#worm's monster au
junespriince · 23 days
Kon, mentally: god I wish he would like like me so bad,,,, I gotta be more impressive, show off more than sweep him off his feet like those cool guys in movies.
Bart, ADHD brain: he's so cute! God I want to kiss him... Or bite him, is it romantic to comp someone? Brain remember to ask Wally is it's romantic to bite someone... Ooo! A pencil! Adding this to Cassie's pencil case,, I need a pencil case, ooo ones with turtles so Wally would be so jealous!
Bart and Kon, sitting together both obvious it's sickening.
Wally: at least we're not like that anymore, they're worse than us back then!
Dick, looks at Wally, genuinely shocked: what,,, we're dating?
Wally, face palm: yes, we are, what do you think all the kissing and cuddling is?
Dick: homies being homies, duh.
Wally, turning around: I'm going back to the speed force, mark might wanted to eat me but he understands our relationship!
Dick: Wally, wait, don't you're too sexy to leave me again!
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molten-rainbows · 1 year
I went a little feral on Twitter just now
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cannibal-wings · 3 months
An early update drop! That's because this is a shorter chapter, that is more dialogue focused than the others. I still hope you all like it! They basically get to take a nap. Leon fucking needs one.
For those not in the know, You Pay the Cost is my Resident Evil 4 Remake fic where I roughly follow the plot of the game, but I slowly transform Leon into a Verdugo like bug monster. It's been updating roughly every two weeks (save for this update which was done in one week). If slow burn monster transformation is your thing, check it out.
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nbnaruto · 10 months
Sleep deprived but need to get this out, I know I said before it would be cool if Val changed her name to Orion because mythological hunter/constellation and even tho she stopped hunting ghosts indiscriminately being a hunter is still very much a part of her BUT what if hunter pair Val and Danny named after Shaula and Lesath, the two stars that make up the stingers in the constellation Scorpius (Who kills Orion in the myth) because even though Danny was raised to be a hunter and Val was turned into one they both turn away from the idea of what a ghost hunter 'should be' and protect both humans and ghosts etc etc. Anyway this was more for a dpxdc au since I don't think Danny would stop going by phantom unless he left amity but yeah just a thought
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lord-prey · 5 months
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Not happy with this body type, I wanna make him more broad shouldered so imma change that
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Another one. AGAIN; TW: Drawn Bones & Body Horror
Sorry this was kinda thrown together while i work on some other sketches for infected :3
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kalpeavaris · 6 months
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benji and his over-confidence that he has enough rizz to not get eaten by lane in this scenario
(the template drawing wasn't done by me, I just made the edits!)
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comfymoth · 1 year
For luzu, the witch angle could work if you consider maybe luzu trying a normal summoning ritual for a familiar but maybe something goes wrong right? And he doesn’t get his familiar, so he’s like “damn my spell didn’t work” BUT he did accidentally summon an otherworldly being that, with no body of its own, has been forced to also inhabit luzu’s body. Maybe arin is a demon or a spirit or something idk
see that’s kind of what i was thinking! the only reason i’m hesitant is that a witch isn’t really a Creature, not usually at least, so i don’t know if it would be cheating. i guess some myths do talk about witches having tails or scales or whatever, so maybe that counts? but ehhh i’m just a little on the fence
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twistedwonderworm · 11 months
HELLO! I noticed ur matchups are still open! I was wondering if I could put myself forward!
(1) Miya! (She/her)
(2) I’m a little bit of an introvert but a massive extrovert when with close friends, I’m a hopeless romantic too! I love going on walks in the rain or foggy weather just to be alone sometimes! I also sleep a lot- I used to get mad at everything really easily but now I try and calm myself down before going further in a situation like that! I usually tend to care more about other peoples well being than my own because I feel it’s not as important as keeping other safe! I’m around 5’3 people often are quick to judge me based off my height when I could probably beat them up if I had the chance- idk if this counts but my love language is physical affection!
