#xinyan imagines
astranne · 2 years
Can I request friendship level 10 with Xinyan shes my biggest comfort character.
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fandom genshin impact
series in which genshin characters reach level 10 in friendship and become self aware
word count 385
series masterlist // series masterlist liyue // navigation
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notes // hey :) of course you can, thank you for requesting! i don't know a lot about xinyan, since i don't have her, but i do hope i do her justice with this part of my series, just like many other characters :D i'm very sorry you had to wait so long, i deeply apologize for that. hiatus and finals took longer than i thought :(
warnings // hints of god!reader
Xinyan loves using her pyro vision for her concerts all around Liyue. She has to be careful, of course, since she doesn't want to harm anyone, especially her fans and listeners. There were accidents in the past, but she learned to control her fire and that of others. A talent like that is always handy.
It happened during one of her concerts in Liyue Harbor. For her grand finale, she would let sparks akin to fireworks fly around her in all kinds of shapes and different shades of her fire. But it didn't work like planned. Her sparks became literal fires. Only her admirable control prevented her from setting everything around her on fire.
The shouts of the Millelith made her flee and ask questions about the incident later. And so she ran over the plastered streets of Liyue Harbor and slid into the Wanmin Restaurant, waiting with a racing heart until the Millelith passed.
She smiled sheepishly and waved Xiangling's concerns away, but her mind was busy trying to figure out what happened. What happened on the stage? Why was her fire suddenly stronger?
Xinyan couldn't explain it, and while it bothered her for the next few days, she eventually forgot about it. She shouldn't have.
It didn't happen during a concert again, but while fighting a stray group of hilichurls. She infused her claymore with fire, so her swings would do more damage, just like usual. But with her second swing, the hilichurls were met with a mighty flame of fire.
She was shocked but couldn't allow herself to get distracted. But after she finally finished her enemies off, she was close to tearing her hair out. What was happening? And what was happening to her? Why now?
Her questions were never answered, not really. Yet she had an idea of who was responsible for this.
The voice. The voice that had started talking to her a few days after her fight with the hilichurls. Whispering praise and guidance through Liyue, the voice was a constant presence in her life now.
She didn't know for sure if that voice truly was responsible for her new strength and bigger flames, but she didn't complain. Not after hours of training and becoming familiar with her pyro vision once again. It was a blessing after all.
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sunny-reis · 10 months
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hu tao
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hunnieknight · 6 months
Hello!! Hello!!
May I request the genshin characters on what kind of Minecraft player they would be when playing with the reader
Like would they gather flowers for the reader before starting any progress in the game
Or do they do everything from making the beds to finding diamonds while the reader just playfully mingles around
You know, take your time on this and thank you if you take this request
Bai bai!! :D
"Chaotic Server"(Art Only)
You created a minecraft server to play with your friends. What kind of players are they?
A.K.A assigning Genshin character and their role in minecraft server.
GN! Reader, everyone is stupid and dumb (lovingly), you are the server admin, and everyone wants your attention I guess, messy art!!
A/N: This was Requested way before Fontaine debut
Big thanks to my friend who helped me with the Gamertag
Go ahead make headcanons or fic inspired by this!
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2K notes · View notes
Any girls of your choice having their S.o come back home and the first thing they say is "If I asked you to kill someone no questions asked could you do it?"
(Genshin Impact/GFL) Getting asked if they would kill someone for S/O
Genshin: Arlecchino, Jean, Chiori, Eula, Dehya, Lynette, Shenhe, Noelle, Rosaria, Xinyan, Girls Frontline: M4A1, M16A1, M4 SOPMOD II, HK416, AK-15, AN-94,
In the words of our glorious Steve Harvey: KILL!
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Arlecchino is a little amused by S/O's question, but more curious than anything. Who could they possibly need her to kill?
And that was pretty bold of them to ask, considering who she is, and the fact she had not even been home for all of ten seconds.
Not that it exactly bothers her.
