#yandere hypnos x reader
helpfandom · 10 months
Yandere PLATONIC Hypno/Mezmeron x human Reader HCs.
You challenge, I provide.
Eennsy weensy bit of Warren too. It's like,, a paragraph and a few mentions.
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You were the kid who was his favourite, you absolutely ADORED his shows when he was a human, before he got mutated.
He loved that you were a fan and when he got mutated, a part of his brain became animalistic, hence, he became a yandere.
Surprisingly, one of the few times when I break the "reader / person is shocked to find a mutant." But this is because reader is a kid. Like a kid, reader doesn't know not to trust people yet.
Anyway, so when he turned into Hypno, he became a yandere for you! His big fan! And since you loved him so much, wouldn't you love him now?
As I said, I break the trope (that is a trope for a reason) and Reader is actually, surprised to see their favourite entertainer / person who isn't family or friends show up and be a mutant.
Little Reader here is okay with it because now he can do MORE magic! Which is exactly how he kidnaps you.
He kidnaps you by using the 'enters box, and now their gone!' trick to lead you to his apartment that he shares with Warren.
And yes, Warren loves you (in a platonic way) and Hypno (romantic), has no qualms with keeping you if it means he gets to have a family with his Bf.
So, once Hypno has you in the apartment, he keeps you entertained using magic tricks to make you forget about going home. He uses the short attention span to draw you away from thoughts of your previous home.
Although once you start crying because it's nighttime and you want the previous parents back, he starts to have some regrets and uses his magic to get you to sleep. Oftentimes life is boring with them because he wants you to rely on him for entertainment and wants to be your 'dad' which is disorienting for the little kid who just thought that magic was cool.
He hates using the hypnosis on you, but would do it if you are escaping or in BIG trouble. He wants you, not this,, being that looks like you but has none of your personality!
When they have to do crime to get money, he uses his hypnosis on you (although he hates that he has to,) and makes you wait until they get back.
He often gets upset but is scared of hurting you, so he hits the wall or objects but it only ends up scaring you more when you see the holes he created with a punch that could have been aimed at you.
Best scenario, you get Stockholm syndrome and he lets you get your education and go outside without having to hypntoise you too much.
It's best if you just Stockholm quickly because while he wants you to be you, and not some lifeless doll, he isn't afraid of that reality.
In the end of the day though, you're not escaping him because of his hypnosis.
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hunterwritesstuff · 1 year
hey hi! could i please request some blake (snow on mt silver/hypnos lullaby) yandere headcanons? pretty please? <:>/nf
Ooooh! Blake! Good choice!
Tw: yandere behavior, guilt tripping, manipulative behavior.
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❄️ The way you two first met was when you climbed Mount Silver. He was frostbitten and barely clinging onto life, Red already gone.
❄️ He was scared at first, but when you gave him your jacket to help him warm up, he immediately got attached to you.
❄️ When you bring him back to town, he's clingy to you, shooting other people who look at you death glares, but stopping if you look at him. If you catch him in the act, he'll go for the guilt trip method and say something along the lines of "Th-They made fun of me, I-I don't know what else I was s-supposed to do!"
❄️ He's one of the more obsessive and possessive yanderes due to what happened in his time on Mount Silver.
❄️ If you get him prosthetics for his missing limbs, he'll probably get worse, as he can ACTIVELY seek you out now.
❄️ His main way of trying to make sure you stay with him is through guilt tripping.("Did I do something wrong?", "What did I do? Wrong?", "Why are you leaving? What did I do? Did I step out of line?", "Oh, I'm horrible, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be this clingy, I'm such a horrible person...", "You should leave...I'm just a monster, after all, aren't I?", "You should've left me up on Mount Silver, I-I-I-I'm so horrible...!", things like that)
❄️ He only uses guilt tripping when he feels it's necessary.
❄️ He isn't the biggest fan of you not spending time with him, but he'll only act on it when he starts to feel suspicious about it.
❄️ He's not the biggest fan of secrets. It makes him...twitchy.
❄️ "You'd tell me if you were losing feelings, right? Not that you ever would lose feelings....right?"
❄️ Safe to say, he's unstable, he just hides it better than most.
Hope you enjoy! :D
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mayullla · 4 months
Title: Obsessive Passion
Character(s): Witch's Apprentice (Unnamed character/original work)
Summary: You didn't know how much jealousy and hatred he had in his heart and you didn't know how desperate his love was too. He was greedy and was even willing to break you so that you would love him back. Tags/Warnings: male!yandere, fem!reader, apprentice!yandere x witch!reader, both are adults, general yandere themes, brainwash/hypno, drugging, manipulation, dubious consent, 3.4k words
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You were a famous witch in the kingdom. Many sought you out for your spells and potions, and the things created by your hand were highly coveted. You were a woman who had reached fame for her talents in magic, knowledge, and powers at a young age. Many sought you out, including the royal family. However, instead of seeking more fame and money, you chose to leave the public eye and live a quiet life away from the capital. Only a few trusted friends and acquaintances knew where you were. You still made many potions and helped whenever the situation required it, but for the most part, you wanted to make time for yourself. You wanted to research and create spells and potions of your interest instead of what was requested and demanded.
With you, you took your apprentice, a man who had talents similar to yours, yet not as fully developed. Many said that he would not be able to achieve what you have due to his lack of mana, but you believed that he would be able to do more, even with that weakness. You knew he was smart, smart enough to figure out how to overcome that hurdle.
But maybe you should have been more careful with him.
You didn't know of the crazed love he had for you, a lust mixed in with unchecked jealousy and hunger. He loved you, he was so madly in love with you that sometimes he felt that it was driving him insane.
You were, in a sense, his savior, someone who took him out of a dark hole and showered him with positive love and attention. You were the one who saw his potential even with his lack of magic when others tossed him aside due to his limits.
It was an innocent crush at first, his heart beating faster when you got close to him as you helped him figure out a new spell that he was trying to create. He was deeply touched when he found out that you created a spell to move your mana to him when he started to run out, effectively stopping him from making progress in a lot of his work and studies.
To him, whenever you poured your energy onto him, he could not help but feel a shiver down his spine. His face flushed into a dark shade of red, perverted thoughts in his mind. All you needed was skin-to-skin contact, holding each other's hand, or you should hold his shoulder. But to him, it was more than that, more than a hug, more than a kiss. It was far more intimate than that when he felt your magic coiling with his, mixing together in his body. It was addicting.
It was difficult for him to hold himself, some days when you saw him panting so heavily after it, he had to make an excuse of some sort.
However, he also had too much anger and too much pride. He resented those who looked down on him, their judgmental eyes ranking his worth in their minds. You were the only one who looked at him in a different light.
You always told him to think of the good for the kingdom, that even when they looked down on him, he could show them what he could do and then their thoughts would change. You were always too kind and so positive.
You weren't naive. If you were, you would have long become a mere pawn of someone malicious, working endless hours for something empty, rather than being free to do whatever you want. But he had always been the more sly one.
That was what he loved about you but also hated. He hated how talented you were compared to him. He hated that you were more powerful than him, that he was in a sense below you. Because you were gifted, you had access to all kinds of magic spell books, even those that belonged to the royal library, while he was not even allowed into the room. He hated your magic because you had so much, unlike him.
He hated your pity.
You did know of his anger, anger towards the world and around him, but you never knew the extent of it. While you also believed that he could do more, you didn't realize what he could already do.
It was just headaches at first when you woke up. Headaches that would never go away no matter what you did. No potion or spell would cast away the pain in your head. Some days it was a numb pain that you could still function throughout the day, but with a few momentary breaks here and there. Sometimes you could go through your day like normal with a very light headache. Sometimes you could do nothing but sit in one place the whole day, unable to think because of the painful throbbing that almost felt like your skull was cracking.
Moments like those always made you mentally note to create another seal for your mind so that you could avoid these sorts of headaches in the future. But by then, it would be too late.
Your apprentice had taken care of most things while you had those serious headaches, giving him work that he could do when you weren't able to do them.
But while doing those tasks, he always took time to take care of you too, handing you tea that was supposed to soothe headaches. While it didn't work for the most part, you appreciated his gesture. Maybe if you were a little more aware and less in pain, you would notice something about the tea that he gave you.
Deep in your sleep, you would never notice how your apprentice would loom over you, having a smile on his lips, cheeks flushed as he played with your mind.
Being famous, you had always been careful of hidden threats and placed many seals in your body to protect yourself. One was on your mind, a seal that you had placed to protect you from any mind magic and dark magic. Much to your apprentice's amusement, he found it very cute that you were that cautious when dark or mind magic had become so rare.
It was taboo and illegal to dabble in such magic after all. Many who were found to be able to do so were mostly killed and burned on torture stakes. It had been years since someone could use such magic. Most magic of that sort was inherited after all, yet when they continued to kill most who could, there was no heir for such magic.
But it wasn't like all dark magic was gone.
He could not help but laugh when he thought of it, how you were so overly cautious of such magic yet took in an apprentice who could use dark magic. This was something you did not know, nor did you know much of. This was what he had over you.
Your seal, while effective if magic was used suddenly to get in your mind, was weak if it was something gradual, slowly chipped away. You would never notice it, not when your headaches started to worsen and worsen the more he chipped your little seal.
It felt like your mind was ripping apart, yet you could not wake up, a sleep potion that paralyzed you, keeping you in deep slumber no matter what he did to you. The torturous pain would be nothing but a nightmare the moment you wake up. He could not help but pity you a little, yet also find a certain thrill to it. A certain satisfaction that he could make you like this.
That he held power over you.
Your body reacted greatly to the broken seal, stiffening as sounds left your mouth, no matter how much he tried to minimize the pain. When it was forcibly broken, there was bound to be some backlash. Yet just as quickly, the sleep potions dragged you back to sleep, unable to react to the shattered seal, unable to see him right above you.
He could not help but laugh, holding it back as he covered his mouth with his hands. His lovely teacher, the teacher who trusted him so much, now at his mercy. He would finally watch you fall from your little stage right under his arms, weak and nothing like the powerful witch you were.
It was a complicated seal that he created just for you, drawn with magic above your head. It was made just for you, like the spell that you had created for him. It would replace the seal that he had broken, and you would be none the wiser. Even if you checked the seal, you would see and feel that same seal that he had broken still there.
One by one, he would change your thoughts, amusing himself in your confusion as he continued to slowly change your mind to his liking, doing things for his pleasure, yet none the wiser.
It took a while, but when you woke up, the headache you had for weeks was suddenly gone.
It was surprising when you realized that you didn't feel like someone was hitting you constantly with a hard, dull hammer every time you even blinked. You were suspicious of the change, but you also felt nothing more than relief. Even when you checked the seals that you placed in your body, nothing was strange.
Yet you just could not help but feel that something was off. That something was not right, but you just could not place a finger on it. You checked the potions and cabinets in the house to see if you misplaced something or if something was stolen, but it wasn't the case. Your apprentice took care of most of the cleaning and potion making while you were resting in bed. Anyone who visited your apprentice had given them the requested items and potions without any problem, but something just felt off.
"Is something the matter?"
You were startled by his voice, jumping a little as if you were caught doing something you shouldn't do. Turning to him, you could not help but frown. "It is nothing, I am just a little confused right now. I can't help but feel like I am missing something."
You honestly replied to your apprentice, wondering and maybe hoping that he had the answer why you were like this. "I am not sure," he answered, having a worried look on his face, wondering if he had made a mistake while you were resting. "Did I make a mistake of some sort?"
Looking at his thinking face, probably trying to calculate expenses or thinking where stuff in where, you shook your head, raising your hand to stop him. "No, it is fine. Thank you for taking care of everything." Seeing that soft smile on his lips, you decided to give your worries a rest.
Yet it always lingered in the back of your mind. As days passed, you started to pay more attention to your apprentice. When you were in the middle of your own research, your mind sometimes thought of him unconsciously, wondering what he was doing and where he was. If he was in the room, you became overly conscious of him. Your eyes could not help but look at him some days, falling into a daze until you snapped out of it with him calling you with a worried look on his face.
It wasn't like you ignored him in the past; you tried to teach him when you were not caught up with your own research. In fact, you were able to give more time to him after you moved to the village, having more time to do whatever you wished. You invested more time into helping him train and learn.
However, this was different.
Your mind just could not think straight sometimes, finding it hard to concentrate when your mind kept thinking of him. He was your apprentice, and while not really far in age, sometimes you thought of him more as an assistant. He was mature and helped you a lot too back then when you had so much work to do. Even now, when he followed you to the countryside, he continued to help you when you needed it. He was reliable.
It wasn't on purpose when you unconsciously started to look over him more often, seeing and checking what he was doing. You took even more time away from your own research to help him learn more about magic and his own research. A quick learner, you always thought, when he picked up a lot of the things you taught him. He was faster… way faster than you when you studied magic around his level.
As more days passed, you started to think that he was better than you, clearly way more talented than you. More often than before, you would compliment him. You complimented him a lot before too, yet you started to do it more and more often. And every compliment seemed to remind you that he was far better than you, that he was better than you.
But it never changed the fact that, unlike you, his magic reserves were smaller than yours. You frowned at the predicament. You were still researching how to help your apprentice's problem, yet you still didn't find a way to fix it. One's own limits were decided the day they were born, and not much could change to make it larger or smaller. The only way you could help your apprentice was to give him your own.
A light touch on his hand or arms, you concentrated on moving your own magic to him. Yet even that took a long time.
Pushing all your other research away, you started trying to find a way to make the transfer quicker and more clean, as there were moments when magic would just leak out and largely go to waste. You were fine with it, to be fair, born with large reserves that it was difficult to use them all in one day anyway, yet you just could not forget your apprentice's face, the jealousy in his eyes when he looked at you.
"Good job. You are doing so well." Compliments continued to leave your lips. Yet as soon as it did, darkness coiled in your stomach as you patted his head. He… he was better than you… Far, far better than you.
