tsukioreo · 1 year
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Had so much fun on a softer shading ! That felt great ! Hope you like her !
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Never speak to me or my son ever again! 😡
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divinemanicstate · 10 months
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gay dad and lesbian daughters dynamic when disney when
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babyduk213 · 11 months
Do y’all ever think about how all the recom soldiers came from a na’vi woman’s eggs (and they’re probably all related🫢) and how the mother was probably a woman kidnapped by the RDA 🙁 and how Quaritch might be related to Jake from their mothers eggs 👩‍👦‍👦or am I just fucking stupid🥸 i’m genuinely curious please lmk🧐
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quaritchsbunny · 1 year
Z-Dog/Zdinarsk as a Yandere (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.9k (watch this flop because it’s so obnoxiously long idk why it just grew itself into a full blown pic)
Warning/Tags: yandere behavior, slightly toxic behavior, obsessive behavior, f!reader x zdog, medic! Reader, recom!reader, mature language, a bit graphic description of an injury including blood and flesh degredation, a bit of forced touch, i have no idea how actual injuries work please just go along for the purpose of fiction, zdog kinda being an asshole but she’s just been through it, unhealthy obsession, zdog is just in denial for half the fic, biting, enemies (kinda) to lovers?
A/N: My second fic ever and first time writing for a female character ahhh! I really don’t like the way I wrote this one but what can I say I really tried my best, I hope this is to your liking anon! Welcome to any comments and requests!
Extremity Scale : 3.5/5
Type of Yandere:  Obsessive, Worshipping (unknowingly), manipulative, slightly sadistic
- Zdinarsk is what others would call a heartless beauty
- Although masculine with her striking mohawk and exhibits of tattoos that spread like blooms throughout her newly blue body, the soldier had been endlessly pursued by RDA officials, scientists, comrades, male and female alike despite her cold attitude
- And one by one without a clench of her jaw on the monotonously sweet bubblegum she always seemed to be chewing, she had laughed callously before turning them away, mind focused solely on her occupation as a recom soldier
- On the battlefield, she was ruthless.
- Shots were fired without a second thought once she held her aim, and whether it was a gun, arrow, knife, or chain in her hands, her cold amber eyes didnt allow for a second of compassion before she made her kill.
- Zdog wasn’t afraid of pain, her many colored bold tattoos on various parts of her body displayed hours of needles that had penetrated her with ink, yet she adorned them like it was a part of her.
- It was all these qualities that made her a worthy comrade to officials and authorities like Quaritch and her trust recom team, valuing her professionalism, tolerance and bravery.
- Her cool exterior seemed to be impossible to break, it seemed to be part of her personality, even her closest comrades in the squad never saw her portray any emotion other than callous joy at the aspect of conquest or the neutrality she seemed to carry with her everywhere.
- Because she never saw a need to feel anything other than that, what was the point? Any other emotion wasn’t going to pay her, being soft or sympathetic like the RDA did for her cruelty when it was directed towards the natives. And damn a soul who bothered to try to entertain her romantically, that shit didn’t touch her heart or her body in the slightest, she stowed away the young part of herself that dreamed of connection with a person that can understand her and instead suited herself to a form in which she didn’t care for the affection of others.
- It was nothing more than a waste of time to her, Zdog had considered emotions to be consuming and useless, and when she wasnt out scouting with the recoms in the thickets of pandora, her little free time was easily passed in the thick leather sketchbook, her fingers thoughtlessly skimming over the thick sheets, nails digging in the cursed piece of charcoal (it was the closest thing to a pencil, the sick RDA officials only had office pens as an alternative) as thick lines formed into her next tattoo design
- As such, the only emotion Zdog really felt except for callousness and the joy of victory was minor annoyance.
- Annoyance towards anything that wasn’t needed, such as the resourceless parts of pandora, the tears of mourning that came with death, the lack of efficiency from any comrade, such things only wasted time and got in the way of the ultimate goal
- Which was why she particularly despised you.
- You were a recom too, but not a soldier
- You were a healer, just as you had been as a human, you had died healing the RDA soldiers that were wounded in the war between the navi and RDA
- And for whatever reason, the RDA had insisted on adding you onto the short list of people to recombinant for a new blue team on their return to Pandora, arguing that your healing skills were essential to survival
- Why did the scientists waste their time and resources putting you into a recombinant body, and then waste the fuel putting you in a cyro and shipping you all the way to pandora?
- Why were healers a thing anyways? Zdog’s scars always healed on their own, fuck the bandage or the cream. The only way to truly heal, as learned from multiple experiences Z-dog had, was to expose the damn bleeding scar to the air and let it bleed until it learned to close its own weeping mouth. The body has to heal eventually, it's why so many organs exist just to keep bood pumping.
- So the first time Zdog had unfortunately stumbled across a carnivorous plants in the thickets of the annoyingly damp forests of pandora, skillfully targeting her right bicep as it sank its teeth into the beloved inked arm of the unsuspecting soldier that was leaning across a tree, it was to both her and your misfortune that the colonel had sent her straight to you with commands of healing and treatment.
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It was the first time you have received a patient since your arrival to the new RDA base, and your eyes widened when the outraged female was thrown into the ward, her upper right arm’s flesh seemingly curving inwards like the chunk of flesh was deflated from the bite.
“Colonel, I’m fine, a couple painkillers and it’ll be good as new” she barked, fangs bared as she tried to keep in her tears of both anger and physical pain, tearing through her like wildfire.
Colonel Quaritch only threw you a look of firm command as he commanded “do whatever you gotta do to get her arm good, and take your time, she’s not coming to missions for two weeks”, the colonel turned on his combat boots, leaving you alone with the hysterical soldier
Zdog whirled angrily, shocked and disoriented as she had never been off duty for that long. Reaching for the Colonel to come back before her head reeled from the fresh shots of pain up her raised arm, her blood dripping onto the bare silver floors of the ward.
You acted on instinct upon seeing the spurts of blood, rapidly bunching up gauze as you pressed into the wound, sitting her down on the bed.
Zdog hissed angrily, her body thrashing as her arm shook due to the huge amounts of loss of blood as she cussed incoherently, channeling her anger in attempt to stop you from wasting her time
“It’s people like you that make injuries worse, you don’t need to interfere, the body heals naturally, that’s the whole purpose for recombination, not that you would know, fucker who took on blue to do absolutely nothing”
“You’re right” you say calmly “the body heals naturally, just like how it was also that carnivorous plants nature to sink its teeth into your bare arm”
The glowering female soldier says nothing as she glares back, watching you as you unwrap the towers of gauze upon her wound.
You ignore her profanity and swiftly inspect the wound after pressurizing the opening to avoid amputation, the ink from her spilling out and blending with the dark blood as it swirled on her indigo skin.
