#yeah I just add new ones and don't remove any
running-in-the-dark · 3 months
got a new hard drive (had to, no space left 😔), so I'm using that as a reason to completely reorganise my files (mostly shows, movies etc)
I'm having such a good time 💖
#not sarcasm! it's so fun#the only thing that sucks is that I managed to break sonarr somehow. didn't touch a thing but okay sure#I'll figure it out#I've got to wait for a couple cables that we had to order anyway before I can start moving stuff around#I've been sooo frustrated with how chaotic everything has been so this is gonna be great#but yeah I've had to delete so much stuff already (not at all because I've been downloading too much John Larroquette stuff or anything...#😬😬)#and I've been complaining about it every day so my husband bought me a new hard drive 🙈#still not enough space but it'll do for now#I always think 'oh I'm not a data hoarder! I don't have nearly as much stuff as those guys on reddit or wherever!' but like. it's not#because I don't WANT to save all of it#I only have *checks* 16 TB now with the new hard drive. I'd absolutely get a bunch of 20 TB ones if I could but no instead I spend money on#dumb shit lol#anyway yay I can stop deleting movies! very exciting#lol if anything I'm a hard drive hoarder.... I've got 7 internal ones and 3 external ones now.#yeah I just add new ones and don't remove any#I don't even wanna say it because I'll jinx it but. I've never had a hard drive fail. in over 20 years of having computers. I'm scared it's#gonna happen but 🤷 so far it hasn't lol#well one external one started failing but it went gradually not all at once. so I was able to move everything off of it first#and I mean I have backups of everything that's important! but not any of the media stuff 😬 it wouldn't be awful but it'd definitely make me#sad because I'm sure there's things there's that I couldn't find anymore#personal
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morallyinept · 2 months
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For anyone who needs to hear this today...
Dieter and I are just weighing in on some of the conversations floating around where people are feeling like they're not wanted here, or who feel like they might want to leave...
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You ARE absolutely wanted here.
Whether you're a creator, reader, silent lurker. It doesn't matter if you have 1 follower or 10k. Whether you write one chapter every few weeks, or churn out fics on the daily.
This is a fandom, not a competition.
You. Are. All. Wanted. Here.
Tumblr, for want of a better analogy, is a crap factory of a website. 😝 It's gone down the pan in the last decade massively, and it's the complete opposite of what other social media platforms do, (in terms of likes and algorithims etc... you have to re-blog everything - not like it - here to get any traction) you get out of Tumblr what you put in, effectively.
No-one here is better than anyone else, we're all part of that big Pedro table and continuously squish up to make room for everyone. And if anyone isn't doing that, then they should be the one's to leave, not you.
I get it. I feel it too. I've contemplated leaving several times. Yeah. It's a hard place sometimes to try and make a tiny space of it your own.
☝🏻But remember, even the biggest blogs on here started off with zero followers and had to build their niche from scratch. Rome wasn't built in a day.
It takes time and effort. It might look like it's easy for others, but it really isn't. And I'm in no way a "big blog" in the slightest.
But I stay here doing my own thing, because ultimately, I love writing and creating - it makes me happy, and I love the sense of community here.
I get immense joy out of making my silly banners and posts, and having a giggle with like-minded people when Pedro shaves his beard off (🫠). I ignore the drama and focus on having a positive time here.
But I get that doesn't work for everybody. Sometimes it's hard to tune all the fuzz out, right? It's massively overwhelming some days on here - I feel ya, bub.
The level of talent in this fandom is incredible, but it often leaves you feeling like "where do I begin?" Or "who do I talk to?" And "how do I talk to someone without coming across as weird?" And "how the hell do I re-blog everything and reply to comments and remember to answer DM's and Asks, whilst remembering to update my WIP and see what my fav blogs have posted, and catch up on that fic I like..? 🤯
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In short, you can't.
You simply can't do everything.
And you shouldn't try to either as that's when you'll burn out and when things start feeling overwhelming. Then your enjoyment wanes and then that's when you feel like you want to give it all in.
Just breathe.
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The best advice I can give (and I'm no expert!) is to curate your own experience here as best as you can.
Eliminate that overwhelming feeling to make your Tumblr time and space enjoyable.
Make it work for you and your needs.
Some easy things you can do that might help:
Update your notifications - I personally filter out the likes, otherwise I find I miss notifs like new followers or comments etc... Tumblr can be glitchy as hell too, so by removing the likes, you can see all the stuff you don't wanna miss. To turn them off, go into your activity (app version) and hit custom, scroll down to custom again and then untick likes:
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There's a new option now to subscribe to specific blogs you like and adjust your home feed settings to that. You click on the blogs themselves and add them to get notifications and then they'll appear under Blog Subs on your feed. You can then switch through feeds to just see the blogs you've added, rather than everyone you follow. It's then easy to switch between feeds:
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Limit your time here - if it starts to feel overwhelming, take a break! That's your brain telling you that you might need it. We'll all still be here when you come back. Don't compromise your peace of mind or happiness for the sake of scrolling for hours.
If you're a creator and have writer's block etc... again, take that break! Whether it's a day or a week, or a year. Take as long as you need. Those that are worth it will still be here and will wait patiently for you. Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself. And if anyone does pressure you, block them.
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Forget the numbers. I know, I know, it's easier said than done. Of course we want re-blogs and engagement, it's why we're here and putting our work out there. We wouldn't do it if we didn't want that engagement. But don't let the numbers be the main reason why you do it, otherwise your expectation can often be met with a harsh reality when it doesn't go how you think it will. Do it because it makes you happy, first and foremost. There will always be someone who looks forward to what you put out there.
If you want engagement, you need to engage back. This community survives and thrives on sharing. Re-blog everything you like. Re-blogging is the number one must on Tumblr. It's how the site works. Likes are lovely, but it's simply just a book marking feature here, which is essentially useless as your likes get pushed to the bottom of your like pile the more you like things. RE-BLOG EVERYTHING. By re-blogging you can also use tags so you can easily find things again. Liked that Frankie Morales fic you read last week? Re-blog it with the tag 'Frankie Morales' for example, and then you can search your own blog to find everything you've ever tagged with 'Frankie Morales'. You can even schedule re-blogs in advance too. You can't do any of that with likes. You'd have to scroll through every single like you've ever liked to find it again... and ain't no-one got time for that. If you're someone who is asking for engagement, you need to be prepared to give it back. I repeat, RE-BLOG EVERYTHING!
"Yeah, but if I re-blog everything, my aesthetic will be compromised, or my blog will be bulky and I might annoy everyone by appearing on their feed too much..." These are all valid concerns, but you can simply make a side blog specific for re-blogging things if you want. Whatever way you choose to do it, re-blog, re-blog, re-blog!
Be bold and reach out using DM's and ASK's. I don' think there's a single writer or artist out there who doesn't like getting a comment or a message complimenting their work. And we all love to chat about it, and that's an easy way in and to make friends too! It can be daunting, but I assure you if you're polite and kind, people will want to engage back with you. We all have one thing in common here at least - Pedro! 🥰
Sometimes, it can feel like everyone has their own friend groups or cliques and it can be hard to find your own community within a community. Almost everyone I engage with on a daily basis here, new and old users, are some of the nicest, kindest people I've spoken to. You really have nothing to be afraid of. They're just like you - they want to talk and make friends.
These are just some tips that I've found have worked for me on my own Tumblr journey with quelling that overwhelming feeling. And I hope they can help you in some way, especially if you're contemplating being here right now.
You might feel that what you put out there isn't appreciated because it doesn't get the notes or engagement you want, but I promise you, there is always someone who you have touched with your words and work.
Be kind to yourself and know that you really are a valued part of this fandom.
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Do you. Then do Dieter.
Self-Care With Dieter & Jett
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cerastes · 5 months
With the exception of Arknights what are your thoughts on gacha games?
I don't feel like I need to exclude Arknights from the statement, I can criticize things even if I like them.
In general, I don't like that their widely accepted and even defended business model is "Capitalize on FOMO, exploit gambling addictions, create dependent users". I also think that the use of the "game as a service" model, and one that needs to keep pumping content forever and can't risk to alienate the player, severely limits what can be done with the medium in terms of creativity, because you can't kill off playable characters nilly willy (I actually think Epic Seven was cooking with this, Epic Seven will kill off playable characters and remove them from the plot if it feels like it, or at least used to back when I played, don't know nowadays), relationships and dynamics with characters tend to be limited because otherwise your audience can feel like you are cucking them, and I wish I was kidding but just look at the absolute dumpster fire of a drama going on as we speak (22nd of January, 2024) in Girls' Frontline 2 over in China over one of the characters having interactions with a male NPC, and you can't ever bring a true sense of finality to any given arc because everything ends up having to be foreshadowing, set-up, build-up and so on and on and on. In many cases, you also have a mold cast of Must Have tropes in your playable cast: The Maid, The Idol, The One That Worships The Ground You Walk On, The Underage And Underclothed One, The Underage (But We Treat This One As A Precious Child!) One, Foxgirl, The Cold And Highly Analytical One (But Actually, Loves You), Chuuni, etc, so it feels like in every game I kinda already know at least a third of the cast minimum already and I'm kind of primed to not really want to know them, even though there's subversions I end up liking sometimes (Fenny from Snowbreak is an example of an Idol-type I ended up loving despite not liking Idol-types).
