#yandere Liu woods
niphredil-14 · 1 year
please send in requests. I’ll write pretty much anything. im desperate for inspiration. all my posts are queued.
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the-ship-maker-2 · 2 years
Can you make yandere bloody painter,puppeteer, and homicidal Liu hcs we’re their darling is a gamer and like drawing on their iPad and stuff so the just kinda sit down in there laps and just draws and the darling is very calm and calms them down and is very submissive to them?
Yandere! bloody painter, Liu and puppeteer w/ a s/o is a gamer and draws on their iPad and sits down in their laps and is very calm and submissive to them HCs
-bloody painter is more of an artist than a gamer. So if you are to hang with him you need to be an artist to or a willing muse
-since you're a very good person for him always doing what you're told and never even thinking about running away from him he gifted you an iPad only for drawing though he had been heavily montior and block everything from the outside world but you didn't seem to mind it.
-sometimes if he's stressed or down (he's also prone to manic episodes) you'll just sit on his lap and show him whatever drawing or doodle you're working on. Since you have a calming aura he calms down too. You ground him back to reality
-puppeteer is a jack of all trades kind of guy. He can draw but he's the one who likes to be drawn. Technology was actually one of his passions before everything happened.
-he has his puppets keep an eye on you to make sure you're taking care of yourself and not running away and to figure out your likes and dislikes. So when he figured out that you like video games and drawing. He got you an old game console with a few games and an iPad also heavily restricted and monitored thanks to him. And he's happy that you seem content.
-hes very touched starved so he will pull you into his lap constantly and he can just vibe with your calm aura whether it's was watching you play games or having you draw him. He needs to be the center of attention or he'll die
-liu is very different from these two. He's more of a calculating and cautious yandere. Although he's good at art and dabbled in it he's a gamer more than anything? (Thanks Jeff)
-after many many months maybe possibly a few years after you begging him for an iPad to draw on and games and a new console and after proving yourself time and time again that you're submissive and never ran away once he finally caved in. Although he heavily monitors and restricts your iPad just to be on the safe side. Can't blame the guy.
-this poor man is a ball of bundled anxiety so he loves it when you sit on his lap and plays games with him or if he's watching you draw. Your calming aura makes him feel safe and secure in your arms
-they all love you in their sick twisted ways
I hope you like these and feel free to ask again!
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eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
Can we have headcanons where the reader gets scared of the pastas and try to run away?
a/n: yes you can!! decided to just do 5 creepypastas here just to ease myself back into writing. this isn't proofread btw
includes: jeff the killer, the bloody painter, eyeless jack, homicidal liu, and zalgo.
warnings: unhealthy relationships, possessive behavior, mentions of cults, overprotective behavior, kidnapping, swearing, does this qualify as yandere? i think it does so, that's basically the gist of it, yeah.
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Okay first of all, how fucking dare you? Second of all, how fucking dare you?
You should be scared, honestly.
I mean, honestly, what the hell were you thinking? You can't run away from him, you idiot. There's no escape. You're stuck with him! He thought you knew that already.
Apparently not, seeing as the lovely little cabin he was keeping you in was empty and the front door was wide open when he arrived.
You're not going to be able to calm him down when he eventually finds you. It doesn't matter how long it takes, or how far you've gotten. He will find you. You're his. You're not allowed to leave him, ever.
"Do you wanna fucking die?" Were the first words that came out of Jeff's mouth when he found you. You had been running through this damned forest for hours now, and it was when you finally decided to take a short break that he had caught up to you. It wasn't hard to find you, he knew these woods like the back of his hand.
The anger was heavy in his words and in his actions. His grip on you has always been tight, but this was worse. Your arm stung as his nails dug into your skin, dragging you closer to him. You tried to ignore the knife pressed against your side, but it was easier said than done.
You ran from him because you were scared of him. That was your excuse, as you struggled to get out of his grasp without getting yourself stabbed.
It definitely got a laugh out of him, one full of malice. Oh, you're scared? Big fucking deal, that doesn't mean you can up and leave him. And when he drags you all the way back to the cozy little cabin in the woods that he lovingly kept you locked away in, trust me, you'll regret ever trying to run away from him.
If you want him to leave you alone so badly, then so be it.
He's a little annoyed, to be honest. He thought you loved him, so you running away from him certainly made him upset.
Helen didn't want you to be scared of him. He wanted you to love him, and he wanted to have a normal relationship with you.
But he supposes he isn't all that shocked. He's a serial killer, after all. It's not surprising that you wanted nothing to do with him.
The moment he realized you were gone, he was abandoning everything to hunt you down.
Even if you are scared of him, he can't let you leave him.
There was a look of heavy disappointment in Helen's expression when he found you. It's the most emotion you've seen on his face in the time that you've known him. He had you cornered, so you couldn't get away from that damned expression.
