#yes i know the. the eye color wouldnt change immediately if it did change due to the loss of mortality
bayleaf-2 · 1 year
Lyra Picrews!
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I'll link dump in the replies tomorrow because this post got erased right as I was gonna hit post! gods! anywho, only one not googlable by signature's name is the 2nd and that one is by sucrion
Had a lot of fun with the outfits in all of these, especially 5! go check out 5 (Meh :P by chicken.nuggts) I could mess around with that one for hours hehe
The first 3 are the most accurate ones in terms of color! I think their skin is closest to 2 with a bit more yellow, but I'll have to draw and figure it out. The first definitely has the right hair texture.
As you can see I was trying to figure out an eye color that worked cause the color palate is still kind of a 404. At first I tried out a bright blue, something that would be a result of their loss of mortality and being able to summon lightning (The 2nd to last one also references this, through the thorn crown and light behind them, specifically the fuckin. Turmoil they went through after figuring it out. I'm only realizing that could be seen as a reference to something completely different augh oops)
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Oohh, could you please write the nonsexual prompt sharing a dessert for Outpost Michael and reader? Who wouldn't want to share a dessert with him? Thank you so much. You really are an angel 😇
A/N: anon you are too fucking sweet omg 🥺💖 I hope I didnt dissapoint with this, I'm sorry it's so late and unnecessarily long!! Lmfao. The dessert eating is at the end if anyone wants to just skip to that part hehe. I wanted to write some mutual pining so.. that's why this fic is so fucking long lol
Warnings: eating, food, lil bit of sexual tension, very brief mentions of Millory and also Gallant x Michael 👉🏻👈🏻
Living in Outpost three was beyond miserable. Constantly being treated as a second class citizen, as a gray, was definetly doing its number on you.. Every day that you continued to stay alive in this hellhole you swore you slowly descended further and further into madness. Eating gelatin cubes.. being around the same exact people, day in and day out.. with nothing else to do but to clean, with no end in sight was only a recipe for disaster.
And disaster seemed to come with a name; Langdon.
You didnt believe him when he announced that he was going to pick a select few to take with him to the sanctuary; you knew that was fucking bullshit.. but you had to admit - it was amusing watching the other outpost residents finally get a spark of excitament in their eyes. A reason to be alive.
You watched him take interest in mainly Gallant and Mallory; and that's when you felt something.. distant yet familar. Yearning; attraction, and maybe even jealousy.
It reminded and made you nostalgic of old emotions that you used to feel regularly; which now only visited you vaguely whenever you caught Michael stare for a second too long at either of them.. but it wasnt your job to monitor the relationships that were allegedly occurring.
You kept your head down until you begrudgingly got an interview; honestly surprised at first that Langdon seemed to be giving you a shot at salvation at all.
You were even more surprised at how the actual interview seemed to unfold; how disgustingly touch starved you were and the way in which you reacted to him. You were praying that Langdon didnt notice how your entire body was littered with goosebumps the second he touched you - a harmless gesture with his hand lightly touching your back when he walked by. Or the pure exhilaration you felt when he brushed a tear away from your cheek.. It was honestly embarrassing.
Even more embarrassing was how much you craved to see Langdon again as soon as you left the first interview.
The days following the first initial interview were torturous for you. Your days and even nights became infested with thoughts of Langdon; his blonde locks and light blue eyes even started to follow you and become familar in dreams..
You couldnt stop thinking about him.
You knew it was stupid to crave romance; it was utterly irrational. For one, if Venable were to even catch you looking at Langdon for a couple seconds too long - you knew she would want your head on a stick. That's not even to mention how jealous Gallant and the other residents would possibly be, if anything were to happen.
These thoughts were not realistic though  because you knew Langdon never viewed you like that. He treated you just as he did anyone else.. maybe even worse. He always kept his words short with you and rarely made eye contact most days.
For those reasons; you wrote off your newfound romantic thoughts about Langdon as nothing more but dumb daydreams. Just something to keep you occupied in the day while you tried to make the outpost look spotless. You figured it was a result of being beyond bored; your mind trying to find something to make life interesting once more. Anything. 
That was.. until Langdon invited you for another interview. One interview quickly turned into another.. and another.. and another until seeing Langdon privately was nearly the new normal.
The more you two continued to meet; the more your feelings for him only grew but you still chose to conceal them - well, to the best of your abilities anyway.. there was only much you could hide. However; if you didnt know Langdon prematurely, you wouldve thought he was a idiot or just purely naive for not picking up on the obvious crush you had.
It had been a couple nights now since you had last seen him.. And yet here you were; having another sleepless night that consisted of thinking of dumbass Langdon.
You stayed awake sleepless in your bed. Or.. the bed that was meant to be yours anyway. Nothing like felt home or like it was truly yours at Outpost Three though. You stared at the ceiling hopelessly; wishing you would be so lucky to feel a wave of drowsiness that could hit you and carry you off to your dreams.
You immeadietly sat up and nearly jolted out of bed when you heard three loud knocks rattle your door. The sound was distinct but haunting.. your immediate thought was Venable.. you could only help but to think what the fuck you had recently done to piss her off.
You swiftly walked through the nearly pitch black room and opened the door absentmindedly; trying to not let your paranoid thoughts control your actions and let you hesitate.. just in case it happened to be Langdon.
You would be lying if you were to say that you werent dissapointed when you found no one there; only a letter lay folded neatly on the floor.. directly in front of you.
Snatching it and opening it within the safety of your room; you had to hold back laughter when it was from Langdon - another invitation to go see him.. but it was marked urgent.
You nearly dropped the letter on the floor immeadietly; it wasnt as if you had anything else to do - you already knew you werent going to be able to sleep tonight anyway. You immeadietly took off, albeit as quietly as possible, off to Langdons office. Trying to keep your thoughts of what the hell he wanted to see you so badly for, at bay.
When you reached his room, you didnt bother knocking. You slipped right inside - knowing that knocking would only possibly wake Venable up or alert other residents of your whereabouts. Shutting the door behind you, you slowly approached him.
He sat at his desk; quickly turning around to face you as you entered. His light, ocean colored eyes were wide in what you could only guess was surprise that you came so soon. His mouth was slightly curved into a subtle smile.
"Hi". You uttered with a airy, soft laugh.
You first stood, knowing he would most likely want you to take a seat but you would rather wait for instructions than to just.. assume. You knew Michael had little to no tolerance but surely enough, he nodded at the seat that was directly across from his at the desk.
"Sit". Michael instructed, his gaze followed you as you steadfastly did as you were told.
You realized how carefully Michael was studying you as you walked over and took your seat.. and maybe it was because of the absolutely horrible lighting but you could swear you could almost see blood rushing to his cheeks..
Was he.. blushing??
You sat, completely puzzled as you watched Michael suddenly act flustered.. His motions changing from smooth and calculated to nearly awkward.. and.. just rather odd in a instant. He looked as if he wanted to say something but no words were spoken, that is - until you made the first move.
"Is something.. wrong"? You asked, trying your hardest to bite back laughter.
Seeing Langdon act so.. not like himself was basically pure comedy to you.  Although you would never admit that outloud of course.
He now looked uncomfortable; licking his lips and clasping his hands together at the table before speaking.
"(Y/n), I have to talk to you about something". Michael admitted.
His expression changed from looking rather nervous to serious again; his mouth in a straight line and the muscles in his face relaxed.
You were quite literally sitting on the edge of your seat, your stomach started to do somersaults as you desperately tried to rationally think of what he wanted to say..
"Yeah, of course. What's wrong"? You prompted, your voice coming across as unsteady.
You tried your hardest to not let your voice shake as you spoke, although you were more than certain it showcased exactly how you felt.
Langdon unfolded his hands; appearing to study his rings momentarily before his blue eyes pierced yours - looking as if they were staring right past you.. Not necessarily at you at all.
"Look; theres nothing wrong. You just need to know that theres no need to be nervous around me anymore". Langdon stated matter of factly.
He maintained eye contact with you; diligently waiting for a response as you actually tried to comprehend what he was saying.. Was he implying that you were going to the sanctuary?? Or.. possibly even something else?? Something more?
Your confusion must've been apparent on your face because before you could say anything, Langdon cut in.
"That's not why I asked you to be here with me tonight though. I wanted to.. reward you". He said.
You felt as if your heart had skipped a beat; nearly feeling woozy as your cheeks heated up. A reward?? Saying you felt speechless was a incredible understatement.
"A reward"?? You echoed your thoughts aloud.
Your words came out slow and strained with pure anticipation for what was to perhaps happen. You thought for a split second this had to be some kind of sick joke, or some kind of sick manipulation game. You wouldnt really be surprised; you overheard from the others he was famous for pulling that kind of shit.
"Yes, For giving me company. Close your eyes". Michael answered.
You immeadietly, and dumbly followed orders. However; as soon as you closed your eyes you felt fear pierce your heart. The uncertainty and possibilities of what could happen was jarring - but you had to admit it was also thrilling.
The past few months had been so fucking predictable and boring, a bit of excitement was well over due and actually.. probably healthy. Even if it was fucking terrifying.
You could hear him moving, and then something being placed on his desk in front of you. You first felt your eyebrows furrow as you opened your eyes unwillingly. Pure surprise forcing you to do so and to disobey Langdon.. oh fuck.
You opened your mouth to utter an apology but.. your gaze first caught onto the object in front of you.. leaving you speechless and with your mouth agape.
You marveled at the small slice of cheesecake was that put in front of you.. It looked entirely to good to be true; this had to be a dream.. or maybe a nightmare??
This last time you had eaten anything with any kind of remote flavour had been eons ago. Those memories served you well and made your horrifically boring days a little less painful.
You continued to blankly stare at it; not daring to move, or breathe but.. to just enjoy the view. You were half expecting for this to be some of torture again; for him to rip it away from you but a part of you reassured you that.. this was different. This was him trying, and being genuine.