On the other hand, even with these negatives in mind, having a game that periodically updates and adds content, and that you can discreetly play pretty much everywhere on the go due to smartphones being their main 'console', games that foster community and something to talk about with your friends that also play and that will always have something new every couple of weeks, as well as inspire fanart, fanworks, analysis, and commentary, and that tend to be more risque and interesting with their designs is honestly good to have. I personally enjoy the community aspect of gacha games, I consider it one of the two most important aspects for me, because I know I can come here, for example, and see people talking about the story, the characters, the music, the gameplay, and more, every day, and the other important thing to me is how discreet they are, since I can just play a few maps or stages in my phone real fast midst a social situation at work, and then hop back in with a renewed social battery or when a topic I like comes up.
I fully get when people showcase their disdain for gacha, yeah, but if we really want to be nitpicky, the majority of the game industry is kind of a cesspool of toxicity, which is not to say "stop bashing gacha" and instead say "bash the whole thing if you're going to be bashing it anyway" (and we should! Game devs and other personnel in the industry have been crying for better conditions for years now!). Either way, if someone decides to sit at the gambling den, it becomes their responsibility. I want there to be more safeguards for people with actual addictions and to protect them, but with this in mind, if anyone still decides to sit at the den, it's assumed they are going to take responsibility for their actions and financial decisions.
So all in all, yeah, predatory games that suffer in quality due to their own trappings, but also good sources of community, inspiration, and effective at being discreet games you can play anywhere and that get periodic updates (this isn't necessarily exclusive to gacha but it is an aspect of them that bears mentioning, which I point out since no doubt people will want to point out there's good non-gacha smartphone game options out there)
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copperbadge · 6 months
Hi Sam! Recently diagnosed midlife ADHDer here. First, thanks for talking about your ADHD & sharing what you’re figuring out. It’s super helpful to someone on a similar trajectory.
I just saw a reference to your photo books for the first time & it seems like a great way to help with memory issues that come with ADHD (like I know I did [x thing] but when?). Could you talk a little about the process of collecting photos & such all year & then how you create one?
Thank you!
Ey, happy to have helped! Congrats and sympathies on your diagnosis. And honestly it's good for me too, talking all this out, it helps me get my thoughts in order. I often namedrop you guys to Therapist, you are "my readers" :D
The process of putting the photobooks together is...well, it's a lot, so this is going to be a super high-level overview, but basically yeah I wanted to have records of where I'd been and what I'd been doing that were more concrete than just digital photos on a hard drive or a cloud. But I didn't really want to just print the digital photos and put them in a box, either, so I started making photobooks. Usually I go through Walgreens or Shutterfly for printing, whichever has the good coupons when I'm working on it.
So, here's the weird, kind of obsessive part: a huge help in making a yearly photobook, for me, is the fact that I take my photos off my phone at the end of every month. I have some that live on the phone -- my growing collection of photos of my niece, a selection of photos from my Europe trip, some memes -- but those live in their own folders. The main camera roll gets downloaded every month, and I put them all in a file labeled with the month and year (2023-01, 2023-02, etc). It's a recurring task in my to-do list, that I offload the photos on the last Saturday of each month. You don't necessarily have to do it this way, though -- it's just what works best for me, and I encourage people to find a way to do things that will actually be functional for them.
Across the course of the year, although really moreso in October and November, I go through the photos and remove any I absolutely know I don't want to keep. Once I've done that, I save a copy of the whole year's worth of photos to my digital archive, and I take another copy and label it "FOR PHOTOBOOK" which allows me to do more culling of them than I otherwise would, because I know anything I delete is still in my archive. And this all has the advantage of me knowing that the photos in my archive are at least SOMEWHAT organized.
So I go through all the year's photos in the For Photobook file, month by month, sort them into folders by event (so there's, like, 01-Polar Vortex, or 04-Europe, or 09-Birthday) and clear out all but the photos I know I want most. My photobooks are generally longer than the default length they give you at most sites, so I usually do have to add a few pages (they're like $1/page or something) but not too many. Often these days I have some stuff that's events, like the Europe trip, and then some stuff that's just like....a folder of funny shit I saw in Chicago, or a folder of all the food I photographed that I want to save. The cats generally get their own four-page spread at the back. :D
In 2020, I will say, there were only two themes: CATS and COVID. I alternated pages.
Anyway, once I've got the photos sorted, and deleted any I don't want to include, I get on Shutterfly or Walgreens Photo and start up a new photobook project. I upload the first folder of photos, place them on the page with suitable captions, then upload the second folder of photos, etc etc, until all the photos are uploaded and placed in the book. I don't caption extensively -- often it'll just be a page that'll say like "TEXAS IN JULY!" and all the photos from that trip. But it definitely does help me keep track of what I was up to. And it's kind of soothing to review the year and see all the stuff I accomplished.
So that's the bare bones -- by all means feel free to ask questions, although if you guys wouldn't mind asking in comments or reblogs if possible, that should keep the discussion contained as necessary. :)
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pastel-charm-14 · 2 months
aesthetic ideas + tips for your phone
step 1: update your phone
make sure your phone is up to date and charged at least 80% before you begin! oh yeah and i should mention that this tutorial is for apple phones :)
settings >> general >> software updates >> install
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step 2: declutter
clutter literally scares me, so i always try and keep everything (including my phone) clutter free!
remove ever single app that you can, not delete, remove. you can do this by:
hold down any random app button >> click edit home screen >> click the little minus sign at the top left of the app button you want to remove >> click move to app library >> you can now only view it in your app library if you scroll all the way to the right from your home screen
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step 3: find inspiration
pinterest and yt are great places to look! i got these off of pinterest
you could also go on google and just type in the theme/color/whatever you're looking for.
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step 4: home screen formatting
this part is a lil overwhelming but that's why i'm here! this is about customizing and decorating your home screen.
first off, look for design formats. you want it to be functional AND aesthetic. take out a sheet of paper or a digital whiteboard or whatever and sketch out what you want your home screen to look like. i find it really helpful to just go "okay, i want a small widget there there and there, my most used apps there, my social media here," etc. remember, it can't just be pretty, it also has to be functional.
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step 5: add widgets
now you might be thinking, "how the heck do i do that?" don't worry i'll tell you right now :)
app store >> download widgetsmith >> choose from small, medium, or large widget >> click add widget >> tap it to see all the optiona and pick the one that best fits you (in this case i'm doing photo) >> select the picture you want >> go back to main screen, leave the app >> hold home screen >> press + >> scroll all the way down to widgetsmith >> hold down small >> place it >> hit done >> edit widget >> select the new small widget you created >> untap
don't worry, it's a lot easier once you start doing it!
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step 6: customize your app icons
open shortcut app >> click create shortcut >> click add action >> type in open app (multi-colored little squares) >> click choose, look up the app you want and click the 3 dots at the top right >> title the new shortcut >> click add to home screen, rename again >> change image/picture >> click add
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what-if-i-just-did · 6 months
Idk who needs to hear this but... you're allowed to make things easier for yourself. You're allowed to half-ass things. You don't have to do things the way you're 'supposed' to. Yeah, you should be doing everything completely, but if you can't do that, then doing some things partly is still better than doing totally nothing.
You can sit down while doing the dishes. You can have wash baskets and trash cans in every room in your house. You can brush your teeth for twenty seconds. You can buy kiddie tooth paste. You can brush your teeth at any time of day. You can get yourself a rubber duck. You can get yourself a huge IKEA shark if you want to. You can leave the curtains closed and your bed unmade. You can shower at any temperature that's comfortable to you. You can shower with the lights off. You can shower long. You can shower short. You can cover the mirrors. You can shower in bathing clothes. You can even shower in normal clothes if it'll make you feel better. You can shower without soap. You can just use soap on the places that need it most. If touching any one part of yourself triggers you, you don't have to wash it. You can sit down while you shower. You can wear the same clothes for a week. You can decide your outfits days before you wear them. You don't have to brush your hair. You don't have to take off your shoes at the door. You can rip out the tags of new clothes.
You can add and remove whatever it is that'll make things easier and less triggering for you, even if it seems silly. Even if it only helps a little. Even if you 'should be doing it better'. You don't owe people as much as you think you do. You don't owe anyone your prettiness, your dedication. Having a mental illness or a disability is hard. Most people don't understand that, but guess what? You don't owe them an explanation. You don't have to conform to neurotypical standards of 'good'. Your depression standard of 'good enough' is allowed to be less than that.
Seeing as this got more attention than I thougght it would, I need to add; I know there's other factors. I know you can't always afford to get yourself a huge IKEA shark, I know you don't always have time to shower for forty minutes, I know sometimes you get less tips/work if you don't look pretty. The point here isn't the details, it's the mindset of the fact that the details don't matter. A job doesn't always have to be well-done, in fact, a half-done job gets you half the way there.