Zdog cursed her heart as it beat rapidly, trying to look anywhere other than your knowing eyes that meticulously scanned her marks of injury, reassuring that her sweat and rapid shaking was from the physical shock and not the way your lips pursed together in expertise as you reached to grab disinfectant
Without warning, you poured the disinfectant on her wound after retracting as much blood as possible, the burn of the alcohol hurting almost more than the damn plant’s bite as it spilled into the marks, cleansing the indents from the vicious carnivorous plant
However the sear the disinfectant brought was a tickle compared to the rapid fire spreading amongst her heart, pumping blood rapidly at your firm touch on her arm and the whiff of sweet cherry she caught as your head whipped to place the disinfectant back on it’s shelf and disappeared behind a cabinet, digging through creams and bandages
Zdog had told herself it was only a natural reflex, her body trying to react to to pain as it sped it’s organs up, swallowing thickly as the your sweet scent left her surrounding, leaning forward from her resting position on the bed to catch it again
“What a medic, abandoning your patient like that”  Zdog scuffs, the popping of her bubblegum breaking the silence in the room
“Please lay back Miss Zdinarsk, rapid movement will cause more blood loss” you reply as you approach her again, her eyes immediately mellowing when your sweet scent invades her again
“No one calls me that anymore” she breathes out, biting back her huffs of pain as you press the q-tip of healing cream into the cleaned wound, circles rubbing along the raw flesh. “Z-dog, or Z works”
You nod, leaning back as you rest the q-tip on the silver tray as you reach for a bandage. “Well Z, luckily there's no signs of infection, I suggest regular icing to increase blood flow to the area and less intense use of that arm” you lay an ice bag by her non injured arm.
“For how long, this is the arm i shoot with, i’ve actually got shit to do”
“Depends on the speed of your muscle recovery, for humans though, it would be at least 3 weeks before you can do lifts with that arm again without permanent tissue damage” Your fingers worked nimbly, wrapping the bandage around her toned arm
Her relaxed form suddenly seemed riled up again as the words came out of your mouth, frown etching its way on her face as she growled. “I’ll be fucking damned”
“And because the bite had drawn your blood out of that part of your flesh, your tattoo ink had also leaked out with it, so that might be distorted, if not gone” the bandage was pressed with care before wrapped with another layer of gauze.
The cold buzz of the AC in the ward almost did nothing to combat the way her face heat up as your palm pressed the bandage in place with medical tape, before she remembered the proper emotion she was supposed to be feeling, rage, not whatever appreciation she was developing towards a person that only made her future work inconvenient by dramatifying the injury
“Listen Z, I’m only here to help, I know this is a frustrating situation, but the only thing you can do is to rest, and if there’s anything i can do to help in your recovery, please tell me” you say, your recited script towards angry patients such as her prepared as she kicks herself off the bed, stalking towards your form as you explain softly.
“Listen up miss nurse, I didn’t need this. I’ll be going out to the mission and I’ll be doing whatever I like with this arm that you only damaged more with your shit medical proceudure.” She growls angrily, the blood loss from the injury and your scent making her head spin with confusion. 
Why did she have the urge to pull you into her, to feel your sweet scent closer, what is this strange undertone to her anger?
You say nothing as her non-injured arm slams her first into the wall behind you, her bubblegum scent ghosting over you as she towered, tail swishing excitedly as her tone said exactly the opposite things
“I didn’t ask for this, the recombinant bodies heal faster and I don’t need your false pity, and maybe you’d know if you actually did anything other than sit in your pretty little ward, so i’m gonna fucking show you now”
What she did next shocked you, it hadn’t processed in your brain that her single hand had somehow made it to pin both of your arms above her and you were only able to see the flash of her mohawk as a warm spotch bubblegum was spat out. And before you even had time to squirm in response, you felt fangs sinking into your blue neck much similar to the way the carnivorous plant had done to her arm, but with surprising tenderness
Zdog had no idea what she was doing, no. She did. She was doing this to teach you a lesson, to demonstrate how the recombinant bodies worked as you clearly had no idea. She wasn’t doing this because of how much she indulged in the fluttering in her heart and stomach when she tasted the softness of your skin, the addictive feeling of your flesh on her tongue.
No blood was drawn, her saliva connecting her to the bright mark as she pulled away, still glaring at you as she inhaled sweet cherry rapidly, savoring the sweet taste of your flesh and laughing against your collarbone as she heard your cry. Damned the way her body relaxed like a cat as she retreated.
“And you’ll be paying for that tattoo that i lost” she said matter-of-factly, boots sliding across the floor as she slammed the door to the ward, leaving you dazed, confused, and the mark on your neck burning as her brown queue swished out of sight, the ice bag chunks rattling like her heart on the way out.
You couldn’t deny that you had enjoyed your little scuffle with her, you couldn’t help it, feeling the magnetic attraction the soldier exuded from her built form and confidence. And even if deep down you knew it was wrong, you’d be stupid to report it to anyone in the RDA, the recom team was basically the backbone of all the physical operations holding the establishment up, they wouldn’t hear a recombination nurse out if it meant the best to them
Zdog returned to her quarters, jaw empty of the bright pink bubblegum that frequented her mouth as she rolled her tongue around her teeth, trying to memorize the way your flesh felt around them.
In her mind, gnawed a voice, telling her to apologize to you, to see you again, to thank you
Her head reeled with swirling new emotions that she swore were useless as she layed on her bed pried open her sketchbook, trying to sketch an image of you, memorizing every feature before she realized her dominant arm was in too much pain.
She huffed frustratedly, before throwing her head back to her pillow, and icing her arm
Whenever she had been injured before, her comrades had laughed at her weakness, taking it as a chance to demote her position or belittle her for feeling pain, along with the fact that she had been a female, it had caused her to be pushed around.
But you? No “get over it”s or belittling laughs, just words of genuine advice as your fingers pressed gently into her wound, smoothing over the years of mistreatment she had received, and whether it was rehearsed from years of expertise as a medic or genuine care, your sweet cherry scent made it all too confusing to distinct.
Now all that filled her head is the sound of your sweet voice as it reassured her and your form in the white medic robes that softly pressed against her cargo vest.
Reminiscing, she lifted the ice bag, tracing the bandage where your delicate fingers had graced upon her arm, and a smile made its way upon her face unknowingly.
A brilliant excuse to see you again creeped its way into her mind as she ripped off the bandage, admiring the way you had folded it intricately as she held it to her chest, her heart beating rapidly.
I need to see her again, I need to, and I will no matter what.
Deep down she knew it was not needed, but two weeks off with an injured arm called for routines out of the ordinary.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just do something useless for once, the anger would be just as time consuming as the weird feeling of attachment she felt near you.
She slept disturbingly well that night, the cloth held close to her chest as she dreamed of tied hair, marked necks, and sweet cherries.
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Despite not having duty, the responsible soldier still awoke early to send off the colonel and the rest of the team, still holding back her complaints when the colonel shook her head, telling her she wouldn’t be any good with her shooting arm injured before he assigned her to stay at the base.
As soon as the recom helicopter lifted off into to pandora sky, she skipped excitedly to the mess hall, where breakfast was being served, cherry red gum popping in her mouth as she scanned the room for a particular blue medic
Her heart seems to sink stupidly when not a single other blue form was seen in the room, her jaw tightening around the cherry gum as the flavor seemed to taunt her
That’s right, this is what you deserve for being such a impulsive asshole, indulging yourself in emotions that waste more of your time, and wasting even more energy walking around to find her
You see the agile female’s tail swishing curiously from miles away, you approach her, squinting when you realize she doesn’t have her bandage from yesterday
Zdog’s jaw immediately falls slack when she smells it, her heart racing, reciting your name, as it sends her stepping back towards the source, almost knocking into your form.
