#yusuke yamato
redsamuraiii · 8 months
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GTO Remake (S1E4)
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chaztalk · 2 months
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maxriderg · 11 months
Well, Today is Matthew Mercer's 41st Birthday and well, have a Happy 41st Birthday to him, complete with this.
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tempest-loupnoir · 9 months
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From @jojowiki and @jojonews on Twitter
The cast of the Phantom Blood Musical has been revealed in their costumes!
Jonathan Joestar: Yuya Matsushita & Shotaro Arisawa
Dio Brando: Mamoru Miyano
Erina Pendleton: Miisha Shimizu
Robert E. O. Speedwagon: Young Dais
Will A. Zeppeli: Yoshihisa Higashiyama & Yusuke Hirose
Jack the Ripper: Yamato Kochi
Wang Chan: Jumpei Shimada
Dario Brando: Kong Kuwata
George Joestar I: Tetsuya Bessho
Source: Official Site, fan translated source
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood” Musical
Date: February 2024
Location: Imperial Theatre, Tokyo
Original work: Hirohiko Araki “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” (Shueisha Jump Comics)
Script: Tsuneyasu Motoyoshi
Direction: Ney Hasegawa
Music: Dove Attia
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scalpel-mom-mori · 4 months
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silvadour · 1 year
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A Luffy-Yamato Combo Attack on Kaido One Piece Ep. 1049 - "Luffy Soars! Revenge Against the Beasts" Animation director: Shūichi Itō (伊藤修一) Episode director: - Yusuke Suzuki (鈴木裕介) Key Animator: Akihiro Ota (太田 晃博)
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sailorgokaidecade · 1 month
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All Super Sentai "Centers"
Tsuyoshi Kaijo (Akarenger)
Sokichi Banba (Big One)
Masao Den (Battle Japan)
Ippei Akagi (DenziRed)
Takayuki Hiba (VulEagle II)
Kenichi Akama (Goggle Red)
Hokuto Dan (Dyna Red)
Shiro Go (Red One)
Hiryu Tsurugi (Change Dragon)
Jin (Red Flash)
Takeru (Red Mask)
Yusuke Amamiya (Red Falcon)
Riki Honoo (Red Turbo)
Gaku Hoshikawa (Five Red)
Ryu Tendo (Red Hawk)
Geki (TyrannoRanger)
Ryo (RyuRanger)
Sasuke (Ninja Red)
Goro Hoshino (OhRed)
Kyosuke Jinnai (Red Racer)
Kenta Date (MegaRed)
Ryoma (GingaRed)
Matoi Tatsumi (GoRed)
Tatsuya Asami (Time Red)
Kakeru Shishi (GaoRed)
Yosuke Shiina (Hurricane Red)
Ryoga Hakua (AbaRed)
Banban "Ban" Akaza (DekaRed)
Kai Ozu (MagiRed)
Satoru "Chief" Akashi (BoukenRed)
Jan Kando (GekiRed)
Sosuke Esumi (Go-On Red)
Takeru Shiba (ShinkenRed)
Alata (GoseiRed)
Captain Marvelous (GokaiRed)
Hiromu Sakurada (Red Buster)
Daigo "King" Kiryu (KyoryuRed)
Raito Suzuki (ToQ 1)
Takaharu Igasaki (AkaNinger)
Yamato Kazakiri (ZyuohEagle)
Lucky (ShishiRed)
Kairi Yano (LupinRed) & Keiichiro Asaka (Patren 1)
Kou (RyusoulRed)
Juru Atsuta (KirameiRed)
Kaito Goshikida (Zenkaiser)
Taro Momoi (Don Momotaro)
Gira Hustie (KuwagataOhger)
Taiya Hando (BoomRed)
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foxydivaxx · 5 months
Crimes that Heel Zoro has committed
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- Corrupting and manipulating Sanji
- Being a bully and terror to the entire locker room even as a face. Like this guy goes apeshit everyday and beats up bitches back there on a regular basis
- Being a terrible friend who corrupts and hurts all his friends
- Actually being willing to sacrifice Sanji for his own personal motives. Yes Zoro is that evil
- Slept his way to the top. (Yes him fucking the boss’s son counts)
- The no- holds barred beat down he subjects Sanji to. In short anytime he beats the shit out of everyone counts
- Disrespecting Old man Yamato and kicking him down the stairs
- Bashing Judge’s car
- Cracking a whip on his own siblings when they outlived their usefulness
- Locking Imu in a coffin and burning him alive
- Stealing Sakura’s first kiss
- Having sex with his best friend’s dad
- Admitting to using Sanji to further his career at various points of their relationship
- Being a general narcissistic bastard boyfriend and friend who cares more about himself than others
- Getting caught sleeping around with company execs and officials
- His infamous sex celebration after winning his first championship as a heel
- Trying to kill Sanji during one of their matches using the pyro effects equipment and throwing him down through some wires