You looked down at his sitting form, a smile on his lips, your hand still on his hair as you zoned out deep in thought. "You should really stop patting my head," he told you in a cheery voice, "I am not like some elementary kid who should be rewarded with head pats." You thought for a moment. Looking at him, you could not help but think that it was true, he was far too old for such a thing, but just that you had a habit of doing so.
As soon as you thought that, you tried to take your hand away from his hair, unconsciously wondering if you offended your apprentice or not, yet your hand was stopped by a larger hand. "Ah, I didn't mean it like that!" he said, looking almost surprised when his teacher suddenly started to avoid him. "It is fine to touch my hair, you know… I don't mind," he told you a flush on his face, looking else ever as he tried to hide his cheeks with one hand, "I always know that you like touching my hair, don't you? What I mean to say is that you can touch it whenever... but I am not a kid."
Yes… nothing was wrong… Nothing was wrong at all.
From there, it spiraled again. You were able to function in your daily life, but there were just moments when your memories blanked, and you barely remembered anything. At one point, you thought it was the tea that you were drinking, the one that your apprentice would always make for you.
You were suspicious of the liquid inside your cup, pausing as you stared at it with narrowed eyes. "Is something the matter, teacher?" You looked up at your apprentice, who was looking at you in wonder, an eyebrow raised as he tilted his head. "Do you not like the tea? I made it as you have always liked."
"It is nothing," you said, moving the tea closer to your lips. The smell hit your nose, the same fragrance that you were always familiar with. For a moment, you hesitated, but when you were watched by your student, you chose to take a drink of the tea…
"It is adorable how cautious my teacher is." Your eyes were glazed over as you blankly stared at the floor. Your fingers that were holding the teacup lost their strength, letting the glass fall to the floor and shatter. "Clumsy. Clumsy~" Your apprentice had a mocking tone as he looked at your sitting form. There was no recognition in your eyes, whatever sliver of it was quickly dragged back into the haze. "What would you do without me?"
Moving in front of you, he spelled the glass teacup to rise from the floor and mend itself. When it was placed onto the table, it looked as if it was never broken from the start.
Looking at you, he moved his hands to gently grab your face, forcing you to look at him. "But then again, I always loved my teacher. So much so that it drives me insane sometimes." Your unfocused eyes stared back at him, making him feel chills that he was the one who caused this. That he was the one who made you like this.
He could not help but burst out laughing.
My precious teacher… my precious, precious teacher!" He kept on chanting, in the middle of a quiet forest where there was nothing to hide. His eyes were red with lust and lovesickness.
"My cautious little teacher, slowly you will fall into my arms, and when I finally have you all to myself, I will chain you to me so that you will never be able to leave me. I will make you think of me just as much as I think of you." One by one, he told you all the things he would do to you when you finally could not think for yourself. When your mind breaks and shatters, he will never mend it; instead, he will accept it into his heart.
Then he will create a piece with it that is submissive to him, that yearns for him, that begs for him. One that places him in a high stage that demands others' attention, yet he will give none to them when his eyes are on you, just as he had forced yours to his. You will tell others that he is your heir and that you will be fully retiring.
He will be the one to take care of you, he will take all your magic from your body, greedily taking everything, leaving you unable to even sit up from the bed. He will take care of your body, telling you how well you have done, letting you rest as he fulfills orders for potions and creates spells without limit, looking for you again and again when he runs out.
He will make you sign a contract to become forever his, he will make you sign your name into something that will relinquish everything that belongs to you and give it to him. He will make you give up your talents, your knowledge, your wisdom. He will take everything and gobble it up, as you scream in pain and anguish he will comfort you in his arms and hushed loving words.
You will be his and nobody will be the wiser. Nobody will notice how broken you become as you can do nothing but follow his orders, when you will tell others that he has now inherited your shop and that you will instead become something of a sort of helper. Nobody will know that it is hard for you to make simple potions as he teaches you how to make an easy potion, when you barely even have enough magic to use for yourself as he continues to steal from you.
He will make you clingy, he will make you feel useless and desperate just as he had felt as he looked at you in the past.
You made him insane, and he will show you what it was like as you drowned in his love.
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thecuriousquest · 9 days
My Little Flower
Yandere!Hitoshi Shinso x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Heavy yandere themes, rape (reader doesn’t know), hypno kink, tit groping, tit sucking, nibbling, hickeys, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, degradation, bimbofication, Reader is kind and a little bit dumb, male dominant behavior, virginity loss (both), violence (shoving), cervix-pusher, tummy bulge, 18+ characters (seniors in high school)
Note: I don’t know about you, but I didn’t bleed when I lost my virginity, so Reader doesn’t either just to make things less complicated. ALSO, someone bought me a coffee, so this is on my second account as well. You can read it here and on @sluts-assembled.
Synopsis: Your best friend of four years, Hitoshi, finds your dumbass out in a rainstorm. He escorts you to your room, and you only make his mood worse from there.
Word Count: 3K
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The rain wouldn’t stop pouring down like a waterfall, the drops relentlessly tap, tap, tapping against the window. It seems like the dreadful weather will go on forever at this rate. Not that Hitoshi really minds, although he would much rather be lazing away in a sun puddle. Instead, he is brought back to reality as the lightening in the sky catches his ever-so-distant attention. His pupils rolling upwards, watching as the gray canvas of midday bright up with electric cobalt and lavender.
What catches his attention even more is a peculiar little figure off in the distance, bending down by a flower bed just short of a few meters from the school. Ah, he’d know that body anywhere. Could pick that ass out of a crowd of a hundred people. It’s you, his lovely little flower.
Wait…you?! What the hell are you doing out in a fucking storm?!
Currently alone in the general studies homeroom, Hitoshi rushes out of the classroom, shrugging on his rain jacket and grabbing an umbrella on the way out. He makes his way down the levels of the school, rounding hallways quickly, not at all in his usual slow fashion. No, he needs to get to you before something goes wrong.
Your quirk was what allowed you to enter the hero course with such ease. Plant and flower manipulation. Hero name: Sakura. Hitoshi both admired you and was envious of you. Jealousy spiked him when he first learned about your abilities. Creating thick vines from your palms and binding villains, using plant poisons to disorient your opponents, sending flower petals their way to distract them, capturing them in gigantic Venus flytraps, even using an aloe vera plant cradle for healing purposes. Your quirk is extremely versatile, and as green with envy as he was, he only loved you even more. That’s why, when your dumbass does stupid shit like standing in the rain during a torrential downpour, it frustrates him to no end. 
Suddenly, you no longer feel raindrops splashing against the hood of your slick coat. Upon straightening up and spinning away from the bed of flowers, your mind adjusts to the situation, and you take a deep breath and smile.
“Hitoshi, what are you doing out here?”
He doesn’t answer you right away, simply taking in the way your fitted yellow raincoat clings to your curves. The only skin exposed is between the hem of your jacket, which stops exactly at the length of your school skirt, and the top of your thigh high socks. He likes the looks of those socks molding to the shape of your legs even more than on a sunny day as they are soaked through and through.
“What the hell are you doing out here? Didn’t you realize that it’s raining? You could catch a cold or something standing out here like this,” Hitoshi scolds none too gently.
“Well, I wanted to see how the flowers were holding up in the rain. I was just trying to protect them.”
You’re so cute that Hitoshi could vomit. This is exactly what he means when he thinks about a kind person. You’re so selfless, too selfless. Willing to get sick if it means protecting something that isn’t even worth all that much. Flowers can always bloom again, but you aren’t ever that concerned about yourself, and it makes his palm itch to smack some sense into you.
“You wanted to see the flowers, so you risked your health? Really? I can’t believe you. Come on, we’re going back to your dorm. I’ll take you there. Can’t risk your dumbass getting distracted along the way.” Hitoshi reaches out for your arm, taking hold of your tricep and leading you towards the Class 1A dormitories.
“Oh, Hitoshi, you really don’t have to do that, but thank you. I appreciate you keeping me company. Hey, we should get some food after this. A cold day like this one calls for some ramen to warm us up.”
Hitoshi huffs in annoyance as he drags you through the rain, keeping the umbrella more so over you than him.
“Hey, Hitoshi, you’re not covering yourself with the umbrella. You don’t have to hold it over me. I have a hood. You should protect yourself-“
The lilac-haired teen interrupts you smoothly, his tone calm yet dominant, “It’s no problem. Be quiet.”
Hitoshi remains beside you, even escorting you all the way back to your room. Releasing a heavily pent-up sigh, he follows you through the door, where you both shed your raincoats and hang them on the back of your desk chair. As he places his closed umbrella next to your desk, you still don’t seem to notice the frown and furrowed eyebrows of his irked expression.
Walking over to your closet, you select a pair of jeans and a large t-shirt to get comfortable. Then, you realize that Hitoshi is still in the room. You look at him over your shoulder with a slight blush and full smile.
“Hey, Hitoshi, can you turn around? I want to get out of my uniform.”
It honestly baffles him. Why wouldn’t you order him to stand outside while you change? Do you feel so comfortable around him that you’d change in the same room as long as he’s not looking? You must not see anything wrong with the situation. Would you let anyone else stay in the room with you while you change? Have you done this sort of thing before? Hitoshi’s mind is suddenly plagued with your impropriety.
He reaches out and grabs your wrist firmly, locking eyes with yours. His mood has shifted, taking a turn for the worse just as the lightning cracks in the sky.
“Hitoshi?” You ask with your brows pulled together, confused as to why he has a firm grip on your limb.
“You just let anyone stay in here while you’re naked?”
And oh, he can’t stand it. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if you answer with an affirmative.
“What? N-no, I don’t. You’re the first guy who has been in my room. My girlfriends don’t look at me in that way since we’re girls-“
“Oh, so you’ll just slut yourself out for anyone, guy or girl?”
“WHAT?!” You can’t help but exclaim as Hitoshi’s words grow harsher just as his hold on your wrist grows tighter. “No, no, Hitoshi, you’re not listening to me. I said-“
“I heard you. You know, I always knew you were a dumbass, but I didn’t realize you were this fucking stupid.”
His words hit your heart so sharply, like the bark of a dog. It causes you to wince, causes you to freeze up, makes you feel like you can’t even breathe as the purple of his eyes go darker.
You don’t hit the bed when he shoves you. Instead, he shamelessly pushes you onto the floor of your dorm room. You cry out when you land on your ass, crashing on your back. Hitoshi stands above you, towering like a tall pillar.
“Hitoshi, what are you doing?” Tears well up in your eyes, unused to this treatment from the boy who has always been so relaxed and well-mannered around you.
“Tell me something. Do you like being such a filthy whore?”
“I…” Something about you begins to fade, a part of your mind going blank like a sheet of paper with nothing on it. No words to make out, no illustrations to focus on. There’s just nothing.
With you in this state, you make it all too easy for Hitoshi to control, to manipulate like a little puppet. His cute doll that he can force to do whatever he wants.
Kneeling next to you, he undoes the buttons of your school shirt one by one, dragging his index finger down the center to the very last button. Your shirt falls open, revealing the baby blue color of your bra that the eighteen-year-old can’t seem to get enough of. He has never seen your cleavage before as it has always been hidden behind button up uniforms and sweaters. Hitoshi can’t help it as he finds himself licking his lips. He licks them as he tugs your bra down, your tits bouncing free of the blue cage.
Hitoshi can feel his cock throbbing in his pants as he palms himself. It strains against his trousers, creating a thick bulge. He humps slightly into his hand, releasing a suppressed groan. He needs you, needs to feel you, all of you, every inch. Every single fucking inch of you. He takes the liberty of leaning down, his lips working around the supple shape of your nipple. It’s been his dream to be in a position like this with you, only you, for as long as he can remember since the day he laid his lilac orbs on you four years ago.
His other hand reaches out to your free breast as he continues to suck on the left one. His tongue swirling around it as if it’s a delicious fruit just waiting to be eaten. How he just wants a taste so badly. His cock pulsating from the palpable lust.
Only, you lay there unconscious about what he’s doing, completely in the dark as your blank eyes remain unblinking. It’s as if you’re trapped in a place where time doesn’t exist, but Hitoshi has all the time in the world to play with you.
He squeezes your tit with his hand, harshly groping you, needing to get a good grip on what belongs to him. Everything about you, he needs right now. As he lightly takes the bud of your breast between his teeth, he bites gently, deliberately. His hand travels from your chest downwards. Fingers dragging past your ribs and abdomen, finding the treasure hidden between your legs. Your body involuntarily twitches, and for a moment, he thinks you’re going to snap out of the effects of his quirk, but Hitoshi has gotten stronger. He keeps his concentration, and you remain in the dark as he draws your clit between his thumb and index fingers, pinching hard enough to create the soaked pussy he wants.
Hitoshi can’t help but rub the crotch of his pants against your thigh as he leaves bite marks and hickeys all along your neck, all the while rubbing your pussy, gathering the juices on his fingers. It’s like a deranged need to get you as slick as he can before taking you for himself, all for himself. And when he pulls his hand away from the apex of your thighs, he sniffs the creamy substance on his fingers, and his eyes roll back. He shivers slightly from the pheromones; from the utterly erotic scent your core produces. It’s the milk of life he never knew he needed until this moment.
His tongue, ever so hesitantly, finds its way to the tips of his fingers. With a swift lick to the pads, he becomes a feral animal. His face dives between your legs, leaving behind all notions of your nipples and neck, leaving everything behind in the wake of his sexual desires. His nose bumps against your tiny bundle of nerves as his lips suckle on the nectar of your flower. Because that’s what it is to him in this moment, because that’s what you’ve always been to him from the very start: a beautiful and vulnerable flower.
You’re so innocently delicious and sweet, craving for you to sit on his face, but he can’t risk moving you too much and having you wake up. No, he needs to keep you as docile as he can until the very end.