“Back so soon?” You tilt your head towards her bare arm, scar breathing without the bandage
“Looking for you nurse, just needed another bandage, you didn’t anchor it enough and it fell off when I was sending the squad off earlier” Zdog says fluently, rehearsed words from her practiced scenarios ready for whatever response you have
You only raise your eyebrows, chuckling as you led her back to the ward. Not that you were really a faster walker by any chance, the soldier made a strong effort to take smaller strolls to admire your beautiful form from the back, the sweet swirls of tenderness and affection filling her as her heart pounded louder and louder as you sat her down to bandage her, almost 10 times as intense as the way it had felt yesterday
Correct to Zdog’s assumption, the scar had indeed healed a lot faster than you had expected, though her arm was still sore and healing, the wounds had closed up a lot faster than expected
You raise your eyebrows when you see that her scar has healed fast, leaning back as your eyes scan over it
She gulps almost nervously, voice coarse and low as she mumbles “what’re you lookin at, nurse, get on with it”
“Maybe you were right, recombinant bodies really do heal much faster, i doubt you really even need the bandage” you say hesitantly, as if questioning your own healing abilities
Zdog’s eyes widen as she reaches out for you, fingers around your arm as she tries to sound as threatening as possible, but her words coming out as pleas instead ``Nope. You’re a medic aren’t you? So do your job and bandage me, or else I can get you fired and on your way back to earth” she had plotted this with so much meticulous thought just to feel your fingers on her arm again! It surely can’t go to waste, she was gonna go out and find another carnivorous plant if she had to
You smile softly, chuckling and the sound goes straight through Zdog’s ears into her heart. 
What is this fluttering feeling? Why won’t it stop?
“Where’s this compliancy coming from, you barely let me do anything yesterday, Ms. I have shit to do with this arm” you sit down and twist the cap off the healing cream, grabbing another q tip
Zdog rolls her eyes naturally, although she cant help but open it faster when she feels the rub of the soothing cream on her arm, amber eyes trained on your experienced movements
“If I really wanted to get back, maybe I should heal in the right way so I can do shit faster” she muses, fingers tempted to run themselves down your delicate queue and spine that was exposed to her as you leaned to heal her
You blink, sighing as you reach for the gauze “I think you were right though, maybe these procedures are only damaging it more, maybe it needs to just breathe. Are you sure you need the bandage?”
Zdog nods rapidly, her bold neck tattoos becoming a blur of black and blue as she spits out, trying to keep up her shell up and ignore whatever was swirling in her heart an brain “What do you think? Does that arm look anywhere near healed to you? Do you want me to walk around unbandaged and get a worse injury?”
It wouldn’t hurt to just indulge in the useless things a little bit, processes that only really waste time if it’s with you. It wouldn’t hurt to just have it on if it meant your fingers would grace my arm everyday
“Plus, I’m sure the only reason the lil nasty’s recovered this fast is because of your speed and expertise in treating it yesterday, don’t question your skill” The sentence hopped out of Zdog’s mouth almost unknowingly, and she almost wanted to bash her head against the wall. What did she say that for? You didn’t need reassurance, reassurance was for people who didn’t know anything, people who needed others to walk them along
Before her thoughts become more self deprecating, your laugh echoes through the ward, the cold silver and white walls suddenly becoming welcoming as you shake your head, anchoring the gauze in palace on your arms
“Flattering, but I really mean it when I say I think you may have been right about recombinant bodies healing faster” you lift your neck, bearing the mark that was violently purple yesterday, faded to a shade of lavender with the fang indents like marks of violet.
Zdog swallows, feeling both guilty and in a weird way, proud when she sees the mark.
“Yeah about that, that’s my bad, I was pissed and out of my mind because I’ve never been told to stay off duty yesterday, being out all day in that damp jungle heated my blood, and I may have been tryna prove a point about recombinants but that was completely fucked up and unnecessary”
she looks down at her lap, 9 feet body suddenly feeling like she was a young human girl in the marines again, disappointing her sergeant for not being as strong and capable as they expected
You set down the gauze gently and lean down to peer at her, her downcasted gaze unable to see the slight blush on your face “I’m not gonna say it’s okay to bite a medic that was trying to treat you, but you’re lucky it was me, I didn’t mind it that much, and it really did prove a point that recombinant bodies heal faster”
Zdog nods quickly, happy as she detected no anger in your voice. “Never trying that again for sure though”
“The world’s medical field is in danger if that's what you act like to everyone who tries to treat you” you chortle
For the rest of the day, Z-Dog spent time helping you maintain the ward as an extended apology to her behavior yesterday as she continued to indulge in the honey like emotion that came with being near you
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- Through the next week, the ward seems to grow warmer and more homey every time Z-Dog visits (though by the first four days, her arm was completely fine, she found excuses) unknowingly, Z-Dog began to sink in the feeling of the previously useless emotions, letting it consume her until she was wasted in love
- Without knowing it, morning visits for rebandaging had turned into long conversations where Z-Dog healed more than the injury of her arm, but burns and bruises of her childhood and life as a female soldier that was constantly undermined, you saw that her hard exterior seemed to be a essential part of her that she needed for protection
- And to be honest, Z-Dog didn’t think really about what she said to you or how she said it, words just flew out of her mouth as the soft feeling of trust and affection drifted over her, your understanding gaze and comforting words binding you together like a web
- The bonding had quickly grown into something wordlessly essential and romantic, things Z-Dog always used to qualify as a waste, but now just like her cold exterior, the soft moments where your hands interlaced as she talked to you about her past seemed just as natural.
- She was almost always in contact with you, physically, whether it was the ways her eyes followed your every move or the way her hand was always by your hip, shoulder, head, it became a constant
- She followed you everywhere in the guise of protection in return for you healing her and never let her eyes off you
- And even when you were busy or actually did have other RDA matters, they seem to come cancelled last minute on short notice (because even the officials knew not to mess with a injured recom soldier that was defending the organization), and you couldn’t just leave Z-Dog alone, her words always seemed to have a way of wrapping themselves against you
- “You’re gonna leave your injured patient waiting alone like that when she’s in pain needing medical attention? Wow, I thought you cared about me” 
- “You still owe me for the tattoo, yknow, so it might be less financially burdening in the future if you treat me well right now”
- There were many late nights where Z-Dog had opted to stay in your quarters instead of hers, arguing that she slept better and healed faster, her sketchbook filling up with doodles and intricate charcoal lines with details of you. Her beloved muse.
- Back in her own quarters, folded along her sketches of you were her past bandages, as well as hairbands she stole from you, keeping everything that you had touched or interacted with like a piece of magical artifact organized like a shrine upon her nightstand as she put them under her pillow, sleeping well to the thought of you.
- Two weeks had passed by and her arm was as good as new, as the two of you only grew closer and closer,  the romantic attraction was undeniable, your blue tails tangled together as her arms sneak around your waist while you you documented her healing progress at the ward
- Until one morning the cool, brazen female soldier was gone, leaving you alone and confused in your empty bed before you realized that her duty had begun again. The past weeks had been nothing but a vacation and relaxation for her, and now that she is back on duty you could certainly expect to never speak to her again. It was all probably just a sort of short term association with her
- The day passed in a sort of a weird haze for you, strolling around the base without the sight of your certain badass soldier you were infatuated with
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The night after her first day on duty, rapid knocks sound at your ward door as you’re working overtime, trying to distract yourself from your attachment with Zdog. Distraught and confused, you rush out of your seat in your white robes as you open it and see the female soldier, bright as ever
“Oh? Come to visit after ditching me this morning?” You say, a bit salty as you step back, suddenly noticing a bandage on her upper arm again
Z-Dog only looks at you, pupils filled with affection and joy as she laughs “Actually, I need help with my arm again”
You blink back an eye roll, used to the intentional injuries she sometimes did to recieve more medical attention from you as you wordlessly sit her down on the bed like many nights before where you guys had laughed, cried, kissed, and loved as your nimble fingers unwrap her bandage.
