#yeah this is your fault bamboo
feliciadraws · 8 months
Okami - Waka/Mei
Angst...just...angst; may or may not be a companion piece to my 'Fear' piece from this year's Spookami (ya know, this thing)
Also shoutout to my partner-in-cringe and fellow angst enjoyer @bamboorocket because we do be enjoying that angst
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straight through her... The unclean claws of those foul, wretched beasts...they just...tore straight through her...
How could he have let this happen...how could he have stood by, anchored to where he stood as if with chains, chains weighted with his sins...how could he have just...watched...watched as Mei was slashed to pieces by those twisted creatures, her fragile body left eviscerated, blood pouring from the horrific gashes carved across her delicate flesh...she was so delicate...so helpless...she didn't even stand a chance against those beasts...and he couldn't, no, didn't even come to her aid... Waka's heart came to a standstill as his innards wrenched with the horror of the sight, only freed from his paralysis as he dashed forward to catch her as her bleeding, broken body slowly collapsed to the ground, the air and time itself around him thickening to a murky viscosity as this very nightmare played out in slow, hazy motion. He fell to his knees, distraught as she fell limply into his hands... Blood...there was...so much...blood...it was everywhere, pouring from every open inch of her body...flesh ripped open, the taint of decay left from their unclean talons already eating into her wounds...
"Wa...ka...I'm...I'm sor-..." Mei weakly whispered as she raised a bloodied hand to Waka's cheek, sounding almost as if she were attempting to apologise...apologise for what? For his sins? For the blood on his hands? For dying at the hands of one of the very demons that he had allowed into this world? For being doomed by the lingering aftershock of his own doings?
"No...no, Mei...ma cherie...this was..." Waka tried to remain strong for his love, tried to comfort her as he cradled her tenderly as she lay dying in his arms, holding the tiny hand that weakly graced his cheek, feeling as the life, the spirit, slowly, achingly, slipped from her body...
Her chest fell as a single final breath escaped her lungs, the arm that had held the last of her strength went lifeless, the light disappeared from her eyes like the dying flame of a burnt out candle...she was...
"Mei...ma...cherie? Non...non non non non non...no...Mei...no..." Waka loosened his hand as Mei's bloodied arm fell limply to the ground, her dead, lifeless body resting in his arms as his heart begun to crack, shattering into a million pieces as the cruel reality was laid before him, hitting him like a brutal sledgehammer.
Mei...she was dead...she really was dead...and yet... "No...no, Mei...stay with me...Mei...no...s'il-te-plait reste avec moi..." his voice begun to wobble as his heart broke in his chest, the sheer agony that permeated every fibre of his being reverting him to his mother tongue in his devastation. "S'il-te-plait reste avec moi..." he whispered with vain, futile desperation as the heartbreak that rose from his core collected in his eyes as tears begun to streak down his face, mixing with the blood, Mei's blood, that had been smeared on his cheek. Waka shuddered with horror as he looked down...he saw Mei's blood smeared all over him, spread across his kimono, across his sleeves...on his hands...her blood, her innocent blood, was on his hands. Now...now he couldn't even speak...all he could do was kneel in heartbroken horror as his love lay dead in his arms, her blood shed by reason of his own foolishness...
"Mei...ma cherie...de-...desole..." he tearfully whispered as he lowered his face to hers, the tears dripping from his eyes and onto her bloodied face as he wept, cupping her cheek in his hand while her residual warmth still lingered in her now lifeless flesh.
As he wept and mourned, he could only reel as the phantoms that swam in his mind crawled from their hiding places in the depths of his soul to remind him of the reason as Mei joined the ranks of the many, many souls doomed to their cold, stony graves by his hand, the blood that stained his footsteps wherever he dared to tread...
His mother, his people...
The Celestials, Amaterasu, Himiko...
All of them...dead...all of their blood staining his hands...and now Mei had joined them.
He swore he would protect her, even if he had to give his life, and yet she still paid the price that should have been his to pay…maybe…this was inevitable. He was a prophet, his eyes could see through the very veil of time and glimpse events yet to come, maybe he had foreseen it and denied his vision for fear of losing the girl he so dearly loved.
Maybe…maybe he really did carry a curse upon his shoulders, that everyone and everything he loved was destined to die…
As he raised his eyes to the heavens in his anguish, the voices of those same phantoms whispered darkness to his soul, moaning and crying to him... "It wasn't the demons...you brought them here...you brought them to her. It was you, Waka...YOU KILLED HER." "YOU...KILLED...HER..."
"Waka...Waka...Waka..." an ethereal voice called out amidst the swirling torment of his nightmare, like a sword of light slicing through winding tendrils of dark, and as his eyes shot open, as if like a flash of lightning burning away the storm clouds swirling in the skies of his consciousness, the hellscape of his nightmare had all but disappeared; he was back in their bedroom, and there she was.
"Waka...you were having a nightmare again, weren't you...?"
There she was...sweet, beautiful, darling Mei...her perfect skin free from any sort of mutilation, her eyes, those beautifully dark eyes, as dark as wells of ink yet bright with life and the light of the lamp by the futon, open and earnest...there were few times he was so happy to see her beautiful face than after such horrific nightmares.
His gaze softened, melting like frost with the warm touch of spring, upon seeing her face, his eyes relaxing as his ragged breaths steadied with her touch as she brushed her delicate fingers over his cheek, right where her hand had been in the nightmare he had just awoken from. That dainty hand, free from blood or cuts or any sort of demonic taint…the relief he felt cast a haze of warmth over the dimly lit room as he tenderly turned to her, gently resting a hand to her own cheek in a bittersweet, perhaps superficial reassurance.
"Oh..." Waka replied with an outwardly pleasant sigh of utter relief as he formed a smile on his face, leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheek, as per the norm, "you shouldn't worry yourself, ma cherie...just lay yourself back down, get some more sleep…” Phantom fingers hooked their way around his heartstrings upon seeing the worried look in her eyes as they lay back down, the poignant melody played ringing through his head as she curled herself up on his chest...
He looked to her, so...so small and...fragile in his scarred arms as he held her… He looked to the ceiling, and asked himself...how? How would he tell her? Would he even tell her? The girl who took the weeping cracks in his broken heart and sealed them with gold, the girl who finally silenced the tormented screams of a thousand doomed souls wailing and weeping in his head... How would he tell her that the nightmares she helped soothe were macabre portraits painted by the bloodied brush of his sins, the guilt that had left poisoned hooks in soul for over two centuries...the horrifying portraits of her bloody demise?
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tang0w0tek · 1 month
Scar Out of Context Episode 6:
"I take great pleasure in watching them burn to death."
"I took off my armor so you can make quick work of me."
"Why is it... throbbing?"
"Hey, maybe there used to be a clown or two on it, I can't be sure, because I didn't run it back then!"
"This is a great Canadian invention... well done, you've made the Canadian lands proud."
"It's the bamboo man's fault... someone who uses scaffolding."
"Did I just spawn into a war??"
"I am loving the little darker– You've got to be freaking kidding me! Another patrol?!"
"Yeah, you do your thing you bunch of losers, see ya later, suckers!"
"So you could trade these, you could steal these– no, just kidding, but wouldn't that be funny?"
"There could be twelve Hermits selling terracotta and all the chaos that could ensue!"
"You want some more Doc? Look at that! Yeaaah look at those calves!"
"What I've received is both coarse and irritating... and gets in everything."
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(continued from this and this)
“Yeah, I just told her to give them the cold shoulder. Don’t have to be mean or anything, just ignore ‘em a little. Play it cool. Drives girls crazy, ‘cause then they have to work to get your attention.”
Eddie stares at him. 
“Holy shit, Buckley’s gonna die alone and it’s gonna be a hundred percent your fault. That is the worst fucking advice I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Steve actually looks offended, like his honor’s been impugned. “What the hell, man? I’ve picked up like a million girls that way. I’m telling you, it works.”
“Yeah, okay, now I’m seeing why my sage advice is required for this whole endeavor. That kind of thing might fly if you’re some alpha dog prom king, but lesbians are like…giant pandas or some shit, okay? The conditions have to be precisely calibrated or they’ll just hibernate in a cave by themselves eating bamboo forever.”
“That doesn’t sound right,” says Steve. 
Eddie shrugs. “Whatever, I’m not a panda scientist. The point is…okay, let’s do a thought experiment.” Oh, this is a bad, bad idea. The Munson specialty. “Say you wanted to get a guy interested in you. How would you do it?”
“I’d just—” Steve stops, frowning. “I mean, girls usually just…laugh at guys’ jokes and stuff. Or wear, like, makeup?”
“How are you so awful at this,” says Eddie. “Jesus. I swear to god I remember you doing better with girls at school. Anyway, I didn’t ask what girls do, I asked what you’d do.”
“Shit, I don’t know. Isn’t that why I’m here?” Steve’s getting a little huffy, fidgeting. “I’d just…find a way to hang out with the guy, I guess. Laugh at his dumb jokes.”
“Yeah, sure,” Eddie says patiently. “But that’s what you do with friends too, right? And when you’re walking a perilous path far from the bright streets of heterosexuality, you probably don’t want to risk being too obvious, in case you’re wrong. So you gotta just…give them an opening to let them, like, signal if they’re interested. If they’re looking for a sign, they’ll take it.”
Steve wrinkles his nose. “Ok, but what if they’re not interested yet? Like…sometimes girls take a while to warm up to you.”
“Cut your losses and move on.” Admittedly, Eddie’s still working on that part. 
“What? Man, I’m starting to think you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Eddie scowls at the skeptical look on Steve’s face. “Jesus, the disrespect. Why am I not telling this directly to Buckley, anyway? She’s the one in need of these hard-earned pearls of gay wisdom.”
Steve lets out a big, gusty sigh and tips his head back against the couch. “Because she said if I tried to give her any more help with dating, she’d smother me in my sleep and pin it on Dustin.”
“Attagirl,” says Eddie approvingly. 
“But obviously she still needs help, so this is like—a stealth mission. For love.”
“For love,” says Eddie. “Yeah, okay.” 
“Hey, can you—”
Robin whirls around at the unexpected voice and promptly trips over nothing at all, arms flailing out to avoid crashing into the library returns cart.
“Oh, shit,” says the stranger, reaching out a hand like she’s going to catch Robin’s elbow, but pulling back at the last second. “Um. Sorry.”
Robin blinks down at a girl in head-to-toe black, including dusty black combat boots. “Aren’t you hot,” she says, then wants to die. “I mean—like, just, with the heat and all, it’s a billion degrees out, I think if I tried to wear that much black I’d instantly dissolve like the Wicked Witch of the West.”
The girl stares back at her for a second, then bursts out laughing. It’s a nice laugh. 
“As if. I’m from Utah, this is nothing.”
“Oh! Utah! You’re not—are you, uh, Argyle’s girlfriend?” The way Argyle’d described her, Robin had been picturing some kind of Elvira-themed ingenue in lace, maybe smoking like a 1920s flapper. This makes more sense for a real-life teenager, though: oversized t-shirt tucked into ratty black jeans, with some cheap-looking silver jewelry tied around her neck. Her eyeliner’s heavier than anything Robin’s ever seen in Hawkins, smudging messily a little in the heat that’s apparently nothing to her. It makes her look a little bit like a panda bear, but not in a bad way.
“Not anymore.” She grimaces. “Ugh, that sounds mean. We’re, y’know, still friends and everything. I’m Eden.”
“Robin,” says Robin, gesturing at herself like a loser. “Hi.”
“Hi,” says Eden, and smiles at her.
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nonobadcat · 1 year
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In Your Hands: Spinner x GN!Reader Drabble
Rating: PG-16 - Generally wholesome with a light praise kink but contains innuendo and mentions of bedroom wear
Timeline: Just before the Overhaul arc, when the LOV is still in hiding post Bakugo rescue
Word Count: 1.5k
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"To-ga! Quit squirming!"
"But it tickles soooo much!"
"Do you want me to stop?"
She whined, kicking her feet like a child. "Ohmigosh no! Please don't stop!"
Your voice fell into a hushed purr. "Then be good for me, okay Toga-chan?"
Toga's giggle that damn near glittered in the air. "Anything for you ♡."
Sitting on an old dusty crate, Spinner's eye twitched. He hunched over, burying his burning cheeks in his red scarf. "Will you guys cut it out?!"
Magne flicked her wrist, blowing on her fresh, manicure before flashing Spinner a knowing smirk. "Jealous, much?"
He thrust a shaking green finger at Magne. "T-that's not the problem and you all know it!"
"Oh?" Magne teased, using her wrist to smooth her red hair behind one ear. "Do we now?"
Kneeling on some old rags to soften the hard warehouse floor, you shifted to let some blood back into your tingling toes. Your fingers still delicately curled around her soft hand, turning it into the thin light that drifted through the cracks in the old glass. Eyes level with Toga's chest, you threaded the brush back into the nail polish bottle before the next drip could escape. "I can do your nails next if you want."
"Spinner," Toga called, flicking her free hand at the woman next to her. "Use your wizard powers to make Magne's nails dry faster so the dust doesn't ruin them."
"I'm not that old!" he roared back.
Magne smirked before muttering under her breath. "Interesting that that's the part you chose to deny..."
Toga cackled. As her hand shook with laugher, she bounced the brush against her knuckle. Baby pink paint flooded her cuticle.
You groaned reaching for a bamboo stick to scoop out the excess. "Toga! Seriously!"
"So~rry..." she apologized without a hint of remorse before pointing at Magne. "It's her fault."
Magne casually threw up her hands. "I won't deny that."
You could head Spinner's teeth grinding across the room. He glared at the warehouse door. "When the hell is everyone getting back?!" he demanded, checking his wristwatch. "They were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago!"
"Find some chill. I'm sure they'll be back soon," you called, twisting the cap back on the bottle. Blindly groping across the selections beside you frowned. "Hey, Spinner, can you pass me the one that says: 'top coat'?"
"Make Magne do it!"
Magne waved her fingers at him. "My hands are wet."
Stuffing his fists into his pants pocket, Spinner spat out a irritated noise before stalking over to your group. Red eyes searched the small cluster of options resting on the wobbly cardboard box you'd turned into a makeshift table. Plucking the one labeled "Seche Vite" from the group, he twisted off the black cap and sneezed. Eyes watering, he thrust the bottle at you. "That stuff stinks!"
You nodded, blotting the brush off on the bottle's neck. "Yeah, but it's the best one."
"Beauty knows no pain," Magne explained with a shrug.
