#wip gfw2
transmasc-wizard · 2 years
hhi. last line tag from @multi-lefaiye from. days ago. idk i was on a trip
this is some stuff i wrote uhhh minutes ago! so! yeah. yeah. angel being an asshole moment !!! corey feral arc !! corey also being an asshole moment !!! it's long but who cares. its wjat i wrote
Corey stared. Corey stared for a long, long time, unblinking, unmoving except for the faintest shaking.
And then he laughed.
It was high pitched and breathy, shaking so hard now Angel wondered if he was even able to get a breath in.
“What’s the point?” he asked, grinning wide. “What’s the fucking point in that?”
“I don’t—”
“No, no, you do,” Corey whispered, his voice sing-song. “You know. You’re a god, after all, you know these things, you know the twisted little shits. You know it’s in your nature. You just want a nice, good laugh, and the rest of us can get fucked!”
“I am not her,” Hope said firmly. “And you cannot blame me for that.”
“I don’t care, my dear Hope,” Corey responded. “You’re all the same.” At this, he looked at the gilded statuettes that sat on the table, and—with all the ceremony and glee of a circus ringmaster—threw three to the ground.
They shattered with a bang, Angel throwing her hands to her ears. “Corey, stop. Those are worth money.”
“I don’t care,” Corey said again, and with another swipe he took down two more.
“You cannot break valuable items just because you’ve decided to have your little religious crisis that we all got over, like, a year ago. Stop.”
“Make me.”
Angel stepped forward, but before she could even reach out—for the statuettes, it was just for the statuettes—she felt the white-hot pain of Corey’s fist connecting with her face.
hmmmm tagging @wherearetheplants, @albatris, @strawberrystarcake, @void-fireworks, aaaand open tag. go forth and show me your most recent lines (no pressure though)
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
incorrect quotes tag
aka one of my favourite tags ever! ty to @athenixrose for tagging me :D
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
I'm having them all be from GFW2/GFS book number 2, since I'm rotating that in my mind atm (when i finish Oddities' outline I'm gonna work on gfw2's reoutline.)
Rowan: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this. Vanya: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Oliver: That’s the longest worm I’ve ever seen. Vanya: That’s a snake.
Oliver: So, are you two friends? Angel: Yes. Tasya: No.
Corey: You can track Angel? Vanya: Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Corey: What is your favourite mythical story? Vanya: The Story Of My Will To Live. Corey: I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before.
Vanya: Why would you give a knife to Rowan? Tasya, shrugging: She felt unsafe. Vanya: Now I feel unsafe! Tasya: I’m sorry… Tasya: Would you like a knife?
These were like. 99% Vanya being So Tired. Which, to be fair, is how the book goes! Tagging @albatris, @cream-and-tea, @void-fireworks, @wherearetheplants, @strawberrystarcake, and @ashen-crest.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
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I NEED to know what the plot of 2 and 4 has to be for you to tag them in this /lh
cliffsnotes versions:
2: rowan's pissed at her parents and rather unhealthily takes it out on others; learns not to do that and just focuses on her parents instead
4: rowan's pissed at multiple world leaders, has previously learned not to take it out on other people, gathers all the people she's pissed at and Makes Them Pay
there is 100% way more to both of them than that lol but. that's what earned them the tag
also! GFS in general is "i'm angry about how the world works but instead of taking it out on other people i am going to fight gods"
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Ok please do not feel pressuredto answer loads of these
You can do like a few
And if you want to do more you could reblog later
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
Cassiopeia - What’s your favorite scene so far?
Draco - Who’s your favorite character to write?
Hydra - Tell us why you love your project.
Libra - Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?
Pyxis - Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
Writer Asks:
Canis Major - Do you like writing character-driven stories or plot-driven stories?
Pavo - Where do you get inspiration from?
Phoenix - How do you develop your ideas?
Virgo - Describe your favorite tropes.