The white gauze falls away and under the soft glow of your examination table light and your eyes are busy scanning for cuts, violet reds or blood, or dark bruises that you almost miss it at first
Black, bold, yet slick and elegant letters curve around her blue skin, replacing the faded and distorted tattoo that had once been there, thick and bold as the ink is fresh, you can almost still see the puncture of the needles that she so willingly sat through and for hours before she had rushed up to your door, the shock in your eyes blurs your vision until you focus in and make out the letters of your name, with a tiny, clumsy heart identical that you had doodled on her sketchbook nights ago next to it
“Z- what is this” You breath in awe
“Well, you were the person that helped my arm heal the fastest, and parts of my heart as well, so why not dedicate the new area of skin to you instead of redoing a boring old tattoo” She chuckles matter of factly, pulling you into her lap as you continue staring at in awe
“Oh Zdinarsk” You gasp, tears blurring your vision as you look at the huge bold letters
“You never paid me back for the one I lost though, so how about a deal” She looks up at you playfully, true unfiltered joy in her once callous eyes
“Be my girl? My personal nurse, hm?” She asks cooly, thumbs smoothing over your ears as if her own heart wasnt pounding through the heavy cargo vest she wore for duty
And when you nod happily as she pulls you into a kiss of many to come, she realizes in the moment that yes, love wasn’t entirely necessary, and neither was her tattoo, or opening up to you, or the feelings that overtook her when she held you to herself proudly the next day as she introduced you to the squad, arm still firm around your waist as if to mark you for herself
None of it was necessary, and yes, maybe she was wasting her time, her love, her emotions. But even love was nothing more than a waste of her time, she would gladly waste it all on you, over and over again.
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darika-chan · 11 months
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HD wallpapers with my beautiful girl ❦
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RECOMe again?
The reader must navigate interacting with their fellow recoms despite having betrayed them as a human! Does anyone know their secret?
A shorter one to get us started!
This is a multiship fic be prepared to get passed around a lil :3c
Chapter 1
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Notes: Y/N (Your name), Y/LN (Your last name), na'vi dialogue in bold, fic will contain swearing, nsfw scenes in later chapters (I will warn specifically which ones), violence.
If there are any specific triggers people would like warned for let me know (^・ω・^ )
Tag list: @buzzing-honeybee
Everything seemed off when you peeled your eyes open. Beside the stinging and slight blur from the overhead light, something wasn't right. The ceiling seemed closer and almost bowed? Like a fish eye lens but subtler. When the two doctors hovered over, their voices too distant to distinguish words, they felt somehow far way, despite how close close presence felt.
You groaned trying to sit upright, you felt their... finger tips? The pressure pushing you down felt so small, isolated to tiny spots on your abdomen. You looked down and felt your world shift. Tiny hands, these doctors where absolutely tiny. You felt a sudden flush of embarrassment, like when you'd accidentally told your friend Jake Sully to 'get it himself' when the item in question was on the top shelf. Only these doctors weren't just short or people with dwarfism.
It only really made sense when your vision finally cleared enough for you to see your reflection in the mirror that covered the length of the room. You stared, unwilling to move from the bed, both doctors attention now shifted elsewhere in the room.
Yup. There it was. Your features distorted across a na'vi face. You felt suddenly off, sick, it felt like you'd been stretched out. Your arms and legs long and thin, your torso pulled like taffy, stretched into this new shape. You'd certainly had your fair share of image issues growing up but this was a new level of body horror. As your anxiety grew you heard a thumping at your hip and adding to your horror you saw your tail. You let out a squeak, feeling your new ears twitch.
You remembered it now. You'd gone down to the lab with several other important members of the military team. You'd played along, Max assuring you the whole time that this wouldn't blow your cover, that he'd take care of everything. You thought he'd meant destroying your file somehow so that the RDA would never figure it out.
You'd turned sides, helped them escape and agreed to pass on in-tell from the inside. You remembered all of this and were terrified at how much the RDA knew. You cast your mind back but at no point in the process had anyone really explained how they went about the memory implanting. Had anyone reviewed your memories? Maybe not, it'd surely be a long and wasted task to go through that with everyone's memories? Though if they'd ever suspected you, maybe they'd make that effort.
You realized that Zdinarsik was having something of a melt down at the other side of the room. This was buying you a lot of thinking time. You really couldn't remember anything further then the spinning tube, which made sense. It really dawned on you then, you were a copy, a half clone of Y/N mixed with Na'vi DNA. The real you was dead. You wondered how it'd happened, had someone found you out and put you down. Maybe even Zdinarsik, you cast worried eyes to her. She was hyperventilating but seemed to be calming down, she made eye contact, smiling shakily at you. You supposed for now it didn't matter, she was a copy too, none of the clones here would remember if anything had happened after that day. You smiled back, your lip catching your fangs and nipping the flesh open.
You were brought through into a locker room with a now put together Zdinarsik. Three others were already in the room, changing into their military issued clothing.
"Think I might have gone up a few sizes now eh Y/N?" Zdog knocked into your elbow. She'd definitely collected herself somewhat but her smile hadn't reached her eyes yet. You grinned back, she'd been a friend before your betrayal, though in her mind this likely had never changed.
"Really? I think I've slimmed down somewhat." You sucked your cheeks in, posing dramatically. Zdog's laughter was joined by the others who'd shifted over to greet you two.
"Wow Y/N? Zdog? Gonna need name stickers at this rate." It took you a moment to recognize Fike but something in his smile made it click.
"Dunno Fike, I'd know that big bald head anywhere!" You shouted over to Lyle Wainfleet, his head whipped up, huge grin plastered to it. He stalked over leaning down to your face.
"All those height genes and they still barely got you past 6ft huh?" You gently pushed his arm, exaggerating a frown.
"How dare you! I'll have you know they measured me in at 8'2!"
"Still over a foot shorter! Midget! Come on, they want us all in when they wake the Colonel." You all saluted, before you and Zdog went to your lockers.
Colonel Miles Quartich. You'd hoped you'd have seen the last of him but fate really had it in for you. Brought back in enemy territory, surrounded by your past and with little idea when the other shoe would drop. You'd had a terrible plan to get some time away from him, time to deliver intel to Jake and the others. It was going to be extremely embarrassing but highly effective, you were somewhat glad you didn't remember how it had gone down.
See since your first days at RDA you'd had something of a strange relationship with the Colonel. Having made quite an impression by first tripping and falling right into him, causing him to have to catch you and then shooting down a viperwolf in the field that had jumped your group. You'd become something of a favourite of his and in those early days that'd only made your little crush on the man grow. It was a silly thing, he was about 25 years your senior at the time but you'd by lying if you said you didn't find him incredibly attractive. Too bad life had pulled you both in very different directions. You spent more and more time with the scientists you'd been escorting and had come to really love the forest that surrounded you. When Jake and the others had finally gone too far and got locked up, it only felt right to help them and when Jake asked you to stay you couldn't refuse.
So you'd planned to 'confess' to the Colonel. It was a ruse, he'd let you down or maybe even call for your dismissal. Either way you could use your broken heart or leave to excuse yourself from duty and run off to assist Norm and Jake.
