#you know sanji is cracking under all this shit
whatevsman16 · 1 year
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Scuse me while i go collapse in on myself
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bokutosbiceps · 6 months
‘tis the season | one piece
eustass kid/monkey d luffy/roronoa zoro/trafalgar d water law/usopp/vinsmoke sanji x gn!reader | fluff | ~2.1k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit
a/n: welcome to my xmas special for the one piece boys !! OKAY before anyone comes @ me for not choosing a food related activity for luffy, pls know that y’all would not be able to decorate shit. he would eat all of the ingredients and/or you would have to lock him out of the kitchen. some of these are loooooooooong. pls enjoy 🎄
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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eustass kid and the kid pirates will make a competition out of chopping down a christmas tree to put on the bow of their ship. it happens every single year, and kid didn’t used to participate, but when he started dating you, he wanted to be the one to provide you with a tree to decorate and admire.
you always enjoyed watching kid get riled up over something as small as a christmas tree, though. killer, a man with taste, would always find the perfect tree, then kid would lay his claim to it, boasting about how he had an eye for things like this.
this year, it was different, though. kid seemed to be more calm about it than usual and it made the whole crew restless until they reached the island where they'd always look for the trees.
kid’s face stretched into a calm grin at seeing the island approaching, remaining still till the ship was docked and the plank was thrown onto land.
“you comin’ with me?” kid asks, snaking a hand around your waist while he watches the rest of the kid pirates disperse on the island.
“of course!” you happily jump onto kid’s back and point out all the different trees you see and like. kid just shakes his head at you and keeps moving, knowing exactly what he's looking for.
he reaches the edge of the forest and sets you down, shrugging off his coat and grabbing an axe from his belt. it takes him one swing each to fell two small trees.
��will you take those back to the ship, doll? make em look nice.” kid asks, a mischievous smile still settled onto his lips. you don't ask questions and tug the two small trees back to the ship to start decorating them. they likely won't be in the running for the trees the crew will vote on to keep so you figure they’ll look nice to keep in the corners of the captain’s quarters.
one by one, the kid pirates start to make their way back to the ship. and one by one, they trim and prune their trees to make em look especially nice and voteable.
“where’s kid?” killed settlers next to you on the port side, looking out at the forest. you're leaning on the railing and watching the tree line for any speck of red.
“i dunno! he told me to bring back those runt trees to decorate but i haven't seen him since.”
you speak too soon, because not even ten seconds later, you see kid emerge from the tree line, his metal arm gripping what looks to be a twenty foot tall tree.  
“i think we all know which one we're keepin'!” kid spreads his arms and looks around at his crew. “right? captain’s orders!” kid grins and gestures toward his tree. the rest of the crew doesn't even argue, they just start stripping the trees of their branches to use as tinder for later.
“so? impressed?” kid approaches you, looking proud as ever.
“bigger isn't always better, kid.” you tease, lightly punching him on the shoulder. he scoops you up into his arms and presses a kiss to your chin.
“oh, you know you love it when it's bigger, baby.”
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monkey d luffy is an expert at building snow men because he tries his best to make it look like him! every single year, as soon as there’s enough snow on the ground, he’ll crack his knuckles and start rolling snow into big spheres. the very first time he did this, he made three huge balls of snow and ended up making something resembling more of a snowy caterpillar than an actual human. but he’s learned from his mistakes and is now a master at his craft.
“luffy, can you please put on some gloves? you’re gonna get frostbite!” you call out to him as you watch him roll snow around on the deck. his cheeks and nose are red and he’s sniffling as he shapes the snow into spheres, a big grin on his face despite the freezing temperatures.
“does rubber even freeze?” luffy muses, thinking he’s out of earshot from you and tapping his chin cutely. you smile and shake your head.
“yes, it does!” you say, knowing full well that it doesn’t. but you're hoping your boyfriend might listen to your logic nonetheless. “so that means you can, too!” 
“eh, i’ll be fine! i need to be able to feel the snow between my fingertips, anyways!” luffy grins at you and gives you a shivering thumbs up. “you can’t look till i’m done, okay? and no peeking!”
you raise your hands in surrender and join robin and nami in the warm library upstairs while you wait for luffy to finish up with his masterpiece. 
almost an hour later, luffy bursts into the library with an excited ready! and wraps his arms around you, pulling you up and out of the warmth and into the cold. once you're close enough to the deck, he releases you and moves his hands over your eyes.
“m’kay, one…two…surprise!” luffy removes his hands from your face and smiles brightly at you as he watches you take in his snow artwork.
there are two snow people, one with a straw hat, and another with features similar to yours. you smile and hug yourself, shivering slightly. luffy notices and drapes himself over your shoulders, effectively warming you up and hearing your cheeks up from both his embrace and his sweet gesture.
“it’s us!” he says proudly, pointing to the way that he situated the twig hands of each snow person to make it look like they’re holding hands. you giggle at his thoughtfulness and kiss the tip of his very red and very cold and very cute nose. 
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roronoa zoro allows his eyes to follow you around the aquarium bar below the sunny’s deck as you put the finishing touches on two mugs of warm apple cider you made while zoro’s been napping by the fireplace. you smile and settle down next to zoro, sitting cross legged and sipping your drink while you use zoro’s chest to prop up your book.
zoro props himself up on one of his elbows and you move your book back into your lap, not taking your eyes off of the words. zoro takes a long swig of the cider, humming in enjoyment at the way the sweet notes of the rum you'd spiked the cider with hit his tongue.
“what're you doin’?” zoro asks, peering up at you with a slight frown on his face and placing his now empty mug behind him.
“what does it look like?” you answer, turning a page of your book and giving zoro a teasing smile. he just grunts and plucks the book out of your fingers. “zoro, what—”
zoro quickly and carefully, so as to not spill your mug of warm cider, grabs you by the hips and places you on top of his chest. you purse your lips and glare down at your boyfriend, whose eyes are now closed and lips curled into quiet satisfaction.
you decide not to say anything and instead rest your cheek against zoro’s chest. he brings his hands up to rub his fingers over your spine, stopping at the small of your back.
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trafalgar d water law decides that his least favorite thing in the world to do is going to a christmas market on christmas eve. who could choose a worse day to go to a christmas market? bepo. and since the bear was the one who had begged law to allow them to dock at the sea bound christmas market, law had reluctantly agreed. bepo had made a pretty good argument after all.
“maybe you could find something for y/n-chan while we’re there?” bepo had said, hoping to sweeten the deal with possibly finding something nice for you. you’d only been with law for a little less than a year, so this is your first holiday season as a couple, and law had never really thought of whether or not you’d like something for the holidays.
law is dragged around the market, stopping only at stalls where he notices cute little things that he thinks you might like. he shoves his pride down his own throat to hold up various little knick knacks with a do you think she’d like something like this? to bepo.
law, with a little help from bepo, eventually decides on a tiny little mouse soldier statue, complete with the year and name of the island. when he holds it out to you, his hat covering his eyes and his eyes aimed at the snow piled around where you stood, all you can do is giggle.
you take the little statue from law, turn it over in your hands once, then twice, and smile. law feels like he's going to explode.
“well…do you…?”
“do i what?” you inch toward law, ducking your head to try and get a glimpse of his face, which is still hidden beneath his hat.
law frowns, turning his head to continue avoiding eye contact with you, and clears his throat. “do you like it?”
you look back down at the statue that your boyfriend so carefully and thoughtfully picked out for you. you tilt your head up and quickly flick the brim of law’s hat, tilting it up as well.
“hmm, no.” you say, noticing the way law’s shoulders tense up. you press a kiss intertwined with a smile to his lips before speaking again. “i love it.”
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usopp looks forward to the holidays each year because that means he’ll be decorating the sunny with christmas lights till it rivals a fully lit city on the sea!
all day, usopp is crawling around in the rafters, stringing up lights and hanging his homemade decorations on the masts. he had enlisted you to pass him various nails and push pins and tools to help him hang up the decorations, but you'd been playing catch with him the whole time.
usopp is an incredibly intelligent man, but he's clumsy. hours of missteps and slips and whoops had your blood pressure and heart rate through the roof and you don't know how much more you can take. 
usopp’s smile is wide as he plugs the two ends of the string lights together, his eyes shining in the reflection of the newly decorated Thousand Sunny.
the ship is ablaze with light, and you can't help but smile yourself. the masts glow in a soft and golden light, the snow on the deck is illuminated by the reflection of small and twinkling star decorations that usopp made just for the crow’s nest. there are ornaments and weaves of pine hanging off of every place possible, giving the ship nice red and green hues.
usopp comes up and wraps his arms around you from behind, giving you a gentle and affectionate squeeze.
“pretty, right? now all the pirates in the grand line will see the great captain usopp’s ship from miles away!” usopp makes a grand sweeping gesture with his hand and turns to grin at you proudly.
you lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. “looks amazing, captain usopp.”
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vinsmoke sanji closes off the kitchen on christmas eve, after christmas eve dinner, to allow for some privacy while the two of you decorate christmas cookies for the rest of the crew. sanji usually doesn't let anyone else in the crew help out in the kitchen, unless it's you. he likes feeling close to you, his favorite person, when he's in his favorite place, while he's doing his favorite thing.
“no competition, here, okay?” sanji’s pressed up against your back and his hands are on your shoulders when he skims a kiss to the nape of your neck. "let's just have a nice time together, hm?"
he smiles at you before he sets to decorating the cookies with you, jazz playing softly through the radio and sanji making easy conversation or praising your decorations.
you nudge sanji’s shoulder with your own and nod your head down at the cookie you're holding. sanji’s eyes light up when he sees your initials written in blue icing, separated by a pink heart. 
“y/n-chan, my love!” sanji cries, throwing his arms around your neck and hugging you tightly. he cups your face and kisses you slowly, ignoring the creaking of the kitchen door and light footsteps creeping closer to the two of you. 
you open your eyes just in time to see luffy swipe the cookie you had just shown sanji and make a run for it. sanji follows your eyes and stares at luffy’s back in horror.
you look up to tell sanji that it's no big deal, you can just decorate another one, but sanji is already running after luffy; he's desperate to save the cookie you had decorated with your names on it. 
“luffy, get the hell back here so i can put your ass down the garbage disposal!” 
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taglist: @usoppsstar | @kingofthe-egirls | @anemptypuddingcup | @pileofmush | @luffysprincess | lemme know if you wanna be added to my one piece taglist ✨
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Zoro trying to wingman sanuso into dating because their longing for each other is disruptive to his daily routine, only he is completely shit at it because his idea of romance is the unhinged bullshit he has with Luffy. Nami figures out what Zoro is trying to do after 2 months and manages to get Sanji and Usopp together under a week and then Zoro continues suffering because them dating is just as bad as Sanji sighing wistfully after Usopp every hour of the day and Usopp getting distracted by Sanji's legs during bathtime and slipping and almost cracking his head open. Now they just run around calling each other petnames and Sanji handfeeding Usopp food and sitting in his lap and it's making him cringe
This is perfect. Absolutely amazing. Anon, I'd love to kiss your brain.
Zoro is so done with them. He's always been really close to Usopp, so now that he has a crush on Sanji, he's the one dealing with it. It's fucking awful. Because Usopp keeps saying (lying) that he doesn't like Sanji. Then, Zoro goes to Sanji and asks if he likes Usopp and he lies too, because why the hell would he confess his feelings to fucking mosshead of all people? And Zoro has to deal with Usopp being head over heels for the cook every damn day (like, literally, looking for excuses to talk to Sanji. Spending the time in the kitchen with him. Always talking about him when Zoro is around. Flirting with him in the most obvious of ways. Fucking up in battle because he's focused on Sanji. Etc). But the pining isn't the only issue, because there's more. Sanji keeps flirting with women and Usopp is always devastated when that happens or unreasonably angry at everything, frustrated. And Zoro is the one who has to deal with it because for some fucking reason the sniper decided one day that they were best friends and Zoro accepted because he's stupid (and he's regretting all the decisions he made two years ago). Sanji is also fucking annoying because he keeps swooning over Usopp like a dog in heat and he's oh, so in love that it physically hurts to watch. Like, quite literally hurts because he keeps holding himself back from treating Usopp the way he treats his crushes and the frustration always goes to Zoro and they always end up fighting again and again and again. And don't get him wrong, Zoro likes to fight with Sanji. That's their whole thing. But he needs his own personal time too.
