#okami fanfic
feliciadraws · 7 months
*bangs pots and pans*
I am once again asking you PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FRICC CHECK IT OUT
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sexymancouldabeen · 11 months
Tumblr Sexyman, a title bestowed unto only the (un)lucky few.  Oncler, sans, Bill Cipher, Reigen, Komaeda, dear god wheatley somehow, i think maybe prussia, that spider from hotel dusk or whatever, there are a good handful to keep track of.
However, to counter balance that, there are hundreds if not thousands of characters that, with different circumstances, could have become Tumblr Sexymen, but fortunately evaded such infamy.
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32 Competitors that could have totally been Tumblr sexymen, whether they match the tropes or simply have the vibes, but never got the chance. Some, due to another character stealing their spotlight, others, from a franchise obscure enough that nobody noticed or they didn’t get reach outside of their own fandom, and others, simply nobody realized their true potential. Who will win and earn the ultimate title of the ultimate sexyman couldabeen?
(I would love to say the winner gets to legally be considered a tumblr sexyman for real but i sadly do not have that authority.)
Voting starts on Wednesday!
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okamirayne · 2 months
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Art by Fae 😸
‘Inspired by Chapter 4 of HHU: Sasuke’s subconscious and the light that saves him.’
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😍 I cannot even word my way through it at this point. 😭 Thank You, Fae! 💖
Holy hell. These two are going to be a challenge…😬🤯😅
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beneathewords · 4 months
Once Kagome and the gang get to the Lord Fujin’s castle in the East… the bigger plot finally kicks off, and Sesshoumaru and co will be a part of traveling Team Yokai Babies for All. 🤣👌
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klonoadreams · 9 months
Everyone out here talking about whatever is going on in Whole Cake Island and Mako's dynamic with her sibs, whilst I'm here with the knowledge of Dellinger having a weird obsession about Mako because fushmen-hybrids aren't common at all, and Doffy encourages him to not handle the knowledge that there's someone out there like him in a less obsessive manner-
Also I have the random mental image of Brook asking Mako how old she is, and only asking her if he can see her panties if she's an adult. Because it's Brook.
Brook is allowed to be a little crazy as a treat. Also Brook is Brook, including genderwise. A pelvis is in his pants so that's all you're getting for an answer lmao.
Anyways rip Mako, cursed by Doffy enabled Dellinger weird crush/obsession. He has all of her wanted posters. Lmao
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okami-zero · 4 months
I started watching The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic recently, and I am absolutely loving it! I know there are a LOT of isekai shows, but I am really liking this one.
The one niggling thing in my brain has to do with a fic idea that has been brewing in my brain for the last... well, a very, VERY VERY long time. ^_^; It started as a kind of fanfic-ish, thing, kind of isekai-ish before that was as huge and prolific as it is now. But they way one of the main protags gets to the point where he's able to do what he needs to do is... kind of similar to one of the protags in TWWTUHM. It's not exactly the same, the method is much different, but the outcome is. Not a huge deal, just something i need to keep in mind. If I ever write this thing that has been snippets and vignettes and songfics, there is SO MUCH STUFF I was poking at back then that has some parallel or similarity to stuff that is more mainstream now.
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alexotoonz · 2 years
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The beginnings of my MHA OC.
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See the rest on my TikTok!
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
A/N: This is just a little experiment for myself, trying to write actual prose in Japanese. I know my followers are largely English-speaking so no one will really be able to read this. But I wanted to try my hand at writing in Japanese. It's not as long as other fics I've written and it's not even the most I've written in Japanese in one go. If anyone wants to try and make sense of it, be my guest and let me know what you think of the conversation.
Summary: When faced with the notion that the people around her are her "family of choice," Haruka turns it down.
「選んだ家族ですか?あっ、そんなことは全然信じられません。」 と言った春花は。
「えっ?どうして明夢くん?」 響平は聞きました。
「選んだ家族のことは…存在しません。」 春花は泣いているようだった。「家族は家族です。友達は友達です。二つのことを間違えるために選ぶのとか二つのことは同じだと言うのは…好きじゃないです。」
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writingmessynaruto · 5 months
ok ive had a juicy founders fic idea for a long time but haven't done anything toward it much, and now I might be able to start it...?
