#young kikyo
anticanonhearts · 2 years
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earfqwake · 11 months
Not sure if you only write for the Adult trio but if not, do you think you could make a version of big brother illumi x sister reader but instead of illumi it's Killua? Like, in the fic Y/n was originally supposed to be Killua's (But it was Illumi who mated with her instead) So could it stay like that? Again idk if you even write for him so it's fine if you can't do it! Thanks <33
Alpha Killua/Brother X Omega/Sister Reader Part 1
okay so like kind of the same basis as the illumi story just different as in reader actually is mated to killua this time, he is aged up and so is reader okay ? okay 🫰
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tw: slight obsession from killua and yes incest !!! don’t read if you don’t want to. brother sister relationship though this part doesn’t contain anything explicit as it’s depicting their relationship growing up. will be multiple parts because i have a lot to say.
Light can’t exist without Dark.
When Kikyo Zoldyck found out she would be having twins she crossed her fingers and prayed to a god she didn’t even believe in that this would be the one, the heir of heiress of the family. Imagine the families surprise when two white haired babies were birthed on July 7th. Even Silva who rarely showed emotions other than stoicism was pleased at this moment in time.
Well Y/n, their new baby girl had half white hair and half (Y/H) colored hair but still this was the first time in the lineage Zoldyck history something like this happened. Though all that mattered is that Killua was born, both a male and with a full head of white hair. Since birth the two were inseparable, only fully calming their cries when they were near eachother.
At dinner they sat next to eachother always and if they didn’t the other would be visibly more upset. They napped together in random spots around the mansion always being found in the most peculiar places. Under Silvas Desk, Inside the kitchens cabinet, Underneath the staircase. And they shared a room by choice, until Silva forced them to have separate rooms at the age of 8. He needed to end their codependency as soon as possible. That didn’t stop them from sneaking into each others beds most nights.
Must have been fate, that such a blessing had occurred. Or so they’ve been told time and time again, but no one could break their bond that’s for sure. The pairs parents decided that they were more than likely going to end up as soul mates, promising strong pups no doubt.
Even though they were too young to have understood, Killua was relieved to hear this. No one would be good enough for his little sister, even tho he was only minutes older than you he never failed to remind you. He didn’t care much for other girls anyways none of them were as special as you.
They were polar opposites, Yin and Yang, but they fit together perfectly. Y/n was the sweetest most sensitive person, even though she was strong she had such a big heart. Too big of a heart for an assassin to have. A heart that Killua vowed to protect, he was his sisters keeper. The latter was more assertive and dominate than his sister, always leading them into trouble and taking the fall should they ever get caught.
“Where are they off to now?” Mumbled Kikyo as she frantically searched the forrest around the mansion for the twins. Only to find them running circles around Mike the enormous guard dog who didn’t seem to mind their company. Kikyo almost fainted when she saw your pretty blue gown now dirty from playing outside with your brother. You were her only girl so she was terribly overprotective of you.
Killua, like always hid you behind him as his mother threw a fit, because god forbid kids try be kids. “It was my fault mother, Y/n didn’t want to leave the garden but I took her out with me.” Which truthfully wasn’t a lie, you tried to warn Killua that Mama wouldn’t be happy but he said he’d leave you behind so you ran after him with teary eyes. But you had fun so a little punishment was worth seeing you smile.
Though he couldn’t always evade you from being punished he always tried. It meant the world to you that he would be willing to protect you no matter what. You wanted to be brave like him and you tried to, but your heart was just too soft. Hiding your tears and frowns didn’t work with Killua, he couldn’t just ignore it like the rest of his family.
When he would sneak into your room routinely sometimes he would catch you sobbing. Either because your punishment was too harsh, or you felt bad for having to kill your target. Your body sore from being attacked during a day of training, tears fell from your eyes as you sensed him enters your room. “I don’t want to do this Killua.. I’m trying to be strong for Mama and Papa but it hurts.” And he’d hold you and soothe you until you slept peacefully. Only then could he shed tears for you.
And he knows he shouldn’t like it, but you always cried the hardest for him and him alone.
“Onii!” She’d cry out and hug him after seeing the cuts and bruises he would have on his body after hours of pain resistance training. He didn’t cry much anymore, but it sure did hurt, though he’d never admit it to you. Hugging her closer, he couldn’t help but give you a tired smile. “I’m fine Y/n, see.” But she only whimpered and stayed in his embrace she knew he was lying. “Such a crybaby..” He sighed as if it troubled him, yet nuzzled his head into her soft hair.
Killua didn’t like seeing his sweet little sister cry, training was hard on her. At age 12 he begged his parents to opt her out of training, if he were to inherit the family business he didn’t want his sister to have to kill and possibly be killed that wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Silva and Kikyo denied him this request, so he and Y/n ran away together to take the hunter exam.
It sent us on such a journey, meeting many different people and making friends ! Real friends, we were never allowed to make any friends back on Kukuroo Mountain so imagine their surprise to see a boy their age also taking the exam. Y/n was infatuated with Gon, calling him her friend, staring at him, laughing at his jokes and it made Killua feel a bit jealous. Before Gon he never had to share Y/n’s attention before other than with his younger siblings.
“What’s the matter Onii?” Y/n questioned during the second phase of the hunter exam, they broke off from walking with Gon and the others because Kil grabbed her and rushed off into the fog without saying. He said nothing and just focused on navigating through the fog with a firm hold on her hand. Even if he was upset he wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to you.
“Are you mad at me…? What did I do wrong?” Tears starting to form in her eyes. Chest tightening at the idea of upsetting her brother. Sighing he glances at her before staring ahead again. “It’s stupid… I just don’t want you to replace me with Gon.” Voice barely a whisper he confessed his feelings to you, only you could make him vulnerable.
You hug his arm and smile up at him noticing the slight blush on his serious face. “Don’t worry Killu-nii, he’s our friend, but you’ll always be my best friend okay? It’s always going to be me and you, we came here together and we’re going to leave here together!” How could he be so naive, she’s just so sweet and she always put Kil first. Smiling Killua nodded and when they met up with the group there were no more issues with jealousy. Y/n would never leave her brother.
And eventually they both arrived back to Kukuroo Mountain after parting ways with Gon, both holding Allukas hands. During their trip the pair having learned nen and being capable users were certainly much stronger than when they left.
Ironically Y/n developed a nen ability that made her able to use her tears to heal others, mainly for the sake of Killua who she couldn’t stand seeing injured. His heart was floating when she explained the reason why she developed this secondary ability. And selfishly enough he didn’t just let her heal just anyone with her gift, if he didn’t feel they were worthy of your time or tears they could rot in hell for all he cared. Y/n trusted Killuas judgement though and didn’t question how he assessed who she should or shouldn’t heal.
The twins were great fighters naturally but with the added ability of nen they were a unstoppable duo, just as Silva had predicted. Yet Killua saw the dangers of nen with his own eyes witnessing what it did to Gon.
Again he came to his Father directly with the same request that fell upon deaf ears last time. This time around however, Silva agreed only if Killua were to become an assassin and continue the family business. A steep price for your safety but he needed to know you would be safe.
It hurt him more than any method of torture to see her sad but deep down a small part of him loved that she cried for him. She was someone who cared and always showed it, making sure to kiss each of his visible cuts. “There all better, right Kil?” She’d smile at him and he went weak for it every single time.
At puberty is when you find out your sub race, whether you’re a alpha, omega, or a beta. Killua obviously was an Alpha. Stubborn and a born leader, if he wanted something he was going to have it. And you? No doubt your an Omega, naturally submissive in nature listening to your parents and following after your brothers every word. Always nurturing and caring for him and your younger siblings. So it went without question when you both presented as your said roles.
The two of you were walking side by side in the forest surrounding the mansion straying very far from your home. “See I told you didn’t I, Y/n.” He said with a toothy grin his canines nice and sharp. I nod and smile sweetly at my brother, “I didn’t doubt you Killu-nii !” He called long before we could confirm what we were.
Recalling all the times he would tease you, “You have to be be an omega! Why else are you such a big baby!” Only eliciting a pout from me and he laughed poking my cheek with his finger. “I think it’s cute, don’t worry when we’re older I promise to take care of you and your moody feelings, I’ll be a good Alpha.” His voice sounded serious like he was trying to convince me and he only laughed again as I hid my smile and blush.
“Wait up, Kil!” I ran briskly after him as I shake myself out of that memory. He was much taller than me now, and stronger. And he grew his hair out into a long messy mullet, looking more and more like Papa as we got older. (He only grew his hair out because he got jealous when you would braid and play with Illumis long hair, but he’ll never admit that. Ever.) You changed too, your curves becoming more prominent especially with the training you did. Your beauty only increased as time passed your mother making sure to always keep you dolled up.
And boy did Killua enjoy it, always telling you how pretty you are and being sure to do small things for you like brush your hair or pick outfits out for you.
Grinning mischievously Killua only goes faster, disappearing into the greenery surrounding you.
I huff and puff as I search everywhere for him in the area we’re in. “Come on Kil! I’m not going to play with you right now.” But he doesn’t budge from his hiding spot probably thinking it’s funny. Fine two can play at this game! I pretend to be upset and sigh turnin around to head back home alone. “Fine I give up. I’m going home now Kil.” I barely get three steps back in the direction we came from when I feel his arms wrap around me from behind.
I jump slightly and weakly attempt to escape his arms feigning as upset but he won’t budge. “Where do you think your going hmm? I was only joking Y/n don’t be such a crybaby about it.” He snickers when I go lax in his arms holding me there for a moment before spinning me around so he can see my pouty face. “Y/nnnn? Don’t be like that, you do this to me all the time.” He drawls out my name as he looks me over.
Leaning closer to him I give him my sad eyes and he squishes my cheeks. “Such a baby.” He mumbles looking at my lips before looking back into my eyes. He drawls forward so our noses are touching gives me a bunch of small pecks on the lips. Furrowing his brows when I don’t reciprocate his affections he mumbles on my lips “ I‘m sorry Y/n.” Sweet moments like this are regular between you especially when you’re far from home like this.