"Don't make this harder than it has to be," He had said when you stumbled backward as he approached. Helen would never hurt you, so why are you so afraid of him? Can't you see that he loves you? Is it really that hard to trust him? He thought you loved him, so coming home to an empty house just... it hurt him a lot, can't you see?
He doesn't want to hurt you, he just wants you to take his hand so he can take you home.
But he won't hesitate to knock you out if you refuse to go willingly. He loves you so much, there's simply no way he can ever let you leave him. Besides, you know far too much. It would be risky if he let you go.
And when you wake up, you'll be confined to one room until he's certain you won't try and leave him again. He gets that you're scared, he truly does, but you need to behave.
Feels genuinely guilty for maybe a solid 5 seconds before instincts take over.
Honestly, he's probably the only one here that will catch up to you immediately. He has a keen sense of smell, and you're his mate, so of course he's going to be able to find you with ease.
He doesn't like that you're scared of him. You were supposed to love him! You're mates! Why are you scared of him?
Like... actually genuinely confused as to why you ran away.
You could've just talked to him! Why'd you have to run?
Well, it's too late now. You chose to run, so he'll gladly chase you down to the ends of the earth if he must. He's not going to let you leave him, there's no chance.
The Jack you know is awkward, and stoic. But he's stressed to you many times that he loved you deeply. The Jack that crashed into you after spending hours hunting you down after you ran away was different.
Sometimes you forget that he was a little less than human because when he dragged you to the ground with him, his chest was heaving and he was barely able to contain the growl in his voice as he spoke, "I caught you."
His claws were digging into your skin, threatening to draw blood if you so much as squirmed underneath him. A subtle threat, one that you took very seriously.
It truly isn't his intention to scare you. He loves you more than you'll ever know. But you can't leave him. You can't. He needs you. The second he decided that you were the one for him, your fate was sealed. He refuses to let you leave him, no matter how scared of him you are. You'll learn to get over this fear, he's sure of it.
Oh. Yeah. Okay. Totally. That... that hurts, yeah. Don't get him wrong, he gets it. But ouch.
If he were in your position, he'd probably be scared as well. And for a brief moment, he considers letting you go but...
He can't. He just can't. He loves you too much to let you go, and it's just too dangerous for you to be out there in the world, where he can't protect you.
He's really good at tracking people down, it's basically his specialty, so you won't be able to get too far before he's behind you.
He knows you're scared. He gets it. He understands. But he's doing this for your own good. He hopes you'll come to understand that one day as well.
He had found you hours after you managed to sneak away from him, but he didn't make his presence immediately known. He was having an internal struggle, torn between letting you go and bringing you back into his arms. He didn't want you to hate him, but he couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt.
He made it quick, knocking you out before you had even realized he was there. And when you wake up, back in the safety of the little hideaway he keeps you in, you see Liu with an expression of pure and genuine guilt in his expression.
"I'm sorry." He had said, because he was.
Liu is doing this for your own good. He's just trying to keep you safe. If he had let you go, who knows what could've happened to you! You have a target painted on your back, and there's someone out there who wouldn't hesitate to kill you if it meant getting to Liu.
So, no. You can't leave him. He needs to keep you safe.
Yeah, good luck with that. The likelihood of you ever being able to leave Zalgo is damn near nonexistent. He has eyes everywhere, always watching you.
But let's say you do manage to run away without him noticing. Good job, by the way. That's not an easy thing to do. He'd be really pissed though.
He doesn't have attachments to people, seeing them as objects for him to toy around with until he grew bored. But you? You were special.
You were his favorite toy. He cherished you, kept you locked away so no one else could have you. Your fear was cute! He couldn't just let you go.
Rest assured, he will find you. He'll drag you back to your rightful spot.
Zalgo had been both impressed and enraged when he saw that you were gone. He had eyes everywhere, always watching you, alerting him if anything were to ever happen to you. For a moment, he had thought that someone had up and taken you. After all, why would you run away from him? You were smarter than that, surely. But he was wrong. You had left. Somehow managed to sneak out without him ever noticing.
Finding you wasn't going to be too much of an issue. His power was immeasurable, his influence vast. He had too many cults to keep track of, and they were all hunting for you. He was sure to greatly reward whichever cult found you first.
And once you were safely brought back to the cage he kept you in, he would linger around more than he normally does. Clearly, the pieces of him that he leaves behind to monitor you have been growing complacent, so he intends on sticking around until you learn your lesson, "Aw, does my presence make my little human scared?"
He thinks your fear is adorable, and he can't fault you for that. He's very angry that you ran away, however, and rest assured that he won't let that go unpunished. Clearly, you've gotten too comfortable here in this realm of mortals. Perhaps it would be best if he brought you to his domain... you would certainly have a much harder time escaping if he did that.
You'll only have yourself to blame if he chooses to go through with that train of thought.
