#you were never really here
space-cadet-goke · 5 months
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You Were Never Really Here (2017)
Director: Lynne Ramsay
Cinematographer:  Thomas Townend
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cinematicmasterpiece · 10 months
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you were never really here (2017)
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nanabrainrot · 8 months
can i please request jealousy hcs for joe from "you were never really here"? i haven't been normal about this man for a day in my life and i don't plan to start either✊😔 love your work, mwah
YESSS I rewatched n I was like “this man def fucks u over the sink when ur coming out for ur midnight piss” like hes plaguing me.
Jealousy and Joe Headcanons
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He’s so silent treatment coded.
He knows the kind of attention that’s inevitable when you have a pretty girl, even worse when they’re sociable and friendly - the man cannot hold a conversation like a normal person unlike you (because he just isn’t a normal person).
It’s so hard for him to understand that you’re just nice without ulterior motives, but he isn’t confident that others have good intentions. His line of work keeps that in the back of his head. He can’t separate the cruelty of humanity with the kindness he only sees in you.
The last thing he wants is for you to see him be aggressive. He would rather bite his tongue in every instance to avoid confrontation. When he considers getting involved he just… looms.
The way your eyes gravitate to behind who you’re talking to and they meet Joe hovering over you two usually makes them greet him nervously, they can tell you two are close by the way you smile at him all tender.
He’s silent there and he’s silent at home. It’s just who he is; brewing on what he wants to say and not wanting to say it unless it’s perfectly phrased. It never is.
So he looms in the kitchen quiet, only grunting in affirmation or rejection. You notice that but remain quiet and tread carefully to brighten his mood; you really love the conversation with people in passing. They don’t mean anything just because your pals happen to be men here and there. He just can’t quit the thought that every man wants you as lewdly as he does. Every man must want you and eat you with his eyes.
Silent brushing your teeth, silent in the shower, silent crawling into bed. He turns his back to you. Brooding all boyish despite the age in his face screaming man.
You reach out, tracing the tattoo on him: a perfect circle. He tenses, breath hitching.
You coo, a breath beneath the hum of the fan and the re-run of I Love Lucy playing for white noise: “You’re the only man I love Joey baby.”
It’s 2am when he’s presses that warm kiss to your forehead and his muscles relax. He hums an apology into your hair. You don’t need to overcomplicate the way you say it. Just let him huff in that moment.
RAAAA I need to watch some more joaquin I rewatched gladiator im gonna write sum commodus but phoenix babies come hither hes back up hes so up rn
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crumbargento · 1 year
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You Were Never Really Here - Lynne Ramsay - 2017
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beeblackburn · 10 months
Top 5 favourite films?
Thank you, @hiddenlookingglass!
Before I continue, I have to give the obvious caveat that I haven't watched a ton of films, relatively speaking. I think most of these films were watched last year alone. And, making this list, I have to give honorable mentions, because, fuck me, originally this list was seven entries and, short of cheating this ask to write out top seven or ten, it was never going to happen without title-dropping the runner-ups, so here goes:
You Were Never Really Here: Take the premise of John Wick, drain it of all the orchestra and slickness, ground it in broken people, scarred by violence in childhood to adulthood, and polish it off with some of the tightest film editing and sound design in the industry, and you get my unquestionably favorite anti-violence film.
The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascenscia: A lovely and tragic indie gem of an animated film about a cult, one that finally clicked the appeal of them without diminishing their harm, and one that breaks me in touching on my own questions of loneliness... and whether being in an unhealthy dynamic is better than being alone.
Paddington: The second one is undeniably an even better film, but this one's rain scenes and leisurely narrative feels cozier to me. Whenever I feel like complete dogshit, I rewatch this, because Paddington's charm and earnestness winning over the Browns before realizing he found his family and home with them is hrrgh.
The Green Knight: A visually sumptuous banquet of the senses, trippy and wondrous in how it depicts Gawain's knightly trials, with moral and literary themes that scratch my itches and a fantastic leading actor who carries the film, complete with an ending that brings it all home, landing with such an earned emotional punch.
The Witch: Eggers' mastery at inhabiting the psychological reality of his time periods is impeccable, and it all started with this horror tale of a family plagued by the supernatural outside their walls... and religious anguish and Puritan misogyny among its members. Paired with a hell of an ending and arresting last shot? Delicious.
And, now, onto the proper top five!
