#whoops actually holds the braincell
grace-nakimura · 6 months
whoops. (1/2)
rating: pg-13 at the most, and most of it is for language. pairing: past - and kind of present - grace nakimura/gabriel knight. trigger warnings: pregnancy. mentions of the occult. grace's lack of brain cells (affectionate). not beta'd. summary: eight weeks after the events that took place in rennes-le-château, grace finds her hopes into being a big damn hero put on a hold. also known as, no one is going to write it, jane has left us on read about it, so i'm going to do it.
eight weeks.
In hindsight, she should’ve known something was amiss; no, it wasn’t her being late, either. Grace had dealt with irregular periods since she was thirteen. After the first month of nothing, she didn’t think much about it. She was too busy settling into a flat in Mumbai and chalked it up to her body working like it usually did—coffee and those powdery doughnuts convenient stores like to sell—to pay too much attention. Then the second month went by, and Grace said, “well, might be stress,” because she was once again going halfway around the world trying to be a Big Damn Hero. 
Better reasons this time around, but the same story.  
Her jeans fit a little tightly. Her breasts were sore, tender really. It was the heartburn—Christ. She was thirty. Surely, thirty was too young to worry about heartburn? Especially after eating a jalapeno, when she grew up eating spices that were way warmer—that made her suspicious. Maybe she was sick; maybe it was some sort of stress of moving across the world, with only a letter to a man she would always love more than he’d love her, and a short phone call to her parents in New York.  
Sometimes she thought about e-mailing Gabriel.  
She never did. Not because she hated him, but because she was afraid he hated her.  
I wouldn’t blame him if he did, was what she told herself, because for all his faults, she wasn’t always innocent either.  
“You’re young,” Gerde had told her when Grace chalked up the courage to give her a real, sincere apology. Grace had bristled at that at first—twenty-four wasn’t young; she was a grown woman—but Gerde just gave her a knowing look that said, see? Then they shared a beer and spent most of the night talking about history, about philosophy, and for a rare time she saw how Gerde spoke about the late Wolfgang without hedging on sadness, but a sort of fondness, and Grace remembered thinking, wow, I hope I love someone like that one day.  
She had a photo of him, of Gabriel, in her wallet. Of course, it wasn’t only him, but Mosley was there, too. Gabriel had his arm around his best friend while looking into the camera with a smug grin.  
Out of all the things she missed about Gabriel Knight, it was that smug grin of his. 
Eight weeks. Eight weeks passed and she spent it making her small flat livable, while pouring herself in whatever Chandrel threw at her. Mostly, it was meditation—apparently, she had trouble centering herself and opening her mind, ergo, she was stubborn—and research. Which was fine. Learn how to count before you could add or subtract. Didn’t stop her from being restless and wanting to advance when she was four, and it was still the same at thirty.  
What gave it away, what finally made her think, huh, my body has been acting weird so I should investigate it, was the smell of incense. It was during a meditation with the other initiates when something when she got a whiff of something so foul, so unimaginably rancid, she shot up from the pillow she saw on to throw up her breakfast in a potted plant.  
“Meditation isn’t for everyone,” a Nigerian undergrad named Aretta joked, but her brown eyes were sympathetic when another wave of nausea hit.  
That day she purchased three pregnancy texts. She realized a little too late where she purchased from did not have an English translation so, with swallowing her pride and humiliation, and because she felt she needed to apologize for what happened earlier, she handed the sticks to a baffled Chandrel who was outside, trimming the weeds on his knees.  
“Sorry about...” she trailed off, not wanting to allow the word ‘vomit’ to escape her mouth, ‘else if she thought about it too much, she might repeat it. Chandrel was proud of his garden, and he had been nothing but a good friend; he didn’t deserve that. “Um. I don’t... I know a few words in Hindi, but I don’t know if this is Tamil, or...” 
“Marathi,” Chandrel said with bemusement. Sometimes, when he spoke to her, it felt like he was speaking to a child, and while a part of her wanted to bristle like she did when Gerde called her young, a larger part of her allowed herself to be humbled. Maybe the meditation thing was working, or maybe she was simply growing up. He took the tests—a brow quirked knowingly—with brown eyes staring at the results for a moment, before handing them back to her. “Congratulations are in order, I assume. Or condolences.” 
twelve weeks.
She had typed out an e-mail to Gabriel about, oh, five thousand and twenty-two times. Sometimes she just ranted at him, blamed him, as if she wasn’t a willing participant; as if she hadn’t thought about what happened—although maybe she would’ve wanted the situation to be a bit different—a thousand times before it did. Sometimes she gave into self-flagellation and apologized to him. For envying him. For wanting to be him at some point, even if half of that want was merely her doing her best to ignore the growing unrequited feelings that blossomed without her saying so. For leaving without a proper goodbye because, despite it all, he changed her life for the better.  
She went to New Orleans to grow up, to make her own choices, and applying for that job at Saint George’s did exactly that.  
The ones that she’d never send were the ones to which she told him she loved him. That it was fine that he didn’t feel the same, she heard him tell Mosely as much, and what happened, while it meant a great deal to her, probably wasn’t the wisest idea for either of them. That wouldn’t change how she felt and maybe, someday, they could continue being friends. Just friends with a Whoops in their lives.  
Sometimes she wrote letters, actual handwritten letters, even if the new millennium was dawning and no one wrote letters anymore. Hell, it took Grace weeks to convince him to use a computer than his typewriter.  
She knew she could call. At least, she could call Gerde, who was a good friend, had been a supportive friend even if their initial meeting was awful, if only to reassure her that she was fine. She hadn’t spoken to her since returning briefly to Rittersburg to collect her things. They had hugged, Gerde had wished her well, and while the woman wanted to pry, she had the grace to keep any questions silent.  
Every e-mail was deleted; every written letter was crumbled up and tossed in the bin.  
“I have bigger fish to fry,” she had told herself, unconsciously rubbing the small bump. Most women don’t show their first time around, or not really, but Grace found herself rubbing that spot where the smallest of bulges formed more and more as of late. “I still have to tell my parents.” 
Thinking about telling Gabriel made her heart hurt; telling her parents made her heart go into overdrive into a flat-out panic attack. Not good for Whoops, the doctors had said, so she decided not to tell them. At least, not yet. Maybe when she could look her very, very traditionalist parents, who came to America when she was three so she could have the best life possible, in the eye and say, “well, you always wanted to be grandparents!” without dying from sheer terror. 
“What are you going to do about Whoops?” Aretta had asked, braids placed in a bun on top of her head as she walked with Grace arm and arm toward some hole-in-the-wall food joint that Grace had been constantly craving, regardless of heartburn. While low-rise jeans were becoming a style, Grace enjoyed the high-rise variety, especially when she knew soon most of her blouses would not fit. They were already snug at the bust area, much to both her horror and slight amazement. “Have you considered—” 
“Everything,” she told the younger woman with a great big sigh. “I even started to make an appointment at the clinic like you suggested, but...” 
Aretta did not, nor would she ever, judge, and merely offered a small smile. She and Gerde would’ve gotten along a lot quicker than she and Gerde did. Then again, that was Grace’s own blunder, not Gerde’s. “It was only a suggestion, Grace,” Aretta soothed, “the choice is yours alone. It is your body, after all, not mine.”  
Grace nodded and offered a small smile.  
Having their fill of samosas with chola, they spent the rest of their time going over the bestiary sitting crisscross-applesauce in the middle of her flat, that still had yet to be fully unboxed, scribbling their own experiences—well, Grace’s, anyway, since all Aretta knew was what her mother had taught her—in the margin of their notebooks.  
Whoops still hovered in the background. Hard not to when all she felt was bloated, gassy, or rarely—and she counted herself grateful since her mother had often said that carrying Grace meant she was spending more time over the toilet than having any sort of pregnancy glow—throwing up. Tucking her raven hair behind her ear, thinking she ought to give it a trim because it was growing too long, she blurted out, “What if I keep it? Whoops? I mean, it shouldn’t be too hard, right? Women have kids alone all the time.” 
Aretta made a noncommittal sound, and Grace continued, “I don’t need Gabriel. He always said he was terrified of settling down, anyway, so, me not telling him is just honoring his wishes.” Another noncommittal sound came from Aretta who, if Grace was anywhere but her head, would think it almost sounded amused. “He compared me to a nagging Ikea furniture, anyway, so there’s no loss there. Really. Also, my parents? Well, they can’t kill me if I show up in Manhattan in a year from now just, you know, shoving a baby at them and say, surprise! I can say I adopted it!”  
“Mmm,” and for being younger than Grace, with those dark discerning eyes and a patient grin. “It is your choice, like I said,” and this would be when she finally would take her eyes from the notebook she had been scribbling on, a toothy grin that showcased her gapped teeth she wore proudly. Not like Grace. Grace begged for braces to correct hers. “You do not need to convince me, Grace, but I think you need to convince yourself.”  
Which, when Grace came down from the neurotic burst, she had to release it like the gas that kept her up all night, she allowed. And after a long moment, after deliberating every pro and con, imagining every sort of scenario, Grace was left with this. “I want to keep Whoops.” 
Aretta snorted, “You might need to figure out a name other than Whoops, then.”  
twenty-four weeks.
It was closing in at the cut off where she could travel internationally. The midwife she had been seeing so far had told her she was pushing it, but since her pregnancy was going on without a hitch, then it should be fine. The old woman even gave her a doctor’s note in case there was any trouble.  
Aretta drove her to the airport. Chadrel had to run the academy but gave her his blessing. “The both of you are always welcome back, Grace,” he had told her. 
“It’s not forever,” she reassured him with a laugh. She never got to get her hair trimmed, decided to wear it in a braid because it was the easiest thing she could do in the mornings. “We’ll be back soon. Just need to tie up some loose ends.” 
A knowing look, “I take it you aren’t going to the States?”  
“Not until Whoops is born and I can hide behind her, because I’m pretty sure my mother won’t kill me if I’m holding a baby.” It was the only thing that kept her nerves at bay, really, when it came to telling her parents. They were traditional, yes, but Grace knew they loved her more than life itself. She was their only one, after all. They never understood her wanting to go to New Orleans, or wanting to go to Germany, or even India, but they had supported her, nonetheless. 
Mostly, she just didn’t want to disappoint them.  
Just like she hoped her daughter, her Whoops, wouldn’t be disappointed by her.  
Funny. For a while, she had thought she was carrying a boy; she had assumed that most of the Ritters were males, anyway.  
She had written to Gerde a week before she bought her ticket. She hadn’t told her about Whoops, yet—which was a bit mean, really, just showing up pregnant, but for all Grace wanted to be a big damn hero she was mostly a big damn coward—but did ask if she could stop by. This sort of thing was a conversation one had in person, not phone or e-mail or letter.  
Of course, Gerde had written. We left your room the same. Gabriel has been out a lot, recently, but I know he would be happy to see you. 
“You’ll call, or write, when you get there.” No questions, but straight facts as Aretta pulled her into a hug, which she returned as best as her bump allowed. Although small, it still made moving around difficult. “You gave me the address to that big fancy castle. If you don’t write, you bet your ass I will.”  
And with that, Grace boarded the plane, not yet waddling like a duck, thank God.  
While Mumbai wasn’t as cold as Germany, and she would spend a great deal of the flight burning up, she dressed in her warm maternity clothes. Rittercastle was in the mountains and while she remembered it being picturesque and almost something out of a fairytale, she also remembered how cold the castle was even with heating installed, and how she spent more nights next to a fire than not. New Orleans spoiled her. She grew up with the cold. Now she couldn’t stand anything below fifty degrees. 
Two things that were fortuitous when Grace Nakimura made it to Rittersburg Castle: one, light snow which made finding a cab to take her to her destination rather easy; two, when she arrived, Gabriel wasn’t there, which would give her even more time to explain herself. 
She used that time to explain to Gerde who, when she opened the door to greet her, noticed her bump as soon as Grace walked inside.  
“You’ve been busy.”  
Grace smirked, “you have no idea.”  
And that was how she spent the first night in Rittersburg after many months; sipping hot cocoa, sitting on the couch beside Gerde, telling her everything that happened. From Chadrel, to what happened in France, telling her about Aretta, and then to Whoops. Gerde snorted into her own cup of cocoa at the nickname. “Whoops?”  
“It felt appropriate,” Grace defended, “and nothing seems to fit her.” 
Gerde’s blue eyes twinkled. “Her?” 
Grace gave an almost shy smile, nodding. She felt ridiculous for being so bashful about Whoops. From the moment she felt her fluttering about inside her, letting Grace know that under no uncertain terms she was there, to even showing everyone at the academy the sonogram photos she had taken. It was ridiculous. She knew this was ridiculous, entertaining raising a child, but as every single day went by, she couldn’t see a life without Whoops.  
