#yowapeda x reader
hyoqa · 4 months
pairing: kuroda yukinari x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: he was always just watching from afar
warnings: none :)
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He was always watching from afar. He would watch the way you would always say you were tired, but you'd be paying full attention every class. He noticed how you would genuinely be interested in class when you enjoyed the subject, but when you didn’t you’d subconsciously frown at the work given. 
When he was practicing afterschool, sometimes he’d see you walk out of school a little too late and he’d realize you were studying in the library again. He would usually just watch, but today he just really wanted to talk to you. Maybe he was feeling particularly lonely that day after you had a seating change and you sat even further away from him than before. Whatever it was, he was feeling rather impulsive today.
“Sorry, I’m going to go ride outside for a bit,” he told his teammates and rolled his road racer outside. Little did he know, most members of the team knew about his little crush, especially the third years. It was a little too obvious to not notice, because every time you were in his line of vision, he was looking at you. They had hardly ever seen the two of you talk, but all they could hope for was all the best for their vice-captain— he was always looking at you with the sweetest gaze ever.
And for the first time ever, he was stepping forward
“Okay, take your time,” Izumida said.
“Hm? Oh, thanks,” Kuroda said, unaware of what Izumida had meant.
Oh, would he just end up just walking past you again? He wanted to talk to you, but what would he say? Immediately, he knew he would probably end up just watching you from afar, unable to say anything. He sighed at the thought of that.
But to his surprise, you turned to look at him. Okay, now what does he do? What does he say?
“Oh, Kuroda!” you said, taking your earbuds out. Gosh, he loved that about you. You were probably only going to talk for a bit, there was no reason for you to put them away. Yet, at the same time, he was somewhat surprised you knew his name— you were in the same class, of course you did. Maybe he was surprised to hear you say it, rather. “Are you off to practice now?”
“Oh, yes. I’m in the road racing club... which is probably obvious now,” he said, frantically. Gosh, he was making a fool of himself, you didn’t even ask! He was just so flustered, the words weren’t coming out right.
“Of course, I know!” you said. “How would I not know Mr. Vice-Captain of our school’s pride and joy road race team! Do you have a race soon?”
“I do. Quite soon actually... on Saturday,” he said, mind blank. He was just going to answer your questions now he wasn’t capable of much more, he realized.
“Saturday! I really shouldn’t hold you up then,” you said and he scolded himself for saying that. He would’ve rather talked to you for a little longer and practiced all through the night if he had to. “Where and when is it?”
“Just up the Hakone mountain,” he said, surprised. It’s one thing to ask where, but to ask when? He was going to start having some false hope. “In the morning, at around 9.”
“Would it be weird if I show up?” you asked, a little less energetic than before, almost as though you were afraid he’d tell you not to come.
“No, not at all,” he said, a little too quickly. “...Please do.”
Immediately, your face glowed up the way he loved to see it. He could not believe you were talking to him right now.
“Then, I will definitely be there,” you said. “I’ll let you go for real now, I want to see you win that race.”
“Oh, crap, I forgot my water I’ll need to go back to get it. I’ll see you,” he said. “Thank you.”
“See you!” you said and walked off, putting your earbuds back in.
He didn’t lie, he only had one bottle when he usually carried two, but usually he’d just go on and buy something at a vending machine. However, he knew his ears were red and the last thing he wanted was for you to see. He walked back in and no one questioned how quickly he was back, (because they were all watching) which he found weird, but that was the least of his worries.
“How did it go?” Izumida asked. 
“Oh, I haven’t gone yet,” Kuroda said. “I realized I forgot a water bottle.”
“No, not that,” Izumida said, finally tired of playing dumb.
“What?” he asked, then looked around and saw that quite a few more people were looking at him, eagerly waiting for him to go on. “Were you all watching??” He felt even more embarrassed than before if that was possible. 
“(L/n)’s coming... on Saturday,” he said quietly, covering his face with his hand, hoping they wouldn’t see how red it was. 
“Oh, you really have to win now~” Manami said, and that made Kuroda smile.
“Yeah, I really do.”
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the-real-eminem · 3 months
Could you please write more about Midousuji Akira😭😭?? I love him so much and it hurts so much that there is NO content with him😭
HI!!! so I actually saw this ask a few days ago and went "omg!! good idea!!" then completely forgot 🩷
these might be a little basic, I rlly need to start writing the more interesting ones down when I get them AND IF I REMEMBER I WILL SHARE THOSE ASWELL!! but here tú go 🩷🩷
- If you happen to catch Midousuji's attention, one of two things will happen:
-one, he's not gonna be happy about it. He's cut away anything and everything unnecessary for his one goal: Victory... and now here you are, here to ruin what he's worked so hard to build. He wishes he was more upset. he wishes that he felt nothing but disgust when he looked at you, instead of the nervous butterflies of his stomach.
-two, obsessed. He would 100% percent be a yandere in the right condition. But like in the first scenario, he still hates you and blames you for the fact he likes you. That being said. He'll give you preferential treatment, and lots of it. He wants you close, unsure of why, but he knows he wants it. Every conversation you have with someone else is cut short by snippy passive aggressive interruptions— and you can only apologize for his behavior so much before the other person gets sick of him.
- would not be a yandere that kills ppl (duh). But you know what he's VERY good at? blackmail and tailing. Anyone who shows a sliver of interest in you WILL be extensively researched, all just so he knows the best way to keep them out of your life, and his in yours. He runs a club of first years who will do anything to gain his approval, why not have one tail the person and tell him their every action? (he did it for each inter high, and your no less important to him)
-once he has you... he has zero idea what to do. He's still nervous, now more than ever. he's confused— what changed? he has you now... why haven't these feelings stopped? He's used to the empty feeling he gets after he wins a race, he's used to a high that dies down— but... you're not going anywhere, he feels the same twist in his stomach when he looks at you.
-It all comes to a head when you first show him your affection. Whether it be a kiss, a hug, or just saying "I love you". When it happens he feels it again. A rush of yellow warmth in his chest that he hasn't felt since the hospital. the feeling that only comes it faint doses when he's first at the finish line. But it's back, and it's strong.
- His response is slow, but intense. Now whenever he does somthing nice for you (which you've noticed- he's been doing A LOT lately) he waits for praise, another "I love you" , another kiss another hug. The feelings of yellow don't come in short lived doses like they used to anymore– its constant when he's around you, overbearing.
-Its worth mentioning: he's still an asshole to you, but this time with good intentions. The name calling and picking on you gets worse, but actually, his interaction with you OVERALL is changing. He talks to you most out of anyone he has in his life. He's mean to you- but he'd tell you things he'd never tell anyone else. He doesn't even realize how open he is around you, he talks to you without thinking about what he's even saying. Whether it be offensive (usually is, it's him) or somthing floating around in the back of his head.
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rosze-v · 1 year
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red bean soup and the color yellow
pairing: Midousuji Akira x Reader
synopsis: you, the morning girl, a cold night, red bean soup and a scenery he had forgotten
tags: MAJOR MIDOUSUJI PAST SPOILER! , fluff, sunshine x grumpy/cold trope (hihi)
w.c : 1.6k
a/n: Halu! So, I finished YowaPeda season 4 and I'm waiting for season 5 to finish airing and I just want to say, I absolutely love!!!! the anime. I am so angry that its so underrated what?? Its such a good anime, with amazing character, one of the best sports anime antagonists (wink wonk), great plot and just absolutely amazing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WATCH IT!!! Also, its literally criminal how there’s so little YowaPeda crumb?? So, I decided to start writing for the fandom!! All in all, I hope you have fun reading!
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You were craving for some melon bread and ice cream that night. Without much thought, you hopped on your bicycle and went on to your nearest convenience store. A smile spread on your cheeks because the air is cold enough and somehow, tonight feels more calming than other nights. From a far, you could see the glaring lights of the store as you pedal harder.
Once you placed your bicycle at its rightful place, you eagerly went into the store and picked out your cravings. The cashier scanned through your items, three melon breads, two chocolate vanilla ice cream and a can of hot red bean soup. With your goods in your hand, the customers could definitely see the slight hops on your feet, indicating how happy you are.
“Yosh, tonight I’m watching some Attack on Ti- Midousuji?”. You recognized that lanky build, he’s pretty much the only guy you’ve ever seen with such long legs and long arms. He’s wearing black cycling pants, and a fitted, black sports shirt that covers his arms and neck. Upon hearing his name being called, he glances over to you, his eyebrows scrunched, trying to remember where he saw you. Though he’s wearing a white mask, from his big eyes alone you knew he’s trying to remember who you are.
“Morning girl?”. Midousuji mumbled as you give him a toothy grin, walking towards him and plopping yourself beside him. Midousuji cringed as he subconsciously scoots a bit from you. His action didn’t hurt you though, you knew he’s wary of you.
“Its (y/n), How could you forget your own classmate’s name! that’s so not cute”. You complain a pout forming on your lips, tilting your head at him. Though you complain, you also knew that he does not really mingle with your classmates, he preferred to be alone, listening away to his songs from his black ear buds.
But ever since you saw him racing with his cycling club team mates, and seeing how much cycling filled him with life, you greeted him morning every day. Reason? you’re not really sure but maybe you’re just curious of Midousuji, eyes darting towards him in class or whenever he leaves for lunch. Your sudden interest on him was so obvious that your friends had called you out, asking you if you have a crush on him. Of course, you could only shake your head while your heart beats in wonder.
“What are you doing all alone in this cold night?”. You asked, scanning through him and noticing a slight shiver on his body. Well, it has gotten much colder, and compared to your fluffy jogger pants and your long-sleeved shirt, Midousuji is probably freezing his butt off. You reached in your bag and pull out the red bean soup, handing it to him.
He raises his eyebrow as you say. “Go on, you’re cold right?”.
“Its okay-“.
“You’re shivering Midou-kun, either you take this can or I’m holding your hands”. You teased, nudging him with your elbow as he side eyes you, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. You chuckled as you took out your ice cream, fumbling for the small spoon. A content sound came out of your mouth while Midousuji questions how you could eat ice cream on such cold night.
“So… again, why are you here?”. The lanky men stretch his legs, as he sips on the red bean, warmth filling him up. He contemplates on what to say, unsure of the right words to say in these kinds of situations.
“Just… needed to clear my mind”. You nodded, your body swaying along with your nod as you stare into the dark road.
