#who was going to tell me Tom cruise is 61 years old?????
ghostiesandghoulss · 10 months
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I’m so normal about this movie I swear
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brittanyyoungblog · 5 years
100+ Love Quotes for Him to Let Him Know You Care
No matter how old your relationship is it can always benefit from some simple words of affirmation. But while feelings come naturally, it’s not always the case for words. If you’re having trouble finding the words to express how you feel to your man, don’t worry—we found them for you.
Here are some of our favorite love quotes for him to let the man in your life know how important he is to you.
1. “My heart is and always will be yours.”–Jane Austen
2. “If I had to choose between breathing and loving you I would use my last breath to tell you I love you.”–DeAnna Anderson
3. “The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know if they’ll miss you or forget about you.”–Nicholas Sparks
4. “I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.”–J.R.R. Tolkien
5. “I love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly, bet`ween the shadow and the soul.”–Pablo Neruda
6. “Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would, I’d never leave.”–A.A. Milne
7. “Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.”–Emily Dickinson
8. “There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.” –Friedrich Nietzsche
9. “Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.”–Khalil Gibran
10. “All love shifts and changes. I don’t know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.”– Julie Andrews
11. “Love is energy of life.”–Robert Browning
12. “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.”–James A. Baldwin
13. “Love is the wisdom of the fool and the folly of the wise.”–Samuel Johnson
14. “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”–Robert Frost
15. “If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues.”–Edward G. Bulwer–Lytton
16. “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.”–John Lennon
17. “The inner reality of love can be recognized only by love.”–Hans Urs von Balthasar
18. “Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.”–Truman Capote
19. “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.”–Zora Neale Hurston
20. “We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.”–Orson Welles
21. “The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.”–Hubert H. Humphrey
22. “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”–William Shakespeare
23. “Nobody can predict the future. You just have to give your all to the relationship you’re in and do your best to take care of your partner, communicate and give them every last drop of love you have. I think one of the most important things in a relationship is caring for your significant other through good times and bad.”–Nick Cannon
24. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”– Mignon McLaughlin
25. “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”–Paulo Coelho
26. “Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.”–Helen Keller
27. “Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone–we find it with another.”–Thomas Merton
28. “Unconditional love really exists in each of us. It is part of our deep inner being. It is not so much an active emotion as a state of being. It’s not ‘I love you’ for this or that reason, not ‘I love you if you love me.’ It’s love for no reason, love without an object.”–Ram Dass
29. “The heart asks, and love answers”–Amelius
30. “True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice.”–Sadhu Vaswani
31. “The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh.”–Rumi
32. “We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.”–Tom Robbins
33. “Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.”–Mother Teresa
34. “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”–Alfred Lord Tennyson
35. “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.”–Oscar Wilde
36. “Life is a game and true love is a trophy.”–Rufus Wainwright
37. “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” –Ann Landers
38. “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.”–Marc Anthony
39. “Love is a really scary thing, and you never know what’s going to happen. It’s one of the most beautiful things in life, but it’s one of the most terrifying. It’s worth the fear because you have more knowledge, experience, you learn from people, and you have memories.”–Ariana Grande
40. “Love is flower like; Friendship is like a sheltering tree.”–Samuel Taylor Coleridge
41. “I believe in true love, and I believe in happy endings.”–Christie Brinkley
42. “Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.”–Friedrich Nietzsche
43. “No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.”–George Chakiris
44. “:True love doesn’t come to you it has to be inside you.”–Julia Roberts
45. “Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness, of hatred, of jealousy, and, most easily of all, the gate of fear.”–Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
46. “Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet.”–Katharine Lee Bates
47. “True love cannot be found where it does not exist, nor can it be denied where it does.”– Torquato Tasso
48. “Love consists in giving without getting in return; in giving what is not owed, what is not due the other. That’s why true love is never based, as associations for utility or pleasure are, on a fair exchange.”–Mortimer Adler
49. “Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom.”–Rabindranath Tagore
50. “I love you more than my own skin.”–Frida Kahlo
51. “What I love most about this crazy life is the adventure of it.”–Juliette Binoche
52. “True love bears all, endures all and triumphs.”–Dada Vaswani
53. “True love is no game of the faint–hearted and the weak. It is born of strength and understanding.”–Meher Baba
54. “Two things you will never have to chase: true friends & true love.”–Mandy Hale
55. “In love there are two things—bodies and words.”–Joyce Carol Oates
56. “Only true love can fuel the hard work that awaits you.”–Tom Freston
57. “True love that lasts forever yes, I do believe in it. My parents have been married for 40 years and my grandparents were married for 70 years. I come from a long line of true loves.”–Zooey Deschanel
58. “Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.”–Bertrand Russell
59. “We loved with a love that was more than love.”–Edgar Allan Poe
60. “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”–Antoine de Saint–Exupery
61. “We are most alive when we’re in love.”–John Updike
62. “Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.”–Ursula K. Le Guin
63. “Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods.”–Plato
64. “Love has no age, no limit; and no death.”–John Galsworthy
65. “True love–that is, deep, abiding love that is impervious to emotional whims or fancy–is a choice. It’s a constant commitment to a person regardless of the present circumstances.”–Mark Manson
66. “True love bears all, endures all and triumphs!”–Dada Vaswani
67. “There is no remedy for love but to love more.”–Henry David Thoreau
68. “Love in its essence is spiritual fire.”–Lucius Annaeus Seneca
69. “Love cures people–both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it.”–Karl A. Menninger
70. “Love is the power to see similarity in the dissimilar.”–Theodor Adorno
71. “Love is space and time measured by the heart.”–Marcel Proust
72. “If it is your time, love will track you down like a cruise missile.”–Lynda Barry
73. “The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplaceable being.”–Tom Robbins
74. “True love, especially first love, can be so tumultuous and passionate that it feels like a violent journey.” –Holliday Grainger
75. “The romantic love we feel toward the opposite sex is probably one extra help from God to bring you together, but that’s it. All the rest of it, the true love, is the test.” –Joan Chen
76. “It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these two blessed things that can begin to heal all broken hearts.” –Steve Maraboli
77. “True love is quiescent, except in the nascent moments of true humility.” –Bryant H. McGill
78. “Love is love’s reward.”–John Dryden
79. “Love is metaphysical gravity.”–R. Buckminster Fuller
80. “I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love.”– Marilyn Monroe
81. “True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.” –Erich Segal
82. “Love is my religion–I could die for it.”– John Keats
83. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mind are the same.” –Emily Bront��
84. “Love is a better teacher than duty.” – Albert Einstein
85. “Love can be unselfish, in the sense of being benevolent and generous, without being selfless.”– Mortimer Adler
86. “Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.” – Voltaire
87.  “Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries.” – Truman Capote
88.  “Love is the ultimate expression of the will to live.” – Tom Wolfe
89. “Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.”–Lao Tzu
90. “Love has no errors, for all errors are the want for love.”– William Law
91. “Being in love is the only transcendent experience.”–Armistead Maupin
92. “Choose your love, Love your choice.”–Thomas S. Monson
93. “They say true love only comes around once and you have to hold out and be strong until then. I have been waiting. I have been searching. I am a man under the moon, walking the streets of earth until dawn. There’s got to be someone for me. It’s not too much to ask. Just someone to be with. Someone to love. Someone to give everything to. Someone.” –Henry Rollins
94. “So you do believe in true love? she whispered. I took a deep breath, I think I have to, I said, blinking back tears. Without it, we’re all going nowhere.” –Juliet Marillier
95. “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”–Robert Frost
96. “Love is the attempt to form a friendship inspired by beauty.”–Marcus Tullius Cicero
97. “Love is a game that two can play and both win.”–Eva Gabor
98. “There isn’t any formula or method. You learn to love by loving–by paying attention and doing what one thereby discovers has to be done.”–Aldous Huxley
99. “You have half our gifts. I the other. Together we make a whole. Together we are much more powerful.”–Joss Stirling
100. “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep–burning and unquenchable.”–Bruce Lee
101. “Love is but the discovery of ourselves in another, and the delight in the recognition.”– Alexander Smith
102. “I can’t promise you forever, because that’s not long enough.”–Jason Dorsey
103. “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”–Robert Munsch
The post 100+ Love Quotes for Him to Let Him Know You Care appeared first on The Date Mix.
