#wow it's been a while since I've used that tag huh
ashes-of-ailell · 8 months
Some Wolves Route progress has been made!! Hopefully I'll have some more to update about soon.
I'd like to write the scripts for cutscenes and also the battle premises soon, I'm just waiting to post any of that in case I decide to change some things last minute :3
Basically, all I can say right now is I've made the decision to leave Flayn out of the Wolves Route - at least for the time being. I fully intend Shez to be the 'random recruitable character necessary to all FE games' for this story for now. If I figure out a way to include Flayn believably, I will do so! But right now, as I'm writing Pre-timeskip stuff, it's just not working out.
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urfriendlywriter · 2 years
gestures between friends to strangers turning into lovers :)
(feel free to use <3 can yall plsplsplssss tag when u write these, im such a suckerrr (requested by @sc3ne-l1v3s !) )
"oh wow- *practically fumbling to find words* you look.. grown." then immediately regretting talking ever .
walking into a café, secretly hoping they're there. and THEY ARE . better, if they're waiting FOR YOU.
"didn't you like this song before?" "you remembered." ✧。✰*♡
forced to work together and there's vivid tension all around you both
cramped in an elevator and they shield you. DAMN IT
^ "a-are you comfortable?" " *exhales, vividly turning red and avoiding their gaze* yea-yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
they do a little extra when it's for you. a very small gesture, but speaks loud
knowing much about the other, so you don't have to say a word when you're down, they just know it and they acknowledge it. (RISE YOUR STANDARDS YALL)
always bickering.
bickering as fun and they inch closer to you. eyes flickering down to those lips.
TENSION. and avoiding to acknowledge it. JUST BECAUSE.
"were you thinking about me?" "huh-" "because i can't seem to stop thinking about you."
gasping when they pull you closer to dance with them.
^ "god, I've always wanted to do this with you."
at that stage were y'all are whipped. simping for each other, but. BUT DENYING IT. BECAUSE YOU'RE AFRAID THEY'LL BECOME A STRANGER IN YOUR LIFE AGAIN.
listening to them talk about how they've been, while you realise, you are indeed in love with them.
"i can't be around you." "Why?" ".. you know why. you just fail to accept it. recognize it."
"i admit. I've had feelings for you ever since you forced me into becoming your best friend in third grade-" "Fourth grade, you mean. AND- WHY. DIDNT U TELL ME??"
"i can't leave. I've found my home in you, i won't leave."
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I don't really know how this thing work, because this is my first time and all.
But maybe heartslabyul people with a easy to forget Yuu?
Like Yuu could forget that they haven't eat yet and stuff, and could go on for hours before feeling hungry.
Yuu is pretty much dumb?? I wouldn't say dumb but more of a himbo? They can comfort you in their own way
Maybe you could call me
☕ Anon?
Cafe anon ?
Is that how you do it???
Thank you to you this message, because you reply to this message!
- New Anon
Hi there, Cafe / ☕️ Anon! Thank you so much for sending in this ask. I know it can be a little intimidating and confusing if you don't do it often, so I appreciate it! And yes, this is how you can tag yourself as anon when you're still shy, though I've also seen some content creators dub anons based on the topic of the ask they sent in, so I guess it's whatever makes you comfortable!
I know I had done an "easily forgetful Yuu" in this post here, though it was more generalized rather than dorm specific. I can go a little deeper though, since I'll be focusing only on a handful of characters! Since you didn't specify any pronouns, I'll be using they/them for now so please keep that in mind if you want to send any future asks! >w<
I hope you enjoy this! I'll go ahead and say this now, but I imagined Kronk while I was writing this, and it made me happy~ ÚvÙ
It was Ace and Deuce who realized early on how forgetful Yuu was, having to remind them why the four of them were prancing around an abandoned mineshaft dodging and not just having a midnight field trip. Despite being oblivious to the danger they were all in (especially when Deuce practically threw them onto his back and kicking away a giant centipede trying to bite them, or when Ace had to yank them back from falling into a large hole in the floor), Yuu somehow managed to stay calm enough to create a plan to beat the sludge phantom monster. As soon as the four retrieved the mage stone and destroyed the phantom, Yuu was so proud of their friends that they couldn’t resist reaching out to pet them while saying, “Good boys!”--much to the embarrassment and confusion of the monster trio.
As the days passed, Yuu and Grim spent the majority of their free time hanging out at Heartslabyul, getting to know everyone–including Riddle–very well. It was almost uncanny how easily Yuu was able to calm others down before trouble could start, whipping up spinach cream puffs with Trey and fawning over every animal in the dorm. So cheerful and content even with the visits with the researchers, it was hard to imagine the human ever getting angry–a little upset and pouty, but they would always bounce back with a smile.
“Totes a himbo,” Cater commented, adding a few hashtags to his latest post.
“What’s a himbo?” Deuce asked.
“It’s someone who’s big and strong yet oblivious or dumb,” Ace explained, smirking as he added, “Just like you!”
“Oi! I’m not stupid, Ace!”
“If the horseshoe fits!”
“Guys, take it easy,” Trey said. Thinking for a moment, he said, “It doesn’t exactly sound like a nice word to describe them…even if they are a little oblivious and forgetful.”
“It’s fine, really!” Cater said. “Himbos are described as being attractive but not quite so smart. Those tend to be pretty popular characters in media. See? As NRC’s only human rez, Magicam has been blowing up with likes and comments. Everyone loves Yuu!”
“Wow. Wait…what’s with the video of Yuu in a frilly apron and oven mitts?”
“Oh, that? I caught Yuu trying to open a box of treats for the lil’ hedgehog they were watching, and they forgot to take off the oven mitts. See the lil’ guy in the apron pocket? Totes adorable~!”
It was at that moment that Yuu came in, looking worse for wear as Riddle followed after them with a concerned expression. “Dude! What the hell happened to you?” Ace asked in shock.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Yuu asked, looking confused.
“I found them on campus near the forest,” Riddle said with an exasperated sigh, the faun pulling out the first aid kit and guiding Yuu to a stool. “They were attempting to climb a tree. Fortunately, they landed on a bush from a high point, so they didn’t get severely injured…as you can see, unfortunately, it was a thorned berry bush.”
“A baby bird fell out of the tree-ow!” they yelped, wincing when Riddle began plucking the thorns out of their clothes and skin with tweezers. “The little guy’s mom was worried, so I carried her baby up to her-ouch!-nest.”