I am so sorry I am very indecisive
i did all of them anyway! because i have no chill and i like them
andromeda: doing this one for death and taxes! Nathaniel Ash is a rich man's son who is by day an engineer for the spaceship and by night a mysterious & suave theatre performer for the upper class. Winifred Storm is a politician's daughter who is, on the surface, perfect--and is, underneath the surface, about to absolutely snap.
aries: Sometimes, there is no deus ex machina. Sometimes, there is no last-minute change of heart. Sometimes there is just a boy with a gun, a girl with a bomb, and a single choice to be made. (from DAT.)
cassiopeia: hmmmm ever? I think my favourite scene (that i've written--i have ones in my head i'm super excited for) is, probably... this scene in GFW2 when the magic in the air makes everyone's thoughts audible. aaalllll their thoughts. it shows you what all these characters are feeling, what they're trying and failing to repress. (It's also the first hint that Tasya, a character who wasn't nearly as important in book 1, has some hidden sides to herself.)
draco: Corey :D
hydra: i'll do this for Secret Wip >:) . i love it because it's this epic-scale high-stakes fantasy, and i'm having much fun with the magic system. (Plus, i'm having a good time figuring out the characters.)
libra: it's hard to pick, but i think either Charlie & Eleanor (from rose librarians), Tasya & Rowan (from GFS), or Oliver & Corey. I can't really describe why, I just Like Them and their dynamics.
pyxis: in GFS, i just kinda want to show, like. even if you're struggling. even if everything has gone to shit. you can still find happiness. your world is ending, but the sunset is beautiful. you're alive. In Val Saintly, I want to show that... idk. you're allowed to feel things! it's not healthy to try and not feel things. And in Oddities, I want to show that there is always, always a place for you, whether you know it yet or not. Everyone belongs somewhere.
ursa major: the scene in gfw4 where Tasya gets to break down and cry in the rain and no one judges her. she deserves it.
canis major: it depends on the story, but usually character-driven, i think.
pavo: e v e r y t h i n g . tv, movies, books, family, friends, things people say, things people wear, things people do, songs, the weather, fuckin. everything. i cannot stop being inspired. i have more ideas than i can count and idk what to do with all of them lol
phoenix: it varies, but the general way i develop things is just... get some ideas from that Inspiration that's everywhere, then keep asking myself questions about it. what if, why does, why is, who does, who is, what is, where does, etc.
virgo: i'm a diehard fantasy fan so i LIKE the chosen one. especially the twists on it, such as reluctant chosen one, evil chosen one, and chosen one who chose themself. i also absolutely adore the wise old mentor trope.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
cancer, gemini, and indus!
Cancer - What’s the name of songs from the musical rendition of your project? (aka, have fun! come up with fun names)
i have this floating in my head for. daydream reasons. for both GFW2 (not 1 or 3 or 4 or 5, just 2 sdjkfhks) and val saintly. so:
GFW2 would definitely have songs titled "fuck my parents (seriously, what the fuck)", "What's in your head?", "Vanya's stand", "Darling" (hehe this one would be So sad), a reprise of "Darling", "put a gun to my head and call me dead", and "What if it burned?".
Val Saintly... god. skjhfkjsd. "I hate my job" would be the opening number's name, for sure. other songs would include: "welcome to the house", "It's a heist", "I'm better off without you (will I die without you?)", "kaleidoscope car", "sunglasses", "therapy", and "therapy (reprise)".
Gemini - What inspired you to write this project?
i'll go with val saintly for this one and the answer is that i wanted to write something fun & nonsensical. not very deep but it's nice :D
Indus - Are there any characters or stories you miss writing? Tell us about them!
Yes, there are! I miss Sirena. I made her up when I was like 10 and cut her from her story when I was 12, which tells you what she's going to be like, but... yeah. She was a siren fae (NOT subtle there sdfjkdfhk), owned a loud red truck with a bunch of lesbian stickers on the inside, and was really protective of her younger sister, and she was very fun to write.
I want to re-use her one day; she was in my concepts for GFS, so it'd be nice if she could live on there.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
WHY do angel and Corey get into a fistfight???
corey has a bit of a religious crisis. angel, tired and bitter, usually would not be a dick about this, but at the moment, is. (like, "oh, it took you this long to figure out the gods don't give a shit?".) corey snaps. ta da
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transmasc-wizard · 1 year
About Me:
Beck or Beckett, minor, he/him & it/its (mutuals can call me Nico)
disabled and queer, and so are most of my OCs
horror, fantasy, and occasional sci-fi writer; mostly YA
i like to explore themes of corruption, hope, war, friendship, humanity, and healing. i also like angst!!! much of it!!!!
i have a disabled blog, @chroniccoolness, a book blog, @tobias-fell, and a fandom blog, @trans-michael-shelley
i do not want to interact with transphobes/radfems, other bigots, people with minors in their DNI, or harry potter blogs
i also do art sometimes
My Current Most Active WIPs:
"gay fairytale series" (placeholder title): a 5-book loose fairytale retelling. the first book follows five teenagers who have found out they are potential pawns to end the world, and must travel across kingdoms to a prestigious annual ball in order to kill the monarch that wants to use them in the first place. tags are #wip gfs, #wip gfw1, #wip gfw2, and the OC tags. (OCs: Angel, Bea, Hope, Oliver, Corey, Rowan, Tasya.)