It’s true, Midousuji had went out to clear his mind, plagued by thoughts on his cycling performance lately, his school works, and a slight heaviness on his chest when his mind wanders to the faces of his mother. He had noticed the cold air when he was sprinting through the road, so he thought he wanted to buy some hot packs. It was only when he got off his bike, he realized that he didn’t bring any money in his small bag, and that’s how you found him sitting on the side of the store.
“Come, I want to show you something”. His big eyes glance at your face then glances back at your hand, weighing the pros and cons of taking your hand. Fuck it, he thought, clasping your hand as you pull him up. Both of you then went over to your bikes, and when you were mounting your bike, the man suddenly appeared beside you, his tall build startling you.
The silence between the both of you were thick and frankly, you can’t stand it anymore. So, you stood up, standing in front of Midousuji as he looks at you, startled at your sudden action. You give him a smile as you held out your hand.
“Oh my god Midousuji, give me a heads-up next time”. He snorted as he responds.
“Let’s go, we have class tomorrow”.
“Yes, yes Midou-sama”. He rolled his eyes at your mocking address of him as you began cycling and Midousuji following suit. It didn’t take you long before you reach your destination. You lay your bike against the tree and Midousuji did the same as excitement courses through you.
“I need you to cover your eyes”. You said giddily as Midousuji sigh.
“And what for”.
“Then how the hell am I gonna go there”. You grin as you reach for his hand, clasping it tight. Midousuji could feel his chest tightening at your sudden skinship, while he gives in to your demand and closes his eyes.
“It’s a surprise! Come on, close your eyes”.
“Hold onto my shoulder using your other hand”, and Midousuji did as he instructed, his cold palms creating shivers around your shoulder yet warms his hand. A blush spreads through your cheek as you realize how close the both of you are. You shake your head as you walk carefully to the secret place.
Midousuji can feel the grass touching his legs and when you came to a stop, you had taken your hands back. The man took it as a sign to open his eyes and when he did, he had to blink his eyes a few times to adjust to the sudden brightness. When his eyes finally adjusted, he could see you first, grinning at him with your head tilted to the side and your hands clasped behind your back. Then his eyes wander around and finally, he realized what made everything so bright.
Fireflies, everywhere around him, floating, flying across his eyes, the ambience triggers a nostalgia in him. It’s been so long he thought, seeing fireflies. He could feel a childish excitement creeping inside of him, as his hand reaches out for a firefly. The firefly he reached flew away before his finger tips could touch the light. Rustling steps move towards him as you stand in front of him, your hands holding something in your palms.
“Look, I caught one for you”. Midousuji stares down into your hand, a firefly blinking its light for him. Subconsciously, Midousuji shows his palm to you, and gently, you place the firefly in his hand.
“Gently Midou-kun, don’t squeeze it”. He nods as he examines the firefly, his hands ever so gentle, a small smile appearing on his lips.
You had never really thought how attractive Midousuji is, your attraction towards him were merely curiosity. Yet here, with a firefly in his hands and a childish smile on his lips, you could feel blood pumping into your veins faster. Though the smile falters immediately when the firefly flew away, Midousuji’s hand fell on his side. You laugh as you pull his hand and walk a bit further, pulling him down to sit once you reach a tree.
The both of you sit in silence, eyes wandering at how beautiful the fireflies are. A warmth settles between the little space dividing the both of you, creating a sense of tranquil. You peeked at Midousuji, who’s eyes huge and lit, his mouth slightly open. You smile to yourself, so cute, you thought.
“You wanna know what will make this better?”. Midousuji’s trance shifted towards you.
“Give me your phone and earbuds”. He pursed his lips, thinking if he should share a shred of his privacy but he gave in. It’s the least he could do after you show him such scenery.
Midousuji eyes your finger, scrolling through the little amount of apps he have and your hands tap on the app YouTube. You tapped on the search bar and histories of things related to road racing came up and you smirked. After searching for the song, you hand him the left earbud while you hook in the right bud in your right ear. You play the song and Midousuji tries to focus on the song and he realized its in English.
“What’s the name of the song?”. Midousuji asked as he stares at you who’s attention is on the scenery in front.
“Why did you choose this song?”. You turn your head towards him, a smile on your face and Midousuji’s heart skips a beat.
“Well the fireflies are yellow you know!”. Midousuji grumbled at your remark, as you laughed at your joke and at how taken aback the boy look. He mumbled an, obviously its yellow, dumbass.
“And because you’re yellow…”. You whispered, hiding your face in between your knees, hoping he didn’t hear you. But he did, and he wanted to question you but he decided against it. You, the fireflies, the song Yellow, the lingering heat and Midousuji’s hand on top of yours, squeezing it; thanking you.
And maybe one day he’ll know why he’s yellow, and how he shines, or how beautiful he is, and how much everything he does is becoming yellow in your eyes.
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eggyolkperona3000 · 2 years
MAKISHIMA X BLACK READER Fhshsjs, there’s 0 Yowapedal x black reader fanfics out there, I wanna be one of the first people to do that 😭! Just gonna be sum headcanons tho, sorry about it being a little awkward 🙏🏾. ~Gender neutral~ 
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He absolutely loves your skin, he thinks it’s so beautiful
He would definitely let you do his hair
If you would let him, he would help you wash your hair and also take the time to learn how to do it
He would compliment you really awkwardly 
If you were on the team, he would pay close attention to you and make sure you’re alright
Sohoku loves you ofc 💜
If Toudou meets you, he’ll probably be dishing out compliments left and right, Maki tries to get him to leave you alone
He loves to cuddle with you
If you guys sleep together, he’ll make sure your bonnet or do-rag stays on while y’all sleep
The first time y’all sleep together, it’ll be a little awkward ((referring to actual sleeping btw))
Very supportive of ya 💜
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alainascrawls · 1 month
if you watched yowapeda can you make one on Kuroda x Teshima? thanks. make it at most a T rate and do it in alpha-omega setting i guess.. oh yeah and make teshima female
Thank you!!
so my first instinct is that this is some kinda meme or troll or smthn but I've also heard horror stories of fic readers acting this entitled so it could be real but I don't understand social interaction at the best of times so I'm just gonna respond to this as if it was a serious request ig
hi! thank you for taking an interest in my work, but I do not take requests. I especially don't take requests for characters I'm only peripherally interested in and au's I'm not at all interested in. also no matter how politely you word it, it's kinda rude to approach someone you don't know and ask them to do a very specific thing for you unprompted (and on anon), and you're unlikely to get what you want this way.
and if this is a troll,,,,,,,, dude. you have better things to do with your time than bother some smalltime fic writer on tumblr dot com with your weird drama bs. I am only barely peripherally in any fandom. I don't talk to people, I barely interact even with the things I like, I literally just look, like, sometimes reblog, and rarely throw a fic or a fanart into the fray & then disappear back into the void. I am like The worst target for this nonsense lol
anyway, I hope you have a pleasant day!
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axoxtxhxh · 2 years
Can’t It Be You? - Chapter 11
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Summary: Kinjou and Reader both struggle to make it through dinner. Kinjou x Fem!Reader Warnings: Showering together, heavy make-out session Word Count: ~ 2,700
A/N: YAYYYY!!! I finally did it! This if my FIFTH chaptered story that I’ve started and finished this year. I very much mean to brag a bit because honestly, who is going to be prouder of me than myself?? There was a bit of time where I really didn’t think I would finish this, but the fifth season coming out next year and @millenialfanfictionaddiction​​ always telling me how much she loved this story really REALLY helped. I’m just so darn proud of myself guys!
“Can I join you?” Y/N heard a voice ask from the opened bathroom door. She peeked around the shower curtain and saw Kinjou standing not so differently than when he asked the same question barely a week ago.
“I don’t know.” She teased. “We don’t have a lot of time and you and I don’t exactly have the best track record for showering quickly.”
“Well, contrary to what these past few days have shown—” he pulled off his shirt and stepped out of his pants. Y/N didn’t even have the self-restraint to hide her smile, she just bit her lip, showing her teeth as her eyes ran over his body. “—I am quite capable of not having sex when I shouldn’t.”
“Unfortunately, it’s not you that I worry about.” She backed up in the shower. “But I guess we’ll see.”
Kinjou climbed in, completely prepared to stay on his side of the shower until his eyes fell on the naked curves of her hips that he was holding not even an hour before, the water rolling over her shoulders, over her breasts and falling to the shower floor. No matter how much self-control he knew he had, he wasn’t about to hold off when he was finally allowedto touch her and his hands moved to her waist immediately.
“What was it you were just saying?” She asked jokingly and Kinjou laughed quietly against her neck. “You were fully capable of what?”
“I just want one kiss.” He promised, his body pressed against hers as his nose rubbed against her nose.
“I don’t think the guy down there got that memo.” She moved her hand to his cheek, pulling him closer.
“I don’t always listen to him.” He smirked and brought his lips to hers. Kinjou was sure that no matter how many times he kissed Y/N, no matter how many times he held her in his arms, he was never going to get enough.
Y/N was having trouble believing that it was Kinjou she was kissing, that it was Kinjou’s hands moving over her body, that it was his back she was running her nails over, and the part that she was having the most trouble believing was that it was Kinjou who she completely fell for. Even when she was with Shinkai, she never felt that can’t-get-enough-of-you feeling like she had been feeling with Kinjou for the last week.
She smiled against his lips as she felt his fingers moving in between her legs. She knew this would happen and she was tempted not to stop it. There was no way they were both going to get in the shower together, completely naked, and not do anything. They really didn’t have a lot of time though.
“Kinjou.” She warned him as his fingers searched for that special spot and he smiled.
“I know.” He sighed, his hands returning to her hips. He did know, but that didn’t stop him from wanting her. They had a little bit of time, not a lot, but enough and before she could lean back under the water to finish washing up, he pulled her a little closer. “But what if we just—”
“Kinjou.” She repeated.
“Okay.” He sighed, taking a reluctant step back from her.
After finishing the quick shower, they were both cleaned and dried and they finished getting dressed. Y/N checked her phone and noticed a message from Shinkai.
[Can you pick me up on your way? I had to run home to shower so I lost my ride.]
She quickly replied back to him and turned to Kinjou who was watching her with a smile on his face.
“What are you looking at?” She teased and his smile widened as he stood up and moved to her.