So Zoro's like "Fuck it. If these two are not gonna get together on their own, I'll do it myself". But, as you said, his whole concept of romance is really fucked up because his love for Luffy is completely different and the way he shows affection is way more complicated than what Sanuso does. Zoro has the brilliant idea to put both of them in danger so the other will save him, for some reason. It never ends up well and he's the one saving them in the end or he ends up fighting Sanji once again. It's getting even more annoying now. So you can erase "saving each other" from the list, because Zoro does not know how to make plans and it always ends up horribly wrong or with them saving themselves. Then he tries "possessiveness", but ends up erasing that too because unlike him (who's always all over Luffy) both Sanji and Usopp end up having depressive episodes every damn time Zoro says the other likes somebody else or puts that idea in their heads. Fucking idiots with low self-esteem. And so Zoro's like "maybe I can just go and put them in a dark room together" but Sanji apparently is fucking frightened of the dark and Usopp doesn't know how to get out so it's pretty much both of them having panic attacks until Zoro helps them out. And, idk, maybe he even tries to put messages in Usopp's food so he thinks Sanji's the one who wrote them! But he always ends up mistaking the dishes and he doesn't even know how to write stuff with food so it either ends up looking horrible or in the hands of somebody who isn't Usopp. Etc, etc, etc. He's so fucking done-
Nami notices because, unlike him, she isn't stupid. And she gets them together extremely quickly. And it's as easy as:
Nami: Hi, Sanji-san, are you busy tonight? Sanji: Of course not, my dearest! For you, I'm always free! Nami: Awesome! And you, Usopp? Usopp: Huh? Yeah. Well. I think so? Why? Nami: Great! Well, I am busy. And I had this reservation at this really expensive restaurant on this island? It would be such a waste of food, right Sanji-san? Sanji: Of course, my angel! I would never! Nami: Why don't you two go together? Usopp: Wait- What? Nami- Nami, hey- We talked about this don't- Sanji: You don't wanna go with me? :( <- Saddest wet cat face ever Usopp: Of course I do! Who said I didn't?! Nami: Perfect! It's a date, then! Usopp: A WHAT? Sanji: Nami-
And she just- She just fucking leaves without a word.
It turns out surprisingly well... For Sanji and Usopp, of course. Things just get worse for Zoro.
Because it's not only the fact that Nami won't stop reminding him that she was the one who got them together and he wasn't even able to do it. But on top of it all, Sanji and Usopp become the clingiest, sappiest, most annoying couple in the whole world.
He now has to deal with Sanji feeding Usopp and sitting really close at lunchtime. Usopp being extra dramatic and loud when telling stories to impress Sanji and dancing around with him. Sanji cooking all of Usopp's favorite meals at least once a week. Them always making out during bathtime and being extremely touchy. Usopp leaving notes around for Sanji that Zoro always finds first. Sanji fucking yelling all the time to call for Usopp. Them kissing mid-battle or being extremely distracted by each other. Even when they're sitting together as a group, they're sitting on top of each other.
It's disgusting. Not because Zoro hates love or he's cynical or whatever, because he's obsessed with romance. He just hates the fact that they're so loud about it because his perception of love is just so personal and intimate when it comes to Luffy and- And he likes Usopp. He really loves him a lot (platonically). And Zoro doesn't want him to get hurt. The thought is stupid because, despite their rivalry, he trusts Sanji with his life. But it's just weird.
Then I think one day Usopp is having a rough moment. Or perhaps he's the only one who hasn't woken up yet. The point is that he's on one of the bunk beds sleeping and Zoro thinks it's time to check on him. But then he goes into the room, silently enough for neither of them to notice, and stays for a moment on the door staring at the whole situation. Sanji's kneeling on the side of the bed, caressing Usopp's hair and kissing his face and just whispering things Zoro can't hear but knows he isn't meant to hear anyway. And so he walks away and thinks, well, maybe he's been wrong all along and they do have that sort of intimacy. Just in a different way.
And then Luffy comes to him fucking yelling his name and embracing him completely in the middle of the deck (where everybody is) kissing him all over his face and screaming about how excited he is to spend their day together on the next island.
Zoro just has to laugh. Maybe he doesn't have any right to complain about PDA after all.
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sinning-23 · 8 months
Blowing Bubbles Blowing ZAZA
OPLA headcannons whre y/n for some reason has an ungodly amout of ouid stashed...but always offers because sharing is caring.
Warnings: uhhh some oiud, mentions of slightly nsfw topics, uhhhh yeah thats about it.
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-Ok so.....he knows that smell, but why the hell was it coming from your room.
-He doesn't knock, just kinda cracks the door open, and there you are eyes wide like you'd been caught (technically you have) but that didn't matter.
-What DID matter was that you were smoking two blunts at once and took one out of your mouth to offer him.
-He hesitates only for a second but accepts it, closing the door behind him.
-I mean this mfs eyes are bloodshot with a satiisfies smile on his face.
-"Where did you even get this?' His voice seems slightly deeper now.
-"Stole it. Good shit tho." You sigh, the two of you laid out, staring up at the ceiling that seems to be warping before your very eyes.
-There's a silence but it's comfortable...until it's not, Zoro cutting through it
-'Do you think god stays in heaven cause he's scared of his creation?"
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-You already tried to convince him this was better than any cancer stick he's put in his body but he's not one to dabble in that.
-"You can make it butter. Infuse it. Boom edibles." you suggest, passing him the ziplock back with a wiggle of your eyebrows.
-"C'mon chef boyardee, hook it up?"
-Ok so it was far more tempting than he thought and damn did he get carried away fast. Like...way too fast.
-THIS MF COOK A FULL MEAL...ALL OF IT INFUSED. Ohhh you're all fucked up. I mean REALLLY fucked up
-Zoro is knocked out, sleeping in the most uncomfortable position. I mean he's folded like a goddamn omelet with the hilt of his sword acting as a pillow.
-Luffys got his arms stretched out in one big puddle trying to untangle them
-Nami is doing circles around the ship looking at her compass needle, trying to figure out why 'Weast" isn't labeled
-And the two of you giggle away, opening and closing the fridge to try and catch the light go off and on inside.
-It's a gawd damn mess and technically your fault for giving THE CHEF A BAG OF WEED TO USE IRRESPONSIBLY
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-He found it completely by accident and thought it was food.
-"Well, I don't know why you keep a bag of lettuce in your room, but I was hungry so I ate it. I think it's gone bad by the way. so... you're welcome!"
-You freeze, turning got him in a way that's damn near comical.
-Oooooh hes fucked up, it takes less than an hour for it to kick in and the whole time he's a mess of tangles, stretched-out libs, asking questions that make no sense to anyone but him.
-"If I like.....stretch my stomach can I eat more than usual or...would I have to stay stretched like that until it's digested?"
-Starts to panic just a pinch because he said his 'hands don't match'
-Que him flipping his hands back and forth for the next hour
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-Only smoked because you offered...and because she hasn't in a while
-Surprizingly knows some cool tricks.
-Opts to take her rolling tray out of its hiding place. Hooray for a new smoke buddy!
-She's actually really calm and relaxed when she smokes. can hold a normal conversation, she just seems a bit sleepy.
-Already prepared with food from the kitchen cause she knows she gets the munchies and already had an incident where she tried to cook while high anddd it backfired.
-Is also very creative. She keeps a sketchbook with pages of mandalas she drew under the influence. Unfortunately, it's only a talent she possesses when high as a kite.
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-Scam or not the lady at the booth said it was a very nice vase for a unique kind of flower. The plan was to gift it to you with said flower but uhhh... he couldn't find it. That is until you spotted it in his room.
-"Yooo I didn't know you dabble uUo! I would've shared my stash sooner!"
-Whatchu talking bout Willis?
-"What? No no, the lady said this was a vase for a special kind of flower and- Ohhhhh."
-He pauses, giving a nod and clearing his throat.
-Did you just teach Usopp what a bong is and how to use it???
-He gets terrible munchies after and can't decide whether he wants something out the kitchen or to simply eat you up because you already a snack (oop girl hold on-)
-If hes not horned up he's paranoid. No inbetween. literally like, "They're in the walls!" paranoid or "I'm in your walls" just nastyyy
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-Ouid you say? Zaza? The devil's lettuce? Oh, he will be partaking.
-Will fuck up the rotation. Not on purpose tho, it's just been a while since he'd done this.
-Was kinda a pothead in his youth. These days the closest he can get is a CBD ointment he uses for soreness in his back and shoulders.
-So when he catches you with quite literally the FATTEST joint he has ever seen in his life he can't help but join in.
-"There's no way you're smoking that by yourself." He chuckles, sitting crisscross beside you as you begin to pass t back and forth
-Please don't try to outsmoke him. You will lose and green out way before he does sweetie.
-Shotgunning, that's all I have to say.
-He gets kinda freakayyyy when he's high, so just expect wandering hands and some deep, passionate kisses.
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-Oh you stole it from someone and he stole it for you because wtf? You're supposed to offer your Captain the shit you steal that totally a rule.
-You don't say anything when the bag goes missing but you do smell your precious green coming from your Captain's quarters.
-You knock, hearing a light cough, and then 'come in"
-"So you were gonna keep this little gem a secret from me? I'd laugh in your face right now but I feel like I'm gonna cough up a lung" He strains, very obviously holding back a series of coughs.
-He doesn't seem upset and passes the joint to you with a welcoming smile.
-Who tf else did you think Shanks would smoke with back in the day?
-For once he's not talkative, just enjoying the feeling of complete relaxation. It's like he turns his brain off for a moment. he needs it honestly.
-Is literally the BEST at rolling. Like every time it's a perfect, photo-worthy blunt.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
Yo Evou!! I hath returned, my idea for this time is;
How would the monster trio, and whoever else you would like to add, react to you staying up for around 48 hours?
Basically we’re all sleep deprived, so our judgement is impaired and you get more clumsy and all that. And basic tasks become harder too.
(I’m doing it right now, so if there’s spelling/grammar mistakes, that’s why 😉😉)
Here’s a pic of my dog btw, his name is Shanks funnily enough!
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Anyways take care of yourself!! 💟💟💟
a/n - your dog is absolutely ADORABLE 😭💜💜 important question tho- (is he missing an arm?)
Warnings ⚠️ - crack, g/n reader
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- oh he can stay awake for literally forever because- well- he’s Luffy 💀 but he’s not normal ok? So when you stay up it’s a whole different story
- it’s hour 48, and you were way past the point of drinking tea or coffee. The dark circles under your eyes were that of Law’s, no- probably worse 💀
- you could barely keep your eyes open, and holy shit going down the stairs was dangerous asf 😭 i pray for your safety
- “Hey y/n!!! Can you make me one of sanji’s sandwiches from yesterday? I’m soooo hungry :)”
- the way you turned around and even Luffy was shocked, (you looked like pre-timeskip law college drunk, missing an assignment, drank 10 cups of coffee law)
- “WHOA-! Uh- y/n…. Are you ok?”
- “yeah mhm! Totallyyyyyy fine 👍”
- no you’re not fine.
- you looked in the fridge to see a couple extra sandwiches, and you tried to reach inside and grab it. But your depth perception was so off that you were I think a foot away from grabbing it 💀
- luffy was a saint, waiting as patiently as he could as he watched you struggle and fall asleep a couple times as you tried to grab a sandwich
- when you finally grabbed it, cutting open the paper wrapping was going to be…. A rollercoaster-
- grabbing the scissors, you literally almost sliced one of your fingers off multiple times, you had Luffy looking like this right in front of you
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- man is scared for your safety. But he still let you struggle until you finally got it 😭 when you slowly handed it to him, he made you sit down and eat the sandwich
- man was literally trying to shove it all in your mouth because he thought you were just low on meat (he thinks it’s meat itself is a vitamin)
- “Y/n! Open your mouth wider!”
- *snoring*
- in the end, nami slapped him and made him go help you upstairs to get some much needed rest, and Luffy hugs along with it :)
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- the fact that you can stay up that long is amazing to this man, and without a single nap? Damn that’s admirable 😂
- staying up for that long comes with consequences though, and they were hitting… HARD.
- “Y/n where did you go?” -zoro
- you were in front of him the whole time he just got lost and went the other way 💀
- “here..”
- you were on top of the stairs, slowly making your way down, taking wobbly steps and barely being able to hold onto the rails
- he could see that you were about to fall but the dude was just confused as to why you looked like you hadn’t slept in years
- sure enough, you skipped a step and started to fall down, skidding down the wooden steps as zoro stared like an idiot
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- didn’t even catch you 💀💀💀💀 what a loser (jk)
- you fell asleep immediately after you fell in front of him, and man was so confused
- “Are you sleeping?”
- no y/n’s not sleeping, WHAT DO YOU THINK FUCKING MOSSHEAD???
- started poking you and literally trying to check if you were sleeping or not 💀 but don’t worry! He actually carried you to bed and just watched over you, even put the covers over you too 👍
- took the day off from training to make sure you were ok- because you scared the mosshead
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- if there’s a time Sanji has even let you stay up this long it’s this time- this guy KNOWS mental health and sleep is super important. He’d totally make you sleep at a decent time
- but this was an exception, you had a ton of stuff to do around the thousand sunny, and the fights seemed to never end on the island you went to with nami
- when you got back oh god you looked terrible 😭 disheveled to say the least
- you were dying. Dying
- “Y/n! Welcome ba-“ HORSE WHEEZING GASP
- man had a heart attack, those dark circles sent him to the all blue and back 💀💀💀
- wasted no time in forcing you to drink water and do all your tasks for you, don’t worry, pervy cook’s on it 💪
- “Y/n, do you need some more tea? I’ll go and buy more of your favorite!”