- Chaining Yusuke to a pole and beating and torturing him
- Coming back after 4 months to seemingly comfort an injured Naruto only for him to attack him and show his true evil colours and also attacks Sanji as well when Sanji tries to stop him
- Admitting to his secret relationship with Judge much to Sanji’s horror
- Setting Kurama up for a date only for it to be yet another one of his evil schemes where he sent his evil cronies to beat up Kurama just so Kurama would dare not challenge him for the title
- Anytime he has the title, he becomes even more of a menace as he tries so hard to hold onto power and that requires the entire roster to take him down. Yes he is the final boss of the locker room
- He bullies the girls and has said some sexist shit to them especially Nami whom he hates for helping Sanji during his initial reign of terror
- Cheats on Sanji a lot and has had a lot of lovers
- He is the true power behind the company, often controlling and manipulating events because he being a control freak
- Gets his parents arrested by planting cocaine in their car and some firearms
- Attacks multiple legends and veterans
- Gets Gojo tied to a chair and beats him till he is unconscious
- Locks Ichigo in a freezer room
- Steals Brook’s clothes and burns them
- Choke slams Chopper off a ladder
- Super kicks Eren into a glass window
- Knocks Goku out with a fire extinguisher
- Poisons Judge Vinsmoke
- Despite getting his comeuppance, this guy continues to annoy everyone
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oddmawd · 4 months
THE SIGHT UNSEEN - Chapter 23: "Worrying Gives You Wrinkles"
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SUMMARY: Yamato Rei pays the bills by telling fake fortunes to unwitting suckers... or so she thinks. Turns out half her customers are demons and her lying ass has been predicting the future with uncanny accuracy for years. On account of her growing reputation, Rei just landed on the radar of the same demon who murdered her aunt, and her only hope of survival is a mirror haunted by the ghost of an ancient warrior queen, her burgeoning psychic powers, and a certain Spirit Detective and his friends. Specifically the pretty one with red hair who seems to see right through her... Kurama is as mysterious as he is beautiful, and when Rei must stay at Genkai’s temple for protection on the eve of Yusuke and Keiko’s wedding, she finds herself growing closer and closer to the one man who’s sworn to keep everyone at arm’s length. But both Kurama and Rei hide behind high walls of their own creation, and it’ll take more than their eventual friends-with-benefits arrangement to see those walls come crumbling down — provided the demons hunting Rei don’t tear her limb from limb, first.
PAIRINGS: Kurama/OC, Yusuke/Keiko
RATING:  E(xplicit) (MDNI, 18+)
WORD COUNT: 10k for chapter 23
GENRE: Supernatural Romance
FANDOM: Yu Yu Hakusho
TAGS: Opposite of a slow burn, friends with benefits, mutual pining until it explodes, mystery, being stalked by demons, fortune telling, supernatural powers, inheritance, hair loss (main character has alopecia and is mostly bald), insecurity, family trauma, found family, new friends, weddings, 
WARNINGS: Rated E for chapter 23 and some canon-typical violence throughout
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CHAPTER 23: "Worrying Gives You Wrinkles" - Excerpt
Kurama had interrupted Rei in the midst of her nighttime routine. She wore a silk robe and a cloth wrap around her head, feet bare until she donned a pair of indoor slippers. He stood uncertainly just inside the door as she passed him and stepped into the hall.
“Forgot something in the bathroom,” she murmured. “Be right back.”
“All right,” Kurama said.
And so he waited for her, alone, in the Japanese-style room. It bore no decoration (few of the sleeping rooms in Genkai’s shrine did), but Rei had nevertheless made her mark on the space, as she made her mark on every room she entered. Wigs sat on foam heads in the corner; a futon rested on the floor; a suitcase with clothes sat neatly folded; a dress bag draped lazily over a chair; an old vanity with mirror and bench Genkai must had pulled from some dusty storage shed sat silent against the wall. The vanity table bore an array of bottles and cosmetics sparkling in the light of a small lamp, glow warm and imitate in the quiet room.