You wondered how it'd worked, or if you'd even gone through with the plan, as you dressed. You ended up asking for Zdog's help as you'd tangled your tail up down a trouser leg and were having some trouble getting it through the tail hole. She laughed at you, showing off how she'd managed just fine. She came forward regardless, gripping your hips to still you there. She popped her bubble gum in your face smirking as she gripped the base of your tail and tugged. You hissed, Jake had told you they were sensitive.
"Ow!" You complained, pouting up at her. She'd been taller than you before and still had more than half a foot on you.
"Don't be such a baby, see all sorted." She took a step back watching as you swished your tail.
"This is so weird." You couldn't get used to it. You felt like you never would, like a whole extra limb with a mind of its own. Norm and Jake had both talked to you about what it'd been like, entering their new bodies for the first time. Both had been ecstatic, loving every new experience they'd had, though you supposed they had wanted this. You'd never planned for this.
"Yeah you said it, come one we're late!" Zdog touched your arm, gesturing you to jog after her. You weren't late, the Colonel was still unconscious as you joined Wainfleet, Fisk and now Prager in the room. The doctors administered something into his IV drip and he began to stir.
It was strange seeing him like this. You hadn't really noticed with the others but you were all younger now. You must have all been grown around the same time during the trip out. So Quaritch now looked closer to his mid twenties. You admitted to yourself he looked good, even with the more Na'vi features.
You were too lost in your admiring to really catch what happened. Lyle had come forward as he woke and it kicked off from there. Quaritch swung knocking him onto his ass as the rest of you rushed forward. Wainfleet recollected himself and began ushering the doctors out the room. Quaritch dropped Prager and threw something at Zdog.
"Sir please! Colonel." You stepped forward with your hands raised, trying to calm him down. He struck you across the cheek, flinging you back against the mirrored wall. Your head hit it and you stayed dazed on the floor as the rest of the team struggled to restrain him. He continued to fight them off, hissing and backing up before they managed to finally still him. He recognized Lyle first, who smiled through bloodied lips, before looking shocked at the others who restrained him.
"I'm alright" he drawled out. They let him go and he began to examine himself, pushing past Wainfleet to look in the mirror. He stood above you, baring his teeth and touching his fangs. You felt your heart race at his towering form.
"Well, ain't this a bitch." At this moment he noticed you, still dazed on the floor. "Private Y/LN?" You offered a weak salute, he reached down pulling you up by your elbows. You caught your reflection, he'd cracked you pretty good, your nose was bleeding and some swelling was already forming under your left you. You let out a light chuckled turning to your commanding officer.
"I'd say those motor control tests are obsolete, Sir." Quaritch straightened, dropping his hands. Had he been reaching for you again? A doctor returned now, with another officer who commanded your unit to follow.
If being awoken into a new body wasn't strange enough, now you had to endure the last week of space travel. The zero gravity had always turned your stomach, even the novelty of floating around the room wore off and you were happy to be called into the areas of the ship with working gravity. You watched the video log provided, a short clip of your human self explaining the Recombinant program and soul drive to you, shortly after having exited the machine. It was odd to watch, these clips were past the memories you had, this you was a different you now. It hurt your head to think about it, you focused on her expressions instead. She seemed calm, collected, you were still in the clear here.
Every time you were called upon or came face to face with higher ups you were sure it was all gonna be over. You'd be found out, it was only a matter of when.
To add to your anxiety you'd been made to join the others in a na'vi physiology 101 course. Tail and ear reflexes, body language reading, don't touch your queue and worst of the worst new instincts. You felt 13 again and were flushing like it was sex ed. You kept face by joking with Zdog and Prager, giggling in the back about how these animal instincts were gonna take over. Prager doing a werewolf impersonation that ended with you all being scowled at by an exasperated scientist.
It was true what she'd said however. You'd began noticing the scents of your colleagues, tiny little changes in their smells that you were sure you'd figure out the meaning behind. You feared what this would mean for your cover, you'd been a decent liar as a human. You were sharp, could stick to your story and didn't crack under pressure. Now however you had to worry about your ears and tail giving you away.
You figured you could lightly test it, come up with a little scenario to lie in to see if you could get away with it. Opportunity struck the day before you reached Pandora. Mansk had requested sunglasses be added to his regular kit and it had been approved. He however was in the gym with the others when they arrived, giving you an opportunity to hide them. It needed to be a little inconsequential prank, something the others wouldn't think much of if uncovered but that could be played off as an accident if not.
You sat relaxed on a bench, you'd found that your tail followed you breathing. If you could keep a handle on that then the tail wouldn't thrash around. So it stayed still when the group entered from the showers and headed to their respective lockers. You continued pretending to read as you kept an eye on Mansk. He'd been expecting them and was told they'd be there by now, so when his locker remained empty he grumbled. He turned seeing you and began coming over. Perfect, you thought. You looked up when he got close, you'd positioned yourself where you could catch your reflection in a long locker mirror. Your ears had perked up at his approach but this was normal.
"You see anyone come in with a package?" He asked, his tone wasn't accusatory yet just curious.
"Nope, been here most the day." You lied. You kept eyes on him, feeling for any changes. Nothing in the tail and ears felt relaxed. He grumbled kicking his feet.
"You sure." He looked at you again. You felt the slightest twitch of your ear, pulling back a touch.
"Nope, maybe I missed 'em but I don't remember anyone." You kept your face neutral, uninterested. You tail felt tight, the muscles straining to twitch but you kept it still. Mansk just grumbled again before stalking back to get his clothes. You glanced to the mirror, you looked calm, no swishing or twitching. It worked, if you would maintain calm like before then there would be no tell.
You stood to leave, turning and bumping right into a broad wet chest. You glanced up to meet Quaritch's quirked eyebrow.
"Oh, uh sorry sir!" You felt your ears pin back now, tail swishing behind you. You were not calm anymore, your heart having jumped its way into your throat.
"At ease" Quaritch stepped around you, walking off to his own locker. His broad back dripping, you followed a trail down to his narrow hips and gulped. There was an odd musk to the room now and you decided it best to scamper off before your odd behavior could be remarked upon.
So it seemed being snapped back in age and given a new body had reignited something of your old crush. Even in your human memories you'd remained nervous in front of the guy, so maybe you'd just been lying to yourself about being over it.
Even now sat amongst the other recoms awaiting Quaritch's commands you felt on edge. Though you could easily blame that on the tension of being caught. Maybe this was the moment, he'd been informed of your past self's crimes and they were going to rip you limb from limb.
His speech mirrored the one he'd given on your first day on Pandora. While they might not have been about to tear you apart you still felt your face pale, though you kept your expression neutral. You were all here to hunt down and kill Jake Sully, along with any other rebels and former RDA. So you were technically on the kill list.
The others cheered, clapping shoulders and getting excited. You smelt the change in the air, you recognized this scent change now, anticipation/excitement. You were still working on a catalogue of these, they'd be invaluable tells if you could pin point them.
Zdog gripped you, her scent was especially strong, mixed with something else. A musky smell you'd caught on her before, though you still couldn't place it yet. You gripped her other hand, playing along with the team, hoping no one else was picking up the scents as well as you. You must reek of anxiety.
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1strecomdejablue · 1 year
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Deja Blue - Navi; Colonel Miles Quaritch - Avatar: The Way of Water    
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xandy-toady · 1 year
Zdinarsk x Afab!Reader || The Gym
(love how it was supposed to be just a softish thigh riding fic and now it’s no where close to that)
Warning ; Squirting, daddy kink, fingering, oral, submissive reader
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To say Zdinarsk was hot was the understatement of the year, she was beyond hot, she was a fucking deity in comparison to everyone else, especially right now as you watch as she lay across the bench, large bar in her hands with giant weights at each end.
