#world of reza
janellemonae · 29 days
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.. Crystalline … your time reversing flower
Thank you teammm
@verawang @verawanggang
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
You’re on Your Own, Kid (You Always Have Been);
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Summary: The Badun Detective Agency founding members (and Elle) are used to being on their own. Here are just a few examples. Cowritten with @igetthedisneybox . Trigger warnings: child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, swearing, mentioned child murder, animal abuse, car accidents leading to serious injuries, implied suicide, child labor, ableism, etc.
The rain pelted the ground as the sky above thundered on.
Helga tightened her grip on the two baskets in her hand, making sure they didn’t slip. Despite her heavy load, she traversed the streets of the Isle with all the grace and poise of an assassin, until she finally made it to her destination.
Hell Hall.
Sneaking up the steps, she placed the two baskets on the doorstep, making sure the note was fully visible.
Her twin babies stared up at her, blinking innocently. Harold had the letter addressed to their father and the De Vil’s clutched in his chubby fist.
“Be good you two. But be sure to give them hell. God knows they’ll need it.”
“Ma—” Her daughter, Mabletrude, babbled happily. Reaching for her with one hand and clutching her little wooden doll in the other.
Helga felt a pain in her chest, but she ignored it. “Bye, little ones. Ma loves you.” She banged her fist on the door three times, then ran into the bushes, out of sight, but able to watch.
Harry watched her go and when he realized she wasn't going to come back and get them, he started to wail. 
Loud swearing could be heard from inside for a few minutes before someone finally answered the door. 
It took her a moment to recognize them.
“Hunter.” She breathed, almost wanting to come out of the bushes, to see her son. But she thought better of it. He would only be angry.
That is, if he even recognized her. They hadn't seen each other since before her Archer (his father) died more than nine years ago, after all.
The bleach blonde looked around confused for a moment before looking down—his brown eyes going comically wide before he hesitantly took them inside.
The last thing Elle remembered when she woke up was the family car crashing and pain. Horrible, horrible pain in her back and legs that was nothing like she'd ever felt before in her long three years of life. 
Pain that was now completely gone. Replaced by a strange numbness that was completely overshadowed by how blurry everything in this strange, new, bright place was. 
Her mother didn't respond or come running to her call. 
Her father didn't either. 
So…Elle tried to get up, only to faceplant on the floor—causing the little brunette to start crying. 
A man and a woman, who had been standing outside the door talking to a nurse, came rushing in. “Are you alright, dear?”
“I want my mama!” Elle sniffled, trying to push herself to her feet—almost causing her to faceplant agan. 
The woman gently lifted her up and back onto the bed. “Honey…your mama had to go away.”
“Then I wants papa!”
The man winced. “Your papa had to go away too. I’m sorry, little one.”
“I wanna go home then!” Elle yelled, getting more and more frustrated. “I wanna go home!”
The woman sighed. “Dear…we’re gonna be taking you to our home for now.”
“Since your parents…someone needs to take care of you. We decided that we wanted to be the ones to take care of you.” Eric chimed in.
Elle made a face. Trying to understand. “I don't… I don't understands.”
“We know, Elle.” Ariel tried to soothe. “This is hard to understand. We’ll try and help you the best we can.”
A loud bang rang out throughout the small area of land where the Bing circus was located, followed by an even louder, high-pitched scream. 
It came from Maximilian and Hermie Bing’s trailer. 
“Goodness, what was that?” Colette looked alarmed at the trailer.
Holt looked wary. “No idea. Should we go check it out?”
Colette looked at him like he was insane. “Somebody just screamed from our boss’s trailer. Yes we should go check it out!”
Holt got up, still wary and looked at the others: Mainly his two children—Joey and Milly. “You two stay here.”
Just then, the screaming got louder. 
Holt whirled around towards the sound. “That sounds like Hermie! Let’s go!” He began to run towards the sound.