- “Sanji- that island is… hell”
- “I would gladly go to hell for you my love”
- everyone needs someone like Sanji 💜
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a/n - love anime’s ideas because I’m laughing as I’m writing them like an idiot
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
“𝕊𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖”
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𝚅𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚗!𝙻𝚞𝚏𝚏𝚢 𝚡 𝚅𝚒𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚗!𝙱𝚕𝚌𝚔 𝙵𝚎𝚖 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 Part 2 of 2
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Part 1 Here | @euphofic hope you enjoy! :) | Also slightly inspired by this artwork of virgin Luffy
Bad Summary: You lose your virginity to Luffy and he to you.
CW: Smut, Sloppy kissing, Kinda Clumsy Sex, Luffy is surprisingly caring and soft, Mutual Masturbating, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, There MAY be a form of continuation of this.
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You must have been hearing things, maybe he meant something else,
but it was like he read your mind when he grinned at you so warmly.
"I want us to do the stuff we see on the magazine." He reached for the pages again pointing at more sexual positions, "Like this, or this, I think we would like this--"
"Lu!" Your face heated up making him giggle, "You got a black girl blushing here calm down. We can't...do all of these today, but...let's start here."
Luffy looked at the picture, almost studying it to mimic the position and nodded, "This too! I think you'll like it like this girl did. See her face?"
It was something, seeing Luffy so eager to do this, with you, but before you could give him another kiss and confirm he already was resting his back on your headboard, quickly removing his pants, but his impatience got the best of him and he just couldn't--
"This!---Ugh! Stupid button!"
"Here.."You chuckle at his frustration, crawling in between his legs to take off his pants and vest he places his hat on your nightstand.
Your heart was beating as Luffy peered at you, not knowing what to expect form seeing him completely naked, as he was watching your every move as you slide down his pants, not so shocked he doesn't wear underwear, but slightly at the small stain he made in his crotch.
"Did you like the kiss?" You ask referring to the small mess he made, and to your delight he was scratching the back of his head, tanned cheeks with small blush painted on them.
"Yeah, we should do it some more if you want."
The room was so quiet, nothing but small breathing, the sounds of the ocean and the ruffling of his clothing hitting the floor, you see him, legs spread and his privates out for you to see,
Lussy says in one breath, it was so quick you had to snap your eyes at him, trying to register what he said, he nods his head up, eyes looking at your now nude figure as well, you didnt even notice your towel fell off your body while getting him undressed too and you panic holding your breast.
"Don't be shy now we're ganna be naked for a while here!" Luffy did a loud chuckle, making you do a small huff, your gaze follow down to his half hard dick and you smirk for the naughty idea you have as he laughs away.
His voice slightly cracks into a loud moan, and dammit if that wasn't the prettiest noise you ever heard come out of your captain's mouth--
"You're sensitive." Amazed at his cock already twitching under your palm you try to mentally prepare yourself, sure you've thought about giving head to him, Sanji, and sometimes even Zoro, but that's because you're a honry virgin little shit, but to have his tip so close to your mouth you gave his length a long lick up to his tip, giving it a small peck of the lips not realizing that move alone brought a chill down the rubber boy’s spine.
“W-wow this!—-ah! This feels good!”
Luffy’s moans were a mixture of giggles and whimpers, so uncontrollable and actually filled the room and bounced off the walls with every lick and stroke you gave on his cock.
He didn’t have a distinct taste, granted you held your breath without much thought before taking half of him down your mouth, the most you were vaguely able to get was saltiness.
Luffy wasn’t that big naturally either. 5 and a half inches, but to you it was big enough since you never really had much training of giving a man oral, however you still wanted to try,
“OO-OH!” His hands gripping your sheets tightly, gritting his teeth he exhaled a cry of your name, his scared chest already glistening of sweat and blushing, “Y/N!”
You popped your head up, the sensation of his shaft sliding out of your throat felt so good you licked your pre cum stain lips, “Hm?” Your head tilts to the side, curious as to why he sounded like he wanted you to stop.
Woth harsh breathing he takes the hair tie he keeps from his wrist, and delicately puts your locs in a loose ponytail behind your back, “I wanted…to see you.” Luffy strains, a small grin arises as he pats you on the head before leaning back, “Sorry. You can keep going.”
You nod but your heart was so warmed by the gesture you lean in to kiss him, you just couldnt help yourself, Luffy’s eyes open in shock, just for a moment until his eyes rest calmly cupping your cheeks, sort whimpers finally escape his mouth again as you lightly stroke his cock.
You continue the task at hand. You knew he was going to cum soon so your get bolder with your movements, your mouth vibrates against his sensitive skin, Luffy rolled his hips tongue sticking out meticulously while looking down at you, and that's when he got an idea,
"Can I..make it bigger?"
You look up at him, so whiny in the back of his throat, practically sounding as if he'll cry your name if you tell him no, "Sure, but just a little please..."
"Oh! O-okay!" Without a moment to lose you felt him grow inside your mouth not only in length but in width, at least 2 more inches already stuffing you, causing drool to seep from the side, you tapped his thigh for him to stop, nodding you continued to suck him off.
"You're so good at this!" Throwing his head back, feeling a funny knot in his tummy he begins to feel knotted, despite him masturbating in the past he never actually came to orgasm, for him it took too long or he got bored, but this felt different. This was something overwhelming, he couldn't contain himself under you, his legs moving up and down, back bouncing back and fourth on the headboard, "I--Y/N!"
Before you knew it your eyes widened your mouth being filled to the brim of cum and saliva, you felt a bit dirty, especially since you took a moment to force yourself to swallow most of the sticky liquid.
You sit up, straddling him, brushing back his hair admiring his fucked out face, eyes closed, breathing so unsteadily out of his mouth, and that's when he pulls you close to kiss you, you felt his fingers trail down to your wet cunt, you jumped a little at the contact, breaking the kiss, "You okay?" He asked, you shook your head looking down at his fingers inching closer to your clit, as he gently rubs he gets a little too excited of your moans and rubs harsher making you hiss.
"No, it's okay...just..follow my hand."
"So wet..." He marvels at your arousal just from giving him oral, you would feel embarrassed but why should you? Luffy sure wasn't.
You take his limp cock, rubbing up and down the shaft, twisting your wrist a little, feeling him harden at your touch again, you hear a small whine from the boy and rubbing smaller circles on you sensitive bud.
Sharing a small sound of sexual noises, Luffy whispers, "Can you kiss me please?"
And of course you did, you really couldn't help yourself latching your lips onto his smaller ones, giving small nips and licks to one another, to laugh together touching foreheads briefly,
"Yeah, like that Lu...faster..."
He swirled his fingers around, not knowing which direction to choose from up and down to circles, but the sexual wet noises you made from just his fingers still made you cum.
"Luffy..." Your voice now a pitch higher, as his name ooses out of your mouth, your eyes were closed, but your knew, you just knew he was looking right at your face while riding off your orgasm.
Luffy's lids were lowered, astonished and dazed from how beautiful you looked, mouth a gape, head downwards grinding on his fingers, you felt so warm, so wet, it was almost going to drive him crazy on the possibility of what you felt like with him fully inside you.
He wasn't too far behind, you wanted him to have a second orgasm on your hand, but instead he grabbed your wrist, "Can we do it now?" He looks over and shyly puts his hand on another sex position, "This one....and then this one..."
"And this one." You pointed at another pose to try, you could fellt him twitch on your thigh, he agrees and helps you up on your knees.
"Hold my....my um..my hand."
as you intertwine both your hands into his clammy ones, you sunk yourself down, it was a bit scary, and your captain knew when you were afraid,
“Look at me.”
When you meet eyes, he had a soft gaze at you, his smile was faint but warm. His assists you down his length, and you both share a whine and a hiss together.
Still holding his hand you begin to move up and down and immediately Luffy is giggling and moaning again.
“W-what’s—ah funny?”
“Your boobies are in my face!” He leans his head forward smothering himself in your breasts, his hair tickled your nipples as he litterally rubbed his face in between the warm crevasse eventually letting go of your hands and using his powers to wrap his arms twice around your waist almost as if giving you a bear hug.
You were too busy laughing at his antics to even feel the typical sting of your hymen getting torn, now turning into pleasure almost immediately after getting the pace right. The pressure of Luffy’s hug around you plus bottoming out on his cock felt so good, you both felt a familiar stomach knot forming.
“S-so close! Y/n! It’s happening again!”
His rasped voice vibrated on your skin, he pulled away , a spit line disconnecting from the drool he left on you and went to look at your contorted face focusing on your next orgasm. Luffy held your hair back as you started to pick up the pace of bouncing. He wanted to see you cum again.
“So pretty.”
You both held each other close, both clashing each other body against another as you rode out yet another blissful high, your face in his neck, legs around his hot waist as he sat crisscross in the middle of the now creaky bed it, you both got restless. The air in the room so stuffy, and hot but yet you both couldn’t back away from each other.
You felt his cum spray your insides leaving a mess both on and in you, the tingly feeling made a shiver run down both your spines.
As you both slowed down, moaning subsiding from you both down to faint breaths you look at Luffy, grabbing his tired dazed face with a pussy drunk smile, you giggle.
“Hey…” You look down at your breast to see a small heart shaped hickey on it. “How the hell you leave this shape on my tiddy?”
“I seen the trick be taught in Dressrosa.”
You blink at him, “What the hell did you see in that city we was there for like 3 days.”
He giggles, pulling you to his ear to whisper and your eyes grow about 3 times the size.
“What else? How’d you two even find a—“
Luffy then fake yawns, “Oh wow i am so tireeddddd.”
You toll your eyes. You knew he would be a little shit trying to spill,
“You still wanna do the other positions?”
He laughs, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t winded, but you felt so addicting, “After a nap…and food….need meat.”
You both burst out laughing, “Okay…but um….thank you Luffy….for trusting me….to do this.”
“Ah no worries!” Luffy beams at you with tiny beads of sweat falling down his face, laying back on your headboard with his arms behind his head, “That actually feels way better than I thought….Next time though we have to do ALLLL the positions! IN ONE GO TOO!…..also….”
“Was i good? You’re —you’re bleeding! I didn’t hurt you did i?!”
“No! no! that’s normal! You…it means you took my virginity, Lu….and yes you were amazing.”
You knew giving him the real medical answer would make him kore confused and he already looked so tired. As much as you both needed another bath you decided to let him stay inside you. sure you felt full but the comfort of his scared chest and one of his hands tracing over your bare back as he was dozing off made you sleepy as well.
Luffy was more than content right now with you in his arms as you both sleep off your exhausted afternoon. It was a strange feeling for him but holding you, kissing you, being so intimate with you made his heart bloom. He wasn’t sure what this feeling was he had towards you, but he didn’t want them to go away.
Not when you were his first and hopefully to be his only.
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onepiece-polls · 12 days
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 1 Side G
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Propaganda under the cut.
Charlos x Foxy: I thought to myself "what are two One Piece characters that nobody would every ship together?" And this is the answer I got.
ReiPuri: Okay listen MURDER LESBIANS. Cute pink girly girls who will also absolutely destroy anyone's shit. Pudding shows up with a gun that can shoot straight through Reiju's steel skin, tell me penetrating the impenetrable isn't sexual as all hell. Each subordinated to her respective parent's desires and actually not altogether onboard with doing everything that parent wants. Longing for freedom, but unable to grasp it and really break free, but at the same time sneakily subverting her parent's will. They're both extremely subtle and cover their subtlety with layers of masks; now think about them using that subtlety to have steel-edged flirting with each other, innuendoes like poisoned honey and kisses like knives. Also the one girl who ever actually was (pretended to be) interested in Sanji hooking up with his sister instead would really just be karmic justice for everything about him, you know? In conclusion: ReiPuri. Move aside innocent lesbian handholding, these hot and morally complex ladies need to have not-actually-hatesex Pronto.
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akwolfgrl · 1 month
I'm a great fuck but better lover 11
Zoro was just lifting weights after Sanji left after morning stretches and smoke break. The sun was just peeking out from behind the clouds, Luffy and Usopp were playing some weird game he didn't understand the rules to, and Nami was in her room working on maps. Mr. Noodles (would the name ever not be funny?) waltzed up to him, half a bird sticking out of mouth. He sat down and chipred at him. Zoro put his weight down and couched next to the little black cat.
“Whatcha got there, buddy?” Zoro asked, stroking the soft fur atop of the cat's head. Mr. Noodles purred and rubbed against his hand before dropping the dead bird at his feet. The bird in question was legit bigger than the cat himself. “Your first kill way to go, heh maybe you join us during battle. Those claws of yours would hurt,” Mr. Noodles stretched out and batted at the bird when all of a sudden, it moved. It flew right at his face. “Shit! Fucking dam it!” Zoro swore in alarm, backing away from the flying animal coming at his face.
Mr. Noodles jumped in the air and caught the bird once again. Once he landed, he gave him a dirty look and flounced off. They all kept the doors and port hole cracked open for the cat to come and go as he pleased. They had accidently locked the poor thing in the bathroom and another time in the boys' room. Zoro went back to lifting weights. Who knows where that crazy cat went to. It was only a few minutes later he heard the screaming voice of Nami. Zoro dropped his weight and ran. Luffy flag himself towrds Nami's room, Usopp hot on his heals, the kitchen door banged open as Sanji also ran out.