(Arlecchino) "An interesting propsal to walk in on. If I asked the same for you, S/O, would you?"
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Jean felt the wind (HA) knocked out of her with that question.
After a long day of dealing with shenanigans at the Knights' Headquarters, this is what she gets?
Initial shock wearing off, she frowns at S/O, not thinking that this joke was funny.
(Jean) "No, I would not S/O. Who would even say yes to that question as soon as they came home?"
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(Chiori) "Probably, if they were a particularly nasty customer."
Chiori answered as soon as she opened the door to her home and not even batting an eye.
There was many a day she would if it was legal.
But alas, throwing trash out her door and windows would have to suffice.
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Eula raises an eyebrow at the question, closing the door behind her.
Honestly? She's a little offended at the question.
(Eula) "Do you take me for a barbarian? Absolutely not, I'm not like the rest of the Lawrence Clan!"
This is not what she wants to talk about before she even gets to sit down.
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(Dehya) "Woah, someone got you super pissed off today?"
Dehya can't help but laugh and also think someone got her S/O in a bad mood.
Otherwise, why would you ever ask a merc if they would kill someone?
But if they were particularly nasty, she wouldn't even need payment to, but otherwise no.
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Lynette rolls her eyes at the question.
(Lynette) "I can't magic someone away permanently, S/O."
That was a lie, she technically could, but that was reserved for orders from the House.
And anyone that tried to constantly interrupt her resting mode.
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Shenhe doesn't flinch at the question, instead answering immediately.
(Shenhe) "Yes."
Pray that S/O doesn't ask that question when her ropes are off.
Because then they actually will get a body.
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Noelle gasps audibly.
(Noelle) "What?! Of course not! I'm a maid, not an assassin!"
Noelle is absolutely flabbergasted that S/O would even ask a thing!
She proceeds to give them a lecture that violence is not the answer, regardless if it was a joke or not.
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Rosaria first thinks in her mind:
Oh, now you tell me this after I come home from my work.
(Rosaria) "Hello to you too."
If S/O really did know what she did at night, then this was the strangest way to confront that.
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Xinyan takes a second to process S/O's question as she moves her guitar before it bumps into the door.
...Say what?!
(Xinyan) "The heck are ya talking about, S/O!? And what makes ya think I would do that either?!"
Absolutely not! She's a musician, not a hitman!
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M4A1 glares at S/O, not amused in the slightest.
(M4A1) "Last I recall, you're not my Commander, S/O."
After coming back to base, and given Griffin's status, the question isn't really that lighthearted to her.
Especially after an operation where she's constantly fighting to survive.
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M16 chuckles, crossing her arms.
(M16A1) "We're T-Dolls, not drones. Buuuut, why do you need me to do it?"
She knows they're (hopefully) joking, and doubts its anyone at Griffin that she needs to knock the head off.
If it was Sangvis, then let her at 'em!
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(M4 SOPMOD II) "Who needs killing?!"
SOPMOD is always happy to fight, and she just needs only the slightest reason to start blasting.
And it seemed S/O was giving her one!
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HK416 scoffs at S/O.
What kind of question was that for someone who just came home?
(HK416) "You aren't the one paying me. So, no."
Unless her S/O became the client for 404's operations, then they could talk about proper killing.
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15 sighs at their question, moving to put her equipment up.
(AK-15) "No."
She wasn't really in the mood to entertain these kinds of questions from S/O.
Besides, Angelia was the one who gave those kinds of orders anyway.
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AN-94 shakes her head no.
(AN-94) "Only if Angelia or AK-12 gave the order, S/O."
She takes that as a genuine question, and gives S/O a genuine answer.
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gayassbish · 7 months
Genshin Girls and Love Languages!! Receiving and Giving!
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Genre: FLUFFF, just real pure stuff out here
Reader: Gender Neutral
Characters: Keqing, Xinyan, Jean, Dehya, Ayaka
Receiving - Quality Time: Having you spend your time with her means the world. If anyone can fully understand how special a mortal life is, it’s her. The fact you want to spend your fleeting seconds getting to know her means the world. (and no you’re not dying lol) but she acknowledges how you’re both on borrowed time with the inevitable end. So, just the fact you are CHOOSING her over spending your time on anything else means everything.
