#yes i know i sound crazy its fine tho
lover-of-mine · 9 months
I'm here to argue my case about how Eddie fell first and has in fact been semi-aware of his feelings since season 3 and it's currently dealing with the way he thinks he'll have to be the best man on Buck's wedding. So sit down, buckle up, grab your delusional drink of choice (today I'm drinking my delusional tea lol), and let's go.
Okay, given season 6 information, we know Buck and Eddie are roughly the same age and we know Eddie was pursued by Bobby and Bobby wanted a partner for Buck (unrelated but Bobby so hoped the military guy would balance out Buck and for a while there he ended up with two very impulsive firefighters and he definitely had a few what the hell have I done moments lol) so it's kinda safe to assume that Buck was one of the selling points of the 118 because Buck is a very competent firefighter and they would be on the same shift. So Eddie went in with the expectation of someone his age he could befriend. I'm making some assumptions but the internet tells me the academy takes a year, we know Eddie still doesn't have a permanent childcare plan, so this man is interacting outside of the academy exclusively with his 7 yo, his abuela, and tia for a year, so I think that the idea of having a friend his own age was appealing to him. Especially after the army and Shannon leaving him. So much so that with his sharp edges, you can actually read things like "I'd go lower" or "you're in the wrong light, man" as attempts to create a bond, very awkward I haven't tried to make friends in forever attempts but attempts nonetheless because he's trying to be helpful. Buck is being Buck, but even Eddie says I hear you're a good guy, so dude is trying to understand what's happening, what's setting Buck off, and while he matches Buck's energy after the gym conversation, he actually continues to try and bond with Buck with the thing that actually works and the "you're badass under pressure" that is still another attempt to get through to Buck. I have various theories about the way Eddie keeps trying to start something, the one I like the most and the most painful one is about how Eddie has had the weight of the world on his shoulders forever. And he had to grow up really fast, and then there is Buck annoying him about nicknames and discussing his body fat percentage, and with all that really carefree energy season 1 and beginning of season 2 Buck had that he probably wanted to know what it felt like. But Buck is Buck and Buck also wanted a friend so dude imprinted on Eddie like a baby duck. But Eddie doesn't mind, like before Bobby comes in to say who got the spot on the calendar, Eddie looks amused by Buck not annoyed. But up until now, that's casual. They're coworkers.
Then we have the earthquake. We know Christopher is Eddie's whole world and he's very careful about the people he lets into their life, considering the earthquake happened on Maddie's first day on the floor and she must've had some sort of training before that, it's safe to assume that Eddie didn't mention Chris at the firehouse for at least a few weeks and he is very hesitant to tell Buck about him, but again Buck is Buck and he switches into reassurance mode and that's when Eddie actually lets him in. I actually would love it if we had an explanation as to why Buck drove Eddie to Chris' school after the shift, but it's something that he went from being hesitant to even mention he existed to introducing Buck to him. But then we have the moment Buck becomes his ride-or-die, you imprinted on me but now I'm hanging on to you, with the whole going to the hospital with him because of abuela and also the way that Buck clears Chris staying at the firehouse before Eddie thinks to do it.
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This moment right here it's what gets Eddie. He's ready to apologize and justify and he doesn't have to because Buck stepped up to do something simply because he realized Eddie needed help and he could do something about it. Eddie is doing everything alone and he needs help but he doesn't know how or who to ask for it and Buck just steps in and does it before he needs to ask. And then there's Carla. Buck tricks him into showing up and literally hands him the solution to his problems because Buck knows Eddie wouldn't accept it if Buck had said what that was about beforehand, but at no point does Buck make it seem like Eddie is a bad parent for needing help. And I think with the whole thing with his parents trying to take Chris from him, that really does something.
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I really like to use the second gif here as a major example of Eddie's heart eyes for Buck, but the first one, when he realizes who Carla is and what she can give him completely changes his demeanor. He was ready to be polite, was probably trying to figure out a way out without saying he was still married, but instead, Buck does something that not only makes Eddie's life easier but makes Christopher's exponentially better. And right then, Eddie is done for. I'm not saying he fell in love with Buck here, I'm just saying right here is when Eddie goes you're stuck with me now dude, and let his guard down with Buck, as much as this Eddie can at least. That's when something starts for him. You can't change my mind on this one. But for now, there's the Shannon of it all, because Eddie does love Shannon but their relationship is beyond complicated. 
But Buck is still constant through Shannon and I think that's important, actually, because Eddie is having trouble trusting Shannon and I feel like having Buck around helps him not go straight to the worst-case scenario all the time. I don't have a point in mentioning this, it's just a clear show of how much Eddie already trusts Buck, but to have Buck go with him to take Chris to see Santa is so wild. Who takes their best friend to see Santa with their kid? Like, what?? But Isn't it interesting that Eddie decides to propose again after Buck asks when is the wedding? I find that fascinating really. Then Shannon dies, Buck almost dies, dude goes into move past it mode but the seed is there. Forever thinking about the wistful shot of Eddie saying almost after Hen says things are back to the way they should be. Something else about the finale it's that it's the first in the list of irrationality moments from Eddie regarding Buck. Eddie is a firefighter, he's objectively stronger than Chimney, so the logical thing to be done is to have Eddie helping lift the truck and Chim treating Buck. But no, at that moment he's a medic who's there to hold Buck's hand. He's just holding Buck's hand. He could've left Buck with Hen and go help lift the truck. But no, he's staying by Buck's side.
But season 3 is when things HAPPEN. We start out strong with the sheer excitement on Eddie's face that Buck is going back to work. Then the way Eddie just hands Christopher over to Buck without a single worry. "Oh, you're falling apart? Here's a kid, he will help" and just goes. We focus a lot on Buck's reaction to them finding Chris because it is what the show wants us to focus, this is the moment Buck looks at Chris and goes "shit I really love that kid" but Eddie looking back at Buck as he holds Chris is interesting. Eddie just went through 30 seconds (actually it's 1 minute 4 seconds from the moment Eddie notices Buck to Eddie having Chris in his arms not that it matters) of the worst possible moments in a parent's life and I guess, since Buck didn't have Chris, and Buck was too shaken to explain what had happened, he assumed Buck lost Chris during the first wave and he's looking back because he's shocked he saved not only himself but Chris from the wave, but from his focus to shift to Buck like that it's interesting. Even more, considering the way he barges into the loft to hand Chris over again. "There's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you" I'm sorry, there's no platonic explanation for the wording of this, okay? This is a man who looked at his honest to god wife, the mother of his child, and said "I can forgive you, I'm just not sure I can trust you" and trust is always the thing Eddie struggles with. To trust someone with Christopher is Eddie's ultimate show of love because it's what makes sense with his character, he is loyal until it kills him but nothing goes above Christopher. Also, Mr. Kids are signs hands over his own child to someone and I'm not supposed to look at that and go "huh wonder what he's feeling"? And there's the lawsuit of it all. Eddie gets that mad because he misses Buck and has no idea what to do with it. Because he got used to being a priority to Buck and he cannot handle the idea that maybe he's not. He's struggling, Chris is struggling and he needs Buck to do the thing he does where he fixes the problem without Eddie having to ask. But Buck has no real responsibility to Eddie or Chris, you can't really expect your best friend to base his life decisions on what's best for you. But it is the expectation Eddie has. He needs Buck to consider him. He needs Buck to be there for him no matter what. And at this point, when he's screaming at Buck as if they are a divorced couple, he's aware of something. He's definitely aware of something he doesn't want to look too closely at. 
Because being left by Buck leaves him completely off balance. And since Eddie is famous for not dealing with the shit he's feeling, things keep escalating because anger it's easier. Anger he can deal with. But in the end, he just wants Buck back so he forgives him the second he lets Buck speak. Because he wants the Buck that looks right through him, he wants what they have back. And he doesn't hesitate once he does. There are definitely some lingering feelings about how he kept pushing Shannon away and then she died and he "lost" time he could've had if he had let her in after he sought her out, so when Buck apologizes he just goes let's go team and moves on because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. 
But I think there's something important to take into consideration, that it's Eddie's therapy session. He talks about not feeling anything, good or bad, and the his feelings are boxed thing and how he doesn't know what to do with them and yes, that comes back into play later, but it is important that Eddie doesn't name his feelings and he consistently tries to box them and move past them instead of feeling them, and it gets to a point where he's doing this even to positive things. So he is not looking too closely as to why missing Buck throws him off balance. He's all let's go back to the way things were and they do. Forever seeking for a heterosexual explanation to the kitchen scene in 3x09 but I also do think there are different types of tension between them there. Because while Buck is teasingly trying to get Eddie to admit on what had happened and how Buck's absence was a trigger for Eddie's fight club era in his flirty way of his, Eddie is trying to make him stop talking in a real "man don't make me look at what happened too closely" because he doesn't know what he'll find. Or if he's ready to find it. Considering the whole widower who never processed a big emotion in a healthy way he has going on there. But Buck is a really steady presence in Eddie's life, and Buck does his best to not put them in the lawsuit situation again, he's around, he's helping Eddie with parenting issues and then we have the well.
The well is a pivotal moment. Not just because of the sheer amount of Buck in Eddie's I need to keep fighting montage and the way Buck is acting above the ground, but because of the way Eddie changes his will after that and chooses to hide the fact that he did. Eddie has parents who are more than willing to raise Christopher, he has sisters, he has a lot of blood relatives that he could assign as Chris' guardians if something happens, but he chooses Buck. He chooses a firefighter, who is not only a firefighter, it's also his partner so if Eddie ends up in a life-threatening situation, Buck will probably be there too, so it's not the biggest safeguard. Buck is also single and without kids of his own. He also has known Buck for what? 2 years at that point? Eddie's lawyer probably stared at Eddie in disbelief when Eddie explained the situation. But the real thing about the will is that Eddie doesn't talk about it. Dude had some revelations while under all that mud because the only reason he wouldn't tell Buck is if he couldn't tell Buck without talking about himself. That's the only explanation for why he would hide it. Because Buck would ask why him, why now, like he did when Eddie did finally tell him, but right then Eddie can't shift the focus back to Buck. But there's a very subtle change in the way Eddie acts around Buck after the well. And again, sure, you can play off Eddie's reaction to when Buck wants to do something dangerous as he needs Buck to stay alive, but you can't really apply that logic to the way Eddie acts about Abby. Like, Eddie is petty to girls who want Buck, that's a fact. And Eddie is petty about Abby, but he also gets unsure about his place in Buck's life when he sees Buck's reaction to seeing Abby. And they focus on Eddie there. We get Eddie's reaction to that interaction. That means something.
We get Eddie legit feeling insecure about his place in Buck's life over the fact that Abby is there. And Eddie knows Abby as this entity, the one that got away, the person responsible for Buck being the way he is, because that's the way Abby is talked about, and sure, if I was in Eddie's shoes, only seeing the damage someone did to my best friend and then have them risking their life because of whatever lingering feelings are still there, I would also reserve myself the right to hate them, but it's more than that. Like, the way he backs away from the both of them once Buck goes into protector mode.
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"Abby, His fiancée's Abby." *stomps away*. Absolutely insane interactions happen there that paint Buck as still hung up on Abby, even more after the whole thing with Red, but if you look at it with the right lenses, it paints Eddie as jealous of the way Buck is willing to put himself in danger to keep someone who broke him happy.
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Every reaction from Eddie in the train wreck feels so calculated to give this idea that he's unsure of his place in Buck's life. His face when he realizes who he's talking to, his hand hovering over Buck's shoulder like he wants to comfort him but doesn't know if he can, the way he looks at Buck after Abby and Sam are in the ambulance. He's completely off balance at the sight of the ghost of Buck's great lost love and I'm supposed to believe that man is just experiencing platonic friendship feelings about his best friend? Come on. 
Season 4 is complicated. Because of the Ana and Taylor of it all. They do have the easy banter, Eddie being someone Buck can rely on during the whole mess with his parents, a few scenes of Buck completely comfortable in Eddie's space and Eddie just moving around him like he's meant to be there, but we know the Ana of it all happens because of external pressure. Eddie thinks he needs to date, so he grabs onto the first woman he can. The way his whole body relaxes when he realizes Christopher is with Buck is actually insane. But even though he's dating, he's holding on to Buck in a way. Absolutely obsessed with how much he hates Taylor. Dude legit looks like he's fantasizing about running her over with the fire engine while watching Buck and Taylor interact making Buck ignore him. 