1. Everything Everywhere All at Once
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Look, is the script overstuffed with exposition about how the multiverse works? Yes. Is it ultimately narratively unwieldly, even faking us out with a false climax, and increasingly uneven to the end? Yes. Are some of the jokes pretty juvenile in the "haha, dildos are funny" realm? Yes. Could it have been more queer? Yes. Is the conclusion a little too tidy and pat, especially for my Chinese childhood abused-ass? Yes, yes, yes. There are definitely fair criticisms that I can agree to, but...
Every time I revisit this film, it wrecks me a whole another way. I never escape this film emotionally unscathed, I philosophically and morally match to it like an alternate version of me jumped into my mind, slipped into my flesh. There are at least five scenes in it that crack me open like a chestnut and I'm left a blubbering mess and astonished at how it manages to tie together all the chaos at the end in such believable catharsis that I can still buy into.
It's still an amazingly-acted film that allows for a rough, unpleasant, and embittered middle-aged female protagonist to lead the events, quite a few ladies dictate and command the plot, and manages to juggle a ton of disparate tones, balancing genuine pathos with bathos, and emotional weight undergirding every bit of silliness and goofy concepts it throws at you. It's still a multiversal familial drama that, at the heart of it, is centered around the experience of what if our first-generation immigrant parents made different choices, that failure can be its own positive experience in a lifetime full of not living up to your parents-demanded potential, and that, in depressive ennui, loneliness, and intense nihilism, all we can do is love, embrace what little joys our speck of lives get, and be there for each other. That, despite the material hardships and pain of a life, our connections still matter enough to keep at it.
It throws the totality of everything beyond the universe at our minds and senses, even down to "talking" rocks and sausage-fingers people, calling to the sheer information overload that most everyone in 2022 felt keenly, acknowledging that it can be such a burden that threatens to hollow us out with existential indifference... and earnestly makes its own case against that. If nothing matters, if all we do and are is worthless in the grander scope of the universe, then these moments we're facing right now, the people in our lives, they matter.
We're not built to attend to everything everywhere all at once. We'll always feel the whisper of what-ifs, the weight of different paths not taken. We might even be useless alone. All we can really do, in the end, is be there for these moments and people around our present. I can't help, but cherish this film on those grounds, but it offered such an awe-inspiring, emotionally resonant experience that it jumps up to my favorite as a result.
2. Pig
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How has this masterpiece of a debut, depicting grief, human connection, the heart and art being hollowed by loss and commercial concerns, and masculine vulnerability with such finesse, flown under the radar, nor been nominated for any major accolades? I'm genuinely asking, because, aside from maybe one particular scene that tries to fake us out into thinking it'll become a more conventional John Wickesque revenge thriller, I don't see any crucial flaws that wouldn't warrant it in the discussion as one of 2021's best films. If you haven't yet, treat yourself to one of the best films I've watched.
I watched one of its mid-section scenes, that speech, you know the one if you've watched it, on its own, and wept at the power of its acting, dialogue, and direction by itself. The fact that I still broke down, despite primed, when watching it in the context of the full film should tell you how good Sarnoski's hands are at his first try as director. He brings an intimacy and restraint to the camera in capturing the events in the film, often situating his central characters against the wider scope of his landscapes and environments through a wider lens, showing them as small people against the greater beasts of being scored by grief and loneliness.
Though, given I brought up John Wick, one facet these two share, despite the bait-and-switch of premise, is that almost every character, no matter how minor, has a personality and some texture of history with the protagonist, by direction or sheer acting. Sarnoski just trusts us to infer the weight of history between our characters and, if you want to know how well that approach turns out, Cage's performance should be the clear-cut sign. If you have any doubts of how good Nicholas Cage could be, and trust me, I had a few, this is easily his subtlest, most restrained performance. No signs of a Cage hamfest, this is him at his best and minutely controlled, portraying a stoic man whose hardened demeanor and lack of social graces belies a painful past and years spent in intentional human disconnect.
And how we disconnect from other people bleeds into this narrative, permeates like an unspoken wound that won't scar and heal without proper treatment. Our central characters are haunted by ghosts in the narrative, unable to process what they've lost or reach out to others, for fear of surrendering to the totality of pain from that absence. But there's also disconnect from retreating to what others want, never showing ourselves and only what's acceptable to our social peers, our patrons, or our families, and it costs us piece-by-piece until there's slowly nothing left of us.
And it ends up on an unexpected climax and such a gentle note about masculinity, about how men suffer in trying to bear their griefs stoically, instead of permitting a chink of vulnerability. I dare not spoil more, you have to see it for yourself in how it succeeds in defining its own terms for masculinity and how much emotion cracks through the narrative. It's a film that divulges into the nature of art and food, and how they can bring forth an invitation of connection to others, and it deserves so much consideration and attention, given how much of a powerhouse it is.