Hitoshi groans, fucking into his palm through his trousers as he continues to eat you out. He’s torn between coming in his pants just so he can keep tasting you and completely taking you for himself.
With a low growl of frustration, he shucks his pants and boxers down, removing his clothes until every muscle is exposed. His toned body presses against yours, teeth tugging on the sensitive flesh of your throat as he rids you of your panties, throwing them to the side once they are completely off. He plants your thigh between his knees as he hovers over you, pinning the pit of your right knee against his hip. His breath ghosts against the shell of your ear as the mushroom tip of his pink cock dips into your folds. Hitoshi closes his eyes, relishing in the luxury of your slippery cavern, each way he thrusts, your walls are just so tight on his sword, gripping like a fitted sheathe. Your virgin tight pussy feels like everything he could ever hope for, not at all knowing what it would feel like until this very moment.
“You’re such a damn idiot. A stupid little moron. The only thing you have going for you is your looks. How did a damn airhead make it into the hero course?” His voice is raspy, shaky, almost coming out in a hoarse whisper.
He thrusts into you, plowing deeper and deeper as he adjusts his grip on your knee, keeping you pinned closely to him in order to push your cervix. A guttural, lewd, and primitive moan escapes past his lips as he feels this new spot in the home of your womb. He glances down, sweat beading his forehead, and he smirks. He can see the bulge his twitchy cock makes in your belly, and every time he pulls back only to push in again, he sees it move under your skin.
Hitoshi tugs on your earlobe with his blunt teeth, laughing condescendingly at you in this state. “Fuck, it’s all the more reason to love you. Someone’s got to look out for you, protect you. You’re so goddamn lucky you have me on your side.”
He buries himself into you, his purple hair brushing against your H/C locks, hips pulsating as he manages to pull you even closer to him. Tired of holding your knee against the bone of his hip, he moves the pit of your knee over his shoulder, doing the same with the leg trapped between him on the floor. He moves your thigh into his hand, gently shifting you so that both legs are over his muscular shoulders. Hitoshi feels you, curled at the abdomen, taking his full cock from tip to base. He can’t help it as his hands travel underneath you, groping the hills of your ass, digging his fingers so deep into your flesh that there will likely be bruises when he’s done.
Numb to the world entirely, you are devoid of all thoughts, not a single one crossing that pretty, empty head of yours. You never thought the darkness could be so soothing, but you’ve never felt more at peace. Blanketed by a feeling of oblivion, you are completely unaware of the storm raging beyond the windowpane. A euphoric sensation cradles you in a dreamy haze as you remain in this tiny sanctuary. No, you do not wish to escape the safety of this wonderful cocoon in your mind.
The purplenet feels his cock twitch once, twice, and he immediately pulls out, knowing exactly what is about to happen. He watches as white, pearlescent ropes catch on your thighs. He sighs in relief, knowing that he caught himself before a bad situation unfolded. In the aftermath of it all, Hitoshi finds himself trying to clean everything up quickly. Toweling down your thighs, putting your panties back on, repositioning your bra, and buttoning up your shirt just the way it was when this whole ordeal began. He gets dressed back into his clothes. When he's all finished, he gently wakes you from the effects of his quirk.
“Hey, Y/N, you…passed out,” Hitoshi lies, feeling a sense of shame but unable to share the truth.
You blink up at him as he kneels over you. The last thing you remember was being pushed, nothing else.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I let my anger go like that. I promise, it won’t happen again.” He’s sincere, grabbing your hand in a desperate manner to make you know his regret for being violent. “I just needed to make you understand how dangerous what you did was. What if someone tried to take advantage of you because you let them stay in the same room while dressing? So many bad things can happen. You need to think.”
Feeling your cheeks flush, you nod your head in understanding. “Yeah, we all get mad sometimes. I…can’t say I’ve never gotten that angry before. You were really just trying to protect me?”
God, you’re so stupid. Such a gullible little flower.
“Yeah, I just needed you to see what you did was wrong. You must have hit your head and passed out when I pushed you. I’m sorry. It will never happen again. I swear.”
His words are as sweet as honey. How could you not believe your long-time friend? He’s always so well-mannered, it must have just been a one-time thing.
“Okay…I forgive you, Hitoshi.”
He smiles, his lips curling up as he wraps his arms around you, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. “Want to go get that ramen you were talking about earlier?”
“Yeah! That sounds great. Let’s go! I think I’ll just wear my uniform. It doesn’t exactly feel fair, you know, me being in casual clothes while you’re still wearing your school uniform.”
“Do what you want, Y/N,” he responds gently as he slips his hands in his pockets.  
“Also, I’m really sorry, Hitoshi. I don’t want you to think I do that with people. I just trust you, you know?”
“Nothing to apologize for. Here, let’s get your raincoat on.”
Hitoshi pulls you up from the ground and grabs your yellow jacket off the desk chair, helping you put it on. As you stand in front of him, you catch a glimpse of the marks on your neck in the mirror, completely puzzled because you don’t know how those appeared. You also begin to feel a bit of an aching throb in your pussy, but you become easily distracted when Hitoshi turns you towards him and wraps a scarf around your neck.
“I don’t want you getting cold,” he explains in his usual lazy drawl.
You can’t help but smile. What would you do without Hitoshi looking after you?
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xjulixred45x · 1 month
OKAY, I know I should work on the requests but I recently discovered the story of the game HADES and as a Greek mythology nerd that I am, I became obsessed, so I ask you to imagine this scenario that unfortunately I have not seen anywhere:
Platonic Yandere Zagreus+ Reader x son! reader
let me explain myself.
Imagine that we are between Hades 1 and Hades 2, where everything seems to be going well for Zagreus and his partner, both living in the Underworld and occasionally visiting the surface, but paying attention to their duties in general.
then they have a son! reader. Their pride and joy.
Zagreus probably thought that it would be difficult to have children without any kind of divine intervention, so seeing that his son was born alive by himself was a great relief and even pride, because it meant that he probably wouldn't have the same problem as his father, he would be freer than him.
son!reader ends up being a child who is super spoiled by his parents thanks to this, filled with affection not only from them, but from the vast majority of the beings in the Underworld, Achilles being a kind of Fun Uncle, Meg a cool teacher, Thanatos and Hypnos second father figures, etc.
even HADES loved this child.
the only problem that son! reader has is that, like his father and mother, he was very curious and stubborn. which led to the incident before he reached puberty.
It was an occasion where Zagreus and Reader were away due to a hasty visit to the surface, so son! Reader, like every child, did what he was told not to do:
get off the safe path.
From then on son! reader can die however you prefer, perhaps by the Hydra, by one of the enemies on the upper levels, by the river Styx, but my favorite excuse is that he found where the titans were and fell from the shock, dying instantly ( drawing a parallel with mythological Zagreus).
And when Zagreus and his partner find out? God, to say that they are devastated would be an understatement for their pain.
Everyone is hurt and sad about what happened, everything feels so silent now, heavy, empty...
to the point that the prayers of the beings of the Underworld reach the ears of Zeus, who in a certain way feels sorry for his brother for having lost a grandson and Zagreus for his son, who decides to apply Dionysus's typenof move, that is, leave the heart of the child in the womb of a human woman.
Zagreus is difficult to convince, he wants Zeus to do this directly with the reader, but if this is the only alternative, he will accept it. More when the mental health of both has also been seriously affected by this(Zagreus having mutilation and Self harm tendencies bc of grief and incapility of die? yep, although he'll probably be very worried if reader starts to seem like them too.)
And so the agonizing wait begins, the weeks go by, the months go by, and Zagreus and the reader are increasingly anxious and impatient. more distressed with a new day of silence at home, with each day of inactivity, with each hour that their child's room is empty...
But the wait pays off, when Zeus gives them the news that the time has finally come for them to go look for their son.
Zagreus takes off at full speed, with various bonuses given by people like Thanatos, Charon, some Olympians, hell, even his father goes easy on him.
and he begins to search quickly with the little time he has on the surface for his son, being guided by Zeus to where his son was.
When Zagreus was beginning to weaken and felt that he had come in vain, he heard it. a laugh, a small voice that he hadn't heard in a long time.
His son...alive again...
Here things are separated a little. two different scenarios.
This case is the fluffiest of all and definitely the least yandere.
when son!reader sees Zagreus he's running out to meet him, melting the godling's heart, relieved that his son is not only back in body, but in spirit.
They both return to the Underworld and receive them all with great joy, they ruffle the child's hair, give him gifts, Dionysius may even throw a party in honor of his return.
but it doesn't mean there isn't Yandere stuff.
Zagreus becomes incredibly overprotective of son! reader, to a disturbing degree, now practically does not leave him alone. the same with reader. If he is not with one, he is with another.
they make son! reader accompanies them everywhere and can only play with their supervision, only them, not anyone else. because the previous one was very effective last time.
I think the reader would use the death of son! reader like an auk to keep him fearful and thus avoid another incident. in general both being very obsessive with this new opportunity to have their son back.
Although it's not so bad, Zagreus and the reader continue to bombard him with love and affection, bringing him gifts, reading to him or telling him legends, even now they take him to the surface with them! It is within the scope of a happy ending, they could overcome their unhealthy tendencies over time...I hope.
The only way in this scenario for both of them to become yandere as is is if some person on the surface is "badly influencing" son! reader to be more independent or worse, go to the battlefield.
There Zagreus will directly get rid of said influence with the help of Thanatos.
Now, the most intense and interesting scenario.
Imagine that you are an apparently normal child with some strange characteristics (like maybe red feet or heterochromia), living peacefully with your parents that you have known all your life as a mortal... and FROM NOWHERE the fucking GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD comes to tell you who you are HIS child and not of your PARENTS....
practically this reader.
Zagreus would believe that after having spent so much time among mortals his son has forgotten his true lineage and even finds his innocence cute with the whole thing, but they must return to their TRUE home as soon as possible.
Since he is a god, A SON OF HADES, even if the reader's parents love him, they cannot fight for him, so they give him to Zagreus.
Zagreus is overjoyed with this, reader is so confused.
because after all he does NOT know these people, he does not know this supposed father who ripped him away from his birth family, he does not know his supposed mother who greets him with tears in her eyes when they arrive at the damn Underworld.
He doesn't know any of the gods who welcome him warmly, who ruffle his hair, who call him cute nicknames, who seem to have known him all his life when they don't.
reader is feeling like some kind of glorified pet. an empty replacement. This is not his house, his HOME.
while Zagreus and reader think that their son must be feeling very shocked by all the information and come home that they simply shower him with more love. much to the child's displeasure.
If the reader continues to insist that he doesn't really remember them, Zagreus will probably dismiss it as something temporary, which is simply the adjustment after an event as traumatic as dying (he gets it, seriously! he dies every now and then, but he doesn't want to think about on what it must have been like for his son).
while reader will try with Thanatos to make him remember things from the past, show him family photos and portraits that they made before the tragedy, his room, his old toys and stories behind them. all with so much love that the reader feels uncomfortable, as if he were usurping the place of their true son.
I think the reader would be especially uncomfortable if mom!reader were also a goddess, he feels VERY intimidated by both of them, but when they show this very...vulnerable and loving side...he doesn't know what to think.
In this scenario, both Zagreus and reader are more overtly manipulative and yandere. Zagreus can use his thousands of failed attempts to try to get out of the underworld on his own so that reader doesn't even think about doing so, while reader uses the reader's death as a way to guilt trip him so he doesn't leave them.
The reader feels bad for them and their son, but is very afraid of them. More after seeing Zagreus angry.
At first they would see Reader's attempts to escape as something "cute" thinking that he was "imitating young Zagreus" and was not serious. Of course, if he ran into a shade, Zagreus would appear and take him home. simply a game.
But when they were lost for long periods of time, they had a panic attack thinking that the accident had happened again. and when Zagreus found the reader, on a higher level and with scratches, he was furious, almost killing all the beings on that level.
It was enough to solidify the reader's decision to want to leave. This man was not only terrifying, he was dangerous.
I think that in this case there would be characters like Meg, Patroclus, Odysseus, even Thanatos himself who realize the reader's discomfort around his "parents" and even become his only allies in his escape attempts.
but because they isolate him so much, so much to the point that he can only leave the house of Hades if it is with them, no one else, and they see the desire to RUN in his face. They feel compassion for him.
This is how a new story in Hades begins. As a reader you will have to face many powerful deities, shadows, and more to escape not only from the Underworld, but from your delirious new family.
but Zagreus would not be himself if he were not stubborn and persistent . I wouldn't let him run and escape easily. not this time.
Could reader do it? let the game begin.
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Shares, reglogs and comments are very welcome!
What can i Say? I'm obsessed over games i will NEVER get to play :,) but at least i'll try to see gameplays.
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It Takes Time to Sew a Doll Yan. Vox x CIS. FEM Reader.
It Takes Time to Sew a Doll. Yandere Vox x Cis. Female reader. PT 1
Warnings: Creepy dreams, stalking, hits, kidnapping, intimidation, panic attacks, insomnia referenced not explicit, non con touching (not sexual), hypno, dirty thoughts, mansplaining, misogyny, the use of the pet name DOLL, use of the pronouns she/her.
Please leave a comment if you like it or not-
@bloodypeachblog @omniuravity Dedicated to my besties.
Vox knew he was spiralling.
With each static passage of electricity through the maze of wires in his body he felt his resolve crumble further… every second consumed by images flashing carelessly across his face. 
Why couldnt he get rid of these pervasive thoughts? 
When he dreamed he was happy, the bright colours would fade to black and from the black, came the black and white visions he knew deep down he couldn't ascertain. That certain kind of sweetness rid from the newer movies spewed from his own companies, that loss of perfect innocent love that he strove for. In life he couldn't get romance right, and in his resting hours his subconscious begged him to pursue that sickening farce of a “family”. .
