Don’t get me wrong I LOVVVVVEEEEE xanthous but I feel really bad for Elrik because I feel like his pain doesn’t get acknowledged as much. “Xanthous has daddy issues!” So does Elrik, I’m not denying that Xanthous probably had it worse but Elrik’s childhood has had lasting effects on him and we see it. Elrik’s dad has always put him in competition with his other siblings and we see that when he’s with Xanthous on the balcony, Elrik makes the first move he’s straight forward and rushes their relationship. Probably because weather he realizes it or not it’s ingrained in his mind that if he doesn’t get to Xanthous first someone else will and if he doesn’t get him first he loses, if he loses he is worthless to people. I don’t think he gets the idea of unconditional love. So all the time I hear “Xanthous is sad and Anxious Elrik is strong and he fixes it for Xanthous.” ELRIK WAS TAUGHT THAT HE DOESNT MATTER UNLESS HE MEETS THE RIGHT CONDITIONS OBVIOUSLY HES NOT GONNA BE UPSET ABOUT THINGS THAT WOUKD BE BEING A SORE LOSER AND THAT MEANS NOT ONLY ARE YOU WORTHLESS YOUR WORTHLESS AND PLAYING VICTIM!!!! Obviously that’s not what I think but that’s what’s been taught. Thank you for coming to my ted talk now go make some sad theories about Elrik because they are both sad gay boys.😌
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tabbbbyyyy · 8 months
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OK so this ones unfinished but I haven't really been posting as much Atom content lately and I just realised there hasn't been any xanrik yet so pls ignore the rubbed out arm and stuff I will get back to the proper finished stuff I swear
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fourayedasshole · 4 months
Part 1
part 2 will be posted on valentines day
Valentine’s Day, a Xanrik fic by @hellodaydream1111111111111111 and me
Think about your top ten least favorite things, what are they? Lying awake thinking was definitely in Elrik’s top ten, very low on the list but still there. What was he thinking about you might ask? Probably about the Roman Empire oh, and this: It never really got dark in the demon kingdom since you obviously couldn’t see the sun from the middle of the earth. The demon’s relied on fire to light the city. Of course that was no problem for them they were used to it but if you were to rely on the sun for half your life and then get thrown into a place where it was a foreign concept it might be difficult to get things done on time however if you’ve pissed off someone so bad that they run off into another world to complain about you, which of course is exactly what Elrik had done, you don’t sleep. “So~ what’s going on this week?” Xanthous had asked And stupidly Elrik hadn’t even thought about it before listing a collection of meetings and royal duties they had to complete this week. Xanthous' face dropped ever so slightly. “Yeah… I have to call Em to make sure everything is okay in the fairy world.” “Okay bye, love ya!”. Idiot, idiot, idiot seriously, how do you forget Valentine’s Day when you're literally married. As Xanthous left, Elirk stood there in the middle of the room thinking. He used to do many sweet things but over time he ran out of ideas. He once gave him a bouquet of flowers, and other pretty stuff that remind him of xanthous. Though over the years he kinda ran out of ideas. It bugged him, the love of his life… and he came to a blank when it came to giving him something for valentines day. As Xanthous walked out of the room and teleported to the front doors of the fairy kingdom he took a deep breath. He knew what they were doing was a stressful job, and sure, he’d forgotten a number of important things but Valentine’s Day? When Elirk forgot Valentine’s Day made him feel irrelevant, like the feelings he shared for the elf weren’t valued. He thought as he walked up the stairs to Emeraldas room. Well now it looked more like an office full of papers but the room still kept her charm. She sat at her desk looking at papers and letters from other kingdoms. Xanthous cleared his throat and asked “Em?” Emerelda and looked up and stared for a short moment “Oh hey Xanny ” she said standing up to hug him. Xanthous warmly embraced the sparkling lady. “I don’t believe this was a planned visit?” she asked gently. “Yeah…” he mumbled back, she gave him a sigh. “Alright sit down.” She pulled out a shimmering green chair. Xanthous stood for a moment before slumping down. Emerelda sat next to him, the gems on her necklace making a soothing jingle.
Xanthous picked at his nail and then began to ramble, “I don’t think Elrik loves me anymore you see, he forgot Valentine’s Day and at first I thought he was just surprising me but I remember I told him I don’t like surprises so that would mean he doesn’t listen a—” “Xanthous…” Emerelda tilted her head slightly to the left and reached under her desk to grab his hand. “Just relax.. It's okay. Look I doubt Elirk would forget, but you have to remember that Valentine's day isn’t just about the gift. It's about love.” Xanthous looked at her, “I'm sorry I just might be overthinking it.”. He sighed with relief. Emerelda tightened her grip on his hand “It's okay Xanthous that's why I'm here.” She patted his back as she hugged him, his flames died down and he took a well needed deep breath.