When they got thire, Nami was hiding under her deck while the bird from eailer flew around the room in a painc, dripping blood from its wonds. All the while, Mr. Noddle leapt at it, trying to catch it once again.
“Sanji! Your carzy cat brught me a fucking live bird!” Nami screamed at Sanji. "Get him outa here!"
“Of course! I'm so sorry about that, Nami,” Sanji ran to scope up Mr. Noodles just as he lept for brid once again.
“Sanji! Duck!” Usopp called out from next to him his sling shot in hand, his boyfriend ducked clothing his cat in his arms and Usopp fired, taking the ingred bird with one shot. Sanji hurried over to their side as Usopp went grab his kill.
“Wow!” Luffy exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, nearly hitting him in the process.
“Sorry cat looks like you didn't get your frist kill after all,” Zoro spoke to the small black cat in Sanji's arms.
“He's alredy had his first kill moss, he brings me a mouse in the mornings,”
“Eww,” Nami spoke, crawling out from under the table. “Mr. Noddles, you are not allowed to bring me any animals, got it!” Nami wagged her finger sterntly at the cat.
“Mreow,” Mr. Noddles mowed pathicly in Sanjis arms.
“He's sorry, Nami-swan, I'll make you something to make up for it,”
“Tanghulu, and a cocktail,” Nami ordered his boyfriend. Normally, Zoro would argue about this. He felt kinda bad thugh, her room was now a mess with feathers and spaters of blood everywhere.
“Sannnjjji!” Luffy cried holding up the dead bird, he could only want one thing. “Can I eat it?!”
“Sure, I'll cook it up for you later after I get Nami her treat,”
“Yahoo!” Luffy cried out still holding the bird.
“All right! Everybody get the fuck out of my room!” Nami yelled, pointing up the stairs to the door. “Thank you for checking on me but I need to clean up this mess,” With that they all made their way back onto the deck, Nami closing the door behind them.
“You're gonna be a little menace aren't you buddy?” Sanji asked, looking down at the cat in his arms.
“He'll fit right in on the crew then,” Zoro pointed out. “I mean just look at our captain,”
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
i would love to know about revolutionary!sanji !! particularly, going further in depth with wci arc... ft sabosan 👀
Straight up your sabosan art has inspired me to write a rev!Sanji fic so thank you. And I am honored you're here!
As for more indepth on Revolutionary!Sanji wci I feel like it's similar to this ask, particularly the last line. Sabo finds out Sanji's wanted poster says ONLY ALIVE is immediate alarm bells for koala and Sabo and they know Germa has been making moves with Big Mom. He calls Dragon and Iva and says he's making a detour before the reverie. They head straight to Germa.
They're not as adept at espionage, that's Sanji's specialty after all but they manage. They blend in well enough and when Sabo and Koala manage to sneak into Sanji's room? Fury, instantly. Sabo sees the cuffs and is holding Sanji's face in his hands as they cry because Sabo can't get them off without blowing Sanji's hands off. He's skilled in haki but not to the extent Rayleigh or Dragon are. He won't risk it and he understands now.
"They had the crew under threat." Sanji mumbles.
"I'm killing them." Sabo promises as he lays kisses on Sanji's head and face.
"We need to go, someone is coming." Koala says so they leave with the promise of killing all of Germa's royalty.
They're scheming to get the keys to Sanji's cuffs when they find Luffy in the rain. Sabo understands why Luffy is here, Sanji is his cook in all technicalities. So he sits with brother and Nami in the rain as Nami eyes them wearily. When Luffy asks why he's there and who koala is Sabo smiles at him.
"Sanji's head of espionage, has been since seventeen." Sabo explains. "He's been in the Army since he was nine."
Luffy and Nami blink at him as Sanji runs forward with the basket for Luffy and apologizing when Koala smacks him lightly and explains he was doing what he thought was best. That they've all been ready to die for the cause and what they believe in since they were children. He was doing what he believed was best and protecting what he loved. Koala promises to hit him harder next time if it doesn't get through his skill next time and Sanji nods.
So Sabo pulls Sanji close and kisses him. Luffy is confused. Koala calls them gross. Nami is shocked. Sanji still says he wants to save his family and Luffy agrees because it's what Sanji wants but Sabo isn't going to listen. He just won't. Not after all they've been through so when they're all leaving and Niji tosses Sanji and Luffy on the Sunny and Reiju says she switched out the cuffs for the duds? Sabo is even more furious.
Judge shit talking his "worthless" son? His pipe is flaming and haki laced and he cracks Judge so hard against the skull. Sanji is just there watching as Koala is telling Sabo to stop.
"He's on the list anyway isn't he? Let's finish this." Sabo demands with one more solid crack that makes Judge fall into the ocean. They don't see him come back up so Sabo looks at his baby brother and Sanji. He pulls Sanji close and is like "You're important, dummy. Don't forget that, Luffy and I both came here for you."
"Right, who are you guys?" Nami asks.
"I'm Sabo, I'm Luffy's older brother and Sanji's boyfriend. This is Koala." Sabo introduces them.
"Wait, the Revolutionaries?!" Chopper screams.
"That's the Army?!" Nami screams.
"May I see your panties?" Brook asks Koala who grabs and throws him into the galley door. Sabo sighs as Koala says they need to go so he kisses Sanji and hugs Luffy before they leave.
"whats especially sponge?" Luffy asks.
"espionage? Spying. I'm a spy, was a spy? It's all muddied since I joined the crew." Sanji laughs.
"I can't believe you date the Chief of Staff." Nami whispers.
"Have been since I was sixteen." Sanji shrugs.
"How come Sabo got to kill Judge?" Luffy whines.
"He's had dibs since I was eleven."
"Aww maaaannn." Luffy groans.
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting (Part 1)
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Authors Note:
Hello everyone!! This is my first time writing so please tell me what you think! I'm sure we've all seen the live-action one-piece. And I've taken a strong liking to a certain clown. Please enjoy as I spin this tale. There's a good deal of flirting, banter, and much more. Definitely going to be a slow-burn fic. If anyone is a little out of character I do apologize. Btw, this is not set in a specific arc but the straw hat crew is included as follows: #MonekeyD.LUffy #RoronaZoro #Nami #Usopp #Sanji #TonyTonyChopper #NicoRobin #Brook #Sanji
Anyway, on with the show!!~
Screams and cursing erupted everywhere. As far as safety was concerned, there was none. Who knew that going into the forbidden tundra of ice and snow for ice cream would be such a bad idea?
It didn't matter now anyway. The wind whipped at your cheeks as a pair of familiar gummy arms stretched around the crew. There was no ability to see five feet in front of you. After much pushing and shoving the steering wheel was turned and the Thousand Sunny began to fight back.
Finally, with mercy, the storm had to spit you and your crewmates out. Where? No clue. None. The feeling of sand and splintered wood accompanied you all before the darkness followed.
---------------------------------------------------- Current time-----------
"Y/n?!" a voice called out. Opening your eyes hurts like hell. The sun was too bright. And the sand was too cold. Wait... sand?!
Rolling over onto your back the sun's sharp rays began to bore their way into you. Suddenly, a fluff clown covers you. "Y/N!! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Luffy, the sweet goof that he is, crushes you in a tight hug cutting off your oxygen
"Alright, give the girl some space," Nami pulls at the arm closest to her. "What the fuck, happened?" You sit up slowly. "Well-" "THE FUCKING SHIP BROKE!" Heads turn towards a sobbing Usopp trying to rub two pieces of wood together as Sanji comfortingly pats his shoulder. Not too far away, Zoro stands quietly looking over the horizon. A sigh escapes your lips as you deflate into Nami's arms. This could not get any worse. Until a thought hits you.
"Wait, where are the others?" you begin to sit up and look at Nami again. "Robin and Chopper are trying to salvage what they can. Brook got buried under the sand for a while so he's resting." You nod and try to take it all in. So far everyone was alive and counted on. But where were you? Climbing out of Nami and Luffy's company you decided to have a look around. Items were thrown about the beach everywhere including large piles of ice and snow making for a strange scene.  
There’s a moment of uncomfortability that you register but don’t address. Silence never bothered you, but one thing was for certain. You and your family were stranded, highly wanted criminals, with no proper way of fixing the ship unless there wasn’t that much damage. Your feet stop as you come across the sight before you. “Shit.” 
Half the fucking ship was missing. Well, to be exact the giant ram's head was half buried in the snow. The middle of the left-hand side of the haul was cracked open with continents spilling out. As you got closer you could see Robin and Chopper creating piles of things salvageable. A little bit past them lay Brooks looking more lifeless than you’d ever seen him. 
Robin’s eyes caught yours and she waved you over. Watching out for glass and wood you made your way to the haul and placed a hand on the still damp wood. How could everything have changed so quickly? One moment you were all enjoying a frozen treat. The next, holding on for dear life as the elements took their wrath out on you for trespassing. Seeming to read your mind Chopper tugged Robin's leg. 
 “No need to worry,” Robin said as she pressed a compass into the empty palm of your hand. “I think I know what island we’re on. It’s very secluded on this side so we should be fine. However, the other half holds a very populated town known for carpentry. We just might be saved.” Well, that was the first good news all morning. Zoro had been voted to go with you and pick up some supplies. Also so that he didn’t get lost and have the crew spend 14 years to find him. But the walk was pleasant and you took turns humming different toons until you got to the outskirts of town. 
The sound of laughter could be heard as some decorations and flags waved in the air. Seemed like a festival was taking place. Perfect! With all the chaos no one could possibly recognize you both. Zoro managed to find materials needed for the ship while you gathered more basic supplies. However, something about the crowd drew you in. Zoro would be busy for a while so might as well look around,... right? 
The middle of the market square was filled with bright colors, noises, and various performers. You made sure to stick to the walls of the town. However, the cheers and yells for more soon had you stepping closer until you found yourself in the middle circle of a performance act. A slightly chubby man who resembled a sheep was fighting with a pink lion and a green-haired man.
While the act was obviously for kids. You couldn’t help but smile as the three began to fight until a man with blue glasses and a strange ponytail ushered them to stop. He whispered something to them and the expressions of fear were almost completely masked. Then as if the fun had been sucked away, they began to bow and pass out folders. You reached forward to receive one from the lion, thanked him, and began to retreat to where you had last seen Zoro. “Well?”
You held out the flier, “We could kill some time tonight?”
Author's note: This was Chapter 1! Sorry if it's a bit short. Don't worry though. I have more planned. Please share and like my post so I know to continue with this. Also, just as a nice little tidbit.
I am downbad for this clown.
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Part 2
Like they didn't have to make the live action cast so hot. (Yes, yes the fuck they did.) Now, I found him funny in the anime. But, live action? DAMNNNNNN!!!! I think his eyes are so fucking pretty. His jaw and neck look like they need some special attention. Cheekbones? Biteable. Like I DEMAND to see more of this man. Oh, btw, reader gets very flirty and sassy as the story goes on.
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
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‎♡‧₊˚ ꒰ FEATURING ꒱ : zoro roronoa
‎♡‧₊˚ ꒰ WC ꒱ : 800 words
‎♡‧₊˚ ꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI! suggestive, alcohol use, nipple play,
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the evening had calmed down considerably since luffy passed out. most of the other crew were slowly falling asleep as the ship rocked with the ocean waves, lulling everyone into the blissful rest they deserved. you and zoro were the last ones standing, per usual, but this time – you were on a mission.
the last island you visited with the strawhats had been a blur but you discovered something new, something that you instantly, desperately wanted to try with your favorite swordsman. you briefly explained it to him, the words quickly flowing out of your mouth as you led him by the hand to sanji’s kitchen. zoro tried his best to follow along but he was mesmerized by the way your hips were swaying. 
once you got to the room, you told him to take off his shirt and lay on the table. he took one last swig from his bottle, effectively finishing it and tossing it in the trash.
“you sure about this?” zoro asked, taking his time to pull his shirt over his head with one hand, revealing his glorious body. you lick your lips before he does a short cough, directing your attention back up to his face.
“yeah i’m sure.” you smile at him, eyes already trailing back to his chest. “now, go ahead and lay down for me.”
“sanji is gonna throw a fit if we make a mess.” he said, slowly making his way to the table.
“and since when do you give a shit?” you smirk, grabbing the sake bottle off the side table. you got him there – his last chance to delay the inevitable. but he could never truly say no to you, no matter how much he wanted to. 
he grumbled something under his breath as he laid down on the table, cheeks tinged with pink from the sake he had just gulped down. his back laid flat on the hard surface, and it was time to do what you set out for.
taking a step forward, you rip the cork off with your teeth, spitting it off to the side as you close in on him. he slightly squirms on the table until you press your other hand lightly on his chest.
“don’t move so much or else it’ll get messy.” you warn him, taking a small delight from the way he looks up at you with half-lidded eyes. it wasn’t often he’d find himself under you — but it was quite the sight. “and you don’t want to make sanji mad, right?”