“Jeez, did you slip off a branch or something?”
“Well…after I got it back in the nest, I…kinda forgot that I was standing on a branch and walked off.”
“...you…walked off the branch…”
“...how the hell have you not broken a leg?”
Yuu shrugged, wincing as Riddle began cleaning the scrapes and spots the thorns had been. “Aaaand…check!” Cater said, having taken another picture of Yuu’s messy self and typing away. “Ridiculously nic and oblivious. That’s our Yuu-bo!”
“Dinner’s ready!”
“Sweet! Breakfast for dinner? What’s the occasion?”
“I figured I’d do something nice and easy to make for everyone as a treat for helping me when I got hurt earlier,” Yuu explained, twirling the spatula in their hand before scooping up another pancake and flipping it onto a plate atop a stack of fluffy goodness. “Plus, Trey’s been working hard to feed us, so I wanted to help out!”
“Whoaaa, look at this spread!” Grim said, already drooling as he sniffed. “Eggs, bacon, sausages…oooh! These waffles have a heart stamped in the middle!”
“Oh yeah! I wanted to try out the new waffle iron one of Cater’s fans sent, and it works really well! It makes it easy to make a breakfast buffet.”
“I’m pretty sure the fans wanted you to have it anyway,” Trey uttered with a wry smile. Aloud, he said, “Thanks for making dinner, Yuu, but why don’t I take over? You’re still recovering from the fall.”
“I’ve got it, thanks! You already do a lot for everyone, so it’s your turn to relax.”
“Well…if you say so. Is this what you made for breakfast this morning?”
“...this morning?” Yuu repeated, expression going blank. “Oh…I think I forgot to eat breakfast this morning. Oops!”
Just then, a long, loud gurgling growl erupted from Yuu’s stomach, the room falling silent as everyone stared at them. It was Deuce who spoke as he asked, “Yuu…when was the last time you ate?”
Thinking for a moment, Yuu admitted, “Since…last night…I think? I remember feeding Grim, but…I got distracted and forgot to get a plate for myself.”
“Seriously? How in Twisted Wonderland are you still functioning on an empty tank!?” Ace said.
“I got so busy that I forgot I was even hungry! Let me just finish up this batch of pancakes and I’ll get some food, okay?”
“Nope. Not good enough,” Trey said.
Before Yuu could respond, the mixing bowl and spatula was plucked out of their hands by Trey while two of Cater’s clones appeared on either side of them. Led to a chair that was pulled out by a third clone, while the original hippogryph finished stacking a plate full of food before sliding it in front of them. “There we go! Make sure you eat every bite now, okay, Yuu-bo~?”
“Wha-? But what about the pancakes and waffles?” Yuu asked, looking concerned. “I gotta finish them–”
“I’ve got it taken care of,” Trey said, the pans sizzling as he added several more strips of bacon and poured the batter on the griddle. “Just sit there and I’ll finish the rest. We don’t want you passing out on us just because your blood sugar is low, got it?”
“Trey is correct,” Riddle chimed in. “Given your status as a critically endangered species, if word reaches the research institutions, they may suspect the school for neglecting your health and may seek to relocate you for closer monitoring.” His stern gaze softened as he said, “We also worry about you as fellow students…and your friends. We can only do so much, so please…don’t forget to take care of yourself.”
For a moment Yuu sat there in stunned silence, seeing their friends nod in agreement. Then…they smiled, looking misty-eyed as they sniffled. “Thanks guys…that means a lot. I’ll do my best to take care of myself!”
After that day, Yuu did their best to remember to eat, the Heartslabyul students making sure to remind or invite them over for a meal. Slowly this began to trickle into the other dorms, some of the other students inviting them to sit for a meal as well. Even Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts chipped in, either packing extra lunches or helping them clean up and reminding them to eat whenever they get preoccupied. While Yuu was still forgetful at times, they had nothing to worry about so long as their friends were by their side.
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
Thank you @nova-leaf for this tag too 🥰
wow i get to talk about myself so much im nervous
•How many tumblr accounts have you had before this one?
This is gonna be my fith tumblr account lol. I lose track of them really easily because I'm a silly funky guy with so much wrong with me.
• How long have you been in fandom?
Oh like. Since I was 10? God I remember my firat forays into fandom culture on amino it was an experience good god. My first fandom was Tolkien. I've only recently gotten into the Avatar fandom though. Still not sure how that happened but I'm having fun 🥰
•Your favorite trope in fiction?
I adore found family, cause I'm basic lol. The power of friendship is also a cheesy beloved of mine.
•Your favorite random fact?
Tolkien had beef with the Beatles. Hayao Miyazaki hates the Beatles. Junji Ito loves the Beatles.
•Your favourite game or kind of game?
Skyrim is my favourite game. Open world RPGs are my escape. I love them so much I try not to play them too often or I'll never get up lol.
•A place you’d like to visit? (If carbon emissions, logistics and money weren’t in question)
Hm. This is a tough one. I like to travel and I want to go to many places. But if I had to pick one point off that list, it would pribably be mount Shasta. I'm just curious, I guess, with all the legends and disappearances and odd happenings around it. Like I just wanna see the place not even have anything supernatural happen. Just be there for a bit? Call it morbid curiosity. Also the area seems beautiful even of itself like even if the aliens don't get me i think it'd be a nice hike.
•An animal you’re irrationally afraid of?
Ants. I like most bugs. I like spiders. But ants? Ants give me straight up panic attacks? I don't know why. There's just something very terrifying aout them.
Also. Swans. But that's not an irrational fear. Geese and swans are in my opinion the true successors of dinosaurs. If you haven't been a girl scout cowering in a flimsy tent with your three other girl scout friends, in the middle of a thunderstorm, while a pair of feral swans is trying to peck their way into your tent you do not know true fear.
Their pecks hurt like a bitch too. Their beaks are serrated like a fucking saw.
•What’s your favourite season?
Autumn. In Poland we divide Autumn into two mini seasons. Golden Autumn, which is early autumn, when the freshly fallen leaves are all crispy and beautiful. And then we have Rainy Autumn, which is when it has rained and gotten much colder. I love both.
•A smell that brings you nice memories?
Tea. I started drinking tea when I was very young. My dad is an Englishman and the moment i stopped drinking breastmilk i was immediately given tea with milk.