I smile and feel my cheeks heat up under his hold on me. And he knows he has me right where he wants me. My arms extend as I place them over his shoulder loosely. Instantly he accepts this by pulling me in closer, his hand on the small of my back. Placing kisses all over my cheek he still speaks in a low tone, “You forgive me?” I nod my head basking in his affections but still not reciprocating his touches. His voice sounds desperate as he pulls me back far enough to get a good look at me again. “Why aren’t you kissing back then?”
i smile sheepishly and pretend I’m going in to kiss him but flick him on the forehead. Now it’s his turn to pout as I laugh and slip from his grip running through the forrest. Smiling himself he chases after me, “Hey! I knew you were faking it you big baby.” Secretly though he’s relieved that your back to your normal cheerful self, and you’ll be sure to make up for it when he catches you.
Your laughter rings throughout the forest as Kil catches up to you giving you a wolffish grin and pulling you in closely waiting for you to finally give him a kiss. 🦋
Zeno watched the two leave the mansion, shaking his head before facing his son Silva. “It’s only a matter of time now before they give into their instincts. You shouldn’t let that boy run around with her without supervision or we will be expecting pups sooner than later.” Silva only sighed watching as they disappeared into the forest line, his father was right. Regardless of how stern he was Zeno had a soft spot for the little girl and so did Silva.
Not that it wasn’t anticipated by the family that the two were doting on each other already. But it was too soon for you two to fully mate you had to wait until you were 18. Only then would you know if the two of you were truly meant to be together. He would have to get you on heat suppressants in the mean time and have Killua sent away during ruts. Taking necessary precautions, you two weren’t little kids anymore.
𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓮𝓭
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eruminx · 1 year
what the adult trio needs to be fulfilled in a relationship
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hisoka needs...
- sex, excitement, and attention LMAO
- bro needs a round daily, he cant remember a day in his life where he hasn't came at least once
- except for maybe infancy and young childhood
- he's too horny for his own good
- needs to be your number one priority
- whether ur his number one doesn't matter
- you need to be ready to give him attention whenever he wants it
- unless he was trying to get a reaction out of you, he wouldn't ignore you because he understands the desire for attention
- but expect him to ghost you every now and then
- that doesn't mean he's not watching you, because he totally is
- he picked up a few trick from illumi lol
- and it's almost never personal
- buttttt, if you manage to trick him into opening up the ghosting and obsessive stalking would become more frequent
- he'd want to know more of your weaknesses than you know of his
- in a way, he does like to feel weak, only because it turns him on though
- if you manage to keep him excited and hold his attention for long enough, he'll get attached
- he'll be your dog LOL
- surprisingly loyal if the relationship is serious and you guys have known each other for multiple years
- simply because he knows he can count on you
- but he's not sexually monogamous, and doesn't super care if you are
- only allows one night stands tho
- would kill the person if they tried to continue anything
- and would bring you their head
- like when your cat kills a bird and then brings it to you cuz it's so proud of itself
- that's just his way of showing u how much he loves u LMFAO
illumi needs...
- control, submission, and patience
- he's a total control freak. classic manipulator shit too
- uses text book manipulation when you disagree with him so if you catch on it's not really a problem
- lacks a lot of understanding of emotional needs and empathy so you need to be patient and explain everything to him
- or else he'll be like "why are you crying? your grandma died? that isn't something worth crying over."
- he never ghosts you
- ignores you only if he's really really pissed
- you must always be in a close radius, you're never out of his sight
- of course he requires all your attention, you are his number one and he expects to be your number one
- you go on missions with him, and if you don't it's because you're at the Zoldyck mansion or smth
- you are always in his grasp
- youre his doll, ok?
- if you guys aren't married yet, he doesn't think you two are are "dating" he just thinks you guys are engaged with no ring yet
- is 100% monogamous, and if you aren't he will make you be monogamous
- will kill anyone who looks at you in a way he doesn't like so it's not like u have an option
- yes he loves his family but he loves you a little more
- if you were somehow able to convince him to run away with you he would come along
- deep down he just wants love and if you love him that's all he really needs
- luckily he's not very socially knowledgeable
- it would be very time consuming, not impossible, but it would take a great amount of effort (esp with kikyo smh)
- doesn't really like physical touch at first but trust me that man needs a hug.
chrollo needs....
- commitment, intelligence, and a fairytale love
- would never admit it sober
- but he's a total hopeless romantic
- he just desires for a true connection
- like one where you guys are literally meant for each other and no one else
- someone perfect for him
- one where you understand each other well, you don't even need to communicate you just get each other
- he does need communication as well
- he's gone his whole life feeling like everything is temporary, and he just wants something that is forever
- wants to grow old together
- needs your 100% commitment
- doesn't ghost you exactly, but he does disappear for periods of time
- he'll tell you that it's a work trip but won't specify, even if you already know about the phantom troupe
- he'll be gone from two weeks anywhere to five months.
- but would never leave you hanging
- he'd send you stuff and text you everyday
- wants you to devote yourself to him
- at first he'll make you think he's devoted himself to you, but eventually he will come around and start to be more serious after a year or two passes
- bro doesn't want to be talking to a wall
- so you actually need to be capable of conversation and complicated discussion
- would form a book club
- by that i mean it's just you two and you read the same book to be able to discuss it passionately
- he is very passionate in many ways
- also you are to stay out of troupe business no matter what
thank you for reading and supporting me :) - eru
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fangandbow · 5 months
I find it satisfying that Inuyasha's story, when it comes to love, is bookended by him first being willing to sacrifice for someone and then in the end someone else choosing to sacrifice for him.
And this is not Kikyo bashing, I'm not here for that. Kikyo was young and suffering and in her mind, asking Inuyasha to become human was the best solution for them both. She would have been free of her duty, and he would have had a place - with her, in her village, as a human. It doesn't mean she didn't love him. You can love someone and still hurt them -- both things can be true. And choosing to give up who he was would have hurt him. There's no getting around that.
"But Inuyasha said yes!" Of course he did. He's the hanyou. In his mind, he's the one who doesn't fit anywhere. The one who shouldn't exist. If anyone should change, if anyone should sacrifice, it should be him.
And he continues to sacrifice. He swears himself to the duty of protecting Kikyo, not letting himself dream of any other kind of future until that duty to her is fulfilled. And then there's Kagome -- right there, who realizes and accepts that this is his choice, and asks nothing of him except that he let her stay by his side anyway. Even if it hurts her. And it does.
Inuyasha never asks her to stay. Quite the opposite in fact -- multiple times, he suggests it may be better, safer, for her to stay in her own time. She consistently refuses. And then, at the end, she gives up that time entirely. For him. He never asked her to do it, and she does it anyway. And it's not just giving up safety, the future she thought she'd have, modern medicine and comfort -- it's giving up her family, her mother, her brother, her grandfather.
And of course she loves her found family in the feudal era as well. Shippo, Sango, Miroku, Kaede, they're all important to her. But that's not why she made her choice. She made it for him. She made it for all of him - the demon, the human, the hanyou. How incomprehensible such a thing must be, for the boy who belonged nowhere.
All she asked of him was to let her stay. With him, just as he was. And in the end, that's how they both found their happiness. Because he let her -- and he let himself have it, at last.
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imagobin · 4 months
🔯Zoldyck Family HCs🔯
I wish this had been explored more in the actual manga, because to me the Zoldyck family is one of the most intriguing things in HxH.
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We did get this chart which is very interesting, but I wanted to expand on it with a couple more headcanons and speculations. Doesn't include Maha, Zigg or Grandma Zoldyck cause there's too little info on them (Seriously Zeno, where do you keep your wife?)
Starting with Kalluto because he's the youngest and also gets very little time to shine.
It is commonly agreed that he cares about Killua a lot and wishes he'd pay attention to him, and I think so too.
His relationship with Illumi is possibly one of mentor and apprentice, they go on missions together and Illumi supervises him to make sure he carries out assassinations properly, without toying with his victims too much.
We don't see him interacting with Milluki at all aside from flashbacks, but the two might have a pretty positive relationship. I think it still means a lot to Kalluto that his shut-in brother would take time out of his day to go on walks and play with him, even if that hasn't happened in a while.
As for his relationship with Silva and Zeno, I do like the idea of both father and grandpa being proud of Kalluto for mastering Nen at such a young age, though Silva might be a bit disappointed that Kalluto disobeyed him and became part of the Phantom Troupe.
Such a sweetheart aaaa I wanna see more of her and Killua's future adventures.
Ever since her ability was discovered by the other members of the family, Alluka's either been used to get something (Looking at you, Milluki), or feared. Silva and Kikyo definitely fear her powers, and Zeno probably does too. Though... I have a weird feeling that unlike the rest of the family, Zeno would be like Killua and at least respect Alluka's pronouns, if she likes 'she/her', Zeno doesn't see the problem with referring to her as a girl.
I think Alluka on the other hand really wants to love the members of her family, despite how horribly they've treated her. She probably doesn't even understand why they all became so cautious around her at one point.
The only family member that Alluka does not like is Illumi for... pretty obvious reasons. Illumi isn't subtle at all with his desire to control her and her powers; plus, Illumi's hurt Killua the most, I don't think she could ever be okay with someone who's hurt her big brother so much (even by Zoldyck standards).
Not much to say about Killua since we see him interact with most of his family a bit more in-depth... aside from Kalluto-
Killua has definitely always favored Alluka over Kalluto, despite how much the youngest Zoldyck strives to get his attention. This is probably because of how close Kalluto is to his mom.
Killua finds Kikyo annoying, and definitely doesn't trust her, so since Kalluto spends a lot of time with their mother, by proxy, Killua can't bring himself to trust his younger brother either.
Aside from Alluka, whom he obviously trusts deeply, the other member of the family he trusts the most is probably his grandpa; Zeno clearly favors him and seems to be more supportive of Killua's choices compared to the rest of his family.
Milluki my beloved, how I wish you weren't just the butt of a joke 90% of the time.
Physically speaking, he's probably the weakest Zoldyck besides Alluka, so he's most likely afraid of the other men in the family, and would definitely not want to get on their bad side.
He obeys and respects both Silva and Zeno, but I also think Milluki would like to be treated like Killua by his grandpa, that's why he shares his invention ideas with him; he wishes Zeno would praise him some.