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filmstruck · 6 years
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Folk Horror & Filmmaking: An Interview with Sean Garland by Kimberly Lindbergs
I recently asked director Sean Garland (BANSHEE BLACKTOP, AN IRISH GHOST STORY (2016) and NOKOTAHEART [2011]) a few questions about his filmmaking career. He also shares some Halloween streaming recommendations for FilmStruck subscribers that should appeal to discerning horror enthusiasts.
FILMSTRUCK: Could you tell readers a little bit about your background and how you became interested in filmmaking?
SEAN GARLAND: Well I grew up in a predominantly working-class North Dublin household where there was always a stream of activity. Three Irish sisters and three Irish brothers in one relatively small suburban house. My Ma had a quiet, encyclopedic knowledge of old movies and dad squirrelled us away in the dark of a Dublin cinema as often as possible to keep us preoccupied. I was the youngest, so I got to see a lot of films beyond my years. John Guillermin’s 1976 remake of KING KONG always comes to mind. I recall seeing it vividly in the cinema, with John Barry’s score washing over me, but I must have been only 4 or 5. The Christian Brothers school I attended (until I was 12) would often have a pop-up cinema on Fridays but they’d project the most random and irreverent films. One week it’d be HERBIE GOES BANANAS (’80) followed by Philip Kaufman’s INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (’78). Another week THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT (’74) followed by John Badham’s 1979 version of DRACULA. I was pretty young but old enough to decide what I wanted to do with the rest of my life after sitting up and watching JAWS (’75) with my Da one night on Irish TV.
I painted a fair bit back then, wrote short stories and always had a book in my hand. Two books in particular set me on a path in my teens: Michael Pye’s and Linda Myles’s The Movie Brats and Peter Nicholl’s Fantastic Cinema. It wasn’t enough anymore to immerse myself in other people’s movies, so I started shooting my own short stories on my sister’s video camera, which she brought home from London. It was the Ark of the Covenant to me, and Jim Sheridan and Neil Jordan had shown the world you could be Irish and make great, impactful films for an international audience. Times were changing, so after leaving college after my first year (finding film studies too generic and unadventurous to ever be exciting) I came into contact with Jim Sheridan by sheer happenstance and somehow convinced him to give me a break. I got a job as a production assistant on IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER (’93) and, after a long stint travelling in the States and living in Los Angeles I finally elected to make my first short film, THE MAJESTY OF THE HAUNT (’96). We shot it on Super 16mm in County Wicklow for a pittance, a stone’s throw from where John Boorman shot EXCALIBUR (’81).
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FS: Who are some of the filmmakers that inspired you to start making your own movies?
SJG: When I was younger, the filmmakers that inspired me where chiefly within the pages of those two books (The Movie Brats & Fantastic Cinema). It was the Spielbergs, Carpenters and Cronenbergs, the Hal Ashbys and Terrence Malicks of the world that made me pursue a career as a director, but as I got older my tastes diversified. Pretty soon I was watching everything I could get my hands on. Ken Russell, Polanski, Roeg, Parker, Tarkovsky, Schlesinger, Michael Mann, Ridley Scott, Lumet, Leone, all the greats. I fell willingly down the rabbit hole let’s just say. I mean I loved David Lean, but I also overdosed on Romero— that kind of thing. That sense of discovery never really ends, don’t you think? Watching movies is still the best film school money can buy. One is always going to stumble upon a film or a particular filmmaker that slipped your net then resets your palette. It’s healthy. It keeps one intrigued and humble.
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FS: I absolutely agree. That sense of discovery and the desire to share my findings with others is what inspired me to start writing about cinema. Before you began making films you worked with other Irish filmmakers including Jim Sheridan and Neil Jordan as a production assistant. What was that experience like?
SJG: I worked with Jim on IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER but never had the pleasure of working alongside Neil. My work on INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE (’94) included pre-production just weeks before the bulk of the shoot in New Orleans. It was a straightforward gig really. I was to assist a handful of stuntmen who were rigging up Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt for the vampire flight sequences, which sadly never made the cut. I was just 20, fairly green and newly arrived in L.A. I was happy to get a job and never dreamed I’d be working alongside names like that months after rocking up in L.A. But what made the experience even more surreal and memorable for me was that it all took place at Stan Winston’s Studios. I’d gushingly arrive at least an hour before the crew in the morning and roam the workshops, chat to the staff and hang out in Stan’s display room where he kept his creations. I remember him being a very jovial, approachable man. As for the experience of working with Jim, I remember the first few weeks being something of a baptism of fire if I’m honest. Not because of Jim but because I was the new kid on the block, young and impressionable, but I soon toughened up and started to enjoy it. Jim was unerringly gracious though I probably drove him up the wall requesting to see the rushes and stand alongside the camera. He worked with cast and crew entirely without ego and that stuck with me for years.
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FS: I haven’t had a chance to see your first film (ABBOT’S APPROACH, ’00) but I believe it takes place in Ireland as does your most recent film, BANSHEE BLACKTOP, AN IRISH GHOST STORY. The latter film features some stunning location photography and incorporates elements of Irish mythology and folktales. How has your background and upbringing influenced your work and do you plan to make any more movies set in Ireland?
SJG: Anybody who's grown up in Ireland feels an intuitive vein of storytelling in their heritage. It's in the conversational tone of the people, the music you hear and the landscape that’s never too far from the city. You feel more Irish abroad because, until you leave, you don't realize you carry all that inside you on some instinctive level. So I've always returned to Ireland between other projects to make films and always will. BANSHEE BLACKTOP, AN IRISH GHOST STORY was an opportunity to indulge that connection with a lifelong love of slow-burn, atmosphere-laden ghost stories. BANSHEE BLACKTOP was always going to feel oblique and unsettling. It was never going to please the gore hounds or those who like their horror-fare readymade and jump-scared. It was non-horror films that served as inspiration while I was shooting: NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (‘55), WALKABOUT (‘71), PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK (’75).
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FS: FilmStruck, in association with Criterion, has a wide variety of horror films available to stream this month in anticipation of Halloween, including some films that could fall under the folk horror banner such the Val Lewton classic ISLE OF THE DEAD (‘45) and the Japanese film KURONEKO (‘68). What are some of the horror films currently on FilmStruck that you would recommend readers watch this Halloween?
SJG: Well, right out the gate I’d pluck SPIRITS OF THE DEAD (‘68) off the shelf, if only to experience Fellini’s genuinely unforgettable “Toby Dammit” segment. I think it’s actually my favorite short film. I’d follow that up with ONIBABA (‘64), surely one of the greatest horror films ever made. And then, just to blindside myself, I’d treat myself to another queasy viewing of the hugely underrated THE NIGHTCOMERS (‘71), which I didn’t expect to warm up to upon my first viewing but was pleasantly...well, blindsided. It’s not THE INNOCENTS (‘61) but it’s a worthy ‘prequel’.
To learn more about Sean and his upcoming projects please visit seanjamesgarland.com
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kawaiikittybanana · 3 years
hello i am kelly brian dombrowski in puerto vallartathe woman at the canadian consulate id the woman who had joe pecci steal my cell phone and he pawned it at the pawn shop at the bus station with commercialadoa de galapalos..the ass from libya who was killed by his people on youtube i shared, his son had the motorcycle and the window that looks down on seven eleven where the colors were arena (sand) and cafe ( not brown or chocolate) these are the colors of our home at 518 calle Venero, colonia Ojo de Agua. our house was sand color and the furniture i purchased at the macro plaza was cafe colored..the love seats.Famsa. were western union screwed me over. i had 2 love sets cafe colored delivered to our house 2 different times. at 7/11 there was a poster looking for woorkers on the poster was an 18 year old TOM CRUISE. graham lathim of al anon and the stained glass artist said he expects people to dissappear when he doesn't like them. he is the uncle of elizebeth who abdicated to marry wallace simpson..for money..he calls the shots for Queen elizebeth..his brothers daughter who dies of cancer. he says it is all about ALBERT..that is the bald third son of elizebeth and phillip.the gay tom cruise.graham is lopez albador of columbia, Amlo president of united staes mexicanos. margaret truedue is the woman at the canadian consulate who had my cell phone stolen and said i had to pay my way back to canada, i bought a ticket to houston without id and took off. when i got to the united states on omni bus de mexico. where every one walks through united states imigration and customs enforcement. i was finger printed and photo graphed by a black man in uniform and his team. it was casual and i joked with the man..i asked if he was going back to africa. hw laughded and said to his team..a private joke. then he wrote in his hand writting a a sheet of paperKelly Brian dombrowski, canadian in transit  FEE WAVEDsigned it Barac Obamahe was the tall black guy who asked me in front of san angel and king davids barDID YOU FIND YOUR PHONEno mr president but i did find the man in houston and i had to go back and tell juan carlos..max in the taxi line up. site 61..uno seiz site 16 was the hospital on revolution in guadalajara
0 notes
satokorra · 6 years
85 Questions Tag
ahhhhh im in the mood to do this so thank you!!! sm @ashinatrashcan for tagging me in this <3 
— what was your last…
1. drink: water
 2. phone call: my mommy 
3. text message: to my friend who i am studying abroad in s.korea with! we’re just talkin about scholarships
 4. song you listened to: sweet talker by twice (it’s addictive!!)
