#x Calypso
bomber-grl · 2 months
Cuddle/Sleep Headcanons 💤🌙
Pairing(s): characters x Gn!reader
Character(s): Percy, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Calypso, Ethan, Nico, Octavian, Reyna
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Percy Jackson
He’s a horrible sleeper
I mean sure, you can sleep and cuddle like the couple you are
However, that doesn’t stop him from sleeping wildly
Limbs sprawled all over the freaking place and the only reason you know is because of the concerning amount of times you’ve woken up under some of them
To make it worse?
He’s a blanket hogger
He doesn’t rlly hog it in the sense that he steals it all
I mean he does, but he sorta just slides off the bed and takes the rest of the blanket with him
The urge to just 🔫
But yea 😞
Nice to cuddle with but not to sleep with sorry not sorry
Jason Grace
Kinda stiff ngl
Like damn bitch, you live like this?
Plus he sleeps on his back face up 😭😭😭
Like wtf Jason
Are u ok?
In terms of actually cuddling, he’s pretty good
His arms are firm and his hugs are tight yet comforting
Plus he smells pretty good
Like no joke
I’d kinda see you sleeping on his chest since bro sleeps on his back
It’s nice but the stiffness is not appreciated 🙅
Atleast he’s not a blanket hogger and he’s quite considerate with the blankets and stuff
Leo Valdez
He sleeps two different ways
The first way is pretty compacted
What I mean is, he sleeps he sleeps bundled up by the blanket in a blanket burrito
The other one is where he sleeps sprawled out, limbs all over the place, blanket discarded
Just like Percy
So when he’s in a blanket burrito best believe he’s taking you with him
He usually does this during winter because he naturally runs hot
Anyway, he pulls you in and kinda bundled the blanket around you two for you guys to cuddle and be as close as possible
But when he’s sprawled out with his limbs everywhere he likes to cuddle with you on top of him
That or you’re abused and crushed by him in your sleep
Plus yknow how he runs hot? Well it’s absolute hell
It’s so hot and honestly suffocating when he’s sleeping on you 💀
Throw him on the ground pls
Ima rate him a 7/10 cuz he ain’t bad and if anything I love him so 🤷
Frank Zhang
He’s the best
He’s obviously huge so
He fully embraces you and hugs you so it’s pretty comfortable
And he sleeps on his side or stomach so there’s plenty of room
Even if he’s a bit stiff he’s still pretty nice to cuddle with
He’s pretty considerate on how you like to sleep/cuddle
He likes holding you so he’s not that picky
Honestly nothing to complain about with him
Except for one thing…
You can’t tell me this guy doesn’t fart 😐
I’m sorry but he just gives me those vibes
And it’s so bad
And not even on purpose either
It just happens but it’s the most traumatic thing ever
He feels pretty bad too 😭
Also when y’all are sleeping you just end up on different sides of the bed
He’s just casually on top of the blanket and you can’t even pull it from under him
You’re left shivering in the cold
Hazel Levesque
I love her 🫶
I see her sleeping on her sides and stomach tbh
She’s so sweet too
She loves to cuddle with you and even tho she doesn’t rlly have a firm grip she still likes to hold you
She especially likes to sleep on you
Either on your chest or just cuddled up to you
And she smells pretty sweet
Like clean laundry too like lawd
But ofc there’s gotta be some downsides
There’s isn’t really none with her, but with you
You end up stealing the blankets and hazel wakes up mad and cranky
That’s all and she quickly forgives you
Annabeth Chase
Sleeps on her back or side
She doesn’t really like cuddling all that much
She prefers to have some space and stuff when she sleeps
But if you want, she’s open to cuddling
She loves to both be held and to hold you
Mostly it’s mutual holding
Plus she probably sleeps with the fan on
Idk how to explain it
If you’re the type to always talk during night time then she’d react differently
Like if you gotta sleep asap cuz of the mission and all you do is yap
Then she’s turning her back on you and ignoring
What a meanie
At least she apologizes the next day but still
I don’t rlly see her stealing the blanket or anything but she is pretty stiff
Like besides hugging and stuff she lowkey just lets you hug her when she doesn’t feel like moving
Also since she smells good ofc ur gon sniff and she’ll be weirded out and ignore u this way too 😞
Piper McLean
She sleeps anyway tbh
She pretty cuddly and likes to snuggle w you
She usually likes to be held, but either way is fine
Especially after a fight or exhausting time with monsters
She’ll hold you in her arms too
She smells pretty nice and if you say so?