"the other ones": a half-epistolary standalone horror novel. three teens host a podcast about the supernatural that leads them to investigate the strange forest at the edge of town. they go in--only to exit hours later, covered in blood, unable to remember anything that happened, and with a new companion: the previously missing Keisha Carter, who warns of monsters coming just around the corner. Further investigation into the forest reveals a crueler side to everything... and everyone. Tags are #wip the other ones and the OC tags. (OCs: Astrophel, Elisa, Hyacinthus, Keisha.)
WIP tags for other less active WIPs you can also browse: "#wip nt21" (thriller about a private art school), "#wip val saintly" (urban fantasy about a girl who saved the world adjusting to her life afterward), "#wip oddities" (middle grade portal fantasy about bravery, friendship, and autism), "#wip gilded/rotten" (epic fantasy heist about people who would kill or die for each other, and what happens when one of them does both)
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
An Announcement: NaNoOuMo
yes that is horrible to pronounce <3 I think it's like "nah-no-ow-mo" maybe. anyway
so, because I have a horrendous amount of FOMO in regards to Camp NaNoWriMo this year but cannot do an actual draft for mental health/effort reasons, I'm doing something else! And I named it! I named it so that I can put it on the site!
I want to spend Camp NaNo outlining. Hence Camp "NaNoOuMo", or "National Novel Outlining Month". I will work on a variety of outlines that may include The Other Ones, my GFW1 re-outline, a GFW2 re-outline, GFW3, secret wip, val saintly, death and taxes, whatever. (Yes, technically I already started VS and DaT, but I've realized... I need to go back to the drawing board and fill out a lot of shit lol). I want to get to fifteen thousand words of outlining!
That's obviously a lot less than a 50k camp goal but... it's outlines, not full stories, and they might range between like 300 words to 10k. I have no idea what they'll truly be like.
alright announcement over have a nice day :D
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
hello nickle..... it has been so very long since my last sts ask.....
did i get the mysterious vibes. did i?
what are some mysteries in your wips? weird characters, plotholes, actual mysteries in the story, whatever?
hmmmmmm mysteries mysteries
charlie in rose librarians is definitely a mystery. half the story is just unlocking the shit in his head and realizing what's going on with his backstory
NT21 is Entirely a mystery, being a thriller. see: who killed these people? why did they do it? will they kill again?
in GFW1, there's the mystery of who the FUCK rowan is. no one really knows, and when they learn in GFW2, they kinda wish they'd kept not knowing lol
the other ones revolves around the mystery of the fact that they do not know what happened the first time they went into the memory-stealing fucked up forest, but they know something very, very bad went down
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
a (largely metaphorical) rowan
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anyway uhhh Rowan doesn't actually look like this, at least in the sense that 1) her teeth aren't actually Like That, they're normal teeth and 2) her eyes aren't actually Like That, they're just blue. It's ~symbolism~. The rest is basically her though
I drew this with a sketchpad & ohuhu markers, took the picture with a samsung phone, then put that into ibis paint to turn up (some of) the brightness it lost with my shitty photography. and now you have she!!
GFS taglist because this is, technically, GFS Content and i don't have an "art" taglist: @e-the-village-cryptid, @timelybees, @stormharbors, @citywillow, @strawberrie-faerie, @void-fireworks, @pigeontnt, @phoenixistrans, ask to be +/-
and because People asked: reblogs are ok! i like reblogs! very much! reposts are what artists hate.
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
i dont talk about them a lot but my characters do in fact have Appearances and i have decided to curse you all with them, specifically the ones from GFS (i got the picrew from @boredom-reigns, not sure if they're the original creator or not tho? will elaborate if i find out):
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Character maker|Picrew
wassup it's the "they all have black hair so i didn't have to bother to change that when making the picrew" gang
here's Angel, Bea, Tasya, and Rowan! (she/they for Angel, she/her for the rest.)