Milluki is 100% a mama's boy, he cares about her so much, he definitely had the strongest reaction out of everyone when his mother's safety was threatened by Nanika's powers. Despite this, Kikyo doesn't seem to give him any particularly special treatment, again, that is reserved for Killua.
He's most definitely also the unlucky middle child, I think he was definitely put to the side once Killua was born; his family fully focused on Kil since he's the heir, and left Milluki to kinda do his own thing. I feel like this consequentially brought him to be jealous of Killua and all the attention he gets.
I swear he's even worse off than Kalluto, cause at least he's got his mother's love, Milluki's basically neglected even by Zoldyck standards.
Man's the family's workaholic, you can't change my mind, he's also a little fucked up, but we love him for it.
He definitely cares about his whole family in his own twisted way. That includes Milluki too, they were the first two Zoldyck siblings so until Killua was born, they most definitely spent a lot of time together. Illumi doesn't really understand his brother, but he humors him.
His relationship with Kikyo is never really explored, but I see them as being definitely close, not as close as she is with Kalluto, but close. They share the same mindset when it comes to Killua. Illumi was also her first child, so she definitely poured her heart and soul into training him into being the perfect assassin, and it definitely shows.
Illumi's dynamic with his father and grandfather is definitely one of mutual respect, they may not agree on everything, but they trust each other's strength. Silva also appreciates Illumi's dedication to the family's business.
M'lady- okay no girl needs to take a chill pill, her fashion tho, on point.
Obviously her view of love is completely warped, growing up in Meteor City and marrying a world-renowned assassin didn't do her mental health many favors. But just like Illumi, she does love her kids deeply in a really twisted way.
She plays favorites, Killua and Kalluto are the ones she cares about the most, and with how dismissive of Milluki she is, he's probably her least favorite, kinda tragic since Milluki loves his mother a lot... but then we have Illumi, where does he stand? Kikyo cares about her first born child of course, she's very proud of him, and trusts him a lot with keeping Killua in check, since they seem to share opinions on how he should be trained. She wishes he'd spend more time with her for sure.
Her opinion however is way too often brushed off by Silva, not because she's a woman, but because she's not been raised like a Zoldyck, she doesn't fully know their ways, so she's not seen as a valid voice. It's an unfair treatment, and it really pisses her off.
True winner of the 'Father of the Year' award, along with Ging, great job you two.
Silva honestly has evil mastermind vibes, he cares about Killua, but also wants to constantly control him and test him in his own way (the needle was a massive proof of that). He's just a lot more subtle with it compared to Illumi and Kikyo.
He loves his wife, no doubt, even if he doesn't show it very often, I think the man is prone to small displays of love, and definitely shows it more with his actions than his words. (Him agreeing to let Alluka out of her room because he doesn't want Kikyo to die is definitely the biggest display of this we've seen canonically, he's aware of how dangerous Alluka's powers could be, but he still chose to risk the consequences of that over sacrificing his wife).
His relationship with his other kids is not really explored that much, but I believe he's mostly satisfied with all of them. I don't think he's super disappointed in Milluki either, but he definitely doesn't expect much of him, he does wish he'd take things more seriously.
My favorite anime old man! I really wish people would pay more attention to him, he's cool as hell.
Zeno is probably the most chill man in the family, maybe cause he's old, but he's definitely the least likely to snap back at any of his family members.
He has a very strong set of morals, with him not wanting to cause any unnecessary deaths and all. I feel like because of this, he silently disapproves of Illumi's ways, especially regarding his Needle People, and the older brother's desire to control Killua.
Zeno doesn't really think much of Kikyo, he acknowledges her skills and such, but doesn't really go out of his way to interact with her. These two have definitely had their disagreements, mostly because Zeno tends to act on his own without consulting anyone, let alone her, which inevitably angers Kikyo.
He is quite proud of all his grandchildren, even if he's mostly focused on Killua. Much like Silva, he is happy that Kalluto mastered Nen at such a young age. He also sees more potential in Milluki, but wishes he was more committed to the family's business and used his genius to its full potential.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
hii i was wondering if you could write silva and meruem and how they first meet the reader??
thank you!!
Meeting (Name) for the first time
Warnings: none
I’ve never written for Silva before so sorry if it isn’t very good >< these are a bit short but if y’all want me to write more with these concepts, pls comment!!
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Meruem isn’t exactly a patient man, so when his meeting with potential wives was delayed, he decided to take it into his own hands.
The Ant King and his Royal Guards fly around the area and go door to door looking for suitable partners for the king, each visit resulting in failure. He wanted perfect, and he wasn’t getting it.
It was only when he stopped to inspect a small library when he spotted her.
Struggling to reach for a book was a girl with (h/c) haired girl. He watched her jump up to reach for the book in silence.
When she finally gave up, she turned to look at him and her face lit up.
“Can you grab this book for me?”
He stared at her in disbelief. So far, every human woman he’s encountered had screamed and ran far away after one look, but this woman didn’t seem fazed in the slightest.
Meruem didn’t reply to her, only nodding in the direction of his royal guard.
“I want her.”
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After a long mission, Silva and Illumi stay at a fancy bar, sipping drinks quietly.
The entire time he’s been sitting, Silvas finger has been tapping away at the table, looking around in boredom.
“Father, I’m going to leave and rest at the hotel. I will see you tomorrow for my next assignment.”
Silva nods in acknowledgement before taking another sip of his drink.
Once Illumi leaves, Silva turns his attention to the young woman singing onstage. No one had really been paying her much attention all night, but he had. He’d had his eyes on her since he’s walked in, but had been waiting for Illumi to leave to act.
Kikyo and him weren’t exactly married for fun, and both took to having “pets”.
Her big (e/c) eyes had caught his attention, and he couldn’t wait to make her his.
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malamira · 3 months
random idea but spy au where inuyasha is the brash but competent field agent who gets assigned on retrieval missions. always monitoring his earpiece is kagome, one of the newer (but not any less brilliant) tech agents assigned to be his partner. not much is known about kagome's background but inuyasha's assured that she's good at what she does, so he doesn't mind. he's met her once, but doesn't intend on making friends anyway, so he doesn't go out of his way to see her again. if kagome does her job then he's not going to stick his nose where it doesn't belong.
kagome is chatty, though, so he knows some things. she has a younger brother. her father passed away when she was young. she has a cat, she lives in an apartment by herself. inuyasha doesn't offer any personal information, but she doesn't mind—she just likes to fill in the dead air during long waits when inuyasha's in the field and he has to wait an ungodly amount of time before something happens.
they work well together, more or less—up until one retrieval mission where kagome is uncooperative, leading him down dead ends and wrong turns. it was supposed to be a simple in and out task—break into the building, head one of the many office on one of the many floors, grab the folder labeled #00415, and go. so simple that his superior just left it as a note on his desk.
he didn't ask questions on what this was all for; he didn't think he needed to. he never even bothered bringing it up. but with kagome purposefully fucking up the mission—almost leading him into a pack of gaurds to get caught—he's starting to get pissed off, because what the fuck, you're wasting time, i need to get this damn document and i need to do it now. he snapped as such into his mic and kagome instantly quiets, and thanks to her silence he eventually manages to find his way into the damn office.
it doesn't take him long to find the document, and with his mouth in a scowl he speaks into his mic that fuck, fucking finally he has it, thanks for nothing kagome, now he just needs to make sure that this file is the one, so he opens the folder labelled #00415 and peeks and—
name: higurashi kagome identification number: #00415 report: unknown role in the murder of higurashi kikyo
his eyes widen.
he speaks into his mic and demands to know what's going on, but kagome isn't responding. when he gets back to the agency, she's gone, none's seen her in hours, and his superior demands to know why he's been mia. inuyasha snaps that he went on that stupid retrieval mission and found kagome's file. his superior looks at him as if he were crazy.
"what retrieval mission?" his boss says, confused.
"the one you left on my desk this morning!"
"i didn't leave any thing on your desk, inuyasha. what are you talking about?"
inuyasha's stomach drops.
kagome, he thinks with dread. i have to find kagome.
"sir," inuyasha starts. "i think kagome's in danger."
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kiame-sama · 1 year
the idea of silva & kikyo sharing a darling is seriously giving me bi panic!!! would they be just as possessive over the darling’s time if she was fond of their children as silva is in 28 years?
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- Absolutely. If anything, they are frustrated that you are closer with the kids than you are with them. You were brought in by and for them, not the kids. They approve of you being the kind of parent they cannot be to the young Zoldycks, but that doesn't mean they aren't jealous as hell about it.
- They have agreed to share you with each other, no one else. If you show kindness and parental affection towards the children before you show them affection as your lovers, they will be irate and likely prevent you from seeing the children until you give them the attention they want.
- Your 'pet-bed' will be taken away so you have no choice but to sleep on the floor or with them in their bed. If you are asleep on the floor, either one is likely to pick you up and put you in their bed. They will lay next to you and gently stroke your arm/leg/back much like how people tend to pet cats. Even if you wake up they won't let you leave the bed to return to the floor because that is not where you belong. You belong between the two of them, cuddled down and adoringly accepting the affection they show you.
- The more you choose to interact with them or get into bed with them, the more relaxed they will be about letting you be around the children. This also means that the more you accept their touch or intimate behavior, the more freedoms you are given. They grabbed you because you appealed to the both of them so much they needed to keep you as their sweet pet, giving you affection and pleasure when they wish. Any chance they have to caress or tease you, they will take.
- Until you willingly allow them to pleasure you and treat you like a romantic partner, you will have restrictions and rules that prevent you from straying very far from either of them. The butlers are very aware that you are not to be touched or helped in any way. Silva and Kikyo make it clear that any staff member that tries to help you escape or get around any of their rules will be met with deadly consequences.
- Ideally, they would want you to approach them first about intimacy. If you wait long enough, their patience will wear thin and they will make you accept them one way or another. The reason you are there is because they want you there and they want you as a partner in emotional and intimate moments. Regardless of if you accept or resist, they will find a way to make you fulfill the role they want for you.
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mayxo-hxh · 4 months
I personally think that Kikyo would absolutely be thrilled that Illumi found himself a man he wants to marry as strong, handsome and fit to be Zoldyck as Hisoka.