But then Eddie gets shot. Say whatever the fuck you want Eddie reached for Buck. He thought he was dying. And he reached for Buck.
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Eddie's been aware of something he doesn't want to look at too closely since the lawsuit that became harder to ignore after the well that he became fully aware of when he got shot. I know that what we have now says Eddie doesn't remember the shooting but wouldn't it be beautiful if he lied because he can't say what he remembers because everything he remembers is about Buck? The dramatic effect of I'm lying to you because I realized I loved you then but I can't tell you that now? Ugh. Anyway, Eddie got shot, things fell into place when he hit the ground, terrible place to have an oh! moment though. Dude just got shot, he's bleeding out, and the thing he gathers the rest of his energy is to ask if Buck is hurt. Sure, you can look at that as I think I'm dying so one of us has to make it home to Chris, but the possibility of it being an I love you I need to know you're okay before this kills me it's there. But he doesn't die. And when he wakes up Buck tells him it would've been better if he had been shot. You can see it on Eddie's face that he kept rehearsing what he was going to say about the will. Something else is the way that Ali takes Buck home after the truck so it would honestly make sense if Ana took Eddie home but he probably asked Buck to do it. That scene feels like an aborted love confession. "You act like you're expendable but you're wrong" the way he's saying you're not spare parts, you're not less important, you matter so much to me. Eddie knows Buck, he knows Buck associates love with pain. He wouldn't actually say something after he almost died, but it feels like he's working up to something. Sure he needs to break up with Ana, but there's time before he heals and can just, do something about it. But then Taylor fucking Kelly is in his welcome home party. He knew Buck and Taylor were working up to something. He knows Taylor being there means it happened. A violent reminder that Buck is straight (debatable) and doesn't feel the same (also debatable). So back to safety, he goes. 
I need to know who decided that having this particular look when they are literally talking about how Eddie is about to meet Ana's whole family was the way to go.
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Also, can you believe Eddie needed Buck's approval to break up with the girlfriend he didn't even want to date anyway?
Season 5 is complicated because of Eddie's PTSD, 5A has a lot of Eddie pulling away because of the way he knew when the dam broke it wouldn't be pretty and he didn't want to take down anyone with him. But even when we see Eddie out of the job, we see him making an effort to include Buck and Taylor so Buck would know that he really did mean the whole "you're stuck with us" thing. I can talk about 5x11 to 5x14 and the implications of it to buddie for days, really, (you can read this for some of those thoughts), but the thing here I guess, it's a lot about how when the box exploded, the feelings are all over the place, Eddie sits back and lets Buck in. He talks about the way he's feeling in a way we don't really see Eddie do all that often and he leans on Buck through his recovery and the process of finding out how to not feel like there's no hope for himself and how to feel comfortable in his own skin again. And it's a lot about Buck and the way Buck is constant. Eddie feels like Buck is this steady presence in his life that can and does help Eddie move forward.
But the thing is, the shooting happened, Eddie realized things, Taylor Kelly (derogatory) happened, Taylor Kelly (derogatory) took herself out of the running, Eddie now has the tools to deal with his own emotions, he's single, Buck's single, they're having dinner with Chris at Buck's loft and Eddie is asking Buck about things Chris kept from him, but Eddie is in a fantasy bubble where he can pretend he has the things he wants without actually asking for anything to change. I mean, post therapy Eddie is better with his feelings, but he's still Eddie. He was in his little I have time bubble. That was violently popped. Because Buck died. And he had to save him. "Do more" is such a desperate thing for a first responder and former combat medic to scream at a team of doctors. He knows they always do the best they can. He did the best he could, but there's only so far he can go. The way he follows the gurney hurts me in so many ways. Some real don't go where I can't follow bullshit.
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This is a man who watched Buck almost die multiple times. But this is also a man who never contemplated the possibility of Buck actually dying. The thing that drives me crazy about Eddie and everything surrounding Buck's death is that he can't look at it. He can't take his eyes off him, but once he's out of his sight he can't look at him again. He spends the whole time not looking at Buck. He looks away every time someone mentions it. Even when he's in the room with Chris he's not looking. 3 minutes 17 seconds. Look, this number bothers me. Bobby said they were 3 minutes out from the hospital and that it took 3 minutes to start compressions. So Buck was dead for 6 minutes. The rescue took 3 minutes. And Eddie counted. That's the only explanation for this particular number. He counted how long it took to get Buck to Chim and Hen and in the ambulance ready to go.
But Eddie was living comfortably in his bubble, I don't think he was at peace with it, but I do think he accepted it. But Buck wakes up, Buck seeks him out to help deal with the trauma. They look like a family, they act like a family, maybe it's not hopeless after all. Maybe Buck can feel the same and they can talk about it once Buck is not feeling so raw over his own death. Buck is just there all the time, something like that can't be one-sided, can it? But then Buck pulls the rug from under him. I made a very long post about the cemetery, you can read that one if you want, but the thing about that conversation is that it is a reminder that they are not on the same page. Because Buck throws him off balance again, considering the way Eddie was trying his hardest to be there for Buck just for Buck to say he's getting what he wants from a random woman he met a few days before. And it makes Eddie back away so he won't end up hurting his own feelings more. I think at this point Eddie has accepted the fact that he's going to have to be Buck's best man and is trying to find a way to be okay with it. So he's retreating to familiarity again. It explains why he's trying to recreate what he had with Shannon because he loved Shannon, so maybe if he found that again he wouldn't have to cut Buck off to move on. Because he needs Buck on some level but there is a limit on how much he can take while Buck goes around looking for something he already has.
And yes I talked and talked and talked but why does this mean Eddie fell first? Well, Buck will never figure it out on his own. The thing about Buck is that Buck doesn’t know what healthy love is. He thinks love is work, but in a it’s bleeding himself dry for someone way. He thinks love is pain. Eddie is safety. Eddie is home. He never knew home as a place where he can find love.
This is all for today. If you read this I love you. Also the doc I typed it out says it has over 4.3k words so this is long as fuck congratulations for sticking through it 🩷
804 notes · View notes
the-record · 2 months
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SUMMARY: ellies lost her keys…again… luckily dina’s pretty friend has an empty bed
PAIRING: ellie williams x reader
A/N: i missed these and yall!! not fully back but i miss writing also if u see stranger things content don’t be alarmed! still v much in love with ellie and abs
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tagged: joelmmm
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dina_nolastname BAAHHAHA IMAGIWN 
   elliewilliams i HATE you CRY URSELF TO SLEEP
joelmmm 💤💤💤
   elliewilliams JOEL PLEASE UTS COLD
   elliewilliams IM TIRED AND IM VERY SORRY 
jessesucks go to tommy and marias stupid
   elliewilliams why didnt i think of that? oh wait I DID ITS 2 AM AND THEY HAVE A BABY STUPJD HOW DID YOU EVEN GRADUATE??!!?!?!
yourusername did u lose ur key again
   elliewilliams …no… also HOW DO U KNOW AB THAT?!?!
      yourusername dina talks a LOT when shes drunk
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angel: ellie come to mine
ellie: huh?
a: ur locked out, im not, my beds made, urs probably isnt, come over.
e: u barely know me?!?!?
a: dina trusts u idc, come over rn or ill pick u up.
e: send me ur address.
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“this was really nice of you.” ellies voice breaks the silence as make room for her beside you. you wave your hand, no worries, but she insists. “no seriously, you could’ve let me die. freeze. starve even.”
when you laugh she doesn’t think she’s ever heard a better sound. “ellie i don’t think any of those things would’ve happened.” you smile and lean on an elbow to look at her. “and i really don’t mind, gets lonely anyways. need a loser dork to fill the silence.” you tease.
she gasps in faux hurt, tracing an imaginary tear down her face.
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elliewilliams an ANGEL yall. $10,000,000 for her and her only.
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourusername bye i let you stay over a night 😭 i didnt cure cancer
   elliewilliams ur right. $100,000,000 mb
dina_nolastname *sighs*
   elliewilliams i hate you.
joelmmm yourusername I am so sorry Ellie intruded, I’ll pay you for your time and kindness. 
   yourusername 😭😭 damn
      elliewilliams ignore him, he drinks
         yourusername its 8 am.
jessesucks oh you will NEVER live this down.
   elliewilliams blocked.
a_anderson you are an embarrassment to society!
   elliewilliams i hate all of u.
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e: hey!
a: real chipper today huh
e: didn’t lose my key all week so yes very
e: i have a question tho
a: lmao im gonna steal ur key from u, whats up?
e: do u wanna go to a concert this weekend??
e: i bought the tickets for dina and i but she cancelled last minute and jesse cant go
e: its like 2 hours away on saturday 
e: also do NOT touch my key please i m begging
a: yea actually id love too :)
a: text me the details
e: great
e: okay yea ofc
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elliewilliams so…
tagged: yourusername 
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dina_nolastname MRS STEAL UR GIRL 
   elliewilliams SHE WAS NEVER URS!!!
jessesucks GASPING when did this development occur.
   elliewilliams 🤓☝️
      jessesucks BREAK UP
yourusername girl on the left is sooo fine
   elliewilliams crazy, im more into the one on the right
   dina_nolastname yall r EMBARRASSING 
joelmmm yourinstagram Come for dinner tomorrow! Would love to meet Ellie’s pick of the month. 🩷
   yourinstagram GOODBYEEE
   elliewilliams JOEL?!?!??!!!??!
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yourusername in an interesting turn of events…
tagged: elliewilliams
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jessesucks GAG
   yourusername this is why dina dumped you! 💋
      dina_nolastname BYEEE true tho
elliewilliams bruh we are so cute
   yourusername okay “bruh”
      elliewilliams WIAT OM SORRY
dina_nolastname mrs. stolen girl 💔💔
   yourusername im always urs bae 
a_anderson wheres MY cute gf damn.
      a_anderson SPILL. 
   elliewilliams go away! 💋
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a: hey
e: hi
a: come over?
a: please?
e: are you okay??
a: just please come over.
e: im omw right now
e: be there in 10
e: unlock the front door
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a knock on your door wakes you from the light sleep you’d been in. a small ‘come in’ has ellie gently opening the door and walking softly towards your bed. her hands brush hair from your face, a kind smile on her face. something you can’t pinpoint in her eyes.
“you doing okay babe?” her voice is just above a whisper, though no one else would be home to hear it otherwise. “tired?”
you hum an answer out and reach for one of her hands, fiddling with her rings and avoiding her eyes. “can you turn off the light and sit with me?” she smiles and nods, savoring one more second before standing and taking off her jacket while walking to the switch.
its still light out, the evening sun beginning to set but still lighting up enough of your room. as she’s getting in beside you, she notices what you’re wearing. “nice shirt,” ellie says with a snort.
its one of hers, you stole it a few weeks ago with no intention of giving it back. her heart grows as a small smile graces your features. “there she is.” you flush and turn away. she coos teasingly while getting comfortable behind you.
when you do turn, shes the perfect pillow. her fingers trace your features as your eyes shutter closed.
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e: hi love, you wanna do something today?
a: you have something in mind?
e: thought we could go bowling 
e: that new bowling place just opened downtown, looks cute
a: kinda tired. do something at home?
e: alreadyomw with snacks for u
a: youre the best.
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a: i miss you.
e: i miss you too. you doing okay?
a: are you at work
a: im tired
e: i get off in 30 
e: come over to mine, joel will let you in
a: okay
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elliewilliams bbg needs a NAP theyre grouchy
tagged: yourusername 
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yourusername i know where you live.
   elliewilliams LOVE YA!
joelmmm Photo creds.
   elliewilliams sighs.
dina_nolastname angel ALWAYS needs nap bro gets really grumpy
   yourusername I ALSO KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE
      dina_nolastname see? grumpy.
jessesucks we’ve all seen the pictures she looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL, uhm… and he’s there… (ellie is he)
   dina_nolastname (ellie is he) BYE
   elliewilliams remember when dina dumped u?
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a: can we go to the aquarium 
e: you feel up to it?
a: no obviously i asked because i don’t 
e: god just being a supportive girlfriend and this is what i get. 
e: no im sorry im sorry im sorry i wanna go
a: YAY
a: pick me up in 30 pls
e: of course love 
e: im glad you’re feeling better
e: very excited rn
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yourusername finally left the house after 72628748829 years 
tagged: elliewilliams
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elliewilliams @ the guy who took this for us ur so real
   yourusername YEA!!!!!!
dina_nolastname yall r so cute CRY
   yourusername u want me fr
jessesucks ICK
   dina_nolastname this is why i dumped u
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elliewilliams a moment for the gf!