“DADDY! DADDY!” The seven year old’s cries became clearer and clearer the closer he got. 
“Hermie!” Holt called out as he and Colette approached the trailer.
She didn't respond and just kept screaming. 
Bursting into the trailer, all they could see was the little brunette standing in the doorway to her dad's room. Her back to them. 
“Hermie? What’s wrong, what happened?” Colette approached the screaming girl cautiously. Only to immediately get a glimpse of some kind of red liquid on the floor. 
Colette tried to pull Hermie away from the door. “Holt, go get…somebody. Anybody. There’s…I think there’s blood…” She trailed off.
Holt didn't need to be told twice. 
Jace sniffled, pressing the coldest thing he could find to his wrist. 
His mother hovered over him, unsure of what else she could do. “See? It’s not that bad. That’ll heal up nicely.”
“I hate her, mama.” the seven year old replied miserably. “And I hate him too.”
“Hate isn’t a very nice word, dear.” Katrina said through a wince.
“Well Cru-ella isn't nice either.” He huffed, defiant.
“I know, I know. But we have to be better than her.”
“Which isn’t hard.” She thought, but did not say.
“How can we be better if she kills us like she did the others?” Jace muttered. Grumpily.
Katrina blinked. She felt like all the breath had been stolen from her lungs. “What are you talking about?”
The smaller brunette squinted at her, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean what am I talking about? She killeds James and maybe the others too.”
James was Jace’s oldest half brother. 
It seemed like all she could do was stare. “Jacey? Please tell Mommy that you're joking. That this is a prank.”
He looked even more confused. “No… she pushed him down the stairs cause he wouldn't let her hit Hunter.”
Katrina tried to catch her breath. This was…she didn’t know how to deal with this. But first things first: Jace could not see her try and figure this out. “My, look at the time. It’s bedtime for Jacey.”
Jace grumbled. “Do I have to mama?”
“Yes. Good boys go to bed.” Just a few more minutes, and then she could break down. She could try and figure things out.
He huffed but went anyway, figuring that he could just spend more time with her in the morning.
But she wasn't there in the morning.
Little Reza flapped his hands in excitement as he read the astronomy book he'd found.
“Cut that out!” His father snapped at him, looking up from his work.
The nine year old immediately shrunk away from him. 
“And that book is mine. Are you trying to steal from me, child?” His voice became dangerously low.
“N-no father, I found it in the barge. It's not your—”
“Give it here!” Tareq interrupted, holding out his hand. “You little thief! You should know better than to touch my things!”
“No! It's mine—”
In one fell swoop, Tareq had ripped the book out of Reza’s hands, while simultaneously shoving him backwards. He thumbed through the book, disgust on his face. “Bah. I got the newest addition years ago. Garbage.” He tossed the book onto his desk, high enough that Reza couldn’t reach.
Reza couldn't help but scowl. Forgetting where he was.
“What was that?” Tareq glared at his son.
The ravenette backed away. “N-nothing baba.”
“What did I say about that word?!” He shoved himself right near Reza’s face, teeth ground together.
The small boy backed away, hunching in on himself.
“Go to your room, and stay there. Think about what you have done.”
Reza did, but not before mumbling “I hate you.”
Eddie stood outside of Hades’ Souvlaki at 4am. Waiting for it to open. 
Luckily for him, Fern Coachmen was opening that morning and spotted him out the window. “Uh hello? What are you doing out there?”
The little brunette perked up. “Are you still hiring?”
Fern looked left and right, seeing if the boy was alone. “Are you volunteering?”
“Yes ma'am!”
“How old are you?” She asked, concerned.
He peered at her with big brown eyes, tilting his head to the side slightly. He wore clothes several sizes too big, even by isle kid standards (reminding her of her younger brother, Warren) and his eyes were slathered in eyeliner, making him look loosely like a raccoon. “Does it matter?”