Hisoka is strong enough to be considered an equal to a zoldyck, which means strength is no problem for him. And I don't know about you but the way he assassinated that terradin man that was threatening to reveal illumis identity at the end of the election arc? CHEFS. KISS. THATS A WHOLE ZOLDYCK WIFE RIGHT THERE. And Hisoka is a certain type of fucked up enough to be a Zoldyck, even if he is... mmm.. self aware. Even if he himself thinks zoldycks are a special kind of fucked up. He'd fit.
I always see people make silva and kikyo disagree with illumi marrying hisoka but i soooo heavily disagree. Like what is there NOT to be proud of in Illumi's marriage choice. There is not a single other character IN THE ENTIRE ANIME fit to be Zoldyck than Hisoka Morow and I will fight people on that.
Something a lot of people also don't realize is that the Zoldycks are not a family that discriminates in the slightest (this is a whole discussion on its own but examples are how Kikyo is from meteor city, the butlers are taken from anywhere as long as they have the skill to work and one of the people who attacked kukuroo mountain to hunt the zoldycks now works for them instead. The zoldycks didnt hesitate to hire that mf they fr dont gaf lmfao)
there are soooooooo many misconceptions about the zoldycks in general and i think thats what aids the whole "the zoldycks would HATE hisoka" thing but like. nah. they wouldnt.
I also think about how Kikyo found Silva at such a young age. I bet she was constantly nagging Illumi and asking when he'd get a partner himself. Now he's got it, Millukiiii ITS YOOOURRR TURRNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!
#some people would say “oh theyll hate him when they meet him!” but why though.#“the way he dresses!” ?? so what. have u seen the way the zoldycks dress lmfao. their son is literally twinning with that magician#“he'll make it weird” Ya Allah no he fucking wont 💀 people base this off a very fanon characterization of hisoka.#Like no he wont moan out of nowhere because theyre a powerful family he already knows that buddy.#hes kept it in multiple times before in a muted reaction please stop making it seem like hes a man with no self control i beg lmfao#Surprise surprise Hisoka acts weird on purpose when he puts on a show because thats how he wants to be percieved#but hes very self aware and knows whats considered weird and disrepectful and certainly wont fuck it all up for him and illumi for 0 reason#me when i finally get to marry the love of my life and i fuck it up because i decide itd be quirky and the fans want me to#hisoka is a much more calmer and quiet person when hes not purposely being weird and thats what people dont want to accept#anyways rant over#whewwww thats a rant and a half lmfao#I wish hisoka as a character was given more analysis and study than the 3 scenes that make him popular#anyways. rant TRULY over. here are the normal tags#hisoillu#hisoka x illumi#illumi#illumi zoldyck#hisoka#hisoka morow#hisoka zoldyck#hunter x hunter#hxh#my post#i feel like if i mentioned how hisoka has adhd on here id get thrown pitchforks at.#let alone the fact that hes very asexual coded#i dont really feel safe on this website at all to discuss any of this yet lmao#people literally laugh when you say hes shy when its literally??? a canon fact stated by hisoka himself?? and backed up by many scenes????#but i dont think i ever will feel safe here tbh. i just have to. do it. and fuck it whatever happens or whoever laughs at me.#just like ive done on twitter for years until ive finally created a complete safe space for myself#secret rant at the end because maybe nobody will look here
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nerdycafe · 11 months
Inuyasha's Adoptive Mother, (Y/N)?
𝙼𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 ➢ 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 ➢ 1 ◉ 𝟸
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚞𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚑 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐.
─────────ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ─────────
❝-*- 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 -*- *.��� .* | Inuyasha x Half-Demon! Adoptive Mother Reader❞
❝-*-𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬-*- •°•⚠️•°• | None❞
❝-*-𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠-*- ஓ๑♡๑ஓ | Mature ❞
❝-*-𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦-*- ❀○❀ | Inuyasha ❞
❝-*-𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬-*- ʚ♡ɞ | Sango ♥︎ Miroku _ Inuyasha ♥︎ Kagome _ Inuyasha ♥︎ Kikyo _ Koga ♡ Kagome _ Kikyo ♡ Naraku❞
♥︎ Romantic
♡ One-sided
❝-*-𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬-*-•┈┈┈• Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Koga, Ginta, Hakkukau, Kikyo, Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, Naraku, Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, Kohaku, Izayoi, Toga, Iyame❞
❝𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 -*- ✎﹏﹏﹏ 𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚'𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞, 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨. 𝐇𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬.❞
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ᎬΝᎫϴᎽ ͲᎻᎬ ՏͲϴᎡᎽ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
You were relaxing in your home, your feet tucked under your legs as you drank a warm cup of tea, you were deep in thought as you stared on into the distance from within your cozy hut. A fire was going on in the pit with a small cauldron hovering above it, it had about an inch of water within it, the water inside coming to a nice boil. You sighed as you swallowed some of your tea.
The sunset was ever so beautiful as you lost yourself in a trance. You blinked, breaking your trance and you looked over at the cauldron, seeing the water boiling nicely. You hummed, pleased to see the water rolling and bubbling.
You placed your tea down on the circular wooden saucer gently, you then turned to your left and you picked up the saibashi chopsticks, you adjusted them properly in your hand before you picked up an undone dumpling, you gently placed it in the hot water, you had about 4 of them, ready to boil. Once they were all in you placed the lid over the cauldron, allowing them to steam and boil.
Your ears twitched and you looked out into the distance once more, you stared intensely as you could hear a group of footsteps and voices. They all sounded rather young, and they sounded relaxed yet tired. You stood up, dusting off your clothes as you made yourself presentable, but in the middle of your fixing, your eyes wide and your ears perked up, a very familiar yet not forgotten voice sounded out from the crowd that was approaching your home.
You looked out into the distance, your eyes gleaming in hope as you waited for the figures to curve up from the hill. You waited with clenched hands over your fast heart, as the group walked up the hill, you could make out a large animal, and two figures walking next to it along with a small child-like figure.
Your eyes widen and they shined with unshed tears as you made out the familiar red clothing and silver hair. You ran out from the hut, your eyes trained on the young man as you ran towards the group. The small child noticed you approaching and he alerted the others.
They all looked at you with curious stares, and your arms opened wide once you got closer. “INUYASHA!!” You cried out in joy as you wrapped your arms around his chest, your arms went under his and your fingers latched onto his red suikan. Your face pressed into his chest and shoulder, and your tears stained his top, but he didn’t seem to care as he wrapped his arms around you tightly in return.
You could feel how much he had grown, it felt almost like a dream how strong he felt, he was nothing but a young teen the last time you hugged him like this, he wanted to go out and venture off on his own, and you gave him a hug as a final goodbye, telling him that he can always come home for a hot meal and a warm and ready bed.
“Oh, Inuyasha, I missed you so much, there wasn’t a day that went by that I never thought about you. I’ve been so worried, but I know that you’re strong.” You said, your voice wavering as you tried not to sob. He held you tighter. “I know, but you ain’t got to worry…. I’m sorry…. I should’ve checked in on you.” He said, his voice was still the same, just with a bit more base and a natural growl to it. It almost made you want to cry, realizing how much of his life has gone by.
You shook your head, as you pulled back from him, your eyes shined full of motherly love as you stared up at him. “You’ve no need for an apology, you were trying to find your place in the world, so I understand why you left.” You said, your voice full of understanding. His yellow eyes bounced back and forth between yours, he may be grown, but he still held that same love and respect for you. It took you back to his younger days when he was just a child, his eyes haven’t changed. He was still your baby boy.
You blinked and you stared up at them with a baffling look, he blinked in confusion at your stare. “W-what?” He asked as he stared down at you. You stepped up on your tip-toes, your hands gently caressing his cheeks. He stared down at you with a dazed look, but he didn’t stop you. You suddenly pinched his cheeks and you pulled on them. “OW! OWW! STOP THAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” He shouted in pain as he gently yet firmly grabbed your wrists as he tried to pry your hands off. You pulled his cheeks apart in different directions before you let them go and you gave both of his cheeks a good smack.
He stepped back some as he rubbed his cheek with one of his hands as he gave you a half-hearted glare. “What the heck was that for?” He asked, his voice held irritation. You gave a pleased smile before you placed your hands on your hips before you nodded in satisfaction. “Mmhmm, there we go!! I missed those rosy cheeks of yours!!” You said, he blinked in confusion. “Rosy?” He asked.
You nodded. The small child you had seen before questioned aloud. “Inuyasha had rosy cheeks?” He asked, his little voice made your heart clench from how cute he sounded, you looked over at him, he was sitting in the young girl's arms, and he was nested in her arms as she cradled him. His bright green eyes made you nearly squeal at how cute he was. His big blue bow in his ginger hair was just too cute. His sharp ears and little fangs indicated that he was a demon child, but you already knew that from his scent. You smiled at him, nodding at his question.
“That’s right when he was younger, he had the cutest rosy cheeks!! They were always either pink or shy of red, I just couldn’t bare to see him without them any longer!!” You explained as you gushed at the memory. He growled from behind you as you retold the memories of his cheeks that he himself must’ve forgotten. The small boy stared up at you before he gave a smug smirk over at Inuyasha. “I never knew that Inuyasha had girly cheeks.” He said in a teasing voice.
Inuyasha glared over at him. “WHAT YOU SAY!?” He shouted as he stomped but made no advance towards him. The girl holding him stared at Inuyasha with an observatory stare. “You know, it is kind of cute.” She said, he stepped back at her comment. “W-WHAT!?” He called out, the woman on the large feline also gave him the same stare. “I agree with, Kagome, it surprisingly fits you.” She said, Inuyasha stared at her with a look of disbelief. The Monk behind her nodded his head in agreement. “It suits your human qualities.” He said.
Inuyasha grumbled as he turned away from the group, he pulled his sleeve down over his hand as he scrubbed at his cheeks, trying to get rid of the redness, unknowingly making it redder. You chuckled at his actions, as you rubbed his back soothingly. You continued rubbing his back as you looked back over at the group, finally taking them in. They all stared at your action with a questioning stare.