(I wrote this with neurodivergent/mentally ill people in mind, but a lot of this also goes for disabled people so I'll also tag that. If that's like, ableist, in any way, please tell me and I'll fix it!!! I just wanna be helpful but I know that that doesn't always mean I am)
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pillowspace · 7 months
Sort of a dumb hypothetical I've been spinning my wheels about, but how might have things gone differently if Moon or Eclipse was the injured god Y/N found? That'd might change some lore stuff to explain how and why, I was just thinking about it after the new chapter and meeting Eclipse and wondered what a role-swap would be like
Moon would depend on some things. Is it Sun who's banished from the Mortal Realm, or is Moon still the one banished? Let's say he is still banished. That adds an extra layer of panic, because he has ended up in the realm he's not allowed to be in with no memory of how he got there, and he's frightened that if he does go back home, he'll be severely punished or possibly even killed by the higher gods when they find out. He is filled with anxiety after he wakes up, but also...
He missed this.
He looks around the woods with familiar awe, fascinated by the Mortal Realm's wilderness.
There is an issue here though. If Moon doesn't know what realm travel object got him here, then... he doesn't know how to get back on his own. It certainly wasn't his own pendant, it doesn't work. Moon is hostile towards Y/N at first, but once he tones it down, he convinces Y/N to send a prayer out for Sun to find him. Aaand that's how you could've gotten both blorbos in only the first act.
Let's move onto Eclipse now. Eclipseee... uhhh. For reasons, being trapped in the Mortal Realm could literally kill him, so I'm going to remove a rule to make this work. He is MASSIVE, with legs as tall as you are. He is not getting in your cart, and you wouldn't be able to lift him anyway. So instead, you go home, and return with health supplies. With how ABSOLUTELY STRANGE his body is, uou're unsure if it even helps, but you try to help him right there in the woods. After that, you go into town and pay to borrow a carriage so that you can get him safe into the indoors of your shed. You unfortunately do just have to lie down blankets on the floor and lie him there, as you don't have much else to offer. When he wakes up... now this may be a shock, but he does not threaten you. Not at all. He has gone through too much at the hands of other gods to be frightened by a species he never had much respect for anyway. You are terrified by his presence, but he is grateful, and does you no harm. You know how Sun is stubbornly trying to keep the life debt just a regular debt? Yeah, Eclipse doesn't do that. He immediately seals it into a life debt, pretty much having you own him. This is BIZARRE to you, but Eclipse has been so lonely that he'll literally take company in the form of a life debt, something that any other god would be horrified by. It's honestly a little sad. You refuse to use this life debt, but that's fine. All Eclipse wants is for you to keep him, and I am unsure if he'd even want to return home. There is something important back home, which puts him at a dilemma, but... this one bit of comfort... maybe it's more worth it to stay. TLDR: something is a little wrong with Eclipse
But let's put this into the other angle. Let's put the rules back into a canon state of things. The longer he stays in the Mortal Realm, the sicker and more in agony he becomes. You have to try your hardest to find the realm travel object he used before it's too late. There comes a point where he can no longer even stand, and while you regrettably have to take a break, you mutter reassurances to him that he basks in. If you do get the object to him in time, he'll take it, hesitate, then ask if you'd like to go with him.
There is a bit of lore that contradicts with all of this by the way, so that detail's being ignored. I'm putting us in an AU
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alcohol1maid · 1 month
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Small talk (chaoxiang x kema short fic!)
(Small tw for: impiled ch!ld abuse!)
The blonde haired girl was invited to a mansion by a her new friend, trickster. When the young girl got there, she was confused on the kind of aesthetic and how the others behaved in this 'family' .
"You can explore around, little miss kema! Just don't go..too far" said trickster, all though kema was suspicious of what she had said, but decided to mind her own business and explore her new friends big house.
The only one whom stood out to her was a brown haired tall boy. She noticed he was awfully quiet compared to the others, he was sitting on a wall, smoking on some kind of traditional pipe.
kema said to the much taller boy. The brown haired boy looked down at her, quickly knowing why this girl was here.
All though kema wasn't the talkative person
(it's been god since knows when she's started a conversation with someone who wasn't north sky or sofia)
kema noticed the two had something in common.
"It's chaoxiang"
"O-oh sorry.." Kema apologised, looking at the floor. Slowly starting to regret starting a conversation.
"No no dear" Chaoxiang looked at the shorter girl, who was looking at the ground.
"It's alright dearie, don't worry about it" chaoxiang said, immediately smoking his pipe after.
"O-okay" after a mini awkward silence between the two, chaoxiang broke it within seconds.
"So, one of tricksters friends?"
"Y-yeah, she invited me over. No offense, but this family's kinda..ya know.." she said as she moved her hand, tilited her hand side to side.
Chaoxiang ignored what kema just said, instead changing the subject.
"Are there any more friends here?" Chaoxiang looked around, wondering if trickster did something stupid again.
"N-no, just me..she said if I brought anyone else over she'd..not be happy"
"That sounds concerning" chaoxiang dropped.
"Y-yeah but, I don't blame her"
"Uhm" chaoxiang grunted. Still looking at the smaller girl.
"I like your..style, the yellow eyepatch with that smily face..adds to it" chaoxiang said, looking up and down at the girl, which kema was quick to notice.
"Oh, thanks, I deisgned it myself. I wanted to go for more of a 'don't touch me' look, ya know?" It was rare for kema to be confident, especially when talking to new people like this.
Chaoxiang smiled after kemas words, all though it seemed corny. She seemed so young and still learning the world around her.
"Oh, by the way" chaoxiang coughed "whats your name? I never got it"
"O-oh! It's kema, kema umi.."
"Oh well then, that is a pretty name, especially for someone like you, you suit it" chaoxiang closed his eyes and took another puff of his pipe.
Kema blushed at this, no one's really complimented her name since north sky learnt she was changing her name. So it gave her some happiness, which again wanst the most common thing for her.
Chaoxiang puffed again while side eying kema.
She was sort of different from the other visitors trickster brought over the past couple of years, chaoxiang thought, not different different but stood out just a tiny bit to him.
After a small minute, kemas small bit of happiness immediately died when her phone started buzzing in her pocket.
She bit her nail, while reaching for her pocket "please be north sky, please be north sky" She muttered under her breath.
Chaoxiang noticed this quickly but didn't comment on it.
Kema looked at her phone, sadly it wasn't north sky, it was someone that went by "bitch auntie 🖕"
"Fuuucck" kema moaned, removing her hand from her mouth and on her forehead. Obviously not in the best mood.
Kema sighed and picked up the phone.
"*sigh* hello?" Kema said disappointingly, walking away from chaoxiang into the dining room.
Chaoxiang couldn't make up the words through the wall, or her aunt was talking about, but he could tell it wasn't pretty.
After half a minute, chaoxiang saw kema slowly walk back towards him, she looked like she was almost gonna cry, but still tried to keep a tough look on.
"I-i gotta go, tell trickster I had to leave..okay?"
Chaoxiang nodded, but had a deep concern for the young girl, all though his face didn't show it. He seemed very concerned for what happened on the phone call and why she was scared to pick it up.
Kema left, running through the halls quickly.
Chaoxiang took another puff as he watched her. Slightly disappointed she had to leave, especially in a rush like this.
"Hm" chaoxing said, walking away from the wall that they talked on. Shrugging his shoulders on his way to his bedroom.
Thanks for reading, it's been a while since I worte a fic (and drew kema-) so I decided to fix that!
Chaoxiang belongs to @boiling-potato !!
Kema umi belongs to me!!
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Y'know what? Those 'human S/O wanna find out how human flesh tastes like' are quite interesting. Can I request same for Muzan, Susamaru and (if you write about her) Spider Sister?