Giving - Acts of Service: This girl will do ANYTHING and I mean anything for you. She is at your beck and call ready for you give her an order. You constantly have to tell her she doesn’t have to go to the extra mile like that but she can’t help it. She loves you too much >:).
P.S. She is such a home maker mwah.
Receiving - Words of affirmation:
While Xinyan is the definition of optimism and hard work, it can be upsetting sometimes when no one appreciates her talent. So you being there as her biggest fan, her number one cheerleader, and just generally a supportive as a lover really pulls her out of those tough time!! You get her head out of the dump and she couldn’t be more greatful!
Giving - Physical Touch:
Xinyan is good with her words. She knows all the words to call your pretty and special, but she’s even better with hugs, kisses, and cuddles. She loves holding your hand. She does get a little insecure about her hands so loves it even when you trace over her chipped finger nails from her strumming the guitar. She likes to run her hands in your hair (or give you head pats) while y’all are cuddling too.
P.S. She’s definitely written multiple love songs about you. <3
Receiving - Acts of Service: Running her a warm bath after a long day of work and making her dinner makes her heart go to the moon and back!! She’s so greatful for you in her life as her biggest supporter and energy recharger. Oh yeaa, after cramming in a bunch of work, she’s all cuddles and snuggles to recharge and make up for lost time ;) She also hates working overtime once you come into her life. She really starts to fix her schedule so she can spend more time with you!
Giving - Gifts: Jean shows her love for you through gifts. Even if she can’t always be there for you on special days, she wants to show that that doesn’t mean she has forgotten about you. And while you might tell her it’s okay, and that she doesn’t have to give you anything, she’ll still spoil you with the most expensive things. she knows your tastes down to the ‘T’ and constantly tries her best for you!
P.S. She always tries to out do herself when it comes to gifts.
Receiving - Physical Touch: She just needs you in her arms. She feels the safest when you’re nearby her, and while she might not want to admit it, she can get quite clingy when you’re not around. She’s been through a lot and witnessed a lot of violence first hand, so having you nearby means she never has to go far for her to protect you <33
Giving - Quality Time: She’s a lady kept busy with her mercenary work. But she will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS make time for you. You’re her special someone, her most precious person, and she wants nothing more to spend the whole day with you. But when that isn’t possible, and she does get time with you, her full attention is on you. Eye contact, nodding along to whatever you blabber on, and always give you the “mhmmm,”and “yeah?” while listening
P.S. Her eyes light up when she looks at you, and is always smiling when you talk.
Kamisato Ayaka-
Receiving - Words of affirmation: Poor girl just wants to know she’s enough. You telling her that she’s more than enough and comforting her, makes you her safe space. She feels as if she can be the most of truest self around you. And if you whisper strings of praise in her ear or shout the words “I love you!” with a big smile, it would still gets her all red in the face to this day!! She never gets tired of hearing, well basically anything, from you. Could probably listen to you talk about quantum physics or something boring like that for hours and still look at you with hearts in her eyes <33
Giving - Gifts & Words of Affirmation: She wants nothing more than for you to known how much you mean to her. She secretly makes a goal to herself to make your day each day and see a toothy smile of yours. She mainly does so by hand made crafts, like origami or painting, with love poems written somewhere on them. She also writes you a lotttt of thank you letters with a whole thesis and conclusion (kidding, just she fills the whole card). When she’s not with you, her favorite past time is thinking of things to give or make for you.
P.S. She writes a lot of the ‘P.S.’ too.
A/N: Kicking my legs and giggling writing this
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2-dsimp · 2 years
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Popular choice✨
—> {Take him with you}
You’ve entered a significant chain reaction!
Time now passes by 1min
Current time is 4:27
Your current status!
