#zeros tea time
fantasy-drawings-ra · 22 days
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Here are some miscellaneous sketches I’ve made from the past week.
Image description in order:
Image 1 is of Baizhu from Genshin Impact. A side profile till the beginning of his shoulders. He is looking to our right with a soft smile and a hint of his braid is over his shoulder coming to the right.
Image 2 is suppose to be of Desmond Sycamore from Professor Layton for Mermay. He is looking over his shoulder to the viewer. His head turned to the left in a frontward 3/4 angle whilst his body is in a 3/4 angle from the back. He is holding a clam shell in his left hand. His hair is down flowing behind his head. His tail and fins are base on a betta fish’s.
Image 3 is Princess Peach in her Patisserie Peach outfit from the Showtime game. She is looking to our right in a side profile. The drawing is from her head to shoulder. She has a happy expression and is wearing the chef hat and dress. With her hair in two ring braids.
Image 4 is of Rei Furuya/ Amuro Tooru from Zero’s Tea Time and Case Closed. He is looking to the right in a 3/4 angle slightly over his shoulder with a pleasant expression. His right hand holding a round tray to his chest. He is wearing his Cafe Poirot apron and a slightly baggy crew neck sweater with the sleeves rolled up a little over the wrists.
Image 5 is of Sebastian from The Blind Prince Webtoon. It is in a side profile from head to hip. He is facing to the right looking with a neutral expression on his face. Wearing his signature outfit of long coat, waistcoat and striped pants as well as his earrings, necklace and broach looking similar to a peacocks feather design.
Image 6 is Desmond Sycamore in a side profile looking over his shoulder to the side. He is facing our left with a cheeky smile and his head tilted upward slightly. A head to shoulders shot.
End Description.
Side note for recommendations and thoughts on the drawings:
For the Mermay Desmond, I’ve been wanting to draw him for mermay, for about two to three years now but have never had the time to and end up missing the whole month entirely.
At this point I’ve finished the main game of Princess Peach Showtime and am now just playing the fun bonus’s after the main story. It was really fun and I can happily say it is one of my favourite games of all time! I really loved it!
For Rei Furuya I’ve been wanting to draw him since I watched Zero’s Tea Time back in maybe January but failed in my last attempt. I’m happy at least this turned out a bit better. But it’s a really nice slice of life kind of show. It’s only 6 episodes (21 minutes long) and in sub and dub. So it’s really easy to get into (as opposed to Case Closed with 1000+ episodes and 20 something movies.) and was a fun watch.
And finally (sorry if this is too long) The Blind Prince Webtoon it’s a wonderful read with absolutely stunning art by CozyCroww that makes me pause to admire the amazingly lovely panels. I’ve been reading it every Tuesday since maybe chapter 10? I wanted to draw Sebastian so he could pair with The Elaine drawing I’ve made last year where they’re facing one another, so I’m happy they can now be together. Another I hope to draw in digital if I get the chance.
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alyleeneechan · 2 years
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The category is
✅ Tall
✅ Blonde
✅ handsome agent that can cook🥹
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acearo-thoughts · 2 years
Ace Amuro/Rei
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Okay- I haven’t seen a casual ace in more glory then Amuro Tooru (Rei Furuya), dude’s just trying to live life, cooking, beating up criminals and assisting reluctant child heroes (and working for an international criminal ring & spoiler)
Source: Detective Conan (show and movies), Zero’s Tea Time (which has all the ace content up close- but u might need some context)
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homosexualcitron · 8 months
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Hey look at him
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coffeeviolinist · 6 months
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Not Rei paraphrasing Akai’s “fifty-fifty” line.
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mysteryboy1249 · 7 months
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Finally went and watched Zero Tea Time and like, how is this man still functioning at all??? If we're to assume that Furuya sleeps about 2 hours a night regularly, I'm sorry but this man would in no way shape or form be able to do what he does. - Sincerely, someone who has legitimately slept 3AM to 5AM regularly for several months due to having pre-existing sleep issues and a job that started at an ungodly time.
Like, yes I get that I shouldn't be thinking too deeply since anime logic, but also on this same schedule I felt like I was about to die by week 3 and was essentially a human zombie with my mental health down the sink by week 6(and technically I was sleeping more than 2 hours since I would take some naps as well) so I have some strong feelings about this. Hell, there's no way this man would be able to keep track of what time it is let alone all his jobs and secrets with that amount of sleep. Even if we go under the assumption that he sleeps 3-4 or even 4-5 hours usually and the 2 hours was a special case this man would still not be able to make all those deductions and chase all those criminals. Sure you won't feel as shit, but you definitely will still be feeling quite shit.
No wonder this man depressed and insane with a sprinkling of anger issues and seems to be constantly lowkey disassociating in Zero Tea Time. Yes most of it is because he's the only one left and is horribly traumatized but also like Furuya, have you considered taking a nap? It doesn't solve the trauma, but give yourself 8-10 hours of proper sleep and you'll be waking up ready to take on god.