You eyed their clothing, they all seemed normal, aside from the girl holding the boy. She wore a small green cloth, and long white socks with large leather covering over her feet. She wore a long white sleeve piece of fitted clothing with a green pattern on it, and a red cloth tied around her neck.
Your nose twitched as you blinked. “You’re not from around here, are you?” You asked aloud, they all looked over at you, and the girl blinked before she gave you a slightly nervous smile. “Umm, yeah, you’re not wrong.” She said. You smiled at her, you could tell that she was young, your motherly instinct blooming to life. “No need to be nervous dear, I don’t bite.”
You gently said as you tried to calm her, it seemed to work, the warmth in your eyes matched your smile and she seemed to relax. You chuckled, your eyes closing as you looked back at Inuyasha who still had his back toward everyone. “Inuyasha, won’t you invite your friends inside? I was just about to make some steamed dumplings.” You suggested. His ears slightly twitched and he stood up straighter.
You gave a sly smile his way. “I was also about to make some sashimi, with some steamed dumplings and rice.” You said as you turned towards the hut. He turned towards you, his eyes slightly widen. “Sashimi?” He asked, you held in your giggle at his cuteness that he never seemed to lose. “Sashimi.” You confirmed. He stood there a little longer before he looked at his small group. “Well, you guys heard her, get inside.” He said. You shook your head at his rudeness, but he’s always been this way.
You walked on towards the hut, as you listened to the lot of them bicker amongst themselves…
The sun has fully vanished, and with her, she took her bright light, and in her stead, the moon and all her followers appeared. The straw curtain to your hut was drawn, closing the doorway to the hut, shielding your privacy from the world. The rice was being cooked over the flames in the cauldron, you made more steamed dumplings and sashimi.
You were steering the rice in the cauldron gently, so as to not make the rice mushy. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Shippo were all sitting by the door of the hut, while You, Kagome, and Sango were all helping to prepare the meal. When they all first entered, they all introduced themselves to you. You were surprised that they have yet to ask whom you were to Inuyasha, but they could tell that you were very important.
Once the majority of the food was done, both Kagome and Sango sat down with you around the fire, as they quietly conversed with you, while you steered the rice. “So, if it isn’t rude of me to ask, who are you to Inuyasha?” Sango asked. Everyone looked over at you, curious eyes stared at you as they all waited patiently for you to answer. You’ve been waiting for this question, and you gently placed the wooden spoon down on the setting stone to keep the water from molding your tatami floors.
“I don’t mind at all, in fact, I’m shocked that Inuyasha hasn’t yet spoken of me.” You said, your voice even while a motherly warmth spread from you. Kagme stared at you for a moment, before she gasped as if she placed together a long-awaited thought together. You smiled at her as a knowing gleam came into your eyes. “My name is (Y/N), and I am Inuyasha’s adoptive mother.” You explained as you bowed in a proper greeting.
They all stared at you in shock before they all looked over at Inuyasha who had his eyes closed, his sword cradled in his arms, but his ears twitched to show that he was listening. They all looked back over at you. “YOU’RE HIS WHAT!?” They all shouted. You sat back up before you gave them all a small giggle.
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anticanonhearts · 2 years
lovely kikyo
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The Nightmare of Zoldyck (Musical) was gay as fuck and here's why you should watch it.
Bingeing The Nightmare of Zoldyck reminds me just. Just how fucking gay it was??????? And this was made almost 11 years ago???? And it's just so insane and surreal to me?????? They could've added any sort of twist to the Zoldyck Arc and yet the twist they chose was 🌈🏳️‍🌈??? In all fairness, they did also add Hisoka so maybe that's just how it is lmao
Now you may think I'm joking or being delusional—but no I swear THEY MADE IT GAY AS FUCK OK. IT'S ACTUALLY AMAZING
First, we have the obvious; the adorable, blossoming friendship between Gon and Killua. The very reason this arc exists is because Gon refused to let Illumi's teachings corrupt Killua's self-esteem. It's so, so, so touching in the manga and both anime adaptations, but in the musical they just... The songs just made it come off more romantic?
I'm biased, I love the friends-to-lovers development these two undergo, but I swear, take the shipping goggles off and it's still has a subtle if not in-your-face obvious, romantic tone.
Why? First, the presentation. The Zoldycks are introduced by Milluki through song. They each get lines which are backed up by epic music and stage effects, come together for the iconic chant of, "Zoldyck," before ultimately gathering around and sitting down.
Kalluto, Kikyo, Illumi, Silva, Milluki, and Zeno have a family meeting while Killua's hung above them, representing where he is in the dungeon, and right off the bat, you get hit with "forbidden romance" vibes.
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The family talks about what Killua did, what he said, while Killua sings about how he doesn't want to inherit his dad's position. HE ALSO SINGS THIS LINE WHICH IS SO?????
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And he sings a little after Illumi visits him in the dungeon and, y'know, messes with his head even more. He writes a letter of sorts to Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio, telling them they should go to protect them from Illumi and he just sounds SO heartbroken...
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Then we skip forward, this is after the gang has won Gotou's approval. Gon writes a letter, and it's so fucking sweet because it's basically him saying look. Look at Zebro, Gotou, Canary, these people who care for you, who love you. You're not alone, we understand your feelings, ok? AND THIS PANEL IN PARTICULAR IS SO RAPUNZEL SO ROMEO AND JULIET IDK
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And that super serious discussion between Killua and Silva? He gushes about Gon a lot, and they really took some liberties with Silva because this man keeps grinning like he knows his son's got a crush.
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And of course Gon's not gonna back down. Canary asks how their Young Master Killua was like, outside Kukuroo Mountain, and... just look.
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I'm not gonna include every damn time they sing together but when they finally meet? They're so. so happy. I can't.
And there's this scene after the party (yes they have a goodbye party of sorts for Killua) where Killua thanks Gon for coming to get him and Gon says ofc we're friends and they play around and they're so happy together...
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Look at them they ded
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There's also this moment when it all goes to shit and THIS SONG SLAPS Gon metaphorically slaps Killua out of it too but just. Just listen to it, it made me cry
And since this happens right after the Hunter's Exam, Kurapika and Leorio are still a bit wary of Killua, so while Gon's ecstatic and unwavering about being Killua's friend, the other two sort of bond in the sidelines as well?
Take this shot of leopika dancing. It's short and sweet and they're so stupid but they're at least getting along!!!
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I forgot they bickered a lot, especially during the Hunter's Exam, but now look at them. This isn't the gayest part though, because Leorio finds out there's a hot spring in the Zoldyck mansion... and... yeah... I'll let y'all watch this scene for yourselves but uh, stuff happens and I fucking screamed is all
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They also share a bit in the end where Gon sniffs Zebro??? And he says that Zebro has a similar scent to Leorio??? And leopika turn to each other and go:
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And of course, I saved the murder husbands for last. While the gang have their fun, we would sometimes cut to black and these two would be shown, scheming in the dark and talking about their own plans.
They be dropping some bomb ass dialogues tho
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Mind you, there is no fucking explanation as to why Hisoka's there. His narrative purpose is ofc to sow chaos and stir trouble, look out for Gon or whatever, but why is he here specifically in the Zoldyck Estate is never stated. BUT he does refer to it as a vacation. Twice.
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Like sure this is just him being a little shit but COME ON. If Illumi really didn't want him there, he'd have chased Hisoka out, swatting him with a broom while at it. But no. They scheme in the dark and Illumi shows him around and Hisoka says it's a vacation. Wonder who could've invited him.......
This interaction also happens. And I will only be thinking about this for the foreseeable future.
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Insane that the killugon heart-to-heart, leopika hot spring moment, and hisoillu bickering happen back to back to back. They're all paired off. The way they switch the audience's perspective actually really satisfying. Each couple gets their alone time and it's like seeing the different stages of a relationship. INSANE and HELLA GAY
And, of course, the heart of the cards—easily one of the most iconic lines Hisoka's said, which is, coincidentally, the point of conflict of the entire musical
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While Killua's fighting for his life, here's the magician who's basically getting everything he's ever wanted served on a silver platter. This mf is so happy he got to fight Illumi's family lmaoooo
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I just. I love this musical so much. It used to be my comfort watch when I first got into HxH, and while I joke about how fucking gay it turned out to feel (I'm being serious about it though) I do think it's a great production.
The actors did amazing, the dance/fight sequences and the dialogue were so well done, and it just added so much depth to the Zoldycks, y'know? I do wish Alluka was here, but we all know why she's not... That would've been so fun though.
Anyways, if I've convinced you, then you can watch it here!!!
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i-heart-hxh · 5 months
This is a question that rarely gets asked, but do you think Kikyo Zoldyck has a hidden side to her? I don't necessarily mean a good or softer side, but a reason to explain why she is the way she is? One post I saw brings up the fact that she had grown up in Meteor City, a place where the residents have very warped ideas regarding your place in the world/relationships with loved ones (exhibit A: The Phantom troupe). I'm willing to bet she has a lot lot of generational trauma from growing up in that hellhole and then being whisked off to Kukuroo Mountain as a teen bride (considering she had Illumi when she was 18) in what must have been a very drastic and disorienting change in social standing. Hell, she probably didn't even have parents, or if she did, then they probably weren't really good ones; she literally has no idea what being a mother truly is, and if she had to claw her way up in the world to the point of being able to marry Silva, then no wonder she doesn't bat an eye at torturing her own children (after all, gritting her teeth through all the suffering and hardship worked out great for her in the end, didn't it?). In fact, I wager that is why she (and by extension Illumi) is so fixated on Killua being the heir. Why would her darling son ever give up a life of wealth, privilege, and security? Why won't he appreciate her sacrifices and all that she had to do to get this life? It also adds a lot of dimensions to why Illumi or Kalluto are the most devoted out of all the Zoldycks; since they spent the most time with her, they probably were exposed to her anxieties and fears the most.
Again, none of this is to excuse the abuse or trauma she inflicted on her own children, but it does add a lot of depth to her beyond being a nagging wife.
Thank you for the very thoughtful and fascinating ask!
Togashi tends to imbue his characters with a sense of humanity even when their appearances are brief, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if Kikyo has reasons like this for the person she became and the decisions she makes. Very few characters in HxH can be considered purely "good" or "evil" in any sense--above all, they're portrayed as being humans with their own individual interests and motivations (which are understandable to a degree even in cases where the actions they lead to clearly aren't excusable).