“Just the most beautiful—”
“No time.” Y/N put her hand against Kinjou’s chest and held him away, knowing just what he was going to do if she let him continue. “We have to pick up Shinkai before we go.”
“I thought he was already with them.”
“I guess they separated and in order for us to avoid being later than we already are, we have to leave—” she looked at her watch, “—now.”
“Alright, but I do have one request.” He pressed his hips against hers and leaned back, brushing a hair that seemed out of place.
“What’s that?”
“Would it be okay if I spent the night?”
Y/N was ready to laugh at his request, thinking he was joking, but Kinjou wasn’t looking at her. His eyes were focused on the hair he pushed in line with the others that kept sticking out. He was serious. He was honestly seriously asking her to spend the night at her place. She didn’t want to laugh at him, but she couldn’t help the chuckle that came out.
“Kinjou, you’ve been sleeping here for the past week. Why would I make you leave now?”
“I know.” He shrugged, still not looking at her. “But I’ve been on the couch. I was hoping I could stay in your bed… with you.”
“Oh, you will most definitely be staying in my bed.” She nodded and he finally looked up at her and smiled. “I expect us to be spending all night in that bed together as well as all day tomorrow. And if you’re up for it, probably the entire day after that.”
“I am definitely up for that.” His eyes lit up with excitement. “I will stay in that bed the rest of this break if you let me. Afterall, my knee does need to heal.”
“Don’t tempt me.” She narrowed her eyes. “The hard part is going to be getting Shinkai to leave us alone.”
“Speaking of Shinkai.”
“Yeah, we should probably go.”
They both made their way down to Y/N’s car and got in. Not surprisingly, they were already late and picking up Shinkai wasn’t going to help get them there any faster, but when they got to his dorm, he was waiting for them on the sidewalk.
“Need a lift?” Y/N teased through the opened window.
“Very funny.” Shinkai said unamused and he opened the door, climbing in the back seat. “What took you so long?”
“We stopped at Kinjou’s dorm after biking.” Y/N explained.
Shinkai had known Y/N long enough to know when she was hiding something and even just from that simple explanation, he knew she was hiding something. He just couldn’t figure it out yet. His eyes moved from Y/N’s profile to Kinjou’s as he buckled himself in.
“Kinjou can you help set up the GPS to the restaurant?” Y/N handed Kinjou her phone and he took it while Shinkai continued eyeing them from the back seat.
“Sure.” Kinjou started tapping on her phone, searching for the restaurant. Again, Shinkai’s eyes moved from Kinjou to Y/N and back to Kinjou. That’s when he realized what it was that was different.
“Fucking finally!” Shinkai yelled, dropping his head back against the headrest as he leaned back in his seat.
“What?” Y/N turned to Shinkai, the look on her face was less shocked as much as it was confused.
“You guys fucked.” He smiled, leaning forward and looking from Y/N to Kinjou. “Like, on purpose.”
“How could you possibly—” Kinjou started.
“Don’t ask.” Y/N tried to stop him.
“I’m glad you asked, my man.” Shinkai smiled widely and Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes.
She pulled out of the parking lot, following the GPS’s instructions while Shinkai gave his very unscientific explanation for somehow knowing when two people have had sex.
“And that’s pretty much how I know.” Shinkai smiled, patting a perplexed Kinjou on the shoulder.
“I’m even more confused now.” Kinjou shook his head and Y/N just laughed.
“I told you not to ask.” She turned into the restaurant parking lot and found a spot near the entrance. “I’m starving.”
“Me too.” Shinkai jumped out of the car and ran towards the group that was already waiting near the front, giving Kinjou and Y/N time alone which Kinjou took advantage of, taking her hand quickly.
“I know they’re my friends and I honestly want to be here with them—” Kinjou faced Y/N, turning his back to the group waiting by the front entrance, “—But I’m going to have so much trouble keeping my eyes off of you.”
Y/N stared at him as he held onto both of her hands, watching as he rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles and smiling. It was a sweet gesture, but she wanted nothing more than to push him back in the car and forget about dinner entirely. She didn’t though. Kinjou deserved this. He deserved time with his friends and so they went inside.
While it was important to her for Kinjou to have time with his friends and to relax, it wasn’t enough to stop her from keeping her hands all over him for the majority of dinner. It wasn’t entirely obvious. Most people didn’t even notice, except of course, for Shinkai who told them to ‘get a room’ multiple times.
Everyone was going to use the bathroom before leaving and Y/N thought it was the perfect chance to step out to the car for a little before anyone noticed. She tapped Kinjou’s thigh, moving her hand higher and higher until he looked over to her.
“Let’s go to the car for a little.” She whispered in his ear and he gave her a nervous look.
“Right now?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, biting her lip and Kinjou couldn’t resist.
“We’ll be back.” He told the few not needing the bathroom and stood, both walking at a normal pace until they reached the parking lot where they sprinted to the car. Y/N started the car and backed out of the place. “What are you doing? I thought we were just doing it in here?”
“Well yeah, but I’m not about to do it right in front of the restaurant.” She laughed. “I’m finding a spot farther away.”
Kinjou nodded and when she parked the car, turning off the ignition, he climbed over the center console and into her lap where he wasted no time in his hands unbuttoning her shirt while he kissed her.
“I can taste your burger.” She laughed. “Switch with me. I want to be on top.”
She had no idea how they were able to maneuver themselves around in the small car, but they did it and once she was on top, there was a little bit more room for them both. Kinjou’s lips were at her neck and making their way down to her collarbone, more than likely to make some more marks she would have to find a way to hide.
Kinjou’s hands were moving along Y/N’s hips, wanting to hold as much of her as he could. He settled for gripping the meat of her butt while his lips pulled on a patch of skin along her collarbone. They hadn’t even really started doing anything and he was already groaning, embarrassingly needy for her.
Y/N chuckled at Kinjou’s desperation and when she felt his lips separate from her skin, she leaned back to look at him.
“You look so good.” She sighed, closing her eyes which seemed counterintuitive since she loved seeing him like that, but it was like she needed a short break from the view. Seeing Kinjou with his pink cheeks and swollen lips did something to her more than anything else. She opened her eyes and leaned in to kiss him, unable to wait any longer.
It was hard to remember that this was Kinjou. This was her best friend for so many years and it was so weird how she could see him as that, but also in this new way. She had always thought Kinjou would make an amazing boyfriend, even while dating Shinkai she always thought that whoever he was with was going to be incredibly lucky. Not only was Kinjou sweet and considerate, he was attentive and handsome and so honest with his feelings that it was strange she never considered feelings she may have had for him herself.
But why couldn’t it be him? Why could she never see it until he practically threw it in her lap?
“Thank you, Kinjou.” She spoke against his lips.
“For what?” He smiled, but kept her face close to him.
“Thinking of me.” She shrugged, honestly not sure why she was thanking him, just knowing she wanted to.
There was actually a lot she could thank him for and Y/N was beginning to wonder if the build-up of it all was what forced out the ‘thank you’. She could thank him for always being such a great friend. She could thank him for always taking care of her and supporting her. She could definitely thank him for giving her one of the strangest, but most amazing weeks she’s ever had, but all of those reasons seemed like a ‘thank you’ somehow wouldn’t be enough.
“You don’t have to thank me for that.” He looked up at her, knowing there was something she was thinking about.
“I’m going to find a way to show you.” She nodded decidedly. “I will show you how thankful I am.”
Kinjou opened his mouth to speak when they both jumped as Y/N’s phone vibrated and she reached down to pick it up. She didn’t look at who it was, her eyes stuck on Kinjou’s as the darkening and lustful look in them deepened.
“What the fuck?!” Shinkai’s voice shouted from the receiver and Y/N pulled it from her ear as Kinjou’s lips moved down her neck.
“What is it Shinkai?” She sucked in a breath of air. “I’m… I’m a little busy.”
“No shit. I can see you guys fucking from over here.” He rolled his eyes and waved as they both looked back to the restaurant. “You know you’re my ride home, right?”
“Damn it.” She groaned, having temporarily forgotten. “Give me a minute.”
She hung up her phone and sank down a little, trying to get her body from where it was which was incredibly riled up, down to a level that would last until she got home.
“He’s going to be bothering us all night, isn’t he?” Kinjou laughed.
“Unfortunately… yes.” Y/N buttoned her shirt up, trying really hard not to look at Kinjou’s wet and very red lips.
“Whether he is there or not, I still want you tonight.” Kinjou smiled, scooting himself into the passenger seat so she could sit in the driver’s seat. “We can lock the door.”
“That probably won’t stop him.” She laughed, starting the car.
“Well it’s certainly not going to stop me.” He replied, half-biting his lip as Y/N looked at him, his eyes still heavy with lust.
“Whatever you do, do not let him hear that.” She pulled up to the front and Shinkai was standing with his arms crossed and a disapproving look on his face as he opened the door.
“Late to pick me up and almost leaving without me.” He sat in the back and buckled himself up, trying not to smile at his own fake annoyance. “I can’t wait until this honeymoon period is over.”
“You won’t even let us have one.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I’m only kidding.” Shinkai leaned forward, reaching to wrap his arms around both of them which ended up being difficult and uncomfortable for all of them. “I really like you two together. It’s cute.”
“Does that mean I can drop you off at your dorm instead of my place?” Y/N smiled, hopeful.
“Not a chance!” Shinkai laughed. “I move into your place in like two weeks anyway. Might as well get used to the banging.”
“Banging?” Kinjou turned quickly.
“Oh yeah.” Shinkai leaned closer to Kinjou. “Wait until she starts getting rough.”
“Stop, there’s no rough.” Y/N complained, driving out of the parking lot.
“The three of us are going to have a lot of fun.” Shinkai smiled. “I can feel it.”
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dulcetscen · 5 years
Hi! This is probably the most bizarre thing I'll ever ask for but I'm dying to see where you go with this. May I request some Midousuji headcanons for a fem!so, sfw/nsfw whatever comes to you. Arigato!
Hmm, Midousuji is kind of creepy to me. But I think that makes me have a soft spot for him even more? Like I just want to hug him, poor thing. 
NSFW (should be) under the read more cut. 💕
- Akira might take a while to actually fully warm up to you as his girlfriend. It was a huge step for him to act on his feelings for you already, so expect it to take a bit of time for him to feel mostly comfortable with you.