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authorautism · 1 year
Creepypasta headcanons
Ben is the youngest creep at 20 years old his personality is a mix of chronically online overly confident loser boy and a pinch of Link that he tries to supress. The others age range from 20 to 26 with Eyeless Jack being the oldest. Zalgo and Slenderman are entities that have always existed so their age is outside understanding.
The mansion in the woods exists but it servers more as a command base then where all the creeps live with only Slenderman spending majority of his time there, while the other creeps have more varied places they stay. Some are on the run or living of the grid but a majority spend the time at or with Reader.
They all stalked the reader to with different levels of precision. Hoody and Masky do not get caught but the reader knows someone is following them. While with Slenderman and Zalgo the would be unnoticed if not for the sickness. Ticci Toby and Jeff are both caught in the act of murdering someone who flirted with reader. While Eyeless Jack is able to get away with the murder and stalking easily. Liu is the only creep to approach Reader first rather then stalking them though Sully stalks Reader when he is fronting.
Most fall under the yandere x reader personality to a degree. But despite the murdering and powers all these boys want is too be loved and cherished like they have never felt before. Majority use the stray cat method to get Reader to love them back unless Reader is inclined to murdering like they are.
NSFW Undercut!
Don't let their threats and appearance dissuade you they're all subs and or bottoms in one way or another. Some are especially bratty to [Ben and Jeff]. For the sake of having a cohesive headcanon all of them have normal male anatomy unless its omegaverse. With some exceptions such as Slender's tentacle dick and other tentacles. Zalgo's many tentacles and EJ's own tentacle dick and many tongues. Everyone else has normal dicks with varying normal traits.
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mythicalmyles · 2 years
hi there ! your writing is literally like a saving grace to me 🥺🫶🏼! could i request Jeff with a younger male reader? + breeding, forced orgasm, punishment, & yandere
i was thinking maybe MC is considered super gullible and innocent. yknow, the shtick! thank you so much if you get to this!! i hope you have a great day (🫧 )
I like da way u think and im so glad ypu like my stuff that means sm i lov u🥹 hope u enjoy also i hope u dm me doing force squirting instead <3
(Name) sat quietly at his desk, headphones blaring through his ear drums. He sniffled and shuffled position in his chair before skipping a few songs before finally settling on one.
His eyes flicked to the time, 4.07 am. A breath shot out his nose as he flopped back against his chair, he should fix this. Instead he shook his head and continued staring past his computer, thoughts running through his head.
His thoughts always ended up on an old friend, Jeffery Woods. It felt like some distant fever dream, but it had happened. Sometimes he morned the loss of his old friend but fear would be quick to fill him after, the authorities had long lost count of his bodies.
(Name) wrapped his arms around himself as he felt his body tremor, dread filling his stomach. A horrible feeling filled his body, he couldn’t explain why he suddenly felt like a cornered mouse.
Hands gripping his shoulders had a scream tearing through the room, (Name) didn’t care how girly he might’ve sounded as terror filled every inch of his body causing him to lock in place.
He let out a winded yelp as he fell back with the chair, thankful for the cushioning. His eyes shot open and whatever noise he had began to make died in his throat when (e/c) eyes met blue.
Hed recognise those eyes anywhere, part of him quickly began to berate himself for thinking about this so much. “Hello sunshine.” Jeffs voice was completely different, not only was it deeper then last time they’d spoken but it held this tone of insanity in it.
(Name) knew he was fucked up, all the murders, the self mutilation it all had to go back to that day. (Name) quickly jumped up, trying to run around Jeff but failing as the other threw him onto his bed.
“Come in now, is that anyway to great an old friend?” Jeff laughed before quickly jumping on top of (Name), hands quickly restraining the younger. “Please Jeff, i didn’t have anything to do with that.” (Name) begged, eyes tearing up as he searched for anything on Jeff’s face.
Jeff giggled and shook his head. “I know that, silly.” Jeff’s tone was condescending as he stared down at the smaller boy trapped under him. “I'm not here to hurt you.. Much." He grinned and (Name) closed his eyes, his panic almost too much for himself to hand.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." (Name) blinked his eyes open, looking at Jeff's serious face. He let out a breath and relaxed in Jeff's grip. "What do you-" Jeff was quick to cut him off. "Don't worry about it." His thumbs lightly rubbed against (Names) wrist. "Plus, i only hurt bad people."
(Name) frowned but before he could speak Jeff continued. "I do research into the people i hurt and they deserve it, but the news would never tell you that." (Name) bit his lip, his dad had always raved on about people spying on them and that no one could be trusted.
"I would never hurt an innocent person." Jeff's face stayed serious as he lied through his teeth, (Name) ate it up. "What about your parents? Liu?" (Name) questioned, Jeff did his best to hide his aggrivation at the twenty questions he was suddenly being levied with but he sucked it up.
"Mom and dad... They. My face.." Was all Jeff said before bursting into tears, (Name) quick to hug him. "It's okay, we don't have to talk about it anymore, im sorry." Once (Name) apologised Jeff knew he had him, quick to hid his smirk by dipping his head down.