Fern felt her motherly instincts kick in. “I suppose not, it’s not like this is particularly dangerous work. What’s your name, dear?”
“Edmund Balthazar, but everybody calls me Eddie.” 
“Eddie.” She smiled warmly. “I’m Fern. Come on in, we can warm you up. Get you something to eat.”
“Does this mean I get the job?”  He asked, following her in without a second thought. Making her wonder if he was even an isle kid to begin with, because most children she knew—even ones younger than this boy looked, tended to be wary. 
“Sure thing. We’ll see what we can do with you.” She hesitated. “Do…do your parents know that you’re here?”
“Kinda. Mama’s memory ain't so great anymore but I'm sure daddy will remember he's here. He would have come instead but he can't move good no more after his fall.” The brunette shrugged, rolling up his sleeves. 
Fern couldn’t remember much about the Balthazars. Her and Panic never paid much mind to Isle gossip. “I see. Well, as long as they’re…semi okay with it.”
“They are!”
She smiled again. “Well, welcome aboard, Eddie!”
He smiled sleepily at her, with bags under his eyes that were heavier than any child's should be. 
Yzla cried and cried into the cat shaped pillow her father had brought her on his latest visit back to the isle. 
“Why so glum, little one?” Her father’s voice sounded from behind her.
“You know why.” She sniffed. 
Cedric sighed. “I know you don’t like it when I leave for work. But it’s only temporary. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“But you just got here. Do you really have to go? Grandmother's always meaner when you're gone and Zevon always acts worse!”
“I’m sorry, Yzzy. I really am. I’m sure you can talk with your mother about these things, maybe she can help with Zevon?” Azma was a lost cause, so Cedric didn’t bother mentioning her.
“Mom tries but Zevon is hard to handle.” Yzla scowled, grumpy. “And she's got her handful with grandmother. And the twins can only do so much– especially when Lil Yaz keeps riling her up.”
He sighed again, frustrated. “There’s nothing I can do, Yzla. If I don’t go to work, I don’t get money, and if I don’t get money, we can’t eat or do science anymore.”
“Just leave me alone.” The eleven mumbled. “I'll handle it myself, like I always do.” 
Cedric immediately regretted being snappy with his daughter, but she didn’t seem to be in the mood for apologies, so he decided to let her be. “I love you, Yz. I’ll be back before you know it.” He smoothed her hair.
She said nothing. Knowing there was nothing she could say that would better the situation.
Sheldon the turtle took a look at his surroundings, very displeased.
He was surrounded. By garbage.
How uncivilized.
He tottered along on his little stubby legs, nosing around some compost wondering if anything was decent enough to eat. 
He hadn't eaten all day!
He was gonna starve if he didn't find something this instance.
Oh, his family was going to get bit when he got back home. 
“Don't worry! I'll save you!”
Sheldon looked up from his musings to find a human child—different from the one in his family—with a brown bowl cut for hair, and brown eyes, and baggy clothes, leaning over the edge of the barge.
He blinked at the human child, wishing he could tell him that he could save himself thank you very much.
But he couldn’t. Because he was a turtle.
The child squirmed, sticking his tongue out in concentration as he moved forward. A net in hand. “Don't be scared!”
“Eddie, who are you talking to you?” Another human  child asked from out of Sheldon’s line of sight. 
The first child ignored them. 
Sheldon barely had time to wonder if he was going to try and catch him with that net, before he was scooped up like a common fish!
Along with a pair of… what did his human call them? Nomchunks?...
“There we go! I got ya little guy. Don't worry. My friends and I will take real good care of ya!”
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Mohammad Mortazavi - Philharmonie Berlin --Balal Balal
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@sphinx-boi-onyx personally fuck you and your family for making amorolex
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noblehcart · 6 months
listen i didn't mean to accidentally add two persian muses...but apparently my obsession with this culture runs deep ok.