You looked up to meet Langdons eyes as they intently studied you. A faint smile gracing the corner of his lips. A beautiful sight you rarely got the priviledge of admiring.
"Have some". Michael said, nodding down in direction of the dessert. "I thought you would appreciate the gesture. I cant imagine the shit Venable gives you is enjoyable". Michael sneered with a hint of laughter.
You couldnt help but to let out a giggle as well, looking down once more and noticing that the plate was also embellished with two forks.
"Thank you, Michael. You should have some too though, I dont want to be selfish-" You started, unfolding your hands from your lap and beginning to push the plate towards him.
He quickly stood up and walked up to you, stopping until he was beside you. He grabbed your wrist, tight enough to make you wince but not enough to cause any actual pain - making eye contact again.
"No.. I want to watch you have the first bite". Langdon said.
In a split second, the chair that was once behind his desk materialized right next to you, directly behind him. He sat down, watching you intently as you started to feel stupidly nervous again.
Your hands trembled a bit as you reached to grab the fork, swiftly taking a piece and then  quickly consuming it. You figured the faster you took the first bite - the less nervous you would be.. but his gaze continued to linger on you; intensely watching.
The pleasure you were momentarily wrapped in was insurmountable to anything you had previously felt in months. You had to ground yourself in order to not let a moan escape your mouth.. The rich flavor tasting so unreal; almost too good to be true.
To be completely honest, you forgot that Langdon was there at all until you noticed him grab a fork as well. Also taking a bite and continuing to watch you - clearly amused with your reaction.
You two continued to eat in silence; meanwhile you momentarily began to get lost in your own thoughts yet again. You knew he didnt have to do this; he very well could've just.. had the dessert with someone else, like Mallory, or even enjoyed it by himself, but he purposefully chose you...
Your cheeks grew hot at the thought of how he seemed to subtly state that he returned your affection. You knew there was no way that he didnt know that you harbored feelings for him; the way in which you acted flustered in his prescience had to be a dead give away.
An hour or so later you walked back to your room; the night slowly cutting into the early hours of the morning but you really couldnt care less. You really didnt care about anything, even if Venable found you. The last thought you had before you took a very shortlived nap, was how much of a sneaky bastard Langdon truly was.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @beyond-repentance
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Obi Wan x Padawan Reader Never Lie to Me
Pairing: Sith Obi Wan Kenobi x padawan reader
Summary : Reader misplaces something important and tries to find it before her Master can find out.
Warnings: language, sexual themes, *slight smut*
Hello my loves! Ok so I absolutely love Sith obi wan but for some reason I struggle to write him. I tried something and hopefully it's not complete trash like I think it is lol anywaaaaaaays enjoy😚
18+ readers only!
Oh this was bad...this was very very bad....
Okay y/n don't freak out, you can hide this! You can totally hide this!!
Fuck no you couldn't
You groaned sliding down the wall of your chambers. How could you be so stupid?! Losing your lightsaber like that?! Did you have a death wish?!
You could only imagine how enraged your master would be.. you shook your head violently dissipating the horrible thoughts.
No no no, it would not come to that becasue you would find it. It probably fell somewhere by your speeder. Yeah it's there for sure.....probably.....
Sighing you stood up and grabbed a cloak to cover your hip and the usual missing weapon spot that hung there.
You couldn't help but imagine all the horrible scenarios that ran through your mind if Master kenobi found out.
One included merciless unending training, not letting you rest for even a moment.
Another image had you bent over his knee whilst he.... ughhh you could already feel the sting.
Your master and you had a...unique relationship to say the least... he was your master in the ways of the dark side, so you had a strict student master dynamic during training.
He took your training very seriously, leaving little room for error. But as some point his punishments got more....creative..
You couldn't help but feel your face heat up remembering that time you screwed up a mission and he saw to your reprimanding. From then on your relationship became more....personal.
He didnt give you any special treatment, and didnt allow any distractions during training. But the times after training...when he would call you to his chambers and.....
You couldn't help but feel your heart skip a beat, or two, or twenty, and you couldn't help but to recall those moments..
That scent...
Those whispers..
His fingers.....
"What are you thinking about?" A smooth voice cut through your indecent thoughts like butter. You whipped around startled that the man in question was now standing right behind you.
Quickly you made sure your shields were up, something you had made sure to refine. You didnt want him hearing all your dirty thoughts during training...
"I-I was just thinking about the mission.." you took a step back trying to regain your composure. Why did you always manage to act like a floundering idiot when he was around?!
"Hmm, is it really the mission that has you so flustered?" He mused stepping closer.
"Or something else?"he smirked knowingly.
Bastard, he must've read my thoughts before I realized he was here...
"It's-" you attempted to change the subject before he cut you off.
"And I know you know better than to lie to me don't you?" He said slightly more serious. A familiar dark edge to his voice.
You gulped, "Yes master..."
"I was thinking of other things..." you trail off averting your gaze hoping he wouldnt make you say it out loud.
Although he'd technically seen you naked quite a few times now, you still felt so embarrassed regarding anything or your "intimate moments". This was due mostly to the many embarrassing things he made you do....well ok to be fair you didnt REALLY try to stop him...but the second those moments were over you could barely look him in the eyes.
You felt those familiar warm finger gently lift your chin. You met his deep gaze,
"Speaking of other things...you did rather well on the mission, we were able to conquer the planet thanks to your efforts, so I suppose a reward is in order...dont you agree darling?" He whispered the last part in your ear making you shiver slightly.
Oh how you enjoyed those rewards of his...quite possibly the only time he would treat you gently. Well there were those times he wasnt so gentle either...actually maybe you liked those more...
You place you hands on his chest and gently push.
"A-actually master I wondered if I might have your permission to leave the ship I..wanted too...look around a bit more before we have to leave!" You hurriedly came up with an excuse.
He stepped back, eyeing you for a moment before nodding his approval, "Alright, be back before nightfall" he warned and continued walking down the hall.
As soon as he was out of sight you let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully he bought that story. You quickly made your way to the ship's exit and onto the lush planet known as Misano.
Normally you would've liked a chance to explore and maybe even sneak some souvenirs back. But you had no time for that now. If you didnt find that saber soon you were toast. And it didnt help that Misano turned from a tropical paradise to a frozen tundra trap by nightfall. It was truly a unique planet.
But you could admire it another time, preferably when your life wasn't on the line...
You looked up at the setting sky as dread washed over you. You had scoured and searched for your blasted saber for hours but it was no use. You had retraced your steps multiple times and even question some of the citizens to see if they knew anything.
You didnt want to even humor the idea but now it was the most likely truth. Some lowlife had probably picked it up and would soon be rolling in credits.
You pulled your cloak tighter around you as the wind started to pick up. You knew you should start to head back before it got too cold but honestly freezing to death sounded better than whatever punishment you master would enforce...
You were now full on shivering as you made your way back to the ship. The sun had set long ago and you now knew why everyone kept warning you to get inside. Your boots the only reason you could trudge through the many layers of snow.
You must've questioned every suspicious looking citizen however no luck. Your saber was probably gone forever and on top of that punishment you were sure your master was going to be angry that you disobeyed and stayed out later than he permissed.
Ughh I should just let myself freeze over...
Another half an hour later you finally made it back to the ship. Immediately you dragged yourself through the halls to your room and ordered your droid servant to run a hot bath. You were extremely lucky that master kenobi hadn't spotted you yet.
You could barely feel anything and felt horribly tired. Even the steam rising from afar felt like heaven as it reached your frost bitten skin.
You removed your practically stiff cloak but had no energy for the rest so you plopped fully clothed into the steaming water, immediately sighing in relief as you slowly felt feeling returning to all parts of your body.
You rested your head back and took a deep breath, inhaling the warm air.
*achoo* fuck...
you could already feel your nose becoming stuffed and there was a slight scratch in your throat. Perfect, getting sick was just what you needed.
After you were fully warmed up, you drained the water and lazily wrapped a fluffy towel around you. You felt the exhaustion of the mission plus everything afterwards tenfold as soon as your body hit the mattress.
You spread out lazily letting the cool sheets relax your now warmed body, covers discarded on the floor.
Your eyes drooped slowly closed once, focused on the space by the end of your bed, you tried to fight off sleep but it was proving difficult,
You opened them but slowly they drooped closed again,
The third time however you saw a blurry outline of a man.
"M-master!" Like a rocket you sat up, heart beating out of your chest. You quickly pulled up the towel over your chest.
"Y-you scared me..." You placed a hand over your beating chest trying to catch your breath. You had been too tired to even sense him coming.
He stood with his arms crossed, an unreadable expression on his face. "I distinctly remember telling you to be back before dark did I not?" He stepped closer until he was right at the end of the bed.
Oh Crap hes mad.... you sat up a little straighter trying to ignore the fact you were practically naked in front of him.
"I'm sorry master, the time got away from me..." your mouth feeling unnaturally dry as the lie left your lips.
You hated lying to him. Well you hated what usually happened when you lied to him and he found out....
He eyed you silently before leaning over the bed intimidatingly close. He leaned next to your ear before speaking,
"You're lying" a dangerous edge to his voice now
You felt your heart stop and a rush of panic fill you. Fuck fuck fuck.
Slowly he came back into view.
His eyes were a threatning color now. A silent deadly warning to choose your next words carefully. You had just broken his one rule. And he knew...
You felt a million emotions running through you. Fear, for getting caught breaking his most important rule. Shame for being stupid enough to lose something so important. And Guilt for lying to the one person you never ever wanted to lie too...
"Ah I-I'm Sorry!!" You blurted out suddenly. "I-I didn't mean too! But so much was going on with the mission!! A-and I must've been distracted and I swear I tried master I really did! B-but no one knew anything and then it started getting dark and cold a-and I didnt know what to do so I came back, but I didnt want you to be disappointed or mad so I didnt tell you the truth and I'm so so so sorry!!" You bowed your head breathing heavily, hardly realizing that your explanation made no sense. Your eyes shut tightly shielding you from his whatever horrible expression he surely had on his face.