Kurama wandered to the vanity. Fingertips skimmed a jar of cream, a tube of lipstick, and a bottle of dark green glass. The last was a facial oil made with rare plants, or so the label claimed. Kurama’s nose told him it was telling the truth. When he lifted the stopper and breathed deep, he inhaled a concentrated breath of the botanicals he’d been smelling all night. His pulse quickened. Sandalwood and ylang-ylang, camellia and sweet almonds, herbs and oils, spicy and sweet — like her. Like Rei. Soft and natural, complex and… 
The door creaked open. He set the bottle down and turned away, watching from the corner of his eye as Rei slipped out of her shoes and went to the vanity. Like a pair of dancers they circled one another until she sat down on the bench. 
Their eyes met in the mirror. She smiled. Kurama swallowed, gaze darting to her hands as they glided over her cosmetics. One of her acrylic nails tipped a bottle, musical chime bright in the stillness.
“Give me a minute, would you?” she said.
The request implied she was leaving him waiting for something as she completed her skincare routine. Even through the warm haze in his head, Kurama could guess her implication. She had welcomed him into her room easily enough. That meant she was receptive to him, didn’t it? That meant she wanted this too, didn’t she? 
Did he, for that matter?
His body felt warmer than usual, a sweet ache gathering in his chest, a breath held and not released, savored inside instead. Kurama watched Rei in silence, noting her elegant hands and long throat. She smoothed oil over her skin, soaking it in the scent of rare plants. He wondered what that oil might taste like — what her skin would taste like once he laved away the oil with his tongue. How she’d feel warm beneath his lips as he kissed her throat, trailing his mouth along —  
“Seeing them together got into your head, I suspect,” said Rei.
Kurama came back to himself with a jolt. Rei regarded him frankly in the mirror as she worked lotion into her soft hands. It smelled nutty and sweet — pistachio, perhaps. Unexpected. Delicious.
“Yusuke and Keiko, I mean,” she was saying. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
Kurama swallowed thickly. “How did you know?”
“Because they got into mine.” Her lips curled into a small, sly smile. “Hence why you’re not still standing in the hallway where I found you.”
Kurama’s breathing hitched. Rei went back to her routine, her acrylic nails tapping musically against crystal and glass. It was an admission, he realized — an admission that she wanted the same thing he did. He relaxed, unexpected tension draining from his shoulders. They were on the same page. They wanted the same thing. That certainly made it less awkward…but wait. Why would it be awkward if they weren’t? How could they possibly be on different pages of this book? Kurama wasn’t sure. His head was pleasantly foggy, chest sweetly aching. There was nothing awkward here. Only calm, peaceful, languid acceptance and — 
Rei’s robe parted over her chest, exposing the length of her golden collarbone. A spike of heat lanced through Kurama’s groin. He’d seen her out of her wig before, but she’d kept the details of her routine locked in the hotel bathroom. Watching her fuss over her skin, clad in just a robe…should he be here, witnessing such an intimate routine? Watching her certainly was pleasurable. The dart of her delicate hands, the curve of her throat, the swatch of chest peeking from the gap in her robe…he couldn’t think of anyone else he’d wish to see in this context. The other women at the temple weren’t anything like Rei. Botan was not his type, to put it mildly. Keiko had Yusuke. Genkai was too — well, Genkai. And the men, they were nonstarters. Shishiwakmaru too vain, Chu too drunk, the others in relationships he did not wish to interrupt. That simply left Rei.
Was he only here with her due to process of elimination, in that case?
Rei’s sleeve slipped down her arm to pool in her elbow, exposed wrist smooth and supple in the room’s dim light. His groin tightened further at the sight. No. Her mere wrist lit a fire in him. He’d be here if he had a hundred other options — and the realization was jarring, slicing through the haze in his head like lightning through the summer sky.
But it was true. Even comparing her to the club they’d visited the night before, even taking into account the gorgeous dancers at the burlesque show, Rei had shined the brightest of them all. He remembered well standing on the edge of the dance floor with a drink, watching her weave through the crowd. She’d danced alone, but she didn’t look lonely. Her smile had lit her face from within, and when their eyes met through the throng of dancers, she’d smiled. She’d come to him and dragged him onto the floor with a laugh, soft voice rising even over the crowd.
“Let loose, Red. Live a little,” she’d told him. “I promise it won’t hurt.”
Prescient words. But she was wrong. It could hurt. This could hurt him, her, both of them — 
What was he thinking about?