Shoving his nose into the the crook of his arm, Spinner flopped onto the nearest crate. He narrowed his eyes, watching as you fanned Toga's fingers wide. Each delicate stroke of the slippery gloss spilled across the curve of her nail. The tip of your tongue darted out of the corner of your mouth as you leaned to one side. As the edge of your pointer shifted down the length of her middle finger, Toga bit her lip to fight the giggle.
Your lashes drifted low as a gentle smile split your lips. "Good girl," you praised.
Spinner's adam's apple bobbed. He shifted in his seat with a grimace.
Catty yellow eyes curled with naughty glee. "Do Spinner's next."
"Mhmm," you hummed, pinching your lip between your teeth. "Give me one second."
Above your head, Toga flashed him a snitty grin. "What color do you want?"
Spinner glared at her. "Unlike some people, I have better things to do than get a manicure."
"Bullshit," Magne declared, grabbing the darkest color you had. She wagged it at him. "This one."
"Daddy-and-I-don't-talk black?" Toga sneered. "Dabi will be jealous."
Magne hummed, inspecting the thick fluid with renewed interest. "You think?"
"Please," you groaned, blowing away a stray hair from Toga's pinky. "Anyone with that many piercings is obviously mad at their dad." You nodded to the girl above you. "All done. Give it fifteen before you touch things."
"Hooray!" Toga bounced off the box, sticking her tongue out. "You're next Spinner."
Rolling triceps tensed like the strain of the world was crushing his shoulders. "I—" Spinner swallowed. "I'm fine."
You rolled your eyes and patted the perch before you. "Come on."
With all the speed of a turtle, Spinner slunk over and took his place in front of you.
Without hesitation, you gabbed his hand, lifting it up to inspect his nails. Perfectly almond shaped and clean, you admired their smooth, ghost grey color. "Oh my gosh, Spinner. You have super pretty nails!"
"Huh?" Blood rushed to his face, staining his green skin an irrational shade of pastel pink. [1] "Oh... I never thought about it."
Your grinned. "These are going to look awesome. Makes me wish I had a matte top coat." You sighed wistfully. "Oh well, glossy finish will make them look like midnight water. It'll still be cool. I promise."
"Um..." He scratched his cheek. "I guess I'm in your hands then."
"Kay!" You reached to the pot of skin oil, dabbing the tiny brush over his cuticles. "Ugh. I'm super jealous of your deep nail beds! I barely need to to push these back."
As you worked the tissue with gentle strokes, Spinner's spine snapped straight as a steel rod. Your thumb slipped across his sweaty palm, resting on the bumpy edge between the scattered scales. He gritted his teeth, looking away from you.
Laying his hand back on his knee, you leaned over, the edge of your chest brushing him as you grabbed the rubbing alcohol. A sharp inhale rattled through Spinner's beak. By the time you had his fingers back in your grasp, his purple hair stood on end. He closed his eyes, focusing on the cold swipe of the cotton pad against his heated skin.
"Are you okay?"
He squinted down at you only to have his lungs cease tight. Below soft lashes, curious eyes stared up into his. Oh man... The sight of you holding his hand as you sat nestled between his knees—
"Fine," Spinner squeaked, fanning himself with stale air. "J-just a little warm."
You cocked your head, examining the bare skin just above his arm wraps. You squeezed his hand. "Hey... can I ask you a personal question?"
"W—" He cleared his throat. "What is your question?"
"Do you get goosebumps?"
He blinked before shaking his head. "Um... No. I don't have hair anywhere but my head so—"
All at once, your eyes drifted down to the seam of his pants. Time stopped. His pulse throbbed in his ears. Were you really looking at his—?
Your gaze dashed back to his as you fixed him with a nonchalant smile. "Oh, I see. That makes sense then."
The edges of Spinner's vision sparkled grey as his life flashed before his eyes. While you unscrewed the cap, he scrunched his eyes shut.
'Naked Moonfish. Think of naked Moonfish!' he commanded himself.
While the tiny brush caressed his nail with sticky basecoat, his blood simmered. Despite his best efforts, it was impossible to imagine the cannibalistic villain sans leather bondage gear. Instead, easy images of you body, barely covered in black mesh, shoved themselves to the forefront of his mind. The swell of your chest filled his imagination, begging his thoughts to turn to pebbled peaks just below the filmy, flimsy fabric.
"Do you want to ask me anything?"
He jolted at the sound of your voice. "What?!"
"In return for my question. Did you want to ask me anything?"
'Do you prefer leather or lace?' his brain screamed.
"I..." He gulped. "Can't think of anything right now."
'Well, anything aside from you on my mattress.'
Unable to hear the silent addition to his anwser, you carred on with your work. For two long, hard minutes, your hands danced from one finger to the next, working their way across his body until his pants were too tight to breath. Finally, he gasped for air as you set aside the clear bottle. As you strained to grab the black, he barely caught your next words.
"Might want to think of something, or I'll just keep asking you things instead."
He forced a laugh. "What? Are we playing a game now?"
You smirked at his hand, laying the first thick stripe of color. "Do you want me to play with you, pretty boy?"
Half an hour later, when the rest of the league returned to the warehouse, they found three things:
Spinner's nails, perfectly coated in ink colored polish
Magne, and Toga, quietly trying to stifle their laughter.
A comatose Spinner, his mouth still foaming like he'd swallowed poison, laying cheek-to-thigh across your lap while you slowly stroked his hair.
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[1] Am I the only one who doesn't understand how green skin blushes pink? Oh well...
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@shig-a-shig-ah @castershellwrites - Remember when I threatened that Femdom Spinner piece like a year ago? This is what happened to it.
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matau-the-228th · 2 months
Bionicle Mahiano AU Interlude: Teatime
Rahaga Vakama poured me a cup of tea without asking.
"So, Historian, what do you want to talk about today?"
I waited until the stream of hot water stops before I spoke. "Takua, I suppose."
The Rahaga paused for a brief moment before moving to pour his own cup. "He told me you yelled at him the other day."
"I... I shouldn't have done that." I had look away from the Rahaga's eyes. I couldn't take seeing the pity in them. Not again. "I was... frustrated. And I lost control of my anger."
"...I know all too well about that, and certainly cannot blame you for losing control of it once or twice. But it can become a struggle to keep such a thing in check. No harm was done this time. In fact, I think Takua wants to be your assistant now more than ever."
Vakama waved a hand dismissively. "But let us not dwell on that. How is he doing? There is some room for improvement, of course, but I think he will get the hang of being the Chronicler. He's even gotten you to leave the Hall of Records."
I tensed up, feeling some sort of further implication behind his words. But I drank some of the tea and let the bitterness and fruity aroma cover the feeling. It was probably just my own self-doubt trying to claw its way into the front of my mind again.
"He's doing... fine, I guess." I clenched the cup in my hand. "Are you... sure it's wise for me to tell him the whole history? Not the abridged version you- we tell the rest of the Matoran?"
"Well, he is the Chronicler. How better for him to learn how to record and tell stories than by recounting our own?"
"Your own." I reflexively corrected out loud. No, that isn't right. Not really. "Sorry. It's just... how much of this is really... relevant to how we came to be on Mata Nui? Shouldn't we... cut out parts of the story?"
He frowned, an all-too familiar expression. I could even hear his words before he says them. "You were there too. Just because you are a Matoran does not mean you do not have a part to play in the history that has been and will be- no matter if it was in the past or will be the future, you are important!"
That's not what I meant. But I couldn't take the time to elaborate my thoughts before my feelings took over.
"Yeah, I got captured. Now I write down things that have already happened. End of story. Great big world-saving hero-quest."
"That's not the only thing you did."
"What, do you mean being a small nuisance to Dume's Vahki when you needed it most? Or do you mean when I caused some sort of crisis of faith in that Toa of Stone?"
The words came more freely now, uncorked after being bottled up for so long. "That somehow, just by existing, I made him 'see the light' and rebel against Tuyet? The very same thing that killed him? That part to play?"
Vakama's eyes widened, if only for a moment. Then he just... sighed.
"I see. So this is what you have been angry about."
"You and I are the only ones who saw what he did, what happened to him! Manas bones, Vakama! There's no body to entomb! Not even a mask to hang in the Mausoleum! Every single second of his last moments had to have been agony!"
"He would have stopped if he felt it was the right thing to do."
"And are you sure it was? That we couldn't have continued to fight?"
"...No. But there was nothing to be done! He put on the mask and used it, and ended the battle then and there. None of what he did is your fault. It was his decision. His sacrifice."
"But I spent so much time being dragged around the city by him! Spent so much time being protected by him! And not once did I stop to ask him why. How can you say that I couldn't have done-"
There was the sound of splintering as Vakama's hand crushed the bamboo cup he was holding, splattering the tea across the table.
"Because you could not have done anything!" His breath was ragged, trying to keep it tempered; Forcing himself to sound calm, even as small wisps of smoke puffed through is mouth. "I had the mask. I am the one who gave it to him. I am the only one who could have saved him. And even then...!"
Vakama grimaced, slowly speaking his thoughts like they burned his tongue. "Even then, I don't think he wanted to be saved."
His words hung in the air.
"I know it's... tempting. To try to be like him. To think that you have to sacrifice yourself in some way to honor him. I know that's why you've been hiding in the Hall of Records, or at least part of it. But don't. Don't be like him. Don't try to become a Toa. Because..."
He stopped, looking down at the crushed bamboo in his hand.
"...Because I'm not him." I said tentatively.
Vakama looked at me with an even more pained expression. He exhaled, doing his best to look me in the eyes, but his gaze seemed to keep slipping away.
"You are the only Matoran we truly saved, when we were Toa. Has... has that ever occurred to you? No one else is the same person they were before. Not really. They still live, but... all those connections to each other- to us- are just... gone. It was our duty... my duty, and..."
I didn't respond. Vakama looked so tired, so old. Old before his time.
That's right, I remember. I was built two cycles before he was. I'm older. Even if it's not by much.
The silence persisted, only the occasional sound of tea being sipped and poured breaking the oppressive noiselessness.
We sat in silence for a while, Vakama using the quiet to get another bamboo cup and pour himself more tea.
The Lhikan bell tolled, signaling that the sun has fully set, and that night had arrived in Ta-Koro.
"...Where did you leave off in your recounting of the past with Takua?"
"Rahaga... Toa Nuju had just finished his investigation of the Grand Temple of Tekoa, and he's learned a little out about Toa Nhidiki."
"So it would be Nokama's discovery of the artificial island in the Water Sector next, chronologically."
I shrug. "I think Takua wants to know how you six went from being Toa to Rahaga more, not this boring 'finding out the right way to be a Toa' stuff," I laughed a little, "No offense."
He smiled, giving own chuckle that sounded more like a ghekula toad croaking. "None taken. Though I would be willing to wager he's also wondering why you've been referring to yourself in the third person when telling the story!"
I leaned forward, smiling as well. "It's a bad habit I picked up from some story-telling Rahaga, I'm afraid."
And we both laughed and talked as we had not in ages long into the night.
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lamnwar · 2 years
omgomg i literally have had knb brainrot for like a month and i cant get this scene out of my head. so yn accidentally went into the boys sauna and kiyoshi and hyuga were there. they were curious but then yn started playing w herself, and when they were abt to call her out, she m0aned their names and boom smut😮‍💨 or honestly any duo that you feel comfortable with!! and like a short fic form would be good plss🥺
First I wanna preface by saying I saw a request like that done by @ferg0s (loved it btw <3) so if there is similar stuff, it's unintentional 😗
Also bold of you to assume that I would EVER refuse to write a threesome with Daddy Hyuga and the loml Kiyoshi 😩 writing this >>> like it's legit longer than expected because I got that carried away lmao thanks for the request honey 💕
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Up to Expectations // Hyuga Junpei x Fem!Reader x Kiyoshi Teppei
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MDNI 18+
Context: it isn't really your fault that you've got into the men's bath, and it isn't really your fault that you've got caught by two of your teammates in a compromising position. All characters are aged up (early 20s).
Warnings: wheeeew it is basical smut with a plot so hmm yeah 😩 female masturbation, ig voyeurism in some ways?, threesome, oral sex (f! and m! receiving), reader swallows oops, vaginal sex (unprotected), creampie, reader being called "pretty" by Hyuga and Kiyoshi and "honey" once by Kiyoshi, reader calls Hyuga "captain" I had to, Kiyoshi being a tease because yes, slight praise kink too- that's probably the nastiest thing I ever wrote lmao 🧎🏾‍♀️
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You may not be the one on the court, or the one coming up with strategies for all the different games, but boy is it tiring to be the manager of one of the best basketball teams in the country. You are required to keep up with everything – from gathering data on the players and adversaries to making sure that their new uniforms are getting delivered in time. So obviously, when your team just went through all the final phases of the championship within the short span of 2 weeks, you are exhausted, to say the least. But your boys and your coach? They’re barely alive right now. As a last effort as a manager, you’ve decided to book a trip to the hot springs, figuring out that it can only do you good to soak in hot water for a couple of hours, letting out all tensions.
What you haven’t figured out, although you’re generally rather sharp, is that the hot springs can also create some tension. To be fair, the actual situation you are in is rather unpredictable. In appearance, everything seemed normal. Two baths, one for the men, one for the women, separated by a bamboo wall. Except that the bamboo wall isn’t a separation between the men and women section, but rather a separation between the two baths of the men section. And to make thing worse, the wall has a hole in it, merely hidden by an excuse of a bush. You’ve come to take notice of it when you’ve simply looked on your left, and faced the naked butt of one of the players; and right after, you’ve seen these familiar faces, who thankfully haven’t seen you.
“Well, if that ain’t my lucky day” you sigh to yourself.
Unless you move, they might not realize that you’re here, so all you have to do is stay in place. The issue is, they clearly aren’t planning on hiding anything – why would they, they’re amongst themselves. See, the thing is you are used to see them walking around half naked in the locker room. But butt ass naked? Never. At first, you keep your cool, really thinking that you can stay hidden before they leave and you won’t feel tempted to sneak a peek.
Then comes a time though, where you really can’t help but look. Especially when the senior players you’ve known for years are the last people left in the men’s bath. You can’t lie to yourself, knowing them for so long, there are a couple of occurrences when they’ve occupied some of your bedtime fantasies. And now that you get a glimpse of what they truly have, you can’t help but remembering these fantasies. They’re up to your expectations, beautiful bodies that they carry with such confidence – and you would to, if you had what they have. The few sighs that you’ve caught of their satisfied faces, wet bodies, and the outline of their spread legs underwater are intoxicating. All your thoughts are occupied by these images that you’ve caught in the sickest way. The warmth between your legs isn’t caused by the hot water, and it becomes harder to resist the urge to slip your hand between your legs and play with yourself.