“You haven’t told Gabriel,” Gerde surmised. Grace nodded, causing the blonde woman to place her cup on the coffee table in front of them, and gave her a look that was far older than a woman of her age. Sometimes Grace forgot she was technically older than Gerde with how she carried herself. Just like Aretta. “I am going to be honest with you, Grace, he’s been—sad.” Gerde made a face as if saying, no, that wasn’t the right word for it, and began again. “He still jokes, he still writes, but there is something missing. He still talks to his grandmother, but that seems to be the only thing that really makes him happy.” 
Well. Shit.  
“You think Whoops would make him happy?” Grace asked, incredulously; easier to be obtuse than understand that, with how Gerde sounded so somber, Grace had to at least be partially the reason for his moods. Grace wasn’t arrogant enough to assume she broke his heart, but she knew that, while he’d never return her feelings, he still cared about her. That they were friends.  
Gerde allowed Grace to take the easy way out, if not for now, with how she snorted once more. “For a man who swears he is terrified of the idea of family, he keeps his own close to his heart,” which was fair. Rebecca Knight all but raised Gabriel, after all; if Mosley and Grace were his friends, Rebecca was his best friend, his world at that. And the fact he did mourn Wolfgang, even if he only knew him a brief time, the reason why he began the journey was to honor him in some way. A sense of duty.  
Well, that was how Grace saw it, anyway.  
She also remembered how he would always make time to visit his grandfather’s, his mother’s, and his father’s tomb, too.  
“I’m afraid,” Grace admitted, still sipping on her beverage. “Not...not just for me, you know, but her. I know Gabriel can be the world’s biggest ass, so can I, and I am not worried about him being an ass to her—damnit.” A groan. “I chose to be a Schattenjäger. Gabriel had to become one.” 
“And you are afraid that your daughter will not have a choice?” Gerde summed up effortlessly. “We all have a choice, Grace. That is one choice she will not have to make for many years yet. If I were you, I would focus on telling Gabriel—” 
“Tellin’ me what?” A heavily accented voice accompanied by boots on the castle ground. 
Grace began to choke on her cocoa, causing Gerde to move and pat her back. 
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heartstringsduet · 2 months
Fuck it Friday
@liminalmemories21 open call for outtakes was taken with the very last braincell I have left. I extend my owen OPEN TAG to people but will tag some peeps that I know read First Aid. This is part of the Hamptons party scene entirely cut, from TK's perspective. It kind of isn't canon now...which is so weird to think. No pressure to read it : @carlos-in-glasses @herefortarlos @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @freneticfloetry @lightningboltreader @reyesstrand @thisbuildinghasfeelings
Pain shoots through TK’s back and water enters his mouth that's open from laughter. He’s under the surface for a few second only, blinking up at the dark surface turned a unnatural pink from the underwater lights and all the legs and limbs and bathing suits distorted through it. It’s beautiful. When he emerges, he has to sputter and cough, chlorinated water intruders of his windpipe. There’s a thick bicep he holds onto, head bent low to cough, legs still trying to not slip on the glazed white tiles.
“You alright?” Fez asks between laughs and when TK replies with more coughs, he brings his large hand onto his still sore back that rattles TK’s chest.
Jeremy and Brianna still howl in triumph over having bested them in pool wrestling, until TK finally finds his voice to yell, “I want a revanche!”
Brianna kisses one of her tattooed biceps. “If you’re stupid enough to try.”
Fez dunks underwater and TK slides over his shoulders, until they stand again. 
Seeing some of his old friends has been a lot easier than TK had assumed. Alcohol helps to make conversations slide into catching each other up as long as no one brings up why they haven’t reached out at all in years. There are a lot of vaguely familiar faces, all of them friendly, all of them addressing him by name. A few guys wink at him like they either want him, or wanted him years ago. It doesn’t matter. It strokes his long neglected ego either way. 
TK wants to feel the brush of invincibility, the sprawl of the future, instead of the thick smoke in his lungs his mind conjures when he thinks of becoming a firefighter.
He’d brought Carlos to the last party because he’d needed someone to talk to if everyone ignored him still. Turns out he needn’t have worried. TK finally feels in his element again. Washed in neon pink and blue, he becomes someone he has put away for years. Perfection on the bright, bright surface. He chats over the caviar and canapés, whoever talks to him gets him a drink, he flirts back but then slides away, he begins every conversation with a ‘do you remember…’
There’s a mix of gin, lemon juice and soda in him. It warms him against the chill of the late spring night on wet skin, as he is lifted over the pool and onto Fez’ shoulders. His arms push against Brianna, who tries to grapple him to the left to topple him over again. She’s taller than him, into weight lifting. But the first round was a fluke. As soon as she twists, he lets his muscles repeat the movement Carlos has taught him until TK begged to be showed something else.
“This is important,” Carlos had breathed into his ear. “Self-defense only works if you can do it subconsciously. It’s all about repetition and split-second reactions.”
TK ducks under Brianna’s grip and brings his arm up to her side, pushing her into the direction she twisted into. There is no fight. She flies over Jeremy’s head and lands in the water with a splash that makes his back twinge in compassion. Jeremy yelps, holding his ears her leg must have caught on. It all drowns out in music and the loud whoops of Fez. He holds up his palms and TK smashes his hands into them, making them both wince in pain right before they erupt in laughter.
Brianna swims up then and glares at them. “What was that?”
“That,” TK explains, “was weeks of boring self-defense training actually paying of.” He looks over the mass of onlookers and hollers, “Who’s next?”
Fez is right there with him, competitive spirit awakened. They beat most of the guys until a tree stump of a man shoves TK back before he even gets up on Fez' shoulders. It leaves a red imprint of his hands on TK’s chest that stays even after he exits the pool, out to get a new drink for him and his friends for appeasement. Jeremy hasn’t stopped whining loudly about TK hurting his ear for the past twenty minutes.
The ‘BHM’,  the so-coined ‘Bougie Hampton’s Mansion’, is nothing like the house TK stays in each summer. It’s that much more. It’s Greek-styled, its columns on the entrance and the sculptures on either edge of the straight tiled roof tell people on the outside that only more riches awaited on the inside. Riches they won’t get to see. The backyard sprawls out into a golf course and a piece of private beach the Beckers use as rarely as they use the summer residence in general. Everyone invited tonight is in and around the huge T-shaped pool trailing one side of the french windowed side of the house. 
All in all, it’s the kind of house that would make Carlos roll his eyes and clench his jaw. 
But TK doesn’t think about Carlos, he decides as he makes himself another drink. Not tonight.
He doesn’t think about Carlos until he goes inside to pee and then checks the phone in the pocket of his jeans they had all put into a guest room when they switched into bathing suits.
It’s 7:43 p.m.. He has three missed calls by Carlos. Two messages, asking if he is okay. Shit! He forgot they were supposed to talk on the phone. When he tries calling him back, it immediately gets disconnected. 
He tries again, but then texts, ‘sorry, didn’t see this. u ok? call me back?’
He waits but the message stays unread. A little voice bitterly reminds him that Carlos broke his promise to always pick up. But he is still clear-headed enough to know it was his own fault for missing their agreed upon call date. He dries off his chest and puts on his gray zip-up he brought, shoving his phone in his pocket.
Carlos doesn’t call back when TK takes a shot with a bunch of people from his old tennis club, doesn’t call back when Brianna and her girlfriend wave him over to join their beer pong set set up beside the pool, doesn’t call when Jeremy gets a bonfire going in the metal bowl set out for it that people holler as they throw wood in. TK thinks about his dad then, about this being a  fire hazard. About how quickly things like these can get out of control. He doesn’t comment on it. Instead, he takes a video of it, the fire dancing up the sky a mesmerizing threat. 
Why is anything dangerous so beautiful? he wonders.
The video breaks off, the phone screen displaying a name that never fails to make his heart leap.
Why is anything dangerous…
Walking out toward the luscious grass of the golf course to muffle as much of the party’s noise as possible, TK answers with, “Hello-ho?”
we'll see if after this beast is finally finished, I'll post the entire cut scene here. Maybe if I still like it
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funkyyusername · 4 months
i miss urinetown so here are some little sally character notes i made while i was little sally so i can cope
- she really likes flowers
- like she can look at a flower and immediately name it
- “oh thats a diphylleia grayi” “a what”
- due to the water shortage though there isn’t a lot of greenery
- so she usually just draws flowers everywhere any chance she gets
- “give me your arm real quick :3” she says holding a pen having only malice intent behind those big eyes of hers
- she also reads a lot
- not because she likes it but because lockstock just gives her a bunch of books and she has nothing better to do
- i like to think that on like christmas or smth the poor give her like really run down beaten up toys that could give the average child nightmares
- while lockstock just walks up with a bag of books
- not even childrens book but like whole ass college textbooks
- “idk what kid read these days but i like this”
- little sally is too nice to say anything about it
- this is why she knows what metaphysical means
- mcqueen…. (red angry face with fist up)
- i don’t even know what mcqueen could have done to her she just really hates him
- maybe that one time he didn’t give her a coin really fucked her up
- “one time” it was probably multiple times
- mcqueen probably called her a slur too, before like spitting on her idk
- she’s actually pretty prone to violence
- like she would definitely beat someone up if they wronged her
- the only reason she was so against killing hope is one, in her eyes hope didn’t do anything wrong and two, bobby lovesssss her
- she looks up to bobby a lot
- this is mostly because bobbys like the only character that isn’t completely stupid
- thats not true penny has a bunch of braincells in there
- but penny is scary
- omg theres also her lore with lockstock
- infodumping lockstock and sally’s entire lore
- little sally had pretty neglectful parents
- she was an accident baby and her parents were really suffering from the water shortage so they paid no attention to her
- lockstock met little sally when she was around six and lockstock was still pretty new to his job
- little sally has a big mouth and so one day while talking to lockstock she just casually brings up the fact that her parents piss on the pavement daily
- lockstock of course took action to it and took her parents to urinetown
- BUT but since lockstock was so new to the job he hadn’t fully realized what urinetown was until he was in the middle of bringing sallys parents to urinetown
- so now lockstock feels guilt for killing sally’s parents which is why he acts like such a parent to her
- and also why sally feels pretty safe during the whole rebellion
- i think post tell her i love her little sally joined the rebellion half because she believed in it and also half because she knew that lockstock wouldn’t hurt her
- bro is manipulative
- it wasn’t until she saw bobby literally be thrown off a building where she became scared of lockstock
- it was there when she decided to cut all ties with lockstock
- “oh but don’t they meet up at the end” LET ME TELL YOU
- so you know how after hope is like “yes go pee for free my pookies” the water becomes bad and everyone dies
- because little sally isn’t with lockstock anymore she isn’t protected by the narrative
- so the whole conversation lockstock had with little sally was all a hallucination in lockstocks head
- i guess for lockstock to cope with basically losing the person he considered his daughter
- whoops this turned sad
- little sally braids bits of her hair out of boredom
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characteroulette · 9 months
A study on prosecutors -- (previous) (next)
Simon Blackquill, the Twisted Samurai.
Simon was actually a bit of a hard sell for me, much like his contemporary. I'm not really into Dual Destinies or Spirit of Justice (and therefore I'm not able to remember all the details as well as I can the other games oop so sorry if I get some things wrong here), but there are things I enjoy about them. One of those things ended up being the prosecutors!
It's thematically appropriate with the whole "dark age of the law" setup. A prosecutor who's on death row is allowed to take on trials to help with the workload the prosecution's office is dealing with. (Don't mind the fact that there's enough wiggle room for Klavier to go out for an event.) We hear from Fulbright about this prosecutor and Athena seems to recognise him. The absurd of why are they letting an inmate have any legal sway whatsoever doesn't matter so much. This is the dark age of the law.
Then we meet him and he's appropriately a grumpy jerk.
We're not given the details of his crime really, just whatever we can glean from the animated cutscenes. (It involved blood and a sword.) But Blackquill's mannerisms are harsh and unforgiving. He's a psychological suggester, able to run circles around the judge and drag us along for the ride by the ear. I think this part of his schtick is kind of annoying to deal with, mainly because of how obvious it is that he's messing with all of us, but it definitely does make for a fun character. He really showcases how easy it is to become intimidating in this world of dumbasses when you're able to keep even a single braincell advantage. (The less forgivable act, to me, was his shutting Apollo down at every turn. He is so mean to Apollo! It's not like Apollo can help that his eyes are magically tuned to other people's body language, and yet Blackquill calls it cheating and cuts him down for it. Then he allows Athena to do her mood matrix things with very little argument! This was a huge jarring point for me for a long time and part of the reason why it took me so long to actually finish this game.)
The setup is there: something about this guy is performative, is softer when handling Athena. Yet he masks it all very well with his abrasive attitude and trickery. He forces us into a corner, forces the hand of our client, and we have to head back out into the investigation.
It's easy to explain away most of his attitude, in actuality. He's been in prison for seven years. He mentions constantly the different mates he's met in the clink. Fulbright may act like his only friend and supporter, but there's too large a gap between them considering Fulbright holds too much authority over him.