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lostgoonie1980 · 2 years
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213. The Chess Game of the Wind (شطرنج باد / The Chess Game of the Wind, 1976), dir. Mohammad Reza Aslani
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anghraine · 2 years
A lot of my GW feelings are fundamentally driven by my feelings about the Searing and conquest of Ascalon, since that was my formative experience of the game back in (/gulp) 2005, but I’m helping my father get the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title in GW1 (reach max level before the Searing) and also having Orrian feelings?
Like, okay, we’re running around beautiful pre-Searing Ascalon with all the random villagers going about their ordinary lives. We’ve been performing mostly low-stakes missions for very nice people (mostly fated to become vengeful ghosts), and then I realized:
Wait, GW2 is very clear that the Orrians were particularly terrified/horrified of what the Charr invasion would mean for them because of the Searing. We actually see their conversations about it in the personal story! In the timeline that Dad and I are playing in, before all that, the Orrians are also just normal people going about their lives, with no expectation of facing the annihilation of their home/culture and then years of undead servitude to a malevolent eldritch dragon.
Bonus: you can actually find a scroll in Orr written by an Ascalonian before the Searing, in which the author is just prattling about the interesting similarities and differences in Ascalonian and Orrian culture with zero awareness that both will be nearly wiped off the face of the earth in just a few years. :( :(
#i honestly don't know whether i feel sorrier for the ascalonian ghosts or orrian risen#there's a special horror about the way the ghosts are just ... desperate traumatized people eternally reliving the terrors of their time#but the orrians are simultaneously dominated by zhaitan's will and semi-aware it's happening? i think?#it's not completely consistent but they communicate fairly naturally with each other and murmur about being tired#and with king reza there's this mingling of zhaitan's will and his own ... idk i think it varies somewhat depending on the case#some of the risen priests appeal to their original god (and some don't!) etc#there's a ghost or shade of someone who is just glumly watching their undead body performing zhaitan's will#but the ghost itself is fully aware#while the ascalonian ghosts by and large don't understand the current world at all#and are just reliving the invasion forever#otoh they can't be turned into dragon minions which i guess is. something.#ALSO there's something really interesting in the dynamics in kryta#wrt krytan citizens who are also ascalonian (which is always SUPER public) vs krytans with orrian ancestry (which is usually very secret)#like when people in the game say 'orrian' they overwhelmingly mean /undead/ orrian and not ethnically orrian living people#even though they definitely exist (probably in very tiny numbers but there are a few references to them and you meet at least one)#missing sister doesn't even let you choose to be orrian iirc#which is also. hmm. interesting#anghraine babbles#ascalonian grudgeblog#anghraine's gaming#orr
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Irony - Reza Mohammadi - Afghanistan
Translator: Hamid Kabir, Nick Laird (Dari)
You put artificial flowers in a silver-looking vase
beside a painting of a window,
and the sun revealed your smile as fake,
so you rested the mask of your beautiful face
on my chest - but hey, I love you, it's true,
and I love you with all of my heart.
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waz909 · 9 months
Reza karim member মো: রেজাউল করিম রেজা / মাদ্রাসা / আল হেলাল ক‍্যাডেট মা...