You are fully covered/But lack any under garments!
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ your 4:30 date with Secret admirer! Ayato draws near!
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ you’ve been spotted by The bully! He’s getting closer to your location coming from the west gate!
⚠️WARNING ⚠️ Both Photography club Leader! Venti & Student council member! Scaramouche are Blocking the path to Secret admirer! Ayato’s car!
⚠️WARNING⚠️ The evidence of your frisky time with Heroic new kid! Aether has been discovered!
Objective: Escape for a date
This is an significant chain event !
Heroic new kid! Aether is accompanying you, choose which gate you’d want to sneak past!beware that some gates take more/less time to get through and can be dangerous/safe depending on the gate keepers present!
Should the gate keepers discover your state of undress while you’re with Heroic new kid! aether there will be consequences of which you can’t come back from…
Make your choice count so you can survive and claim your bonus surprise at the end of the day
[South Gate] [North Gate]
[West Gate] [East Gate]
Helpful inquiries ✨
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kaezeecake · 1 year
They found your favourite book series in the store,would they buy it? Pt.2 (pt.1 here)
ft ; Liyue characters (not including Qiqi & Yaoyao)
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Immediately buys it
CHILDE,Ningguang,XINGQIU,Yelan,Yanfei,Hu Tao,Beidou
They wanted their s/o to be happy,so they immediately buys it — no hesitation whatsoever !
Also just imagine how Childe would react when he founds out you like a certain book series....i bet he just buy the entire stock for you <3
Xingqiu probably buys it because he is also interested in the same book series as yours,i just know it.
Ningguang,Yanfei and Yelan got curious on why you're so obsessed with the book series so they buy it — to read it together with you!
Hu Tao and Beidou already knew you're interested in the book series so she immediately buys it if the book is on stock.
Asks if you really want it
How could they ask such question??!?! of course you really wants it! it's a need at this point. >:(
Though,I feel like they asked you that just to make sure they didn't buy the book you already own..(Ganyu and Yunjin)
On the other hand,I feel like Xiao didn't really want to waste his mora on a book so he asks you that.
Baizhu and Xinyan probably only asks that so they could walk to the bookstore with you,who knows?maybe you might find more books you want(they only wanted to spend time with you)
They didn't buy it
Shenhe and Keqing didn't buy it because they didn't know you like the book series,they immediately feels bad about it but hopes you understand why she didn't buy it.
Chongyun and Xiangling doesn't know what book series you don't have yet so they got confused on if they should buy it or not...they didn't buy it because choosing the books were stressing them out.
Asks for mora
Zhongli won't ask you for mora,he instead will ask any of his friends for mora so that he could buy it.
Unfortunately for Childe and Hu Tao,they were his main target.
Out of pity,you paid them back as an apology</3
Inazuma is next!!
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linn-r · 8 months
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Xin Yan's birthday!
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manikasu-nyx · 2 years
small genshin smau idea
female reader in a girl group with lumine, xinyan, barbara, and yunjin and they do things with 5wirl because lumine + aether’s twin thing and chaos ensues
visi0n members:
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5wirl members:
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(5wirl’s icons are from damiiena on twitter)
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ti3au · 1 year
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nomadicrusalka · 1 year
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Aaaaa I’m obssesed with modern aus for genshin! Xinyan and Hu Tao are such a good duo for it and I love them in this aesthetic and just gah they make my brain go brrrrrrr your honor
My kofi <3 Commissions open!
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 10 months
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ 𝑮𝑬𝑵𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑵 𝑰𝑴𝑷𝑨𝑪𝑻 ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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✮ 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ✮
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⋆˚✿˖° STORIES ⋆˚✿˖°
coming soon
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ SHORTS // HEADCANNONS ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Kaeya & Diluc / Soft dom - Mean dom 💋
Sugar Daddy Morax 💋
Kaeya & Diluc / smut blurbs 💋
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11 notes · View notes
the humans having le romantic candlelit dinner with their S/O, only to have them randomly caress their face/hold their hand while talking?