Well she finds it endearing
Unlike a certain someone
*cough cough* annabeth
But yea she’s the best
But she won’t hesitate to kick you out if you refuse to share the blanket
She gets enough crap from Leo
Who is just constantly annoying her
The best
Like she fr loves to cuddle
With everything she’s been through best believe she’s the best cuddler
Honestly she sleeps whatever way
She’s another who loves to be held and to hold others
Especially if you’re hurt or anything
Then she’s try and tend to you
Even in sleep
Most times she’s a small spoon
She’s loved so many people who never loved her back
So perhaps she’s just a tad bit touch starved
And would obviously give in to any affection
As previously mentioned she loves to hold you too
Mostly just having you lean on her shoulder or lay on her lap but it also extends to cuddling on occasion
She’ll have you lay on her chest and in her arms and play with your hair
Ethan Nakamura
He’s so stiff it’s painful
(Not actually)
He’s definitely loyal, the books show that much
So despite his personal feelings with touch (he’s no doubt another touch starved person) he’d like to cuddle with you nonetheless
Not much in the beginning but he’d definitely warm up to you
And in the process, realize how much he wants it
He’ll let you love him however you want (cuddle him) and let you play with his hair
Which he loves
Eventually he gets enough courage to reciprocate
But he’s still stiff
Not the best when hugging or cuddling you because of how flustered he gets
Once you two go to bed and he falls asleep, he gets pretty subconsciously protective so he’ll hold you tight
Nico Di Angelo
Just yes
He loves to cuddle never made it obvious before tho
Another who was pretty stiff and touch starved
He gets over it quickly when he sees what you have to offer
I mean usually he just sleeps bundled up under the blankets, engulfed by their warmth
But with you there he just pulls you under the blankets with him so you can cuddle that way
Is mostly just mutual holding
He mostly just liked to intertwine your legs or hold onto you like a koala
I see him as a blanket stealer when you’re not glued together
He’s either super sleepy or not at all
When he’s tired he just drags you to bed, since that’s the only time nightmares don’t plague him
But when hes suffering from his insomnia he likes it when you stay up and talk with him
Idk to him it feels intimate but if you choose to go to bed, he won’t take it personally
If you play with his hair he won’t admit it but he loves it
Sorry I hate him but seeing that you’re here, you probs love him
So let’s get this over w
He’s rlly long and lanky and boney
Doesn’t stop yall from cuddling tho ig
And like a weirdo he sleeps on his back, arms to his side, head facing upward
Honestly probably obsessed with you
Only way he’d cuddle/ be in a relationship with you
He’s probably never been touched by another person
So he definitely likes to be held
Plus the bastard is selfish
And he doesn’t hold you
Yea so 1/10
I’m being generous
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
I love her 😭🫶🫶
Yea she probs love you so ofc she’s gonna cuddle w u
Often times she’s busy with the duties of praetor so she can’t cuddle 😞
But it’s ok cuz when she can it’s the best
Not only is she holding you and making you feel cared after
But she also plays with your hair
Also you have to hold her
I don’t make the rules, just look at her, she needs it
When you do she’s a bit put off
But eventually she lets you coddle her
So more often than not she’s little spoon and comfortable
Just like she deserves
Yes beautiful
Note: I just realized Reyna is a hunter now idk why I even wrote hers 😭 maybe pre-hunter Reyna or lesbian Reyna??? Idk man
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queerly-autistic · 4 months
Here's the thing: Stede didn't enjoy or get a thrill out of killing Ned. He was fundamentally upset and traumatised by it. Not only did he have immediate flashbacks to traumatic moments in his childhood, but he then fled the crew to go and sit in his room and cry. When Ed knocked on the door, he was sitting on his own in a dark room, looking completely crushed.