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
Me when my little sister said she didn't ship Xanrik because 'it's rushed' and 'didn't have any relationship development':
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cassielang13 · 6 days
Hi, if you're doing fic requests can you pls do one about the twins (or other tlos characters) learning about xanrik? Np tho!
First request
I LOVE the idea, Xanrik in my favorite ship, I'll definately do it
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unaside · 29 days
idk about yall but xanrik is so black cat x golden retriever energy
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elrik is xanthous' husband! has he not mentioned him to you two yet?
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je-suis-lucie · 1 year
*cutely asks you about all the books you’ve read*
The Kingdom of Fantasy. I was OBSESSED with the twin fairies, Blossom and Wither. and their brother, Prince Lucky. basically, all the attractive characters. when I read book 13 (pretty sure that's it), I started off by shipping Flamelet and Winglet, but then of course, Winglet x Lorian grew on me, though I still half-shipped Flamelet and Winglet. and also Flamelet was revealed to be Winglet's sympathetic villain cousin (!) so of course Winglorian became endgame. My favorite book in the series was The Phoenix of Destiny because I was a child and didn't know of the twin thing. Long story short, my mind was blown.
The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer. My grade 3 teacher read this book to us and BAM! Loved it since the first chapter. Everyone in my class loved it too, so they borrowed the only copy of the second book from the library. Since I actually had money back then, I bought it. It's still there on my shelf.
The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The only criticism I have for these books is Finnick. WHY'D HE HAVE TO DIE, SUZANNE. WHY. WHY. WHY. Catching Fire is definitely my favorite movie and book.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians by rick riordan. I am a daughter of Athena. I like the books. I am also very tired so I'll leave it like that. Also, I can't wait for the Disney+ show.
The 39 Clues. Any stans, leave. I literally co-founded the I HATE AMY CAHILL club. Dan, however, is a different story. He's cool. I don't have very much to say about it, other than that I would be a Lucian or Ekaterina. Probably Lucian though. They need more people ever since Natalie and Isabel died.
A Tale of Magic trilogy (so far) by Chris Colfer. Yes, it is separated from TLOS because there was a four-year gap between the two series. This series made me try to draw again. I might draw Xanrik fanart soon. Very soon. I will start as soon as I get home. And I may color it. Also, I need a book with Emerelda, Tangerina, and Skylene POVs.
The Shadowhunter Chronicles by Cassandra Clare.
The Throne of Glass series (minus Tower of Dawn and Kingdom of Ash) by Sarah J. Maas. I preferred it when she was Celaena. Now she's basically a whole new person, Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius. Fire powers are cool though.
ACOTAR by Sarah J. Maas, plus a bit of ACOMAF, ACOWAR, and ACOSF. Can I just say...wow. What is this series? Why are there so many faeries? Why is Tamlin evil now?
Lockwood and Co. series by Jonathan Stroud. The skull was great, Kipps' redemption arc was great, Holly was great, and everyone was great. I also liked Annabel's locket. It inspired me to wear my own locket every day.
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beyondtheseaofstars · 2 years
(Thanks to those who I drew together with; it was tons of fun!!)
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leechlover049 · 2 years
Xanrik brainrot amiright thank god for fanfiction
listen buddy tell me where the fanfic is I can’t find it
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I can't be the only one here who wholly despises xanrik(or whatever their ship name is)
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Okay jfc after like a billion mental breakdowns and read my my past few posts (i feel bad for even posting those because WTF) I’m gonna give some ATOM
Xanthous learned how to braid textured hair and he does Emarelda’s braids while they eat takeout and gossip about people.
Lucy once squeezed Tangerina’s ponytail over a cup of tea because they ran out of honey.
Xanthous wears orange lipstick when he and Elrik go on dates for the sole purpose of leaving marks on Elrik.
Emerelda was taller than Xanthous when they first met and so she used to ruffle up his hair when she walked by him, but now he’s much taller than her and the tables have turned (yes she’s salty about it)
Elirk and Xanthous received one of those card games for couples as a gift but whenever they try to play it Xanthous gets to flustered.
The fairy council are so done with all the bullshit that they have a flask by the door so whenever they need to do what they call a “WTF YOU PEOPLE CANNOT BE REAL” job they can numb the pain of peoples stupidity just a tad.
Lucy and Elrik smoke weed occasionally (under the oath of not telling Xanthous or Brystal because they will worry about them.