Blackquill has become unsociable from his time in the clink. His refusal to admit to the truth has him leaning into his belligerence, has him constantly acting the part of the bad guy. (When did it start to become a part of who he is? Perhaps he's always been a little twisted. It never rings false to anyone besides Athena, after all.)
His situation is intriguing and so we're hooked into wanting to know what the hell happened to make him like this.
Also, I gotta give a special mention to his talking sprites. All of them are really good, from him slamming the desk as he laughs (which is just how I see him in my head by this point) to his eye flashing as he glares down at you. He plays with a lot of the usual conventions, too, turning his back towards you and never actually having a full point. I may not like how his objection sounds (and this is a me problem, I only like about 20% of the actual objections in this series whoops), but his "Silence!" is pitch perfect. That really conveys more of his character than anything else, devs and his va did a damn good job with that one.
Anyway, second day of the trial. It's actually pretty fun to see Blackquill on the ropes, having him act as if we're the ones cutting him down instead of the other way around. He's just as annoyingly ruthless here, but it's easier to deal with when we can actually gain some ground on him. For all his posturing and intimidation tactics, he can't keep up the act while we're shutting him down.
Once we pull off our victory for our client, he's back to being a cool customer. He's a pretty graceful loser compared to so many other prosecutors we've seen. Compared to Gaspen, even. There's still a lot we don't really know about him and his situation, but he's made his character loud and clear for us to see. For that, I gotta say it's understandable if you started liking him by this point.
Case 3 is kind of a mess during the trial segments due to everyone trying to confess to the murder. Blackquill may be facilitating a bunch of this nonsense, but he's as along for the ride as we are. That makes things more fun and tolerable than it could have been, so hey.
It also showcases his softer approach with Athena; again, the hints are being put down. You can't quite pick them up yet because you don't have the full context, but you can notice Athena mention that she's fighting so hard in order to save someone not our client. (And Blackquill even addressed her as directly about it as he can, saying that she should know it's useless trying to reach him.) When Means puts Athena out of commission for a minute, Blackquill doesn't mock her or even take advantage of the situation. He doesn't help, either, he can't do that without giving away the whole game, but he allows her the time to come back. That's probably the biggest hint we get as to who these two are to each other and it's a subtle thing, too.
His dynamic with Athena is probably the most enjoyable, also. She's a real spitfire in court, owing to her youth and her energetic nature, while he's a steel wall with trickster energy. They work surprisingly well off one another, trading jabs and him always seeming to be a step ahead but never fully leaving her in the dust. He recognises her inexperience and she recognises his humanity; neither want to hold back against the other and yet their blows aren't as harsh as they could be.
He was, after all, made to be her opponent on some level. Seeing their dynamic work so well off one another, it's easy to stop finding him aggravating and start finding him endearing. A rough around the edges older brother type rather than a hardened criminal trickster type. (Though he is very much still both.)
An aside on the DLC case, I think it's very funny how Blackquill was the only prosecutor willing to try this case against an orca. Sure, he saw the underlying actual murder mystery beneath it all, but it's so easy to imagine him being presented this case, laughing his ass off, then agreeing to prosecute it. This man's as insane as Phoenix!! And that goes a hell of a long way to endearing him to us. To me, specifically. His mannerism against Phoenix is kinda not fun, considering Phoenix is hardly ever fun in this game, but it's such a wacky little character detail about him that I just adore. His devil may care attitude may come from a dark place, but it lends itself to such a fun time.
Of course, we then reach the fourth case and even more mysteries are thrown in our face.
For one, Blackquill is just as on edge and vicious concerning this case. We understand some of Apollo's beef, he knew the victim and is emotionally invested in his client, but Blackquill being just as invested is definitely strange. It definitely raises some alarm bells to keep in mind, right up until the courtroom is blown up and we're forced into a time skip.
Meeting Blackquill's older sister adds another piece to the puzzle. She's really nasty especially to Athena and you make a note of it, but still can't quite make out the whole picture. It's an easy detail to overlook, even, if you aren't really paying attention to the names, since there isn't a big fuss made over her being his older sister. It connects him to this space station, but not in a way that matters. Not yet.
Another piece is Fulbright's odd behaviour. They really have to work hard to start building enough clues for Fulbright's turn to make sense, but the important thing for us concerning Blackquill is that he seems more worried about Blackquill's rehabilitation than before. Fulbright himself is struggling in what he should reveal to us, where his sense of justice lies, and Phoenix presses him to share enough with us for the next day of the trial.
Of course, Blackquill continues the trial with his added fervour. It really feels he has more of the pieces to this puzzle than we do at this point, but we at least manage to hold our own until Fulbright returns with the decisive evidence to prove Starbuck's innocence. The problem then is that it implicates Athena.
And Blackquill goes into absolute panic mode.
This is what he's been trying to prevent! He can't have Athena accused of another crime, he can't defend her this time like how he did before. He's doing his best to hold his uncaring demeanour together, but he's slipped too much for it to be convincing. He's run out of time and his sister refuses to accept that.
This leads us into the final case and our impromptu trial to figure out just what exactly happened for Blackquill to land himself on death row.
How Blackquill guards himself while absolutely falling apart here is so heartbreaking. He's doing his best to protect Athena, to save the girl who's his mentor's precious treasure, and him and Athena going back and forth on whether or not the whole truth is worth exposing, no matter how painful it is, is excellent. I really feel Blackquill's desperation here, aided by one of the sickest Mood Matrix segments ever. Learning that Edgeworth asked Phoenix specifically to become a lawyer again to help Blackquill, having Edgeworth act as prosecutor on this trial, everything about this is so good. All of it really lends to showing us the player why we should care about Blackquill. It definitely got me good.
Only once we prove Blackquill and Athena both innocent does that weathered shield finally fall. Blackquill gets to show off a bit of his less guarded self, gets to have some fun as we leap into the next segment of the trial. He gets to finally, finally dig up the truth behind that terrible lie he's been keeping for the past seven years and confront this Phantom himself. If the Phantom reveal wasn't so slapdash, this entire segment would be a lot more powerful, I think.
All of it, though, is in service of the straight up satisfaction we get when seeing Blackquill at the end, able to live his life again. Seeing how he actually calls on Athena's help in the next game, then hops onto the bench with her to help her out is so good, there's so much growth that happened there. He's still his smarmy trickster self, but he's willing to show a bit of his caring older brother side! I love seeing it.
Anyway yeah hopefully this conveys how much I love Blackquill, wish he had that little extra oomph to his narrative to make him truly great.
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weirdlyhornyforegos · 2 years
Heehoo x gn!reader
Anon: can you do a heehoo x gender neutral reader with like the reader accidentally stumbling onto heehoo during their camping trip
MINORS DNI!!!!! Idk why, but the collective braincell luckily possessed me to write this fic, and I’m really happy with how it came out! Enjoy :D
Warnings/tags: size difference, frottage, handjob, biting/marking
Wordcount: 1.7k+
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You like going camping alone.
It’s nice.
Gives you a break from everything and everyone, and you can just hang out by yourself without being disturbed by anything.
Other than animals of course.
And today, a wild looking man that walked out of the bushes right next to the clearing where you had put up your tent.
The first thing you notice is how tall he is.
He towers over you, you have no idea of his exact height, it’s hard to tell exactly, but you would guess somewhere around 7 feet.
The second thing you notice is how barely clothed he is. He’s only wearing a loincloth that barely hides his crotch, the rest of his muscled and tan body on full display. You blush, turning your head up towards the sky as you shuffle backwards.
“Um, sorry, I, I will be going...” The man (creature?) follows your movements, easily taking a few steps forward to cover the space between the two of you. He leans down and sniffs your hair, making you freeze.
“Smell good.”
“T-thank you?” At least the man (you think it fits, though he’s a lot bigger), doesn’t seem hostile, so that’s good. You’re still frozen, but an idea about sprinting back down the track and to your car crosses your mind, but with those long legs there is no way you could outrun him.
He takes a few more steps forward, and you back up again, your back hitting a tree. He crowds into your personal space, only looking, but he’s inches away, so it’s a little terrifying.
But also, hot.
Hold the fuck up, where did that thought come from?
“Touch?” He suddenly asks, raising a hand up. A rather big hand you notice. You wonder how it would feel wrapped around your thigh- fucking hell, down brain, down.
“Um, yeah, sure.” Your voice is unsteady, a little worried about what he is going to do, but a little calmed down by the fact that he actually asked.
His hand is gentle as he touches your hair, petting your head more than anything.
“Soft...” He mumbles, his eyes on his hand and your hair. His other hand grabs one of yours, moving it to his shoulder, since it’s a little hard for you to actually reach his hair with the seize difference. “You touch.” You swallow, nodding as you can feel your face start to burn. You are very aware that the man in front of you have barely anything on, and fucking hell he looks good like that. Just about perfect.
You let your hands wander over the skin of his shoulder as he moves from your hair to your shoulder. You give a light squeeze and you have to hold back a small noise at the muscle you can feel there. You are rather steadfast in keeping your gaze where your hand is, resisting the urge to look lower.
Heehoo touches you with both hands now, letting them flutter over your shoulder with surprisingly light touches. They’re warm, and big, and for a moment you can’t help but let your mind wander again, thinking about how they would feel somewhere else
And as your mind wanders, your hand slips lower, and when you absentmindedly squeeze, you’re brought back to reality when you hear what is clearly a moan. That is also very clearly not your own.
Oh fucking, whoops.
You realize what you squeezed was not his shoulder, but his fucking pec.
Looking up, you’re met with intense eyes on you. He’s clearly watching for your next move, but there is no pulling away, and clearly no shame on his face. So, since curiosity hasn't killed you yet, you squeeze again.
In return you get a moan, and the hands that had been resting on your shoulders move down to the back of your thighs, scooping you up with ease. You yelp, surprised at the change in position, but certainly don’t complain as it brings you face to face with him.
Your hands move to his hair as he presses you back against the tree. Though you think he could certainly carry your weight with no problem, if how easy he scooped you up was any indication.
“Heehoo.” He keeps your gaze locked with his. You furrow your brow.
“Heehoo?” He grunts, letting go of one of your thighs, putting his hand on his chest.
“Oh! You’re Heehoo, got it.” Heehoo nods, a small grin on his face as you offer up your own name in return. He says it a few times as he gets both hands back on you, adjusting his grip, and pressing himself against you.
The loincloth does nothing to hide his excitement where you meet, and your breath hitches, because Heehoo certainly doesn't feel small there either, and there is no way that will fit inside of you. Heehoo lets out a pleased rumble, rubbing himself against you, causing delicious friction for you both.
Pleasure pools low in your gut, so you rock down against him. His hands clutch at your thighs, and you’re sure you’ll have bruises there tomorrow, even if they’re still fully clothed.
It feels so good, and the little grunts and other noises that Heehoo lets out as he rocks himself against you sound so wonderful, but you can’t help but wonder if he’ll let you have something else as well.
A tug on his hair brings his attention to your face instead of your crotch and hips.
“Kiss?” Though he hasn't spoken much, Heehoo seems to at least understand words. Well, at least some, and you hope this is one of them.
Luckily it is, because he shifts his grip again, then leans down to kiss you.
His lips are surprisingly soft against your own, and his tongue comes out to play rather quickly. It prods at your lips, asking for entry, and you grant it. You let your own tongue out to meet his as well, though he overpowers yours easily, exploring your mouth with hunger.
You feel your own hunger grow, rocking against his cock underneath you.
But, it’s not enough. Not quite.
So, you let one hand wander between your bodies, quickly opening your pants. You would almost be impressed with yourself, though you don’t think too much about it, shoving your hand down your pants to touch yourself. You moan into Heehoo’s mouth, and he breaks the kiss with a slightly confused noise. But then he looks down, and the grin that spreads over his face is equally as hungry as his tongue was.
Heehoo pulls your hand out of your pants, and for a moment you almost protest, but then he replaces your hand with his own, and the words die on your tongue.
His hands are rough and calloused, feeling fucking amazing as the rub over your arousal.
You tug him into another kiss, this time it’s you who explores his mouth, and to your delight, you discover his teeth are slightly pointy.
Fuck, you wonder how they would feel against your neck, but for now you keep kissing him, grinding against his cock and hand as well as you can. Heehoo keeps moving his hips and hands as well, making arousal spread through your whole body.
He’s so big and solid, and so fucking hot it isn’t even funny, and you know your brain should be telling you to run, but fuck that. You’re gonna stay here until you both cum, and with the way Heehoo moves, you don’t think that is going to be long for either of you.
With every move of his hips pressing you harder against the tree against your back, with every stroke of his hand, with every kiss, and with every grunt from him, he sends you closer and closer to cumming.
You only break the kiss to gasp when you’re getting so close to cumming that you feel like you should warn him.
“Fuck, fuck, Heehoo, I’m- I’m cumming, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Heehoo fucking growls, and if you weren’t already so fucking turned on, that would have helped a lot.