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But the key thing, and potentially the reason why he was able to move on from that moment (and why he was able to get - briefly - swept up in the infamy of it all rather than remaining upset and traumatised), is that he wasn't left alone to sit and marinate in these feelings. Because Ed came to find him. Ed's formative trauma - the trauma that has shaped and moulded his entire life, rising up in his darkest moments and making him feel like an unloveable monster - is an act of violence he committed in both self-defence and defence of someone he loved. Exactly like Stede did with Ned. He's the embodiment of what happens if that sort of trauma is allowed to fester. And he didn't let that happen to Stede.
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Ed refused to let him be alone with this, instead appearing at his door to offer comfort and understanding and support, and, most crucially, love (particularly important considering Ned's taunting that Ed wouldn't be interested in Stede anymore if he went through with this). That soft little 'you okay?' is everything, because it's exactly the softness, the love without judgement, that Ed didn't get in the aftermath of killing his dad.
There's a reason why, despite Stede initially grabbing Ed and doing a bit of ye olde wall slamming, that very quickly fizzled into something much softer, with Stede practically collapsing into Ed and Ed circling his arms around Stede comfortingly and protectively. It's two people coming together around a trauma they both now share, seeking comfort and love and support in one another.
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And yeah, the next day, for a moment, Stede got caught up in the infamy and attention he was getting for killing Ned, but that's fundamentally not who he is. This is who he is. And this isn't Stede getting turned on by violence or enjoying being a bloodthirsty pirate or embodying toxic masculinity. It's the opposite of that.
This is a man deeply traumatised by an act of violence he has committed, being loved and supported and held through it by another man who is deeply traumatised by a similar act of violence he committed, and loving and supporting and holding him right back because neither of them need to suffer alone anymore.
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edscuntyeyeshadow · 7 months
love how they casually put a pride flag in this 18th century pirate show lmao david jenkins does not give two fucks
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wowthatsextra · 4 months
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Rachel Elizabeth Dare doesn’t need to be the Oracle to give Percy Oblivious Jackson a reality check
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thehappyfeminist-22 · 4 months
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I've never seen anyone look so tender or so in love than Ed looks at Stede when they're about to make love for the first time.
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jacobglaser · 8 months
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I live here now
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kermitthesog · 6 months
okay, why did I just remember that Calypso cursed Annabeth in House of Hades? That whole scene really cut deep to me. They were fighting Arai, and Annabeth suddenly can’t find Percy and is calling out his name. It reveals that Calypso had cursed her for being his love interest. I don’t know why that resonates with me so much. It snaps Percy back to the reality that he had to leave Calypso on Ogygia. As he’s fighting for his life, barely able to stand, he’s reminded of deep regret. How he had been such a terrible friend. It’s so powerful in that scene.
Another thing about that is how the curse worked. Annabeth started to wonder why Percy left her. Percy tried calling out to her and getting close, but every time he did, she’d be moved farther away. This is probably exactly how Calypso felt.
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sweetercalypso · 1 year
Please can you write about being catcalled when you’re with Joel? Like what do you think he would do?
wc: 0.7k cw: threats/slight violence, suggestive comments
Life in Jackson is quiet.
It’s reminiscent of a time that not many remember. Fit with a heavy artillery of patrolmen and a clinic and a working bar, Jackson made it easy to pretend that danger was no longer a concern.
Some of the men in the community weren’t so well-adjusted to easy living, and learned to find the familiarity of violence wherever they possibly could.
Walking back from Tommy’s house one evening, you’re reminded of how pervasive the threat of humanity can be.
Joel leads you home after dinner with his family. Ellie had stayed behind at Maria and Tommy’s with promises of hot chocolate and a new book that Tommy had procured on patrol the week before. You’re wrapped around Joel’s arm, giggling at whatever nonsense story he was murmuring into the quiet air when a sharp whistle kills the hazy warmth of the night.
Standing alone in the pale-yellow light of a streetlamp, one of the men from a group of newcomers stares darkly at you and Joel as the two of you pass by. His eyes had been stalking you from the time you turned the corner, like he was waiting for the perfect time to make his move.
“Lookin’ good, baby. I’d love to get a piece of that ass.”
Joel stops dead in his tracks like he’d been scorned by the man’s words. It was obvious the stranger was looking to pick a fight, and Joel was not the type to let a remark like that go.
“The fuck did he just say-”
“Ignore ‘em, Joel. He’s just trying to rile you up.”