He pushed his head into (Names) neck who shivered as his breath touched him. Jeff moved his knees closer to his body, causing (Names) legs to spread around his waist. Jeff grinned as he felt the others breathing pick up.
Jeff pushed the others shirt up as his hand moved up (Names) stomach to begin flicking his nipple. A shocked gasp left him as he gripped Jeff's wrist, doing nothing to stop the stronger man. "Jeff, wait no." (Name) panicked as Jeff shushed him, his mouth moving to play with his other nipple.
A strangled moan left (Name) as Jeff's tongue circled his bud, he shook his head as his breathing became laboured. "Jeff, no." He tried to say more sternly, Jeff chuckled in response and kept assaulting his nipples.
Moans fell from (Names) lips as he tried to pull Jeffs hand away from his nipple. He paused to squeeze Jeffs wrist as his back arched and his eyes rolled. Jeff stopped only to make his way down (Names) stomach, slurping against his skin as he moved down. "Please." (Name) moaned out as Jeff pulled down his boxers, Jeff smirked.
"Want more already." A small cry left (Name) as he shook his head. "No-ahhh please stop." Jeff laughed as he easily flipped the smaller boy onto his stomach. Jeff stuck his fingers into (Names) mouth, fucking his throat for a few seconds as drool coated him. "Good boy." Jeff cooed as he pushed a finger into (Name).
A broken cry flew from his lips as Jeffs finger sank into him. "God, so tight pretty boy." A whimper left (Name). "Jeff please, you don't have to do this." (Name) begged through his moans. "I want to." Was all Jeff replied before pushing another finger in. (Names) moans raised in pitch as Jeff used his free hand to grip his hip and pull him back onto his fingers.
Jeff spotted lotion on the side table and quickly scooped it up, (Name) tried to run but Jeff was quick to dive on top of him. "C'mon baby, it's gonna feel so good." (Name) just shook his head and shivered as Jeff coated his cock in lotion. Jeff didn't waste time before pushing into the smaller, he let out a loud groan as his cock was gripped.
"So tight, so good." Was all Jeff could say before he gripped (Names) hips and began fucking him. (Name) let out a cry at the intrusion, Jeff's cock filling him more then he could bare. A strangled moan left him as Jeff roughly fucked into him, he could feel his own cock harden as Jeff assaulted his prostate.
Loud moans filled the room along with the sound of skin slapping as Jeff took him roughly. "Gonna breed you up pretty boy, fill you up with so much cum. You'd look so pretty full of my babies." (Name) gasped and flushed, his cock twitched at Jeffs words.
He shook his head though, quick to protest. "Shut up, what are you really gonna do pretty baby? I have my cock deep in this pretty little ass of yours. You're mine now." (Name) sobbed, he couldn't tell at this point if it was because of how good he felt right now or if he really didn't want what Jeff said.
"I should've taken you when i first say you, you looked so pretty." (Names) mouth opened, not sure what he was going to respond before a weird stabbing feeling filled his stomach. Panic filled him as he began fighting against Jeff again. "No, Jeff. Please, i'm begging, you need to stop please." (Name) begged as weird feeling filled his stomach and cock, he could swear he was about to piss himself.
He kept begging, instead jeff ignored him and grabbed his arms. He pulled them behind (Names) back as his hand gripped (Names) neck. Jeff gripped hard as he continued to slam into (Names) prostate, (Name) let out a loud scream as he squirted, his own liquid coating him.
(Name) sobbed, embarrassment flushing him, Jeff paused to smile in glee. "I've never seen a man actually do it!" He cheered, (Name) sniffled before turning around to Jeff. Jeff swore before gripping the others hair and connecting their lips. He pulled out and dove on top of (Name), their bodies flush together as Jeff pushed his cock back into (Names) hole.
(Name) moaned weakly as Jeff praised him, continuing to thrust his cock into the already spent boy. (Name) burned with over sensativity but it also felt so good all he could do was lie back and take what Jeff threw at him.
Jeff grinned as the other fully relaxed and submitted. "Such a good boy, so pretty." Jeff cooed as he ran one of his hands through the others hair. It didn't take too long for (Names) moans to pick up and for his to struggle again. "Not again, please." Jeff shut him up but pressing his lips to the others as he picked up his thrusts, his own climax coming close.
(Name) came again, cum barley dripping out his cock as he let out a high pitched whine. His whine turned into a yelp as Jeff suddenly slapped his ass, Jeff slapped his ass four more times delighting when tears filled the others eyes as he begged Jeff to stop. "You should've been a good boy." Jeff smacked his ass ten more times, delighting in the way (Name) tightened around his cock.