He always awoke to his screens playing that same damn scene, under a cork tree on the top of a grassy hill he sat, wife in his arms, head across his lap as he waxed on while the sun set. A beautiful- unattainable picture that zoomed out to the suburbs he rotted away in during the final years of his life. No matter what remedy he tried, nothing could soothe the hallucinations that plagued his sleep-addled mainframes. 
It was beginning to interfere with his day to day. 
The office- a drab, but often chaotic environment buzzed just a little differently when Vox walked in that day, people gasping and awwing at their screens before hiding the monitors from him. Something was up. But there was little energy on Vox’s behalf to really care about what lower staff were doing, so long as they were getting what they needed to get done, done. 
He should have suspected, however, that it was buzzing about him.
Throughout the day the chattering that he could hear all the way in his own office died down the second he stepped in the room, so- to save himself the headache- he decided to trudge up to his lookout and find the cause of the issue. 
There right there.
Across all the screens in hell- save his own companies monitors was the scene, but across the bottom- like the reels in the TV broadcasts, was the phrase- “Have you seen this person, if found return to the VVV tower, Vox’s office, compensation of up to 1 mill will be received. No harm will come to the person. Thank you for your cooperation.” It was a start for him. 
Like the electricity that ran through his own body he ran through the building- towards the recording studio- and into his chair, forcing all staff to their positions immediately. The red lights on the cameras blinked mockingly, as if compelling him to stop before he’d do something he would regret. Snapping his fingers, Vox quickly forced all screens in the studio on him, each crystal clear monitor, displaying his own nervous face. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, citizens of hell-'' he began, covering the edge with the quelling smoothness of his voice, “ignore the video you are seeing on the screens. It was a technical error- and nothing else. As for the young lady in this video…” He trailed off as a feed of video faded into an ages-old monitor. A beautiful display of passion… of love, and life. 
“She's not of any importance to anyone here at Voxtech, so rest assured, she does not need to be brought in for any consolation, and any attempts to give this woman here will result in you being politely escorted from the premises. Thank you for your time, this has been a Public Service Announcement.” His hands raked down his face as the screens went dark, the cords keeping them close making themselves scarce as Vox gestured away wildly, his body slumping from the overexertion of nerves. WHY THE FUCK- WAS THIS HAPPENING?
Small glitches wrought hiccups through Vox’s spine, his head hung-desperate for sleep- or at least for a decent cup of coffee, when three sharp knocks sounded. “Oh jesus- Francis! Francis can you tell them I'm a little bus- WOAH HOLY SHIT-” Vox ducked right as Francis came flying above his head. Quickly, to spare himself the equipment bill, Vox gestured for the tvs to move as his accountant was flung through. When he turned to chew out whoever was responsible for potential property damage a weight was shoved into his chest, when it writhed he dropped it.
Disgusted by what it might be. 
“Now who exactly-” “Where's the million?” “Excuse me?” Vox asked incredulously, blinking rapidly as he stared into the red eyes of the sharks before him. The poor thing on the ground only then became noticeable to him, and his heart dropped to his feet as he heard quiet crying. 
“The million.” “OH! Gentlemen Im so sorry- you see, that wasn't a real advertisement. I can understand your confusion though!” He proposed with a wide swing of his hands. “Well- I can tell you even I was stumped when I saw that. But rest assured it wasn't real…meaning…” he said with a small pout, chastising the men. “You won’t be getting anything. Now I'll see to it she gets home safe, bye bye now!” One of the two was about to make a fuss before the room burst blue for a split second, disorienting him.
“The exit is to the left off the balcony and onto the ground gentlemen, I trust you’ll stick the landing.” Francis, who had been recovering during the duration of this conversation, limped raggedly forward to excuse the two who had intruded. There wasn't much contest as the men shucked their heels into the ground and were essentially wheeled out. Nosy faces of employees peeked from every corner to determine the cause of the commotion but were broken by one of Vox’s well placed whistles. 
In an instant he slammed the doors and rushed back over to the bag laying still on the ground, nothing but a shaky tremble as he drew nearer. Something about this warmth was familiar- if not at all strange. It felt warm from the inside out- especially as he placed his hand between her shoulders to see if her breathing evened out. 
She wasn't asleep.
“Mamm?” he uttered, tapping her shoulder with a soft tone as his claw barely edged her arm. “I know you're awake, I am going to gently take off your restraints. You're safe and completely in control here.. Now, lay still for just a moment as I take these off of you ok?” Before waiting on a response his clawed hands tore through the knot that raised sad welts on the inside of her wrists. She flexed them before sitting up and going for her burlap sack. The clothes she wore were not fitting for her at all… perhaps he could fix that. A nice blue and red number with a lace collar maybe? He wanted to ponder the idea before the bag was thrown in his face and her white stockings started their scramble off the floor, and upwards. 
Now- Vox for who he was took this in stride, choosing to watch as she grabbed the nearest thing to her, (a stapler) and pointed it at him. He raised his hands, and backed away, keeping a cool face, topped with his award winning smile. 
“Hey doll, you can go ahead and put that down. I am not here to hurt you. I'm sorry my tv’s acted up the way they did.” Cords wrapped around a wheely chair and sent it under her, causing her to sit harshly and spin as the cords brought her closer to vox. “Hi.” He said with a cheesy smile as he plucked the green stapler from her hands and tossed it to the ground. 
“We got off on the wrong foot.” The woman only glared, eyes red from overexertion, features twitching with rage. “I'll start with my name. I am Vox- and you areeee?” Urging her to speak annoyed the two of them equally, Vox because he didn't get to put a voice to the woman he had been dreaming of spending the rest of his eternal life with; and her, because she obviously would rather die. 
“Y/N.” she seethed, bitterly spitting the word out at him as he swooned from her voice. “Gorgeous, you go by that?” No answer. “Bah, who needs names anyway right? I mean- names, what is a name? Is it a word, noun, adjective? You know-” he said, spinning on the back of the chair as it soared around the room, making the woman dizzy. “I'm just gonna keep calling you Doll, m’kay?” He pinched her cheek between his fingers, relishing the shocked and disgusted look he drew from her as he pulled it back.
“I think it fits! Now- you probably don't want to go home in thooose-'' he said, gesturing to her entire body. Clearly annoyed she feinted him, causing him to stumble over his words before t’sking her. “Aht. Aht. You could have met a worse fate if I didn't protect you back there… don't get smart with me…”
They both stayed like that for a minute before Vox knew he had her where he wanted her, his smile growing roguishly. “A-Atta girl!” he laughed. “I knew you could be good if you really wanted to, now, let's get you up and measur-” She cut him off. “I just need a t-shirt, and some pants..” her gruff tone astounded Vox, who pursed his lips into a smile and nodded, hands still ready to place where he needed. Placing them down he nodded, mindlessly tapping around the desk for his coffee before grabbing the cup and confidently choking down left out grape juice. “That can be done.” and in a flash it was, electricity buzzed where the old clothes were most fucked and in their place an oversized VoxTech Stars shirt hung over her. She grasped at the shirt- confused at its size before a pair of comfy sweats satiated her mind. “Now now, dont worry about how fancy you look. You're a guest here after all, everyone will know that. I have- err ...uhhh…” he said, stalling, “just about eight-ish hours left before I can clock out… can you please-” he asked with big eyes and some half assed prayer hands, “stay put until I get off?”
Her jaw dropped and eyebrows furrowed, only easing after she stared into his face. Eyes twinkling, and reflecting the colours that blinked rapidly in his eyes. To spare her from growing weary Vox sauntered forward. “How susceptible-” he whispered, holding her back with one hand and her face with another as he looked deep into her eyes, not expecting to see himself back in them. God he looked a mess, hat askew, colourful lines of stress breaking across his face, ruining his CRT scanning. The distance felt unreal, the hypnosis felt necessary, though it hadnt ever before. If there was any doubt before Vox condemned it, smiling softly as his finger trekked from her ear and down the column of her neck, doubling back around and going back over her shoulder as he released his gaze and hugged her. 
Hope crossed Vox’s mind as he held her tight, mind screaming at him to just kiss her there and have her dream the same as him… but slowly he let her go, holding her by the shoulders a fleeting second, as the nigh’ comatose state of the woman bothered him. 
With eyes rolled all the way around his head he let up, his control waning until she was just left tired, and headached by the experience. Soft groans escaped her mouth and Vox kept his shut because he knew if he opened it, it would divulge all those juicy nights of soft summer suburbia to a woman who couldnt give a flying fuck. 
“I know it feels like a needle through the brain but hey! It's not an actual needle.” That phrasing would only be slightly uncomfortable, as the rest of the day made hell, HELL.
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kakabelorias · 3 months
Vox x Yandere Reader
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Sickeningly Sweet Yandere Ori
I can only ever draw cute shit okay, im sorry thats like all i post ToT
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦
♡• Somehow manages to get him in a deal
♡• He probably thinks nothing of it because come on, he's Vox. What's a random everyday sinner gonna do?
♡• Apparently catch him when he's dead tired and in a rare mood where he'll just mindlessly say yes to things in order to be left alone to sleep
♡• Oh how he looks so pretty in the new chain wrapped snuggly around his neck!
♡• Can't even hypno eye his way out of this one-the deal specifically stating some sort of protection in your favour of it.
♡• Hates the chain and the idea of being "owned" but warms up to the "wifely duties" you do for him-delicious homemade meals, clean living space, a listening ear to his rants and ideas
♡• Headcanoning him having an immense love for sharks so having a yandere s/o who wants to hear all his info dumps, and random little ramblings gives some sort of comfort to him
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦
These are simple, dumb, fun little headcanons I thought I'd add. They're mainly for fun, and not related to the vision and story I have for CosmicStatic in the slightest lol. Also I kept everything very vague for more reader friendly purposes!
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sluts-assembled · 9 days
My Little Flower
Yandere!Hitoshi Shinso x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Heavy yandere themes, rape (reader doesn’t know), hypno kink, tit groping, tit sucking, nibbling, hickeys, oral sex (female receiving), vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, degradation, bimbofication, Reader is kind and a little bit dumb, male dominant behavior, virginity loss (both), violence (shoving), cervix-pusher, tummy bulge, 18+ characters (seniors in high school)
Note: I don’t know about you, but I didn’t bleed when I lost my virginity, so Reader doesn’t either just to make things less complicated.
Synopsis: Your best friend of four years, Hitoshi, finds your dumbass out in a rainstorm. He escorts you to your room, and you only make his mood worse from there.
Word Count: 3K
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The rain wouldn’t stop pouring down like a waterfall, the drops relentlessly tap, tap, tapping against the window. It seems like the dreadful weather will go on forever at this rate. Not that Hitoshi really minds, although he would much rather be lazing away in a sun puddle. Instead, he is brought back to reality as the lightening in the sky catches his ever-so-distant attention. His pupils rolling upwards, watching as the gray canvas of midday bright up with electric cobalt and lavender.
What catches his attention even more is a peculiar little figure off in the distance, bending down by a flower bed just short of a few meters from the school. Ah, he’d know that body anywhere. Could pick that ass out of a crowd of a hundred people. It’s you, his lovely little flower.
Wait…you?! What the hell are you doing out in a fucking storm?!
Currently alone in the general studies homeroom, Hitoshi rushes out of the classroom, shrugging on his rain jacket and grabbing an umbrella on the way out. He makes his way down the levels of the school, rounding hallways quickly, not at all in his usual slow fashion. No, he needs to get to you before something goes wrong.
Your quirk was what allowed you to enter the hero course with such ease. Plant and flower manipulation. Hero name: Sakura. Hitoshi both admired you and was envious of you. Jealousy spiked him when he first learned about your abilities. Creating thick vines from your palms and binding villains, using plant poisons to disorient your opponents, sending flower petals their way to distract them, capturing them in gigantic Venus flytraps, even using an aloe vera plant cradle for healing purposes. Your quirk is extremely versatile, and as green with envy as he was, he only loved you even more. That’s why, when your dumbass does stupid shit like standing in the rain during a torrential downpour, it frustrates him to no end. 
Suddenly, you no longer feel raindrops splashing against the hood of your slick coat. Upon straightening up and spinning away from the bed of flowers, your mind adjusts to the situation, and you take a deep breath and smile.
“Hitoshi, what are you doing out here?”
He doesn’t answer you right away, simply taking in the way your fitted yellow raincoat clings to your curves. The only skin exposed is between the hem of your jacket, which stops exactly at the length of your school skirt, and the top of your thigh high socks. He likes the looks of those socks molding to the shape of your legs even more than on a sunny day as they are soaked through and through.
“What the hell are you doing out here? Didn’t you realize that it’s raining? You could catch a cold or something standing out here like this,” Hitoshi scolds none too gently.
“Well, I wanted to see how the flowers were holding up in the rain. I was just trying to protect them.”
You’re so cute that Hitoshi could vomit. This is exactly what he means when he thinks about a kind person. You’re so selfless, too selfless. Willing to get sick if it means protecting something that isn’t even worth all that much. Flowers can always bloom again, but you aren’t ever that concerned about yourself, and it makes his palm itch to smack some sense into you.
“You wanted to see the flowers, so you risked your health? Really? I can’t believe you. Come on, we’re going back to your dorm. I’ll take you there. Can’t risk your dumbass getting distracted along the way.” Hitoshi reaches out for your arm, taking hold of your tricep and leading you towards the Class 1A dormitories.
“Oh, Hitoshi, you really don’t have to do that, but thank you. I appreciate you keeping me company. Hey, we should get some food after this. A cold day like this one calls for some ramen to warm us up.”
Hitoshi huffs in annoyance as he drags you through the rain, keeping the umbrella more so over you than him.
“Hey, Hitoshi, you’re not covering yourself with the umbrella. You don’t have to hold it over me. I have a hood. You should protect yourself-“
The lilac-haired teen interrupts you smoothly, his tone calm yet dominant, “It’s no problem. Be quiet.”