concept: ~ i can't just pick one founders pairing so we're getting all of them in one storyline ~
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artistmonkee · 2 years
A new start:Young Justice/Batfamily
A little girl runs down a dark alleyway in Gotham, panting as she's been running for awhile. "Hey! There she is!Come here you little freak!" She gasps in fear. 'Oh no! I have to keep running!'. She turns down another alley way, hoping that it leads into the big streets of Gotham so she could lose them in the crowds, but her hopes diminish when she's faced with the end of the alley way with no way out other than the way she came from. She turns behind her as she hears their footsteps get closer. A big burly man steps into view, his face holding an evil grin as he stares at her quivering form. "Come here little pup. Come show me the monster you truly are" the girl's wolf ears on the top of her gray hair flattens as she realizes she can't escape. The man's proxy's come into view from behind him holding guns and bats. The man then steps closer to her and reaches for the collar of her dirty and bloody shirt. She flinches back, before shutting her eyes as the man grabs her by her hair. She yelps in pain, tears prickling in her eyes, before she grunts and swings her leg forward and hits him in the groin. He yells in pain, dropping to his knees, resulting in letting the girl go. She backs up to the wall to put distance between her and the men. The man she dropped opens his eyes with burning fury "You little bitch! Get her!" He calls back at the men behind him. She yells in fright as the men start to aim their guns and head towards her. She drops to the concrete floor and curls up in a ball, having her tail wrap around her for protection. The girl waits for the incoming pain, but it never comes. Instead she hears silence and feels the protection of someone standing in front of her. "It's the bat!" She hears someone yell. 'The bat? What's a bat?' she wonders. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she uncurls from herself slowly, peaking her eyes open. There in front of her is a male figure standing in a black cloak, a mask with two ears covering his head and half his face. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" A calm and gravelly voice comes from the bat. The man in charge of the group stands up finally and steps in front "Listen bat, all we're doing is taking care of a little pest. That little metahuman is too dangerous for Gotham. Now why don't you step aside and let us take care of it." He tried to persuade the bat. Batman narrows his eyes at him before looking back at the frightened little wolf girl who has bruises and scrapes from being attacked way too many times. Her eyes held curiosity for him as well as fear of what's gonna happen to her. But what got to the Bat was the loss she held behind that wall she held so she could survive in this world. It reminded him of how he felt after he witnessed his parents' deaths. He felt so lost and alone and wondering what was gonna happen after. That's what he saw in her eyes now as she looked at him and the crooks in front of him. He turns back to the men and calls out to the girl behind him "kid close your eyes and cover your ears. This isn't something you should witness."
Her eyes widen when she hears him speak to her but then she closes her eyes and covers her ears as he told her to do.
She gasps in fear when she feels a gloved hand softly grab her hands from her ears, pulling them away. She opens her eyes to come face to face with Batman. "Hey, you okay kid?" She gulps before nodding her head yes. "Where are your parents?" She diverts her eyes down before responding in a soft voice "They left me." Tears gather in her eyes as she says the next sentence "Because I'm a monster." Her lip quivers as tears fall from her eyes. Batman's expression falls as he hears this. He opens his mouth to say something, but stops when he hears police sirens getting closer. The little girl's ears perked at the sound and the Bat found it quite cute how her ears twitched with each sound around him. "C'mon, let's get out of here." She looks at him surprised. "Where are we going?" She asks as he picks her small frame up. She wraps her arms around his neck and hides in his cloak as he gets his grappling gun out. "A place you'll hopefully call home one day." He then shoots it and they take off into the sky, heading towards Wayne Manor.
"What's your name, little one?"
"Okami, Okami Shine."
"Well Okami, looks like you're now Okami Wayne."
"Welcome home, Ms Okami."
This is the story of Okami Wayne. Come and watch her grow as the story progresses
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feliciadraws · 8 months
Okami - Waka/Mei
Angst...just...angst; may or may not be a companion piece to my 'Fear' piece from this year's Spookami (ya know, this thing)
Also shoutout to my partner-in-cringe and fellow angst enjoyer @bamboorocket because we do be enjoying that angst
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Straight through her... The unclean claws of those foul, wretched beasts...they just...tore straight through her...
