#if literally anyone finds this let alone likes this i will be so surprised again but TY FOR READING REGARDLESS !!!!
theodorenmyth · 1 day
HEART ANON BACK AGAIN! Okay so angst to fluff of Theodore and reader. Reader always had bad relationships in his past and he is just scared to get into another one. What he doesn’t know is that Theodore is like whipped for him and he is trying to show reader that he isn’t like the others. Some people try to tell Theodore it’s no use to try and court reader but he isn’t listening >:(. He wants reader to know that they will be able to love again and it just ends up with Theodore literally being very romantic and cheesy and reader falls for it lol.
Healing Hearts.
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Pairings : Theodore Nott x M! Reader Summary : After a series of bad relationships, you're scared to love again, haunted by past heartbreaks. Theodore, endlessly patient and genuinely in love with you, is determined to prove that love doesn’t always end in pain. Despite warnings from others that it’s futile, Theodore persists, showing through kind words and gentle gestures that he’s different. Gradually, your walls begin to crumble, and with Theodore’s unwavering support, you start to believe in love again. As you spend a heartfelt afternoon together, you realize that with Theodore by your side, love might just be worth the risk. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Nothing! Word count : 1k+
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You sit on the Hogsmeade bench, lost in your own thoughts, the warm summer breeze gently rustling the leaves overhead. It's been a while since you've allowed yourself to relax like this, to just be alone with your thoughts. Relationships have always been a sore spot for you, a series of disappointments and heartaches that have left you wary of letting anyone else in.
But then there's Theodore. Sweet, kind, and endlessly patient Theodore. He's been a constant presence in your life lately, always there with a kind word or a comforting gesture when you need it most. You're not quite sure what to make of him, if you're being honest. He's different from anyone else you've ever met, and that scares you more than you'd care to admit.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't notice Theodore approaching until he's sitting beside you on the bench, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Hey there," he says softly, his voice warm and inviting. "Mind if I join you?"
You shake your head, offering him a small smile of your own. "Not at all. What brings you out here?"
"Just wanted to see how you were doing," he replies, his gaze searching yours. "You seemed a little lost in thought."
You let out a small sigh, running a hand through your hair. "Just... thinking about stuff, I guess. You know how it is."
Theodore nods sympathetically, his expression softening. "Yeah, I do. Relationships can be tough sometimes."
You glance at him, surprised by his insight. "You've been there too?"
He nods, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, I have. But I've learned that not all relationships are the same. Sometimes, it just takes finding the right person to show you that love doesn't always have to hurt."
You feel a pang of something stir in your chest at his words, a mixture of hope and fear warring within you. "And you think you're that person?"
Theodore's smile widens, his eyes sparkling with sincerity. "I'd like to think so, yeah. I care about you, more than I can put into words. And I want to show you that not all relationships have to end in heartbreak."
You feel your heart flutter in your chest at his confession, a warmth spreading through you that you haven't felt in a long time. Maybe, just maybe, Theodore is right. Maybe there's hope for you yet.
Before you can say anything else, Theodore reaches out and takes your hand in his, his touch gentle and reassuring. "I know it's scary, putting yourself out there again. But I promise you, I'll do everything I can to make sure you never regret giving love another chance."
You stare at him, overwhelmed by the sincerity in his eyes. For the first time in a long time, you allow yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things will be different this time.
And as Theodore leans in to press a soft kiss to your lips, you can't help but think that maybe, just maybe, you've finally found someone worth taking a chance on.
As you lean into the kiss, the weight of your past relationships falls away, replaced by a warmth and a hope you haven't felt in years. Maybe Theodore is right. Maybe it's time to let go of the fear and embrace the possibility of love once again.
And as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him close, you know that no matter what happens, you'll always have Theodore by your side, ready to catch you if you fall. And for the first time in a long time, you believe that maybe, just maybe, everything is going to be okay.
Others would whispered behind your back, their voices dripping with doubt and skepticism. “Why bother?” they’d say, their words like poison seeping into Theodore’s resolve. “He’s not worth it.” but Theodore didn't care about other's opinions. He loves you and he knows it.
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You spend the afternoon with Theodore, walking through Hogsmeade hand in hand, lost in easy conversation and shared laughter. It feels so effortless, so natural, being with him. With each passing moment, your walls begin to crumble, the fear and uncertainty that have plagued you for so long slowly melting away.
As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the park, you find yourselves sitting on a blanket beneath a sprawling oak tree, sharing a picnic dinner that Theodore had prepared.
"I hope you like it," he says, offering you a plate filled with an assortment of sandwiches, fruits, and pastries.
You take a bite of a sandwich, savoring the delicious flavors. "It's amazing," you reply, smiling gratefully at him. "Thank you for doing all of this."
Theodore returns your smile, his eyes softening with affection. "Anything for you," he says, reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from your face.
You lean into his touch, feeling a warmth spread through you at his gentle caress. "You know," you say, your voice barely above a whisper, "I've never felt like this with anyone before. It's… different."
Theodore's smile widens, his eyes shining with emotion. "Different in a good way, I hope?"
You nod, a small laugh escaping your lips. "Definitely in a good way. You make me feel… safe, I guess. Like I can finally let my guard down and just be myself."
His smile softens, a warmth spreading through his chest at your words. "I'm glad to hear that," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "Because that's all I want, for you to feel safe and loved and cherished. You deserve that, more than anyone I know."
You feel a lump form in your throat at his words, a rush of emotion threatening to overwhelm you. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the leaves overhead.
Theodore reaches out and takes your hand in his, his touch grounding you in a way you never thought possible. "No, thank you," he says, his gaze locking with yours. "For giving me a chance, for letting me show you that love doesn't have to be painful. For letting me be a part of your life."
You squeeze his hand, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over you. "I'm the one who should be thanking you," you say, your voice filled with emotion. "For showing me that it's okay to hope again, to believe that maybe, just maybe, love is worth fighting for."
And as you sit together beneath the fading light of the setting sun, surrounded by nothing but the gentle sounds of nature and the warmth of each other's presence, you know that no matter what the future holds, you'll always have Theodore by your side, guiding you through the darkness and into the light.
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hyoqa · 4 months
pairing: kuroda yukinari x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: he was always just watching from afar
warnings: none :)
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He was always watching from afar. He would watch the way you would always say you were tired, but you'd be paying full attention every class. He noticed how you would genuinely be interested in class when you enjoyed the subject, but when you didn’t you’d subconsciously frown at the work given. 
When he was practicing afterschool, sometimes he’d see you walk out of school a little too late and he’d realize you were studying in the library again. He would usually just watch, but today he just really wanted to talk to you. Maybe he was feeling particularly lonely that day after you had a seating change and you sat even further away from him than before. Whatever it was, he was feeling rather impulsive today.
“Sorry, I’m going to go ride outside for a bit,” he told his teammates and rolled his road racer outside. Little did he know, most members of the team knew about his little crush, especially the third years. It was a little too obvious to not notice, because every time you were in his line of vision, he was looking at you. They had hardly ever seen the two of you talk, but all they could hope for was all the best for their vice-captain— he was always looking at you with the sweetest gaze ever.
And for the first time ever, he was stepping forward
“Okay, take your time,” Izumida said.
“Hm? Oh, thanks,” Kuroda said, unaware of what Izumida had meant.
Oh, would he just end up just walking past you again? He wanted to talk to you, but what would he say? Immediately, he knew he would probably end up just watching you from afar, unable to say anything. He sighed at the thought of that.
But to his surprise, you turned to look at him. Okay, now what does he do? What does he say?
“Oh, Kuroda!” you said, taking your earbuds out. Gosh, he loved that about you. You were probably only going to talk for a bit, there was no reason for you to put them away. Yet, at the same time, he was somewhat surprised you knew his name— you were in the same class, of course you did. Maybe he was surprised to hear you say it, rather. “Are you off to practice now?”
“Oh, yes. I’m in the road racing club... which is probably obvious now,” he said, frantically. Gosh, he was making a fool of himself, you didn’t even ask! He was just so flustered, the words weren’t coming out right.
“Of course, I know!” you said. “How would I not know Mr. Vice-Captain of our school’s pride and joy road race team! Do you have a race soon?”
“I do. Quite soon actually... on Saturday,” he said, mind blank. He was just going to answer your questions now he wasn’t capable of much more, he realized.
“Saturday! I really shouldn’t hold you up then,” you said and he scolded himself for saying that. He would’ve rather talked to you for a little longer and practiced all through the night if he had to. “Where and when is it?”
“Just up the Hakone mountain,” he said, surprised. It’s one thing to ask where, but to ask when? He was going to start having some false hope. “In the morning, at around 9.”
“Would it be weird if I show up?” you asked, a little less energetic than before, almost as though you were afraid he’d tell you not to come.
“No, not at all,” he said, a little too quickly. “...Please do.”
Immediately, your face glowed up the way he loved to see it. He could not believe you were talking to him right now.
“Then, I will definitely be there,” you said. “I’ll let you go for real now, I want to see you win that race.”
“Oh, crap, I forgot my water I’ll need to go back to get it. I’ll see you,” he said. “Thank you.”
“See you!” you said and walked off, putting your earbuds back in.
He didn’t lie, he only had one bottle when he usually carried two, but usually he’d just go on and buy something at a vending machine. However, he knew his ears were red and the last thing he wanted was for you to see. He walked back in and no one questioned how quickly he was back, (because they were all watching) which he found weird, but that was the least of his worries.
“How did it go?” Izumida asked. 
“Oh, I haven’t gone yet,” Kuroda said. “I realized I forgot a water bottle.”
“No, not that,” Izumida said, finally tired of playing dumb.
“What?” he asked, then looked around and saw that quite a few more people were looking at him, eagerly waiting for him to go on. “Were you all watching??” He felt even more embarrassed than before if that was possible. 
“(L/n)’s coming... on Saturday,” he said quietly, covering his face with his hand, hoping they wouldn’t see how red it was. 
“Oh, you really have to win now~” Manami said, and that made Kuroda smile.
“Yeah, I really do.”
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yourlocallyneysimp · 1 year
Just them laying on your thighs, lol
Characters: Scaramouche, Kazuha, Ayato, Venti, Dottore, Lyney, Xingqiu
A/N: Just posting this because my legs are skinny af and my thighs are nonextistant- I also had too much fun writing Dottore and Lyney's parts. 💀
Scaramouche thought it would be funny to embarrass you by laying on your thighs, but he ended up getting embarrassed himself.
He made sure no one was around before he approached his plan so he didn't hurt his pride, so taking his chance he layed down. He studied your facial expressions carefully thinking he had won, but instead of gettting flustered, you just looked down and smiled at him. This surprised him since he really thought you would get uncomfortable, but instead you were so casual with it as if this was a normal occurence. He immediately gets up trying to hide his red face, but it's before long that he's laying on your lap again.
Kazuha usually likes to show his affection for you in private so when you two are alone he likes to hold hands, kiss, lay on your lap, etc.
Laying on your lap is usually a normal thing for him to do, especially if the weather is fairly nice that day. Sometimes he even falls asleep, and most of the time he tells you about haikus he came up with. Honestly this man love to lay on your thighs any chance he could get. That part of your body is reserved for him and him only.
Usually Ayato doesn't have time to show his affection towards you since he's always busy, so most of the time he leaves notes for you to find to remind you about taking care of yourself. When his energy finally fails on him, he would lay on your lap for comfort since he just needs some rest. He would also come looking for you if he's also stressed.
He would apologize after saying that he didn't mean to invade on your personal space, but you always deny all of that since you enjoy comforting him.
Venti has no shame, he will lay on your lap anytime and anywhere. Sometimes you have to push him off because I bet 100 bucks he'll do it in front of your whole family. He wants everyone to know that you're his and his only so he finds this a reasonable way to prove it. He also just likes the feeling of your thighs since they are so squishy. You're basically his personal pillow if I'm being completely honest.
Dottore thinks affection is a waste of time even if he has a partner, so he won't show you much. That doesn't mean he don't love you though! He just finds it embarrassing.
When one of his experiments failed, you noticed that he seemed annoyed and very stressed since he was so confident that it was going to be a success. Seeing him pacing around the room worried you since you don't like seeing him in this state, so getting his attention you called him over to sit next to you. Annoyed, he thought you were just going to lecture him about being careful since his experiment literally exploded, but instead you just asked for him to lay down. Confused, he was just like: "Lay down where? Tf you talkin about-"
Without hesitating you gently guided his head to your lap and started petting his hair. He was tense at first, but slowly relaxed. He would lecture you about how unprofessional it was of you to be doing this to a harbinger, but you ignored it since you knew he was secretly enjoying it.
Congratulations, now he will fail experiments on purpose just so he can lay on your lap again.👍(Even though he can just ask-)
Lyney thinks that laying on your lap is like a reward, so whenever he achieves something or when one of his performances are a success, he'll just plop his head right on your thighs.
He enjoys laying on your thighs a little too much since he literally won't get up even if you have to go do something important.
"Lyney, I have to g-"
"Nuh uh"
If someone tries to drag you away while he's enjoying his prize, he would glare at then until they go away. He won't let anyone take his reward away from him.
Xingqiu always finds himself laying on your thighs when he's reading a book since he claims it makes him read better and that it's also relaxing. Knowing this is a lie, you let him do it anyway.
Whenever he lays down on your thighs in public, you could tell that his best friend, Chongyun always gets uncomfortable and fidgety, but he'll eventually get used to seeing your affection towards each other.
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sugrhigh · 4 months
FIRST OF MANY - ( m.s )
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summary- you and matt have been dating for over a month now, and you’ve never had sex. his curiosity gets the best of him while you’re watching a romcom, and you find out he’s actually a virgin.
warnings- swearing, virgin!matt, technically unprotected sex, smut at the end (lmk if i missed shit)
virgin!matt x fem!reader
a/n: this is my first req that i’ve ever done, so THANK U TO THE ANON WHO LEFT IT i hope it lives up to your expectations ❤️ if u have ideas drop them in my inbox ! all da love
there is literally nothing matt likes more than spending the night in with his girlfriend, as corny as it might sound. it’s been well over a month of dating now, and he still can’t get enough of you.
the warmth of your body is comforting as you lay beside him on the sofa, dressed down in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. he has one steady arm wrapped around your shoulder so he can hold you against his chest.
he breathes you in as his fingers skim absentmindedly up and down your exposed bicep, a familiar mixture of laundry detergent and citrus shampoo.
“that feels nice.” you mumble into his shirt, eyes still glued to the tv.
you’re forcing him to watch friends with benefits, since he picked the last movie and you were in dire need of a romcom fix. it’s one of your favorites, mainly because you loved mila kunis so much in that 70s show.
it’s only been on for roughly thirty minutes, but matt’s been enjoying it way more than he expected considering this genre is not his norm. he’s even let out a couple laughs at the scripted jokes.
the main characters are in bed together again, rolling around as they banter back and forth about sleeping with each other. it sparks a fire of curiosity inside of him as he continues to stare at the screen.
“is this really what it’s like?” he asks without thinking, and he immediately regrets his words as you tilt your head to look up at him curiously.
“what, the sex? don’t act like you don’t know.” you say, playfully smacking him with the back of your hand.
matt isn't sure why he brought it up, but he figures now is as good a time as any to have this dreadful conversation.
“how could i know if i’ve never done it?”
he feels you tense up slightly under his arm, which scares him. the last thing he wants you to think is that he’s some sort of loser. he just hadn’t found anyone that he really wanted to be intimate with before he met you.
it’s not like you guys don’t fool around sometimes. he’s perfectly capable of using both his hands and his mouth; this is a fact you’ve been made well aware of.
you two just haven’t gone all the way yet, especially considering you hardly ever get real alone time together.
“you don’t have to lie about the girls you’ve been with just because we’re dating now.” you finally respond, quieter than before.
“oh my god, i’m telling the truth, so please don’t make me say it again.” he can’t look at you anymore, because he’s too embarrassed.
this makes you fully sit up in shock, no longer focused on the premise of the film. he can feel you staring at the side of his beet red face, clearly confused by this revelation.
