regulus-books · 7 months
“Do you still like the stars, Pads?” Remus asks, tangling his hand up in Sirius’ hair, messing with the curly bits, tugging on them and watching as they spring back up into place.
“Hm?” Sirius tilts his face up to see Remus, who is staring at the top of his bed frame.
“Like, with your family all being named after them. How can you still like them?” Remus looks back down at Sirius. He can feel as his hair is releasing itself from the hold of the gel Marlene had put in it.
“They are not the constellations or stars they were named after, it’s quite easy to differentiate them. I mean, I don’t hate all of my family. There’s Reg, Andromeda. Narcissa can be tolerable, I know Reg still really looks up to her but her husband is a dickhead. Then there’s Bella, but she’s a lot different. Changed for the worse. The girls used to take me and Regulus out into the barn and ride horses with us. It was silly, we’d always race. Andromeda would always win, of course, she had the most talent and experience with the animals.” Sirius smiles at the mention of his cousins. “And of course we’d get in trouble, but it was worth it.”
“I’m glad there are parts of your childhood that are worth remembering.” Remus says, stroking Sirius’ hair back, then resting his hand on Sirius’ cheek, which is full with a smile.
find it on AO3 here
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cherienymphe · 3 months
What’s your fav smut scene you’ve written?
This is a very hard question 😭 I don't think I can say one but the ones that stand out the most in my mind are the first one in Ocean Eyes, the one in Shes With Me, the final one in the first installment of Twice Bitten, the one in What He Doesn't Know, the first one in Escapsim, the first one in WTPO, the one in Goosebumps, the one in bloodied crowns
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audiblehush · 2 months
Bridgerton S3 Song Spoilers (via interview).
Not gonna lie, if they were going to pick a Billie Eilish song for S3, I would have much preferred “when the party’s over” (for post-LW reveal) to “Happier Than Ever.”
Though if I’m being honest, I suppose how much WTPO fits depends on how they write the LW reveal. I’m assuming Pen is going to reject any sort of proposal Colin gives after his LW reaction, which is why WTPO fits so well.
How does HTE fit?? - I have a hard time seeing Penelope genuinely happy with her and Colin in this holding pattern… unless the song is meant to be her trying to convince HERSELF she’s happy without him??
Sigh… I just really wanted WTPO… guess I’ll go back to listening to my 165 song Polin playlist… (which doesn’t have a SINGLE Taylor Swift song on it… ) 👀
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What is WTPO?
That was an ask originally sent to cherienymphe about her story When they Party's Over
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suckitsurveys · 8 months
How did it feel outside today? Ughh its so nice right now. In the 60s and a tad rainy. I wish it would stay like this for the rest of the month, because apparently Halloween is predicted to be in the freaking low 40s, maybe even 30s by the time we Trick or Treat.
Are there any animals in the room with you? Nope.
How did you spend yesterday afternoon? I stayed home from work because I was TIRED and had way too much human interaction the past week lol. I did end up going to the store to get some pumpkins and firewood for our pumpkin carving party tonight, and some fake blood and makeup for my niece’s Eleven costume
Are any of your siblings taller than you? Yes, she is.
Name a song that reminds you of a past relationship: Anything by Interpol.
When did you last have a nightmare? I don’t remember.
What’s the goriest thing you’ve ever seen? I don’t know.
Have you or do you attend pep rallies regularly? I mean, in high school, we had to.
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life? Yes.
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L? L.
Have you ever been in therapy for anything? I definitely should be.
Do you think clowns are creepy? Not really.
If you had to write an essay about a popular song… what would that song be? Probably something Lana Del Rey.
When did you last have some fruit? I’m eating a banana right now.
What’s something you have to look forward to? Halloween, and then the holidays.
Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about? I mean, I haven’t told him every detail, but not because it’s a secret or anything, it’s just not relevant to our relationship.
Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours? Nah.
How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual? Most of them have, in one way or another.
Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? I don’t know.
Are any of your pets “overweight”? Sake might be, but I honestly think she’s just bulky and like 80% fur. Her mom was a big cat too.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? My husband.
Last person to tell you that you smell good? My friend Lolly.
Last person you told that they smell good? My husband.