How could he have let this happen...how could he have stood by, anchored to where he stood as if with chains, chains weighted with his sins...how could he have just...watched...watched as Mei was slashed to pieces by those twisted creatures, her fragile body left eviscerated, blood pouring from the horrific gashes carved across her delicate flesh...she was so delicate...so helpless...she didn't even stand a chance against those beasts...and he couldn't, no, didn't even come to her aid... Waka's heart came to a standstill as his innards wrenched with the horror of the sight, only freed from his paralysis as he dashed forward to catch her as her bleeding, broken body slowly collapsed to the ground, the air and time itself around him thickening to a murky viscosity as this very nightmare played out in slow, hazy motion. He fell to his knees, distraught as she fell limply into his hands... Blood...there was...so much...blood...it was everywhere, pouring from every open inch of her body...flesh ripped open, the taint of decay left from their unclean talons already eating into her wounds...
"Wa...ka...I'm...I'm sor-..." Mei weakly whispered as she raised a bloodied hand to Waka's cheek, sounding almost as if she were attempting to apologise...apologise for what? For his sins? For the blood on his hands? For dying at the hands of one of the very demons that he had allowed into this world? For being doomed by the lingering aftershock of his own doings?
"No...no, Mei...ma cherie...this was..." Waka tried to remain strong for his love, tried to comfort her as he cradled her tenderly as she lay dying in his arms, holding the tiny hand that weakly graced his cheek, feeling as the life, the spirit, slowly, achingly, slipped from her body...
Her chest fell as a single final breath escaped her lungs, the arm that had held the last of her strength went lifeless, the light disappeared from her eyes like the dying flame of a burnt out candle...she was...
"Mei...ma...cherie? Non...non non non non non...no...Mei...no..." Waka loosened his hand as Mei's bloodied arm fell limply to the ground, her dead, lifeless body resting in his arms as his heart begun to crack, shattering into a million pieces as the cruel reality was laid before him, hitting him like a brutal sledgehammer.
Mei...she was dead...she really was dead...and yet... "No...no, Mei...stay with me...Mei...no...s'il-te-plait reste avec moi..." his voice begun to wobble as his heart broke in his chest, the sheer agony that permeated every fibre of his being reverting him to his mother tongue in his devastation. "S'il-te-plait reste avec moi..." he whispered with vain, futile desperation as the heartbreak that rose from his core collected in his eyes as tears begun to streak down his face, mixing with the blood, Mei's blood, that had been smeared on his cheek. Waka shuddered with horror as he looked down...he saw Mei's blood smeared all over him, spread across his kimono, across his sleeves...on his hands...her blood, her innocent blood, was on his hands. Now...now he couldn't even speak...all he could do was kneel in heartbroken horror as his love lay dead in his arms, her blood shed by reason of his own foolishness...
"Mei...ma cherie...de-...desole..." he tearfully whispered as he lowered his face to hers, the tears dripping from his eyes and onto her bloodied face as he wept, cupping her cheek in his hand while her residual warmth still lingered in her now lifeless flesh.
As he wept and mourned, he could only reel as the phantoms that swam in his mind crawled from their hiding places in the depths of his soul to remind him of the reason as Mei joined the ranks of the many, many souls doomed to their cold, stony graves by his hand, the blood that stained his footsteps wherever he dared to tread...
His mother, his people...
The Celestials, Amaterasu, Himiko...
All of them...dead...all of their blood staining his hands...and now Mei had joined them.
He swore he would protect her, even if he had to give his life, and yet she still paid the price that should have been his to pay…maybe…this was inevitable. He was a prophet, his eyes could see through the very veil of time and glimpse events yet to come, maybe he had foreseen it and denied his vision for fear of losing the girl he so dearly loved.
Maybe…maybe he really did carry a curse upon his shoulders, that everyone and everything he loved was destined to die…
As he raised his eyes to the heavens in his anguish, the voices of those same phantoms whispered darkness to his soul, moaning and crying to him... "It wasn't the demons...you brought them here...you brought them to her. It was you, Waka...YOU KILLED HER." "YOU...KILLED...HER..."
"Waka...Waka...Waka..." an ethereal voice called out amidst the swirling torment of his nightmare, like a sword of light slicing through winding tendrils of dark, and as his eyes shot open, as if like a flash of lightning burning away the storm clouds swirling in the skies of his consciousness, the hellscape of his nightmare had all but disappeared; he was back in their bedroom, and there she was.
"Waka...you were having a nightmare again, weren't you...?"
There she was...sweet, beautiful, darling Mei...her perfect skin free from any sort of mutilation, her eyes, those beautifully dark eyes, as dark as wells of ink yet bright with life and the light of the lamp by the futon, open and earnest...there were few times he was so happy to see her beautiful face than after such horrific nightmares.