Jeff began thrusting into him again except this time he'd randomly smack (Names) ass delighting in the shout the other produced each time. Jeff stopped his slaps in favour of picking up his thrusts and chasing his release, (Name) came again and Jeff lightly chuckled as he hit his own release and pumped the smaller man full of his cum.
"Told you I'd breed you good."
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yanderefantasies · 2 years
Not a single creepypasta request? Alright, I'll be the first one then. What about some Homicidal Liu and/or Bloody Painter hcs? Whoever you feel most comfortable with. Thanks!
I’ll do both, just cause
Sorry this took so long- also since you didn’t specify any ideas then I’ll just make these general hcs? What type of yandere they are. :))
Fem readers DNI
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•Liu Woods “Homicidal Liu” is, in all senses of the word, possessive with a capital P.
•He isn’t the type of guy to fall fast, but he is the type to fall hard. With enough attention, honestly, and affection? You’ve got him hooked. Literally. You wont see him around anyone else, cause he’ll be attached to your hip. If anything? He’s like a guard dog. Lashing out and attacking other people when they’re around you, circling around you like a damn shark sometimes too.
•In all honestly, you could just sum it up to family issues and separation anxiety if you wanted. Which is basically all it is- but don’t get it wrong, he does genuinely love you. Just,,, in his own twisted way. As in. Killing for you and doing everything you ask.
•Sometimes he’ll feel bad for being sooo,,, suffocating. He’ll try and give you space, but it’ll usually just end up with him feeling like shit and crawling right back to you whether you want him to or not.
•Sadly, this man does lash out in anger every now and then, but never at you. Dude has some serious anger issues, as well as another fucking person in his body so like. Ya know. Shits difficult for him currently,, until Sully fronts but that’s a diff conversation for a diff day.
•During said episodes where he lashes out, it usually just consists of throwing something in a different room, yelling into a pillow, or, worse case scenario, he goes out and kills someone to vent his anger. And then brings back a dismembered body part as an apology gift.
•,,,,yeah he acts kinda like a dog.
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•Helen Otis, “Bloody Painter”, is quite the stoic type of guy. You can’t really get a read on him. I hc that he’s selective mute, so you definitely won’t be hearing anything from him. If you know ASL, then congrats! You two can hold a conversation. If not? Then you may wanna only ask yes or no questions for the time being.
•Don’t get me wrong, yes, he’s stoic, but he still takes good care of you. I’d say he’s an obsessive type. And he wouldn’t hesitate to abduct you early on. He’s got too many artworks of you in his studio to count, some in oils, watercolor, charcoal, and,, some questionable red liquid. Yay.
•Honestly I feel like he’d keep some sort of diary, and then only use it to talk about you and his feelings and devotion towards you.
•if you ever find it, don’t question it. Just put it back.
•Like Liu, this dude is attached to your hip. At first, he’s too scared to actually touch you and give affection, but that’s cause he’s embarrassed and nervous. The mask kinda hides it. That’s another thing! You’ll never be able to tell what he’s thinking.
•He doesn’t have any “tells” with his body language, you can’t see his face, and he doesn’t speak. Sometimes it’s easy to mistake him for a robot.
•Unlike Liu, Helen doesn’t lash out like him. Helen is surprisingly very calm and cool-headed. If he gets angry, he knows it’s not your fault, you don’t need to worry about him hurting you. Helen getting angry is extremely rare, and if he isn’t able to calm down immediately like he usually does, then he just steps outside for a moment to cool down.
•but let it be known that it’s pretty hard to anger him in the first place.
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13tinysocks · 1 year
Creepypasta/mh headcanons I can't fucking stand 🥰🥰 aka me dunking 80% of the fandoms head in a shitpost toilet xoxo if u disagree you hate lesbians xoxo
(literally made this draft 2 years ago and its still fucking true)
Fratboy toby (literally didn't finish highschool was bullied actual fucking loser 🦞)
Baby-ish tim titty sucking Toby (grown men with ass hair)
Twink Toby. (Has a hairy pussy)
Punk xvirus (where did u guys even get this he's like a sickly victorian child)
Brian/hoodie being hyper agrressive (he's an aloof psychopath imo like if u hates u he doesn't sexually assault u sry ;/ he hides your epi pen and puts shit ur allergic to in your lunch)
Hettie Liu (fag)
Them dating cops/investigators/military/boot lickers in general (actual criminals who love shoplifting and hate fighting over oil)
Eyeless jack but he can see with eyes or demon bullshit (fuck you)
Gay and misogynistic eyeless jack (yes, this is real)
Ben drowned. That's it I just hate every Ben headcannon.
Just wired hyper dommy rapey shit in general. I get you wanna write bdsm pointed stuff guys but rape rly isn't how to do it on God.