It really can’t be help, you think to yourself when your fingers graze your labia, teasing yourself, while your other hand cups your breast.
As long as you don’t get caught, you aren’t doing anything wrong, you repeat to yourself while you’re circling your clitoris.
It’s they’re fault, for being so hot, you assure yourself when muffled gasps come out of your mouth and you whisper to yourself the namesl of your players.
“Are you having fun there?”
Kiyoshi Teppei. Certainly the senior player you’ve fantasized about the most. Hidden behind his looks of gentle giant, he hides the body of an Adonis, and when you see his sheer strength on the court, you can’t help but imagine how easily he can wreck you. Hearing his voice this time, however, might be the most frightening thing ever. You slowly turn your head towards the hole in the bamboo wall, meeting his gentle eyes. They lay directly on you, and you are too stunned to move.
“Who are you talking to, Kiyoshi?”
Hyuga Junpei, your team captain, and the guy who makes you weak every time he talks to you. His naturally commanding voice is what gets you every time; something about his words sounding like commands almost had you reply with a “yes daddy” once. You see his face peeking through the hole next to the brunette, a surprised “oh” coming out his lips. Your head’s empty, but you still try to make up an excuse to why you are here.
“I... I got into the wrong section and I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed and I figured-“
“As long as no one catches you, you’re fine” you are interrupted by Kiyoshi. “But you haven’t answered me yet, are you having fun?”
You are not sure what to respond, and you don’t have time to either as Hyuga answers in your place.
“Don’t be stupid Kiyoshi, she definitely is” he points at your hand placement and you quickly realize that your hand is still between your legs, and they’re is no way in which you can lie yourself out of this situation.
“Did we do that to you, pretty? Have you been peeping at us all this time and got all hot and bothered?”
Kiyoshi’s voice is as soft as usual, but his words still sound mean. You aren’t stupid, you know that he is teasing you and you cannot excuse the embarrassment you’ve brought to yourself, so you figure you should lift your hand from its place between your folds.
“Keep them here” Hyuga’s voice resonates.
You immediately obey, part of you wondering why so – is it because you feel like you have no right to stop your filthy activity now that you’ve got caught, or is it because you are somehow turned on by the words of your captain?
“Go on, show us what you were doing while thinking about us.”
You gulp, hesitatingly spreading your legs wider as the clear water let them see the shape of your cunt, while your delicate fingers tease your lips slowly, uncovering your throbbing clit.
“Aw, I’ve always known you love us that much” Kiyoshi laughs softly. “Have you been fantasizing about one of us or...?”
“The two of you” you reply shyly.
Hyuga raises his eyebrow at your answer, intrigued yet rather interested by it.
“And would you like us to do the things you’ve imagined to you?” he asks.
Instead of words, a needy whimper escapes your lips. You are ashamed, but on the moment, it can’t be help. Despite the embarrassment of being caught, you are given the opportunity to bring to life what you’ve always wanted and all things considered, you’d be a fool to refuse such opportunity.
“Don’t move, we’re coming to you.”
And effectively, you don’t move at all, partly because you can’t believe that what is happening is real, partly because you cannot go against Hyuga’s words no matter what. The seconds it takes for them to join you seem like eternity, but when their giant frames appear in your sight, you are left speechless. Seeing their naked glistening bodies in front of you, your fingers reprise their previous activity between your legs almost by reflex. What else can you do, anyways, seeing two hot guys like that standing in front of you, flaunting their gorgeous dicks, all for you?
“Look at her, Kiyoshi, she really can’t help herself” a sigh escapes Hyuga’s lips as he enters the water.
“Come on, let’s make this a group activity.”
You watch the tall brunette with much envy, practically begging him with your puppy eyes to touch you. It’s almost as he reads your mind the moment he comes closer, the nicest smile on his face – although his actions are far from nice. The force with which he pushes your hand away from your pussy and sit your body on the edge of the bath is not comparable to anything you’ve imagined in your dirtiest dreams. What is up to your expectations, however, is how much you love him manhandling you. You are at the mercy of these big hands, when he spread your legs and stand back, nudging his teammate in his ribs.
“Hey, Hyuga, doesn’t she look delicious?”
“She sure does. Who’s getting a taste first?”
They both shrug at each other, seemingly incapable of deciding who gets to touch you, eat you out first. This situation is torture – if it was up to you, you’d have both of their heads between your legs.
“I’ll have both of you in whatever way you want” you let out when they turn to you, expecting you to decide who gets you first.
They both look at each other, smiling.
“Is that so?”
You nod eagerly, and their grins widen. You look at them, impatiently waiting for anyone, just one of them, to lay any part of their body against you. Your legs are shaking, the hands you’ve set at your side struggling not to snake back to your cunt and appease that painful knot in your lower stomach.
“Then, who do you want first?”
This question is the worst thing to you. Between the one you want to absolutely rail you, and the one that could get you on your knees without even asking, it’s impossible to choose. But you have to admit, you are wary of Kiyoshi’s nice and soft tone. Despite him keeping up his façade of gentle giant, there is a flame slightly twisted in his eyes. On the other hand, Hyuga is straight forward, clearly showing his intention of making you his little puppet. It is sick and twisted, on both sides, but as the one who’s been touching yourself while peeping at them, who are you to judge?
You sigh, thinking that you might just be overthinking it. In both cases, you’ll get the chance to get fucked by two of the most attractive guys you know – and that you’ll ever know. For the first time of the night, you take things into your own hands, pulling Hyuga closer into a hungry kiss. He isn’t slow to kiss you back, hand holding your face by the neck, while the other trails down your body to find its place against your throbbing clitoris. You moan in his mouth when he starts drawing circles around it, without needing to get you wet as you’ve already taking care of that yourself. He pulls away from the kiss, letting you gasp for air.
It doesn’t take long before you feel his tongue replace his fingers, finding yourself in total bliss as you grab his head, messing with his soft black hair. Your eyes move to meet Kiyoshi’s, who appears to have taken a few steps back, now sitting in front of you and admiring the spectacle. He looks directly at you, this same eerily nice smile on his lips. You feel shy, knowing that he gets to see these lewd looks your face will your captain eats you out; however, you can’t help it. Hyuga doesn’t only lead on the court, he also does so between your legs. He does just the right thing to turn you into a whimpering mess.
He looks up at you, hearing you moan this word by accident. You can’t tell if he likes it or not at first, but he is quick to work his tongue against your clit, and you immediately realize that he surely goes off to you calling him by his official title.
“Should I make our pretty manager cum, Kiyoshi?” he asks getting up from your cunt just as you’re about to reach the heights of your pleasure.
You furrow your brows, shooting a pleading look to the giant man in front of you, and he laughs. Softly, yet in a way that makes you ache.
“You let her cum if I get to fuck her right after” he replies.
You take turn staring at the two men. It seems that you’ve become nothing but a body at their mercy – not that you would complain, because it arouses you even more. Well, at the end of the day, you did give them free range.
“Is that what she wants? What do you say, pretty?”
You eagerly nod, not caring about the arrangements, as long as you get something from both of them. They both let out a chuckle, Hyuga (for once) adorning a kind look on his face.
“Adorably needy.”
You whimper, feeling his tongue returning in between your folds as he reprises his previous activity. It doesn’t take long for you to go back to your high, reaching your orgasm within minutes. You hold to the shooting guard’s hair, almost suffocating him between your thighs as pleasure washes over you. You’re not even back to Earth that you feel strong arms lifting you, eyes still in daze when they face Kiyoshi’s gentle iris as he carries you the other side of the bath. He sits down on a bench, you on his lap, smile on his face.
“Do you want my cock, honey?” he asks as he tugs a strand of your hair behind your ear.
You whimper as a response, which makes him laugh. You swear you’ve never been with someone that smiles and laughs so much in such situation; and while it may seem nice, in his case, it clearly hides something else. Your personal theory is that this exaggerated amount of niceness hides a complete freak – which you wouldn’t mind, but you grow impatient to know if you are right or not. But before you can get to see for yourself, your thoughts stop on the man that has previously pleasured you, realizing that you haven’t given back. You turn your head, looking for Hyuga, finally seeing him coming your way, dick painfully erected.
“Can I do something about him?” you point out.
The concerned lifts his head towards you, definitely interested by the idea of you bringing him to his release instead of having to take care of it himself.
“Whatever you want” he says, coming closer to you.
You stare at his dick, almost salivating. It looks prettier than you’ve expected, and incredibly delicious. With stars in your eyes, you take it in your hand and lead to tip to your lips. You take a taste of him, shyly, yet barely hiding your hunger. Soon enough, your hand and mouth work him out, soft grunts coming out of his lips.
“Fuck, you’re too good at this” he sighs.
His words of praise make you grind against Kiyoshi, making the brunette’s breath hitch in his throat. The more you go, the more you drive the two men crazy, and you can feel Kiyoshi’s cock growing bigger against you. You look down at it for a second, eyes widening at its size. You shouldn’t be so surprised, he’s a big boy so it’s in proportion with the rest of his body; yet, you can tell if knowing that you are going to take it soon excites you or makes you nervous.
You shake these thoughts away, deciding to focus on what you are doing. By the way your captain’s hips thrust in your mouth, you can predict his release and you stop, looking at him.
“Would you like to cum in my mouth, captain?”
“Shit, yeah” he grunts when you take him back into your mouth.
A few more strokes and licks and you can feel the warm feeling in your mouth, his semen sliding down your throat when you swallow. You let him go, swiping your swollen lips and looking up at him like you’re waiting for his feedback. His dazed out eyes are enough to convince you that you’ve done a great job, and it only helps that he gently caress the top of your head, making you smile.
“You’re doing amazing” Kiyoshi praises you “should I reward you by letting you ride me?”
“Please” you beg giving him doe eyes.
He doesn’t wait, positioning you above his cock and letting you take him in slowly. The stretch is a lot, but the more you take, the more you want. You eventually sit there, with as much as him possible in you. And when you are ready, you move, the slow thrusts building your arousal. Your pace takes on, you are too lost in your own pleasure to realize that Kiyoshi’s hips have found a will of their own and before you know it, you are completely at his mercy. Your eyes shut open under his powerful thrusts, wailing at how good it feels – though it came as a surprise. He smiles, tightening his grip on you.
“You can take it, pretty, you are being so good to me” he says, leaving kisses all over your face.
You are unable to respond with words, going completely stupid for his dick. The images of your fantasies blend with the current moment, realizing that you are, effectively, getting railed by Kiyoshi.
You feel your orgasm approaching when his big fingers start to tease your clitoris. You hold to him for dear life, trying to keep your eyes open so you can take in the sight of his pleasured face, but your eyes shut close as soon as the knot in your lower stomach unravels. You cry, chest pushed against his, incapable of feeling anything else but your high.
“Oh pretty, you’re going to make me cum” you hear Kiyoshi grunt as you regain your senses.
His continuous thrusts in your clenching cunt might be driving him crazy, given how more animalistic his movements are. You let it go at it, feeling overworked, yet needing him to cum just for you.
“Do you wanna fill me up?” you ask, voice weak.
You hear Hyuga chuckle next to you.
“Isn’t our little manager the perfect girl” he comments, getting hard again at the sight of his friend fucking you senseless.
It only takes a few more seconds before you feel Kiyoshi release inside of you, coating your walls in his precious liquid. He stays inside you, panting. You watch, a faint smile on your lips. You can’t help it, everything about this situation is euphoric. You’d never thought that you’d bring your nastiest fantasies to life, yet here you are – filled with both Hyuga’s and Kiyoshi’s cum, a symbol of how you’ve become theirs.
“Do you wanna rest now, pretty? You’ve been so good for us” asks Kiyoshi.
This time, his softness doesn’t come as deceiving. He seems to genuinely care about you, which makes your heart melt a little. You ponder, part of you exhausted, part of you addicted to these two men. You look at Hyuga, his growing erection almost asking to be taking cared of, and taking this piece of information in consideration, you hesitate even more.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll take care of it” he reassures you as if he’s read your mind.
“Are you sure?”
He laughs softly, coming closer to leave a chaste kiss on your lips.
“I’ll have other occasions to fill you up, won’t I?”
You nod, head resting on Kiyoshi’s shoulder.
“Now that we’ve got a taste of you pretty girl, we’re not letting you go.”
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lovevalley45 · 5 months
untitled ficlet #336
a/n: me writing smth that acknowledges that the legends are technically trapped in time prison indefinitely? it's more likely that u think. thank you to @supermothering for suggesting i should write some behrastra when i put out an open call for writing requests and letting me revisit this idea!
Astra hadn’t expected time prison to be so boring.
The technical term for the facility the Fixers had brought them to was not “time prison”, really. Rather, it was “Council of Fixed Point Determination Facility for Re-Education and Rehabilitation of Temporal Offenders”, as the Fixers had informed them when bringing them in. But time prison was much less clunky. 
Upon arrival, they’d split them up and slapped a magic dampener on her wrist. Astra would have taken it more personally if they hadn’t taken Behrad’s air totem and Spooner’s gun, as well as finding about a dozen knives on Sara’s person. Where they were all hiding, that was unclear. 
The only saving grace was that in the splitting up, she and Behrad had gotten thrown in the same cell. It was just big enough to fit a bunk-bed and a table, with a door that only led to a tiny bathroom. It seemed completely walled in. But she knew that one of the walls was a face, occasionally becoming transparent enough that they could see the rest of the building they were in. 
Without the whole team together, it was hard to plan. But the two of them had already cracked what would be the first step of any attempt at a breakout. That is, if they could actually pull it off. 
“What’s the verdict?” Astra asked as Behrad took a look at the anti-magic cuff. They were huddled up on the bottom bunks, as tucked out of sight as they could be. It was a little nice, her back against his chest. The knowledge that there were guards that could easily peer in and see them was not so nice. 
He pried out the bamboo fork from their meal that he had been using to try and examine the inside. “No dice. Until I can get something that isn’t made of bamboo, we need the actual key to unlock it.” He dropped her wrist back into her lap. “Whatever tech they’re using is more advanced than Ray’s anti-nanite tech. But more fragile, so there’s always brute force.” As she looked at the cuff, considering it, he quickly added, “If you’re fine with breaking your wrist.”
She groaned. “Damnit.” She squeezed her hand into a fist. “You think I could make a run for it if they tried to take me to the medbay here?”
“I’d prefer to not have to watch you break your wrist,” Behrad told her. 
