looked up at him with sleepy eyes. “Hello Beautiful.”
“Hi.” Carter mumbled still half asleep as she looked up at Connor.
Carter slowly woke up as she rested her head on his chest staring up at him for a long while before a knock was at the door.
Connor slowly started to get up making Carter whine, “I’ll be back in just a second.” Connor promsie pressing a kiss on the top of her head. He walked over to the door taking the room service, thanking the employee before shutting the door begin him. He walked the tray over to the bed setting it on the bed before slipping back into bed next to Carter.
Carter looked at the tray filled with food and drinks, she slowly sat up sliding against the head board sitting next to Connor who grabbed the tray putting it on their laps.
Carter turned her head pressing a soft and long kiss to Connor’s cheek, “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Connor smiled back.
Carter smiled seeing the cup of coffee and seeing the creamer on the side, she quickly grabbed the creamer and pour some into the coffee before grabbing the coffee and holding it in her hands before taking a sip.
The two slowly began to eat the food on the tray together before Carter had to reluctantly get up to brush her teeth and pack up her bag. She headed the bathroom doing what she needs to in there before grabbing anything of her’s in the bathroom and taking it into the room and putting it into her duffel bag before grabbing her boots putting them into the bag, before she grabbed one of her Canuck’s hoodie she had washed and sprayed with her perfume before setting it on top of Connor suitcase for him. She grabbed her ugg slippers before zipping up her bag and setting her purse on to of the bag. Carter grabbed her flowers from Connor setting it with her bags before she slipped on her slippers and walking over grabbing her phone seeing Connor slip on his shoes and throw on a hoodie.
Carter quickly caught the hoodie Connor threw at her and gave him a look, “What it’s cold Roo, and you only have on a long sleeve.” Connor just smiled.
Carter put on the hoodie and Connor grabbed her duffle bag, purse and flowers before Carter could.
Connor opened the door letting Carter walk through first before they headed into the elevator and heading through the lobby out to the parking lot as they walked to her car. Carter grabbed her keys from her purse Connor had unlocking her car and starting it from her key so it warm up, She opened her back door letting Connor set her duffle bag there before shutting the door and opening her drivers setting her phone in the cup holder and Connor set her purse and flowers on the passengers seat.
Carter closed the drivers door and looked towards Connor with sad eyes, Connor quickly pulled her into a hug they both needed. They held each other tightly for at least five minutes.
They reluctantly pulled away from each other resting their foreheads together.
“I’ll see you in a few days baby.” Connor cupped her face pressing a soft kiss to her nose.
“I know.” Carter took a deep breath nudging her nose to his, “I love you Connie.” She smiled softly at her soulmate.
“I love you too Roo.” Connor gently pulled back from her squeezing her hand before letting go and watching Carter look at him once more before getting into her car and starting it.
Carter sent him one more smile before driving away, as Connor watched her leave.
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siampie · 2 months
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Get Off the Highway || Chapter 2
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 3.3K 
Warnings/tags: Enemies to lovers trope, pining, angst, fluff, childhood trauma, eldest daughter syndrome, mention of depression
A/N: Alright, I struggled to write this chapter. I wanted to get the interactions between Dean and Reader right but also, wanted to give you more info on Reader. So, I really hope you’ll like this chapter.
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You poured the salt on the corpse. You cracked a match and threw it on the body. Flames engulfed the bones. You stood there for a little while longer. The poor girl had not stood a chance. Her family had been horrible to her. Put her through torture. And that was decades ago. She had no reasons to remain amongst the living, no reasons to haunt them. They weren’t the one who had hurt her and yet, she still wanted revenge. Blinded by her rage, the spirit had killed the people that had lived in her mansion over the years. Some were classified as natural deaths, and others as freak accidents. With so many deaths in one mansion over the years. All happening at a specific time of the years, you had to check it out.
It was a run of the mill hunt. Quite easy. You threw your bags in the trunk of your car, and climbed in the driver’s seat. Your goal was to get out of town as quick as possible, to disappear. You drove through the night. You wanted to get to your small flat as quick as possible.
Your two bedrooms apartment was your refuge. You could go there and recuperate for a few days. You loved hunting, you really did but you sometimes needed a break from it. Adding to the dangerous nature of the job, and the constant near death experiences, it was also draining. And rarely, was it ever rewarding. But that was not why you were doing it. You truly believed that everyone in this life was born with a purpose. There were people born to be doctors, or cops, or even firemen. And some were born to be hunters. That was you.
One fateful night, you found out that monsters were real. Everything that went bumping into the night, the monsters under the bed, the witches, vampires, werewolves, they were all real. That fateful night was also the start of your aversion for woods, camping and wendigos. You hated all three of those things, and you avoided them at all cost. But it had not deterred you from getting into the life. After finding out about them being real, you could not just ignore it. You could not keep living your life as though nothing had happened. As though you knew nothing of monsters and of the people that hunted them.
So, you became one yourself.
The sounds of gunfire welcomed you as you pushed your door open. And the voice of your youngest brother swearing at the television followed. You pushed your door closed behind you with a tired sigh. Sure, you had texted him to let him know that you would soon be back. But you had not expected him to be there still.
“That’s not why I left you a key, you know?” You said dropping your bags by the door, after you locked it.
He put down the controller on the coffee table. “Your plant is taken care of.” He shrugged turning to you. “You look awful.”
“Thanks.” You answered dryly. You dropped your keys on your dinner table, and moved to your kitchen. “Want a beer?”
“Yeah,” He got up and followed you into your kitchen. “So, how was it?”
“Come on, you can tell me.” He leaned on the counter behind him.
“I don’t want to tell you.” You shook your head. “I’m not talking about it with you or anyone else.”
“Why not?”
“Because—we are talking about hunting monsters. And I don’t want any of you into the life.” You moved back into your living room. “And what the hell are you still doing here anyway? Don’t you have a girlfriend to go back to?”
“Just wanted to make sure, you were alright before I left.” He shrugged.
You smiled fondly at him. “That’s so sweet.” You cooed at him, pinching his cheek. He swatted it away.
You snorted. “I’m alright, not injured. So, you can go back to your girlfriend.” You slapped his shoulder.
“you’re sure?”
“I’m sure.” You nodded. “Go.”
“Alright, call if you need anything.”
“I won’t.” You called after him. “And don’t call me for the next few days, please.”
“I will.” He walked and locked behind him.
You spent the next few days locked up in your apartment. True to his words, your brother called you. But you really did not mind. Your youngest brother only wanted to make sure that you were taken care off. After all, you were living alone while he and your two other siblings had people to come home to.
Building relationships with anyone had never been easy for you. Especially romantic ones. Something always went wrong. You felt as though you were giving more than you were receiving. You always thought that you were not understood as you did them. And instead of expressing those things, you kept quiet. You let things go, hoping they would solve themselves. And ultimately, it would lead to break-up.
You never stayed home too long. You gave yourself a few days off, away from hunting and monsters, before going back into the fray. It wasn’t surprising to find you back on the road within days. And you always let your brother know when you did.
Out of all your siblings, he was the closest to you. The one that truly worried about you and made sure you were alright and taken care of, when you were home. And to think both of you hated each other growing up, was just laughable now. You knew you had failed him when you were younger. Always siding with your parents, trying your best to keep peace within your family. It had put a strain on your relationship with your siblings over the years.
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“Agent Prentiss, FBI.” You flashed your fake FBI badge to the officer on the scene.
“Officer Davis.” He introduced himself. His eyes inevitably landed on your cleavage area.
Your white buttoned-down shirt was a little tight around your breast, you had left a couples of buttons undone. Which was giving him a glimpse of it  
“What brings the FBI into this neck of the wood?” Davis said, clearing his throat.
You smirked as you caught him ogling at your cleavage. “The bureau has taken an interest into the recent strings of death that has been happening lately.”
“There’s nothing interesting in a couple of animal attacks.” Davis scoffed.
“True but these are quite unusual.” You pointed out. "Hearts missing. And nothing else. Doesn't really sound like an animal to me."
“Look, it’s better if people think it’s an animal.” Davis said quietly to you. “We don’t want them to panic while there’s a killer on the loose.”
“I completely understand your situation, trust me.” You told him. “I’m only here to help you. Maybe, a set of fresh eyes may help you see things a little clearer.” He seemed to hesitate. “I don’t want to step on your toes, here. I really do want to stop the killings. So, let me help you.”  
You looked up at him. He ran a hand on the back of his neck. Hesitating on letting you in the investigation.  He looked around you, the crowd at the edge of the crime scenes, the journalist looking for sensational news. Clearly, he was at a loss. He needed to provide answers to the victims’ family.  
The killing spree had started a few days ago. It was pretty gruesome. Dead bodies had been found recently; their hearts had been ripped out. For you, it was quite an easy hunt. It was clearly werewolves. The deaths started with the full moon, and their hearts were missing.
“What can you tell me about the victim?”
“Young woman, early twenties,” He cleared his throat. He started to lead you toward the victim, where the Medical Examiner was getting a look at the victim. “She was found by a couple of joggers.”
You raised a skeptical eyebrow to him. “People jog in this area?”
“Yeah, there’s a short trail that go into the woods for a few miles, before it cuts back into the park over there.” He gestured over your shoulder.
You looked over your shoulders briefly, and did a double take when you recognized a couple of familiar faces. “You have got to be kidding me.” You said under your breath.
“What was that?” Officer Davis asked you.
“It seems there was a mix up at the bureau.” You smiled tightly at Davis. “Anyway—” You turned to the M.E. “Anything you can tell me on the cause of death?”
The M.E. looked to the leading officer for approval. The latter nodded at her. “Same as the others.” She said, moving the head of the young woman to the side. “No apparent defensive wounds, she was hit over the head. Same spot as the others,” her hands left her head and went to victim’s wrists. “Ligature marks, and of course her heart’s missing.”
It looked like a werewolf kill alright. Although, the ligatures marks did not make much sense to you. Neither did the head trauma. Werewolves were pretty strong creatures and this seemed to indicate that they needed to restrain the victim before the kill, but why?
You turned around to see Dean and Sam Winchester were walking up to you. You excused yourself and met the brothers halfway. Dean looked a little peeved by your presence there. You approached them under his glare. You really did not get why he was mad about you being there. And you didn’t care.
“Winchesters, we meet again.” You said as a form of greeting.
Sam smiled down at you. “It’s good to see you.” Dean scoffed at that.
“Not everybody agrees.” Your eyes drifted to Dean briefly before you returned your attention on Sam.
“You’re not working the case.” Dean said and you glanced up at him confused.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you’re not working the case.” Dean then gestured between him and Sam. “We are.”
You scoffed in disbelief. “I already have an in with the officers. I got this under control. You can sit this one out. You do look like you need some rest, you look tired.” You patted his shoulder; and he recoiled from your touch.
“I don’t need rest.” He pointed an angry finger under your nose. “And really?!” Dean’s eyebrows went up into his hairline. “You got this under control?”
“Yeah, I do.” You nodded.
“So, you have it all figured out already?” Dean questioned, clearly hostile.
“I mean, yeah.” You shrugged. “Dead bodies, heart’s missing. I’d say—werewolves.”
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“And you do?”
“How can you be so sure it’s werewolves?” He questioned.
“Because it makes sense.” You argued back. “What else could it be?”
“Skinwalker.” He shrugged smugly.
“Please.” You scoffed. “You’re just pulling something out of your ass.”
“Dean’s right.” Sam sighed. “It could be a skinwalker. We don’t know that for sure.”
“We do.” You retorted. “It’s a full moon.”
“It won’t matter if it’s a skinwalker.” Dean shook his head.
“Alright.” You snapped at him. “I’ll take that in consideration. Thank you for your help. Go home.”
You turned away from Dean and stomped to your car. You were angry with him, now. He was talking to you as though you didn’t know how to do your job.
Dean grabbed your arm, stopping you on your way to your car. “Listen, kid—“ You looked between him and the grip he had on your arm. “You could barely handle a vampire hunt on your own and now you want to take on werewolves?” You ripped your arm out of his grip. “You should really leave this one to us.”
“First, not a kid. Never was.” You replied. “Second, I called for help because I had never hunted vampires before.” You walked closer to him and jabbed a finger in his chest. “I know how to handle myself on a hunt. Not that’s any of your business, Winchester. I don’t need you or your brother, I can take care of this.”
You turned around and ripped the door to the driver’s seat open, before slamming it shut. And peeled out of there. How dared he? He treated you as though you were an amateur. This wasn’t your first rodeo; you knew how to hunt. You weren't new to this job. You should have reminded him that you saved his life on this vampire hunt. Had he forgotten?
You couldn’t care less if he stayed in town or if he left. You would just proceed with the hunt. Whether it was a werewolf or Skinwalker; as they suggested; you’d kill it and be out of town. After all, it was an easy enough hunt.
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As you’d soon find out, they, in fact, did not leave town. You crossed path with them at the diner. You sent a glare Dean’s way as you walked up to one of the empty booths. You were determined to ignore Dean Winchester and his brother. You were determined to show them that you could handle yourself, and take care of it all on your own.
You didn’t need them. You had never needed anyone.
You sat alone in your booth and ate your lunch while reviewing the victims’ files. They all had been found by the trail near the small wooded area. Heart’s missing, ligatures marks, slight head trauma. The heart being ripped out, indicated a werewolf kill but the ligatures marks and the head trauma suggested something different. You didn’t understand why they were there. Why did they tie up the victims?
There was only one way to find out but you did not like it. You had an aversion for the wooded areas by night. More than anything. However you were a hunter and sometimes, you had to do what you had to do. So, you traded your FBI pantsuit for dark jeans that hugged your large hips and thick thighs perfectly. You traded your dress shirt for a tie-dye crop top that showed a sliver of your skin, and the stretchmarks that peeked out of your waistband. Scars that you had gained over the years as your body changed. It had grown and suffered. It wasn’t slim or thin, it was curvy and big. You had large hips, thick and plushy thighs, a large breast. You loved your body and you had learned to flaunt it.
Flaunting your assets was not what you were going to do tonight. Anyone who knew you, would tell you it was the worst idea you’d ever had. Especially knowing your aversion for the woods at night time. Garth would advise you to ask the Winchesters, since they were in town, to accompany you. And in retrospect, you probably should have. But he didn’t need to know about that.