“shut up. ” he mutters, looking off to the side, before finding his nerve again. “go on then.”
you don’t even bother responding, slowly pouring the sake onto his navel. the moment the somewhat cool liquid hits his skin, he sucks in a deep breath. his stomach concaves and creates more room for sake. you keep it pouring until some trickles off the side of his waist, dripping onto the table.
his eyes widen as he watches yours darken, moving the bottle to pour up his stomach between his pecs.
“hey!” he barks out in shock, knowing that this wasn’t a part of the original deal. the sake was all over him but he felt frozen on the damned table. ignoring him, you place the bottle down before bending over him, casting him one last glance before you get to work.
you slowly slurp the sake from his belly, swirling your tongue around his stomach, maintaining eye contact as you trace your tongue along his side, making sure you clean up the mess you made. he sucks in another breath, clenching his fists to his sides before deciding to grip onto the edge of the table. at this point, you’re pretty sure he hasn’t properly breathed in the past minute.
you keep moving, trailing your tongue upwards towards his chest, licking up the line of sake you left behind. up to his chest and between his pecs, making sure you got every last drop. you can almost feel the way his heart races beneath you. 
it was like your mouth had a mind of its own as you took one of his nipples into your mouth, sucking lightly before going to the other side. zoro choked back a strained sound of pleasure right before you hear the familiar crack of wood — the table beneath his hand splitting from the force of his grip.
you pull back with a smile, slightly hovering over his face. in an instant, his lips are crashing into yours. the way he kissed was just like him —  strong, forceful, and yet somehow laced with care. 
all your thoughts escape you as he flips you under him so you’re pinned on the table, leaving you one lasting kiss before he pulls back with a smirk.
“i think i understand now.” he rumbles, already pawing at the hem of your shirt with a hunger in his eyes. “your turn.”
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mandiemegatron · 8 months
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𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑨 𝑻𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆
𝑹𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒂 𝒁𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝒄𝒊𝒔!𝒇𝒆𝒎 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
♡ 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅: 𝑴 18+ 𝑶𝑵𝑳𝒀. // 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 (𝒇𝒆𝒎. 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈), 𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒆𝒙.
𝘼/𝙉: 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊💖💖💖💖!!!! 𝙎𝙤, 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙈𝙧. 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙤 𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙬𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙡, 𝙨𝙤 𝙄 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙚 !!! 𝙄 𝙙𝙤 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙯𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙖 𝙃𝙐𝙂𝙀 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙙𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙮-𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙖♡ @therion-woods , 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙚!!! 🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖
𝙄 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 !! 💖💖💖💖
𝒁𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒚 ; @baka-tsuki // @baka-tsuki-2 ♡
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One drink at the bar.
That was all you promised Zoro, was one goddamn drink.
And here you were, four drinks in and almost leaning on the swordsman, laughing loudly at whatever joke he decided to crack.
His arm rested comfortably around your hip, his large hand cradling your hip bone, a warm thumb brushing over your clothed skin every once in a while. You waved off an irate Sanji, who huffed and puffed at you 'being manhandled by the ugliest runt to ever wander the Grand Line', which caused the green haired man to snap back, his grip on you tightening as he literally pulled you to him, your empty hand pressing against his chest to catch yourself.
Your face burned as you looked up at him, a childish retort falling away from your lips as he turned to stare back, his earrings slightly swaying at his head snapping to look down at you.
It went quiet in your head, your eyes seemingly locked together until Nami's voice shattered the stillness, her teasing tone ringing out,
"Geez, get a room already!"
Usopp and Brook let out a loud, "OooOoo!" which caused Zoro to glare at them before he grabbed your hand from his chest and began dragging you away, angry puffs of smoke seeming to rise from his head as you walked away from the now laughing group.
Zoro was murmuring to himself, dragging you to wherever his terrible sense of direction decided was best and surprisingly, you came out to the open blues, the Thousand Sunny resting peacefully at the dock. Gentle waves crashed into the shoreline, filling the air with calm, which you assumed was why Zoro came this way.
"Huh. I was definitely trying to get to the other bar," he muttered, clearly confused as his free hand scratched the top of his head.
Your mouth dropped open in utter surprise and shock, unable to believe the words that came out of his mouth.
"You mean the one that was BESIDE the one we were in?!"
He turned to you, an almost horrified shocked look on his face as he shouted back,
"It was BESIDE us?!"
You snapped back,
He gave a sharp "Oi!" in response before taking you back the way you both came. You rolled your eyes with a loud groan and tightened your grip, glad you weren't so tipsy you couldn't walk or navigate easily.
"You never cease to amaze me, Zo," you commented lightly, throwing him a withering look over your shoulder to which he pouted the second you turned back, going back to muttering under his breath.
"You better not say anything," he bit out, causing you to raise an eyebrow at him before you laughed out,
"As if I need to. Everyone knows you'd get lost in a paper bag if you had the chance."
He stopped walking, pulling you towards him as he moved you to an alley, not too far from the first bar the rest of the crew was drinking dry.
Pressing your back against the brick building, he stared down at you, his cheeks tinted pink as he grumbled down at you,
"You don't know shit."
You laughed, realizing he was probably a little tipsy, at least enough to be so close to you. He always seemed to be nervous around you when he was sober, almost anxious whenever your hand brushed over his shoulder or his head when you passed him.
He was nothing like that now.
His hands rested on your shoulders, almost a little too tight as he asked,
"... why are you blushing?"
You chuckled weakly and rolled your eyes, giving him a cheeky look through thick lashes as your murmured softly,
"I don't know, maybe it's 'cause I've been thinking about something like this happening for a long time."
The second the words left you, you froze and a small squeak of embarrassment left you as you covered your face, unable to look at him.
Zoro choked on his breath, staring you down with a wide eye before his expression changed into an almost predatory one, sending shivers over your entire form.
Staring you down like a starved man, Zoro rose his eyebrow, a slow smirk washing over his face as he asked,
"You've wanted this for how long?"
Your face dropped, cheeks burning red at your accidental blubbering. You shook your head with a slightly nervous laugh, waving him away with a lazy hand as you responded,
"I don't know what you're talking about."
A heavy hand landed roughly on the wall behind your head, his bulky frame seeming to tower over you and cage you in. You froze, eyes wide as you stared up at him as he nearly purred out,
"If you think I'm going to play stupid, you're wrong."
A shaky breath left you as his other hand came up to cradle your cheek, a rough padded thumb brushing over your soft skin almost as if you'd shatter under his touch. Your eyes fell shut, your head tilting slightly to lean into his touch as your hands slowly moved up his chest.
Zoro sucked in a harsh breath, holding it as your gentle hands moved over his toned, scarred chest, his stomach twisting and flipping around as your fingers traced over his scar from Mihawk.
He didn't know why he felt so compelled to kiss you, but before he could question himself, he moved in and his lips were pressed against yours, his hand gliding from your face to grip your hair at the base of your head. He tilts your head back and his tongue runs along your lips, begging for entrance which you give willingly, pulling a low groan from the swordsman.
Your hands move up to the back of his neck, your fingers pressing into the base of his head and down his neck, pulling another sound of pleasure from Zoro as your magic digits pulled all the anxiety from his muscles. He pulled away to nip and suck at the side of your throat, your head falling back and you grunt in pain as your head hits rough brick.
Zoro pulled away to raise an eyebrow at you, smirking to himself before he murmured, "Stupid."
You couldn't even respond, his lips immediately returning to your neck and leaving small marks over your skin. One of his hands cradled the back of your head, keeping you from hitting brick again as his other hand gripped your ass, his thigh sliding between your legs and grinding up against your warmth. Zoro moaned against your skin, his breathing shaky as he groaned out,
"Gods, I can feel how soaked you are,"
Your breath hitched, eyes rolling back at the ecstatic feeling of pleasure running over you. You unconsciously humped against his leg slightly, moaning softly when he moved up into you.
"Desperate, aren't you?" He murmured in your ear before he easily flipped you around, your ass pressing into his very evident boner as he gently moved your hands to the rough brick.
Ripping your shirt off, he handed it to you and instructed you with a husky voice to hold it to the wall, keeping your palms from scratching and bruising. You stared at the fabric before staring up at him with wide eyes, trying not to freak out.
"Zo…. This was Nami's."
The swordsman's face fell, a look of fear crossing it as he stared at the ruined fabric, his lips pressing into a thin line before he finally shrugged and replied,
"Shit happens."
You went to reply but one of his hands snaked around your front, immediately shoving down the front of your yoga pants and cupping your sex. He groaned with a wide grin, his forehead resting against your shoulder as you gave a low moan, reveling in his touch.
Two of his fingers pressed over your soaked slit, his lips grinning against your skin at the sounds he pulled from you.
"I've barely touched you and you're already this soaked," he mumbles, pressing hot kisses to your skin as one finger traces around your clit. Once again you unconsciously move against him, your ass pressing into his clothed cock as one of his fingers finally slides into you.
Your mouth falls open, an almost silent plea for him not to stop leaving you which he happily obliged. He sucked a few more marks onto your skin, smirking to himself at the constellations he marred you with, a sense of pride filling him at the sounds that came from you. A second finger fell into you and you nearly came then and there, thankfully for his other hand that gently slapped over your mouth to keep you from being too loud.
"Tsk, come on princess, you know better," he purred in your ear, his ego growing three sizes at seeing your eyes roll back simply at his fingers.
He curled his fingers and you came, almost falling against him as your body twitched, one of your hands moving from the brick to grip around his forearm as much as you could to try and stop him.
You couldn't.
A high pitched whine fell from you as he kept going, feeling a strange pressure and you almost yelped at the sudden gush that came from you. Zoro pulled you tight to his chest, his breathing erratic and eye wide as he realized what he just made you do.
"Do that again," he demanded roughly, his pace picking up slightly as he pounded into you. It didn't take long, warmth gushing over his fingers and pulling a soft, breathy laugh from him. He finally stilled, two fingers still squished inside your now throbbing cunt and you were able to catch your breath, eyes opening to stare up at a very pleased looking Zoro.
"I want to make you do that over and over," he admitted with a sharky grin, slowly pulling his hand from your pants. He stared down at his soaked hand and gave a shaky sigh, eye closing as he licked your juices from his palm and fingers, your face burning bright red at the sight. When he was satisfied, he grinned down at you again and whispered,
"Let's go back to the ship."
You threw the ruined shirt back on and grunted softly at how it hung off your bra-covered chest. You hummed for a moment before daisy-duke tying it, the knot sitting in the middle of your breasts comfortably. You then looked up at him with a grin of your own, gripping his hand into yours as you leaned up into a quick kiss, your heart racing as he kissed you back feverishly.
He frowned when you pulled away, tugging you closer to him as you began to lead him back towards the ship.
"I think this time though, you should let me have a little taste," you teased, falling in step with him. Your words caused a fire to rage inside him, and he immediately threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your shout of indignation, and the second the Sunny was in view, he raced towards the ship.
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Tagging requested // @honeysworld-offanfiction ♡ 🤭🤭💖💖
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi I saw your post earlier about the reader who has a soft voice but swears like a sailor. I was wondering if you could do that with the strawhats? Specifically Luffy, Zoro and maybe Robin. As someone who has a soft voice but could make a sailor blush I absolutely love it🥰🥰🥰
Please 🙏 and Thank you 😊
Yes! I can do that <3
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Does not phase him, he grew up used to Sabo having a very formal nobles voice and learning how to curse and swear like crazy, thanks to Ace they both learned a potty mouth.
He will blink at you when the first string of curses come out in your lovely soft tone, his eyes growing wide before he lets out such a big laugh and slaps his thighs and howls.
He loves it.
Another person who wasn’t phased by it.
He loves how soft your voice is, how sweet your mannerisms and when you curse, hiss in pain as you dropped your sword and the heavy hilt hit your foot you holler and curse and spit some very choice words.
The smirk on his face, he’s delighted and finds it very amusing and very endearing.
He’s listening to you humming softly as you work, walking over to where he’s sitting and you drop your tray of food because a fly has jumped into your face.
He flinches and watches as everything hits the deck and he opens his mouth to tell you everything is okay when you hiss out Mother fucking fuck.
And he promptly shuts his mouth and stares at you.
He’s very surprised and low-key wonders how long you’ve had that vocab and mildly blames people like Sanji and Zoro.
Nami expected it, honestly.
She knew that someone with such a level voice, looking and sounding as gentle and sweet as you were actually full of brimming rage under the surface.
Others didn’t believe her when she said you’d curse as bad as the rest of them.
So when you are all sitting around the table and you accidentally cut your finger on your steak knife, you are shouting and cursing and Nami looks victorious as she stands up and gestures to you.
He’s just vibing as he helps you hang up washing, he’s also being very mature and chill about having to hang up underwear.
You smile brightly when everything is done and then there's a crack of thunder and it starts to rain.
You kick over the wash basket and hiss out a string of for fuck sake this shit!
And Brook gasps.
He doesn’t mind that you did but it was still a shock and he just stares at you before you turn to him like and what?
Chopper [100% platonic]
Stock Footage baby crying sounds.
She knew behind that sweet face and soft voice you had an edge.
The smile that spreads across her face as she peers over her book at you when you hiss and yell at something.
Your angelic tones marred with Ouch, bastard! Give her life and she is 100% living.
She feels smug and powerful and gives a knowing smirk to everyone else who is there and staring in awe and horror.