“Cum.” He grunts into your ear, voice low and close enough that you almost feel like it vibrates.
So you do. You cum all over his hand, shaking apart as Heehoo moves to nose at your neck.
You wonder if he’s smelling you, and if so, what does that smell like?
You don’t think about it for long however, as he fucking bites down on your shoulder. Your shoulder is covered with your t-shirt, but it still hurts a bit, but that only adds to the pleasure surging through you.
Heehoo pumps his hips once, twice, and then you feel wetness spread as he cums against your ass. The loincloth certainly didn’t cover much earlier, and still doesn’t, as you feel him twitch and cover your backside.
Holy fucking shit.
You just had sex with a fucking wildman.
And it was great.
Both of you just pant for a few minutes. Heehoo isn’t biting your shoulder anymore, but his head rests against it, and every so often you feel his lips brush over it, as if to soothe the sting even through your t-shirt.
When Heehoo moves, he doesn’t let go of you at first.
Instead, he carries you over to your tent. Almost squatting, but still holding onto you, Heehoo manages with only some struggle to unzip your tent with one hand. He then gets on his knees, ducking inside with some of his body, gently depositing you on your sleeping mat.
“Rest.” You try to hold on, because hey, you’re down for some cuddling if he is. But Heehoo gets your hand off him easily, giving a kiss to your forehead and then your bitten shoulder.
“Will be back.” It’s the most words he has spoken at once, and you really hope they’re true.
Heehoo watches you for a few more seconds, then retreats fully out of your tent. You prop yourself up on your elbows, managing to catch a glimpse of him retreating into the bushes where he came from.
You really do hope he comes back.
Luckily for you, you had already planned to be here a few more days.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Guiding Light x Curious Light headcanons...au thingie..
This was inevitable.
- The guiding light was sent by a moon goddess(or maybe it disappeared to go do it itself.) to keep entities from escaping the hotel. If they ever emerged they would wreck havoc on humankind.
- The curious light was sent/came long AFTER. Maybe it was sent by the goddess to look for the guiding light… maybe the goddess shipped them…Or maybe it just got lost I dunno.
- But it got lost, found by the entities of the rooms and basically forgot what it was doing down there and decided to live with them as roomies.
- Basically, the guiding light goes down there. Gets curious. Opens the door. Meets CL AAAAAND-
- literally the opposite of love at first sight. Slowest slowburn to have ever BURNT. The guiding light is pretty cold and distant at times.
- Its lost so many people to the entities. So many bloodied and horrible agonizing messes..the goddess would never send someone so …pure… to this damned place…right?
-She’ll eventually send for its return, right?
- ..Right?
- The guiding light actually begins to enjoy the curious light after awhile. The curious light isn’t really that overbearing. Prone to excitement over small things? Sure. A bit immature at times? Yes. Absolutely. But never anything really overtly-annoying or tedious.
- Infact, sometimes its lack of overall concern terrifies Guiding light. “I mean.. we can just resurrect them right?”
- Yea.. the entities have normalized it to murder. Whoops. That and it doesn't really understand death because its an undertrained angel who is literally steam-fresh out of heaven.
- It definitely would NEVER trust Cl with a person’s life. But it never really needs too because because CL never interferes with its business.
- But besides from all of that..it can appreciate the presence of another angelic being.
- Long has it missed the Angelic hymns of divine beings. The holy light of another angel. The innocence of another angel..The little things..
- The curious light reminds it of home.
- A friendship blossoms between the the two. Mostly silly banter that often descends into long hymns about the moon and the stars. - Often, the curious light will seek out the company of The Guiding light. And If GL isn't busy, GL will entertain the Curious light's silly musings, antics and occasional yet surprising child-like wisdom that it comes flying out of its mouth. - After good while, the Guiding light will actively seek out the Curious light just to hear what its thinking about today. A short while AFTER that the guiding light begins to engage back in long info-dumps that the curious light will respond with even L O N G E R infodumps. - After awhile, the guiding light begins to become more aware of something..new..bubbling to the surface every time it hears its voice or feels a strange happiness sees the color yellow. -...then the awareness fully kicks in. - gl:
- Confessing ANYTHING is so H A R D for gl to do. But luckily it doesn't have to. The curious light confesses first. - Ran out of ideas here so now its just drabbles. - The curious light is the one who wears the pants in the relationship. The guiding light is simply the one who holds on the critical thinking and braincells. - You know that lesbian/sapphic stereotype where two lesbians move super duper fast and the next thing you know they are already picking out a donor and buying a new house and they've found their soulmate?? Yea that's them. That's these two past the courting phase. They move SUPER DUPER fast. - Also these two love to touch each others wings. I can imagine a tired guiding light finished with its vigil collapsed within the loving hands of the curious light. Stroking its soft wings and murmuring words of comfort whenever the guiding light fails to save another wanderer. - The guiding light is very busy just trying to save the stupid people who wandered in. So these two don’t get to see eachother a lot - Both would share the tiny plane of existence that GL would be on. - Also no, the guiding light is not going to tell the entities about its spouse/partner. They'd believe it to be target numero uno on if the entities ever found out.. and honestly I'd think Rush or Ambush (for stealing prey, harming dupe.ect) would do it.. but the rooms gang, who adore CL would probably retaliate and Rushbush would have a target on their head. - help i ran out of juice enjoy
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enniewritesathing · 17 days
under the cut bc it's long, all from @pink-chevalier
“Went from DSL to 5G internet (which me being in the sticks, being surrounded by 3 towers = all the speed).” Dude, I didn’t know you had internet like that! I gotta connect the damn internet cable whatever that bitch is called just to play siege. (Give me a second I’m copying and pasting my notes)
yuppp. It's the main reason why there's a bunch of gifs now. would NOT have been able to do anything with the internet i used to have. I'm still running speed tests just to see the meter be on the right side, lol
I've been on the struggle bus for SO long 😭😭😭
“Hey. Charles? He may be unhinged. Just a little bit.” Only a tiny bit? Him and Daniel remind me of the scientists that tend to go too far or lose whatever was left of their morality to play God. It’s crazy how easy they can develop some sort of God complex when dealing with things they don’t understand or believe that whatever they are experimenting on is not the same as them. Sometimes I think those kinds of scientists are one step away from diving into the pool of of becoming serial killers.
it makes you wonder and maybe this raises a huge question for all of them -- just how the fuck did they get here in the first place? And you figure, they're getting away with a lot of shit because they're in such a trusted position in trying to help John. (and I truly say in the loosest sense possible.) When -- definitely not a matter of if -- it goes down, their excuse can be like "oh, unfortunately circumstances blah blah blah" when it was really "whoops we tortured him a bit too much our bad.
Charles definitely has a God complex and... well. I shan't say. Daniel is more relunctant but he still does it anyway. Dunno if that's a sunk cost fallacy with him or if he's just spineless.
“That said… you think The Werewolf might be holding back on that? Do you think it’s actually messier than that?” Something tells me that it has to be a lot messier. Because even though it is a lot of blood and yeah it looks like shit hit the fan, you can’t tell me that it was so neat. Even real life murders can become ten times more messier with blood in the ceiling. (Really reminding me of Patrick Bateman from American psycho when he got his raincoat on)
it does look way too clean ��but part of that is not me having enough blood splatter CC at the time. There's a little more (and also I may just do some editing). I know it's niche but anyone who does horror cc in any way, please make some more blood related things please and thank.
But I have good authority that The Werewolf's holding back.
I don’t know I feel like there was more but the werewolf is trying not to traumatize John or the audience which I can respect.
I like to think that The Werewolf said that basing off of the knife memory and John's reaction to it -- which was very understandable as it was very explicit (the other half of it that wasn't shown to us/the audience). Even then, he still gives plenty of chances for John (and to some extension us/the audience) to bail out. He's mindful, I'll give him that.
The file name I gave John during the conversation was "go king, give us nothing.blend”. Not us having the same damn braincell.
I try to name my files something silly every once in a while :)
It’s good to see that the werewolf was able to make a door in the first place! It shows a lot of how far he’s come and that he can do that at least. The handle can come much later when he’s ready to open it or close it since he should be taking baby steps. There is no need to rush all of this and the werewolf should focus on what it means to him making that handle happen. Like is he ready to open it to relive what happen, to truly expose himself or does he want to leave it close and ignore that part of himself. Both of them are okay to do because as humans we need time to open or close a door, no matter how fast we want to do that there’s no point in stumbling out or in something.
Yes! He's able to make doors but his main issue is keeping it there or if it is there, the knob's not working. That door in the memory was summoned out of survival and he thought of the most simplest type (which means that he's seen it at least once. 🤔). The knob was more or less that John still had overall control of it which is why he opened it.
There's a few more things that are door-involved though... but you're right. There's a reason why you can open/close them. 👀
(oh shit, I just thought of something that happens in a previous story omggg)
“First the hospital bed surrounded by flowers, and now the exam table (?)… what’s with that?” Simpler times? A way to make the whole thing look rather peaceful then the living hell the werewolf and John went through. It could mean a lot of things from daydreaming of being in a better place with his lover, and having his hair played with by said lover. There is a lot of meaning behind the flowers and the exam table. Exam table could mean a lot of things such as…. self-criticism, a need for healing, feeling so exposed but against your will.
And what’s up with John…? Does he remember more than he lets on? Or is he hiding under the guise of medicinal amnesia? It’s like he could be in denial or something. I feel like John remembers bits and pieces. The reason why I believe this is because some people that tend to go through intense trauma will forget some things or believe other things happen, which isn’t a bad thing it’s your brains way of trying to protect you from what happened…..
Oh, don't I know the feeling on that part... (🙃) And of course the parts he does remember, John probably downplayed it. It wasn't that bad; I survived years of this shit, I'm fine!"
(Narrator: "It's much worse than he thought.")
There may be another angle to this that I'm not quite ready to drop yet but I guess I can wonder out loud -- what if The Werewolf was protecting John this whole time and he's starting to crack because of it? Why now? Much to think about.
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This might be random or sort of funny, but when the Silent Hill PT demo came out a long time ago, I watched it and I talked about it with my friend but I completely forgot about the talking fetus baby in it. My brain completely blocked that part out for no reason at all, I guess I was scare and didn’t know at the time. But it can happen to John, I think he wants and is trying to remember, but his head is blocking him out to protect him from what happened.
man... PT would've been the scariest game of all time, hands down. I'm a huge weenie when it comes to horror games in general... the fact that bitch was behind you THE WHOLE TIME? I think the fuck not. but NOOOOO, Konami did the fumble of the fucking millenium.
Anyway... there is another element of John's memory lapse that obviously involves The Werewolf and perhaps, it's Vin's way of confronting John's part in all of this too. But that's not for a minute.
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jayteacups · 2 years
Just found this blog and ur already one of my faves! Could you match up the 104th the vets, and the warriors with a quote from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? One of my favorite pastimes is to watch out of context compilations of it.
Hello anon! I'm so flattered you're enjoying my blog <3
ofc I can! I've never actually seen It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia so I searched up a list of quotes and went from there 🙈 hope they match! I have no context for any of these quotes lol so I’m sorry if these may seem out of place a little. but these quotes were absolutely hilarious i may check this show out one day lol
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AOT x It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Levi - “If you’re dealt a bunch of lemons, you got to take those lemons, and stuff them down somebody’s throat until they see yellow.” Alternative: “I’m relaxing, I’m getting blackout drunk, and you’re leaving me alone.” Alternative alternative: “That is about as low-brow as it gets.”
Erwin - “I don’t appreciate being paraphrased. Now, I choose my words very deliberately.” Alternative: “I will make it work because I'm a genius.” (people then proceed to die.) 
Hange - “My nose was chiseled by the Gods themselves, Frank.” Alternative: “When we get out of this, I'm gonna shove my fist right into your ass, hard and fast...Not in the sexual way! In the 'I am pissed off' sort of way.”
Eren - “I drank three bottles of champagne and hung out with a stray dog all night under a bridge.” (Eren describing his time in Marley be like) Alternative: “You guys all better eat a dick, ’cause sweet Eren just beat the system.”
Mikasa - “We used to be losers, like all of you people.” alternatively “Just so I’m clear, you don’t actually think things are going to come alive because you’re spending the night in a museum, right?”
Armin - “We’re gonna get all in your face and point out your faults.” Alternative: “See, I’ve always got an A, B and C strike plan to get us out of any potentially life-threatening situation.” (those plans then proceed to fail and he has to come up with plan D on the spot) 
Jean - “Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don’t I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?” Alternative: “Oh whoops, ooh! I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong!” 
Sasha - “So you saw me eat that Hot Pocket I found in the garbage?” Alternative: “Out of my way, I’ve broken my water. There’s a baby inside of me running out of water.” Alternative alternative: “Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?”