She had asked you to go to the gym with her today, and having the time, you thought maybe it wouldn’t hurt, it’s your girlfriend, might as well go show some support!
So now here you were, sat near your mountain of a partner, watching her and giving words of encouragement. Though it’s only natural that your eyes would start to wander. Admiring how her skin glistened, faintly glowing under the hair lights. Her muscular body covered in a thin layer of sweat from the previous and current exercises she’s done.
The muscles on her arms were tense too, flexing and slightly jiggling with each movement going up, then down, up, and down.
You tried being subtle in your stares, you really did.
Though Zdinarsk picked up on your gaze from the corner of her eye. Your eyes burned into her she could smell you. Your legs shifting not realizing yourself that you were getting worked up.
She knew she was the cause to your arousal, there was no denying that, and every thought of you she had drove her insane forcing herself to keep at her workout. Once she saw your thighs rub together subconsciously, that was when she broke, letting out a guttural growl as she puts the barbell back on its original stand with a loud clang.
Zdinarsk’s growl, wasn’t a quiet either, it rang through your ears, sending a wave of arousal through straight to your throbbing core.
”Come with me.” She orders out with a flare of her nostrils, having shifted quickly to be stood in front of you smelling the second strong wave of you getting excited. Your body’s reactions only spurred her on more—making her almost moan at the sole sight of you looking up at her.
Watching as you blink out of your little daze you had been in. You open your mouth, then close it promptly, nodding obediently.
The way you looked so innocent with your glistening eyes, it had her swiftly turn herself to power walk to the locker room, tail whipping fiercely behind her.
You follow quickly. Why had she suddenly stopped? (She hadn’t even finished her last set, and you definitely weren’t done admiring her either—)
The moment you passed through the door, she was towering over you, backing you further into the room.
”Are you always so desperate for me? So utterly pathetic that you stare shamelessly where everyone can see?” She sharply teases, words biting into you watching how you flush red, had you been that obvious? You were definitely embarrassed at being called out, the floor suddenly much more interesting then the sweaty, hungry predator before you.
You could barely even whimper a response, managing a weak, “Couldn’t help it..” You find yourself silently cursing at how your voice shook, eyes still blown watching your girlfriends every move.
She replied with a scoff before moving forward, predatory gaze still on you never wavering as she backs you into one of the benches in the room. You frantically try to collect yourself as you stumble over now sat, was she always this scary looking? It wasn’t a bad scary, quite the opposite in fact, it had your pussy clench at how she cornered you.
She loves seeing you embarrassed and nervous, seeing how you were also mostly excited by her every move.
”Couldn’t help it hm? Then I can’t help but do this.” She rumbles out, licking her lips having a big smirk form as she tears the sweatpants you had been wearing, successfully tearing them in the process with a loud rip receiving a loud gasp from you. She ignored your whines and protests about your pants, she herself was getting worked up, Zdinarsk also hadn’t realized just how worked up she herself had gotten.
She needed you, and right now.
To your girlfriend Zdinarsk’s delight, your bottom half was bare before her, juices clinging to your skin—no wonder your aroused scent had been so intense. “No panties today? For me doll?” She hums teasingly, brows raised at you with a smug smirk.
You found yourself whining once more in embarrassment—you forgot that you hadn’t put on underwear. You even did this intentionally when you changed for the gym now that you remember—This was all embarrassing, you keep getting caught, thing after thing!
You squirmed under her grasp, shying away in attempts to hide yourself and your face.
She, however had none of that.
Zdinarsk kept you easily held down, maneuvering herself skillfully to hook her arms around your thighs to hold you in place under her, tutting at you, “Don’t be a brat and answer daddy, be a good whore for me yeah?” She whispers, looking at your through her lashes as she sunk her head down.
You watched her kiss your thighs, then bite down hard leaving you to yelp in shock and pain, tear pricking your eye. “What was that for?” You whine, looking at her frantically, watching how she licked the now bloody giant mark at your inner leg.
“Most of my other marks re’ gone, had to add one quickly.” She stated, and without warning, she moved to nudge your folds with her flat nose, the sudden attention to your throbbing heat making you gasp. Her ears twitch in delight at the reaction, and she drags her tongue through your folds, ensuring her nose bumped your clit.
After that, her tongue began its assault at your sensitive hole. Shocked, a moan leaves you when she starts loudly eating you out, moaning sinfully into your cunt. Her tongue was relentless as she smoothly glided circles and figure eights at your clit, the wet muscle teasing your cunt when she would adjust to take more in to catch all of your juices in her greedy mouth. It wasn’t long before she was adding fingers to the mix either, barely giving you time to adjust to her tongues relentless pace.
You writhed in her grasp, choked out moans escaping you, it was happening all so fast, your previous arousal making your orgasm build much quicker then other days.
Zdinarsk could tell you were close now too, how you were twitching more frequently, how your breaths would hiccup—You were fucking drooling, how her fingers thrusted against your fluttering walls was driving you insane, and you feel so good. Your girlfriend never let up her intense actions, ensuring your pussy would be red and swollen from her.
She kept at her pace, Zdinarsk herself was enjoying this all too much, sweaty, your intense aroused scent filling her nose, god and how your skin felt beneath her—Her hips jerked forward instinctively and she groaned loudly.
“Daddy—Daddy wait—“ You blubber out through a strained moan, hearing her growl, “Take it, I know you fucking can needy whore—“
The coil in you snaps, her voice and how it vibrated against your aching clit, how her fingers curl inside you in the most sinful ways. You’re body spasms, moaning loudly under her as you cover her in your juices, effectively squirting all over her. Zdinarsk stared the whole time wide eyed, you’ve never squirted before with her.
You look down and you flush an even brighter red, staring in disbelief that you just squirted, and all over her face and chest,
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry—“ You barely stutter out, trying to catch your breath. Zdinarsk untangled from your legs and moved upwards, face coated in your slick, fingers still dancing across your now soaked cunt. And then, when she finally could reach, she roughly pressed her lips to yours.
“Don’t apologize, that was hot s’ fuck, never know ya’ could squirt.” She grinned out after you separate, and you whine.
“I didn’t know either! It just happened, hey—this isn’t funny, why are you grinning!” You playfully huff, pushing her chest lightly as if you could do anything in the first place—a small shy smile creeping it’s way onto your face.
Silence fell before you and her hand was still cupping your cunt, and you feel her grind her hand upwards against you. You saw how her eyes started to haze over again.
Your eyes widen, and you hear Zdinarsk loudly growl promptly stuffing her fingers back inside of you, leaning down to lick a stripe up your neck. Your moans were even louder then before, the sensitivity from your previous orgasm making your jaw fall slack.
“So.. I’d say you’re ready for daddy’s cock now, yeah?”
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sunandsstars · 1 year
the metkayinans are the only clan to known to practice tattoos… imagine z-dog bonding over tattoos with her metkayinan lover and maybe even getting her own metkayinan tattoo 🥺
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Recom!Zdinarsk x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: Zdinarsk feels a little insecure on her tats, ___ is determined to prove they are anything but something to be insecure of. Warnings: Very brief mentions of death Word count: 700 A/N: I am so sorry for any delay, I had to do some research on what all these tattoos mean and plus…lots of brain fart. This is a little short and may be very shit, it is currently 3am :’) I will probably redo this and add some more stuff
Taglist: @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @eywas-heir @reneehillary69 @cavvedinn @itsyoboysparkel
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“What are you staring at?” Zdinarsk chuckled and raised her brows, catching her lover with her head turned, eyes wide and examining. Seeing her yellow orbs zoom between her arms and chest Z-Dog got an idea of what was going on.