Hitoshi remains beside you, even escorting you all the way back to your room. Releasing a heavily pent-up sigh, he follows you through the door, where you both shed your raincoats and hang them on the back of your desk chair. As he places his closed umbrella next to your desk, you still don’t seem to notice the frown and furrowed eyebrows of his irked expression.
Walking over to your closet, you select a pair of jeans and a large t-shirt to get comfortable. Then, you realize that Hitoshi is still in the room. You look at him over your shoulder with a slight blush and full smile.
“Hey, Hitoshi, can you turn around? I want to get out of my uniform.”
It honestly baffles him. Why wouldn’t you order him to stand outside while you change? Do you feel so comfortable around him that you’d change in the same room as long as he’s not looking? You must not see anything wrong with the situation. Would you let anyone else stay in the room with you while you change? Have you done this sort of thing before? Hitoshi’s mind is suddenly plagued with your impropriety.
He reaches out and grabs your wrist firmly, locking eyes with yours. His mood has shifted, taking a turn for the worse just as the lightning cracks in the sky.
“Hitoshi?” You ask with your brows pulled together, confused as to why he has a firm grip on your limb.
“You just let anyone stay in here while you’re naked?”
And oh, he can’t stand it. He doesn’t know what he’ll do if you answer with an affirmative.
“What? N-no, I don’t. You’re the first guy who has been in my room. My girlfriends don’t look at me in that way since we’re girls-“
“Oh, so you’ll just slut yourself out for anyone, guy or girl?”
“WHAT?!” You can’t help but exclaim as Hitoshi’s words grow harsher just as his hold on your wrist grows tighter. “No, no, Hitoshi, you’re not listening to me. I said-“
“I heard you. You know, I always knew you were a dumbass, but I didn’t realize you were this fucking stupid.”
His words hit your heart so sharply, like the bark of a dog. It causes you to wince, causes you to freeze up, makes you feel like you can’t even breathe as the purple of his eyes go darker.
You don’t hit the bed when he shoves you. Instead, he shamelessly pushes you onto the floor of your dorm room. You cry out when you land on your ass, crashing on your back. Hitoshi stands above you, towering like a tall pillar.
“Hitoshi, what are you doing?” Tears well up in your eyes, unused to this treatment from the boy who has always been so relaxed and well-mannered around you.
“Tell me something. Do you like being such a filthy whore?”
“I…” Something about you begins to fade, a part of your mind going blank like a sheet of paper with nothing on it. No words to make out, no illustrations to focus on. There’s just nothing.
With you in this state, you make it all too easy for Hitoshi to control, to manipulate like a little puppet. His cute doll that he can force to do whatever he wants.
Kneeling next to you, he undoes the buttons of your school shirt one by one, dragging his index finger down the center to the very last button. Your shirt falls open, revealing the baby blue color of your bra that the eighteen-year-old can’t seem to get enough of. He has never seen your cleavage before as it has always been hidden behind button up uniforms and sweaters. Hitoshi can’t help it as he finds himself licking his lips. He licks them as he tugs your bra down, your tits bouncing free of the blue cage.
Hitoshi can feel his cock throbbing in his pants as he palms himself. It strains against his trousers, creating a thick bulge. He humps slightly into his hand, releasing a suppressed groan. He needs you, needs to feel you, all of you, every inch. Every single fucking inch of you. He takes the liberty of leaning down, his lips working around the supple shape of your nipple. It’s been his dream to be in a position like this with you, only you, for as long as he can remember since the day he laid his lilac orbs on you four years ago.
His other hand reaches out to your free breast as he continues to suck on the left one. His tongue swirling around it as if it’s a delicious fruit just waiting to be eaten. How he just wants a taste so badly. His cock pulsating from the palpable lust.
Only, you lay there unconscious about what he’s doing, completely in the dark as your blank eyes remain unblinking. It’s as if you’re trapped in a place where time doesn’t exist, but Hitoshi has all the time in the world to play with you.
He squeezes your tit with his hand, harshly groping you, needing to get a good grip on what belongs to him. Everything about you, he needs right now. As he lightly takes the bud of your breast between his teeth, he bites gently, deliberately. His hand travels from your chest downwards. Fingers dragging past your ribs and abdomen, finding the treasure hidden between your legs. Your body involuntarily twitches, and for a moment, he thinks you’re going to snap out of the effects of his quirk, but Hitoshi has gotten stronger. He keeps his concentration, and you remain in the dark as he draws your clit between his thumb and index fingers, pinching hard enough to create the soaked pussy he wants.
Hitoshi can’t help but rub the crotch of his pants against your thigh as he leaves bite marks and hickeys all along your neck, all the while rubbing your pussy, gathering the juices on his fingers. It’s like a deranged need to get you as slick as he can before taking you for himself, all for himself. And when he pulls his hand away from the apex of your thighs, he sniffs the creamy substance on his fingers, and his eyes roll back. He shivers slightly from the pheromones; from the utterly erotic scent your core produces. It’s the milk of life he never knew he needed until this moment.
His tongue, ever so hesitantly, finds its way to the tips of his fingers. With a swift lick to the pads, he becomes a feral animal. His face dives between your legs, leaving behind all notions of your nipples and neck, leaving everything behind in the wake of his sexual desires. His nose bumps against your tiny bundle of nerves as his lips suckle on the nectar of your flower. Because that’s what it is to him in this moment, because that’s what you’ve always been to him from the very start: a beautiful and vulnerable flower.
You’re so innocently delicious and sweet, craving for you to sit on his face, but he can’t risk moving you too much and having you wake up. No, he needs to keep you as docile as he can until the very end.
Hitoshi groans, fucking into his palm through his trousers as he continues to eat you out. He’s torn between coming in his pants just so he can keep tasting you and completely taking you for himself.
With a low growl of frustration, he shucks his pants and boxers down, removing his clothes until every muscle is exposed. His toned body presses against yours, teeth tugging on the sensitive flesh of your throat as he rids you of your panties, throwing them to the side once they are completely off. He plants your thigh between his knees as he hovers over you, pinning the pit of your right knee against his hip. His breath ghosts against the shell of your ear as the mushroom tip of his pink cock dips into your folds. Hitoshi closes his eyes, relishing in the luxury of your slippery cavern, each way he thrusts, your walls are just so tight on his sword, gripping like a fitted sheathe. Your virgin tight pussy feels like everything he could ever hope for, not at all knowing what it would feel like until this very moment.
“You’re such a damn idiot. A stupid little moron. The only thing you have going for you is your looks. How did a damn airhead make it into the hero course?” His voice is raspy, shaky, almost coming out in a hoarse whisper.
He thrusts into you, plowing deeper and deeper as he adjusts his grip on your knee, keeping you pinned closely to him in order to push your cervix. A guttural, lewd, and primitive moan escapes past his lips as he feels this new spot in the home of your womb. He glances down, sweat beading his forehead, and he smirks. He can see the bulge his twitchy cock makes in your belly, and every time he pulls back only to push in again, he sees it move under your skin.
Hitoshi tugs on your earlobe with his blunt teeth, laughing condescendingly at you in this state. “Fuck, it’s all the more reason to love you. Someone’s got to look out for you, protect you. You’re so goddamn lucky you have me on your side.”
He buries himself into you, his purple hair brushing against your H/C locks, hips pulsating as he manages to pull you even closer to him. Tired of holding your knee against the bone of his hip, he moves the pit of your knee over his shoulder, doing the same with the leg trapped between him on the floor. He moves your thigh into his hand, gently shifting you so that both legs are over his muscular shoulders. Hitoshi feels you, curled at the abdomen, taking his full cock from tip to base. He can’t help it as his hands travel underneath you, groping the hills of your ass, digging his fingers so deep into your flesh that there will likely be bruises when he’s done.
Numb to the world entirely, you are devoid of all thoughts, not a single one crossing that pretty, empty head of yours. You never thought the darkness could be so soothing, but you’ve never felt more at peace. Blanketed by a feeling of oblivion, you are completely unaware of the storm raging beyond the windowpane. A euphoric sensation cradles you in a dreamy haze as you remain in this tiny sanctuary. No, you do not wish to escape the safety of this wonderful cocoon in your mind.
The purplenet feels his cock twitch once, twice, and he immediately pulls out, knowing exactly what is about to happen. He watches as white, pearlescent ropes catch on your thighs. He sighs in relief, knowing that he caught himself before a bad situation unfolded. In the aftermath of it all, Hitoshi finds himself trying to clean everything up quickly. Toweling down your thighs, putting your panties back on, repositioning your bra, and buttoning up your shirt just the way it was when this whole ordeal began. He gets dressed back into his clothes. When he's all finished, he gently wakes you from the effects of his quirk.
“Hey, Y/N, you…passed out,” Hitoshi lies, feeling a sense of shame but unable to share the truth.
You blink up at him as he kneels over you. The last thing you remember was being pushed, nothing else.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I let my anger go like that. I promise, it won’t happen again.” He’s sincere, grabbing your hand in a desperate manner to make you know his regret for being violent. “I just needed to make you understand how dangerous what you did was. What if someone tried to take advantage of you because you let them stay in the same room while dressing? So many bad things can happen. You need to think.”
Feeling your cheeks flush, you nod your head in understanding. “Yeah, we all get mad sometimes. I…can’t say I’ve never gotten that angry before. You were really just trying to protect me?”
God, you’re so stupid. Such a gullible little flower.
“Yeah, I just needed you to see what you did was wrong. You must have hit your head and passed out when I pushed you. I’m sorry. It will never happen again. I swear.”
His words are as sweet as honey. How could you not believe your long-time friend? He’s always so well-mannered, it must have just been a one-time thing.
“Okay…I forgive you, Hitoshi.”
He smiles, his lips curling up as he wraps his arms around you, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. “Want to go get that ramen you were talking about earlier?”
“Yeah! That sounds great. Let’s go! I think I’ll just wear my uniform. It doesn’t exactly feel fair, you know, me being in casual clothes while you’re still wearing your school uniform.”
“Do what you want, Y/N,” he responds gently as he slips his hands in his pockets.  
“Also, I’m really sorry, Hitoshi. I don’t want you to think I do that with people. I just trust you, you know?”
“Nothing to apologize for. Here, let’s get your raincoat on.”
Hitoshi pulls you up from the ground and grabs your yellow jacket off the desk chair, helping you put it on. As you stand in front of him, you catch a glimpse of the marks on your neck in the mirror, completely puzzled because you don’t know how those appeared. You also begin to feel a bit of an aching throb in your pussy, but you become easily distracted when Hitoshi turns you towards him and wraps a scarf around your neck.
“I don’t want you getting cold,” he explains in his usual lazy drawl.
You can’t help but smile. What would you do without Hitoshi looking after you?
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butterbabyflapjack · 1 year
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i n d r e a m s , y o u ' r e m i n e . . .
[ hypnos (hades) x f!reader ] (18+)
[ TAGS ] explicit sexual content, lovesick, somnophilia, yandere, Hypnos is kinda a pervert, and by kinda I mean really, obsession, touch starved, non-con / dub-con because you’re asleep and of course the God of Sleep is going to take advantage of that, possessive behavior, body worship, oral fixation, male whimpering, pining, coaxing, Hypnos is shy and inexperienced and absolutely obsessed with you but that does NOT make him innocent in any of this, I’m incapable of not adding angst to everything
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(artwork used with permission by O3tofu 💖)
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“Well, don’t let me keep you, sweetling,” Hypnos says, gaze dancing over yours. “You better run along before someone sees you with all this lovely contraband. You could get in a lot of trouble–and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”
You swallow thickly, shake your head, unsure if he actually expects an answer.
His smile grows, and you feel yourself tense as he leans down closer to your ear. “Or perhaps you would…?” you hear his cheshire grin. He chuckles, his laughter tickling your skin, and then he’s rising once more to his full height before you. “Off you go then.”
You’re a servant in the Underworld, and Hypnos – God of Sleep, Brother of Death – is undyingly obsessed with you.
What better way to worship that which he’s pined for from afar than to do what he does best? Lull you, unsuspecting, into the warm and darkened depths of sleep, before taking what he wants from you?
Wherein Hypnos, the obsessive embodiment of sleep, takes advantage of you while you're sleeping.
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read on ao3 🩷
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379 notes · View notes
trancylovecraft · 1 month
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 3 OF 8: Astaroth
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
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Her hands gripped around the cold metal bars, The nipping of the night's air reflecting in the brisk chill coming from them.
A half-crescent was placed high in the sky, The moonstruck light reflecting in the ebony skies along with the sparks of the stars gleaming like spilled glitter. It was a beautiful night, One you could stare at for hours upon from your bedroom window while you fell into the depths of Hypnos's hold.
But he didn't have a grasp on [F/N] tonight, Instead she was wide awake to view his mother in all her glory. The song of the wind travelled through the outskirts of the town she stood in, Symphonic in nature as it played through her hair.
[F/N] stood grasping the corroding bars of the towns cemetery, One of it's kind and a rarity for Japan as the majority of the dead decided to be cremated. She was lucky it was in walking distance from the youth centre.
It had been about a year since the incident with Umaimon or whatever his name was, Only becoming a funny story to tell while mingling. She hadn't thought about it in ages however, Less than a C plot to her current arc.
Her eyes peered through the bar gaps, Pushing her face right in between as irises searched the perimeter for any kind of staff attending to the tombstones, Or whatever they did, [F/N] didn't know.
But she did know that there wasn't anyone in her sight, No matter how far she squeezed her face in between the gate bars or how much she listened out for any footsteps. Made sense, These places always tended to be understaffed.
She'd been staking this place out for nights now. Just like clockwork she would slip through the cracks of her old window, Always after making sure that the makeshift dummy of pillows and blankets was fastened in place.