“wait, are you seriously telling me that you’re a virgin?” you question.
matt glances back at you and crosses his arms defensively, because it suddenly feels like he’s under attack. “you’re making me seem like a freak or something.”
he watches your eyes soften as you put a tentative hand on his shoulder, trying to let him know that you weren’t making fun of him.
“shit, i’m sorry, i swear i didn’t mean it like that. it’s just…really surprising, that’s all.”
“surprising how?”
you pull your lips between your teeth, exhaling through your nose as you try and find the right words.
“well we’ve done stuff before, and you were just naturally good at it, so i assumed you’d learned from hooking up with other people. and i know girls must have liked you with a face like that.”
this boosts his ego, and he’s already in a much better mood knowing he’s at least made you feel good in the past. that doesn’t mean he’s not still terrified, but he’s a little more confident than he was before.
“nope, not really. you’re the only one i’ve ever done that kind of thing with, aside from a little making out.” matt admits with a shrug.
your lips part, and it’s making you feel all fluttery.
he smiles a little bit. “i don’t know what that means.”
“it doesn’t mean anything really. i’ve only had sex a few times, and it doesn’t change anything either way.” you move your hand up and down his arm a little bit.
the tv plays in the background, and your mind flits to his original question.
“are you curious? is that why you asked?” you tilt you head toward the screen, though you keep your focus on him.
his eyes go a little wide, and the feeling of your hand on his arm suddenly becomes overwhelming.
“yeah, i—uh, i guess i am.” matt stumbles over his words, and your fingers travel higher to run through his hair slowly.
“you don’t have to be nervous. you can ask me anything you want, i’m not gonna judge.” you say softly.
your fingernails raking along his scalp makes him shudder slightly, a response that you both enjoy.
“i’m…more of a hands-on learner.” he rasps.
you let your fingers travel to rest on the back of his neck, drawing him in for a soft kiss. it’s short and sweet, and his eyelids flutter a bit as you pull away.
“what do you want to do?”
he pauses for a moment before deciding to give in and say what’s on his mind. “nick and chris aren’t home. maybe we should go to my room?”
you grin, nodding your head like you’re in a trance. you’re both trying to hide your giddiness as you scramble off of the couch, carelessly tossing the blankets aside.
you can feel him staring at your ass as you lead him through the hall, and he gives it a little smack of appreciation.
“matthew sturniolo!” you laugh, turning the doorknob to his bedroom.
it greets you warmly, and you always love it because the whole place smells like him. the overhead light is off; it’s just the singular lamp casting warm rays across the mattress.
“couldn’t help it.” he says, smile prominent in his tone as he locks the door behind you.
you slow to a stop at the foot of his bed, and he stands at your side, hand intertwined in yours. it makes your heart swell as he admires you with those charming eyes.
“are you sure? we really don’t have to, there’s no rush.” you squeeze his palm reassuringly.
matt lets go just so he can hold your head, kissing you hard as an answer. you literally can’t help but beam into his lips, and you put one hand on his chest to push him against his silk sheets.
he falls onto his back, propping himself up on his elbows so he can keep looking at you. you crawl on top of him, slowly settling on his hips.
he sucks in a shaky breath as you shift against him to get comfortable. you can feel matt growing harder beneath you as you lean down to give him another swift kiss, letting his mouth melt against yours.
then you move to his earlobe, pressing your lips to the hollow part of his neck. you swipe your tongue against his skin, biting down just a bit so you can suck on the area slightly.
he groans, laying down now so he can move his hands to grip your ass, pushing you against him harder to feel a little more friction. the thin material of your sweatpants doesn’t hide a whole lot, and he’s straining against you now.
“you’re so cute, baby.” you say against his skin, and his hands go to the bottom of your shirt, pulling it up over your hips.
you lift your hands from his chest so he can fully remove it, leaving you in your stretchy black bralette.
“god, you’re unreal.” he breathes, and you guide his palms to cup each of your breasts, still rocking against him slightly as you straddle him.
you can feel him squeeze your nipples between his middle and pointer fingers, whimpering below you as he starts to get worked up. you’re growing wet by the second, the delicious feeling of his clothed dick rubbing against you sending shocks of satisfaction right to your core.
“do you wanna keep going?” you ask, just to make sure he’s still on board.
“please.” he begs.
you move his shirt up his chest, and matt sits just high enough to rip it over his head. you trace the tattoos on his arm faintly, trailing a finger down the center of his stomach till you hit the waistline of his sweats.
“you’re terrifying.” he smiles as you slip your hand under the band of his boxers, slowly scratching the area gently.
“why?” you ask.
he grabs your waist and flips you so you’re the one on your back, feet hanging over the edge of the bed as he stands.
“because everything you do is perfect.” he says, and this time he’s the one that goes to your pants, grabbing the soft material and looking at you for permission.
“that is so not true.” you grin as you lift yourself up to help him.
he strips them off your legs and tosses them away blindly, so you’re left in your matching thong. the spandex-like material hugs your sides, the last layer standing between what you both truly want.
“i mean look at you.” he sounds dumbfounded as he gazes at your body, and you feel your face flush from the attention.
“trust me, i’m the one who’s punching.” you reply as he strips down to his boxers, dick clearly pressing against the plaid cloth. you’ve seen it before, on two occasions to be exact.
both of those experiences were great, and you didn’t know that was the first time a girl had ever given him head. now you know this is the first time he’s having sex, and even though it’s not the same for you, you’re still a bit nervous.
matt’s a little above average, and the last and only person you’ve ever done it with is your ex, so it’s been a minute. even so, you’re so enthralled with your boyfriend that you can’t help but pulse in excitement.
he pushes your legs apart with his palms, and air rushes across the wet spot that’s already formed over your panties. two fingers press against the fabric covering your heat, which shocks a gasp out of you. he moves them in a little circular pattern, applying more pressure so he can really feel you.
“love your fingers,” you rock with his pace, speaking through a moan, “but i wanna make you feel good too.”
“oh, okay. so i should…” he stops his motions to go for his own underwear, finally sliding them down so his hard length springs free.
you’re already working your own bottoms down your thighs, and he finishes the job for you once his hands are free.
“do you have a condom?”
“uh, shit…” you can tell by the solemn look that crosses his face that he doesn’t, and you let out a short laugh.
“it’s okay, it’s alright, i’m on birth control. we’ll be more prepared next time.”
his eyebrows shoot up before he can help it. next time. just the confirmation that this will happen again makes him disgustingly happy.
you wiggle up on the bed a little bit, so he has enough room to hover on top of you. he leans down a few more inches to give you a kiss, and you can tell he’s unsure what to do next, so you take control.
“don’t put it inside yet, just slide it against me a few times.” you try and instruct, and he follows well, dragging the base of his shaft up and down your wet cunt.
you let out a little noise of pleasure, and he wants to save it as a sound bite in his memory.
“okay, slowly, go ahead.” you say after a few more seconds spent enjoying the feeling, and both of you make sure he’s lined up properly.
matt looks you in the eye as he pushes inside, taking his time as you adjust bit by bit. he lets out a moan when he’s fully filling you up, shocked by how fucking amazing you feel.
you know he’s stretching you out, but the small pinpricks of pain subside as you get situated.
“you can start moving now, just keep it gentle at first.” you guide him, voice all choked up.
he nods, his long hair almost tickling your forehead as he starts to pump in and out at a leisurely pace. you’re both groaning messes, and your hands go to claw at his back as he keeps pace.
“fuck, you’re doing so well matt.” you mutter against his chest, pressing open-mouth kisses to his collarbone.
he’s getting into it now, finding a good rhythm and relaxing his hips slightly so he’s not as stiff. your bodies are molded together as you move back and forth, and matt can feel you clutching against his cock with each stroke.
“m’not gonna last much longer, angel.” he confesses, clumsily stumbling over his words as he tries to calm himself down, to keep it in just a bit longer.
“that’s okay, babe. tonight is all about you.”
he’s growing sloppier, and matt leans in to kiss you passionately as he gets closer and closer. surprisingly enough, you can feel the pressure building in your own stomach, and you’re both whining into each others mouths as your tongues mesh together.
“right there baby, i’m close too.” you breathe, and you can feel his body trembling against yours, one hand slipping underneath your bra so he can run his thumb over your nipple.
matt holds it all back, drilling into you as hard as he possibly can with the energy he has left. he loves the way you’re scratching at his back, pulling him as close as possible as you both reach your peak.
“i’m—fuck, oh my god.” he tenses up, and you feel him twitch inside of you as he comes undone.
his own reaction is what sends you over the edge, and you ease into the high, letting yourself finish all over him as he slows to a stop.
“yes, matt, holy shit.” you sigh, and he pulls out carefully moments later.
matt flops down beside you, rolling to press his lips to your cheek. you turn your head slightly to look at him, capturing his mouth with yours for another real kiss.
“i think i could get used to that.” he says with a small grin as he pulls away, and your ruffle his hair lightheartedly.
“lucky for you that was just the first time of many. so how was it?” you ask him.
he’s just opening his mouth when a loud pounding erupts on the door, and you both nearly jump out of your skin at the disturbance.
“hey! open the fucking door, we brought you guys mcdonald’s!” chris screams through the barrier.
you both look at each other, still grinning, and matt can’t help but roll his eyes.
“well, being alone was nice while it lasted.”
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coryosbaby · 1 year
Sub!stepbro!rafe please 😩
Summary: You steal coke from your stepbrother/fuck buddy, and he’s absolutely pussy whipped.
Warning: drug use, stepcest (stepbrother x stepsister), Rafe is in love, mommy kink, edging, spanking (m recieving 😇), oral (m receiving), ball sucking, p n v, body worship, mild mentions of feet kissing, doing Coke off his dick and ass oops, ball sucking, squirting, creampie, sub! Rafe, dom! Reader, literally not canon at all but idc I wanna dominate him
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“I know you took it!”
Rafe’s voice screams out throughout the incredibly large Cameron estate as you walk down the stairs, his fists clenched at his sides as he watches your retreating form. You roll your eyes, used to his tantrums and spoiled personality from the many months of living with him. You’re both alone, the house echoing your words and otherwise being completely empty.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Rafe.” You reach the end of the staircase to grab your jacket and slip it on. But before you can, Rafe’s hands grab your wrists harshly. He yanks you to him, his breath heavy and uneven.
“Give me my fucking coke back.”
So maybe you do know what he’s talking about. But so what? Rafe isn’t like you. Whereas coke makes him violent and corrupted, it makes you… well, an average coke addict. It isn’t a surprise for anyone to learn that what’s wrong with Rafe’s brain goes far beyond addiction. So, stealing it isn’t necessarily wrong.
It’s definitely not something anyone with half the balls you have would do, though.
Rafe’s voice on the edge of threatening,, but you merely bat an eyelash at the boy. His face is flushed, mouth mere inches away from your face as he looks down at you with a hesitant angered expression. Your eyes avert to the incredibly long fingers wrapped around your wrist, and then back up to him again with a clenched jaw.
“Let go of me, Rafe.” You demand. He hesitates, and the nervous softening of his grip doesn’t go unnoticed. You move closer, getting on your tip toes to reach his tall height. “Let go of me…now.”
He doesn’t remove his fingers from your wrists at first, but after a moment his hands drop from yours.
Rafe isn’t one to be told what to do, but when it’s you… it’s like he can’t do anything but follow your orders. The other times before this, the times when you had fucked him up in secret, in so many more ways than one, doesn’t help the situation. And as messed up as it is, you’re the only woman who can make him fall to his knees.
Even if you’re the daughter of his dad’s wife.
A small smirk forms on your face, eyes wild, and you’re taking another step towards him. He stumbles back into the wall. You laugh at the look in his eyes. One at first glance would say it’s annoyance, but you know better.
It’s fear.
“I don’t like boys who don’t do what they’re told the first time.”
Rafe scoffs, body moving to walk backwards up the stairs as you follow him with slow steps.
“I don’t like thieves.”
“Don’t be greedy and I won’t have to steal it.”
He chuckles nervously, reaching the top of the staircase.
“‘M not greedy. Just wished you would’ve asked first.”
You pause. You’re both off the steps now, eyes following each others as you beckon him towards your room.
“If you want it so bad, maybe you should come in my room and get it.”
The insinuation doesn’t go unnoticed. Rafe’s face flushes a deep crimson.
“Yeah?” He replies. He reaches for your doorknob, right across from his. “Guess I have to find it, then. Right?”
You don’t say anything, but a smile quirks your lips as he brings himself inside. When his knees hit the edge of your bed you push him down harshly. He gasps, his body hitting the mattress underneath him with a loud thud. He lifts himself up onto his elbows as you approach your bookshelf. Seated on the highest shelf is a golden jewelry box. You pull out the third drawer. You grab the packet of white powder sitting inside and turn around to show the boy.
“This what you want?”
You can tell by the way his mood changes, excitement glazing his features as he looks at the drug. “Yeah.”
“Gonna have to earn it.” You say, coldly.
“I’ll do anything.”
And you know he means it. So you walk over to the bed and grab him by his ankles. His jeans are still on, and your fingers begin to undo his belt. He looks at you with a desperate gaze; you know he could take his clothes off himself, but where’s the fun in that? And so, once the belt is through the loops, you unbutton his jeans and push them down. Dior briefs are exposed to you, and you snicker.
“I didn’t even know dior made underwear. Preparing for something, Cameron?”
The boy huffs. “I just- I know it’s your favorite brand, that’s all.”
“So you wore them for me?” Your fingers ghost over the large bulge accompanying the fabric. He lets out a low groan. “That’s so cute. But it sounds like you came to me looking for a fight. Just so I’d put you in your place.”
“Maybe I did. So what?” He snarks. You narrow your eyes, and your palm lands harshly on his thigh. He whines.
“Don’t be a fucking brat. Now take your shirt off and turn over.”
Of course, he obeys; hands going to the hem of his striped top, he pulls it over his head and exposes his naked chest and torso to you. He’s gorgeous, perfectly chiseled and tense with arousal. He uses his legs to turn himself around onto his stomach.
“Like this?” He asks. Faux innocence drips off of every honeyed syllable.
“Yes, baby. Just like that.”
You sit down on your pink sheets next to Rafe’s pliant body. He’s breathing shallowly, waiting for you next move. You grab his ankles once again and maneuver his body so he’s laying across your lap. His brows furrow in confusion, but they quickly lift into pleasure as his mouth falls open. Your palm comes down on his left cheek. A teasing slap, one that isn’t meant to cause pain, but enough to present the idea of spanking to the boy’s mind.
“Yeah…” It’s all Rafe’s brain can muster, the feeling of being bent over his stepsister’s knee making blood rush to his cock a lot more than it should. “Thas’ good, momma…”
“Jesus...” You pull down his briefs, exposing his pretty round globes to the room. You grab the bag of coke and quickly poor a line down onto his right cheek. Rafe tries to look back at what you’re doing, but you’re other hand grabs his hair and yanks him back down to look at the bed.
“Don’t. Stay fucking still.”
You pull and adjust Rafe’s thighs so he’s a bit lifted. Careful not to spill the coke, you bring your nose down to his cheek and snort up the white powder. He knows what you’re doing, and his legs clench together as he tries to relieve his arousal and the urge to snatch the bag out of your hands. Your eyes roll back when the drug hits your system, a low groan leaving your lips.
“Fuck, that’s good.”
Rafe just moans, bare cock pressing against your thigh as he tries to rut against it. He’s dripping, you can feel him making a wet spot form on your skirt. Your palm goes down to his ass again; not to hit him, just to feel him under your fingertips.
“It’s okay, Rafe.” you coo. “You’ll get your share. Just be patient.”
“Don’t wanna,” he whines. “Wanna do a line off your tits… wanna fuck your pussy. Want ‘em both so bad.”
“You’ll get to soon. But I think you need a punishment for your smart mouth, first. Don’t you?”
He doesn’t say anything, just rocks his ass back into your hands as confirmation: yes, momma. I do need a punishment. I’ve been a bad boy.
Rafe has always been shy with words. So you don’t scold when he doesn’t reply. You just tilt your hand back, and spank him harshly. He mewls, hands gripping the sheets below him as his cheeks redden from your abuse. Another slap comes down, and after a few more you can feel tears dripping on your thigh. You smile at the sight of his reddened cheeks, the way he squirms when you rub your fingers over him. And after five more hits, the boy is sobbing into your leg.