A few moments of dreadful silence passed before you felt him shift.
"Look at me" you barely felt the ghostly touch of his fingers guide your chin up.
You sucked in a nervous breathe when you realized you were only inches from his face. His eyes were dark and penetrating. Whenever he looked at you like this you felt completely exposed. Like he could see right through your soul.
"Now calm down and tell me the truth little one" he said dangerously calm. Sometimes that was even scarier then when he yelled...
Taking a deep breathe you gathered your wits and with a deeply ashamed tone you confessed, "I lost my lightsaber.." you could feel burning at the corner of your eyes but you continued through it, "I looked for it everywhere but..." you looked down again dejectedly. What a dumb apprentice I am.. hes probably so disappointed in me.. "I'm sorry Master.."
You waited for what felt like hours until he spoke, "I know" he said in an even tone.
Your eyes shot open in surprise, "w-what?"
"How many times must I remind you nothing happens without me knowing about it."
"So then..." he knew you were lying all along...
"Yes my apprentice" he grasped your chin slightly harder now but still somehow gentle, "When will you learn..." he slowly ran his thumb over your bottom lip, dragging it down, "that you can't hide anything from me.." he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I know..I'm sorry, I was just afrai-" he cut you off with a sharp slap to your thigh.
"What have I told you about lying to me?" he caressed your bare thigh making it harder for you to focus.
"That-that I am never to lie to you...no matter what..." your breath hitched as his hand inched closer across your thigh and to your most sensitive area. However just when he was inches away he abruptly removed all contact.
You immediately felt sad at the loss.
"Exactly, and yet you did exactly that" he nodded his head, "I'm disappointed little one, especially since if you had told the truth..." he reached behind him grabbing something and bringing it forward, "you could've saved yourself alot of trouble"
You let out a gasp, "My saber!!" He let you take it from his grasp, you beamed finally feeling whole again.
"But how did you..?" You asked confused where and how he had found it.
"It fell when you jumped on your speeder during the battle" he explained nodding slightly in exasperation.
So this whole time he had it?! And that means he knew all day that you.....
"I shouldnt have lied" you apologized sincerely. "I just didn't want to disappoint you..especially since I did so well on the mission..." you mustered the best regretful expression you could. "Are you angry with me...?" You couldn't help but ask.
After a moment he smiled slightly, resting his rough palm on your cheek, "No..well not anymore, I was more upset that you risked your health by staying out too long, however I do sense your deep regret, so this time I'll let it slide"
Whoa did I hear that correctly, hes going to let it slide?? My master?? Had he hit his head during battle??
"Thank you Master, I promise it won't happen again" you meant it this time.
"Oh I know it wont pet" you shivered at the pet name he called you. He suddenly force pulled you closer until you were basically straddling him. You let out a shriek.
"Because this time.." he placed a firm hand on the back of your neck pulling you in for a possessive kiss.
He pulled away slightly and you felt his hot breathe by your ear, "I'll make sure you remember what happens when you don't." Suddenly you were on you back, towel thrown across the room.
"Whaa what?! I thought you said I was off the hook?!" You blushed fiercely as he force held your hands and legs to each corner and stood back to admire your helpless form.
He smirked wickedly, "I said you were off the hook for staying out too late.. however..." you gasped as you felt invisible fingers begin to tease your most sensitive area.
"For lying to me.." he eyed you with a gaze now hooded with lust and a dangerous glint, "You will be punished until I am certain you've learned your lesson my darling..."
***************************************************Thanks for reading!! I had alot of trouble writing sith obi wan but I tried my best. Let me know if you guys liked this enough and want to see similar Sith obi wan x apprentice fics. Alsoooo 👀if enough people want a mini 18+ continuation of the *cough* punishment.....lemme know🙈
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shiir00oo · 4 years
This is an alternate version of he masterclass episode where Serena sprained her wrist and where instead if Palermo,Ash notices her movement,idk just Thought it would be cute lol
It was the semi finals of the masterclass and Serena was performing her last part of her performance.
She called out for Sylveon to use fairy wind and when it did she grabbed her Pancham's hands and took her with her floating to the top,eventually they starting floating back down,their descent much slower due to the fairy wind remaining.
As Serena and her pokemon neared the ground they prepped themselves for a handstand,her pokemon did it without a hitch,Serena however positioned her hand poorly causing her to lose balanced,spraining her wrist while doing so,the girl winced at the sudden pain erupting in her wrist as she began to slowly fall forward,however Sylveon was quick on its feet and used her long feelers to grab hold of the girl's waist and flip her over to instead slide forward in a kneeling position instead of a handstand.
The crowd went wild,Though Ash from the seats by the back was concerned of the face she made once she made that mistake,Bonnie and Clemont however hadnt noticed that small detail.
Serena was happy the crowd liked her performance,and eventually the time came where the audience would have to vote for the best performer to compete against Aria.
Small glowing specs of dots floated towards the crystal keys of the performers.
Pink,Blue and green and other colors floated towards the varying performers,each hoping to move on to the final round.
Soon the lights shut dark "And now the moment you have all been waiting for,the performer who will move up to the final round is..." silence cut in with an anticipating atmosphere covering the whole stage "PERFORMER SERENA!" Monsieurr Pierre exclaimed with a heavy french accent as a spotlight shined down on the said honey blonde who was flushed red by the news,eyes sparkling in joy while her pokemon beside her cheered in delight as she hugged them both.
Soon her friend and rival Shauna walked up to her,the brown haired girl had a look of sadness in her eyes as she looked at the ground while standing infront of the honey blonde "Shauna?.." Serena muttered feeling a tinge of guilt from taking away her best friend's dream of becoming Kalos Queen, "Will You hold on to my dream for me Serena?Atleast for now?" The girl said looking towards Serena,small drops of tears evident in her eyes with a crumbling smile "Of course i will Shauna.." Serena assured her then all of a sudden she was tackled into a hug by the said girl who was crying against her "Please win this Serena,Because your the b-best out of a-all of us" Shauna muttered as he cried more unto the honey blonde who comfortably hugged her.
"I will..I promise" she said.
It was time for a short break for the performer before facing against the current Kalos Queen,right now she was being lead by a stage monitor to a room where waiting performers lounge in as they get ready.
The girl went in and sat down at a couch where her Braixen waited at.
"Braix?.." her fox like pokemon cooed in concern as she looked at the girl's wrist.
She hesitantly pulled away her silk white glove to reveal an evident sprain on her wrist,it was beaming with red in color,she tried to make a fist out of it but instead she winced once she tried to.
Meanwhile in the bleachers where the audience sat at,there was a raven haired boy with a concerned look in his face as he looked at the honey blonde exit the stage,knowing what happened to the girl he stood up grabbing the siblings attention "Ash where are you going?" Clemont asked as he looked at the boy "Serena,i have to talk to her" He simply said and with that he was walking out of the bleachers and going backstage to visit Serena,his pikachu was accompanying him on his shoulder as he was let in behind the stage.
"Im a friend of Serena Yvonne?" Ash said hoping to be let passed behind the guards towards a hall where rooms for performers were "Reason?" The man dressed in black said in a husk tone "I have to talk to her" Ash said simply,after a second of thought the two guard let the boy pass while letting him know where the performer's room was at.
He reached a big door painted in beautiful violet and golden colors lined the door,he knocked.
From behind the door the honey blonde heard the sudden knock she immediately put her glove back on and hid her sprained hand behind her back hoping it wouldnt cause any worry for anyone "Serena?its me Ash can i come in?" The boy said his voice muffled from behind the door.
Upon hearing his voice the performer blushed lightly "Uh yes!" She exclaimed her voice reaching the door as it was swung open revealing the raven haired trainer with a pikachu perched on his shoulder "How are you doing?" Ash asked walking towards the couch where the honey blonde sat.
Confused she said "Wh-what?" A bit worried about his question "Your wrist." The boy said simply as he looked down at the hand hidden behind her "I-im fine really!" She said shaking a hand in denial,Pikachu jumped off from his shoulder to go the girl's pokemon partners.
Ash sat down beside the honey blonde earning a noticeable blush from her "I s-swear Im fine" the girl stammered as he tried to tuck in her hand in more but all her actions were in vain when Ash gently took her arm and slid his hand under the girl's wrist earning another shade of red on her face, the boy took away her glove and set it beside him as he examined the red mark beaming from her wrist.
He placed both his hands on the the girl's hand and gently squeezed her fingers to see if she could make a fist without wincing.
As he did that he earned a noticeable flinch while trying to make a fist of Serena's hand "You can barely make a fist.." he said in a hushed tone "You know pulling that move out there was really dangerous..even for you and your performance " Ash stated as he looked at the flushed girl "I pulled it off during rehearsals but, i guess i placed my hand in the wrong position" She reasoned as she looked down looking quite guilty for no reason "it happens,though you should really be more careful Serena" Ash said earning a little giggle from the girl.
"Whats so funny?" He asked "I-its just,your saying i should be careful when you were the one who jumped off prism tower on television Ash" She said, the boy blushed a bit recalling the memory "I,uh thats different..Anyway,i think i can make it hold for your last performance" Ash said quickly changing the subject as he gently rested the girl's hand on a pillow nearby and he stood up walking towards a vanity with a drawer,he opened it in hopes to find a roll of bandages,fortunately he did and he picked it up and walked back to the honey blonde.
He gently lifted up the girl's hand with his own and started lightly wrapping the bandage around her sprained area "How'd you know bandaging the sprain would work?" Serena asked curiously,a small blush still evident on her pale cheeks "trust me,when your as reckless as i am im bound to get atleast a few bruises and scratches somewhere,my mom taught me" Ash answered.