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“Son of a gun!” You breathed out shakily. You tightened your dark green flannel and your thick jacket around your torso.
You were too stubborn to ask for help when you should. But asking for help was like admitting weakness. And you refused to appear weak in front of Dean Winchester. He already thought you were incapable. You didn’t want him to think of you as weak. You were not going to give him the satisfaction.
Your fingers were tight around your lamp torch. Your heart beating wildly beneath your ribcage. Every breath you took was shaky. Everything in you was screaming at you to run. To go to safety. But you were a hunter. You needed to put an end to the killings. You needed to take care of the werewolf. Or the skinwalker.
Crunch. You froze. Crunch. You pulled out your gun. Crunch. A snort. You knew it wasn’t human. You took another shaky breath. A failed attempt to steady yourself. Your feet remained rooted to the ground. As the sounds were coming closer to your position. You needed to move. And fast.
When your body finally obeyed your brain, it was already too late. You had barely moved when the beast pounced on you. You let out a scream as you landed on your back. The wind got knocked out of you. Your gun flew away from you.
There you were, defenseless. And alone.
Yellow eyes staring into yours. Bared fangs as it snarled at you. Its breath was hot on your face. You did not wish to die here. Alone. Away from your family. This seemed much too familiar to you. A feeling of déjà-vu. You hated it. You hated the woods. You hated that monster breathing down on your face.
A shot rang. Its head snapped up to the sound. Two tall figures were rushing to your aid. You could have sobbed with relief at seeing them. But you weren’t out of the woods yet. No pun intended.  
Its snarled at them. They fired their guns again.  The creature fled as fast as they could. Sam rushed to your aid while Dean pursued the monster.
“Hey,” He helped you up. “You okay?”
You nodded quickly. You were still shaken up. This was too close. You could have died tonight. All of that because you weren’t prepared. Because you wanted to prove something. You screwed up. You clenched your fists repeatedly. You just wanted for your hands to stop shaking. If they could only stop shaking.
“What the hell do you think you were doing?” Dean snapped at you, once he came back.
“We were tracking it down and now it’s gone.” He continued. “You screwed it all up.”
“Dean.” Sam put a hand on his brother’s chest.
“Excuse you!” You snapped back at him. “I screwed up? I was being attacked.”
“Yeah, and whose fault is that?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you don’t know what you’re doing, princess.” Dean stepped closer to you, glaring down at you. “I don’t know how you survived this long on your own, but it won’t last much longer if you keep pulling stupid stunts like that. Leave this to us before you get yourself killed.”
What he said wasn’t untrue. You could have gotten yourself killed tonight. It was reckless to go in before truly knowing what was behind the attacks. Although, that was unfair of him to say. You didn’t set out to be attacked or get yourself killed. You were only trying to do your job. You were a hunter and this was what hunters do. This was what they were doing. So, why was it okay for them to do but not for you?
No one believed in you. No matter how hard you tried they still thought you were uncapable. You had met hunters like him before. Doubting you and your skills. You were too soft, they said. You scared too easy, they said. However, you had proven to them that you knew what you were doing. You had proven to them that you got the job done.
You glared back at him. “Like you care.” You wanted to sound harsh, angry. You wanted him to know that you won’t let him get to you. But that wasn’t how it sounded coming out of your mouth.
You sounded tired and defeated. No one would care if you did die. Not the Winchesters. Not even your own family. Those words had always been floating in your brain for years. After all, you had done so many things for so many people. So many things that went unnoticed. Of course, if you were to disappear. No one would notice the difference. They didn’t need you. Not as much as you needed them. You felt the tears pressed against your eyes.
You would not give him the satisfaction to see you cry, on top of everything else. So, you turned around and walked away from the Winchesters. You heard Sam called you but you ignored him.
You needed to get away from the woods. You needed to get away from Dean.
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httpsdana · 11 months
Hii , could you use prompt 105 and 145 for a enemies to lovers fic for Gavi or Pedri,
please and thank youu
Stop That~Pedri Gonzalez
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*GIF isn't mine. credits to the owner*
I feel like I haven't wrote for my bf for a long time so here's an enemies to lovers trope with Pepi😙
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers i write for
105-"can I ask, what the hell have I ever done that you hate me this much?"
145-"You're so fucking hot when you're mad."
For some reason, y/n and Pedri's first meeting wasn't as quite as good as it should've been. They had a small misunderstanding, which y/n was ready to let go of, until she saw thatPedri didn't want that.
His actions weren't so kind, too rude for the golden boy's reputation. She didn't understand why he hated her so much, but he just did. So she thought instead of always wondering why he disliked her, just hate him back.
She was Ansu's best friend. And Ansu being the social butterfly he is, took her everywhere with him. Everywhere I mean by almost all of his training sessions, matches, team dinners. Literally everywhere. She was always his plus one
"sorry Ansu, but if Pedri is gonna be there I'm not going" she put her hands up while shaking her head
"its just gonna be us and a few of the boys y/n, maybe you and Pedri can solve whatever you have between each other" Ansu begged, trying to convince her
"when I know what's wrong between us I'll try to solve it. If I don't know what's wrong then the problem definitely isn't me" she shrugged, plopping down on her couch
"please y/n? for me? If Pedri does anything we'll leave immediately" Ansu used his secret weapon against her, giving her his big puppy eyes
"oh my god...fine!" she let out a sigh, as Ansu jumped up with a wide smile
"get dressed quickly. I'll be waiting in the car" he said before rushing outside
y/n rolled her eyes but got dressed nevertheless, not wanting to disappoint her best friend
"Ansuuu. I thought you wouldn't come" Pablo said, widening the door for the two best friends
"this one made me late, don't mind us" he gave him a hug before Pablo gave y/n a high five
"oh god...she's here too?"Pedri said as soon as the trio stepped into the room
y/n rolled her eyes with a huff
"its not like I've been looking forward to seeing your stupid face. I'm here for Ansu and the others" she flopped down on the couch, avoiding his glare as his eyes burned into the side of her face
"Uhh guys?" Gavi said, walking from the kitchen to the living room
"what is it now Pablo?" Pedri said chuckling slighty
"I kinda forgot to get the snacks..?" he said in an awkward voice with a nervous laugh
y/n chuckled at him, while Pedri, Ansu, and Ferran were scolding him
"its fine Pab, I'll go buy us some snacks. who's coming with me?" she asked
Pedri stood up with a smirk
"I'll join you, who's driving?" he asked, already walking to the door
y/n and the others were confused at Pedri's actions
"um I'll take Ansu's car" she took the keys from Ansu before he got the chance to complain
Pedri was outside, while y/n was cursing under her breath at his actions. Now they had to be in a car alone, and probably fighting all the time
y/n started driving the car, Pedri sat silently next to her, before she heard him huff
"what is it now?" she asked annoyingly at his action
"speed up a bit, we're not driving my grandma's car" he rolled his eyes causing y/n to repeat his actions
"if the way I drive bothers you I'll gladly drop you of here and you can find your own way to the supermarket" she snapped at him
"oh shut up. I only came here cause I know none of the guys would want to sit with your complaining ass in a car for 15 minutes straight" he crossed his arms over his chest, proud of his words
"can I ask, what the hell have I ever done that you hate me this much?" y/n stopped the car in the middle of the empty highway, turning to look at Pedri with flaming eyes and a red face
"everything you do annoys me and makes me hate you so much. I despise you in a way I can't even describe" he had a smirk on his face, enjoying how angry he's making her
"just tell me what I fucking did!" she yeller, feeling the flames exiting her ears. Her hands were clenched into fists, her nails digging into her palms. He was really testing her patience right now
"You're so fucking hot when you're mad." his smirk widened only, his eyes drifting from her eyes to her lips, before he ran his tongue over his own lips
"stop that! you can't say you hate me and despise me then say I look hot!" she snapped, letting out a breath to control her anger
" I can and I did" he shrugged his shoulders
y/n let out a sigh, and leaned her head against the stirring wheel. She was tired.
"just tell me why you hate me" she mumbled, not removing her head from the steering wheel
Pedri too let out a sigh before he started speaking
"I just hate how you're close with everyone but me. I hate how every other guy in our group seems to have your attention but me. I hate how you seem to realize that everyone is crushing on you but me" he opened up, running his hand over his face
y/n lifted her head to look at him, raising her eyebrows at his confusing confession
"you have a crush on me?" she asked, trying to figure out what was happening
Pedri hummed, avoiding her eyes by staring outside the window
"and you expect me to notice that by the way you've been treating me since we met?" she asked, annoyed that he blamed her for not noticing
"well sorry I don't know how to express my feelings for you so I made myself hate you thinking it was easier" he said sarcastically, making y/n chuckle
"you're such a weirdo" she said, before starting the car again and continuing their drive to the supermarket
"you're gonna say anything?" Pedri furrowed his eyebrows as she was driving silently
"what do you want me to say? I might have feelings for you too but you have to give me sometime to try and forget every shitting thing you've said to me" she said, making a look of guilt wash over Pedri's face
"right...I'm sorry about that. I know some of the things I've said before might have hurt you, but I promise if you give me a chance I'll become a better person" he almost begged. y/n was kinda surprised at his desperation, never expecting him to be this vulnerable
"I promise I'll give you a chance Pedro. but you have to prove that you deserve it" she said, after parking the car on front of the supermarket
Pedri smiled, while she took of her seatbelt, about to get out of the car before Pedri grabbed her wrist. She turned to look at him.
"dinner at 8 tomorrow. I'll pick you up" y/n smiled and nodded her head, before they continued doing what they first came to do
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bloatedandalone04 · 1 year
Thief - Too Close Part 2
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Series Masterlist
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 11.2k | Previous Part | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Oh, my God, Leon,” you gasp as you open the front door, the chilled air sweeping in and making you repress a shiver as you wrap your cardigan further around your body. “What happened?”
“I’ll tell you everything,” he mumbled, the metallic taste of blood consuming his mouth. “I just need you to help me, first.”
You nodded almost instantly, your hand grabbing his and beginning to pull him into your house. 
At his resistance, you glance back and give him a confused look. He just shakes his head. “Not here,”
Shaking your own head, you tried not to focus on the way his lips dripped blood and the black eye that had formed on the left side of his face. “Leon-”
“Please,” he cut you off, his voice muffled as he leaned against the doorframe, his body feeling like it could give up on him at any given second. His tone was harsh without him meaning it to be, something that had your brows furrowing at the unfamiliar sound. “Please, baby, just trust me. I need you to come with me.”
You chew on your bottom lip before reaching over and tugging on your converse, ignoring the way the back scratched against your ankles due to your lack of socks. You grab one of his arms and wrap it around your shoulder, your other hand closing the door behind you. 
Leon blindly reached in the pocket of his jeans, his fingers finding the keys to his car. He hands them to you while also trying not to put his entire body weight on you. He felt embarrassed at the thought of you seeing him like this, beaten and bloody and bruised. He hated that he showed you this side of him when it was the last thing he ever wanted to involve you in.
But he had no one else to go to. He hadn’t seen his family in years, and his few friends were miles away. He didn’t trust your father’s men and he sure as hell didn’t trust his boss. That only left you.
“Where are we going?” You asked as you helped him walk to his car, propping his weight onto one side of your body as you pulled open the passenger side door. 
“My place,” he mumbled before letting out a grunt of pain as he fell against the seat. 
Closing the door, you nearly sprint to the drivers side and climb in, your eyes immediately looking over at your boyfriend. He leaned against the window, his heavy eyes trying to stay open as blood fell from his mouth beyond his control. “I don’t know where you live,” you quietly point out, your heart dropping when you catch sight of the blood that covered the steering wheel. 
Leon groaned as his forearm pressed against his abdomen. “I’ll tell you,”
You cover your hand with the sleeve of your cardigan before wiping away most of the blood and starting the car. “Okay,” you shakily breathe out, looking over at his motionless form. “You need to stay awake for you to be able to tell me, you know that, right?”
Leon just nodded, waving you off and groaning at the pain that shot through him at the movement. 
Without another word, you back out of the questionable parking job done by him and leave the driveway. You pull out onto the dirt road that led to your house, glancing over at Leon, who was slipping in and out of consciousness. “Where am I going?” It would be at least a ten minute drive until you were on the highway, but you still wanted to be prepared when you got to that point. 
Leon huffed quietly, raising his hand to weakly point at the windshield. “Turn right when you reach the main road,” was all he said.
Hundreds of trees passed by in a blur, the setting sun making the dirt road a bit harder to see. “Where is Harvey?” You ask, knowing about Leon’s close bond with him. He was one of the few people on your dad’s side that Leon actually trusted and had been assigned to scout out many areas with him, resulting in a friendship forming. 
One of his shoulders raised in a shrug. “I don’t know,”
You tear your eyes away from your beaten boyfriend as you finally reach the end of the road, barely coming to a stop before turning right. “Where to now?” You question as you glance over at him. He was hunched over, his eyes squeezed shut and his lips parted. “Hey, stay awake. I need you to keep your eyes open, okay?” You tried not to sound panicked as you spoke to him, knowing that you needed to keep him talking so he wouldn’t pass out. 
“Keep going…it’s maybe a five minute drive until the next turn,” Your heart felt like it was beating a million miles per minute and you took a deep breath as you looked back at the road. He sounded so tired and on the verge of passing out before you made it to his house, something that wasn’t ideal as you would then be forced to take him to the hospital, something that would most likely do more harm than good because of his job.
In another attempt to keep him talking, you keep your eyes forward as you ask, “What happened?”
Leon just shook his head, a pained grunt leaving his mouth at the movement. His head was pounding and even the sound of your sweet voice didn’t seem to help it in any way. 
You curse under your breath, shaking your own head as you gripped the wheel tighter. “I knew we should’ve done this at my house,” you muttered. “Fuck whatever my dad would’ve said about it.”
Leon dismissed your worried tone with a wave of his hand. “I’m fine,”
“You’re not fine!” You felt like a mother scolding her kid on something they were told not to do but did anyway. “Why can’t you tell me what the hell happened?”