“Alright, I get it.” She flexed her hand. “This blows. We spend half a year trying to get back to our ship and the moment we can go back to time travel we get arrested.”
“At least, we’re stuck together.”
She closed her eyes as she pressed her head against him. “Behrad, you’re great and all, but stuck is still stuck.”
“I’m not saying it’s perfect.” Astra felt him shrug. “At least we aren’t stuck sharing a cell with the guy who stole our ship.”
“I admire your attempts to look on the bright side here.” 
“Yeah, if I don’t, I’ll be freaking out,” he admitted. “Focusing on trying to crack that lets me get my mind off things a little.”
Astra wasn’t the type to freak out, but she could understand that. With a goal, it was harder to dwell on their situation. “It’s not your fault that they gave us bamboo forks.”
“They are better for the environment than plastic,” he muttered. “How are you doing?”
“It’s weird to be without my magic. Not even for being able to get out, but just-” she sighed. “Another level of feeling powerless.” 
The Fixer’s stipulation had been that she could get it off if she was “good.” Astra figured that breaking her wrist to run off was not a case of good behavior. In a way, it reminded her of her first few days on the Waverider. Outnumbered and, once again, trapped in a cell. 
At least, then, she’d been able to get a sweet taste of temporary revenge. 
Behrad wrapped his arms around her, pulling her a little closer. She still felt drained from rebuilding the Waverider and just wanted to drift off to sleep in his warmth. As he rested his cheek against her curls, he said, “I don’t know how helpful the Air Totem would have been compared to your magic. But I got used to having the ancestors and the other Zari always with me.” 
“You’ve got me,” Astra said. 
“Is it a bad time to realize this is the most privacy we’ve had since we got together?”
She laughed. “We had that date in the manor when we were ‘retired’.”
“Okay, but everyone has keys to the manor and could’ve strolled in whenever they want.” Behrad lifted his head. “We just have the wall where Fixers may or may not be watching us.”
“Do they think we’re scheming or just cuddling?” Astra asked. 
“Are we still scheming?”
She looked up at him. “I think we might have stopped scheming when you told me I couldn’t break my wrist.”
He shrugged again. “Alright. Maybe we did.”
“But I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while,” she confessed. 
“Me neither.” 
However, as he rested his head against hers again, the not-a-wall faded from opaque to transparent. Astra scrambled out of his arms like they’d been caught doing more than cuddling as a pair of the Fixers who’d arrested them accompanied a man in what she assumed was the futuristic equivalent of Ava’s old Time Bureau pantsuits.
“I’m, uh, sorry to interrupt your recreation time,” he said. “But it’s time for your first re-education session.”
Great. Another fun aspect of time prison.
As the Fixers came in to restrain them, she shot a look at Behrad. 
Not for the first time, she was grateful that they weren’t stuck here on their own. And she was sure it wouldn’t be the last time.
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fountainpenguin · 11 months
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"Being a bow-wow is hard to face... I want to be part of the human race! It's a dog's life!"
Well, a year ago I started a 3rd Life / Traffic Life series fanfic, and I'm ready to share Chapter 1! Dog's Life is a fanmade Life series 'fic about a bunch of digital gremlins playing a death game, as they do.
The gimmick this season is that every time they kill a mob - or a player - they start taking on the traits of whatever it is they killed. If you like to watch pixelated menaces yeet each other off cliffs [Scar], weaponize buckets of salmon [Tango], devise complex strats to steal a ravager's soul [Etho], stress over an AFK companion [Grian], or just speedrun insanity [Mumbo], this could be the 'fic for you!
Chapter 1 - “Sparks (Impulse, Grian)”
Read on AO3
^ Warnings and tags available on AO3
Dog's Life follows some resource gathering and PvP adventures, but it's focused less on the gameplay and more on worldbuilding, character quirks, and introspection. It's been a delight to string together and I hope you guys like it too!
Chapter 1 is Impulse-centric with some Grian POV mixed in. Our story begins with Impulse growing increasingly nervous as he tumbles through the void, awaiting his server invite... and waits, and waits...
💚  💛  ❤️
Dog's Life - Chapter 1 - First 1,000 words under the cut
Original 3rd Life series concept designed by Grian and played out by the server members; consider checking it out on YouTube if you haven't seen it yet :)
[ Grian: impulse ]
[ Grian: what kind of candles do you want in your summoning circle? ]
[ Grian: the new life series ]
[ ImpulseSV: lol ]
[ ImpulseSV: Ocean mist is good! ]
[ ImpulseSV: And bamboo :) ]
Impulse isn't breathing. You wouldn't either, if you were the one flying through the void. Breathing here will fill your lungs with icy spikes. Yeah, he was technically coded as a demon, his mortal flesh warm with the taste of life, but breathing here still wouldn't be a good idea. It's smarter to free-fall in an exhale. Smarter to suck the empty air through your nostrils (if at all).
The void smells like frost burn, gunpowder, and the gooey poison of cave spiders all mixed together and baked in a cake of death. It's a small improvement over the steamy sulfur of the Nether, but neither one is a cake you should be eating. While the void isn't alive, sometimes Impulse hears it huffing at him. If you skim low enough, you can hear saliva crackle as it licks its lips and rumbles, hungry for its prey. It wants you. More than any lover every will, more than any ravager or vex or creeper, and it will crush your lungs if you so much as grant it breath. Impulse has died to it a dozen times, but this won't be one of those days.
It's a wall. It divides this world from other worlds. It will gobble you up and leave a petrified husk behind. Your unmoving body will float a few moments in empty space until the void spits out your code again beside a bed. Falling out of this world, plunging into the depths of the void, is one of the fastest deaths there is (right up there with a bad fall that snipes all ten of your hearts in one blow)… but it's the death that always takes the longest to regenerate from. You never hit the ground. There is no sudden snap. It just devours you. It's dangerous and beautiful and Impulse loves it for its mysteries. He wants to grip it in his hands. Run thick streams of it through his fingers. Immerse himself in danger and delight.
The void will kill him if he spends much longer down here. Even if he holds his breath. And he can't fault it for that. When he's down to the last threads of durability on his elytra, he really shouldn't be skimming this low in the inky darkness. It's either been 15 minutes or an hour of waiting for Grian's call… Both are indistinguishable, the rocket count the only indication that time exists down here under the world at all.
Yet some kind of yearning in his code demands he play the waiting game here… Something raw, something primal, buried deep within his data core.
Question: Why?
Impulse blasts another rocket, arcing upwards. Years of practice keep him from bashing his head straight into the bedrock ceiling, but… Eee, that squeal he made when scraping close wasn't exactly the most manly thing he'd ever done. Skizz would get a giggle out of it and wax poetic about how much he loves those little shrieks, but Skizz isn't here right now. He's off in the mines hunting down a little extra coal. Though he didn't bump his head, Impulse rubs it anyway and gives the bedrock a little kick.
"Mean," he mutters to himself. He should probably stay up here. There's more oxygen near the bedrock. The cold doesn't bite as much. But he dips his elytra and ducks away from the ceiling anyway… mostly because he doesn't trust himself enough not to slip up and punch it with his fist. With ungloved hands, punching it is sure to result in damaged knuckles. His hunger haunches aren't full enough to offer natural regen after that.
Goosebumps blister across his skin. The yawning void stays empty underneath him. And Impulse, so often steady in his faith… begins to falter. What's going on? He made a schedule. Has recording for the new Life Series already started without him? Maybe Grian told him the wrong date. Or…
Maybe, in spite of last week's chat messages about candles on the Hermitcraft server… Grian forgot that one of his players needs a special invitation to join a new world for the first time. As a demon, it's built inside his code. He needs a circle. His name chanted thrice…
No. Grian won't forget him.
Impulse swoops into the blackness and pulls up like a hummingbird. He juggles double rockets in his offhand. Okay. Okay. His breath slithers out in a silver cloud. Every inhale stabs his lungs. The void is freezing- really freezing. Do people realize that? It's already eating away his skin like maggots and he hasn't even touched the worst of it. Or is he just crazy? Yeah! Maybe he's gone crazy from spending 15 minutes to an hour straight down here, doing nothing but fly in aimless circles, awaiting a portal that may never come…
The void feels blacker here in the Overworld, somehow, than it does when you're in the End. It engulfs him in a cloak, and Impulse cannot breathe. The wings of his elytra strain at his shoulder muscles. Oh. He's too low. They're trying to pull away from him, like the pockets flapping from his cargo shorts. The wings are weaving in and out of his code. That's not unusual this close to the void. The void is weird like that. It wants to rip him into pieces. It wants to drag him closer. It wants to gobble him up.
Paf! goes half a heart of damage. Paf! Paf!
Ow. Impulse whips his mind back from its wanderings, throwing all his energy into his wing muscles. His elytra strain, but with the help of a rocket, he sails a little higher. His hearts stop flickering. He presses a hand against his chest. Okay… He can still feel six of them beating. He's okay.
Grian won't forget about him. He won't.
[Cnt'd on AO3 - Link at top]
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ga-yuu · 1 year
Yoichi and Shigehira Sequel Cute moments - Part 7 (Yoichi's route)
Yoichi (serious face): "So yeah, like I said, I want Yoshino."
Yoritomo (smug face): "Bold of you to make that offer to me."
Yoritomo: "What do you wanna do Yoshino?"
Yoshino: "I'm surprised that he asked out of nowhere, but it's true that I want to live with him."
Yoritomo: "I see. I was, of course going to reject the idea of this guy kidnapping the Shogunate's very own pharmacist...."
Yoritomo: "But I can't pretend to unsee or underestimate Yoshino's hopes."
Yoritomo (smiling): "If you wanna go, then go. But show your face to us, once in a while, got it?"
Yoritomo (smiling): "Without you, the Shogunate's liveliness will go away."
(You're exaggerating...)
Yoshino (smiling): "Thank you!"
Yoshino(smiling): "I love the Shogunate, so even I will be sad to leave."
Yoritomo(smug face): "Did you hear that? Yoichi."
Yoichi: "Yeah yeah..."
And pulls Yoshino close to him.
Yoichi (smiling): "Don't worry, from now on, I'll make sure you are even more happy at the Rebel mansion."
Yoritomo: "Oh?"
Morinaga: "Aww, Yoshino is getting married?"
Kagetoki: "We're late. Maybe we will have at least teach her how to snap necks in case of emergency."
Yoichi: "Don't teach her weird things!"
Tamamo(drama queen): "Buhu. I'm going to be so lonely that I'm sure I'm gonna wet my pillow with tears every night. Don't you think so too? Shigehira?"
Shigehira: "If you wanna see her, you can go there anytime. The three forces are still continuing their treaty anyways."
Yoichi: "Don't worry, if you come to Hiraizumi one day, I'll show you some good restaurants."
Tamamo (drama queen): "Things like that won't heal my heart from having Yoshino stolen from me, but I'll take that offer anyway."
Yoichi: "Yosh! Then I'll ask Kurama----"
Tamamo: "NO! Not him. If it's him, he will take me to an empty bamboo field instead and challenge me. It's annoying!"
Yoshino: "Fufu...."
Shigehira: "Yoichi-san..."
Yoichi: "What?"
Shigehira: "If you don't make her happy, I won't forgive you."
Yoichi (smiling): "Don't worry, I'm going to spoil Yoshino so much that she won't want to go back to Kamakura and will be always happy."
He started stroking my head and my heart tingled at the sweet gaze.
Shigehira (blushing): "...Aren't you embarrassed?"
Yoshino(blushing): "....I just recently found out that Yoichi-san is so unscrupulous."
Yoichi(evil smile): "That's because it's your fault if you ask me..."
Kagetoki: "I could tell that these two love each other so much that they would start making out in public if they get a chance."
Yoichi: "Hehe. I won't say no to that."
Tamamo: "Don't let him get the best of you, Yoshino!"
Morinaga: "If we hear that Yoshino is crying, we will barge into the Rebel mansion."
Yoichi: "Please don't! I'll always make her happy!"
Yoichi: "It's time. I'm here to catch the culprit who stole the pottery I just finished making."
Yoichi(angry): "Say it, who did it? Now!"
Yoshino: "Yo-Yoichi-san, calm down!"
Sueharu: "Is this why you called me here? When you said you have an important meeting?"
Kurama: "Boring~"
Yoichi: "It was a masterpiece I made at the request of Yoshino."
Yoichi: "Now that I finished making it, I was going to serve snacks in it for Yoshino so that I would get to watch her cute happy face. But it's all ruined now!"
Yoichi: "For that, the culprit will be sentenced to cleaning the toilets for three whole months."
Yoshitsune(straight face): "I don't have experience in that, but I think I can do it..."
Benkei: "Yoshitsune-sama is not the culprit. Don't worry, I won't let you do something like that."
(If the subordinates and the maids saw one of these people cleaning the toilets, they would have a panic attack)
Yoichi: "No. 1 suspect, Benkei."
Benkei: "Huh?"
Yoichi: "What do you mean, 'huh'? You often break my pots and plates when you're drunk."
Benkei: "Your plate was stolen this time. If I had broke it, I would have tried fixing it or will come out clean. I wouldn't try to cover it up..."
Yoshino: "That seems something like Benkei would actually do."
Yoichi: "Don't look so proud. Also please don't break my stuff anymore."
Yoichi: "Next, Sueharu!"
Sueharu(smiling): "I'm innocent, your honor."
Yoichi: "Which part of you?"
Yoichi: "What if I told you that you thought my pottery looked good and sold them without my knowledge, then?"
Sueharu: "Of course not. If I had to steal something from you, it would be Yoshino's heart."
Yoshino(surprised): "Huh!?"
Sueharu-san grabs Yoshino's hand.
But Yoichi immediately pulled Yoshino towards him.
Yoichi: "Su-A-Haru. If you don't behave yourself, I'll invite Morinaga to our next party without telling you."
Sueharu: "No, sorry. Anything but that."
(Sueharu-san still doesn't seem to like Morinaga-san)
Yoichi: "Sit here, Yoshino. This is the safest place on earth for you and no one will mess with you here."
Yoshino: *blushing*
We were so close that our shoulders were touching.
Yoichi: "Now you!"
Yoichi: "You don't have a criminal record, but you have a reputation for being unreasonable."
Kurama: "Nonsense. I don't know. I don't care."
Sueharu: "Wow, finished his statement in three words."
Yoichi: "Let's put you on hold for now and...the last one, is Yoshitsune-sama."
The pure amethyst eyes stared back at Yoichi
Yoshitsune and Yoichi: *stare*
Yoshitsune: "It breaks my heart...when you're suspecting me like this, for something I don't even know about."