Your grip on Joel’s sleeve tightens to give the man a chance to reconsider. Maybe he didn’t mean to offend you and he’d apologize. Maybe he’d realize who Joel was and he’d run away. Maybe –
“Let me know when the old man croaks, sweetheart. I’ll show you how a real man takes care of a pretty thing like you.”
Joel whips around abruptly with rage in his eyes and tears his arm out of your grasp before you even realize what’s happening.
He pounces on the man and grabs him by the collar, pushing him backwards until he smacks into the wall of the building behind him.
“Shut the fuck up,” Joel snarls.
He slams his hand against the faded brick, barely missing the side of the man’s face with his palm. Too stunned by the scene playing out in front of you, you’re frozen where you stand in the middle of the street.
Realizing that he had made a mistake, the man puts his hands up in surrender, opening his mouth to speak when Joel cuts him off.
“If I hear another word out of your mouth, I’ll knock your head clean off your shoulders. You got that?”
He nods frantically, clearly aware that he’s not in the position to argue.
“Don’t ever talk about my girl like that again – or any woman here, for that matter. This ain’t the kinda place where people let that slide.”
Barely an inch separates the two men as Joel barks abuse at the creep until he’s red in the face. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen him this upset.
“You so much as look at her again and you’re dead. D’you hear me?”
The man shakes his head in acknowledgement, too stunned to respond.
Joel yanks him forward and away from the wall, almost throwing him to the ground from the rough force he uses. He holds the man at arm’s length, speaking loudly enough for you to hear him where you stand a couple paces away. “Good. Now tell her you’re sorry.”
The man meets your gaze over Joel’s jacket clad shoulder, stammering through his dazed apology. “M’sorry, ma’am. Won’t happen again.”
Joel releases him with a rough shove and backs away nodding. “You’re damn right.”
He walks backwards until he’s beside you again, your hand slinking under his outer layer to rest securely over his chest.
“My hero,” you tease, pressing a kiss to his cheek as the two of you continue your journey back home.
Watching over his shoulder as the the stranger staggers into the night, Joel mutters under his breath,
“I’d rather deal with the damn clickers.”
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bougiebutchbinch · 6 months
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part of a series called 'fold that old man in half, Feeney' wherein Calypso enjoys herself with a very willing sacrifice~
(Izzy still has his pants on in this version of that second pic, don't worry ksdhgkldsg)
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keilanana · 24 days
𝑻𝒐 𝑫𝒆𝒇𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆
ᴏ. ʀᴇɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪs ᴀ ᴛʜɪɴɢ, ᴀᴘᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ
You find out reincarnation actually exists the hard way and sort of maybe go through the five stages of grief?
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Your death comes to you in the most embarrassing way on your thirteenth birthday.
On your way home from school, you had decided to take the long route and found yourself walking across the edge of a bridge, arms held out to help you keep balance and your mind somewhere far away.
Unfortunately for you, though, your far away thoughts cost you your focus, so you failed to remember that it had rained last night, and the bridge was still wet from the storm's assault in result.
All in all, your realization came too late in the form of you slipping and falling into dark, deep, rushing water that sung with triumph when your form fell into its embrace and sunk into its depths.
Death didn't last long, luckily enough, but that was only because you somehow opened your eyes just after closing them in acceptance of your inevitable end.
Needless to say, when you woke up—expecting either the gates of Heaven, the fiery pits of Hell, or perhaps nothing—to find yourself staring up into the eyes of two women you had never seen before in your life, you were pretty confused.
One of the women, who just so happened to be holding you, for some reason, had [S/t] skin, long, [H/c] hair, and fox-like [E/c] eyes that stared down at you with such pure adoration, you nearly did a double take to see if maybe your eyes weren't working as well as they used to due to, you know ... dying.
The other woman was quick to take your focus from the other one, though, and that was probably because of the fact that she had horns and goat ears??
Maybe you were right about your eye sight, after all. It clearly must've had something wrong with it now, if you were starting to see people with horns and goat ears.
"[Y/n] ..." The whisper of your name makes you return your attention to the woman holding you, and she smiles down at you, emitting a sort of warmth that had you snuggling closer to her before you could even think of stopping yourself. The action seems to please her, because her smile grows and she pulls you closer, placing a kiss atop your head.
You hear the other woman chuckle, the noise fond and just as warm as the presence of the one holding you, and then watch her from the corner of your eye as she draws closer and slips her arm beneath you, wanting to cradle you as well.