 5. time you cried: i’ve literally like... kind of cried every time i have listened to what is love? by twice so this morning while i was listening to it on my way to school
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: i’ve never dated someone once.. whew
 7. kissed someone and regretted it; haven’t gotten the chance to!
8. been cheated on: nah obvi
9. lost someone special: yea
 10. been depressed: yes. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope!
— fave colours
12. baby pink
13. peach
14.  lime green
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes, my dance team!
 16. fallen out of love: uhhh, fell out of like?
17. laughed until you cried: constantly everything makes me laugh
18. found out someone was talking about you: i dont exist when im not around so uh i hope people arent speaking of me
19. met someone who changed you: nah... unless i can count jeongyeon ahjdhss she makes me weirdly happier even though i dont know her... ajsjhsd
 20. found out who your friends are: i’ve known for a couple of years, i love my 3 bffs
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what the hell
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: like all of them
 23. do you have any pets: 2 bunnies! i love my old ladies
24. do you want to change your name: leslie is my middle name and i prefer it its cuter
 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to an escape room, karaoke, and had some good pho
 26. what time did you wake up today: 6:50 am i believe i hate school
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: writing an essay 
28. what is something you can’t wait for: korea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and for school to be over
30. what are you listening to right now: sweet talker again absfjdd
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nah
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: fucking school i am so tired
33. most visited website: definitely twitter
. 34. hair colour: dark brown 
35. long or short hair: ugh its at the ugly mid length that makes me wanna cut it but i cant but im tryna get it long
36. do you have a crush on someone: not on my fuckin watch....ok maybe 1,.. also jeongyeon asfdjjd imsorry
37. what do you like about yourself: for the most part i am very open minded and easygoing when it comes to how people act around me? idk if im wording that right. im also pretty dedicated albeit lazy
38. want any piercings: nose ring! also a cartilage piercing 
39. blood type: how do people know this
 40. nicknames: my fam calls me kathy berry
 41. relationship status: who asked
. 42. sign: aries!!!!! and you can tell!!!!!
 43. pronouns: she/her. 
44. fave tv show: will always be a tie between avatar: the last airbender and the legend of korra
 45. tattoos: I HAVE ONE, lil female symbol on my right hip. i want to get raava tattoed on the bottom of my neck
46. right or left handed: right handed
 47: ever had surgery: nah
 48. piercings: just my ear lobes
 49. sport: colorguard!
 50. vacation: not to sound like rich but i like cruises ajsdfdjfj i love the ocean so much
51. trainers: nike!! its tradition
— more general
52. eating: currently? nothing... i ate daeji bulgogi earlier 
53. drinking: water always!
. 54. i’m about to watch: im tryna watch a quiet place tomorrow
55. waiting for: school to be over! and korea!
 56. want: to meet the twice girls :( esp jeongyeon :(
 57. get married: ?perhaps? 
58. career: english teacher then super intendant <3 
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs, its softer. i’ve never kissed tho so??? prove me wrong 
 60. lips or eyes: hm lips
 61. shorter or taller: taller even though im 5′8″ so its like.. impossible
 62. older or younger: older, but preferred? my age or 1 year ahead
63. nice arms or stomach: who cares
 65. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker! i love messy, fun people
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: never kissed anyone!!!!!!! ...
 67. drank hard liquor: yep
 68. turned someone down: perhaps? thats what that was
69. sex on first date: sex never! 
70: broken someone’s heart: ??hmm?
71. had your heart broken: not really, thankfully
 72. been arrested: lmaooooo nah
 73. cried when someone died: yes
 74. fallen for a friend: ???????????not sure
— do you believe in
75. yourself: depends on the day
 76. miracles: jeongyeon dyed her hair pink
 77. love at first sight: not love but some type of feeling yes
78. santa claus: is anything real
79. angels: perhaps
— misc
80. eye colour: hazel
 81. best friend’s name: marisol, dominique, chyanna
 82. favourite movie: mulan!
83. favourite actor: gong seungyeon
84. favourite cartoon: atla and lok obvi
 85. favourite teacher’s name: ms.retherford... she was mean to everyone but me
i tag: @pnkmttrs, @agenderandanxious, @doltn , @elizabethwolf, @lizziemcguire, @staticpalmz and any other of my mutuals who want to do this!!!!! yall dont gotta but here u go
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perlethewitch · 7 years
Massive Ask
I was tagged by @the-mighty-sorceress
Rules: Tag 20 people
The Last:
1. Drink: Smoothie ofbananas+strawberries
2. Phone Call: Can’t remember
3. Text message: An online friend showing me a meme he made
4. Song you listened to: Hooked on Swing Dancing (It’s a random classic Swing medley I downloaded from Youtube)
5. Time you cried: Last night, can’t remember why
Have you:
6. Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
8. Been cheated on: Nope
9. Lost someone special: Depends what you mean by ‘lost’. If you mean dead, It was a long time ago and I don’t really remember them. If you mean lost touch/lost a friendship, It happened to many times, it even just happened yesterday with my best friend
10. Been depressed: I’ve started being depressed pretty recently, actually. I’ve only started to realize all my problems a couple of years ago
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I drank alcohol a few times, but I can’t tell if I got actually drunk from it. I’m really careful.
List 3 Favourite Colours:
12. Between Indigo and Purple
13. Unsaturated nature Green 
14. Brown
In the last year, have you…
15. Made new friends: Yes! Thankfully
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, it happens a lot
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I think? I don’t know, I don’t really want to think about it
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Kissed someone on your FB list: What. No
21. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t have Facebook lmao
22. Do you have any pets: A dog and I love her more than I love myself
23. Do you want to change your name: Nah I like my name
24. What did you do for your last birthday: I had an existential crisis and cried. Nothing else.
25. What time did you get up: 6 AM
26. What were you doing at midnight last night: Walking around the house thinking about my life
27. Name something you can’t wait for: To be able to interact with fictional people. Believing this might happen someday is what keeps me going, even if I know it’s ridiculous. Or maybe I just can’t wait for anarchy, or anything that puts an end to society as we know it.
28. When was the last time you saw your mom: This morning
29. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I was less bitter and more organized
30. What are you listening to right now: Nothing? I’m in a library, it’s pretty silent
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, he was a dick
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: Organize meetings in my schedule, people who get offended by stupid shit
33. Most visited website: Tumblr
34. Mole/s: Uhhh one above my eyebrow, one on my leg I think
35. Mark/s: birth mark on my leg, and a scar on a knuckle
36. Childhood dream: I wanted to be superhero or something? I always had unrealistic goals
37. Hair colour: Brown, a little light
38. Long or short hair: LONG.
39. Do you have a crush on someone: Nobody non-fictional!
40. What do you like about yourself: I’m open-minded and I try to understand everyone’s point of view, unlike SOME people *glares at tumblr* and I’m a decent artist. I like my imagination. I take pride in being as kind, sensitive and wise as I can be; It’s like a competition to me. But ironically, I’m not humble, and that’s not really wise of me
41. Piercings: Well, earrings
42. Blood type: ???
43. Nicknames: Max, Perle, Maxou, Maxchou (the two last ones are only if we’re friends)
44. Relationship status: Single
45. Zodiac: Pisces
46. Pronouns: She/Her
47. Favourite TV show/s: Batman the animated series, Rick and Morty, Doctor Who, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Survivors, One Piece
48. Tattoos: I’d like to have like… a star on the back of my shoulder
49. Right or left hand: Right
50. Surgery: Nope
51. Hair dyed a different colour: Never
52. Sports: Never
53. Vacation: Mexico, one time a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea. I’d like to see New Zealand before I die.