I do like that, even with her small role in the series, we're left with little tidbits of her that are intriguing and in themselves lead to a sense that we can connect a narrative to them--like the fact that she's from Meteor City, must have been young when she married Silva, and the mystery of her visor and why she wears it/what function it might serve exactly. It's entirely probable her background explains her emotional instability and attitude around Killua, though of course at this point we don't have enough info to say for certain what her full backstory might be.
The way you filled in the gaps would make a wonderful basis for a fanfic, honestly!
I'm not sure if we'll ever get more solid info on her in canon with how much remains unanswered and unfinished in the series as it is, but regardless it's amazing how even the small bits of info we're provided on her offer enough for you to put together this compelling writing on how she came to be the way she is and how it affects her children. I would love it if we get more info on her and the rest of the Zoldycks in the future of the series, but regardless this makes a great argument for the potential basis of her character, and it connects well with the facts we do have on her. Thank you for writing this up!
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inusmasha · 8 months
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Mountain Miko on A03
In a secluded mountain village run by a society of mysterious women, Kagome, a young initiate, embarks on a transformative journey under the mentorship of their highly esteemed miko, Kikyo
Prologue – A Dark Fairytale 
In the beginning, within a realm where ancient magic held sway, there once lived a man renowned for his ability to weave spells that brought good fortune to those willing to pay. His performances were nothing short of captivating spectacles, drawing in many who gasped in the grandeur of his rituals. Over time, growing more and more powerful by the day, his glittering magical displays began to draw in the curiosity of wealthy patrons far and wide. 
"How do you do it?"
"You need only to give voice to what you desire." 
Over the years the man turned sorcerer grew proud and prouder still, having forgotten what humble beginnings he crawled out of. He wore his wealth on his body, he adorned his beard with sickly sweet smelling oils and lined his fingers with ostentatious rings. In the era of spell making, the Sorcerer had made this life by his own hand...a hand in possession of a certain Jewel. A small nothing looking bead that was easy to miss even though it hung in plain sight. It's presence barely felt, barely a whisper, only a quiet gnawing at the bottom of his being. 
In the dark night, the heavy shadow of some blackguard, from some dying noble house, made its way to the Sorcerer with big news. A big problem that required a big idea. This truly fair and noble family was harboring a plot to unseat the current emperor and had come to him for help to remedy the issue. 
"What you ask is treason."
"What I ask is to entertain possibilities."
Truth be told; if they had the coin then it did not matter what the request was. He would entertain their hypocrisies. They can keep their dull innocence, keep their hands clean, while he did the unseemly. Though it was dangerous to play with this sort of magic, it's practically what it was there for. 
"What say you, Sorcerer?" 
...it has to be you.. only you could do it.. wish maker ..wishmaker.. wish-
A sinister alliance was forged that night, and he sought to orchestrate their rise to power through sinister rites. 
 His displays of enchantment evolved into bloody ceremonies with costly offerings, ranging from the most humble of creatures to majestic beasts. First a sparrow, a snake, a cat, a wolf to lions, tigers, and- it wasn't enough! To ensure their success, the sorcerer needed more potent sources of power, and he turned to darker methods. He began raiding graveyards for human bones, believing that spirits of the deceased would grant him greater strength. However, he soon realized that live human sacrifices to the Jewel would yield even stronger results. 
Of course! 
Yes, there was a war. 
There was an empty seat in an empty dank room. 
Once the new emperor assumed that cold throne for his own, he called for the Sorcerer to come join him at his royal court and to squat on the lap of luxury. That's what those savage acts were for.. but that damn cursed gnawing hunger never left. It wasn't enough. 
And then...Their paths crossed that fateful evening when he was summoned to perform before their Lord. This was it! Oh! His journey had led him to the fair maiden with black silk for hair. The Sorcerer's infatuation with the woman was relentless, an unquenchable burning within him. Her every word, her every glance, fueled this insatiable longing. He wanted her as his bride. 
But alas she did not want him for her heart belonged to-
It did not matter. He would take her.
In his desperation to possess her he believed that the Jewel, his divine potent resource, could make her love him. The Jewel, fatter still, fed on his fixation. He hated her. He loved her. He hated her. He loved her. The Jewel had never tasted something so sickly sweet. 
"You need only to give voice to what you desire." 
He wished for the woman.
In a final, frenzied act, he sought to give the Jewel a tangible form, giving it arms and legs in which to carry out the deed. Not as some caricature but as something living, with blood and bones. 
"..This flesh is your flesh, these hands your hands!"
At the altar, with great suffering, he relinquished what little was left of his human to the bloody pearl. This was the deep dark material in which miracles sprang forth. He would conjure heaven.. but in the morning there was nothing but the cold dank air, and ash. The fate of both he and the now missing maiden was shrouded in mystery. The ending to this story is always the same.
Now, the Jewel, revered and closely guarded, rests within the new emperor's grasp. It's true nature forgotten. Though the emperor may hold suspicions about the Sorcerer's demise, he chose to remain oblivious of the perils. The relic remained concealed, subject to constant study that often exacted a grim toll and a long list of names never to be spoken of. The Jewel passes from one ruler to the next, as an heirloom of both great power and who's hunger continues to shape the endless road of petty human conflict. 
And we exist in its consequence.   
Many generations pass and eventually the one named Midoriko is born.
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fangandbow · 5 months
Always thinking about Inuyasha's boundless capacity for love.
This boy who was alone for so long, who had only known love from his mother, and then from a young age was made to struggle to survive in a world that hated him.
Who met a girl who was as sad as he was, and fell in love with her strongly enough to be willing to change what he was in order to let her be free. And then after she (to his knowledge) betrayed him - the one person he let in - he didn't take his pain out on anyone else. He didn't hurt any of the villagers. He could have. It would have been easy. He didn't.
Even after he awakened, he didn't. He attacks trees instead of the villagers trying to stop him. He talks a big game, but never follows through. Again, he could have. It's what they expected him to do. It would have been easy. He doesn't.
He never does -- this rough living, harsh talking, impatient boy is also, in his way, incredibly gentle. Time and time again he helps and protects even those who are cruel to him, those who proclaim hatred and distrust of him, and even though he loudly declares every time that he won't help, he doesn't care... he does, he does.
The girl who betrayed him was betrayed herself. He takes on the guilt of this, even when she doesn't take on any of the guilt of his own betrayal. He swears to help her, to protect her. To give her the love that wasn't given him.
He falls in love again, with another girl with the same face, but who is so, so different. He falls fast. Despite his hurt, his scars, his betrayal, he falls so, so easily. He can't help it. He has so much love to give.
He tries to love and protect both of them. Often making mistakes, and handling it badly in the way someone so young and so traumatized can't help but do. But he always gives more of himself than he asks of them (when he asks anything at all), is always the first to take on the pain, even when all it would mean is a future of more suffering for himself. He does it anyway, because as selfish as he proclaims to be, he is anything but. He doesn't matter. They do.
Kikyo was a tragic figure, one who deserved a chance at a life that wasn't a constant battle at the cost of her own desires.
Kagome is a force of nature, a girl whose kindness and determination is a match for Inuyasha's own. It's she who stands by him, who heals him, who allows him the space to figure out what he needs while never threatening to abandon him if he doesn't make the right choice. She encourages him to grow, into who he is, without fear, instead of becoming something or someone else. Time and time again, she trusts him, even at the start when she has little reason. Time and time again, she guides him towards the right choices, but lets him make them himself, because she knows that he will.
Kagome, amazing as she may be, didn't make Inuyasha the person he is. She just made it so he could be.
Because as beaten down as he may have been, as disdainful and contemptuous as everyone around him was of him, as disparaging and dismissive as he may have been towards himself, as skeptical of his own capacity for goodness, and for love-- she knows.
He is. He does.
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Part 22
Illumi x Reader x ??????
Part 21
Part 23
taglist: @tsukilover11 @mercyboluthecrazychicken @sxyriii @merinfawleygoestohogwarts @shidoni-san @living4tomrua
if you want to be tagged in the next update, comment a red heart ❤️ and make sure your blog can be mentioned/tagged!!
warnings: angst, also this is short and a bit rushed, but the next few chapters will be a lot of fun I promise!! Also not proof read so 😭😭🙏🙏 grumpy friend reveal next chapter!! YIPPEE
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Illumi tapped away at the dining room table, anxiously glancing at (Name) ever so often. Not even her hand in his could quell his anxieties.
“So, how was your little date, Illumi?”
“Wasn’t a date, mother.”
The air was tense, (Name) caught in the middle of all of it. The longer dinner went on, the more agitated Illumi was getting.
Silva cleared his throat and stood, the table turning their attention to him.
“I’m sure Kikyo informed you all that I had an announcement to make tonight. It’s been over a month since (Name) joined our home, and she has been carefully monitored the entire time.”
Now (Name) was tense. Monitored the entire time? She desperately hoped that was an over exaggeration. Illumi squeezed her hand, a scowl apparent on his face.
“Every report back has been… amazing. Her improvements in her nen ability alone is nothing to scoff at. Factor in her newfound fighting skills and you have yourself a woman with great potential.”
Illumi’s grip on her hand tightened, to the point (Name) had to pull away. His eyes were narrowed, staring his father down.
“What is your point, Father?”
Silva chuckled, waving his hand at Illumi dismissively. “Ever impatient when it comes to that girl, eh, Illumi? I’ll get straight to the point.”
He grinned, an intense aura settling over the dinner table.
“I am proposing that (Name) stay here with us more permanently. As Illumi’s bride, to be exact.”
Illumi slammed his fist on the table, cracking the wood. “Father! Have I not told you that she and I are nothing but friends?”
“You have, but you can’t hide the way you look at her, son. You should be happy that I’m allowing you to wed the woman you love.”
Kikyo sensed the conversation was becoming hostile, so she stood alongside her husband. “Illumi, sweetheart, don’t be stubborn. You’re obviously infatuated with this girl, why n-“
“Enough. I’ll hear nothing more of this.” He began to leave, but was stopped by Silva.