“Y/n, please,” he begged, something he had never done before. It had you shutting up pretty quickly. “Not now.”
You wanted to push him more, but decided against it when you heard the quiet whimper he tried to hold back. “Okay,” you mumble, reaching over to brush his hair out of his face with one hand. “Okay, just…tell me where to go next.”
It was considered a miracle when Leon somehow made it through the rest of the ride.
The highway turned into a road, and the road turned into a dirt path. It was dark out now, the sun had long since set and left you to turn the high beams on to be able to see even a little bit in front of you. 
With the mix of dust and dirt that surrounds the car, you were certain you were lost and that Leon had given you the wrong directions by accident. Just as you were about to ask him where you were, he sits up straight and nods his head to the right. “Stop over there,”
You reluctantly do as he said, stopping in the direction he pointed to. Before you could ask him where his house was, you look over and see a trailer. It looked empty and if you didn’t know any better you’d think it was abandoned. Looking back at your boyfriend, you see a look of embarrassment flash across his face before he moves his hand to open the door. 
Quickly getting out of the car after grabbing the keys, you reach him just as he falls forward, his hand gripping the door frame tightly as you wrap his arm around your shoulder. With Leon putting most of his weight on you as you stumbled towards the trailer, you took it upon yourself to fumble around with his keys before finding the one that would unlock the door. 
As you tried to lead him over to the couch, you nearly jumped out of your skin at the pained yelled he let out when you tugged on his arm. He pulled away from you and that was when you noticed the odd shape his shoulder was in. “Oh, God,” you say quietly, tugging on the bloody sleeves of your cardigan as you shift uncomfortably. “I think it’s dislocated-”
Before you could finish that observation, Leon grabbed the wrist of his injured arm and pulled it forward quickly. The sound of his bone snapping back into place had you covering your mouth with your hands, your eyes widening at the loud yell he emitted before stumbling forward and knocking a glass cup off the table. 
It shattered on the ground just as he fell forward and landed on the couch with a low groan, his eyes closing as soon as his body hit the cushion. “Leon?” You rushed over to him, caressing the sides of his face and lifting his head. You gently slap his cheek, your heart stopping when you get no response. “Fuck.”
You stand up quickly, looking around the unfamiliar room before making your way down the small hallway. Entering the bathroom, you pull open the cabinet and grab bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and a couple pill bottles. 
You throw the items on the couch beside him before rummaging through the small kitchen, grabbing a few dish towels in your search. Once you had everything you needed, you sat next to Leon, your heart loud in your ears as you wet the towel with the peroxide. Gently placing your hand under his chin, you lift his head as you use the cloth to wipe away the blood that covered his mouth.
Glancing at his still closed eyes, you found a small amount of relief when you notice the way they moved under the lids. Briefly, you wonder what he was dreaming about, before continuing to clean his face of the horrifying red substance. 
Leon huffed as he walked up the long driveway, any and all air successfully drained from his lungs once he reached the front door. His finger pressed down on the doorbell as he placed his other hand in his pocket, his eyes fixated on the marbled design that lined the frame of the door.
He will never understand why Clark had such a big infatuation for marble. Having been in the house more than once, Leon knew all about the marble countertops, marble flooring and marble fireplace. Fuck, was the man arrogant. 
A few seconds pass and Leon raises his hand to knock instead of ringing the bell again. Before his fist could come into contact with the wood, the door swung open and revealed someone he had never seen before. In person, at least. 
“Hi,” you say cheerfully, if not a bit hesitant. Leon doesn’t say anything as his hand drops back down to his side, making you shift from one foot to the other, a pair of fuzzy light pink socks keeping you warm from the cold marble tile that made up the front hall. “Are you looking for my father?” You ask quietly when he doesn’t answer, leaning against the door and half hiding yourself behind it. 
Leon nodded, standing up a bit straighter, trying to ignore the very little clothing that covered you. A light grey tank top and black sweat shorts left your arms and legs bare, exposing your smooth skin to him. 
He tried to keep his wandering eyes at bay as he cleared his throat, but he couldn’t deny that you were even prettier in person compared to the countless pictures in frames that were littered around your house. 
“He’s not here right now. He’s still out running an errand,” you say and Leon knew right then and there that you had no idea of what exactly your dad got up to in his free time. You were so innocent. 
“Oh,” was all he could say, shoving his other hand in his pocket as he stepped away from you. “Okay. Thanks.” Part of him curses at how short lived the conversation between the two of you was. 
Before he could fully turn around, you moved forward and opened the door further. “You can wait for him inside, if you want,” you call out to him, bringing your hand up and biting down on your thumb when he turns back around to face you. “Only if you want. I know how long the road to our house can seem sometimes, I’d hate for you to have to come back again later.”
Leon tenses up at your offer, something you notice. 
You step away again. “He should be home soon,” you mumble. “He said by six and it’s nearly five thirty now.”
You seemed intimidated, and he hated knowing he made you feel that way. You were just being nice, acting so differently from the way your father acted. Without even knowing you, Leon could tell that you and Clark were total opposites. 
Your dad was ruthless, mean and ignorant, only focusing on what he could do to get more money and have his perfect little town bowing down to his every need. He was dangerous, much like Leon was, and had more blood on his hands than you would ever know.
But you were sweet, had kind eyes and a curious smile. You welcomed him into your house with a small grin and a tilt of your head, only worried about him having to make the same trip twice in the same day. 
How could he turn up that offer from someone like you?
Turning back to you, he dropped the tenseness in his body and wiped the stone cold look he was so used to wearing off his face. “Okay,” he said again, stepping towards you and trying to ignore the scent of vanilla that filled his nose when he brushed past you. 
You close the door and move to stand next to him. “Um,” you play with the bracelet on your wrist, one Leon recognized as the one he was sent off to get a few weeks prior. The one that read ‘Daddy’s Girl’. “You can wait for him in here.”
Leading him into the den, you took notice of the way he moved as if he already knew the layout of the house. Seeing as this was your first time meeting him, there was a very real possibility that he had been here many times before without your knowledge, something that was made even clearer as he walked around the side table and avoided stepping on the area of the floor that creaks. 
He sits down on the leather couch and glances up at you, who was still standing near the doorframe. “So,” you trail off, looking at the various paintings you had grown up with that hung on the tall walls. “How long have you known my dad?”
‘Known your dad’? Fuck, you really are innocent. 
You had no idea that he was one of the many men who worked for your dad, had killed for your dad and had stolen for your dad. Leon was in disbelief that you really had no clue what was going on behind closed doors in your own house, the mansion that it was.
“A while,” was all he said, holding back a smirk at the way you refused to meet his eyes. 
“That’s cool,” you nod, your fingers tugging on the gold around your wrist. “What are you two planning to do once he gets home?”
Leon shook his head, leaning back on the couch and resting his arm on the back of it. “How old are you?” He asked, watching the way your face heated up at his question. “You seem old enough to figure that question out on your own, sweetheart.”
And what a sweet heart you had. 
You give him a playful shrug, daring to step closer to him. “I’m twenty one,” you answer him, moving to sit on the coffee table that was a couple feet from him. “And you seem old enough to answer a simple question without getting defensive about it.”
The way you returned his tone had him failing to hold back a surprised smile. “It’s just business,” he simply said, making you squint in confusion, but you didn’t voice it.
“Oh,” was all you said, matching the way he said it at the front door. A few seconds pass before you look back up at him, a small grin on your lips - the same lips Leon had failed to stop glancing at every time you looked at him. “How old are you?”
He shakes his head at your question, bringing his hand up to run through his hair. “Twenty seven as of this week,”
Your brows raise in surprise. “Oh, wow,” you trail off, discreetly crossing your legs and leaning back on the table. “You’re younger than most of my fathers friends. Better looking, too.”
Leon was caught off guard at your sudden burst of confidence, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him feel the tiniest bit turned on. But you are his boss’s daughter, there was no possible way that anything could happen with you. It just couldn’t. 
Still, he found himself returning the flirt with no hesitation at all. “You’re not too bad yourself,” he said casually. “You must get your looks from your mother.”
You shrug, a grin on your lips. “She was quite the pretty lady,” you agree. “So, what’s your name?”
The two of you talked for the next two hours before you were interrupted by your dad stumbling through the front door, the sound making you move away from your place next to Leon. You had moved off the uncomfortable wooden table and sat next to the man as your conversation went on, both of you noticing the way the space between you grew less and less, yet neither of you did anything to stop it.
Until your dad entered the room and you stood up quickly. “Dad! You’re back!” You hugged him, ignoring the way Leon’s eyes burned a hole into your back. “I was just keeping Leon company until you got home.”
Leon stood up as you pulled away, trying to keep his wandering eyes under control. “I hope that’s alright, sir,”
Your dad ignored your confused look, the whole ‘sir’ thing never making sense to you. “No problem,” he answered, placing his hand on Leon’s shoulder as he guided him towards his office. “Sorry I’m so late. I had some unfinished business.”
“That’s okay,” Leon answered, glancing over his shoulder and meeting your eyes. “Nice to meet you, Y/n.”
You gave him a small smile and a wave, watching as the two men disappeared down the hall. All you were left with was the small ounce of hope that filled you at the thought of seeing him again.
The few pictures that lined the walls of the trailer held unfamiliar faces, but you could tell by the appearances that they were Leon’s parents. His father’s striking blue eyes and his mother’s bright blonde hair were the perfect combination to make the man still passed out on the couch a few feet away. 
The photos filled you with a sense of happiness, knowing about his past with his family and how bad it was. The fact he still had their pictures made your heart swell as you never really took him as the family type, not after what he told you, anyway.
The one picture that had your heart skipping was one that was stuck to the fridge by a magnet. It was the smallest one, a simple polaroid that included the two of you. Only half of Leon’s face was visible in the photo while the rest of it was taken up by you, your lips pressed to his cheek in a messy kiss. It was slightly blurred as you had taken the photo when he was least expecting it. 
The small, half smile on his lips was what had your heart pounding loudly in your ears. It was a rare sight, and that was further proved when you compared the polaroid to the pictures with his family. His dad’s hand was gripping Leon’s shoulder tightly, the older man’s face stern and unfriendly while Leon looked uncomfortable. A hint of a smile was present on his face in the photo with his mother, his arm loosely hung around her shoulder, but neither photo showed him looking truly happy, like the one with you. 
Your hand reached up to absentmindedly touch your necklace, your finger running along the carved LK while you examined the small space of what you could only assume Leon considered his house. 
He had never told you where he lived or what his living situation was like, and you never expected it to be like this. All of the other men who worked for your father would always brag about how much money they had and how nice their houses were, so you knew Leon also had a fair amount of money to his name. It was odd that he was living in the middle of nowhere, but it also brought you the smallest bit of comfort knowing that it was quite the drive to get here. 
That means he’s as safe as he could be when he’s not with your dad, right?
Before you could get too lost in thought, you hear the sound of the couch creaking, the old springs squealing as Leon pushed himself into a seated position. The worn out blanket you had thrown over him fell to his lap, his body hunched over and mirroring the way he looked back in the car. 
You were rushing over to him and sitting down on the couch within seconds. “Hey,” you murmur, lifting a hand up to brush away the hair that covered his eyes. “How are you doing?”
Leon groaned quietly, his tired eyes fixated on the dried blood that stained the sleeves of your cardigan - something you had meant to take off and discard before he woke up, but forgot when you caught sight of the photos. “Sorry,” he muttered, holding your wrist in his hand.
 You shake your head, placing your other hand on his shoulder, gentle as to not disturb his sore arm. You try not to think about how loud the sound was when he popped his shoulder back into place, the sickening snap making you feel nauseous. “Are you seriously apologizing for that?”
He shrugged, withholding a wince at the pull of his muscle. “This was one of your favorites,”
“And I’ll get another one,” you wave him off, pulling your wrist away and tilting his head slightly, making him squint from the light of the lamp you had turned on. A somewhat sigh of relief leaves you as you observe his face, a small amount of blood that you missed still sticking to his skin. “It looks like the swelling has gone down a bit.” 
You reach over and grab the pill bottles, dumping one from each container into your palm and trying to ignore how you could feel his eyes watching your every move. 
“Here, take these,” you hand him the pills and narrow your eyes at the blood that still stained his hands. “I’ll get you some water.”
He shook his head, placing the pills in his mouth and grabbing your arm again. His free hand reaches beside the couch and pulls out a half empty bottle of whiskey and you watch as he sips a fairly large amount of the liquid before swallowing. 
You refrain from showing your distaste for the way he coped with pain and instead grab the wet cloth from before, the tan fabric now stained red. Wiping away the blood from his hands, you break the silence, “How are you holding up?”
Leon couldn’t meet your eyes, his face heated from both the punches he took earlier and from embarrassment at the fact that you had to take care of him when he wished you never saw him this way. He always came off as a tough guy, one who was careful and used violence as a last resort. He said he could take care of himself, and he could - the blood on his hands not actually being his own, but his attacker’s. Yet here he was, beaten and bruised, knuckles sore from the punches he threw back and shoulder burning with pain. 
“I’m fine,” he answered, looking around the room in shame. This was not how he wanted you to see this place. Actually, he didn’t want you to see this place at all. He only slept here, really. He was always with your dad, and by default, at your house. All this trailer was to Leon was his safe place, somewhere only he and Harvey knew the location of. Well, him, Harvey and now you. 
But you didn’t seem interested in where he lived. You seemed more concerned about him in general, your weary eyes giving away just how worried you were about him. He shouldn’t be surprised, you were never one to judge someone for their misfortunes and further embarrass them for things they had no control over. 
And it also didn’t come as a surprise that you looked past his secrets and discarded them as not being your business. “Are you going to tell me what happened now?”
Leon sighed before nodding and carefully sitting back, his hand lazily holding yours in an attempt to give himself some form of comfort. “Your father was getting really angry earlier. He was frustrated because he was tipped off of a potential outsider among his men. Something about missing money and information given to an old enemy. Whatever it was, he was pretty pissed when Harvey and I got to your place,”
You furrow your brow. “You were at my house today?” 
“Yeah, it was only briefly as your dad sent us away pretty much right after we got there since he wanted us to go interrogate this guy named Linus,” his free hand raised to give air quotes to the word ‘interrogate’. “It was a total setup. We were attacked as soon as we got there.”