54. Shoes: I like old brown leather boots, formal shoes or my galaxy converts.
55. Eating: IDFK
56. Drinking: Juice
57. I’m about to: Post this post
58. Waiting for: My life to start for real
59. Want: More time and motivation, also date the Music Meister
60. Get married: I don’t know really
61. Career: I still dont fucking know
62. Hugs or kisses: Both! Just no french kissing, ew
63. Lips or eyes: Eyes
64. Shorter or taller: I’m a hoe for people who can loom over me
65. Older or younger: Younger, I really hate growing up
66. Nice arms or nice stomach: ??? both
67. Sensitive or loud: BOTH
68. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: BOTH
70. Kissed a stranger: What no
71. Drank hard liquor: What’s that
72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No
73. Turned someone down: Yes
74. Sex on the first date: I’m a virgin
75. Broken someone’s heart: God I really hope I didn’t
76. Had your heart broken: Not… really
77. Been arrested: No.
78. Cried when someone died: Yes
79. Fallen for a friend: I can’t tell
80. Yourself: Kind of
81. Miracles: Yes
82. Love at first sight: Attraction at first sight, not love
83. Santa Claus: No
84. Kiss on the first date: Maybe
85. Current best friend: …a few people irl. and @couldyounottalktomethanks @theatroid online
86. Eye colour: Dark brown
87. Favourite movie: Jeez you cant just ask me that,i love so many damn movies, uhhh Dragonheart? Scott Pilgrim vs.the World? The Craft? The Nightmare before Christmas? Corpse Bride?
Tagging: @theatroid @spookyboo117 @fredyria @kromtar @ladylexluther @queencelina33 @randoomwriter @bones-and-magma @jaxsinstrike pretty much all my mutuals have already been tagged so…
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theinvulnerabletide · 7 years
Get to Know Me Meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @svartalfhild. I am just sorry it took me nearly 2 weeks to get around to it. 
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone Call: It was definitely a work call. Probably telling a client what they needed to submit to us still? Because that’s basically all I do over the phone now. 3. Text Message: To my Mom. But not like anything cute she just wanted my new Netflix password that I had to change because my sister had given it to her (now ex) boyfriend. Don’t give away other people’s account passwords, guys. They’re letting you use it not some rando. That’s trust. 4. Song you listened to: I think it was Rockstar by Great Big World. 5. Time you cried: Monday probably. When I was listening to the latest TAZ.
6. Dated someone twice: As in broke up with them and then dated them again later? No.  7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No. 8. Been cheated on: I guess? It was high school so it was devastating for like a day and that guy has a kid now and I am kidless so who really won this anyway. 9: Lost someone special: My grandma and several cats.  10: Been depressed: See most of my entire life. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. I can hold my damn liquor.
12-14: Purple, green, black. IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU:
15. Made new friends: Yes, I think I have. :) 16. Fallen out of love: You have to be in love for this to happen, so no. 17. Laughed until you cried: At least once or twice. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Not like in a gossipy way, but yeah. 19. Met someone who changed you: Everyone changes me in small ways, and I think that’s a good thing. 20. Found out who your friends are: I mean, yes, but not in a toxic-friend sort of way. More in a reconnection sort of way.  21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’m kind of old school about my Facebook. If we haven’t met at least once in real life, I won’t add you. 23. Do you have any pets: YEP. I have the sweetest little calico named Murphy. 24. Do you want to change your name: Periodically I want to adjust the spelling of it, or make it short for something (I would love if my full name was Coraline for example), but on the whole I’m fine with it. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Took the day off of work and my family came down to see me. We went out for brunch and then came back to my apartment to play Red Dragon Inn. 26. What time do you wake up?: 6 AM on weekdays, closer to 10AM on weekends. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Playing Fire Emblem and watching Dice Camera Action.  28. Name something you can’t wait for: My next pay day. That’s basically my entire life. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: A little more than 2 weeks ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Either like my having depression and/or anxiety or my lack of motivation, which is kind of the same thing. 31. What are you listening to right now: MBMBaM because you have gotten me hooked on the MacElroy brothers, Tumblr. This is all your fault. 32. Have you aver talked to a person named Tom: I don’t know. I don’t think I have? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My own ineptitude? And my job. 34. Most visited website: Either Tumblr or Discord now. 
35. Mole/s: Yeah, a few. 36. Mark/s: Like scars or freckles or something? Yeah. 37. Childhood Dream: I wanted to be a marine biologist. God, why did I change my mind that still sounds amazing. 38. Hair Color: It’s some kind of brown, I don’t know if there’s a name for it, it’s got some kind of highlights. I don’t know. 39. Long or Short Hair: It goes down mid-back right now. 40. What do you like about yourself: My imagination. My eyes. My freckles. 41. Piercings: Absolutely none. And I really don’t want any. 42. Blood type: A- 43. Nickname: I don’t really have any. Everyone just calls me by my name. I guess I’m just not nickname worthy. :P 44. Relationship status: Single and kind of happy about it? Or at least not really looking. 45. Zodiac: Cancer 46. Pronouns: She/Her 47. Favorite TV show: Man, i don’t know. I’m really into Bitten right now? But of all time, it might be Teen Titans. 48. Tattoos: None currently, but I’ve always kind of wanted one. Just not enough to commit I guess. 49. Right or Left hand: Right. 50. Surgery: I guess I had a spinal tap when I was an infant? But none I remember. 51. Hair dyed in a different color: My mom dyed my hair blonde when I was younger, but I would totally dye my hair a dark auburn some day. 52. Sport: I wanted to do fencing, but my mom didn’t want to have to pick me up after practice. I used to do martial arts for a while but classes are super expensive and I can’t afford it as an adult. Sigh. 53. Vacation: My last one I went on-- my mom took me on a cruise to Cozumel and Key West, and it was pretty great not going to lie.  54. Pair of Trainers: I have a pair of Reebock cloud-things that are pretty great 55. Eating: Trader Joe’s Sweet Potato Gnocchi with chicken and apple sausage and a little mozzarella on top.  56. Drinking: Mojitos, or mint tea with honey. 57. I’m about to: play D&D~ 58. Waiting for: D&D. We finally get back into plot today~ 59. Want: to find a better job and to find my motivation again. 60. Career: I want to write for a living but freelancing is so fucking exhausting. Editing, actually, for money would probably be the best. 
61. Hugs or kisses: Hm. Hugs probably because its hard to have platonic kisses. 62. Lips or Eyes: Eyes 63. Shorter or Taller: I’m pretty short so taller. 64. Older or younger: Older. Though I am getting up in years that younger shouldn’t bother me so much. I just don’t feel that old, you know? 65. Nice arm or nice stomach: idk? arms? 66. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive? Loudness is not really a good thing unless it’s like your favorite song. 67. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. I’m not a hook-up kind of person. 68. Troublemaker or hesitant: Like is this across the board or...
70. Kissed a stranger: Yes. But I was pretty drunk. And in a foreign country.  71. Drank hard liquor: Yes. I am in a whiskey place in my life. 72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No. 73. Turned someone down: Yes. 74. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe? Idk, it’s hard to know what people are always feeling. 75. Sex on a first date: NOPE. 76. Been arrested: No. 77. Had your heart broken: Yeah, I have. 78. Cried when someone died: Yes. 79. Fallen for a friend: Yeah.
80. Yourself: Once in a blue moon, I do believe in myself. 81. Miracles: No. 82. Love at first sight: No, but attraction, sometimes. 83. Santa Claus: Not anymore. 84: Kiss on a first date: Yes? I mean, if you’re feeling it. OTHER:
85. Current best friend name: I don’t think best friends are a thing past like high school. So... I don’t have one. 86. Eye color: Green/Hazel 87. Favorite movie: Um? I don’t think I have one.
I’m bad at tagging, so if you’re reading this I’m tagging you. You with the lovely eyes and the brilliant smile. I’m talking to you. You’ve been tagged.
Unless you don’t want to, I completely understand. But I want to know more about you.
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Royal Portrush, Once Deemed Too Small, Gets Another Shot at the British Open
In 1951, the British Open was played outside of Scotland and England for the first time, crossing the Irish Sea for the cliffs of the Royal Portrush Golf Club in Northern Ireland.