“Such a sweet boy,” you praise. He shakes when you press a kiss to his shoulder blade. “Taking your punishment so well. I think you deserve a reward.”
“Please, mommy.” He pleads.
“Get up, honey. Sit up on your knees for a minute.”
He obeys, a small sniffle sounding from him as he does so. The sight of Rafe Cameron, your stepbrother, crying for you like this shouldn’t make you so wet. But it does.
When he’s on his knees you make sure to put a pillow down on the mattress before getting him to lay down on his back; he’s a strong boy, and he can handle a lot, so his sore ass is the last thing he’s thinking of when you ask if he’s okay. He just nods, cushioned underneath the pillow and looking up at you with heavy eyes and a large, hardened cock. You pick up the coke bag again, and teasingly hold it in front of your clothed pussy. And when Rafe sees it, he’s like one of Pavlov’s dogs: The two of his favorite things right in front of each other. He looks at you with longing.
“Can I have them? Please?”
“Not yet.”
He goes to whine, but you shush him with the threat of spanking him again.
“Just stay down, Rafe.” You demand. He nods, although he wants to protest.
You grip his cock, and his eyes flutter shut in surprise and pleasure. But it’s all in stride; you’re only holding it right now. Rafe’s bottom lip gets caught between his teeth when he feels your spit pool along his shaft. And then, you pour the coke onto his cock. It’s an odd feeling, and it tingles a bit. But when Rafe looks down, he wonders why he’s never done it before. Your nose is pressed against him, trying to snort up most of the coke. It’s just messy, though. His pre cum just made the coke stick to him, so you’re practically rubbing your face in his arousal.
And Jesus, that makes Rafe’s cock kick.
“Can’t get it?” He teases.
You just reply, “Fuck you, Cameron.” And then move your tongue along his cock. And he gasps, low and throaty, as he feels your tongue lick along the base of his length and then down to his balls. He’s hairless there (of course he is), so it’s easy and makes it all worthwhile. As you suckle the heavy sacks into your mouth, your pussy drips with wetness.
“Oh my god, that’s good, shit—“ Rafe fucks up into your mouth, and you press his hips back down so he can’t. You look up at him and watch as his face scrunches up in pleasure when your teeth graze his balls. You pull off of him with a pop as he continues to beg for his release.
“I’m gonna give you what you want now.” You state.
“Really? Thank you—“ he leans down, pressing a kiss to your forehead and cheeks. It shouldn’t be as affectionate as it is. “—thank you so much, momma.”
And he means it. Which isn’t common for Rafe fucking Cameron. But he does a lot of things he usually doesn’t do when he’s with you.
You lay down on your back with the coke in your hand. When Rafe tries to reach for it, you just tsk.
“No, baby. You have to fuck me first.”
He frowns, but he’s also giddy from the thought of being able to stick himself inside you. So he does what he’s told, and lifts up your skirt. The smell of your arousal hits him, and he keens.
“You smell so fuckin’ good.” He mumbles. And he can’t wait any longer, so he pushes your thong to the side and slides right into your soaked entrance. You smile, head tilting back and exposing your neck. Rafe doesn’t hesitate to leave bite marks along the expanse of the skin there. You’re the perfect amount of heat and wetness to make his cock throb in its place.
“Good?” You ask. You know the answer, but you want him to talk to you more.
“Really, really good.” He groans. “You’re always so tight— best pussy I’ve ever had, fuck!”
He’s trying to hold his resolve, but with all the edging you’ve been doing he going to cum quick. He sobs as he bucks up into you, as you drip around his girthy length. And then your arms are wrapping around his back as you start to unzip the bag of coke once again. You pull your top down and expose your breasts to Rafe, and pour the substance in between the valley of skin there. His mouth opens wide, and he just… shoves his face into it. It’s so filthy, and so vulgar, as he snorts the drug up into his nose and licks it off of you. He starts to lick your nipples ferociously, muttering thank yous over and over again. His fingers reach down to rub your clit and you cry out at the pleasure.
“Good boy- good Fuckin’ boy, Rafe!” You moan out. “God.. ‘m gonna cum! Gonna cum all over your cock—“
And that’s exactly what you do. Your high crashes over you in powerful waves, and Rafe lets out a small laugh as he watches you squirt all over him.
“Yeah. That’s it, momma.” He looks genuinely happy, genuinely excited and content. “I’m- I’m so proud of you, holy shit.”
“Yeah?” You try to tease calmly, but the force of your orgasm has you stuttering and shaky. “You have to come for me, too.”
And that brings Rafe back to his cock inside of you, to his unfinished orgasm, and he begins to pummel you with no remorse. His thighs slap against yours aggressively as you scream from the overstimulation. He catches sight of the bracelet you have wrapped around your ankle. It’s made of solid gold, one he had gotten you for your nineteenth birthday, that has Cameron engraved on it in thick letters. Ward and your mom had found it endearing.
‘Your brother got your last name on it!’ Your mother had gushed. ‘How sweet!’
Little did she know that it was a sign of his possession. His possession over his stepsister, his baby sis, as he called you around his family. But although Rafe owns you, he knows you’ll always be the one in control: in control of his thoughts, his mind, his body, his feelings. You’re everything.
He presses kisses to your toes. Not in a weird way.. at least he hopes it’s not in a weird way. His tongue runs along the ridges of your ankle, a little bit up your calf. His strong arms grab ahold of your thighs and push them up, up. Eventually they’re over your head, and you’re crying out for another orgasm. His nose buries itself into your neck, and he can smell you— perfume, sweat, skin, cocaine, and fuck, Rafe doesn’t think he’s ever been with someone this perfect. And when you cry out his name on your lips, when you clench around him just right, he’s filling your cunt up with thick ropes of his cum. He eats you out afterwards, of course. He’s yours, after all, and whatever you want you get. And it’s perfect, even after that: when you’re laying there while he’s on top of you, snorting that last bit of drug that you had stolen from him, his high buzzing through his brain. When your hands run through his hair and offer to put lotion on the spots where you had spanked him. It’s perfect.
Almost. Because how in the fuck are you going to explain this to your parents?
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charmercharm3r · 7 months
i cant NOT think about jeongin asking the 9th member for help with/practice kissing (the phrasing is weird but i lovee this idea 😭)
prev: three, next: five
“It’s not that I haven’t wanted to… It just never happened.”
Jeongin was defending himself like his life depended on it. Not that he needed to, no one blamed him or thought it was weird— more of a pride thing on his end.
“You don’t have to explain yourself,” you crumpled the empty water bottle in your hand and turned to Jisung. Raising and bringing it down playfully onto the top of his head, Jisung didn’t run from the scolding. “Why’d you put him on the spot like that! What’s your dating history like then, hm?”
Jisung immediately skipped over to Jeongin to take him into an embrace while the younger attempted to escape. “Ew, hyung— get away! You’re sweaty!”
When he managed to catch him, Jisung rubbed his cheek into Jeongin’s shoulder, “don’t feel bad, Jeonginnie. I’ve kissed people, but don’t worry, it’s not that fun.” Jeongin looked at you with a face that begged for mercy but not attempting to push him away.
“He’s lying, kissing is really fun,” Hyunjin chimed in and took a seat the open space beside you. “Kissing me is even more fun. C’mon Y/N’ie, just one?” He shoulder bumped you and puckered his lips.
“Kiss each other.” With that, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, only to come back minutes later to find Jisung pinning Hyunjin to the floor trying to take your words literally. You turned around and left again before witnessing anything that’ll make your eyes burst into flames.
What was probably hours had passed and everyone since forgotten about what had been said in the practice room, entirely too preoccupied with other things. Like singing lessons, for example. The session just didn’t go as you had hoped, that one high note was kicking your ass. As you walked through the corridor towards the exit, you could hear a soft voice from another occupied room.
Peaking through the small sliver of window, Jeongin was sat alone in the tiny confined space. You knocked twice before letting yourself in. He wasn’t startled, but surprised to see you, though the happy expression he wore quickly changed to something more melancholic.
“You’re still here? I thought your lessons ended an hour ago?” You stood in the door frame not wanting to invade too much of his space. Jeongin was always emotionally delicate, though he put up a hard shelled front.
“Yeah, just wanted some quiet before going home.” He twiddled his fingers, mind clearly not in the same room.
“Okay, wanna head back together? I can wait for you, I’ll grab us something at the convenience store.”
“Actually, can you come in?”
You closed the door behind you and sat in the spare chair. “Are you okay?”
He hated talking about his feelings, let alone things as personal as what Jisung had brought up earlier today about kissing. Jeongin has no idea how to go about it. He can’t articulate that he thinks you’re so pretty and that the way your nose crinkles when you laugh is adorable. It’s hard to put into words that he’s never kissed anyone because he didn’t want to waste his first with someone temporary because, “I only get one.”
Your eyebrow raised, “one what?”
His voice caught in his throat, hardly able to push the words past his lips, “one first kiss.”
“Are you still thinking about what Jisung said earlier? It’s nothing to feel bad about.”
Jeongin fidgeted a second longer before deciding to bite the bullet. “Take it. I don’t want it anymore.”
Fuck, he scared you. You’re looking at him like he has two heads and is speaking in tongues. “When you say it like that, I don’t want you to jump into things just because everyone else does. Don’t rush—“
“I’m not rushing. Like, the total opposite,” he sat on the edge of his seat and that much closer to you. “There have been people who wanted to kiss me, and I’ve wanted to kiss them. But I felt like I couldn’t? If I’m going to kiss someone, I want it to stick. Those people, they were temporary and I knew that, it wouldn’t have been fair to them. Now, I’ve been putting it off for so long that I think it’s not even an option anymore. But… then I look at you, talk to you, exist around you. It feels, for lack of a better word, right?”
At a complete loss for words, how have you not crumbled around him earlier? Let alone noticed he felt that way? You sat still with your lip between your teeth, running through all the possibilities that could follow if you were to go through with what he’s asking for. There was the fact that you already kissed one of them— briefly recalling your stolen moment with Felix— and that Jeongin hasn’t shied away from complementing you when he could or being all together boyfriendly. Even if you didn’t think of dating him, what harm could kissing him really do? If anything, doing it will satiate that need for the both of you, then close that chapter.
“Okay, but don’t tell Hyunjin. It’ll make him jealous.”
“More than when you kissed Felix?”
“How do you know that?!”
“I live with him?” He said it as if you were the stupid one to believe none of them would find out. Case in point.
You sighed, “yes, more than that time.”
As you moved and got more comfortable, he copied in sitting up straight and puckering his lips. “What’re you doing?”
“Getting ready to kiss you?” You rolled your eyes.
Jeongin came from a good place, even if he was entirely clueless. You suppose he was just parroting every time Jisung exaggeratedly tried to kiss the next nearest person. It was kind of endearing, a little geeky, but heartwarming nonetheless.
Putting your hands on his shoulders, you pushed them down to get him to relax. Then scooting your chair closer to his, you spread his knees to let your own take up that space. Jeongin let you maneuver him however you pleased, breath hitching as you stole his hands to place them lightly on the tops of your thighs. His hands were huge, not new information, but definitely a new feeling now that he was touching you. He was on the taller side, broader shoulders and probably able to wrap around your entire body if you hugged him properly. All those thoughts briefly swam around your brain just from the image of his hands on your thighs.
Jeongin was felt as though he was sweating bullets, but still immensely excited. Physical touch wasn’t his most favorite thing in the world, but he enjoyed it when it was you. These small, lingering touches, like where his hands were now, he probably enjoyed it more than he should.
“I’m going to put my hands on your neck, is that okay?” Jeongin nodded immediately, holding his breath. The warmth of your palms on his pulses made him shiver. “Don’t over think it. Kisses don’t need to be aggressive, they also don’t have to be too gentle. Just find a balance, not every person you kiss will want the same thing.” He nodded and absorbed every word that dripped from your perfectly plush lips. At some point he almost stopped listening and focused on your lips all together.
“What do you like?” He blurted out nervously. You giggled, oh so beautifully.
“We’ll get there,” your fingers traced back to comb through the hair at the back of his head teasingly, Jeongin almost fully leaned into it like a puppy. “Be calm. All the time in the world.”
Jeongin’s hands lightly kneaded the flesh of your thighs in anticipation, in need and desperation and longing to just feel your lips on his for the first time. He didn’t realize you were slowly drawing in closer and closer, then he could feel your breath fanning across his mouth and suddenly all the air was sucked from his lungs. “Make sure they want this as much as you. Look into their eyes, hold them tenderly, then ask. Can I kiss you?”
Glassy, watered over with all the stars staring back at you, “please.”
“That’s not a confirmation.” You were so close that the heat radiated off your body made Jeongin overheat in the best way possible.
“Yes, please kiss me.”
You were slow to press your lips to his, whereas as soon as the contact was made, Jeongin leaned further into you, almost shoving you out of your chair. Quick to push him back, you held his neck a little tighter and reined him in. Taking the hint, he put his excitement into his hands that now squeezed your thighs tighter and tighter, not that it hurt. His lips softened more, less eager but just as excited, he followed your lead.
The simple peck ended far too quickly for his liking, chasing as you pulled away. “No, no, more please.”
He moved to grip the bottom of your chair and tug the entire thing closer with the scrape of the legs on the floor echoing with a screech. Now you had nowhere to go, further trapped between his legs where you’d put yourself and Jeongin now reaching for your waist with one hand and the other cupping your jaw. And you didn’t hate it. Actually, you loved it. Getting attention from the one person that hates giving or receiving attention feels so rewarding, which is why you let him take what he wanted.
Long fingers threaded through your hair and tugged you to meet his lips half way, you fell forward into him and let your arms wrap around his neck. For his first time kissing, he was surprisingly well versed. Everything you’ve told him up until now he applied in his rather scattered yet charming kissing technique. He was everywhere all at once and it made your brain fuzzy.
Close lipped, simple, safe, eager, yearning, wanting, warm, fervorous, you didn’t want to let go almost as much as he did. Jeongin lightly whined when you pulled away, chasing after you again and keeping your upper body pinned to his. You hadn’t realized that your knees were pressing against his pelvis until you leaned a little back and he softly whimpered one more time.
“I don’t think you really needed kissing lessons.” He shrugged, smug. “Did you just wanna kiss me?” Another shrug and a crooked smile. “You little shit.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t kiss and tell.” You couldn’t tell if he lied, but truthfully you didn’t care, it didn’t matter.
Rolling your eyes again, he leaned in for a soft peck, molding your lips together sweetly, honey like moans being swapped between mouths.
That is, until the door to the vocal room was being burst open. You jumped in Jeongin’s hold, the both of you looking at who had just ruined your lovely moment.
“Oh, come on! Jeongin?! That is so not fair!” Hyunjin took up most of the doorway with Jisung peaking on his tiptoes over his shoulder.
A sigh fell from your mouth, patting Jeongin’s shoulders and reluctantly slipping from his grasp. He sat still, shriveling into the backrest of the chair as you gathered your stuff. “Aren’t you coming?” You asked him. Sheepish, he scratched the back of his head and pulled the hem of his shirt lower. “Nevermind, see you tomorrow, Jeonginnie.” He avoided eye contact again as you ruffled his hair and pushed past Hyunjin and Jisung.
The two followed behind you, bombarding you with question after question, mostly about how good the kiss with Jeongin was. Hyunjin was dramatically livid, nothing out of the usual, storming ahead of you and Jisung down the stairs to head home.
Jisung lightly pulled you back to a stop, curious eyes looking at you. “What is it?”
“I— I know I joke about kissing, said it’s not that fun and everything but…” he trailed off as though he couldn’t trust the words that he truly wanted to say. You waited patiently until he could articulate himself. “Can I be next?”
A/N: it’s been a minute..hoping posting this can jumpstart me into posting more!! i really missed writing and finding this in my inbox after a month was so fun n cute to write, thank u anon!!!