- As much as he would never admit or voice it, Akira loves to be complimented and reassured. He especially loves when your compliments are completely unexpected, and is for something that he usually overlooks. The way he always mutters his thank you might make you think otherwise, but the smile that grows on his face shows how much your words mean to him.
- Akira needs constant reassurance because he is a bit self conscious in his role as your boyfriend. He knows what others think about him and his appearance and while he doesn’t care much for their opinions, he is constantly worried and curious about yours.
- Sometimes, Akira struggles with being empathetic to your feelings. He can often be blunt with his words and though you’re used to that aspect of his personality, sometimes his words hurt in a way he didn’t intend. The longer your relationship goes on, Akira is able to pick up on your shift of mood pretty quickly. He isn’t one to apologize outright, but he’ll try his best to be a bit nicer to you as a silent apology.
- Akira is a secret cuddle monster. He usually puts up a farce of how he hates to cuddle, but you quickly come to realize that he’s almost always hanging off of you like a monkey when you’re both alone. And as much as he hates to admit it, he sleeps waaay better when he’s sleeping on your chest.
(nsfw part starts here)
- Akira is not a fan of being teased. He’s usually a bit impatient outside the bedroom, but when you’re knowingly flaunting something (you) that he wants right in front of him with some arbitrary restriction? Any sliver of patience and self control is out the window. The moment you instruct him not to do something, Akira’s sexual tension is through the roof. Good luck being shown mercy after that.
- Despite that, he loves to tease you. There’s something appealing to him about the fact that his touch can drive you crazy. If he’s feeling especially mean that day, a tease session for him can last all day.
- Being as impatient as he can be, especially after a long teasing session, sex with Akira can seem a bit rushed. When you first started to become intimate with each other, it seemed as if he always finished first. But as he learned more about your body, and gained a bit more control over his release, he makes it a point to at least help you get off first, even if it’s during his torturous teasing (his personal favorite).
- Akira is a huge cuddler after sex. He refuses to let you go for up to what feels to be an hour afterwards. Coming off from such a sex high pressed against you is his definition of a personal heaven, so he takes advantage of it every chance he gets.
- Last thing, two words: Midousuji’s Tongue 🤪
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
Tadashi + 6, 7, 10 and 13?
Aaaww yiiii Best Boyfriend Boy Comin' Thru!!!
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6. How they decorated their bedroom:
Tadashi's had to share a room with Hiro pretty much all of his life, so the extent of what he can really do is limited. But given how creative he can be, he's definitely made do with the space he has. With just a shoji screen separating their halves, Tadashi managed to make his side of the room just as lively as his brother's, albeit much tidier.
His side is lined with items referencing his culture, from little masks purchased at local festivals to knick knacks such as Daruma dolls or little omamori charms placed on shelves. There's references to his more athletic history placed about so that they won't get damaged, or he won't damage himself by tripping over them (snow and surf boards positioned tastefully out of the way, his disassembled speed bike oriented on the floor where he always knows it'll be, etc).
He's nowhere near as straight-laced about his things as Wasabi, but Tadashi still believes that everything has a place -- even if he's gotta invent a new place for them, or reorganize his half of the room to make space.
He keeps this tidiness even when he moves out to start a life with you, though there's more space available for him to work with. He might actually get a bit too excited at first and start going out and buying more trinkets and home decor simply because he can! However, it never gets too out of hand: Everything, from the large, decorative fans to the funky table lamps to the paintings and ink scrolls and perfectly-framed family photos has a place in your home together.
7. Which one is the worse driver?:
Tadashi is. But allow me to clarify: It's got nothing to do with skill. Tadashi is, in fact, a very good driver when it comes to safety. Perhaps, however . . . too good . . .
Tadashi is a very by-the-book kind of driver, in that yeah, you'll definitely be safe with him behind the wheel, but you'll also feel like you're under lockdown for the entire duration of the drive. This means no blasting music that might distract him, no leaning your head against the window if you fall asleep (what if there's an accident!?), no leaning your head or hands out the windows when they're rolled down, no feet on the dashboard (which is common sense anyway but), etc.
If you guys pick up snacks while you're out, you're free to eat them in theory. But he won't be eating, since that can pose as a distraction. And that just makes you feel guilty about jumping into your bag of fries. As a result, you wind up waiting until you've gotten back home to decimate your bag of Burger Fool.
It doesn't matter for how many years Tadashi's had the wheel, or that he's been a gold-star driver for all of them: You can never be too safe when it comes to driving with him.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other:
You're both secretly otaku trash. Admit it. Tadashi won't, instead preferring to insist that he's just an appreciator of animation. Will you be the bigger person and own up to your dirty weeb ways? No? Fine; then you'll sit in silence as the both of you watch Yowapeda.
It's just an inside joke that one of you will be heard muttering, "Hiiime hime! Hime! Suki suki da-i-suki!", causing the other to finish, "Kira kira rin!"; you don't really know the song, that would be weird.
You don't nearly cry when Sohoku makes a victory, or when they get into Midousuji's backstory. That would be weird.
And if you actually came to the confirmation that literally no character is completely hateable in this weirdass show about biking? That would be . . . so freaking weird . . . Nah, you both just watch it because the character designs are goofy. And because it's a riot to talk about watching an anime about friendship and competitive biking. And because oh god Onoda, you precious beautiful otaku child, you are the heart and soul of this show --
13. Which makes a bigger deal of birthdays:
Tadashi does. It's a symptom of having been raised in such a closely-knitted household/cafe. He's just so used to waking up early on the eve of or even the day of his aunt or brother's birthday so he can have the kitchen to himself, baking up a storm to create their favorite sweet, or one that came to him in the night like an angel approaching a prophet.
You don't mind it, though: No matter how many times it happens, you will forever love the feeling of being invited to the Lucky Cat for a simple piece of cake, only to be surprised with the faces of your friends and loved ones, all gathered to wish you a happy birthday.
It just makes whatever Tadashi baked for you taste all the more sweeter.
Thanks for being so patient, love!
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purplepaus · 3 years
Hola a todos! Para el martes 19 de octubre tenemos el tema " Flores" en el @flufftober2021 y he traído un trabajo viejito pero sabroso, para ser exactos un fic que publiqué el año pasado. Sin ser más iniciamos!!
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Fandom: Yowamushi Pedal Ship: Izumida Touichirou x reader Tema: Flowers- flores (Flufftober 2021 versión Tumblr) Proyecto: Rebel reindeers: Un musical de navidad. (Terminado en wattpad ) Categoría: AU teatro musical, idols, conciertos, Navideño. Sinopsis: Conoce la historia de dos renos novatos que se rebelarán contra alguien muy importante en el universo de la Navidad y su búsqueda por el mundo a pocos días de esta gran celebración. Será un gran espectáculo con las influencias del teatro musical, eventos de idols y seiyuus, conciertos y música de diversos tipos. Toma tu asiento en primera fila y a divertirse!
Omake 1: Red roses: - Izu-chan!! - Exclamaste apenas lo viste desde la lejanía y en medio de la grama del estadio solitario corriste a abrazarlo con felicidad. Se estrecharon como si no se hubieran visto en años, él sin dudarlo aferrado a ti te dio vueltas lleno de dicha. Tuviste que ahorrar mucho dinero con el fin de obtener tu boleto en las primeras filas, ahora que disfrutaste del gran espectáculo y tu amado se encuentra frente a ti sabes que tus esfuerzos valieron la pena: viajar temprano desde Hakone a Yokohama, las largas filas y aguantar hambre y frío no eran nada ante la felicidad de reencontrarte con Izumida luego de semanas sin encontrarse debido a la gira nacional del show. Decidieron ir a cenar a un restaurante de ambiente muy íntimo y en una esquina con luz tenue se ubicaron los dos. - Itadakimasu! - Dijeron ambos y empezaron a comer, poco a poco él cubría tu mano y la acariciaba suavemente, durante la conversación te miraba a los ojos con aprecio. - Esa caja de rosas rojas... te la obsequiaron? T/N - san? Son muy hermosas y....-   Te preguntó y tú lo interrumpiste porque en realidad las rosas eran para él. Tal vez él amaba las flores pero jamás imaginó que su novia le obsequiaría unas. En ese momento sintiéndose agradecido quiso pararse de la mesa y darte un gran beso por tan bella atención, aún así prefirió guardar la compostura y se manifestó tomando tu mano y entrelazando sus piernas con las tuyas. Se hizo tarde, el transporte público ya no funcionaba y tampoco trajiste tu bicicleta, por tanto debías alojarte en algún sitio. Tenías dinero en caso de que eso pasara, sin embargo Touichirou leyó tu mente e hizo una propuesta indecente. - Quédate esta noche conmigo, estoy alojado en una suite exclusiva. Tú puedes dormir en ... la cama y yo ...abu... en el sofá.- Te propuso y sus mejillas se ruborizaron. Aceptaste sin dudarlo. Ya en el solitario ascensor que los llevaría a la suite te abrazó y encerró en un rincón, tú esperabas más, sin embargo él sólo te besó castamente porque todavía no quería dar muestras desbordadas de pasión... Si no hubiera cámaras dentro del elevador el final podría haber sido un poco más intenso. Era una noche otoñal y el frío se alcanzaba a sentir en la enorme habitación, él prendió la calefacción y te ofreció una lata de chocolate caliente mientras lo esperabas en la sala; para Izumida el simple hecho de recibir por primera vez flores de parte de una chica lo había motivado a darte una sorpresa. Justo cuando acabaste la bebida él regresó a la sala. Del saco azul de lana y sus vaqueros verde oscuro ha pasado a solamente tener puesto un corbatín y pantalón de vestir negro y zapatos charolados a juego. Tú no le quitabas la vista de encima, se veía tan elegante y tentador a la vez! En el momento que pensaste ir a abrazarlo y así sentir la piel de su torso desnudo él te dedicó la rutina de tap dance que haría. - Deseaba haberte visto al hacer mi presentación y más en mi duelo contra Teshima, yo... cuando bailaba te pensaba. Esto es para ti T/N - san!!! - Dicho esto te besó en la mejilla y puso una canción de sugerente jazz, tú ruborizada por el obsequio no dejabas de observarlo. Él danzaba usando el carácter de los "bailaores" españoles, agregado a una tácita sensualidad y coquetería, el profesionalismo de las grandes estrellas de Broadway y una mirada un tanto imponente atenuada con una ligera sonrisa. Él finalizó su rutina e hizo una reverencia ante tí, lo aplaudiste de pie y después de erguirse te acercaste, tomaste su cintura morena con tus brazos y lo besaste apasionadamente, él se unió a tí y duraron juntos por varios minutos. - Te ves hermoso así Izu-chan!! Estás muy... provocativo.- Le dijiste con algo de vergüenza cuando lograste respirar después de ese beso poderoso. Él, entrado en calor dejaba de ruborizarse con tanta facilidad y agradeció tus cumplidos. Tú recordando las épocas en que casi lo llevaste por la fuerza a aquel curso de baile para que se olvidara de la depresión por fracasar en su primer interescolar le pediste que te cumpliera un capricho: -