3. A Ghost Story
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Oh, this sleeper hit of heartache. I knew, going in, that the ending scene would cut to the emotional bone, having checked it out in a clip before, but the knife this slid between my ribs was unexpected in its depth and sharpness, especially given when I watched it. This was after I watched both Pig and The Green Knight, both stellar, emotional films, and while I think Lowery's later work there is better put-together in both pacing and visuals (A Ghost Story absolutely has scenes that drag, and I genuinely think one in particular suffered from overstaying its moment and not fitting Lowery's strengths as a visual/atmospheric director), this touched me so much more in its statement of grief and time.
I've watched enough films to get a decent grasp on my tastes, and its meandering, contemplative, more mundane fares that let scenes breathe in their silence without a quippy aside. This one suffused me in its haunting, contemplative atmosphere from the halfway point, lingering onwards and well after it ended. Lowery's direction is grounded in its intimacy, choosing to focus long stretches on mundanities other directors would've skipped past, as if to say these small moments, daily and common as they are, are what's most important in the grand scope of life and what we focus on, despite the vastness on time upon us all.
And the time spent during grief is where the film guts me in its first half. Going from cozier domesticity, full of lived-in marital discussions and intimacies, to the tangle of strangers sorting through the post-death ceremonies and the silences in the griever's life, booming from the absence of their beloved. Those long, uninterrupted shots, from then on, serve to point out how life persists after our bereavements. There is such attention and empathy to the camera, in how the director wants to show how people cope with grief, how it dogs our every movement, weighs down our limbs, loosens out the tears inside, and make us focus our energies on such simple things like eating food in the dark, to fill the hole our losses leave behind.
But if some trace of us survive as ghosts, upon death, then loss cuts both ways, and it's here that this film truly unmakes me in how it handles grief and remembrance on the ethereal side. Using ghosts as a speculative vehicle, it invites us to see how differently they experience the passage of time, as these beings are temporally untethered, but stay geographically tethered to a particular land. There's such a bitter loneliness to their existences, how being unravaged by time means they are unable to grieve being left alone themselves, they cannot move on by the temporal march by itself.
It's a beautiful, tender film, where centuries can pass by in the blink of a transition, but tiny affections take up whole minutes. A quiet narrative where snapshots of marriage and the tolls of grief take up uninterrupted stretches, letting them sit inside us and linger. A poignant story that ponders, sincerely, if something, anything survives of us after we are gone from this earth, or if we are doomed to have our impact on this mortal plane swept aside and forgotten after we pass away and time moves on from us.
4. The Last Duel
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I have a confession: this is my first and, so far, only Ridley Scott joint for various reasons. I don't love R-rated films, I easily get squeamish over live-action gore, and his biggest film and the one most people remember him by was Alien, which wasn't The Thing graphic, but definitely still above my comfort level! So I never touched him for a decade and a half. Now, later, I watched some of the earlier grisly parts of Game of Thrones and found out he directed plenty of period dramas, which was more my speed, and I got the opportunity to check his The Last Duel out with a group viewing. Now, given that preamble, imagine how I felt at its opening scene: a slow-burn of an opening with a lady being dressed before a duel between two men, shot in the same way they are being armored, as if she bears her life as well on the line, and bears witness to two knights charging at each other, before they converge, both hoping to break bones and shed blood.
That, and the subsequent Battle of Limoges, would absolutely impressed onto me that holy shit, Scott directs action in two minutes unquestionably better than some directors do in entire films. He portrays the inherent viciousness, filth, and ferocity of battle in a way that immediately clicked to me as a fan of Joe Abercrombie and a lesser one of Miles Cameron. And armor matters! But that, by itself, wouldn't have made for a favorite of mine. No, it's how this is a proper medieval legal drama with three central, compelling characters at its heart, each explored through a Rashomon-style framing device, and a heartbreakingly timeless message of what a rape victim's choices are in the patriarchy. Does it have its flaws? A few admittedly key ones of editing and dialogue that give away its directorial intent, but nothing so critical to weigh it down from its vaulted highs.
What's amazing about this film, and one of the key things I respect about it as someone who wants to write in that age, is how much, for the majority of its narrative, it is grounded in its medieval realities without turning its characters into anachronic mouthpieces. It has a showcase of warriors scarred and visually worn down by the wars they waged, discusses how the Black Death affected medieval economics and taxes, deals with betrothals and the dowries involved, and how waning wartime fortunes in a lord can sour the pot there, and the turmoil of marriage life, especially how reproductive knowledge intersected with beliefs about rape and love at the time. It admirably enmeshes itself so utterly in the culture of that age, that it's depressing to consider just how much patriarchal culture hasn't changed since then.