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wqnwoos · 7 months
“oh my god, i’ve literally been looking for you everywhere!”
your sentence wouldn’t come as a surprise to minghao if he actually knew who you were. but one look at you, beaming at him under the dim bar lights, tells him everything: he’s never seen you in his life.
and somehow, you seem to be convinced that the two of you are best of friends. you’re sliding onto the empty bar stool next to him — not too close, not enough to make him uncomfortable, but close enough to make it seem like you guys are here together. and you’re not. because he came with jun and dino and soonyoung, who are currently in the midst of the crowded dance floor.
slowly, after one long look — just to be sure — minghao speaks. “i’m sorry,” he says, finally. “do i know you?”
you don’t even answer the question, you just start laughing: clearly, you’re absolutely wasted. “don’t be silly,” you giggle, and it’s kind of the best sound minghao’s ever heard, but that really isn’t his priority right now.
you wave the bartender over before he can stop you. “hiiii,” you sing, to the slightly bemused dude behind the counter. “can i get — ”
“water,” minghao chips in quickly, casting a concerned eye over your swaying body. “get them some water, please.”
it doesn’t take long, and yet in the short space of time, your energy completely fades. one second you’re bobbing your head to the thumping bass; the next second, your eyes are drooping, and you look moments away from slumping over the counter in exhaustion.
“are you good?” minghao says, sudden alarm seeping into his voice; he does not want to be responsible for someone passing out, and so he twists open the water bottle, handing it to you and watching dubiously as you gulp it down.
“did you know,” you announce, once you’ve finished, “that cows have best friends?”
(minghao doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it really wasn’t that.)
still, he can’t help the amusement that exudes from his voice. “oh, yeah?”
“yes!” you say, with sudden, renewed enthusiasm. “someone told me they feel sad when their best friends aren’t around, too. isn’t that just cool?”
“sure,” he humours you, partly because your excitement about this is kind of sweet, and partly because he’s glancing around the bar to see if anyone’s looking for you. “hey, did you come here alone?”
you wave a vague hand to your right. “i think karina and jaehyun are over there. somewhere.”
your indifference is both entertaining and a little concerning. “okay, can i call one of them for you?”
you pout — you actually pout. “i haven’t told you about the seahorses yet!”
and minghao doesn’t know whether to laugh or not, because this is one of the strangest predicaments he’s ever been put in, but there’s something about you — he can’t put his finger on it. he just knows that you look gorgeous, even drunk under shitty lighting, and something that feels suspiciously like butterflies churns in his stomach when he looks at you.
but you still seem a little drunk, and so minghao orders you another water, opening the bottle for you again. he watched as you drink it down, idly wondering whether the sparkles in your eyes are from the alcohol, or if they’re always there. (he thinks he’d like to find out.)
you let him call karina then, and when she picks up (“oh my god, finally, ___, where have you been?”) minghao finally learns your name. he repeats it over and over inside his head; he’s going to remember this one.
“i guess you’re a little more sober,” he notices, a few moments after hanging up with your friend — he can tell, by the clarity dawning in those pretty eyes, and the embarrassed smile that takes over your face.
you drop your face into your hands, as though you’re recalling what you’ve said. “oh my god,” you groan into your palms, “i am — i am so sorry.”
he really can’t help the laugh that spills from his lips. even your embarrassment is endearing. “you’re fine,” he assures, trying to restrain his smile. “i had a great time, actually.”
your face is still twisted into a mortified grimace, and your words trip over each other, garbled in your flustered state. “i — i mean, thank you, but i really — oh my god.”
“i was thinking,” minghao says, waving your phone — it’s still in his hand. “you could tell me about those seahorses. over coffee, maybe.”
you look at him with wonder in your eyes — “i mean. are you sure?”
“i’m sure,” he replies, the smallest of smirks pulling at his lips, “if you are.”
you say yes, and minghao thinks he hasn’t smiled this wide for a while. and just as he’s finishing typing his number into your phone, a girl he can only assume is karina appears.
there are hurried goodbyes, and a quick promise from you to text him — which you clinch by linking your pinky with his, and that only seals it for him. it’s early, and maybe the few sips of alcohol have gone to his head, but he thinks something special is going to happen.
and when he hears your hushed, humiliated whisper as you leave (“rina, i told him about the cows.”), he thinks the something special has already happened, and it’s hit him out of nowhere. like a tornado. or a hurricane, or a comet, or you.
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an / requested by anon and the prompt was SOOO cute i giggled reading it but i feel like i fucked it up writing it 😭 i rewrote it three times and it still doesn’t feel right GAHH
perm taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting @yepimthatonequirkyteenager @qaramu @weird-bookworm @phenomenalgirl9
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Theme Park - Price x Reader
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CW: none, no gender mentioned for the reader so anyone can read ^^
This is pure fluff and just Price being the dad I know he is
While you’re out at a theme park for a day, a little girl approaches you, saying she’s lost her dad.
Not wanting to leave her alone, you decide to help her reunite with him
Word Count: 5542
Standing by the little food stand, you were eagerly looking at the delicious - yet overpriced - food in your hand.
All around, people walked, shouted, laughed and ran. You were at the amusement park and by god was it busy. Or at least too busy for your liking.
Just earlier, you’d stood in line for a water ride for 30 minutes, only to be constantly bumped into and crowded forward by a group of teens too rowdy for their own good. After the fourth time and the fact that you were only halfway in the waiting line to a ride you didn’t even want to really go on in this chilly weather, you just gave up.
So now here you stood, buying overpriced but deliciously warm food from a vendor.
Thanking the saleswoman, you gave her a little smile and nod as you took your precious new treasure, intending to move to a secluded place where you could eat it in peace while people-watching.
Or at least, that was the plan for twenty whole seconds. For all of a sudden, something slammed into your lower back, curling around your waist with lightning speed.
Letting out a terrified yelp, it felt as if you jumped a meter into the air while people abruptly turned to glance at you, only to quickly calm and move on.
Snapping your head down, you saw a pair of tiny limbs wrapped around your waist, holding onto your stomach.
Wide eyed, you glanced behind yourself, being met face to face with a doe-eyed, pigtailed, brunette girl, staring right up at you.
“H-Hi there.” You said in surprise, lowering your arms from where you’d still been holding them up after the scare. When she didn’t seem to move or realise she must’ve had the wrong person - simply looking up at you with teary eyes while continuing to hold strong - you softened your eyes a little. “Can I help you, darling?”
“I’ve lost daddy.”
Just three simple words and you immediately calmed completely — her voice was soft and a little broken from her trying so clearly not to cry.
Using your free hand to lift one of hers away from your stomach, you carefully turned around in her hold to face the girl.
With a small smile, you crouched down, sitting on one knee so that you could look at her. “You lost your dad?” You asked and she nodded while pulling her hands back to her sides as she sniffled, making you hum a little. “You need me to help you find him?”
Immediately, she nodded again, tugging at the adorable bear scarf around her neck with a sad, pouty lip.
Seeing that, your smile turned fond as you shifted a little to get more comfortable. “What’s your name, darling?”
“Sophie.” She mumbled, eyeing the food in your right hand.
Seeing that, you chuckled softly, reaching and breaking off a little piece, holding it out to her. “You hungry?”
Tentatively, she nodded, looking up at you almost as if to ask for permission despite you literally holding the food out to her.
So she was polite, good to know.
“Go ahead.” You encouraged and she carefully took it, immediately starting to eat as if she hadn’t for three days, making you frown a bit.
“Thank you.” She mumbled with a shaky voice and a full mouth and you smiled at her before looking around, your smile dropping as you instead scanned the large throng of people, looking for any man seeming even slightly worried. Despite your thorough scan though, you didn’t see anyone who seemed to be looking for their child, nor did you hear anyone call the little girl’s name.
Looking back down at her, you saw she was still shaken up and took a deep breath, putting on a big smile. “Take a big breath for me, okay? Do like me.” You spoke, taking in a few loud and steady breaths, which she followed immediately.
“Daddy does that too when I’m upset.” She mumbled and you smiled, pointing at her.
“Your dad sounds like a wise man then.”
At even the mention of her dad, Sophie seemed to perk up as she vehemently nodded, wiping her nose as she sniffled. “He’s real smart.”
“Is he?” You asked, getting a little idea as you then tilted your head before tapping your finger to your chin. “Okay, well if he’s smart then does he knooww… two plus seven?” You asked and Sophie nodded. “Oh, okay, okay.” You spoke animatedly before exaggerating a thinking face again. “Does he know… where the moon goes at night?”
“Yeah!” Sophie nodded, forgetting about the food in her hand, completely believing in her father’s abilities.
Hearing that, you nodded and squinted your eyes at the brunette, making a long ‘hmm’ sound before waggling your finger. “Does he know- rocket science?”
“He can build two rockets!” Sophie boasted and you let out a pretending gasp.
“Oh well it sounds like your dad knows everything!”
“He does!” Sophie smiled, seeming to have forgotten her anxiety from earlier and you grinned back, successful in your efforts.
“Well, then let’s go find him! You and me. It’ll be a little adventure and at the end, we can ask him a question.”
“We can ask him why cotton candy is pink!” She spoke and you slapped your knee.
“That’s a perfect question.” You nodded sagely before calming a bit with a relaxed smile, looking at the girl. “Sophie.” You hummed. “What does your daddy look like? So that we can find him quicker to ask the question.”
“He’s big.” She immediately said. “And he has a hat like yours!”
At that, you looked up, bringing your hand to your head to touch the black beanie currently keeping your skull warm. That was good to know, that did actually narrow it down a small bit. “Anything else?” You asked, hoping for maybe a shirt or other distinct piece of clothing.
Sophie thought for a second before perking up. “Oh! And he has a mustache, like this!” She spoke excitedly before putting both her pointer fingers under her nose before dragging them out and straight down to her chin, only to then pull the small digits back to her ears.
“That’s your dad’s mustache?” You asked, a little skeptical. It felt almost cartoonish in how she described it; like a supervillain from an animated movie who would twirl their mustache any time he did something sinister. It was also however, the only information you had to go off of. And given it was a very unique description, you certainly hoped it’d be true, for that would be a lot easier to spot than ‘a large man with a beanie’ - which described about three people in the vicinity already.
“Alright. So your dad is big, has a… mustache and a beanie?” You asked and Sophie nodded.
“Brown mustache!”
“Brown mustache.” You corrected. Looking around a second later, you saw a large group of people approaching and realised you were very much in the middle of the road and cleared your throat. “Why don’t we go stand to the side for a bit and you can tell me some more?” You suggested, getting to your feet and Sophie just hummed, reaching up for your hand, which you gently took.
Taking her to the side, you sat down against the barred fence, feeling a twig or two poke into you from the hedge behind it, though you ignored it in favour of being shocked when Sophie just clambered onto your lap.
“Oh, okay.” You chuckled, setting your bag down to the side of you while you instinctively put out your left arm for her to lean her back against, sitting sideways on your lap so that she could look up at you. “So. Your dad.” You hummed. “Where did you see him last?”
“By the pirate ship.”
Frowning, you reached into your bag, taking a map of the park out. Though you’d been here enough to know the general layout of things, it was more that your feet automatically knew where to take you than you actually knowing where things were. Especially relative to each other.
“Okay, let’s see. Can you hold this bit?” You held out the top left corner of the map to her, to which she instantly took it, seeming happy to help while you stretched the map out (never mentioning that your hand around her waist was holding the bottom left of the map). “So, we’re here.” You hummed, pointing at the lefthand side of the map. “And the pirate ship is here.” You pointed near the top, just right of the middle seam where the map folded.
“Is that far?” Sophie asked, her eyes scanning back and forth over the map.
Worrying at your lip, you looked between the two places as well. “It’s not super far. About fifteen minutes.” You spoke, hoping to not alarm the girl. After all, it was way further than anything any parent would be comfortable with in a park like this.
“Oh, okay.” Sophie hummed.
Seeing her frown, you quickly bounced your leg a bit, getting her attention. “How long have you been walking?”
“I dunno…”
“You don’t know? Did it feel long?”
At your question, the brunette shrugged and you took in a silent breath, trying to figure out what to do.
“How did you and your dad even get separated?” You instead decided to ask, to which the little girl froze a bit, her little head bowing down as she awkwardly played with her fingers.
“I was following ducks…” She guiltily admitted, looking down at her lap. “Daddy was busy and then I saw them. I… I’m sorry.” Her voice shifted in pitch near the end as tears filled her eyes and you panicked, quickly rubbing her back.
“No, hey, it’s okay, sweetheart. Like I said: we’ll find your dad together, okay?” You smiled reassuringly. “So you were following ducks and what was daddy doing?” You ask softly.
“He was buying food…” She mumbled and you chuckled, to which Sophie looked up, a little curious and hopeful.
“That’s why you’re hungry, huh?” You smiled at her, shaking your head. “Cause you never got that food.”
“Yeah.” She hummed and you just smiled and offered her the rest of your meal.
“How about you eat this and then we’ll go look for your dad once you’re done.”
At that, she nodded in agreement and you smiled.
While she took the stick between her hands and started eating, you looked at the map, glancing between the distance the little girl walked.
It was fifteen minutes for you, so she probably took longer. Which also meant this poor man had lost his daughter for at least twenty minutes, maybe even half an hour.
There hadn’t been a staff member who walked up to the girl yet so he probably hadn’t gone to one to ask them to look out for his daughter - because however fun this park was, it wasn’t exactly up to date. The speakers planted every other corner played music and pre-recorded announcements. Anything else? That had to fall onto the shoulders of the staff. And good luck spotting a little kid in a crowd.
Figuring the man would probably spread out from the pirate ship, you decided it would be best to head there as well and hope for the best that he was still around somewhere.
Glancing down, you saw Sophie take the last bite, holding up the empty stick to you with almost a proud motion.
“There you go, thank you!” You smiled and took the stick. “Was it good?” At your question, she nodded happily, mouth still full and your smile widened. “That’s good. You feel up for walking a bit?”
At that, Sophie swallowed her food before shaking her head no. “I have to use the potty.” She said, a pout on her face.
“Ah.” You cleared your throat. “Well, we better get that done first then.” With those words, you folded up the map and not-so-carefully stuffed it back into your bag. Sophie got the hint and slid off your lap, standing on her feet as you then got up as well, holding out a hand for her which she quickly took.
“Stick!” Sophie then exclaimed and tugged on your arm as she reached over, grabbing the left over food stick you had momentarily put beside you before. Holding that, she looked around, briefly releasing your hand as she then jogged over to a bin and reached up, getting on her tippy toes to throw it away.
Blinking a bit in surprise at how fast she’d ran away, you quickly noted to hold onto her at all times as you walked over and held your hand back out. “Come on, bathrooms are this way!” You called out and Sophie came bounding back, instantly latching onto your hand again.
With that, the two of you made it over to the bathrooms not far to the right. Walking in, you swallowed nervously, not really feeling like you belonged there with this little girl. “Uh, can you do this alone?” You asked hesitantly but to your relief, the brunet happily hummed.
Leading her into the stall, you waited outside of it by the sinks, letting out a deep sigh, processing all that happened in the last fifteen minutes.
It didn’t take long for Sophie to come out. She opened the door before seeming to remember to flush as she leaned up to push the button, rushing over to you after where she held her hands under the soap dispenser, seemingly waiting for you.
“Ah.” You jolted into action, yanking the handle to deposit the soap into her hand, which she used to wash them, slapping her soapy palms together.
Once done and dried, the two of you started out the walk to the pirate ship.
“Do you think we’ll find daddy quick?” Sophie asked, bouncing beside you and you chuckled a little, thinking for a moment what to answer.
You didn’t want to lie but you also didn’t want to make her anxious about the separation from her father.
So, you decided to take the middle ground: avoid answering the question.
“I don’t know.” You hummed. “But I know this park like the back of my hand, we’ll be fine.”
That seemed to satisfy the brunette as she nodded, settling down a bit in her hyperactivity as she instead just walked beside you.
After that, it was quiet for a minute or two.
Your head was swimming with thoughts, unsure of whether to speak or what about. Yet deep down you knew that silence wouldn’t be smart.
To your side, Sophie was taking small steps, playing with her scarf. Yet the way she held your hand betrayed her growing anxiety over the whole situation.
So, to get her attention, you gently squeezed her fingers. “Sophie, I have a question.” You asked kindly. “You say you lost your dad, but what about your mom? Is she at home?”