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername OF ALL THE THINGS YOU POST THIS?!?!? THIS?!!!!!!!?
   elliewilliams but u look so pretty
      yourusername CHOKE ily
         elliewilliams I love YOU
dina_nolastname my wife is so gorg
   elliewilliams back off?
      yourusername LADIES LADIES theres enough of me to go around
jessesucks cute ig
joelmmm You found a good one babygirl! 
   elliewilliams DAMN RIGHT I DID
e: hey i love you
a: i love you too
a: u lose ur key again?
e: …
a: ffs come over good god
e: already here!
e: ur mom says hi
e: be up in a sec!! snacks!
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126 notes · View notes
aikofanfan · 1 year
Obey me, Themis!
Part 2 is out!
Summary: Rosa is your childhood friend and you decide to visit her and Luke. But it’s you. Things are never that easy.
Pairings: None. For now. I may fold on that in later parts.
Warnings: There is a small reference to Ep 3 of ToT, if you played it you know if not- drugs and child abuse. Very small tho just letting ya know.
A/n: Obey Me! x Tears of Themis crossover that was supposed to be a small dumb little drabble for shits n giggles became a bigger story with every word I wrote. So expect more parts cuz skdjsndns
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“Wait really??!” Rosa jumps up from her desk, phone in hand and a huge grin on her face. “When? Around what time?? So soon?”
Everyone in the room looked at her as she walks around her desk, talking to whoever it maybe.
“No no my shift ends soon! Yes I know but I wish you would’ve called sooner I could’ve gotten food or something ready!” She laughs. “So much has happened since we last spoke!”
She walks and talks some more than noticed people staring. Ah right she is still at the office after all.
“I’ll see you soon!” She says before ending the call. She goes back to her desk and sets her phone down, Hm maybe she can get some take out ready to pick up if she orders now. She can get it on her way home.
“Rosa?” A sudden voice snaps her back to reality and she sees Artem by her desk.
“Oh hi Mr. Wing! Sorry about that.” She says sheepishly.
“It’s okay. Did something happen?” He asks, looking slightly worried.
“Oh no no not at all! That was my old friend MC!” Rosa explains. “I haven’t seen them in a long time and they called to tell me they’re coming here to Stellis!”
Artem recalls a few stories about this MC. Seemed like the polar opposite of Rosa when he thinks about it. MC had visited Stellis with family one year during their childhood in the summer and had gotten to know Rosa, they managed to keep in touch even after all these years as pen pals before exchanging phone numbers.
“They should be waiting for me by the time my shift is over.” Rosa glances at the time.
“Well if it really has been that long, you can leave now.” Artem suggests. Rosa doesn’t even fight it, jumping up and gathering her things and giving Artem a big hug and a quick thank you.
“Oh relax would ya.” You snicker, DDD in hand. “I’m not gonna get dragged into any of her cases. I’m not a lawyer or agent or whatever.”
You were outside of Rosa’s home waiting for her to get back. In the mean time you talked on your DDD with an over protective demon.
“You get dragged into all kinds of trouble without trying.” Lucifer sighed on the other end.
“Mmm true but still.” You snickered. “I’ll be fine.”
“Oop gotta go!”
You hang up and put your DDD away just in time to catch a smaller figure crash into you in a tight hug.
“Rosa!” You laugh and set her down. “Ah still so tiny.”
“Hey! I’ve grown at least a little bit!” Rosa pouts. “My boss let me out early and I got food!”
She turned around to grab the bag of take out she set down a ways away. Only for you to flicker your wrist and have it hover over and land in your hand.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” She says in awe. She was one of the few people outside of your family that knew about your mmm other worldly trips and lessons.
From murder cases to crazy trails and tests to mundane things and a bit more still mundane things the two of you share many stories back and forth.
“Sounds like Luke is still Luke you’re still you.” You grin.
“Yeah and it seems you’ve changed the most.” Rosa sighs. You could tell there was far more she wanted to share but clearly had her reasons to keep quiet. You don’t mind, the life of a lawyer must come with its own secrets.
“Change? Nah. Still just as hot headed as when we were kids.” You wink. “Only my eyes glow green when I get mad.”
Rosa sits up straight and blinks at you. You only give her a lope sided smile and she giggled.
“If I wasn’t so aware of your adventures I would’ve questioned that a bit more.” She giggled lightly. “Oh! You should come with me to the office and meet everyone!”
“Will I get to meet this Artem Wing you always mention in your texts?” You ask and wiggle your eyebrows at her.
That got you a pillow to the face.
“MC!” Luke waves to you and Rosa as you walk to a big building. Themis Law Firm if you recall correctly.
“I texted Luke to see if he wanted to stop by and see you.” You hear Rosa say before getting hugged by said man.
“It’s so good to see you! When did you get here???” He pulls away and gives you that blindingly bright smile of his.
“Just last night.” You state. He doesn’t know about you and magic. It’s not that you don’t trust him it’s just…you just don’t think his heart could take it. Seeing as how protective he is with just Rosa. But enough of that.
“Hmmm I dunno Rosa.” You hum, hand on her head and raising it to your own than to Luke’s. “You still look pretty tiny to me.”
Rosa gasps and Luke does his best to hold in his laughter but that only annoys Rosa more.
“I am not that small!!” Rosa swats her hands on your shoulder and Luke finally loses it. It was this moment that made you realized you missed these two knuckleheads more than you thought. You want to share all your adventures with Luke and Rosa but you still remember how Rosa reacted on a video call when you told her why you went missing for a year.
“WHAT?!” She gasps and you nearly dropped your phone.
“Look I know it sounds crazy but-”
“Other realm or not that breaks so many laws! And you aren’t the least bit upset!?” She asks, propping her phone up and flipping through some folders. “Abduction, forcing a person to do something against their will, having no say in the matter, oh my gods!”
“Rosa hey relax!” You laugh. She smacks the folder in her hands down and gives you a bewildered look. “So you believe me?”
“Of course I do! I looked into your missing person case after you were declared dead. Nothing made sense and now you telling me all this, everything makes sense.” She sighed. “No signs of struggle, no one having it out for you, nothing. You just…vanished.”
“You looked into my case?” You smiled. Rosa once again looked at you like you were crazy for asking such a thing.
“MC, we may have known each other over a summer but you quickly became my best friend. Of course I would.” She stated like it was obvious. “You really aren’t upset about this?”
“No it’s…complicated.” You sigh but had a small smile.
“Sounds like you were the force of nature those boys needed huh?”
Rosa laughed hard at your outburst.
Back to the present, Luke had to run off but made you and Rosa promise that you all had to hang out together at least once before you had to go. Now you were walking into the building and heading to Rosa’s floor.
“Is that phone even sturdy?” You ask, eyeballing the piece of glass in Rosa’s hand that she claimed to be a cell phone.
“It’s a lot tougher than you think.” She says with such confidence she might give Mammon a run for his money.
“Oooh is this the famous MC we’ve heard so much about?” A new voice says as a woman walks over to you two.
“MC this is Celestine.” Rosa introduced and you shake her hand. More and more people come and go to meet you. Did Rosa really talk about you that much?
“You make me out to be some celebrity?” You teased and she just grins at you. You get to her little cubicle and sit by her, watching her work. You get bored within half n hour and start to spin around in the wheelie chair you’re sat in.
“MC don’t do that. You’ll crash into someone.” You hear Rosa warn.
“Oh I’ll be fine- OH SHIT-” You slam your feet down just in time so you don’t smack into whoever was right behind you. You glance up and seen cold blue eyes staring down at you. If you were a normal person you’d be intimidated but being around the likes of Lucifer, you just wave at the guy.
“Well hello there pretty boy.” You grin and hear Rosa choke on her tea behind you.
“And you must be MC.” He says.
“That’s me. And you?” You ask.
“Artem Wing.”
“OH.” You stand up and bow a little. “I am so sorry, Mr. Wing! Rosa has told me so much about you! Ha ha ha!”
“Don’t be so tense.” Artem chuckled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You shake hands then sink back down into your chair. You glance over to Rosa who was currently coughing into a tissue.
“Well I’d say that’s a new record for me.” You grin then look back to Artem. “So!”
You stand back and give Artem a once over. He must’ve noticed as you see a bit of blush form on his cheeks and he fiddles with his tie.
“Rosa told me a lot about you as I mentioned and her description of you was spot on. Easy on the eyes and has gorgeous eyes too!” You state and hear Rosa make a squeaky noise.
“Well it’s almost my lunch time! Come on MC!” Rosa finally speaks up and grabs your wrist, dragging you away from Artem.
“Rosa also told me you got a nice waist. I can see it! You’re totally her type!”
“I can’t believe you.” Rosa pouts and takes a bite of her sandwich. You two were in a park, sat on a bench under a tree.
“Am I wrong though?” You ask with a knowing look. She merely glares but shyly shakes her head.
“Knew it.” You say with a wink. You chat some more until a guy walks over.
“Hey Miss attorney. Who’s this with you?” He says, taking the empty spot on Rosa’s right side.
“Oh! MC this is Marius. Marius this is my friend MC. They’re visiting Stellis for a few days.” Rosa introduced you two to each other.
“Marius, Marius.. ah right.”
“Yep. Marius von Hagen at your service.”
“Oh I was gonna say the blueberry play boy.”
Rosa laughs as you snicker at the man’s expression. You remember Rosa mentioning a Marius in your texts and you gave him the title of blueberry play boy because of his hair and eyes.
“We’ve only just met and you’re already being so mean.” He says in a fake hurt tone. Now why does that seem so familiar?
“But truly I’ve met bigger names.” You state. “Not really impressed by titles nowadays.”
“Oh? Who have you met?” He asks, thinking you’re being serious. Meanwhile Rosa looks surprised, are you going to-?
“Nobody you need to know. Rosa has told me all about you so it feels like I’ve already met you and the shock has drifted away.” You joke and Rosa sighed. Just then your DDD rings and you get up. “Excuse me for a moment.
Rosa nods and you walk off to the side before answering. Right away you hear bickering on the other end, Asmo, Levi and Mammon if you’re hearing correctly. Of all the times to call-
“OI!” You snap and silence follows. “I told you guys I’d be busy the next few days. What is it?”
What follows was mingled words of Asmo saying Mammon stole his jewelry, Mammon denying it and Levi whining about-something; you aren’t sure what. You pinch the bridge of your nose, contemplating on whether you should text Lucifer for help or not.
When an evil idea comes to mind. You look over to the bench and no matter how they look you know Rosa and Marius are trying to listen in on the conversation. So you wave your hand and when they notice you, you point at Marius and make a “come here” gesture with your hand.
“Yeah?” He asks, confused. You mute yourself on your end and say:
“Just follow my lead, okay?” You say and he nods. You unmute yourself. “Look you guys, I don’t really have time for this.”
“But MC-!”
“I have a lot of sight seeing to do. You can be good and figure this out for yourselves right?” You ask. “I’m sure Lucifer can help sort this out.”
“Lucifer?” Marius asks and the three boys on the other side grow silent real fast. Got em.
“Who’s that?” Mammon asks.
“Oh this is Marius. He’s a friend of Rosa’s, I just met him.” You explain calmly. “He’s part of the Pax Group. The ceo if I remember right.”
“PAX GROUP?!” The three voices simultaneously shout, making you and Marius jerk back from the volume of it.
“Oi he isn’t tryin to steal ya away is he?” You hear Mammon hiss.
“Oh relax.” You rolled your eyes. “I just had him talk just to tease ya. Call it karma for the headaches you lot give me.”
“You’re so mean!” Asmo whines but you knew they were used to this. You tease but never mean any ill intent.
“Now if all matters are settled, I’m going to hang up now and you aren’t going to call me anymore right?” You state.
“Right?” You repeat, eyes flashing green for a second. The three agree and hang up. You put your DDD away with a sigh and glance to the young ceo beside you. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Did your eyes glow…green? How did you do that?” He asks.
…oh shit-
“He noticed? Oh he’s not going to let that go.” Rosa sighed as she typed on her computer.