"Welcome to our world, little one," you hear her say, and with their combined warmth, you can only keep your eyes open for so long before exhaustion consumes you once again.
(In the back of your mind, the horned woman's words echo; "Welcome to our world"—something meant only to be a greeting to the new being they've brought to life, yet despite this, you can't help but feel as though it also alludes to something deeper.
But for now, sleep comes first, and you promise yourself that you'll only feel semi-disappointed when you wake up and learn this was all only a dream.)
You're going to lose your shit.
It was not a dream. This is not a dream.
You end up balling your eyes out for hours. The two women you had thought to be mere figments of your imagination (your new parents, apparently) panic throughout the entire ordeal and do everything they can to get you to stop, but for as bad as you feel for making them worry, you just can't stop because you were dead you were supposed to be dead how is this even possible—
The only peace they get is when you're asleep, but even then, those moments can only last for so long before the nightmares—the memories have your eyes shooting open to fill with tears in seconds, and then the cycle starts all over again.
Your parents (no they're not they can't be yours and you can't be theirs oh god do they even know what's happened to you back home what happened to your body) are, understandably, very concerned. Since coming home, you've done nothing but cry and cry and cry, and nothing they do can get you to stop. They've already tried taking you to the doctor, believing for a horrifying moment that you must have been painfully ill, but the appointment only ended with the man—eyes filled with sympathy for the couple—telling them that you're actually perfectly healthy.
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that there isn't anything that I can do to help you," he'd said, your cries just as loud as ever and making the [E/c]-eyed woman holding you—Penelope Ophelia—gather you up from where you were sitting on her lap to rock you gently in her arms in a desperate attempt to soothe you.
"Really?" Penelope's lover, the woman the horns (that the doctor doesn't seem to notice, mind you), sent the doctor a pained, frustrated look. "Nothing at all?" she asked.
He only shook his and apologized again.
You don't know how long it's been, nor do you care. All you know is that you were dead, and then you weren't, and now all you've ever known most likely doesn't matter, because who knows if you'll ever see it again?
But then one day, as if your world couldn't be turned upside down anymore than it already has, you manage to catch Penelope's loud gasp above your crying, and then—
"Willow! I think I know why [Y/n]'s been crying!" she says, suddenly rushing over to you and lifting you up for a closer look at your head. "They have horns coming in!"
You hear someone—Willow, obviously—spit their drink out from the other room, and the shock you feel at Penelope's words turns out to be all it takes for you to finally stop crying.
'Horns'? Did you hear that right?
Clearly taking your stunned silence as a sign for whatever reason, Penelope begins to coo at you and bring you close to caress your head and kiss it, and—Oh. Oh.
You can feel them: the horns, small bumps on your head (for now), everytime Penelope's delicate hands brush over them. The movements are gentle and careful, obviously out of fear of accidentally hurting you and setting your constant crying off once more, and your mind is so caught up trying to piece together an explanation for—for all of this—that you don't even notice Willow coming into the room, a bright grin on her face as she takes in the small nubs growing from your crown and says:
"Would you look at that?" She laughs and takes you from Penelop's grasp to hold you up in the air like that monkey from The Lion King did. "Looks like I win the bet after all! Ay, little satyr?"
Willow laughs again when she sees her wife playfully roll her eyes, and you—for the first time since you've been brought to their home—remain silent while your entire world crumbles around you.
The Percy Jackson series was a gift to you from your grandparents on your eleventh birthday, and you were obsessed with it ever since.
When you found yourself sighing over the boring, mundane life you lived, you would open the books and get lost in the world of Camp Half-Blood: imagining yourself as a camper, wondering who your Godly parent would be, and grinning at the idea of getting to befriend the main cast and join them on their adventures. While you were stuck inside doing homework, Percy and his friends were out fighting monsters and meeting Gods, and a part of you—the part that always longed for something more—would wish you could reach out and join them.
And now here you were, in a world clearly not like your own, and one of your new mother's is apparently a satyr.
(You are, too, but you're not really ready to process that just yet.)