I think I associate tea very strongly with my family and feeling loved by them. When I was younger, my parents would often wake up before me, so they would often make me tea and wake me up with it.
Making tea for someone is still a huge gesture of affection to me and there's nothing quite like the smell of a nice hot cup of tea.
(If you’re ok talking about food. If not, delete this part)
•What’s your favorite food from where you were born? And what’s your favorite food from some place else?
My favourite food from Poland, huh? I love a lot of Polish foods, but I if I had to pick something it'd probably be krówki [which translates to 'little cows']. They're fudgelike candies, similair to Scottish Tablets and White Rabbit Creamy Candy. They're delicious.
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For food from a different country? @nova-leaf has put the idea of Shortbread into my head now so that's all ill be thinking about I have to see if I have the stuff to make some at home or I'll go insane.
•What’s your favorite drink (if you drink alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic)?
Alcoholic: Salty Caramel flavoured Krupnik. It is very difficult to explain what a Krupnik is? Its kind of like a liqueur.
Non Alcoholic: Orange Juice. It used to be diet coke but my addiction got so bad i had to quit cold turkey lest I completely wreck my health.
•Do you give your pets random table scraps?
Not random table scraps, but if I have any extra of whatever I'm cooking, and if they can eat it, I'll sometimes give them some as a snack or as an incentive while training them.
Thanks for the tag honey!
Tagging: @linnorabeifong @thatoneguy56fanfic @novaae @thenamescaba
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asukaskerian · 11 months
(Cherry wine ask!)
The way you write complex political stages that have such powerful undercurrents of cultural significance is SO CAPTIVATING TO ME. The way you combine the political world building with ABO plot is awesome. How do you figure out how far in depth to go? Do you find it a struggle to balance the plot development (with such complex machinations and layers) with the ABO side?
ahhhh #^__^# thank you.
the political stuff honestly just happens, and KEEPS HAPPENING.
... hm. actually i might be conceptualizing clans and political entities (countries, villages etc) like characters in their own right? kinda sorta. wow, i never thought about it like that, but basically? characters have set parameters for behavior/range of IC moods/atmosphere-mouthfeel which vary with outside pressure and a path (or several) for evolution due to outside pressure and inner growth and conflicts with other characters, and so must political entities? huh.
anyway when i wordbuild i'm usually sitting here going :
ohhhh i had a fun anthropological idea the other day (month, year) from reading that article, wonder if i can retool it so this clan can use it
alright, WHY is it like this... let's make up a historical reason.
ok now this historical event/pressure might have caused other developments elsewhere actually and i need a contrasting habit/tradition so let's give THAT development to this other clan so we can root the conflict through their mutual history and make it feel more solid
wait shit this is giving me OTHER possibilities for ELSEWHERE
etc etc
it's basically just my brain going "what IF" and giving me five answers to every background question, and since i'm a squirrel i try to fit all of it in. :/
i've been wrestling with the ABO genre for, uh, a LONG while, desperately trying to make it make sense, which is why my tag is ABO quest in the first place. because it's hot as fuck! and i love humans with weird nonhuman mindsets! but it DOESN'T MAKE ANY EVOLUTIONARY SENSE. and like, if the betas do nothing the alpha/omega dynamic is basically "alpha male stereotype/swooning female stereotype (+ the guy who does the laundry and MAYBE gets to give sage advice). and i also love polyamory and different concepts of family/romance group worldbuildings! so when i remembered that fraternal marriage was a thing i was like "oooooohhhh" and then it was just a long game of "ok but how does THAT interact with this and that part of the warring clans clusterfuck".
if i were writing just politics it would be too dry to keep me interested but if i only wrote romance and porn i would =__= "ok the outside world exists tho, this is soooo unrealistic" all the way through. unless it's a oneshot i can't be motivated by "the fallout is that they get to fuck", and if it's just cardboard cutout characters making Important Events Happen i can't make myself care. human element plz!
... ok but the real struggle is that i always end up having a bazillion super cool ideas and forgetting to save them into a word document for later.
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lotus-mirage · 10 months
Trigun Stampede episode 7 liveblog
Man I said this two-parter is really focused on Wolfwood, but this episode has his name as the title
Oh I see the destination is an additional threat to him. Huh. I wonder what the purpose of that is? Like just to mess with him, or to make the journey seem appropriately menaced, or what?
I didn't notice before, but it is incredibly funny that the letters front and center are B and L
I feel like half of Wolfwood's gun is like ammo storage lmao, he goes through that fast
Oh actual emoting from Livio! Not looking particularly cognizant, but it's something.
Oh there's Meryl and Roberto! Would not have figured that's how they managed to tag along, but if it works it works haha
The boing noises as the desert raiders are thrown around are fantastic
Vash is wielding his gun, backhand, like a blunt weapon. Possibly as a gauntlet idk. Still. Makes sense for him, but not something I've ever seen before lol
Mmmmhmm and now the "monsters" and "not human" assertions are being foiled.
Between Livio and Rollo, seems like they kinda get stuck on a single sentiment?
"It would have been better without you around" ...ah. I did not expect that and don't know how to respond to it.
Wow, uh. I mean we knew Vash was incredibly accurate at aiming before, but to redirect someone else's gun to land a clean shot (particularly one that has as much heft as Wolfwood's) is rather uncanny.
that method of getting another Worm actually made me gag ugh.
wait hold up what was happening with Livio's reflection. I don't think I recognize it?
Eef. Thought that was how it'd end, but didn't expect him to shoot and fall over the side. (I suppose it's possible that the 'if there isn't a body, they're probably not dead' rule applies here though)
"I just wanted to spread the good word. That's all." You know I think this does in fact hold true to the, uh. Real world weight? That this sort of phrase carries.
Okay this is the first we've heard of a topic that Wolfwood apparently has disagreements with the Eye of Michael over. ...Actually that was on an assumption that it's a decision on an action, not a religious thing. It's Wolfwood's initial verbal disagreement on religion, isn't it.
Switched to Eng dub for a second 'cause I wasn't sure who said the next couple lines, but yeah I think it's clearer that it's about Wolfwood's denial.
Wait speaking of that's also a Christian term too right. Like Judas denies Jesus or something? I know the term is used in relation to those two in particular but I don't actually know the specifics. It's like "one of you will deny me" or "one of you will betray me" and I don't remember which.