Your voice had been gentle as you spoke, but at it, the brunette averted her gaze and looked down, dropping her hand away from her scarf as she sadly shook her head.
Instantly, your heart lurched into your throat as you realised you hit a nerve. “Oh, sorry, Sophie.” You quickly said, trying to send a reassuring smile, though she didn’t see as she was still looking down.
“That’s okay.” She said in response, shrugging. “Daddy said she wasn’t really ready to have me.” The little girl spoke softly, looking down for a moment longer before turning her eyes up to look at you, a content look in them as she smiled. “But it’s okay! Cause I have him!”
At her words, you smiled.
“Yes you do.” You squeezed her hand as you spoke the warm words. “And from what you tell me, it sounds like he really, really loves you.” You exaggerated your words slightly, seeing the girl stick out her chest in pride.
“Not as much as I love him! I win in the love contest!” She boasted, making you chuckle.
“Do you now? Wow. You better be careful or I’m going to eat my hat in jealousy.” You joked and Sophie gasped.
“No, don’t eat it! It’s a special hat!” She pointed at your black beanie.
“And why is that?” You smiled.
“Cause it’s daddy’s hat.”
Chuckling softly, you hummed, intrigued because of the little girl’s near reverence of her dad.
“So, what does your dad do for work?” You asked, curious.
“Daddy is a captain!” Sophie exclaimed in excitement.
“Is he?” You asked, looking down at the little girl currently swinging your hand back and forth. “What kind of boat does he have? Big or small?”
At that, Sophie stopped swinging your hand and giggled, looking up at you as if you just said the sky is neon green. “Not that kind of captain, silly!”
“Oh?” You asked, confused as you looked down at her. “What kind then?” You hummed as you gently tugged her arm so that she’d move to the side and not walk into the pirate barrel bin in front of her.
“He’s a soldier captain!” She smiled, proud of her dad in a way that had your heart melting.
“A soldier captain? So your dad is saving people?” You asked and Sophie vehemently nodded.
“He won’t tell me much but I know he is!”
Smiling gently, you then looked forward again. “That’s very good.”
“And what do you do for work?” She then continued instantly. “And why are you alone? Shouldn’t you be at work? It’s the middle of the day.”
At the barrage of questions, you blinked for a second. “I’ll have you know I’m here because it’s my day off. And I’m alone because I don’t have anyone to go with.” You said, pouting a bit.
“Why not?”
“I just don’t.”
“But you could?”
“Then why not?”
“Can I have more food?”
Huffing a chuckle, you stopped walking and looked down at the girl. “That hungry?”
Shuffling her food, she nodded, almost holding puppy eyes as she looked at you. “Please.”
“Okay.” You chuckled and looked around, seeing a hot dog stand across the square. “You like hotdogs, Soph-“
Her voice practically exploded from her chest and you flinched back before letting out a startled laugh. “Noted. Let’s go.”
Moving to the hotdog stand, Sophie was practically dragging you there. Her little arm outstretched as she jumped and bounced in excitement, trying to tug you along faster.
When you got there, she practically begged you for a hotdog with everything on it. Repeatedly yanking on your coat while giving puppy eyes - and how could you resist when she looked at you like that.
So now here you stood for the past fifteen minutes. By a tiny round standing table, holding your own hotdog while Sophie was sitting on the single available high seat, directly under a heat lamp installed in the parasol that covered the table.
“Y/N, it’s warm now.” Sophie suddenly whined, her voice soft and mustard smeared on her upper lip.
Huffing in amusement, you leaned in with a tissue, wiping the sauce away before reaching for her zipper. “Come here then. I’ll open your coat until we move on, alright?” You said, opening the zipper and letting some air in for the young girl.
“Thank you.” She said through a mouthful of hotdog.
Chuckling, you pulled back. “Not a problem.” Right as you said that however, you saw a glint around Sophie’s neck, catching your attention. “Sophie, what’s that?”
Her eyes opening a bit from where she had been sluggishly focused on nibbling, she looked down at herself, her chin against her sternum.
“No, around your neck.”
“Oh.” The brunette craned her neck a bit more to see the chain around her neck. “Daddy gave it for when I get lost.”
The shoe didn’t seem to drop for her but for you, you felt like slamming your head into the wooden table you were standing at. “Sophie…” You sighed. “You are lost. Can I see those?” You placed down your hotdog and reached for the little chain, pulling it out from her shirt and seeing two dog tags dangle on it, each spelling the same information.
‘Sophie Price
Telephone number:
+44 7627 374041’
“Sophie, is this your dad’s number?” You questioned and the girl lifted her head, blinking a few times before humming.
“Yeah.” She seemed to almost be discovering it herself, her energy from the past half an hour seemingly having seeped away completely. “Does that mean you can call him?”
Wetting your lips, you forced a smile onto your face and just hummed, pulling your phone out of your pocket. Dialling in the number, you hit call and brought it up to your ear.
Instantly, a deep, baritone voice sounded in your ear.
“You’ve reached John Price. Leave a message after the dial and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
The drawn out beep sounded after and you groaned, shutting off the call. His phone must be off. Or empty, most likely. Cause who would turn off their phone when their kid is missing.
“Is he coming?” Sophie asked from her seat, halfway through her hotdog.
“No. He didn’t pick up.” You said, clearing your throat. At your words, the brunette frowned, a worried look overtaking her features and you softened a little. “It’s okay, we’ll stick to our old plan. We’ll just go to the pirate ship to see if he’s there, okay?”
“Okay...” Sophie mumbled, placing her food down in the little basket and pushing it away. “I’m not hungry anymore.”
“That’s okay.” You soothed, eating the last bite of your own hotdog before wiping off your hands. “Come on then, little rascal.”
Holding out your arms, you grabbed her under her armpits, lifting her down towards the ground, yet when you tried to put her down, instead she lifted her legs.
Frowning, you tried again, but she refused to stand, simply sinking through her legs.
“Sophie.” You frowned, trying again. “Sophie, stand up, come on.” You spoke, grunting a bit as you once more tried to get her to stand up. You also didn’t want to just drop her and let her lay down on the dirty ground.
“I’m tired.” She pouted, keeping limp in your arms. “Can you carry me?”
“Sophie.” You sighed but she interjected.
“No… My legs hurt.” She whined.
Letting out a frustrated breath, you lifted the girl with a grunt.
Sitting her on your left arm, she instantly wrapped her arms around your neck, burying herself into it and you just closed your eyes for a second to collect yourself.
Blowing out a breath, you then opened them again and placed your free hand on her back. “Tired?”
At your question, the little girl nodded.
Shifting her onto your hip, you bent down to grab your bag, slinging it over your free shoulder with effort.
Grabbing her leftover hotdog, you started out walking.
“I want daddy.” The little girl mumbled while practically nuzzling into your throat and you glanced down, your eyes softening.
After the distance she walked to get to you, and then the distance you’ve taken her to get back, you can imagine why she’d be tired. Especially if she already had a day of trudging through the park.
“We’ll find him soon, I’m sure.” You reassured, rubbing her back as best you could while carrying a hotdog. You didn’t even know why you were bringing it along, other than the fact that the food here was too expensive to throw.
After that, a silence stretched out while you walked. In the distance, you could finally see the mast of the pirate ship, seeing the actual body every once in a while whenever it swung up.
“Do you like Disney princesses?” Sophie then asked after a little while, pulling her head back from your shoulder to sit a bit more upright while you carried her.
Looking at the girl, you smiled. “I’m guessing that you do?”
She nodded, lifting her foot up to show you her shoe.
Glancing down, you saw several princesses depicted on her pink shoes. Aurora, Tiana, Cinderella, Ariel and more.
Chuckling, you looked at the girl with a kind look. “Do you have a favourite?”
“I like Pocahontas. She’s brave.”
“That she is.”
“But I like Merida too.” She then said, grabbing the end of her bear scarf and showing it to you.
Looking at it, at the bottom you saw the logo for the movie ‘brave’ embroidered. “Oh, I see. Yeah, Merida is really cool.” You hummed before shifting Sophie to your other arm.
Cute or not, she was heavy.
“You wanna walk again, Sophie?” You asked but immediately, she gripped your neck tight and held on with a firm pout.
“No! I like it here.”
Sighing through your nose in amused exasperation, you just bounced her a bit to hold her better and kept walking, continuing to talk about Disney princesses.
After about another ten minutes, you were finally near the pirate ship, hearing the screams of people inside the attraction as it swung up and down.
“What about other Disney movies, like the lion king?” You asked and Sophie put her hand on her chin, humming as she thought.
“I like it. But it has no princess.”
Smiling, you nudged her. “Yes it does. Nala is a princess. She becomes queen later, doesn’t she?”
Suddenly, the girl’s eyes widened as if a million doors had opened. “Really?!”
“Yes really!” You laughed.
“Nala’s a princess!” She yelled and threw up her arms.
“Sophie!” A deep voice suddenly called out and you snapped your head to the right to see a tall man running up, a black beanie perched on his head and a peculiar mustache on his face.
“Daddy!” Sophie yelled happily, immediately holding out grabby hands for him.
Running up, the man scooped her up under her armpits the moment he came within reach, pulling her into his chest and holding her tight, a hand under her bum and the other on the back of her head, keeping her close.
“You scared me to death!” The man exclaimed before huffing, his eyes closed as he just hugged his daughter for several seconds. Sophie didn’t seem to mind as she just happily hugged him back, burying her head in his neck.
Watching the scene, you just smiled softly, a flood of relief crashing through your stomach now that you’d finally found the girl’s father.
A deep sigh made you focus your eyes back to the duo as you watched the man pull back a bit, checking the little girl over - most likely for any injuries - before he pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her back into the hug, his eyes finally landing on you. “Thank the lord you found her.” He said, genuine elation sounding in his tone of voice despite the stern look he seemed to constantly hold.
At his words however, you just waved it away - literally. “It’s more like she found me. I just helped her wander for long enough to find you.” You smiled.
At your words however, Sophie finally pulled back from her father’s hold, her little hands reaching to hold onto his face to get his attention as she smiled. “Yeah! Y/N helped me!”
“I’m glad for that, but you are very much in trouble, young lady.” His brow furrowed into a stern look as he gazed at his daughter. “You know better than to walk away from me!”
“I’m sorry, daddy.” Sophie mumbled, looking down sadly and the man - John Price, as you recalled from his voicemail - just sighed and pulled her into another hug.
“Don’t ever do that again.”
“Okay.” Sophie mumbled.
Hearing that, John nodded at her before looking back at you, his stern look cracking to be more apologetic. “I’m very sorry to have taken up such a chunk of your day.” He spoke, filled with remorse.
“Oh no, it’s not a problem! I live about a 30 minute drive west of here so I come here a lot.” You reassured, waving his concerns away. “I hope your heart is okay.” You then joked, smiling softly.
At your comment, John chuckled shaking his head while he bounced Sophie to hold her better on his arm. “Not really, to be honest. I can handle a lot. Losing my child for two hours? That’s the line.”
Laughing softly, you nodded. “I can get that.”
“Did you see she was alone and pick her up?” He then asked and you shook your head no.
“She kinda just… latched onto me. From behind even, I didn’t even see her.” You chuckled and John frowned, looking at his daughter for an explanation, to which she pointed to the both of you at the same time.
“You have matching hats.”
Almost comically, the both of you looked at each other, noting that indeed you were both wearing a black beanie.
“I- oh boy.” John sighed, realising he had a lot to school his daughter on when it came to strangers. While you? You simply chuckled because the girl adored her father so much, anything that was like him was trustworthy to her.
“Oh, she had half a hotdog and a potato swirl stick by the way.” You mentioned, remembering the half-eaten hotdog in your hand as you held it out to him. “She was hungry.”
Frowning, John took it, briefly remarking the hotdog before placing it to the side and rummaging in his back pocket. “Let me pay you back.”
“No, there’s no need-“
“Food here is bloody expensive and you found my missing daughter. I should pay a lot more than a simple meal price.” He said, not taking no for an answer as he opened his wallet, using his left hand to hold the wallet - with Sophie sitting on his arm - while his right flipped it open and reached in.
“No, really, we had a fun time, it’s fine.”
“Here, take it.” John held out a ten pound note, pressing it into your palm and holding his hand there, making sure you had no other option but to accept it.
Sighing softly, you curled your fingers around the note and he pulled his hand away from yours, smiling kindly. It made his beard shift and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well, I hope the two of you have a lovely rest of your day. If you haven’t been there yet, I recommend the fairy fountain. It’s attraction is indoors and very pretty.” You spoke, holding your hands in front of yourself.
“Y/N.” Sophie frowned, holding out her arms for you.
Getting the gist, John placed her down on her feet and she walked over while you crouched to be on her level.
Immediately, the brunette hugged you tight. “Thank you for helping me find my daddy.”
Smiling softly, you hugged her back. “Of course, Sophie. Now you listen to your dad and stay with him, okay?”
Pulling back, she nodded before looking back, seeing her father hold out his hand for her.
Rushing over, she grabbed it and John looked at you. “Thank you so much once more.”
“My pleasure. You’ve raised her well.” You complimented, seeing him soften a bit before he took a deep breath in and looked down at his little girl.
“Well, we best get going to a fairy fountain then, eh?”
“Yes!” Sophie cheered and the man chuckled as they started walking.
“Remember, you’re still in trouble when we get home.”
You vaguely heard the girl whine, her voice getting quieter as they walked away. “Okay…” She was silent for a moment before speaking up. “Daddy?” He hummed to let her know she heard, before quietly, you heard her ask. “Why is cotton Candy pink?”
You didn’t hear his answer, but you chuckled to yourself before turning away to start walking back the way you came, happy that you managed to reunite the family.
For now, you just enjoyed the rest of your day before going home once it got too cold for your liking.
About three weeks after that day in the park however, you got a text.
‘Good afternoon. This is John Price from the amusement park, I still had your number saved inside my call history.
I’m sorry to barge in like this and if this is a bit too forward, but Sophie has been pestering me about you non-stop ever since the 13th. You’ve truly made an impression on her and it’s left her barely able to sleep. I honestly don’t know what to do.
I happened to hear you mention you lived not too far from us and I was wondering if maybe you’d be willing to come visit Sophie? Her birthday is in a month and she can’t stop asking me to invite you. I’ll pay any expenses and if you have questions, feel free to ask.
This is not a must. I understand it’s even a little weird so don’t feel obligated to say yes just because it’s her birthday.
Kind regards.’
Part 2 is in the works :3
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Being drunk and complaining how you think your bf is prettier than you (genshin men x fem reader)
I'm picking the men who i think have feminine facial features for this, but if you'd like, feel free to ask for a character that hasn't been written :)
(attempted)pure fluff and having your pretty boy reassure you that youre pretty too <3
Albedo was studying your reaction to the potion he made, or 'special drink' as he'd like to call it. It was apparently supposed to taste like whatever the drinker liked most-yours just happened to be alcohol. At least he's learned that the drink will also bear whatever effects the original drink may have. Your face was warm as you drank your-how many shots have you had again? This..was alcohol right? He didn't poison you by luring you with his pretty face? Oh my fucking god he's so pretty. You gaze at his face lovingly, and suddenly shouting, "I can't believe my boyfriend is prettier than me..." You start crying. "Your so fucking gorgeous Albedo oh my god.." You hit your head on the table, surprising him. "Y/n!" he rushed to your side and caressed you forehead, which was now red. "Darling," he stated, "I think you're the prettiest person I've ever seen." You threw his hands off and pointed at him accusingly. "Albedo...we need to get you a mirror," you sob, "you are literally the prettiest thing to ever exist." you started to absolutely praise his whole fucking existence because if you dont you really dont deserve this guy hes fucking gorgeous
Kazuha was panicking at your state of mind. You were off the side of the path/road, hugging your knees and absolutely sobbing. "Y/n! Y/n!" he shook your shoulders franticly. Now, usually he's pretty calm but your the type of person to get into some deep shit whenever your alone. You looked up at kazuha, teary-eyed. This guy with his weird sense of smell could immediately smell the strong stench of alcohol on you. "My lovely and pretty boyfriend has come to save me again..." you pulled him down with a hug as he collapsed onto you. worried about hurting you he attempted to free himself, but drunk y/n is hella fucking strong, like the equivalent of being on steroids. "y/n i dont wanna hurt you or crush you..please let go.." You were not having it. "My darling kazuha..youre so fucking pretty.." you cry even harder. "how can a guy be prettier than a girl?!" this man's shoulder was drenched with tears. and despite being drunk, you noticed his shoulder was wet, so you switched to the other fucking shoulder. "Why do i have the muscles and you have the face?!?! shouldnt it be the opposite?" you cried even harder. like-damn.. kazuha looks like he jumped into the ocean and came out. admitting his defeat, kazuha now only sought to comfort you. "hey..shh..theres no need to cry love, you know i think your the prettiest girl out there right?.." he patted your head softly, whispering only the loveliest of compliments in your ear, until you fell asleep.
