#you KNOW this
sharpiecoffeedragon · 5 months
Pork comes from Porcupines, we all know this. Can everyone stop asking where Pork comes from?!?!?
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beannary · 10 months
Ok so I was at work today and before I left my mom was like hey we’ll visit you at work today what time do you finish etc etc and she was like ok I’ll text you when we’re on our way and so I go the whole day being like I am waiting for a text from my mother saying that she my dad and my grandma are on their way to the museum and then it gets to the end of my shift and I have received no text so I’m like ok they clearly aren’t coming otherwise they would have let me know so I clock out and leave and ten minutes after my shift ended my mom calls me and is like hey where are you and I’m like hello??? I finished work??? I’m walking back to the car??? And she’s like ok well we are here and I’m like 🧍‍♂️ ok so I walk back to the museum and I get there and she’s like hey now we can go see the galleries together and I’m like 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ girlie last call happened ten minutes ago we cannot go see the galleries because the museum is fully closing in 30 minutes and she’s like oh I didn’t know that and I’m like yeah you should have looked it up?? Or like asked me??? Or like come when I was working my shift because then you can like guarantee that everything is open
Anyways I’m just annoyed and it’s not even that much of an annoying thing I’m just extra annoyed because I’ve had an awful headache all day and I had to do twenty minutes of extra walking around with my parents and my grandma after work when I should have been driving home and listening to a podcast
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6-2-aestheticsofhate · 6 months
Having some thoughts abt the Gabriel fight in act 2
#do you ever think abt the fight in the context of the lore/whats happened#imagine youre the sole thing remaining of god. the sole thing keeping order.#machines have been systematically going through hell and slaughtering everything#demons husks other angels#soon they will exterminate every. single. living. thing.#nothing will remain#your sole purpose as an angel#to guide and protect humanity and serve god#gone.#god is gone. humanity is gone. even their after lived as husks and as virtues are all going to be gone soon.#YOU will be gone soon#you know this#you try to stop the machine one last time.#and at some point you realize you cant beat this thing#you start to laugh and have fun despite the horrible circumstances#youre going to die and everything else will be exterminated#and youre fucking ecstatic. youve finally found a worthy opponent. even calling it a fight worthy of gods will#going on and on about how you finally found a worthy fight#you lose AGAIN and instead of rage or anything other emotion. you feel relief.#youve finally found something you wanted#you have nothing left except for this one singular want. this one person who strikes passion in you#and it will destroy everything. including you.#anyways that ended up more coherent than i thought it would#but yeah after u get past the haha gay jokes and think abt it its like. damn v1 fucked hell uppp#and makes the gay moment like. sir this thing is gonna exterminate everything in hell u said it urself#limbo. lust. gluttony. all literally and fully destroyed and it will only keep going#and yet...#youre happy. for the first time in forever youre happy youve found someone whos a worthy opponent#and you want to fight them despite the end of everything including yourself?#haha gayyyy
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alexi-01 · 4 months
pissg want gavi in the summer, who gunna tell them about his chronic culerismo
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toomanyopinionss · 7 months
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im in a war with myself cause i want so badly to go support my girls in theater… the movie looks amazing, and kamala khan is just my favorite in general, love her DOWN.
Disney is funding a genocide, and i refuse to bend my morals on this. So as much as it breaks my heart, cause i know how much love they put into this movie, i’m gonna be pirating 🤷🏾‍♀️
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possibly-astraeus · 2 months
I'm being sucked back into my mlp phase and you're not helping!!!!! 🫵🫵🫵 I thought I was finally free!! I was finally safe!!! I left it behind me!!!! But then came the 1920s au. Then the infection aus. Then the bride and the ugly ass groom.
And now you are here with me. An accomplice. Someone to support this changing of tides. This return to roots.
11-13 year old me is resurfaces
What have you done
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mediumcutsteak · 10 months
Oh jesus oh fuck look at what they did to my fucking dog
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ardentastronomer · 3 months
i was having a moment there. gonna go lay in rice and see if that fixes it
okay. ill make sure my mom doesnt shovel you into the rice cooker w the rest of the grains
she likes rice
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crossdressingdeath · 7 months
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Shadowheart: I... I think I might have hurt people here. Learned how to break their bodies, their spirits... Shadowheart: Quiet in here now. But it wasn't always so. Screams rang off these walls. I swear I can almost hear them. Shadowheart: How many people did I help break upon this thing...? Shadowheart: There's so much I can't remember, yet if I picked up these implements... I'd know exactly what to do.
Kyvir, weirdly cheerful for the circumstances: Welcome to my world!
So many of these character have such fun potential dynamics with Durge and Larian did not lean into that anywhere near enough. I'd love the opportunity for Durge to try to help Shadowheart deal with having to face the forgotten atrocities she carried out in the past as someone who's got experience with that situation! Or, if I was playing a more vindictive Durge who got Shadowheart's post-inauguration dialogue about the "head of Bhaal's temple" situation, the option to go "OH DOES THIS FEEL BAD? DO YOU FEEL BAD? IT'D REALLY SUCK IF I YELLED AT YOU FOR NOT TELLING US ABOUT THIS EARLIER WOULDN'T IT?" because unlike most of the companions' reactions to that whole reveal Shadowheart's is legitimately unfair and while I'll get over it I want to be Petty And Vindictive about it first.