Izu-chan, bailemos un tango juntos como en las viejas épocas. - Tus deseos son órdenes, T/N- san!!! Él reprodujo en su celular " A media luz" y rodeándote empezaron a pasear por toda la sala, las caderas de ambos se rozaban silenciosa y sugestivamente ostentando un magnetismo indescriptible; él te miraba con un sutil dominio lascivo que confundía y excitaba tu mente. Sus inquietas manos acariciaban tu espalda y cintura o de forma sorpresiva una de ellas tomaba tu pierna con la intención de levantarla y sentirla a través de la yema de sus dedos reprimiendo un gemido lujurioso. Ambos desparramaban pasión por donde iban y conforme avanzaba la tonada se sincronizaban los acercamientos e intentos hacia un beso pero ninguno se lanzaba a dar el toque final; los últimos acordes empezaron a sonar y el pestañudo capturó tu cintura, siguiendo tus instintos te inclinaste hacia atrás esperando a que posara sus labios sobre tu escote, mas no recordabas que traías un buso de lana con cuello alto y unos gruesos pantalones de mezclilla, él también se confundió y al detenerse sobre tu busto prefirió subir unos centímetros más para aterrizar en tu boca. " Maldito saco de lana, malditos pantalones, maldito otoño!!" Tu mente odió esa estorbosa ropa que te impedía sentir bien sus caricias, al mismo tiempo él cambiaba el rumbo de su boca. Sin embargo olvidaste todo eso cuando Izumida te besó con una sed de ti que no vivías desde su último Interescolar. Nuevamente quedaron sin respiración después del  enérgico contacto. Recuperando la calma él te miró a los ojos deseoso de poseerte y te contó ilusionado que en la habitación de la suite tenía más sorpresas para ti. Touichirou te llevó en sus fornidos brazos hasta el lujoso dormitorio, aunque el camino fue breve lo disfrutaste recostando tu cabeza sobre Andy y sintiendo su textura suave y tibia mientras cerrabas los ojos dulcemente. - T/N - san, abre los ojos por favor y mira hacia la cama.- Te ordenó con amabilidad el pestañudo. Sobre las impecables sábanas de la mullida cama resaltaba un corazón hecho de pétalos de rosas rojas y rosadas representando la pasión y la ternura que le inspirabas, al lado se veía una tarjeta mediana con un sincero mensaje escrito por él: " Eres la flor más bella de todo el universo. Te amo, mi hermosa T/N-san." Tú querías abrazarlo mas estando todavía entre los cincelados bíceps de Izumida sólo pudiste refugiarte eternecida en su pecho cálido y darle las gracias casi en un susurro.  Él colocó sus labios sobre tu frente y minutos después gentilmente te bajó de su regazo para besarte, esta vez con una ternura que de a pocos se fue transformando en deseo.
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hyoqa · 4 months
pairing: kuroda yukinari x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: you are a manager of the Sohoku team and he's a member of the Hakogaku team— the two of you are not meant to be
warnings: spoilers of the second inter-high
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The two of you were not meant to be. The gods had not meant for you to get together, and the world did not lend a helping hand either. You were a year younger than him, a manager of the Souhoku road race team, and he was a member of the Hakone Academy road race team. It wasn't meant to work out.
However, there was no way for you to not fall in love. Not when he was the one you weren't allowed to fall for.
You could never forget, it was your second year at the inter-high as a manager, but it was particularly busy. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was the first day with all the nerves, or maybe it was the fact that it was really, really hot that day and you failed to realize. However, you fainted while carrying drinks back to your team's tent after most members had crossed the goal for that day. It was a horrible time and place to faint as well— you were avoiding the main walkways and trying to walk under the trees behind the tents to get as much shade as possible, and it was a little after the main bulk of people had left. You were unaware of everything that happened after, but you later hear that Kuroda had been the one to carry you back to your team's tent. Apparently, he had gotten patched up and wanted to try walking to see how his condition was. He was covered in bandages and with an injured arm and leg, he still carried you all the way back, after finishing the first part of a race.
By the time you were up, he was already long gone, but the idea of him doing that for you was enough for you to run out to try to find him. You had no luck that time, as they had already moved to their hotel, but Onoda kindly asked Manami where they were staying for you, as you seemed so hung up on it.
You had roughly a minute, maybe a little more to talk to him, but that was about it. You didn't wish to either, he had a race tomorrow and he had wounds to heal. The fact that he came down to meet you was more than enough for you.
"Thank you so much for earlier today, I heard from everyone else," you said, bowing deep.
"Oh, stop that. It's all good, I'm glad you're up," he said. "Feeling better?"
"Yes, I feel great now, thank you," you said. His bandages looked horrible. "I can't believe you did this for me when your injuries are..."
Then he laughs. You didn't think he was one to laugh. "I was skeptical too... but you were super light and I was glad to know that my arm's still fine," he said, but you knew he was being nice and acting strong. There was no way it wasn't tough.
"Oh, I won't keep you for too long, I'll get in trouble if I bother an athlete before a race any more than I already have," you said with a smile. "Again, thank you so much for today. It really meant the world to me."
Slowly you walked away to leave so he felt comfortable to walk back in. At the time, you thought he was being kind as he watched you walk back, but in reality, he was subconsciously mesmerized by your smile.
You did not get another chance to talk to him that inter-high, but you were always watching him. When he finished the race, when he was on the podium. Everytime he was in your field of vision, you noticed your eyes would follow him. Later, you would greatly regret not talking to him more, but at the moment all you could do was stare.
Months went by and you felt silly after realizing just how much you still thought about him. You couldn't forget him and somehow your feelings only continued to grow, but there was nothing much you could do about it. You didn't know anyone in Hakone Academy directly, and you really didn't feel like asking one of your teammates to ask their friend for Kuroda's contact. Not to mention, he was a third year so you couldn't count on next year's inter-high either.
However, that was alright, because you hadn't expected anything from this to begin with. It was just your one-sided feelings that no one would ever find out about, and that was okay with you. It's not that you were going to give up, but rather that you didn't expect much to begin with. You were more than happy to continue to harbor these feelings, especially while they weren't in the way of anyone else. One day they were bound to disappear.
But like fate, a week later Kinjou had come to visit a practice and he had brought Arakita with him for fun. The entire team was thrilled to see Kinjou again as he helped them train some more, and Arakita watched around as he complained, explaining that he didn't want to be here at all. Apparently he wasn't going to go around helping a former rival team practice either, which was actually a very fair reason.
You knew it was rude and you were very intimidated by Arakita, but all you could think of since he arrived was Kuroda's contact. He must know— and you wanted to know so badly. Was that the right decision though? Shouldn't you just give up and let it go instead? No, you had regretted not talking to him more before and this was your first chance after months. You would be so dumb to let it go just like that.
So just before he was about to leave, you called to him, insanely nervous.
"Arakita-san," you said and he looked back.
"Hah? Oh, the manager?" he asked and you nodded. "Have we talked before?"
"N-no," you said. "So I realize this is terribly strange for me to ask, but could I um..."
"Oh, just spit it out."
"Would you be able to tell me Kuroda-san's contact?" you said very quickly and quietly. Your eyes were glued to the floor and you were too embarrassed to look up.
Immediately after you heard laughter and you were unsure how to react. You didn't think he would laugh at you.
"Is this what I think it is?" He said, far more amused now than he was the entire time he was here. You didn't say anything but it must've shown on your face because he continued to go on. "When did Kuroda find himself a cute little crush?"
"No, it's not him, it's me," you said. "Actually, he probably doesn't remember me..."
"Oh, he's rude and annoying but give him a little more credit than that. If he did something that would make you fall for him, I'm sure that he must remember. He's not one to do nice things, let alone charm people," he said. "And I think you should ask him yourself, rather."
"No, he was very nice! For him to carry someone he didn't know back while... hold on what?"
He had turned his phone on and called a contact named Kuroda.
"Oh, gosh, please don't give it to me. I don't know what to say," you said.
"What do you mean! You were the one who wanted his—" he started to say but he was cut off by a voice from the phone.
"Arakita-san? How rare for you to call," you could hear the voice say faintly. "Did something happen? I'm going to get back to practice soon so if you could be quick..."
It was him. It was Kuroda. The voice you wanted to hear for the past few months was so close and no longer just in your head.
"No, if he's busy then it's okay," you whispered frantically. At this rate his only impression of you is going to be bothersome.
"Why are you suddenly a wimp now considering you were able to come ask me before?" Arakita asked.
"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Kuroda asked from the phone. "A wimp?"
"Oh, my bad, my bad," Arakita replied to him. "Not you. I'm actually at Sohoku right now."
"What? Sohoku? Why?" Kuroda asked, confused. "Oh, then can you see if their managers are okay? One of them fainted during the inter-high a couple of months ago."
Your eyes widened, absolutely shocked. He remembered. He cared. Arakita looked over at you and your face said all he needed to know. Kuroda was talking about you.
"Kuroda-chan are you in love..." he teased and you genuinely thought it was over.
"Oh, shut up," Kuroda replied quietly, and unfortunately you couldn't hear. "What if someone hears you!"
Arakita immediately started to laugh and you heard a faint 'shut up, stop laughing!' from the phone. "Here," Arakita said, passing you the phone. "Your turn."
Shocked you quickly took the phone.
"What? Who's turn? Was someone listening??" Kuroda asked, terribly confused and panicking slightly.
"Um, hello. I'm the one who collapsed at the inter-high who you helped," you said carefully.
"Oh gosh, were you listening?" he asked.
"Sorry, I could hear... Not the last part though!" you said and he sighed, relieved.