Honestly as strong as he is, no one rivals him, so he rarely has to eat anyone and often keeps to himself
Around you, it's even rare to see him kill or harm another person unless it came down to your safety, which for someone who is more than happy to remove another annoying passerby on any given day, its extremely rare
But of course his own choices don't reflect the other demons he might have around you, especially the upper or lower ranks that had enough control to keep from attacking his s/o
Douma was the worst for it, he always carried a snack to nibble on, and he frequented Muzan more than most
He had offered you some numerous times, but would be quickly scolded and often harmed by Muzan
But part of you wondered what it would be like ot be a demon, to be biting into the flesh of a human, what it tasted like
So during one meeting with several higher ranks, when he offered it and Muzan had yet to step in, you reached out to take the offer
Talk about all eyes on you
It was slightly warm, blood was soaking your hand until it was dripping to the floor and nothing was more horrifying than the three highest upper moons staring at you, hell, even Kokushibo
You ate the whole piece, which was reminiscent of a chewy gusher, and swallowed
Yeah, no, it was disgusting and you were tearing up, but you gave a thumbs up to get everyone from staring at you
Muzan comes up with an excuse for Douma to keep it from you now, but he is still curious why you'd lie about liking it to a bunch of people who likely wouldn't have cared
It's not that she doesn't have manners, but if you are going to be her s/o you need to be able to handle her food at the table, too
Eats with you all the time, and you've gotten some splashes of blood in whatever it is you are eating before
First you'd lose your appetite, then you'd make yourself something new, eventually you'd just separate that piece of food or toss it
But with enough time you'd just keep chewing, because really, it's annoying to lose your favourites over something so simple
That wasn't where it ended, however, because after enough of a taste of blood, you found yourself craving it from time to time, almost as if it were an unspoken seasoning that added just the right amount of iron
Susamaru was more than happy to let you bottle some up and add it to your next dish, a blood broth stew, mixed with wine so the colour wouldn't make you too nauseous
Finds her s/o so cool compared to others, but she was almost worried you would like it
Of course, being a demon was everything to her, but she doesn't want you to get that close to being one if she can help it, because you'd likely never meet in missions, or get in trouble for talking too much
Very thankful if you don't enjoy it much, because it means it can stop then and there
She made an extra meal just in case, so you won't go hungry
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Authors Note - Its not in my rules but in my F.A.Q I mention that I only write named characters! But thank you for making sure!! I really liked the human flesh ask so I was super excited to get to it again <3
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thrilling-oneway · 11 months
i'm not sure if this is me overthinking things or my media gcse is actually paying off but i wanted to talk about this detail from pandemonium that i haven't seen anyone else point out.
(this kinda unravels into a character study halfway through don't question it)
in chapter 5 (subs here), Shizuku talks about a childhood memory where Tsukasa intervened in an argument her friend group was having. She adds that this interaction made her realise that Tsukasa is the kind of person who really values his friends. Fast forward a second and Shizuku has complimented Tsukasa to the point of embarrassment, Rui teases him over it and Tsukasa gets annoyed and asks what kind of person he takes him for.
Specifically what I want to talk about is Rui's response to that, or lack of response, since he never gets the opportunity before the group moves on to their next tour spot. Internally we see that he agrees with Shizuku's take that Tsukasa is the kind of person who loves his friends a lot, remembering that Tsukasa had been looking out for him and encouraging him to make friends during the trip. He ends up coming to the conclusion that Tsukasa's happiness comes from seeing his friends happy, which makes sense, since we already knew it works the same with Saki. As I said though, he never gets to actually say that out loud.
Kind of.
While I wouldn't question it if only Shizuku had mentioned this detail about Tsukasa and the scene had moved on, the fact that they added that little bit on the end with Rui realising that statement is true makes me go into delusional media student mode.
Point #1: HOLY SHIT the Rui character development in this event was insane. That deserves its own post which I will write some other time but I was genuinely not expecting this to be the end of his first character arc. I mean, we still haven't got the last WxS event of the season yet so they might throw in an epilogue, but this felt like a proper conclusion to his character arc. Rui started out as someone who didn't have any close friends, he was lonely, and in this event he's finally starting to make friends outside of other MCs and actually coming to terms with the fact that, yes, his friends do care about him and his wellbeing. To put it shortly, he feels loved.
Point #2 slash Point #1.5: I said kind of. Does he answer Tsukasa's question out loud at the time? No. It was kinda rhetorical anyway but shhhh. But. Does he answer it later? Yes absolutely. Chapter 8 specifically (no fan TL yet so I'm running off DeepL and wiktionary as normal). You see what I said above, about how they could've just left it with Shizuku saying that Tsukasa is someone who cares about his friends and then just moved on? Yeah this is what I mean. The whole event still works if you remove the part with Rui. But including it does add a little set up for chapter 8. What kind of person does Rui think Tsukasa is?
Chapter 8 is where Rui outright admits that Tsukasa changed his life. Without Tsukasa inviting him to join WxS, he never would've gotten close with Nene again, never would've met Emu, never would've had friends. And thanks to that, he's now able to keep making new friends. He's happy. Thanks to Tsukasa, he can be happy now. Ship or not, Tsukasa impacted Rui's life a lot. Going back to chapter 5 of the event, that's where Rui realises that his friends, or Tsukasa specifically, actually cares about his wellbeing and his happiness, something which he wouldn't have been able to say a few months prior in-universe. Again, ship or not, Tsukasa is like. the most important person in his life right now.
Point #3 slash 2 / 1.5 part 2: This one's less media student and more overthinking it but still a media student. But whatever. Anyway, maybe I'm thinking too hard about the fact that Rui specifically outlines that Tsukasa's happiness comes from seeing his friends happy, but like. I wonder if that realisation is part of the reason why he even told Tsukasa all of that. Like. He's not normally very honest about his feelings, hell he doesn't even realise them half of the time. Even in his last WxS event, he never told the other members about the job offer Asahi gave him, he doesn't even realise how much the prospect of leaving WxS was hurting him until Asahi had to take back the offer for him because of how sad and pained he looked when he accepted it. So the fact that he's fully aware that yes, Tsukasa had an impact on his life, yes, he feels like he's loved and cared for by the people around him, yes, he actually wants to make friends, yes, he's truly happy - it really sticks out, the fact that for like the first time, someone didn't have to tell him this to his face. It sticks out that he even admitted it out loud to the person his feelings revolve around.
But trail back up again to where I mentioned chapter 5. Tsukasa's happiness comes from his friends' happiness. Rui is a much kinder character than people give him credit for. I don't think it would be out of the question for him to want to give back some of the genuine happiness Tsukasa gave him. I mean he says it, right? He thanks Tsukasa for giving him the chance to change his life. And it does make Tsukasa happy to hear that Rui is happy; he says he's welcome, but still points out that Rui came to this point by his own will as well. He's happy that Rui was able to turn his life around.
Like literally the very last thing said in the event. Rui finally has friends, people who love and care for him. He's finally genuinely happy.
Fufu. I'm sorry Tsukasa-kun, but …… this is also going to be a fun memory for me! You really make me smile a lot, Tsukasa-kun! And with those smiles, I will make new friends and new relationships.
Bye I'm gonna go cry in a corner I love this event sm.
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
3 | Surprise
Series: Significant
Paring: Colby Brock x Original female character
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k
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Penelope was just getting back from spending a few months in Germany for work and the boys were picking her up from the airport.
"How much longer do you have to wait?" Colby complains on the phone to Sam.
"They said the flight is going to be slightly late."
"Ugh!" Colby groans.
"Dude, you chose to stay at the apartment and make sure the surprise is great for her." He says as Penelope walks up behind him:
"Surprise for who?" She speaks up making him jump up and hang up on Colby.
"Penny!" He hugs her, "And a surprise for you, of course." He smiles, "Come on, Colby is waiting at our apartment for you. He was just fixing it up for you." Sam helps taking one of her suitcases.
"I didn't think I was that important for a clean apartment." She jokes.
"Well, we didn't want you to see the place then clean it for us." He makes her laugh.
As they were driving, Sam saw Penelope texting someone, "Who are you texting?" He asks with his eyes on the road.
"Umm, a friend. Tomorrow we're supposed to hang out." She tells him. She couldn't say boyfriend because he wasn't really. They never gone on any dates or anything like that. Just met through a photoshoot and got close. "Met him working and he got here a week earlier than me. He said when I get back we can hang out the next day so I can get settled in."
"All readying ditching us, rude." Sam laughs as they arrive at the apartment.
"Hey, I came to you guys first before finding a hotel to stay at till I can get a place here." She says as he gets her bags.
"Don't worry about that right now." He gives her a wink.
Before even getting to the apartment door, Colby was waiting in the hall jumping up and down before running full speed at them, "Nelly Belly!" He tackles her into the wall hugging her.
"Dude, you act like we didn't talk over the phone." She hugs him back.
"But you were gone for almost like half a year so shut up." He squeezes' her to death.
"Alright. Now can we go into the apartment? I kind of have to pee." She laughs so he takes her suitcase and all three walk in. "Bathroom is this way." He shows her so she thanks him shutting the door.
Sam takes the suitcases he had of hers to her surprise, which was her having a room at their place. Colby then brings in the other suitcase of hers, "She's worried about finding a hotel to stay at till she can get a place here." Sam tells Colby.
"Well, she's in luck she has two great best friends." Colby hears that Penelope was done so he goes back to her covering her eyes as she opens the bathroom door.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you to your surprise." He walks her to the room then when he removes his hands he and Sam shout surprise. She looks at them slightly confused, "It's your room. We made sure to get a place that had three rooms so you would have one to move into." Colby explains jumping onto her bed.
"We even made sure to make it look like how you would have it for first moving in." Sam adds.
"Wait, you guys got an apartment with three rooms just for me?" She repeats.
"Of course. Where else would you live coming out here? Where's a better place than with your best friends?" Colby smiles so she attacks San and Colby with a group hug.
"You guys are the best. I love y'all." She kisses their cheeks.
