#yeah ill. ill call this. uh
tai-janai · 1 month
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little voices doodles before bed
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this popped into my head and i had to draw it As Fast As Humanly Possible
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crowwbones · 3 days
Burnt Leaves
Simon "Ghost" Riley x GNC Reader
SFW / Fluff & Comfort / No Dialogue / TW: Drug abuse mentions, mildly unhealthy coping with insomnia, one off-handed joke about dying
Summary: You deal with plenty of bullshit as is, and insomnia is just the straw threatening to break your back. You have your ways to deal with it, though. Seems like the skull masked lieutenant needs a new coping mechanism as well.
I may write more if people actually enjoy this, also i wrote this at like 3 am and i am dealing with insomnia myself, pls excuse if it sucks lmao
Being in the military was probably your best option. You weren't small or weak, you had quite a ways to go, sure, but you held your own. That's what initially impressed your training captain. You had a drive despite being depressed as shit. Which, maybe you lied to your recruiting officer. And the doctor. And your training sqaudron. But what's a little lie compared to staying in that drug den you reluctantly call home?
The harsh drills and tense, full body aching was nothing to you. Not compared to watching your mother be strung out on a stained, burned, broken couch while being left in the drug dealers care. Hell, or even when you had to help her find a dehydrated vein with a short and dull needle. Perhaps something that you considered a life saving skill, but it made you feel disgusting if you thought about it for too long.
You've been shifted around a few bases when you were needed, seeing as you were sort of an everyman. Excelled in the maintenance of weaponry, one hell of a mechanic, and maybe a few things you knew how to do that were definitely against the Geneva Convention. To be fair, though, if you had to decide between dying and using a makeshift gun that was severely out of regulation, you'd take your chances in court.
But all of this shifting around and half assed childhood you had lead to even more goddamn problems you didn't need. Often, maybe every few nights every single week, you dealt with insomnia. Bad weeks had you trying to fight the uncomfortable disorder every night, but you lucked out with having to deal with it half the time usually.
It was always so uncomfortable. The inside of your skin felt like it was covered in small pyramid-shaped cones that pressed into every nerve where there was pressure. Your eyes were heavy but never heavy enough to induce sleep. Your mind would never fog up the way it was supposed to. And it drove you absolutely crazy.
You had a few ways to deal with it, as most chronic sufferers do. Sometimes you accepted it and laid there until pure exhaustion won. Your worst option.
Most of the time, though, you'd already spent a few hours hoping, tossing and turning in restlessness before getting up. You'd lace your boots and try to walk it off. Speed up the exhaustion process manually. And it worked maybe 50 percent of the time. And you'd collapse back into your bunk, shoes still on and pillow over your head, and get just enough sleep that you wouldn't hate yourself in the morning.
And the nights that even that didn't work, you'd find yourself in the kitchenette of the rec area. You'd stare desperately at the coffee pot you were using to heat up water while you waited to choke down a bland, bitter chamomile tea. You couldn't stand tea on its own. You didn't have a sweet tooth, but you could accept when something needed a little bit of sweetness.
This often settled you down enough. The overwhelming tired made you cry in the barely lit room while your tea steeped, palms pressed into your burning eyes as you wished you'd just fucking sleep. And you'd stop. You'd drink your tea. And get enough sleep to function.
And you fell into this pattern and habit.
Until this one mother fucker.
See, you ended up being called in to aid in the upkeep up vehicles and guns at a fairly large base that served as home grounds to plenty of "real soliders". You didn't pay mind to many of them, but Captain Price's team at least treated you decently since you were the one making sure their guns jammed significantly less. However, Ghost creeped you the fuck out.
That teams lieutenant was horrifying to you. He stood way too tall, was way too broad to move that fucking quietly. He held this awful aura to him that was completely unreadable. And he barely ever spoke to you in a way that didn't feel like a back handed... well, you wouldn't even call them compliments. The man would stare more often than breathe, just watch you move about your job from the doorways and wait for you to notice he was there before declaring that he would have been able to kill you six different ways by that point. You've been able to get that number down to four, at least.
And for some reason. This also included your overstimulated and tired crying time at the coffee pot at 2 a.m. as well. It seemed like it was his third time just watching you when he spoke up for the first time, mostly just asking what the hell you were doing. You'd jump out of your skin, a blessing of a feeling if it didn't shoot unnerving shivers down your spine, and stammer out a half coherent response about tea leaves. And then he just... stood there. Watching you drink your tea and then leave after you were done.