And how it divulges into patriarchal culture with nuance, and how women become victimized by it, is so key to making the proceeding duel all the more impactful. Because, as the framing device shows, these men don't come from a vacuum of their medieval culture, their egos and entitlements and self-justifications were shaped by their sexual circumstances and chivalric tales, and there are countless others like them who've done just as bad, if not worse, to others. It's why, even before the duel's outcome is set in stone, the crushing truth of the matter is... no matter the result, at least one individual dies, but the patriarchal apparatus stands, grinding up women in the future as it did the one witnessing the duel.
It's unflinching in its depiction of medieval culture, it's brutal in its violence, both warfare and sexual, and it demands an expectation of ambiguity in the character psychologies and gives no easy answers on how to deal with the patriarchy, especially when, as a lady of the time, you were dependent on the men who uphold it, at the mercy of their actions for your justice. It's why the last third is so harrowing: before the duel, before the trial, even before the incident, countless women went through similar horrors without the spectacle of public scrutiny. The final emotional context leaches the initial excitement when we return to the opening, leaving behind only cold understanding and terrible tension, no matter how much thrilling combat clashes and clangs in the winter air. It's my favorite period drama so far, and I don't expect it to be beat anytime soon.
5. The Secret of Nimh
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Another confession: I didn't watch this, front to back, until the 30th Anniversary screening at my local Cineplex theater last year. Not that I didn't love what I saw in clips and pictures, but when the full film was on Youtube when I was in my teens, I neglected to watch it all the way, then it got taken down for a long while. There were other animated films and I didn't relish checking it out in separated clips. So, I knew a bit of what to expect, but boy, this whole film on the big screen was a greater feast for the eyes than any recent Pixar film I checked out. Does it have its problems? Yes, it's definitely narratively uneven, even rushed at times. I do wish some characters got more fleshed out and more time was given to the runtime, as a result. And I can 100% get the criticism of that climax resolution being a deus ex machina, even if I don't agree with it.
But, also, it's fucking The Secret of Nimh. Every frame here feels like it was downloaded from my mind, every sketchy bit of animated linework like it was distilled from my meaty head pulp. Its gothic and dark sci-fi aesthetics are unimpeachable to me, no other animated film comes close to approaching how much I viscerally crave their visual trappings. Say what you will about Bluth, and I certainly have my opinions about his stinkers, but even in them, the man and his team can draw up gorgeous, magical backgrounds and artistry. They're fascinating, lovingly animated and/or goddamn horny messes, bless them. You get a consistent grainy sort of texture in the linework, in the animation models themselves, that I can't help, but always adore with my eyes, hitting a sweet spot with me in this particular feature animation of his.
Even through the more childish trappings like Jeremy and the simplicity of the quest structure, how it balances those with its more heady themes always intrigues me further as an adult, like how we'll uplift our lesser animals before disregarding them, leaving them with the alienation and consequences of those experiments, and how the arrogance and selfishness of humanity manifests in our creations as a result. There's also bits of understated worldbuilding one catches better as an adult, like the fact that the non-Nimh associated female animals have no first names and are surname-defined by species (Auntie Shrew) or by male partner (Mrs. Brisby), suggesting a patriarchal ecological system. And, even before all that, the poignancy of a mother's quest to suck in her fears to protect and save her child from death only enriches with age.
None of this would hit as well, if not for the characters, even the supporting cast being animated to give them such fluid energy and expressive body language in the best of Bluth fashion. Most are dimensional enough in script to make the overall cast a cut above the typical animated fare, even the one-offs or the minor ones that appear in one scene or two. But the crown that completes the jewel of this production is the lead herself, Mrs. Brisby. She's easily one of the best, if not straight-up so, animated protagonists ever. Female leads weren't unknown back then, but mother leads? Almost unheard of, back then. And a huge part of that best status, what cements her place as such is that she's vulnerable throughout the movie. She's just a small mouse in a world full of giants and monsters, and she never fails to be scared at the vastness of the obstacles in her path. Yet, she doesn't whine, nor cower when the chips are down. By all accounts, her storied husband should've been the hero here, carrying out this mission to help cure his child... but he's gone, and Mrs. Brisby has to rise up to the occasion, stir up her courage to go on this sprawling quest, face down horrors and ancients again and again, all for her child. No one expected this of her, and she's always fearful every step of the way, but her conduct always reminds me of the GRRM quote, that being afraid "is the only time a man can be brave," which Mrs. Brisby demonstrates so much, with such earnest vulnerability.