“Illumi.” His warned, Illumi stopping in his tracks. “I had Amane and Tsubone breech the topic to (Name), and from what I heard she was not entirely against the idea.”
Illumi turned to look at (Name) who was hiding her flustered expression behind her hands. Was she really okay with marrying him? Part of him wanted to run over and propose now, but the other, nastier side of him needed control over the situation.
“Oh really? What, did they say we’d take care of her family or something? Seriously, I didn’t take you as the type to marry someone for their wealth (Name).”
Illumi spat those words out without really thinking, rolling his eyes. “Did they say I loved you? That I told them you would be my future bride? I only said that so the butlers wouldn’t poison your food. Honestly why would I ever-“
He stopped when he noticed (Name) slamming the dining room hall door behind her. The sound of her storming away echoed down the halls, Illumi’s family staring at him.
“You’re terrible at lying when it comes to her, Illumi.” Zeno stated, crossing his arms. “And now you’ve gone and upset your loved one.”
Kalluto stood, rushing out of the door to follow after (Name), sending a glare in his brother’s direction.
“My, what cruel words to say to such a lovely young lady, Master Illumi.”
Tsubone appeared by Silva’s side, tutting softly.
“Silence, Tsubone. You should be glad your head is still intact.”
Illumi’s bloodlust filled the room, the man ripping the dining room door off his hinges as he left. Tomorrow, he would attempt to talk with (Name) and apologize, but tonight, he needed to let off some steam.
Good thing he was an assassin.
“He’s made things so much more complicated.” Kikyo lamented, sighing behind her fan.
“No matter. She will be his bride, whether they like it or not. It’s only a matter of time.”
Silva sat back down at the dinner table, continuing his meal. “Once a Zoldyck, always a Zoldyck. The minute Illumi called her his future bride, her fate was sealed.”
Kalluto approached (Name)’s door, listening to her from behind it. He could hear her crying, the sound of sniffling filling the hallway.
He knocked, the door creaking open when he did. “(Name)? It’s Kalluto.”
(Name) sat on her bed, throwing clothing into a suitcase. Tears cascaded down her tears as she packed, sniffling every so often as she did.
“What are you doing?”
(Name) looked up from her task, quickly wiping away her tears. “Oh, Kalluto. Sorry you had to see me like this. I’m just packing. Don’t want to take up anymore of Illumi’s previous resources.”
She slammed the suitcase shut, zipping it before placing it on the floor. “You’re leaving? But (Name), it’s the middle of the night.”
He grabbed her hand gently, the girl looking away. She was angry and upset, not able to think clearly. “I don’t care. I can’t stand being here another second. I don’t understand why Illumi would say such a thing to me!”
She wrapped her arms around herself, tears falling from her eyes. Kalluto held his hand to his chest, unsure of what to say.
Sure, he knew that Illumi was in love with her and didn’t mean the things that he said, but she didn’t. How would he soothe her aching heart?
“… Illumi didn’t mean it. He… has trouble expressing himself.”
(Name) scowled, grabbing her phone and pocketing it. “I don’t really care if he meant it or not, he doesn’t get to talk to me like that. I’m not after his money, he should know that by now, and even implying that is nasty.”
She patted Kalluto’s shoulder, smiling. “I’m not mad at you, and I want you to have this.” She slipped him a piece of paper with her number on it. “If you ever get lonely or need help, this is my number. I’ll see you later.”
Before she could leave her room, Kalluto called out to her.
“Wait! (Name), please wait to leave until the morning! I’ll accompany you, I promise. Just…”
He held onto her sleeve, not daring to look at her face, if he did, he might cry.
“It’s dangerous. I know you’re angry and upset, but… please think about your safety. People know you’re connected to the Zoldycks now, so you have to be careful.”
(Name) stopped, letting go of her suitcase and pulling Kalluto into a hug. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about that. I must of worried you, huh?”
He nodded against his shoulder, unable to speak. If he did, his voice would break.
“I’ll be up early in the morning to leave. Meet me in the courtyard at 6 am, okay?”
She didn’t leave any room for discussion, hiding him out of her room so she could get some much needed sleep.
(Name) had such a nice day, and for it to end so terribly made her chest hurt. She knew Illumi was lying, that he didn’t actually think she was after his money, but that didn’t make the words hurt any less. If he couldn’t be honest about how he felt about her, then she didn’t need to stick around.
‘I don’t think I can stop being his friend, I care about him too much, but I need time to think. To sort out my own feelings.’
She laid down on her pillow, a few stray tears staining her pillowcase. “Stupid Illumi…”
Illumi arrived home the following afternoon, covered in blood. He took a quick shower, slowly calming down as the water soothed his sore muscles.
He’d been such an idiot last night. His father had said (Name) hadn’t been completely against the thoughts of marriage or dating, why did he have to say that to her? Not once did he ever think she only wanted him for his wealth. She already hated receiving small gifts from him, why would she marry him for such purposes?
He excited the shower, throwing on a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Would she even talk to him right now? She’d been pretty upset last night.
‘No matter. She’ll have to talk with me eventually. I just have to try.’
Illumi climbed the stairs, knocking on her door. It creaked open, revealing an empty room.
“Hmm. She must be in the training hall.” He said aloud, turning on his heels.
She wasn’t in the training hall, but Kalluto was. His younger brother looked up from his workout to give Illumi a cold look.
“Hello brother. What brings you here?”
Illumi frowned. Kalluto had never looked at him like that before. “I’m looking for (Name). Where is she?”
Kalluto set down the weights he’d been lifting, crossing his legs. “She left.”
Illumi raised an eyebrow. “Left? What, did she want to go to town?”
Kalluto sighed, standing. “No, she’s gone. She packed up last night and left for home early this morning. She’s long gone by now.”
Illumi was frozen in place, his eyes widening at thsi revelation. He’d expected her to be angry, but for her to leave with such short notice wasn’t something he was expecting. A wave of nausea washed over him, his nerves getting the better of him.
“… who opened the gate for her?”
Kalluto crossed his arms. “Grandfather did.”
Illumi was gone, the only thing showing he’d been there the lingering bloodlust in the air.
Zeno peered over his shoulder to see Illumi standing in the doorway, gripping the frame so hard it brown under the pressure. “Yes, Illumi?”
“Why the hell did you open the gate for (Name)? You understand how dangerous it is for her to be without an escort while connected to us.”
Zeno looked back forward, out the window surveying the manor. “She wanted to leave, and I will not keep her against her will.”
Illumi frowned. “I don’t give a shit about what she wants right now, I care about her safety.”
The dark haired assassin froze in place. “You promised her she could leave whenever she want, and we Zoldycks do not break promises.”
“Do not worry, Illumi. I’ve taken some precautions in regards to her safety. Only an idiot would hurt her, knowing she is the future bride of a Zoldyck. We have a tracking device on her that tracks her location and health, so if anything happens you will be the first to know.”
Although he was still angry, Illumi had to admit his grandfather had gone above and beyond to quell his concerns.
He left his grandfather, storming back to (Name)’s room. He checked the room, looking over every detail.
On her desk was a note, folded neatly with a sticker keeping it together. He recognized that sticker, (Name) had written this note.
He broke the sticker seal, opening the note.
Dear Illumi,
Your words last night really hurt me. I thought by now you’d know me better than to assume I’d only marry for money, but I guess I was wrong.
If you can’t handle you feelings, that’s fine, but don’t step all over mine. I truly care for you, so much that it pains me to have to leave like this.
I won’t stop being your friend, that would hurt me too much to bear, but I will be distancing myself from you until I can handle being in your presence. If I saw you now, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Even writing this now is hard, the tears won’t stop coming.
Please, try and figure out how you feel before contacting me again. I can’t handle the whiplash of your tender touch and harsh words. It’s too much to bear.
I will come visit you sometime after September, so please have everything sorted out by then. I’m patient, but I won’t forever.
Regards, (Name)
Illumi read over the note several times, his eyes scanning the text like it was his own holy scripture.
He set the note back on her desk, sitting on her bed and burying himself in her comforter. He’d gotten too used to seeing her when he returned home, the lack of her presence unnerving him.
Illumi let a few tears fall, joining (Name)’s on her tear stained pillow. He’d made her cry again, and in his mind that was an unforgivable crime.
If anyone but him had been the cause of her tears, he’d have killed them where they stood. Why did he get to escape with little consequences, the girl still seeing him as a friend despite his harsh words?
“(Name)… I promise, I’ll be better. I… I really love you.” He whispered, taking in her scent still lingering on her bedding.
Even though his tears, he still felt angry. Angry at himself for pushing her away, but even more angry at her for leaving. But under all that anger and sadness was a layer of anxiety bubbling to the surface.
She wasn’t there. He couldn’t keep a watchful eye over her, or make sure she was safe. Illumi could only hope she would return to him when she was ready.
He didn’t have much of a choice, and having so little control over the matter was killing him.
Kalluto listened to him from down the hall, the younger Zoldyck sharing his older brother’s keen hearing. He wished his brother could say those words to (Name), frowning deeply. Maybe if he’d been brave enough to share his true feelings, she would have stayed, maybe even become a Zoldyck happily.
Now Kalluto was afraid (Name) wouldn’t have any choice in the matter. His parents had already set their eyes on her, and they weren’t the type to compromise. He just hoped his brother would hold himself accountable for his actions, because (Name) would be affected either way.
A few days passed, and (Name) had arrived home. She lived in a small cabin a few miles out of her hometown, having moved a few hours away from her family when she turned 19,
The small plot of land had plenty of room for several fruit trees and a chicken coop. A small river stretched across her property, fish seen through the clear water.
It had been several months since she’d been home, and (Name) was ready to relax by herself.
(Name) plopped down on her couch, opening her phone to check her messages. She’d texted her friends her change in location to keep them informed.
Pretty Boy🫶: I see. Thank you for informing me.
Silly<3: stay safe!
Grumpy Pants: Don’t forget to lock back door. Always leave it unlocked
(Name) giggled at her friends responses.
She set her phone down and turned on the TV, allowing herself to lose herself in whatever came on.
As the months dragged on, (Name) found herself packing her suitcase again. It was a week until she had to meet her friend in York New, and to say she was excited was an understatement.