Leon’s tired eyes stayed fixated on the carpet as he answered, “Some old repair shop,” after you nod in understanding he continued, “Harvey took a crowbar to the face and I got a fist to the jaw and it was complete chaos after that. I don’t even remember what happened until I was nearly crawling out of there and covered in blood that wasn’t all mine. I don’t even know what happened to Harvey.”
You give his hand a comforting squeeze, inching closer to him out of habit. 
“I didn’t know where else to go. Thought about calling up your old man and saying some not-so-nice things that would’ve probably made him finish the job the guys at the shop started,”
You shake your head at that. “No,” you say. “No, you’re one of the few guys my dad actually trusts. He wouldn’t do that.”
He gave you a look, one mixed with pity and one that said ‘you’re delusional’. “He’s the one who sent us there in the first place,” he pointed out, his thumb stroking your knuckles. “He had to have known what we were walking into, it explains why he didn’t go with us. He wanted to make sure that if he was being betrayed, it would be us who faced the consequences. It’s his way of delivering the message.”
You look away, wanting to not believe that your dad was capable of sending off his best men straight into a trap that could’ve easily gotten them killed. But, then again…your dad was a very closed off man and never allowed you to be involved in this kind of thing. He wasn’t even aware that you knew about it and still thinks you’re his oblivious, obedient little girl. That girl was long gone, replaced by a woman who was completely in love with a guy who had seen things and done things she could never imagine. 
“He had you attacked so he could prove to the outsider that he wasn’t one to be betrayed,” you trail off in realization. Tears gather in your eyes and you bring your hand up to cover your mouth. “Leon, I’m so sorry.”
He quickly shook his head, pulling his hand from yours and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. He presses you against his chest, pain be damned, and wraps his other, much sorer, arm around your waist. “It’s not your fault, don’t be sorry,” he says, his chin resting on the top of your head. 
Your hands wrap around his arm as you press yourself closer to him, finding that it was you who now needed a sense of comfort. “It is,” you cry. “All I’ve ever done is defend and ignore what he’s done. I acted like if I pretended it never happened, then he was still the same guy who raised me, who taught me how to be strong and to look out for others. I can’t believe he would do this.”
It was then when you realized that he wasn’t teaching you how to look out for others……he was teaching you how to look out for yourself, to hell with anyone else.
Leon tensed up as he debated on how to handle this. Should he tell you what you already know, but most likely won’t believe without confirmation from him? Or should he just shut up and provide you with the comfort and care you had given him since he showed up on your doorstep covered in blood?
His hold on you tightens and his jaw locks as he decides to go with the first one. “He’s not who you think he is, baby,” Leon hated that he was the one to tell you that, but at the same time was glad you were hearing it from the person who cared for you the most.
Lifting your head quickly, you roughly wipe away your tears and sharply inhale. “Tell me more,” you say. “Tell me everything.”
If your dad was a bad guy, you wanted to know any and everything he was capable of, even if it broke your heart in the end. You felt betrayed, like your respect for your father had been abruptly shattered and your trust was running thin as the seconds went on. 
How long had you been oblivious to his ways?
You had only recently been informed of what he did for a living, after years of suspicion on your part, and the person who told you was none other than your boyfriend of, at that point, four months. Leon had tried to hold off on telling you for as long as he could, in fear of your own safety and not his, but every time you looked at him with desperate eyes and a slight pout, he caved more and more.
Now, ten months into the relationship and you were only now finding out how truly cruel your father is. He sent his two best men into a trap to protect himself when he was having doubts about the loyalty of someone in his circle. Better them than him. 
Better Leon than him, actually. 
You were mad, upset and embarrassed, and your continuous flow of tears only added to that, but you couldn’t help it. 
“I can’t,” he hesitantly answered, hating the fact that he dropped this massive bomb on you but couldn’t say anything else without risking your well-being. Now that was something he refused to do. “You know I can’t, it’s too dangerous.”
Your shoulders dropped in disappointment, your lip quivering as you inched closer to him. Bunching his torn up shirt in your hands, you refused to meet his eyes as you begged, “Please,” you felt beyond pathetic at this point. “It’s not fair.”
“I know it’s not,” he agreed, caressing the back of your head as he held you against his chest. “I know it’s not, princess, and I’m so sorry I can’t tell you everything you deserve to know, but I won’t risk losing you like this. Not now, not ever.”
You nod in understanding, though your heart fell a bit at what else he was keeping from you. “Isn’t it risky for you to be telling me all of this, too, though?”
Leon felt his heart flare up at the fact that you were still so concerned about him when he had just completely flipped your world upside down. God, you were perfect. “It can be,” he confirmed, his hand running up and down your back, despite the ache that it caused to his sore fingers. “But I don’t care what happens to me, just as long as you’re safe. That’s all that matters.”
Not knowing what else to say, the words “that’s sweet, but I would never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me and I would rather die than lose you” threatening to leave your lips, you settle on pulling away from him and standing up. “Come on,” you say quietly, holding your hand out to him. “You need to go shower, rinse the rest of that stuff off you.”
That stuff meaning blood. A lot of it. 
You stained at least two cloths with blood from just his face and his hands, so you were a bit more than terrified to see what was hidden underneath his clothing. 
Leon stood, his hand tightly clasped in yours. “I’ll only shower if you shower with me,” he towered over you, his height intimidating you in the best way possible.
“I don’t have any clothes here,” it was a poor excuse and you both knew it. You just didn’t want to see the bruises that surely covered his chest. 
“Well, I do,” he pointed out and tugged you along to the small hallway. “You’ve worn my clothes hundreds of times now, what’s so different about this time?” 
You keep your head down as he opens the door. “You’re hurt, Leon,”
“I’m fine,” he dismissed you, dropping your hand as he moved the curtain back to turn on the water. He hissed quietly when he felt the hot water seep into the various cuts on his arm, something he hoped you didn’t hear but you were right there.
“Yeah,” you bow your head, a small smile on your lips as he turns to face you again. “You seem it.”
He shakes his head as he steps closer to you, his hands tugging on the hem of his ripped shirt. You tried to prepare yourself, but who were you kidding? Nothing you did could’ve prepared you for the sight you were met with when he discarded the article of clothing on the floor near the sink. 
Scattered across his chest were various cuts and slice marks, both dried and fresh flood surrounding each one. The movement of his shirt ripping away from the wounds caused a new wave of blood to rush out, a bit beginning to drip and create trails down his skin. 
On his lower torso were multiple bruises, shaped like someone’s fist. The dark, purpled skin stared at you as you stepped back, your hand covering your mouth. There was a large bruise that was half on his front and half on his side, and you knew that was the reason he couldn’t sit upright in the car as his ribs were undoubtedly bruised as well. The scar from his bullet wound looked so painless now when compared to the rest of him.
Leon avoided eye contact as he turned away from you and discarded the rest of his clothes before disappearing behind the foggy curtain. 
You let out a shaky breath when you heard him groan out in pain as he tried to quickly wash away the blood in an attempt to make you forget about what he had endured. It was no use as the image of him being covered in the cruel markings of a sadistic man was now burned into your head.
Slowly, you shrug off your cardigan and kick off your converse next to his boots, your shirt and jeans following shortly after. When you were bare and in the same vulnerable state as Leon, it was then when you moved the curtain back and stepped in behind him. 
His back was to you, his hair soaked and the tiled floor gathering a pale pink hue of water. You reach your hand out and place it on his shoulder, feeling the multitude of knots beneath your fingertips. 
The skin of his back was no better than his front. More bruises littered the surface, but they were bigger than the ones on his abdomen. You knew right away that they were the result of him being kicked multiple times while he was down. 
Your heart broke further at the thought and you stepped closer to him, the water now misting over you as you wrapped your arms around him from behind. Your chest pressed to his back and the side of your face pressed to his shoulder, your touch feather light in fear - the thought of you hurting him even further nearly brought you to tears. 
His hands, which were placed flat against the wall in front of him as he stood under the showerhead, moved so they were holding yours. Your joined hands rest against his chest as his head tilts back and leans on yours. 
The water was now hitting his face directly, the dried blood you had missed now trailing down his chin in streams of red and pink, making the falling water a dark color before it got the chance to hit the floor. The black bruise around his eye burned just a bit as the water hit it and he was unable to fully open it as it felt far too heavy at the moment. 
The split in his lip probably would’ve had him cursing as he felt the water seep into it, but the painkillers had already kicked in and left him feeling numb all over. The sting of the water invading his wounds had faded to a stiff discomfort, his whole body feeling heavy with fatigue. All he wanted to do was sleep, preferably with you wrapped up in his arms as you helped wash away everything that had happened during the span of the day.
Sleeping right after taking a high dosage of medication was dumb, and he knew better, so he’d let you swoon over him for a little while longer before you were forced to return home to your father when he noticed your absence. 
“I’m staying here tonight,” it was as if you could read his mind and knew how to push his worries aside whenever he thought about them. It further fueled his theory that you were made for him.
It was late into the night, the sun had set when you were still driving over here, and he had been passed out for at least a good two hours while you cleaned him up, so the exact time was unknown, but neither of you cared. 
It was reckless, you both knew it. 
Your father was a smart man, and it wouldn’t take him long before he put two and two together. The sudden disappearance of his daughter, all the calls he made to Leon having been unanswered, the few drops of dried blood on the doorstep of your house.
Luckily, all it did was draw suspicion. As of right now, your father was sitting in the den, the room heated by the fire and a glass of whiskey in one hand as he stared at his phone, expecting a call from you at any second to explain your absence.
And you would call, after you were done taking care of your lover and making sure he was on his way to a decent recovery. Only then would you grab your phone from its spot on Leon’s dashboard and tell your father that you were staying at a friend’s house and apologize for the late call. 
“You don’t have to,” but man did he want you to.
You brush off his quiet words and place a kiss on his wet shoulder. “I’m not leaving you like this,” you answer. “I can’t.”
Leon turned in your arms, his own wrapping around your shoulders while his hands tangled in your hair. He pulls you against his chest and presses a kiss to the top of your head as you gently wrap your arms around his middle. “Thank you for taking care of me,” he murmured into your hair as the water cascaded down both your bodies. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”
You shake your head and move closer to him. “Thank you for letting me in,”
Leon’s words from a couple of weeks ago sounded throughout your head as you wiped away angry tears from your face, your eyes staring into the cold ones of your father. 
“You can’t say anything about this to him. He doesn’t even know that you know about his job or mine. It’ll only make things worse. Promise me you won’t say anything to him, please.”
You cursed yourself for agreeing to that promise as you inhale a shaky breath, your built up frustration and betrayal rising the longer you stayed in the same room as him. 
Don’t say anything. Don’t yell at him. Don’t break your promise.
It was on repeat in your head as you pushed past your dad and made a beeline for your bedroom. “Where do you think you’re going?” He called out and followed you out of the den. “We’re not done talking about this.”
“Yes, we are, dad,” you seethed as you stormed down the long hallway. “I’m twenty two, okay? I’m not a child anymore. You can’t just keep me here.”
You weren’t sure how the argument started, but things had been tense between you and your dad ever since you found out about how he set up Leon and Harvey - who was fine, by the way. He showed up to the trailer the day after you patched Leon up, his body in the same condition as his partners and his clothes stained red. 
Still, he gave you a bloodied grin and asked if you could help him next. 
You could see why Leon liked the guy so much. 
“I don’t care how old you are, sweetheart. As long as you’re living under my roof, you’ll be following my rules. And I said no,” his words dripped venom, an anger you’ve heard from him that was often directed to others, but never at you. “So, there is your answer.”
You inhale sharply, annoyance quickly bubbling inside you.
“I wasn’t asking for permission, dad,” you muttered as you shoved open the door to your room. Of course he followed you in. “I was telling you. Giving you a heads up, that’s all.”
“You’re not hearing me-|
“No, you’re not hearing me,” you cut him off and grabbed the bag you had packed and placed on your bed a mere half hour before all of this. “I’m not a kid anymore. You can’t tell me what to do as I’m a grown adult. If I want to leave the house without telling you, then I will. But that’s besides the point as I actually did tell you this time. I can’t stay here forever. I have my own life.”
You thought you did a pretty good job at getting your point across, but clearly you were wrong as his sarcastic laugh met your ears.
“Not while you’re living here, you don’t,” he simply said and your eyes widened in anger and disbelief. “One day, sweetheart, you will see that my keeping you here is for your own good. It’s a cruel world out there.”
You were quickly becoming pissed off, your shoulders tensing and nose flaring.
He always treated you like a child, despite the fact that you hadn’t been for a long time now. This wasn’t the first time you had brought up wanting to leave and move away from the only house you had ever known, but every time it ended the same way. 
Your dad would brush you off and tell you that you don’t know how to take care of yourself, or you wouldn’t make it a week out in the real world and it’s better to let him take care of you a little longer. 
You feared that you would be pushing thirty by the time he deemed reasonable for you to move out. That was too late, you were ready now.
There was nothing left for you here. You had long since graduated high school, and even that you had to fight your dad on as he insisted he hire a teacher so you could be homeschooled. He said you didn’t need to go to college or university as people only go there to get a good job in the future. According to him, you would never need a job as he’d pay for everything you could possibly want.
It was too much. 
You wanted out. You wanted freedom.
Before you stop yourself, you mutter the words, “It’s a cruel world in here, too,”
Your father gave you a confused look and you could see a flash of panic in his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“I know who you are, dad,” you say quietly, deciding to just get it over with. You blew it, that much was obvious. You never were good at keeping quiet about the things that pissed you off. “I know what you do. Maybe not all of it, but I know enough.” 
He looked beyond shocked and you had to silently applaud yourself for being able to keep quiet about your knowledge of his job for nearly a year.  It was a hard task, but you did it nonetheless. “Who told you?”
Leon flashed through your mind and you quickly bit your tongue. There was no way you’d throw him under the bus and tell your dad that it was him who told you damn near everything. “No one told me anything, dad,” you were lucky that you had always been a good liar. “I figured it out on my own. The late night meetings with those guys, the secrets, the random calls you can’t take while I’m in the room. You haven’t exactly been all that discreet about it.”