Max Faulkner of England won that year, a command performance that loosened the stranglehold Bobby Locke of South Africa was placing on the Claret Jug. Historians place the crowds at 7,000 per day, and hopes were high that Royal Portrush would get another Open.
A decade later, Royal Portrush was still waiting.
The civil strife in Northern Ireland in the 1960s had helped keep away the Open. And later, Royal Portrush was deemed too small by organizers to handle the infrastructure required of a modern Open.
“If you’d have asked me 10, 15 years ago, would we ever have the Open Championship,” Darren Clarke, who won the British Open in 2011, said a month ago, “I’d have looked at you as if you’d been in the pub for too long.”
This week, after nearly 70 years, Royal Portrush completes a return to the Open spotlight, presenting itself to an audience largely unfamiliar with the striking landscape that places it among the world’s top dozen courses.
Even with such star power as the world No. 1 Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy, Dustin Johnson, Tiger Woods and the defending champion Francesco Molinari, Royal Portrush might generate the biggest buzz.
“I’m sure it’s going to be an amazing atmosphere,” Molinari said. “It was impressive to see how quickly all the tickets were sold initially.”
With a cap on ticket sales prompted by Royal Portrush’s smaller size, all 190,000 were sold within seven weeks. A new block of tickets sold out in days, and no walk-up tickets are available.
“The whole town is exciting, the whole atmosphere,” said Clarke, who grew up about an hour away from the course. “It’s going to be an incredible week.”
It is a sentiment shared by golf’s other two major champions produced by Northern Ireland: McIlroy and the Portrush native Graeme McDowell.
“I haven’t tried to hide the fact that I’m playing a major championship basically at home,” said McIlroy, who holds the Royal Portrush course record after shooting 61 as a 16-year-old. “I didn’t know if I’d ever have an opportunity to do that.”
[Read more on how McIlroy made a name for himself at Royal Portrush.]
Royal Portrush will not have to wait so long for another Open, with a commitment from the R&A organizers to bring two more Opens there by 2040.
The club is along Northern Ireland’s northern coast, a land of heaving terrain and craggy cliffs that overlook white sandy beaches.
Just to the east are the ruins of Dunluce Castle, dating from the 13th century, which was used as the Castle Greyjoy in “Game of Thrones.”
The club dates from 1888, offering a new pastime to visitors in the resort town, and was given its royal designation four years later. Tom Morris, a four-time British Open winner commonly known as Old Tom Morris to differentiate him from his son, designed the original layout.
The Irish Amateur Open played its first edition at Royal Portrush in 1892, and the first professional event on Irish soil came along three years later.
In 1929, the English golf course architect Harry Colt overhauled Royal Portrush, routing the new Dunluce Links closer to the sea. As Britain emerged from World War II, Royal Portrush was asked to host the Open in 1951.
Faulkner built a six-stroke lead through three rounds of that tournament, aided by a bold play at No. 16 in the third round. With a wayward drive leaving his ball against some steps straddling a barbed-wire fence, he hit a 4-wood that eventually took a hard right turn and bounded onto the green to save par.
“That’s the greatest shot I’ve ever seen,” Frank Stranahan, his playing partner, said afterward.
Faulkner cruised home to win by two over Antonio Cerdá of Argentina.
Among those smitten by the course was Bernard Darwin, a golf writer who described Colt’s creation in The Times of London as “a monument more enduring than brass.”
“Altogether I find it hard to imagine a more admirable test of golf,” Darwin said.
The call to host another Open never came, even as Royal Lytham and Royal Birkdale each held three editions over the next 15 years, and St. Andrews was the site for four. Royal Portrush did hold the 1960 Amateur Championship and the Irish Amateur in 1952 and ’57.
“In the 1980s and early 1990s, nobody wanted to come to Northern Ireland, let alone to play golf,” Wilma Erskine, the club’s secretary for 35 years, told the Open’s website. “We were struggling a bit.”
The R&A awarded the British Amateur to Royal Portrush in 1993. The Senior Open followed two years later, won by Brian Barnes, Faulkner’s son-in-law.
The Irish Open came in 2012, setting a European Tour attendance record of 112,000. Nonetheless, R&A officials still wondered if Royal Portrush was too small to handle a British Open.
The R&A felt that the 18th hole was hemmed in by the clubhouse, allowing no room for the grand seating that creates an amphitheater around the Open’s final hole. Corporate hospitality had no room to build. Local infrastructure was inadequate.
“There would be much work to do for an Open to go to Portrush,” Peter Dawson, then the R&A’s chief executive, said at that Irish Open.
Clarke was not taking that for an answer. Along with McDowell and McIlroy, they kept the quest in front of Dawson and others.
“I’d be speaking to him,” Clarke said, “and would just subtly slip it in all the time and tell him, ‘It’s good enough, it’s good enough.’ And he listened.”
With commitments from the club and local government to improve the infrastructure, including a change that would incorporate two holes from Royal Portrush’s second course, the R&A awarded the club the 2019 Open.
The 17th and 18th holes have been eliminated in the Open configuration, with two new holes inserted late into the front nine. One is the 590-yard seventh hole, with an elevated tee that forces golfers to choose whether they want to take on the huge Big Nellie bunker guarding the right.
No. 8 is the other new hole; the original seventh hole will be No. 9, and so on. Royal Portrush’s most famous hole — the 230-yard, uphill par-3 known as Calamity Corner — will now play as the 16th, followed by the potentially drivable par 4 No. 17.
“It’s an accuracy golf course tee to green,” McDowell said. “Even with the slight lack of rough, it’s still penal if you miss it in the wrong places off the tee.”
Clarke suggested golfers that would quickly have to figure the best landing areas off the tee, some of which won’t require the big stick.
“If they’re trying to go with driver everywhere,” he said, “they’ll probably only wear half the clothes that they brought with them.”
Translation: They will likely miss the cut.
“I think the guys are going to absolutely love it because a lot of them will never have played there before,” Clarke said. “For all the people who are lucky enough to go, it’s going to be a week that they’ll remember.”
Credit: Source link
The post Royal Portrush, Once Deemed Too Small, Gets Another Shot at the British Open appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/royal-portrush-once-deemed-too-small-gets-another-shot-at-the-british-open/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=royal-portrush-once-deemed-too-small-gets-another-shot-at-the-british-open from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186335056367
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Royal Portrush, Once Deemed Too Small, Gets Another Shot at the British Open
In 1951, the British Open was played outside of Scotland and England for the first time, crossing the Irish Sea for the cliffs of the Royal Portrush Golf Club in Northern Ireland.
Max Faulkner of England won that year, a command performance that loosened the stranglehold Bobby Locke of South Africa was placing on the Claret Jug. Historians place the crowds at 7,000 per day, and hopes were high that Royal Portrush would get another Open.
A decade later, Royal Portrush was still waiting.
The civil strife in Northern Ireland in the 1960s had helped keep away the Open. And later, Royal Portrush was deemed too small by organizers to handle the infrastructure required of a modern Open.
“If you’d have asked me 10, 15 years ago, would we ever have the Open Championship,” Darren Clarke, who won the British Open in 2011, said a month ago, “I’d have looked at you as if you’d been in the pub for too long.”
This week, after nearly 70 years, Royal Portrush completes a return to the Open spotlight, presenting itself to an audience largely unfamiliar with the striking landscape that places it among the world’s top dozen courses.
Even with such star power as the world No. 1 Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy, Dustin Johnson, Tiger Woods and the defending champion Francesco Molinari, Royal Portrush might generate the biggest buzz.
“I’m sure it’s going to be an amazing atmosphere,” Molinari said. “It was impressive to see how quickly all the tickets were sold initially.”
With a cap on ticket sales prompted by Royal Portrush’s smaller size, all 190,000 were sold within seven weeks. A new block of tickets sold out in days, and no walk-up tickets are available.
“The whole town is exciting, the whole atmosphere,” said Clarke, who grew up about an hour away from the course. “It’s going to be an incredible week.”
It is a sentiment shared by golf’s other two major champions produced by Northern Ireland: McIlroy and the Portrush native Graeme McDowell.
“I haven’t tried to hide the fact that I’m playing a major championship basically at home,” said McIlroy, who holds the Royal Portrush course record after shooting 61 as a 16-year-old. “I didn’t know if I’d ever have an opportunity to do that.”
[Read more on how McIlroy made a name for himself at Royal Portrush.]
Royal Portrush will not have to wait so long for another Open, with a commitment from the R&A organizers to bring two more Opens there by 2040.