Connie - “Let me tell you something. I haven’t even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you’ll know. Because I’m gonna peak so hard that everybody in Philadelphia’s gonna feel it.” Alternatively: “I eat stickers all the time, dude!” Alternatively alternatively: “__, if I was looking for safe I wouldn't be sticking my dick through a wall.” (Many of the quotes that I found did all scream Connie tbh it was hard not to give him a whole list) OK LAST ONE FOR CONNIE “People change, Jean. Look at me: I went from a tiny twink to the muscle-bound freak you see before you.” (Connie after his growth spurt be like) 
Sasha and Connie because they hold one braincell between the two of them: [Holding a calculator] “What are you?”
Historia - “And although I seem relaxed, I’m actually incredibly tense at all times.” Alternative: “Having those other people laugh tells me when I should laugh.” 
Ymir - “Your mother is dead! HA!” / “No no no, that's not gonna help. That's not gonna help and I'll tell you why: It doesn't unbang your Mom.” (you can’t tell me ymir wouldn’t love ‘your mum’ jokes - because it’s not like they can turn the tables, she’d be like ‘lol what mum’) Alternatively “And then he smells crime again, he's out busting heads. Then he's back to the lab for some more full penetration. Smells crime. Back to the lab, full penetration. Crime. Penetration. Crime. Full penetration. Crime. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for 90 or so minutes until the movie just sort of ends.”
Marco - “What is this word ‘spa?’ I feel like you’re starting to say a word and you’re not finishing it. Are you trying to say spaghetti? Are you taking me for a spaghetti day?” 
Reiner - “It turns out I am – I am too muscular, and I can’t fit through.” (no explanation needed) Alternatively “I’m not gonna be buried in a grave. When I’m dead, just throw me in the trash.” (this one SCREAMS reiner lol) Alternatively alternatively: “I’ll just regress because I feel I’ve made myself perfectly redundant.”
Bertholdt - “Talking to myself, but that’s just ’cause I, you know, I’ve got shit to say, you know?” 
Annie - “I am going to smack everyone into tiny little pieces.” Alternative: “I’m not asking you to do much. Just turn a blind eye while I rob this place stupid.” (This also fits well for ACWNR Levi tbh) Alternative alternative: “IDIOTS! SAVAGES! IDIOTS! IDIOTS!” (Annie to her fellow Warriors - mostly Reiner - at any given moment) 
Zeke - Therapist: "Being comfortable in your own skin is never a bad thing."Zeke: "Okay, so, if I got more skin or something, then I could never do a bad thing in my life, and, maybe, I've never done a bad thing 'cause I have a lot of skin." (Zeke trying to justify his actions be like) 
Pieck - (omg why was she so hard to match up a quote for) “Do not plug an open wound with trash.” (thank u Pieck very helpful) Alternatively: “We set the building on fire, you just happened to catch on fire!” 
Porco - “Who am I supposed to vote for? Am I supposed to vote for the Democrat who’s gonna blast me in the ass or the Republican who’s blasting my ass?” (I don’t know why but I feel like this is something he’d say during election season lmao) Alternative: “This sucks. This sucks a bag of dicks.”
Gabi - “Well, maybe you’re a whore, you stupid, ugly, homeless bitch!” (Gabi to Eren at any given point, ever)  
Falco - “Oh my God! I will...I will smash your face into- into a jelly!”
Kenny - “I don’t wanna be his friend, I wanna shoot him in the face.” (and he will.) alternatively: “I hate listening to people's dreams. It is like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any of them and nobody is having sex, I just don't care.” Alternative alternative: “It's when you drink so much that everything goes brown. It's not as severe as a black out because I remember bits and pieces. I call it browning out.” 
Floch/Yelena - “If you’re in my room, you’re always being filmed”
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crackinwise · 3 years
This is a silly idea that wouldn't leave my head about Mondo being hesitant and Taka knowing exactly what he's about. Also I apologize to Leon.
The mixing of classes 77 & 78 in the rec room on a weekend should have been a chaotic party, but there was a certain Moral Compass in attendance who'd already vetoed many of the more rowdy ideas put forth.
The current spectacle was Nekomaru arm-wrestling Sakura. The intense screaming from the two made it sound more exciting than it was: they'd been locked in the same position for like five minutes now. At least Hina was happy cheering on Sakura's straining bicep.
Bored with it, Leon moved his eyes away from the stalemate to narrow them instead at Kiyotaka, who was being felt-up as he watched the match. Okay, not felt-up. That'd actually be fun. No, Mondo just had his hand on the hall monitor's upper back, thumb moving in slow circles.
Watching the couple in public was also a disappointment, in Leon's opinion. They'd been officially together a few months and their rules for "PDA" seemed arbitrary to anyone observing. They could look at each other in ways that'd make the most romantic person gag, but wouldn't even hold hands. It appeared Mondo was only allowed to touch Taka from the shoulder-blades up. Or that's all he had the guts to do, maybe.
'Well,' Leon thought, 'I can at least work with this.' Messing with Mondo just enough to be entertained, but not enough to be killed, was a tightrope act. Say something the biker deemed a personal attack and he's a goner, but phrasing it as a challenge or dare could usually get Mondo to go along with anything. 'I just need the one carrying the braincell to leave.'
"Hey, Ishimaru!" Leon whispered to Kiyotaka. "I think I saw Souda spiking girls' drinks."
"WHAT!" Kiyotaka immediately left to find and possibly stomp the mechanic to death. Hopefully Ultimate Nurse Mikan was around.
"Ba--Taka?" Mondo called, confused at the sudden departure.
Leon swooped in and took his arm to pull him away from the main crowd a bit. "Mondo, buddy, want to have some fun?"
His buddy suspiciously glared down at him and answered, "Depends. What's yer idea of fun?"
Leon smiled, knowing the other's curiosity was a great sign for this plan working. "I noticed your wandering hands don't wander very far," he quickly waved his arms and continued when Mondo started puffing up to yell at him, "SO I wanna help you get them to second base tonight!"
Mondo deflated and stared.
"Y-Y'know, it's a baseball metaphor because I'm-"
"I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK SECOND BASE MEANS!" Several students turned to them, unimpressed, prompting Mondo to lower his voice again. "The hell are ya gettin at?"
"Well, either you got shy hands or Taka has you whipped. Which is it?"
"Is yer idea of fun gettin ripped in half, dude?"
"Er, let me start over," Leon back-pedaled quickly. He could do this. "What's stopping you from touching Taka more than a nervous twelve-year-old on the first date?" Shit. "Shit, wait, don't hit me! I'm just curious why you've been together so long and I've never seen your hands reach the promised land!"
The other boy paused with right arm still raised in mid-punch. "Wha?"
"By 'promised land' I mean his butt." Leon took a step backwards in case he had to dodge.
Something about that made Mondo briefly look more insecure, "One: I ain't lookin to get dumped. I still dunno how handsy he'll let me get."
Then his attack-dog mode returned and he brought his raised arm to his chest to crack his knuckles. "And two: if you've been lookin at Taka's ass, I'mma tie ya up in front of the fuckin ball machine an' leave ya there."
"What? No! Gross!" Leon had been, but it was like admiring a work of art, and also not the point. "I just want my pals happy! Trust me, every time you touch his back, go lower than before. You can watch his signals or whatever, but if you go slow it'll be fine!"
Leon was proud he sounded so supportive. It was a complete lie, of course. Leon was 99.9% sure the second Mondo passed the belt line, Kiyotaka would loudly explode at his boyfriend, making the guy explode right back, and ensuring Leon finally had his entertainment for tonight.
Leon just had to make sure he won his little Mondo game first, "You should at least try before he finds someone else man enough to grab dat a-"
Whoops, Leon found himself suspended off the ground by his shirt. That's going to stretch. He shouldn't have gone the toxic masculinity route. But Mondo exhaled through his nose and set him back down when he saw Kiyotaka marching back over to them. 'Whipped.'
"Souda swore his innocence, but I've made all the ladies get new drinks to be safe! And Hiro is oddly asking everyone if they need ice but it's not for the drinks...?" Kiyotaka's expression changed from bemused to wary. "Uh, was there a problem here, Mondo?"
"Nah, y'know how Leon is," Mondo's voice was disgustingly soft all of a sudden. "C'mon, I think I see Chi playing a game."
As they walked away, Leon caught Mondo rest his hand on Taka's neck then slide down to mid-back without issue. Smirking, Leon adjusted his now loose shirt collar and followed at a distance.
An hour. A whole damn hour passed watching Mondo slowly achieve touching Kiyotaka's hip! Leon wanted to scream. He didn't mean go that slow! And Taka acted like he didn't notice or care either. Leon wished Souda really was spiking drinks so he could down three.
Sayaka appeared at Leon's side, startling the redhead. "You're disappointed in him," she stated.
"Of course I'm disappointed! Dude's a gang leader and he acts like the Ultimate Gentleman!" Wait. "Wait, what do you mean? How do you...?"
"Psychi~c," she sing-songed innocently before she pointed to the couple Leon had been stalking. When Leon looked over, Kiyotaka's hand reached back to purposefully guide Mondo's hand from his hip down the short distance to the swell of his behind, and kept it there.
What? The fuck? Happened? He'd been expecting jumping, yelling, possibly some face-slapping to get on video, but definitely wasn't expecting Taka to push Mondo to the goal line. Mondo himself looked dumbstruck.
'Sonuvabitch,' Leon thought. Good for them and all but what was he supposed to do, not tease them? He sauntered up behind the two and stage-whispered, "Oi! Ass-grabbing is not welcome in a school environment!"
They yelped and jumped apart, then just as quickly whirled on him. Mondo's red face especially said Leon was in danger, but it was Kiyotaka who spoke.
"We're outside of school hours, in the rec room among friends! If public displays of affection made you uncomfortable, you could have asked instead of disturbing your peers with vulgar mockery." His arms were crossed and his eyes appeared almost aflame. He was not happy being interrupted.
"Ha," Leon pointed at the proud model student, "It was just funny catching the school mascot initiate groping. You been wanting that a while?"
There was a low growl coming from the direction of Mondo now.
Sayaka grabbed Leon's shoulder and murmured a warning, "Kuwata, you should probably let it go."
He ignored her.
Kiyotaka's eyebrows furrowed as if ready to pounce and maul Leon's face. "It was not groping. Why is it surprising I'd want my partner to touch me?"
"Babe," Mondo had stopped growling at Leon to put all his attention on his boyfriend, "it was really ok? Ya knew what I was tryin t'do all night?"
"Of course," Taka said warmly. "You were only holding me, and I'm yours, so obviously you can-"
"M-MINE?!" Mondo honest-to-god squeaked.
Leon reacted just as loudly, "Did I just hear Taka imply his ass belongs to Mondo? Kiyotaka?? Ishimaru?!"
Whoops, he was being lifted again. Only this time Mondo brought him all the way to the door and literally threw him out.
"Owww. So much for my fun."
Sayaka sighed as she walked out to Leon and handed him something. "You can thank Hiro for the ice."
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faunusrights · 3 years
yeah, all i got is this belly button lint: a happy huntresses short fic
wrote this real quick because i love thinking about the random crap fiona has in her Inventory(tm). also i just like thinking about these clowns in general, so,
"Okay, so, what's actually in your Semblance right now?" Joanna asks one day in third year, when Fiona and May have sneaked away to Robyn's dorm to lose at cards and help edit her new batch of flyers promoting union creation in the workplace. Fiona had given a couple a look and accepted them as good enough, but May is weirdly exacting about her standards and is currently trying to convince Robyn to nudge the text headers over by ten pixels to the right. That's why, as she's sat on the floor and wrapped up in the drama of watching Robyn try and slowly fail to ignore May's insistent pleas for her to boot up her editor, Fiona's caught just a little bit off-guard by the question.
"My Semblance?" she asks, and Joanna nods all serious-like from her place on the bunk above Robyn. Joanna often looks very serious, because she suffers from what Robyn calls resting thoughtful bitch face, so sometimes it's hard to gauge how actually serious about something she really is. "I mean, it's probably a mess in there right now."
"I keep forgetting you actually use it like storage space," Robyn adds cheerfully, having now progressed onto shoving May away from her laptop computer every time she tries to creep closer. "Since most Semblances are, y'know, combat-only things or like... special occasions, I guess. And yet here you are, telling people you really don't need a bag for all your groceries!"
It is fun to flex on all the people struggling to carry like six bags to their car or their home, and Fiona preens. "Yeah, it's nice. I mostly keep things in it that I'd wanna have in an emergency, but it's been a while since I last sorted through it, so, who knows what garbage I've put in there."
"Tell me Robyn's braincell is in there too," May says imploringly, still trying to slide an arm around Robyn to get at the keyboard, but Fiona just shakes her head. She can't and won't be blamed for that particular disappearance any time soon. Instead, she rubs her hands together, scrunching up her face as she tests the edges of the Semblance. It's a funny thing, a Semblance like this--she never really has to think about it, but it's always just in reach, like this extra weight in her chest that she can totally forget about. It's strange to think about, so she often just doesn't.