[F/N] hadn't been allowed out for ages now, Serves her right for sneaking out so often and getting into trouble she supposed. But it was cruel not to let her come here, Not to let her speak her sorrows.
This was where Tetsuya was buried after all.
[F/N] stuffed her hand into her basil-coloured hoodie, The darkest shade she had to hide her in mother nights shawl as she pulled out a branded flashlight.
It was a childish design, Really. It was trademarked by scooby-doo, An American cartoon she and Tetsuya use to watch on the daily. It was designed like that old van the gang drove around in, Blue with green flames and the occasional orange flower to break it up.
It was also a flashlight that use to belong to Tetsuya, A fact that she smiled at, Admiring the chipping paint only for a moment before she flicked it on.
The light fluttered. [F/N] had to shake it to stabilize the rays as it finally shone against the bars in front of her.
It finally illuminated the grounds hidden behind the gate. Though the moon was luminescent it only helped to see the shapes of gravestones and flowers within the dark, The shadows consuming everything else leaving it difficult to see.
Though with the flashlight she could now see the exposed engravings of the granite rocks. Whispers of the dead and their legacies inscribed onto the stone. A brother, A sister, A mother and a wife was what they were known as but they weren't anything she knew.
As usual, There was no guard to react to the spotlight. Incompetent staff, They wouldn't even be able to spot her freshly-teenage self climb over the gates of the grounds they were meant to protect.
A foothold in the first bar. [F/N] pushed herself up and was just tall enough to grasp onto the upper bar of the gate's design, Hanging from the metal digging in her palms. She was spry enough to pull herself up.
It was easy cake to lug herself to the top of the gate, Fling a leg over the side and hop down into the overgrown grass of the graveyard below. Feet hitting the dirt with a thump, Barely even ripping her old jeans in the process.
[F/N] didn't hesitate to start sprinting across the valley the graveyard sat in, Guarded by the thick brick walls and nothing else as she seen the security passed out in the booth. Slobber down his shirt and a cup of coffee gone cold on the desk.
She ran past gravestones filled with flowers in all colours. Peonies, Roses and Daffodils were only the few she could name as she passed by, Only seen by the spotlight. Names she didn't recognise, Dates she wasn't around for and family members that weren't hers.
She knew however when she saw the far off headstone, One surrounded by nothing but corrosion and empty pots that it was the one she was looking for.
Her run skittered to a halt, Almost tripping over her feet as she came to the end of the row she was in. The scooby-doo flashlight still held tightly in her hands, The spotlight it shone dusting over the engravings of the tombstone.
Tetsuya Toyama
20XX - 20XX
Beloved child. Forever in our hearts, Rest in peace.
[F/N] smiled as she read the engravings, Almost as bright as the spotlight shining on them. Her body lowered, Knees bending as she crouched in front of the tombstone belonging to her late friend.
"Hey, Tetsu'.. Haven't been around much, I'm sorry about that but Mrs. Ono hasn't been letting me out. You know how she is.." [F/N] giggled lightly as she flicked the flashlight off, Stuffing it back into the front pocket of her hoodie.
She didn't get a response as she sat back onto the dry grass of the grave, Sitting directly in front of the soil where he was buried. She curled up into a ball, Arms hugging her knees as she let the silence sink in with the wind.
[F/N] sighed, Clicking her tongue.
"It's been so long since you've left me.. Ya know? Even though has been so long you're still my friend, My only friend.. Since the other kids think I'm delusional" [F/N] laughed lightly, Though it sounded strained in her throat as her smile started to die.
Her hand reached out, The very tips of her fingers dusting the surface of his headstone. The ice cold stone seeping into her skin like a sponge, Flooding her pores with an algid frost overtaking her body heat.
Her thumb brushed over his name, Lining the letters.
"I know I'm not crazy.. You know I'm not crazy, Don't you Tetsu'..? It was a demon that did this to you, It was a demon that took you away.. I know it's not a bear or a boar or a.." [F/N] trailed off as her thumb brushed along the words, Reaching his second name of Toyama.
She hummed.
"But to be fair.. I didn't even know you had a last name until you were dead." [F/N] muttered, Fixated on that one little last name and every syllable it held. "I don't even remember my own, To be honest with you.."
Her hand dropped from the headstone, Falling to her side as she sat in the silence of the wind. Her hands snaked themselves over to the opposite elbows, Hugging her hoodie closer to her body.
She sniffled, But it wasn't from the cold.
"I don't know a lot of things.. How to multiply fractions in school or.. Or I don't know what I want to do when I'm older. I don't know how you can make money or make new friends.." [F/N] trailed off, Shaking her head as a lump formed in the apex of her throat.
She stared at the gravestone, And as she read the name once more she hugged herself just a little tighter.
"..And I don't know how I'm ever gonna go on without you, Tetsuya. I want to avenge you, Tetsuya, I just.. I just.. I just don't know how.." [F/N] choked out through a salesman smile, Holding it up the best she could as her vision started to blur.
"Y-You were always the headstrong one.. You were always the one to find a solution first. You were never a crybaby like me, You always knew what to do so.. Please.. Just tell me.." [F/N] pleaded softly, Hands running down to the ungrown soil and gripping it tightly.
But yet again, She got not a single response from the coffin of her dearest friend.
[F/N] sniffled, Gripping the soil tighter. She knew she was never going to get a response, She knew there was no reply to her prayers or her pleads. There was never going to be one from him, Even if there was she didn't know what it would ever be.
"T-Tell me.." But she asked anyways. Body descending to the fresh soil of the grave, Cheek laying against the coursed soil as she rested in front of the grave. A makeshift bed for one, Yet knowing very well the second was lying just underneath beside her.
[F/N] shut her stinging eyes, The light red of them closing on the moonshine of the soil. She was so tired, So very tired.
What the counsellors, The staff and the psychiatrists didn't know was that the reason she kept leaving the youth centre was that she was searching for evidence. Every day she'd run off into the woods where he was killed, Retracing her steps and finding the exact spot.
For hours she would think of possible deaths, Angles and ways he could of died. Especially where the culprit would scamper off, Not to mention the search for the evidence of demons existence.
It was the only thing she did with her time nowadays, Nothing else.
The cigarettes she smoked were really the only fun she had left. She had grown to known it was bad but the way they tasted and the addiction was just so.. Enthralling to her. Even when they were kids and they pretended lollipop sticks had smoke raising high, She had liked them.
Tetsuya always thought they were cool, And she thought he was cool.
[F/N] loved him, She truly did. That old saying, The blood of the covenant was thicker than the water of the womb. It really did hold some weight, After all, She was lying next to the evidence.
He was her best friend, Her brother. In life or in death they were partners. Nothing would ever denounce that.
She just wished she had more time to tell him that.
"I-I'm sorry.. I was always the one holding you down.. I-If I wasn't such a coward then maybe I would of been there to save you.. I'm sorry, Tetsuya.." [F/N] sobbed quietly, Whispering the words to the cracked stone of the grave like the sweet nothings of a lost lover.
And most of all, She wished she passed over with him. Maybe then neither of them would need to be alone, Neither would have to go on without the other.
[F/N] jolted up from the silt of his grave, Cheek smeared in dry dirt as she craned up at the sudden sound.
Could it be the groundskeeper? Last she saw he was knocked out so deep that his drool dribbled all over his polo, Coffee so cold that it seemed iced and untouched for hours so did she really have such bad timing for him to wake up now?
Her hands lunged to the top of the gravestone, Peering over the edge of it. The sound had came a bit away from behind it, It sounded like something heavy slamming into the side of a large object.
Her eyes scanned back and forth like a hawk, Alert and attentive as she searched for whatever could of made the noise. [F/N] gulped, Hopefully it was just the deadbeat stoners coming out after a hit and not the groundskeeper.
[F/N] really couldn't afford the trouble.
There wasn't anything to be seen apart from the faraway mist surfing around the valley, Only illuminated by the tranquillity of the moonlight and obscured only slightly by the rows of shadowed gravestones.
[F/N] looked side to side once more. There was nothing in sight, Not person nor predator to be found within her vision. It was completely empty, All alone under the watchful eye of the moon.
[F/N] sighed, Breath dusting the air.
She lowered herself down from behind Tetsuya's gravestone, Knees resting on the dirt as relief washed over her like a rising flood.
Though that relief was drowned out by a taloned hand yanking her up by the scruff of her hood.
"AAH!" [F/N] screamed out into the night's air as suddenly her feet connected with nothing, Raised at least a few feet from the ground as the only thing holding her up was the sturdiness of her hoodie. Front fabric digging into her neck and choking her like a noose.
The hand shook her around, Body swinging back and forth as her screams echoed out into the night. She flailed and flailed but nothing she did let her go from whoever was attacking her, Neck craning behind her to try and get a good look.
But she could smell him before she saw him, And all she could pick up was the stench of deathly rot.
"GREAT! I come all the way here to absolutely nowhere and all I get is some human brat spying on me?!" The man wretched. His voice sounded like his vocal chords had decayed from his throat, Rotten and foul.
[F/N] couldn't hear him over the volumes of her screams, Her own chords straining to their final string.
"Y-YOU'RE NOT THE GROUNDSKEEPER-!" [F/N] shrieked as she was roughly shaken about by the hood, Both brain and organs hitting the insides of her flesh making her want to throw up her dinner of chicken stew.
"Shut up, You squealing little bitch! Of course I'm not your 'groundskeeper' or whatever the hell you think I am." The man snapped, Unflinching at her soles of her feet slamming wildly into his midsection.
[F/N] cried out, Feeling the edges of his overgrown and assumedly grotty nails start to run down the back of her neck, Teasing the uninjured flesh. She flailed her head around, Screams turning into obscenities as she finally got a glimpse of the man.
Tall and and withering, That was what came to mind at the sight of him. He was dressed in a salaryman's suit yet the oversized folds of his jacket and trousers could never cover his decaying weight.
What should've been out was in and vice versa, Ribs jutting up from behind his wrinkled blouse and his stomach caved in from what could've been hunger atop disease. While she couldn't see his face she could only guess what maggot-infested skeleton would've been of his complexion.
She could almost hear his teeth grind, Pincer's snapping together.
"W-What do you want from me?! I don't want any trouble, I-I don't know why you're here but let me go and I promise I wont say about seeing you here! J-Jus' let me go home!" [F/N] wailed out as the kicks to his shins, That seemed to do absolutely nothing to deter him.
"Let you go? Let you go?!" The man scoffed, Spit flying from his throat before his eyes lit up. "Ah, I get it now. You must be with those wretched little exorcists aren't you?! Tell me, Now!" He hollered.
The clawed nails on her neck went in, Jagged overgrown corners puncturing into her neck ever so slightly more. [F/N] screamed almost imagining it, Blood starting to pool up from the incisions and trickling down like rain on a car window, She could only imagine.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know!" [F/N] babbled out, Hysterics setting in as her voice reached a crescendo.
The nails jabbed in further, The carmine of her bloody pulp spurting up once more, Making her screech.
"Liar! You came here to take it, Didn't you?! You did! Tell me now and maybe I'll let you go with the majority of your limbs attached!" He bit. The claws puncturing her neck wrapping around her throat. Jerking her body to face him.
[F/N] gasped.
The mans face, The mans face was unable to be seen. Not the majority of it but from what she could see?
He was decaying.
Black and blue splotches were hidden behind an old paper bag covering his head, Holes ruptured to form a crooked frown and eye hollows. The splotches, Disgusting and just like the festering mould on expired bread. This time however, Covering his skin like red-hot pimples.
Bile rose in her throat, His sickly yellow eyes hidden within the shadows of the paper lunch bag he wore. [F/N] wanted to puke, The smell made so much more sense now. The one that reminded her of the squirrel carcasses often found on the roadside outside of the centre.
Sometimes days old, Scabbed with their cool blood and their black beady eyes listless. They were often mangled, Tiny little limbs dissected into their tendons and ligaments all across the road.
And as she looked at him, The image of the squirrels was the only thing that came to mind.
She swallowed back her burning puke, Though that only made her words all the more choked.
"P-PLEASE! I-I don't know what you're talking about, I really don't know what you're looking for-! I'm not with 'exorcists' or whatever I swear! I-I'm just here to visit a grave!" [F/N] bellowed, Dripping mucus coming down from her nose as she wept at his visage.
The pointed teeth in his maw bared into a hiss, The shadows of the bag only making the drips of saliva glinting from upon them. [F/N] shuddered, Unconsciously turtling into the warmth of her basil hue hoodie as she waited on baited breath.
And just like that it was over.
The hand around her neck tightened, Bringing her closer ever so much before launching her across the graveyard.
[F/N] screamed as the wind wept round her body, Flying back at impossible speeds for someone of his muscle rate before her back connected with the hard surface of the ground. [F/N] cried out, Something in her back cracking as she tumbled over on the grass.
She rolled onto her side, Vomit not being the only thing coming out as her lips were coated in a thick ichor. Her hands grasped clumps of the grass, Near tearing it out of the ground as she hung on for dear life. Vision spinning, World dizzy.
The cold air was so much much nipping as she heard the muffled stomps of angered footsteps approached her over the ringing in her ears. The back of her throat burned, The sepia retch splattered across the dry dirt being the cause.
The footsteps stopped, Fixed just behind her.
"Stupid little girl.." The man chided as his diseased eyes looked down at her pitiful form curled into a fetal position. His foot pressed into the dip of her back, Roughly pushing it forward and turning her onto her front as she retched at the movement.
Though as much as he looked at her like a dying rat, He did believe her. What a pitiful little thing like her would never be accepted as an exorcist, Even though they were rodents just like herself.
What he had came out here for, She obviously didn't have. An artefact the Illuminati had been tipped off to by one of their members, Said to just be lazing around in this nowhere graveyard.
What a waste of time.