The club is along Northern Ireland’s northern coast, a land of heaving terrain and craggy cliffs that overlook white sandy beaches.
Just to the east are the ruins of Dunluce Castle, dating from the 13th century, which was used as the Castle Greyjoy in “Game of Thrones.”
The club dates from 1888, offering a new pastime to visitors in the resort town, and was given its royal designation four years later. Tom Morris, a four-time British Open winner commonly known as Old Tom Morris to differentiate him from his son, designed the original layout.
The Irish Amateur Open played its first edition at Royal Portrush in 1892, and the first professional event on Irish soil came along three years later.
In 1929, the English golf course architect Harry Colt overhauled Royal Portrush, routing the new Dunluce Links closer to the sea. As Britain emerged from World War II, Royal Portrush was asked to host the Open in 1951.
Faulkner built a six-stroke lead through three rounds of that tournament, aided by a bold play at No. 16 in the third round. With a wayward drive leaving his ball against some steps straddling a barbed-wire fence, he hit a 4-wood that eventually took a hard right turn and bounded onto the green to save par.
“That’s the greatest shot I’ve ever seen,” Frank Stranahan, his playing partner, said afterward.
Faulkner cruised home to win by two over Antonio Cerdá of Argentina.
Among those smitten by the course was Bernard Darwin, a golf writer who described Colt’s creation in The Times of London as “a monument more enduring than brass.”
“Altogether I find it hard to imagine a more admirable test of golf,” Darwin said.
The call to host another Open never came, even as Royal Lytham and Royal Birkdale each held three editions over the next 15 years, and St. Andrews was the site for four. Royal Portrush did hold the 1960 Amateur Championship and the Irish Amateur in 1952 and ’57.
“In the 1980s and early 1990s, nobody wanted to come to Northern Ireland, let alone to play golf,” Wilma Erskine, the club’s secretary for 35 years, told the Open’s website. “We were struggling a bit.”
The R&A awarded the British Amateur to Royal Portrush in 1993. The Senior Open followed two years later, won by Brian Barnes, Faulkner’s son-in-law.
The Irish Open came in 2012, setting a European Tour attendance record of 112,000. Nonetheless, R&A officials still wondered if Royal Portrush was too small to handle a British Open.
The R&A felt that the 18th hole was hemmed in by the clubhouse, allowing no room for the grand seating that creates an amphitheater around the Open’s final hole. Corporate hospitality had no room to build. Local infrastructure was inadequate.
“There would be much work to do for an Open to go to Portrush,” Peter Dawson, then the R&A’s chief executive, said at that Irish Open.
Clarke was not taking that for an answer. Along with McDowell and McIlroy, they kept the quest in front of Dawson and others.
“I’d be speaking to him,” Clarke said, “and would just subtly slip it in all the time and tell him, ‘It’s good enough, it’s good enough.’ And he listened.”
With commitments from the club and local government to improve the infrastructure, including a change that would incorporate two holes from Royal Portrush’s second course, the R&A awarded the club the 2019 Open.
The 17th and 18th holes have been eliminated in the Open configuration, with two new holes inserted late into the front nine. One is the 590-yard seventh hole, with an elevated tee that forces golfers to choose whether they want to take on the huge Big Nellie bunker guarding the right.
No. 8 is the other new hole; the original seventh hole will be No. 9, and so on. Royal Portrush’s most famous hole — the 230-yard, uphill par-3 known as Calamity Corner — will now play as the 16th, followed by the potentially drivable par 4 No. 17.
“It’s an accuracy golf course tee to green,” McDowell said. “Even with the slight lack of rough, it’s still penal if you miss it in the wrong places off the tee.”
Clarke suggested golfers that would quickly have to figure the best landing areas off the tee, some of which won’t require the big stick.
“If they’re trying to go with driver everywhere,” he said, “they’ll probably only wear half the clothes that they brought with them.”
Translation: They will likely miss the cut.
“I think the guys are going to absolutely love it because a lot of them will never have played there before,” Clarke said. “For all the people who are lucky enough to go, it’s going to be a week that they’ll remember.”
Credit: Source link
The post Royal Portrush, Once Deemed Too Small, Gets Another Shot at the British Open appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/royal-portrush-once-deemed-too-small-gets-another-shot-at-the-british-open/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=royal-portrush-once-deemed-too-small-gets-another-shot-at-the-british-open from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186335056367
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Royal Portrush, Once Deemed Too Small, Gets Another Shot at the British Open
In 1951, the British Open was played outside of Scotland and England for the first time, crossing the Irish Sea for the cliffs of the Royal Portrush Golf Club in Northern Ireland.
Max Faulkner of England won that year, a command performance that loosened the stranglehold Bobby Locke of South Africa was placing on the Claret Jug. Historians place the crowds at 7,000 per day, and hopes were high that Royal Portrush would get another Open.
A decade later, Royal Portrush was still waiting.
The civil strife in Northern Ireland in the 1960s had helped keep away the Open. And later, Royal Portrush was deemed too small by organizers to handle the infrastructure required of a modern Open.
“If you’d have asked me 10, 15 years ago, would we ever have the Open Championship,” Darren Clarke, who won the British Open in 2011, said a month ago, “I’d have looked at you as if you’d been in the pub for too long.”
This week, after nearly 70 years, Royal Portrush completes a return to the Open spotlight, presenting itself to an audience largely unfamiliar with the striking landscape that places it among the world’s top dozen courses.
Even with such star power as the world No. 1 Brooks Koepka, Rory McIlroy, Dustin Johnson, Tiger Woods and the defending champion Francesco Molinari, Royal Portrush might generate the biggest buzz.
“I’m sure it’s going to be an amazing atmosphere,” Molinari said. “It was impressive to see how quickly all the tickets were sold initially.”
With a cap on ticket sales prompted by Royal Portrush’s smaller size, all 190,000 were sold within seven weeks. A new block of tickets sold out in days, and no walk-up tickets are available.
“The whole town is exciting, the whole atmosphere,” said Clarke, who grew up about an hour away from the course. “It’s going to be an incredible week.”
It is a sentiment shared by golf’s other two major champions produced by Northern Ireland: McIlroy and the Portrush native Graeme McDowell.
“I haven’t tried to hide the fact that I’m playing a major championship basically at home,” said McIlroy, who holds the Royal Portrush course record after shooting 61 as a 16-year-old. “I didn’t know if I’d ever have an opportunity to do that.”
[Read more on how McIlroy made a name for himself at Royal Portrush.]
Royal Portrush will not have to wait so long for another Open, with a commitment from the R&A organizers to bring two more Opens there by 2040.
The club is along Northern Ireland’s northern coast, a land of heaving terrain and craggy cliffs that overlook white sandy beaches.
Just to the east are the ruins of Dunluce Castle, dating from the 13th century, which was used as the Castle Greyjoy in “Game of Thrones.”
The club dates from 1888, offering a new pastime to visitors in the resort town, and was given its royal designation four years later. Tom Morris, a four-time British Open winner commonly known as Old Tom Morris to differentiate him from his son, designed the original layout.
The Irish Amateur Open played its first edition at Royal Portrush in 1892, and the first professional event on Irish soil came along three years later.
In 1929, the English golf course architect Harry Colt overhauled Royal Portrush, routing the new Dunluce Links closer to the sea. As Britain emerged from World War II, Royal Portrush was asked to host the Open in 1951.
Faulkner built a six-stroke lead through three rounds of that tournament, aided by a bold play at No. 16 in the third round. With a wayward drive leaving his ball against some steps straddling a barbed-wire fence, he hit a 4-wood that eventually took a hard right turn and bounded onto the green to save par.
“That’s the greatest shot I’ve ever seen,” Frank Stranahan, his playing partner, said afterward.
Faulkner cruised home to win by two over Antonio Cerdá of Argentina.
Among those smitten by the course was Bernard Darwin, a golf writer who described Colt’s creation in The Times of London as “a monument more enduring than brass.”
“Altogether I find it hard to imagine a more admirable test of golf,” Darwin said.
The call to host another Open never came, even as Royal Lytham and Royal Birkdale each held three editions over the next 15 years, and St. Andrews was the site for four. Royal Portrush did hold the 1960 Amateur Championship and the Irish Amateur in 1952 and ’57.
“In the 1980s and early 1990s, nobody wanted to come to Northern Ireland, let alone to play golf,” Wilma Erskine, the club’s secretary for 35 years, told the Open’s website. “We were struggling a bit.”