It wasn't possible—it couldn't be possible. It's not like satyrs were only relevant in Percy Jackson, after all; there are plenty of stories out there that included the mythological race! You couldn't have possibly just so happened to get reborn into the world of the book series you've adored for two years! It just—it wouldn't make sense! Clearly, one of your new guardians being a satyr was a mere coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Chiron wrote to me, recently," sighs Willow as she plops down onto the couch Penelope had decided to read a book to you on. "Looks like the camp's satyr situation is a lot more serious than I thought, if he's sending me letters and asking me to help out again."
You choke on your own spit and have Penelope frantically patting your back before the woman can even respond to what her wife just revealed.
Then, when that whole ordeal's finished, Penelope lays you down in your crib after her and Willow take turns kissing your forehead, and now you're left alone to stare up at the canopy painted to the ceiling, losing yourself to your thoughts.
This ... isn't a dream. Yeah, that's been pretty obvious for a while now, but the assurance made your shoulders feel a little lighter. This isn't a dream and ... it's a lot.
You ... What should you do? You don't know how you got here, and you honestly doubt that there's a way out, so ... Again, what should you do?
Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes and decide, for now, to just go over what you do know:
1. You've been reborn (no duh, but sometimes you just have to repeat that to yourself to properly get it through your head).
2. Your 'parents' are two women by the name of Penelope and Willow Ophelia. Willow is a satyr, and Penelope (as far as you know) is a human.
3. Again, you've been reborn, and into the world of Percy Jackson of all places.
The bigger, more logical part of you kind of wants to start crying again. Out of literally anyone in the world—your world—why was this happening to you? Everyone you've ever known, all you've ever known, are suddenly gone, and all because you decided you wanted to walk along the edge of a stupid, slippery bridge.
It's just ... so frustrating. You were never perfect, you never wanted to be perfect, but you liked to think you were a good person, at least. What could you have done to deserve this? Who could have thought you deserved this?!
Yet, still, for as badly as you want to freak out (to cry, scream, break something) you can't deny that there's a small part of you—the part of you that always knew, even if you didn't want to fully admit it to yourself, that you could never conform to what society expected from you, that wanted nothing more than to just jump into the pages of your beloved books and live out the rest of your days in Camp Half-Blood, fighting monsters and challenging Gods—that feels just a little bit ... giddy about this. Because for as much your old family tried, for as much as they loved you, they just couldn't understand why you were the way you were; couldn't make you feel seen in the way Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and all of the other demigods did.
And, Gods, that was just the biggest part of it, wasn't it?
Even after everything they'd gone through—the ignorance of adults not willing to understand, the apathy of other kids who thought lesser of those not like them, the loneliness and confusion because you didn't know what was wrong with you—they had still found a place to belong. Found people to belong to. And ... and ...
And you wanted that. More than anything in the world, back then.
But this was not your world anymore. This was theirs.
And now that you've thought about it, you realize that there's one more thing you can add to the list of 'Things I Know':
4. You've been reborn into the world of Percy Jackson, and you've already read a step-by-step guide on how to live in it.
(That morning, when Willow comes into your room to bring you down for breakfast, her forest green eyes swell with tears.
Your smile was just as beautiful as her and Penelope knew it'd be.)
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Next Chapter ->
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lydscare · 1 year
Hi! Could you make a preferences/hc of the pro/hoo characters how they cuddle and/or sleep with there s/o?