“I had a feeling he was that kind of prick.” You huff, slumping into your chair.
“He’s not a-prick- he just likes to tease. Like someone else I know.” Rosa comments, side eyeing you with a smirk.
“Are you saying we’re similar??? I’m hurt!” You gasp in fake offend. You two keep talking as she works, your head spinning at all the legal talk. It makes magic and potions look like pre school levels of easy in comparison.
“Using a kid as a test subject for drugs? Hmmm wonder if Diavolo could find that guy in the Devildom.” You mumble to yourself after Rosa explained one of the cases she worked on.
She looks at you, making a face like she wanted to say or ask something but frowns with a small pout.
“Something on your mind?” You ask.
“If you could find him that would really help things but- I don’t think that would be something that could be explained in court.” She pouts. Right. Things are still odd between the realms. You’d bet everything that Diavolo would help in a heartbeat but things aren’t that easy.
“Someday, Rosa. Someday.” You pat her back. To lighten the mood again you spin in your chair- and fall over with a loud thud.
“I’m okay!” You hold a thumbs up and hear Rosa laugh before she’s helping you up.
“You didn’t learn from earlier today did you?” She asks.
“Nope!” You grin.
“I’m assuming this is the MC I’ve heard so much about.”
You glance behind Rosa and see a man with glasses and Hm white? Platinum hair? Meh who really knows.
“Based on the way you dress, you must be V-” Rosa elbowed you. “-Dr. Richter.”
“Correct.” He chuckled as you rub your side, softly glaring at Rosa.
“Well look at that, I’ve met all three of these new guys.” You announced.
“Friends, MC. My new friends.” Rosa corrected you but you just shoot her a look. You bicker back and forth but feel eyes on you still. Looking up, Dr. Richter hasn’t moved or walked away.
“Something wrong, Doc?” You ask.
“No no it’s just-how do I put it. You seem different from others I’ve met.” He explains. Your eyes narrow, you can tell this man is far more than what he looks to be. Rosa must’ve sensed the growing tension before she wheels her chair in between you and this doctor, holding her hands up.
“MC is just a very interesting person like that. You know?” She laughs kinda nervously, looking up at the man.
“I’m not going to cause any trouble if that’s what you’re trying to imply.” You spoke up after a moment. “I’m just here to visit two childhood friends, is that so wrong of me?”
“No not at all.” Dr. Richter agreed. He gets called away and walks off, but you could still tell he was wary of you.
“He totally knows.” You said once you were sure he was gone.
“No I don’t think it’s that he knows, maybe he can just tell there’s more to you than meets the eye.” Rosa explains. “Either way, just be extra careful around him.”
“And by that you mean don’t knock his lights out.”
“Especially that.”
“He’s just a Psychiatrist! Why was he sizing me up like some criminal?!” You pace around as you vent to Rosa and Luke. You were in Rosa’s apartment hanging out like Luke basically made you promise to do.
“I mean-are you?” Luke asks and you grab a pillow then chuck it at him. He laughs as he catches it. “He’s just like that. Comes with the job I’m sure.”
Grumbling, you slump back down into a chair. You shouldn’t let this bother you so much but it does. Then again you should be used to this, the students at RAD were the same way once upon a time.
“So how long are you planning to stay?” Rosa asks, effectively changing the topic.
“Not sure yet. Maybe a few days. I know you guys are busy.” You answer.
“Oh come on! Stay longer!” Luke urges. “We have so much catching up to do!”
“He’s right. I don’t have any major cases right now.” Rosa adds. They both give you puppy dog eyes and you groan in defeat.
“Alright alright.” You give in. “I’ll stay longer.”
They celebrate their victory and pull you into a small group hug.
“You weren’t trying to test MC, were you, Vyn?” Rosa walks into the NXX headquarters with Luke behind her and clearly caught the doctor off guard with her question.
“Of course not.” He says. “I’ve met a lot of people in my line of work and there’s just something different about them.”
“You’d be right about that, Doc. I met them and their eyes glowed green.” Marius pipes up and oh boy.
“Green?” Artem questioned, joining the conversation as he walks over. Luke makes a confused noise and looks down to Rosa.
“You were seeing things.” She tried to shrug it off.
“They’re our friend, if there was something new with them they would’ve told us by now.” Luke spoke up, not liking how the others were acting as if MC was suspicious. Rosa nodded in agreement.
“Not like we have a right since we can’t tell them about this.” Rosa adds, gesturing to the whole headquarters. The topic is changed once Artem starts talking about a new case that came in.
Strange substances going around the city that’s causing strange side effects or worse, death. But no one knows where it came from or what it even is. It was like it came from a different world all together.
“It’s only been recorded to have be here in Stellis only as of right now.” Artem explains.
“And if we don’t find out where it’s coming from, it could spread.” Marius adds. Rosa looks at the sample careful that was in a small baggy. Reddish with bits of black and leafy like.
“May…I make a suggestion.” Rosa spoke up. All four of the men look at her. “I think I know where we can start.”
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moonrisecoeur · 2 months
i know i do not have to thank u for sharing ur stuff but get this!!! i want to!!!!! cause its good and i like it and being thankful for good stuff is nice!!!!!!
anyways!!! nickname name whatever is bunny!! not that original not that interesting but its been my nickname my entire life + its cute so!! why not!!
anyways pt.2,, leon with his re6 voice whining and calling for his mommy oh im getting so lightheaded. he would sound SO sweet ;(( his re6 voice is honestly my favorite voice ever, i looove matthew mercer. i think he's like one of the 3 voice actors i can recognize anywhere (tho that might be cause he's also on my fave final fantasy but also leon i guess. leon is important too)
ur so cute omg okay FINE u can be thankful for my stuff but i'm thankful for YOU because get this, i'm genuinely just some girl who likes it when people like her!! so as long as people like what i write and i feel inspired to write, i'm gonna write!!
OMG BUNNY IS SO CUTEEE OH EM GEEEE!! love that :3 i have another mutual who's tag is #bunii <3 so i feel like i'm collecting all of them lol !!
in matthew mercer we trust like. i had the biggest crush on cassidy from overwatch when i was younger so like. obviously it translates haha. i love nick as well he did such a great job with re2r/re4r leon!! really love his voice like he really shows it off well in that scene in 4r where leon is comforting ashley after she attacked him cuz of the plaga. he really like makes leon sound so gentle and sweet despite like the crazy fuckin environment they're in! but like i really like how matt did the scene in death island where leon and jill are fighting those monsters like !! he just sounded so goofy and silly during the aftermath of such a scary moment which is sooo quintessentially leon!!
i just love the idea of leon saying mommy ugh. like i keep imagining the lines in my head, like when he gets back from alcatraz, "i'm home, mommy. yes, i'm okay. it was a long mission but i've got all my limbs intact."
"you're my mommy, i don't want to share you." when he's all grouchy in the morning.
"please, mommy? you know i'll be good. i'm always good."
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Am I here again? Yes i am. Am I here because I have no idea how to write my thoughts out? Lol YES. I JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE MODERN AU HELP. Aight so at first I was thinking about Childe since he probably would be one but since I'm a heavy simp of Pantalone and your way of writing him... *casually scratches Childe out * (sorry childe, Scribe can only take one at once QwQ *i guess*)
so... yan!Pantalone (i mean if we can get a but of childe as well then why not) with fem reader who's in a popular girlband.
This one will purely be based on your whole ideas about it since I don't even know what I had in mind. Sure, he's your typical crazy fanatic fans except that he can do even more with his power. (Right what do you have in mind? Here's mine) You who's not really the main (idk what but u get the idea) and doesn't really get as much screentime than that one member. Oh what will he do to make you shine even more? (Yeah right idk what, no need to make it sounds logical if you dont know too-) You being the third out of five doesn't sit right with him. You need to be the first and he'll do whatever it takes to make it comes true.
Oh yeah while we're at this, I have the idea that Childe would probably be the one who rewatch your MV over and over everyday to boost the numbers while Pantalone will also do the same but not as eager as him lol. Sure they both make everyone do the same everyday too lol but it's just that Childe seems to be a lil bit... nasty (im sorry) when doing so. Oh i mean both of them do notice how your outfits show so much skin in this one particular MV but even Pantalone won't rewatch that one part of the video of you where something slips away over and over (im sorry 2)
Anyway BACK TO PANTALONE,  he'll probably have a shit tons of informations about you ... i mean sure he had already knew you even before you debuted or even before you were a trainee! I mean, how can he forgot someone who's kind enough to give him a coat in the middle of the endless winter? You looked as angelic as how you once looked like when you stopped in front of him only to give him your coat and money for him. (Heh im sorry i cant with this trope). Sure, your family might be rich enough to pull some dirty strings for your debut but how surpirsed would you be if you knew they were not the only one who pulled the strings. (You know, Childe and you had been friends since HS smthg like that and I can see how he might do the same for you as well. Imagine them both seeing each other tho) The rest of his fanatic behaviours (and actions lol) are all up to you because I want to know what you had in mind so much qwq.
Also bonus is that this girlband is kinda... ehe...you know, quiet unique with its music *istg this is not my idea, it's because I just watched some Umetora mmds and can't stop brainrotting about this theme for the whole 2 weeks* which is... there's an element of moaning in it sometimes so make sure to keep an eye on these crazy yan okay. Who knows if they might go feral
There's actually a shit tons of extreme behaviours of them i had in mind but i dont even know if ur fine with it so i'll just *peaces out*
Yeah my request this time is so unorganized prolly because I really want it to be based on your thoughts completely (and yet i still write my mind out-) but still ty for reading my dum dum brainrot (fr wondering why do I always put some bits of love to Pantalone's past) qwq
The dark melody of the twin black stars
Yan! Modern! Pantalone x idol! Modern! Reader x yan! Modern! Gangmember(?) Childe
Lyrics from Melody in the dark from Undead, Star ensemble
Using all Childe's known name for this fic
Tw: sexual themes, stalking, panty sniffer, blackmailing (implied), yandere stuff, kleptomaniac, first time writing in a modern world, and please state more of your mind next time bubbles.
"Back at it again bubbles? Couldn't resist opening Pandora's jar of goodies, I see. Do you feel it? The harvest is here. Pity are those who have a place on the table… Unless you're giving up a piece of yourself for carnal desires. I have seen many fall and bend to the wordless will of our shrouded hearts. Its rewards are robust as it is unholy. Now, let us don our masks of vice and the feast could begin." -Scribe
" Thank you for coming to our concert everyone! It really means so much to us!" Rinna smiled, the leading singer. 
“On to our hit song!” There you are smiling so brightly, with a fist raised to the sky.
“And remember that we’ll have a greet and meet like always after this.” one winked at the audience, causing an uproar. They have waited for this concert, two certain individuals watched with great anticipation. One with tuffs of ginger, and the other rolling in dough.
Childe, a man who had known you for at least seven years. Wearing a jacket to conceal his tattooed gangster mark on his pelvic area.  He knew of you since your debut, who wouldn't recognize that lovely voice that overshadows the rest. With that growl shifting to a higher note, knowing how much work you put into shining brighter than any star known to man. He remembered that kind face anywhere, no amount of makeup could hide that inner beauty from him.
A bloodied handkerchief rests in his pocket as a good luck charm. In fact that’s how he found out about you in highschool, young and unafraid to get in a few fist fights before he got recruited by his foster father; the Rooster. Everyday of school he’d ask you on a date, but every time you'd turn him down he'd just laugh it off and just escort you back home. This is his first in person concert, and he’ll be glad that he sold an arm and leg to see you up close and personal with you in that costume.
Similar to the man that feasts upon the bloody tears of his prey. He had his own private view of you from where he stood. It's not shameful of him to be here since, why would he be, when the girl has done so much for him with nothing in return? Just like that one fateful snowy night. He hadn’t gotten rid of that cozy, fluffy winter coat, and nearly given everything you could to a grateful beggar like him. That sweet scent of pastry and comforting bitter coffee warms his frozen heart.
"You called for us wanting to be imprisoned, haven't you?//
You're simply a wandering kitten//
We'll show you the finest nightmare//
You won't be able to see anything else// Only jail//"
From then on, they promise to help you achieve your dream from the shadows of your life. Not minding that they were forgotten (oh, but they totally do mind!), buying every merch of you down to collabs with other brands/bands or even dare I say. Gacha games, where they try to max out your character and give you the best gear. Hearing your voice lines soothes them, almost like you’re actually conversing with them. These two are the ultimate whale-lords when it comes to you. Both have a shrine dedicated for your success, though one is more lavish than the other.