(3) I usually dislike it when some is just flat out rude towards someone for no reason! And I especially don’t like it when people pry into other’s social or at home life and judge them based off that rather than as a person! Oh and I really hate people who think they’re SO much better than everyone just because they’re popular or something! It really gets on my nerves
(4) Hmm out of everyone I’d probably say Rook and Crowley! Idk they just kinda pisses me off ^^
(5) Nope I wouldn’t mind!
Thanks ♥️
Sorry that this is so late. I've been very busy, but I hope you like this match up!!
I'm matching you up withhhhh
The forest Fae, Trey Clover!!!!
I think Trey would be the perfect match for you. Though like you, he has a tendency to care for others rather than himself, but that just means that you can both help take care of each other. I can totally see him making you a little snack or something when you wake up too. And as a forest fae, rain doesn't bother him as much as someone else from his dorm (looking at you fire elemental Riddle).
Also Trey is not strictly an introvert or an extrovert. He's very good with people and willing to hang around those that he's close too, but sometimes he still needs to take a step back to help deal with the stress he has to face as a vice housewarden and as pretty much the mom of the dorm. He also doesn't get angry very easily and is rather good at calming people down.
"I'm very happy you invited me out tonight," Trey said, a small smile gracing his face as he walked alongside Miya. He enjoyed hanging out with her, and today was a practically stressfully day. Ace had crashed into the dorm building while trying to show off again, breaking his wings once again. Trey swords he'd be a master healer by the time he graduates due to how many times he had to heal Ace's wings.
"I'm happy you agreed to come out," Miya answered holding the umbrella carefully. It was raining tonight and it seemed no one else wanted to get caught in it so they were the only ones wandering about. It was very peaceful. Trey was keeping his stride slow. With his long, deer like legs, he normally walked very fast, but he wanted to make sure she would easily keep up with him.
"It's very relaxing to walk with someone you care about," Trey said softly, droplets of water hanging off of his antlers.
"You care about me?" The human asked, caught off guard by his statement. The fae just laughed and took her friend hand, a gentleness in his golden eyes.
"I thought that much was obvious."
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scarlettroubles · 2 years
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Quick monster moth Jon concepts for fun
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ryoukio · 11 months
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Flat colour metaltango cowgirls.
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gagafan2009 · 7 months
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Crazy Human - Necro Snakes
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donut-entendre · 1 year
what is your “spaghetti donut AU?” it seems really cool
OUUUUUGH okay the best I can summarize without spoiling too much is basically I looked at Donut's numerous "deaths" and looked at a lot of weird lines from him and said this man is a horror movie monster (the og joke 'theory') And then it spiraled out to an AU where Donut is in fact a weird spaghetti monster that I am... still actively figuring out how he works BUT I can summarize with "what if the Thing and the carrion monster had the personality of Donut" and uh now he's a worm to me. forever. a worm (he is many worms but they all ID as the same guy so?) who's carrying around the world's most mentally ill ex-villains because it's hilarious. they;re all scared of him. he eats cat food and raw yeast and he is a man who will see a mouse and eat it. at some point I decided he was a cat before he got his hands on a human shape because his name is donut. look me in the eyes and tell me that "Franklin Delano Donut" is not the most cat name you have ever heard in your life. anyway hes sooooo normal [donut violence happening loudly in another room but i close the door with my foot]
I have sideblog for it where I mostly rb things that make me go ah yes the worms and I also have an ask blog but I have been a tired little boy lately
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makeitlookdecent · 2 years
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uuh, yea;;
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frociaggine · 2 years
ianthe wants to have her coronabeth and eat her too. to this end she will cut her up in the style of the infinite chocolate bar. this is my formal alecto prediction
Ianthe would and she could! She’s a flesh magician. She can eat a bit of Corona then heal her up right away, there you go, infinite sister loop. I’m putting this on the Alecto bingo card next to “River wizard Augustine is the reason why something is fucked up with the River” and “John and Alecto asleep together in the tomb forever.”