She loves it, loves you.
He loves how gentle you are, he could listen to you talking for hours.
He’ll be in the kitchen with you, basking in your delightful voice as you call out what he needs to grab from the fridge from the new recipe book you’d bought.
Sanji just sighs, his heart skipping a beat as he looks at you with hearts in his eyes.
Then you drop an egg and curse. Oh shit, fucking hell.
And there's like this sound of glass breaking in his head.
“Fucking marimo did this!” He’ll hiss and stomp off.
He’s asked for help in his workshop and you are happy to help.
Back-and-forth chatter between you.
He’s happy your here, he always enjoys it when you talk.
Not used to being around someone so soft-spoken and gentle.
You accidentally hit your hand with a hammer and shout, scream, the slew of curses from your mouth as you wave your hand.
“Alright! Fuck that shit! It’s proven that swearing lessens the pain ya know?” He says and wears right alongside you.
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hey! I’m new to your page but I love it so much and your writing is literally amazing!! I don’t want to say you have talent because that under mines all the hard work you’ve put into writing but you are amazing :< My request is a one piece fluff with Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Kid, Law, Robin, Nami, Killer and and any of your favorite characters too ^ I don’t know if this is considered modern or not but basically them asking you to go grab their wallet and you see their drivers license or ID picture and it’s such an old crusty caught off guard picture like (sanji’s wanted poster bad) and they get embarrassed about it once they see you start laughing 😭. It can be modern or even within the one piece realm I just thought this would be so funny since this just happened to me 💔 Have a good day!!!
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Warnings : modern AU, cursing, lighthearted teasing from the reader, Kid always has a couple of empty threats at hand, they are all disasters, this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff, crack
Word count : 2.4K words (oh shit)
Additional notes : Ahhh, you’re being so unbelievably sweet! I’m so so glad you enjoy my writing. I loved this idea so much because it’s the perfect mix of playful and cute. Sadly, I’ve only ever seen Killer like twice and he’s barely said anything, and I haven’t really graspd his personality yet, so please excuse me if he’s OOC🥲 I just wanted to give you a heads up that I only write for a maximum of 6 characters per post, and in headcanon form. If fluff pieces were what you wanted, then I only take single characters per post🫣 I did them all anyways and as fluff pieces because I’m sure you didn’t know this, given that you’re new to my blog. I hope you enjoy this, nonnie! Let me know what you think💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp!
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“Could you grab me my wallet from my bedside table, sweetheart?” Sanji called from the kitchen, “I’m a little busy at the stove right now, and the set of knives I ordered last week should be here in a few minutes. They’ll need my identification.”
“Sure thing.” Getting up from the living room couch, they went to snatch his wallet off his table. It was a little messy, filled with tiny coupons and various credit cards (yes, including the ones he froze years ago after his estranged biological father had practically forced them upon him). Struggling to pull out his ID amidst all this jumble, they said, “You really should sort out the stuff you don’t use anymore. I’m pretty sure at least half of these coupons have—“
They paused, their fingers finally picking at his ID. “Oh my fucking God,” they choked out, before a wheezing laugh escaped them, “Sanji, what on earth is this?”
“Hey!” he cried out, thumping sounds coming from the stove as he no doubt was switching the knobs off, “Stop looking at that!”
“It looks nothing like you,” they laughed, as he ran to their side. “What’s with the terrible frown? And why did they edit your face to look so… boxy? And—“
“Yes, yes, very funny dear,” he scowled even deeper than in the picture, cheeks burning red with embarrassment. He snatched it from their fingers, as they continued to shake with laughter. “Stupid shitty photographer didn’t even give me a chance to blink before he took it.”
“You do look like you had your eyes open for hours,” they chuckled behind their hand, trying to stifle the sound as he stuffed it back into the wallet, preferably for burial. Shaking their head, they sweetly kissed his cheek, enjoying his raging flush.
“Oh well, might as well keep your handsomeness for my eyes only.”
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“Zoro, did you pay our taxes?” they asked, frowning as they stared at the letter that had been sent to their mailbox.
“…No, I forgot,” their boyfriend grunted from the next room, continuing to deadlift in his little private gym, “Just use my phone and do it online.”
“Fine,” the sighed, making to get up, “Where do you keep your wallet? I’m gonna need your ID.”
“Probably on the coffee table.”
Humming in response, they followed his instructions and began to take out what looked like his ID, before they loudly cursed bloody murder.
“What’s wrong?” Zoro’s voice was worried, and he soon appeared in front of them with a concerned look on his face, drenched in sweat and a little flushed with the exertion of effort.
“This fucking jumpscare,” they managed to cry out, choking on a laugh as they thrust the ID in his direction, “You look like you’ve been convincted of twenty cases of homicide. What are you glaring so hard for?”
“Shut up. It’s only cause I couldn’t see well,” he grumbled, blushing furiously as he stomped over to reach for it.
Swooping out of his way, they snickered at him, “Was your “not seeing well” also the reason behind the tongue in your cheek and hardened jaw? Or is your face just programmed to permanently look like you want to deck someone?”
“Should’ve done these taxes myself if you were gonna be a little shit about it,” Zoro swore, his entire face blooming red down to his neck. The mortification won over, and he grabbed his ID.
“You probably should’ve, yeah,” they giggled, leaning over to kiss his jaw, much to his chagrin, “Guess you’re not photogenic. Doesn’t matter, you’re the best looking man to me.”
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When Luffy asked them to go for a trip of snack scourging at the supermarket, the implication that they would buy booze was very clearly there. His hands busy with all the bags of food they’d bought, he’d pointed out the bottles of sake and beer he’d wanted, but hadn’t been able to pull out his wallet with his hands full.
“My hands are full, can you get that for me?” Luffy begged, after having huffed and puffed for a few minutes trying to pull it out of his pocket with only his pinky finger.
Chuckling, they nodded and did as their boyfriend asked, before glancing at his ID photo and choking on their spit.
“Holy shit, babe,” they wheezed out, body trembling with their laughter as they handed it over to the cashier, “What’s with that face? Constipated much?”
“Listen, I was hungry,” he moaned pathetically, one of his busy hands pressing onto his stomach as he pouted at them, “Like right now. And the man kept stalling for no good reason. I thought I was going to pass out.”
“So you somehow ended up looking like a wilted flower?” they arched their brow at him as they carried their drinks and tugged him by the arm. “Should I worry about you dying out on me now?”
“Yes, if you don’t hurry and drive us back quickly.” Luffy looked dead-serious as he started moving so fast that it turned into him pulling them along and not the opposite. “Unless you want me to eat the snacks right now—“
“Coming, coming!”
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As per their almost-monthly usual, they got pulled over by the police in the middle of the road, and Kid could only grit his teeth and hiss out a “Fine” when asked for his driver’s license (because past experience taught him that calling an officer bringing him in for speeding a “cunt” was a sure fire way to end up in jail).
He fumbled with his pockets, before realizing that his wallet wasn’t there as it usually was. Before he could ask for it, they found it in the space between the driver’s seat and the gearstick. They quickly pulled out his driver’s license, briefly glancing at it once before their eyes blew comically wide and they slapped a hand on their face, trying to muffle their laughter.
Kid murderously glared at them, before finishing the routine up with the officer. As soon as they drove past him, they let their hand fall and howled with laughter.
“The fuck do you find so amusing?” he growled after they grew increasingly more hysterical.
“Your-your face!” they cried out, tears now falling down their face, “You never told me you had an emo phase! The black bangs, piercings, smokey eye…” they trailed off, interrupted by their loud laughter.
“I think I’m going to actually fucking kill you,” he hissed, despite the light dusting of red on his cheeks, which only fueled their amusement even further.
“Was this another one of your catchphrases in your teenage years?” they chortled, wiping away their tears and very clearly enjoying this.
“I’m parking right fucking now and kicking you out of the car.”
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“Got everything?” they asked Law at the doorstep, pulling their suitcases along behind them.
He nodded, but still went on to flit through his waistbag, checking the stuff along as he did. Their flight was still in a bit, but he didn’t want to turn around halfway through the drive to the airport. “Passport, visa, cash, credit cards, ID… wait. The driver’s license.”
Cocking their head to the side, they looked a little confused. “What do you need that for? We’re vacationing abroad.”
He gave his partner a very pointed look, and they shrugged and went to get his license nonetheless. “Weren’t you the one who insisted on visiting every single monument around the city? We’ll need a rental car for that, and I’m the one that has an international driver’s license.”
Before he could say anything else, a howl of laughter erupted from the bedroom, growing louder as they came up to him. Exasperation in his eyes, he turned to them, already knowing the reason behind their extreme amusement.
“Yes, haha, very funny, Law’s squinting at the camera,” he drawled, holding his hand out, “Now could we get this over with? We’ll run late.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this,” they smirked, clutching the license close to their chest and taking another peek. “The squint’s not so bad, honestly. I can tell you just weren’t wearing your lenses. My problem’s with the god-awful hair.”
“Mullets were a thing when I was 18,” he snapped, trying to come up with an excuse—and clearly failing, if their peels of laughter were any proof. “And most teenagers don’t have much of a sense of style.” Law finally snatched the driver’s license from them, and took his suitcase rolling behind him on the way to where their Uber would pick them up.
Locking up behind him, they grinned, shaking their head. “Not much of a sense of style now either, love…”
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“Robin, darling, I love you, and I would buy you anything you ask for, but we’re going to find ourselves broke by the end of the month if you keep spending ludicrous amounts of cash on book shipments,” they sighed, hurrying over to the bedroom where their girlfriend sat perched on her armchair, book in hand, “I think you need an intervention.”
The girlfriend in question chuckled, setting her reading glasses down, “Oh dear, that must’ve been last month’s ARC package. Let me get my wallet.”
“I already paid for it, but they asked for your ID for confirmation of the delivery. Is it in your wallet?”
Robin looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, I think I left it out on the coffee table when I came back from buying wine for our date night.”
They nodded and made their way out. It was silent for a few moments, before they snorted with laughter. “Oh God,” they choked out, before muffling the sound and opening the door once again. Moments later, it shut behind them, and they exploded into a fit of laughter, bursting into their bedroom.
“What’s so funny?” Robin smiled patiently, watching them fail to catch their breath.
Patting their chest, they finally managed to speak. “Y-your-your face! Why do you look so murderous?”
The woman chuckled, closing her book and walking up to them to glance at the ID. “I think I’d been woken up pretty early that day to take this picture, so I was rather grumpy. The photographer had made an inappropriate comment, and this was the only way I could express my displeasure.”
Their laughter quieted for a moment as they mumbled, “Fucking bastard,” before they glanced at the picture again and giggled, “And what’s with the half-shaved head?”
Robin shook her head, swiftly taking the ID from their fingers and pocketing it stealthily. “Let it be a reminder to not let teenage bullies stick gum in your hair.”
“There’s a lot to unpack in that statement…”
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“I’m telling you, sir, I’m definitely old enough to be driving this.” Nami gritted her teeth, trying her best to smile sweetly at the police officer. “As a matter of fact, I’m old enough to carry out every single legal procedure in this country.”
“No driver’s license, no passage,” he firmly said, though he did hesitate for a second afterwards, probably after noticing just how stunning she was as she fluttered her eyelashes like that.
They placed a hand on her arm. “It’s alright, Nami. I’ve got your wallet in the drawer. Brought it just in case.” Pulling it out, they began to rifle through her numerous cards, before blurting out, “Holy fuck,” and bursting into laughter that they desperately tried to muffle behind their hand, their other hand giving their girlfriend her license.
With a look that could kill, she snatched it and gave it to the waiting officer, who soon sent them on their way. Revving the car back up, Nami glared at them.
“What, you didn’t expect me to comment on that picture?”
“What do you say we forget about that and turn on the radio?” Nami forced a big grin on her face, though the vein in her forehead remained prominent.
“Aw, it’s not that bad,” they cooed, before cracking up, “I mean, of course there’s the outdated perm, and the garish blue glitter eyeshadow, and the very obvious fact that these are not the eyes of anyone even remotely sober…”
“You’re paying for today’s date and next week’s one too,” Nami snapped, before exhaling loudly and slumping in her seat. “God, why’d you have to see the worst photo I’ve ever taken? I’d even had a terrible acne breakout then, so my face was in pain the entire time.”
“It’s alright, love. I still think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world,” they said as they leaned across to kiss her cheek.
Tension left her body, but she still managed to say, “You’re still paying for the next two dates.”
“Fuck, I’d been hoping you’d let that go.”
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Killer had been stopped at the entrance of the concert arena as usual. With his mask almost always on, the security guards always needed to check he was of age by asking for his ID. He didn’t say much, knowing that this was a routine procedure, but he did tense a little with annoyance at having to take time out and possibly miss out on the best seats up front.
“I’ve got both of ours’ here,” they nodded from beside him, taking out both their wallets from their pockets and pulling each of their IDs. When it came to their boyfriend’s, however, they couldn’t help the snicker that left them at the sight of his picture.
“You’re having too much fun with this,” he grumbled, before taking it and handing it over to the man, briefly lifting his mask for a second for him to confirm his identity.