His gaze softened, melting like frost with the warm touch of spring, upon seeing her face, his eyes relaxing as his ragged breaths steadied with her touch as she brushed her delicate fingers over his cheek, right where her hand had been in the nightmare he had just awoken from. That dainty hand, free from blood or cuts or any sort of demonic taint…the relief he felt cast a haze of warmth over the dimly lit room as he tenderly turned to her, gently resting a hand to her own cheek in a bittersweet, perhaps superficial reassurance.
"Oh..." Waka replied with an outwardly pleasant sigh of utter relief as he formed a smile on his face, leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheek, as per the norm, "you shouldn't worry yourself, ma cherie...just lay yourself back down, get some more sleep…” Phantom fingers hooked their way around his heartstrings upon seeing the worried look in her eyes as they lay back down, the poignant melody played ringing through his head as she curled herself up on his chest...
He looked to her, so...so small and...fragile in his scarred arms as he held her… He looked to the ceiling, and asked himself...how? How would he tell her? Would he even tell her? The girl who took the weeping cracks in his broken heart and sealed them with gold, the girl who finally silenced the tormented screams of a thousand doomed souls wailing and weeping in his head... How would he tell her that the nightmares she helped soothe were macabre portraits painted by the bloodied brush of his sins, the guilt that had left poisoned hooks in soul for over two centuries...the horrifying portraits of her bloody demise?
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boatem-probler · 13 days
I'm Watching Tokyo Soul So You Don't Have To!
You Are Here! / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
So there's this 2015 Minecraft roleplay series that Grian was in. It's very bad and very, ah, dated, but it's also very full of Grian Angst, so people like to use it in their fanfiction.
A couple years ago, @paranoidpug watched every episode of the first season of this series, called Yandere High School, and wrote summaries of it, so people could learn what all those fanfics were referencing without having to actually watch the thing. They're very good summaries!
@sketchygainedyoursoul took over to do the second season, Tokyo Soul, but it seems like they never got past episode 8, so I've decided to take up the mantle of Tokyo Soul Chronicler. I know how it ends, and unfortunately it's like catnip to me, so this was inevitable really.
Also I'm starting from the beginning, because I'm using a different format and I wanted consistency I guess.
Content warnings for briefly mentioned violence, stalking, and uh... idk how to describe what's going on with Geode. Generally creepy behavior from an adult to a minor is broad enough I think. But in like, a mad scientist way? Yeah.
And Now... The Episodes Without Grian In Them
(I'm really selling this, huh...)
Episode 1 – New Beginning!
You are now sitting.
Sam, Taurtis, and Dom are in a train. They've just arrived in Tokyo. Sam told Taurtis they were going to Disneyland, because Taurtis doesn’t like big cities. Grian is not there.
Okami, their former teacher, has tasked them with navigating from the train station to a restaurant called “SushiWushi”. Let’s see how The Boys mess this one up!
They encounter a skeevy old man named Old Kurokuma outside the train station.
They get someone else named Igbar von Squid to show them the way to SushiWushi, but Sam wants to “mingle” by the dumpsters instead.
I’m now running the video back, because I want to see exactly how long it takes them to get to this restaurant.
Also Dom has the best outfit of the three.
“I’m starting to get spooked. Why’d you even come back here, Taurtis?” says Sam.
They encounter someone literally named “Suspicious Person” burning money in a fire, who offers them “sugar”. They jump over the fire to get away, with varying degrees of success.
They do their “look both ways even though there are no moving cars in existence” bit. If I was Igbar I woulda just left them by this point. Igbar is visibly slumping.
The creepy old man is still following them, also.
They arrive at SushiWushi! It took them 10 minutes and 16 seconds (if my math is right). Honestly? I thought they wouldn’t be there before the episode was over, so good on them.
I’m obsessed with how their Minecraft avatars’ arms move when they’re sitting, by the way, it makes them look like a kid pretending to drive their parents’ car.
Sam and Taurtis both mention feeling uncomfortable around girls with knives.
Taurtis is arguing about pufferfish, Sam is trying to steal sushi from the next table over, Dom is… getting into a fistfight in the background?
Luckily, the person they were supposed to meet, Kiyu, arrives, and WHOA THEY HAVE A VOICE.
Kiyu begins showing them around.
Kiyu is bad with directions.
Old Kurokuma is STILL following them.
Kiyu shows them their house, they’re very excited about how fancy it is. Kiyu assures them that most of their stuff is there.
Dom is going to live in the dumpster outside apparently.