"Thank goodness," he said. You were confused and curious, but you had something else to ask.
"I asked Arakita-san for your um... contact... and he kindly called you so I could ask you myself. So would it be alright for me to ask you..." you started to say.
"Of course!" Kuroda replied a little too quickly and enthusiastically, which he beated himself up for seconds later. "I mean, I would love to have your contact as well, if that's okay."
And that was the start. The two of you had many more obstacles to simply get to know each other, but he was the one for you, and you were the one for him.
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fullvoidmoon · 7 years
If This Will Be a Color
Pairing/s: Midousuji Akira x fem!reader
Setting/Timeline: Wedding
Warning(s)/Genre(s): Too much fluff, Midousuji being OOC
Word Count: 900
Yowamushi Pedal, Midousuji Akira, Midousuji’s mother, Kyoto Fushimi, and Sohoku © Watanabe Wataru Context © me
A/N: This is Midousuji’s wedding vows to reader.
Masterlist: HERE
Part 2 - Through the Yellow Days
All that mattered to me was road racing.
It started when I had my first bike and used it to ride round trips from my relatives’ house to the hospital where my late mother was confined. It keeps me moving forward, as what she told me to always do during my last visit, and then I decided to become an athlete due to her encouragement. So mom, wherever you are, I wanted you to know that without you, I would never be a great road racer that I am today. I then vowed to become the best road racer and to keep on winning. That’s all that I thought of; road racing and the victories along with it. That’s all that matter to me: victory. I don’t give any care to anyone or anything as long as I win.  Then it all changed when I met you.
I thought you’re like the other small fries out there, like the typical, mass produced cyclists. But when I was given the chance to know you, even though I mostly don’t want to for the idea is as gross as it is, I realized that you’re not one of them. You’re a strong female cyclist, even stronger than you might think. You ride like no one else. And when you gave me a chance to ride with you, I then saw it; the color yellow. You made me believe all sorts of things that I don’t usually believe in. You made me act the way that I usually do not act. You fill up the empty husk that is me whenever I give my everything to move forward. You showed me that I have the strength I never thought I have in me to be even greater in the sport that we come to love so much. You even added some more of that strength in me. And you gave me hope that I thought was never there for me. I know, it’s so gross, even the thought of it is gross enough to make me cringe. But what can I do? I realized that I don’t have the strength to push the feeling away. Instead, that gross feeling gave me strength to hold on to it and never let it go. And I have no plans on letting it go; the feeling of my love for you. Most of the time, I did quite the very opposite to you. I pushed you away even though that I know myself that I needed you. I disregarded you in all the things that I consider important to me. I did not show you my support to you. I didn't even protect you at some circumstances that you needed to be protected. All of us here know that I’m not the kind of person that apologizes, and you of all people know very well that I think the idea is so gross. With all that, I’m truly sorry. I know that telling you that I regret doing it is not enough to prove you how sorry I am. Despite all that, you gave me all the things that I never thought I would receive. You supported me through the endeavors that I want in life, especially pushing me to continue road racing even though I failed to win it. Even though I did not ask for it, you protected me from all the people who put me down and not believe in me, like what you did when the bullies ruined my project back in elementary about what we want to be when we grow up. You stayed by my side, even though I belong to Kyoto Fushimi and you belong to Sohoku. You made me feel important that you’d do nothing without me. Only you and my mother had done such a feet for me; you accept me for who I am and love me for all I am. It made me think that I didn't do anything to deserve all of it, to deserve you. But here you are, standing before me and all the people that became very significant to us in all your beauty and glory. And the knowledge of you wanting and willing to change your name and carry mine, from being Ms. (Last name) (Full name) to Mrs. Midousuji (Full name), it made me feel that I've won the Inter High back when we were in high school, or any other road races that I've participated in. Everyone here, even you, might not imagine how thankful I am to you. I promise you, starting today; I will give you all those things that you gave me, even more than what you can think of. But do make sure that you’ll consider me in all the endeavors that you want to accomplish as well. I promise that we will have a life filled with all the crazy things that only both of us can think of. A life filled with travel, food, and road races. And all the things that you wanted to do, even if I'll think it's gross. And I promise you, that I will honor you, cherish you, protect you, and love you and only you; in this lifetime, and the next. If this once-in-a-lifetime event that was given to us, me marrying you, will be a color, It will not just be yellow, but golden yellow.
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myocsfanfictions · 3 years
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Arakita Yasutomo + Kimura Nishi (OC) moodboard
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pvnties · 6 years
♡ soprano ♡
「fem!reader x ashikiba takuto; fluff」
"[First Name]-chan, the regulars will be returning shortly. Can you meet them outside and hand out water bottles?" the dulcet voice of your senior caressed your ears and galvanized you into shutting your notebook. "Sorry, I'd do it myself, but I got my hands full working with the first years."
Shaking your head, you countered with a heap of verve, "It's no problem! I'll do my best!"
A mirthful chortle flowed from his lips at your fervency. "I hope you're still spirited like this by the time you're a third-year, you'd become an even better asset to the team," he twittered, before waving his hand and dismissing himself.
Leering at your senior's fleeting figure, you tautly gripped your hands together as you whispered to yourself, "I hope I can become more reliable, too..."
Knowing you didn't retain the pleasure of dwelling on those pessimistic thoughts, you hurriedly converged six bottles together and nestled them inside a cooler. You slung the bad over your shoulder and charily minced outside, where your senses were immediately assaulted with potent sunbeams as they cascaded down onto your entity. The thick, clammy humidity perforated holes in your defense and evoked a breathless noise from the depths of your throat.
"I should've brought towels. I'm sure everyone is sweating a lot," you murmured, your altruistic concern lucid and popping. "Ah, here they come!"
Scrutinizing as the strongest members shredded the asphalt and came to a gradual stop in front of you, you bowed deeply and vociferated, "G-Good work, everyone!" And without squandering a second after they mounted their bicycles, you began handing out the water bottles you collected for them.
Accepting the chilled item, Kuroda reciprocated your greeting with a terse one as he took a languid sip, "Good work."
The last person you reached was Ashikiba; the airheaded, gentle senior that was the first to accept your weaknesses. "Here you go, Ashikiba-senpai," you chirped, going to take a step back as he decorously took the bottle from your hand―however, before you could, Ashikiba encircled you in his arms and lifted you into the air over his shoulder.
"Eeeek!" A high-pitched scream descended from your mouth as you flailed helplessly. "A-Ashikiba-senpai!" This sort of situation occurred regularly between the two of you, yet it always staggered you when he did it so suddenly.
Incapable of ceasing the overwhelming exaltation skating over his insides, Ashikiba enthused, "You're so cute, [Nickname]-chan!" And he promptly began spinning around, gyrating on his heel.
The swift momentum of your body being swung about elicited stars around your vision, and you couldn't help but incoherently implore for him to let you down, "A-A-Ashikiba-senpai, please!"
Upon those entreating words, Ashikiba slowly ceased his whirling motions but still kept you ensnared in his arms. "Sorry, [Nickname]-chan..." Ashikiba apologized, a small shard of contrite lingering in his voice. "I can't help myself around you."
You always wondered why that was. It was true that you were shorter than most girls your age, but you never perceived yourself as 'adorable'; and whenever that plaudit was vocalized to you from Ashikiba, it made your body flush hotly. "It's okay, but could you put me down now?" you sweatdropped.
Setting you delicately down onto the ground, Ashikiba stroked your hair with an affectionate gleam shimmering in his blue eyes. However, his ephemeral moment of bliss was ruptured when Kuroda interjected by chiding him, "Stop clinging to the manager, Takuto!"
"But Yuki-chan, she works so hard. Someone needs to praise her," Ashikiba retorted.
Feeling his eyebrows twitch, Kuroda snapped back, "There's a difference between what you're doing and saying 'good job'!"
Their inane exchanged persisted, yet you found yourself giggling as you listened. "Kuroda-senpai, it's okay. I devote myself to the team, so if Ashikiba-senpai wants to hug me, he can."
"Does that mean if I want to be the only one who can, you'll listen?"
Because of your height differences, Ashikiba only seized your shoulders with a pensive expression marring his countenance. "I mean it. I'd rather be the only one who holds you," Ashikiba breathed out, squeezing your shoulders.
As the sensation of his warmth seeping into your being overwhelmed you, you couldn't help but feel incredulous at his words. There was a certain, unfathomable weight to them―and veracity. Ashikiba was being genuine in his desire, a sincerity unrivaled, and it made you gape in disbelief.
There was a pause in the conversation, as you cogitated on his words and vainly attempted to compose yourself, but you eventually broke it by stammering, "W-Well, if that's what you want, Ashikiba-senpai..."
Instantaneously, Ashikiba's hands dipped to your arms. "Can I pick you up?" he inquired curiously, albeit the rapture was patent in his velvety voice. Once you gifted him approbation with a nod, Ashikiba spun you around and hoisted you into the air. With your hands resting on his shoulders, the two of you left your gazes riveted onto each other. "You've gotten stronger, [Nickname]-chan, in the past year. I can see it in your eyes."
Despite the inundation of embarrassment, despite how hot your cheeks were growing, you beamed brightly, "Thank you!"
"You're cute. You're so cute. The cutest."
"Ah, wait, don't spin me...!"
[ epilogue ]
"Ever since that incident, Manager-san is usually seen riding on Ashikiba-san's shoulders," Yuuto drawled as he nibbled on a power bar. "Doesn't it make your heart skip a beat just watching them?"
Kuroda groaned lightly, yet there was a faint trace of a smile on his lips. "I'm more worried she'll fall. But... I know what you mean."
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fictaku-blog · 6 years
I recently published Teshima Junta x Reader fanfic on quotev (because I’m suppose to be working on other book on wattpad ).  So far I have 2 chapters and one of them is the confession scene ;)  So those who love Teshima, please check it out when you have your tea time.
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Hi, I was wondering if you could do scenario with Toudo and Naruko, and how they help comfort their s/o at a big party they feel uncomfortable at?
(I hope I captured the mood correctly! I suffer from social anxiety myself and each person is different, so this is more or less how I feel in these situations. I did my best to try and capture it though!)