The next day Penelope took a shower before getting ready to hang out with her friend, Darwin. Getting out of the shower though she realized her clothes were gone, "Really guys?" She shouts opening the door with her towel wrapped around her.
"Colby did it!" Sam lets her know from the other room.
"Asshole." She goes to her room.
"Hey, it was just initiation." Colby walks into her doorway.
"Are you going to give me back my clothes now?" She puts one hand out.
"Yeah, no. You have to find them yourself." He laughs leaving her room shutting the door behind him.
"Now I have to find a new outfit." She looks for something cute not wanting to look like a slob since she did have a crush on Darwin.
By the time she was finished putting herself together, Darwin texted saying he was on his way to pick her up.
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Going to the kitchen for a drink the guys eye Penelope confused why she was dressed up. They were used to her in bigger baggy clothes. "Do you have plans?" Sam asks not remembering what she told him yesterday.
"My friend I'm hanging out with today. Remember?" She looks at him.
"Oh, right. Your model friend. He's picking you up?"
"He?" Colby sits up.
"Yes, he. And he's super nice. Nothing like Tyson." She reassured him.
"Why are you saying that if he's just a friend?" Colby gets off the couch.
"Because I know how you are with any other guy there is in my life that's not you or Sam." She gives in a look.
"She's not wrong." Sam adds.
"Oh, hush." Colby tells him, "I'm just being-,"
She cuts him off, "Being protective and worried, and so many other things." She laughs, "You just want to make sure I'm okay, safe, and treated well." She adds causing Sam to laugh. "Do me a favor and be more like Sam when it comes to this type of thing." She pats his back going back to her room to grab her back.
"Am I overreacting?" Colby looks at Sam.
"You really want to answer that?" Sam laughed as there was a knock at the door.
"Can you get that?!" Penelope shouts in her room grabbing her shoes as well.
Sam and Colby look at each other and rush fighting over who gets the door. So they open it together startling Darwin.
"She's just getting a few of her things." Sam tells him, "I'm Sam and this is Colby." He introduces them to him.
"I know a bit about you two. I'm Darwin." He introduces himself.
"How long have you known Penelope exactly?" Colby asks causing Sam to look at him.
"Like seven months, I believe." Darwin laughs thinking back.
"And you guys are friends?" Colby asks with a smile.
"Umm, I guess, yeah." Darwin says not knowing exactly because he and Penelope were very flirty at times.
"Sorry. Hopefully, Colby isn't going protective dad or older brother on you." Penelope comes rushing around the corner.
"Of course not." Colby laughs.
"Yeah, I believe that." She tells him. "Well, bye." She leaves with Darwin.
As soon as the door was closed Colby faced Sam, "I don't like him."
"Of course, you don't." Sam shakes his head, "You don't even know him."
"The way he looks at her, I just don't trust him. So you think I'm overthinking it?" Colby watches Sam go to his laptop.
"I do. I always do, Colby."
While Colby goes to his laptop as well, Penelope and Darwin head out for lunch. "So Colby is like a protective brother with you. Asked how long have I known you. Are we friends?" Darwin says as they sit in a booth.
"I'm sorry about him. He's always been like that." Penelope laughs, "It's nice but sometimes it's a bit much." She adds.
"It's nice you have someone who cares that much about you." He tells her then eyes her, "Have you guys ever been more? I'm just curious." He asks her.
She laughs a bit, "No, never. I mean unless you count us being four and three in a picture kissing. But other than that, no." She laughs more. "Not to mention, I'm not his type at all. All the girls he's ever liked are super pretty."
"You don't think you're pretty too?"
"Compared to his type and most girls, I'm nowhere near as pretty as them." She laughs.
"Why are you laughing about calling yourself ugly? You aren't ugly, Penny. You're beautiful." Darwin tells her causing her to blush.
"You're just saying that."
"No, I'm not. I'm attracted to you, Penny. You're fucking beautiful." He says making her get serious, "And the sweetest person ever."
She just looks at him not believing her ears that someone as attractive as him liked her like that. She thought his flirty playfulness was just for fun but he liked her too.
"You seriously like me like that?"
"I do. Do you like me the same way or?" He chuckles.
"No, I do. I just thought... I'm usually people's type. I've only ever had one boyfriend who was a dick." She tells him.
"Well, I'd love to the the second person to take you on a date. What do you say? Friday night?" He asks so she nods her head yes.
When Darwin drops her off the boys were staring at the door as she walks in, "Welcome home. Did you have fun, Honey?" Sam asks in a girly tone like he was her mother.
"We just went out for lunch. It was good food. He paid for me so I appreciated that. And yes, mom." She takes her shoes off.
"I'm glad to hear about that. Your father was worried about you the whole time." Sam adds in his mom's voice.
"Oh, father." Penny walks over to the couch, "There's no need to worry about me. I'm a big girl now." She smiles at Colby rolling his eyes. "Also we're going out
Friday night." She smiles.
"Like a date?" Colby asks.
"Yes, like a date, Colby. I didn't even think I was his type but I apparently am." She laughs.
"Oh, we can go shopping tomorrow to get you a whole new outfit for your date." Sam tells her happy for her.
"I'm good with what I have."
"No, I want to get an outfit for you." He reassures her.
"If he hurts you in any way... I might be bc up in jail." Colby adds watching TV.
"This is why you guys are the best." She hugs each of them before going to change to be comfortable.
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heinousactszx · 4 months
In your opinion how did the open world format work for pokemon legends of arceus? Is there anything you would have changed about it?
TLDR, i think it worked fantastically. but in order to get into why, i think i need to get into why the open world of SV (and to a lesser extent swsh) did NOT work.
It's practically one of my mantras at this point, but an open world game can have an explorable space as big as the real world itself; it's not going to be fun to play if it's not worth exploring. that means having interesting locales, secrets and new abilities to find, and exciting challenges to seek out.
Scarlet and violet... Don't really have that. the only thing you can really find in the game are, well, pokemon. Yeah yeah I know there's trainers and the treasures of ruin and maybe a raid battle, but overwhelmingly what you're finding in that big open world is pokemon. And the fun of discovering them sort of pales when really all you can do with that discovery is add them to your team or your dex. Plus, unlike classic pokemon games, the removal of random encounters means there's no real reason to even engage with the pokemon you see once you're at a high enough level and have them in the dex. seriously, once you realize how much of SV is just walking around pokemon in the open world, you'll never unsee it
you could argue that having the choice to complete the 3 stories in any order you like is one of the things you can find. But when all of those events are tied to a structured level scale that doesn't change, your "choice" comes down to either running into fights that are way too hard and then abruptly way too easy, or playing in the exact order they want you to. not exactly enticing either way. Scarlet and violet probably would have just been better off as a more linear pokemon with typical hallway routes instead of spending all this time on an open world that rarely enhances any part of the experience (though i will admit running around with a friend in union circle is really fun)
ANYWAY to get back to what you actually asked, Legends arceus sidestepped this issue by making interacting with pokemon the entire gameplay loop. it was a stroke of genius to make completing the pokedex the main goal of the game, because unlike in the regular series, catching a pokemon does not tie the bow on it. No, in order to advance in the game and truly fill out the dex, you have to complete research tasks related to that pokemon. Hitting it with certain attacks, using items, number caught, number stunned, using certain moves, and so many more. some of them even have side-quests associated with them!
all of this encourages you to do more with the entirety of the world you're exploring than SV offered. switching up your team and trying new things to fill out dex entries is encouraged and gives so much variety to the actual experience of playing the game like you usually would. While there's actually less pokemon to find than in SV or swsh, improving the way you actually engage with all of them makes legends much more exciting to run around in.
not to mention, the game feel in legends is just better, flat out. walking around feels better, the ride pokemon are more fun, pokemon running from you or attacking you feels more immersive than the way they mostly just exist waddling around in the other switch games. It helps that legends, while having some performance issues, is nowhere near as bad as SV has it.
of course, the truth of the matter is that legends arceus is not truly an open world game. It's a series of large and open but disconnected areas accessible from a main hub, rather than one large contiguous gamespace. remoraid to my head, i think i'd pick the former every time. it gives the game more focused central game design and cuts out a lot of extra transient elements that don't really add that much. Running around a true open world is fun and all, but legends arceus would not have been a better game just because you could walk directly from one area to another, much in the same way that Scarlet and violet really aren't better games for it either
as for what i'd change? honestly? nothing. the gameplay loop of legends was so addicting that i did almost nothing but play it for weeks when it first came out. it was and is the best pokemon game in over a decade. in some ways i can't believe it's actually as good as it is. i remember being so anxious with a friend that it was going to be a disaster when it ended up being a masterpiece.
no, wait, what i'd change is game freak's awful habit of adding cool new features, like this entire game, and then never touching them again. make a sequel. pokemon legends kyurem. call me mr iwao i can make this work
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heteromerous-rhyming · 3 months
while i'm feeling stabby let's talk about action scenes in the percy jackson show (bc i refuse to let this go i refuse i do)
bc the actions scenes otherwise were not unfortunately memorable for me i'm going to be talking about the first and last ones and why they don't work both on a cinematic level but also on a character level. did i want to address the disappointingness of the st louis arch fight? yes. but literally cannot remember it beyond the fact that it was disappointing. which says a lot imo.