Soon after he finished wrapping her wrist with the bandage he then cut the ends off with a pair of scissors,and slid her glove back on.
"There, that should be enough to get you through the finals" He said "Thank alot Ash!" She said with a smile that managed to make his heart race "U-uh no problem..Pikachu and I should get going,wouldnt want to miss your performance"Ash said smiling back and stood back up,his pikachu running and jumping back on his shoulder as they walked towards the door,but before he could turn the knob he was stopped by the voice of the honey blonde girl a fee steps behind him "Ash I uhh..i " the girl stammered as a blush crept up to each sides of her face.
Confused and curious he turned around to look at the girl waiting for what she had to say,and the next thing she did truly did catch him bug surprise.
Serena was having the time of her life on that stage,her wrist sprained or not she was genuinely happy but Ash in the stands however was acting quite strange,perhaps a bit love sick(?).
The boy didnt seem to be focused on anything else rather than just the honey blonde dancing on stage with a goofy smile plastered on his face while a noticeable blush was painted on each side of his cheek,although that part was concealed by the dark lighting where they sat at.
Clemont was confused at his friends behavior as he started waving a hand infront of his face while Bonnie was merely giggling in her seat
"Ash..I uhh" The honey blonde stammered as she fiddled with her gloved fingers "I just wanted to thank you..again.." Ash arched and eyebrow in curiosity "For what?" He asked "For my wrist and, supporting me all the way" the girl said blushing a bit more of what she was about to do next, Ash beamed bright "Well no problem Serena!Ill have you know that ill be rooting for you on and on nonstop" He said rather bluntly "Oh! And before you go i just wanted to give you this" Serena said,the last part of her sentence rather quickly as she stood on her tippy toes and pecked Ash lightly on the lips, the boy was caught by surprise but nonetheless enjoyed the sudden warm sensation.
The girl stood back up and smiled,her cheeks flushed "T-thank you.." She stuttered while Ash could feel a smile creeping up to the corners  of his mouth "I,uhh your welcome S-serena.." He said with a hint of nervousness as he rubbed underneath his nose with a finger "N-no problem..." He said again and Serena giggled "I should go" He cleared his throat and replaced his cracking voice in his somewhat normal raspy tone and stiffly walked out the door with his pikachu giggling on his  shoulder "Good luck on your performance Serena!Youll do amazing!" Ash exclaimed happily as he ran down the hall as Serena waved him a small good bye with a smile on her face.
The e nd
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fairyscribbles · 6 years
Boiling Bite. (Chanyeol, Wolf!au) 2/2
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Hello guys! A few little changes!
I will try to again re-update a lot of the lists that I have here, because not only they were not up to date, they are a bit glitched, as I saw when uploading that Baekhyun story!
I also thought of putting up my ko-fi link again. I stopped doing it for a while because I was pretty content, but as I started working, my financial needs rose up as well, due to travel, food etc etc. I am also really shooting to go to the JLPTs again and obtain the highest level (N1). For that, I need the books for it. I already bought the grammar book, so I need the vocab, kanji and reading so I can prepare and hopefully go try out the summer dates of the test!
It’s also a bit hard to update for me now not only because of school but also because of the house renovation. My desk is really cluttered from all the things I’ve had on shelves and my laptop has been connected to the TV for about three weeks now and has been exclusively used for Netflix ^^’ I did go back to writing into notebooks though, and I’m biting through a few of the requests. Who knows, maybe once I’m done, I will open them again!
Well now, after this super long essay, let’s enjoy the second part of the Kris story I have posted a while back!
If you need to refresh your memory, here is the first part! If you like what you read, you can support me on ko-fi!
Everything burned and everything hurt. You didn’t remember when was the last time you were conscious for more than five minutes. The pain always knocked you out before you could go insane with it.
You could clearly remember that night... the dark alleyway... Kris’ mate crying into her phone, begging Kris to come and save you. 
The two vampires standing, ready to pounce. 
You stepping between the vampires and Kris’ mate.
And then the bite.
It was as if somebody suddenly poured acid into your veins and the blood carried it all over your body. It felt horrible. You wanted to die as you felt the ice cold fangs digging into you, sucking the life out of you.
It might’ve been gone in a few seconds, but it felt like hours to you.
They came and saved you. But it was too late, as you crumbled to the ground and you screamed in pain.
You felt someone, Chanyeol probably, picking you up and cradling you to him, but it didn’t do anything with the horrible pain that coursed through your body.
That’s when you blacked out the first time.
The first time you came to was when you felt someone settle down next to you.
“Ch-Chan…” your voice was too raspy for you to continue, a coughing fit interrupting your question.
“It’s me, ___.” Answered the voice that did not belong to your mate. Kyungsoo wiped at your forehead, the wet cloth gathering the sweat that trickled down your face.
“You were bitten. It’s the werewolf genes and vampire saliva that’s making you hurt.” You whimpered as the washcloth trailed down your face onto your neck, to the bite mark. A strangled scream ripped through your throat when the cloth dabbed at the wound and you immediately cowered from the pack’s healer. You heard him apologize, but everything was pronounced so slow and the way your eyelids seemed to drop, you knew you were out of it once again.
“Alright, ___. We need to get some of the bad blood out. This is going to hurt a lot, so we’re going to do it by bits, alright?”
You slowly grew accustomed to the pain, you were beginning to understand how it worked, how it always came in waves at you. It could’ve been two days since Kyungsoo’s visit, but it could’ve been two weeks as well.
You nodded shakily, tilting your head to the side and revealing your neck to him. Kyungsoo sighed, placing everything he was holding onto the nightstand before looming over you, his lips on your neck.
“Try to hold on as long as possible…” he mumbled quietly, his breath ghosting over your skin, before his lips closed over the wound. The first suck had you arching against him in a scream, your fists bunching in his shirt. You screeched, pleading for him to stop, trashing from side to side. You could feel the lift slipping from you from every suck by Kyungsoo’s lips. It ended just a few seconds after, yet it felt like eternity.
Kyungsoo spit out the blood he held in his mouth, its color a washed out red and more yellow than anything else.
“You did great, ___.” Kyungsoo gently stroked your cheek, trying to somehow calm you down.
“Chan…” you coughed heavily after that.
“What was it, ___?”
“Where…is…Ch-Chan…Chanyeol?” Kyungsoo fell silent for quite a while after that. Every passing second was like a dagger to your heart.
“He’s out hunting. He left three days ago, he didn’t come back yet.” Kyungsoo told you and yet you somehow knew it was a lie. You swallowed the tears that crept up on you and nodded to the tense Kyungsoo.
“You should try to get some sleep, ___-ah. We’ll try to get out more tomorrow.” His voice was gentle as if he was talking to a child. You nodded again, the grip of consciousness already slipping past your hands.
The last thing you thought of was Chanyeol’s voice, desperately calling your name.
Chanyeol sighed as he walked through the door. His body was full of kinks and soreness that wouldn’t be able to go away even after extended rest. As if he could do that, anyway.
For the past few days, he hadn’t thought about anything else, but revenge. He spent the past three days hunting down a vampire coven, making sure he would get every and single one of those suckers.
He kicked off his muddy boots and entered the house, his jacket a bloody pool on the floor. As he passed the mirror, he noticed the deep bags under his eyes and hallowed face.
He was only a ghost of what he used to be. He felt it, in his skin, his bones, in his very form, something changed. And he didn’t know how he would bring it back.
They switched every day. At first, only Kyungsoo would come, but later on, Suho replaced the healer, calling in Jongin to hold you down while sucking out the poison. The day after, the two switched and after that, Minseok and Luhan took their turns in trying to make you feel better.
You had already filled a whole glass with the yellowish substance and your mind was free from the sticky mist that clouded your senses.
It had its downfall, as it made the pain of healing clearer and the realization that since the night you’ve been bitten, Chanyeol hasn’t seen you once. Not a single time you felt his presence beside you and that made you tear up.
You probably disgusted him. You were bitten. And broken. Who in the right state of mind would want a broken mate? You thought as Kyungsoo gave your neck one hard last suck.
“Kyungsoo…” you choked out, stuttering over the lump in your throat.
“Yes? What is it?” he answered after cleaning his mouth, the poison still rocking slightly in the cup.
“K-Kill me.” You sobbed, the tears sneaking up on you. You could almost feel Kyungsoo freeze.
“What?” he wanted to you repeat as he slipped his hands around yours. You gripped him desperately.
“Please, just…let me have it over with. Just kill me and let that be…it.”
“Are you crazy? What about Chanyeol?” his voice sounded as if he still didn’t believe what you were saying. You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked at the ceiling, illuminated by moonlight.
“He…he doesn’t care about me anymore.” You had to wait a moment after saying that to calm yourself down. It was far too painful.
“I don’t blame him, though.” You added with a smile, even through the tears.
“Who would want a mate that is tainted by the enemy?” Kyungsoo squeezed your hand, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumb.
“That is the stupidest thing I’ve heard, ___. And I’m in a pack with Jongin, which means I’m listening to stupidities on a daily basis.” You could hear the smile in his voice and you couldn’t help but to chuckle shortly.
“Chanyeol wants you all the time. NO matter how you act, look or feel.”
“Then why isn’t he here?” Kyungsoo was quiet for a long time, weighing out his options. IN the end, he sighed, shaking his head.
“I would like to know that, too.” He rubbed your hand some more. It wasn’t the same thing as being comforted by your mate, but it came close.
“Just go to sleep, ___. You did good today.” You squeezed Kyungsoo’s hand one last time, before slowly rolling on your side. You instinctively awaited Chanyeol’s arms wrapping around you and pull you to him, but that never came.
Before Chanyeol could sigh and slip off his jacket, he was shoved back by a furious looking Kyungsoo.
“You need to start taking care of your mate.” He growled in a low tone, his eyes flickering gold.