Yoichi: "No...I..I was...Ermmm..."
Benkei: "Yoichi! You bastard! How dare you...!"
Kurama: "Do you want to be killed inside the toilet?"
Sueharu: "What happened to the cleaning part?"
(No one can beat Yoshitsune-sama!)
Yoshino: "Then who stole it?"
Yasuchika: "Sorry, it was me."
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angstyaches · 1 year
The Bamboo Cup
The upcoming Payton fic was shaping up to be swamped by my desire to properly introduce you all to Dani, sooo instead of that, please enjoy this prologue to the Payton fic, a.k.a. about 1,500 words of pure Dani.
CW: internal rage, difficulty with social cues, stimming, mention of misgendering, lustful female gaze.
“Is that real?”
The customer was wearing dark lipstick and she had even darker eyes. Dani honestly only noticed the lips first because the customer was prodding the lower one with a fingertip.
“Your labret.”
“Oh.” Dani mirrored the customer’s gesture and touched her own lip, as though she was an idiot who needed to investigate whether or not her own skin had been struck through with a needle. “Yeah, it’s real.”
“That’s really cool, dude.”
The customer, Dani realised, was also wearing a piece of jewellery on her lower lip. A gold hoop positioned off to the side. She also had a gold nose stud, a gold necklace, and gold frames on her glasses. It was all very Cleopatra-esque. All very lovely. What had Dani been doing again?
“Mine’s fake,” the customer said. 
Right. Lip piercings.
“I keep telling myself I’ll get the real deal one day, but I hear it hurts a ton.”
Dani shrugged. She didn’t tell the customer that it actually hadn’t hurt that much. If she did, she’d feel obliged to add that she had an extremely high pain tolerance and that her experience probably wasn’t typical of the average human. That would have required too many words, and this conversation – despite the attractiveness of the person she was having it with – had already drained half of the energy she’d intended on doling out over the course of the afternoon.  
She now had approximately one and a half hours of patience left, and four hours of work.
Damn it all. 
It was Jake’s birthday, and even though he didn’t have a shift today, the coffee shop staff were going out for drinks after they closed up tonight. Dani’s brain kept forgetting about that, only to slap her in the face with it again and again. 
That meant four hours of work, plus however many hours were appropriate at the bar. And the answer to that always revealed itself over the course of an event, meaning she couldn’t prepare herself mentally ahead of time.  
Why in the name of Thanos had Dani agreed to go to that? Maybe she could pretend to have a family emergency. Or a kidney stone.  
“Here, your coffee’s ready,” she said to her customer, a little more harshly than she meant to. The customer blinked, and Dani almost chomped down on her own tongue in frustration.
God, Dani. It’s not this girl’s fault you have to go out tonight.  
Dani was trying hard lately not to gender people she didn’t know, using gender-neutral terms for strangers, even if she was just talking in her own head. She could tell how much it hurt Payton when customers consistently misgendered them, but they were too nice to ever correct anyone. Once or twice a day, Dani had to stop herself from marching up, gesturing to Payton’s nametag, and asking the customer if they had trouble reading the words they and them, or if they just couldn’t comprehend how to use them in a sentence.  
It was frustratingly simple, and Dani had a hard time accepting that this wasn’t the case for everybody.
Thanks to her newest medication – and a little self-control, she supposed – she hadn’t actively snapped at any customers at this job. Yet.
She looked down at the cup that her hands had prepared without her brain’s input. It was a reusable cup made of bamboo, with a digital floral design wrapped around the outside. The customer was holding a rubber lid that matched its peachy colour scheme.  
Their nails were painted with a glossy clear coat.  
Hmm. This was good practice, Dani thought as she handed the cup over, and the customer took it in their hands.
They... were wearing high-waisted jean shorts. Their shirt was open to the top of their cleavage and tied in a knot at the front, revealing a sliver of their stomach, too. Their perfume was a little overwhelming, but it reminded Dani faintly of apples, and apples made her think of autumn and Halloween, so she probably could have made herself get used to it…
Dani reached for one of the soft beads of the bracelet on her left hand, pinching it hard to get her thoughts back on track. She was at work. Getting paid so she could pay her rent and spend her free time on her book.  
She sincerely hoped she’d gotten this order right, since she couldn’t remember reading it or deciding what ingredients and method to use. This – the zoning out – happened to her about twelve times a day though, and people rarely came back complaining about getting the wrong drinks. It was truly a miracle that she’d never scalded herself or anybody else due to going into a trance behind the milk steamer.
The customer set the lid on their reusable cup and nudged it slightly in Dani’s direction while it was in the air. “Thanks. See ya.”
“Uh, sure,” Dani said unenthusiastically.  
There were certainly customers that she’d seen more than once in her life, but it’d be their lucky day if Dani remembered them. Some – mainly office workers, judging by the suits they wore and how they only ever came in for takeout coffees – who sometimes came in and asked for ‘the usual’ (bonus Infuriating Idiot points if they also addressed her as ‘love’), and it was at those times that Dani wanted to undo her apron, throw it on the floor, stomp on it, and quit. And then set the entire shop on fire.  
Instead of that, though, she usually glanced around for Payton.
Payton, who had an uncanny knack for remembering not only the regulars’ faces, but their typical orders, too. Payton, who said things like, ‘oh, I like your new haircut!’ and ‘how did your meeting go last week?’ Stuff that sounded like alien talk to Dani.
And the best part? Payton was never condescending about it. They didn’t expect Dani to get her social skills up to their level. They saw how efficiently she made drinks and made her feel valued for that alone.  
When it boiled down to it, Payton was the main reason that she was actually happy to come to work these days The sooner the older managers were phased out so Payton could run the whole place, the better.
As she thought about Payton, Dani’s eyes were drawn across the shop, to where they were taking their lunch break. Their girlfriend had come in to see them, and the two of them were chatting at a window table while Payton ate a prosciutto and provolone (honestly, what did places like this have against the classics like ham and cheese?) that they’d selected from the display case.  
Dani blinked as she realised Bamboo Cup – with their smoulder, their fake gold lip ring, and their little jean shorts – was walking over to that same table.  
Payton’s girlfriend – shit, Dani could never get her name straight. April? Winter? It was something to do with the calendar – stood up to hug Bamboo Cup. And it wasn’t the rushed, polite hug of two acquaintances who felt obliged to pretend to like each other just because they’d happened to cross paths in public. It was a genuine, lingering hug. Those two were friends. Not work friends, not Facebook friends, but friends.
Dani felt an electric buzzing in the pit of her stomach as this unfolded. Payton’s girlfriend wasn’t nearly as hot as Bamboo Cup, but she was still devastatingly cute. What Dani wouldn’t have given to be wedged in the middle of that hug –  
Payton took a bite out of their sandwich and nodded for the Bamboo Cup person to sit down and join them at their table. The three of them immediately fell into a discussion that Dani couldn’t hear.
These guys were all friends.
The realisation made Dani’s hands feel clammy.
“Excuse me, Dani?”  
She turned to look at Rachel, who had stepped away from the till and was waving a docket in her face. Dani had to swallow the urge to slap the paper right out of her hand.
“Cappuccino, skim milk, double shot?” Rachel was pretty as well, but she was also the kind of person who always sounded like they were asking a question rather than just saying something. That kind of ambiguity made Dani so mad, she could pull out her own teeth.
“Alright,” Dani said like Hollywood starlet, a tactic she employed when she felt like being sarcastic or rude. It made her sound sarcastic or rude enough for the other person to get her point, yet she never sounded sarcastic or rude enough for them to call her out on it.
Rachel smiled, and Dani suspected the smile was just as fake as her own Hollywood starlet voice. It was a mask for how she really felt, which was probably annoyance. Dani respected that. That was the thing about respect; it was easy to respect a person, even if you didn’t like them.
Dani chewed her lip as she got back to work, dwelling on her own labret piercing now. She couldn’t help flicking the back of the jewellery with her tongue, now that it was on her mind. She was very aware that her facial expression probably looked strange to anybody who was watching.  
But was it really that cool? Maybe she needed to get more piercings...
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mitsai-tl · 1 month
Love and Whistle - Sucrette English TL (恋と口笛)
On that Sunday morning with pleasant weather,
I saw the true summer sun shining
Your dazzling smile in profile,
そっと見つけてdriving to the seaside
I discovered it driving to the seaside
My favorite melody slips through the car radio
Towards the minty blue sea,
It drifts up and disappears
Could it be the fault of summer magic?
The sound of a whistle¹ blows out of place
ビーチはパラソルでfeel my summer
Under a parasol on the beach, feel my summer
You make a sour little face
Before the lemonade can drip
Before this summer ends
On a day like this, dusk is bound to come quickly
少しだけ背伸びしてkissing on your cheek, yeah!
I reach up a little on my tiptoes, kissing on your cheek, yeah!
If it wasn’t the summer magic,
It might have been the magic of love coming on!
Could it be the fault of summer magic?
Just a little blowing of that lovely whistle
Sweet summer days
Sweet summer days
And so our love’s destination
Is bound to be known only by the minty blue sea
¹ 口笛 means 'to whistle' in Japanese (くちぶえ) however the kanji is also the name of a small Chinese flute made of bamboo (Koudi)
Translated by Mitsai.
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I forgot if I sent this request? But Zhongli breeding his bunnyperson lover while they’re in heat?? pleaseee?
Ask and ye shall receive! Yeah, this was the first zhongli breeding request I got so(☞゚ヮ゚)☞
Dragon at the Top, Rabbit at the Bottom Summary: The first time you invite Zhongli to join you in your heat, he had ran away, years later him joining you for your heat was something that was established without any need for a contract.
As the God of Marriage and Harvest, you had no shortage of followers and worshippers. This abundance had greatly contributed to your survival during the Archon Wars and the subsequent fall out of the Tragedy of Khaenri’ah. Of course, your affair with the God of Contracts and Lord of Geo had contributed to your continued survival as the Ancestor of the Rabbit Clan, and Liyue’s God of Marriage and Harvest.
Though you had no qualms in displaying your indomitable strength to those who would challenge you, your lazy nature and natural rabbit inclinations had led you to be neutral towards worldly affairs. In a sense, you had only interacted with the mortal world and fellow gods on a work basis, in mortal terms you were a workaholic god. Where others would have been dissuaded by your nature, Morax had been enamored.
To him, you were dedicated to your worshippers and followers. Your good work ethic was a reflection of your appreciation for following contracts. Simply put, in Morax’ eyes you had no discernable faults thus you were desirable as a lover.
The memory of him appearing right before you in that bamboo forest was one of your most interesting memories. Primarily because it was the first time you had ever seen a dragon come into a rabbit’s den in the middle of their heat. It had brought you endless amusement, seeing Morax’ calm serene eyes marred with panic once the scent of your head began to permeate the air of your den.
The outer sleeves of your hanfu had slipped over, revealing the smooth expanse of your skin, a solid evidence of your life that was devoid of hardships. At the same time it was an evidence of your strength that no one had ever been able to over power you. Your long silk like hair was spread out on the soft cool wood of your den’s floor.
“To what great pleasure, do I owe the Geo Archon to have come to my abode without any invitation?” You greeted him, eyes half-lidded with lust as you maintained control of your lucidity.
“That-I-” Morax stammered as he tried to look away from your enticing form that was sprawled out elegantly on what he could only surmise as your nest, “I would like to invite you to see the first lantern rite with me...however I had been re-” His words faded as his eyes were drawn to the rustle of clothes.
Your inner sash was untangled causing your inner robe to slip down and reveal the smooth expanse of your chest, twin red peaks perked up as you smiled at him, “You were?”
“I wasn’t aware that it was your heat…” He gulped and averted his eyes, the red tips of his ears were the only indication that he was embarrassed.
“I apologize for the intrusion, I’ll be taking my leave.”
“I would not mind if Lord Morax would stay and...help me out in my heat?” You had teasingly offered him, your red eyeliner and red lips added to your seductive charm, the twitch of your long black ears gave you a playful look.
“...” His eyes widened before he abruptly turned around and left in a hurry.
You blinked, surprised at his action before your loud laughter echoed in your den. You sank in your soft nest and hoped to see that sort of expression on his face once more.
In his abode, Morax tried to calm his racing heart, he could feel the heat on his face and the slight hardness in his dick. It was the first time he had ever been exposed to such a potent scent of heat.
“Things must be done in order…” He reminded himself as he tried to banish away the images of your alluring half-naked body from his mind.
And yet as he uttered those words, Morax could not help but remember your soft teasing voice inviting him to experience worldly pleasures. Your soft laughter and this hidden side of you somehow tickled his heart.
Liyue, 3600 Years Later
The soft moans and distinct sound of flesh slapping could be heard loud and clear within the halls of your residence. You made no effort to stifle the sounds of pleasure that Zhongli easily coaxed from your mouth. Your hair was in disarray, a tangled mess that only served to make your naked body even more erotic in Zhongli’s eyes.
Your nipples were red and wet from Zhongli’s earlier ministrations, he was truly good with using his mouth not only in sharing Liyue’s history but also in his ability to apply the exact amount of pleasure necessary to make you come from his bite alone. The twitch of your black rabbit ears with each hard thrust of Zhongli’s hip made him aware of how much you were feeling.
His thick monstrous cock was scraping the insides of your slutty hole, making you arch your body from the pleasure that emanated from each thrust that hit your sensitive spot. Your nails dragged a long line of scratch on Zhongli’s back as you came from another bout of pleasure, instinct driving you to clamp on Zhongli’s cock to ensure that his seed would be buried deep inside you.
You felt his arms hold you as your body was lifted from the soft floor of your nest. The sudden change in position gave you a micro orgasm as the head of his cock brushed past your sensitive spot.
“Why haven’t you come yet?” You mumbled in his ear, softly whining from the lack of his thick come filling you.
You felt, rather than saw, his smirk as he placed a kiss on your shoulder. His dragon part took over from his human self as he answered, “You know that this year’s heat is more potent than the last, if I spilled all of my seed inside you right now you would definitely end up pregnant, my dear.”
His sharpened nails softly went down your back, before settling on your ass cheeks and spreading it, Zhongli continued speaking, “Or is it that you want to bear my children now? Would you like that, changing from the God of Marriage and Harvest into the God of Marriage and Childbirth?”
His soft sultry voice made your insides twitch in interest, your breathing becoming hard as the next onslaught of heat came again.
“Shut u-!”