Not sure if that really matters in this case, though, since I don't think Bluesummers quite maps to Jesus lol. Anyways.
Okay yeah "Punisher" is definitely being used in relation to Wolfwood himself. Noted.
Lmao the "Hi!~" being in English really sold it
Ooh, worldbuilding. Spacefaring age, okay.
Wait if they're running around to all the controls, where are the people originally driving the ship?
Yay, character exploration and development from Meryl! (and Roberto to a lesser extent)
Oh wait the kid that fell in the first town is alive?? I guess I saw him moving a bit at the end there, but it was a long fall and I thought maybe it was his mom's movements while carrying him.
:0 Vash's arm fractured! Frankly I didn't know it could do that. That's not good.
Oh lmao it's the disproportionate response "Wolfwood..." that kept being memed on.
Oh NOW the title comes up!
Actually wait I saw something on this a while ago, too. They were talking about he asserts he's "the Punisher," then "Nicholas the Punisher," and then the framing basically hits him with a "no :)" That's so funny. Also kind of tragic. But still funny.
Oh hey this is the first time we've seen Vash in this sort of situation since he was a 'plant technician' in the first episode.
it can move in there!?
oh that looks really painful
it's humanoid already!?
maybe I leaned too far into the "oh it's kind of egg shaped" assumption lol
Oop, yep, I guess Livio's not dead. Or uh. Might be dead but isn't out of the picture?
Alright yeah Vash looks pretty out of it.
...was that him hitting the ground? oof.
End Notes:
Again not really much to say here! We got some character details, some worldbuilding details, lots of character development & solidification of relationships, and now some immediate threads to be followed up on (Vash's arm and the Plant reveal thing). Feeling much more invested than when I started the series and interested in seeing how this conversation goes!
I will say. The plant did not look uh. very intimidating. kind of reminds me of the... neopets fairies? I don't think that's right, but like some similar franchise kind of had similar vibes, shape-wise.
...is this the first time the Plant stuff got fully revealed in the show? I went in knowing and haven't been keeping track. I know it was established that Vash is a) non-human b) fell from a spaceship onto the planet and c) had 'relatives' in pods on said spaceship. Not to mention his twin also having pretty obvious markings. But I'm curious about the reasons for the pacing of these reveals, since we got so much of Wolfwood's backstory just last episode.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 11 months
hii teehee i just saw ppl asking for this and since im sick of the yangyang drought in here could you pls do ❛ i know how to keep my life and my crown. and i will. ❜ with yangyang?
[Choose a prompt and send me an idol! I’ll write a drabble for it]
"(Y/N)!" Yangyang ran up to you as soon as you'd closed the balcony doors and, likewise, you were quick to pull him into a hug long overdue. "God, I've been so worried about you, Highness," he lets his head fall into the crook of your neck and you held him tighter.
"I missed you too," you gave him one more squeeze before pushing him back at arm's length. "But, look at you! Wow, you really shaped up," you complimented him, though you weren't too used to the new knight's build on him. "Who would've thought two street rats would find their way into a castle, huh?"
"Oh, pardon me, I greet the star of the Empire, their highness the Crown Royal," Yangyang exaggerates his bow and you laughed and rolled your eyes.
"So... why risk your head to come see me?" You ask.
"I need an official reason to see my best friend?" Yangyang asks with a quirked brow. You eyed him suspiciously while his eyes slanted toward the door that was firmly shut and, in a quiet voice, he answered, "you're in danger, (Y/N)."
"Of course I am, huh?" You shook your head.
"The Rebellion, they're targetting you next, you're the last remaining bloodline of the Royal family," he says. All things you already knew. He checked the door again. "The King asked me to take you somewhere far from the kingdom. You have to survive," he says. You shook your head.
"I can take care of myself," you said, but Yangyang didn't look convinced. "I know how to keep my life and my crown. and I will," you said sternly. Yangyang sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I don't think you do, (Y/N)," he shook his head.
"I do!" You shot back.
"Do you?" He asked again. You nodded your head and Yangyang held your crown in his hand. "You sure about that?" He smiles and you rolled your eyes while slumping your shoulders, not even bothering to feel the space at the top of your head.
"You're insufferable, give that back. How did you even grab it with all the pins?"
"These ones?" Yangyang held the numerous pins in his other hand. "Child's play, (Y/N), even you could do this," he shrugs.
"Dare I ask when you grabbed it?
"You know when," he scoffs. You thought back.
"I thought that hug was a little too tight."
"There you are! The (Y/N) I remember, anyway, we gotta go now."
"Where are we going?"
"Dunno, somewhere far, at least until I get a letter from your rich dad telling me to bring you back," his smile grows and, naturally, you felt much safer. "But, uh, don't tell anyone. This is some top secret stuff, yeah?"
"Got it, I know how this works," you tapped your head with your finger and smiled, trying your best to alleviate the obvious worry Yangyang tried to hide, "see you in a bit?"
"See you in a bit and," Yangyang leans toward you, securing the crown on your head with gentle hands, "be safe," he opens the door and gestures for you to leave first and, once you were gone, he shuts the door and leans against it, covering his face with his hands. Then, as he brought his hands up to brush the hair out of his face, the obvious grin appeared before he brought his hands back down and again the worry was there. Then, he left the room, immediately being stopped by the last person he wanted to see.
"You, there, knight!" Dejun stops him.
"Your Highness," Yangyang greeted him with a bow. Dejun, the prince from a neighboring country and, distastefully, your fiancé.
"Have you seen (Y/N)? I haven't seen them all night and I'm supposed to bring them back with me."
"Nope, haven't seen them all night, sir," he says with a small smile.
"I'll keep looking around, let me or my men know if you find them," he rushes off and Yangyang waits until he's gone before walking off toward your room.
Tag List:
General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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5t4r1i9ht · 3 months
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I've moved for place to place trying to find a place that truly enchants me, I get word of Romania a beautiful country known for its castles and landscapes after studying the language for a while only to get partially fluent I decide it's time to move out, I've enjoyed Florida with the warmth and it's beaches but it truly isn't for me. Grabbing my leather Swiss army bag and a duffle bag and a pack pack I set out. I get on a train heading to Vâlvea County, on this trip I take out my laptop and begin to message the person I plan to stay with for the first few months till I get on my feet, he was the reason I planned to move to Romania anyways. He and I have been friends since I was little, we met at my middle school both of us were Cuban and we bonded over our interests in art. 'Andrew' though my nickname for him was 'Scot' somehow and he called me 'Nyx' I've always been enthralled by the stars and night sky.