“I am.” Chanyeol mumbled under his breath, trying to keep his cool.
“I’m avenging her. Killing every motherfucker I can get my eyes on.”
“She doesn’t need that. She needs you. But you’ve been too much of a pussy to face her.”
“What?” Chanyeol hissed, his beast stirring. Kyungsoo’s face showed he was being serious about what he said.
“I said, you’re too much of a pussy to look at her. You need to start taking care of her.”
“Do you even know how it fucking feels like? Being in my place?” Chanyeol asked, his tone menacingly passive as he came closer to Kyungsoo.
“Do you know the fucking feeling, when the person you love the most, the person you would die for, gets hurt? Like that? In front of your own fucking eyes?!” Chanyeol’s growl gradually turned into roaring.
“Do you even know how I feel when I walk around the room and I hear her screaming? Because I was unable to help her? Do you know the feeling?”
“And do you fucking know what you’re doing to her now? Did you even know that she asked me to kill her yesterday?” Kyungsoo’s words were like a thousand daggers, stabbing into his heart. As he heard about your wish to die, his knees buckled.
“W-What?” Kyungsoo smiled grimly as Chanyeol’s shock-ridden state.
“She thinks you don’t want her anymore. She told me that you probably think of her as disgusting since she was bitten by a vampire.” Chanyeol sighed deeply, sliding down the wall he was leaning against.
“Fucking hell…” he muttered, running his fingers through his hair. Kyungsoo knelt down next to him, laying his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder.
“Look, I’m not going to try to convince you that it wasn’t your fault. You wouldn’t listen to me anyways. But killing vampires won’t help her. She needs you close. She needs to know that she’s still wanted.” Chanyeol sighed, nodding. He was too weak to say anything else.
“The sucking of the poison is very painful for her. She needs her mate. If you would do it, the poison will be gone in a few days.” When Chanyeol still didn’t answer, Kyungsoo patted his back once more and he stood to leave.
“Hmm?” he turned around to look at Chanyeol. Only then he noticed how the biting affected him. He looked like hell- there were big bags under his eyes, his clothing hung on his disappearing frame and his shoulders seemed slumped with eternal luggage.
“Thank you. For everything.” Kyungsoo smiled softly.
“We’re brothers, Chanyeol. I would do anything for you.” At this Chanyeol smiled slightly.
“Even so. Thank you so much.”
You stirred when your bed dipped with another weight settling on it. Your fever had gone up again, so you didn’t recognize what was happening until the unknown person cupped the back of your neck and tilted your head to the side. Your blood started running faster as you realized what’s happening.
“No, Kyungsoo…” you whimpered quietly, your fists balling into his shirt. The body seemed different from Kyungsoo’s though.
“Please, no more…” you tried to cover the wound by tilting your head, but he nudged it aside with his nose. As you tried to fight back, more weight settled over you.
“Calm down, ___-ah…” a low voice rumbled above you and you suddenly knew who it was.
“Chanyeol?” he answered you with a hum, as he lightly licked your neck. Your breath hitched and you wound your hands around his torso, bringing him close. Chanyeol swiped his tongue over the wound once more before he closed his lips around it, giving it an experimental suck. He shuddered when the bad blood entered his mouth, but it didn’t stop him from sucking harder. It was much different, the cleansing with your mate. It was almost pleasurable for the first seconds and you pushed him down onto you some more, panting quietly. Chanyeol paused a while to spit out the venom in his mouth before diving in for more. This time, it was more uncomfortable, and you squirmed against him, your hands bunching in his shirt and tugging on it, to pull him away. He stayed relentless though, as he sucked harder. The first hard suck was painful.
“Chanyeol…” you whimpered, squirming some more. Once again, he leaned away to spit out.
“One more time, baby.” He assured you, closing his mouth around the wound again.
It was painful the last time, just as it was with the others. You arched your back, trying to get him from you, you tried swinging your head from side to side, but Chanyeol’s hold on you was tight, not letting go until you actually screamed out.
He quickly spat out the remaining poison and had you in his arms in seconds, holding you against his chest securely.
“I’m so sorry, baby, I’m sorry…” he kept repeating in your hair, stroking it comfortingly.
It took a while for you to calm down and to realize that he was actually with you. After the week of separation, it seemed unnatural.
“I thought you didn’t want me anymore…” you mumbled under your breath, holding onto him tightly. He reciprocated the grip, kissing the crown of your head.
“Are you kidding me? You’re my mate. I warned you about this before you signed your soul- it’s a job for life.” You giggled tiredly- the cleansing always had a dizzying effect on you- maybe because you lost a lot of blood.
“Will you stay?” you asked, looking up at him. You didn’t let him have much of a choice. There was a small chance he would be able to get out of the grip you had on him, anyways.
“Forever.” He said, kissing your lips.
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teresa60521-blog · 6 years
Side Effects
chapter 19: 2 weeks
If Uraraka felt trapped in the Bakugou home before giving birth, she definitely felt trapped now. But she was glad that she wasn’t thrust into the chaos of the outside world and that she was wrapped up with this tiny bundle of joy who just so happened to cry and whine half of the day.
Uraraka would be lying if she said she wasn’t enjoying it.
She liked having somebody being dependent on her and  being able to take care of somebody. She had been told in the past that she has a motherly quality about her but she didn’t see it until she actually became a mother. It still didn’t feel real. Uraraka felt like she would be giving the baby back to somebody.
It was also nice that Masaru and Mitsuki believed in her parenting abilities. They didn’t hover, only lent her a hand when she asked for the help. They were always ready and willing to assist, Mitsuki more so since she was home most of the time unless she was running errands or having lunch with old friends. Masaru still worked, coming home late but always making time to say hello to his grandchild.
When Uraraka had asked them if they wanted her to leave, Mitsuki had looked at her like she was insane.
“Where are you gonna go?” Mitsuki had asked and truthfully, Uraraka hadn’t even thought that far. She had just wanted to get out of their hair. “You’re welcome here for as long as you like. Better you than my son.”
Uraraka had laughed but it was greatly appreciated. She finally belonged somewhere.
She just wished that Bakugou had stayed with them too the past few weeks.
She understood completely; school was still the most important thing to Bakugou. He still was driven to become a hero and having a baby didn’t affect him as much as it did Uraraka. She was still recovering, the pain mostly gone but her emotions still off kilter. Uraraka wanted to start shaving off some of the excess baby weight but she had to wait until she was all healed. Bakugou’s life didn’t have to slam on the breaks; he was just able to keep on going like nothing had happened.
Uraraka was thankful that he kept in constant contact, asking about Kazumi and how both she and the baby were doing. He was making up for the time he had lost during the pregnancy and that was all Uraraka really wanted. It would just be better if he was actually there with her.
He had come home the first weekend and with this next weekend rapidly approaching, Uraraka couldn’t wait to see him again. She just wanted a little help and a little bit of family bonding time. Because that’s what they were. A family.
Friday before Bakugou was due home Uraraka was sitting on the couch, holding Kazumi close to her chest. Kazumi was sleeping, had fallen asleep in her arms after drinking from her bottle, and Uraraka couldn’t find it in herself to put her baby girl down. Just two short weeks after she had given birth she was head over heels in love with her daughter. She understood what some new mothers said when it was the best feeling and experience in the world.
Uraraka felt her phone buzz against her leg and she made sure Kazumi was secure in one arm before opening the text.
>> these asshole wont leave me the fuck alone
Uraraka smiled as she read the text. She had gotten similar texts from Bakugou over the course of the week, him complaining about how their classmates wanted to come see the baby and how they hovered asking for pictures. She didn’t mind if they came over to meet Kazumi, she just didn’t want to overwhelm the infant with too many people and if the whole class came over it would be a lot . But she didn’t mind a few people coming over.
Bakugou was pretty adamant about them not coming over though. In fact, he said they were never ever allowed in his house again.
<< why?
>> they wanna fuckin come over even tho ive told them 100000000000 times hell fuckin no
<< maybe it’s easier to just say yes?
<< i wouldnt mind it if they came over
There was silence from Bakugou now and she knew he was pissed that she had disagreed with him. She just shook her head and let him fume in silence, putting the phone down beside her. In that moment Masaru sat down on the other side of the couch with the newspaper. He smiled gently at her and then glanced down at Kazumi through his glasses.
“How is she?” Masaru asked as he settled against the back of the couch. His voice was gentle, quiet so he didn’t wake the sleeping infant up.
Uraraka shifted Kazumi in her arms and the baby twitched, making a purring noise in the back of her throat and shaking her head. Uraraka rocked her a little bit until she settled down and was lying still in her arms again.
“Sleepy.” Uraraka smiled softly and rubbed her thumb across the back of Kazumi’s hand. She could already see growth in her baby and she thought it was amazing.
“Mm.” Masaru unfolded the newspaper. “And how are you doing?”
“I’m also sleepy. But happy. Much happier than I was when I was pregnant.”
“I told you Katsuki would come around.” Masaru sounded so proud of himself and Uraraka couldn’t even be mad. He was right and there was no denying that. Uraraka wished she had a little more faith when he had initially said this to her but everything that happening at the time led her to believe otherwise. Bakugou was being really rude and just downright awful. Uraraka didn’t think she was going to have a happy ending.
The future was still uncertain but for now, she was living the happy ending fantasy.
“I’m glad he did.” Uraraka whispered. She checked her phone again but there was still no message from Bakugou. She let it go, knowing this was nothing to get upset about. He could not respond to her and she would be fine with it. She spent a little more time with Masaru, talking about Bakugou and Kazumi and a little bit of Masaru’s job. He was still a fashion designer and he did in fact create some hero costumes. They weren’t worn by super popular heroes by any means but it still made him feel good to know that there were young heroes out there wearing the clothes he designed.
Uraraka told him maybe she would get her clothing reworked by him, but Masaru reminded her that technically she and Bakugou had matching designs as they were made by the same designer. Their costumes had predicted their love perhaps.