Yandere anything (makes everyone the same cookie cutter whacko with no sensible motive and also a generally ableist trope)
Jane loving Jeff (😀)
Jeff being suave. (Tells people to kill themselves on Twitter. Doesn't wash ass)
Offender man 🧍
Barbed cat dick jack (a lot of jack sexual hcs are so virgincore it's insane do you even realize what an anitomically correct barbed cock would feel like? Cats howl during sex because it is incredibly painful)
The phrase sloppy pussy
"""""""""""kitten"""""""""" ok virgin
Any of them smelling nice (piss in the woods don't clean foreskin)
Every headcannon (I know the truth Slenderman told me all the hot goss frfr)
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windtooweem · 1 year
Yandere Jeff and Yandere Liu
Being Childhood Friends with Female Reader?
In the past Reader is a Great Childhood Friend with the Woods Brothers and sadly she moved into a new House.
And years passed so they meet her again and the face looks like an beauty of an Angel
Romantic 💘
She/her reader
Tw! Cuss word
Yandere Jeff x Childhood best friend Reader x Yandere Liu
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“Why The hell would he send us here?” Jeff grumbled angrily as he walked beside his brother in their childhood home.
“I don’t know. The faster we get the job done the faster we can be on our way” Liu responded stepping over the broken glass in the ground.
“Apparently one of his colleagues lives here and he needs some information on someone that Ben couldn’t find, so he wants us to talk to them” Liu said remembering what Slender said to him.
“Okay then. Slender wanted me to talk to you-“ A voice started up but tralled off as soon as the strangers face was revealed.
That’s when the sick obsession started.
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chocoshrooms · 1 year
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—> rules <—
who i write for:
⚠️ NSFW in red coloring means sexual content! (18+ minors do not interact)
| Eyeless Jack
:: general headcanons
:: NSFW alphabet
| Jeff The Killer
:: jeff x pregnant! reader, him finding out
| BEN Drowned
:: realistic headcanons
:: general headcanons
:: yandere! ben x bride! reader
| Hoodie (Brian MH)
| Masky (Tim MH)
| Ticci Toby
:: toby & cody, how they get along?
| Nina The Killer
| Jane The Killer
| Dark Link
:: yandere! dark link x bride! reader
:: general headcanons
:: realistic headcanons
:: NSFW alphabet
| Kagekao
:: kagekao as a shapeshifter
:: general headcanons
who i don’t normally write for but have written something for:
| Liu Woods
:: general headcanons
| Cody (X-Virus)
:: toby & cody, how they get along?
multiple character writings:
| muti creepypasta fluffy headcanons
| ticci toby & cody (xvirus) how they get along
| yandere! ben drowned & dark link x bride! reader
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horrors-at-night · 9 months
On a scale of 1-10 how much does each proxy want Briar?
Are there also any other horrors they want?
Oh my God you actually resent it-- or someone did! Okay let's do this
Hoodie: 2 - wouldn't fuck any of the wild horrors. Rico, on the other hand...
Masky: 10. Ten ten ten. I could see him potentially fucking either of the Woods brothers if he got in a Mood but it's not happened.
Skully: 0. He is gay. He's not particularly interested in anyone he's encountered in canon but as guilty as it makes him feel to think it... HABIT, no matter the body, is a sight to behold.
Beastie: 5. He's not going to go out of his way to fuck her, but he'd be down for a threesome with Kate. Doesn't really want anyone, more is... curious, sometimes.
Kate: 8. Briar is cute and she wants to ruin her. Has flirted with the Hedonist, much to his amusement, and is curious about BEN. And Nina. And Liu. And Puppeteer. Really she'd happily fuck any of the gov horrors. Even GABE.
Toby: it's complicated. He's the token yandere, so there's no way it wouldn't be complicated. He still wants Jeff. Probably will always want Jeff.
Doby: man I haven't done anything with him in forever. I'd say he's about a 6? I can't think of anyone in particular he's wanting to sleep with. He's open to whatever or whoever comes his way. Well, aside from the Sadist. He'll go out of his way for his god.
... I feel like I'm missing someone. Who am I missing? Other than the dog. Fury hasn't gotten access to her human form, she doesn't count yet.
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fuckin-liuuuuu · 1 month
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Liu Woods • Homicidal Liu
17-21, ageslider. Fictive.
I may not act like whatever you think I do. The version of me in your head isn't me, and I have no obligation to be that person. (Being parasocial and/or obsessive about me is encouraged, though.)
Whatever you do, I can handle it.
I love my brother. Romantically. If that squicks you out, you can leave.
Obsessive? Yes. Yandere? Also yes. Incestuous? Definitely.
#liu.txt - original text post
#liu.img - original image post
#liu.reblog - reblogs
#liu.ans - asks
#liu.diary - source mem related bullshit
#liu.world - creepypasta general stuff
#liu.mirror - faceclaims/images of self
#dearbrother.exe - jeff related posts
Others to probably be added idk
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xx-craftycreep-xx · 8 months
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IᑎTᖇOᗪᑌᑕTIOᑎ Oᖴ ᗯᖇITEᖇ:
Greetings. My name is Crafty. Nicknames allowed are: Crafty, Vi, creeps or T. People above 13 can interact with my blog. However, I suggest not to interact with smut if you are not comfortable.