The Secret of Nimh is a lot of things. It's a story about the vastness of the world as a little person in it through the perspective of a mouse, with horrors and monsters beyond your comprehension and understanding. It's a cautionary tale about human hubris towards nature and how our creations risk being condemned by the same flaws we ourselves succumb to. It's a three-way struggle between nature, science, and the unknown beyond our knowing grasp. It's a beautiful series of nature and grotesque sci-fi backgrounds and animation work, through some of the most expressive body language, facial emotions, and voice acting with talking animals, worthy of being Disney's creative challenge at the time, and especially now. It's a dreamy fairy tale narrative, where the hero must undertake a quest for a reward at the end, except this protagonist dwells in the shadow of the hero that should've been. Deep down, at its very beating heart, it's a mother journeying to the ends of her earth to protect and save her child, with fierce fear and clear courage. It's my favorite animated film.
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heathledqer · 4 months
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You were never really here (2017), dir. Lynne Ramsay
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skoulsons · 7 months
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We can go wherever you want. Where do you want to go?
I don’t know.
thanks @shinhatism for recommending this movie to me! <3 love to feed that brainrot
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amazingfuckingamy · 4 months
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You Were Never Really Here (2017) dir. Lynne Ramsay // The Leftovers "The Book of Kevin" (2017) dir. Mimi Leder
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seal-writes-stuff · 11 months
Dating Headcanons – Joe (“YWNRH”)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: mentions of abuse, mental health struggles (PTSD)
Summary: All in the title
A/N: Hey guys! Wanted to write some general headcanons while I’m working on a longer fic. Because God, I love Joe so much it’s crazy, he deserves everything. Hope you enjoy!
Your relationship starts out slowly, and I mean slowly. Truth is, Joe knew that he'd be in love with you since the moment you've met and it terrifies him. For the longest time, it's been one of Joe's many deep-seated beliefs that he's completely unlovable. Or that even if he somehow isn't, that it's too much of a liability to love him anyway. It's always on his mind: suffocating, ever present.
He can't save anybody. He can't stop anybody from being hurt. Worse, he can't even let anyone in, can't share this burden that's been there all his life - it's something he has to carry on his own.
So when you get into the picture, Joe gets... Cautious. You're such a warm presence in his life, so lovely, so... Fragile. What if something happened to you? What if something happened to you because of him? Joe would never be able to forgive himself, so he keeps his distance at first. He's quiet and reserved, he doesn't talk much, he barely touches you when you go out at first; it gets to the point where you start to question if he even likes you. But at the end of the day you know he does, because Joe always comes back to you no matter what, over and over again.
You stay. You stay right there with him, and when Joe finally confesses to all of the feelings that are eating at him, you're devastated and horrified - but you still stay. You tell him how you're okay with that, how the pain would be worth it if it meant knowing him. It's the kind of strong, healthy love Joe isn't used to, and that's exactly what makes him realize he wants to be by your side, always.
Joe rarely talks about his past, or his present, for that matter – he opens up very slowly. Deep down, although he has trouble verbalizing it, he still thinks that he somehow deserved all of the abuse and tragedy that happened in his life. He also has a vague understanding of how irrational it is, how horrifying it would sound said out loud, so he keeps quiet. You're ready to listen no matter how much or little he reveals; you always, always insist that he's a good person and none of it was his fault. Joe tries his hardest to believe it.
It takes lot of time, trust and deep late night conversations before Joe tells you what he does for a living. He knows how much you love him and that’s exactly what makes him hold back: the thought of you getting scared or seeing him differently once you know the truth. But, despite every reason he can think of, you simply don’t. You’re worried for him, as a lover would be, but that’s it. Joe doesn’t know what he did right in life to deserve you; you know he’s never had to deserve you in the first place.  
Joe doesn’t expect you to wait for him when he comes back from his jobs, but he feels incredibly loved when you do. You sacrifice your sleep simply because you want to see him? It’s so wonderful and so unfamiliar to him. It’s a promise of a better future.
His main form of love? Definitely acts of service. You need something fixed in the house? He's on it. Hard day at work? He's already running you a bath so you can relax. You need a ride for any reason? He’s going to pick you up, no questions asked. It makes Joe feel nice, knowing that he makes your life a little better. If only he knew how much.
He’s a great listener. Had a shitty day at work? He's here to comfort you. Saw a new movie that's absolutely great and Joe just has to see it? He's here to hear you gush about it. Joe isn’t much of a talker by nature and he deeply appreciates when you share these things with him. After all, they’re what makes you, well, you.