Rei was watching him in the mirror. Dark eyes gleamed like liquid onyx beneath a thick fringe of lash. She hadn’t removed her brows or lashes yet, but all of her other makeup had disappeared. Luminous skin alone, soft and smooth and glowing, remained behind.
“We should talk about this,” Rei said, “before…”
Kurama sat beside her on the bench before the vanity, but in reverse, his back to the mirror and the sight of his own reflection. He was hyperaware of the way legs their lay along each other’s, his hip by her knee and vice versa, the heat of her thigh soaking through her thin robe and into his warm skin. Her breathing hitched when he drew close. Palpable tension, sweet anticipation — they invaded his senses alongside the taste of jasmine, fogging everything, his groin tight, chest so sweetly aching. Rei watched him closely. He watched her right back. For what felt like an age, they beheld one another in silence.
Then Kurama touched her. He traced the tips of his fingers down her arm, over her wrist, across her own fingertips. Then back up to her neck, her collarbone — slowly peeling back the edge of her robe, exposing centimeters more of that smooth, clean skin.
“Talk to me,” Rei whispered.
“I don’t want to talk,” Kurama said.
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As you might imagine, the rest of this chapter is very much 18+.
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kachikirby · 3 months
Mostly Extensive List of my Comfort Characters
Friends told me to embrace the potential cringe and create a list of characters from media I like that I consider my comfort characters. I'm going to put all of them under a cut since there might be a lot.
If this makes me cringe, then I am cringe, but I am at least free.
Also I will say a lot of my OCs are my comfort characters, but this is for characters that aren't my OCs. Italiced characters are like some of my personal favorite characters.
Kirby series
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Fate series
Theyber/Yamato Takeru
Iori Miyamoto
Arthur Pendragon
Murasaki Shikabu
Sengo Muramasa
Sei Shonagon
Cu Chulliann
Okita Souji
Hijikata Toshizo
Waver Velvet
SD Gundam franchise
Knight Gundam
Musha Gundam
Musha Noomaru/Onmitsu Gundam
Musha Victory Gundam
Kouki Gundam
Musha Godmaru
Kokuryu Gundam
King Gundam II
Mystery Knight Neo Gundam
Selenis Knight Luna Gundam
Devil Dragon Blade Zero Gundam
Knight Unicorn Gundam
Vassal Duke Strike Freedom Gundam
Valkyrie Gundam Hazel
Gundam series (not SD)
Amuro Ray
Bellri Zenam
Asemu Asuno/Captain Ash
Zeheart Gallet
Cagalli Yula Athla
Rey Za Burrel
Suletta Mercury
Elan Ceres 4
Fumina Hoshino
Domon Kasshu
Uryu Ishida
Ichigo Kurosaki
Rukia Kuchiki
Orihime Inoue
Renji Abarai
Yachiru Kusajishi
Yoruichi Shihoin
Bambietta Basterbine
Askin Nakk Le Var
Vanillaware Games
Keitaro Miura
Natsuno Minami
Blue Archive
Pretty much everyone in C & C (Especially Asuna Ichinose)
Aris Tendou
Aru Rikuhachima
Koharu Shimoe
Hifumi Ajitani
Kayoko Onikata
Tsurugi Kenzaki
Azur Lane
New Jersey
Gargantia on the Verduous Planet
The King of Fighters
Leona Heidern
Ash Crimson
Terry Bogard
Rock Howard
Fire Emblem series
Disgaea series
The World Ends with You
Shiki Misaki
Neku Sakuraba
Mashin Hero Wataru
Wataru Ikusabe
God Eater series
Ciel Alençon
Gilbert McLane
Persona series
Shinjiro Aragaki
Naoto Shirogane
Yusuke Kitagawa
Macross series
Alto Saotome
Ranka Lee
Freyja Wion
Back Arrow
Back Arrow
Shu Bi
Others (Series that only have like one character)
Ryogi Shiki (Kara no Kyokai)
Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars)
Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Yuudias Velgear (Yu Gi Oh! Go Rush)
Switch (Sket Dance)
Violet Evergarden
Black Jack/Kuro Hazama (Black Jack)
Reiji Moritsugu (Linebarrels of Iron)
Mami Tomoe (Madoka Magia)
Kitaro (Gegege no Kitaro)
Rosalina (Mario)
Slime (Dragon Quest)
Strider Hiryu (Strider)
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redthreadoffate · 2 years
likeevalikeeve’s mini-celebration
so i’m celebrating my 1,050 followers (i know it isn’t much compared to others but hey, i can be happy about it, right?)!