cuddling hcs with pjo/hoo characters
a/n: these kinda went into general pda hcs, but hopefully it's still good tho
warnings: possible hints of angst + trama, cause who dosen't have it :')
reader tends to be gender-neutral //  my masterlist
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i feel like when cuddling w/ annabeth that there's not really a big spoon or little spoon posistion
it's mainly just your arms wrapped around each other, just a tangle of arms and limbs
dosen't really hug you too much in public but always needs a goodbye hug from you before you go somewhere
she also likes acting out as your pillow with you head on her chest/lap (she probably reads you a book too :))
her hugs are really comforting and warm
she always knows when you need one
she can just tell
she's memorized your body language to a t
might whisper some comforting words here and there
could make any surface feel soft when her arms are wrapped around you
i think she likes to be held more than to hold someone
she can hold you tho, and she's great at comforting you
likes to hum or sing you little songs and melodies
she likes when you play with her braid too
overall good experience
i feel like she gives good bear hugs
she has some meatystrong arms so her hugs are kinda firm, like she's reminding you that she's there and no one can hurt you
her hugs are also surprisingly warm so they're extra comforting
connor's hugs are a little more firm then travis's but still all the more comforting
he likes taking his time with hugging and cuddling
he likes spinning you around too when he gets excited
travis hugs are very playful and warm
likes to come up from behind and give you a surprise hug
also moves around a bit when cuddling but it's fine, he just wants to get in a comfy position :))
also loves spinning you around
i kinda feel like he's a side hugger
so not too big on cuddling
he's not exactly avoidant of pda but he's not looking for it
might put his arm around you every once in a while
when cuddling he likes to be the big spoon, he finally feels like he can be of use and protect you from the cruel world :')
gives the best bear hugs (both literally and metamorphically)
at first he's pretty awkward w/ hugging but grows to love it
he can shapeshift into just about any animal to have a different cuddling arrangement
one day you're being snuggled by a dragon, who's wrapped protectively around you, and the next you're holding a cute lil labrador puppy in your hands
needless to say it's an overall wholesome expierence :)
the first time you hugged him, poor goat bby didn't know what to do
like where is he supposed to put his hands??
but after a while gets used to them
not to big of a hugger but enjoys it
has to get over the awkwardness of it at first tho
but afterwards enjoys it
just never sneak up on him
i don't know how else to describe her hugs other than sweet
her hugs are super comforting and grounding
just sneak up on her and give her a surprise back hug
she lets out the cutest giggle whenever you do it :')
even though she probably heard you coming
always wants to make sure you're comforting when cuddling, she dosen't want to overstep any boundaries of yours so
not exactly looking for cuddles or pda in general, but he's not going to hate affections either
he'll most likely be wanting cudddles after a long day of praetor duties, helping at chb, or school
he won't want anything else, just to be held by you for a few good long minutes
with that being said however, he is more of a big spoon type of guy
he's like a human furnace
always super hot warm
very comforting and cozy
he loves snuggling
in general he's a very touchy person so a arm's usually always around you
loves holding you
after a long day of working on little trinkets and fixing up things he likes to be held by you (arms around your waist, face on your shoulder)
play w/ his hair pleaseee it's very soothing
he has some pretty strong arms so his hugs are a bit firmer than he'd honestly prefer
likes to put his hands around your waist with your hands placed over his
also he likes when you just play with his fingers or stroke his arms lovingly
((also has a really good grip
he isn't much of a hugger, to other people anyways
but with you, he practically craves your touch
it always has to be in a closed off space tho
he's not the biggest fan of pda, but alone with you,,
he practically clings onto you like a lil koala bear
loves wrapping his arms around your waist and burrying his face in your neck
he just needs someone to touch every once in a while to keep him grounded :')
side note: he is pretty cold, like ALL the time so ye
percy the pillow jkjk
fr tho, he likes just placing his head on your chest as his arms around your waist when cuddling
also is a fan of getting his hair played with
he goes back n forth between lil spoon and big spoon
he also just finds your presence itself very comforting
and your smell
goes to sleep with the biggest grin on his face
another hummer
she likes it when you braid her hair
she also like brushing her nails through your hair and scratching at your scalp
she likes holding you more than being held
can be very comforting
a quick hug from her also brings a great feeling
appreciates signs of pda in general
enjoys holding you and playing w/ your hair
can just walk up to you, give you a hug and walk away randomly
she is moreover a quality time person sooo
not really a hugger tbh
she has lots of walls built up sooo
she's also not much of a physical person
but she might be good with a hug or two after a long day
if she were to cuddle she'd be pretty stiff at first and need to ease her way into it
likes wrapping her arms around your neck and just looking at you with so much adoration in her eyes
she really likes being held from behind when sharing a bed
also likes to play with your fingers
his hugs are so warm and comforting (obvs)
i feel like he'd be the type to just be gossiping w/ you while you two are tangled together, he's playing with your fingers and all but still has your undivided attention
probably majority of the time os the big spoon but would like being the little spoon on especially hard and stressful days
as much as i looove zoë, i don't think she is much of a hugger :'(
she's very stiff at first bc she isn't really used to soft touches or touching in general
but then eventually relaxes and will end up not wanting you to leave her
she likes when you play with her hair
she can give good back rubs
she proably will end up being the little spoon on most days tho
also gets tired and ends up wanting cuddles
it helps give her a space of calmness after a long day out hunting
it's soothing
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child-of-helios · 2 months
Calypso x Leo SUCKS, here is why
Look, I get why that sounds harsh, and it is, but hear me out.