Don't be fooled by Angel's smile, they're absolutely plotting a murder. Also, i went with her book 3 look for when... things change in their life. Hehe...
Bea is a genuinely good person... unless it involves Angel, then they're trying to kill each other <3 why yes it is enemies to lovers.
Tasya has not slept in 16 years and Rowan absolutely put the star stickers on her face (she does love astronomy though).
Rowan is sporting her "you're about to be robbed blind and probably stabbed" look, which Tasya has to talk her down from about 7 times a day. (They're enemies-to-friends-to-QPP, by the way.)
@the-gay-lady-of-ravenclaw-tower @timelybees im not actually sure if this is taglist-worthy content or not, but whatever, better safe than sorry
anyway lookit my murder children!!!
Edit: I have been informed the creator is @hunbloom on instagram! so go check them out
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
chapter titles tag game
i was tagged (technically) by @dipthongsfordays! who it won't let me @! for some reason! hm
this is the post in which i expose myself as a *giant* chapter title nerd btw
onwards! (and no it is not a typo that "rowan does something stupid" appears multiple times)
from gfw1 (draft 2 only though), in no particular order:
magic and cheese wheels
so, who's housing the teenaged car thieves?
good news! it got worse
situation: bad. dragon: excellent
murder time with your unfriendly local assassin
just a little emotional blackmail between friends
angel makes a bunch of bad decisions
rowan does something stupid
from gfw2 (draft 1), in no particular order:
list of things that suck: hallucinogenic cannonballs
pause, for a mental breakdown
what a creepy as hell thing to wake up to!
an inhuman amount of dragons
naia stabs someone. twice
every single thing ever is horrible (the autobiography of vanya alexeyev)
rowan does something stupid
up-and-coming arsonist
in an on-brand move, they immediately commit a crime
angel is too gay for this: an ongoing saga
from other assorted things ive written/planned, including gfw3, 'man up', and the intriguing death of thalia may (nt21):
a cliff. great
it somehow got gayer
who needs impulse control?
corey hates everything
this is not the coffee shop AU ace dreamed of, thanks
a powerpoint is better than me, as usual
i stressfully come out during a game of mario kart
alrighty i hope that was entertaining
i'll tag a Lot of people because im not sure who does and doesnt have chapter titles: @stormharbors, @albatris, @toboldlywrite, @letswritestories101, @ashen-crest, @bluewritesbadly, @cream-and-tea, and anyone else who wants to. please. i love chapter titles and i wanna see some (but dont feel pressured!!)
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
Intro: Rowan Bird-Blythe (she/it/they)
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She now had only one thought, in her world of fire and chaos and screams:
Rowan is a killer, born, bred and raised. It's her purpose, her way to apologize for existing as the thing she is, the thing she'll one day have to be. She kills anyone her side needs dead, letting the smallest hope fester that maybe, just maybe, if she's useful, they'll love her... or at least hate her less.
And when she's assigned to go undercover and kill this newest, most important group--among them a petty thief, a fallen god, and another Blythe--she's thrown into things she'd never imagined.
personality: cold, logical, blunt, angry, quick-witted, analytical, liar, cheat, self-loathing, very touch-averse, distrusting, paranoid, cannot do math to save her life, good with guns and knives.
some fun factoids: she'd rather die than trust Angel to do anything properly, she's aromantic, they're the oldest, it uses magic in a very unsafe manner, she likes drawing, she likes fashion, she realizes she's bigender (girl/xenogender) in book 5, it's Corey's big sibling.
some of their dialogue:
“The world is full of monsters. Some have fangs, some have claws, and some are twenty feet tall. But if we want to, we can be the worst of them.”
“My parents don’t hate me. They just can’t love me. It’s not their fault. They’re doing their best.”
“I was trying to kill you. It’s not my fault they didn’t know how to stay back!”