"Shake to your very core" Sierra winked at the audience followed by Faline
"Ignorant fools!" The tsundere of the group nearly stepped on the camera.
"I will protect the weak" then you picked up the camera, showing a kind smile with fake vampire teeth.
Childe's definitely going to use that screenshot as his wallpaper. 
"Let  me show you how serious I am. // Wallowing  in sleepless nights//" both Rinna and Lara sang.
Your line made the men swoon over your voice, singing your little heart out. Childe’s imagination got a hold of him when he saw how you hold the mic, swaying your body, it instantly reminded him of that one music video where you’re dancing up the stage with such a showy outfit. Giving much room for imagination, the gothic based uniform revealed quite a bit under your skirt and the dip of your curves. 
Not good, he's drooling. It was last night he found that solo album of yours, a very experimental one in fact. An interesting take on new music, combined with very steamy lyrics. He could only imagine what else you could do if you do accept him. 
The Regrator had long to meet you in person, so this meet and greet is perfect for him. Though part of him desires something more than just a brief meeting. To kiss your hand as thanks, he knows he might do something more than that. 
We'll sink our claws into your heart, strong and deep
Your heart (your heart) we'll dye it with the black of night
(We won't let you run away, our wanted angel)
This forbidden fruit that's playing an irregular cord
Your hope (your hope) just try chasing after it
(Be mesmerized in this misty show time!)
Out of the two men, Childe is the more gutsy type. Breaking and entering your house when you aren't home, rummaging through your things like a rat finding its next meal.
"Bingo!" Your underwear, a cute one in fact, with lace. You did notice it missing but you'd assume you just misplaced it and you'll find it once you stopped looking for it. Not knowing that a certain gangster is using it for his own unsavory pleasures. Occasionally he'd nab a few things like keychains, a fake pearl that fell off your costume. Or just getting that clam shell souvenir you got from the beach. 
Pantalone doesn't stoop to something so low like Childe, he has standards! But, he does have access to special bloopers and cut content of you through connections. Though that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy what kind of show you'll provide him in your private quarters.
Remember that stuffed toy from your last window shopping with your friends? You'll find that doll delivered to your changing room along with a usual bouquet of exotic flowers in a heart shape.
There's a poem stuck to it like always, this time it reads: 
"Along the sea danced in gilt and cupidity. Only the haunting song of a siren to be heard. On the horizon showed the moon casted still-ly shade upon lovely, Rose." - R. P. 
Childe usually gets annoyed when you swoon over the different poems you receive with the flowers. He kept wondering who the hell gives better gifts than him, he's been your best buddy since highschool! 
He knows what flowers you love, the food you like, your favorite music. Hell, he even took care of the bastard that cheated on you. He wants you to look at him, look at him the way you stare so lovingly at those swans. Those lips of yours only tempt him to just jump on you, give every love and passion he has burning inside of him for even a moment to forget about that crybaby. Just LOOK AT HIM, he’s a mess. Head rattled with thoughts of you being so intimate with him. 
You'll even forget to breathe in this dramatic night//
Dance! Live!//
You'll be falling into our melody in the dark//
They both equally love you- no, adore you! They know your ups and downs in life, they witness you being sad, angry, but they love it when you have a smile on your face. Just give them a chance to please you, it'll all be worth it if you do. 
As Childe, he'd kept asking you to help him with various things. Like baking, cooking, or even asking to go shopping for his family's gifts, especially Teucer. His older sister is rather fond of your songs which is how he connects two and two together.
Hiding our unleashed fangs//
This bloody poison is your enticing catharsis//
Kindness continues to caress freedom//
Overwhelmed with a choking urge
In this labyrinth//
Shut up solitude with a kiss//
Even though they know not to jump whenever you have collabs with boy bands, especially with the one with long white hair you're so fond of. It irks them to no end that you're being so intimate with him and his words.
While you tried to rise in the popularity ranks normally, your obsessed supporters think you should be the best among the best. Alongside with merchandise hoarding, these two bribe certain individuals to fudge up the numbers. Oh, the sparkles in your eyes when you saw how many people love you for how hard working you are to be on stage.
We'll make the spinning hands of the clock kneel and let time stand still//
Your love (your love) needs no hesitation//
(Our blindfolded wanted fairy)//
Now conceal this cross that won't grant our wish//
Your hope (your hope) we'll expose it//
(The moment we bite, our show time begins!)//
Recently, Pantalone had hired a professional crew, and interior designer('close friend or not'). Do you know that fabulous apartment building near downtown? It was a separate place for everything that you love or even items you were interested in. A dollhouse if you would call it that.
It's nearly a replica of your room, even the dust bunnies in that one corner. The only difference between yours and this, is the big portrait of you and him that he commissioned. It looked like it was photographed even though it's oil paint. 
A reverberation more certain than a fleeting promise//
You  surely know what that is//
The  flowing voice of these string//
will lead you//
To  a night that harbors eternity//
It will never end//
"So he's here" The black haired man looked over at the near front row seat. "Call him over." He told the disguised bodyguard. 
"Didn't expect you of all people to be here. " The 11th seat walked up to the Regrator. That facsimile smile never left his face since they first met underground. 
"Same could be applied to you, Tartaglia." the silence they shared with the 'hardcore' girlband fanatics' crazed screams of delight. It was then they both knew, they either have to work together or fight against each other for one singular objective. 
We'll sink our claws into your heart, strong and deep//
Your heart (your heart) we'll dye it with the black of night//
(We won't let you run away, our wanted angel)//
This forbidden fruit that's playing an irregular cord//
Your hope (your hope) just try chasing after it//
(Be mesmerized in this misty show time!)//
They need to have you for themselves. It's clear as day that these two are a whole separate level on regular hardcore fanatics. Hope you are prepared to face them when the time is right.
No strategy is necessary in this dramatic night//
Dance! Live!//
Into the wavering night, our melody in the dark//
Once the song was done, Rinna took the stage. "Did you all enjoy that?" The fans erupted in cheers as a reply.
"Our lovely ghoulies, we have an announcement to tell you all…" Faline said sadly.
" I, Rose, will be leaving the group." The lovely flower took a step, it made the crowd go silent and news hit the gangster fool. It felt like their world fell apart. He knew of the contract but he thought you'd renew it. Looking at the wealthy man who just adjusted his glasses, seemingly calm and collected.
“You boys know what’s the plan, yes?” An agent bowed subtly and went away to begin the next phase.
Part 1 complete
Pt 2: Valentines’ nightmare
"And now with the appetizers served it is on to the next course the main dish. And of course the dessert." - Scribe 
Feedback people, I need feedback to improve. Always welcomed.
Tag: @youyue
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ihave0hearts4me · 9 months
You Cannot Possibly Believe I Can Live in These Conditions
You cannot possibly believe i can live in these conditions 
its hot and humid 
global warming is melting ice caps and releasing deadly mosquito viruses 
or some shit like that 
right now im feeling hot and bothered, 
and not in the good way 
i just wanna rip my shirt off and walk around in a bra 
well, everyone did just walk around in leaves back a few centuries ago, 
hell, women didn’t even cover their tits, 
they just hung freely 
This weather, 
Its suffocate 
I can barely even feel myself walking 
My head hurts, 
I literally feel like im gonna throw up 
I have to get out of this heat, 
Its too much 
I miss winter 
You cannot possibly believe i can live in these conditions 
The winters here are getting worse by the years 
I can practically smell the snow coming towards my “coastal” Heart Of Dixie town 
Im half asleep when my father burst in my room 
Wait what did i hear him say? 
The powers gone out? 
That literally never happens during winter 
It only happens during hurricane season 
This is so bullshit
My mother is always yelling for me to put on all those jackets 
She doesn’t understand that my outfit’ll look chunky if i put all if them on 
We make a fair deal, 
An undershirt, a long sleeve, a cardigan, 
some black pants with shorts underneath, 
and a winter chaleco for good measure 
That seems to satisfy her and myself 
I cant wait for summer, 
Shorts and tees everyday 
No chunky layers 
You cannot possibly believe i can live in these conditions 
Its settled, 
Im dying 
The impending doom that is summer 
Its here back again to kill us all  
It might as well 
Am i going to sound crazy if i say that the literal fucking heat is pissing me off? 
Because just being in it makes me hate everyone im with in the moment 
This human emotion called greed is never satisfied, it always wants something 
Midas doesn’t even compare to us here in 2023,
We want this we need that 
It’s getting so boring in my room 
I feel as tho this isolation is not fixing my problems 
God i cannot wait for school to start and i get to see all my friends and “be myself” 
You cannot possibly believe i can live in these conditions 
Ah yes, another thing ruined by humanity itself again 
Cant even go to fuck school without a bitch worrying she might die, 
And i thought my crushes knowing they’re codename was bad 
Its fine, 
I have a perfectly planned escape route for every classroom, 
But honestly, 
Who the hell thinks to do that kind of shit 
I mean i guess if it was just they’re bullies but, 
Innocent people, 
thats where the fuck i draw the line
And the violence in general in this world 
A man running over people of his own race, 
His own blood basically, 
Those dudes literally looked just like him
I mean, I get a humans thirst for blood, 
For fun, 
For gore, 
For crime, 
For rebelling, 
For attention, 
For vengeance, 
Im human after all, 
And really thats all violence is, 
Its a human quality  
Sometimes i think, 
I think this is all a play 
And we’re just players in a game, 
Just entertainment for a hierarchy to enjoy 
This is just a sick,sick game 
And when our life gets boring or they just want a show with a cliffhanger, 
Thats when it all ends, 
And that when we get reincarnated, 
Its just us getting a cameo in someone elses life 
Aha, thats a funny word 
You cannot possibly believe i can live in these conditions 
These horrible, horrible conditions 
Why i plead, 
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batsinurbelfrey · 11 months
tagged by LA's #1 Boyfriend [gn] @18minutemajor
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYBODY? Not my first name, but my middle name is my grandmother's first.
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Last night LOL, I got a Very Kind letter in the mail from someone I love very deeply, and I had just had a long and stressful day.
3. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I always go "no, im not a person that counts pets as kids so i dont" but you know what. With Dai working her way through her FIFTH medical emergency of the year right now, im gonna say Yes. One. costs abt the damn same at this point at least lol
4. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? I DO. but it really depends on the situation, I have a deep fear of hurting someone's feelings who doesn't maybe Know me well enough yet and misreads me etc etc. Basically, the more I come to trust you, the more of a bitch I am. /jjjjjj
5. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? As a kid I played Basketball, Baseball, Soccer [Defence and Goalie depending on the years] , and lacrosse. Soccer was my favorite I loved both positions and liked the coaches too, lacrosse I quit after a month because I was told the girl's team wasn't allowed to play full contact but the boys was and 12yr old me went full fucking protest mode. [which admittedly pissed the city off a bit because I was there on fully paid funding through a like "get poor kids off the streets" initiative fkladjslkgadsgl but-] My dad also tried to spend a summer teaching my brother and I to play tennis at the local rec center so he'd have someone to play with but I hated that too LOL
6. WHAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT SOMEONE? Visually its usually just, whatever's the brightest color [be that like, hair, clothes, tattoos etc] but physically im def always watching for like, "what is their level of physical comfort right now" so i can overthink it and navigate the conversation with that in mind trying to hit all the right dialogue choices for their mood like a crazy person [*Points* GAD/ADHD] /lh
7. EYE COLOUR? Gray [but blue or green in certain lights, due to like color temperature and refraction n' stuff]
8. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Happy endings, but ONLY if theres like. a little loss or sacrifice to get there and give it value. "feel good" movies almost always just Annoy me, they feel Empty and Dull. [but its totally fine if they are your jam. we dont yuck yums here]
9. ANY SPECIAL TALENTS? UHHH--- "i dont think so" sounds BAD lol. but maybe like "good at reading people" not in a bad manipulative way. but just in the sense of like. i tend to be the friend ppl come to when upset and confused and i watch and listen and then go "this is why you feel that way" and they are like "OH--- yeah... damn thanks that helps" etc lol
10. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Washington DC! fun fact the hospital was since bulldozed for condos and a trader joes 💀
11. WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? drawing, live music, vinyl collecting, embroidery, video games, flower pressing, reading [when i can].
13. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5' 9 or 5'10 seemingly, depending on which doctor you ask for some reason LOL, probably has to do with my godawful posture
14. FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? ART CLASS FOR SURE, that was always the only place I liked being. if you held a gun to me and said "no electives" tho, id say English. [what can I say, im Queer]
15. DREAM JOB? I DO NOT FUCKING DREAM OF LABOR!!!! I just want to live in a nice little house doing my nice little hobbies and seeing all my friends and magically have money for all that. that said, I am basically currently doing a younger me's "dream job" though so, can't complain too hard.
my lunch break is ending and i gotta dash SOOO im just gonna say i tag anyone who sees this and would like to do it! this is your open invitation < 3
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knifelesbianjo · 2 years
hi sorry again !!!!!! but apparently you have unearthed my Thoughts About Macdennis. the thing is right, if they were gonna have mac and dennis kiss for the joke, it wouldve happened already. like the concept of macdennis has been pretty prevalent for half of (if not most of) the show. if they had wanted to cash in on having them kiss pre-coming out, then they wouldve. and now that mac is out, they could ALSO still play it off as joke. but they havent. its been 2? seasons and they havent done anything. mac also hasnt kissed anyone on screen (well. usually none of them kiss people on screen) but like. do you see my point. macdennis homophobic kiss real and it WILL be important and meaningful. because the show has been doing meaningful more often lately. i sound like a crazy person again. its fine. i survived the 1d fandom and i loved reading those crazy theories. i can last rcg queerbait-not-queerbait. i dont know how much i believe anything i have written here <3 love and light and lesbians <3 forget destiel. macdennis are gonna have a wet sloppy disgusting kiss with glenn making intense eye contact with the camera. pale coconuts WHO. god i am sorry
first don't apologize for encouraging my insanity, this is literally what I want (be insane about macdennis with people)
second listen mac and dennis are not going to kiss for the joke!!! like yes it will be funny but it is not going to be like the charden kiss, it will be a plot point and it will be meaningful if not for anything else at least for the fact that macdennis has been an actual storyline since at least season 5. did it start as a joke?? who knows. tho I do give rcg more credit when it comes to the gay plots, bc in the end sunny is an incredible queer show, like that's the writing, the foundation of it, and you can't read the show outside of it.
and listen I would love to start bullet pointing all the things in just the recent seasons that make think they have been actually not only writing macdennis intentionally (something they have always done) but writing them as endgame (or the version of endgame any of them are gonna get) and how they are gonna have the wet sloppy disgusting and intense kiss that will change queer rep, but i don't want to make this too long, so I won't. But the big point is that they are doing meaningful (I would argue that they have always had, but it's more obvious in the layer seasons) and doing meaningful is going to the core of its characters, all of them, and there's no doing that without addressing their one and only consistent romantic arc.
thank you for reading whatever it is I have said, know that I'm insane, love and light and lesbians <3 (bestie I'm stealing this line from you)
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
One year and ten months from Mondstadt Capitano decided it was best to monitor me closely, he knew I wasn't the problem, but if anyone tried to provoke me again they would activate Childe's beast mode, again. Apparently I became Capitano's favorite student…
A beast was sighted.
They entrusted me to go with a group to the southeast, it was not something difficult since the entire assigned group was made up of the youngest in the recruitment, they talked about the typical things of a normal young man. I was more focused on the strange markings on the path we were following. "Hey Scarlet, we were wondering that after training you could go –" – I cut him off with a sign for him to shut up, I'm sure he heard something he didn't even want to see up close. We hid among the trees and moved carefully. It was what I feared, a couple of meters out of the trees this beast of eight meters seemed to be chewing what was its prey, I could tell that it was a human, that smell is never forgotten after as much exposure as mine. Around there were cut trunks and they grazed secured in piles with chains, surely the beast had attacked lumberjacks in the area and the attack was noticeable since some piles were loose from the grip on the chains, but what caught my attention was a young woman , was still alive but one of her legs was caught in a pile of logs that broke loose, she was paralyzed with fear, her eyes seemed dead but she knew that apart from her leg she was fine, you could tell that monster was intelligent, she attacked those who they could escape and I save the one that was injured for dessert. I told my team a plan, as I expected their frightened faces said it all, but there was no time, the wind covered our smell for now, but as soon as it was for the girl and killed her, we and the other scattered squads would be the next on your menu. We surrounded the beast, I would go to a chain that I saw loose with my musket in hand, they had to get as close as possible to the girl and then I would shoot, everything had to be fast. I screamed for the beast to see me, and as soon as I did, the countdown began… The beast was impaled on a large chunk of ice and breathed its last. Tiredness suffocated me, I was still in the cold and soft layer of snow, I was very sleepy. But I was woken up by the roar of another monster, great, it was his partner. It was coming right at me, and then… Blood… howls of pain… the head… the other beast's head was pierced with someone's slash. "Ca… Captain…" - I felt weak, I knew it was something in my rib or my leg, I think I'm losing blood. I saw the silhouette of the herald, drawing the embedded sword from the monster's head, I saw him tense his body as he looked in my direction. "Cadet!" – I heard him shout, before everything went black, Dottore will surely laugh at this, why do I think of that crazy man at this moment?… Curious, I don't think of my old family at the moment, I just want to play another fun board game with the Tzarina… I want to be with mom, yes… she's my mom, I miss mom, letters never beat talking directly to her.
I know, too long, sorry. Goodbye.
This genuinely gave me anxiety cause beast??? What beast??? Racked my brain to figure out which Genshin mob you meant and got even more creeped out as I realised it was up to my imagination. And my imagination is a little bitch who loves to scare me.
BUT juicy stuff that'll give me some inspo hopefully, loved the violence! kinda reminds me of a scene I imagined o.o AND MOTHER TSARITSA WHO PLAYS BOARD GAMES W READER PLS I'm crying, so real. + Sorry if I sound a bit flat but I'm super drained-- Thank you for sharing this snippet tho, amazing!!
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lover-of-mine · 9 months
Okay so, I like my buddie framing metas and I was making an edit and I noticed something. This one is about the positioning of them in the frame in 5B but mostly during Eddie's breakdown era.
I'm actually gonna start in 5x10 because it is where it actually starts. So the usual thing when two people are talking is to have them on different sides of the frame, that's the expected so when Eddie tells everyone he's leaving the 118, Buck and Eddie are on different sides of the frame. (Silly little guide down the middle of the frame to make this easier to understand)
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But then we have 5x11 and the talk in the kitchen. When Buck tries to talk to Eddie (you don't need to pretend with me my beloved), he starts in the middle of the frame, but Eddie walks away from him, so we have Buck trying to reach a middle ground and Eddie not letting him in, right?
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But once Eddie shuts him down, they are very clearly on different sides.
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And Buck is always on the left side of the frame, for some reason.
What happens after this? Eddie showing up at the bar and not going in. And they are both on the left side of the frame, so if Eddie decides to walk in, they're in it together, but when Eddie decides he won't, they switch Buck's side, so they are again on different sides, and when he actually walks away, he's back on the right side and Buck is back in the middle.
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Then we have Buck breaking down the door after Eddie wrecked his bedroom. Eddie is to the left, and he's in the corner, Buck is in the middle, again Buck is there with the let me in positioning.
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When they move to the dining room, Eddie is still in the corner, Buck is still in the middle.
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Now is when they'll actually start talking, right? But they're on different sides, but they switched the usual side up until now.
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I'm going to assume Buck is scared of pushing so he's staying at a distance that's not going to make Eddie shut down again. There's one shot of Eddie in the middle, but mostly they stay on different sides, but at least now they're talking.
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When they start talking after Eddie's therapy, they are still on different sides and they are still switched.
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But then they start talking, the camera rotates and Eddie is back to the right and Buck is back in the middle.
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BUT THEN, then we have the equine therapy place. Buck is still in the middle, but he's getting there, he literally walks over to the other side of the frame.
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Buck is back in the middle, Eddie is on the left, while they are talking about the old days and Buck is explaining his point to eventually get to the shooting and Charlie.
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But when Buck finally talks about the shooting, they are on the same side of the frame. Buck finally managed to break through and meet him there.
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Eddie has a moment, Buck is back in the middle, Eddie is leaning away.
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But then he understands what Buck is actually offering him, and they are on the same side even on the wide shot. And they are both to the left, Buck's side. In this case quite literally hopes side, because that's what Buck's offering.
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And now they're back with the easy partnership that we see in action during Mayday.
Have some shots of them on the same side in Mayday just because I can lol
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Also when they are talking about Eddie going to Texas, also just because I can (they don't really stay on the same side during this conversation but still oskaoskas)
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And in the finale just for fun.
That's all for today, if you read this I love you <3.
Here are my other unhinged metas if you feel like checking them out after this experience.
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amiscreations · 2 years
Seeing Skid Row in Concert 20/10/2022✨
This was my first ever rock concert and wow did it set the bar high! I saw them in Brighton with my sister, and the support bands were Collateral and Enuff Z’nuff. the venue was essentially a small nightclub, definitely not designed with bands like Skid Row in mind, but it just made it more intimate and a better vibe overall🥰 I can honestly say that this was one of the best nights on my life so far, and I'll try my best to recount the events. Pictures will be posted soon!
Even tho we got there about 90 mins before doors, we were still second in line and were let in after about 40 mins.
I was talking to a lady in the line as well who had seen the Stadium Tour, and basically every rock band you could think of.
like we would name drop and she would say “aw yes i’ve seen them they're great i’m friends with x members” I honestly love that for her she was so cool.
I was expecting to be waiting for a while so I didn't have my tickets ready and was panicking trying to find them lmao. I was right near the front of the line ofc so I was panicking and holding everyone up but it was fine in the end😂
after that fiasco that wast really a fiasco we went in and we were RIGHT FRONT AND FUCKIN CENTER YALL!
it wasn't long at all until Collateral, the first support act, came on and they were actually aMAZING??? 
They were all on the younger side so I love that they chose up and coming bands to support.
I also forgot how loud live music is let alone rock/metal music rip my ears and I could feel the bass in my fuckin bones
The lead singer of Collateral was the biGGEST HOE EVER I LOVE HIM SM
mans was pullin shapes and swishing his long af hair around I love that
at one point he got up onto the barrier and was singing right into this one woman’s soul, she was holding onto his hips and he was holding her face with one had uUHHH it was all very hoe-ish of him and I know that woman was absolutely living 
the guitarist also tried to crowd surf (I think?) but I think the security stopped him AKDJFKHJ so he was just kinda sitting on the barrier shredding on the guitar as you do ofc
anyways yeah Collateral were cool af and very early Skid Row esque you should check them out!
The next support act was Enuff Z’nuff and oh my god were they eccentric.
I've heard of the band before and i’ve listened to a few of their songs but I didn't know how cool they were live!
Chip, the lead singer and bassist, is just the epitome of seasoned glam rocker dude and he was so chaotic.
as in the band entered the stage to circus music (you know the one I mean) and I was like oH ok this is what we’re dealing with.
thy also played a glam metal version of Eleanor Rigby which was beautiful and unexpected.
one of the guitarists looked so much like Mike from the Young Ones as well, and the drummer was also v cute I think I might have a small crush on him-
but now its the time you've all been waiting for: SKID MF ROW ARE IN THE HOUSEEE
the last song the venue played before Skid Row went on was Crazy Train and everyone was losing their shit it was awesome 
just as they were coming onto the stage Scotti gave me The Eyes™ and I almost evaporated there and then. boi was also wearing sO much eyeliner it was beautiful.
btw incase you didn't know the new singer for Skid Row is a very dapper younger lad by the name of Erik Grönwall, lets just say he will be a very important character throughout the rest of this report.
before they went into the first song and the guitars were just kinda reverbing, Erik just stood right in fucking front of me and sTARED AT EVERONE WITH THE BIGGEST GRIN ON HIS FACE LFJKLDHFKD IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT YALL
they opened with Slave to the Grind and
just wow
they sound iNCREDIBLE live and Erik has the most AMAZING VOICE OH MY FUCKIN JESUS 
(no we’re not going to compare them but just to put things into perspective, yes it was just like 80-90s Sebastian Bach)
Erik was also just aggressively head banging at every given opportunity  my neck hurt just watching him but you could tell the man was just having the time of his life up there
he is also just sO. FUCKING. CHARMING
It was also in this first song where the initial realisation sunk in that this is THE Skid Row
as in this is the same Scotti, Snake and Rachel that I watch in all those live performances and interviews and just random videos from the 80s and 90s, and who are probably besties with some of my other favourite musicians and-
Rachel also had a sparkly bass which was so beautiful I want 34 of my own
also no-one told he that Scotti Hill was slightly unhinged djkjfkgh
he would just sTARE at you with The Eyes™ while playing and it was very intimidating so I just stared back when he would do it to me
I guess not many people can say they've had a staring contest with Scotti Hill but here we are😪
They played In A Darkened Room and Psychotherapy which I did NOT expect but I very much appreciate as they are two of my faves
also during IADR Erik Took someones phone and recorded the crowd and the band, I wonder how it feels to have a video as iconic as that one on your phone?