Zhongli had lifted you up and slammed you into his dick, causing you to moan and once again sink into the haze of lust. Saliva dripped down the sides of your mouth as Zhongli repeatedly slammed you, in time with him raising his hips, into his cock doubling the pleasure you felt with each thrust that had you moaning lewdly.
Each thrust had you begging him for more, uncaring of the lewd face you were making which was a far cry from your usual composed face. You no longer knew nor cared for what you were asking from Zhongli, your mind was only focused on his thick cock that repeatedly slammed inside you, hitting your sensitive spot again and again, each thrust throwing your mind deeper into the haze of lust.
Zhongli’s grunts and moans mixed with the squelch of your wet hole as his cock impaled you again and again, scraping your insides and making you long for the feeling of his thick seed.
His hand went up to your tail and squeezed it, making you moan louder just as he thrusted into you before letting a thick load of cum inside your hole right as you came. You cried his name, your arms reaching out for him, wanting to be held as you rode out your orgasm.
And Zhongli, the perfect lover that he was, obliged and held you close to his chest. Opting to rest for a moment as he kept his cock sheathed inside you. He kissed you softly on your mouth while his hands wandered through the smooth expanse of your body feeling its softness before it settled in the dip of your waist.
“Mhmm...You’re already loose enough for my next form…” Zhongli told you and you hummed softly, baring your neck as you felt him transform his body to ensure that he would be able to breed you.
Had you been outside your heat, you would have flushed over Zhongli’s handsome form, one he wore in public as Rex Lapis, but with the heat clouding your reason you could only position yourself invitingly to him. Spreading your legs wide and lewdly inviting him to take you, to breed you with all his might.
Gone was the mortal shell he wore, adorned on top of his head were two horns, his pupils had turned into the slits of a dragon, his teeth had gone sharp, his hand up until his forearm had turned into the smooth scale of a dragon.
His dick had grown thicker and longer, split into two and both were leaking thick droplets of cum that had you biting your lips in anticipation.
“Yánwáng Dìjūn” You called him sweetly, arms outstretched for an embrace and Zhongli sank into your wet hole and into your embrace.
He inhaled the scent of your heat and pheromones that smelled like sandalwood, a comforting scent that never went away from the days before the Archon Wars and its aftermath. This was your scent that never failed to bring him peace, an everlasting scent that lingered for decades.
He moaned at the clench of your hole, biting your neck as your sharp nails dragged long lines on his back. He kissed the spot he bit as your legs hugged his waist, the sensation of his two dicks scraping your insides as it gushed out slick only served to fuel your libido.
Each thrust of his hip brought you immense pleasure, hitting your sensitive spots that had you losing yourself to the haze of lust. Everything in you felt on fire as Zhongli gripped your waist, thrusting his two thick and long cocks inside you again and again all the way. His balls slapping your buttocks making obscene sounds as your wet cavern squelched from the combined liquid of your slick and Zhongli’s previous cum. The sudden loss of his cock filling you inside went unnoticed as he turned you around to lay on your stomach, ass up and presenting your wet and loose hole that was dripping his and your cum into the silk sheets of your nest.
“Yánwáng Dìjūn?”
It was all you could say before you moaned loudly from the force of his dicks slamming inside you, making his thick load of cum from earlier spurt out of your hole.
“Fuwaaa~ahn!”Your broken moans only made him grip you tighter as you clung onto to sheets for your dear life, you felt your hole clench just as the comforting weight of his body enveloped your smaller frame.
His hand wandered to your chest, pinching and twisting your glistening and reddened nipples as his cocks repeatedly thrusted into you.
“Inside me-!” You moaned as Zhongli bit you and unloaded his thick white cum inside of you. The rest of his come dribbled down the insides of your things while some fell into a puddle below your hole.
Zhongli’s pants filled your ears as he gripped you into a hug. His hand then reached downwards to your hole, scooping some of his come into his hand and presenting it into your mouth.
You opened your mouth as his fingers went near and moaned as his fingers began fucking your mouth.
“As the new God of Childbirth, you have to lead by example” Zhongli whispered as you tasted his sweet cum in your tongue, he kissed the back of your neck, “Bear my children.”
Your hole twitched in interest, as you swallowed his cum. You reached for his cocks, noting that it was already hard again, perhaps it was the from the orgasm or maybe it was due to your heat but you found yourself uttering words you would never have dared,
“How bold, for a mere element like you that merely ascended by chance to demand such a thing from a God like me.”
Soon you found yourself being fucked once more, harder and faster, feeling Zhongli’s annoyance and even then you knew that he was still holding back. Nothing like the beast that he truly was beneath the years of knowledge he had gained from achieving the pinnacle of cultivation.
He chanted your name as he impaled his cocks in you again and again, making you throw away all your aloof dignity as you moaned and begged him for more, begging him to fill you up with his seed and show his might.
Zhongli didn’t stop thrusting as you came again and again from his cocks, he didn’t stop even when he came losing himself to the thought of breeding you and dominating you.
His cocks didn’t stop filling you and when your hole couldn’t take it anymore, he fucked your mouth, repeatedly thrusting his two cocks and spurting his come down your throat multiple times as your hole twitched from the jade pillar he had plugged it with to keep all his come inside.
Your face was stained with his come, some of it staining your hair. Your belly was filled with his come and Zhongli had shown no signs of stopping anytime soon. As you felt him come for the nth time you slowly felt your consciousness slip away, the edges of your vision darkening as you tasted the familiar sweet taste of his come fill your mouth.
‘Ah~ I really provoked this dragon this time~’ You thought with mild amusement.
You were quite sure that once your heat was over, you would end up pregnant with his child.
When Spring arrived in Liyue, the entirety of Liyue Harbor found the esteemed consultant of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Zhongli, holding a visibly pregnant lady in his arms. Their belly was large and round, showing despite the considerably loose hanfu they wore but the most eye catching part was the possessive and caring way Mr. Zhongli cared for his pregnant spouse.
From the tips of their inky black hair to the pearls and gems that adorned their rabbit ears, the citizens of Liyue knew that Mr. Zhongli would have a litter of children. He had after all impregnated the most and highly esteemed race descended from Liyue’s God of Harvest and Marriage.
Unbeknownst to the town people, and only known to those who had a sharp sense of smell, the state of your pregnancy did nothing to stop Zhongli from breeding you repeatedly every night, everyday and in every opportunity that was presented to him. Even now as he assisted you in taking your daily walk in the boulevard, Zhongli was pleased by the flush on your cheeks.
It was after all the sign of you feeling the slow drip of his come from him fucking you earlier in one of Liyue’s seedy alley. His adepti powers concealing the act from everyone.
“I can’t wait once you give birth” He whispered into your ear as he hugged you from behind.
Your heat was long over, but the feeling of his cock as he discreetly rubbed it against your ass made you feel like it had returned.
“Mmmm...it’s going to be a long winter then…” You replied absentmindedly as you leaned on his chest. You felt your hole twitch in interest as Zhongli’s hand slipped underneath your skirt, you bit back a moan, pretending that nothing lascivious was happening. Idly, as Zhongli began preparing you for another round of breeding, you remembered that dragons had heats too.
And as you felt his cocks enter you easily, you lost your train of thought and fell into the haze of pleasure as Zhongli fucked you again.
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
glaze lily (childe x lumine oneshot)
Lumine let out a huge yawn as she clambered down the steps of the Liyue Inn.
Paimon rubbed her eyes next to her. “Yesterday was such a long day of doing things for Zhongli.” The little guide then perked up. “At least we get a day off today! Paimon thinks we should spend the whole day eating!”
Lumine nodded, mouth salivating at the thought of breakfast. Hmm, what to eat? Grilled Tiger Fish? Mora Meat? Stir-Fried—
She opened the door of the Inn straight into Childe.
“Ahh!” Paimon screamed as Lumine jumped back, hand hovering over the hilt of her sword.
Childe let out a sheepish laugh. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
Lumine let out a sigh of relief, dematerializing her blade. Paimon, on the other hand, let out a huff of anger.
She floated over to the Harbinger, hands on her hips. “What is it that you want? Scaring us first thing in the morning like that!”
“Were you waiting outside for me to wake up?” Lumine asked, one eyebrow raised.
“Only for a bit.” He pulled out a pocket watch. “I assumed the two of you like to sleep in,” he said as he dangled the watch in front of Lumine, “and looks like I was right.”
She rolled her eyes upon seeing that it was nearly the afternoon already as Childe gave her a tiny smirk.
Paimon made noises of protest. “Well, it’s not our fault that you and Zhongli have been making us run around doing all these tiring quests!”
“Well, the two of you have proved more than competent in completing these tasks.” His blue eyes lingered on Lumine, and she felt the need to look away. “Speaking of which,” he continued, “I would like for you to accompany me on a trip today.”
“What’s in it for us?” Lumine asked. Paimon feverishly nodded in agreement.
Childe tilted his head. “Well, as always I’m willing to offer lots of Mora…”
Then, Lumine’s stomach growled. Loudly. Her face flushed.
The Harbinger burst out laughing. “And I’ll throw in breakfast, on me.”
Lumine huffed and crossed her arms, face still burning. “Fine, we’ll take your deal.”
Paimon spun around excitedly. “Yay! Food!”
“So, where to?” Childe asked.
Lumine walked past him, going towards the smell of cooking food. “Whatever smells best.” From the corner of eye, she saw him shake his head with a smile.
After a few moments of following their noses, Paimon and the traveler stopped in front of Su Er’niang’s street food stand.
“That smells…” Lumine started.
“Sooooo gooood!” Paimon interjected, quickly flying to the vendor. “What is that you’re cooking?”
Su Er’niang smiled. “Why, it’s my delicious Zhongyuan Chop Suey!” She held up a plate of aromatic seasoned fish and meat skewers, nestled on a bed of glistening greens. Saliva dripped from Paimon’s mouth.
“How much for a plate?” Lumine asked, after swallowing her own watering mouthful.
“6,600 Mora!”
Her jaw dropped. “6-6,00 Mora for one plate?”
She felt a gloved hand rest on her shoulder, and a bag descended in front of her face.
“Here’s 20,000 Mora,” Childe’s voice rang out above her, directed at the vendor. “Get us three plates. You can keep the leftover money.”
“Oh, uhm, thank you, sir,” Su Er’niang said, taking the bag, eyes nervously flickering between the Fatui member and the traveler.
Ah, yes, the Fatui are very much feared. And for good reason. Lumine recalled Signoria’s attack on her and Venti. How cold and violent it was. She shuddered and shook off Childe’s hand.
“Let’s find a place to sit,” she said, walking away. Childe’s hand briefly hovered where it had been on her shoulder, before dropping to his side. He started to follow her to a table.
The two sat down across from each other, but the air had changed. The harbor was bustling with life in the afternoon sun, but all Lumine felt was Childe’s icy gaze. She tried to awkwardly eat, while his food remained untouched. Paimon scarfed down the skewers, completely oblivious to the tension in front of her. After a while, Lumine set down her food, opening her mouth to say something. But Childe spoke first.
“You still don’t trust me.” His eyes held the same hurt expression from before, when she had initially expressed her distrust of him about the Signoria incident. However, Zhongli wasn’t there to break the tension this time.
“You know why,” Lumine said, her voice tight. “The Fatui can’t be trusted.” It was harsh to say, but it was true. If she let people too close—a member of the Fatui at that—there was no telling what would happen; it could jeopardize her and her brother, wherever he was. If they found out she wasn’t of this world…
The Harbinger’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I won’t disagree there. But I have no interest in being like Signoria, or like the rest of the Fatui at that. As I’ve said before, I don’t agree with their methods.”
“Then why continue to be a part of it?”
“Yeah, you should leave if you don’t like them,” Paimon said quietly, hovering behind Lumine’s shoulder, scared.
He crossed his arms. “We all have our reasons for doing things. I have my reasons to do what I do, just like how you,” he said, leaning in, “have your reasons for keeping secrets.”
Lumine and Childe stared at each other, both with their eyes calculating and searching for answers.
Then, he let out a chuckle, breaking the tension. “Let’s not get so serious so early in the day!” He took a bite of the Chop Suey. “Tasty! Thankfully we don’t need chopsticks for this,” he said with a wink.
The traveler’s brows furrowed, and she exchanged a worried look with Paimon.
Childe sighed. “Look, I’d like for us to be...friends. Would that be so bad?”
“Come with me today, and I promise, no funny business,” he said.
After a moment of silence, Lumine finally spoke, “Where would we be going anyways?” Was this a bad idea?
“Qingce Village.” He seemed to perk up slightly at Lumine agreeing. “I’m on a diplomatic mission, but it’s a rather long journey there alone.” He gave a small smile. “It would be a lot easier with another person accompanying me.”
“Hey! Paimon’s here too!” the fairy protested.
“Sorry, two other people accompanying me.”
“Why not any of your subordinates?” Lumine asked.
Childe rested his chin on his hand, tilting his head. “Boring. It’s always silent. Or, it’s ‘Yes, sir’ this and ‘Yes, sir’ that. I’d much rather have someone like you with me.” His eyes locked with hers.
She felt butterflies in her stomach. She scoffed, trying to get rid of them. “When do we leave?”
“As soon as you finish your food, girlie.”
Lumine stuffed a whole skewer in her mouth, trying to hide the heat that was steadily rising from her stomach to her face. Childe laughed.
“Hurry up, Lumine! Paimon’s already all done!” Paimon lifted her empty plate, going to show Childe. Struggling under the weight, however, she accidentally hit him in the face.
Lumine snorted, and soon, the three of them were all smiles and laughs.
Friends...Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…
                               * * *
“Are we almost there yet? Paimon’s tired…,” Paimon asked, dramatically drooping her shoulders.
“You don’t even walk, you float,” Lumine said.
Paimon pouted. “Doesn’t make it any less tiring.”
“We’re nearly there. The last bridge to cross is up ahead,” Childe answered.
“Oo, Lumine look!” Paimon floated to a plant with shining red fruit hanging from its branches. “Juyeun Chilis!”
Seeing the chilis reminded her of Xiangling. She grimaced at the thought of slime soup.
Paimon sniffed one, and immediately began coughing. “W-wow! Even—cough—even the smell is s-spicy!”
Childe walked over and plucked one, examining it. “Hmm, I’ve yet to try one during my stay in Liyue.”
“Do you like spicy food?” Lumine asked.
“Not necessarily. But, I’m not opposed to trying new things.” He proceeded to take a bite of the chili, as if it were an apple.
Lumine and Paimon both gasped.
He looked at them. “What?”
The traveler regarded him with wide eyes. “Y-you have no reaction?”
He shrugged. “I guess not.”