What shows do you watch? Um, a lot? Mostly sitcoms, some adult animation, and HGTV shows lol. Right now I am watching seasons 30-40 of SNL because I haven’t seen all the episodes between those seasons.
Is there anything you are craving right now? Sushi, always.
Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you laughed with them? More times than I can count. We laugh together every day.
What are five Halloween costumes that you’d like to wear in the future? Billie Eilish from the WTPO video (which I am being this weekend), Tanya from The White Lotus, Pete Davidson’s character from the YEET SKRRT SNL sketch, Louise Belcher from Bob’s Burgers, April Ludgate from Parks and Rec.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what color his/her eyes were? Some kid on our block when I was 12, if that counts And yeah.
Whose Facebook timeline did you post on most recently? Probably for someone’s birthday recently but I can’t remember who.
Have you ever had a restaurant dish that was made with bugs? If not, would you even want to try one? I haven’t and yeah, I’ll try any food once.
Which edible flowers have you tasted? I’ve had hibiscus and rose before.
Who was the last non-relative woman you spoke to in person? Someone who works downstairs.
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? I don’t do that..
Who was the last person that apologized to you? I don’t remember.
What comes to mind when you think of pregnancy? Abortion.
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? Uhhhhh not my immediate family.
What is your favorite flavor of Jolly Ranchers? Watermelon.
Is your favorite animal endangered? Pandas are still, I believe.
Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? I don’t know, I don’t like writing in general.
Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? No.
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Allen.
Have you ever come close to drowning? Yeah.
So… remember Girl Scout cookies? Any favorites you had/have? Remember? They haven’t gone away? My favorites are the tag-a-longs and the lemon ones.
Why did you ignore the last person you ignored? I just don’t want to hang out with her and her fucking boyfriend who knows my ex.
Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Snoopy or Garfield.
Do you like chocolate milk? Yes.
What is something you hate, but wish you loved? Not really “hate,” but sometimes I wish I was a Disney Adult who went to the parks because the looks people create (Disney-bounding) are so cute and I’d have so much fun with it, especially making themed Mickey ears to match. But I can never see myself spending that much money to go to any of the parks, and none of the rides interest me.
What’s the cutest thing your S/O does, but denies it’s cute in any way? This face he makes sometimes. I can’t explain it but it’s freaking adorable and he hates when I say it is lol.
Who have you hugged in the past month? I’ve hugged lots of people this month actually. All of my family, a couple friends, and a lot of Mark’s family.
Last bad news you heard? I mean, the world is bad news right now.
Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant? I have.
Have you seen a baby being born in real life? Yup, my older niece.
Do any of your exes know each other? Yes, two of them were friends oops.
What’s an opinion you find impossible to take seriously? People claiming vaccines cause autism.
Have you ever changed in front of the last person you kissed? Yes, lots of times.
Do you have any goats? I don’t own any goats, no.
Do you hang out with your sibling’s friends? Not without my sister, no.
Have you experienced any severe side effects of medications? Sure.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings? Nope.
Have you lost any close family members to cancer? Close? No.
Do you know anyone who doesn’t have a middle name? Yes.
How often do you check your emails? For my personal email, at least once a day.
Would you want your kids to have your hair color? I wouldn’t want kids to begin with, so.
Have you ever had a big YouTuber reply to a comment you left on their video? Yeah, Grav3Yard girl replied once a million years ago.
Have you ever given a lap dance? Jokingly.
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postsofbabel · 9 months
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lovepinky71 · 2 years
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Life is not bed of roses 🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀 . . . . . . Follow @lovepinky71 . . Follow @lovepinky71 . . Follow @lovepinky71 . . . #billieeilishedit #hostage #watch #bellyache #vsco #allthegoodgirlsgotohell #whenthepartysover #listenbeforeigo #bitchesbrokenhearts #badguy#angelishsocietybillie #sixfeetunder #oceaneyes #idontwannabeyouanymore #mystrangeaddiction #cute #youshouldseemeinacrown #billieeilish #billie #eilish#billieeilishsmile #wtpo #patrickoconnell #wwafawdwg #mystrangeaddiction #eilish #youshouldseemeinacrown #dsam #bitchesbrokenhearts #buryafriend (at USA California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj9NyZ-vj06/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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talkfastromance4 · 2 years
When the Party’s Over//c.h
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But nothin' ever stops you leavin'
Quiet when I'm comin' home and I'm on my own
I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
• • • •
New oneshot coming soon. I’m real excited about this one!💜
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @Fobodob @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @fivesecondsofonedirection @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @hellasblessed
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neworleansspecial · 2 years
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Summary:  In need of money, Carlos applies for a job to be the bodyguard of TK Strand. He quickly realizes that he’s in way over his head.