The stage was also small af too so Erik would just stand right at the edge (towering tf over me I might add skskjhkfg) and would knock off all the wires there LMAO
the security had to keep picking them up idk I just thought that that was so funny
another cool thing about Erik that Rachel mentioned is that before Covid happened, Erik was a support act for Skid Row while they were touring, and now hE’S THE LEAD SINGER OF THE BAND HE WAS SUPPORTING THREE YEARS AGO???? AWWWW??? 
honestly the rest of the night was kind of a blur (in a good way!)
that was until they played I Remember You
it was all going fine and dandy when I randomly decided to reach out my hand
and the beautiful bastard that is Erik Grönwall
our fingers were interlinked for only a few seconds (I actually dont remember how long it was my brain was freaking out) but within those few seconds I officially sold my soul to Erik
my main character moment 
a true core memory for sure
I did see a video someone took of the whole song but you couldn't see me and Erik h*lding h*nds in it lkdgfkldgh😭
he also took someones phone again and recorded everyone which was cool bc everyone had their phones lit up🥰
They closed with Youth Gone Wild which was just perfect because me and my sister were, for this entire concert, the mf youth gone wild🥰
earlier Rachel even said that x song was “from our first album, which was released before some of you guys were even born by the looks of things” and stared straight at me with That Smile Of His 
Scotti and Snake were also just jamming together and living their best lives while playing Youth Gone Wild it was beautiful🥰
also when Erik sang “a boss screaming in my ear...” he gestured at Rachel LMAOO
while they were playing the outro I got to high-five Erik once again and I also got to fist bump Rachel, Scotti and Rob 
and that was that!
I got a poster and also got to meet Chip there too! he was so cool!
just as we were leaving we also met Snake outside skjhgfsghjkf
he was honestly sO SWEET OH MY GOD
I was very very VERY awkward as i’ve never met anyone famous before and was definitely nOT expecting to meet him and I was also in a rush
we talked for a little bit and took a photo together
I got to hug him twice and that was honestly the cherry on top of a perfect night 
i’m having withdrawals already I miss them all sm😭
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primalspice · 2 months
beautiful pokermo (poker emo)👕 6, 13, 19 📦 1, 5, 11 🍽️ 12, 15 🌤️ 5, 13, 18 🤝 2, 9, 20 💓 2, 6, 11, 🎲 1, 9, 14
👕6.) How much interest does your character take in trends?
Enough to find out what they are and then immediately go be a hater about whatever it is. Somewhat more openminded if it is within the Emo Community.
👕13.) What is something your character would refuse to wear?
idk shes pretty strictly butchy so no dresses or anything like that. also like. tshirt of whatever band/musician she is most a hater of. its THAT serious.
👕19.) If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
I think she Also has some but i Also dont know what they are. Probably something generically emo like a star or angel wings or swallows or something. Or god forbid song lyrics.
📦1.) Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
Depends on the situation but I think wallet and like. glasses are the bare minimum. Doesn't really carry anything interesting around. OH and her flip phone and mp3 player :3
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📦5.) Would your character ever try to haggle?
Yes. If it was more socially acceptable she'd do it all the time. NOT afraid.
📦11.) What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character?
Anything from Spencers or Hot Topic. Easy.
🍽️12.) Which mealtime is your character's favorite?
Dinner, i know she goes crazy on some latenight post-concert fast food. One of lifes greatest pleasures.
🍽️15.) What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
not sure but i think she deserves to inherit my love for an xxl slurpee. also strikes me as a Hot Chips individual.
🌤️5.) Has your character ever had an animal phase?
Yea probably a cool one like wolves or foxes or warrior cats. probably a furry by association (cant draw and doesnt have an official fursona but definitely has had friends who are furries and have assigned one for her)
🌤️13.) What element best represents your character?
Probably fire; conveniently accurate to her Leo Zodiac
🌤️18.) How willing would your character be to nap outside?
Not particularly willing bcz its hot and sunny as fuck out 90% of the time but i think she'd be fine with it if it came down to it and if it was somewhere she felt safeish. Not unfamiliar with sleeping in strange places as someone known to Couch Surf, but is more likely to do it indoors somewhere like the library or the lounge at the college she's technically enrolled in.
🤝2.) What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Concerts ofc. Could argue that this doesnt count as a social event but it is for Her. The shittier the venue and the longer the sets the better.
🤝9.) Where is your character's comfort place?
Aforementioned shitty venues primarily. But she also likes hanging out with her friends (that i prommy she has) at their places <3
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🤝20.) What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
Not very much she's kinda loudmouthed and hater-ly. I think it's mostly just Talk tho. More likely to be the one holding a friend back from a fight if it was anything beyond a punch or slap (kinda funny bcz she is tiny)
💓2.) Are there particular sounds your character is fond of?
loud music. sorry if thats an obvious answer its just true.
💓6.) How well does your character act under pressure?
Pretty well. I think in a social situation she's likely to want to take the lead. even if she's not the calmest person around she is usually the most Assertive. In more individual situations such as Poker or Arguing she can go quite some time without being bothered.
💓11.) Does your character have strong willpower?
for the most part Yes. See above + i think she's also just kinda a do-er. if she wants to do something she will find out a way to do it and get it done and smile happily about it. isnt as fun when it comes to shit she doesnt feel like doing tho, such as finishing her degree or finding a longterm place to stay or a steady job. because why should she HAVE to when what shes DOING already works
🎲1.) What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
Ones where she can win money mostly. texas hold em poker is the go-to but she also likes other card games and also billiards. Also kinda strikes me as a call of duty mt dew gamer but is probably pretty casual about it, i dont think she owns her own xbox.
🎲9.) What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about?
Her band, music in general, poker, gambling in general, the latest vegas gossip, ancestry dot com, etc etc. She's an extrovert and a talker and a gossiper you could get her going about anything i think. and i RESPECT that.
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🎲14.) What is your character’s opinion on cheating in games?
HATES IT AND UR GOING TO HELL if it happens to her. But would do it as revenge <3 Really depends on the game/how high stakes it is, but shes horribly competitive in general so does not take kindly to it in most cases.
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vitaminwaterreviews · 3 months
After School - Virgin
Okay… Wow. Like, wow. I expected … I dunno, kinda shitty synthpop, something along the lines of Twicetagram? But it turns out First Love isn’t the exception to their sound: it’s actually a pretty good representation of what they can do. I really need to see the song average for my own sake, so let’s see:
Average score of 8.1 which is stupidly high compared to what I was expecting. But this album kind of shattered every expectation that I had for it. It was well-written, it was well-arranged, it kept me interested the whole way though. Raina impressed me, Nana and Lizzy did more of the Orange Caramel thing, the trainees blended in just fine. The MV was a bit weird but honestly kind of wholesome in the end.
And ultimately, this album really wanted me to look into more of their discography. Like, I keep coming back to the word “mature.” And when I say that, I don’t mean sexy: I mean mature. And this was just 2011! They existed for several years before and after this, with subunits and japanese releases and all of that. So I guess now I have so much more to look into.
Alright, I’ve just done some cursory Googling and already this album seems crazy. It’s got re-recorded versions of various singles, as well as some solo- and unit-songs. So really, less than half of this album is actually new, full-group content. But even more interesting, it features Kyung-Min, a “pre-school girl,” which is kind of a weird way of saying “trainee”. So I looked into it, and it seems like she won some sort of contest to become the newest member of After School, but she never actually debuted with the group! The only references to her are short, like a single sentence, so that’s kinda neat. Anyway, I heard Bang! one time like a year ago and I don’t remember a thing about it except that it was marching band themed.
Let’s Step Up
More steps
Oh okay it’s rhythmic
Lol this is really cool
Okay here’s the synth
Yes I’m ready
“Ah ah hi ah ah ha”
Yeah this is cool, I really like this
9/10, I’m such a sucker for a good intro
I’ll watch the MV for this one, but not the others
Well she certainly is wearing a backpack
Oh okay we’re synthy now
Wow look at those waists
Yeah this is more or less what we’d expect
Dude what is this filter though
This song feels super AKB to me for some reason
Actually … maybe that makes sense
Yeah that groove with this instrumentation
The MV is lowkey kinda wholesome tho
Oh no she felllll
Okay wait but
Yeah that’s … a bit awkward
That said I do appreciate a nice instrumental break in a song
Wait whatttt no way she looks like 12
I know I haven’t talked much about the song but I’m vibing
I’m gonna Wikipedia this before I rate it
Wait there is no Wikipedia article!
Well my guess is that the new girl is E-Young, bc this probably would’ve been her first thing with the group
Alternatively its a pre-school girl
If it is E-Young, then she’s 18 in the video, so fair enough I guess
Okay wait these lyrics are kinda wild
Honestly I might regret this buuuuut
Mkay we’re all buzzy now
It suddenly occurs to me that I don’t actually know Madonna’s Like A Virgin off the top of my head, and maybe that’s an issue here
Pretty straightforward synthpop so far though, kinda want more from it
“Diva diva diva”
Mkay that was a nice bridge, I’ll give it that
Also I really do enjoy the Vibe of this song
Bang !
Mkay yep we have some horns going on here
I dunno what to think of this tbh, I feel like I really ought to be seeing the MV here
Pretty vocal harmonies
I’m not convinced that this is very similar to the Bang! that I heard a while ago
But also I don’t know a thing about that Bang! so who knows
Okay I just clicked through the original and it’s pretty damn similar so I dunno
Play Ur Love
Mmmm this is nice
What a coincidence, I also wanna stay with them!
Woah her vocal tone is So neat here
Wait why the random synth?
This is unironically pretty though, like if you didn’t tell me that this was After School then I’d have guessed like, Apink maybe
9/10, I feel like I should stop giving these out so freely but I’m honestly so impressed by this
Pre-school girl #1
Nice 6/8 groove
This is fun, I dunno if I buy it though
Okay well the bridge kinda just saved this song for me, I was getting bored but that tied it together really nicely
Haha the saxophone
8/10 I guess finneeee
Because of You
Mmm piano
Whispering and vocoded vocals
Oh okay we get a nice hard rap out of nowhere
I totally buy this
I think strong rapping over an otherwise airy song is one of my favorite tropes
Also kind of getting 2NE1 Go Away vibes from the chorus and the vocoding
Depend on Time
Mkay, groovy
Nice acoustic guitar and kind of a slow jam groove
But it’s not a slow jam it’s more folky
Mmmm okay now that the bass is here, maybe it’s a slow jam
Their vocals! Are impressing me!