*more under the cut
wasn’t supposed to tag mutuals as to not disturb them, but... here we go! @trumpkinhotboy @angel-cap @everythingnerdyxoxo @mimatosstuff @himetsundere @dutchforstrangers @ri-ships-takari @tangledupblue @earlgreymon @ashandpikachu @singinprincess etc. no worries if you don’t want to participate! this is just a little thing. please tell me if you want to be removed!
as a thank you to those who follow me, and especially my mutuals, i will be accepting requests for any of these (i have the right to refuse though):
anthony mackie x reader
ben hardy x reader
chris evans x reader
sebastian stan x reader
tom holland x reader
william moseley x reader
criminal minds
matt simmons x reader
spencer reid x reader
mimi tachikawa
hikari yagami
taichi yagami & sora takenouchi
yamato ishida & mimi tachikawa
takeru takaishi & hikari yagami
jianliang lee & ruki makino
koichi kimura
harry potter
george weasley & katie bell
oliver wood x reader
arthur & ariadne
eames x reader
law & order: special victims unit
sonny carisi x reader
bucky barnes x reader
sam wilson x reader
peter parker x reader
the chronicles of narnia
caspian x x reader
edmund pevensie x reader
peter pevensie & eva skye bellamy (*they’re my grandparents’ names, not mine)
top 30 animanga ships
akatsuki no yona - hak & yona
akkuma no riddle - tokaku azuma & haru ichinose
alice 19th - kyo wakamiya & alice seno
*bleach - ichigo kurosaki & orihime inoue
cells at work! - white blood cell & red blood cell
d.n. angel - daisuke niwa & riku harada
devils line - yuki anzai & tsukasa taira
digimon adventure - takeru takaishi & hikari yagami
*fate series - shirou emiya & rin tohsaka
ghost hunt - naru shibuya & mai taniyama
ginban kaleidoscope - pete pumps & tazusa sakurano
harukanaru toki no naka de - tenma morimura & akane motomiya
kamigami no asobi - apollon agana belea & yui kusanagi
kawaii dake ja nai shikimori-san - yuu izumi & micchon shikimori
*kaze no stigma - kazuma yagami & ayano kannagi
kenka bancho otome: girl beats boys - rintaro kira & hinako nakayama
koi to yobu ni wa kimochi warui - ryo amakusa & ichika arima
koroshi ai - ryang-ha song & chateau dankworth
la storia dell arcana famiglia - liberta & felicita
magic knight rayearth - lantis & hikaru shidou & eagle
mahoutsukai no yome - elias ainsworth & chise hotori
marmalade boy - yuu matsuura & miki koishikawa
shin shirayuki-hime densetsu pretear - hayate & himeno awayuki
shintei tantei yakumo - yakumo saito & haruka ozawa
*spy x family - damian desmond & anya forger
*tenkuu no escaflowne - van fanel & hitomi kanzaki
tesla note - kuruma tanaka & botan negoro
*yashahime: princess half-demon - hisui & setsuna
yu yu hakusho - yusuke urameshi & keiko yukimura
zombie-loan - chika akatsuki & michiru kita
(*super selected)
i will also be doing a top 30 + selected prompts thing, though I’m not going to do it everyday. i realized i’m too ambitious, hehe. so I’ll be doing this during my own free time. what i do need help with is which ships and prompts i should write for first; you can fill this form here.
and, another treat for anyone who wants, send me a “meet cute” prompt + a ship/reader insert (listed above) and i’ll write a super mini-fic about it (3-5 sentences). 
and for mutuals! send me a *🐾* and i’ll tell you my super first thought/s about you.
so that’s it! i know this wouldn’t be a big hit but hey, i tried, right? thank you!