Chapter: 9/10 | WC: 2.3k | AO3
<<< Previous Chapter | Next Chapter (Coming Soon)
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When Carlos comes back from Owen Strand’s office, he feels as if his blood has been replaced with liquid lead, every step getting more and more difficult with the weight flooding his veins. He has no proper solution to the dilemma. TK is more likely to be amenable to reasoning than his father, but he’s still much harder to have a real conversation with than most normal people. He has no one else to talk to, either; the Strands have effectively isolated him from anyone outside of this home. Sure, he sends his family money, and sure, he takes TK out into town every now and then, but he doesn’t have any relationships anymore that he can turn to. Even if he did, he’d be too terrified of people getting hurt to tell them what’s going on.
TK is still sitting in the garden, having a one-sided argument with a member of the staff. It goes something to the effect of TK berating them for bringing him the wrong drink, them offering to bring him the correct one, and him refusing it before going off again. It’s only when Carlos enters his line of sight that TK pauses, eyes flicking over his entire body as if searching for evidence of harm.
“You can go,” Carlos tells the butler, who nods and scurries back inside. TK rolls his eyes but doesn’t protest, waiting for Carlos to sit down so he can once more climb into his lap and rest his cheek against Carlos’ chest, listening to the pounding beat of his heart but choosing not to comment on it. “TK, we have to talk.”
“Well, you’re not fired, so what is there to talk about?” TK looks up at him with a salacious grin. “Gonna fuck me, finally?”
He sighs. TK doesn’t take him seriously- maybe he never will. It’s impossible to tell for certain. There’s no use in being actually upset about it, but a sting of frustration still cords its way through his ribs before he squishes it down with the same ferocity one might use when killing a spider in a seldom swept corner of the house. 
“We have to take a step back.”
Carlos tries to find a place to set his hands that isn’t TK. It feels wrong to hold his waist, his thighs, his face when he’s trying to say this. Beyond that, he must account for the fact that TK shouldn’t be in his lap at all right now. Baby steps. He’s certain that by the end of this conversation, TK will have placed himself at the opposite end of the couch with the childlike hurt painted over his features that comes into play anytime his wants are questioned. 
“I’m not your boyfriend, or your lover, or your fuckbuddy. You do know that, right? I’m your employee-”
TK shakes his head. “No, you’re on my dad’s payroll, not mine. And I don’t get how that matters.”
“There’s rules about that sort of thing. It’s not right, and my job-”
“Fuck your job.” TK grabs Carlos’ face so he’s forced to look him in the eyes. The tiny hints of freckles spattered over his nose look so much more defined with less than an inch of space between them. Little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes crinkle deeper when TK smiles at him, though it’s not a real smile; it’s the grin of a shark that smells blood in the water. “You don’t even need a job. I’ll just buy you whatever you want, and we keep doing what we’re already doing.”
He tries to look away before he drowns in TK’s gaze, but the hands cupping his cheeks don’t allow it. “It’s not that simple. We can’t- I can’t- TK, I’m not going anywhere. I’m still going to be right here, protecting you, like I have been. We can still talk and everything. I just can’t kiss you or whatever else it is you have in mind behind locked doors.”
This, finally, sends TK jumping out of his lap and crossing his arms in front of Carlos, staring down his nose at him as though he’s deciding whether to have him executed. It would hardly be surprising if that’s the direction he wants to take with this, though Carlos prays he has more sense in his head than that. 
“Where’s this coming from? I thought you liked me,” TK accuses.
“I- I do like you. It’s just- you don’t understand what kind of world you live in. You’re safe, sure, but no one else is. If I step out of line, I’m dead.”