He looked speechless as his lips parted and his brows furrowed, a look of realization taking over his features. “So… how much do you know?”
“I know enough,” you mutter and push past him. “More than enough for me to not want to be part of your fucked up world any longer.” It was the first time you had ever used that kind of language with him, and he quickly decided he didn’t like it.
He grabbed your wrist tightly. “Y/n,” he said sternly, his hold not faltering even as you tried to pull away. “You’re not leaving this house. We’re not done talking about this.”
“I am,” you successfully pull your hand away and watch as a look of betrayal flashes across his face. His eyes narrow and his jaw locks as he looks you up and down with an unreadable expression. 
“Your mother would be so disappointed in you. She raised you better than this,” he spit and the anger in his voice had you stepping back.
You fall quiet at that, your eyes stinging at the mention of the person you missed the most in the whole world. It had been years since you lost the one person who made your childhood at least somewhat normal, and you believed a part of you died with her. 
Your father hardly ever talks about her, while you talk about her all the time. He never cried, never even teared up since her passing, making you believe that he really was heartless. 
Shaking your head, you turn away and head straight for the door. “I don’t think she would be,” you say without looking back at him. “In fact, I think it’s you who she’d be disappointed in, not me.”
“Y/n,” he warned again when you grabbed the doorknob. “Walking out that door might just be the stupidest thing you will ever do. If you leave now, I promise you it’ll be the biggest mistake of your life.”
His threat only fueled your need to leave, and with a final look at the man, you turn your back to him once again and open the door before slamming it behind you. 
It was late, and you probably should’ve left a bit sooner as the drive was still a bit unfamiliar to you. What should’ve been a twenty minute drive became a forty minute one, and by the time you turned the car off and got out, it was dark out and the only sound that filled the air was crickets. 
Your head was pounding and your eyes burned as a fresh wave of tears filled them. You raised your hand to knock on the thin metal door, your gaze fixated on the small window that was made up of frosted glass. 
A few seconds pass and you knock again, this time seeing a silhouette behind the glass. Slowly, the door opens and you step back when your eyes meet Leon’s. A huff of relief leaves his lips as he leans over to place his gun on the counter, not expecting that it was you who was at his door.
When he caught sight of your tear filled eyes, he pushed the door open further and gently grabbed your hand. He pulled you into the trailer, his eyes flickering all over the surrounding area before he shut and locked the door behind you. “Baby,” he said quietly, his hands caressing the sides of your face. “What happened?”
At the touch of his hands and the softness in his voice, you break down entirely. Loud sobs leave you as you press your body against his, your hands fisting his shirt while your tears dampen the fabric.
“Hey,” he said softly, his hand holding the back of your head as you pressed your face to his chest. Your cries caught him off guard completely, as did your entire appearance. He assumed he was about to get robbed or perhaps someone was there to settle unfinished business, hence why he had his gun ready. He didn’t expect when he opened the door to be met with the distraught sight of his sweet girlfriend. “What’s wrong?”
You shake your head and bury your face into his shirt. 
“Talk to me, angel,” he murmured against the top of your head. You look up at him, a small bit of relief filling you at the faint bruise that was around his left eye. He had pretty much fully healed since the night he came to your house, covered from head to toe in blood, a mix of his own and someone else’s. His eye was bloodshot and the dark skin around it had lightened up considerably. His lip had scarred over from where it was slit, leaving it a lighter shade than the rest of his mouth. 
The cuts on his chest turned to scars, and the bruises faded back to his natural skin color, only a few dark marks left on him that had yet to heal fully. You’re still in awe at how he can go from beaten and bloodied to almost completely recovered within a couple of weeks. Part of you hypes yourself up at how well you took care of him on the first night.
A shaky breath escapes you and your teary gaze meets his, watching the way his blue eyes soften at the sight of you. “My dad,” you start, wanting to wrap yourself in his arms and never leave. You wanted him to take you away and give you the life you were robbed of while growing up. “It’s my dad.”
“Okay,” he trails off, keeping you in his arms as he leads you over to the couch. “What about your dad?” 
He gently pushes you into a seated position on the couch before sitting next to you, putting a few inches of space in between so he wasn’t crowding you. You look over at him with guilty eyes, your vision more than slightly blurred due to the tears that have gathered along your waterline. Still, he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen, his dark brows pressed together in concern, his eyes glossed over with worry and his lips parted slightly as he waited for you to say something. 
“I’m so sorry, Leon,” you begin quietly, hating how shaky your voice came out. You wished you were as strong as he was. “I got into a fight with my dad and I told him that I know about his job and what he does, and….I’m sorry, I know I promised I wouldn’t say anything but he was getting so controlling and aggressive and he…brought up my mom, I just couldn’t stay there anymore.”
Your rant was cut off as a sob escaped your mouth and that was all it took for Leon to move closer and wrap you back up in his arms. He wasn’t mad, no, not at you. He’d never be mad at you when it came down to you and your father. Without any hesitation, he’d be on your side within seconds. 
He was mad at Clark, not only for making you upset, but also for bringing up the sore subject of your mom. You had cried to Leon on more than one occasion about how much you missed her and how you wished you could’ve said goodbye. It wasn’t fair for your dad to bring her up when he was the one who was responsible for her death, but you didn’t need to know that just yet.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he rubs his hand up and down your back while his other tangles in your hair, holding your head against his chest. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s not,” you cry. “I promised I wouldn’t say anything to him but I did it anyway. What if he finds out about you? Or us? Or how you were the one to tell me, or what if something happens to you? I’d never forgive myself-”
“Y/n,” he softly cuts you off and you fall silent, the quiet beats of his heart against your ear filling you with a small amount of much needed comfort. He didn’t know how to calm you down, didn’t know what to say that would make things better for you. All he could do was hope that you’d believe him and feel even the slightest bit at ease. He couldn’t stand to see you so upset, so unlike yourself. “Nothing is going to happen to me, okay? Do you hear me? I promise.”
Your tears didn’t stop as you asked, “What about us? Did I just ruin everything for us? What if my dad finds out that we’ve been sneaking around behind his back for almost a year now? He’d make sure I never see you again,”
Leon’s jaw tightened at that. “That won’t happen. He won’t take me away from you,” his words were almost enough to convince you. “He won’t take you away from me.”
“But how do you know that? How can you be so sure?”
“Because I love you, more than anything else in the world, and nothing can come between that. Nothing can get in the way of how I feel about you, not even your dad,” he says and you feel your heart skip a beat at his words, your tears stopping as you gaze up at him. “I don’t care that you told him that you know about his job, okay? Whatever comes from that, we’ll deal with it together. I just care about you.”
You bring a hand up to wipe your tears away, inching your face closer to his so you could brush your noses together. “I love you,” you say quietly and press your forehead to his. “So much. Nothing can take me away from you.” 
Damn right he felt like saying but feared he was beginning to come off as too possessive - not that he isn’t afraid to tell you just how much he loves you and plans for you to be with him for the rest of your lives, but still. There are certain times and certain places for that. 
Before Leon could say it back you had lifted yourself up and placed your hands on his shoulders, your chest now pressed to his. You close the gap even more by connecting your lips in a kiss, all the stress, anger, frustration, guilt and sadness from the day being poured into it.
It wasn’t the first time you came to him to get your mind off things, and it surely won’t be the last. 
He didn’t mind one bit, though, as he, too, has gone to you to relieve his stress more than a couple times now.
It was just how the two of you functioned. You would always be there for one another and are each other’s safe space. Neither of you would want to have it any other way, the trust between you so deep and strong and right. 
It always felt right. 
Leon wondered if there would ever be a right time for him to ask you the question he knew you’ve been wanting to hear for months now. 
The thought had his ears burning, his shoulders tensing and his mouth pulling away from yours before things become too heated. 
What better time than now?
Your brows furrowed in confusion, but before you could ask why he stopped, he kept one hand on your waist while his other reached into the box beside the couch. It was his ‘junk box’, his own take on the standard junk drawer everyone seemed to have in their house. While they were normally filled with random things - junk, to be exact - Leon’s was filled with the few items he brought with him when he left his parents house back when he was only seventeen. 
His first hunting knife, a gold coin from the arcade he used to love going to as a kid, an old polaroid of him and his first pet -  a dog he considered to be his closest friend from the ages five to sixteen (eleven years was not long enough in Leon’s opinion, but clearly it was too long in his dad’s) - his high school yearbook, and perhaps the most important item; his grandma’s ring. 
It had been passed down to his mother and then to him and he remembered the exact words she said when she handed him the box with the ring inside of it, “Hold onto this for me, will you? Find a nice girl, one who makes you truly happy, and give this to her when the time is right. Don’t wait too long, the good ones never last. And when you find her, don’t ever let her go. Don’t be like him.”
He would never be his father. 
He remembered packing the last of his things and giving one last look at his childhood room when she had wandered in, her hands tightly clasped around the box. She had been crying, likely because her only child was leaving for God knows how long, but she also couldn’t blame him. Leon’s dad was a miserable man, and he still probably is. He drank too much, gambled, and verbally abused his son until it became physical. She almost wanted him to go, to leave and never come back to the house that was the cause of so much of his pain.
She gave him a final kiss to the top of his head as he took the ring from her and then he left. 
That was over ten years ago. And he hadn’t seen his parents since. 
His mother had tried reaching out to him, but he couldn’t bring himself to return any of her calls or letters. He was living with a friend for a couple years after he left, and that was how she was able to send him various letters asking him how he was doing, if he was okay, and telling him that she missed him terribly. 
When he took the job to be a carrier for some sketchy guy across town, that was when he completely lost contact with her. She couldn’t send him any letters as she no longer knew where he was, or if he was even alive. 
There’s nothing he regretted more than how he ended things with his mom. If he could, he would relive all that childhood torment from his father just so he could leave again, but this time he would take her with him.
Then she could’ve possibly met you. If he never got himself caught up in the world of mobsters and murderers, would he have even met you? He liked to think so. 
If he didn’t meet you through your dad, he believes you would’ve met some other way. Maybe on one of the days you were able to leave the house and go into town, maybe then you would’ve run into each other on the street. Maybe then you both could live a normal life together. 
He holds the box in his hand, his nerves beginning to eat him alive as he lifts his head so he is looking up at you. 
Meanwhile, your heart was in your throat as you stared at the black casing, your hands fisting the dark shirt he was wearing. “Leon-”
You weren’t able to finish asking him what he was doing before he took his hand off your waist and opened the box, the silver ring now being on full display. Your quiet gasp fills the air as you can’t seem to take your eyes off it, the lamp on the side table making it sparkle just slightly. 
“Leon…” You say again but are ultimately left completely speechless. 
“I’ve been thinking about how to do this for months now, but I never knew when the timing would be right,” he said and you are finally able to tear your eyes off the ring and look into his. “I know now that the timing will always be right when I’m with you. There will never be a dull moment between us. There will never be a day that goes by where I won’t want to be with you and see you wear this. I’m so in love with you I feel like my heart physically aches when we’re apart. Just one week of knowing you was all I needed to know that you’re the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
A teary laugh escapes you as you shake your head, your eyes following the movement of his hand as he takes the ring out of the box.
“You’re the single most important person in my life and I can’t imagine a future without you in it. You are my future, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you more than life itself, and that’s why I feel safe asking you this,” he takes your hand in his, grinning slightly at the way you began to shake with unshed tears. “I know I’m going to be okay as long as I have you to keep me on the ground. You’ve seen me at my worst, and I promise you that you will see me at my best every day for the rest of our lives, if I can help it.”
You laugh again and tighten your right hand on his shoulder as he holds your left one.
“So, with that being said,” he held the ring between his fingers. “Will you marry me?”
The tears have made their escape down your face as you nodded quickly, wrapping your arms around him before he got the chance to put the ring on your finger. “Yes,” you say and press multiple kisses to his face, the last one being on his lips. 
Meanwhile, back at your house, your dad was in the den, the flame of the fire casting an orange hue across the entire room. He was sitting in his chair, his arms flat on the armrests and a glass of whisky in his hand. 
He couldn’t believe you. How could you turn your back to him after all he’s done for you? Did he really raise you like that? A spoiled, privileged brat?
What happened to his sweet and shy little girl? 
Who had corrupted you right before his very eyes? 
A knock on the doorframe carried that answer. “Sir? I got those files you wanted,” Nathan, one of his many men, says as he enters the room. 
“The ones on Kennedy?” 
“Yes, sir,” Nathan answers as he moves to stand in front of his boss. “I hope you don’t mind, but I read through a bit of his background. There’s some real shady stuff on this guy.”
One of Clark’s brows raised. “Like what?”
“Well, apparently he left home when he was a teen, practically a kid still, and took a job from Frank back when he was nineteen. He worked for him for a couple years before he seemingly disappeared and no one had heard from him for a while after that. I asked one of the guys he used to work with and he said that Kennedy had been working with someone named Redfield for the past five years now, and he was sure he still is.”
Clark’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his glass. “Redfield?” He asked and watched as Nathan nodded. “I don’t recall a Redfield working for me.”
“That’s the thing, this Chris guy is part of a mob that’s located across the state,”
“What are you saying?”
Nathan swallowed nervously as he held the files in his hands. “I think you’re being double-crossed, sir,”
Clark’s jaw tensed as he held out his free hand and grabbed the files from the younger man. “Not for much longer,” he muttered, downing the rest of the alcohol and opening the folder. “Thank you, Nathan. That’s all, you can go home.”
The man flees the room as Clark begins to sort through the countless pages that told him everything he needed, but somehow didn’t know about the man he trusted with his life, the same one he let into his house, and the same one he allowed to talk to his daughter. 
Leon Kennedy was a traitor. 
And Clark now was fully aware of who it was that turned his only child, his daughter, against him. 
It was only further confirmed when he shamelessly searched your room and came across the necklace that displayed Leon’s initials, the one you had carelessly forgotten to grab in your rush to leave.
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razbunz · 3 months
Best of the worst
Toji x Fem!Reader CW: Average Toji Activities,Older Bf Toji,Brief Suggestiveness, Smoking,Shiu's there too guys.