"Okay," she starts, and she goes for the biggest item she can sense, which is an easy one to explain. In her hands materialises an acoustic guitar, worn and scuffed with age, and this attracts to attention of every girl in the room. "Well, this one's easy. This is my guitar, and honestly? If I ever leave it behind in the meatspace and don't pick it up on my way out the door, know that you've just seen my evil clone and you have to kill her."
Joanna blinks, and Robyn seems caught between asking about the guitar, the evil clone, and also the fact that Fiona insists on referring to the physical world as the meatspace. So, she does as Robyn does best, and settles on an expletive. "Shit! You play?"
"Been playing since I was... like seven? Something like that." Fiona shrugs, because she really can't be sure; her first vague memory of even seeing this guitar was a long time ago, her uncle telling her it used to belong to her grandmother who'd never managed to learn a damn thing on it. So, Fiona had taken up practice, if only because it was something for a little lowlands Mantellian Faunus to do during the long, cold polar nights and the endless sunshine of the midnight sun. "But, yeah, this is always on me in some form or another."
"You should've played it whilst we were on watch our last mission," May says, with a certain scowl that Fiona knows is 100% directed at their team leader, who is currently off doing... some sort of bullshit with their partner, no doubt. Gods, this team is a nightmare. "All those hours trying to stay awake so we could stare into nothing..."
"Sorry," Fiona says, and she means it. She'd intended to, but, well, she'd sort of chickened out. The echo in the mountains is kind of insane. "Next time?"
May nods, but Joanna cuts off whatever she's about to say next by waving her hands through the air like she can physically dissipate the conversation. "Okay, okay, cool, but now I gotta else you got hiding in there."
Re-compressing her guitar--and oh, is Fiona thankful that dematerialising and rematerialising it doesn't leave it out of tune--Fiona has a mental root around. "Uh, okay, so, we've got--"
In no particular order, she starts pulling things out: a pair of thick gloves for the brutal Solitas chill, an extra pair of socks (hugely understated by most, but never by Fiona), a ushanka that Robyn instantly cheers for, and a couple of jackets ranging from light windbreakers to thick furred jackets that feel like she's wearing a mattress around her ribs. Her Scroll and wallet are in there too, naturally, as are her keys and some extra ammunition, and she pulls out a load of old train tickets with a grimace. "Hm. I was meant to throw these away years ago."
"You're basically carrying around a wardrobe in there, then?" May asks in a way that'd maybe be a little teasing if she didn't look about as jealous as she sounds, but it becomes a thoughtful expression when Fiona shakes her head again.
"Bold of you to think I haven't got a whole pantry in here too," she says, and now Joanna looks very interested. "Check this out."
The first thing she pulls out is a gallon jug of clean water--endlessly fucking useful, she's found, especially when you're in some situation where you can't sit on your ass for an hour waiting for the water purification tablets to do their job--before pulling out a whole host of Atlesian MREs that she keeps around just in case shit really does hit the fan. Atlas rations are... not good, in a phrase, but she's owed them her life more than once, so, whatever.
"What dates are on those?" May quickly interrupts with a critical eye, trying to make out the printed numbers on the snow-patterned packets, and Fiona tosses her one if only to distract May's hands from trying to puzzle out Robyn's password when Robyn isn't directly paying attention.
"Things don't really degrade in my Semblance," Fiona admits. "I've tested it before on stuff with a short shelf-life, like cheese and milk, and honestly I can leave it in there for months and have it come out just as fresh as when it went in. Something to do with a sort of... internal stasis, I guess." Then, she adds, "One thing in my Semblance is a goldfish in a bowl, but he's part of a practical theory I'm running, so I can't materialise him for another fifteen years or so."
"That sounds very normal," Joanna says, and Fiona is glad she agrees as she barrels right over the inherent sarcasm.
As May agonises over finding the date, though, Fiona continues to unveil her pantry--there's plenty of snacks, like dried fruit and nuts and energy bars and chocolate, and when she reveals she carries extra for every member of her team and then some (then some in this instance being Robyn and Joanna, not that she'll admit it), Robyn looks delighted. "That's so sweet! Look at you, making sure nobody goes hungry. You're one in a million."
That's cute and very gay, but Fiona has a lot of stuff to be working through and so she keeps on going--there's a flask of coffee that, thanks to the maybe-stasis, is eternally hot, a bottle of dark Mantellian ale she keeps as, uh, moral support, and she blushes when she pulls out half an uneaten tuna sandwich. "I wondered where that went. Whoops."
May looks up from the MRE for a second, and then does a double-take as she takes in the sight of the very limp and sad-looking sandwich, made courtesy of the Atlas Academy cafeteria. "Wait! Isn't that the sandwich you accused me of stealing last month?!"
"Anyway!" Fiona says with a forced grin, quickly making it disappear back into the void where it can safely continue not existing. "I think the final thing in here is... wait."
She blinks, and suddenly in her hands are at least a hundred little booklets entitled The Pocket Guide to Communist Outreach, scattering right over the floor. Robyn yelps, and then reaches down the side of her bunk to pick them up. "Oh shit! I forgot I asked you to hold onto these! I thought we ran out, nice."
Joanna's face is in her hands, and May sighs long and hard before tossing the MRE back to Fiona with a distinctly pained expression.
"It goes out of date in a month," she notes with distaste, and Fiona just sucks it up without a word. She'll be thankful for it when they end up down a dark cave with no backup, but Fiona figures she'll sit on that one for a bit before being able to make the greatest told you so call in history. She can wait.
"So," she says, watching as May takes advantage of Robyn's momentary distraction to try and access her computer again. "I guess... do you wanna hear me play a song?"
Joanna watches as her partner leans too far over the side of the bunk, yelping as she nearly slams her head directly into the hard vinyl of the floor, and she grimaces. "Please do."
Grinning, Fiona finds her guitar again--somewhere buried, she mentally notes, beside the gallon of water but under the coats--and she slings the broad strap about her shoulders before settling it on her lap, crossing her legs tightly beneath herself before finding her place on the fretboard. After having not played since being back home, it relaxes her more than she'd ever realised it did. It helps to be surrounded by friends, though. Helps to be with family.
"I don't take requests," she adds, flatly, and Robyn laughs from her place on the floor before music fills the dorm, soft and deep and achingly familiar of a place far, far below.
But she's okay with calling this place home, too.
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blackartistremix · 3 years
Ninjago Headcanons
He’s easily the big brother of the gang and is extremely protective
Kai’s actually the one who makes all the ninja’s weapons and get’s pissed when a certain some on breaks them or loses them (cough..cough..Cole)
During the time searching for Wu, Kai go scars while looking and decided to style his hair differently
As much as Kai is known for his anger, he doesn’t show it as often mostly, because Nya’s temper shows more frequently (But his temper is still the worst)
Kai practices flirtatious pick up line on the Cole, Zane, and Jay to use on Skylor. (Let’s just say that Jay, and Cole blush the most when he does it, and Nya and Lloyd have walked in on him doing this)
 Jay has ADHD (which explains sensitivity to noise, and hyper activeness)
Jay is the one who plans date night, when he goes out with Nya, ranging from Skate dates, to movies
Jay has the most scars on him out of all the ninja due to failed inventions (Nya finds them attractive, while Kai’s jealous on how cool it makes Jay look)
Ever since the incident in Skybound, Jay has hardcore PSTD of losing Nya, and everyone but he hides it with comedy (Season 15 kinda made this headcanon come true)
Jay really flexible and it’s ninja our surprise how flexible he is. Man’s can make himself a human pretzel
Cole is the best dancer, but the worst singer
Cole is asexual
Cole actually makes music for the ninja, he’s actually a really good disc jockey
Due to his Super strength and Earth Punch, Cole’s constantly broken his weapon’s and he’s hella indecisive on a new one, which frustrates Kai
Once Cole became human again he kinda stop bathning due to fearing he would die. ( His alternate solution was a dirt-bath)
Zane really loves doing the pirate voice
Zane has been bombarded by Jay, and Nya if they could put upgrades on him but he refuses, saying he likes the way he is
Just like Cole, Zane also go through several weapons, but Kai doesn’t make him any and tells him to find them since all of his weapons are ranged or projectile
Zane is a beast at gaming
Zane keeps the dents he receive from battle as scars
When Lloyd tries to play the leader card the ninja remind him he’s the baby out of the group to humble him (It’s mostly Kai and Cole)
Lloyd constantly ask the ninja for help with various things, ranging from Dating advice and how to dance.
Lloyd actually still reads comics, and visiting his old school from time to time. 
Lloyd has actually discovered his Oni form but choose not use it due to feeling like he’s his father when he uses.
Lloyd has PTSD when Morro possessed him and has nightmare of Morro replacing him
Nya actually whoops all the boys in racing games, she has yet to be defeated
Nya is the worst at cooking her food is either burnt or soggy
Nya holds the one braincell out of the group
When Nya goes on date’s with Jay she wears suits do to not wanting to wear a dress in case there’s a fight.
Nya once called Kai, dad and they didn’t speak for a month
In terms of height the ninja from shortest to short to tallest ( Lloyd, Nya, Jay, Zane, Kai, Cole) Cole stands at 5′11, Kai is 5′9 1/2, Zane is 5′9, Jay and Nya are 5′8, and Lloyd is 5′7.
Zane used to be the tallest but since he’s the nindroid he can’t get taller so Kai, and Cole got taller than him. Jay is the shortest of the four but he’s still taller than Lloyd and the same height as Nya ( Jay’ actually taller than Nya and is 5′9 like Kai but since he slouches Nya and Zane looks taller)
Lloyd the Shortest but his Oni form is taller than all the Ninja standing at 6′4.
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hq-lovin · 4 years
heyo bean!!! could you do hcs where you’re bokuto, kuroo, yaku, and noya’s best friend/childhood friend?? thank you!! -✨
bokuto, kuroo, noya as bffs
heyoooo!! I’m sorry I didn’t do Yaku since I didn’t have any inspiration 😔 but I hope you enjoy the ones I did!
➣ pairing : bokuto/reader kuroo/reader noya/reader
➣ headcannons
➣ warning : slight manga spoilers on noya,
gif @volleygifs | @houseofkarasuno | @flowerymoments
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kōtarō bokuto
Being besties with Bokuto is so much fun, being CHILDHOOD besties? Amazing. You’re probably used to all of the crazy antics and are desensitized to it.
You, Bokuto and Akaashi all hangout together and it’s basically just babysitting Bokuto half of the time and making sure he doesn’t die.
I feel like Bokuto’s just adopting introverted mom friends left and right so you’re probably gonna get thrown in the mix.
Being Bokuto’s bestie is an adventure, he’s a very chaotic baby who needs attention 24/7 and has unlimited supplies of energy.
You guys probably go on like 72627 adventures a day because he has an attention span of a chimpanzee.
Things like amusement parks, anything he can climb on, and children’s playgrounds are right up his alley.
“Bo you’re scaring the kids.”
“Nah they love me! Isn’t that right Timmy?”
“Bokuto he’s crying.”
Yes he accidentally scares off children because he gets too excited and wants to play with them, not realizing he’s this 6ft horned owl that’s climbing on the monkey bars.
He also does the crazy shit, like he will go swimming in that river. Yes right now, now hold his shirt as he strips into his underwear.
You have to help him not get into trouble by doing stupid things like that.
But don’t underestimate him, he has your back and will fight anyone who insults you on the spot. You and Akaashi have to hold him back.
“The hell did you say? That’s my best friend you’re talking about. No, no say it again.”
“Bokuto it’s fine—”
“FucK it uPp!!” “Konoha stOP.”
If you won’t let him fight anyone the he’s 150% taking you to an arcade and doing those punchy thingies, where you punch it and it shows your score.
He’s honestly your ride or die BFF, you know that meme where the guy wore booty shorts in a bathroom bc his friend needed sweatpants for a test? Yeah, that’s him.
“Bo I need your sweatpants so go hide in the bathroom with my shorts.”
He just cares about you 🥺 he loves you a lot and no one gets to make fun of his awesome bestie.
tetsuro kuroo
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Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting wars. Roasting—
“God, you looked like an idiot.”
“You’re calling me an idiot? Have you heard your dumb speech?”
“Excuse me? That speech’s for Kenma!”
“Kenma looks like he wants to die every time he hears it!”
This little shit is the most savage bestie you could have, y’all roast each other every single fucking day. Yaku and Kai are t i r e d.
Honestly, y’all are so mean to each other people actually think you guys hate each other, like the very first time Kai met you, he was more scared of you two than Kuroo and Yaku.
Oh my gosh, you guys are the biggest gossip buddies, have you seen him?? He’s the biggest volleyball gossip.
“Did you hear about Ushiwaka?”
“What? No? What happened?”
“Okay, so basically...”
If you were friends with him when you were younger there’s a good chance that you were friends with Kenma as well, so that’s fun.