•Things I am willing to write:
Male/Gn reader
But remember, all of this will only be Creepypastas x reader
Creepypasta x reader x Creepypasta
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•Things I won't write:
Creepypasta x Creepypasta (UNLESS it's canon)
Smut involving Vomit and crap
Sally x reader (Platonic is fine)
R@pe (only if it's fantasy/yandere)
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•Characters I shall write for:
Jeff the killer [Mason/Woods]
Homicidal Liu
BEN Drowned
Eyeless Jack
Ticci Toby
Laughing Jack
Jane the killer (Richardson/she's married to Mary Vaughn)
Mary Vaughn (NOT a CP but..still)
I shall add more! But thats it for now! THANKSSSS ❤️
A/N: Dividers by @cafekitsune
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yandereaffections · 5 years
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Lius just radiating absolute worry, he doesn’t know what he’s doing hes never planed for this???? What do people do? Parenting books?? He doesn’t have a clue
What about his face? The scars and stitch’s must be so gruesome to a kid, not to mention he’s only had experience with Jeff as a kid what doesn’t he do with a growing child????
Please take the time to sit down with Liu and comfort him, reassure him that you’ll both do your best and once the child is introduced to the world is when you’ll worry
Cause that’ll give him months of time to get used to the idea of having a child with you, though his murderous tendencies seem to only work his anxieties back up
He guesses he’ll just have to raise the child without the idea that “murder is bad” since it’s the main way he keeps you protected, will give them the general idea that you must kill to keep yourself safe
Not to mention Liu won’t hesitate to teach them to kill any threat towards you on sight
But despite Lius homicidal tendencies, he’d do his best to take care of you
Keeping you in a safe area away from any crowded city’s or streets, away from any form of society that can cause you stress or harm you in anyway
You’re staying inside no matter what you say, no going anywhere without him. You’re having cravings? Sit down and stay down he’ll get it for you. Your back is sore? Turn around and let Liu help, you don’t need any professional he can massage you just fine
Besides morning sickness, the main thing that freaks Liu out the most is child birth
Are you suppose to be in this much pain? Why are you screaming please tell him what to do he can’t just watch you go through this
Honestly there’s a point where he contemplated taking you to the hospital and just dealing with whatever comes next, but he can’t do that Liu knows they’ll take both you and his child away from him if they even dare figure out who he is
Legit will be skimming through a guide on how to comfort you and take care of you as the grip on his hand gets tighter and tighter, trying his best to rush and get you whatever the guide says
Of course once they’re healthily delivered and you’re breathings steady Liu will be panicking, but just a bit more calm, seeing your alive and well along with his child
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scary-lasagna · 2 years
What would Jane and Liu do if Jeff was forcing someone to date him?
Since this has yandere tones, I kind of touched on Liu in this ask.
Oh, it's a rescue mission for sure.
She sympathizes with Jeff's victims, even Liu who she believes is clinging onto old memories to purify and forgive Jeff's current actions.
So Jane makes it a mission to rescue them. Because of her work profession, Victim Service/Support, she deals with this kind of stuff daily. And she knows how to gain your trust in order to help them thoroughly.
She'll arrive at the house every night, giving you hidable snacks, disinfectant, and even a burner phone. If she knows Jeff isn't returning, she'll help them hide the items thoroughly before treating their wounds.
It's a process. She needs somewhere to take them, untraceable, and she needs to protect their family and friends as well.
Jeff knows more than her, and Jane needs to spend a lot of time gaining information. Because once they're gone, Jeff will go after their next of kin as anger masked in punishment.
Over the span of a few months, Jane will eventually gain their full trust, and finally attempt to escape once all of her ducks are in a row.
And if it comes down to it, Jane will protect you with her life. Jeff has already had his turn with Jane, but you still have an untainted life ahead of you.
You have a chance to be free.
Liu is a kind person.
He's very helpful and goes out of his way to make sure someone else can be comfortable on hard days.
That being said, once he caught word of what was happening, he wanted to rush to their aid and tell them that it's okay.
It's not, of course, but it's the thought that counts.
Liu will attempt to give them aid without Jeff catching on. He can get awfully jealous, you know.
But sometimes, all they need is a gentle hug and a hand to smoothe their hair as they cry.
They'll beg Liu to help them, to take them away from this Hellhole.
But Liu simply can't betray his brother's wishes like that.
He knows that deep down, Jeff still has a beautiful heart and a good mind. Maybe they are what he needs. Someone to love him and prove to him that he's good.
Liu convinces himself to not intervene, but still shows up occasionally as their fucked up fairy godmother.