She’d been busying herself all summer with picking fruit and preparing jam to make enough money to stay in York New comfortably.
It was hard work, and she often went without breaks all day long, but she’d saved up enough to be able to have some fun.
She’d also taken her first mission as a hunter.
It wasn’t anything special, just collecting some samples of a fungus and returning it to a Fungus Collector, but they paid well. She’d sent all of her Hunter earnings to her family, so she didn’t have to worry about them during her trip.
(Name) mulled over what clothing she could pack, glancing between her several dresses and pants. The air was beginning to chill, meaning no more tank tops and shorts.
She wished her friend could have met with her during the summer, but he’d been busy. (Name) usually never complained, but the weather had been so nice, and she would have enjoyed swimming with him.
He didn’t like swimming, but would watch over her protectively as she splashed in the water, sliding down the small hill when she would slip on a river rock and plunge into the depths. Even though he disliked getting wet, he would jump in to pull her to safety if he even thought she was in danger.
He didn’t like admitting this though, and would scold her heavily after she finished coughing up the river water.
(Name) didn’t want to think about the scolding she would get if he found out how Illumi had treated her. Though, I guess Illumi would get it worse. Her friend didn’t exactly like her hanging out with men, so Illumi was kind of screwed from the beginning. Maybe he’d been right.
“Hmm, if I start thinking about him I’ll cry.”
Illumi had called her several times, asking her to come home. She rejected him each time. Her heart was still hurting, and it wasn’t going to heal just because HE wanted it to. She needed time, but he was rather impatient.
He’d been angry that she didn’t tell him she was going on her mission beforehand, stating he would have gone with her.
“Well that’s why I didn’t tell you. I’m not helpless, I can defend myself.”
(Name) couldn’t help but feel cold towards him. He always felt like he needed to have some semblance of control over her, and it was annoying. After that conversation Illumi hadn’t talked with her again. It had been a few weeks, and although she was still angry with him, the girl worried for his well being.
“I know he’s an assassin and he’s busy, but I wish he would at least tell me when he’s going to go no contact. I miss meeting up with him.”
(Name) paused, her own words confusing her. ‘Meeting up with him? What did that mean. I don’t even wanna see his face right now.’
She mulled over these thoughts as she finished packing, zipping her suitcase together with a sigh.
“Never mind. I need to call the pet sitter…”
(Name) had made plans to spend the remaining week before York New with Gon and Killua. Killua was bad at hiding his excitement over her visit, saying he didn’t care if she came or not.
As (Name) exited the boat to whale island, a woman with pretty red hair waved to her, grabbing (Name)’s attention.
“Hello, you must be (Name)! I’m Mito, Gon’s aunt.” the woman called out, offering (Name) her hand.
“Oh, it’s nice to meet you! You raised such a sweet boy. Gon helped us all a lot during the exam, to say he caught a lot of people’s attention would be an understatement.”
Mito beamed, her eyes crinkling from her smile. (Name) looked around, raising an eyebrow.
“Speaking of the boys, where are they?”
“Oh, you know boys, they’re off exploring in the wilderness. Gon asked me to greet you. More often than not he spends his time among wildlife, not people.” Mito mused, leading (Name) away from the dock.
Their home was nice. The interior was tidy, with fresh flowers placed in vases near the windows.
(Name) sat at the small table, sipping on a cup of tea Mito had prepared. It was nearing dark, the two women having been talking all day.
Mito had some choice words to say about Illumi, making (Name) laugh. She didn’t think the woman had it in her to curse so vulgarly!
“Aunt Mito, we’re-“
Gon and Killua, covered in dirt and leaves, stared from the doorway, their jaws agape.
The two jumped into the air, landing on the unsuspecting girl. She yelped at the feeling of their weight on her, causing her chair to tip back.
They crashed onto the floor, all three laughing. “Did you two miss me that much?”
They all had a lot of catching up to do, so the three travelled to the guest room she’d be staying in to talk.
“(Name), have you learned nen yet?” Killua asked. He couldn’t help feeling partially worried for the girl if she didn’t.
She answered by preforming Ren, causing the two to jump. “Yeah, I’ve actually known about nen since a few days after the exam.”
Killua scowled. “And you didn’t tell us? Rude!”
They told her about their experiences at Heavens Arena, (Name) making a disgusted face at the mention of Hisoka. “Yuck, you had to fight him of all people? Gon you have the worst luck.”
The boy chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “It was a good learning experience. Now I know more than I did before.”
(Name) hummed, looking at the window. “Just uh… try to avoid that guy if you can. He gives off MAJOR creeper vibes.”
“Oh trust me I’m not trying to be buddy buddy with him.” Killua stated, rolling his eyes.
She shared her experience, Killua wincing at his brother’s words. “Yikes, that was harsh even for Illumi. What was he thinking.”
(Name) crossed her arms, pulling her pillow close to her chest. “I’m not sure, but he better get his head on straight. I won’t see him until he’s got his feelings sorted out.”
This was the (Name) that Killua remembered. Stubborn, frustratingly so, yet kind and forgiving. Too forgiving if you asked him, Illumi should be grateful he’d fallen in love with (Name), because there weren’t many people willing to put up with his behavior.
“Have you had any luck with finding your childhood friend?” Gon asked, watching her. She shook her head, sighing.
“No. My parents won’t give me any more information because they say it’s more dangerous to know. I bet they’re glad I have partial amnesia.” She said with a pout, looking out the window.
“All I know is that I used to live in Padokea, so I was hoping I might see him in town, but no dice. I don’t know if I’d be able to recognize him by sight, though.”
Killua wanted to agree, because she’d already found her childhood friend, Illumi, but he couldn’t. Although he wanted (Name) to remember him too, part of him agreed that knowing was dangerous. She had already caught his parents eye, and if she wasn’t careful it could end up getting her hurt.
The three ate dinner together and hung out until bedtime, all retreating to their separate rooms, promising to talk about their plans for York New in the morning.
(Name) spent her days on Whale Island dipping into rivers and helping Mito with the housework. It was still warm there, (Name) thoroughly enjoying her time.
The three had made their plans for York New, (Name) saying they’d have to separate the evening of September 1st.
She didn’t know how much she’d be able to see them, depending on what plans her grumpy friend had for her. They didn’t meet up often, but when they did it was fun. He didn’t ever tell her what he had planned for them, only saying when and where to meet.
As the week ended, the three boarded a boat off of whale island, the three waving at Mito as they sailed off.
Kurapika glanced at his phone, seeing (Name) had texted him.
(Name): We’ll be in York New tomorrow. When you get a chance, come see me! I’m making some more treats!
He smiled at her message, unable to keep himself from blushing. Melody glanced at the boy.
“You’re in love.”
Kurapika looks up, confused. “In love? What are you talking about?”
Melody smiled, twirling her fingers in the air to the sound of unheard music.
“Your heart is singing, racing faster in a love song. You just really care about the person you were talking to.”
Kurapika could barely contain his beating heart, the muscle thumping against his ribs painfully. “You are misreading things. I don’t have the time or energy to be in love. I could never subject a possible partner to my dangerous life style.”
Even as he spoke, he glanced at the friendship bracelet on his wrist, a gift (Name) had sent him for his birthday. It was pink and girly, but he just didn’t feel tight without it on. It was hidden by his sleeve, so no harm no foul, right?
“Hmm. I think everyone falls in love sometimes. It may fade away with time, but your first love will always be in your heart.”
Kurapika nodded, hoping she would leave the subject be. It was already hard enough to acknowledge that he had feelings for (Name), much less talk about it with a stranger.
But a part of Kurapika imagined a world where him and (Name) could be happily in love, living together, perhaps even having children. He quickly shook this thought from his head.
“Let’s get down to business.”
Strawberries: I’m landing in York New now!! Text me when you’re ready to meet up <3
Her grumpy friend texted back a quick response, turning away from the group surrounding him to hide his phone.
Grumpy Pants: Alright. Be safe, and do not explore too much. Dangerous city.
He sent the message, sliding his phone back in his pocket before continuing his journey. He would be arriving by nightfall, so he didn’t know if he’d be able to see her that day. It depended on what the boss had planned for them.
“Who were you texting?”
The man glanced at the pink haired woman beside him, before looking ahead. “None of your business, Machi.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “So secretive. What, is it your girlfriend or something?”
The man froze and unfroze so fast that a normal person wouldn’t be able to catch it, but Machi did. She said nothing, but snickered to herself.
The three friends parted ways sooner than (Name) had expected. It didn’t bother her much, though, because she had some work to do.
(Name) rented out a small condo for her stay. She got a pretty decent deal on it. It was small, but would suit her needs.
The kitchen was the real reason she’d chosen the condo. (Name) needed a kitchen to prepare a surprise for her friend and his comrades. She’d already met a few of them, and really wanted to make a good impression on the rest.
The few she’d met had all been big eaters, devouring any food she sat in front of them, so she assumed the rest of them would have a healthy appetite too.
Because of this, (Name) had her work cut out for her.
Before she reached her condo, she picked up some baking essentials, and a big wicker basket. (Name) wanted to have a picnic, hopefully somewhere pretty so she could take pictures with her friend. She didn’t get a lot of chances to, the only photos of the two on her phone being blurry or focused mostly on her.
As she began to cook, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, opening it.
Grumpy Pants: Can’t meet tonight. Won’t get there until night. Dangerous for you
She stared at the message for a full minute, pouting.
Strawberries: you know I’m trained in nen and martial arts now, right? I can defend myself!!
He was quick to respond.
Grumpy Pants: Not strong enough. Bad people, hurt you easy
She sighed and continued baking. Around 3 pm, she had finally finished her baked goods, packing them and a few jars of jelly and jam into her large basket. It was quite heavy, the old (Name) wouldn’t have been able to carry it alone, but she was stronger now.
(Name) threw on a white sundress and pink cardigan, slipping on some frilly white socks and black Mary Janes. Her friend might not be in town before night fall, but she was sure his comrades would be.
If (Name) explored town, she might be able to sense one of the auras of the comrades she met and follow it to their location. She gave herself a pat on the back for her idea, walking out of her condo and locking the door behind her.
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