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allseeingdirt · 1 year
everytime i think about kath for too long especially when considering the wider picture im like. ngeremes plastik
#shes so. chews on railing#she was best friends with eve and aaron. she killed aaron. she fought in a rebellion to overthrow a tyrant. she became an empress after.#she adopted reza liz n nia n genuinely shes them as her children. she was barely a mother. she never knew what having caring parents felt#like. liz never knows what having a mother would even feel like. she wants desperately for nate to see her as a mentor and parental figure.#she killed his dad. she made his mother a widow. she killed aaron. she killed aaron. she killed her own best friend.#she never unlearns the ideologies her parents taught her despite spending years fighting a tyrant. she wants to protect the world from#anymore harm. she goes about it by subjugating territories after territories under her own rule. she thinks herself a reluctant villain.#she thinks herself a hero whos the only one capable or even willing to do what it takes.#ugh. ughhhh. i dont even hate her. i dont exactly Like her either. idk#shes a character for the narrative at least. i dont need to feel one way or the other for her.#though funny thing about her character is that her unresolved issues was catastrophic on a global scale and xu's canon is basically#so DEEPLY ENTRENCHED with and can NOT be separated from the consequences of her actions. like everything that happens every series of#important events every character dynamic every characters MOTIVATIONS the absolute CORE of the narrative conflict and every important#character is so deeply deeply a result of her actions. and she doesnt get much screentime as the rest of the cast. lol#we only get to her in part 3. which is arguably maybe the second most appearances of every parts. 4 and 5 shes basically relegated to side#character. part 6 shes there for the Final Confrontation. she gets more screentime but it doesnt actually mean much because every non-main#character gets more screentime because part 6's allllll about the conflict being bigger than xander flip and ari. so honestly despite being#the main antagonist. arguably everything that happened a result of her. shes actually kindaaaa akddmfoslor.#maybe because xu is more about interpersonal connection than anything else. meeting halfway meeting as equals. and kath has made herself to#be no ones equal. the top of the top. cool. detached. suave. charismatic. ruthless. nonchalant. egotist.#not your mother. despite wanting so so bad to be one. not your friend. despite being so so lonely and missing older times.#in a way she rlly does encapsulate xu's core theme and conflict. connections of equals vs isolations of hierarchies. and she is the highest#of all. so she must be the most isolated of all.#idk. everything is ur fault girl. u couldve had a better life. your best friends. maybe therapy before deciding 2 become a mother of three.#and yet it couldnt have been any other way. because u couldnt have been anyone other than kath.#and maybe theres some form of tragedy in that
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janellemonae · 28 days
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🛸garden of time🛸
The glass-like flowers adorning the dress are made from sustainably recycled plastic bottles, hand molded into organically shaped flowers, which also plays with the notion of time and how a material can evolve from one function into another over the course of time.
📷: @masonrosephoto
Custom @verawang @verawanggang
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Based on this post:
This is how the Badun Detective Agency react to being hit by a car.
Hermie would just cry because getting hit by a car, hurts. Obviously.
Reza would just look up at the car and back at his chest. "Well, that's gonna leave a mark."
Harry would say "Watch it, I'm walking here!"
Hadie and Jace would try and see if the driver was okay.
Yzla would walk away embarrassed.
And Eddie would just fall asleep and freak everyone out, making them think he was dead and would then be confused as to why they were freaking out later.
Oh and Mystery would bite their tire.
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italianiinguerra · 2 years
Pillole di Seconda Guerra Mondiale: 16 settembre
Pillole di Seconda Guerra Mondiale: 16 settembre
1940 –  Stati Uniti. Per la prima volta nella storia del paese vieni introdotta la prima coscrizione in tempo di pace. 1940 – Africa settentrionale. In Egitto truppe italiane conquistano Sollum ed avanzano sino a Sidi Barrani, 95 km circa a est della frontiera. 1941 – Lo scià d’Iran Reza Pahlavi è costretto ad abdicare in favore del figlio Mohammad a seguito delle pressioni di Gran Bretagna e…
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m3t4ln3rd · 2 years
Dreadnought announce new album The Endless; debut "Midnight Moon"
Photo by: Frank Guerra Official press release: Denver, CO progressive metal band Dreadnought have announced their new album The Endless to be released on Aug 26.  Listen to the first single “Midnight Moon” and pre-order The Endless HERE. For their fifth full length The Endless, Denver, CO genre-defying progressive metal outfit Dreadnought present their most spellbinding musical feature yet.…
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Studying at Tehran University in 1977: While many women were already in higher education at the time of the revolution, the subsequent years saw a marked increase in the number attending university. This was in part because the authorities managed to convince conservative families living in rural areas to allow their daughters to study away from home.