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Scumbag Toji! Who spots you working the late shift at a local dinner, He’s with Shiu ordering some food after a late mission. Where he cant help but smile and wink at you when you take their orders, Enjoying your little reactions to his suggestive jokes. He watches your ass when you walk away, The tight uniform leaving little to the imagination. Shiu shakes his head at Tojis antics.
Scumbag Toji! Giving you a wad of cash; quickly scribbling his name and number onto the receipt. His watchful eyes not missing the way your eyes light up seeing it. You hand over the change, giving him a moment to hold onto your hand a second too long. As he leaves you offer a shy smile. It's all he needs.
Scumbag Toji! Picks up his phone, Realizing it’s you he dips his hand into his boxers- Asking you about your day with little huffs of breath in between. He flirts with you throughout the call trying not to moan at your voice through his cracked burner phone. He smirks as he strikes a date with you.
Scumbag Toji! Cleaning up before his date, Shaving and trimming up his hair trying to cover up a few of his gray hairs. He puts on a black dress shirt with ash colored slacks,A silver stud earring on his left earlobe matching the silver cuffs adorning his wrists. He rolls up his sleeves showing up to your pad. Honking the horn of his 2006 Matte Grey Maserati coupe. It smells like tobacco mainly, with an ashtray on the center console. But when you smell his aftershave it makes your head swim with warmth.
Scumbag Toji! Take you to a restaurant downtown-It’s lit with candles and the walls are decorated in vintage wine bottles. A bouquet awaits you once you sit down, full of white Gardenias & Asters; Blush pink roses and baby’s breath dot the mix. It’d be a lie to say your heart doesn't flutter.
Scumbag Toji! Avoiding all personal questions, When you ask him what he does for work he takes a long sip of Cabernet wine, he responds with “Don’t worry dollface, I work hard.” When you give a look of confusion he changes the subject to how you're doing.
Scumbag Toji! Who restrains from devouring you whole when he drives you home.He holds back and opts for a kiss on your cheek.Once he arrives home it pains him that he held back.So he pulls a photo he took of your and finishes the job he should've done.
Boyfriend Toji! Surprisingly keeps taking you on dates, giving you money and little gifts. He knows you like plushies and gives you a giant teddy bear.It has a voice box in the paw and every time you press it the bear says “I love you.” But by far your favorite is a Vivienne Westwood Aleska pendant necklace, he gave you on the 9th date…The rose colored pearl shines up whenever you look at it.
Boyfriend Toji! Listening to your pleas to go for a joyride in his altered Maserati, the 3am highways raging with acceleration and tire marks. The radio turned so loud it drowns out all of your screams of joy. So when the adrenaline fades and he looks at you like you're the only one in the whole world.It's hard not to join him in the backseat.
Boyfriend Toji! Who's only been closer to you since then, (half because he got what he wanted he’s still a lil scummy) showing more affection to you. He even invites you over to his place-A nondescript house in a pretty nice neighborhood. But it’s so plain inside with one door locked under key.
Boyfriend Toji! Where you stumble into the guest room,It's an arsenal really. With sword sheaths covered in dried crimson. You're not dumb, You know it's not ‘paint’. But when he calls out your name, fear strikes your heart. Toji looks mortified and conflicted as if he should do something- But he drops his hands to his side and after a little confrontation he sits down with you and explains everything.
Boyfriend Toji! Crying in front of you for the first time, his eyes looking like he'd rather jump off the Tokyo tower than meet your gaze.His voice attempts to hold strong despite all the wavering his chest shudders when he bites back a sob.He lets you kiss a few of the tears away despite frequently claiming that, “He doesn't want pity.” It's not a pity though,It's acceptance.
Boyfriend Toji! Who's genuinely surprised you remain with him. And he takes a short break from work because of it, deciding to focus just on the two of you. Shiu is absolutely flabbergasted that he took a break, but his wallet is thankful.
Boyfriend Toji! Adores the marks on his back that you embellished him with during his break,Fawning over them and is not afraid to say it. But in your defense for making him a human scratching post…It's his fault that your eyes roll back as he hits all the right spots so that you can't think anymore. Luckily for you he coos and babies you after, giving you a nice warm bath and cuddling you to sleep as his large hands run through your hair.
(Boyfriend) Fiance Toji! Who brings to a botanical garden with you wearing a rose pink sundress that hugs your body perfectly, his choice. He sports an ivory gray outfit including the silver necklace that almost mirrors yours. So when he drops to one knee opening a red velvet box with a giant 4 Karat princess cut diamond in front of you, Incessant nodding and sobbing is what follows when your brain catches up with your eyes.
Fiance Toji! Listening to your pleas to do the little ‘couple activities’ you've been so intrigued about online. You make matching hoodies with him;a Hello Daniel patch adorning his hoodie and a matching Hello Kitty one on yours. An eyeroll is what you receive to the idea but he ends up wearing it a lot more than he intended to. Not always by your shining request.
Fiance Toji! Who is surprisingly good at making candles,Looking to decorate the new house with more personal mementos. So when the instructor gets a little to comfy with you he shoots him a glare that would send a doberman running. Giving you consistent kisses throughout the rest of the time.
Fiance Toji! Sitting down for cake testing for your wedding in the near future. The two of you try various flavors, anything from a classic vanilla to a boysenberry compote sponge cake. He agrees with your choice on the Raspberry cake with a light chocolate filling in-between each layer, which after much bickering was decided to be 4 layers. With cake toppers that you almost fought him for.
Fiance Toji!  Getting hired for a huge job just weeks before the wedding. You cry and weep at the front porch holding onto him begging him not to go. He escapes your grasp easily, ordering Shiu to bring you inside while you're hysterically sobbing and screaming at Shiu to let you go. Toji pulls Shiu outside soon after your sobs are gone.
“If you make any moves, Ill fucking kill you.” and holds Shiu by the collar,it catches him off guard and he almost drops his cigarette. “Wasn't planning on it.” Shiu looks up at Tojis cold eyes whispering “Don't die.Don't do that to the girl.” and Toji leaves for the taxi.
Fiance Toji! Feeling like an asshole as he waits for the victim to appear so he can get home to you,He sighs and his eyes catch a gleam of silver before his reflexes do.
Toji. Getting stabbed in the shoulder by the assailant,He hisses in pain but quickly unlatches his handgun on his waist and quickly releases two bullets into his head.He's covered in blood as he stumbles down from the rooftop, sniper rifle in hand killing his target as he saunters down the street. At least he still gets the money.
Toji. Covering up the blade still lodged in his shoulder with the target's white blazer.Its quickly dyed red as he hops onto the last subway of the night towards home.
Toji. Hearing you wail in agony as he stumbles up the hill to the house where you sob on the balcony. Shiu tries to explain to you that his calls aren't going through. You shiver in his grasp when he runs your shoulders up and down whispering words trying to comfort you. Tojis phone is long abandoned and shattered into millions of pieces in a city that seems so far away. He takes a shaky breath as he feels your gaze rake over his injured body. He swears you've never gone downstairs that fast. You run until you clasp him into a tight hug,When he winces your worry only deepens.
Toji. Smoking a cigarette as you begin wrapping the deep bloody gash where the knife was lodged.Your no doctor and he offers some pointers along the way, Shiu berates him during the whole process but still pours him a glass of Scotch to numb the nerves.
Toji. Who gets better just in time for his suit fitting.Its tapered off at his hip and it’s an achingly beautiful shade of midnight blue, he can only hope you love it too.
Husband Toji! Standing at the altar, Fingernails digging into his skin as he silently recites his vows under his breath. Did he say too much? Too little? He doesn’t even know anymore. But as soon as the first note of a Violin plays his head clears when he faces the aisle. Facing you. 
In a flowing crisp white dress, The veil is embedded with tiny Akoya pearls and bits of lace. It burns his eyes to look at you too long. And once you take place on the altar he can feel his face heat up from trying not to cry. He never thought he would be here.Let alone deserve you.
Husband Toji! Who takes all the strength in the world to start his vows,His voice shakes and quivers as he starts.But gains strength with every word he speaks. He doesn't even need to rack his memory; some words just flow out. Halfway he doubts if it's what he wrote a month ago at his bachelors party. Shiu stands as his best man, looking baffled.
He closes his vows, meeting your eyes with renowned vigor. You look at him, now filled with warmth, smile and recite your vows. At least for the majority of the time,Having to look away every now and then to not destroy your makeup. When you finish,Toji nods and discreetly wipes his eyes. It does not prevent the shimmer of tears on his thumb and index finger.
Husband Toji! Who slips the ring onto your finger,and feeling his skin brushing yours almost makes you collapse. He grins when you do the same- as the officiant gives their blessing. And as soon as the word “Kiss” leaves their mouth,He’s already on you kissing as if he might not ever again.
Toji,Who can’t imagine his life without you now.
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AN/ I really appreciate the support ive gotten so far thank you! Please let me know if you liked it- AND! if you want me to write a pt 2 featuring Father Toji 💓
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“Hey what’s going on?...  Yeah I recognize you.  You’re the cocksucker who knows how to take care of my fat hog.  You been up here for a while?  You get any loads?  Yeah this place has no cruising during the day.  Ever since they switched my schedule around, I am up here around 7:30 in the morning.  It’s been dead every time I stop.  I now only pull off to take a piss before heading back on the road; it’s the only good spot to do it.  I figured with me leaving the office three hours late that there would be some activity, some hungry boy needing some daddy dick….  Boy, I see you licking your lips.  You’re hungry for dad’s cock.  Aren’t you?  You remember where to go?...  Not, yet.  We are going to do it a little different today.  When you go to the other side of the truck, before you kneel in position, I want you to strip naked.  Naked means everything comes off including your glasses and watch.  Wait with your eyes closed and your mouth open.  I’ve got to make a call….
“...I spoke to dispatch, and I told them that I won’t be able to deliver this camper to them until well after closing.  We got plenty of time.  Keep your mouth open and your eyes shut.  Keep still….  Too bad I don’t have access to the keys to the camper.
“Ahhh. There we go….  I told you I had to take a piss.  It just needed a few moments.  I said keep your mouth open; when it fills, drink it down.  I want you covered in it.  Fuck yeah boy.
“You look natural down there.  Hell yeah.  You are going to smell like a fuck urinal.  My fucking urinal.  Damn!  You are covered!  And don’t you fucking insult me by wiping that off.  It’s to dry there. 
“I remember, you used to eat my ass.  It hasn’t been tongue scrubbed in a long time; most likely you were the last boy to do so.  Get in there.  It’s probably nasty back there.  Work called me in on my day off, and I left the house this morning without showering.  It’s probably real rank back there.
“Oh fuck! Your tongue does not care.  It feels so good.  You know how to treat a man’s asshole right.  Get that tongue in there. 
“Don’t worry.  I’m watching if anyone pulls off the highway.  Your focus should be on sucking yesterday’s sweat and musk from my ass crack. 
“You like eating dad’s hole?  I can tell.  I wish I had one of those toilet seats on legs.  You could slurp my ass for hours….  What?  In your trunk?  You have one in your trunk?...  You really are a whore.  Go get it. 
“No leave your clothes here.  Take your keys, I want to see you go across the lot naked….
“Fuck yeah boy!  Don’t cover your pecker.  Let it swing….
“…Hell yeah.  If it was up to me, you would be kept naked pretty much all the time.  Go on set it up right here on the asphalt.  In fact, I want you to lay in my piss puddle like a good little pig.  You really want my ass don’t you?
“Go on eat.  Tongue fuck me.  And leave your pecker alone.  You are here to satisfy my needs not yours.  In fact, reach up and play with my nips.
“Oh shit, an SUV is pulling in.  Stay put.  They can’t see you.  Fuck.  I knew it; as soon as I sat down…. Don’t move.  They appear to be turning around and pulling out.
“This probably isn’t the best thing to be doing right here.  What’s your schedule like for today?...  What about tomorrow?  So you are wide open.  Wanna ride with me to San Diego?  The company is paying for a motel.  I’ll fuck you all night.  I can cum multiple times. In between I’ll rest by sitting on your face. 
“There’s a 24-hour Walmart at the next exit.  We can store your car there.  Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll drop you off there with a stretched out hole and a belly full of piss and cum.
“You want to?...  Good.  Put that toilet seat on legs in the back.  But first.  I have to say.  I’m a demanding prick with a demanding prick.  I am in full control of both your holes.  I plan on using them without asking you first.  You come with me, you will be agreeing to that.  I don’t know if you remember how I fuck, but I go right to the root on the first thrust.  You better be lubed up and cleaned out.  Are you?... lubed up and cleaned out?  Good, good.  Let’s do this.  Get up…. 
“Where are you going?  Get back here.  Bend over.  Hold on to something.  I am not going to drive five hours all horned up with full balls, especially with a boy’s ass a few feet away from me.  Let’s get you loaded up.
“I thought you said you were lubed up.  Oh well, son, it’s your hole that’s going to bleed, not mine.”
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atinylittlepain · 6 months
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Chapter Eight
no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!oc
series masterlist
series playlist
warnings: 18+ heavy angst, references to past injury related to DV, very brief and very vague smut
a/n: we've reached the end of this story. i love these two, very much. thank you for reading.
Maybe there's a God above But, all I've ever learned from love Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you? And it's not a cry, that you hear at night It's not somebody, who's seen the light It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah as performed by Jeff Buckley
The car is real. It is parked outside the house now. Sneering a chrome smile at him, taunting him. The sound of its engine in the mornings when she goes to the diner whispers the same thing everytime. Soon. 
One day after the perfect mess he made, he dropped her off at the diner and she informed him with all the warmth of a business associate that he need not come back to pick her up, because Sal would be giving her the keys to the car that is now parked outside the house, the car that is now hers. The car that is going to take her far away from him, any day now. 
They move around each other like ghosts. How fast fission breeds new rhythms and routines, never in the kitchen at the same time, nor the fields, fleeting passings in the evenings. He has taken on more night shifts to keep himself out of the house, to keep himself from doing something stupid, like knocking on her bedroom door and getting down on his knees. Only a few days, though it feels like a yawning beast of time has already blinked by.