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
Carlos fights the urge to pull his hair until he rips the follicles straight from his scalp. “It’s not always up to you. You don’t own everyone.”
His eyes narrow. “Right. Yeah. I don’t own everyone, but I do own almost everyone, including you. I’m telling you now that you’re not backing off for some bullshit reason that you won’t actually explain to me.”
There’s nothing he can actually say to protect himself from TK’s wrath and Strand’s threats both, so he sinks back into the couch and shuts his eyes. He’s desperate to pretend that this isn’t the life he’s forced himself into. In truth, his end goal comes to settle somewhere around waking up in the cold twin bed of his former apartment, realizing these last few months were a fever dream, and continuing on like his life always had. A TK free existence would most certainly be a more peaceful one for him.
“Carlos, come on.”
He won’t look at TK again. It might be the thing that finally causes him to snap and either turn into something he’s not or find a nice place under his chin to point the barrel of the gun Strand gave him, because he already knows his death cannot belong to him. For someone who thought they’d live a long and at least somewhat satisfying life, he sure seems to be spending a lot of time grieving his own oncoming death and trying to figure out which snake will be the one to bite him in the throat. 
Then TK returns to his lap, legs bracketing Carlos’ and pinning him to his seat. People are watching. A cold sweat breaks out on his brow in fear of what Strand is going to do when he hears about this, one which TK notices and pretends not to be affronted by. He plays with Carlos’ collar, not fixing it, but feeling the starched fabric in his hands like it might be the last puzzle piece needed to figure Carlos out enough to dissect him until he’s nothing more than a pile of loose spare parts for TK to pick at. 
TK makes a pitiful sound to try and entice Carlos’ attention, squirming in his lap to pry a whimper from his lips  as he waits for an in. When it becomes clear that he won’t simply receive one, Carlos’ cheek suddenly stings, white hot agony across it before he hears the sound of skin on skin. By the time he gets his bearings enough to open his eyes, it’s faded to a sharp smart that he can’t ignore but can work through. TK’s chest heaves with each breath. Both of them stare at the pink surface of TK’s palm. 
Cornered, TK shrugs, and nestles his face under Carlos’ jaw to play at comfort. It’s not an apology, but it is a reminder that he’s not going anywhere, regardless of Carlos’ opinion on the matter. He takes shallow breaths until he’s given the space to clear his throat and breathe,
“Your father suggested that I need to… ‘be smart about this,’ his words, not mine. He threatened me. And my family. I can’t- TK, you know I have to listen.”
The body in Carlos’ arms goes from relaxed like a content cat to a solid metal structure, a wire frame tiled with iron sheets, hollow beneath the stiff skin. He can’t see TK’s face, but he can imagine the parade of emotions bubbling up in him at this very moment. Carlos opens his mouth to say something to defuse the bomb he just lit, but no words come. This is a mess he made. He’ll have to lie in it. 
Before he gets up, TK bites Carlos’ throat, but the action is so quick that it’s an instant of sharp pain followed by a dull ache, leaving him to figure out if it even happened while TK stands up and adjusts his cuffs. 
“Give me your gun, Carlos.”
“Because I fucking told you to. Hand it over, now.”
Carlos hesitates still, so TK reaches over and yanks it out of its holster. Carlos has other guns and weapons on him, and he knows that TK is aware of this, but it seems as though only one weapon was needed. As he starts off toward the patio door, Carlos falls into step behind him. This isn’t going to end well, TK must know that. Every single guard they pass jumps to alert, a handful even leaving their posts to trail behind, uncertain if their backup will be needed. When the door to Strand’s office stares TK down, all of them frozen in place, he realizes.
This is going to be an execution. 
TK swings open the door without knocking and takes seven measured steps into the center of the room, Carlos practically in lockstep behind him to stay close enough to protect him when this inevitably goes south. The staff that had followed them now flood into the room, at attention along with those already at their stations, creating a hostile perimeter of a bull’s eye, and TK, Carlos, and Owen Strand make up the center. Owen Strand looks at them both and offers a thin-lipped smile as he steps out from behind his desk. 