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nymphilily · 1 year
IDOLiSH7 x Transformers Seiyuu
I am mentally ill
Every single Seiyuu from the Joseimuke game IDOLiSH7 (as collected by the IDOLiSH7 Wiki), and whether or not they voice a character in the Transformers Franchise; human and crossover characters included
Any characters that are not animated as of the ending of IDOLiSH7 Third Beat are listed in the SPOILER CHARACTER section. Please tread with caution
IDOLiSH7 Toshiki Masuda (Izumi Iori) - NULL Yusuke Shirai (Nikaido Yamato) - NULL Tsubasa Yonaga (Izumi Mitsuki) NULL KENN (Yotsuba Tamaki) - NULL Atsushi Abe (Osaka Sogo) - NULL Takuya Eguchi (Rokuya Nagi) - NULL Kensho Onō (Nanase Riku) - Hot Rod (Q-Transformers)
TRIGGER Wataru Hatano (Yaotome Gaku) - Optimus Prime (Robotmasters) Sōma Saitō (Kujo Tenn) - NULL Satō Takuya (Tsunashi Ryunosuke) - Hot Rod (Cyberverse)
RE:VALE Sōichirō Hoshi (Momo) - Tracks (Q-Transformers) - Yukimura Sanada (Sengoku BASARA/Q-Transformers) Shinnosuke Tachibana (Yuki) - NULL
ŹOOĻ Yūya Hirose (Isumi Haruka) - NULL Subaru Kimura (Inumaru Touma) - NULL Kōtarō Nishiyama (Natsume Minami) - NULL Takashi Kondō (Mido Torao) - NULL
AGENCY STAFF Satomi Satō (Takanashi Tsumugi) - NULL Kazuyuki Okitsu (Oogami Banri) - Smokescreen (Prime) - S.S. (Prime) - Kenzan (Go!) - Scrapface (War for Cybertron Trilogy) Susumu Chiba (Takanashi Otoharu) - Jetfire (Armada) - Wheeljack (Armada) - Sideways (Cybertron) Katsuyuki Konishi (Yaotome Sosuke) - Optimus Prime (Superlink) - Cliffjumper (Energon) - Angry Archer (Animated) - Spike Witwicky (Animated) Yoshihisa Kawahara (Anesagi Kaoru) - Farnum (RID15) Makoto Furukawa (Okazaki Rinto) - NULL Hiroki Takahashi (Tsukumo Ryo) - Starscream/Hellscream (Beast Wars II) - Mantis (Beast Wars II) - Autolauncher (Beast Wars II) - Optimus Prime (Animated)
FAMILY MEMBERS Rina Hidaka (Kujo Aya) - NULL Fumihiko Tachiki (Chiba Shizuo) - Cyclonus (Rebirth) - Silverbolt (Rebirth) - Spasma (Rebirth) - Meltdown (Animated) - Dino (Dark of the Moon) - Megatronus (RID15) Rikiya Koyama (Osaka Soshi) - NULL Kenjirō Tsuda (Kujo Takamasa) - Thundercracker (Q-Transformers) Chiwa Saito (Sunohara Ruri) - NULL
OTHERS Wataru Takagi (Mr. Shimooka) - Cheetor (Beast Wars, Beast Wars Returns, Cyberverse) - Generation 1 Megatron (Beast Wars) - Glen Whitmann (Transformers) - Jetstorm (Animated) - Safeguard (Animated) - Jazz (RID15) Junichi Yanagita (Hyūga Akihito) - NULL Ryota Takeuchi (Douglass Rootbank) - NULL Tomokazu Seki (Sakura Haruki) - Skids (Revenge of the Fallen) Hirofumi Nojima (Thorvlad) - NULL
SPOILER CHARACTERS Takahiro Sakurai (Utsugi Shiro) - Sideways (Armada) - Blurr (Animated) - Vince (Prime) Yuichi Nakamura (Okazaki Rintaro) - Lambor (Q-Transformers) - Sunstreaker (Q-Transformers) - Steeljaw (RID15) Kaori Nazuka (Takanashi Musubi) - NULL Shin-ichiro Miki (Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir) - Inferno (Beast Wars) - Sentinel (ep18 only) (Beast Wars) Kenichi Suzumura (Bernard Kenneth) - NULL Yasuyo Tomita (Haruka’s Grandmother) - NULL Ryota Osaka (Tanigawa Mon) - NULL Kazuhiro Nakaya (Producer Matsunaga) - NULL Mai Fuchigami (Hanamaki Sumire) - NULL Shugo Nakamura (Tsunashi Sotaro) - NULL SOUNGDOK (Oda Hiroto) - NULL Shoya Ishige (Matsunaga Taro) - NULL
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Y’all sure seemed to enjoy the last one, how about another round of late-night YuYuposting? Because threads from Chapter Black echoing into what we just saw of Wano is far from isolated to the chilling tale of Amanuma & Kurama. Didn’t think about it a whole lot til the end, but this One Piece arc was very Chapter Black through and through. Starting with this excellent, layered callback.
This “many faces” theme is one of the biggest we’ve talked about here on hour Kiku-centric journey through Wano. We see it through her in a more mundane way, all the faces a young woman has to juggle to live under an oppressive culture tied up with a theatrical bow. But the motif is a lot more blatant in both Kaido and Orochi.