“You’re a psychopath.”
“Oh? You really think so?” His blue eyes glinted.
Before Lumine could respond, a group of Treasure Hoarders jumped out from the shadows of the bamboo lining the pathway.
“What do we have here? Some lone travelers?” the largest of the group said.
“Some lone travelers we easily outnumber, boss,” another Hoarder added, waving his bow around.
The other Hoarders laughed sardonically, all brandishing their weapons of choice. There were 10 of them, all closing in around Lumine, Childe, and Paimon.
“Give us all your belongings, and we won’t make a fuss,” the boss demanded.
Soon, Lumine and Childe were back to back, with Paimon frantically looking for somewhere to hide.
“Think you can take half of them?” Childe murmured.
Lumine scoffed. “Of course.”
“When I draw my spear then.”
She inched her hand towards where her hilt would materialize momentarily. Then, WHOOSH, the sound of rushing water filled her ears as Childe’s spear formed next to her.
Lumine’s sword appeared in her hand as she rushed forth, striking the closest enemy. They were stunned, giving her time to charge up a Palm Vortex, which ended up sending two of the Hoarders spiraling away. With three left, she charged with her blade again, continuously delivering hits, then sending out a Gust Surge, blowing the remaining three enemies away.
She turned to Childe, ready to assist him, only to find him standing there, watching her. The Treasure Hoarders on his side were already subdued, all groaning on the ground in pain.
“Very impressive,” he said. “No wonder you’re the renowned ‘Hero of Mondstadt.’”
She rolled her eyes. “Good job to you too.”
Paimon flew out from behind a nearby rock. “Whew! We took those guys out fast!”
Lumine raised her brows. “We?”
“You and Childe make a good team!” Paimon said, ignoring the question.
“Yes, I’d say we do,” the Harbinger agreed. “What do you say we join forces?”
“No thank you,” Lumine answered. “Dealing with Paimon is enough.”
Lumine started walking towards the bridge. “C’mon, it’s almost nighttime,” she said, eyeing the colors of the sunset splashed across the sky.
As the three of them crossed the bridge, the sight of the village came into view.
Lumine gaped at the beautiful sea of yellow and orange fields and crystal rivers. She went straight to one of the fields, looking at the colorful flowers.
“So pretty!” Paimon said, laying down in the plants, and closing her eyes. “So soft…”
“I take it you like the village?” Childe asked, walking up behind them.
The traveler nodded. “It’s quiet. Peaceful.”
They stood in silence for a while. Birds chirped. The wind rustled. In the distance, children playfully screamed. The sun was dipping below the horizon, and Paimon’s tiny snores started to fill the air. Childe and Lumine both chuckled.
“Before I speak with the elders,” he started. He leaned down, and picked something out of the ground. A brilliant blue flower with shimmering white petals in the center. “Here.” He held it out for Lumine.
“A glaze lily?” she asked. She remembered seeing some at Liyue Harbor.
“Yes. They’re an extremely ancient flower, and they only open at night.” He brought it closer to her nose. “Zhongli said that it transforms the memories of the land into its fragrance when it opens.”
Lumine leaned in, closed her eyes, and sniffed. There was a scent of the earth, reminiscent of the vast mountain ranges across the land, along with the salty spray of the ocean.
“Yes, it definitely smells like how I would imagine Liyue smells.” She opened her eyes, and to her shock, found Childe’s face closer to hers than before.
She blushed slightly, wanting to back away, but his intense icy blue eyes kept her in place. One of his hands reached up, and then took out the white flowers in her hair.
“Let’s see how this looks,” he said, quieter—his voice more husky—than usual. He gently put the glaze lily in her hair, then stared at her silently.
Lumine’s heart was racing. “W-what?”
He smiled. “Nothing.”
“Don’t lie,” she said.
“Okay.” He leaned in close. “You’re very beautiful.”
Then, Childe kissed her.
If it was possible, Lumine would’ve thought the top of her head blew off, leaving the rest of her body to boil alive in the heat she was feeling.
“Ah-uh-uhm,” she tried to speak; her tongue refused to listen.
He pulled away and chuckled. “Stay close by until I’m done with my meeting, okay?”
“Ah-uh-wha-what?” she stuttered.
Childe casually sauntered away. “Be back soon!”
Lumine stood in place for what seemed like an eternity, trying to keep her brain from melting away.
Did that really just happen?!
“Ch-Childe,” she said, but her voice was barely above a whisper. He was already a dot in the distance. “Childe!” she shouted. But he couldn’t hear her.
Paimon stirred awake. “Huuuuh? What happened?” she slurred, lazily floating up from the ground.
“I—,” Lumine said, “I don’t know.”
It was a surprise. Definitely a huge surprise.
But...she didn’t hate it.
In fact, against everything she had thought of him at this point, she enjoyed it.
She brushed her fingers over her lips. Then, she took the glaze lily from her hair, looking at it over and over again.
Childe...Is he an enemy? A friend? Or is he something more?
[Fic Masterlist]
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starbright-cobweb · 2 years
I have this unshaped thought about "actually 10 companies are responsible for climate change!".
I was fulltime in climate messaging for Several Years; the problem of carving the right message is still something my brain chips away at. Basically, the thing everyone wants to hear is "it's not your fault, you don't have to do anything, and nothing in your life will change". You can't give people that, but your challenge is to find a way past it without distressing people so badly they shut down or become defensive. You need to create a discomfort or a tension in the listener - and then provide them with a resolution which dissipates that tension (i.e. by doing what you want them to do: "This dog is sad :( but look! now this dog is happy! :) For only £10 a month by direct debit") It's a mix of frightening and reassuring people and I've never been good at it, and I don't know anyone who is.
Superficially - "actually 10 companies are responsible for climate change!" is a good line. It fights back at individualist "fight environmental catastrophe by changing your brand of shampoo!" style thinking, and puts the focus back on systems. When someone is discomforted by your message, you generally do NOT want the action they take to be "I'll feel guilty in the store and maybe try a bamboo toothbrush", you want to get them as close as they can go to meaningful action. You want them looking at the real enemy - and it isn't in the mirror.
But it's also disempowering. In many ways, it's the line people want to hear: "10 companies are responsible for climate change. it's not your fault, you don't have to do anything, and nothing in your life will change". It's kind of a climate-doomer message, posing as a left wing one; you sort of shrug and say, yeah that's capitalism and then your brain dozes off. Turns out the real villain is not a vampire you can stake, but an all-encompassing eerie phenomenon with no clear form or body, no beginning and no end, more of a Happening or a Manifestation, like fighting a mirage. Nobody looks at the Overlook Hotel and thinks: let's call in an exorcist. Things merely Occur, and you survive or you die or you go to a great party.
& there's also a sense that, while individualism is a neoliberal fantasy, there is a kind of horseshoe where going all the way around to full anarchist also gets you back to personal responsibility: feed people, house people, fix holes in the road, do that work yourself, start building that future now. The implications and philosophy are different in ways I guess I'm not politically sophisticated enough to explain. Buy your own bus and fill it with food for refugees: "Nobody else is going to come and do this - I can, and I will, and I can breach the invisible codes of my society that makes it not-my-responsibility, but I choose to notice, and make this my job".
So, actually, I do think individual actions have a role here, in that they make the whole thing less overwhelming - they provide a bit of reassurance, a bit of empowerment, a tangible action someone can do that feels easy and surmountable. In theory, at least - I mean, in terms of messaging - that's what you want to avoid. Somebody offloading their anxiety about a thing onto a small action instead of, you know, showing up at a pipeline with equipment from the hardware store - or joining their local direct action environmental group (btw - you should google and find out what's nearby, and make time to go to a meeting: that is the number one most useful thing you can do. There's power in numbers and sharing skills and support on working on a problem as a social community).
But in practice, I think the small actions are both sustaining and radicalising - a sort of "Oh, that was easy; and now I'm ready for the next step". As well as laying the groundwork for consensus about new ways of living, creating more people who are passively advertising environmentalism through their everyday choices (in other words, creating little sparks of messaging-tension everywhere they go: I had a vegan burger on Mother's Day and, spotting that, my father-in law also chose to have one. I'll take that opportunity for what it is - one notch in the right direction.).
And I find the little choices are strengthening. As you might expect, i have Intense environmental panic, and letting my ragwort grow out and doing stuff with lentils is soothing - I find I cannot be effective on this topic without exerting those small fragments of control. I spend an hour decimating local invasive flowers, I say "see, this climate stuff is simple!" - and then I'm ready to face the streets and do hard things.
There's a better 'line' here - if only I knew what it was - and it's not "the problem is being caused by 10 companies, absolutely beyond your control and frankly, beyond your comprehension; so why bother doing so much as swapping to vegan milk, we're all fucked". We need a line that blends both the systemic and the tangible.
Like, the 10 companies don't take you off the hook as an individual: but you need to think bigger than the personal as well. If the issue is "we don't have any public transport", there probably is an anarchist-adjacent DIY solution like crowdfunding for an old bus and find some motivated OAPs who want to staff it as a retirement project. One of the farms near us started up a farm shop-cafe, selling their own meat, as well as produce from all around the area - it's local, and yeah it's a business solution, but it's also hands-on and a fine vision for a beautiful future. Getting your street unified on no-pestcides and low-mow as part of a veg-swapping/seed-sharing/tool-exchange collective is extremely doable. Do these make sense, as a kind of scale?
But yeah, there's an error in mocking the small choices, or describing the enemy as both diffuse and insurmountable, and passing "oh I'm totally powerless" around as radicalism. And it is good as a rule to live your values, and I'm not sure when we decided it was strategic to mock that. We have to start now, and create space in which radical futures feel possible - one of the most powerful things in my life has always been those moments of experiencing left-wing-action-in-practice, its just incomparable for smashing through capitalist realism and making you want to make everything, everywhere just like this, now you know how it's done and know what it feels like. And what people can do is going to be a bit different for everyone, but it's also got to be a participatory thing - made up of actions that can be taken on the individual scale. We have no other scale on which we can live, after all. And maybe the line is just: "go join your local environmental direct action campaign - whichever one is nearby and you think is doing good work", in other words, get together with the people who can give you small, satisfying actions like "design leaflets" that come together into radical opportunities.
But yeah, i don't want to see that 10 companies meme again in its current form; not without some kind of shot-and-chaser strategy which re-empowers the reader and makes them feel pumped about something tangible and possible.
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amjustagirl · 3 years
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven. ~ eight.
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm. 
Masterlist here 
AO3 Link here
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‘Y'know, when I asked you to manage 'Tsumu, I never imagined you'd manage him like this.’  Osamu states bluntly, eyebrow raised as Atsumu spends yet another evening seated right by her spot at the till, lobbing playful insults and jokes at her until she snaps at him to ‘shut up for the love of all that is holy and stop disturbing the other customers’ . 
‘Like what?!’ she splutters unconvincingly, her cheeks turning red. 
Osamu gives her a knowing look before he turns away to welcome in another batch of customers. 
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Osamu closes the shop on the anniversary of its opening, and throws a small party at a rooftop bar that a friend of his owns. She’s told that her attendance is absolutely mandatory, so even though she has class early next morning, she finds herself with a drink in her hand, staring down at the crowds of downtown Osaka. If she squints, she can see a child pulling her mother to a stop, pointing overhead at the rainbow of neon street lights in awe. 
‘A hundred yen for your thoughts?’ She doesn’t need to turn around to know it’s Atsumu, his lazy drawl far more pronounced than Osamu’s. 
The child in the street below remains rooted to the spot, causing a buildup in the crowd despite her mother’s attempts to pull her away. It makes her think of the first time her parents brought her to visit the city more than a decade ago, and how overwhelmed she felt, surrounded by people and buildings tall enough to touch the sky, so different from her hometown of rolling hills and bamboo groves. 
‘Did you feel sad when you left home?’ she replies with a question of her own. 
‘Nah - was excited, really. Always dreamed of playin’ volleyball in the big leagues, so stayin’ home wasn’t gonna cut it for me, y'know?’ 
‘Heartless. Probably made your mother cry’, she accuses him, and he acknowledges it with a careless laugh. 
‘What about you? Thinkin’ about home?’ he asks, coming to stand beside her, eyes trained on the thin line separating building and sky. 
‘Leaving was necessary’, she responds simply. 
Especially with two older brothers blessed with both brain and brawn, far better suited to inherit her father’s steel forge. But while her father might spend most of the day teaching her brothers how to craft the sharpest knives, his evenings were spent at the kitchen table with her perched on his lap, learning to balance numbers in his account books. And with her schoolteacher mother drilling into her head the importance of an education, moving down to Osaka for an accountancy degree seemed less like a choice and more like an inevitable conclusion. 
He frowns at her silence. ‘Did you get kidnapped by aliens or somethin’? Usually you’d be snappin’ at me, or scolding me, or shouting at me for being a dick – completely undeserved, by the way’.
‘I just seem quiet because you talk too much. Has anyone ever told you that?’ she retorts. But there is no fire in her words, and he only chortles in response. 
They watch in silence as the crowd below them slowly starts to thin out as the dusk fades into night. The cold night air bites through her thin sweater into her skin, and she shivers, unconsciously shifting closer towards Atsumu’s warmth. He shoots her a look that’s halfway between a smile and a smirk as he slides his jacket over her shoulders, and she pretends the flush on her cheeks is from the alcohol in her drink. 
But she can’t help but lean into him, letting herself drown in the heat of his hand on her hip and the storm in his eyes. 
Osamu’s eyes cloud in disapproval when he finds out she and Atsumu are dating. ‘He’d better not run off my accountant, that’s all I can say’. 
‘Osamu! Atsumu’s your twin!’ she scolds, arm deep in a vat of rice water. 
‘Exactly’, he responds with a snort. ‘I’m not sure you realise how much of a dick ‘Tsumu can be, ‘specially when all he’s hungry for is chasing a win. I hope you’re ready to handle that.’ 
‘You’re just worried because you’re too cheap to hire a qualified accountant to do your books’ she grouses and he looks like he’s about to snark back, but the chatter of their first customers of the day entering the shop signals the end of their conversation. 
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Dating Atsumu isn’t as bad as Osamu makes it out to be. She’s careful not to ask too much of him when he’s busy with training and competitions, and in any case her schedule is full enough with school and her job, but they make the effort of video calling each other at least twice a week if he’s travelling, and if he’s in town, they spend Friday nights with multiple boxes of pizza (Atsumu’s appetite is enormous) , bickering over what movie to watch next. 