Toudou Jinpachi had invited you to come to a party. It wasn’t one of his parties. If it was, it would have been way better than this. Either way, he thought it might fun if you came with him. He was well aware that parties with a lot of people was not your cup of tea - err, well parties in general. Somehow he thought he might be able to warm you up to the idea of them.You came, much to his surprise, and instantly went to the corner. If you weren’t by the door in the corner, you were sticking to him. Toudou didn’t mind; he liked holding your hand and leading you around. “You know, (name),” he started softly, “I’m really happy you decided to come. I know you don’t like parties.”“I wanted to say I’ve been to one.” You said with a sheepish smile. “I’m not very comfortable though. I barely know anyone…It’s intimidating. I feel like I’m being smothered.” “That bad?” Toudou hadn’t realized. “How about this. Whenever you feel like it’s too overwhelming, we find a less crowded spot? Let you take a breath. You can hold my hand all night if you need. I don’t mind. I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you. Any boyfriend who doesn’t do that for their s/o is an idiot!” “Okay,” you said and nodded. If Toudou didn’t mind you sticking to him, you felt like you could do this. He’d be your wall and hold you up.===The only reason you went to the party was to see Naruko Shoukichi. He was just so loud and boisterous. How could you not want to see him in his natural habitat? It just happened to be unfortunate since his natural environment was the opposite of yours.You just had to suck it up…or so said everyone else. Naruko was just so fearless. He always just did everything with his all and you wished you could just be like that too…or maybe channel it. Who knew. Either way, you ended up at the party and he was there surrounded by people and chatting away. If that were you, you knew you’d be overwhelmed. When Naruko saw you, he practically bounded over a table and couch just to greet you. “Hiya, (name)!” He said, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Thanks for coming! I’m happy you made it. I can show you off.” He laughed, grabbing your wrist to lead you off.“Wait, Shoukichi,” you said, “I’m not..really comfortable.”“Then…did you want to go? I won’t be upset. I’d love for you to stay and show you off, but I’d rather have you at home than looking miserable here.” Naruko said, pivoting to look you in the eye.“I want to try…for a little bit. If that’s okay?” You’d at least try. You might even meet someone cool. Maybe.“Alright!” Naruko said, pressing a kiss to your lips after smooshing your cheeks with his hands.
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axoxtxhxh · 3 years
Can’t it be You? - Chapter 6
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Summary: Kinjou and Reader get another chance to talk while a couple surprise friends show up.
Kinjou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~ 4,000
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked Kinjou. Shinkai stood up and moved to her.
“Just take a deep breath and hear him out, “Shinkai spoke quietly to her then spoke to Kinjou, “I’m going to head home to change, I’ll see you guys later tonight.”
Y/N watched as Shinkai left, then brought her attention back to Kinjou sitting on her couch. She was about to speak, but he started before she could.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “I should haven’t said those things to you.”
She moved closer and sat on the opposite side of the couch. Y/N noticed they were in the same spots they were last night, but this was a very different conversation.
“I should have been more sensitive towards you.” He scooted a little closer to her and her breath caught. “You did something for me that I can honestly never repay you for. No matter how many shirts I give you.”
He laughed lightly at his own joke, but she didn’t smile. Instead she watched him struggle to find the right words.
“I guess I didn’t think that you would have feelings involved at all. It’s kind of stupid now that I think of it.”
Her eyes widened. Her heart felt like it was in her throat. Feelings? Does he know about her feelings?
“Did Shinkai say something to you?” she asked quickly.
“No, no.” He readjusted himself in his seat and put his hands in his lap. “I just meant from what you told me earlier… about having a relationship. I didn’t consider the difference in feelings a romantic relationship has over a platonic friendship. I’m sorry.”
He kept looking to her, hoping she would say something else, say anything at all to him. He hated that she felt bad, especially if she felt bad because of something he said or did.
“I… I don’t have much experience in romantic relationships and I should have been better prepared. That was my fault.”
He rubbed his hands over his thighs and it caught Y/N’s attention. He was wearing his jeans, but she knew what was under them and she started feeling hot as he continued rubbing. She quickly looked up at his face. He was looking at the coffee table, lost in his head.
“Y/N please talk to me,” he spoke softly, but she could still hear the pleading in his voice. “I’ll do anything. We can forget it happened if you want. I will never mention it again. But please, I can’t lose you.”
The last part came out in a whisper, barely loud enough for her to hear. She realized that he also wasn’t sure about how he was feeling and it made her heart sink. The idea that he had been feeling the same way she has these last two days hurt her. Regardless if they had romantic feelings for each other or not, they were friends, friends that barely let a day go by without speaking. She looked over at him and smiled. He was still looking at the coffee table, his hands folded in his lap. He looked worried.
Her need to make sure the people she cared about were okay took over and she slid over to where he was sitting and wrapped her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder.
“It’s not your fault,” she said, “and I’m not mad at you.” She could feel the weight on his shoulder lifted as she spoke, his arm moving to her waist. He pulled her closer, holding her waist tightly and resting his head on hers.
“You don’t even know how happy that makes me.” He pulled away to look at her. “My head was all over the place these last two days. I thought I messed up somewhere or maybe took it too far, but you didn’t want to hurt me by saying it… I was really freaking out.”
He sighed and smiled at her. The relief on his face was so plain she felt guilty for prioritizing herself over him. He had just had sex, for the first time. Of course he would act weird afterwards, but she should have known better. He had been blaming himself this whole time and apologizing to her when she was the one who should have apologized.
“Do you want to talk about it later? Us having sex, I mean… I know you understand how it worked.” She laughed, sitting up and facing him. She started playing with her fingers as she tried to find the words. “I just mean how you feel about it… I guess.”
She looked up at him, but he was only staring at her, not speaking. She thought maybe she wasn’t making sense and got uncomfortable.
“I just mean—I don’t mean that you need to… like, reflect on it or—I just mean I never had anyone to talk to when I first… maybe you’re feeling something emotionally that you want to talk about.” Great, now he is going to think you really do have feelings for him. “I mean, not like feelings-feelings, but if you—God, why is this so hard to say.”
“I know what you’re trying to say.” She looked up and he was smiling at her. “I would actually really like to talk about it with you.”
The relief she felt from hearing him say that made her smile. There was a small flutter in her stomach as Kinjou smiled at her, but she ignored it. Shinkai was definitely right. They really did just need to talk about it and she would feel better. She was already feeling better.
“What was Shinkai talking about?” she asked, “he said he was going to change first?”
“I invited you guys out tonight. Sorry, you were in the shower,” he said checking his phone, “We should probably get going soon. Some of the guys we knew from high school are in town and we’re all going out.”
“That sounds fun!” She stood up. “So I get to meet some of your old friends. I wish I knew and could have put on make-up or something.”
“You look beautiful,” he said matter-of-factly and she felt her face flush.
“I—I mean, I should still probably change,” she stuttered, sliding her hair behind her ears and walking to her bedroom.
She had no idea what to wear. If it was just her with a bunch of cyclists, it really didn’t matter what she wore, not to mention that this night was for them to catch up, she was just going to be a third wheel… or was it fifth wheel.
“How many people are going tonight?” she called to Kinjou.
“You, me, Shinkai, Arakita, and our two high school friends. Not much, I guess six. You really don’t have to put a lot of effort into how you look,” he reassured her, “I think we’re just going bowling and maybe karaoke or drinking. Just be comfortable.”
She put on her jeans and found one of her nicer blouses. It would work well enough. She really never had the chance to dress up and go out. It was kind of nice having a reason to do it now.
“Let’s go.” She stepped out of her room, moving the necessities from her main purse to her smaller one. Kinjou looked up from his phone.
“You look gr—oh wait.” He stood up and quickly moved to her, fixing her collar to hide the hickeys he gave her a couple nights ago. His fingers lingered over the marks until he moved them to her waist and she watched his eyes trace over her collar bones and neck.
“Maybe I should change.”
“No, no, you look great.” He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at her. “Should we go?”
They went to get food first. By the time Kinjou and Y/N made it there, Shinkai and Arakita were already sitting with the two friends from high school. Shinkai stood up and waved them over. He introduced them as Izumida and Imaizumi.
Shinkai was in the inside seat and sat next to Arakita and on the end was Imaizumi. Across from Imaizumi was Kinjou, Y/N, and Izumida sat on the inside across from Shinkai. Y/N spent most of her time going back and forth between both conversations. Arakita took some breaks to talk to her and then would join back in, yelling at something Shinkai or Izumida was saying.
She leaned into Kinjou’s conversation with Imaizumi and they joked about another person she didn’t know. Giving up joining, she reached in front of her for the plate of fries and started snacking as she listened in. When the conversation reached a point where she actually couldn’t follow anymore, she pulled out her phone. Before she could even unlock it, she felt Kinjou’s hand rest on her knee and rub circles. Her eyes went wide, her heart immediately racing. She looked over to him, but he was still talking and she wasn’t sure if he even realized what he did.
She tried to focus on the conversation to see if he was actively participating or if he was focused more on her leg, but she couldn’t think straight. Kinjou’s hand slid slowly up her leg, his fingers wedged in between the plushness of her thighs as his thumb rested on the outside.
She swallowed hard, trying not to think about how close he was to her core and how badly she had been wanting him there. He moved his hand to the other side of her further leg, pulling her closer to him. She didn’t know how any of them hadn’t noticed yet, her face was burning and she knew it had to be clearly visible.
She tried her best to ignore it, conversing with Arakita and Shinkai and trying to follow their conversation. Kinjou continued moving his hand, rubbing her legs in different ways that each time it felt like a whole new touch. Every time she looked over, expecting him to wink at her or do something to show he knew what he was doing, he didn’t. He just casually continued his conversation with Imaizumi as if he wasn’t turning her on under the table at the same time.
“Should we get going?” Shinkai started to stand up.
“Great plan.” Y/N jumped up and everyone jumped back. “Sorry, I really need a drink.”
“I don’t think the bowling alley will have alcohol.” Shinkai told her. “Do you want me to stop somewhere and get you something?”
“Oh really? I thought they might have a bar. Maybe I’ll just run to the convenience store downstairs.” She stepped out of the booth after Kinjou. “I’ll go with you.” Kinjou adjusted the collar of her shirt again and that definitely didn’t go unnoticed. She knew she should have just changed.
“Me too.” Arakita was standing up and pushing Imaizumi out of the booth. “Move faster!”
“We might as well all go.” Shinkai pointed out.