She will tell him, won’t she? At least that. Actually, he’s not sure if she will. If he will come home one morning and the sheep will be calling a grievous sound into the thin air because their favorite has left, stuck with him once again. Warning, notice, if not for him, then at least for her flock. 
How quickly things soured, all their jagged pieces tearing and teething at each other. His mean, her mean, and the desolate monster it has made between them. He will let her leave, he must. Care has turned into a cage, and he must leave the door open, must let her step through to something else, something better. Because clearly, whatever this is, plainly no good. 
The mind is a cruel machine. The worst part of all of this, he has been dreaming of her. Scraps of visions, what he can remember. The perfect line of her clavicle, and how breath made the pools of shadows swell and bend against her skin. The way his hand curled around her thigh, the hinge of it. He wakes up wanting, warm and wretched, alone in the night. But the patrol shifts help with that, something about sleeping with the sun trying to pry through the blinds staving off the darkest of his thoughts. 
Sarah called the other day, asked how Dove was doing. Oh, you know, he said. Because he could not lie to his daughter, but he could not offer the truth either. The truth, neither of them are doing very well. Partial, parallel unraveling. The kitchen remains dormant. There are no trips to the grocery, to the library. Only what is needed for another day to pull over into another night and over again. He looks miserable because he is miserable. Glances he has stolen of her, peering out his bedroom window to watch her get into her car in the mornings, he sees that she has turned sharp again, drawn down and in around the edges. This pain, this sickness, is shared. 
He runs through all the ways it could never work while he sits in the slumbering cruiser on the side of the highway. That lull between spring and summer has arrived, all living things bracing and bending beneath inevitable change, quiet in their submission. Life raises its hackles and curls down low to the ground, silent sulk, waiting for new prey, new time. And in the silence, his thoughts grow and gristle.
No, it could not work. He thought that he could, but clearly he couldn’t. Couldn’t be careful enough around all the big and small hurts that trail after her. Because that’s what that was, that night of no, a hurting thing. A wounded, rejected thing. Easier to call it anger. And so was his, the next day, the car, the turn of her shoulder away from him so he could not see the first line of tears fall. 
And now it’s just a meanness, isn’t it? Anger that festers and flumes into something bitter and blistering. Easier to be mean about it. Sorry is so very difficult to swallow, after all. This silence, this sharp shuttering out, mean, the both of them digging their thumbs into the places it hurts the most and pretending to enjoy it with grimacing grins. Good for you, good for me, so there. Good for us.
Always, at some point in his shift, somewhere in the middle of the thick night, his thoughts turn small and young. We are born wanting, and we will always return to wanting. And he does, now, lets himself want all of it. Even the pain she caused him, he would take it happily, standing up and smiling. Something poetic could be said, something beautiful, but there is no need for the fuss or frill of it. Simply, he wants her. Urgently, he wants her to stay. 
Like all things, the wanting passes just as the night does. Eventually, his grip on the steering wheel unfurls and unfists. Eventually, the light begins to spread a pale blue out across all the ink of the plains. Morning starting to suggest itself, mercy. 
He blinks, bleary, a small protest from the engine when he inches the car back onto the road, time to return to the station, want still clearing from the fuzzy periphery of his mind. 
It does not scare or startle him, but it does give him pause. Coyotes, fur dunned and dull, matted tufts sticking up over their slinking bodies. They cross the road with no concern for the car, slow languorous placement of paws, the largest of them turning its jaded eyes into the headlights, perhaps a disillusioned sigh, before it continues on its path. Pups trail and trundle behind, nipping at mother’s tail, new energy, new life, and how dangerous, daunting, daring it can be. 
He does not go back to the station. He goes home. 
Still early, still sleeping, maybe. He does the thing he has been telling himself he shouldn’t. But shouldn’t is what got him here in the first place. Enough of needless shouldn’t. 
She is awake. Her hair still damp from a shower, darkening the blue shoulders of her uniform when she opens the door to her room. Her room, the guest room, whatever it is. Confusion is clear in her frown, the pull of her brow. She keeps the door halfway closed, a quiet understanding of distance needed.
“Are you leaving soon?” Shit, stupid, wrong words that got ahead of what he meant to say. And he just made this so much worse, her whole face pinching tight before slackening into something smaller, something sad. 
“I am. I’m sorry that I haven’t yet.” Sorry that she hasn’t left yet. Sorry that she didn’t get out sooner. And here he is, rubbing all that sorry in her face. 
“No.” All he can think, to quickly slip up his throat to, at the very least, keep her here with half of a closed door between them. Better than the alternative anyways.
“That’s not what I want, not at all.” It is selfish to make this about him, but it is all he can think to say, the only truth that seems to be offering itself up. Dove just looks tired, weary and worn, waiting for the catch. What she said, all those months ago. Always a catch, always waiting for it.
“Joel.” A sigh, but still smarting sweet because he hasn’t heard it from her in too long. 
“This isn’t working.” Going about this all wrong, he has finally realized. While he has been so afraid of no, of unwanted, he has failed to remember that she was taught a long time ago that wanting was not allowed, and that being wanted was an even worse impossibility. Both of them, lashing out against the same thing, though it’s each other that they leave bleeding.
“No, it’s not.”
“I’m going to try to speak plainly.” What he’s going to do is make her late for her shift if he doesn’t kick whatever courage there is whining in his chest up into his throat. But she shows no sign of rush, wide eyes and the smallest frown. 
“Okay.” Okay opens the door fully, though she doesn’t move in invitation, staying separated by the threshold. 
“I don’t want you to leave.” 
“Ever.” Added in the afterthought of silence, because he needs to make himself very clear. Soon, after all. 
“I’m not what you want, Joel.” Said with a scoff, a jerky wave of her hand like no, not even going to entertain it. But it’s enough for something soft to snap in him, hands reaching, but not touching, suspended want as he murmurs, or prays maybe, to her you are, you are, you are, Dove.  
“But I can’t keep you here. Not if you don’t want it.” Me, he meant to say me. But he thinks that she understands all the same, something slipping behind her eyes. 
“I shouldn’t.” Shouldn’t stay, shouldn’t want. A shameful confession that is said to the tips of her shoes more than it is to him. 
“I don’t fucking care.”
“You should.” 
“Just, please, tell me.” 
“I do, okay? Probably more than you do.” 
“That’s not true.”
“How can you just say that?”
“Because I know how much I do. And it’s everything.” And that’s it, he wants to say, that’s all that matters and nothing else and you do and I do. Case closed, finally fixed this thing, this lame, limping thing between them. If only it were that simple. 
“Do you really?” A leap, or more like a lurch, but pure relief when she lets him, two stuttering steps closer and one palm finding the space between her shoulder blades, the other the hilt of her spine, pulling her into him. His and hers, finding the other’s rhythm. Beat like this, body and blood like this. His mouth settles at the crown of her skull. Here, and nowhere else, not ever again, please. 
“Sometimes it makes me sick.” The truth, because there can be nothing else now. Yes, he is sick with it. Sick for her. 
“I want to be normal for you.” Muffled into the fabric of his shirt, and the unsaid after of it. I don’t think I can. Like sorry, like penance, her hands curling closer around his shoulders as she starts to shake. But what he can offer her, something still, something sure, his palms drawing her in even more, him breathing her breathing him.
“I’m not asking you for that, Dove.” No, asking for something much bigger, much more terrifying. Asking for all of it. 
Dove is only a little late to her shift. Joel drops her off, waits a few minutes to make sure there is no grief from Sal about it, not that he was expecting there to be. Replays to himself her explanation, what she told him on the way there.
“I didn’t get the car to leave, not really.”
“You didn’t?” 
“Before, I thought it would make things easier.” For him, he realizes, something she had thought of for him. Make things easier for him, not having to pick her up and drop her off and look bored at the library while she browsed. And no, he’s never going to forgive himself for this one. 
He doesn’t go back to the diner for lunch, but it’s not for spite or scorn. Agreed-upon space for both of them to think, offering an out for each other, one last opportunity to decide that this is actually a terrible idea. 
The sheep accept his presence and it feels like he finally got something right, even a laugh when Judy offers her head to him for a brisk rub beneath her chin. 
“She’s coming home, I think. I know you wouldn’t forgive me if she didn’t.” No response, she is a lamb, after all. But he’d like to think that her two hard blinks commend him, already plucking away through the grass toward her mother. 
When he does pick her up after her shift, her lips purse trying to pull back a smile as she walks around the front of the car. Hope lifts, winged and real in his chest. 
The day steals from the night this time of year. It won’t be dark out until much later. For now, the light is starting to bleed a little, orange syrup and haze filling and flooding the cab of the truck. Nothing is said, but staying is understood when she takes his hand in both of hers, and keeps it for herself, tucked in her lap the whole ride home. 
So much of their time together has been spent like this, driving toward and away from town, sometimes silent and sometimes not. A selfish part of him wishes she hadn’t gotten the car, wanting to keep her needing him in this way. But no, he reasons, there will be plenty of other time besides this. No need to be greedy about it. 
There is not much food in the kitchen, but there are always eggs. Two for him and two for her. They eat standing up, propped against the counter. And when he moves to wash the dishes in the sink, she catches his wrist. The dishes can wait until the morning.
The thing about Dove is she has always had a curious way of touching him. Literally curious, like she is surprised she is allowed to trace the pads of his fingertips with her own, spirals fitting together. Like she is testing the boundaries of him, finding all the soft places with her palms, spanning his sides and up along his chest, fingers flirting beneath the collar of his shirt, shivering down with it. But before this continues, he must make sure, must ward off that ghost for good. He takes her face in his hands, thumbs settling along the soft curve beneath her eyes, tracing some constant constellation, her cheeks rounding with it.
“I need to know that this is what you want.” 
“It is.” 
“I need you here. With me.”
“I am, Joel. I am.” This isn’t want, after all. Want isn’t big enough for whatever this is. Something deeper, something threaded in with all the sinew and stretch of bone, ligament, and beating tissue. This is need. Vital and visceral, and so very precarious. 
His need makes a foolish fumble out of the buttons of her dress, a laugh dancing beneath the brush of his knuckles, catching somewhere under her sternum when his eyes flicker up to hers. She rolls her lips back into her mouth, trying to tamp down any mirth or mocking, but a huff still slips out, smile threatening at the edges. How easy, how lovely, fitting the curve of his own against hers. That laugh turns into a sigh that he swallows. 
And it was never about letting or allowing, never about being big or strong enough to scare off all her specters. What has changed, he isn’t sure. But waiting, he has found, is often a solution in itself. Maybe just the mercy of enough time, enough space shared and understood. Brains finally catching up to bodies, deciding yes, now is good. 
Need makes animals stupid. A caught thing, captured and crumpled thing, will gnaw off its own limb in need of escape. A hungry, hungered thing will turn so desperate, so singular and silly in its need. It will take whatever sate it can get. Hands and skin and teeth and tongues. And in the kitchen no less, still hungry, still needing. Jawing up each other, and humming at the taste. Feast and fire and flood all in one. 
Her mouth settles sharp along the tendons in his neck, humming there as he curls over her to shrug her dress down and down into a pool around her feet. A little snarl, a little curl of her lip, preening when his palms squeeze her hips, coaxing her closer into his chest. She is far more schooled in the work she makes of his shirt, and then, missed this. Missed skin against skin and heart straining to press against heart. Missed the run of his fingers down her ribs, the quick catch at her waist. He only got it once before, a blink compared to this, but he has been missing it ever since, a sigh now that he has it again. Has her again. And Dove, still learning how she gets to have him.
“Can I?” A kiss to her brow, a smear of words whatever you want, Dove. Tentative at first, she presses her mouth to the hollow where his throat slips into clavicle, letting her nose run a line out to the edge of bone, to shoulder, enough sense to turn her a little bolder, fingers curling into the waist of his jeans, tugging. And it is not graceful, silly, stupid, needing bodies curling and caving into each other. His legs splay out long as he settles back against the cabinets below the sink, Dove furling into his lap, the perfect spread of her thighs at his hips. 
A lesson in the anatomy of need. Here is how. How a body can give and take everything it needs from another body. So simple, really. Open mouths and muscles slackening sweet and syrupy to make space for more, more, more. She keens when he turns his face into the curve of her breast, fingers curling in his hair, holding him there in the cradle of her heartbeat, his ears rushing with it. 
It is not pretty, it is not about making it perfect, or even right. It is a desperate seeking, it is relief from this need in the way they just manage to shrug his jeans and boxers down over his thighs, in the way she slips the faded cotton of her underwear to the side. Wet for him, wanting for him, he will have to sate the want to see some other time. For now, feeling, all sense and singe, spreading her open until her hips settle down against his. A broken, murmuring sound in the back of her throat, eyes scrunched shut. He brings his hand to her jaw, thumb stroking along the hinge as he calls to her, let me see, Dovey, please. Hello, lashes flutter first, and the slow slip open. Hello, looking at him, her forehead against his, her mouth resting open and panting against his. 
They move ugly, muscles jumping and jolting, sharp breaths that break and swell in their chests. Skin starts to stick, he holds her closer and chases down their pleasure, shared and searing. 
In the kitchen, she crashes with a cry of his name, her face hidden in the curve of his neck, mouth to pulse. 
In the kitchen, she whispers and wills him right over his own edge, her name, more sob than sound. 
In the kitchen, he would feed her his heart if he could. It’s hers anyways. 
Want is a child. But need is an animal. Need is base, bruising, battering. There is no escaping need. There is no lying about need. There is only offering it up, and hoping that someone will see it and decide yes, animal, come here, let me do something about your need, and you can do something about mine. 
Later, after they pick their clothes up off the kitchen floor, kind hands setting things back into place for each other, they slink outside to care for the flock, the sun starting to flirt back behind the mountains with a fierce blush. It’s then, surrounded by the low murmurings of sheep, that she whispers her own need to him, tucked into his side, her cheek pressed against his chest. 
He nods, says yes, okay. He can do that for her. And she will do the same for him. 
For now, all that matters is staying. Ghosts yet to be greeted and goaded out of their house. But for now, spring is rolling over to expose its soft, slumbering belly. Soon, summer will sink in, snarling and bright, a new list of chores and duties with every season. They will do it together. 
