#wonda lady land
irenetheeadler · 5 years
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kapuzin · 7 years
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So, one and a half year ago I started playing in pillars of eternity and immediately fell in love with my death godlike protagonist, because my headcanons about her past life seemed kinda canon-proved for me ever since the character creator screen. Now I’ve returned to this game again and decided to make some sketches which describe her life before the storyline events.
!Long description of her backstory ahead! (tw: awful english grammar)
Wonda was born in the human family of noble landlords in one of the villages of Old Vailia. She was a desired child, but her first breath was interrupted with scream of a midwife, which was assisting Wonda’s mother in childbirth. Soon, rumors about cursed lord’s daughter were spread across the village. People belived that she is supposed to bring bad harvest and diseases, because year ago a prophet that was passing through the village predicted a wreath of the gods upon them. Less than in a day all villagers were standing in front of a castle with torchers and pitchforks and demanded Wonda’s parents to kill their child and burn her body to avoid the prophecy and save the village. In other case, they threatened to set the castle on fire. Lord and his wife were terrified, but they still didn’t wish to bring death to their own daughter. They remembered about the recent pilgrimage of scholastics dedicated to the building of a new temple of Berath(Cirono) in a town nearby. Under the pretense of helping them with ritual of inhumation, lord and lady asked priests to come to their castle. Parents begged them to save their child and secretly take her with them to hide from the angry crowd. Usually priests of Berath teach new scolars not very willingly, but they recognized chosen of their god in this horrible child from the first sign, and were proud to take her to the temple. After they left, lord and lady bribed a few servants and a midwife which saw Wonda so they would confirm the death of a child to the villagers. People believed in Wonda’s death, though, not completly, but fake ashes in the family tomb and - what was way more important - a plenteous year finally convinsed them.
Years were passing, and Wonda was growing in a temple, learning Berath philosophy and practising in sword fighting. Since childhood she proved herself as a true servant of her god, being rational and short-spoken. Maybe it happened because of lack of communication - she never played with children her age and was allowed to leave the temple only at night in a hooded cloak. During her studies Wonda realized that she can’t imagine herself as a devoted priest, even tho she shares the views that Berath scolarship offers. She started to think more and more about her meaningless existence, and these thoughts never left her alone. Sometimes Wonda was thinking about her parents. She knew who they are, but never saw them. Once, in her rare trip to town, she heard news about a healthy son that was born in landlord’s family. She just turned fourteen when town was celebrating birth of a lord’s heir. After that day Wonda became even more broody and silent. She knew that sometimes priests leave homes and travel around the world to spread their faith, still having a “temple in their mind” though, but Wonda was doubting she has something like this in her head. Despite that, one night she just took her hooded cloak and sword and left the place she thought was her home for a long time. When temple dissapeared in the darkness, Wonda felt nothing, as if she never lived there.
Wonda was nineteen years old when she started her journey without a purpose. After that, she has never returned back to her homeland, the Old Vailia, and never regreted this. She was wandering from town to town, never staying for long anywhere. Horrifying woman without eyes, Wonda always covered her head with the hood, but the more she ventured east the less people seem to care about her appearance. She even could walk with bare head on a sunny day in the center of a town without some folks pointing fingers at her and staying away for a couple of meters with frightened look on their faces. Things like these were new to her. In her journey Wonda heard about the mysterious land only few can reach, the Deadfire Archipelago. It is located far to the south-east, in the sea full of terryfying monsters. She also heard that people which live there tolerate those of her kind much more than she got used to. Wonda, surprisingly even for herself, became very intrested in this faraway land, thoughts about it were something like a dream she never had. One day she woke up and realized that now her journey finally has a purpose. So, Wonda started making her way to the Eastern Reach, where the Deadfire Archipelago is located. To earn money for living and the expedition to the distant land she worked as a caravans guard and sometimes did mercenary work. When she talked to people she almost never mentioned her faith and who she actually is, though it seemed like she actually found the god in herself, and his strength always helped her in the battle.
Many years passed before Wonda found the purpose she was looking for in her long travelling, at least she thought so. Because her way to the Deadfire Archipelago passed by the Dyrwood…
*Funny thing: I thought about Wonda willing to go to the Deadfire Archipelago even before the second part of the game was announced, and now her backstory perfectly fits with the canon
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irenetheeadler · 6 years
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irenetheeadler · 6 years
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irenetheeadler · 6 years
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irenetheeadler · 6 years
Please tell me about Joanna
- She is a jojo because Joanna Higashikata Jones
- She is Josuke daughter (if you werent aware)
- Born in october 25 2007 which makes her 19 in 2026 (and 11 in four days)
- Has a both a japanese and american surname
- Her mother is from Trinidad but she moved to New York to study (spoiler she lives in Morioh now)
- Has a huge fear of centipedes because one almost crawled into her ear during a slumber party
- Plays Volleyball in a semi professional level
- Has a younger brother who has a scarab and a lizard as pets
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irenetheeadler · 6 years
Omg I was scrolling through your oc tag and I love Joanna! How did her parents meet? :o
They met in ‘04 in New York during the summer where her mom, Susan, had to housesit Joseph and Suzy Q’s apartment while they went on a cruise vacation. 
(She also had to babysit Shizuka because they chose a senior only cruise and she couldn’t unfortunately come with them) 
and Joseph kinda forgot to tell Susan that Josuke came to visit his dad and vice versa. Stand shenanigans happen and 3 years after Joanna is born
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irenetheeadler · 6 years
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they started as one character named Joanna who i just dubbed her as Josuke's daughter. Then i made even more ocs, some where fanbabies too and some had no relation to any of the canon jojo characters
And then two years ago after making a crapton of ocs i decided to try and make a webcomic about a fictional part 7 named Wonda Lady Land w/ my ocs as main characters. But because of school and feeling shitty about my art and writing i didnt even start the webcomic and i procastinated it away
I had a seperate blog about my jojo ocs but im thinking about revamping it, so i have a tag named "wll" or "wonda lady land" here
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irenetheeadler · 5 years
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