Kaeya laughed. This little shit knows he's gorgeous and practically flaunts his beauty, but seeing you insecure about it made him a bit sad, so why not cheer you up? "Y/n...your the woman I want to marry and you think I'd fall for someone who's not on my level?" He grins teasingly, as he places a finger on your chin and lifts your face up. "If anyone, and I mean anyone tells you otherwise, just tell me ok babe?" he peppers you with kisses, and stops you from making a mess in the tavern..If his brother were to find out, he'd for sure kick you and him out. "Kaeya, my beloved, the love of my life..." you slurred, "please stop using such a cringy name.." You were falling asleep, tired from blabbing on how pretty he was. After all it never hurt to hear such compliments from you. "Well," he smiled at you with love, "I'd like to call you my wife soon."
Heizou was currently walking just outside of inazuma city, after the tenryou commission recieved multipule complaints, he had over heard that it was near the place you'd like to hangout, he got curious and decided to check it out himself. (the commission were flabbergasted asf, well i suppose if its you then its a whole different story) And here you were, sitting on one of the larger branches of a tree crying loudly. Like...sobbing hysterically. He was surprised to say the least, you usually were quite happy go lucky. He studied you, noticing the bottle in you hand, as well as the flushed expression on your face. Just how much did you drink? You had finally noticed your curious boyfriend studying and observing you. "My pretty boyfriend the love of my life..." you slurred. suddenly, you shot down from the tree and charged at him, engulfing heizou in a tight embrace. "Woah! y/n are you alright?" he laughed, you were quite harmless when you were drunk, though that did leave you defenseless and made him a bit worried when you were without him. "you bastard..." you seethed in anger. "What the fuck is your skin routine? how are you so gorgeous? perfect? i love you soooo much heizou.." To be honest, he never recieved lots of compliments, as he was usually deemed annoying. perhaps he was good at masking it, but boy his insides were practically on fire. He loved you to the ends of the observable universe and back. he would gush at every compliment you gave him. "Y/n...you are the absolute best thing that could've happened to me, sometimes I feel like I dont even deserve you. You are the prettiest person i have ever known, and you make me the happiest. I love you so much." ok...so now he's tearing up. you, still drunk but still as in love with this lovely man as you are sober, made sure he felt loved on your walk home.
Venti is girlypop already saying every compliment that comes to mind, hell this guy is about to sing about how much he loves you and how gorgeous you are for hours, EVERYWHERE. the whole mondstat shall know how much he adores you. Thats because he's also drunk!! <3 You honestly, and swore, that you would watch him incase he does something stupid, but here you are, drunk (venti the lovely drunkard is hella good at convincing you to do stupid stuff with him.) and complaining how absolutely magnificent his face is. Although it is his deceased friends face, he takes it as you would get along with his deceased friend, and that makes him happy. a bit self concious though when you mention his physical features,(you dont just like his looks right?...right?) but he tries his best to stay positive. You know he's the anemo archon, but not that he takes on the looks of dead people. You suddenly burst into tears. "Venti i'm SO SO SORRY.." drunk venti is confused, flabbergasted, confused pikachu face kind of emotion. "Heyyyyyyy dont cry you'll make me sad to" he pats your head, a bit roughly since well he's drunk. way too much alcohol for an archon to drink. "Your pretty y/n verrrrrrrrry pretty." you shot up and look at him. "No! thats *hic*not why im *hic*crying!" you cried too much, to the point where you were hiccupping and couldnt breath (idk how to really describe it but yeah) "I made*hic* you s*hic*ad!" did you notice? In that moment, venti started to sniffle. So you noticed every little detail, even when drunk? Oh how he loved you so much. He was so so thankful to have you by his side. Now...this all happened at the angel's share, you guys were definitely banned from coming there ever again.. not even after paying off venti's rather expensive tab.
THE END >:) it got a lil angsty but thats ok
should i do pretty adult women too ehehehehhehehehehehheheh
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ivryne · 1 year
late night, telephones ˖ ࣪
⋆ ᳝ ֺ alhaitham x gn!reader | modern high school!au
— in which Kaveh made it his life mission to find out who is his roommate’s secret lover. [ pt two here ]
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“Yes, goodnight darling. I’ll see you tomorrow. Yeah, love you too.”
Accidentally overhearing Alhaitham’s late night phone call was one thing Kaveh didn’t plan on. But hearing those words spur from his literally cold-as-ice tongue made him question his existence. Alhaitham?? Being affectionate with someone???? Saying ‘I love you’ back??? Was Kaveh about the be called up to celestia and live his remaining life with the primodial one??
Okay it’s not even about the fact that he called them darling. OR THE FACT THAT HE SAID I LOVE YOU BACK. Even though those facts alone were something he desperately need to talk about later. But one thing Kaveh was mostly surprised at was the fact that someone wanted to be affectionate with him.
That made him wonder. Like the green haired moron does literally nothing but sit and read. Without his pretty face, perfect brawns, and outstandingly smart brain, he would be nothing. No but seriously, did you ever see Alhaitham taking a step forward to start a conversation? No, exactly! In fact he’s the one that takes the initiative to stop them.
So from now on, Kaveh decided to make it his life mission to find out who exactly is willing to suffer for the sake of being with Alhaitham.
Going to his lists of candidates he has…uhm. He can’t really think of anyone right now rather than the librarian that spends 24/7 in the library. I mean he guessed they do have one thing in common. But no let’s cross that out.
Oh yeah! Alhaitham was in the student council. He was there as secretary! Okay that opened up a few spots for some people Alhaitham could be dating.
Okay so far here is his list:
1. Vice president of the student council, Cyno
Notes: possibility 40%. Seen them talk before but they hate each other sm. Honestly giving enemies to lovers vibe but didn’t Cyno had a thing w Tighnari? Idk need to check again.
2. Student council head of social media department, Nilou
Notes: possibility 60%. Very very pretty, single too (I think??) Seen them talk but I think only abt student council matters (or is it??). Kinda too good for Alhaitham. She doesn’t seem to be the type that likes cold guys. Does that cross her out??
3. Student council head of sports department, Dehya
Notes: possibility -100%. Definitely not. Rumour spreading around that she’s dating Dunyazard. Ship them sm ngl if she turned out to he dating Alhaitham I’ll kill him for ruining my ship. But overall definitely not.
4. Student council president, [ Name ]
Notes: possibility 25%. Nah bro they too good for him. They’re literally the definition of social butterfly and he’s likes the opposite. So many ppl chasing after them fr so if they turned out to be taken by Alhaitham, I’ll personally go back to celestia myself.
So far that was the list! It was okay so far but he needed more evidence. The one with most percentage on his list was Nilou. He’ll have to ask around to find more candidates too. But he was sure that the list of candidates wouldn’t be more than 5.
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Before you questioned Kaveh to why didn’t he just asked Alhaitham, it’s because he would just stare at him blatantly and said “It’s not your problem” ! Honestly, getting an answer from Alhaitham aside for calculus matters is extremely difficult.
He did his research and observations. Alhaitham goes to the library every day (literally). He spends his time there reading the same kind of shit he does at home, staying quietly at a remote corner, away from all the other students.
There was no way this man is taken. The problem is he doesn’t even try. Like at all. 0 efforts. If Kaveh was his lover, he would’ve dump his ass in public and let him suffer the embarrassment. The worst part about that is the fact that he probably won’t even care!
After what seemed like 30 minutes, Kaveh decided that all was hopeless and finally went his merry away. Ah, if only he stayed just a minute more. Then he wouldn’t have missed your approaching figure heading towards the man whose nose is stuck in a book.
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“Hi.” A small smile graced your lips, your eyes melt into those turquoise hues, one that reeked of fondness and admiration.
No words of greetings has yet to leaves his tongue, but the way he scooted over to the right, indicating you too sit by him was more than enough.
“So, when are we going to tell him?” Alhaitham averted his gaze from his book unto you. His eyes slightly squinted, showcasing evidence of him clearly thinking.
“Is it really equivalent for him to know?” Your boyfriend asked, earning a soft chuckle from you.
“Statically speaking, not really. But the way he’s searching for candidates is so hilarious and amusing to watch, don’t you think, darling?” Alhatham lifted his book up to eye level, covering the dust of pink that shimmered around his features.
He pondered awhile before replying “Ah you’re not wrong. It is quite the fun to see him run around chasing for some bit of evidence. A mastermind are you, my love?” Now it was your turn to flush shades of red. You can see the smile of adoration on his eyes cascading through the shades of his irises.
Times like these are where you love him most. Where the two of you sit in the presence of one another, quietly scheming and watching that friend of yours running around like a detective on a case. Seeing him desperately looking for the answer when it is right in front of him, sitting cross legged and maneuvering the most amusing smile.
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do not repost, share, or copy ! Reblogs and likes very much appreciated!! Thankyou for taking ur time to read this hope you enjoyed it! Follow me for more xx
©️ shrslair.
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ope.. i got brainrot while driving into work again so here's a rockstar!eddie steddie blurb that goes with this song.
cw for possible refrences to suicidal ideation depending on how you interpret the lyrics (more literal or more metaphorical)
pairing: steddie | word count: 840 | rated: M
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The first time Eddie tells Steve he loves him, it’s while they’re awash in the afterglow; Eddie’s still half sprawled over Steve’s bare back with his finger tracing patterns idly over his skin.
“I could trace enough constellations on you to get from here to Mars.” he says as if voicing a thought rather than to Steve.
“Oh yeah?” He snorts.
“Mmhm. And I’d love you from here to there too.”
The steady movement of Steve’s back shudders to a stop, his breath faltering. “Oh yeah?”
A new featherlight touch grazes the skin between his shoulder blades. Eddie’s lips. “From here to Mars, sweetheart.”
Mars becomes a thing between them, and between them alone; “Love you to Mars, Stevie,”, “I love you all the way back home, Eds.” or after some bigot gives either of them grief over their relationship, “Let’s just run away.”, “To where?”, “Hmm. I dunno, maybe Mars?”
So when Eddie has enough of Hawkins, when he does run, and his note is devoid of any reference to their neighboring red planet, it’s crushing.
Steve finds out from Wayne that Eddie and the boys had gone to New York, a two album contract for their band too good of an opportunity to pass up.
He’s jaded and hurt for a long time. Well into Corroded Coffin’s rise to worldwide stardom, and the feeling lasts until a headline in the aisle of the grocery store catches his eye. It screams ‘CORRODED COFFIN’S NORTH AMERICAN TOUR CUT SHORT.”, but there are more: “Frontman Eddie Munson checks in”, and “Eddie Munson: More substance than substance?”.
He and Robin are in Chicago now, running a small bookstore/coffee shop, and Jeff gets in contact with him.
“He’s okay, he’s already doing better. I figured you’d want to know.”
Jeff says it’d been getting worse and worse until Chrissy (who had long been the Robin to Eddie’s Steve, and who’s now his manager) had had enough and sent him off to get help. “He’ll be back sooner than later, I’m sure.”
The next anyone besides Chrissy hears from Eddie, it’s on the radio. A new song from Corroded Coffin’s Eddie Munson that’s nothing like anyone had ever heard from him. 
Steve hears it first when he’s preparing to open one day, that’s part of the reason why it comes as such a surprise. He has never tuned the shop radio to anything other than the mainstream channels, not wanting this exact thing to happen and hear the voice of the man that broke his heart to pieces.
“Up next, a change of pace from the currently still elusive Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin fame,” the announcer says as the song starts in behind him. Steve freezes at the name. “You heard of this guy? He and that band of his had been making waves in the metal scene for years now; and he’s reportedly been checked out of rehab for a couple months without anyone hearing anything from him. Until now.”
The song starts for real now, the acoustic fading into the background as a voice so unmistakably Eddie, his real southern twang leftover from growing up in Tennessee shining through, breaks through it.
Steve’s so floored at hearing his voice again, that he doesn’t really register the lyrics until Eddie croons out “What if I run away to Mars?”
“Mars.” Steve breathes out.
Eddie is singing about Mars.
Steve had always assumed he was forgotten. That after the years of fame and years without him, that the memories Eddie had of him would be locked away just as tight as Steve’s of Eddie were.
He can’t even continue to think about it because Eddie keeps going, “Would you find me in the stars? Would you miss me in the end, if I run out of oxygen?”
Eddie’s singing on his own, it’s just him and his guitar and his own backup vocals and he sounds so horribly sad.
Eddie’s not okay. Eddie’s not okay! Where is he? Where did he go after getting out of rehab?
Steve whips his phone out of his pocket, leaning heavily on the front counter now for support, and searches frantically for Chrissy’s number.
He’s hoping she hadn’t changed it when Eddie’s voice comes back in over his guitar, “I can't tell which way is home, I've been gone for so long..It's an empty world up here“
Steve freezes again.
He listens to the entire rest of the song there. Phone in hand, thumb hovering over the call button, and heart however many miles away to where Eddie is.
“Three, two, one, I miss you..I'm sorry I got issues” Eddie sings.
Steve finds himself thinking ‘I miss you too’ and ‘It’s okay.’
Eventually, the song ends with Eddie’s voice only. No backup instrumentals, only his voice crooning harmonically with himself 
“Would you miss me in the end if I run out of oxygen? When I run away to Mars..”
He presses the button.
“Steve,” She says in a surprised greeting, “Hi!”
“Where is he?”
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star divider is from @saradika
short little part 2 here! | also on AO3
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swordcreature · 5 months
Can I request HCs for when reader steps onto the bachlors tieflings (including zevlor) tail? Like would they start hissing like a cat?
for some reason i thought this was really cute. thank u for sending it!
love these grown ass men who i will continue to call my baby boys
Dammon, Rolan, & Zevlor - Stepping on His Tail
the smallest implication of sexually suggestive material. just to be safe MDNI/18+
How the tiefling boys react when you step on their tail
Dammon has hurt his tail so many times during the course of his smithing career that it’s virtually immune to pain at this point. It’s littered with scars from base to tip, all from accidents in the forge. He has burned it on some coals, smashed it with a hammer, caught it in a vice grip, cut it on a blade. You name it and he’s done it.  
That’s all to say that he barely notices when you step on his tail. You could put your full weight on it and still would only turn around when he realizes his tail is stuck.  
He finds it cute that you’re so worried about him, that you think you could hurt him with a quick pinch under your foot when he has literally dropped molten metal on it before.  
In fact, most times that it happens, you react more than him, gasping and flinching like you’re the one hurt, meanwhile Dammon is just lightly laughing at how nervous you are. It’s endearing to him, endlessly.  
The only part of his tail that even remotely has enough sensitivity left to be hurt by getting stepped on is the very tip. It’s the thinnest, so it makes sense.  
Still, when you do, the only reaction you’ll get out of him is a little jump, more surprised than anything. Even if it hurt him, he’s used to little bumps and bruises from his work, so a little pain is nothing to him. But he may ask you to do something similar when you’re alone and in bed later.  
Rolan has a lot of different reactions to getting his tail stepped on, and it mostly depends on who is doing the stepping. For instance, in the street, getting stepped on by a complete stranger? Well, they’d probably get a nicer reaction from a displacer beast, to be honest.  
But for you, he’s actually very reserved, if you can believe it.  
You can tell as soon as it happens that he’s frustrated. His back is pin straight, and his shoulders are raised so high you think they might hit the ceiling. He doesn’t look back at you for a good moment or two. Straight up trying to hold his breath to calm himself.  