"Hey how many more hours do you have till your here" -'Scotty <3'
"About and hour and 30 mins now"-'Nyxxypoo'
"I know your..different but some of the stuff here is intense, you won't be able to leave after coming here Nyx. It's your decision but I want you to be sure.- 'Scotty <3'
"I'm certain Scot, don't worry about me remember I may be older now but I'm just as skilled or more!"-'Nyxxypoo'
"I know I know, I'll see you soon<3"-'Scotty <3'
I smile and prepare some designs of jewelry I'd like to make before arriving at the village, a piece of amber that has a fly infused in it  is what I hope to be my first finished project after moving in.
-Time skip-
I got off the train, Scot said he'd be here soon to pick me up. When a Dacia 1300 pulled up that was purple with pale green accents I knew it was him "Hop in loser I got a lot to tell you" I roll my eyes putting my bags in the trunk and pulling out an Amethyst necklace that I made for him. I go to the front seat accidentally slamming the door warning me a glare from Scot, I pull out the necklace smiling oddly making his glare soften. Taking it from my calloused hands he smiles softly "thank you Nyx" I smile proudly seeing it fit his vibe. Off we go, he began to ramble about the village I signed myself off for, cold, a god? That's a woman? 4 lords?, huh? I blanked out a bit and after dumping enough information to fit inside the sun he turns to me "did you get that?" I nod awkwardly 'no' he sighs "you'll see anyways it should be fine." Now that concerned me. I raise an eyebrow "we're hereeeee!" He bursts out with a grin. I sigh opening my sides door and walking to the open trunk taking out my bags we head to the door as he fumbles with his keys. "I split the garage in half so now you'll be able to do your stuff and I'll do mine. you can put your stuff here" he motions to the now open side of the door. 
This is real.
And definitely happening.
I need a drink.
This is my first time making a comic like this so I apologize for the messiness but I added the fic I based it on, it is my work so there’s no need to tag another creator but I do hope you enjoy this silly comic I plan on posting more here, I just got over a years worth art block so I hope it’s no problem. Eventually I’ll move to digital media but my drawing tablets cable broke so I need to wait to buy a replacement ❤️
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illiana-mystery · 10 months
Results of the WIP Poll Game
Recently I was tagged by @eclecticwildflowers to participate in a 24-hour poll that involved my current WIPS. The winning WIP was to be updated when those 24-hours were up.
So with that being said, the winner was...
Space Oddity
So that's the WIP that's gonna be updated and I have a little sneak peek of Chapter 6 for you now. Enjoy!
Space Oddity - Chapter 6
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(Shout out to @kurtiplier for finding and sharing this picture 😊)
After lunch, you and Saaltar had to split up again much to his disappointment. But you had two more classes to attend, and he had his two to attempt to teach. So reluctantly, he let you go without a hug or a kiss to not alarm suspicion.
But just like you, he was anticipating seeing you again at the front of the university where you told him to meet you.
However, unfortunately for him, he had to wait a little longer than planned due to Professor Finnbar letting your Advanced Calculus class out late.
It was a nasty little habit that the older professor had, but you hoped today would be different. Too bad it wasn't. So you just hoped Saaltar wouldn't be too upset when you got there.
Luckily, to your utter surprise, you found Saaltar playing with a little sand lizard that must have been scurrying near his feet. The alien was standing on his knees while he patiently waited for the creature to climb on his palm. Not a second sooner, the lizard got the hint and did as the humanoid wanted bringing a wide smile to his face.
"Now what are you, you fascinating little creature?"
"It's a sand lizard," you said, slowly meeting the eyes of your love. "A Pandora lizard to be exact. They're called such since they like to burrow in holes that are usually occupied by little insects, hence opening a 'box' that let out vermin."
Saaltar just smiled, although you could tell he was a bit confused. So you quickly explained the myth of Pandora's Box. He gave you his usual nod after then went back to observing the lizard.
"I like him..."
"I think you mean her. Male Pandora lizards have brownish-green heads, females have just brown. They make really fun pets. I used to have one as a child."
"Would you like to hold her?" he excitedly asked.
You giggled.
"Sure," you replied before he carefully handed her to you. You tried to be as careful as possible since the creature was in its adolescence and much smaller than Megeara, your old pet.
"This is a young lizard. I've never handled one so small. My Pandora Lizard was an adult named Megeara. She was my best friend. I had her for about 12 years."
"Wow, a long living little creature then."
"Yeah, they have the longest lifespan of any lizard in this part of the country," you said as you put the reptile back on the ground. "She's probably is looking for her mommy though. So I'll set her free."
"That was probably the right thing to do," he said as he watched the creature disappear into the bushes. "I'm happy to see you again."
"Me too," you chirped. "I'm ready to go, if you are."
"I'm ready, but I want to go behind a tree first."
"Behind a...," you questioned before you realized what he said. "You really can't wait to kiss me again, huh?"
He shook his head.
"Okay, okay. Let's go behind a tree," you replied before you led him to the nearest one around.
You looked around to make sure the coast was clear and then you intitated the kiss. Softly, you grabbed his suit and pulled him closer to you as your lips connected. Fabric was soon let go after and then your arms coiled around his neck as his hands clutched your hips.
You were both practically humming into this kiss, quickly deepening it with the connection of tongue.
Then you pulled away, simply admiring how cute Saaltar was with his red flushed cheeks and happy grin.
"There, now let's go," you said. "I promise you they'll be more to come once we're alone and you can shed that meat suit."
"I can't wait," he happily said.
Stay tuned for more! I hope to have the full chapter as well as the current chapters of The Art of Seduction and Sugar Baby up real soon. 😁
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birdmenmanga · 2 years
10 People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @hexfloog​​ as well as @rainyfox3!! Thank you guys for the tag and sorry to rainy for the slight delay LMAO
Relationship status: Well... not taken by anyone, per se... but certainly there are people I'm taken with
Favorite colors: black white gray red <3 I want to cite scp for this but maybe it was birdmen after all
Favorite foods: oh... something salty for sure... red wine beef stew, maybe?