(tbh unironically I wouldn’t put this past Ianthe in... certain cases. Not canon Ianthe IMO, and probably not in the short timeframe of the series, but with enough time and enough resentment. Listen. I 100% believe the point of all of Ianthe’s necromantic research is to figure out a way to make Corona immortal, but once she’s safe from death what then? She perfected her Lyctor education at the school of Jod “what is bodily autonomy” Gaius after all)
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kiruamon · 2 years
Part 4
Gross! Super gross! Filled with disgust, Damien stared at the twitching and wriggling thing that was held in front of his nose. These losers were completely insane, if they believed, he would want to eat this slimy worm! Never in his life! However hungry he might have been! He rather gnawed off one of his hind paws than eating this thing!
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"Come on. Just a bite. For Aunty Vicky." No. "Look. Here comes a flying, super yummy little wormy just for you!" No and no again! His spines raised defensively as he turned his head to the side in disgust. Never ever! "GAAAaaaah! Why don't you eat that crap yourself if you find it so tasty!" he scolded loudly and angrily to himself. It sucked that no one understood him! Stupid transformation! Stupid hedgehog voice bands! And stupid losers with their even crappier slop!
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"Ooooooz," Vicky called out, slightly whining, to her roommate, who was busy making dinner for their little apartment community. " I don't think your little friend wants to eat his food." "Still not?" asked Oz, giving the two a thoughtful look. He himself had also tried multiple mealworms half an hour ago without success. According to his internet research, hedgehogs ate insects. Because of the proteins that were important for them. So he had gone to the nearest pet shop and got some fresh food for the little guy. But even Vicky - despite her best efforts to convince him - obviously did not manage to get the little guy interested in one of the supposed "delicacies". Which worried him. After all, the little hedgehog should have been hungry by now.
Maybe it was time to try something different? Pondering, he tapped the floor lightly with one foot. As far as he had read, hedgehogs could also eat eggs and meat. "Vicky?" "Yes?" "Would you be so kind and set the table already? I want to try something else that I hope our little guest will like better." It was worth a try. "Sure no problem!" grinning she let the wriggling earthworm slide back into the small plastic bucket and put the tweezers aside in order to start already bringing the plates to the table. "Thank you! And please tell Brian and Amira that dinner is in 15 minutes," he called to his friend before Oz gave the small hedgehog, who was still in a bad mood, a quick glance. "Well… let's see."
Fortunately, it didn't take very long to fry up a few strips of bacon and scramble some eggs to go with it. Oz watched his spiky guest slowly toddle closer across the kitchen counter, sniffing the air with interest as he approached the plate of cooling crispy fried bacon strips. Oz had just slid the finished scrambled eggs into a small bowl when he noticed how the little guy already wanted to help himself to the meat.
"Wait! Don't!" What the fuck! Annoyed Damien, hissed at the hand and its owner, who simply pushed him away from the good looking and delicious smelling meat! What was wrong with this noob? Damien tried to snap at the cheeky guy to bite him, but the other had already withdrawn his hand and just ignored his angry insults! Huffing, the demon let his tail hammer on the kitchen sideboard. "This is still way too big like this. You'll end up choking." The nerd, to Damien's amazement, began cutting the strips into smaller - for a hedgehog - bite-sized pieces and then crumbling them over the fluffy yellow scrambled eggs. "Here, this should do it," with a friendly - and oh so idiotic - smile, the weakling pushed the small bowl of food towards him. It smelled quite wonderful! Damien decided to dig in before the noob changed his mind.
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Oz propped his elbows on the countertop as he smiled and watched the little guy greedily gobble up his specially cooked meal. So unbelievably cute. The animal seemed to notice that he had been watching him, because the little one looked up at him in annoyance before positioning himself so that he could only see the back of the little spiky ball. It seemed that the small animal still didn't liked him very much. But… at least he finally ate.
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To be continued!;D
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