She carried Kazumi carefully upstairs and laid her in the bassinet beside her bed. She didn’t know when she was supposed to move Kazumi to her crib but she figured she had a couple of months. She wasn’t ready for her baby to grow that big yet. She liked rolling over in the morning and seeing Kazumi sleeping peacefully surrounded by the baby blanket her friends had made.
Uraraka fell asleep pretty quickly that night, having been up early that morning with her little girl. Kazumi woke her up once or twice in the middle of the night and Uraraka was still getting used to that. Hopefully Bakugou could come relieve her in the middle of the night tomorrow. However, the two still weren’t allowed to sleep in the same room and there were no chances that Bakugou would hear Kazumi in the first place. Bakugou was surprisingly a heavy sleeper, but so was Uraraka. She wondered when that would catch up to her. When there was a baby screaming two feet away from her though, it was hard to miss.
Kazumi woke her up at around eight and she was fed and changed, put into a cute baby blue onesie with clouds on it. Uraraka had specifically told Masaru and Mitsuki that she didn’t care about color of clothing for her daughter and didn’t want her daughter to be subjected to the gender dichotomy at two weeks old. Colors didn’t have gender and she was going to dress her daughter up however she wanted.
Kazumi just so happened to look very cute in blue.
Uraraka was just lifting Kazumi from her playpen when the front door swung open, hitting the wall with a loud thud. She blinked wide eyes in that direction and a fuming Bakugou emerged, one fist clenched tight at his side and the other palm flat on the door. Uraraka could see his fist trembling in fury from her position in the middle of the living room.
“Katsuki?” Uraraka’s eyebrows pinched together.
“Uraraka-san!” That did not come from Bakugou, as Bakugou would never be that formal. Instead, it came from three distinct voices, each belonging to Kirishima, Midoriya and Iida respectively.
Well, that explains why Bakugou was so annoyed.
Kirishima, followed by Kaminari, bounded in around Bakugou who seemingly had been trying to block their entrance. He was no match for Kirishima’s mass of muscle though and the two came forward, Iida, Midoriya and Tsuyu following right behind that. Uraraka was still a bit shocked and looked at the familiar faces.
“Oh, hi guys.” It took her a moment to compose herself but when she did she smiled. Kazumi was secure in her arms, awake and blinking big eyes up at her mother. Uraraka let her baby put her tiny hand around one of her fingers but kept her attention on her friends. She had undone the paws on the onesie she was wearing, her other hand still covered so she didn’t scratch herself in her sleep or when she was just wiggling around.
Uraraka was definitely surprised though to see so many of the faces she missed. She hadn’t had much interaction outside of Bakugou and his family, their family. Seeing her friends from school made her light up and feel warm inside. She could have only predicted how the train ride over to their house had been, especially with Kirishima and Kaminari coming along.
“We have come to see how you’ve been doing.” Iida said, glancing from her to Kazumi and then back to Uraraka’s face. She thought it was amusing, knowing he wanted to hold the baby immediately.
“They fucking stalked me here.” Bakugou gruffed and sat down on the couch, holding his arms out for Kazumi. Uraraka graciously placed her in his arms and Bakugou held the baby possessively against his chest, glaring at the faces of their classmates.
“You said we could come!” Kaminari shouted and Bakugou bared his teeth, holding Kazumi closer when she started squirming a bit.
“Shut the fuck up.” Bakugou spit.
Uraraka felt an incredible amount of pride seeing Bakugou being so protective over their daughter. It was almost surreal, him being so gentle when he was always so brash. He held Kazumi like she was delicate china and really, she was. “Be sure not to squish her.” Uraraka reminded and Bakugou shifted his grip on her, no complaints.
It was amazing how parenthood could change somebody, even if that parent wasn’t around as often as the other.
Kirishima poked his head real close to Kazumi’s. “She’s so small.”
“She’s a baby you fuckwit! Don’t get too close, if you breathe on her she’ll die.”
“She will not die.” Iida declared and began rummaging in his bag. “It is very important that we clean our hands before we hold the baby so it doesn't get any illnesses we may be carrying.”
“Who the hell said I was going to let you hold her, Four Eyes?!” Bakugou barked but it seemed like all of them ignored him as they squirted hand sanitizer into their hands. Uraraka didn’t have any gripes about letting the five of them hold Kazumi but her boyfriend looked like he was about to snap at anybody who came in a five foot radius of him.
Uraraka placed a hand on his shoulder and Bakugou jolted at the soft touch. “They can hold her.”
“They’re all fucking idiots, they’ll drop her!” Bakugou argued.
Tsuyu ribbited and placed a finger to her lips. “I thought fatherhood might mellow you out, Bakugou-kun, but looks like I was wrong.”
“A-Asui-san….” Midoriya said nervously.
Bakugou looked like he wanted to lunge but the baby in his arms kept him seated. He never had any problems picking a fight with any gender.
“Katsuki, they came all this way to see her.” Uraraka didn’t want to have to wrestle Kazumi out of his arms but would if he didn’t give their friends a chance to hold her. They held each other’s eyes in an aggressive gaze for a couple of beats before Bakugou sighed and relinquished his short hold on her. Uraraka lifted her and rounded the couch, bringing her to the center of the little semicircle their friends had created.
“This is Bakugou Kazumi.” Uraraka introduced with a soft smile. All of their mouths dropped in awe as they stared at the tiny wrinkled creature in her arms. Kazumi’s eyes were half open and she couldn’t decided who to focus on, so many new faces beginning to overwhelm her.
“Who wants to be the first to hold her?” Uraraka asked, ignoring the sharp intake of breath coming from the blonde behind her.
“Me, me, me!” Kirishima was bouncing excitedly.
“You better sit the fuck down.” Bakugou warned, spreading out on the couch so Kirishima had no choice but to sit in the armchair. “If you drop her it’ll be the last thing you do.”
Kirishima pouted but sat down in the chair, holding his arms out. Uraraka instructed him on how to properly support her and laid her in his arms, watching Kirishima’s face morph from excitement to nervousness.
“I can’t do this.” Kirishima said immediately, looking down at her face.
Uraraka laughed and kneeled in front of him. “Don’t want to hold her anymore?”
“No, I’m gonna drop her, please-” Uraraka lifted the baby from his arms and Kirishima fell back with a dramatic sigh. “That was too much pressure.”
“Fucking piss baby.” Bakugou mumbled under his breath.
“I would like a turn!” Iida raised his hand high and then placed it tight by his side when Uraraka rose onto the balls of her face and walked over to him. She repeated what she had told Kirishima, saying the same thing to both Kaminari and Tsuyu after they were done holding Kazumi. Bakugou had put up a strong fight about Kaminari holding Kazumi because of the nature of his quirk. He didn’t want her to accidentally zap her and in all honesty Uraraka was a little nervous about that too.
“I have perfect control of my quirk!” Kaminari sniffed and Uraraka sighed, allowing him to hold her. There were no shocks present and it seemed like Kazumi enjoyed being in his arms most, eyes widening as Kaminari blew raspberries at her. She couldn’t smile yet but Uraraka had no doubt that if Kazumi could, she would be the smiliest baby ever. Uraraka couldn’t wait to see her baby girl smile.
Things boiled over when Uraraka went to place Kazumi in Midoriya’s arms.
“Absolutely not.” Bakugou stood and got in between them. Midoriya blinked up at Bakugou and Uraraka sighed. She knew Bakugou would be childish over this.
“I’m not going to let my daughter be tainted by this fucking nerd.”
“If the only insult you can come up with is ‘nerd’ then I think your opinion is overridden.” Tsuyu said matter of factly.
“Did I ask for your opinion you goddamn toad?” Bakugou said, not even casting her a glance.
“Hey!” Uraraka frowned and bounced Kazumi a little when she noticed her face scrunching up, getting ready to start wailing. “If you’re going to be nasty then you leave. You’re not the only one who gets to make decisions about my daughter. And since you didn’t even want her in the first place, you shouldn’t even get a say!” She knew that she was playing dirty and the hurt that flashed through fiery irises made her chest clench. But all Bakugou did was turn around and stomp up the stairs.
With an exhale, Uraraka turned once more to Midoriya with her usual gentle smile on her face. “Do you still want to hold her?”
Midoriya nervously glanced at the staircase. Uraraka knew he was waiting for Bakugou to pop back out and start screaming at him, but it didn’t come. “Oh no, no, no, I don’t think th-that’s such a good idea.”
Uraraka smiled and kissed Kazumi’s head. She had calmed down, no waterworks, only curious eyes scanning the room and landing on Midoriya’s face. The two shared a look and Midoriya squared his shoulders like he was preparing for an epic battle.
“I’ll hold her.” Midoriya decided.
Uraraka gently laid her in his arms and Midoriya was clearly nervous but he cradled her as he had heard the others be instructed. Supporting her head, supporting her bottom, holding her securely but not too tight. He was a natural. Again, Uraraka wondered what he would be like as a parent. But he wasn’t the one who held her heart. The one who did was sulking upstairs, trying to control his emotions.
“She looks like Kacchan.” Midoriya mused.
“Well she is his daughter.” Uraraka stated with a little laugh.
“A miracle, truly.” Kaminari mumbled and Kirishima elbowed him in the ribs, telling him not to be a dick. Uraraka was kind of grateful for that. She knew she made a poor choice though it was the right choice for her. She and Bakugou fit together like two puzzle pieces; perfectly.
Midoriya held Kazumi for a little while before returning her to Uraraka’s arms. She started crying a little, fake tears, tears that said she didn’t want to leave the warmth of Midoriya’s embrace. Uraraka placed a pacifier in her mouth and wiped her tears, cooing at her daughter. When she looked up, all five of her classmates were looking at her with a strange expression on their faces.
“What is it?” Uraraka asked nervously.