"They tried to stop women from attending university, but there was such a backlash they had to allow them to return," says Baroness Haleh Afshar, a professor of women's studies at the University of York who grew up in Iran in the 1960s.
"Some educated people left Iran, and the authorities realised in order to run the country they needed to educate both men and women."
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Window shopping in Tehran in 1976: Before the revolution, the hijab was already widely worn but many women also chose to don Western-style clothes, including tight-fitting jeans, miniskirts and short-sleeved tops. "The shoes haven't changed - and the passion for shoes is in all of us! Women in Iran are no different from women the world over, and going shopping is just a means for women to get away from every day stress," says Prof Afshar.
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Friday picnic in Tehran in 1976: Families and friends tend to get together on Fridays, which are weekend days in Iran. "Picnics are an important part of Iranian culture and are very popular amongst the middle classes. This has not changed since the revolution. The difference is, nowadays, men and women sitting together are much more self-aware and show more restraint in their interactions," says Prof Afshar.
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Hair salon in Tehran in 1977: "This is a scene you would no longer expect to see in Iran - but even after the Islamic Revolution, hairdressers continued to exist," says Prof Afshar. "Nowadays you wouldn't see a man inside the hairdressers - and women would know to cover up their hair as soon as they walked out the door. Some people may also operate secret salons in their own homes where men and women can mix."
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Bodyguards surround the shah in 1971: A young woman approaches Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (far right) at a huge party marking the 2,500th anniversary of the Persian monarchy - the extravagance of the event was widely condemned by his left-wing and clerical opponents. "By this time, the shah was already very much disliked and some believe this image of excess and indulgence may have contributed to events leading up to the revolution eight years later," Prof Afshar explains.
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Walking down a snowy street in Tehran in 1976: "You cannot stop women walking in the streets of Iran, but you wouldn't see this today - her earrings and make up so clearly on show," Prof Afshar says. "There is this concept of 'decency' in Iran - so nowadays women walking in the streets are likely to wear a coat down to her knees and a scarf."
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Women rally against the hijab in 1979: Soon after taking power, Iran's new Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini decreed that all women had to wear the veil - regardless of religion or nationality. On 8 March - International Women's Day - thousands of women from all walks of life turned out to protest against the law.
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Walking in Tehran in 2005: Not all women in Iran opt to wear the black chador, a cloak that covers the body from head to toe and only leaves the face exposed. Many prefer to wear loosely fitted headscarves and coats. "The real question is how far back do you push your scarf? Women have their own small acts of resistance and often try as far as possible to push their scarves back," says Prof Afshar.
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Watching football from a Tehran shopping centre in 2008: Though women were never officially banned from watching men's football matches in Iran, they are often refused entry to stadiums and some of those who have tried have been detained. Before the revolution, women were allowed to attend sporting events.
SEPTEMBER 2022: Protests, after the Morality Police beat, arrested and then murdered Mahsa Amini — for the “crime” of improperly wearing her hijab (source) (source)
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workersolidarity · 2 months
[ 📹 Scenes from the destruction wrought by an Israeli occupation airstrike which targeted a vehicle being driven by 7 foreign aid workers belonging to the World Central Kitchen, killing all inside. Among the dead included foreign citizens of Britain, Poland, and Australia, along with a dual American and Canadian citizen. The aid organization said it had coordinated the movements of its personnel with the Israeli authorities, who knew the vehicle contained humanitarian aid workers.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🚀🚙💥 🚨
On the 179th day of "Israel's" ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 7 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 71 Palestinians, mostly women and children, while another 102 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
In the latest occupation atrocity, the Zionist army bombed the vehicle of a group of Foreign aid personnel working for the World Central Kitchen (WCK), killing 7 employees, including 6 foreigners.
"World Central Kitchen is devastated to confirm seven members of our team have been killed in an IDF strike in Gaza," the organization said in a statement on its website.