At some point during this routine, he'd started to invite himself to sit across from you at the small table. He never really struck up conversations, though you swore you could see amusement in his eye as you made faces at the bitter tea. He knew you were burning the leaves, but he couldn't tell you that. Listening to another person rip into him about being British was very low on his to-do list.
This became comfortable. You began to tolerate his shadow-like presence. Maybe even enjoyed the silent company. You could guess that he was suffering the same just from how tired his eyes looked past the mask. Maybe he too found solace in a shared solidarity that you two really haven't expressed. It was bittersweet. Two barely functioning and sleep deprived people finding a space to relax, lit only by a half burnt out overhead lamp. Maybe, even if a bit selfishly, you had begun to go a little morr often judt for the company of a man you didn't know the actual name of.
Ghost never left before you, but only arrived after you began heating some water. He never had a cup himself, sat himself in the same chair, and limited himself to a handful of yrs or no questions a night. You didn't mind.
But he once again found a way to disrupt this routine.
You were reaching up to grab a mug from the cabinet above you, your other hand grabbing the coffee pot of hot water. You heard him move, which honestly should have been your que to turn around, and you felt him standing directly behind you. He covered your hand on the handle with his much larger one and practically forced you to let him grab the pot. He grabbed two mugs and moved off to the side, only meeting your eyes when you didn't move.
What ever fucking compelled him to do that, you had no idea. You were staring with bloodshot eyes and still even had your hand vaguely where the pot was. He simply nodded his head to the table and turned back to the mugs.
Guess you weren't making your tea? Deep down, thr angsty teen part of you hoped it was the forever sleep kind of deal. But that was dumb, so you shook your head a little to ignore that.
Ghost set your mug down on the table before sitting himself across from you, lifting his mask up enough to take a drink.
You've yet to see him do that, so your brain was just kind of off at this point. You stared, not that you meant to, as the man replaced his mask and set his mug down, staring back at you with a quirked brow. You looked down in a daz3 before grabbing your own mug, taking a long sip. Did he make a different kind of tea? Why the hell did it taste so... so much better? Your confusion actually earned you a small laugh from the other, a quiet, muffled chuckle from under his mask. That shouldn't have given you butterflies. He still scared you, after all.
He never explained himself, but from then on, you left the tea making duties to him and he didn't seem to mind. You fell into the pattern of getting there before your insomnia got into full swing every night, starting the water and getting the mugs. Then your midnight partner would show up and handle the rest.
As much as the mask gave you the creeps, it was growing on you. Like the previously bitter tea. 
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Mingjue's gaze softens.
"Didi. You are confused. You are misinterpreting brotherly love for romantic interest."
Huaisang clenches his firsts and stares down at the floorboards. His expression morphs into one of pain. He draws in a deep breath.
"Da-ge, please sleep with me." Mingjue's body jerks back at his little brother's words. "If I sleep with you, then I'll know for sure what I'm feeling."
#bro doing anything but organizing her code#my brother says i write like i wasnt allowed to go to school#recently my brother had to do a project for school where he had to pick up a new hobby#he didnt do the assignment and at the last day he was like brother im so fucked help me#so i let him use one of my fanfics for the before and told him to use his own fanfic as an after and present that#his professor told him his improvement was incredible#thats all i have to say#theres something so cringe about when i write#ill write it and be like yeah. and then i read over it and die#unironically i actually run away from my fics. i have never once read them again after finishing#like when i draw. i look at it. im like yeah that part is good that part is bad. pretty mid but its ok.#writing? i turn red and hide from the monster i have created#i think my writing could be lethal. like if i read all my fics one after the other id die from cringe poisoning#i regularly look at my old drawings and cry how much ive regressed. but i can look at them.#one time my friend wanted to torture me so he called me to read my fics out loud. i endorse this as an execution method#shit gets me sweating. i have to get normal about this#some words#wip#the second wip actually#the first one is the saber spirit takes over nmj and he fucks nhs on the training grounds infront of everyone.#second one is nmj is like brother you have to stop being a freak this is getting out of hand and nhs is like nuh-uh. but also how'd you kno#on a side note remember my former student that confessed? yeah well#he proposed marriage
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sunkern-plus · 9 months
shout out to the people who can never have kids physically because their physical and mental health issues combined alone would put them at risk of serious harm or death if not on the right amount of pills at the right time, you guys are the real ones
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madame-mongoose · 6 months
anon i just got...
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alcordraws · 10 months
Having only watched the show and am slowly making my way through the first book, I think Lestat is a very interesting character with an intriguing and mysterious past and I swear I DO like him but shshs the way some fans talk about him is is. So much. Annoying even.