Kurokuma is outside their house now.
“We’re in the witness protection program, but I feel SO much more unsafe than we were before” – Taurtis. And from what I know it only gets worse!
The next morning, the boys attempt to make their way to school, but they don’t know where it is. They ask a student passing by, then decide to “jump ‘em” when they’re too shy to answer the question.
Taurtis, running over to a group of other students: “Can I hang out with you guys? Can you be my new friends?”
Sam asks Dom for a high five. Dom punches Sam. Sam dies. They continue walking to school.
Taurtis: “I miss our old school, I bet this one’s not even haunted.” Sam: “We could make it haunted!”
At school, they meet back up with Kiyu, who also goes there apparently, and she takes them to get their schedules from Señor Loro, who is wearing a luchador mask and what appears to be a Christmas sweater.
Señor Loro drops them through a trapdoor into a secret wrestling ring. They must wrestle him for their schedules, obviously.
Oh dang they actually have Four Whole Classes this time.
Episode 3 – TEACHER TORI!
On the way to their lockers, one of the other students, Greentama, who is wearing a One Punch Man outfit, one-punches them for jaywalking.
“There’s some weird stuff in these lockers.” – Kiyu
Their first class is with Teacher Tori, who is supposed to be Toriel from Undertale I think? She teaches Agriculture, apparently.
Creepy Man Update: He Is Still There
They go out to the courtyard to collect flowers. We learn that Kiyu avoids the sun.
We also learn that Señor Loro is the guidance counselor.
“Fish are just flowers that swim in the ocean.” – Taurtis
Their next class is Dr. Nurse MD’s Class of Not Dying!
Taurtis does not understand what witness protection is.
Dr. Nurse MD is teaching CPR. He asks for a volunteer from the audience. Taurtis gets volunteered. Dr. Nurse MD does not understand what CPR is. Somehow Taurtis survives.
By this, I mean that Dr. Nurse MD’s conception of CPR is: Choke the other person, and then throw stuff at them. Now pair up and try it on each other!
[Choked Out by The Mountain Goats playing in the background]
Episode 4 – DON’T DROWN!
Time for lunch!
One of the kids who was in Nurse MD’s class is stumbling around coughing up blood, it seems. Lovely.
Sam and Taurtis decide to eat lunch on the high diving board, where they witness someone almost drown.
Time for gym class! The PacerGram Fitness Test is a–
They do laps around the gym. Gym Teacher Helena loves pain, it seems. Also she has quite a bit of favoritism towards Kiyu.
The kid who was coughing up blood earlier is NOT looking good.
Their last class is in classroom 12, which has a number 4 outside of the door, and also a gold key and a bottle of Mountain Dew. The floor inside is covered in mushrooms, and the teacher, Professor Geode Rocks, is sitting on a throne. He addresses his students as “subjects” and “my children”. There are chains hanging from the ceiling. The boys are very uncomfortable.
Geode calls the new kids to the front of the class and asks for their medical records. Also, every time he says someone’s name, he says it in all caps.
Taurtis starts listing out all of the physical trauma he’s suffered. Geode decides the three of them are “not good candidates”.
Geode gives them homework: Collect as much trash as possible. Extra points for blood, hair, and nails.
“Wait an Earth Second,” says Professor Geode, much like an Earthling would.
He starts sniffing Taurtis. Taurtis is “the one”. Now his plan can finally be a success. He pulls a hair out from Taurtis’s head. Taurtis does NOT like any of this. Even Sam is vocally weirded out. Geode starts yelling about world domination as the bell rings.
Sam: “We can’t go back, we’re in witness protection.” Taurtis: “I don’t feel protected here!”
Taurtis: “I’ve never felt so unsafe in my life.”
This school’s Yelp review is going to be real bad.
Sam: “This is for a class, Mr. Geode told us we had to get blood.” Señor Loro: “CLASSIC GEODE. He is eccentric.”
Creepy Man Update: Still.
I'm probably gonna do 1 school day per post from this point, it's a good way of breaking things up.
Next Time... Grian!
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okamirayne · 3 months
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So, this insanity happened… 👇🏼
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*goes to drown in crippling terror and tea* ☕️😬🫠….💜
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disconoire · 3 months
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YEEHAW I decided to design my AU Sumire's more bunby form she likes to take. Okami really inspired this one.. She's a Gyukuto, moon bunny...
She kind of goes between this and being more feral bunny over anthro and probably everything in between depending on what the situation fits.