As they began to walk in, they took his hand in theirs, still laughing a bit. “Not my fault you never told me you used to imitate Kid’s punk style.”
“He was the only friend I had, of course I’d want to look like him,” Killer shrugged, “No one told me that straightening hair like mine does that much heat damage though…”
“Can’t believe you had a side part, Jesus,” they chuckled, shaking their head, “Not to mention the patchy beard. And what’s with the panda makeup?”
“Again, Kid’s idea,” he sounded a little annoyed, a light dusting of pink climbing down his neck, “He was all for the kohl-rimmed eyes, but neither of us knew how to apply it—hence why it got all smudged.”
They hummed, squeezing his arm lovingly. “Love the bright red lipstick-hair combo, by the way, but I still prefer the light purple lipstick on you. It’s very… you.”
Killer cocked his head curiously in their direction, wondering what they meant by that. With one last chuckle, they said, “As… interesting as other colors look on you, purple suits you best because it goes well with your pretty blue eyes.” Before he could get flustered and grunt that they were being foolish, they began to drag him by the arm. “We gotta hurry, there’s only 2 front row seats left.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @wifeofkyojuro @finch-ya @livwritesfics
361 notes · View notes
mimi-ya · 3 years
lessons ~ roronoa zoro x reader
4,000 words | she/her reader, f!body | nsfw
summary: zoro accepts love lessons from the love cook himself
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“You’re going to lose her.”
Zoro cracked an eye from his spot against the ship’s rail, “What’s that?”
Sanji takes a drag from his cigarette, “(Y/N)-swan deserves better than you.”
A hand flies to the swords at his hip, teeth bared as he hisses, “I really don’t think I heard you that time.”
Sanji just shrugs, crushing the cigarette under the sole of his shoe, “We all just saw you turn her down again.” He tilts his head at the pier where you’re standing with the other Straw Hats, “How many more times until you think she’s had enough?”
You had asked Zoro if he wanted to accompany you to the island, find some shops to browse and maybe grab a bite to eat. But Zoro had passed, saying he’d rather stay behind and nap. You had just smiled and told him you’d bring back a snack, pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before following the others.
“She said it was fine.” Zoro snaps, annoyed with the lovesick cook sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.
“Women won’t say their problems to your face, it’s all about reading between the lines.”
“And what would you know about that?”
Sanji just gives a condescending grin, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He waves as he walks down to the pier before calling over his shoulder, “Let me know if you ever want any advice!”
Zoro folds his arms across his chest, “Stupid cook.” He grumbles, closing his eyes, “Doesn’t know shit, hasn’t even been with a woman.”
You and Zoro had formed an unspoken but obvious relationship after reuniting at Sabaody. He hadn’t realized what had been missing in those two years until you walked right back into his life.
It was quick for both of you to realize how desperately you had missed each other. And it didn’t hurt that the two of you arrived at the Sunny several days before anyone else, giving you plenty of time to reacquaint.
It was a simple thing that followed.
You’d watch him exercise. He’d make sure to save you food from Luffy. You’d lean on him when he’d nap. He’d sneak into your bedroom at night. Zoro thought it was perfect.
But did you?
You were never afraid to say what was on your mind, so surely if you had a problem, you wouldn’t hold back.
Shitty cook didn’t know what he was talking about.
That question weighed him down all day, eventually leading him to the kitchen way before dinner would even be ready.
“What’s in it for you?”
Sanji doesn’t even pause in his chopping, “Nothing.” He shrugs, “(Y/N) deserves the best. And unfortunately, her poor taste has led her to you.” Zoro grinds his teeth, “Might as well make sure you don’t break her heart.”
“Fine.” He grunts, “But you better not be fucking with me.”
It was the next morning when Sanji woke Zoro up with a swift kick and dragged him out of bed.
“Lesson one. Women love to be complimented.” Sanji slams a sheet of paper in front of Zoro, “They deserve to be reminded of their beauty and perfection.”
Zoro scans the words written down, “My love for you stretches further than the Grand Line? If there was a bounty for beauty yours would be higher than any Yonko? What is this shit?”
Sanji rolls his eyes, “This,” He punctuates with a finger to the paper, “Is how you tell a woman you love her. When was the last time you said anything nice to (Y/N)-swan?”
“I told her that her tits looked good in my shirt just last night.” Zoro says like that’s something to be proud of and Sanji swears he’s going to pop a blood vessel before this is over.
Zoro was sent away from the kitchen (read: physically kicked out) soon after with the task of giving (Y/N) one compliment before the day was over. He grumbled about it, annoyed that the shitty cook doesn’t think he tells you nice things.
But that didn’t stop Zoro from reading through the list once or twice. None of the shit written down is anything he would say, but maybe that’s the point.
“Whatcha got there?”
His body goes rigid at the sound of your voice, quickly balling up the piece of paper in his hand and launching it overboard into the sea below.
“Nothing!” Zoro turns around, leaning against the ship’s rail as if it was any other day, “What do you want?”
“Uhh.” Your eyes glance at the sea below and back to Zoro, but his intense gaze makes you think the last thing he wants is for you to bring up whatever that was, “I was going to grab breakfast and head up to the crow’s nest if you wanted to join?”
Zoro just nods and trails after you and trying his best to ignore Sanji’s pointed stare when you’re getting your bowl.
One of your favorite moments in the day were your early morning breakfasts with Zoro. He would have usually completed his first work when you’d bring up whatever was served that morning. Enjoying breakfast in each other’s presence while watching the sun fully rise.
“The fruit is really juicy this morning.” You comment, taking a bite of the ripe melon.
“You’re, uhmm.” He clears his throat, “You’re juicier than any devil fruit.”
Your eyes bulge out of your head, melon dropping form your lips straight into your lap.
“Rarer! I mean, you’re uhmm. There’s only one of each, like how there’s one of you?”
Not a word comes from you as you stare at Zoro as if he grew an extra head. His fumbling over his correction didn’t make it any better, nor the blush that stained his cheeks.
Zoro watches as your mouth closes and nose scrunches slightly. The way your teeth suck against your lips, as if you’re holding something back-
“What!?!” You erupt into a fit of laughter, almost hysterical, “Oh my, what did you just say?!”
“Nothing!” Zoro yells, abandoning his breakfast and jumping to his feet before storming out of the room.
“Wait!” You call in between laughs, “Come back!” You’d normally go after him if you could, but you’re too busy wiping tears from your eyes and trying to calm your giggles.
Everyone can tell Zoro’s in a sour mood for the rest of the day. But what they don’t understand is why you’re so giddy, almost chasing him down when ever he walks near you just for him to turn around and go back the direction he came from.
It’s something Sanji picks up on right away.
“Knew you’d mess it up.”
“I didn’t mess it up.” Zoro bites out.
“Right.” Sanji rolls his eyes, not even bothering to dignify his excuse, “Let’s get going.”
He leads Zoro down the pier to the edge of the town they had docked at this morning. It was a bustling island and Sanji knew this was the perfect place for Zoro’s next lesson.
“What’s she doing here?” Zoro nods at the navigator who looks like she’s waiting for them.
“I’ve recruited the beautiful Nami-swan since it’s clear my efforts alone aren’t enough.”
“What’s the cost?” Zoro throws daggers at the navigator, more than familiar with her craftiness and greed.
“For once, it’s free.” Nami answers.
Zoro scoffs, “Yeah right.”
A smirk grows on her face, “Sanji told me about your little lessons, not that I think he’s any expert in the field.” She ignores the outcry over her shoulder, “But if you insist on paying, I am more than happy to charge my services.”
“And what are these services?” Zoro crosses his arms.
“Ladies deserve to be treated to something that reminds you of their beauty and love you have for them.” Sanji explains, “And Nami-swan knows more than anyone about the fine art of gift giving.”
“Pfft, more like swindling.”
Sanji ignores Zoro’s comment, “And she is going to help you find the perfect gift to show your love to (Y/N).”
Zoro holds back a comment or two while Nami drags towards a boutique where she immediately runs to the clothes. She pushes aside hanger after hanger on the rack, “Do you know what kind of outfits she likes?”
“Well, what about jewelry?” She points at a stand across the street with shiny trinkets on display.
“I don’t know.”
Nami glances over her shoulder, “Okay, well maybe you can get her something else she likes. What sort of hobbies does she have?”
“How should I know?” Zoro snaps, annoyed with all her questions.
“Aren’t you her boyfriend? These are normal things you should be able to answer! Do you know anything about (Y/N)?”
“I know that this is a waste of my time!”
“I’m still charging you a fee!” Nami calls after Zoro who stalks away.
What would either of them know about getting you a gift? It couldn’t be that hard. Hell, you keep that stupid rock Luffy found you on your nightside table because he said it reminded him of you.
Zoro nearly misses the store, too busy muttering to himself. It was pure luck he looked up at that moment, seeing what was displayed in the window.
He smiles to himself. Gift giving was easy.
Zoro returns to the ship later that evening, having spent a bit longer finding his way back than it took him to get to the town in the first place. He groans when he sees Sanji and Nami waiting on the deck.
“Did you end up finding something for (Y/N)?” Sanji asks, arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
Zoro straightens and proudly shows off your gift, “I did.”
“You were supposed to get her something she would like! Not you!” Nami screams, hitting Zoro upside his head.
“Watch it you witch!” Zoro tries his best to dodge her hands, “She’ll like it better than any of the stupid crap you picked out!”
“It’s alright Nami.” Sanji raises his hand, “We’ll see how many times he needs to fail before he takes our advice.”
Zoro rolls his eyes and pushes past the two. He decides to find your straight away so he can be sure rub it in the cook’s face at dinner. You’re going to love them. Who doesn’t love swords?
You glance up from your book just as the objects land with a thud on the edge of your bed, “For me?” You ask, a little confused why Zoro would give you these wooden practice swords. They look like they would be more apt for a child and way below the skill of Zoro, “I don’t know how to use a sword.”
“That’s why I got them.” You cock your head to the side, “To teach you.” He clarifies.
Your eyes widen, picking one up and turning it over in your hand, “You want to teach me swordsmanship?” Even if they are wooden, it looks like they’re nice quality. Sturdy and well molded.
Zoro’s starting to get a little worried as you turn the sword over in your hand. Maybe he should have just gone with the stupid necklace or something.
Suddenly you jump up from the bed, tightening your grip on the sword in your hand before reaching down to toss him the other, a wide grin splitting your face, “Let’s go now!”
By the time Zoro can comprehend your excitement you’ve already sprinted past him, landing a light blow to his ass and giggling as you go.
He’s stock still for a moment before a grin stretches across his face and he chases after you.
It’s the next morning and your body is aching and sore from the workout Zoro put your through last night. And while your typical late night activities with Zoro leave behind a delicious burn, the swordplay had you feeling more stiff than usual. Hopefully Chopper still had some solvent left over or would at least be able to make you a batch.
You hadn’t planned on eavesdropping, but when you passed by the kitchen and saw Zoro and Sanji sitting side by side and not trying to kill each other, you felt it was your responsibility to make sure everything was okay.
“You’ve failed every attempt so far.”
“That’s not true! She liked the swords!”
“She felt sorry for you!” Sanji takes a deep breath, steading himself, “But there’s still hope. Our next lesson is about the sensual side of women.”
“Fuck no.”
“Excuse me, marimo?”
“There’s no way I’m talking about that with you.”
Sanji looks ready to explode, “I’m not sure what else to do with you! You can’t handle the simplest things, and now you won’t even listen!”
Zoro launches himself to his feet, “Your advice has been shit anyway! I knew this was a waste of time!”
Sanji waves his hand, “Fine, but don’t come crawling to me when (Y/N)-swan dumps your ass.”
Zoro balls his hands into fists, his anger matched with a look of pure rage on his face.
Now would be a good time for you to intervene.
“I had a feeling something was up.” You push open the door and reveal yourself, causing both men to freeze, “Sanji, can you give us a moment?”
Sanji eyes briefly glance between the two of you, and one might even say he looked a little worried, not that he would ever admit it.
You wait for him to leave before turning to Zoro, “Care to explain what that was all about?”
He falls back into his seat, folding is arms across his chest before glaring at the floor. A moment passes and you don’t think he’s going to answer, but then he lets out a long sigh, “The shitty cook was giving me,” He meets your eye before looking back at the floor, “love lessons.”
You don’t even try to hold back your surprised laughter, “What! For me?”
Zoro shrugs, still not meeting your eye. You’ve never seen his face so red before and it hits you exactly what he’s been trying to do for you.
You don’t know exactly how long this could have been going on for, but for him to willing endure Sanji for you?
Now that’s something special.
“Zoro.” You situate yourself between his knees, fingers cupping the underside of his jaw so he’ll look at you, “I’m with you, because I like you the way you are.”
His shoulders sag slightly, as if a weight has been lifted, and you wonder how much this might have been weighing on him.
“I don’t need flowery words that Sanji feeds you.” You press a kiss to his lips, “You don’t need to buy me presents.” You straddle his lap, his hands coming to settle on your hips, “Or whatever else Sanji came up with.” Your arms wrap around his shoulders, “I just need you. You know that, right?”