First and most importantly, Calypso is a pedophile. We see her fall in love with 14 year old Percy, then 15/16 year old Leo. Already weird, right? And look, if we got some explanation as to why it would ever be okay for a titaness who is thousands of years old to fall in love with CHILDREN, maybe I could see past it.
BUT in the odyssey myth, Odysseus was MUCH older than a teenager. He was already noted to be an old wise king (who was old enough to feign madness from old age) at the START of the Trojan war. Now that war lasted 10 years and add to that the multiple years he spent traveling to Ithaca, and you got an old-ass man. So either Calypso was already a mature adult, or a child thirsting after some old dude. Sure, it happens, but weird. Let's not forget that Odysseus was married and very much still in love with his WIFE Penelope, but Calypso basically kept him hostage on her island and would not let him leave at all.
Now let's get to Percy, he got blamed for not making sure that the gods kept their promise??? Good sir that is a 16 year old who just got out of a WAR and had his memory stolen, of course he didn't check with the gods. ITS NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY! He shouldn't be held accountable. Also let me remind you that Calypso wanted him when he was 14. Not a good look.
And finally, we get to Leo. Poor poor Leo. A boy who was oh-so starved for love that he took anything he could get, and that's my explanation as to why Calypso x Leo ever happened. Honestly, I adored Leo. I had a crush on him (still kinda do shhh), I won't lie. However, I also adored Annabeth but since her and Percy are amazing together, I could get behind Percabeth. But Caleo? Hell no. Sure, they have a fun dynamic, but it's more of a sibling dynamic in my opinion. I would've rather had Leo x Khione or something. Maybe Leo x Echo cause that would've been adorable. But Caleo??? No. He should've never gone back for her. Leave her to rot.
Secondly, Calypso is simply a jerk. And I'm the type of person who adores asshole characters when done right. Octavian is great because he's an irredeemable asshole AND he gets karma. But Calypso? She's a bitch and gets such a kindhearted boyfriend in return. Like I said, she tried to pressure a (married) man into sleeping with her and is simply a dick to Leo (HER BOYFRIEND) and I could understand if they were siblings, cause siblings are dicks to eachother with love underneath, but she just sucks. She immediately hated him, which she has reason to do after what happened to her, but even after that she was just horrible to Leo. I seriously don't see why he loves, likes, or even tolerates her.
In conclusion, I hate what Rick did to Leo. I adore his stories like no other (which is why I'm so passionate about this), but he really fumbled the bag here. Calypso is just not a good fit for Leo.
Personally I really do prefer Leo x Jason, Leo x Nico or even Leo x Echo. And yes it does sound weird for me to say that considering that I call Calypso a pedo, but I could see Echo not being able to age normally because of being stuck with Narcissus. Echo x Leo is in my opinion much better than Calypso x Leo.
Um sorry- that was really mean but I needed to say that.
On a lighter note I saw this really long worm which was cool! :D
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shwoooops · 2 months
Someone should write something where it's the Greek heroes from the Iliad watching odysseus during the odyssey from the afterlife. like achilles and company just being like yea fuck that guy up man. u got that. or he's crying over missing penelope and telemachus and they just feel bad for him or smth.
could also be them all listening/watching the epic songs/animatics 🦭
(even tho a lot of them don't die it's a fun idea in theory)
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green-tea217 · 3 months
Born to ship valgrace
forced to accept Caleo as canon 😔
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thehappyfeminist-22 · 4 months
I haven't come across a still of this incredibly beautiful moment, so I thought I would leave this here. I just can't stop studying every detail. The soft, romantic lighting. The way their bodies are pressed so close, there's not a sliver of light between them. The way Ed has his arms wrapped around Stede like he's his greatest treasure. Stede's hand in Ed's hair, cradling his head so gently. Ed's thumb stroking along Stede's ear. Just. The way they hold each other. The gentleness. The closed eyes. They have longed for each other and now they have each other.
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ponshroom · 25 days
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sometimes u just need some reassurance
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