From my persona au fanfic (Supra)Natural over on ao3.
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klonoadreams · 2 years
...oh god I remember the Unovan one and the chaos that resulted from us talking about it please spread the word of the poor SIOC, the one who suffers from irrational hatred from Pokémon, except for a random Sigilyph, including their starter Sewaddle, and who has N convinced that if there is anyone that shouldn't he around Pokémon it's them for their own personal safety.
okay, so let's get this straight, because this poor, poor bitch was created due to the many nuzlockes set in the Unova region that I watched on YouTube while I was suffering from a sinus infection in May.
gist of it is
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Tumblr has unleashed me from the confines of the previous image limit.
Anyways, Professor Juniper found this poor bastard in the Pinwheel Forest while doing fieldwork. Girl was going through it, suffering from a severe Venipede poisoning...which Juniper thinks induced memory loss.
That's the explanation they're going with until the "memory loss" overstays its welcome, in which everyone (including the Nurse Joy that looked over this kid) assumes they're a runaway, since she had no Pokemon on her and they can't really find anything on her. (basically, everyone just goes hush hush for her own safety - JUST IN CASE)
Goes by Sawyer, because Monster Camp's fuckubus, Sawyer, is VERY gender.
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the REAL backstory is that original Sawyer (real name currently unknown) was raised within Team Plasma.
Think Whitley/Whi-two from Pokemon Adventures.
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of course, SI OC Sawyer doesn't know about that, because she literally JUST woke up in a way. And to go further into it, she actually DID reincarnate, just she was dormant until the Venipede poisoning brought her back in. So for a good long while, she ALWAYS felt something was off while growing up in Team Plasma, and as a result, always ended up getting punished for it.
Eventually, she saw an opening and took it, but oop - Pinwheel Forest has Venipede AND...WELL...she was certainly there for a while before Juniper found her.
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So Sawyer's starter is a Sewaddle that FUCKING hates her. The only reason Sewaddle sticks around is because it's free food and transportation (especially once she evolves). Too add to Sawyer's situation, Sewaddle often ruins her clothes AND absolutely fucking HATES going into the Poke Ball. So Sawyer has to carry her around.
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I call this "sawyer and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad trainer experience"
Featuring a Sigilyph that often stares down at her but has never once harmed her, and a Golurk that is one BUENOS DIAS MANDY away from breaking Sawyer's bones.
For the time being, Sawyer has this "aura" to her that makes a good majority of Pokemon hostile towards her - even the Nurse Joy's Audino/Chansey/whatever fucking HISSES at her. It wears off with time, and it's effectively a side effect to the SI OC's awakening creating a dissonance within the body. So until that happens, IT'S ON SIGHT.
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(created using this picrew)
Sawyer post Juniper encounter, after she's been cleaned up. gets hurt often and has a current boyish appearance since she effectively got clothes from Touya (I refuse to use Hilbert - he will always be Black or Touya to me).
N often runs into her and accidentally saves her from hostile Pokemon encounter. Touya is effectively the MC, but he's just doing his own thing, so Sawyer kinda shifts into MC status without meaning to.
All because N grows genuinely concerned for her wellbeing after too many hostile Pokemon encounters. And despite the fact that her Sewaddle is on sight, it EVENTUALLY does evolve into a Leavanny.
"Why do you stay, even though they hurt you?"
"Honestly? I don't know... I just...can't think of a day without them in my life."
Calling this fic, With Friends Like These. :V
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okami-zero · 5 months
Okami watches Anime
Just started watching The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, and i am absolutely loving it! I know there are a LOT of isekai shows, but I am really liking this one.
The one niggling thing in my brain has to do with a fic idea that has been brewing in my brain for the last... well, a very, VERY VERY long time. ^_^;  It started as a kind of fanfic-ish, thing, kind of isekai-ish before that was as huge and prolific as it is now. But they way one of the main protags gets to the point where he's able to do what he needs to do is... kind of similar to one of the protags in TWWTUHM. It's not exactly the same, the method is much different, but the outcome is. Not a huge deal, just something i need to keep in mind. If I ever write this thing that has been snippets and vignettes and songfics, there is SO MUCH STUFF I was poking at back then that has some parallel or similarity to stuff that is more mainstream now.
The folly of waiting too long, I guess. xD Back to show. Update: AAAAAH IT'S ONLY THREE EPISODES I CAUGHT UP T-T
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