so. let's start with the mrs. dodds fight shall we?
i'm going to say it. taking away the sequence where percy assumes that he's wrongfully in trouble kills a bunch of subtle character work in the series.
in the books percy has a short monologue at the beginning where he starts off with "am i a troubled kid?" and so the lead up to mrs. dodds attacking him does several things. we, the reader understand that percy didn't (consciously) do anything, so we feel the unfairness when he's pulled aside - this scene asks us, the readers, to sympathize with the kid, not the authority figure. it sets up a fundamental theme in the books, that authority figures, and more specifically adults, can be challenged, can be wrong, can be terribly unfair to children. and this is important considering the protagonist of this story is dyslexic and has ADHD???
and they take it out. and it's really really galling.
there's so many other things that i could say about the character work in this scene. so many, like the fact that mrs. dodds' monologue about the gods is misinterpreted at first to be about the school - setting up the connection between the school administration unfairness and the gods unfair attitudes towards their children. like the moment when percy thinks that it might have been his ADHD acting up when mrs. dodds got up the stairs quicker than humanly possible. there's also less foreshadowing for mr. brunner being chiron, like the pen turning into a sword isn't even properly shown hello the pen suddenly having magical properties could be completely divorced from mr. brunner gifting it to percy.
but they don't add in the conversations, they don't add in the moment of self-doubt, they don't add in mr. brunner. mrs. dodds just approaches menacingly. in broad daylight. like sir. the mist can cover a lot but it showed ares as a kidnapper. it doesn't make that much sense that it completely erased people's perception of mrs. dodds. like please.
(also idk if this is disney, but i think that it was incredibly frustrating that they really just removed percy's being treated as a delinquent and as a troubled kid. the show begins with the monologue but the monologue is kickstarted by percy being at "Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York." HELLO??? you could have had the exact same monologue but you change it for subpar themes????)
ok so it doesn't work on a character level.
does it work cinematically?
this scene has already been torn to shreds and back (BUT NOT ENOUGH) so i'll be short. EVEN THE SPY KIDS HAS IMPACT SEQUENCES. ONES THAT LOOK REALISTIC MIND YOU. there's no impact. percy isn't pushed down by mrs. dodds, he just. trips? ig? silently? without any noise? ahahaha the lack of noise??? someone else has already mentioned the lack of noise but yeah once you hear (or don't hear) it, you can't un-hear it.
ok but surely the show improved as they went on, as the filmed more etc etc. sure. but like. also no. (and also though i'm sure they did film these episodes in order lets also keep in mind that filming is not always linear)
ok i did lose the video (i looked for it i swear, i took 30 min trying to look for it, which really isn't that long but yeah) but a lovely tumblr user here (i think i know who it was but i don't want to be embarrassingly wrong) edited the ares's fight with his internal monologue and an awful recorder rendition of that one song from the titanic and it really does encapsulate my thoughts. but yeah if you aren't familiar with the video.
when i was watching the final episode i swear i was trying to turn all critical brain functions off but it was really hard for me not to notice the increasing amount of time that ares just lets percy get up. i just watched dune (second part) so i was spoiled for good fight sequences but something i did notice was that in dune, when there is a pause in a fight it is FOR CHARACTER REASONS. the characters are DELIBERATELY NOT ENDING THE FIGHT. and that was not the impression i got from ares. it really wasn't.
and that took away from his authority/menace as a god ngl.
so yeah was the fight better than the dodds fight. 100%. like 500%.
does that make it a good fight sequence.... ehhhhhhhhhhhh....
(why did the scenes with luke have more tension than the ares fight hello)
and character wise. assassination. all the assassination. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE CULMINATION OF PERCY'S CHARACTER ARC AHHHHHHHH. sorry. but like this was the point at which percy decides he's done running. and stands up to ares with all the taunts and quick thinking that we know him for. unfortunately the show thought itself better and erased that theme ahaha.
so this really is just a fight for the helm. no big reveals, no reading the actions and emotions of a god, no strategy, no trying to get to the water and ares stopping him. like
ahahaha sorry just feeling stabby i don't really know why. anywho off to the senate meeting. i'm running a bit late but i did rsvp with a knife sooooo
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madsims4finds · 4 months
Sooo Paralives and the Brainwashing EA has done
It's funny. Paralives launched a gameplay video that looks really good, along with some announcements. One of them being that they won't be offering paid DLC. I was watching Satch on Sims and him, plus a few other people, seem to think this is a bad move.
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No shade, but it's easy to tell people who don't really game and all they play is the Sims. Like EA got yall so brainwashed that you actually think you're SUPPOSED to be getting charged for base game features.
His concern was wanting a different world to play in or different aethitics. Who said we can't get that for free? We may not know what all features Paralives are going to offer, but what rule says that they can't give us another world to play in for free? I mean literally, there are so many games that do free updates and only offer DLC if it's a niche theme that not everyone would be into, or if they're adding ADDITIONAL gameplay that has no resemblance to what's already in the game.
Only EA removes base game features just to sell them back to you later. Or expect you to buy a multitude of different DLCs that have the exact same theme or niche. Now don't mind me while I gripe on this point a little.
Growing Together and Parenthood should have been one generations themed pack.
Discover University and High School Years should have been one pack focused on education.
All of the occults (vamps, wolves, witches, ghosts, aliens, mermaids, plant people) all should have been in ONE paranormal pack.
Features from Dine Out should have been included in Get to Work. There was no need for that to be seperate DLC when they both relate to active careers.
For Rent and City Living should have been one pack.
Simple features that should not be locked behind a pay wall, and I'm not even talking weather. Like why do I have to buy DLC just for my sims to have access to a hot tub (Perfect Patio), an ice cream maker (Cool Kitchen), a popcorn maker (movie night), for them to have the ability to carve a pumpkin or have different holloween costumes, when Holloween is a holiday that comes in the base game with base game ability to trick or treat, etc. (Spooky Stuff), I have to buy Vintage Glamour just to have a butler (if anything the butler should have been in get famous along with everything in the luxury stuff pack. These are all things that should just be base game that they force you to buy DLC to have access to.
And speaking of weather, I do feel like packs like seasons, pets, laundry day, bust the dust, and my wedding stories should all be base game features. Yeah I don't care if we're used to paying for stuff like seasons and pets, things can and should change. These are all life basics, why am I paying extra?
Now I'm not all negative. There are packs that actually make sense. Get Famous makes sense. So does Island Living, Strangervile, all the vacation packs (jungle, outdoor, snowy). Hell, even Journey to Batuu made sense. Yeah, hear me out. These are all OPTIONAL packs. Stuff that not everyone is going to play with but they each bring something different to the game. Now whether any of these packs are filled to the brim with playable content, thats another story. But at least the concept makes sense.
Okay, off my soapbox and moving on.
I will forever and always use No Man's Sky as an example of a development team that chose integrity over money. That team has been releasing update after update for YEARS. Significant updates too. Updates that completely change the gameplay mechanics, adds brand new features to the game, or updates/changes the look of the game. All for free. Yes, it's normal. Not normal in the sense that these companies should be releasing broken games or not delivering on promises to begin with, but at least they weren't money-hungry assholes about it. The amount of updates that game has, quite a few could have been paid DLC and they didn't do that. Now if they started releasing DLC with specialty ships or different cosmetic features, I would have no problem paying for that cause it's optional.
Paralives knows what they're doing. As long as they are focused on making the base game everything it's supposed to be, I don't see why they couldn't sell the type of optional DLC that makes sense in the future. But I'm certainly not going to say that they're making a mistake by not having paid DLC right now.
I can definitely see them adding things like weather, a new life stage, or new clothes/build objects for free and that's dope. I'm excited about Paralives more so than Life By You. But either way, I'm just glad EA has competition in the life simulation genre now that isn't just about farming management.
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bleujae · 1 year
┏♡ℍ𝕖𝕪 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕, 𝕀 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦♡┓
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♡ Summary: Why can't idols date in peace? Are they not human? :(
♡ Pairing: Jungwon x fem!reader
♡ Genre: angst and fluff
♡ Word count: 2.2K
♡ Warnings: mentions of cursing, cyber-bullying, *let me know if there's anything else I should add ^^*
"And you know I'll remind you when you think I don't; Hey stupid, I love you"
“First 4th generation relationship: ENHYPEN’s leader Jungwon was spotted with an unknown girl late at night.”
That was the first thing that Sunhee woke up to. Even though she was scared of what she would see on any social media platform, her finger immediately exited out of the Google app and pressed onto the Instagram app out of habit. 
She could already see the amount of DMs she had received from her friends and the Enhypen members from their secret personal accounts. But she also noticed how many DMs were filling her account from people that she didn’t even know. Of course she knew they were from fans and she already knew what they were going to say 
“You’re only dating Jungwon oppa for attention.” 