We’ve also talked about the echoes of Shishio & his Juppongatana from Rurouni Kenshin, which obviously has a much more direct (and relevant) meaning for Oda’s career. But Shinobu Sensui...he manages both. Hence the picture. We got both the charismatic leader and the hearts he took advantage of and the fractured personality. That’s what Kurama’s referring to. A prophetic motif that was originally interpreted as referring to Sensui and his allies but we’re finding out here was about his own sevenfold psyche all along. I’ve always loved this little extra bit of flair about “Naru” as well, even though it never goes anywhere. The thought of the fractured big bad having a soft, feminine side. Yeah...shame that didn’t come up in anyway like Kaido having a flirty drunk phase or something. 
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Doesn’t stop there though. Chapter 148, “Moment of Awakening.” Because...it was very much the same kind of story beat. Yusuke gets beat. Dies even but something seems off. Reawakens with a massive power up. Not much more to say about the beat itself other than that. I’m far from the only person who thought of the Atavism of the Mazoku here in YYH when we saw Gear 5 in One Piece 1044. I want to end on my real thoughts about how this might apply to One Piece going forward, but first an aside about Luffy and the girl tied up in the story elements that facilitated that transformation and are already back in play this soon into Egghead:
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Context. This is a flashback from the guy in the first clipping. Itsuki, villain Sensui’s right-hand man. Lover as well, but seemingly unrequited like Honjo to Shishio. Gets weird with Sensui’s multiple personalities. Not what I really care about. No, this is how they met. It was a turning point for Sensui, who prior had a very black-and-white “humans good, demons bad” worldview. Was about to kill Itsuki but a simple ripple of fate gave him pause. In his last moments, Itsuki bemoaned wanting just one more day. For no other reason than wanting to see a favorite musician on a TV show tomorrow. As you can see, Sensui was a fan too which started a conversation that’d, to quote the series, “introduce a truckload of gray.”
Incidentally, Jun Togawa is a hell of a reference. She was a popular underground musician at the time. Kickass figure in her own right. Famous for like, paroding idol girl groups and being much more real about women’s perspectives and issues than most Japanese pop stars. Especially for the 80s/90s. Imagine half Nina Hagen, half Alanis Morisette. Gotta wonder if Oda’s a fan given potential nods like a first solo album titled “Princess Tama” and being the front for a band named “Guernica.” Speaking of CP0, of course it all comes back to Kiku. Long way around to a simple idea. One of the big things I always felt about Kiku & Yamato’s roles in the arc together is that it reminded me of the feeling of this simple but powerful moment. It’s the difference between casual fate and grandiose (but empty) destiny. 
I still don’t think it was an accident you have your two most featured new faces set up like that. Yamato comes bursting in halfway through talking about how long he’s been waiting because of Ace and reading about the crew in the papers and it feels like fate...but way less so when you remember Luffy stumbling into being buds with the little sister of one of Ace’s big bros. How he casually has no trouble finding out her secret because of the people he just happened to meet saving Ace. How following her heart and helping Luffy for its own sake led to reuniting with her lost family members. That rumination on fate and what it actually looks like is too good to pass up, especially with how well it aligns with Luffy stepping into this role as a “chosen one.” It mirrors; were you destined to be here just because, or because the sum total of your actions made you the right person?
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Of course, I wouldn’t go on such a big detour without a point. Even if talking Kiku is always a good enough point for me. Still, this is where I’m wondering if we’re headed. The most poignant aspect of Yu Yu Hakusho’s Chapter Black is where it heads after. A shonen hero...reflecting on what it means being able to destroy it all if he wanted. Realizing he could become Sensui and not having any good answers. Sadly this is where we transition into an infamously rushed final arc for the series due to Togashi’s declining health, but it doesn’t undercut the power of seeing this in a power fantasy battle shonen.
And I can’t help but think about the role Oden plays in the story. How it all comes together. That was Oden’s example. A great man who didn’t really learn about the concept of collateral damage until it was too late. This certainly feels like part of the lesson Luffy learns through his time in Wano. That paired with a heaping helping of Kaido, the spectre of a powerful man who never learned to maintain composue. Deal with expectaions and emotions to the point he was a fractured drunk not unlike Sensui. 
Yeah...I think Chapter Black was a pretty damn big influence on Wano. Up there with RuroKen’s Kyoto arc. If you’re gonna drop homages you’d be hard pressed to find a better one to shout out and build off of.