“What do your markings mean?” ___ inquired softly, never having seen tattoos like her mates’ ones before. The Metkayina’s were different, swerving in elegant shapes and lacked in colour unlike Zdinarsk’s who’s was bright and held sharp edges and strange figures.
The marine glanced at the other woman’s face, then to her own arms and then back up, blinking. She never really had to explain the meaning behind her tattoos before, usually when people saw them they just complimented her and moved on. Her tail swished at the thought of her girl actually caring.
Of course she did, ___ was a curious little thing.
‘’Uh, they don’t mean anything crazy…the one on my neck is a chimera, it means chaos and destruction’’ she started briefly, pointing to her neck and taking note of ___’s blue eyes widening and her body shuffling closer, tails intertwining. Z turned around so her back was facing her, showing off a massive eagle gripping flowers ‘’this is an Earth animal, eagle, the words at the top mean conquer or die… harsh stuff I know’’ she faced back towards the woman who brought her hands up and started tracing the tattoos on Z’s arms.
‘’And these ones? They are colourful’’
Z-Dog’s breath turned slightly shallow, feelings the small fingers going across her arms and chest. Tracing the outlines and markings. ‘’So on this arm, it has an angel, below is a devil. They are sort of religious figures…like your Eywa. It means death and rebirth’’
‘’Like how you were reborn as Metkayina’’
Grinning, the Marin agreed, flushing slightly. She still wasn’t used to being called a Na’vi, even after all this time. Apart of her thinks she would never get used to it, she was human for so long after all, but she did like the praise she always got for adapting so well. ‘’This one over here has a snake, another Earth animal, the words there mean deathless’’
‘’You did survive the ship when I saved you, without me you surely would have died’’ ___ grinned cheekily.
‘’Yea yea whatever’’ Zdinarsk stuck her tongue out, reached over and pulled the women into her lap and continued ‘’what about your tattoos? Everyone here has the same ones, what do they mean?’’
“Our tattoos hold different meaning, they are gifts from the clan and great mother. Ones on the arm mean more exposed protection of the sea wall, one across the chest and heart mean safe embrace of the central island” ___’s hands glided across the others skin, going from arm to chest to showcase where they would be placed, and also a way of saying that this is what Zdinarsk’s mean for the other Na’vi.
The recoms eyes brightened and she grinned, she never thought of her inked skin as spiritual. She kinda just did it as a young adult to feel cool, she was in the marines or God’s sake everyone had tats.
‘’I am a hunter, so I do not have a lot of chest markings’’ ___ grasped Z’s hand and brought it to her own skin, squeezing the fingers. ‘’If we have any on the face it is a hierarchy, it shows rank. Our Olo’eyktan has many tattoos, it shows he is our leader’’
‘’And how do you get them? I don’t see how you can get ink’’
‘’We get the ink from one of the many ocean animals and we tattoo ourselves when we pass Iknimaya, our right of passage…me and the clan leaders have spoken, we decided not to give you any hunters markings…but we will give you one here’’ ___ brushed her fingers onto the side of Z’s head, above her eyebrow.
Zdinarsk felt startled, she didn’t expect to get any tats at all here ‘’why?’’ Her voice was quiet and unsure.
‘’You already possess hunter marks’’ the Metkayinan ran her hands down the sides of Z’s arms and grinned ‘’but you do not have a warriors on the face’’ smooching above the brow where the soon to be tattoo will be placed.
A warriors mark huh? Z-Dog can get with that.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
What if the recoms went rogue right after the RDA tracked Norm's gunship?
So scenario, they have been traveling with Spider for months now, following every single tiny clue they have about Jake, mostly so Quaritch can keep Spider and the rest of the recoms out of Bridgehead, but not really doing anything, just fooling around along the jungle.
Until Lyle gets told that they had tracked someone going to the islands, and they realized that they would have to leave this life to actually focus on the mission.
But none of them actually want to find Jake at this point, they have their own little family and know it will be in danger if they continue.
So they run away, they steal enough masks and portable chargers to last Spider two lifetimes and leave all traceable equipment behind.
Idk what they would do at this point, I just want them to be happy.
I love this idea cause its cute and sweet and would make for such good found family, the crew learning to survive in the woods or finding a village to make uturu to... but any regular of mine will know, I don't do happy, not entirely at least.
so, very similar idea, but what if they knew they would never be able to escape the RDA as long as it still stood, that if they wanted to be free they had to fight, but that jake and the other na'vi would never accept them into their ranks, so they become sleeper agents.
they board the seas dragon, 'interrogate the na'vi" (spider being the only one who can speak na'vi, slips them a secret message, that the recoms have woken and they're on the na'vi's side), they lay low, and then when they start hunting the tulkun (at first they were gonna let it happen, then the scientist and the hunter opened their stupid fucking mouths and then they couldn't let that happen) they attack the ship which is enough of a sign to jake (+ the message's from the other villages, the kids running off to join the fight, particularly lo'ak as he feared for payaken, and both pandora jesus and ronal getting a gut feeling)
its an all-out war, jake not fully trusting quaritch so he keeps sorta, testing him, pushing him. maybe one of them gets hurt? maybe one of the recoms? maybe spider?
lets just say, I can think of a million ways making them sleep agents is amazing for me but horrible for them.
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tsukioreo · 1 year
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Quick sketch
Back to busy now, until next time when I get the opportunity to draw seriously !
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recom-recruit · 5 months
small bailey and zdog tribute
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kings-evil · 1 year
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zdinarsk warmup for recom month Just because I love my wife. 🫐 Yeah, I didnt finish her tattoos. Womp womp
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percyjacksnpjo · 1 year
Warnings: smut!!!!
relationship: DomReader x SubZdinarsk
Summary: Z had a crush on you for so long, stealing glances but never making a move. After a while you got tired of her not doing more so you decided to take matters into your own hands. Leading up to a heavy smut scenario. !!!Not edited lol!!
Zdinarsk pov:
Z was not a very open person. She was close with very few people, but even then she never really showed her soft and submissive side. Throughout the years of living on Pandora no one had caught her eye until you. You came to Pandora to be an avatar driver for the RDA. Those who knew you would describe you as a tall, strong and independent women. Your presence always attracted lustful eyes. Almost all of the Recoms had a crush on you so it was no surprise Z did too. Anytime she could she would steal glances at you. Mesmerized by your big breasts, slim waist and curvy bottom. Whenever you bent over she got a perfect view down your shirt. Dirty thoughts would cloud her mind as she pictured her face in between them. Your strong hands pinning her down on the bed as you relentlessly eat her out like no tomorrow. She snapped out of her thoughts as your eyes meet hers. Noticing that she was staring at you. Immediately she looks away and goes back to eating her lunch, hoping you didn’t catch her staring for too long.
y/n pov:
Little did Z know, she had caught your eye from the moment you first saw her. Sitting at a table, talking with the rest of the recoms, laughing about some joke Lyle said. You wanted to ask her out but didn’t because you were unsure if she liked women. You had rarely seen her talking to anyone one on one so it was hard to tell. However, her glares never went unnoticed by you. You had caught her staring at your chest multiple times, causing her to blush uncontrollably and avert her gaze. You would be lying if you said you haven’t stared at her either. The way her hips swayed when she walked. Her cute little tits bouncing up and down when she works out. The thought of you fucking her into oblivion clouded your thoughts on a daily. Today though you decided you had had enough. Crafting a plan in your mind to get her into bed, you start making your way over to the table she was eating at. You noticed how tense Z got when she realized you were coming over to her.