“You gold digger.”
“Break up with him.” 
“You’re only using him for his fame.” 
“You don’t deserve him.” 
“I wonder how your ugly ass got with him.” 
Her hands shook as she tried to delete every single dm that was coming in and remove all the unknown accounts from her followers list. She immediately made her account private and threw her phone onto her bed out of frustration. 
She could hear her phone ringing like crazy from kakaotalk notifications not only from Jungwon but from the group chat she was in with the rest of the Enhypen members. However she didn’t bother even looking at them. 
“YOON SUNHEE!” She flinched as she heard her best friend’s voice boom throughout her apartment, knowing her friend was only worried because she wasn’t answering her phone. She let out a string of curses under her breath as she hesitantly walked out of her room. 
“I…I’m right here.” She trailed off, closing her bedroom door behind her. 
“Are you ok?” Heeyoon, Sunhee’s best friend, advanced pretty quickly to the panicking girl and pulled her into a tight hug. “How did this happen?” She urgently asked while trying to calm her best friend down. 
“I-I don’t even know.” Sunhee managed to let out with her extremely shaky voice. She could feel a wave of anxiety rise inside of her. 
“Did Jungwon call you yet?” Her friend cautiously questioned the girl, afraid of pushing her over the edge. 
“Yeah…But I haven’t been answering.” Sunhee quietly responded to the girl. She knew Jungwon was also freaking out in his dorm. He was usually very calm in most situations, but she knew that this was the one thing that he had been worrying about for the future. 
“Why don’t you call him, hm?” 
“I don’t want to.” Sunhee sighed out. “I know it’s probably the right option to call him but…I don’t think I can.” Her voice started wavering as different scenarios started to flash in her head. “What if he breaks up with me, Heeyoon? What if all those comments from the fans convinces him that I’m not good enough for him?” 
Heeyoon’s heart broke seeing how much this was destroying her friend’s confidence and her insecurities were finally coming to the surface. Of course, Sunhee wasn’t completely confident while dating Jungwon. His popularity made his girlfriend question her worth and her right in dating the young leader. But Jungwon was always there to comfort her that she was more than enough for him and that he loved her very dearly. 
“I’m just going to go back into my room. Can you fill me in on the work I miss in class?” Before Heeyoon could say anything else, Sunhee trudged back into her room and closed the door behind her. 
Heeyoon sighed as she dialed a familiar number and waited for the person on the other line to pick up. 
“Hey Heeseung oppa. How is he? Is he doing ok?”
“What the fuck do I do?” Jungwon cursed out when Riki showed the new article that came out in the morning. “This is probably breaking her.” He pulled on his red hair, frustrated in the situation. 
“Is she still not picking up?” Sunoo asked in a cautious voice, making Jungwon chuck his phone on the couch.
“No she hasn't. I know she saw the article and she’s probably reading through the comments that people are leaving.” Jungwon covered his face and he could feel tears from annoyance building up in his eyes. He slumped down on the couch and propped his elbows on his knees, thinking of how he should fix this. 
“I think you should wait until our manager hyung says something.” Jake suggested to the distressed boy. 
But the young leader was hearing none of it. He shot up from the couch and advanced to the door. “I have to go see her.” 
But he didn’t get far as he was pulled back by the two oldest members. “Oh no. Yang Jungwon, you’re staying right here. Wait until our manager comes or we go to the company.” 
“But Sunhee is probably going through so much right now.” Jungwon protested, trying to free himself from the hold of the oldest members. “She's probably overthinking and she’s putting all this pressure on herself.” Jungwon slowly stopped struggling as he dropped to the ground, just like his tears dropped from his eyes. “She’s probably thinking that she’s not enough for me and that she doesn’t deserve me.” His last sentence almost came out as a whisper and his tears started to fall rapidly, making his hyungs look at him in pity. Jungwon was usually a calm and collected person. He was their leader. Even when his members were going through hard times, he stayed his best to stay grounded and calm for the group’s sake. But this matter was driving him close to insanity. 
The silent atmosphere was interrupted as someone’s phone rang. Heeseung fished his phone out of his pocket to see his sister’s ID on display. 
Jungwon’s ears perked up at the familiar name and his head shot up. “It’s Heeyoon? Is she with Sunhee? Does she know if Sunhee’s ok?” Jungwon continued to bombard the older male with questions, making Heeseung hold his hand up. 
“No he’s not. He’s practically a mess.” Heeseung told his sister. “How is she?” 
Heeseung kept nodding at his sister’s answer, his face slowly dropping. And of course Jungwon noticed, he was so intently staring at his hyung. 
“Why? Is she not ok? Can I go see her?” 
But Jungwon’s questions were ignored once again as Heeseung focused back on his phone call. “I have a feeling our manager will come to meet with us. I’ll keep him here until then.” 
“Hyung, I think I really need to see her.” Heeseung felt bad ignoring the younger male’s desperate pleas.
“I’m sorry Jungwon but you need to stay here until our company says something about the situation. Whether to the public or to us.” 
Sunhee laid in her bed, writing and erasing a text message to Jungwon. She was wondering what to do in this situation and how he was feeling. 
Would he not want to date me anymore? 
That exact thought was going through her head over and over again. It was starting to get to her head when she kept seeing horrible messages and death threats being sent to her social media accounts. She had gotten a creepy package early that day, which Heeyoon had angrily disregarded from her house. She was confused on how these fans had gotten her address and now she was even more scared of what was to come. 
 The only thing that was comforting her was listening to a compilation on youtube that had gathered Jungwon’s sweet and unique voice in one video. It was one of the things that Sunhee loved most about Jungwon. He had a unique tone of voice but with a very sweet base, which made her swoon every time she heard it. 
Sunhee blinked as she took her eyes off of her phone, focusing on the items behind her phone. “Heeyoon-ah. Please help me. I think I’m hearing things.” She choked up at the thought of Jungwon being here right now. 
She knew he had a bunch of things on his schedules. Why? Because that’s all he had complained to her about last night while he was over at her apartment, watching movies and eating snacks with her; before this scandal broke out and ruined everything. Even when he desperately called her, she ignored every single one. She knew that as soon as she heard his voice, she would want to see him and she didn’t want to distract him from his work. From his career.
His career that she probably ruined. 
“You’re not hearing things, love.” 
Sunhee blinked again, springing up from her bed and whipping her head towards her bedroom door. And there he was. 
Her boyfriend. The love of her life. Her everything. 
“J-Jungwon?” She stumbled out of her bed, thinking if she was dreaming of him being in front of her. “W-What are you doing here? You said you had a photoshoot today.” 
“I finished my part and begged my manager to leave the scene as soon as I did.” Jungwon answered her while he took steps towards his girlfriend and steadied her on her feet. 
“I…I missed you, Wonie.” Sunhee’s voice wobbled, breaking Jungwon’s heart. 
“Love. I’m so sorry.” Jungwon whispered into her hair after he pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her waist and patting her head with his palm. 
“W-why are you sorry?” Sunhee already had tears streaming down her face and landing on Jungwon’s shoulder, wetting his shirt. “You probably hate me for tainting you and the rest of Enhypen’s image and your fans will probably not be happy with you. And you’ll probably want to break up with me, regretting you ever even dated me because I ruined your career an-”
She was cut off by Jungwon’s lips on hers, silencing her rant. She closed her eyes, letting her remaining tears run down her cheeks and felt Jungwon’s tears streaming down his own cheeks, making their gentle kiss taste salty. 
Jungown pulled her waist closer, if that was even possible at that point while Sunhee brought her hand that was locked behind Jungwon’s neck to his red locks. Her fingers gently wove through his dark red hair, which she absolutely adored on him. Their lips feverishly moved against each other, making Sunhee forget about what she was even ranting about in the first place. 
Her boyfriend finally broke the kiss, wiping the remaining tears from her cheeks and lightly caressed her cheeks. “Love, you would never ruin my career. I will never regret dating you.” Jungwon assured her firmly. “If fans are disappointed, then they were never fans in the first place.”
“I’m never going to break up with you, Yoon Sunhee.” Jungwon said to her. “I’m never going to break your heart like that. I’m going to stay with you till the day I stop breathing. I’m never going to let you go.” 
Sunhee could feel herself tear up again at the way Jungwon looked at her while saying that. His beautiful eyes held so much love and adoration while looking at his girlfriend. 
“I can promise you this. I will never let you go. My sunshine.” 
It was a nickname that Jungwon made for Sunhee quite early in their relationship for the sole purpose that her name contained the word sun in it. But as time went on, Jungwon realized how perfectly fitting the nickname was for her. She was his sunshine. She was the one who would brighten up his day every single day and was the one who made his world brighter. 
“You’re my sunshine. You’re the one who brightens every aspect of my life. I will never let you go. I need you in my life.” Jungwon told her with the rounded end of the tears gathering at his chin. 
At this point, Sunhee was sobbing again, not from sadness but from true happiness. Jungwon lightly smiled at her, wiping her tears with the pad of his thumb. 