For now, the lambs are still lambs. Stumbling still around the edges, seeking out their mother even amidst her seeming exasperation, tired of their clinging, their closeness. Time yet to be had, getting older and bigger every day. But for now, they are young and soft, and nipping after each other in the field. 
For now, the feeling of her ribs expanding and contracting against his side is all the goodness he could want, or even need. Pain yet to be understood in all the places that her breath catches. But for now, she is looking at him and smiling, and saying something about the sheep that makes him laugh.
For now, it is enough. 
taglist: @casssiopeia @eleganthottubfun @anoverwhelmingdin @sscorpiiio @joeldjarin @casa-boiardi @suzmagine @syakhairi @spookyxsam @northernbluess @hier--soir @joelsgreys @wannab-urs @tieronecrush @trulybetty @softlyspector @noisynightmarepoetry @csarab615 @ratoonstown @harriedandharassed @survivingandenduring @lizzie-cakes @beskarandblasters @motherofagony
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joelswritingmistress · 4 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 36
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader 
I was hesitant to call Dr. Miller on my ride back up the highway. I knew the situation had left him fuming, and I had to say I was still in a bout of awe at how direct he had been with Trevor.
Fuck. How had I dropped my phone?
I glanced in the rearview mirror every so often and I knew Dr. Miller was right behind me. I really hoped that Trevor hadn't gone through my phone any deeper than the Lock Screen.
He would have called me out on it like he did the ski tickets, right? I had to assume so. If Trevor didn't feel shy about asking why the tickets to the Vermont resort were on my phone, why would he feel shy about confronting me about anything else.
He didn't see anything. I kept trying to convince myself of that. Why hasn't Dr. Miller called me?
I glanced in the rearview mirror again and took a deep breath. He was mad. We were going to fight. I just hoped it wouldn't be blown too out of proportion.
This could cost him his job if Trevor found something out.
My mind was spinning with a web of worst case scenarios. I just wanted it to be the weekend already. Being on Woodbridge’s campus had suddenly felt like I was walking into some warped episode of Criminal Minds or something. As much as I adored the university for being the link that introduced me to Dr. Miller, I equally felt creeped out just by hearing the name of the school.
I checked my phone at the last red light in town before it was nonstop back roads to the house. Nothing from Dr. Miller. No texts or calls. He was still trailing me so I knew soon we would have to talk about what had just happened.
Maybe he doesn't want me driving distracted. 
When we were close to home, Dr. Miller passed me on a small stretch of the road that allowed for it. I glanced over and thought of our first time ever I’d tried to see who was behind the wheel of the Mercedes - before I knew for certain it was Dr. Miller. That seemed like so long ago, but it really wasn't. 
His car whizzed by and he made the turn up the secluded driveway to the home we now shared. I knew it was so he could get out and open the gates. When he emerged from the vehicle he didn't look back toward my car. He walked casually up to the gate, hit the code and only glanced up briefly toward my windshield.
I didn't know why I was so worried. I hadn't done anything wrong. I dropped my cell phone. Who hasn't done something like that before? I got it back. There was a misunderstanding and no one got hurt. All’s well that ends well, right?
I crept in through the gates behind Dr. Miller and we parked side by side in front of the garage. I waited a few seconds and then got out of the car when he didn't. A second later, the driver's side door to the Mercedes snapped open and he rose up out of the vehicle.
“You're mad at me,” I concluded out loud once we were side by side.
“I don't want you on campus,” Dr. Miller said right away. “I'll give you whatever grade you want, just stay away from there.”
“What?” I shook my head, “I can’t do that.”
“Well, you can’t seem to keep yourself out of harm’s way, either.” He took the lead toward the front door and I hurried to keep up with him.
“I haven’t been in harm’s way.”
Dr. Miller whipped around as he struggled to find the right key amidst his frustration. “You had no idea Tyler was behind you.”
“Trevor,” I corrected.
“Whatever the hell his name is.” He finally found the key to the door and aggressively shoved it into the lock.
“No one was after me,” I insisted, trailing him in.
“But what if he had been?” Dr. Miller asked, “What if he had a rope.. or a knife and I hadn’t been there. What if he crept up behind you and..” He turned away, exasperated and unable to finish the thought out loud.
“It was just Trevor!” I challenged. “I’m fine. I’m not going to get murdered on campus.”
“How do you know it’s not Trevor?” He put his hands on his hips and shrugged wildly. “Hmm? How do you know that? How do you know he wasn’t about to drag you down in between the buildings with him just before I interrupted him?”
“Because.. I just know.”
“You don’t know.” Dr. Miller shook his head, “He had his hood up, head down and was rushing up behind you.”
“Forgive me, but I’m not used to being treated like glass,” I said, “Like some damsel in distress. You. Trevor. James.” I shook my head, “I haven’t done anything wrong and that’s how I feel. Like I’m doing everything fucking wrong.”
I stormed away from him into the kitchen and struggled to open the liquor cabinet on top of the fridge, the same way Dr. Miller did when he was stressed or upset. My fingers barely managed to sweep the door open but I got it, and then I began struggling to reach for a bottle of Ketel One.
“Fuck.” I whispered to myself and then turned when Dr. Miller reached up and retrieved it for me, placing it down on the countertop. Our eyes met for a brief second and I angrily glanced up at a a pair of cabinets that were at my eye level. I yanked them open, only to be met with dishes and small plates. Like clockwork, Dr. Miller opened one a few cabinets down and slid a cocktail glass across the marble.
I caught it in my hand just before it knocked into the vodka bottle and poured myself a small helping of the liquor. I had never drunk vodka straight, always with a mixer. Especially not warm vodka.
Fuck it, I thought. Just to be stubborn I drank it straight and immediately regretted it. In my mind, I wanted to down the liquid without so much as making a face and then glare at Dr. Miller. It was a whole pissed off, badass Beth Dutton move in my head. That image crashed and burned when I scrunched my entire face in disapproval and struggled to get the entire gulp down without spitting it out.
The burn. The warmth. The taste. There was no hiding my disapproval.
I heard Dr. Miller chuckle and opened my eyes, trying to salvage one ounce of toughness. I popped my lips together and shuddered from the lingering punishment I’d willed upon myself.
“You could’ve asked for some orange juice,” he said, unable to hold back a smile. “Or cranberry.”
I stared back at him and he casually folded his arms across his chest, still grinning.
“It’s not funny,” I said sternly, giving the glass a light slam down onto the countertop.
“It’s a little funny.” Dr. Miller headed to the fridge and retrieved the juice, pouring some in the glass I’d just drank from.
I needed to get the taste out of my mouth so I gave in and drank half of it.
“I can’t have you wandering alone after dark with two unsolved murders,” Dr. Miller said calmly.
“I wasn’t wandering alone in the dark.”
“Then what were you doing?”
“Look for my phone.”
“Alone in the dark.” He shook his head.
“It’s not like I could call someone to come help me,” I argued.
“You could’ve gone to campus police and asked them to help you.”
“And see James?” I raised my eyebrows with my hands on my hips, “I haven’t seen him since that little incident.”
“This is bigger than that,” Dr. Miller argued. “And if not James then ask someone else to help. I can’t be there to watch you every second to make sure you’re okay.”
“And you don’t have to,” I continued to argue.
He let out a deep breath and put his hands on his hips, looking around. “Then I’ll just make sure you get where you need to be every time you’re there. It’s easy with my classes, but when you take your Wednesday night class let me know when you’re leaving and I’ll excuse myself and watch you go.”
“No.” I shook my head.
“At least until the murders are solved.”
“I need to be able to walk to my car on my own, Joel.”
“Call campus police. Please,” he begged, “For me. Don’t go anywhere by yourself. Don’t be alone with Trevor.”
I huffed a sigh and finished the juice before placing the glass in the sink. I turned my back and rinsed it out to give myself a minute to think.
“Fine,” I agreed, “I’ll call James and ask him to come walk me to my car. But I have to go to my classes. I can’t just stay off Woodbridge’s campus forever.”
“Fine,” he echoed, though I could see he wasn’t happy about it.
“I have one more class tomorrow,” I reminded him, “And then we’ll be off to Vermont, away from all this.” I set the glass on the drying rack and then walked past Dr. Miller to leave the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” He asked when I rounded out of the room.
“To bed,” I called back to him.
Deep down I knew he was genuinely concerned about my safety. I knew he wasn’t wrong about not being alone at night. But I hated feeling like a piece of glass that everyone thought could break at any minute. I hated being thought of as fragile - or weak. That wasn’t the intention of Dr. MIller or Trevor or even James. But that’s how the constant protectiveness and advice and everything in between was starting to make me feel.
I wandered up the winding staircase to the next floor and didn’t look back as I went into the bedroom. I stripped out of my clothes and tossed them in the hamper before finding an oversized long-sleeved t-shirt to throw on over my underwear.
I didn’t go through my normal nightly routine. I just wanted to curl up, close my eyes and forget about all the dramatic events that had been brought around by the paranoia of the murders on campus. I tossed the fluffy comforter over myself and when I closed my eyes I sensed Dr. Miller enter the room.
He strolled up to the bedside and squatted down beside where I laid so we were eye-to-eye.
“Don’t be mad,” he said.
“You were the mad one.” I had never challenged him quite to this level before, but I couldn’t help it. I was in a mood and I couldn’t shake it.
“I know I was,” Dr. Miller admitted. “And I understand why you feel the way that you feel. I’m just so obsessed with keeping you safe that I’m willing to put everything else on the backburner. If you’re mad at me, you’re mad at me. But if something ever happened to you, I wouldn’t even know what to do, (Y/N).”
Our eyes were still fixed on one another. I finally accepted his olive branch and gave in just a little. “I’ll call campus security if there’s a time I have to be alone at night.”
“Thank you.” He put a hand on my face and then rose to his feet to remove his tie and strip down into his boxer-briefs.
I remained on my side as he slunk into bed, setting the alarm just before he did so. Dr. MIller wrapped an arm around my midsection and kissed the back of my shoulder. “Don’t be mad,” he whispered in my ear.
“I’m not mad.” I sighed and turned around to face him.
“I don’t you being like this.” He smirked smally and let it fade. “I like when you’re looking at me like I’m the only man in the world.”
I managed a smile. “You are the only man in my world.”
“I don’t know, you’ve got the entire campus chasing you through the dark just to give you roses or return your cell phone to you.”
“Jealous?” I asked, finally feeling just a small dose of playfulness running through me.
“Of course I am,” Dr. MIller said, winking at me.
I accepted a quick kiss on my lips and closed my eyes as he cuddled me against his chest. I took in a few deep breaths and felt the heaviness in my eyes begin to take over.
“Good night,” he whispered as I began to drift off. “I love you.”
Good. We’re not going to bed mad at least. “I love you, too.”
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fatehbaz · 11 months
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Seventy-five years after two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan — killing hundreds of thousands of people in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — one small community in the Northwest Territories is still haunted by its connection to the blasts. Across Great Bear Lake from the 533-person hamlet of Délı̨nę sits the historic mining site of Port Radium. [...] [T]he Canadian government quietly called for uranium production as part of the country's involvement in the Manhattan Project. That uranium was sent south to help the United States with the race to build a nuclear bomb. [...] [N]ear Great Bear Lake, workers would eventually wonder about the risks they took delivering sacks of ore on their backs as they sent it south — without being told what they were about to be complicit in. [...] Days after the blasts, the Canadian government announced the country's role in the explosions, citing the Great Bear Lake mine's uranium as a key ingredient for the project, said Geoffrey Bird, a professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria who studies tourism and the history of remembrance. An English-language sign connecting Port Radium to the atomic bomb was photographed in Délı̨nę in December 1945. [...] While the Canadian government hasn't apologized to Délı̨nę, the community has apologized to Japan. [...] Locals in Délı̨nę say many ore workers and their family members developed cancer later in life. [...] In the book If Only We Had Known, which tells the story of Port Radium from the eyes of the Sahtúot'ine, elders remember workers' clothing covered with dust, windy days when ore was caught up in the air and children playing games in mine tailings.
Text by: Katie Toth. “Spectre of atomic bomb still looms over N.W.T. community 75 years after Hiroshima.” CBC News. 5 August 2020.
[O]n 6 August 1998, 10 members of the small Sahtugot’ine Dene community of Deline (Fort Franklin) in the ‘Northwest Territories’ apologized in Hiroshima for the atomic destruction of that city – and the death of over 200,000 civilians – exactly 53 years earlier [...]. Eldorado Gold Mines Ltd. [was] placed under state control during World War Two. They [the Dene] were allowed only to help it [uranium] on its long and winding way, 3,000 miles by river, lake, road and air, from Port Radium on Great Bear Lake to Port Hope on Lake Ontario, where, from 1942-45, the suddenly precious ore – the ‘new gold’ of the atomic age – was, together with ‘Belgian’ uranium from the Congo, refined and dispatched to Los Alamos, the desert lab in New Mexico secretly building the new, city-smashing Superweapon. [...] Beginning in the 1970s, and spiking sharply in the 1980s, many of the men who had handled and carried the ore – and the men who had mined it – began to die from cancer [...]. The “Dene,” the CBC ‘revealed,’ “were never told of the health hazards they faced, even though the government knew … as early as 1932 that precautions should be taken in handling radioactive materials”. Instead [...] “workers [were] dressed in casual clothes and uranium dust [...] covered the men like flour.” [...] [A]s detailed in a December 1998 article [...] in First Nations Drum: [...] [T]he mine was kept running at a very high pace [...]. The Dene were employed as ‘coolies’ packing 45-kilogram sacks of radioactive ore for three dollars a day, working 12 hours a day, six days a week. This at a time when the ore was worth over $70,000 a gram. [...] In 1998, the Déline Dene Band Uranium Committee released a 160-page [...] report, “They Never Told Us These Things.” In a 2011 article in Maisonneuve, Salverson recounts a community meeting in Deline to discuss the report, “where [non-Dene] lawyers delivered a year’s worth of uranium-impact research from the archives in Ottawa,” revealing that in “the mountain of papers we dug up … there is not one mention of the Dene, your people.”
Text by: Sean Howard. “Canada’s Uranium Highway: Victims and Perpetrators.” Cape Breton Spectator. 7 August 2019.
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