Mkay I guess this definitely fills the slow jam role, but it’s not nearly as … obnoxious as some others
Maybe I should revisit some of the old SM albums sometime
Ohhhh wait that was just Raina?? That’s actually fucking crazy holy shit
9/10, I just had to re-listen, I am so impressed by her like wow
Nothing to complain of
Piano moment
Honestly I’m amazed by how mature this album is? Like yeah they do their sexy thing and all that, but it’s clearly well-written and arranged and like it’s just well done
Compare to Twicetagram
Okay, this is the slow jam haha
I’m just never going to get over that Raina song though like wow
Funky Man
Right after I just got done calling them mature lmao
No for real though this is Great so far like wow
Nana, Lizzy, and a pre-schooler
Like, this feels way more Orange Caramel than Depend on Time
Although I think I do prefer Depend on Time more
Still, I appreciate this a lot, and it fits well in terms I album structure
Guitar moment
Yeah, this is nice
My Bell
I dunno who Jung-A is but apparently this is her solo
Well she certainly has a pretty voice
I would enjoy this song a lot more if IU did it, and I’m not sure if that’s because I prefer IU’s voice, or if it’s because IU’s name carries that much weight in my mind
It’s not a bad song at all, but I don’t really care for her voice in it, and also I don’t really care for the OST-style ballads
When I Fall
Oh okay nice, glad we get a good beat here
And that was a synth hit
Lovely harmonies
Honestly this feels SO f(x) so far
Like if this was just casually the last song on Red Light or whatever then it wouldn’t feel at all out of place
(I love Paper Heart though don’t get me wrong)
I do hope this has like, a Grand Climax or something though
Mkay, it didn’t quite get to where I wanted it to, but still
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jayflrt · 11 months
OMG WHAT ?? 😡 I cant believe tumblr deleted my ask from you :( that’s so rude !! thank goodness I sent in another one ! ^_^
I’m doing very well, n’ tysm !! n’ small update; I’ve been well, I actually just finished my classes so I’m officially on summer break !! >.< I have so much time on my hands I just don’t know what to do ! wbu ?? how’ve you been ml ! 🫶🏼 AWE TYY !! I managed to get sm inspo and have 3.5k words ! I have to continue writing later today ! >.<
OMG YOU SHOULD !! Im glad you’re getting motivation again ! hopefully you can write something soon !! I’m rooting for you !! 🤧 I’m sure whatever you come up with is going to be amazing esp since you have free time !! ^_^ 🎉 oh yes !! so, it’s called “fanfics and the boy next door” it’s not finished yet sadly cause I was super preoccupied with school ! but now that I’m also free lol I get to hopefully finish it soon !! ^_^
YES I DID OML !! IT WAS LITERALLY THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE 🤧 I miss her sm it was literally insane !! 🤧 n’ TYYY !! It was a surprise from my sis, my sisters and I went together !! It was all vv fun !! oml, I saw that ! resale prices went up to like 3k, it was like so crazy ! 💜 THAT REMINDS ME ! so, once it got to the rep era of the concert the whole stadium was literally SHAKING ! and I mean SHAKING !! it was scary but honestly so much fun LMAOO 😭
OMG YAY THATS SO EXCITING !! 💗 have you found a job that you’re interested in yet or do you know what you want to work as !! 🫶🏼 ooo that sounds nice !! I hope you enjoy your trips n’ pls make sure to be careful !! <33 AWE :( maybe you guys can meet up whenever you can ? even though college is over that doesn’t mean you have to stop being friends !! ^_^ 🫶🏼🥹
hm ! well, I don’t have any plans sadly lol !! I’m thinking of maybe focusing on writing and editing this summer !! I am supposedly going to the beach next Saturday though ! so that’s something to do ! 😅😭 but I guess we’ll see what happens !! 😭🫶🏼 how’s your day been so far ?? anything fun happen ?
(cont.) OMG ALSO !! tysm for liking my theme 🤧🫶🏼 I forgot to thank u for the compliment lol !! your theme tho > it’s so iconic and I will forever love it 🥹
also im so glad you're doing well !!! and congrats on finishing exams and i hope you're enjoying your summer break to its fullest !! 🥰💖 maybe you can take up a hobby :o like crocheting HAHAH learn how to crochet with me 😌 i was making a shirt and it turned out rlly cute actually :') OMG YAYYY i hope the writing's going well >:)) 3.5k phewwww i see you 😮‍💨 and i've been doing good !! school definitely burnt me out this year so the break is nice HAHAH but getting back to work omg.... i was so tired all the time last summer so we'll see how it goes LOL
omg do you think you're gonna finish the fic soon?? :o i hope it goes well !! ALSO IM GLAD YOU HAD FUN AT THE CONCERT did you like "speak now"? 💘 i am not a swiftie but my friends really liked it :')) OHH YEAH REPUTATION IS A TOP TIER ALBUM im sure it must've been insane to see live !!
there are a few roles im interested in but im also telling myself i need to work my way up to higher positions since they're more mid-senior level positions 🥲 i will be all good tho !! 😌 job hunting SUCKS i hate when entry level positions require years of experience like girl that's not entry level anymore HAHAH also yes!! i think we will be fine since we all live relatively close ,, it's just gonna be so nostalgic thinking back to when i was free to do whatever in college LOL
ooo that sounds fun !! 🥰 i hope you had a good time at the beach <33 my day's been pretty slow ngl 😩 yesterday i went to my friend's party and then tomorrow i think im going to a movie with a few friends but we'll see 🥲 today tho i have been watching gose throughout the day at random HAHAH
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darlingpwease · 1 year
Oh really?? I can't help but wanna indulge u, u dont gotta be frost to bite, bite away <33
Aaaa she could "dance" with me any day and I'd thank her for her time– hhhhh
She sounds absolutely wonderful tho ♡♡♡
Good luck!!!
I feel you... I am not the best in math, so for me, as long as I am passing well enough, that's good :'))
Where i am, the summer is so stupidly humid. Heat is nice, but when it makes the air feel thick and damp, I will happily pass. I love dry heat, not humid heat!!!
AAAA I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS, when one floor is the perfect temp but then another isn't, it drives me crazy sometimes, honestly. With rooms also, where one is perfect, but others are either too hot or too cold– like damn, wtf????
I'm hoping ur leg will feel better soon!!! I'm glad to hear the weather is doing well tho!! :)))
-panna cotta
Yes, they got a few ideas stored away ⍨⃝ they are long too </33 they have started to try to write when they can.. maybe I should introduce you?? Or maybe I should keep it hidden???
honey panettone, but if I can be a frost instead and bite you whenever you're outside, then I'll obviously benefit more than if I bite your sweet cheeks a couple of times as a human. In the end, it's not just a matter of morality, but benefits!!! no mutually beneficial exchange, only predation. you can hide your cheeks from me, but how can you hide from the frost? exactly.
/j /pos
I really like the way you elegantly adjust to the interlocutor; don't remember if I talked about it, but it's so cute. won't say if it's noticeable or unnoticeable, but just a fact.
such a sweet piece of candied fruit, my my <333
have a good rest, okay? you deserve it for your hard work — and because you deserve to rest regardless of work <3
thank you <3 everyone who is good at math is an alien. I mean, for example, my family — I'm sure I was the only member who was not irradiated, so I sit and suffer. mathematics is overrated and I think that its simplest types should be studied, while this brain-breaking should only be given to really persistent people /hj
I hate summer because I can't sleep properly, while in winter I sleep disgustingly much and am constantly sleepy because of the cold. summer is good only with rest and ripe food, nothing else </3
yes!!! did I just move to another room or was it a portal to two different points??? maybe a little of the same temperature please???
everything is fine, they have come to terms with the fact that two more months of winter are ahead /j
before it gets too humid, even the frost isn't that heavy, so yes.
oh yes??? wow!!! do they also write a lot? such a gift, isn't it? they sound like such a good writer!!! surely their audience loves them very much!!! of course you have to introduce us, it would be very mean not to do it after you intrigued me!!! they sound like such a fascinating writer <333
(didn't know you were into other jjk writers dear, can I already be jealous??? can I already feel the competition for the opportunity to bite your cute face and hide you in a cute box???)
/t /nsrs
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hueningshaped · 2 years
the messed up one?🤨🤨 do not talk about my bff like that she's doing her best and it is more than enough!!!!!!! my trip was pretty great!! i haven't seen my cousin in a while so i really missed her and the vacation i took before the trip was kind of a letdown so i'm glad that this one went so well🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 idk if i ever asked you and i know that it would be very on-brand for me to have forgotten so i'm only asking now😐 how was your vacation + trip beffie!! and omg please i actually physically need one of them to do something crazy with their hair. can't believe we're saying this even though yeonjun has blue hair and beomgyu's hair color literally changes with every blink😟 but honestly my eyes are just itching to see soobin and/or taehyun with light hair again it's been decades.... eons even......... also i know i say this literally every time we interact but i can't believe how similar our brains are because that's my exact thought process when it comes to the sun like word for word😭😭😭 even today i went out and even though i was happy the sun was out i was sat on the sunny side of the bus and the entire time my mind was just like "but have you considered the possibility of getting skin cancer🙁🙁" i hope you get to have a lot of fun too!! you deserve it (everything actually hehe)💟💟 ALSO how have your first few days of work been!!!!!! i hope it's been as great as laboring can get??<3333 not you dressing like a tomb worker too🙀🙀 you = me‼️‼️STOP that is the most adorable name ever☹️☹️ it fits him so well!!!!! i love him and your other cats so very much and i would love to learn their names too someday if that's not intruding into yours and their privacy too much🫡 omg i know i sound like a broken record by now but it always makes me feel so happy how you give me recs😿😿 i've been listening to all the songs you've shared with me like this 😭💘🥺❤️‍🔥😌💗 but this one is definitely my favorite so far it is so lovely!!!!! also i just noticed that you gave me my own tag and i'm😭🙁☹️😿 THE TIKTOKS!!!! beomgyu just naturally has a physical urge to imitate yeonjun's raps and i respect that😌 (read: i find it so adorable i could cry) and taehyun certified gg stan we love to see it!!!! the videos of him being the biggest once ever are one of my main sources of dopamine actually🫶🏻 like this i just hhhhhhh another one in honor of loser lover's first birthday!!!! i love her forever<3 and another one just because i find it so very cute and i hope you enjoy it too🌱 the beoms :(( you always find the cutest photos of him :(((( LOVE YOU FOREVER BEFFIE here are some yeonjuniez for you!!!!!
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god ill sob apple youre so-youre so 🥹 ok fine i will be kind to ur beffie okay *starts crying* but ah god im glad you at least got a win with this trip ~ absolutely deserved :”) #apple1stwin again i really hope u guys can meet again soon !!! distance really does make a difference but with absence, that makes the heart grow fonder ~🫶 and of course u asked 🥺 it was good i promise hehe no worries at all matey 🫡🤝 JUST AS U SAID BEOMGYUS HAIR CHANGES WITH EVERY BLINK ITS LITERALLY CHANGED AGAIN?2!,!: it’s like dark gray i love it i want that hair color but bless his poor scalp.. and yeonjun’s blue electric hair phewww but YES we need new hcs for soob and taehyun ASAP !!!! im sensing it’ll be either of them two before huening (next thing you know, hyuka is platinum hehe but cmon guys give us something 🥹) OMG telepathy fr 🫂 WORD FOR WORD BAR FOR BAR i love that for us :”) <3 random but today i learned that people say tlc a lot and it means tender love and care ?!?!! its in the vernacular and i didnt even know haha but anywayyyy i think as long as we keep reapplying sunscreen every 2 hours and wear loose bright clothes that protects us from the harsh uv light and we just are comfy when we bask in the sun we will be okay 👍 we will be okay ! NONO u deserve EVERYTHING💟🌎🌍🌏 !!1! omg ahh my first day went pretty good for the most part even though i made a few mistakes and this lady yelled at me 😭 i dont like having to ask for help and making mistakes but im new and dumb so i cant expect myself to be perfect so far 🥺 its a good job i just hope i get less scared and nervous every time 👍👍 you + me = WE 😽🫶 omg sylvester?! awww he says thank u hehe my other cats’ names are rocket, nico, and yuki my babies 💞 it makes me sooo infinitely happy that u let me know and reassure me it just really means the entire world to me :”) YOU mean the world tk me 🥹💞 im so glad u love this one !!! here’s a rec that u may have already listened to but i luv it!!! ON THAT NOTE – 🗣 DID YOU WATCH FOREVER 1 SNSD?!2!!3!:(!:& happy bday loser = lover 😳☹️ But wait hehe taehyun best fanboy i love that he loves twice idk it makes me feel safe it really does anyway OH GOD LOSER = LOVER IS REALLY ALREADY A YEAR…… time has passed by so quickly i could cri and ahh txt has gotten so big since then its crazy im so proud 🥹 the leaf umbrella spoke VOLUMES… I MEAN VOLUMES TO ME 🫂 thank you for blessing my life 😿💟 no YOU!!!!! always find the best. makes sense since you already are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !! LOVE U MOSTEST EVERRRRR SO MUCH !!!! UR YEOJUNIEZ PICS ARE ALWAYS THE CUTEST AHHHH[]\WWW 💔 (ps. You are so wonderful and im thankful for them/you/these pics). + here’s a vid that makes me laugh sorrr hard + one that is soooo cute!
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