According to the World Central Kitchen, despite coordinating the organization's movements with the Israeli occupation army, a convoy including two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and one soft-skin vehicle that were carrying the WCK team while it was traveling through a "deconflicted zone" was struck by an Israeli bomb, destroying at least one of the vehicles.
WCK says the team was leaving their Deir al-Balah warehouse, in the central Gaza Strip, where their teams unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza through a maritime route, when the convoy was targeted by Zionist forces.
“This is not only an attack against WCK, this is an attack on humanitarian organizations showing up in the most dire of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. This is unforgivable,” World Central Kitchen CEO, Erin Gore is quoted as saying.
The seven foreign aid workers killed in the Zionist strike included citizens from Australia, Poland, the United Kingdom, as well as a dual-citizen of the United States and Canada, and one Palestinian.
“I am heartbroken and appalled that we—World Central Kitchen and the world—lost beautiful lives today because of a targeted attack by the IDF. The love they had for feeding people, the determination they embodied to show that humanity rises above all, and the impact they made in countless lives will forever be remembered and cherished,” Erin Gore added.
In response to the International outcry over the atrocity, the Israeli occupation authorities said they will be “carrying out an in-depth examination at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of this tragic incident.”
The World Central Kitchen has suspended its operations in Gaza as a result of the incident.
In yet another atrocity yesterday, the Israeli occupation army bombed the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital of Damascus, killing several high-level Iranian officials, including 7 military advisors of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
In response to the strike, Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said in an announcement issued on Tuesday that the "evil Zionist regime will regret" it's crime of assasinating Iran's military advisors in Syria.
The Iranian leader said that both Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force, and his deputy, General Mohammed Hadi Haji Rahimi were killed in the strike, which targeted the Iranian consulate in Damascus, declaring the crime was perpetrated by the "usurping and dispicable" Zionist regime.
“The evil regime will be punished by our brave men. We will make them regret this crime and other ones, by God's will," the Iranian leader added.
As Israel's crimes spread outside the occupied Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip, and into the wider West Asian region, the bombing inside Palestine continued unabated.
In just one example, local civil defense crews recovered the bodies of six Palestinians who were killed, including two children, along with a number of wounded civilians, following a Zionist occupation airstrike targeting the Zarub family home, located in the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.
In another atrocity, several Palestinians were killed and a large number wounded after occupation artillery shelling targeted a number of residential buildings in the city of Khan Yunis, also in the south of Gaza, focusing artillery fire on the eastern and central parts of the city.
Meanwhile, Zionist warplanes bombed the al-Bashir Mosque, in the city of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, martyring a several civilians, including the death of at least one child, and wounding at least 20 others, while also dealing significant damage to neighboring residential buildings.
Similarly, Zionist fighter jets fired several missiles that slammed into two residential homes in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, while occupation artillery shelling targeted the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, along with the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood, martyring three civilians and wounding six others.
Over the last day, as the Zionist occupation army withdrew from the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, located in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, which had been the largest and most well-equipped hospital in the entire Gaza Strip, a scene of mass destruction and carnage was revealed, with hundreds of bodies littering the hospital grounds, including some bodies discovered with handcuffed wrists, having been extra-judicially executed in cold-blood.
Among the bodies recovered from Al-Shifa were doctors and healthcare personnel, along with entire Palestinian families, which the Gaza Media Office says were just a small part of the roughly 400 citizens that were killed in two weeks of fighting near the hospital.
About another 900 Palestinians were arrested or detained by Zionist forces under suspicion of belonging to Resistance groups, while the Hospital buildings themselves were nearly completely destroyed, blown to pieces and left as scorched shells by the American bombs dropped on them by the Israeli occupation army.
As a result of "Israel's" ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the infinitely rising death toll has now exceeded 32'916 Palestinians killed, more than 25'000 of which being among women and children, while an additional 75'494 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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