Sunhee showed him an equally gentle smile. “Ayu stupid…You’re crying too and you’re only wiping away my tears.” She stated, using the sleeves of her sweater to wipe his tears away. 
Jungwon lightly chuckled as he tucked her bangs behind her ear and caressed the side of her face. “I guess we’re both stupid here anyway. You’re my stupid sunshine and I will always love you.” 
Jungwon leaned to give another kiss that the girl gladly received, giggling through the sweet kiss. 
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Sunhee let out a deep breath as Jungwon posted the latest post of his selca with the hinting caption. They both had come back to the Enhypen dorm, not totally confirming the rumors but not denying them either. 
“How are you feeling so far?” Jungwon placed a peck on the girl’s forehead before asking her. 
She snuggled the side of her cheek into Jungwon’s shoulder, clinging onto his arm. “It feels a lot nicer. Well, also now that I got to talk it out with you too.” 
Jungwon lovingly placed his head on top of Sunhee’s head and let out a satisfied sigh. 
“Hey Jungwon?” He let out a small hum in response. “I love you.” 
He chuckled before answering her. “I love you too, sunshine.”
Why have both of the birthday posts I've made have angst in it- 💀
NEways- Happy Birthday to Jungwon 🥳!! One of the best leaders out there and the person that my 04 bestie is completely whipped for~💙
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy x fem!Reader
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Summary: when Jonathan returns from work, you and he share some quiet and sweet moments
Warnings: none
Word count: 1659
Author: Fenrir & Cass
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Loneliness became more like solitude as time passed.
Your life had been filled with loneliness for as long as you could remember. Because there were so many exams and subjects that were so boring that it was sometimes easier to fall asleep on your books than learn from them, being a history student didn't help me have a rich social life. Your entire life changed when you met Jonathan, the philosophy professor. Those lectures were so captivating that you were surprised at how quickly time passed.
Your friendship blossomed into something more; a genuine, serious relationship bloomed like a flower.
When you heard the lock on your door screech with the spare key, you were overjoyed. You dropped your pen, dashed downstairs, and jumped into the arms of a man as soon as he removed his coat.
"Hello there," Jonathan softly greeted you, wrapping his arm around your petite waist. It was actually nice to return to a place where he could relax and be greeted with some affection. Maybe the whole thing wasn't smart or acceptable, but this was where he felt good. This was exactly what he needed to do to feel completely satisfied. He kissed your temple after putting the bag down, keeping you close. "Are you still awake? I was certain I'd find you in bed."
"I've been studying for a history exam and have decided not to sleep until you get home. Are you hungry and thirsty? I made zucchini lasagne."
"I told you not to sit or wait for me for too long. You should rest before the exam," he reminded you as he led you into the kitchen. "Would you like to eat with me?"
"Wash your hands and get comfortable. I'll heat everything!" You joyfully exclaimed. "Tea? Or beer?"
"I'll just go get some water. You appear to be in a good mood today. Did something happen while I was away? Is there any good news?" Jonathan washed his hands while watching you rush around the kitchen. He grabbed the glass and filled it with water before sitting down at the table, pushing glasses up.
"I got an A in European history," you said with a smile. "I didn't get the highest possible score, but that's irrelevant." You quickly served the lasagne and grabbed your portion to join him at the table.
"I'm glad to hear it, and I must add 'I told you so,' because the day before you were freaking out about European history," Jonathan chuckled, remembering how scared you were despite the fact that there was no reason for it. "Is there anything else I should know?"
"Your ex-wife called you. A few times, actually. She left a message for you."
Jonathan came to a halt with his food, staring at you.
He nodded, sighing deeply. "I hope she was pleasant. Did she explain why she called again?"
"No, these are 'your things,' and she 'will not be speaking with a third wheel about your private matters,' yeah?" You informed him simply.
He frowned again, adjusting his glasses. "Did she call you that, or did you interpret what she said?"
"I quoted her," you said, your tone a little sad. "I mean, I don't pay attention to her bragging, as you suggested, but it's annoying."
"I know it is," he nodded, reaching for your hand and gently pulling it closer to kiss your knuckles. "I promise I'll talk to her so she doesn't call here and remember, you're not the third wheel for me."
"Are you certain... I sometimes feel ridiculous for falling in love with you..."
"How come?"
"You're the professor, a promising man. And me? Just another dull student."
Jonathan sighed and pushed his chair back. "Please come here," he said quietly, grabbing your hand with the one he was still holding.
You took an offended position on his lap, instinctively putting a strand of your hair behind his ear. "You know what I'm like. I'm a little overwhelmed."
"I know, but I've also told you numerous times that there's no reason for you to," wrapping his arms around your waist, he reminded you. "Do you think I'd be here if you were just a boring student?"
With a shrug and tilt of your head, you replied, "I don't think so, Jonathan."
"So, why are you saying all of this?" He asked you again, and when he didn't get an answer, he kissed your shoulder. "You are more than a student. You are much more to me than that. I've told you this before, Y/N. I adore you."
You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You know I love you, baby, and I fell hard for you," you assured, resting your forehead against his and rubbing your nose against his.
His hand pressed against your nape, keeping you close. "You are a safe haven for me. There is no other place where I feel more at ease. I had a difficult day, but it improved when I returned home to you."
"Do you really mean it, love?" You inquired, nuzzling the back of his neck.
"Of course I'm serious. Why would I deceive you?"
"I never stated that you lied to me."
"Because you ask such a question, it means you don't believe me or doubt my words," he concluded with raised eyebrows.
"I just don't feel like I'm enough."
"You are more than sufficient. I wouldn't be here if you weren't sufficient," Jonathan kissed your cheek and nodded. "Now. Let's eat and then go to bed."
You pressed your lips to his cheek before returning to your seat to finish your meal.
Jonathan eventually began to eat as well. He was always a fan of your cooking. He helped you clean up after the meal and then accompanied you to your bedroom. He smiled as he saw the state of the bed.
Your laptop, books, and notebooks were all turned on, but the most intriguing thing was that his pillow was among them. "Someone missed me."
You began to remove your belongings from the bed in an attempt to conceal your blush. "You know how much I enjoy having you here with me, so I like to have your scent linger on me whenever I'm alone."
He picked up one of the books and handed it to you, laughing "Prepare the bed while I go take a shower. We can then cuddle. Does that sound right?"
You responded with a nod of eagerness.
He kissed you quickly and then went into the bathroom.
You made the bed, changed into fitted shorts and an oversized t-shirt, climbed aboard, and waited for your man to join you.
Jonathan finally joined you in bed after a half-hour wait. He sat on the bed and placed his glasses on the nightstand before falling asleep. "Come here."
Your head was instantly placed to his chest, where you placed a few tiny kisses. "Hi."
"Hello there," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. "Would you like me to spoon you? I know you enjoy it."
You simply nodded. "But not yet, because I'll fall asleep right away."
"Is that a bad thing? You require rest, especially after such intensive study."
"Let me store as much as I can with you."
"You cuddly, little Y/N," Jonathan chuckled as he squeezed you tight. "I was just thinking about something."
"One weekend, we can just pack our belongings and go somewhere for three days. We can even bring Ava along, if Mira would let me. I'm sure you like her," he explained his concept. "The entire weekend, away from it all."
You rolled to your back and nodded with heart eyes. "When?! I want to! Ava is a wonderful girl!"
"I'm not sure yet. We'll need to plan it, as well as find a nice hotel and some interesting places to visit, make a hotel reservation," Jonathan shook his head.
You simply nodded. "I'll look into it tomorrow."
Jonathan laughed, nodding his head. "So eager. I am not going to stop you."
"You're too cute."
"Me? You're the cute one here."
"Thanks," you replied. "Do you think your wife will let Ava with us? She doesn't like me."
"It shouldn't be a problem, in my opinion. When I take her on my weekend trip, she will have nothing to say," Jonathan kissed your head while shrugging. "But don't be concerned, pretty little head. Mira and I will deal with it."
"That woman is beyond my comprehension. She was the first to pursue a younger man."
"Believe it or not, I don't understand her either, but I'm used to it."
He hummed in response.
"What do you think, maybe one day we could consider... If we'll be together long enough... Having a... I feel silly."
"Say it."
"A baby. I mean a baby."
Jonathan rolled onto his side, drawing you in closer.
"Y/N. You don't have to ask me about this," he said quietly, moving a strand of hair behind your ear. "I told you openly that I still wanted a baby and agreed to wait until you were ready."
You simply nodded. "Seeing your little girl makes me want to have a baby, but I'm not sure I'd be a good mother, having a child is a huge responsibility. And the last thing I want to do is disappoint you."
"I saw you with Ava, and from what I saw, I know you'll be a great mom," he said, cuddling you. "You won't be alone in this."
A deep sigh escaped your lips as you nestled in his arms.
"I adore you and am confident that you will excel," Jonathan held you close and whispered.
You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat, which made you feel more at ease than before.
"Now. Just relax and don't think about it. You require it." Then he turned to his nightstand and switched off the lamp.
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