(GFL/Genshin Impact) Kalina, Angelia, Helianthus, Ayaka, Lisa, Ei, Xinyan, Shenhe, Yelan, and Candace having a romantic dinner with their S/O
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Personally, Kalina thinks the candles are cheesy as hell, but it's the thought that counts!
As she's talking about something amusing that happened while she was with the Commander, S/O's hand suddenly brushes across her cheek.
Kalina completely freezes up. Her cheeks heat up rapidly but allows S/O's hand to remain.
(Kalina) "Uh...! S-Sorry, you messed my up my train of thought, heh..."
She giggles and playfully leans into their hand.
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Angelia isn't one to care about grandiose displays, but a candlelit dinner? That had to be commended at least.
She's in the middle of regaling S/O about some of her more amusing missions, until S/O's hand brushes across her prosthetic.
Angelia couldn't feel anything, but she knew the loving intention was there.
(Angelia) "...Dumbass, you know I can't feel anything there already."
Angelia is blushing madly while her other hand squeezes S/O's, feeling the warmth around it.
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Helianthus finds the romantic gesture touching. (she's squealing about it on the inside.)
She's enjoying the atmosphere and the meal S/O prepared and chatting about nothing in particular.
Her entire body stiffens when S/O gently wipes off a crumb on her cheek, their hand staying after the fact.
(Helianthus) "A-Ah...S/O?...Hm, don't pull away."
She quickly relaxes into their touch, her own hand keeping S/O's from moving.
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Ayaka's heart is about to burst from her chest seeing the table S/O prepared.
She is giggling almost the entire time with glee. Honestly, she's about ready to ask S/O to marry her on the spot.
Doubly so when S/O reaches for her face, gently holding it.
(Ayaka) "S/O...If I may be selfish for just a moment?"
Ayaka takes their hand off, only to kiss the top of their fingers, and put their hand back onto her cheek, keeping it there tightly.
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Oh, Lisa absolutely loves the candle dinner.
Now this was how you captured a woman's heart properly.
Lisa's smile grew bigger, feeling their hand brush across her cheek.
(Lisa) "My, how daring, S/O.~ I like it."
Lisa winked at S/O as her head tilted to rest further into their hand, feeling the softness of their palm.
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Ei is quite confused at the setup of the candles on their dinner table.
Was this a ritual? She hadn't seen this before, so probably not? After finding out it was exclusively for her, Ei gives a soft smile.
Her eyes widen in surprise when S/O's hands reach for hers.
(Ei) "Ah...If you wished to hold my hands, you can ask to do so."
Ei happily takes their hand with a firm yet loving hold and continues to tell S/O a lighthearted story from her past.
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Xinyan's words get caught in her throat as she sees the elaborate setup just for her.
She quickly accepts the dinner and sits down across from S/O, the volume of her voice echoing in the room as she gets more and more excited.
Her entertaining story screeches to a halt when S/O's hand gently brushes against her cheek, making Xinyan freeze.
(Xinyan) "H-Hey now! Why did you have to go and make me lose my train of thought...?"
Xinyan pouts a little, but does not move to shove their hand away, instead she subtly moved closer into their palm.
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Shenhe's eyes blink in surprise at the candles. At first she thinks the dinner is an exorcism until S/O explains.
Nodding in stoic affirmation, she sits down and thanks S/O for the meal.
Shenhe asked S/O what the purpose of a candlelit dinner was, and instead of a verbal answer, S/O's hands held her face with a loving caress.
(Shenhe) "...This does not answer my question."
Her curious expression makes S/O laugh before explaining it was simply because they loved her. Now, she understands.
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Yelan was impressed by the fancy dinner.
It was a little too gaudy for her personal taste, but hey, no complaints from her!
Yelan was simply telling S/O about her day before she felt their hand grasp hers and hold it tightly, the loving gesture making her hum in delight.
(Yelan) "You really know how to pull the heartstrings, don't you S/O?"