Iida cleared his throat. “You have changed, Uraraka.”
Uraraka’s smile was wavering. “Is that good or bad?”
Iida shook his head. “It is very good. You are happy and that is all that matters to us. You deserve happiness.”
Uraraka’s brown eyes watered and she closed them for a moment, regaining her composure. “Thank you.” She was glad somebody thought so.
Iida returned her smile and the five of them stayed for a couple more minutes before departing. Uraraka took to spending more time with Kazumi for the rest of the night and put her down after they all ate dinner. She pumped some more breast milk (that was uncomfortable) and made up three bottles before she finally confronted Bakugou in his room.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” She said, standing in the doorway.
Bakugou looked up from his phone and nodded. “You better be.”
“Don’t be like that.” Uraraka’s shoulders slumped.
Bakugou stood and walked to her slowly. Uraraka knew better than to back away; she had nothing to be afraid of. His warm, blistered palms came up to cup her face gently, red eyes meeting hers like they had hours before. “Deku makes me so fucking mad.”
“Why?” Uraraka whispered. “Why couldn’t you just put aside your differences? Don’t you want me to be happy? Iida does. They all do. You constantly go out of your way to provoke me or somebody else. Or get a reaction out of us.”
“I know.” Bakugou spoke through clenched teeth. “God I fucking know it. I just… I can’t… Fuck.” He always had a hard time putting his thoughts into words. Uraraka was patient, she always was.
“I don’t want Kazumi growing up without you. I don’t want her to grow up with her father being angry all the time and yelling at me and us arguing. I want this to work. But you have to work on yourself first.” Uraraka explained.
Bakugou’s brows creased. “Are you dumping me?”
“No!” Uraraka shook her head quickly. “I want to help you. For us. For Kazumi. Let go of that anger. Tell me about your worries. I was the only one talking in the beginning, I think you owe me the same.”
Bakugou released a trembling breath. “Fine.”
They moved to Uraraka’s room where Kazumi was sleeping just in case she woke up and needed them. They leaned against the pillows facing each other, Bakugou taking her fingers in his hand, pressing on fingernails and the pads of her fingers. The whole time he spoke quietly of his nightmares and his PTSD to every single shitty thing that happened in their first year of UA that were still affecting him.
It was the closest they had been in a while. Uraraka felt like she learned more about Bakugou in those couple of hours than she had in their entire relationship. And it was wonderful . This was what Uraraka wanted, to feel closer to him, to feel like they were an actual couple.
Falling asleep with their fingers twined together, their sleeping baby girl in her bassinet beside them, things were definitely starting to piece together quickly. All the puzzle pieces surrounding theirs were coming together, beginning to finish the picture.
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marilyngogosworld · 7 years
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So before I start, I have one question that I am asking everyone. Please just say the answer to yourself and keep it in the back of your mind for now. I'll bring it back into play after I tell my story.
Have you always felt like you are different than everyone else? You can't really explain how or why. I'm not asking if you were popular or not. You could be sitting in a room of hundreds of your close friends and family. Yet you have always felt like you are different.
If you answered yes… Then I have a message for you. What if I told you that I could explain exactly why you have always felt that way.
But first in order to understand my theory, I feel you must know some of my story. Before I left Arizona to start traveling I read this book, it changed my life. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. This book talks about only accepting positive energy, never negative. Yes you'll experience negative things in life. But you once experience it you are then capable of letting the energy of that experience go. That's it. No harboring that energy signature. You can't change what has happened. So why are you worrying about it so much?
Let it go.
The book then goes on about numerous other things that help you and your soul. But the thing that changed my life is when it talks about your “2nd Brain” that voice in your head that is non stop, that over thinks everything, that keeps you up and night and literally almost always winds up being negative. The book then guides through a meditation and if it’s done with your whole intention of success it will teach you to shut that “2nd Brain” up. To where you no longer have that voice constantly whirling through your mind at all times. Not one bit. Because let's face it...that voice isn't reality.
What is reality then? It is right here and right now. This present moment. Wherever you are, with the people that are around you and the things in your immediate environment. That is the only reality that you can change. Not the reality of tomorrow. Nor the reality of yesterday. So please tell me why are you even wasting your energy on those thoughts of tomorrow and yesterday? Why in Gods name are you still thinking about it?
I did that meditation and I no longer hear that voice. It's so freeing and peaceful. Once I was able to hush that constant noise I started to notice something different, a sort of 6th sense so to speak.
I started to feel, yes feel, these colors… At first that was the best way to describe it. I first noticed this when I was working in a rather small club in Tulsa, Oklahoma. And I was sitting next to a customer and kept feeling ORANGE,BLUE,ORANGE,BLUE,ORANGE, BLUE. That feeling was so strong that it completely overtook my mind and it was as if his conversation with me was just a faint buzz in the background. So after having a mini internal freak out, I realized it was his energy - his Aura that I was feeling. So I grabbed my phone and Google’d the color of people's auras. I then handed him my phone and asked him to read those two colors, and to tell me if he thinks it accurately describes him. Well it was spot on. Since that first intuitive moment of knowing he was an orange-blue individual I have been reading everyone's aura with incredible accuracy. I can feel the color of people's auras . I had a gift , thats what I like to call it at least. A gift that I was able to hone in on and push its boundaries, the strength of my mental capacity , the ability to make it stronger, and more able to control. I became capable of being in control of my energy to the point of it affecting others if I wanted it to .
So fast forward to this year , Feb 2016 . Im sitting in my favorite dive bar in Tulsa, Oklahoma once again, writing on my blog like I always do, When a middle aged gentleman comes into the bar and go and gives everyone a hug, I had no idea who this was mind you . Then he proceeds to sit across the bar from me , looks up at me and asks
“ What are you doing? Writing in your diary ?” with a smug grin on the scruffy face of his
Me- “ NOOoooooo, Well actually ya kinda , it's my blog , which is a story about my life … So yes , yes I guess I am writing in my diary .”
Him - “ Well I have a story for you .” Said very matter of factly
Me- “Oh really ?? Do tell “ and i cross my arms in front of me .
“ In due time , in due time “ he said I shrug my shoulders and go back to my writing . Well a couple hours pass and the gentleman's friends that came with him finally left . And he then came and sat right next to me .
He leans back, looks at my wings I have tattooed on my back and says …. “Angel wings huh?? ….. Very fitting . “
I shrug off the comment , I knew they weren't angel wings , they had their own meaning , and I knew that .
And that's when things got a bit intense , and my whole direction in life changed . He then looked me straight in the eyes , a little too close for comfort in fact and said “ You have no idea how powerful you are do you ?” Instantly the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention , a mental warning to myself , because I hadn't had told hardly anyone about my gift. How did he know ? My feelers went out and I began reading him , he wasn't evil , or even negative at all , it was a different energy and color but it wasn't bad by any means . Now intrigued with this creature , I came back to reality , and he then made another statement , just as intense as the first. “ You have no idea WHO you are , now do you ?
Knee jerk reaction stick out my hand to shake his and with a shitty grin and a higher pitched voice that usual said “Yes I do my name is Alina Gifford “ being the smart ass that I can be . He rolled his eyes while grumbling out a very funny .
He then proceeded to write down this name on a piece of paper and scooted it over to me, telling me to look this up . And what popped up on the screen was a picture of an archangel , Metatron . Now if you have never heard of metatron , I suggest you look into it . And all the other archangels in fact. You'll understand why here in a minute . So Metatron is an arch angel sent down here to meet like minded people tell them, who they are , their purpose , and then to write the truth about it . That last part is what really caught my attention - Write the truth about it - Well I AM a writer, and every single one of my stories are 100% the truth besides the names of the people involved . Being so confused and not really wanting to connect the dots with this archangel and I .. I played dumb and stuttered out “ So what is this ? …. This is me ? This is my arch angel? I don't get it “
“This is your archangel yes , but he is guiding you with his purpose as well , that is why you are here , this is your divine path. I know you have unique capabilities , as do I , Mine is more of a messenger type path , that's why I am here tonight . I knew that I needed to go out tonight to find someone , I didn't know who until I saw you. This is what you must do, you have to to find the ones that have a gift like you and I and tell them. “
ME . - I can't do that people are going to think that I'm crazy, telling them they have a gift?!
Him - “You can, and you will. That is the only way that they will know answer to tap into their gift you must tell them because the ones that have a gift are the ones that are meant to stay and populate this earth. You must find them , and tell them because bad things are going to happen very soon and we need everyone that has these special abilities to be ready. Because there is going to be death all around us , chaos , and mass destruction.”
He told me that the people I would meet wouldnt be the ones that just had an easy life , that had everything handed to them . They would be the ones that had lived a harder life, that had been knocked down so many times, but always got their butts back up and made it work. He said that “We” did that so that the ones with a gift would have empathy for others when times got hard , and would help up their brothers and sisters even if they were that homeless person on the street, They would know that they had a good soul and needed to be here in the world. The messenger also said that know that I know my gift that the gifted ones would basically FLOCK to me . They would feel drawn to me , almost as if they had to meet me , and once meeting me would feeling completely comfortable telling me things they never tell even their closest of friends. He went on to explain a bit more and with his every word I could feel that it all was the truth. Not once did I even question it . My soul knew that it was the truth.
I’m sure that you all are either intrigued because this hits home , or you think I’m bat shit crazy. Some of you might already know what Im talking about , some might not , but just know this , if You answered the question I asked above with a YES , then you have a gift , and this gift will eventually make itself known. If you train your mind to quiet that 2nd brain, the overthinking , the racing thoughts , the often negative thoughts that pull you from living in the now . That is when your gift will be able to come out and be noticed . Because its not being clouded by those constant clouding thoughts .