Like. I GET IT he's ur special little guy and you don't want him to be misunderstood and that he's not all bad but good grief the way some people talk about Louis and Claudia to come to Lestat's defense. Or talk down to show only fans who are going by what theyve been shown so far and dont want. Book spoilers. Insane.
(And that's not even going into how Lestats trauma does not. Justify. How he treats louis and Claudia. Hdhdhdh)
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darewolfcreates · 9 months
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some character design fused with clothing design.
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people practice w Them <3
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alterouslyinlove · 1 year
you know you’re down bad when simply sitting close to him and just talking makes you giddy
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waugh erm hi. this blog is for my ocs however i literally have NOTHING on it yet so,,
i will make a pfp later, and if i do not have time im sure a friend or someone would be willing to make it OR i could find a picrew for it.
basically two friends who travel through different fictional worlds. some that may be included are undertale, deltarune, bug fables, and probably stardew valley. i will take requests for fictional worlds to go through but if i dont know the media (or dont know it well) i will probably skip over your request 👍
i still dont know how things are gonna be set up yet since i made this blog very impulsively SO. if you would like ti request how things could go then please send in an ask! characters, however, are not yet ready for asks.
i have some plans already but i will always listen to requests 👍
oh aldo my main is @shiningnightstars
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wooahaes · 7 months
askbox open back up on this blog bc i might ask for some fic help sometime
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zip-toonz · 9 months
i wanna know more abt renee/trevor's mom! ike why did she become a plasma grunt ( and if she's still one ) and what's her relationship with her Trevor/Son. also who's Trevor's dad?
Haven't figured his Father out quite yet but I can tell you a bit about Renee
The situation with Renee is really complex. I don't want her to seem irredeemable but she isn't the best mother. At least not for awhile. Lets get into that. (primary based on the game version of events)
As it currently stands Renee was originally heading to Unova to do research. When I say Trevor is the spitting image of her I meant it. This includes some of their interests. She is an intelligent person and at the time worked with Sycamore. Going to Unova wasn't meant to take longer than a few months at most. However despite her wits she managed to get sucked up in by the spiel team plasma was presenting. Wary at first but slowly coaxed that Liberating Pokémon was the right and just thing to do and eventually was fully manipulated and wholly dedicated to team plasma. Cutting off the others in her life (including her Husband and Children) to dedicate herself to the cause. To put it bluntly she could be considered brain washed. She made it through the first of defeat and stuck around for the second plot. Too swept up in it all to realize their goal wasn't to help Pokémon at all. Part of it could even be attributed to the fact that she didn't want to accept that she was helping a bad person or that she dedicated a chunk of her life to this organization.
This is where Trevor comes in. He is undeniably the spitting image of her. Her name is one of his middle names. (For context Trevor's full name in my verse is Trevor Jules Rene Blanchet). The intention of this is to make it hard for him to separate himself from her when this comes out in the open. Currently that is by him and his friends traveling to Unova for a change of scenery after the situation with Lysander. Tierno has family there and so they go as a group to continue their Journey (this is going to be the first time yall hear about my Versions of Serena and Calem). Unbeknownst to Trevor however he also has family there.
During the second wave of team plasma (Which is why Renee is shown in the BW2 uniform in the art of her) they cross paths. Trevor had always intended on traveling the world in hopes of possibly finding his parents but he never expected it to happen this soon. And the meeting goes as well as one can expect with a woman who gave up everything for what same may be willing to call a cult. Which is to say bad. I might properly write the interaction out but it ends with Serena (who beat the elite four) making quick work of her team. Shauna cussing her out. And Calem and Tierno trying to keep Trevor from having a total break down. His mother is a villain who doesn't even feel guilty for leaving him. Down played his feelings. And humiliated him in front of his friends by talking down to him like he's a toddler for being upset and hurt that she left. And he looks. just. like. her. He has her name. They cut the trip short after this.
Eventually Team Plasma dissolves and with no one feeding her some fake ideology she's left with her own thoughts and the guilt really begins to settle in and decides its time to return to Kalos
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aceyanaheim · 1 year
its uh..
its getting hard to feel like i have a future in florida
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packedtazer · 10 months
......... now what if i took all my feelings and stuck them in a tiny matchbox and hid that tiny matchbox somewhere . yeah
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pithyorangecurd · 11 months
Really enjoying being a secret faggot at work bc this guy is being suuuuuper transphobic and im sitting here kicking my legs like hehe........ yeah? 🥰🥰 <- guy who is about to make this such a hostile workplace
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