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Hey 👋
I'm here with a random ask of the week 🌷
If dennor were on a vacation together, where would they go? Would they take someone with them? Like Iceland, bc you know, it's their kid-
Okay, it depends a little on how much time they have off and the season – so have waaaaay too many headcanons about this!
If they only have a few days off, like one or two, they drive or take the train, either to someplace fun in their own countries, Sweden, or Germany. Denmark really loves amusement parks, if they have a day off during a World Meeting, he will go to the nearest amusement park. His favourite amusement park is also the world's oldest – Bakken in Kalundborg, Denmark, but he loves all the ones in Denmark, of course. His favourite rollercoaster ride is really embarrassing though. It's this one called Wildfire, and it's been named the best in Europe and thirdbest in the world in 2018 – BUT IT'S IN KOLMÅRDEN, SWEDEN (I've tried it though, it really is great). If Norway gets to pick, they usually go out into nature, either hiking in the mountains, fishing, visit the beaches or forests, go kayaking, etc. That is, unless it's winter – then it's skiing every single time. Norway is great at skiing, obviously, especially cross-country skiing. They're very unlikely to visit any historical sites, since they already lived through it, and for these shorter trips, they're more likely to just be the two of them.
Now, if it's a week or more, the world IS THEIR OYSTER. So we need to divide these into seasons:
Spring: In spring, they both have a few days off for Easter, but this is family time, so usually they celebrate with a Easter Lunch together with the other Nordics and just hang out together at one of their homes all five of them. They also go visit other European countries (mostly their fellow protestants, because they think the catholics can get a little prickly around Easter – Denmark claims it's because of the whole Lent thing). If they have a bit more time off, they might also visit Iceland, The Faroe Islands, and Greenland (both should have their own representations, because their history and culture is very different from Denmark and they actually have self rule nowadays).
Summer: Now, you gotta understand. Europe has a lot of time off during summer and of course the nations would too. So there's a lot of options presenting themselves. A week in one of Denmark's many vacation houses near the beaches, going on a train trip through Europe, getting a house boat and sail the nearby seas, taking a plane to the south of Europe and becoming as red as a shrimp in 0.5 second ... The possibilities are endless. Iceland occasionally go with them, and if they're in a vacation house, they get a lot of visitors – especially Germany, Sweden and Finland (Iceland just moves in with them without asking). But they do as much as they can during summer
Autumn: In fall, there's only three options. Either, they go to South Europe or they go to either Thailand or the USA. But 7 out of 10 times, they go to Spain, and they often bring the other Nordics along. Spain is the tourist destination. If it's not mainland Spain, it's Gran Canaria or Mallorca. Spain is definitely their favourite vacation place. Spain isn't entirely sure how much he likes that they visit him year after year after year. Sure, he likes the money the tourism generates, but he's never really sure how much he should be around them and he needs vacation too! How else is he going to visit his favourite half of a nation?
Winter: Christmas and New Year's Eve are some more holidays all the nordics celebrate together, and here, they usually decide to stay near the mountains (meaning not in Denmark) – so they can go skiing! I mentioned skiing earlier, and it is an activity all Nordics enjoy – alpine, cross country, snowboard, you name it, they do it. Finland and Iceland especially like snowboarding, whereas Sweden and Norway are more likely to do cross country. Denmark really likes alpine, and is probably the weakest skier among them – which makes the others tease him endlessly, but he's still pretty good. Just wasn't born on skis like the rest of them. Norway is really good at off-piste – Sweden is too tall to do it as well as Norway, and Denmark is afraid he'll fall (and also tall), so that's one thing Norway, Finland, and Iceland does together.
As you can see, there really is a lot of different vacation types they like to do!
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harpoonsnotspoons · 17 days
"Hal on a scale of one to ten how down bad am I?"
That's not a question I thought I'd be asked ever
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chaos-princesss · 17 days
Sometimes I ask myself questions & hurt my own feelings....
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ok so a place in this world may not mention cars but psa that it is silas's song. because.
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laufire · 10 months
"To have his errors made public might ruin [Mr. Wickham] for ever. He is now, perhaps, sorry for what he has done, and anxious to re-establish a character. We must not make him desperate."
Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice (p. 132).
But I am willing to hope the best, and that [Mr. Wickham's] character has been misunderstood. Thoughtless and indiscreet I can easily believe him, but this step (and let us rejoice over it) marks nothing bad at heart.
(p. 157).
Our distress, my dear Lizzy, is very great. My father and mother believe the worst, but I cannot think so ill of him. Many circumstances might make it more eligible for them to be married privately in town than to pursue their first plan; and even if he could form such a design against a young woman of Lydia's connections, which is not likely, can I suppose her so lost to everything?
(p. 158)
Never, since reading Jane's second letter, had she entertained a hope of Wickham's meaning to marry her. No one but Jane, she thought, could flatter herself with such an expectation.
(p. 161)
that sound you hear is every kernel of sympathy I ever felt for jane bennet exiting my body. sns, I know she's the cinnamon roll™ of P&P, but there's trying to see the best of people... and then there's this.
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frank-bennedetto · 10 months
Well I've been listening to No one knows my plan by They Might Be Giants a ton recently because it reminds me of Brak from Space Ghost but to be fair this is not my own connection as the song was the original theme song to Cartoon Planet. The lyrics fit him very well regardless.
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I have said it before and I will say it again, introvert-friendly houseshares need to be a thing.
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