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angelic-dew · 2 years
𖠰𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝙴𝚟𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚜 & 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚎𝚜❄︎
𖠰ᴺᵒᵗᵉ: ⁱ'ᵐ ᵗʳʸⁱⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ⁱ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵍᵒ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ'ˢ ᵇᵈᵃʸ ᵖᵃʳᵗʸ ᵗᵐʳ.
❄︎ᵂᵒʳᵏ ᵗʸᵖᵉ: ˢᶜᵉⁿᵃʳⁱᵒ
𖠰ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ: ᴱᴶ,ᴸᴶ,ˢˡᵉⁿᵈᵉʳᵐᵃⁿ,ˢᵃˡˡʸ,ᴸⁱᶻᵃʳⁱ,ᴶᵉᶠᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏⁱˡˡᵉʳ,ᴴᵒᵐⁱᶜⁱᵈᵃˡ ᴸⁱᵘ,ᴹᵃˢᵏʸ,ᴴᵒᵒᵈⁱᵉ,ᵀᵒᵇʸ,ᴶᵃⁿᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᴷⁱˡˡᵉʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴮᴱᴺ ᴰʳᵒʷⁿᵉᵈ. (In that order)
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❄︎ Ej would definitely be questioning what is this white shit falling from the sky. I'm just imagining that he's pulling Sally and lizari away from it and is threatening to punch a snowman. But he definitely is the best when wrapping gifts for some reason.
❄︎ LJ hand makes toys for the proxies and pastas , but not all of them he's still holding grudges against some of pastas. He's actually really talented when coming to decorate the mansion (if you can call that a talent). But Sally gets the most spoiled overall. Has named a snowman Gorge and are best friends now. (He doesn't know they melt. let him enjoy it while he can)
❄︎ Ah yes the prim, proper, elegant, strong, immortal slenderman is way too mature...that is why he puts forced on jingle bells on his tentacles kinda like what splendorman does. He is part of the more thoughtful bunch, and strangely enough, everyone gets spoiled by him slender are you sick? but overall sally and lizari get like 6576575 presents.
❄︎ Sally and lizari are a fun bunch, well a sweet bunch. They always make badly draw and painted cards for the guyz- But hey! It's the thought that counts, right.
❄︎ Now this ass hat, Jeff, I mean he is an asshole so he's practically gives everyone those ugly ,but festive Christmas sweaters no one likes. Makes a tray full of dick shaped cookies with Ben;slender is very disappointed in them.
❄︎ Ben is a total pain around Christmas. Except dick shaped cookies under the tree. Tried to put the lights on the tree, failed miserably, slender had to cut those perfectly good Christmas light to get that dumbass out. Gets no-one jack shit 🐸
❄︎ Liu's is just Jeff's babysitter around this time, he's extra chaotic this time around. Is the only one besides slender who can actually put the christmas lights up on the tree. Tries his best to get everyone something but since he's a bit antisocial Liu doesn't know what shit to give them.
❄︎ Masky, Hoodie and Toby are just...babysitters as well, except for Toby he's the kid in this scenario. They try to lessen down on the killing this year just because they want others to enjoy Christmas. Toby gives everyone cheap gifts but, it's the thought that counts- Masky and hoodie are just unfazed by all the festivities, they just want this to be over with.
❄︎ Jane...is the photographer and is constantly trying to get a good photo of the boys. Of course Jeff makes her life hard by getting in the way of every single picture. So he got stabbed to say...
Merry Christmas loves! This is my Christmas gift so ye- also if this is crap I apologize I'm still experiencing writers blockk- anyways enjoy your Christmas <3
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peezbabey · 3 years
bro yandere homicidal Liu and an s/o who is fine with it is all I want lmao
honestly same
Liu has always had trust issues since the shit hit the fan with Jeff, so even when you're willing walking with him, he's cautious
But he quickly warms up to the idea of you being content with your new life
You're sat there smiling to yourself after burning your list of any responsibilities you might've had.
Any school, any work, any care in the world. You're loving it.
To be showered with affection 24/7? Yes please.
As long as you don't cross any of Sully's lines, that is
Liu strongly believes you deserve to be more spoiled every day that you accept your fate.
He's completely infatuated by it that he's oblivious to any bad you may do.
You're precious to him, incapable of causing harm.
It gives him more of a reason to be obsessive protective of you
Sully, however, is abit more aware.
He's more willing to put you in your place when you've done something he deems wrong
even if its not on purpose, like breaking a dish or spilling a drink.
He will tie you up and he will hurt you. Liu would never lay a finger on his angel.
But, he refuses to admit, he does prefer you calm.
It's nice to have someone laid back, not always screaming and hurting his ears.
If Sully does punish you or hurt you, he's alot more gentle than he would usually be.
There's less bloodshed.
Liu will wordlessly take care of you, wrap up your wounds and kiss where it hurts before continuing on like nothing ever happens.
He lives in ignorant bliss.
You may not necessarily love him, but the fact you're chill with him is love to him
And if you're smart, you'll let him believe that.
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