When he turns around, he’s trying to disguise the fact that he’s wincing but it just comes across as him gritting his teeth. He offers a tight smile but it looks so disingenuous it’s almost funny.  
If you try to apologize he accepts it gracefully, though he is fooling no one. He looks like he’s about to scream. It’s not that it’s that painful or anything, kind of like stubbing a toe. He’s just dramatic.  
If it were anyone else, he would be letting loose a barrage of insults about how unobservant they are and how only an idiot could miss the big, swinging appendage right in front of them. But since it’s you, he holds it back and quickly excuses himself for a second.  
He’ll go off to some room where he can close the door and silently scream in frustration, letting out his irritation before he comes back out to continue whatever you two were doing.  
He’s not so nice if you do it again any time soon though.  
He’s an older tiefling, he’s been around the block, so to speak. He’s definitely dealt with people stepping on his tail. Sometimes people have even done it on purpose.  
Still, every time it happens, he reacts the same exact way.  
Now, Zevlor isn’t one to swear often, he prefers more meaningful words as opposed to being crass. But when you step on his tail, he can’t help but let out a ‘godsdamnit’. It’s one of the more profane things you’ve ever heard him say outside of combat.  
Funny enough, he has the most sensitive tail out of the three bachelors. And he shows it, whether he gets a quick pinch or a hard stomp. He’s bent over clutching at his tail like you just cut it off. In his commanding days he would literally shake off the slash of a sword better than this. It’s his one weakness. 
It’s over fairly quickly though, and you can tell he’s embarrassed by his outburst. When you apologize, he brushes off the whole incident as though nothing happened.
There’s nothing for you to worry about, he assures you, he’s quite fine. It wasn’t that bad, you just got him on a tender spot is all. No need to press on about it.  
You catch him babying his tail for the rest of the day. You offer to kiss it better, and he turns a dark shade of red, going completely silent. Even though the thought of your lips on his tail makes it twitch with excitement.  
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dellalyra · 11 months
I looked at the prompt list, but i literally COULD NOT decide, but i was thinking, what if Megumi or Tsumiki had a really bad nightmare? How would Gojo and Reader help them? I was thinking baby Megumi, in his sleepy, not being as menacing and just being scared and asking reader for help (cause gojo would bully him)
Also Ily, thank you for your service to society.
A/N: cryin screamin throwin up i can’t this was so sweet to write I think I got a cavity. Having soft sleepy baby Megumi made me so happy to write bc I feel he definitely had his vulnerable tiny little boy moments with these two after he settled in - still a prickly little cactus man most days but occasionally he just needed a cuddle - bc who wouldn’t? Especially if it’s Gojo giving them. Also ily and thank you so much these kind of messages MAKE MY FUCKIN DAY. Keep em coming!!!!!
listen to: luv note - chloe moriondo
la lune - billie marten
A Little Extra Love
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Waking up to the sound of obvious nightmares wasn’t unusual for you. You’d been sleeping beside Satoru for a couple of years now, and you’ve shared rooms with Geto and Shoko - the four of you have seen too much shit to sleep unscathed. At least once a month, you’d be sitting with Satoru, still shaking and crying from the lingering feelings of fear and pain stemming from the nightmare - of Riko, of Suguru, of Toji - of losing you. You were no stranger yourself, dreams of bloodied white hair in your lap and vacant blue eyes with a stab wound through his throat plagued you - the image of Suguru holding a young girl's corpse, of the last time you saw Haibara all poisoned your sleep now and again.
So waking at 2am to the sounds of soft whimpers made you immediately turn around to wake your boyfriend from what you expected to be his nightmare - only to find him fast asleep, hair wild across the pillow and drool leaking from the corner of his mouth as he lay starfished across the bed. There was no relief however in seeing a peaceful Satoru - because that meant it was one of the kids.
They’d been with you for about 9 months now, and it was almost Megumi’s 7th birthday.
You bolted up, trying to stay silent as you creeped out your door and ran down the hallway to the kids rooms - the sound was coming from Megumi’s room so you softly opened the door and came face to face with a sight that broke your heart. Megumi was clutching his frog plush so tight that his small knuckles were white and his face was contorted in fear - whimpers and soft cries coming from his trembling mouth.
Dashing across to his bed, you gently sat on the bed beside him. You knew that waking anyone - let alone a 6 year old - abruptly from a nightmare would only cause more fear, so you began to softly coo his name and stroke his soft black hair away from his face. After about 20 seconds, you placed a hand on his little chest and rubbed soothing circles - causing his eyes to flash open and the frog to be clutched even tighter to his chest as he let out a yelp at whatever woke him, eyes wide and petrified frantically scanning the room before he surprised you by flinging his tiny arms around your neck and clutching you right and crawling his way into your lap.
“You’re okay sweet boy, you’re safe. It was a nasty dream, that’s all.” You coo into his hair, with the softest voice you can muster. You hate seeing him like this, you wish he didn’t have the trauma he did so he could worry about things normal little boys did instead.
He sniffled into your chest, head pressed into your fluffy pyjama top face first. You continue the slow cycles on his back and wrap your arm around his legs to keep his close to you.
“Do you wanna talk about it, baby?” You ask.
He shudders, but nods.
“He c-came to get us, my dad, he came in here and took me and ‘Miki and said w-we had to leave with him to the big Zen’in family and never come home again and h-he said you didn’t w-want us and-” and the sobs took over as you got the gist of the dream and if the ghost of Toji Fushiguro was in front of you right now you’d kill him and send him back to hell again.
“Oh, my sweet boy - that’s never gonna happen. We’re never leaving you or Tsumiki, we always will want you guys - we love you both so much. I promise, no matter how much me and Satoru annoy you guys you can’t get rid of us, ‘Kay? We’re a family now. Your dad isn’t taking you from us, pinky promise.”
‘Because your unofficially adopted father killed him and him and I threatened the Zen’in family so much that they’re too scared to come within a mile of you two!’ Is the bit you leave out.
You also leave out that you and Satoru are looking at legally adopting them - that’s for another, happier time.
He sticks his little pinkie finger out and locks it with yours, sniffling a tiny bit more and rubbing his face (snot and all) onto your koala print top, but you couldn’t care less when you can feel the shaking start to settle.
“We can stay with you guys forever, ‘Miki too? Even though she has no magic stuff like me and you guys because the Zen’in said that she wasn’t worth keeping and -” He asks.
“Megumi - we don’t want you two because of what you can or can’t do - we love you guys as Megumi and Tsumiki, nothing else. Even if neither of you could do any of that stuff, you’re stuck with us, okay? Satoru and I have enough magic to keep us all safe - the whole family, okay?” You hate the Zen’in family for even planting that fear in his little brain.
“I love you too.” He says as his tears dry and you wipe his little face. This is only the second time he’s said it to you both, once was a few weeks ago when you and Satoru put him to sleep and both whispered “love you!” into his softly lit room and he whispered “love you guys too.”
You both sobbed that night - you’re both only 21 - can’t be doing that bad of a job with them if he says it back, can you?
“You’re such a brave boy. If you get more yucky dreams again, you come get me or Satoru, okay?” You plonk a kiss on his spiky hair.
“Just you. Not Satoru.” He looks down, fiddling with your necklace.
“Why not, sweetie?”
“I - don’t want him to know.”
“About the nightmares?”
He nods.
“He - he’s the strongest. I don’t want him to think I’m not brave or strong.” He says, words that shouldn’t even compute that way in his head.
“Absolutely not - baby, who told you that being scared makes you not brave or strong?” You tilt his little head up.
“My dad.”
“Well your dad’s dumb then. You can only be really brave if you’re scared. Being scared and fighting anyway is the bravest thing a person can do, I promise. Think about it this way - who’s the bravest and strongest person you know?” You ask as he giggles at you saying Toji’s dumb (you’ve plenty of other names too for that man.)
“You and Satoru.” He says with such resolve your heart melts, you expected him to say Satoru, so being included felt good.
“Satoru and I both get nightmares too, I had one last week, Satoru a few nights ago. It doesn’t mean you’re not brave or strong - it just means you need a little extra love, that’s all.” You nod at him, and you seem the surprise in his eyes at the revelation that the strongest and bravest people he knows get nightmares too, shattering the words Toji had planted into smithereens. How could nightmares mean you’re not those things if you guys had them? You had to know, because you and Aunty Koko were the smartest people in the world. Maybe Ijichi too.
He’s quiet for a minute.
“So if I have a bad dream - I can come get you or Satoru?” He asks.
“You can get more or him for anything at all, honey, not just bad dreams. We’re always here for you, and nothing will change our minds about how much we love you, or how brave and strong and smart and kind you are - ‘Kay?” He nods into your chest at this.
He settles down, small fingers still fiddling with your pendant.
“C’mon, do you wanna come stay with us in our room tonight?” You say.
He thinks for a second.
Then nods, and yawns.
So you lift him onto your hip, ensuring he has his frog and his water bottle and carry him down the hall into your room. Satoru’s still splayed across the bed like he’s determined to use every single centimetre of his long ass body to claim territory.
You point at the drool on his face and Megumi giggles, hearing Satoru order dessert in his sleep.
You lay him down between you both, and crawl in under the covers as he settles in - the movement stirring Satoru, who’s eyes open and he looks in confusion.
“Princess whatcha doin’ up? S’late. Wait - what you doin’ here kid?” He slurs, lifting himself onto his side to face you both.
Megumi looks at you and you smile, tucking him into the bed with you both.
“‘Gumi had a bad dream, ‘toru - so he’s going to stay with us tonight, a little extra love - yeah?” You say, petting both your boys hair. ‘A little extra love’ was what you had said to Satoru when you found him awake after a nightmare back in first year of high school. He smiled at that, eyes dropping back closed as he ruffled Megumi’s hair.
“Bad dream are the worst, aren’t they kiddo? I hate ‘em. If any bad guys come near you I’ll blast them into space, ‘kay? You just shout for me in your dream and let me deal with ‘em.” Satoru mumbles, sleep quickly taking him again, as he shuffles in closer to the middle and you both wrap an arm around the little boy who is snuggling in to return to sleep.
“Promise?” Megumi asks, poking Satoru’s nose.
“Pinky promise.” Satoru replies, lips quirked but eyes shut.
Megumi smiles softly to himself, and hugs his frog and shuts his eyes.
You let out a yawn, eyes closing heavy.
“Goodnight boys, I love you both.”
“Night Y/N. Luh’ you too.” Megumi mumbles, hair splayed almost identically to Satoru’s.
“Night night, Princess. Love ya’ always, you too kiddo.”
No more nightmares that night, just four sleeping soundly in a quiet cottage.
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kamisama1kiss · 3 months
hii mutual♡♡
can I request a lloyd x reader about them meeting at a comic store? just fluff and cute awkwardness that ends in the reader getting a date.. if you can please that thank you!!
Hello mootie!! This is such a cutie idea 😭🙏literally was so excited to write this one^^ Sorry if it seems rushed in the end i was a tad bit stuck on how to get the ending, lol ENJOYY 🫶
Words counted: 527 ish
Lloyd Garmadon {Starfarer}
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Walking down the different shelfs of comic books, figurines along with other merch spread on walls. Being here was a goal everytime, finding the latest comic book of Starfarer. Sadly with every try it was gone and had to wait for next delivery comes in.
There is was, in all its glory wrapped in plastic being the last one standing. With heist they moved to grab it, without seeing the other person looking at it. To consumed with the thought of bringing it home.
Reaching out to take it when another hand took the other side at the same time, they both quickly looked at each other. He was a taller with at least half a head of blond hair, bright green eyes. Faint freckles adorning his face.
"Ah, sorry" moving my hand from the comic out panic, chuckling dryly. "Did not see anyone else.. reaching for it."  initiating the situation, yet he didn't seem upset at all which made them feel better "Heh, yeah no biggie at all." Waving his hands dismissively with a slight lopsided grin, showing his weak dimples.
The silence spoke volums, both holding they're breaths. Not sure what to say nor what to do, kind of just looking at each other for a few seconds. "I oh uh, you can have it. Seemed like you wanted almost more than i do." Using his fallen hand holding the comic book up to give it to them, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. Trying to avoid eye contact at all cost from his side.
"Oh! No no." Waving one hand in disagremente, "You we're here first, it's only right if you take it." Both arms falling down, polite smile alongside a singular headshake. "I insist." He chuckled dryly, matching with his arms resting by his side. Soon to be lifted to surrender. "Ay, fine I'll take it." With his reaction only made a small grin reach they're face.
Silence once again strike the duo, before a voice spoke up seemingly in a hurry. "Lloyd! We've got to go, Wu wants to see us all." Both turning heads to see spikey brown hair, leaving only one them to question how his hair did such?
"I'll be out in a second, Kai." He mumbled seemingly annoyed at the interruption. After being left alone to us two he gifted me another smile, "Sorry about him, see you around?" Raising a brow at his question but nodding nontheless. "Sure." The agreement seemed to make his smile widen to a genuine grin. The dimples showcasing further.
Without another moment he seemed to be out the doors leaving but not before turning back for a second, they had noticed the comic book, Starfarer wasn't bought? Looking down to see it placed in they're hands, surprised how they didn't noticed, feeling a paper on the back which resolved by flipping the book. Stuck on a neon yellow paper which stood
'Let's get to know each other, how about a date? :D
-(his number)'
The smile on they're face grew alongside a small subtil warmth on the cheeks, knowing they would be going on a date in hopefully not too long.
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kikokus · 2 months
Lucci and Kaku: An Analysis
I haven’t done long analysis/meta/essay-style posts in a while, but after seeing a comment that amounted to “every time Lucci’s shown an interest in something that doesn’t have to do with killing, Kaku’s involved” it made me think about whether or not that's true and, more specifically, whether or not there’s been sufficient build-up to justify what happens in Chapter 1111.
So let’s explore, shall we?
First of all, basic disclaimer that I’ve been heavily into One Piece since 2008 and Water 7 has been my favorite arc since the first time I read it that summer. Kaku, in turn, has always been one of my top characters in the entire series for various reasons…but this isn’t about him (at least, not entirely), so all of that is just to say that I’ve thought about these characters a lot over the years.
And I think what always struck me about them is that not only are they so fundamentally different, but that realistically Lucci should not tolerate Kaku at all. He’s pretty much everything Lucci’s not, and they’re more-or-less a perfect example of the ‘someone will die…of fun!’ meme in a lot of ways (and honestly it’s what I think of every time I see this card, but I digress):
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At the same time, what happened in the latest chapter didn’t surprise me, because there’s been hints all along, and I’ve personally been waiting years for it to pay off…even though part of me thought it never would, or at least not in the way it did!
Still, how did we get here?
But First, A Bit About 相棒
So. Why is the fact that Lucci calls Kaku his “相棒” (aibou) so significant? Mostly because of the…individualistic meaning of the word. It literally translates to ‘partner’, but not in a romantic/life-partner way (not to say that it has never been used like that, but it’s not the inherent meaning of the word).
Unlike words such as 友人 (yuujin), 友達 (tomodachi), and of course, with Luffy, 仲間 (nakama), aibou generally only refers to one person. You can have many friends, teammates, crew members…but only one aibou. So by calling Kaku that, Lucci’s already placing him on a different level to anyone else in CP9 or CP0 and acknowledging openly that Kaku’s important enough to him to have earned that distinction.
Which is why a lot of us were very excited about it, since this is not a common occurrence where Lucci’s concerned.
That aside, let’s get to the actual canon content.
Water 7
Obviously at the beginning we find out they both work at the shipyard, but that in and of itself isn’t entirely significant…until you consider that, since Kalifa is pretty much with Iceburg all the time and Blueno’s running the bar, the two of them are working in much closer proximity to each other than to the other CP9 members in the city. 
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The first real indication we get regarding their comfort level with each other comes in chapter 327 when Kaku gets back from examining the Merry and goes to sit down to explain what he’s discovered. Paulie’s the closest to him, but he actually ends up stepping past both him and Lucci in order to sit directly beside Lucci on the same level.