As a side note, are there fics where Furuya is severely sleep deprived and how that impacts him? Because so far I haven't seen any but I also don't usually go out of my way to find Furuya centered fics. Because if there isn't I'll write one myself, not enough chronic sleep deprivation rep round here in general. Mans mother hens everyone around him, he deserves someone to mother hen him back to force him to sleep because the world will not in fact end if he takes some time off.
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cyellolemon · 1 year
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Homophobic dog Haro!!!! Happy pride month <3
(this is him when Furuya Rei only gives attention to other men instead of him)
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Also have a gay cat meme Haro.. (probably him when Rei brings Kazami home and Kazami gives him treats)
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potahun · 1 month
i find it beautiful but also so unfair that it's FURUKAZA, of all pairs, furukaza, the most unhealthy pair of workaholics of detco with absolutely NO private life and a ride-or-die mentality for their jobs, that somehow ends up being the most stupidly DOMESTIC pair, between one eating the other's homecooked bentous and both basically co-raising a dog.
gosho aoyama supervised the script of ZTT, said ok to all of that, and i have not known peace since reading it
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saanaitoo · 6 months
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forgot to share this monstrosity from twitter
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hyacinth-04 · 9 months
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The way they animated Rei in Tea Time had got a grip on me 😩😩
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kimabutch · 9 months
I need people to understand that I diligently set tea timers not because I need my tea to be steeped precisely for 4 minutes but because if I don’t set a timers, I will completely forget about my tea and it will sit there steeping and growing cold for well over an hour
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chaldeanu · 1 day
comforting myself with the thoughts of my faves taking care of me when i’m feeling ill, but then i remember they would be absolute ass with good intentions, at most asdfghjkl
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homosexualcitron · 8 months
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padfootastic · 1 year
Day 23 - Tea
Written for @prongsfoot-microfic
“Get away from here with that newfangled Western nonsense, Remus!”
Sirius turned, slowly, incredulously, to look at his shouting, shuddering boyfriend.
“Jamie—are you okay?” He certainly didn’t seem like he was. James had his arms raised in front of him, palms out as if warding off evil, face turned away from a bemused Remus.
“No! No, I’m not okay,” James cried dramatically, stumbling backward with hasty steps. Remus mouthed a ‘what the fuck’ in Sirius’ direction, hoping that he’d have a better idea of what was going on. Unfortunately, even with his vast knowledge of everything James Potter, he couldn’t figure out what was going on in that moment.
“Oh, come on, Sirius,” James’ voice came out in a sort of indignant squawk, hands fluttering around. “Don’t tell me you can’t see it. That!” He pointed a finger towards Remus. More specifically, the steaming mug held in his hands.
“That?” Sirius leaned forward, trying to understand what James was going for. The only thing he could see was a milky liquid, with a string poking out of it through the side of the mug. Normal enough for Remus, who needed a cup of tea every three hours if he didn’t want to develop a killer headache. “I don’t get it.”
“The tea, Sirius! That—that abomination!” James finally spelled it out for them, though it didn’t make things any clearer.
“Huh?” Remus finally designed to speak up, peeking into his mug as if it held the answers of the universe. A huge sigh was heaved from the space in front of them, as if James physically couldn’t contain it any longer (not that he was even trying so far).
“I will never understand how you drink that swill when you can have perfectly good chai.”
That explained it.
One wouldn’t think so, looking at James Potter, but he was an extreme tea—sorry, chai snob, utterly refusing to put up with anything except his beloved spiced chai. It didn’t matter that most of the time they didn’t want to put in the effort of crushing cardamom, grating ginger, pounding black pepper and waiting for everything to boil in the correct order for just the right amount of time. It didn’t matter that sometimes they just wanted something warm to drink within the minute, and a cup of hot water microwaved on full power with some milk powder and a teabag floating in it was more than good enough to get the job done.
No, for James, if you wanted tea, then you were supposed to have chai.
The moment realisation struck, Remus groaned out loud, all tension seeping out of his shoulders as his entire posture sagged. “James, you—! No. No. Sirius, will you please control your boyfriend while I enjoy my nice, hot cup of English Breakfast TEA without the peanut gallery yammering in the back? Thank you.”
With that, he sent one last scathing look towards an unrepentant James and walked away. They could hear an obnoxiously loud sip and a blissful ‘ah’ as he turned round the corner. James’ left eye twitched and he made a move as if to follow Remus and beat the mug out of his hand. Sirius, of course, couldn’t let that happen.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that, J?” Sirius murmured, wrapping his fingers around James’ wrist and pulling him closer. “Chai, tea, it’s all the same, isn’t it?”
“How dare you—“
Of course, Sirius knew the kind of reaction that would provoke, but swallowing James’ outraged huff with the press of his lips was his favorite past time, after all. How could he resist?
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cyn1412 · 1 year
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cyellolemon · 11 months
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Pride Haro?? pride Haro..
I just drew this one for fun but i love it it's the cutest Haro i ever drew, i also ended up doing some more flags, just for fun!
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Feel free to use btw!!
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