He loves when you steal his clothes. The first time it happened on accident - you've decided to spend the night at his place and hey, you weren’t going to stay in your work outfit all night, right? But later on it happens again and again, and Joe can’t find it in himself to stop you. Even if it’s just clothes, it’s one of the little ways he can share his life with you, can imagine you thinking about him when you wear it. The thought alone feels very comforting.
This man yearns for physical contact so much it's insane, even the lightest of your touches are everything to him. A quick brush of your fingertips against his upper arm, sweet kisses you press to the top of his head just because you feel like it, gentle hugs from behind while he's washing the dishes... After a lifetime of cruelty, all of this feels so sweet and intimate to him. Still, he can’t bring himself to outright ask you for it sometimes; as much as Joe craves this affection, this love you grant him so generously and without a second thought, the shame and fear of rejection are simply too strong. It's a good thing he doesn't need to ask.
Joe has never given his body much thought before, so seeing you so openly, unashamedly in love with it is new for him, in the best way possible. How you steal warm, lovesick glances every time you can, how you trace his scars absentmindedly when you cuddle, how you trail quick, desperate kisses down his neck and onto his collarbone... Joe didn’t think anything could ever make him blush this hard, yet here you are. He can't get enough of you.
Of course, there are still bad days. Days when Joe can't be present, no matter how much he tries. The flashbacks get too real, the negative feelings get too strong and everything just seems... Hopeless. He fully expects you to go, he wouldn't hold it against you - and yet you never do. You’re always right there: talking to him, comforting him to the best of your abilities or just quietly staying by his side, fully content to go through this pain with him. Joe can’t say why you're doing that to yourself. He knows that you love him, it’s the one thing he never doubts, but he sure doesn’t feel like he deserves this much effort. He’d never take it for granted either.
Your home is the only place where he feels truly at peace: Joe can't help but be on high alert whenever the two of you are out, always fearing something might happen, whatever that "something" might be. If it was up to him, Joe would spend the rest of his life cuddling with you in bed. His favorite pastime is doing something together or simply existing side by side while the both of you are busy with your own thing.  
You're the only person Joe feels safe enough to joke around and laugh with. He doesn't even notice how it happens: there's simply a day when he's finally happy, in a way he hasn't been in years. All of the pain he went through suddenly seems worth it if that’s what’s lead him to this, to you.
Like with most of his feelings, Joe keeps his jealousy to himself, even if it’s eating him up inside. He knows you wouldn't betray him like that, never - but even then, Joe has to all but physically restrict the part of his brain that keeps him in a horrible loop of overthinking. Because of course you would leave. It's weird that you didn't leave already. What's keeping you here anyway? It must be impossibly hard to deal with him, he would know. Breaking this pattern is a long and hard process, but Joe tries.
Speaking of trying, Joe takes his first steps at healing with you. A while ago he's made a sort of twisted peace with himself, accepting that there's no hope for him - that he's broken and there's no fixing it. Yet knowing how much you care makes Joe feel like getting help is at least worth a try. Convincing himself to do it for him is hard and exhausting, near impossible at times. Convincing himself to do it for you is easy and natural as taking a breath.
At the end of the day, Joe may seem gruff and intimidating on the outside, but he loves you more than anything. You're his reason to keep going. Joe has spent so much of his life seeing the worst of humanity, but knowing you, being with you makes him feel… Hopeful. It makes him feel like he can have a future, a future that seemed like an unreachable dream before. As long as you’re by his side, life is worth it – and as long as he’s by your side, life is wonderful and sweet.
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wakeenkitten · 1 year
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Hi! I know that it makes a lifetime that I haven’t posted anything but I’m going to try to be more active even if I have two followers lol I’ll do it for you two guys! I was looking for it since a while and impossible to find it so I DID IT!
PS: You guys don’t hesitate to send me requests, I thought about a Johnny from Cmon Cmon nsfw alphabet. Tell me if you would like it! ❤️
🫶Joe (You were never really here) NSFW Alphabet 🫶
⚠️: NSFW, some stuffs from the movie.
A=Aftercare(what they’re like after sex): Joe is always very caring with you, so after sex he will always ask you if he didn’t hurt you, If he hasn’t been too rough. You can see the frown on his face, when he is really listening to every words that you are saying to make sure that you are okay. Then he will circle you between his big muscular arms in which you feel so safe and lay your head on his solid chest and fall asleep together after a great time.