Yelan lets out a beautiful chuckle before holding S/O's hand just as tightly back.
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Candace usually doesn't care exactly what she eats, since being in the desert, you ate what you could get.
But seeing the table so lovingly put together by S/O, complete with candles, it was hard to say no.
She is about to thank S/O before they extended their hand on top of hers, letting it rest comfortably there.
(Candace) "Next time you wish to have dinner like this, please allow me to help. And...Thank you, my love."
Candace closes her eyes and moves to sit next to S/O, letting their hands intertwine as she rests her head against their shoulder.
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gayassbish · 6 months
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From the CHRISTMAS event! Find it here! | 1.8k Words
Genre: Fluff!
Reader: Gender Neutral | *Reader is pretty flirty
Synopsis: Imagine having a girlfriend that’s in band… and one day during winter… you just happen to get locked backstage together!
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XINYAN travels… a lot. Her being the lead singer and a guitarist of a band- is a big roller coaster! And you being Xinyan’s biggest supporter has you going to a lot of new places when Xinyan and her bandmates do different concerts here and there.
But then there’s those times when Xinyan’s career and lifestyle also proves itself to be a challenge. You can’t always travel with her, which leads to the two of you to manage the long distance time to time.
However, thankfully, this tour was not one of those dreadful occasions that separate you from your lover! Hence, why here you are, in the middle of a beautiful-foreign country that’s going through its chilly season! But to your luck, this concert venue is indoors, safe from the crispy cold air.
You’re backstage, talking to your girlfriend who is sat in front of the vanity table getting her makeup done alongside her band mates… and she looks beautiful.
Her usual double buns are pulled into a top bun and she wears heavy black eye liner to match this album’s rocker-biker-girl aesthetic. “I’m not gonna lie.. I’m getting a little jealous to have other people seeing you like this.” You’re standing over Xinyan, admiring her beauty.
Xinyan looks up from her phone and tilts her head to the side like a dog would when it’s confused. “You do know all the songs I write are about you, right?” She gives a small chuckle at your needless concern.
“I knowww… but still… sometimes I wish you were for my eyes only, you know?” You whine to her, and Xinyan can’t help but be amused at your jealousy.
Her career hasn’t been an easy one, and you know it. You’ve been by her side when it was just her in the garage with a couple of her friends, been by her side when she struggled to pay bills because her music wasn’t getting enough attraction, been by her side through the hate comments on the “unique genre” of her music, and now? You’re still by her side as she’s one of the newest big hits!
Therefore, Xinyan couldn’t be more grateful for you… and she makes the effort to show that. No matter the amount of fame she may receive or how busy she gets with her career finally taking off, you will always be her priority! That’s why she thinks your concerns are a little silly cause deep down inside you know she only has eyes for you.
Her only thought, worry, and wish is all you.
“Alright guys you’re up.” The stage manager comes into the vanity room as the band is all finished with costume and make up.
One by one, the crew quickly makes for the stage and Xinyan and you follow. And just when she’s about to go up on stage she asks,“You’ll watch me?”
“My eyes won’t go off of you.” You smile at her and give her a flying kiss with the palm of your hand, not wanting to spoil her makeup with a real one.
Xinyan catches the kiss in the air with her hand, bringing it to her mouth to kiss it back before she heads up stage.
The hours of loud bass, screams from the audience, and music all come to an end as Xinyan and her band mates kill it! You knew that they would though, they always do.
As the crowd disperses once the band gives them their final goodbyes, Xinyan heads backstage, all pumped up from the adrenaline of being in front of thousands.
“Y/N!” Xinyan runs over to you, a little sweat dripping down her head as she hugs you. “It was a packed house! More people even came to this one than our hometown!” Xinyan beams at you and you can’t help but match her enthusiasm back.
“I know right! You looked beautiful, sounded beautiful, and played beautifully!” You sling your arm around Xinyan’s, showing her your big smile as you can’t help but match her own.