He insists she watch as many games of his as possible, and he spends so much time crowing about his plays that she should be annoyed, but she finds herself charmed by the childlike enthusiasm in his voice. ‘That’s probably why you’re the only one that can stand him’, Osamu comments but she pays him no mind. He’s in the audience cheering for her when she graduates, and takes her out for a fancy meal when she lands her first job ( no, Osamu, working at Onigiri Miya doesn’t count, no matter what you say). 
Their paths might not always converge but when they do, there’s the quiet contentment of finding shelter in each other, and she quickly becomes addicted to the warmth of that feeling in her heart. 
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‘Stop being a baby’, she scolds, as she peels back the sports tape on Atsumu’s back with deliberate care. ‘It’s your fault for going for practice with a strained shoulder and not listening to your physiotherapist!’
‘Don’t nag darlin’, I had to – it was Hinata-kun’s first practice with us!’ He’s practically buzzing in his seat with glee, and she can’t help the soft smile that grows on her face. 
‘There - all done’, she says, and she can’t help but run her hand to rest in the dip of his spine.  
‘What would I do without you?’ he asks, shooting her a roguish smile that distracts her long enough that he’s able to pull her into his lap. 
‘Idiot’, she huffs fondly, and he chuckles in reply, the sound warming her heart. ‘Hey ‘Tsumu?’ she says again, pushing his wandering hands away. 
‘You called, doll?’ he quirks an eyebrow at her, hands heavy against her hips. 
‘I love you’, she whispers against the broad expanse of his chest. 
‘I know’, he says with light laughter in his voice, and swallows her outraged cry ‘arsehole!’  by sliding his mouth over hers until her breath starts to stutter and she closes her eyes. 
There is a storm raging outside, but she pays it no mind. 
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Her stomach churns when she sees the faint line on the test she bought in a panic during her lunch break, and she now wonders whether the nausea she’s been feeling the past week was not a bug she thought she caught, but actually morning sickness after all. That thought makes her feel like puking her guts out again and she does - unceremoniously every morning for weeks after that. 
Atsumu’s in the middle of a series of matches away from home, and she knows he’s warned her again and again not to distract him especially when the championship is within his team’s reach, but the rising swell of panic in her throat outwrestles any rational thought she has left in her head, so she finds herself blurting it out to him the minute they log on for their twice weekly call. 
‘You’re pregnant?’ he echoes blankly, rubbing a disbelieving hand over his face. ‘How?’ 
‘D’you remember the gala night for the opening of the season when I was on antibiotics for an ear infection?’ He nods dumbly, and she twists her fingers in her lap. ‘Yeah… Well I figure it must have happened then.’ 
The connection of their call crackles, and she strains her ears for his response. It doesn’t come. 
‘Right.’ he finally says. ‘So what are you going to do about it?’
‘I...don’t know,’ she confesses. 
They’re both barely on the cusp of adulthood, and the thought of bringing a new life into the world that she’d be wholly responsible floods her with a tidal wave of fear and dread and anxiety that does not ebb away. She’s not sure her boss will take too kindly to finding out she’s pregnant, much less so out of wedlock, especially since she’s barely a year into her job, and she doesn’t even want to think about the dishonour and shame she’ll bring to her family - though a part of her is willing to brave her father’s disapproval and her mother’s tears just to feel their arms around her again. 
But her hands are drawn to the slight swell of her belly, and perhaps it’s sentiment clouding her mind, she’s not sure she has it within her to stamp out the flicker of life budding within her after nights filled with dreams of a child with her smile and Atsumu’s eyes. 
‘Look - I’ve got to go. We’ll talk when I get home, ok?’ he mutters, logging off before she can say goodbye. 
But he doesn’t - not even when his team wins the championship and she finds out from the team’s social media that he’s returned back to Osaka. 
Her calls go unanswered, her texts remain unread, and with desperation rising in her chest she turns to Osamu - even though she initially swore to herself she wasn’t going to drag him into the messes that Atsumu tends to make. But the laws in Japan require the consent of the father if she wants to get rid of the problem (though it feels wrong to term it like that), and he’s the closest male friend she trusts enough to step up to the plate. 
‘Fuckin’ pig’ he snarls, slamming his fist down on the counter so hard it makes her jump back in shock at seeing the normally mild-mannered Osamu lose his temper and react with such obvious rage. But he calms down quickly to close his shop early and walk her home. 
‘It’ll be fine’, he promises her. ‘You’ll see’. 
She’s not sure she trusts Osamu’s definition of fine, not when Atsumu turns up on her doorstep that same night with a smear of blood under his nose and a purple bruise over his right eye. She stares at him, her arms folded across her chest.
‘What do you have to say for yourself, Miya?’, she says, and he winces at her use of his surname, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.  
‘I freaked out ok? Finding out that you got pregnant - that I’m going to be a  dad  made me panic ‘cos I’m totally not ready for that  shit  - even though Osamu’s right, I’m a piece of crap and you’re probably going through so much worse and I should do right by you -.’
‘Atsumu, what are you even saying?!’ She interrupts, exasperated. 
‘I’m asking you to jump off a cliff with me’, he says, lifting his chin to return her stare.
‘Marry me.’ He cuts in softly, bringing his hand to cup her face, brushing his thumb across the corner of her lip. ‘It’s gonna be one hell of a ride, but you and I - we’ll get through this together’. 
She’s struck dumb, suddenly reminded of how being with Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. While there’s the thrill of being near enough to witness the sky collapsing into a torrent of rain and hear the wind descend into howls of rage, there’s also the lingering fear that the next flash of lightning might mean pain, or even death. 
But Atsumu’s eyes are clear pools of light, and she can only see  hope  reflected within it. She wonders if it mirrors the hope in her heart too. 
So she says yes, and catches his smile in her hands. 
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They hold a small wedding at the Miya family shrine with their respective families as quickly as they can before the swell of her belly is unable to be hidden by the folds of her shiro-muku, the traditional white of her kimono a stark contrast against the black and gold of Atsumu’s montsuki. Her face is hidden under the weight of her headdress and her hands tremble as she clasps her kaiken, a blade her father forged himself, and her mother’s bamboo fan to her belt. She does not breathe until she and Atsumu take their third sip of sake from the nuptial cup. 
Osamu is obviously appointed as the best man, and after the ceremony is over, he slaps Atsumu on the back before pressing a careful kiss to her cheek. ‘You’ve downgraded from being my accountant to my sister’, he tells her, and she has to hide her teary laugh behind her hands. But her heart is full and she throws her arms around his neck until Atsumu clears his throat playfully and she pulls away to greet her family. 
‘Take care of her’, her father says, the threat in his and her brothers’ eyes amplified by their wedding gift to her of their sharpest knives. Atsumu meets their gaze evenly and laughs, unfazed. 
‘I will’, he says, and he kisses her with his promise still on his lips. 
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eirist · 3 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
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One-shot #: 29
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: For @bloodshot13​. You wanted a Japanese Festival. AU. So here it is. I must say it is an awesome suggestion and would be a pity if it’s only going to be a drabble. Besides the story itself wanted to be a bit longer so I yielded. Enjoy!
I used the Japanese Tanabata Festival for this hence the title. And for wordplay reason as well. I think this festival is a good choice of setting for these two’s not-so-perfect first date.
Summary: Not all first dates are perfect. And with Zoro and Nami… this shouldn’t come as a surprise at all.
“You’re late.”
A pout appeared on pinkish lips before a familiar I-knew-it-look appeared on Nami’s face as she stared him down.
Zoro scratched the back of his head. “It’s nothing new,” he retorted—a bit weakly though—trying to justify why he made her wait for him for a good fifteen minutes.
“I shouldn’t be surprised,” she deadpanned. “It’s a miracle you even made it here.”
Zoro glared at her for that comment.
Nami glared back… more viciously. “Zoro, this place is just a ten minute walk from your apartment! Fifteen from mine and I still got here before you!” She explained with a huff.
“I’m here now aren’t I?”
Nami regarded him with eyes promising excruciating pain solely for him.
“If this is your idea of dating a girl, you definitely suck Zoro.”
It didn’t occur to the green-haired idiot that Nami hated standing alone at festival’s entrance, waiting for him to arrive. It didn’t helped that a lot of couples who passed by gave her lingering, wondering gazes before whispering to each other making her feel uncomfortable.
“Let’s just go,” Nami spun around to leave him still scratching his dumb head. “We’re wasting time.” She said it in a rather curt tone that made Zoro feel dread coiling inside his stomach.
Damn it! They barely made it past the festival entrance and Nami’s already mad at him.
It only took three strides for him to catch up to her as she entered the festival street. It was filled with people of all ages. Japanese lanterns hung overhead lighting the whole place, along with decorations made from colorful papers in different shapes. There were ornamental balls with their colorful streamers everywhere while stalls for food, games and other items for sell bordered both sides. Children ran around them, as their parents breathlessly tried to catch up, warning them that they might get lost.
“Oi Nami,” he called as the orange-haired girl pouted her way through the festival’s jam-packed and noisy street. “Come on. Wipe that sulky look off your face.”
“Fine!” He huffed, feeling his temper flare at her tantrum.
Nami tried to hurry away from him and Zoro rolled his eye as her effort was futile while wearing a yukata.
He followed her with a scoff as she continued making her way through crowd, ignoring the stalls around them. She was heading at the end of the street where a bridge leading to the temple was situated. It was lit up with the same lanterns that were hanging above them. Bamboo trees lined up its sides decorated with tanzaku in different colors.
“What?!” She hissed barely glancing at him as she continued walking, her wooden sandals clicking angrily at every step.
“Why are you angry? I arrived here didn’t I?”
She stopped in front of a stall selling candy apples and chocolate bananas and stared at him in disbelief.
The idiot had forgotten that they agreed to meet an hour earlier than what their friends had set so they could enjoy the festival together without any interruptions.
Nami didn’t bother reminding him of that. What’s the use? Instead she just pressed some fingers to her temple to subdue the impending headache that is Zoro.
They still haven’t made it past ten minutes together and she’s ready to kick the living daylights out of his moronic ass.
“Ugh. I give up,” she groaned after a few seconds, shoulders slumping dejectedly.
“What now?” Zoro growled at her.
Nami lifted her eyes to glare at him again. This was supposed to be a sort-of-‘romantic’ evening between the two of them.
They finally agreed to try and move their relationship one step further a week ago… from long-time friends to lovers finally…
She thought that this festival is the perfect opportunity to test the waters for their first ‘date’.
Did she honestly she believed things are going to be easy with this man? Not when it looks like Zoro still has to grasp the concept of ‘dating’.
This will definitely take a lot of work. A damn LOT of work!
She let out an exasperated sigh and Zoro’s brows furrowed.
“Let’s just go hang wishes on those bamboos and wait for the others so we can enjoy this festival.” Nami mumbled as she turned away from him for the second time that night, practically giving up the thought that they can pull off anything akin to a date at this festival.
Zoro frowned at what she said. Wait for the others so they can enjoy tonight?
Her statement actually hit a spot.
Weren’t they were supposed to enjoy this together? Wasn’t that the plan?
He ran a hand along his hair in frustration and followed her silently.
This time Nami was not hurrying away from him. She strode ahead in a cool manner, head shifting left and right as she observed the stalls lining the street.
His frown deepened.
Ok, maybe it’s his mistake for being late. But it’s not his fault he kept ending up on the other side of the street from the where the festival is taking place! It was too crowded and the directions posted for its location were confusing.
He had circled the area thrice before he spotted Nami—looking really pretty in her mikan-patterned, light-green yukata with her hair up in a side bun and decorated with a bouquet-like kanzashi, its dangling beads swinging slightly from her movement.
There were curling wisps of her orange hair framing her face and it made him want to reach out and touch them just to feel their softness against his fingers.
Zoro clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, mentally chastising himself as he recalled the look on Nami’s face earlier as she peered in the crowd waiting for him to show up.
It dawned into him that he didn’t like that expression on her.
He reached out to grasped her hand in his, stopping Nami in her tracks.
“Hey… I’m sorry ok?”
Nami looked surprised with what he said. She looked down and blinked at their joined hands disbelievingly before shifting her eyes up at him.
Then she pursed her lips as if trying to stop herself from smiling at him.
“You’re an idiot Zoro.”
“Yeah, I know.”
This time she didn’t fight the smile that wanted to appear on her lips.
“I should’ve expected this,” she said with a roll of her eyes as she squeezed his hand that was still clasping hers. “Next time… I’ll just pick you up in your apartment to save us time.” She stared straight in his eye, daring him disagree with her.
“Fine.” He answered and Nami looked startled at how easily he agreed. “If it saves me from your pouts and sulking as we—OUCH!”
Nami deliberately stepped on his feet with her wooden sandal with a cheeky smile on her face.
“I’ll make you regret saying that.”
It was Zoro’s turn to groan.
She tugged at his hand, urging him to continue moving forward into a less crowded spot near the bridge.
“Honestly… I’m looking forward spending this time with you,” she admitted quietly as they stood near the stall that sells tanzaku.
“I know,” he nodded and gazed at her seriously. He reached out to touch the curling wisp of her hair with his fingers. He was right. It was soft. “Me too.”
This one hour spent alone with him is precious for her and it is the same for him. They are still at beginning of their relationship… their friends still doesn’t have any inkling about the change in their status yet.
Nami had the right to be pissed at him earlier because he just wasted some of what was supposedly their time together.
They smiled at each other before Nami gave the sleeve of his yukata a rather hard yank.
“Let’s go Zoro! We still have a lot to do before the others are here.” Her tone immediately turned domineering as she pulled him towards tanzaku stall. “We need to hang our wishes on those bamboos first!”
Zoro just snorted and she grinned back at him.
“And you still have to treat me with some yakitori and candy apples!”
“Hah? Why should I do that?!”
“This is a date Zoro! The guy usually shelves out the cash when you’re out on a date!”
“You witch! You’re just trying to get back at me for being late!”
Nami gave him her most dazzling smile.
“That too… And we still have to check all the stalls with those games. You promised me goldfishes remember?” She pointed at the stall for goldfish scooping.
“I have?”
“Yeah… you did…” Nami glowered at him. “You’re bragging about your scooping skills the other day. And we made a bet on how many you’ll really be able to catch.”
Zoro laughed. That they did. “Fine, I’ll catch you some alright?” He conceded and gave her a soft smile that made Nami melt on the spot.
He reached for her hand again as she lead them towards their first agenda for the night.
They still have half an hour to enjoy their date without their cheeky friends intruding. Well… if worst comes to worst… he and Nami can just sneak away from them to enjoy the fireworks and the rest of the festival together.
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