Kenma’s honestly so done with the both of you 😳 he’s tired man, he just wants to play his video games in peace 😔
Most of the times when you guys hang out it’s just you recording Kuroo while he does the craziest shit.
He really does care about you though, even if most of the time he’s roasting you, he’s 100% all for fighting someone who disrespected you.
Or alternative choice:
You both go off on the person who was a jerk and they suffer in insults and roasts.
yū nishinoya
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Nishinoya is such a bold, and adventurous character you just KNOW being friends with him would be the best.
You’d get him to do the wildest things, and he’d pull through 😳 don’t underestimate him. Just because he’s short doesn’t mean he won’t climb that 287272 ft tree.
You also helped him with all of his fears by daring him to do a bunch of crazy shit, followed by him yelling at you that he wasn’t sacred.
I mean,, his grandpa helped too
But this dude is so much fun to be around, like if you tell him you wanted to do something he’s already on to it.
“Noya where’re we going?”
“Skydiving, why?”
He’d look at you with a confused stare and just tilt his head all innocent like: “did you not want to or??”
“I thought you wanted to go skydiving?”
“I meant in the future!”
Oh how the turns have tabled. He only smirks and practically drags you to the place where he forces you to skydive.
When you ask him why he tells you this:
“This was revenge for all the things you made me do when we’re like 8!”
“I- 😳”
After that he drags you to more fun adventures, like one time you him and Tanaka went out for milkshakes at 4 am in the morning, and then went to Daichi’s house to see if he was awake.
You, Tanaka, and Noya all share 1 braincell and lost it when Daichi whooped your asses.
Also another ride or die bff, and will throw hands at anyone who has beef with you.
Like, bby boi is short but it takes you, Tanaka and Daichi to stop him from fighting someone who said your hair looked w a c k.
“Say that again! Do it I dare you! See what happens I-”
Also protective over you, any person who tries to flirt with you has to go through Nishinoya because he’s not letting some douche bag asshat date his bestie 😊
And when the person breaks your heart, you already know he’s gonna throw hands.
“Let me at them! You can’t just do that to Y/n!”
“Noya stop oh my god!”
Once he calms down, he’s gonna raid the grocery store for the ice cream, candy, chocolate, because that’s what Kiyoko said to get.
God, he’s just an awesome bestie.
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Hooo i am on board with anons grimcee ask! Just think, Grim hasn't had a fuck in years and he can't help himself..hes a little rough. He just loses his gentlemen like self, right in front of the lady, tsk tsk
Ill have you know, I had this typed out, ready to go for like an hour ago, then i accidently deleted it. REALLY hope this one stayed my ass wanted to CRY
“Well. We’re in quite the pickle, aren’t we?”
“You can say that again.”
Arcee poked at a very still Rodimus, scowling. They had just returned from their own little adventure, only to find their friends as still as statues. Arcee opened the command center’s panel, and scowled.
“Hey Grim, help me out for a second, please?”
Grimlock turned his head away from touching Cheetor’s toe beans (this was the first time he got to do so WITHOUT being hissed at), to turn to Arcee.
“Well, I think I can check to see if this is some sort of wiring issue, but I need help taking off this panel to get to the wires. You’re a big, strong dino, right?”
Oh sweet little Arcee, ever the flatterer. With a voice as sweet to match her face, who could say no? He let her get a good grip on it first, before joining in. The first pull seemed to make it loosen, but as much as they needed it to.
“Pardon me, I might just need to fix my stance.”
He pressed himself against her backside, her helm essentially resting on his shoulder, before they both gave another pull. Grimlock couldn’t help but notice that she really did press her aft against his cockpit during this attempt. She really did feel so small and warm against him, he couldn’t help but get just a bit distracted. With one final pull, the panel finally came off, and she gave a little whoop in celebration.
“Great, we got it! Now just hand me my toolbox- oh you got my wrench already?”
When the tool wouldn’t come with her as she pulled, she peered down at it. They took a good few seconds for their braincells to come back, before he pulled away, covering himself.
“Oh, I’m sorry! really, I have NO idea what came over me!”
“Oh no, I’M sorry! I pulled on it and I just-”
She wanted to be humiliated, but she found herself nearly snickering at the whole notion. Grimlock tried to cover his spike (that REFUSED to go back into his panel for some reason), as well as his face, but he wasn’t having such luck. How uncouth of him! How rude! How-
“Grimlock? Grimlock, it’s fine, really, these kinds of things happen!”
He tried to move away from her, but she placed both of her hands onto his arm, clearly worried. Grimlock couldn’t resist those faces she made, and he stopped covering his face.
“Look I...I’m sorry, I swear. I just...It has been AGES since I’ve...known someone intimately, and you were pressed up against me, and I...DO like you, and-”
“Oh is that it? Grimmy, why didn’t you say so?”
He was about to ask just what that meant, before suddenly her arms were around his neck, and she had rested herself against the command center.
“A-Arce, I-”
“It’s fine! I like you, and you clearly need a little help! Come on dino boy, I’m giving you a big yes~”
He felt as if she was just being compliant purely because they were friends, but when she pulled him closer, forcing his spike to press up against her, he couldn’t help but hungrily dive in for a kiss. Arcee and Grimlock weren’t in love at all, but they were in fact, very close, and quite attracted to each other. Arcee was fun, free, kind, and beautiful, while Grimlock was strong, polite, and ever the gentlemech. He made sure to tread carefully, holding her close, peppering her face and neck and kisses. It honestly made Arcee feel almost like a princess. As much as she adored this treatment however, the problem was still pressing. Literally. She gave him a light push away, before popping open her valve panel. It was white, with pink, gorgeous bio lights pulsing. She reached down to fiddle with her node, before slowly stroking his girth. Grimlock was a BIG boy, suffice to say. She leaned up to give him just one more kiss, before she slowly pushed the head past her folds. She sighed in relief, seeming to just melt onto the controls she was laying on. Grimlock wasn’t faring much better, hissing as he felt her fluids slowly dribble onto his spike. She looked at him with such lovey optics, that alone made him hungry.
“You need to stop, you can stop. I’m just doing this to help you, Grim.”
“S-same to you, Arcee.
After carefully positioning himself, he slid himself inside of her, fully. He nearly wanted to overload then and there, and was barely able to hold it. He slowly pulled himself out, then back in. His memory...got a little hazy after that. Suddenly he had grabbed a hold of her wrists, held her down, and just started to slam his hips against hers. She immediately cried out at the sudden flux of stimulation, and god did Grimlock find it just so cute. 
“jeez Grimlock! what’s gotten into you?”
He snarled. He had his dentae against her neck, making her give quite the yummy little squeal in surprise.
“You’re just...so good, Arcee. You’re so cute, and SO tight, and so LOUD for me.”
She kept trying to respond to him in actual words, but feeling his spike stretch her, feeling his grip be so rough against her, made her weak, only able to give off cries of pleasure.
“I CAN’T help but frag you. You have such a nice valve, I want it. I want you. I want to rut against you until you can’t remember your own name.”
Grimlock shouldn’t be holding her like this, shouldn’t be leaving all sorts of nasty bites against her beautiful body. And he definitely shouldn’t have sworn, pulled himself out, and overloaded right over her. He wanted to say he was clean about it, but he was NOT. He had a good number of years stored inside of him, and all of it soaked her frame. Her stomach, her thighs, even her flushed, gorgeous face. Even in his ecstasy , he slowly pushed his spike inside of her again, gifting her some of his own fluids. By the time he pulled out and his mind had cleared, he head realized just what he had done.
“Oh. Oh, I’m so sorry, that was so rude and BARBARIC of me, I-”
She grinned, and smacked at his chest.
“Oh hush! That was fun! God, I had no clue you could be such a meanie.”
She leaned up to flick his nose, and he chuckled. Thank Primus she forgave his lack of manners. He was about to give her an actual apology, before she suddenly wrapped her arm around him, grinning as she posed for her camera.
“Now come on, let’s get a selfie!”
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quorras · 3 years
Hi, Rex!! ✨, 💕, and 📌 for Tron?
hi sammy!! thanks for asking!! :D
✨:  what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
oh man i hope this doesn’t sound weird but,,,, there’s so much tragedy in the franchise. I don’t necessarily like that everything in canon that isn’t 1982 makes me incredibly sad every time i think about it but!! i really really love how much creation comes out of all this tragedy... it really makes you appreciate the few scenes of happiness even more, and fanon really hit it out of the park when it comes to fics that explore characters in tough situations while also finding out what comforts certain characters. i love that about the franchise and fandom a lot 
also, like most people, i think the aesthetic and design is PHENOMENAL!!! both movies as well as uprising were huge design pioneers in both aesthetics and technology, and that makes me incredibly excited to see what any future tron instillments might explore :D The behind the scenes of the ridiculously long animation process for ‘82 is one of my favorite things to learn about.
💕 : tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
i answered for tron, ram, quorra, & lora here, and sam, alan, and kevin here! 
I’ve got. A LOT. of favorite characters in this franchise. Maybe because they’re all so good, maybe because there aren’t that many dsfkjghfdkgds Some characters I haven’t mentioned before that I love dearly include:
• Yori - For similar reasons mentioned in the previous replies, I think I love the fanon interpretation of Yori more than what we get in canon, mostly because we weren’t actually given a whole lot about her in the movie,,, but I do love the idea that she holds the braincell between her and Tron (insert Tron almost walking off of the Solar Sailer platform here), and I think Yori in the Grid is one of my favorite could-be-canon fanon things! • ok i kind of don’t want to admit this but... Clu 2.0 - He is. Really interesting to think about. There’s a lot of layers to him within canon, and I think there was just too many fanon headcanon things from old tronblr days that left a bitter taste in my mouth about the character, but as soon as I let myself just... think about the circumstances in which Clu had to... make decisions (?) in, he just gets really intriguing to me. He is in no way a good person in canon, and he’s far from being a comfort character for me, but he’s a favorite because he’s really fun to dissect as a character  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ • Roy Kleinberg - Again, I love how fanon looks at him since we don’t get much about him in canon. I think Roy being a nice chaos uncle to Sam and Quorra (and Ram and Tron), once they get rezzed out, in fanon is literally the sweetest :’)
📌 : how did you find your hyperfixation?
i answered this one here, it’s super long answer whoops 😅
media hyperfixation ask game here!
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Tadaxel fic for Tadashi’s birthday! 👔🤝😳
And I OOP- I did it. Sorry. No actually I’m not, it was a nice change of pace to write this. I think I might do more CharacterXCharacter fics from now on! I was getting a ’lil bit tired of always doing Main10XScholar fics. Don’t get me wrong though, I love Scholar! I just needed to change it up a bit. (And like promised Olivier is in it too whoops.) This fic is almost 3k words long! ...God, what am I doing with my life? Anyways, have a nice read! 💗💖
Autumn was starting. The days were getting slightly shorter as time went on and the weather colder and colder. Knowing his friends, Tadashi had warned them about one thing.
”Don’t plan a birthday party for me. I don’t have enough time to celebrate it this year.”
Homework and ”student-body-president-duties” were kicking in so the *one* area from which Tadashi decided to take time away from was his birthday. Everyone found that line of reasoning ridiculous. He always had time for others and for work but never for himself. It was almost as if he loved suffering. The worst part of it was that his birthday conveniently fell on a Saturday this year. It was the perfect moment to celebrate it, Ellie especially was jealous of how lucky Tadashi got and yet he still decided to ”CaNcEL” his birthday. Ellie didn’t have that luxury, her birthday was always during the exam period of the year: in June.
Alistair tried his best to dissuade him and get him away from his desk, the place where he spent most of his day. His BIRTHday. Tadashi didn’t budge. Only when the sunset was setting did he finally decide to step back. Time went so quickly and all he did was working on assignments. He had one last thing left for the day: go shopping. Something that he had ever rarely done thus far. It was about time to learn how to, until now Tadashi was always sent ”shopping” with a butler to ”help him” choose. In reality, all Tadashi did was try on the clothes they ordered him to wear. In the end, all he had for his casual wear was white shirts, ties, dark colored pants and mostly brown shoes. Even if he won’t celebrate his birthday with his friends, he still wants to go out and buy something for himself. More precisely: a set of clothes that wasn’t dictated by his father.
Since a while back, Tadashi always felt like there was a disparity between his taste and those of his classmates. His casual clothes didn’t even look all that ”casual.” When he would go out with his friends, he looked like a coworker taking a break with his colleagues. But last week, reality had slapped Tadashi in the face: he can dress how he wants to. Or more accurately, Olivier had slapped him in the face with this revelation. He was having a conversation with him about the fashion department for some reason, then, Olivier took off his cat mask and looked at Tadashi straight in the eyes. He said:
”Tadashi. You’re free now. You can dress however you want to so please do it. I’m begging you.”