Now each one of you will have a different gift and your own perception of it is unique. I have started to categorize these gifts yet not one individual will necessarily be like another. There are: Protectors - the ones that have an innate ability to walk into a room and see what is going to happen before it happens and instinctively protect. Healers, Seerers, Master Communicators, Nurturers, Warriors, Lightworkers, as well as a few more.
I know you all are questioning this whole theory, some with intrigue and some with doubt. That's what I want you to do. I want you to question your very existence. Your reason for being here on Earth. So that you can begin to expand your mind. I will give you a very simple way to know if the information you research is true or a falsity .Now I employ you all to do some research of your own , and the way you know the truth , although not the easiest pill to swallow and your mind might try to sway you to the logical explanation . But if you feel a tightness in your chest , and anxiousness when pondering this topic then that's obviously not the right answer or the right way , now if you feel at peace , and calm , that is the truth. Your soul knows where it needs to go.
And since that night, with so much information to process , I began on my divine path . Meeting all kinds of people , being open to everyone and their energy. Going on these adventures that I never thought I'd ever experience, especially because they were spiritually driven . And meeting so many people with these amazing gifts. With all of them having a common denominator of feeling like they don't fit in , that there is and has always been something more to life . I finally came up with a name for all of as well , we are the misfits of society .
And I am so excited to meet more of you , to come find you, and help you understand and fill that void that you feel, fill it with your true purpose to be on this earth my misfits and I grow stronger and more knowledgeable as we enlighten our minds with the truths of this amazing universe and what it has in store for us .
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marilyngogosworld · 7 years
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So before I start, I have one question that I am asking everyone. Please just say the answer to yourself and keep it in the back of your mind for now. I'll bring it back into play after I tell my story. Have you always felt like you are different than everyone else? You can't really explain how or why. I'm not asking if you were popular or not. You could be sitting in a room of hundreds of your close friends and family. Yet you have always felt like you are different. If you answered yes… Then I have a message for you. What if I told you that I could explain exactly why you have always felt that way. But first in order to understand my theory, I feel you must know some of my story.  Before I left Arizona to start traveling I read this book , it changed my life. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. This book talks about only accepting positive energy, never negative. Yes you'll experience negative things in life. But you once experience it you are then capable of letting the energy of that experience go. That's it. No harboring that energy signature. You can't change what has happened. So why are you worrying about it so much? Let it go. The book then goes on about numerous other things that help you and your soul. But the thing that changed my life is when it talks about your “2nd Brain”  that voice in your head that is non stop, that over thinks everything, that keeps you up and night and literally almost always winds up being negative. The book then guides through a meditation and if it’s done with your whole intention of success it will teach you to shut that “2nd Brain” up. To where you no longer have that voice constantly whirling through your mind at all times. Not one bit. Because let's face it...that voice isn't reality. What is reality then? It is right here and right now. This present moment. Wherever you are, with the people that are around you and the things in your immediate environment. That is the only reality that you can change. Not the reality of tomorrow. Nor the reality of yesterday. So please tell me why are you even wasting your energy on those thoughts of tomorrow and yesterday? Why in Gods name are you even thinking about it? I did that meditation and I no longer have that voice. It's so freeing and peaceful.Once I was able to hush that constant noise I started to notice something different, a sort of 6th sense so to speak . I start feeling , yes feeling, these colors … At first that was the best way to describe it .  I was working in a club in Tulsa Oklahoma, and it was a rather small club , where I first noticed this . And I was sitting next to a customer , and kept feeling ORANGE,BLUE,ORANGE,BLUE,ORANGE, BLUE. That feeling was so strong that It was completely overtaking my mind and it was as if his conversation with me was in the background . So after having a mini internal freak out , I realized it was his energy his Aura that I was feeling . So I got out my phone and trusty old Google.com and looked up the color of people's auras. Handed this customer the phone and asked him to read those two colors, and let me know if that describes him.  Well it was spot on ., and since then  I have been spot on 99.9% of every time I read someone . I can feel the color of people's auras . I had a gift , thats what I like to call it at least.  A gift that I was able to hone in on and push its boundaries, the strength of my mental capacity , the ability to  make it stronger, and more able to control.  I became capable of being in control of my energy to the point of it affecting others if I wanted it to . So fast forward to this year , Feb 2016 . Im sitting in my favorite dive bar in Tulsa, Oklahoma once again, writing on my blog like I always do, When a middle aged gentleman comes into the bar and go and gives everyone a hug, I had no idea who this was mind you . Then he proceeds to sit across the bar from me , looks up at me and asks “ What are you doing? Writing in your diary ?”  with a smug grin on the scruffy face of his Me- “ NOOoooooo, Well actually ya kinda , it's my blog , which is a story about my life … So yes , yes I guess I am writing in my diary .” Him - “ Well I have a story for you .” Said very matter of factly Me- “Oh really ?? Do tell “ and i cross my arms in front of me . “ In due time , in due time “ he said I shrug my shoulders and go back to my writing . Well a couple hours pass and the gentleman's friends that came with him finally left . And he then came and sat right next to me . He leans back, looks at my wings I have tattooed on my back and says …. “Angel wings huh?? ….. Very fitting . “ I shrug off the comment , I knew they weren't angel wings , they had their own meaning , and I knew that . And that's when things got a bit intense , and my whole direction in life changed . He then looked me straight in the eyes , a little too close for comfort in fact and said “ You have no idea how powerful you are do you ?” Instantly the hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention , a mental warning to myself , because I hadn't had told hardly anyone about my gift.  How did he know ? My feelers went out and I began reading him , he wasn't evil , or even negative at all , it was a different energy and color but it wasn't bad by any means . Now intrigued with this creature , I came back to reality , and he then made another statement , just as intense as the first. “ You have no idea WHO you are , now do you ? Knee jerk reaction stick out my hand to shake his and with a shitty grin and a higher pitched voice that usual said “Yes I do my name is Alina Gifford “ being the smart ass that I can be . He rolled his eyes while grumbling out a very funny . He then proceeded to write down this name on a piece of paper and scooted it over to me, telling me to look this up . And what popped up on the screen was a picture of an archangel , Metatron . Now if you have never heard of metatron , I suggest you look into it . And all the other archangels in fact. You'll understand why here in a minute . So Metatron is an arch angel sent down here to meet like minded people tell them, who they are , their purpose , and then to write the truth about it . That last part is what really caught my attention - Write the truth about it - Well I AM a writer, and every single one of my stories are 100% the truth besides the names of the people involved . Being so confused and not really wanting to connect the dots with this archangel and I .. I played dumb and stuttered out “ So what is this ? …. This is me ? This is my arch angel? I don't get it “ “This is your archangel yes , but he is guiding you with his purpose as well , that is why you are here , this is your divine path. I know you have unique capabilities , as do I , Mine is more of a messenger type path , that's why I am here tonight . I knew that I needed to go out tonight to find someone , I didn't know who until I saw you. This is what you must do, you have to to find the ones that have a gift like you and I and tell them.   “ ME . - I can't do that people are going to think that I'm crazy, telling them they have a gift?! Him -  “You can, and you will. That is the only way that they will know answer to tap into their gift you must tell them because the ones that have a gift are the ones that are meant to stay and populate this earth. You must find them , and tell them because bad things are going to happen very soon and we need everyone that has these special abilities to be ready. Because there is going to be death all around us , chaos , and mass destruction.”   He told me that the people I would meet wouldnt be the ones that just had an easy life , that had everything handed to them . They would be the ones that had lived a harder life, that had been knocked down so many times, but always got their butts back up and made it work. He said that “We” did that so that the ones with a gift would have empathy for others when times got hard , and would help up their brothers and sisters even if they were that homeless person on the street, They would know that they had a good soul and needed to be here in the world. The messenger also said that know that I know my gift that the gifted ones would basically FLOCK to me . They would feel drawn to me , almost as if they had to meet me , and once meeting me would feeling completely comfortable telling me things they never tell even their closest of friends.    He went on to explain a bit more and with his every word I could feel that it all was the truth.  Not once did I even question it . My soul knew that it was the truth.   I’m sure that you all are either intrigued because this hits home , or you think I’m bat shit crazy. Some of you might already know what Im talking about , some might not , but just know this , if You answered the question I asked above with a YES , then you have a gift , and this gift will eventually make itself known. If you train your mind to quiet that 2nd brain, the overthinking , the racing thoughts , the often negative thoughts that pull you from living in the now . That is when your gift will be able to come out and be noticed . Because its not being clouded by those constant clouding thoughts . Now each one of you will have a different gift and your own perception of it is unique. I have started to categorize these gifts yet not one individual will necessarily be like another. There are: Protectors - the ones that have an innate ability to walk into a room and see what is going to happen before it happens and instinctively protect. Healers, Seerers, Master Communicators, Nurturers, Warriors, Lightworkers, as well as a few more. I know you all are questioning this whole theory, some with intrigue and some with doubt. That's what I want you to do. I want you to question your very existence. Your reason for being here on Earth. So that you can begin to expand your mind. I will give you a very simple way to know if the information you research is true or a falsity .Now I employ you all to do some research of your own , and the way you know the truth , although not the easiest pill to swallow and your mind might try to sway you to the logical explanation . But if you feel a tightness in your chest , and anxiousness when pondering this topic then that's obviously not the right answer or the right way , now if you feel at peace , and calm , that is the truth. Your soul knows where it needs to go.        And since that night,  with so much information to process , I began on my divine path . Meeting all kinds of people , being open to everyone and their energy.  Going on these adventures that I never thought I'd ever experience, especially because they were spiritually driven . And meeting so many people with these amazing gifts. With all of them having a common denominator of feeling like they don't fit in , that there is and has always been something more to life . I finally came up with a name for all of  as well , we are the misfits of society .   And I am so excited to meet more of you , to come find you, and help you understand and fill that void that you feel, fill it with your true purpose to be on this earth  my misfits and I grow stronger and more knowledgeable as we enlighten our minds with the truths of this amazing universe and what it has in store for us .
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