Song stuck in my head: Daisy - Zedd ft. Julia Michaels. this one's basically been on loop since Gary sent it to me. reishi song of all time btw. if you even care
Last thing you googled: water tank (images)
Time: 11:47 PM
Dream trip: Augh travelling is kind of a pain isn't it?? Planning a good trip and everything... that's pretty exhausting and I start wanting to draw after an unreasonably short time. I think I'd just like to go and meet my besties again... go up to NYC to see Fires, back to Florida to bump noses with everybody still there, visit Gary on the way, and then to wherever Emery is, whether that's Kentucky or Illinois or somewhere else. maybe hit boston since I've got a couple bosties (boston besties), and at one point california was on my hit list but not anymore, I don't think
Last thing you read: ?? Discord messages, probably?
Last book you enjoyed reading: lol! BIRDMEN. if we have to count text-only books, I suppose it's Kitchen (Banana Yoshimoto)
Favorite thing to cook/bake: oh... mushroom risotto maybe? Miso soup!! Mushroom soup...
Favorite craft to do in your free time: Huh... I haven't done this in a while, but since I don't consider drawing a craft, maybe Chinese calligraphy...?
Most niche dislike: The equalizer in Audacity. the first audio editing program I used was garageband, and that let you mess with the equalizer WHILE the audio track was playing so it made it more clear what you were actually changing. Whereas in Audacity it just plays you the same 5 second clip, which might not even sample all the different sounds that are affected by the equalizer... And even the way you adjust the values on the equalizer just isn't as good. in garageband you have these nodes that you can drag around and it sort of affects all the frequencies in a natural and organic way. whereas Audacity's is all straight lines... well, it's a good thing I don't do too much audio editing (he says, clearly having done at least a decent amount of it)
Opinion on circuses: I've never been to one but I'm sure they exist
Do you have a sense of direction?  yea
Tagging: @tangentiallly @jeepers-its-the-void @musichenni133 @midnight-revelation @ashe-is-here @hellishnotions @udurghsigil @desfraisespartout @kitsoa @blazinfox555
Wow usually I think I have trouble thinking of people to tag but there're definitely more people in my heart I want to know better. if I didn't tag you and you're like. idk. my birdmutual. well know that I'm looking at you with pleading eyes. and of course if you're busy with life there's really no pressure to play <3
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purplegirl20 · 2 years
We Meet Again
Pairing: Edge x Self-Insert (Me) with mentions Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley and Finn
Summary: A certain someone returns to me.
Warning: Fluff
Tagging: @ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @babiidee28 @sparkleva25 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442 @tmt-77 @blueberryomega @ironshamelessyouth
Note: I have this story saved up in my drafts for at least 2-3 weeks. I hope you enjoy this story.
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July 30th: Summerslam
It was a hectic Saturday afternoon in Nashville. It was 5 hour before Summerslam. I was in the hotel room, packing our luggage while Damian just left to the Nissan Stadium to meet Rhea and Finn.
Shaynell: Alright. Let see. Clothes are packed tight, check. toiletries in ziploc bag, check. Shoes and socks, Check. Sunglasses, Check. Ok.
Shaynell: Huh. Who's at the door. Did Damian forgot something again?
I quickly get the door.
Shaynell: Damian! I told you to double-check before to left before the arena.
"Hello Boston cream"
I quickly gasp as I recognize a voice. I look up and saw Edge.
Shaynell:(quietly) Edge....
Tears slowly trickle down on my cheeks.
Edge:(chuckling)We meet again, my love.
Shaynell:(tearing up) Sprinkle!
I quickly smile and hug him tight. Edge wraps his arms around me and hold me tight.
I quickly take him inside of the hotel cream. I quickly look around the corridor so no one would see us. We sat down at the foot of the bed to talk.
Shaynell: Sprinkle, what are you doing here? What you doing is risky.
Edge: I'm here to see you, my Boston cream.
He smile and kiss him on the lips.
Edge:(chuckling) I've been waiting for a whole month.
Shaynell:(smiles) I miss you so much, sprinkle.
Edge:(smiling) I miss you too, Boston cream.
I smile and ran my fingers through his short hair.
Shaynell:(smiles) It's so scruffy. I Like it.
Edge:(chuckling) Thank you
I continue blushing and smiling at Edge.
Shaynell:(giggling) I'm sorry for acting like this. It just that I miss you and I miss you face.
I smile and caress his bearded face, making him smile.
Shaynell: I miss your warm smile, your blue eyes. Everything.
Edge:(smiles) I miss your smile. Our escapade together. I miss them.
Shaynell: What are you doing in Nashville?
Edge:(chuckling) I'm here to get my revenge on the judgement day.
Shaynell: It about time. I've been waiting for your return. The judgement day has been running rampant. They've been terrifying the Mysterios for weeks, even ruining Rey's 20th anniversary.
Edge:(sighs) I saw. It make me so angry for hurting Rey like that.
Shaynell: I'm angry for Rey, but I can't show my anger for it.
Edge: Really? Why?
Shaynell:(sighs)Ever since they kicked you out of Judgement Day, the dark side of Damian emerge from time to time. It scared me.
Edge:(concerned) Boston cream, did he hurt you?
Shaynell: No. It his aura. It started to become cold and distant during stressful situations during these last 6 weeks. Some day he acts like his usual self and other days, he act cold and distant. They're even days that he won't reply to my texts.
Edge:(sighs) Wow. That's crazy.
Shaynell: It is. I have to be extra careful. He would send Rhea or Finn to look over me for any type of insubordination.
Edge: Wow.
Shaynell: I'm lucky that I'm unsupervised right now.
Edge: I see. So that why you haven't got a call or text from you.
Shaynell: I'm sorry for that. I was afraid that they found that that I'm still contacting you.
Edge: It fine. I'm concerned for your safety.
Shaynell: Thank you for worrying for my safety.
(phone vibrating)
I quickly look up my phone and saw Damian's name on the screen.
Shaynell:(gasp) Damian! Edge you have to go!
Edge quickly nods his head in agreement. He quickly kiss me on the lips and smile.
Edge: Until we meet again, Boston.
Shaynell: Until we meet again, sprinkles.
He smile and quickly left my hotel room. I quickly grabs my phone to pick up his call
Shaynell: Hey Damian.
Damian: Mija. Where are you? I'm been texting you.
Shaynell: I'm sorry. I was taking a shower.
Damian: (sighs) Alright. You know I worried for you.
Shaynell: I know baby. I'm fine.
Damian:(sighs) Ok. But please try to pick up your phone next time.