“Now, let’s go. I would like to put on my new glittery skull shirt.”
that's Rowan! wonderful murder child who is a terrible human being but also deserves much better!
link to picrew is in Angel's intro
taglist: @e-the-village-cryptid, @timelybees, @stormharbors, @citywillow, @strawberrie-faerie, @void-fireworks, @pigeontnt, @phoenixistrans, @dauntlessshadowice1, ask to be +/-
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
which of your characters are you the most proud of? 👀👀👀👀
thank u for the ask, i am virtually handing u a cup of hot chocolate.
so! i would say i'm proud of a lot of them in general, because writing is hard and my ocs can be little bastards, but atm one of the characters I'm most proud of is Tasya. I've been working on book 2 of gfs (my main wip series) lately, which she really comes into (she's mostly a side character in book one), and I've just been struck with... like... all the shit she refuses to do.
that might sound weird, but in this series, the problems revolve around the fact that the characters are being forced to save the world. The reasoning for this is fate; they either have to burn the world or save it, so they must pick one. Obviously, they pick to save it, but it forces them into a lot more situations that they have no autonomy in. They're just pawns.
Tasya is one of the first characters to reject that. She rejects the idea that she can never put herself first, she rejects the idea that she has to do something that drains her and scares her (magic), she rejects the idea that she has to stop doing something that brings her joy and comfort (caring for/riding/researching dragons). She refuses to let everyone else choose what she can and cannot do, and plays a part in letting the others realize they can rebel, too, which eventually causes them all to rebel in much bigger ways.
I'm just very happy with the way I've been able to make her arc work. She's always been a really hard character to figure out, but with the newest draft, I'm finally being able to pin down who she is. I'm pretty proud of that! It makes me feel more confident in my WIPs, knowing that I've been able to get a hold on a character that was quite difficult to understand at first.
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
find the word tag
i was tagged by @ashen-crest (ty!!) and my words are smoke, scream, squint and shout. I'll do them across a variety of WIPs because i always seem to do GFW1 for these, haha.
smoke, from possibly my favourite scene in GFW2:
Rowan lit match after match, painting the walls with fire and filling the air with smoke and the sick stench of gasoline and flame. There were ashes in her hair. Her eyes were still watering. She didn’t know quite where in the house she was. And that second sound was still blaring alongside the fire alarms, triggering every instinct she had in a very unpleasant way.
She knew what it was, but she couldn’t quite place why. She’d heard it once before, when she was very, very young. If you hear this, it’s over, her father had said to her.
scream, from raf's one single POV scene in NT21:
Ace had been in the hospital for eight days now.
All Rafael knew was that he hadn’t been unconscious for all of it, and that there had been screaming.
Again, for the millionth time, Rafael faced the tired nurse, trying to keep himself from outright begging. “I know it’s policy,” Rafael said. “But… please, ma’am. I lived with him for six months. He’s my… he’s my friend.”
squint, from the scene in GFW1 where they meet the Boys:
Tasya squinted. “I see… people, up the road.” She looked to Hope for a moment. “We could ask them for directions.”
Hope nodded vigorously. “Yeah. Yes. Perfect."
Tasya kept driving straight. As they got closer, it was clear the people were standing in the middle of the road—they were boys, probably around his age, and they seemed to be arguing about something. They neared within twenty feet, and Hope saw Tasya hit the brakes, but nothing happened.
Her expression grew panicked. “The breaks are stuck."
shout, from GFW2. (Context: corey is Very Fucking Afraid of heights, they arent safe, and they need to go Very Fucking High):
“What are you waiting for?” Tasya demanded.
Oliver would have jumped right after her, insanity be damned.
But Corey stood frozen, and Oliver knew Corey would not go on his own.
Oliver reached out and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together in a tight grip. “We have to go!”
“I can’t.”
“You can!”
“I can’t.” Corey’s chest heaved, and he said, sounding like a whisper though most likely a shout, “Go without me.”
(they do not go without him. what do they do? thats for me to know haHA)
I'm gonna tag @stormharbors, @i-canwritetheuniverse-blog, @akindofmagictoo, and anyone else who wants to do it!! (seriously, and if you do, @ me!) your words are heart, fear, smile, and dead.
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
what's the meaning behind rowan's name??
ty for the ask!! the answer is: rowan wood. Like the tree. Fairly surface level, yeah?
You see, Rowan is a faerie. In the fantasy world GFS takes place in, faeries are mildly allergic to iron and deadly allergic to rowan wood. Rowan's parents named her knowing full well they were naming her after something that could *literally* kill her.
It represents how she is one of her own worst enemies, and how she constantly does things that do nothing but hurt her in the long run. Over time, she overcomes this, and slowly becomes less of her own enemy. but for quite a long time, her name is representative of two things that destroy her from the inside out: a special type of wood, and herself.
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