"P-Please.." [F/N] choked out weakly, She had landed wrong at an odd angle and now she was paying the price. She had no idea who he was, Writhing around on the chilly grass as the moon watched over the scene as an avid spectator.
A junkie, A drunk, A psychopath or a felon. Any of those could've applied to him. She had just wanted to visit her dead friends grave, So what were the chances of this scenario happening?
What were the chances that he would let her go?
The man, Designated as The King of Rot, Astaroth raised his hand. The sheen of his dirty claws glistened in the pale moonlight, Fingers curling to take in the rev of the killing blow. He grinned, Slitting a rats neck was always so.. Satisfying.
His hand fell down, Falling down from the air at a velocity so fast it could cut glass. Her neck in sight, Exposed as she coughed up even more of the mixture of bile and blood.
Her eyes only caught the shimmer of the grime on the claws as they came at her neck. She opened her mouth, Spew dribbling out and she clenched her eyes shut to brace.
[F/N] screamed.
The excruciating agony of claws slitting a bloody ribbon on her neck, The tendons in her neck snapping like faulty guitar strings as her lifeblood spilled out into a punch. Juices shining in the abomidable night.
All of it together, It never came.
[F/N] waited a second, Shaking as she held her knees close to her chest before she widened her lids.
Head still laying against the valley's grass, Eyes opening to see the close up of weed strands and blue-back beetles scurrying about. Her neck, It was still intact, There was no connection of a blade or talon wringing it.
Instead it was only an inch away, Hovering just above her throat. Her heart thundered looking at it, Hands still grasping at the grass for dear life as she turned her head over. Snot running down from her nose as she came face to rotting face with the assailant.
He was angry, He was furious.
And for some reason, The angry chitters of insects was all she could hear.
"YOU WRETCHED BEASTS-! LET GO OF ME, I'M A KING! YOU SHOULDN'T BE ATTACKING ME- DID HE-" The man was bellowing, Body jerking around at odd angles from seemingly nothing. Face scrunched up as his bony limbs stood entirely still.
The bugs, The angry chitters were coming from all of the bugs surrounding him. She watched as they came from nowhere, The graveyard only housing the odd centipede or ant hiding in the grass.
But this seemed like swarms pooling at his feet, Angry pincers snapping at the hems of his trousers and ants biting at his bare ankles. [F/N]'s jaw dropped, In absolute awe at what was happening before her.
She scampered back, Body still splayed across the grass as her back hit an unidentified gravestone. The bugs were so miniscule like the stars overlooking them and despite their large numbers and nips, There was no way they could've been doing something like that to him.
Body jerking as if something much bigger than ants and beetles was attacking him, Ramming into sides of his body. Biting and scratching at his skin as dark marks and bloodied gashes were suddenly found on his skin.
Was it something she couldn't see? Something she couldn't grasp? What was it, What was it doing to him?
He toppled over, Back thudding against the ground as the bugs took their chance and started to swarm. Crawling up his arms, Legs, His torso and his neck. They were eating him alive, Gnawing him down to the bone.
He yelled.
"YOU'LL REGRET THIS-! IF THIS BODY WASN'T SO WEAK I COULD-! I COULD- BEELZEBUB!!" Astaroth hollered, Spit flying out from his mouth as he cursed out some unseen name. Yet even so, It made [F/N] gulp.
Beelzebub, She recognised it yet it had been so long since she had heard it at all. It was the name of her old imaginary friend she use to have when she was younger, One she pretended to play with out in the sticks.
All before she found.. She found the corpse..
[F/N] swallowed back the acid reflux singing away at her throat, Pushing herself forward onto her knees, Her body moved for her along with her tongue.
"S-STOP IT! FUCKING STOP IT, ALL OF YOU!" [F/N] screamed. She knew not what she was doing nor did she know why, The only thing she did know is that she wanted this all to stop. To go home, Never had she ever envied the fake dummy under her bed before now.
Her sweat dropped, The angry shrieking of cicadas and centipedes came to a sudden halt. As if a sudden trance had came over them, Pincers stopped snapping together. Little legs stopped churning and the jerks of the man's body fell entirely.
The moon just a little higher in the night, Whisping trails of mist still dancing across the scenery. [F/N]'s sweat turned cold as she watched the insects march backwards away from the man, Almost like a hive mind they parted like the red sea.
Just like a new-born foal, [F/N] got up onto shaky knees.
She was covered in dirt from head to toe, Her hoodie of polyester was blemished with dark splotches. The backside of her jeans wet and muddied from the way she hit the ground, Not to mention the throbbing pain in her back that is.
[F/N] pulled back the strands of hair from her eyes, Knotted and tangled from the commotion as she looked at him. The bugs, So small yet so violent did such a big number on him.
The moulded spots across his body were so much bigger now, Like the marks of the black plague he was twitching. Covered head to toe there was no more sign of his sickly pale skin now, All bitten off by the invertebrates around him.
[F/N] swallowed, If she hadn't let go of her lunch before she would've done it now. He was groaning or what sounded to be groaning, [F/N] couldn't tell as his vocal chords were chewed out from their place in his throat.
One foot forward, Pressing down onto the ground in front of her. The bugs surrounding them moved backwards even more, Watching as she warily stumbled her way over to him, Eyes never leaving him for a second.
"What the fuck.." [F/N] breathed as she stopped and stood over his body, The paper bag on his head long gone and floating somewhere off in the wind. She didn't care about it now, Only seeing the horror of what disgusting carcass he had become.
His rotting skin was layered out over his thinning bones like purple tarp on a corpse, His eyeballs were non existent yet there seemed to be some flicker of what use to be still in there. [F/N] gagged, The stench of guts so much more prominent now.
Why did the bugs attack him like that? Why were they so aggressive and why did they leave her out of it? [F/N] glanced warily at the invertebrates still surrounding them, Terrified as she eyed them carefully.
"You.. You bitch you.." He croaked out, Belching as his body quivered. His head lazed round to meet her, No eyes yet he stared straight into her like he did. [F/N] bit her quivering lip in attempt to stable it, Fighting back the urge to back away.
"You have connections.. You.. and Beelzebub.. You, How-"
The man choked out gargled coughs, [F/N] gasped as his body jolted in place. Wincing back from her position only a little bit.
"A.. Are you okay..?" [F/N] squeaked, Tears rolling down her face and tickling at her bare skin. Her hands together, She knew the answer very well as it was obvious, Yet the question so natural on her tongue it could've been instinct.
The coughing stopped, Wheezing dying off from what was left from his lungs. [F/N] sniffled as she watched his eyes hone in on her even more so. If [F/N] wasn't stupid, She might of mistook it for confusion.
"W-What..?" He spluttered, Blood pushed out from his mouth and spilling out over his charred cheeks as he choked on the rest. [F/N] shyed her eyes away, Heart drumming like rain on a rooftop as she kept back cries of your own.
"I-I said.. I said are you okay..?" [F/N] repeated, Trying not to look at the carcass lying not even a foot away from her. It was a stupid question, Making her feel so seen within the empty gravesite.
She kneeled down towards him, Hand hesitantly reaching out to where his heart should of been and pressed down, There was no beat yet he seemed to still be alive. Though her eyes darted, Her thumb brushed against something in his suit.
Astaroth twitched, Eyes still hawked on the girl perched above him. For some reason he couldn't speak and it was not because of the state of his vocal chords, It was strange and nothing like he had ever dealt with before.
But for some reason, It made his crumbling ribcage shake, Something pulsati-
"What the.." [F/N] said as she pulled out a folder of sorts. It was similar to the ones found in the youth centres archives, One's she snuck around in at night time but this one caught more dirt than the ones she was digging through. Stained with muck.
For some reason she felt compelled to take it, So much so when she spied a single word upon it.
Her hands seemed to move on their own, Possessed by the desire of a prying feline. Eyes narrowing in and sparkling with the shine of the Luna above as she opened the cream-folder-front to the first page.
"What.. What is this.." Astaroth wheezed though [F/N] wasn't focused on him. Documents, Dozens of them were stored inside the file. [F/N] shifted through them, Picking at the perimeters of the paper as she scanned the sentences inside.
Illuminati. Demons. Artefact. Laboratory. Location.
Words that made her widen her already-wide eyes, Her hands gripping the edges of the folder like it was her last life-line. It shook in her firm grasp, An oxymoron but she wasn't inclined to care.
"You.. Human, What are you doing to me..?" Astaroth whispered as his hazy eyes landed onto her form shifting through secret Illuminati files. He seethed, He couldn't be sure what was happening to him, Was it rage that she was searching through his stuff or was it.. Something more warm.
Was there a difference to him?
[F/N] wiped the drool on her polyester sweater sleeve, Not caring about the mess as her heart ran thousands of miles per hour. What was this? What did this mean? It spoke of atrocities, Talking of terrors and horrors she couldn't even comprehend.
Pictures, The pictures that were attached to the documents with a simple little paperclip were showing mutilated carcasses. People strapped to something you'd see in a dentists office yet their contorted, Almost disfigured jaws screaming was enough to speak to her.
This had to be fake right? This had to have some explanation..!
"You.. Come here.." Astaroth coughed out and this time it was enough to get her attention as [F/N] jerked her head over to him, Snapping the folder shut on instinct. She stared at him, Terror in her eyes as she let this sink in.
"Fuck.. I can't be here.." [F/N] exasperated, Suddenly realising the weight of the situation she was in. There was a dying man in front of her, A person she could be linked to if the groundskeeper woke up and saw her.
[F/N] shook her head, Lungs puffing out her chest and depressing back in. She took a few steps back from the cadaver. She couldn't afford to go to juvie! She had stuff to do, She had a mission to do, She needed to find Tetsuya's killer and there's no way she could do that behind bars.
The bugs around her chittered once before squirming away. Beetles crawling under stones, Worms and grubs returning to the earth from whenst they came. Ladybugs, Roaches, Snakeflies and mantises all skittered away from the scene, Leaving them alone.
[F/N] followed with them, Not wanting to be here any longer.
She shoved the file under her shoulder, Not taking her eyes off the dying man as she leaned down to pick up her scooby-doo flashlight that she had dropped in the fall. She shoved it into her pocket, Ready to turn away before she heard it.
"Wait.. W-Wait.. Come back here.." The man gurgled, Bony hand rising up from his side and pointing a withered finger at her. [F/N] shook, Stepping back further from the scene.
"No.. I gotta go, I'm sorry." [F/N] replied quickly, Shaking her head as she watched the mans body return to jerking and twitching. He moved violently, Making her hold her breath as his rotten carcass tried to get up.
"N-No! Get back here-" The man spluttered out another round of bloody coughs "D-Damn this weak body.. Useless! Stupid! M-Mortal body-!" He screamed out into the night, Wretched voice echoing throughout the valley.
[F/N] whined, Jerking away.
But by the time she had looked back, He had fallen silent.
He made no move now, Not twitch nor jerk of a single finger. He was just splayed out on the ground, Skeletal jawbone dropped open with no single syllable to be let out. He had died, Gone comatose after everything he seemed to still live through.
[F/N] seethed out air through her teeth, Dioxide turning into vapour in the night. She couldn't linger any longer, She couldn't be caught with a corpse. Even though it was the bugs that had done it, There was no way to explain why they did it.
[F/N] turned, Legs picking up and starting to sprint with the folder still sat under her armpit. The word demon written on a piece of paper in there, It could only mean that he was aware of their existence or at least had some idea about it.
He wouldn't miss it, He was dead. But she could use it well enough, Useful for her search.
So off she took into the night, Gone under the shawl of Mother Nyx. The groundskeeper would awaken and find the corpse lying through the rows of headstones without ever knowing she was there.
No camera's, No witnesses and an incompetent staff member. She was glad that these places were underfunded.
As she hopped the fence once more, [F/N] escaped into the open streets.
Uncaught and unseen.
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iheartgirlzn · 2 months
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you can call me angie or angel, i’m a teen minor and go by any pronouns! i have adhd & autism and mainly write characters from the percy jackson universe. i write for fun and have created this account to post what i enjoy! feel free to talk to me anytime ♡ - also, my reqs are open!
my masterlist & who i write for
dni.. racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, proship, inc*st or stepc*st, etc
i will not write.. nsfw/smut, yandere, racism, rape, SA, suicide, detailed gore.
i will write.. fem!reader, non-binary/gender neutral!reader, male!reader, romantic, platonic, family x reader, godly parents (ex: hypnos).
— i’ll try to write as much as possible but i’m suuper lazy & if anyone wants to req they can! btw my works are best in dark mode :)
this blog stands with palestine 🇵🇸
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hunterwritesstuff · 1 year
Could I get Hypno's Lullaby Steven x reader hcs? Yandere or normal works! <3
Bold of you to assume Steven could be normal about things-(/lh, I'll do some yandere some normal fluff <3) I SWEAR I'M WORKING ON MY OTHER REQUESTS BTW GUYS, I'M JUST SLOW, I'M SO SORRY
Tws(Because this is a creepypasta character): Death, suicide mention, obsessive behavior, yandere tendencies.
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Yandere hcs:
🔥 Steven is pretty much a textbook yandere.
🔥 He'll do anything and everything for you.
🔥 If you try to leave him, he'll blame others for it and not himself. He just gives off those vibes.
🔥 He's already lost Miki, he sure as Hell isn't letting you go.
🔥 If you try to leave, he'll either station Missingo at the door to keep you from leaving or beg you to stay. He's been treating you so well, why are you leaving?!
🔥 In this scenario, alongside Miki dying in the trade, Mike probably also brought Steven's unhealthy mannerisms to your attention, thus landing him on Steven's hit list.
🔥 After the fact, Steven framed Mike's death as a suicide and stayed by your side to comfort you throughout the days after the news comes out.
🔥 He only gets worse from there. The way you just...snuggle as close to him as you can, the way you come to him for comfort, the way you feel safe around him to show your grief, it drives him INSANE.