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bootlickerhawks · 2 years
Twice/Hawks Anon: I know you haven’t posted an ask game, but who are your top 5 manga artists?
Katsura Hoshino : Watching her art evolve while reading d gray man is so pleasing to watch and her current art style is fucking gorgeous *o* (tho I do lowkey miss her style from chaps 180~ to 215~)
2) Tite Kubo : Personal fav of mine. While Kubo does suffer from "same face" syndrome when it comes to the adult male characters, his art style is very pleasing to look at. Which is why im so happy the new anime season looks so faithful to his style, often times animes have to rework the character designs to fit animation better (just look at the difference between the designs in the jjk manga and anime) so I'm really happy studio pierrot managed to stay faithful to Kubo's art.
3) Kohei Horikoshi : Need I say more? His art throughout bnha has been so versatile (ex: Shigaraki's face at the mall, his use of panel composition, ect) and similarly to Hoshino, watching his style evolve through the years has been so satisfying. (tbh his art is part of the reason i started reading the manga)
4) Gege Akutami : His art style isn't as "neat" as the other ones on this list but I really like it. Idk how to describe it but his art is "raw" and it makes certain moments hit harder. Like, personally I prefer Gege's art over MAPPA's style. MAPPA's art is undeniably beautiful but I feel that a part of what made Gege's art so unique go lost in the anime adaptation. also controversial opinion but gojo looks better in the manga :P and im scared abt what MAPPA is gonna do to toji ;w;
5) Yusuke Murata : If you've read the One Punch Man manga you know exactly what I mean.
Honorable mention to Hiro Mashima cuz one thing most people can agree on abt him is that his art is beautiful. Say what you will abt Mashima (and believe me there is a Lot to say abt him) but it's genuinely impressive how he managed to deliver such beautiful and detailed art on a weekly basis (especially knowing how harsh working conditions for mangaka are).
And another honorable mention to Yamato Yamamoto cuz Damn they've been single-handedly carrying Owari no Seraph on their shoulders.
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scalpel-mom-mori · 4 months
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roses-in-rain · 5 months
persona 5 characters' favourite one piece characters no explaination given or needed since op definitely exists within p5 (its literally just tokyo in 2016)
mona - usopp, sanji, chopper and nami and robin. (hates zoro actively.)
joker - law, luffy, zoro, sanji, franky, ace and whitebeard and nami and robin, pudding. (no specific order) (he has a like massive crush on robin and pudding and you know the common denominator there)
ryuji - luffy, franky, whitebeard and usopp and yamato and chopper. (loves politics without realizing it and one piece gets him on that grind of being more into politics intently because luffy does the same thing)
ann - robin, nami, ace, sanji, boa hancock and kiku and chopper and pudding and perona. (crush on sanji and robin and is a nami kinnie. obviously. ann voice am i problematic for wanting robin to kiss nami???? this keeps her up at night.)
yusuke - sanji, usopp, robin and whitebeard and kiku and jimbei. (generally LOVES all wano characters its his favourite arc)
makoto - robin, tashigi, (makotos taste is highly fucked up), vivi and luffy. koby. smoker too and issho and jimbei and garp but for slightly invalid reasons.
futuba - luffy, nami and franky and jimbei and usopp. robin. (chronic obsession with frobin shes a frobin girlie to the max.) (will personally kill you if you dont think water 7/enies lobby is the best arc tactical nuke sent directly to you if you disagree yusuke is getting the tactical nuke)
haru - perona, pudding, nami, vivi, boa hancock, sanji and doflamingo (<--- shes a bit fucked up for this) rebecca. jimbei and whitebeard. likes all the villains more generally as well: cesare clown. etc issho as well but shes a cool issho liker. choppa. she also likes garp. koby too but all for valid reasons.
akechi - nami, robin, law, luffy, jimbei, ace, whitebeard, zoro, franky, usopp and chopper (<-- he hates admitting this referring to usopp/chopper) doflamingo. and yamato
openly a robin kinnie. hes also a chronic frobin liker but wouldnt admit this to you unless threatened physically. hes like law/luffy is much more on brand for me its much more expected i cant let them know. ren and akechi kindate as franky and robin and its a secret. he cant let people know. hes embarrassed. he tells people he likes cesare clown because he thinks its on brand but he doesnt actually like his character that much. he has cosplayed nico robin before and will again. the only reason he doesnt like pudding is he is deeply uncomfortable by how much he relates to her so he's like lets table that for now but he kins her.
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