“Hey” you said in a seductive tone, “you’re Zdinarsk, right?”
She looked up, shocked that you were talking to her. “Um y-yeah” she stuttered. A noticeable blush crept up her cheeks at her mess up.
“I was wondering if you could help me out with something? I heard your really good with automatic guns and i’m having some trouble with mine”
Zdinarsk pov:
why were you asking her for help? you probably knew more about guns than she does? Z was taken out of her thoughts when you spoke again.
“um hello? earth to Z?”
“Oh uh y-yeah of course. When would you like me to help you?” She asked, still in disbelief that you were talking to her.
“How about when you finish eating? Meet me in my room when you’re done.” You winked at her and walked away. She didn’t know what to think of your conversation. A nervous feeling flooded her system, immediately overthinking how to go about this. Finishing her food she stomped off and headed to your room. Walking up to your door she paced back and forth before working up the courage to actually knock. With sweaty palms, she knocked on you door 3 times before it came flying open. Leaving herself face to face with you.
y/n pov:
“Heyyy Z, come innnn” As Zdinarsk walks in, she takes a look around your room. Observing that it was much more decorated than hers, more homey. She didn’t know what to do so she stood there awkwardly in the middle of your room waiting for you to instruct her
“My guns right over there if you want to take a look at it”
“Oh r-right the gun” she stalked over to it and started working. “So what exactly is wrong with it? There doesn’t seem to be a problem” You make your way over to her, standing your chest to her back. Looking over her shoulder, she could feel your hot breath, sending shivers down her spine. Her focus was slipping, you could tell.
“Idk it wasn’t really working, the trigger was acting up” A hand meets her back and she tenses, immediately fixing her posture. Your hands slowly make their way to her thighs, drawing small circles with your fingertips.
“W-what are you doing?” Zdinarsk’s face turns purple from blushing.
“y’know I see the way you look at me” you tear the gun out of her hands and she looks at you with wide eyes. “how you stare at my chest and get so lost in thought. When I pass by you I can smell your arousal” You slowly start inching forward causing her to back up until she hits the end of your bed. You push her down, and can see that she is visibly shaking. “I have not been any better though” you confess. “your perky tits and plump ass make it difficult to stay focused during work” she looked shocked at your confession.
Taking your place on the bed above her, you bring your hands up to her top, ripping it off in one try.
“W-wait” she tries to say but you ignore her pleas. You attach your lips to hers causing a moan to slip out of her mouth. Content with the response elicited from her you make your way down. Trailing kisses from her neck to stop at her chest. You take one of her perfectly erect nipples into your mouth and suck harshly. Your other free hand groping the other one, eliciting another moan from her. After a minute you decide to take it to the next step. Making your way down to her core you slip her shorts down to reveal her glistening pussy.
“Wow Z, so wet for me already” she moans and looks down at you with pleading eyes.
“y/n, p-pleaseee” she begs.
“what honey? you gotta use your words big girl”
“p-please touch me” bringing your hand to her slit you insert 2 fingers into her slick pussy. You curl them and start slowly pumping your hand back and forth. She wreathes underneath you and clings to your arms for support. You dip your head in between her legs and latch your mouth onto her clit, sucking harshly. Z let’s out a high pitched moan and tugs on your hair.
“uh- uh- uh sweet girl. Keep your hands up for me will ya?” she nods and places them back above her head. As you continue your attack on her clit, your fingers find that soft spot in her causing her to scream loudly. Her hands immediately leave their assigned spot to tug on the sheets of your bed. You halt your assault on her clit and Z let’s out small whimper.
“What did I say about your hands Z?” If you can’t be a good girl you won’t get rewarded. Do I have to punish you?”
“nooooo” she whines. “i’ll be a good girl. i promiseeee” However, as she is saying this you are unbuckling the belt from your waist and tying her hands above her head to your headboard.
“I think you need to be punished you bad girl. and maybe after your punishment you will get rewarded” Another whine escapes from her mouth but she does not protest. You flip her over so she is now laying on her stomach. Crawling over her, you knead her cute butt in your hands.
“i’m gonna spank you 10 times okay? and I want you to count for me. Can you do that baby?” She looks back at you and nods her head.
“words Z, I need you to use your words” you continue kneading her butt, waiting for her response.
“yes fuck, yeah I can do that” Smiling down at her you raise your hand and bring it down on her butt with a hard slap. Z screeches and moans.
“count” you demand.
“one” she speaks quietly.
After 9 more times her soft mounds of flesh are now bright purple from impact. You soothe your hands over her butt and give a kiss to each cheek. Smiling to yourself, proud of your work, you decide that she deserves a reward for being such a good girl. Flipping her back over, you take your place in between her legs again, taking her clit back in your mouth and repeating the same motions with your fingers as before. More moans continue to come from her as you pick up the speed. Z’s now trembling body indicating her climax was approaching. Keeping a steady rhythm you help her build her climax until the cord in her belly snaps. She comes undone, wreathing underneath you.
“FUCK” she screams. She squirts your face with her juices and coats her thighs with her cum.
“Damn that was hot.” you say to her. A blush creeps up her face and she tries to move up and out from under you.
“nope- i don’t think so” you say as you pull her back down. “we’re not done yet. i know you still have another round in you.” she looks at you with those captivating eyes wondering what you have planned for her next. Taking a step off the bed, you quickly rid yourself of any other clothing that might have been on you. Now standing naked in front of Z, she takes in your curvy figure, eyes stuck on the sight of your breasts.
“see something you like” you smirk, causing her to advert her gaze. You make your way over to her and once again settle yourself in between her legs. Grabbing one of them and putting in over your shoulder, you straddle the other leg so that you are sitting scissored on her. Her eyes widen as she realized what you’re doing. Both moaning at the contact of your most intimate parts. You start to grind yourself on her, slowly, making sure your taking your time. Your clits rub together in rhythm causing Z to whimper, as her clit was still sensitive from her previous orgasm. You kiss her thigh that’s draped over your shoulder and continue to grind against her pussy. By now Z is a moaning mess. You wanted to drag this out as long as possible, not knowing when you would be able to do this again. Though soon enough pleasure takes over and you are both cumming together. Satisfied with your work, you kiss up her body, leaving more hickeys that will definitely be visible to your comrades. Whatever, you didn’t care. You untie the bonds on her wrists and lay down on your side next to her. Both just taking in each other’s presence.
“we should do that again sometime” Z insists.
“I won’t say no to that” you chuckle back. After a while you both fall into a peaceful silence, content with the way things ended up. This women is gonna be the death of me. You think as you slowly drift off to sleep.
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sylwanin-was-right · 1 year
Im genuinely curious and offer this post as a discussion: why do so many avatar fans like the recoms?
If you have a fancy for them yourself, I'm genuinely curious as to why and what abt them makes them particuarly interesting in and outside of the Avatar universe? Aesthetic? Character? Tropes? Concept? Personal reasons? Etc
I want to make this clear this is in good faith. I dont think its inherently bad to like the recoms and have reblogs of some fanart of them on my blog. I'm just rlly curious abt the specific reasons why ppl gravitate toward them a lot in the fandom, which i dont relate to.
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