Zoro’s body slowly loosens, his hands resting on your hips. He looks up to meet your eye, “You’re special to me.”
Your heart is beating so fast you think it might explode outside your chest. This is the Zoro you fell for. He might not be the poet some people dream of, but when he says things like that?
You can’t stop yourself from pressing your lips to his, your body flush against his chest. You smile into the kiss when Zoro grunts against your lips, not expecting the sudden affection.
His tongue sneaks into your mouth, one of his hands shifting around to rest on your ass. You can feel him hardening against your leg, and it’s clear Zoro has intentions.
“Zoro.” You whine as he trails kisses down your neck, “What about Sanji?”
“Shitty cook,” A kiss to your shoulder as he pushes down your shirt, “Said this was the next lesson anyway.”
A squeak escapes you when Zoro suddenly stands, lifting you easily as he carries you to island countertop. Depositing you gently on your feet before motioning for you to turn around.
You bite you lip in excitement when his lips return to you neck, hands coming around from behind to cup your breasts.
Breathless pants fill the room and you have to grip the counter in front of you when rough and calloused hands trail your sides before they quickly push your pants down.
Cool air hits you, causing a shiver to run down your spine, and just as suddenly there’s movement behind you as Zoro falls to his knees and presses his face right into your aching cunt.
“Ahh!” You collapse to your elbows, “Zor-ahh. Zoro!” You choke out between moans, “We don’t- We don’t have time!”
His tongue licks a fat stripe into your folds before catching on your sensitive nub that has you muffling your cries into the crook of your elbow.
Zoro digs his fingers into your ass cheeks, spreading you wide to continue his assault on your cunt. His tongue diving into to get a taste straight from the source. He can’t help but moan at the tangy flavor, definitely his favorite meal in the morning.
The vibrations from his mouth sending a shiver up your spine, “Just fuck me already!” You snap, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of begging, but you can’t take this any longer and any minute someone might stumble through the door.
Zoro pulls back and tuts, mildly annoyed you’re interrupting him, “That desperate, huh?” But none the less stands from his knees, the sound of clothes rustling reaching your ears.
His hips press into your ass, hardened cock sliding through your wet folds in a way that has you keening. And then his cock’s fat head is pulling back before pushing at your entrance.
A comforting hand runs down your spine, slipping under your shirt and his skin is burning against yours, “Deep breath.” He mutters, waiting for you to follow his orders.
You suck in as much air as you can, bracing yourself as he slides the first few inches in. Choking on your exhale as he splits you open. Even with his prep and your aching desire, it’s still a lot to handle.
“Again.” He says, but you can hear the edge in his voice, like he’s holding back from slamming into you.
You fill your lungs, fingers clenching into fists while you wait. But instead of stuffing you to the brim like he normally would, he flattens himself against you. Slipping in a little more of his girth but trying to hold back as he presses a kiss against your cheek, his hand grasping around your closed fist.
“Good girl.” He whispers against the shell of your ear, intertwining his fingers with your own. A smile graces your lips under his praise, momentarily distracted from yearning in your cunt.
That is until he uses the opportunity to ruthlessly thrust and bottom out.
Your squirming and thrashing underneath is involuntary, unable to comprehend the pressure and fullness you feel all at once.
“Knock it off.” He mutters, pulling back slowly to push back in with twice as much force.
“Ahh!” You cry out, gripping his hand for dear life as he begins a vicious pace. Wet slaps of skin filling the kitchen as his cock bullies its way deeper inside you.
The counter’s edge is digging into your stomach, but even that can’t distract you from the pleasure that’s building at your core. How his thick length splits you in half just to fill you again and again.
Zoro’s hand cups your jaw, forcing you to look forward towards the door, “Let ‘em here it.” He says, knowing how you’re holding back the whimpers and moans from him in order to preserve some sort of decency.
But Zoro doesn’t care. He wants everyone on this ship to know how good he’s giving it to you. That he’s more than enough for you, just the way he is.
“Zoro.” You whine when his thrusts slow to a delicious drag of his hips in and out that has you teetering on the edge.
He grunts at the feel of your cunt pulsating around him, “Not until I hear it.”
You wiggle your ass, trying to entice him to return to the quick pace from earlier, but he’s got the upper hand with his weight pressed against you. You can feel his cocky smile against your shoulder, making it clear you won’t be getting anything you want until he gets what he wants.
“Then make me.” You bite out, sick of his games and hoping to provoke him enough to let you fall over the tip of pleasure.
He stills for a moment, and you try to look over your shoulder, but suddenly a hand presses into your back, forcing you flat against the countertop. You can feel him shift behind you, rising to his full height.
His cock pulls out slightly before ramming back into you, again and again. Your hands fly to your mouth, trying to cover the moans that are spilling out through your fingertips.
But Zoro is having none of it.
He pulls on your arms until they’re behind your back, one hand gripping both of your wrists while his other sneaks around to rub circles at your clit that’s been throbbing since his tongue had been prodding at it earlier.
You whimper his name, your face smushed against the counter. You can just make out his figure in the corner of your eye. Sweat pooling at his brow and pants falling from his lips as he drives into your poor abused cunt over and over.
He catches your eye and smirks, which should have prepared you for what’s to come. Hips angling just a smidge upward, and suddenly his cock is dragging against that spot.
“Zoro!” You scream, no longer caring if you wake up the entire ship, so long he keeps this up.
“That’s it.” Zoro grunts under his breath, eyes transfixed on where his cock is disappearing into your cunt only to come back shinier and wetter each thrust. Your babbled pleases and cries are music to his ears as he keeps up with the grinding of your hips, loving the sensation of you choking his cock with your tight walls.
Your body goes rigid for a moment when you finally hit that peak, eyes rolling into the back of your head and clamping down so hard that Zoro thinks his dick might just break off inside you.
Pleasure thrums through your limp body as you collapse against the counter. You know Zoro’s still rutting into you, helping draw out this climax as much as he can. But you’re a million miles away enjoying the haze that has washed over you.
And then there’s a heat that fills you to the brim, Zoro’s choked grunts in your ear and a smile graces your lips when his body shudders above yours, tapering out after a few more thrust.
His heavy pants tickle at your neck while both of your chests move in tandem with labored breaths. His lips press against your sweat covered neck, “Do me a favor, will ya?”
Sanji is going to kill him.
Not only is he behind schedule for breakfast, the marimo had the nerve to defile his kitchen. Which will only cost him even more time in order to disinfect every surface the two of you might have touched.
Just as Sanji was about to crack and barge in there, the door swings open.
Zoro and you stumble out, his arm wrapped around your shoulders.
Sanji thinks he’s going to be sick from looking at the disheveled state you’re in. Clothes askew, love bites forming on your throat, not to mention that smug fucking look from the marimo.
“Sorry about that Sanji-kun.” You smile sweetly, and Sanji feels almost all his anger dissipate at your lovely face, ��I was just telling Zoro how much I loved the gift you helped him pick out.” You glance up at Zoro, who’s clearly enjoying the confused look on the shitty cook’s face, “His sword really is the best thing about him.”
With a wink, you let Zoro lead you towards the deck, quite aware of the state you’ve left poor Sanji in, who is definitely going to need to disinfect the counters, as well as his eyes and his ears.
But it was so worth it when Zoro flashes you a grin that warms your heart and reminds you of just how lucky you are.
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tonitonichoppper · 3 years
⭐️Hi there! I’ve been kinda hesitant to post stories like this, but I decided I’m gonna give it a shot. Feedback would be greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoy!⭐️
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How do you feel about me? Sanji x NB!Reader Summary: The reader is non-binary and a little nervous to confess their feelings to Sanji for fear he may reject them over it. Fluff! SFW
Warnings: Cursing?
Word count: 1,220
Dinner had just been finished, everyone leaving the dining table to go do their own thing before bed. Sanji is picking up dishes and humming to himself as he makes his rounds. You find yourself stuck in a dreamy haze, just watching him with a stupid grin playing on your lips as he makes his way back to the sink. A snarky chuckle catches your attention from across the table. “Ya know, you could just tell him.” Zoro teases you on his way out the door. “Mind your damn business, Marimo!” You bite back. He puts his hands up in surrender as he walks out the door with a sigh.
Of course, you wanted to tell Sanji exactly how you felt, that you loved him so much it hurt. But he treats you very differently than Nami and Robin. Not exactly how he treats the boys either, but also not like he has any romantic interest in you. You identify non-binary and feared that may have turned him away. You have absolutely no problem with the way you identify yourself, that’s how you’re most comfortable, but you also can’t lie and say it won’t hurt if he rejects you for that reason. You had opened up to Zoro about this one late night in the crows' nest when he had managed to get you a little too drunk.
“I’m not sure he actually gives a shit how you identify, Y/N.” The swordsman tried to comfort you. “I think you should go for it, what’s the worst that’ll happen?” “Uh, I could make everything super awkward and he won’t even talk to me anymore. I just don’t really think I’m...” You trailed off, not wanting to finish that thought. You sighed into your cup of sake before downing the rest of it. “Or maybe he just doesn’t know how to approach you.” Zoro refilled your glass. “He’s probably nervous about fucking it up or something.”
“You say that like you’re his wingman or something! When the hell did you get all considerate of other people’s feelings?” You laughed at his words, because seriously, where was all that coming from? The usually harsh Marimo is now trying to play insightful matchmaker? “Ya know what? I take it all back! You can keep staring at him like a creep from across the room forever!” He huffed at you, blush creeping across his cheeks. You made your way over to the swordsman, now a little embarrassed from the teasing, and wrapped him up in a hug. This guy is seriously your best friend. “Thanks, Marimo. I appreciate the thought, must’ve been hard using that much brainpower for you.” You teased a little more. He was a very caring person when he needed to be and you really love that side of him. “Oh fuck you! Get off me.” He smirks at you and refills his glass.
You sigh and hang your head for a moment, considering your next move. What if he’s wrong though? What if it all crashes and burns right here because you open your big mouth? You really have fallen hard for the gorgeous blonde man at the other end of the room. It’s not like you got to pick or something, it just happened that way. “Shit, Marimo. I hope you’re right.” You say under your breath. “Right about what?” The inquiry shocks you out of your thoughts as your head shoots up to lock eyes with Sanji, who has come back for the remaining dishes. “Oh! Uh-I-uh-“ you were frozen solid, wide-eyed, and not knowing how to respond now that he was looking straight into your soul. “It doesn’t really matter! I’m just stuck in my own head, sorry.” You hurriedly stand up from your seat and grab the few plates around you. “Would you like some help finishing up?” Your voice cracks a little and you pray to whatever god may be listening he didn’t notice. He lets out a little chuckle, a light blush tinting his cheeks. “I’d love your help, thank you.”
He washed while you dried, some idle chit-chat in between. Was this the right time to say something? Could it really end as badly as you’re anticipating? Zoro seemed pretty confident though. You could barely even hear Sanji over the sound of your own heart thumping in your ears. What the hell? You decide to just go for it. “Uh-um... Sanji?” You stutter, not looking up to meet his gaze. “What is it, darling?” He asks a little concerned by your change in tone. He hands you the plate he had just rinsed now turning his body toward you slightly, giving you his full attention. You turn bright red, you want him to call you all the pet names he can think of. He scans your face, unable to read your expression since you won’t look at him. “Have I said something to upset you?” “What? No! No, nothing like that! Sorry, I just have a question, but I’m nervous.” The words tumble out of your mouth so quickly you aren’t even sure you heard them correctly. “Nervous? You’ve got nothing to be nervous about, sweetheart! If anything, I’m nervous!” He grabs both of your hands. “I promise I’ll honestly answer whatever questions you have for me.”
Well, you heard the man, here goes nothing. “W-well I-I uhh- I…” you close your eyes tight and take a deep breath. “How do you feel about me?” Your voice was barely above a whisper, you weren’t sure he heard you. His grip on your hands tightened and you opened your eyes to look at his expression. His cheeks were a deep shade of pink, eyes wide, his mouth slightly agape as he tried to compose himself. “Y/N…” he took a big gulp and stared at you for a long moment. You felt your heart breaking, prepared for the worst. You decide you’re just gonna tell him everything. Deep breath. “Sanji, I-I love you. I don’t really know when it happened, and I was in denial about it for a while. I know you probably won’t ever feel the same way, but I-“ “Y/N, I love you too.” He cuts you off and moves one hand up to cup your cheek. “I’ve been trying to come up with a way to tell you, I just didn’t want to scare you away. Clearly, you’re a lot braver than me though.” His eyes are shining in a way you’ve never noticed before. Tears start to well up in your eyes. You can’t even move, you’re just stuck staring right back at him. “Oh, honey, please don’t cry.” He moves his hand down to your chin and tilts you back to plant the sweetest kiss on your lips.
Tears spill as you close your eyes and gently kiss him back, putting all the emotions you were feeling into it. Intense waves of happiness, love, relief. Your hands finding their way up to rub his jawline with your thumbs, never wanting this moment to end. His lips were soft and warm, you felt at home in his touch. He pulled back, face tomato red, and just looks at you for a while. He wipes the tears from your cheeks and gives you a big grin. “I love you, Y/N.”
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