The R&A awarded the British Amateur to Royal Portrush in 1993. The Senior Open followed two years later, won by Brian Barnes, Faulkner’s son-in-law.
The Irish Open came in 2012, setting a European Tour attendance record of 112,000. Nonetheless, R&A officials still wondered if Royal Portrush was too small to handle a British Open.
The R&A felt that the 18th hole was hemmed in by the clubhouse, allowing no room for the grand seating that creates an amphitheater around the Open’s final hole. Corporate hospitality had no room to build. Local infrastructure was inadequate.
“There would be much work to do for an Open to go to Portrush,” Peter Dawson, then the R&A’s chief executive, said at that Irish Open.
Clarke was not taking that for an answer. Along with McDowell and McIlroy, they kept the quest in front of Dawson and others.
“I’d be speaking to him,” Clarke said, “and would just subtly slip it in all the time and tell him, ‘It’s good enough, it’s good enough.’ And he listened.”
With commitments from the club and local government to improve the infrastructure, including a change that would incorporate two holes from Royal Portrush’s second course, the R&A awarded the club the 2019 Open.
The 17th and 18th holes have been eliminated in the Open configuration, with two new holes inserted late into the front nine. One is the 590-yard seventh hole, with an elevated tee that forces golfers to choose whether they want to take on the huge Big Nellie bunker guarding the right.
No. 8 is the other new hole; the original seventh hole will be No. 9, and so on. Royal Portrush’s most famous hole — the 230-yard, uphill par-3 known as Calamity Corner — will now play as the 16th, followed by the potentially drivable par 4 No. 17.
“It’s an accuracy golf course tee to green,” McDowell said. “Even with the slight lack of rough, it’s still penal if you miss it in the wrong places off the tee.”
Clarke suggested golfers that would quickly have to figure the best landing areas off the tee, some of which won’t require the big stick.
“If they’re trying to go with driver everywhere,” he said, “they’ll probably only wear half the clothes that they brought with them.”
Translation: They will likely miss the cut.
“I think the guys are going to absolutely love it because a lot of them will never have played there before,” Clarke said. “For all the people who are lucky enough to go, it’s going to be a week that they’ll remember.”
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, June 1
Cover: Jennifer Aniston Finally Talks -- her fresh start at 51 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Shia LaBeouf took a spin around his Pasadena neighborhood with his adorable pooch in tow 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Royal Shake-Up -- a shocking report leads to whispers that Queen Elizabeth may soon be stepping away from her duties for good -- thankfully the Queen has Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton to lean on and they call her every day and are always offering to step in and take any stressful duties off her hands and the queen doesn’t know what she’d do without them 
Page 6: From the outside Reese Witherspoon seems to have a picture-perfect life but the multifaceted star admits her days are a balancing act and anything but easy 
Page 7: It seems as if Kristin Cavallari has been on a smear campaign against estranged husband Jay Cutler as their messy divorce plays out -- she’s consumed by rage and resentment toward him mainly out of fear that he’ll come across as looking like the good guy while she’s painted as power- and money-hungry, after years of estrangement the coronavirus pandemic has pushed Bella Cruise to reach out to mom Nicole Kidman -- Nicole knows Bella will never leave Scientology and she’d never ask her to and they’ve been making up for lost time and speak most days and Bella’s agreed to travel to Tennessee and stay at Nicole’s sprawling country estate once it’s safe to travel, Scott Disick is turning to Kris Jenner as he figures out his next move after he fled rehab after the news leaked -- Scott feels more vulnerable than ever and he’s at a crucial stage in his life and he respects Kris enormously not only as a business partner but as a makeshift therapist and mother figure 
Page 8: Jamie Lynn Spears is begging older sis Britney Spears to move back to Louisiana and Jamie Lynn would love for her daughters to spend more time with their aunt and wants them together as one big happy family in Kentwood where it all began, Chris Pratt and pregnant Katherine Schwarzenegger are feeling a bit overwhelmed by her parents as they await their baby’s arrival -- Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger are excited at their first grandchild but they’ve become very pushy -- Maria’s insisting on planning a huge baby shower and decorating the nursery and Arnold is trying to install a new sound system so they can play lullabies in every corner of the house and it’s enough to make Chris and Katherine wince, Tom Cruise is making it his mission to reclaim his title as the King of Hollywood -- he’s bided his time for years now because he wanted to take the pressure of himself until he found just the right moment to go for it and now he’s ready to catapult himself onto the scene with Mission: Impossible 7 and 8 and the sequel to Top Gun and he’s working with NASA and Elon Musk’s SpaceX to shoot the first ever movie in outer space 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- peach gowns -- Zoe Kravitz, Karolina Kurkova, Adrienne Houghton 
Page 11: Betty Gilpin, Lizzy Caplan, Joey King 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Becca Tilley vs. Brooke Burke (it’s a tie), Cheryl Burke vs. Jennifer Lahmers
Page 14: News in Photos -- Hailey Bieber in the sauna 
Page 15: Michael C. Hall in glitter face paint, Kate Upton works out with daughter Genevieve, Olivia Munn with two pups, Christie Brinkley in the fickle weather in the Hamptons 
Page 16: Hilary Duff on Mother’s Day, Anna Kendrick all dressed up for a virtual press conference, Kevin Hart and wife Eniko revealed they are having a daughter in a pic with kids Kenzo and Heaven and Hendrix, Naomi Watts on TikTok with Liev Schreiber and their kids Sasha and Kai 
Page 17: Mindy Kaling doing laundry, Cardi B shows off her Mother’s Day gifts from husband Offset 
Page 18: Reese Witherspoon with son Tennessee climbing a tree, Nicole Kidman studying Italian while stuck at home, Gabrielle Union and daughter Kaavia 
Page 19: Jason Momoa encouraged fans to support local small businesses as he picked up dinner from the Old Place in Cornell, Paris Jackson inked a tattoo on her own pinky toe, Suki Waterhouse showed off her perfectly coiffed locks 
Page 20: Tobey Maguire and girlfriend Tatiana Dieteman take a stroll, Ariel Winter was spotted with a cast on her thumb after slicing the tip off in a cooking accident, Emilia Clarke and dog Ted
Page 21: Ryan Phillippe on a run, Katy Perry and her dog Nugget dress up as Dumbo
Page 22: Brody Jenner on a bike ride, Tallulah Willis and mom Demi Moore on Mother’s Day, Julianne Hough as Mary Poppins 
Page 23: Taylor Swift drinking white wine while isolating at home, Ali Larter on a run 
Page 24: Inside My Home -- the Hadid’s flourishing farm -- where Yolanda Hadid is isolating with kids Bella Hadid, pregnant Gigi Hadid and Anwar Hadid in Hope, Pennsylvania 
Page 26: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West marriage in crisis -- after months in quarantine Kim and Kanye are on the verge of a lockdown throwdown because when it comes to their four kids North and Saint and Chicago and Psalm most of the parenting and homeschooling has fallen on Kim’s shoulders while Kanye has been spending a ton of time at his office rather than at home 
Page 27: Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied are planning to renew their vows this winter when December will mark a decade since their engagement, when Cara Delevingne and Ashley Benson called it quits after two years of dating it seemed drama-free but now members of their social circle are being dragged into the pair’s personal problems -- now that they’re not together they’re drawing clear boundaries and demanding their friends like Kaia Gerber and Margaret Qualley take sides using the line it’s her or me, Courteney Cox has been quarantining in L.A. while boyfriend Johnny McDaid has been in England and once they’re able to reunite Courteney is adamant that they tie the knot right away because this has been a lesson learned and she’s kicking herself for not marrying Johnny sooner
Page 28: Joshua Jackson and wife Jodie Turner-Smith are walking on air as they settle into their new roles as parents to a baby girl, just eight months into their romance Jonathan Scott believes he’s found the one in Zooey Deschanel but his friends are urging him to pump the brakes because Zooey is twice-divorced and basically walked out of her second marriage and right into Jonathan’s life plus she also has two children so Jonathan would be taking on an awful lot so soon, Love Bites -- Ben Platt and Noah Galvin new couple, America Ferrera and Ryan Piers Williams welcomed a daughter, Mary-Kate Olsen and Olivier Sarkozy split 
Page 29: On Justin and Hailey Bieber’s Facebook Watch show he stated that he and wife Hailey are in the best place they’ve ever been but he’s the first to admit that becoming a husband forced him to take a hard look at himself, Ben Affleck is sparing no expense when it comes to showering girlfriend Ana de Armas with affection