“What’s this about, TK?” Strand asks, voice going smooth with a butter-like quality. “What’s got you upset?”
“Did you fucking tell him not to love me?”
Strand scoffs. “Why would I say that? And, for the record, those words never came out of my mouth. If someone normal and boring and useless like Carlos doesn’t love you, that’s not my fault. Look in the mirror.”
The light of the chandelier plays over every surface in the room. Carlos has spent the last few seconds entranced by the reflection of the tiny lights gleaming off the barrel of the gun, but now, when he looks at TK’s face once more, he can see them play on a wet line down TK’s cheek. The sole tear seems more wrought with despair than if TK broke down sobbing, 
“Me? No, you look in the mirror, Dad. What’s- what’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing’s wrong with me.”
TK shakes his head and raises the gun to point at his father’s head. “Bullshit! Something had to be, to make me this way.”
Strand doesn’t respond to that, just nods, dripping in condescension. Carlos’s hand twitches to his side, as if to retrieve his weapon in case things get messy, but he immediately remembers that his gun is currently in TK’s lightly shaking hands. It’s then that Strand flicks his own gaze to Carlos, just long enough to get caught. It’s a challenge: pick a side, but make sure it’s the right one. 
“TK,” Carlos says.
At first, he gets no response. TK stays stock still, one eye shut, staring down the barrel of the gun at his sole surviving family member. The moment could be memorialized in a movie, with the symphony playing so loud it rattles Carlos’ eardrums, all extreme close-ups and dynamic lighting. Not a soul in the room breathes. The other bodyguards are all frozen, unsure what to do. Their job is to protect the boss at all costs, but they know better than to lift a finger towards TK.
“TK, look at me.”
“No,” TK replies. 
“Listen to me, then. You don’t wanna do this.”
TK’s arm is beginning to waver from holding the gun still for so long. The seconds drip by, each its own eternity, while the whole room holds its breath in wait for the conclusion of such a confrontation. Carlos feels the eyes on him, above the Strand men. He’s the one who has to throw his weight around here. Carlos is the only one who can stop TK. 
“How do you know, Carlos? You just got here. You’re not the first thing he’s done to me.”
TK may as well have struck him again. “I’m not a thing, TK.”
“Yeah, you’re a person, right. You’re a person he used to hurt me.”
“Don’t kill him over it,” Carlos insists. “Don’t do this. You’re going to regret being the one to kill your father.”
“More than I’ll regret it if I don’t?”
“Take it from me, son,” Strand says slowly. He looks relaxed to the casual observer, but Carlos catches the bead of sweat on his upper lip. “You won’t survive killing me.”
TK’s bottom lip wobbles. He looks between his father and Carlos, not sure where to go now that he’s here, not sure how he even got here in the first place. Holding a gun, struggling for control, finally standing up properly to his father, and he looks like a kindergartener playing dress up with Daddy’s things. 
“TK,” Carlos says again.”
He takes a step forward, slowly moving his hand so TK has time to safely evade before his fingers close around the gun. He eases it from TK’s grip before quickly restoring it to safety and putting it back in its holster. 
Owen gives him a nod of approval and straightens his suit. 
“Well,” he says. “What do I do with you boys now?”
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reyskitchensink · 4 years
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Felt the need to paint some Billie
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lupe-art · 5 years
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P a r a l l e l s
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vanthica · 4 years
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I was trying out new drawing software I got (Rebelle) and ofc I drew Billie I like it’s watercolours really much, I think I am gonna explore them more
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cherienymphe · 4 months
In wtpo will rafe and r kids turn out like rafe or will they genuinely be good people/kids
Mmm I'd like to think they'll turn out more like their mom with some rafe tendencies. Unfortunately he's their dad and raising them too so they won't come out completely unscathed. Plus Rafe tries his best to seem better in front of them
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moonlockscreensz · 6 years
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When the party’s over lyrics 🥀
Like or reblog if you save & give credit if you repost
(@0073.uv ‘s drawing from ig on the first lock)
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eilishofficial · 6 years
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don’t you know too much already? I’ll only hurt you if you let me
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avacadoeilish · 5 years
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Ughhhh when she lip syncs to songs 😛😛🤤
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