Emerelda always grabs xanthous hand when they walk past a lake.
Xanthous collects monster high dolls.
Xanthous hates blue raspberry flavored things so he gives them to Elrik.
Xanthous and Emerelda have matching tattoos on their wrists (its cats that form a heart with there tail)
Emerelda made the stones in Xanthous and Elrik’s wedding bands.
Lucy bites.
Emerelda knows all the details about Xanthous and Elrik relationship I MEAN ALL OFF THEM, and she teases Elrik sometimes.
Lucy will randomly come up to people a say “i know what you did”
xanthous be makes cutting board jokes about himself and Elrik tells him to stop every time because it makes him worried.
Xanthous has SH scars and he’s really insecure about them.
Skylene is Autistic and Tangerina has a t-shirt that says “I ❤️ my autistic girlfriend and you can’t do anything about it”
Emerelda likes seeing Xanthous look at or talk about Elrik because she can tell it makes him super happy.
Brystal writes fanfiction.
The fairy council read fanfics about themselves (being public figures they get quite a few)
Elirk really likes apple tarts, xanthous makes them for him.
Lucy likes to lick Brystal whenever she’s bored. Like she will just go up to Brystal, grab her hand and lick her then run away.
Emerelda calls Xanthous hunny in like a big sister kinda way.
And there’s my stash of ATOM headcanons.
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tabbbbyyyy · 28 days
What happened to Elrik that made Xanthous so grumpy in tlos ??????
NOTHING HES HAPPY AND ALIVE AND NOT DEAD OK :(. Fr tho i think Elriks fine and Xanthous is just pissy about not being able to see his husband for ages cos hes in the demon realm.
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fourayedasshole · 4 months
Time to make y’all hate me
Something bad happenssss I bet
He ain’t in tlos and I think the worst
I love there thing and I’m going with the dead because his death would make xanthous how he is in tlos pissed and kinda on his last straw still caring just kinda on the edge
I bet after he died he just left hell and never went back.
Due to the fairies living long, he went to the earth (aka the other world) came back and every thing changed and he was dead (to make y’all hate me more he killed himself cuz he was sad cuz it’s been years and he couldn’t live with himself)
And my adhd self was gonna say something else and forgot
Anyways love y’all and I’m sorry
And sorry for my on running sentences I was just hurrying doing this
Xoxo- Ray
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duaghterofstories · 1 year
for the fanfic requests, could you do xanrik fluff?
Yep! This is the shortest fic I’ve ever written tbh. I suck at fluff, so there’s a bit of sad in their, but just a dash.
Late Nights in Hell— Xanrik Fluff
Rating: G
Ships: Xanthous/Elrik
Fandom: A Tale of Magic
Other: Fluffy. Just Fluffy. Post Book 3, Soft, Literal Sleeping Together.
Xanthous liked nights like this. It was dark and the fires of Hell were kept out of their room by heavy duty blackout curtains.
Elrik was curled up next to him on the bed, snoring softly. Xanthous was offhandedly petting his hair while reading a book. Elrik had developed a kind of tolerance to Xanthous’ flames. They didn’t know how, but Brystal had theorized that it was Xanthous’ magic protecting him.
He liked that theory.
The book he was reading wasn’t particularly interesting. It was a book on the political climate of Hell. That was one thing he had been unprepared for when he came to Hell. Having to do paperwork. More often then not Elrik would walk him through it, the two of them squished up close in the stupidly uncomfortable seats in the meeting room.
Elrik was much too good for him, and if Xanthous had his was then Elrik would be dating someone who really deserved him, and didn’t drag him to literal Hell and away from everything he’d ever known.
He knew Elrik would never approve of him saying that though.
“Stop overthinking,” said Elrik, reaching up. Xanthous looked down, wondering when the other had woken up.
“Sorry love. Did I wake you?”
“No.” Elrik sighed and pulled Xanthous down, giving him a small kiss. Xanthous’ flames burst higher into the air, not burning Elrik evan as they licked against his skin and clothes. “Now get to sleep. We have paperwork in the morning and I know you hate that.”
Xanthous chuckled and nodded a little bit. “Yeah.”
He layed down and then pressed against Elrick’s chest, sliding his leg in between Elrick’s. They were facing each other, but as Elrik was, surprisingly, taller, so Xanthous’d face was squished into Elrik’s chest.
“Go to sleep Firefly.” Elrik said. He felt a kiss on the top of his head and smiled with contentment. He didn’t know how he went 14 years without this.
“Goodnight.” Xanthous hummed and fell asleep, breathing evening out and welcoming the familiar dark that sleep brought.
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….gardener au for breelex or xanrik
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