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It’s quite a while before we see the two of them alone again, and it doesn’t happen until chapter 339 when they’re speaking with Robin. Of course at the time we’re not supposed to know it’s them, but there’s really nobody else it can be since this is happening at the exact same time that Blueno’s talking with Franky and Kokoro at the bar. So, as will become fairly common, the two of them are again acting as a unit of their own within the larger group.
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And then, of course, we get the infiltration of the mansion prior to The Big Reveal (which I’ve spoken about before because for me it’s still the single greatest reveal in the entire manga because of how carefully crafted it is, right down to Kaku’s limited dialogue in this section being completely devoid of his usual speech quirks in the original Japanese text). Once again, Blueno and Kalifa are doing their own things while these two are working together.
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This panel has always been interesting to me because immediately prior to this Lucci says he can’t let Paulie live, and then he decides to just restrain him instead. In Luffy’s case it makes sense because they gave their word to Robin not to harm the Strawhats, but he has absolutely no reason to spare Paulie, and the little lines of shock/surprise beside Kaku imply that he hadn’t expected Lucci to do that, either. The ‘why’ is still unclear, but it’s interesting nonetheless, and it’s also…noteworthy that it’s the only thing Lucci asks Kaku to do. All of the actual damage Paulie takes comes from Lucci and he never asks for or expects Kaku to harm him.
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I never connected these two panels before but it’s obviously very deliberate to have Lucci telling Iceburg that feeling emotions is a sign of humanity followed immediately by Kaku…demonstrating exactly that and thanking Iceburg. It’s important to establish that part of Kaku’s character, but keep in mind Lucci’s lack of a reaction here because it’ll come back later.
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Again, very tiny moment, but there’s a lot of examples of Lucci deferring to Kaku or letting him take the lead without any hesitation, and I like this because Kaku’s noticed something that Lucci hasn’t and Lucci just goes with it immediately.
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I’d forgotten about this but Kaku’s also the one that decides to take Usopp with them, first by recognizing him as one of the Strawhats and then going through with it even after finding out he doesn’t consider himself a part of them anymore. And Lucci just…stands back and lets him give out orders to the others while doing so.
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Okay so this is what I was referencing earlier. Kaku shows actual emotions with Iceburg and Lucci’s silent, but the moment Kalifa gets even slightly happy about completing the mission he’s berating her instantly. Kaku’s expression here is interesting too because he looks absolutely haunted and it’s very telling.
And also another visual representation of Lucci and Kaku being equal to/on the same level as each other.
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I didn’t include the panel but Kaku was ‘sleeping’ when Corgi was giving them all of the information about Nero while Lucci was (seemingly) wide awake, and yet Lucci has no idea who he is and relies on Kaku to have all the information. Which he does.
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Kaku being the one to take charge again and direct the others even though Lucci’s standing right there. They do this more than I’d realized at first, especially since Lucci always seems to be looked at as the unofficial ‘leader’ of CP9.
Enies Lobby
We’ve made it to Enies Lobby, which is the first glimpse we get of these two interacting with the full CP9 group outside of any sort of ‘mission’ environment.
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Mostly it entails Lucci being more combative (especially with Jabra) and Kaku being more annoyed, but again I can’t really imagine anyone else taking this tone with Lucci and getting away with it while Kaku does it fairly often and Lucci never retorts or gets angry with him.
And while Kaku’s not immune to taking Jabra’s bait in the right circumstances, his typical tendency is to de-escalate situations if he can and here he’s refusing to engage despite being deliberately called out…and Lucci, without being asked, immediately takes his side and defends his choice.
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This is practically the next panel and while both Lucci and Jabra are kind of equally at fault for this little display, Kaku only berates Jabra for it while Kalifa’s directing her comments at both of them.
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Now that I’m actually looking for these sorts of things it’s becoming more obvious, but again we have Lucci and Kaku in an equal position to each other at the front of CP9.
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This isn’t just to Kaku since Kalifa’s there as well, but Lucci’s still encouraging them to eat the fruits and I have to believe it’s coming from a place of good faith because he’d know whether or not being able to swim is that big an issue in their profession. I also want to note that Kaku echoes Lucci’s ‘it’ll be fun’ line when he actually does eat his fruit, so obviously that resonated with him.
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I’ve put these two together because they both highlight the same thing, that being in both of these sequences we get almost all of CP9 giving out their individual thoughts/comments on what’s happening but Kaku’s statement both times is a direct reply to what Lucci says, so again the two of them are paired off in a way that doesn’t include anyone else there. 
The only other thing of note in this section is that while Robin’s talking about what happened during the Buster Call on Ohara, Kaku and Lucci are the only CP9 members to kind of…break formation and actually look at her while she’s speaking, which is interesting.
And for the rest of Enies Lobby they aren’t together so there’s not too much more to say here other than Kaku of course being the one to have the actual key to Robin’s cuffs, but it’s never made explicit who came up with that plan or handed out the keys so…if I ever actually do the thing and write a full analysis of Kaku’s character we can talk about it then Lark you’ve been saying you’ll do this for years IF I EVER--
Interlude - CP9’s Independent Report
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Besides the fact that this is still one of my favorite cover stories, there’s a couple of noteworthy things here, the first of which is that Kaku again is taking the lead. Even though he’s the only other CP9 member other than Lucci to be injured badly enough that he can’t walk on his own, he’s still the one directing them where to go.
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Other than that, I love seeing all of them just…interacting like friends and being very relaxed and casual, and pretty much every panel where Kaku and Lucci are together they’re directly beside each other so I’ve included a bunch of those here.
Dressrosa & Egghead
The next time we see Lucci and Kaku is at the end of Dressrosa, where they’ve been promoted to CP0 Oda can we please get some explanation of how this happened and let me tell you, I remember this vividly because the spoilers at the time just said that Lucci was talking to ‘someone’ and when the raws came out you can bet I went right to the dialogue to see if it was Kaku because his way of speaking is so telling.
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But even in this little scene, we can see they’re having an equal conversation and there’s a major difference between how Lucci’s speaking with Kaku and how he addresses Spandam mere seconds later.
After this we have the Reverie/Levely/what-even-is-this-thing-called arc where they get all of a single panel together and while it’s the first time we actually ‘see’ Kaku after the time-skip, nothing really interesting regarding their relationship happens, so let’s move on to…
The end of the colored manga! And Egghead.
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We start with a very familiar situation: Lucci asking Kaku what’s going on, and while Kaku this entire arc seems more outwardly annoyed with Lucci than he ever was in the past (which is never really explained but then again, Lucci spends a lot of the arc doing things he’s specifically been told not to do, so maybe it’s understandable…), he still has all the information and relays it.
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Though Kaku’s also much more comfortable letting his real personality show despite them being on a mission while before he was always completely serious after the Water 7 reveal, especially around Lucci. It came through with Zoro and Jabra but during the cover story he’s smiling and laughing a lot with Lucci right there so it makes sense he’d be more willing to let his guard down even ‘on the job’ by now.
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So here’s the first real instance of Lucci showing concern for Kaku, something which escalates pretty quickly throughout the arc. It’s subtle, and though he’s framing it as a suggestion to Stussy, if he didn’t care at all he wouldn’t have said anything. 
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At this point it’s fairly obvious that Lucci and Kaku don’t really have any authority difference between them and Kaku spends a lot of time in this chapter especially telling Lucci to Not Do The Thing. Anyone that’s ever lived with a cat knows how well this works.
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I’ve always found this bit of dialogue particularly interesting because Kaku’s very openly…praising Sentomaru for choosing his loyalty to Vegapunk over assisting the government, and there’s no way Lucci doesn’t hear him say this but he doesn’t say anything in return. There’s no real evidence that Lucci knows about Kaku willingly giving up the key to Zoro or how conflicted he was about Paulie and everyone else, but this seems to imply that at the very least, even if he doesn’t share those sentiments, he wouldn’t think less of Kaku because of it.
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Putting these two together since they’re in the same scene but at this point it’s not even subtle concern anymore, Lucci’s genuinely worried for Kaku and you can tell this caught him off-guard.
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Kaku’s the first one to suggest working together but Lucci immediately backs him up and goes with the idea. It’s logical in the sense that it’ll give them the biggest chance to survive, but willingly working with pirates isn’t exactly the sort of thing that Lucci, especially in the past, would have so easily done regardless of the situation.
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So at this point it’s becoming clear that this whole 4-v-2 section is supposed to be the most…light-hearted thing going on right now and a lot of it is played to be comedic, including Lucci’s inability to lie, but yet again there’s almost nobody else that could get away with scolding him the way Kaku’s doing here.
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…And then we skip ahead a day and things happen that I really hope get explained at some point because they seem important, but while Lucci’s never going to have impeccable bedside manner, he’s very concerned with getting Kaku to rest and while Kaku’s trying to justify what happened Lucci really doesn’t seem to care about that. It’s a big departure from him being willing to write off anyone he deems ‘too weak’ and it’s a nice character moment.
I’d mentioned on my liveblog that some of the things Lucci was doing after this point were confusing, but if you look at them through the lens of him wanting to protect Kaku, it makes a lot more sense. Yes, he’s deliberately keeping him out of the loop, but Lucci I think has decided that he’s going to throw caution to the wind and act alone since if Kaku can’t prove he knew about the plan, he’s probably safer being left with the Strawhats, and if the Marines show up he should be safe anyway or so Lucci thinks…
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When this chapter came out, I’d said something about Lucci being a hypocrite considering what the rest of CP9 did for him when they could have easily just left him at Enies Lobby, but given what happens almost directly after and likely what he’s trying to do with this entire fight, these words feel even less genuine…
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And that brings us to this. The moment that I’ve been thinking about for almost an entire week now. The moment that, looking back at…oh, wow…almost 3000 words of analysis maybe shouldn’t be as surprising as it was for most of us, but it does feel like the payoff for a long, long buildup that’s taken nearly twenty years to reach. Because really, there’s no other way to describe them other than ‘partners’, and probably hasn’t been for a long time…and I’m so glad that Lucci acknowledged it.
To summarize, I think what surprised me most about re-visiting all of this is how much the manga has framed them as equals since the beginning even though it was never explicitly stated between the characters themselves. Lucci’s always been far more lenient with Kaku than with anyone else, and Kaku in turn has never had any fear of Lucci even if he wasn’t really expressing his true self with him for a long time.
The cover story being the turning point makes perfect sense, and the progression throughout Egghead of Lucci being more outwardly willing to show his concern and Kaku not hiding his emotions at all seems like a natural progression of their relationship and their level of comfort around each other.
And the fact that Oda is never really…hitting us over the head with any of it until that final moment when Lucci says everything so plainly because Kaku’s life is the most important thing to him even when faced with a literal monster… It’s so effective. 
I don’t know where we go from here. To be honest, I’m kind of scared of where we go from here. But regardless of the outcome, I hope this little essay has been at the very least interesting and perhaps allowed you to look at these two in a different light.
Thanks for reading.
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defectivehero · 4 days
Hello, I would love to see more of your snarky millionaire villain and "not wanting to owe anyone money" hero. Please,,,, it was immaculate,,,, I beg I love it so much. It was such a wonderful read. I wish to see more of them 🥺 ty <333
here's part one of this story. and ahh ty! now, onto part two:
Life after the villain's... generosity... is strange. The hero finds that they're no longer so stressed about paying rent or having enough groceries. They're well-fed and well-rested, for the first time in several months (years). The hero doesn't know how to feel about it all: they're frustrated, wary, exhausted, angry, ashamed. They have never been comfortable with accepting assistance, and the enormous sum of money forced onto them by the villain is an assistance they're entirely unable to refuse (literally). They remember how futile their attempts at resistance felt, as the villain firmly steered them down the sidewalk and forced them to walk in their bank and cash in the check. It was humiliating. They felt their eyes stinging with unshed tears, but they hid their guilt and remorse until they were alone behind the walls of their apartment. Those feelings don't leave them, even as time passes and the memory of that night blurs around the edges.
“You’re a strange one." The hero is torn from their thoughts and they instinctively bristle at the sudden, unexplained voice. When their gaze catches on the villain lurking in the corner of the room, they relax a little. And once they realize that they've relaxed, they scold themself for thinking their enemy's presence could be anything but unnerving.
“…Thanks?” The hero eventually remembers to reply. It seems that the villain has broken into their apartment just to speak to them. Either they have something important to discuss, or their enemy has too much time on their hands. The hero suspects the latter.
“Wasn’t a compliment,” the villain says. The hero rolls their eyes as their enemy continues. “Most people wouldn't need to be blackmailed into accepting a rather large sum of money."
Ah, this again. The hero was foolish to think their enemy would ever let them forget their... arrangement. “I’m not like most people,” they decide to say, after struggling to come up with a response for a few moments.
“Fair enough,” the villain sighs, as if that was a foregone conclusion.
“If I’m being honest,” the hero continues, their mouth moving before their mind can stop it, “Your, ah, gift…" The absolutely outrageous sum of money, the hero thinks, "...gave me some much needed vacation time.” Indeed it did. They enjoyed a few vacation days last week, which was quite the rarity. Not to mention the sudden stability and security they were awarded.
“Really?” The villain asks, crossing their arms over their chest and raising an eyebrow at them. They look frighteningly at ease, despite the indisputable fact that they're standing in a space that isn't theirs.
“Yes,” the hero answers. “I took a day off work for the first time last week.” That statement slips out before they can stop it. Immediately, they feel the villain's gaze focus on them intently.
“The first time?” The villain asks, a strange expression on their face. It looks to be a mix of disbelief and indignation. They cross their arms over their chest. “You’re joking.” They're performing a strange balancing act between boredom and interest. One moment, the villain is listening with rapt attention; the next, they're looking around the room as if they'd rather be literally anywhere else in the world.
Meanwhile, the hero suddenly knows they’ve committed a grave mistake. They remain silent, knowing any further explanation will only make things worse. The villain studies them for a long moment, and even as they continue speaking, it's clear that this conversation will occur again at a later date.
“I’m surprised you didn’t donate the money,” the villain hums, a smile working its way onto their face. The hero nearly sighs in relief at the change in subject.
“I think we both know I tried,” the hero huffs, not realizing their enemy's remark is a trap until it's too late. They engineered that verbal trap just to applaud their own ego.
“Ah, yes,” the villain smirks, their lips parting to reveal sharp teeth. “I blacklisted all of the prominent charities in the area. Rather ingenious of me, I have to admit.” They hold up their hand and look at their nails, before flipping it around to pick at something under their nail.
“There’s so much you could be doing with that kind of time and money,” the hero says with a shake of their head, resisting the urge to bury their head in their hands. They've done far too much agonizing about this for their own good. At some point, they're forced to accept the reality of the situation. Besides, the more attention they devote to the villain's strange and selfish philanthropy, the less energy they have for the more important things.
“But alas,” the villain sighs dramatically, wrapping an arm around their shoulder. The hero stiffens and pushes them off. “What has the world done for me?” They muse.
The hero has had too many circular conversations on the same topic to fall for the bait once more. They know they cannot change their enemy’s mindset, no matter how hard they try. They settle for throwing their hands in the air to indicate their helplessness. The villain seems surprised at their evident agreeableness, as they raise their brows before mimicking the gesture.
"What can we do?" The villain shrugs. "We're mere chess pieces in a far broader battle between good and evil." That's a gross oversimplification, but it still holds some degree of truth. Despite the fact that their enemy's question is clearly rhetorical, the hero's mind latches onto it and tries to pick it apart. What can they do, if they are a mere tool for someone else's use?
"We can hope we're not meant to be sacrifices," the hero eventually responds.
"Touché," the villain acquiesces. A slight smile rises on their face as they take in the space around them, evaluating the hero's apartment design with a critical eye. Eventually, they take a deep breath and announce their departure. "Well, while I'd love nothing more than to stay here and pester you, I'm afraid I've worn out my welcome."
"You were never welcome in the first place," the hero mutters darkly. The hero never invited their enemy over, after all.
Unfortunately, their remark only serves to amuse their enemy. "Now you're getting it," the villain grins, flashing them a mocking thumbs-up before promptly turning down the hall and disappearing from sight. The hero stares at the empty space they occupied for several seconds before finally submitting to the urge to bury their head in their hands in disbelief and irritation.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
lol these two are great
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