Shaynell: Alright.
Damian: I love you, mija.
Shaynell: I love you too. I'll see you at the arena. Bye.
I quickly hangs up the phone and sighs in relief.
Shaynell:(sighs) That was a close one.
I quickly grabs my purse and grabs my phone and charger and stuff in it. I double checked the hotel room to make sure that nothing is missing.
Shaynell:(sighs) Alright. Everything is packed up. All we need to do is pick it up after the show.
I left the hotel room to get to Summerslam.
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yayforstuffs · 4 years
Apple pie: What’s your favorite fall tradition? Foggy lake: Describe your perfect fall day
My favorite fall tradition would be Thanksgiving! The whole day. My fam comes over to my parents’ house for orange rolls and coffee and watching the macy’s parade in the morning, then we have the classic Big Thanksgiving Late Lunch, and in the evening we watch miracle on 34th street and eat pie! it’s so nice, i love gettin to hang out with everybody all day =7= mmm perfect fall day is clear weather, somewhere in the low 70s/high 60s, slightly breezy, colorful leaves both on the ground and in the trees, a cozy outfit on, and a mug of hot russian tea in my hands.
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gentlyouttatime · 3 years
thinking about prosthetics again
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toxinwing · 7 years
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The retirees of the 2017 Singapore GP.
Off to the left, we see some awkwardness. To the right, we have Nando telling the young’uns that a retirement is just another Sunday for him. And in the back, we can see...what I threw together because too many drivers retired from the race and I ran out of room/ideas.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
WAVES , erik johnson (chapter eight)
note, this is part of the waves series which is part of the heartbreak season series. here's the masterlist if you're interested. kat and erik's relationship is heavily based on jo and alex's relationship from grey's antomy. just if anyone's curious. another note, can't believe we're already on chapter 8. we still have a ways to go before kat and erik sail off into the sunset, but we're getting there and i'm very excited for it. pair, erik johnson x oc (kat foley) summary, the epic love story of kat foley and erik johnson. warnings, talks of child abandonment and child neglect, talks of drug usage word count, 1246 words
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(gif not mine)
"So..." Mel sang as Kat walked back to her seat with a drink.
"So...?" Kat asked.
"Boyfriend and girlfriend, huh?" Kat smiled, shaking her head, "Oh, look at her. She's blushing!"
"Hush, will you?" Kat playfully glared, "We're keeping it on the DL for now."
"Does Erik know that? Cause he's telling anyone and everyone who'll listen to him." Mel joked.
"He should know," Kat muttered, taking a sip of her beer.
"Well, it's about time. We've only been waiting for you two to get together since you guys met."
"What do you mean?" Kat asked.
"He started calling you his 'cute bartender'." Mel smiled, "He really liked you, and we could see that, but he didn't know how to express that." She explained.
Kat sat in her seat, digesting all the information she had just been told, "Sorry. Did I overstep?" Mel asked.
"No, no. You're good." Kat looked up and genuinely smiled.
After the game, Kat was talking with a few other girls while they all waited for the guys to come out. While Mel was digging through her bag for something, she handed Linnea off to Kat, played with the baby.
Linnea had played with Kat at a few games and at some parties before so they weren't strangers. Kat was swaying with Linnea in her arms as she talked with Mel.
Erik walked out and scanned the small hallway, looking for Kat. He finally spotted her, then his eyes quickly drifted over to the small child in her arms.
Both his heart and eyes softened as he watched Kat and his goddaughter, "Move, dude." Mikko shoved past him.
Erik realized he was still standing in the doorway, and moved out of the way. His legs moved towards Kat before he knew what he was doing.
"Hey." Kat and Mel turned to face him.
"Hi." Kat smiled, "You ready to go?"
Erik was too stunned to speak as his eyes shifted between Kat's smiling face and Linnea's, "Erik, you okay?" Mel teased.
"Huh?" He asked, his eyes drifting away from Linnea's giggling face, back to Mel's, "Yeah." He nodded.
"You ready to go?" Kat repeated.
"Yeah." He nodded, scratching the back of his neck. She tickled Linnea once more, before handing the baby back to her mother.
"Bye, silly girl." Kat beamed, waving to the little girl. Linnea was a giggly mess but waved back, hiding her face in her mother's neck.
Kat and Erik made their way back to Erik's car. Erik was still in a daze after seeing Kat with Linnea. Kat had, of course, interacted with kids before, but something about seeing her with Linnea did something to him and he wasn't sure what it was.
Since Kat was working, Erik decided to tag along and help her out. He couldn't get behind the bar, but he would help her bust tables and help serve guests from the other side of the bar. The night was great, and Erik helped her out more than some of the newer workers who were recently hired.
While Erik wiped down the tables, Kat was working on sweeping. The bells above the door jingled, but neither looked up, "Oh, sorry, we're..." She cut herself off when she saw who was standing in the entryway.
"Wow, I've rendered her speechless." The woman spoke smugly, "It's been a while, Emily."
Kat winced, "That's not my name." She spoke through gritted teeth.
Erik looked between both women confused, "Ahh, right. Kat Foley, right?" She scoffed, "Hated us so much you had to change your name." She nitpicked.
"What're you doing here, Talia?" Kat asked, her voice stronger than it was two seconds ago.
"Talia? Usually, people call their mother "mom." The woman scoffed again.
"Mother?" Erik asked.
"You must be the boyfriend." Her mother looked over to Erik.
"Yeah, I'm-"
"What are you doing?" Kat cut Erik off, crossing her arms.
"No, no, let the man finish." Talia crossed her arms back, "What's your name?"
"Ah, the hockey player. We've heard so much about you."
"From who?" Kat asked, her brows coming together in confusion.
"We've seen some stuff on the internet. You don't think we don't keep tabs on our daughter?"
Kat shook her head, "What're you doing here?" She repeated.
"Well, you see, your father and I-"
"No, get out." Kat cut her off right away, "I'm not giving you money." She shook her head.
"Oh, come on. After everything we've done for you?"
"Everything you've done? You've done nothing for me. You gave me nothing." Kat scoffed angrily, "Actually, no, you did give me something. You showed me how not to parent my kids." She gave her mother the harshest glare she could.
"I never want them to feel the same way I did when I was 5, watching my parents get high with their friends, then party till 4 in the morning. I never want them to have to worry about when their next meal is gonna be on the table cause mom and dad spent dinner money on drugs."