B=Body Part(Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners): He loves your whole body, but he is kinda obsessed with your ass, he will kiss spank and even suck your buttcheeks sometimes during oral. He also loves your pussy, no he adores your pussy, you were so insecure about it because it didn’t look like all these porn stars’ who had done surgery for it, but Joe looks at you there like he just found heaven, and he could not keep himself from telling you how beautiful and perfect it is and how good it feels around him. He doesn’t appreciate his body very much which is terrible and crazy for you because even though he is chubby he is just so firm and so hot. He likes his beard and his hair, he takes care of it also because he loves when you run your hands through it “it so soft that’s crazy”. He learns to like his dick because he sees in which state it puts you, and it takes time but you start to make him feel good in his gorgeous body.
C=Cum(anything to do with cum basically): Joe can be a little nervous about you getting pregnant, even if deeply inside of him he always wanted a child. But let’s be honest, he loves to cum on you, like he owns you, you are his little slut that he can breed , fill up or repaint her ass or her face, it wakes his animal instinct. When you blow him he will certainly cum inside your mouth, but when you guys fuck he likes to cum on your stomach all over it because he cums a lot, he produces so much semen even if you had sex the morning he will still spill a lot. He loves to cum on your face, when you are kneeling in front of him like that, like a good little girl and you drink and receive his babies. He loves that.
D=Dirty Secret(dirty secret of theirs)
Joe thinks that this is a dirty secret but when he is on some mission to hunt a horrible guy, what gives him a lot of strength and testosterone is that he imagines that all what these guys can do they are doing it to you and this is driving him crazy and he just wants to make these guys terribly suffer more than anything. Then he comes back home and he sees you asleep on the couch because you tried to wait for him but fell asleep, even though you were so nervous about the fact of him not coming back. All the pressure falls down and he can cherish you and live into his real life in which you rule, you put everything at its right place.
E=Experience(How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
It always been hard for Joe to keep a girlfriend because of his job. But he is mostly focused on your pleasure than his, he almost doesn’t care about his because he doesn’t need to, whatever you do drives him crazy. He is just so obsessed with watching you having pleasure that he is gonna do everything to make you come (obviously) and enjoy every second of it.
F=Favourite Position(no explanation needed)
You guys move a lot during sex, you like to try on new positions, Joe likes to explore all the ways that he can pleasure you. But he really likes spooning, just holding you close between his big muscular arms, making you feel safe while he drives inside of you again and again.
G=Goofy(are they more serious in the moment or are they more humorous ect)
Joe is deadly serious, everything that he tells you he deeply thinks it during this moment and it’s always lovely thinks ( « I love you so much » « you feel so perfect » « god you’re so tight I feel so safe inside of you »). It’s a very intimate moment for him and after all what he has been through he really needs a safe place to prove his affection to the person who saved his life.
H=Hair(how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes?ect)
Joe is not a very hairy guys everywhere but he has a big beard and this eyebrows, so he owns a big black bush down there. He takes care of it when he sees that he can start to disturb you like trimming his balls a little bit from time to time. But he just let his hair usually do their own life like his hair that he just ties in a bun and his beard that he lets grow until it becomes to long to do anything.
I=Intimacy(how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Joe is very romantic but more into a needing aspect, he needs you to live to breath, and he shows it to you during sex until it becomes even dirty. It is very important for him to preserve a sexual life because you need it so he uses it to show love to you because he is not a horny animal even if you drive him really crazy sometimes and that his primal instinct can sometimes pop out during sex, roar.
J=Jack Off(Masturbation Headcanon)
He doesn’t jerk off, but he loves to finger You. Feeling you clench and pulse around his fingers, he LOVES that. During a movie you’ll just have to give a little sign of horniness like needy kisses in his neck and he will rub his big hands on your thighs until he arrives to the top. And then of course he will take you to the room and make you scream all the moans from A to Z. You realized that you were even dirtier than him sometimes!
K=Kink(One or more of their kinks)
He is a lot into dom/sub stuff. OBVIOUSLY he is dom and you are his little baby girl or princess that he takes care of. He likes to take care of the deal so when you ask him to take care of something and that you would answer by a « thank you daddy » he feels so important and manly and in charge that it drives him wiiiiiiiild. You should be ready not to walk straight for a whole week lil hoe lol.
L=Location(favorite places to do the do)
It must be home, he doesn’t feel safe anywhere else. He needs to be totally safe to share intimacy with you. It generally happens in the bedroom, but believe it doesn’t make the thing boring! But sometimes it can happen on the couch when some sloppy kisses are exchanged in front of a movie.