Page 30: Cover Story -- Jennifer Aniston comes clean -- from the state of her dating life to the truth about her famous exes Jen plans to answer everything in a new tell-all interview 
Page 33: How Jennifer Aniston is helping Matthew Perry get through his recent troubles 
Page 34: Baby Bump Brigade -- Ashlee Simpson, Katy Perry 
Page 35: Gigi Hadid, Katherine Schwarzenegger, Lea Michele 
Page 36: How Julia Roberts saved her marriage -- inside her decision to step away from the spotlight and fix her relationship with Danny Moder 
Page 38: Beverly Hills 90210 secrets and scandals 
Page 40: Candace Cameron Bure Family Matters -- the actress gets candid about her kids, her marriage and her decades long career 
Page 46: Style Week -- Bebe Rexha latest collaboration with the popular drugstore nail polish line Sinful Colors 
Page 48: Style -- beaded bags -- Bailee Madison 
Page 50: Espadrilles -- Selena Gomez 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 58: Stars are getting creative with their hair while stuck at home -- Julianne Hough, Pink, Kristen Stewart 
Page 59: Blake Shelton, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tallulah Willis, Lauren Burnham and Arie Luyendyk, Armie Hammer, Dua Lipa 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Miley Cyrus on interviewing Elizabeth Warren, Ashton Kutcher on Mila Kunis, Laura Dern on trying new things, Anna Kendrick on switching up her exercise routine, John Mellencamp texting daughter Teddi Mellencamp while watching her on RHOBH 
Page 61: Hollywood Heat Meter -- Hilary Duff is set to reprise her Younger character in a spinoff, Lily Allen and David Harbour engaged, Alison Roman apologized to Chrissy Teigen, Hannah Brown should have listened to her gut about Jed Wyatt, Vera Wang shows off her killer abs, the bombshells Vanderpump Rules editor Bri Dellinger just unleashed about the reality show 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Gemini Lenny Kravitz 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Trevor Noah 
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dickbaggins · 7 years
85 Question Game
I was tagged by: @marrieddorks​ 💖💖💖
last: 1.       drink: coffee 2.       phone call: my mom 3.       text message: xander: “get it good”, in response to a series of emojis I sent him about a turtle eating a tomato 4.       song you listened to: Hurricane Jane by Black Kids 5.       time you cried: Yesterday, about snow
have you:
6.       dated someone twice: ugh yes 7.       kissed someone and regretted it: nah 8.       been cheated on: yeeees 9.       lost someone special: yes 10.     been depressed: boy yes 11.     gotten drunk and thrown up: hahah yes. the first time was on a golf course!
three favourite colours:
12.     tiffany blue 13.     dove grey 14.     a really bright verdant green
in the last year have you:
15.      made new friends: kind of! 16.      fallen out of love: maybe a bit 17.      laughed until you cried: have I? Yeah I have, there was a new Maria Bamford stand up special 18.      found out someone was talking about you: haha no one talks about me 19.      met someone who changed you: yesssss 20.      found out who your friends are: kind of! 21.      kissed one of your tumblr followers: since my man is a follower, I guess that is a yes
22.      how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life? just xander but I am meeting a few next month and I am dying with excitement 23.      do you have any pets? there is the 13 year old pit lab mix, jersey, the  3 year old one eyed cat, Sideshow Bob, and the...18? year old parrot Maxx. 24.      do you want to change your name? I kinda got to when I got married! I’m going by ‘Jan Corbin’ in real life because I think it sounds fucking wonderfully androgynous and Scandinavian.  25.      what did you do for your last birthday? nothing, like every year. well no, that’s not totally true. xander took off the day before my birthday and took me to a yarn store and out to lunch and a few people gave me some lovely drawings and stories. 26.      what time did you wake up? 8am. 27.      what were you doing at midnight last night? one last scroll of tumblr, washing my face, getting ready for bed 28.      name something you can’t wait for: to be finished fully unpacking and get all of these rooms decorated the way I want them.  29.      when was the last time you saw your mum: it’s been since last fall when I got married. I didn’t have my green card to travel until last month and she hates travelling, so it’s almost been a year :( 30.      what are you listening to right now? the tv is on some discovery channel stuff and the landlord and a fridge repair fellow are in the kitchen talking. the dog is barking at them on and off 31.      have you ever talked to a person named tom? said landlord who is in the kitchen is literally named tom  32.      something that is getting on your nerves: hypocrisy 33.      most visited website: tumblr or gmail or the ingress map or omegle 34.      hair colour: brown 35.      long or short hair: very very long 36.      do you have a crush on someone? hahah like everyone who shows me even the slightest attention and kindness yes, crush. even worse when they show me none of those things 37.   what do you like about yourself? my shoulders are really buff, I like those 38.   piercings: my ears, they’re stretched 39.   blood type: uuuuuuuhhhhhh that’s a great question 40.   nickname: when I was younger it was ‘Jay’. Xander calls me ‘snorts’ and ‘snortise’ due to general slowness at eating and moving and snorting when I do things like laugh 41.   relationship status: married, polyam 42.   zodiac: capriquarius aka capricorn on the cusp of aquarius and depending on which source you use, I can be either one 43.   pronouns: she/her 44.   favourite tv show(s): supernatural, steven universe, penny dreadful, american horror story, agent carter, cuthroat kitchen,  45.   tattoos: would you believe I have no tattoos. I’m like thisclose to getting one though, someone tell me what to get or lets get matchies or something 46.   right or left handed: rightie 48.   sport: hockey 49.   vacation: near asheville nc was nice, I’d like to go back with more time. the free caribbean cruise with my sister was probably the best though. I still haven’t had a honeymoon. 50.   pair of trainers: the only runners I can wear are merrell’s bc of weird wide feet. usually siren sport but the last pair I got sucked so I’ve been wearing whatever their hiker is instead (they only make two shoes in a wide)
more general:
51.       eating: veggies and eggs and chorizo 52.       drinking: coffee and water and coconut water 53.       i’m about to: finish this coffee 54.       waiting for: idk. mostly my new glasses. these people to leave my house so I can jerk off.  55.       want: everything everyone 56.       get married: done 57.       career: ugh idk. writer, ideally. I’d love to own and operate a yarn store some day but at the rate they open and close, I’m sure there’s no long-term stability in it. I’ve been thinking more about a gluten-free bakery but again this is a ridiculous niche of retail. i’m probably going to be stuck in retail hell for the rest of my life, realistically. 
which is better?
58.       hugs or kisses: hugs 59.       lips or eyes: eyes 60.       shorter or taller: shorter 61.       older or younger: younger 62.       nice arms or nice stomach: arms are fuckin hot  63.       hookup or relationship: idk just get it 64.       troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant af
have you ever:
65.       kissed a stranger: yes 66.       drank hard liquor: yes 67.       lose glasses/contact lenses: i used to lose every pair of sunglasses I ever bought when I was getting cheapcheap old navy ones. but like three years ago I got a pair for $25 which is a huge investment for me and I’ve managed to hang on to them. eyeglasses I just buy at the fuckin store or readers.com for cheap bc I only use them for knitting and crochet 68.       turned someone down: yes 69.       sex on the first date:  idk if I’ve ever been on a ‘date’ 70.       had your heart broken: yes 71.       been arrested: no 72.       cried when someone died: yes 73.       fallen for a friend: always constantly yes right now and yes forever
do you believe in
74.       yourself: sometimes 75.       miracles: not really 76.       love at first sight: usually no but then I remember the first time I saw Xander in person and yes. 77.       santa claus: I fuckin wish some sugar daddy looking mother fucker would give me free presents even once a year 78.       kiss on the first date: yes 79.       angels: nah
80.       eye colour: brown, everything is brown 81.       favourite movie: how does anyone ever decide this? probably wreck-it ralph or the winter soldier oooooorrrrrr deadpool 82.       height: 5′7″ (kirsten you’re so tiny please come live in my pockets) 83.       siblings: a sister 18 months younger than me and a half-sister ten years younger 84.       favourite season: winter! I was watching some show yesterday and there was so much snow and it looked so beautiful and I cried because I miss it 85.       sexuality: pansexual as fuck, needy as hell
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