🔥 He'll treat you like a king, queen, anything in between! You're HIS darling, after all!
🔥 You don't really have a choice!
🔥 You're his.
🔥 You can't escape.
🔥 But why would you want to? He treats you well, he's just...clingy!
🔥 He just wants what's best for you.
Fluff hcs:
🔥 Seriously, though, this man can bake a mean batch of brownies!
🔥 He sorta stopped for a while after losing Miki(She helped him with heating the oven up), but when you came into his life, he picked it up again and actually started to feel better!
🔥 He's a huge snuggler! He prefers being the big spoon, since he likes the feeling of protecting you!
🔥 He does still worry that he's gonna hurt you sometimes, though. He knows he can lose himself when he's happy, and he knows he doesn't know his strength sometimes, but he's trying his best!
🔥 Just...don't ask him to make mug cakes. He'll have a thousand yard stare for the rest of the day.
🔥 You'll need to be a few years into the relationship before he tells you why he has a disdain for them.
🔥 But aside from that, he's pretty open with you!
🔥 ...granted that's compared to everyone else, but he's a naturally secretive person, but he'll slowly open up to you!
🔥 All in all, he's a sweet guy!
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cutelittlevamp · 2 years
Ma chérie
Hey there^^ I'm still alive and actually did a thing! I have a longer break from work now so I hope I'll finally get all my asks done. I'll try my best
Now, I wanted to write something for Hypnos at first but then I finally got the SSR Vil card and thought I'd write for him ... I couldn't decide so I compromised and settled on ... Rook o.o I don't know how I got to him either
So this is a short Yandere!Rook Hunt x Reader and many thanks to @yandere-sins for getting me to write again^^ It's not very good though o.o sry
Oh, you were just so beautiful.
Your beauty was so different from Vils perfection or Neiges innocent charm. Just you being you. How the hunter loved to watch you.
It wasn’t quite the right time to introduce himself to you properly. Not just yet. Of course, the two of you had met before but never really talked - at least not when you both were awake. It was just too easy to get in your room. Maybe you wanted him to get in?
Oh, très bien! The thought alone sent tingles down his spine.
Putting his camera and hat on the nightstand he carefully put Grim on the armchair, as he had done so many nights before. Lucky for him, the two of you were real deep sleepers. Really, could you make this any easier for him? If he wanted to steal you away it would be childsplay for the skilled hunter.
Not yet though.
Smiling calmly he appreciated your sleeping form for a moment before he got in bed with you, leisurely playing with your hair. You only stirred slightly, then continued to sleep soundly. It was just too adorable.
“Oh, ma chérie … my sweet little thing. So defenceless. Practically helpless in this world full of dangerous predators.” Rook gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before going back to playing with your hair. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you my dear. After all, you’re mine. I watch everything you do.”
Indeed he had a full scrapbook dedicated to only you. He could barely wait to finally show it to you. Oh, then you could add couple pictures to all the others that only contained you. Beauté!
For now though, he’d be patient. Patience is important in every hunt, especially in a hunt like this one. There was still a lot to prepare before he could bring you home.
Maybe you’d come with him out of your own volition? That’d be just so wonderful!
But if you chose to run away he wouldn’t mind either.
The more one’s quarry seeks to flee, the stronger the impulse to give chase. Dating and hunting aren’t so different at times.
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sinister-things · 1 year
Yandere!Hypno-potamus X Fem!Reader
Y/N = Your Name
L/N = Last Name
S/C = Suit Color
Note: Human & Yokai live together peacefully
Headcanons at the end!
The Magic of Love
⚠️TW:⚠️ Stalking, delusional behavior, hypnotism, one mention of God
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"And now, the one, the only: Y/N L/N!"
The crowd cheered and clapped as you stepped on stage.
You were a young and bold magician, rising in popularity at the speed of light. It felt like just yesterday, Hypno saw you performing basic tricks outside the park, a mere few pennies thrown into a top hat.
A small fragment of Hypno was envious. After years of hard work, those snobs didn't even spare him a glance, but you managed to achieve his life long dream within a mere few months?
But, he was able to push those feelings aside when he saw how happy you looked.
The tricks you performed had a sense of originality and perfection, you having practiced them again and again.
You were his soulmate. The person he was going to marry. The woman that God had designed for him to spend the rest of his life with.
Hypno knew it.
However, you were beautiful. Your smile could rival the sun, the sound of your voice could send even the most talented singer into a frenzy, and the rose's envy the color of your lips.
And he was a hippo. An animal. A beast. He was the garbage on the side of the road compared to you.
You would be disgusted by him.
He had watched you since that very night, and now here you were: at the largest magic society in New York.
Wearing a S/C suit, you graced the stage with your shining smile and eye-catching tricks, a fiery passion in your eyes. Even John the Kaiser, inventor of the Pinky Shuffle, was holding back tears!
After half an hour, you gave a grand bow and exited the stage, the audience chanting your name in praise.
You walked off stage with a smile on your face. They loved you! You were surprised by how well the performance went, you were certain something was going to go wrong, but it all went smoothly!
"Hey, Ms. Y/N! Ms. Y/N!"
You turned around, wondering who was shouting your name.
You flinched when you saw four turtle yokai's standing before you. They all wore black suits, but the tallest wore a red mask, another one had two red streaks on his eyes and wore a blue mask, the smallest wore a bright orange mask, and the fourth dawned a purple mask. They all appeared giddy to talk to you.
"Oh, hello." You greeted them, "Can I help you?"
The blue-masked turtle repeatedly stumbled over his words, confusing you even more.
The tallest of the group cut in, putting a hand over his companions mouth. "What my brother means to say is, we're really big fans." He chuckled.
To say you were taken aback was an understatement. You had fans? You were still pretty new and it was your first performance at the most famous magician society in New York City, and you, of all people, had fans?
The smallest turtle shyly approached you. "Can you sign my pamphlet?" He asked nervously. You smiled, he was just adorable!
You signed their pamphlets and even took a picture with them. They waved you goodbye and you turned back to return to your dressing room.
As you turned the hallway, you were face-to-face with another woman. She had flowing brown locks and shining emerald eyes, wearing a low-cut dark green satin dress with an open back.
"Hey!" She greeted. "Name's Y/N, right?" She asked. "My name's Venus."
Venus de Magic? The Queen of quick-change? Talking to you?
You quickly composed yourself. "Yeah, my name's Y/N." You told her. "Can I help you?"
Venus smiled. "I just came to say I loved your performance!"
You thanked her and the two of you conversed for what felt like hours. The rumors were very much true; Venus was incredibly kind and charming, even giving you a few ideas for new tricks.
You exchanged contact information and bid each other farewell as you made your way to your dressing room.
You past numerous staff member's and other magicians, most of which showered you in praise, while a few whispered and gossiped in envy. But you just brushed the other small majority off. They weren't worth your time and thoughts.
You opened the door, relieved. The weight of the public watching you fell from your shoulders.
In the corner of your eye, you could have sworn you saw something peering at you through the window.
You shrugged it off, however, choosing to take a seat at your vanity.
Gazing into the mirror, you could only sigh.
You still couldn't believe that the girl in the mirror was you. In school, you were bullied relentlessly for wanting to be a professional magician. But here you were, a successful magician with her entire life ahead of her.
You wished you could see the look on your classmate's faces; Y/N, the famous magician, staring them dead in the face and telling them what pieces of shit they were.
Within your reflection, you saw a bouquet of rose's sitting beside your bag. Furrowing your brows, you rose from your seat.
The dozen rose's were bright and in full bloom. The smell sent a shiver down your spine, as if they were picked just yesterday.
Attached to the bouquet was a handwritten note.
The note was written in cursive, like a letter from a period drama. It was deeply personal, the writer confessing their undying love for you. The amount of information this person knew about you made goosebumps on your skin.
Impulsively, you ripped the note in half, dropping it onto the floor and stomping on it with your shoe. "I'll bring this up with security in the morning," you thought.
Meanwhile, Hypno had watched the entire situation through the window and was furious. After everything he memorized and all the time he spent planning your life together, you denied him?
This will not do.
Five Months Later...
"And in other news," The reporter smiled at the camera, "The search for famous magician Y/N L/N has reached its fifth month. She was last seen at the Magic Town House five months prior. If anyone has any information regarding this case, you are advised to call your local police department or tune in to Crime Stoppers."
Delusional + Overprotective + Obsessive
• Hypno is quite the hopeless romantic
• When he first saw you, it was love at first sight!
• While you don't even know he exists, he's convinced you're his soulmate
• Your beauty, your smile, your laugh, the way you talk, he's absolutely enchanted by you
• But he's way too nervous to speak to you
• He's a hippo. A literal animal. He's, quite literally, a beast compared to you
• He can get envious/jealous at times by your success
• But he genuinely adores you
• He is a magician, he's meant to be putting on shows and displaying tricks
• For example, leaving a bouquet of fresh roses in your dressing room
• Warren often tells him how entranced he is and how it gets in the way of plans to stop the turtles
• It's like you used hypnotism on him
• Despite his fears of you being disgusted by him and his appearance, he loves the size difference
• However, it goes without saying that Hypno does know how to be manipulative
• If you don't reciprocate his advances, he can rely on his spell
• Only a word and you're under his spell
• You'll be his pretty little puppet!
• He become's more delusional if he does hypnotize you
• This is true love
• He knows it!
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animefans-stuff · 1 year
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What I'll write; fluff, angst, headcanons, one shots, platonic relationships, yanderes.
What I won't write; anything nsfw, oc x reader, cheating, suicide, romantic adult x minor.
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Rules when requesting/Interacting;
Please be kind, not only to me but other people and remember that some of the stuff I write (anything yandere related) is purely for entertainment only I don't support any of these actions in real life.
Don't be scared to talk too me. :)
Please be patient when requesting something. I have a life outside of tumblr, and a terrible habit of procrastinating with certain things.
Remeber that I can say no to any requests I don't feel comfortable writing.
If you enjoy any of the stuff I write PLEASE reblog or leave a comment. It lets me know you like/possibly want more, it also keeps me motivated to write.
Lastly, Have fun :)
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Fandom(s) I write for + who I write for.
Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Two Face, Mr. Freeze, Joker, Harley Quinn, Killer croc, Victor Zsasz, Firefly
Outlast Whistleblower
Eddie Glunskin.
Black Butler
Grell, Undertaker, William T Spears, Othello, Ludger, Sascha, Snake, Ciel( platonic only!), Sebastian, Ronald Knox, Eric Slingby and Alan Humphries.
Hades (The Game)
Zagreus, Hypnos, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Dionysus, Achilles, Patroclus, Chaos, Theseus, Charon, Thanatos, Orpheus, Eurydice, Demeter, Persephone and Hermes.
One Piece
Sir Crocodile, Enel, Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Eustass Kid, Killer, Wire, Heat, Donquixote Doflamingo, Viola, Monet, Corazon, Dellinger, Baby 5, Gladius, Caesar Clown, Law, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Nico Robin, Van Augur, Laffitte, Ace and Nami.
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters, Karl Heisenberg, Lady Dimitrescu, Donna Benevento, Mother Miranda, Dimitrescu Daughters.
Dead By Daylight
The Wraith, The Huntress, Trickster, The Spirit, The Oni, The Doctor, The Legion, The Plague.
Record Of Ragnarok
Heimdall, Thor, Loki, Adam and Eve, Shiva, Parvati, Kali, Durga, Jack The Ripper, Brunhilde, Buddha, Odin, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Forseti, Heracles and Hades.
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idkpeople253 · 28 days
The fire to light up the dark
pairing: yandere!Leo Valdez x female!reader (mentions of being the daughter of Nyx and granddaughter of Pluto(hades), so sorry if you don’t like that I picked the godly parent I just don’t see a lot of people writing about my godly heritage)
This is random headcanons I like and want to share some are fluff and most are just crackpot energy
Your weapon is two hairpins one is imperial gold and one is Stygian iron and they turn into a sword it’s four feet long and it’s half Stygian iron half imperial gold with a black and Paris green handle and it weighs 3.5 lbs and it can change into anything weapon or tool you need
Leo sometimes breaks in to your cabin and or your room to steal your clothes(hoodies and shirts) and your camp T-shirt will go missing from time to time…you’ll find them smelling like fire, ashes, Dr. pepper, cinnamon, chocolate and the forge(so Leo)
(He may have put a tracker on your phone(he made phones for demigods with the Hecate cabin) or your sword/bow&arrows/daggers/ect ect)
And he constantly tries to hug you, and I mean constantly like he’ll break the no sitting at a different table rule constantly just to give you hugs and little kisses and stuff
He absolutely adores that you think of the Hypnos and Nemesis cabins as your nieces and nephews 
When you and he cuddle he actually sleeps all night like for the first time since he was eight and was sleeping next to his mom, he feels safe, comfortable, protected and is able to sleep through the night without a vision(a demigod dream) or a panic attack from a nightmare about the fire that killed his mom like he actually had a good night sleep
So when he started dating you officially Will Solace and Frank Zhang became his best friends because Will and Frank are also yanderes and they all give each other information
And how Nico gave his skull ring to Will Blanca gave him two other rings, one was a ghost and one was a zombie head Hazel got the zombie head and you got the ghost ring and so the three of you are called
The Ghost King is Nico
The Skeleton Queen is Hazel
The Zombie Princesses is You
And so you gave Leo your ghost ring and he put that sucker on his camp necklace and he wears it with pride
And if Leo makes you a ring or something he expects that to be on your camp necklace and when you make him anything he will worship it like the gods themselves gave it to him because in his eyes a goddess DID
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Requests are open and I’ll write for any daughter of Nyx, granddaughter of Pluto (and there will be under lying great-granddaughter of Anubis and great-great-granddaughter of Loki text)
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