Xinyan, too shy from your explosion of compliments, has been rendered speechless! Instead, she gives you a quick peck on the cheek. Some of her black lipstick coming off as you get all giddy.
You both make your way to the vanity rooms, but not without some more kisses and squeals as the post-concert haze really hits you both.
The dimly lighted room is empty, left with only you. Xinyan comes out from the bathroom, all refreshed, to join you. Her big energetic smile from the concert is still lingering on her face when she sees you.
“Where is everyone?” Xinyan questions as she makes her way to the couch you’re sat upon, cuddling up into your arms.
“Probably at the after party.” You look down at her in your arms from the phone in your hands and she laughs at her party strong friends. You guys spend the next hour or so chatting about your day, in no rush to go home or anywhere else, just enjoying each other’s company in the moment.
The quality time spent together is cut short when you hear the ventilators of the heater shutting off… the vanity lights shutting and only the single emergency light bulb remaining.
“AHH!” Xinyan instantly reacts to the loud sound of the ventilators shutting down as she squeezes up into your arms. “What just happened???” She looks at you spoked and you laugh at your scaredy cat of a girlfriend.
“Babe, ease up, the stage manger probably started closing the place up. We should get going too, it’s getting late.” You attempt to leave Xinyan’s side to get up, but her grip on your arm won’t budge. “Babe, come on, you don’t want to stay locked up here forever, do you?” She shakes her head a ‘no’ and you guys walk together to the door.
You first pull the door handle but then it won’t budge. “That’s funny… I swear this door was a pull, but maybe it’s a push.” You mumble to yourself, trying to open the door in a multitude of ways till you realize…
You’ve been locked out.
“Ahahhaha… why won’t the door open?” Xinyan asks half dumb founded and half petrified.
You try to calm your girlfriend by explaining the situation. “Well we’ve been locked out but-“
Xinyan quickly cuts you off, mumbling to herself, “I swear to god if there’s a ghost-“
“Oh relax there’s no such thing as ghosts!” You snip her off before she gets into her head too much, not wanting her to stress herself out after having such a good day. You, being the logical one in the relationship, add “They probably just forgot we were still in here. But that’s okay! Let’s just call someone to unlock us.” You turn to Xinyan who still looks a little anxious about the whole situation. Xinyan bites her nails, so you place your hand on her shoulder to calm her. “Trust me, everything is going to be okay.” Xinyan finds solace in your eyes and takes a deep breath to calm herself down.
“You’re right.. plus they can’t have driven that far already.” Xinyan gets out her phone and scrolls through her list of contacts. You watch her nibble again on her thumb. She starts pacing back and forth while listening anxiously to the the ringing on her phone.
After a while of waiting for someone to pick up, and to no luck, the chilly air from outside starts to fill the room. The heaters being shut down have left you both frigid.
“…They’re not picking up.” Xinyan turns to you after she tried calling each and every one of her group members.
“Okay no worries, let’s keep trying… but let’s get something to cover up while we wait.” You bite back a shiver as you warm yourself up by rubbing your arms.
Xinyan follows you like a duckling to its mama, tentively observing how you handle the situation.
“And viola!” You grab a bunch of the costumes and place them on top of you on the couch. “It’s not a blanket but it’ll do!” You pat the side next to you, gesturing Xinyan to come cuddle up under the clothes.
Xinyan takes a sigh of relief as she comes to snuggle up alongside you. “Thank whoever brought you into my life because I wouldn’t have made it to this point locked alone.” Xinyan shakes her head to herself and it gives you a hard laugh.
“HA- what would you do without me?” You give her a flirty smirk and watch her look at awe at you.
“What would I do…” Xinyan speaks ever so softly. She looks from one of your eyes to the other, and she finds herself slowly leaning in to you…
And you lean in back… meeting her halfway as you grab her neck. Kissing her steadily but lovingly.
You both move in synch. If she bites your lip, then you bite hers back. You both start to feel the worry of getting out of here fading away as you sink into eachother’s embraces. Enjoying this moment of feeling each other’s lips on top of another.