"So, yeah, mom, thanks for giving me that, 'cause that's not something any other parent I know can give their kids." She narrowed her eyes, "Now get the hell out of my bar."
"Oh, come on."
"You heard the lady. Get out." Erik told her.
Talia looked at Kat as if she was saying "You gonna let this idiot talk to me this way?"
"Get out," Kat repeated, venom dripping from her voice. Talia scoffed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head.
The moment she was out of the bar, Kat's shoulders dropped, as well as her strong-tough demeanor. She let out a deep breath and fell to the ground, dropping her head in her hands.
"Kat?" Erik asked, approaching her carefully, "You okay?" The only response he got was a broken sob, "Kat." He dropped to the ground next to her and wrapped his arms around you.
"You're okay." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her head and holding her close, letting her cry, "It's gonna be okay."
After a few minutes, she calmed down her breathing and she was no longer heaving through sobs, "Hey, you're okay." Erik cupped her face.
"I'm not." She shook her head, wiping her eyes, "I'm never okay. I'm never gonna be "okay"." She used quotation marks, "God, I thought by getting away, things would get better and my life would be better, but I was so wrong."
"You did get away from them. Look at this life you built without them." He gestured to the bar.
"I don't want to be serving up drinks for the rest of my life, Erik." Kat looked him in the eyes with so much truth it almost scared him.
"I know, but think of it this way. This is just a stepping stone to the rest of your life. You're not gonna be here forever, this is just you kicking off the wall in the pool. One day, I know you're gonna be doing bigger and much better things."
"You think so?" She sniffled.
"I know." He corrected.
She smiled, wiping her eyes again and wrapping her arms around him, "One more question." Kat nodded, pulling away.
“Who's Emily?" Kat stiffened, wracking her brain, trying to think of something.
"It's my middle name. They would call me by my middle name." She answered.
"Huh." He nodded, "Didn't know you had a last name."
"You never asked." She shrugged.
my taglist: @2manytabsopen @joelsfarabees @paintedbleue @juuuuuse @fallinallincurls @audryaho @tysonjost-taylorsversion @punkharts @particularnarry @sports-queer @ejsbootycall @Besthockeyfics @mrspowers @stars-canucks @dreamsndior @radiantroope @juliasvechaho @Janey_Deaux @2kidcrew
add yourself to my taglist!
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I've been feeling lonely lately. Can I get something for a ship? Helen and Aline if possible, since they get the least content. No pressure :)
No feeling lonely anon!!! (˘・_・˘) I'll try my best. I hope this makes you feel better
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was a cold winter night and the wind blew through the window. Aline moved her hand on the empty side of the bed. She had a habit of intertwining her fingers in Helen's hair while sleeping. They had been married and on their travel year after the Wrangle island. Aline woke up with a jolt, it scared her everytime Helen wasn't around, she walked out of the room looking around for her wife.
She saw a slender figure in the balcony looking at the moon. Her blonde hair flowing with the wind, she was lost in her thoughts. Her blue green eyes were weary and sleep deprived. Aline hadn't realised that she had been keeping herself drowned in work she never wondered why. Aline walked up to her and placed her hand on Helen's. Helen looked down and smiled, "Can't sleep without me huh?" Aline tucked her hair behind her pointy ears and placed her hand on her cheek, "How can I sleep when you're standing here like a faerie ghost, girl it's 3 fucking am. What's wrong?" Aline asked.
Helen laughed, Aline always thought her laugh was pleasant like the sound of wind chimes. "Why do you always know how to make me laugh" Helen said . "There's a reason I call you my 'fae-bae'. Now c'mon tell me what's wrong?" Aline asked putting her arm around her.
Helen's face lowered and her smile disappeared, "I miss them, Jules, Ty, Tavvy, Dru, Mark , Emma and Liv-" Helen moved away from Aline. "We can call them, or send a fire message for now. We'll be returning to them in just few weeks, they're fine don't worry. Of course if we call them right now they'll go crazy but your choice." Aline said placing her chin on Helen's shoulder.
"Yeah...." Helen said looking at the stars, "but Livvy won't be there. I couldn't save her...." A tear trickled down her cheek "Ave atque vale, Livia Blackthorn" Aline hugged her, they just stood there in silence the only sound heard was their breaths and heart beats.
"Do you remember what Mark used to do when he missed you guys at the Wild Hunt? Let's do that." Aline said picking the white flowers from the climber along the wall. "That naming stars thing? Yeah I do remember" Helen said and sat on the floor. "I must tell you it's pretty cold but we've seen worse." Aline said sitting down and moving her hair through Helen's hair, they were soft and slipped easily through her fingers. Carefully she braided her hair adorning her hair with the flowers she picked.
Helen pointed at the stars "look that's Mark, twinkling a lot, he can't stay steady. There's our small Tavvy right beside Mark 'cause he'd never leave his side. Then there's Ty a little distant from others but not too far. Look at those two above there, they're Emma and Jules, shining brightly raising the kidsas their own. Look there's Livvy watching over us all." Helen looked down and smiled, "did you just- wow my hair!" Helen squealed.
"it matches your t-shirt," Aline said placing a flower crown over her head saying, "and then there's the two of us forever together, never apart" Aline cupped her face and kissed her softly. Helen placed her head on Aline's shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep. Aline looked down smiling looking at her face, so peaceful just like the cold wind blowing the wind chime.
It's kinda short, I hope you like it. Absolutely agreed Heline gets the least content 😭😭
Characters belong to @cassandraclare
Tagging few ppl who'd likeyy
Lmk if you wanna be +/-
@queenlilith43 @ghafa-dale @garimamorgenstairsfairdale @crazy-beautiful @nerdyfuntheorist @hardlymatters @shadowhunting-hooligans @herondalebitchh @in-love-with-themoon @noah-herondale-lightwood @the-blackdale @fangirlinindia @fangirl2o20 @justanormaldemon @like-we-are-made-of-starlightt14 @kitandtyarelife  @whiskedthought  @gabtapia @malfoytookmyheart @a-book-locked-nerd @thorndale @agnesandmina @dark-kitai-is-back-for-real @purple-magic-2002 @magdalena-of-the-tower @fandomsandmess @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @mentally-unstable-fangirl
(sorry if I missed out anyone...also ik some of you aren't into tsc but weeell ┐( ∵ )┌)
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