They paid for dinner and went to the elevator. It wasn’t very big and by the time nearly everyone tried to get on, Shinkai pulled Kinjou back next to him.
“We’ll wait for the next one.” Kinjou looked over to him with a questioning look.
The doors closed and they both watched as the elevator went from the fifth level to the fourth level before they spoke.
“You’re getting rather handsy,” Shinkai started, “Does that mean you spoke to her after I left her apartment?”
“Not yet.”
“Maybe you should calm down with how much you’re touching her.” Shinkai called the elevator back up.
“Why?” Kinjou turned to him, his eyebrows drawn together with worry. “Was she uncomfortable? She didn’t say anything.”
Kinjou looked down, his eyes searching as he thought back over the last thirty minutes. She didn’t seem uncomfortable, but then again, he didn’t really look over at her. She did jump up the second leaving was mentioned. Damn it, I made her uncomfortable.
“Should I apologize?” Kinjou stepped in the elevator after Shinkai.
“Honestly, I think you’re fine. If anything, you just confused her.”
“I didn’t want to confuse her,” Kinjou worried, “I was trying to flirt with her.”
“That’s your flirting?” Shinkai laughed as the elevator doors closed.
“What should I do?” He was rubbing his forehead.
“Look, I’m not going to tell you exactly what to do. She obviously sees something in you so you’re doing something right.
“I just want her to feel good. Should I compliment her? I already told her she looked beautiful.”
“You—” Shinkai stopped himself and laughed lightly. “You told her she looked beautiful? Not going for subtle, I see. I think you need to wait on any of that until you talk to her tonight.”
“Okay,” Kinjou nodded, “no complimenting yet.”
“If you want to turn her on though, just keep doing what you were doing.” Shinkai spoke quickly as they reached the first floor. “The fact that you’re not acknowledging her when you do it is good too, but don’t push it too far—Hey guys! What are we drinking?”
Shinkai walked out of the elevator and Kinjou followed. The others waited for them and they all walked into the convenience store.
Y/N had started a conversation with Imaizumi about how his first year of university was going. He wasn’t much of a talker, but he answered her questions and seemed interested in her talking about cycling.
The convenience store had a pretty large selection of alcohol and they each bought a drink and sat at the table outside. Kinjou couldn’t bring himself to sit next to Y/N at the table so instead he sat next to Arakita who sat next to her.
“Where’s the bowling alley anyway?” Arakita asked. “I don’t want to walk too much.”
“It’s not too far,” Kinjou responded, “just a couple blocks.”
“We should probably get going, it’s going to get busy.” Shinkai quickly finished his drink and stood up along with the others.
Y/N chugged her drink quickly, dribbling some of the liquid out of her lips and down her chin. Kinjou smiled at her, pulling a napkin from his pocket and wiping her chin.
“You’re so cute—” Kinjou immediately remembered not to compliment her and did his best to catch himself, “—clumsy. You’re clumsy… and messy.”
“Kinjou.” She looked at him, perplexed and slightly insulted.
“I’m sorry.” He looked down, confused, before he turned around and they followed the rest of the group walking to the bowling alley.
Shinkai was right, it was starting to get really packed. They took their names down and waited in the lobby for a free lane.
“Arakita!” A high-pitched voice called from around the counter. They all turned to look and Roxxy was making her way to the group.
Arakita groaned once her saw her, but once she approached the group, she turned directly to Kinjou and smiled, putting a hair behind her ear.
“Hi, Kinjou.” Her cheeks flushed a light pink.
Y/N could feel herself getting angry, her stomach starting to bubble. She felt someone grab her hand and assumed it was Shinkai since he must’ve known how she was feeling in that moment. She looked down and it wasn’t Shinkai’s hand, it was Kinjou. He quickly let go.
“Who are your two friends?” She turned to Imaizumi and Izumida.
“Some friends from high school.” Shinkai put his arms around Kinjou and Y/N as he answered her. “They’re visiting and we wanted to show them around.”
“Fun! It’s really busy tonight.” She looked around as if somehow, they hadn’t noticed the people. “I was supposed to meet some friends, but they canceled on me. If you guys want, you can join me with my reservation.”
Both Shinkai and Kinjou looked at Y/N. Arakita waved his hands ‘no’ behind Roxxy.
“I—I guess that’s—yeah, we can join.” This night just got bad.
“Great!” Roxxy bounced, clapping her hands. “I’ll go tell them. I’m on lane 16.”
They weaved their way through the crowd of people waiting in the lobby and got their shoes and ball, meeting at lane 16.
They were a couple frames in and Roxxy was up to bowl. She grabbed a ball that was too heavy for her and dropped it. Y/N rolled her eyes. She pretended to try and pick it up, but struggled.
“Kinjou, can you help me? I grabbed the wrong ball.” She smiled, looking back at Kinjou. He stood up and picked up the ball, putting it back in the ball corral. He looked directly at Y/N, trying to see what she was thinking and all he could see was her anger.
“This is going to be a long fucking game.” Y/N stood up. “I’m going to the bar. Imaizumi, come with me.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her.
They got to the bar and she rested her head in her hands.
“You look upset.” He noticed.
“So you do know how to speak,” she joked. “Sorry, that was mean.”
“It’s fine.” He laughed. “I don’t really like talking.”
“Spectacular trait for a man.” She smiled and took a shot. “You must be great with the ladies.”
She handed him a shot and he shook his head.
“Come on, I think we both need to loosen up.” She handed it to him again and he took it and they both gulped the drinks down.
“So what’s with you and Kinjou?” He asked, taking a second shot from her.
“You mean Shinkai?” They clinked their glasses and drank.
“I mean Kinjou.” He raised his eyebrow and smiled.
“There’s nothing with us.” She thought about it. “I mean, I don’t think there is.”
“Well he spends a lot of time looking at you.”
“That’s just because we had s—I should let him tell you that story. Do you need another shot?” He shook his head. “Let’s go, it’s probably my time to bowl.”
Y/N sat down next to Shinkai and he leaned into her.
“We’re going to bounce after this, we’ve all had enough of her.” He whispered in her ear and she has never been happier.
They all couldn’t wait to get outside and be done with bowling. Even Izumida was annoyed with the amount of times Roxxy ‘picked up the wrong ball’. The night was still young and they decided to hit a bar quickly on the way home. Most of them slowed down their drinking, knowing they had a race tomorrow and Y/N had already had a couple drinks and three shots so she got one drink to sip slowly on while they were there.
Seeing the guys with their high school friends really was fun. It was harder earlier on since she didn’t know what to say and they hadn’t had anything to drink at all, but having the experience of hating bowling to connect them, Y/N was able to join in more conversations with them. She even got Imaizumi to open up a bit more and dance with her.
At the end of the night, they were all saying bye. Y/N felt pretty sad because after a couple drinks, she really started enjoying talking with Imaizumi. They exchanged numbers and Imaizumi and Izumida both headed to the train station. Arakita was half asleep on the stool at the bar and Shinkai said he would get him home since they lived close to each other.
“Just us.” Kinjou smiled at Y/N. They were about a fifteen-minute walk to her apartment and having time to clear their head before getting to her place worked out nicely.
Y/N tossed her keys on the entry table and went to the kitchen for water.
“Do you want something to drink?” She asked Kinjou.
“I’m okay, thanks.” He walked to the couch. “Actually, can I have some wine or something.”
“Wine sounds so good right now.” She poured them both a glass and went to sit next to him on the couch. “Did you enjoy getting to see your old teammate?”
“I did. It seemed like you two got along too.”
“After he started talking, he wasn’t so bad.” She smiled. “Can I just say, I think it was a bad choice on my part to agree to play with Roxxy.”
“Such a bad choice. I kind of hate that I sort of brought her into our lives.”
“It wasn’t just you,” she said, “she has this thing for Arakita too. And she might even have one for Izumida now.”
“Well you handled the situation well. I only heard you say ‘fucking bitch’ twice.”
“You did not!” She swung the throw pillow at him.
They were both laughing and quickly realized they finished their glass of wine. Kinjou got up to get them some more.
He walked to the kitchen, opening up her refrigerator and pulling out the bottle. As he was pouring each of their glasses, he noticed all the photos on the refrigerator door. She had photos from when they all first became friends, different selfies from parties, some photos of Shinkai and Kinjou that she took for a photography class she had, even photos of Kinjou’s birthday party last year.
They had so many memories together. Telling her how he really felt was a risk, but she deserved to know. He needed to tell her. He left the wine glasses in the kitchen and moved to the couch to talk to her.
“Y/N…” He looked down at her and saw that she had curled up on the couch and fallen asleep. He smiled at how calm she looked, so peaceful and unbothered.
He took the throw blanket from behind him and unfolded it, laying it over her. He knew she hated sleeping with socks on so he pulled hers off and set them on the floor next to her.
“Y/N.” His voice was low. “Can you hear me?”
He watched and waited for her to move, but she didn’t. She stayed in the same position, her chest rising and falling evenly as she breathed.
“I have something I want to… something I need to tell you… Something I probably should have told you a long time ago.” He took a deep breath. “Y/N… I’ve had feelings for you since the moment I first met you.”
He waited again, watching to see if she moved or showed any sign of being awake. Nothing.
“When I first saw you at training practice three years ago, I was hooked. I didn’t think you would be interested in me then. I was eighteen and so nerdy and you were this enchanting goddess, so smart and pretty and talented. So, I waited, just taking my time getting to know you.”
He leaned back on the couch, remembering.
“When I thought that maybe you might say yes to getting coffee, it was already second semester and you were my TA. I didn’t want to put you in a weird place so I waited again. I had already waited three months so another three didn’t seem so bad. But then you and Shinkai started dating. I was a little hurt at first, but every time I saw you, you were smiling and it made me so happy to see you like that.”
He sighed.
“Then when you guys broke up, I wanted to give you time to yourself before I asked you out. It was really confusing because even though you broke up, you were always around each other and that’s when I figured out your arrangement and I felt weird asking you. Things like this kept happening until I just sort of stopped waiting and we became close friends. We hung out every day and I was really happy with that. Then at that party, when we danced and later when I kissed you… everything came back to me. All of it, all at once. I told myself for so long that it wasn’t going to happen, but it’s like I was able to believe again that maybe it would.”
He sat up on the couch and looked back at her.
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.” He smiled, being able to say it to her, even if she was sleeping. “So in love with you.”
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