“Hey…” You break the kiss to make eye contact with Xinyan who is just inches away from you, “It’s not so bad being locked up like this… with you.” You bite your lip and watch your Xinyan turning into a flustered mess because of you <3.
She breaks eye contact, looking at anything that is not you right now as she quickly changes the topic. “Uhhh— but what about food… and… and we’d have to wait till the stage manager comes back tomorrow morning and what if you get hungry?” Xinyan starts speaking really fast as you listen very attentively.
Pretending to take her ruffled up self seriously you nod along and give out a few “mhmm”’s to her rant until she finally calms down to look back at you as you are barley holding your laughter back. “I swear… Xinyan…,” you start, laughing in between your words, “I have everything I need right in front of me… so don’t worry, kay?” You shoot her a smile and she nods. “Now, where were we?” And before Xinyan can even react, you grab her by the collar and crash your lips onto hers once again.
Xinyan gets lost into the sense of you as you find yourself in the presence of her... again. Questions of: will the room get colder throughout the night; what are you both going to eat; did Xinyan’s band mates really leave the two of you behind, all fade away. To you, the important questions don’t matter, and instead you’d like to ask if the night is still young… and to that the is a most definite yes.
A/N: Ignore me. I’m just waiting till I’m 18 to write the nastiest Xinyan smut ever-
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tyrannosnore · 2 years
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merry 2.8 server maintenance day
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glazesunflower · 2 years
Liyue Masterlist Pt. 1
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Beidou Proposing To Her S/O And Her Being Proposed To
Least To Most Likely To Be The Best Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Them Reacting To You Being Super Strong
The Liyue Women Confessing To Their S/O
Genshin Characters and their Favorite Cuddling Positions
Genshin Girls Reacting To A Reader With Lucy’s Powers (Fairy Tail)
Genshin Girls Snapping At Their S/O After A Bad Day And The Apologies That Come After
Beidou Comforting F!Reader
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
Genshin Girls When They’re On Their Period
What They Do When They Miss You
Insecurities They Wouldn’t Tell You They Have
Waking Up The Genshin Characters With Kisses
A Glimpse Of Us
Genshin Characters reacting to their S/O introducing them as their “best friend”
When You’re Catching Feelings For Somebody Else
How The Genshin Girls React With A Pregnant S/O
Genshin Girls With A Shy S/O
You Cheering Them Up Wearing Cat Ears
The Liyue Women Confessing To Their S/O
Comfort During The Storm
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
Genshin Girls When They’re On Their Period
Taking away their cuddling privileges after a bad fight
S/O who comes out to her friends and family and the comfort that comes after
How The Genshin Girls React With A Pregnant S/O (Pt. 3)
Least To Most Likely To Be The Best Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Genshin Characters and their Favorite Cuddling Positions
Reader From The Atla Universe That Got Isekai’d To Genshin
The Liyue Women Confessing To Their S/O
Genshin Characters and their Favorite Cuddling Positions
Them Comforting You After Getting Bad Grades
Giving Your Girlfriend Lunchboxes With Love
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
Genshin Girls When They’re On Their Period
What They Do When They Miss You
How They React To You Saying “I Want To Break Up With You” As A Prank. Pt. 2
S/O who’s sick but wants to go to work
“C'mere, you”
How They React To You Saying “I Want To Break Up With You” As A Prank. Pt. 2 (The Apologies That Come After)
Pranking them (NSFW!). Pt. 2
The Liyue Women Confessing To Their S/O
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
The Liyue Women Confessing To Their S/O
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
The Liyue Women Confessing To Their S/O
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
Least To Most Likely To Be The Best Boyfriend/Girlfriend
Childe Choosing Between The Fatui And His S/O
Yun Jin
Liyue Girls And Their Love Language
How They React To You Saying “I Want To Break Up With You” As A Prank. Pt. 2
What They Do When They Miss You
Waking Up The Genshin Characters With Kisses
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Part 2 (here!)
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