Tadashi was confused. This was coming from a guy who wore a black suit all the time instead of the school uniform. Actually, Tadashi was pretty sure that this was the very first time he saw Olivier’s face. He looked ugly but in a really cute way, he was like slightly above average with a sprinkle of misplaced handsomeness here and there. It was as if God didn’t really know what to do with him and used the ”random traits” button. Anyway, Tadashi wondered how he was a senior and yet Olivier, who was supposed to be one year above him, was still coming to school. So instead of answering what he was asked, Tadashi used his remaining braincells to try and get a response to his urgent question.
”How come you’re still here? Did you get held back a year or...?”
Olivier covered his face with the mask again and closed Tadashi’s mouth with the palm of his hand.
”Sssshhhh. Listen. I’ll only tell you this because I blindly believe that you won’t ditch on me but... I’m actually not a student here. I’ve never been. In reality, I’m a programmer in my twenties. My hobby is to pretend to be a teenager in Arlington, Lady A owes a big debt to my family so she can’t do anything about my presence here. All you have to do is to not tell anyone, okay? If the students find out, I’ll be kicked out for sure. But as far as they know I’m just a weird student who’s been held back in my senior year for 2 years in a row. There will come a day when I won’t be able to fool them anymore but for now, please just play along.”
After that day, Tadashi pondered a lot about what Olivier had told him...
”You can dress however you want.”
Yes. That was the one truly important thing he had taken away from this conversation. Thank you Olivier for your wisdom. Tadashi had made up his mind: the day of his birthday he’ll go shopping alone. And that’s what he did.
The curfew was in about 2 hours, in normal circumstances, the custodians didn’t have the right to let the students go out so late... however, if Tadashi had learned *one* thing from his family, it was the use of Privileges™. So using his ”I’m the student body president” card, he managed to step out from the school grounds and promised to come back as soon as he could.
He decided to go check out the most basic stores first just for curiosity’s sake, such as: H&N, Sike, Levy’s, Kalvin Clein, Badidas, etc. Until last year, all he would get was tailored suits and other ”professional” bullshit a teenager shouldn’t have to wear. Now he was finally free to go wherever he wanted, and it’s in the middle of those shops that he came across the one person in front of which he didn’t want to look stupid. A black hoodie on and his hair in a ponytail, he was looking straight at Tadashi.
”...What are you doing here?”
Tadashi instinctively switched to his "fake offended" look.
”Um. Shopping? Like you are?”
Axel glanced at the salmon pink shorts Tadashi was holding, not at all convinced by his try-hard witty remark.
”Oh? So uh, were you aware that it’s fall already or are you buying your summer clothes in advance? ’Cause those pink shorts ain’t gonna cut it to keep you warm buddy.”
Tadashi looked down at this random piece of clothing he was holding and hurriedly put it back while averting Axel’s gaze. He had already made a fool of himself from the very start of their encounter. Seeing that he was clearly embarrassed from the mocking comment, Axel dropped the act.
”No but seriously, why are you shopping alone at this hour? It’s your birthday, go have fun with your friends.”
Thinking about it now, from an outsider’s perspective his actions must look pretty dumb. Begging your friends to not celebrate your birthday, working all day then going shopping alone in the evening for some reason? Every single one of his decisions made sense in his mind but not in the eyes of others. In the end, he had worked himself to exhaustion all day, then he went shopping alone at the brink of the night. Understandably, his actions didn’t seem to make any sense.
”I... I wanted to buy some clothes by myself without the help of anyone else.”
Axel’s confused face turned to bewilderment the moment Tadashi uttered those words.
”*What?* Dude, you sound like you’re twelve. Come on, it’s not like it’s your first time choosing your clothes for your... self... Oh boy. Don’t tell me...”
At Axel’s realization, Tadashi looked down in shame hoping that this moment would come to pass as quickly as possible. That’s right, just make fun of me and get over with it. But instead of mockery or a mean joke, Tadashi felt a strong grip on his shoulders.
”Tadashit, listen. Even *I* can’t make fun of this. We have to fix this problem as soon as possible and we’ll definitely celebrate your birthday tomorrow, okay?”
Tadashi’s mind immediately rushed to all of the tasks he had to fulfill tomorrow.
”Shush. No buts. I’m gonna help you buy two or three outfits, we’ll start from there. But eventually, you’ll have to replace all of your horrible wardrobe, okay?”
When Axel finally let go of his shoulders, he then grabbed Tadashi’s wrist and started dragging him out of the shop they were in. Tadashi was mildly fighting back, one part of him not wanting to get help from Axel of all people, another part of him curious of what kind of advice Axel could give him.
”H-hey! Where are you taking me?”
”To Never 21, hopefully they’ll have something that suits you Tadashit. Even if you’re planning on changing up your wardrobe, we’ll start with some really basic clothes though. For example, I feel like something simple and dignified would fit you, you get me?”
”Uh... what?”
Simple and dignified? What does that even mean?
Upon entering the shop, Axel finally let go of his wrist and started looking around in search of something ”simple and dignified.” Tadashi hesitantly followed him, not knowing what to do. He felt like a kid again, the kid who would stand next to the butlers and wait for their decision. That is until Axel picked up a light blue shirt and showed it to him.
”So what do you think of that one? It has a cute little logo on the chest pocket or... whatever those are called.”
”...You’re asking for my opinion?”
Tadashi’s face subtly lightened up as he remembered that this situation was not at all the same as before. He was shopping with a friend, not a butler who gets commands from his father.
”Duh. You’re the one who’s gonna wear this, not me. Frankly, I think that it’s still too tame but you don’t want to stray too far away from what you usually wear, right?”
”Hm. Actually. Can you dress me up in different styles? I want to see what fits me and what doesn’t. You seem much more well-versed in fashion than me, I think that I’ll really need your help.... Please?”
Thrown off by Tadashi’s honesty, Axel couldn’t even take a jab at him. In fact, being able to communicate with him without bickering was quite refreshing. Actually, it was about time for them to stop quarreling for every single thing.
"...Alright. Let’s do that. But just so you know, we’ll probably be late for the curfew. Oh. And you owe me.”
Like promised, Axel dressed Tadashi up in a lot of different outfits. Surprisingly, a lot of things fit him. Even the most unlikely styles, like the ”hippie style” weirdly enough. Or rather, ”bohemian” as Neha calls it.
”Huh. I was planning on making fun of you but you know what? You look good.”
Tadashi felt confused because of the unexpected, but genuine compliment he got. So all he could do was smile awkwardly while looking down at the floor again.
”You think? But I’m not a big fan of this... ”style” to be honest. I’d rather take the one I tried a bit earlier, the one with the pink-ish shirt.”
”Fair enough. Let’s buy that one then.”
Axel couldn’t help but notice that Tadashi may or may not secretly really like the color pink. Maybe it was a subconscious choice, but he would always pay attention to pink, yellow, and green colored clothes. Maybe because he never got a chance to wear bright colors before? He would always be in black and deep blues so he most likely yearned for more lively colors. Thinking about it now, it was obvious that his clothes were always dictated by his father’s tastes. Despite the fact that they used to fight a lot, especially last year, Axel felt a big amount of empathy towards Tadashi and quite a bit of respect for being able to stand up to his father after all of those years of getting manipulated.
At the counter, Axel impulsively decided to take out his credit card.
”I’ll pay for that.”
Tadashi looked up from his own wallet, surprised.
”Wait, really??”
”Mh-hm. It’s your birthday today and I didn’t really prepare anything so...”
The cashier folded the clothes, pu them in a bag and handed them to Axel. Axel in turn, handed the bag to Tadashi.
"There you go... Happy birthday, Tadashi.”
Even if he would never admit it, the sincerity in in Axel’s voice made Tadashi feel soft for half a second. His voice didn’t sound annoying when he wasn’t joking around and making stupid comments. Actually, this may have been the first time Tadashi realized that Axel had a pretty voice.
”Uhhh... Th-Thank uh. Thank you.”
What’s going on? Axel’s voice is pretty? No no no. It sounds annoying and condescending, not pretty. Absolutely not!
While Tadashi was having a crisis and fighting back against himself, Axel was already plannig on moving to the next shop. Like earlier, he tried to grab Tadashi’s wrist and drag him to their next destination. However, his aim was bit off as he did not look down before seizing his target. Tadashi was thrown off once again.
”Uh. Axel...? That’s my hand.”
Axel’s gaze finally went down to where he was grabbing. Seeing that it wasn't Tadashi’s sleeve but his hand, he immediately let go.
”Ah. Damn, sorry dude uhh... I didn’t mean to hold your um...”
The poor boys looked down in shame at their mistake, or rather ”aCcidEnTaL hAnD hoLdiNg.” Axel started feeling the same kind of emotional distress Tadashi was fighting against earlier. What’s happening? Why is it so awkward? If something like this happened at school, they would already be in the middle of cursing at eachother.
”Um. Anyway! Just follow me, okay? I shouldn’t even need to drag you in the first place. Let’s go.”
They tried to ignore that incident as best as they could and moved on to the next shop. In the end, they bought more than 3 outfits. Even Axel picked up some things for himself with Tadashi’s help. Everything was going well until they looked at their phones, remembering the thing they had forgotten.
”Ugh. Shit. Dashi, it’s already 5 minutes past our curfew. But you’ll cover for me, right?”
”Dude, of cour- Wait. Did you just call me Dashi?”
Axel’s mind had clocked out entirely. He looked at his right, desperately trying to look unconcerned.
”Uh. No?”
”... Yes.”
Axel couldn’t ignore Tadashi’s pressuring gaze. His grey eyes were really convincing when needed.
”Okay fine. But it was only because Raquel often calls you that.”
Satisfied of his win, Tadashi started walking on ahead towards the nearest restaurant with a little smirk on his face.
”Uh-huh. Sure, Axel.”
”Hey! Don’t give me that all-knowing look! Or else I’ll go back to calling you Tadashit.”
”Oh please, you’ll do that tomorrow whether I want it or not.”
Tadashi passed the door and sat down next to a window, followed closely by Axel.
”Dude, didn’t you hear what I just said? It’s past our curfew, we’re already late and instead of hurrying back you sit down in a restaurant?”
Waiting for an answer, Axel stood there dumbfounded as Tadashi gently shot a smile at him and placed his wallet on the table, already waiting for the the waiter.
”Sit down, I’m treating you for your help today... Thank you, Axel. Really.”
Axel’s annoyance was short lived. He really couldn’t do anything in front of this guy’s demanding look. Is that how he always gets everyone’s favors? By looking people in the eye and smiling? As much as he hated it, Axel was starting to understand how Tadashi was so convincing: it was his stupid, dumb, frustrating... pretty grey eyes. Screw him and his ”I know what I want and I’ll get it” look. Screw the curfew, the custodians, all the people who always got fooled by this gaze. But most of all, screw himself for getting tricked too. Goddammit.
Axel sat down with a slight blush on his face that he was trying to hide under his hand as he placed his mouth on his palm.
”You’re welcome. But fuck you.”
Annnnnd done! I think this one was pretty fun! Not only to write but to read too. Please tell me what you think! I miss the funny comments you guys always left tbh 😂 My favorite part was the aCcidEnTaL hAnD hoLdiNg. Thank you for reading 💗💖
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logarithmicpanda · 3 years
yo i did enjoy slow regard immensely - ate it in a day.
definitely resonated with me on a level deep enough to warrant some worry, but maybe thats a story for another time
also it gave a glimpse of the absolute power that auri commands, when she made the candle n all things shook n bent to her desire... lord like it was evident she was a skilled namer and veeery careful, but seeing why, its no wonder the university holds such a record for breaking minds - imagine the burden of actually having the power to bend the world to your whims and will complete with all the possible consequences if youre not careful
n one thing we know about our mate kvothe the careless is that he gains enough power to fuck things up immensely for everyone - even just naming gives us quite a delicious recipe for disaster...
also the book really illuminates the suffering pat's mind (i think it was written during his harsher mental periods (n on one stream he jokingly speaks about his bad days and those are very auri days, thoughts wise)) - dude got diagnosed with adhd sometime last year i believe n honestly this made a lot of things click for me, in the way im drawn to his world and writing, cos i think i got dat shit too (uncertain tho, since where i live, psychology isn't really at a trustworthy level n i do not have the money and much less the time to waste on trying to find a therapist among our charlatans) n ill be damned if some things dont make too much sense when we take that shit into account
this went a bit long huh, apologies, know im sometimes stubbornly incapable committing any energy towards long ass shit, but i sure dont know when to stop
anyway, have a good one
And lol, can relate, Auri's story resonated with me too.
I think more than a namer, she's actually a shaper (as in, the people who made the world of Fae) because her power seems beyond anything we've seen naming wise
Yeah, i followed Pat's mental health journey and he said recently that 2020 was the least shitty year for him in recent memory which uh, is quite something. Regarding adhd, i recently made an innocuous post and had some... 9000 notes? Gods. On it that tell me it's an adhd symptom so ... Whoops?
No probs on long stuff as long as you don't mind me taking a couple days to gather enough braincells to reply lmao
Have a good one too
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