M=Motivation(what turns them on, gets them going) When you rub your hands on his chubby stomach that you want to make him love. When you are caring a whole day with him because he had a hard job the night before and that he feels like he needs to thank you for it. When you are wearing his shirt, he is so bigger than you that he truly finds that’s adorable but terribly hot if you don’t wear anything under it.
N=NO(Something they wouldn’t do, turns offs) Everything that is a little too much. He can be a little kinky but he would not do something that brings somebody else like voyeurism. Bondage is not his stuff neither (he is already strong enough why would he need to tie you up). Degradation towards him or you, but praising oh yeah he loves that.
O=Oral(preference in giving or receiving, skills) Don’t misunderstand, he really loves when you take care of him! But he just LOVES to go down on you, spreading your little legs with his big hands, watching you go crazy, breathing hard, and god he loves your taste he could just eat you as his dessert at every meal. He likes the feeling of your juices wetting his beard. And he just loves it like leave the man enjoy his life. He is verrrry good at it so it’s absolutely not a matter for you. He can even be creative! He takes the care to finger you at the same time when he does it to feel you clench and pulse. Soooo perfect, of course it will make him hard and you will have to have sex after.
P=Pace(are they fast and rough?slow and sensual?) He will start in a romantic slow pace and then will grab you by the hips and fuck the shit out of you. He suddenly let this big animal come out of him, this primal instinct. He will go faster and faster, and you are usually the first to come with him, and will keep that fast pace making your body bounce like a fucktoy until he spills his seed inside of you.
Q=Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how
often, etc.) Nah he doesn’t like quickies, sex is important in your relationship he likes to do it well and he wants to make sure that you came too that you enjoyed the thing. So no quickies.
R=Risk(are they game to experiment, do they take risk) Not really. He would always be worried to be followed by a bounty hunter and he would never forgive himself to have put you in danger, so public places are not his thing or just unusual places. But he likes to try on new things with you as far as you stay safe at home.
S=Stamina(how many rounds can they go for? Do they last long?) Like I said, you are almost always the first to come because Joe’s stamina is impressive. He can go on and on and on. It happens that he stays inside of you after both of you are done, your juices building up inside, and you feel him slowly getting hard again without even needing to go out of you. Seriously impressive.
T=Toy(Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) No he is not really into that. He prefers to eat you out himself. You are HIS girl and even when he is away he prefers you to wait for him. And on him he would definitely not use toys. He also been traumatized by the ones he found in the pedos rooms. So it makes him very uncomfortable.
U=Unfair(How much they like to tease)
Joe is not really a tease, when he wants you he will manifest himself. But he likes pretty much when you tease him. Calling for daddy and all that, he will try to not care but obviously it was all an act and he finally grabs you and take you with him to the room.
V=Volume(how loud they are, what sounds they make) Joe can let escape a few grunts during sex but he is pretty quiet. He is mostly breathing very hard, and harder and harder closer he gets to coming. He will drive inside of you very fast making you bounce and scream and will finally come in a loud animalistic groan, almost like a roar. Like the big teddy bear that he is.
W=Wild Card(Get a random headcanon)
He loves the fact that you are so small compared to him. Just taking in his arms, trying to envelop you completely to protect you from all the horrible things in this world. He is a very sweet man and you love him also for that!
X=X-Ray(what’s under there?) Well, Well, WELL. Joe is… how do you guys would say? HUGE. He is long like around 6 inches, but he is mostly very thick. His cock is gorgeous, veiny and nice mushroom tip that he likes to rub on your clit and that glistens when he gets horny. You love to see those veins pumping of blood when he gets hard, oh my… You two were pretty worried the first time, and it’s still a little worry to enter you with his log. But once he is inside after the first time, he is just hitting every spots and it is just extraordinary, Joe never misses to make you cum. And with the time he has to admit that he loves to hear you scream « Fuck, it’s so big baby! ».
Y=Yearning(How high is their sex drive?)
He is not a horny guy, he will wait until you ask for it, of course he will gladly accept it at any time, he is still a man after all! But he prefers to give you this job, to leave you space, he doesn’t want to be one of those guys who are begging and harassing their girlfriend for a little blowjob. Sometimes you two are on the couch and you get closer to him, you can see the imprint of his big erection against his sweatpants but he will not move until you decide to put your hand on it. Your big big lovely man.
Z=ZZZ(…how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) It takes a while. Joe doesn’t sleep a lot and most of his « jobs » are at night. So it happens that you have sex before he has to go. But he loves to watch you fall asleep, holding you and caressing your hair until you are slowly losing yourself. He will just rub his nose on your hair and your scent will make him fall asleep. Such a pleasure to hold the woman that you love after having showed it to her.
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