#zoo photo
boscofuller · 1 day
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Animal reference photo compilation concept test!
I've been saving this project for a new website I'm planning, but that's been delayed by the grindstone of capitalism, so I'm going to set up this part early. This is the concept test for a repository of reference photos of a whole bunch of different species of exotic animals.
For every 50 or so photos I take of an animal, there's generally only a couple that I like and are also in focus and also framed correctly. But that led me to realize... all those slightly blurry or off-center photos are probably a great set of references for people interested in general shape/form/movement for their art! So I'm setting up of the idea before fully committing the time into making it happen.
I've been going through my photo backlog and pulling out the shots I think will be useful for art references. Lots of them show posture, facial movement, close-ups of feet or eyes, and walk cycles, but also other behaviors like jumping or drinking. They're not perfect - there's often stuff out of focus or reflections on the glass - but I think they'll still be useful for art?
The link below is to the Dropbox where I'll host these photos until I eventually get that new website/project up and running. Right now I've got folders of four species uploaded for this test: California Condor (CW for carcass feed photos), Jaguar, Komodo Dragon, and Moose. Please go check them out and tell me what you think!
~~WADTT Animal Reference Photos Dropbox Link~~
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What I'm looking to learn from y'all is:
Is this type of reference photo repository useful / worth doing?
Do these photos work or are they too blurry/wonky/there's too many?
What things would make a project like this better? (Caveat, it has to stay on Dropbox for now).
If this turns out to be as useful as I'm hoping, and the photos work, I've got a whole bunch more species to upload.
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tiifu-ndovu · 2 months
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amphibianaday · 5 months
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day 1514
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labradoritedreams · 3 months
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Some animals judge you. However, the Pallas’s cat (a/k/a, manul) will PRE-judge you. And you will always be found lacking.
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aradiamegido · 4 months
the cutest animal: this very loud bird
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the scariest animal: tiny man trapped behind glass
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blinkpen · 1 year
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it was inevitable as the tides, but it has come to my attention now that if i talk about how sexy Thrax was without specifying "thrax from cinematic masterpiece Osmosis Jones released in 2001" a lot of people get really confused bc they don't know who that is bc they're officially a generation removed from me at this point
rather than go "ugh kids these days" (like cmon don't be That Guy) or "ugh no i feel old" (I don't! guess I'm built different) i will ever so happily inform so a whole new batch of people can enjoy a something very unique and special to my heart that kicks fucking ass and hope they enjoy it too
and that a something is Osmosis Jones. especially the villain of Osmosis Jones. his name his Thrax. he is an lethal virus that is never fully identified (it's implied he is the Red Death, from the Edgar Allen Poe story, but real); other viruses don't recognize him, and he's so reliably stealthy and lethal he possibly hasn't even been properly discovered by science yet. he also only gets more lethal and dangerous as he infects new people, treating how fast he can kill his current host with fever as a PR he has to beat every time until he can cook your brain to death SO quickly after infection that he will go down in history as the single most dangerous illness known to humans.
so yeah take a look and appreciate what set the bar for my villainfucker sleeper code. they don't make em quite like this anymore. content warning for bright orange body horror. legit plays out like a scene in a horror movie.
stupid sexy virus
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Renard Volant de Lylé - Il a un rôle très important dans le maintien de la végétation forestière. En effet, il se nourrit de fruits mûrs en recrachant les graines, ou s'il les avale, les disperse dans ses déjections.
Lieu : Pairi Daiza
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bakinochkame · 26 days
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Okay folks: I’m working on a presentation about accessibility at zoos for an upcoming meeting.
One thing I’m touching on is the importance of supporting and welcoming real service dog teams. People sneaking their pets in / pretending ESAs are service dogs is becoming a real problem, and the general reflex I’m seeing in the industry is to just make it harder for anyone with a dog, so I want to ask the audience to think about that a little and consider other approaches to solving the problem.
I’d like to include a collage of photos of well-behaved service dogs at zoos and aquariums to help reinforce the point. Which means it’s photo request time! If you’ve got a photo of you / your service dog clearly at a zoo, aquarium, or other similar facility and would be willing to let me use it in this presentation, please chat/ask/email me (whyanimalsdothething @ gmail). I’m happy to block out human faces.
TIA. ❤️ 🦮🐕‍🦺
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tiifu-ndovu · 8 months
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connnnorkai · 2 months
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Whispy Blooms March, 2024
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dwmmphotography · 2 months
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Yellow-eyed junco being a life bird in Madera Canyon, Arizona.
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labradoritedreams · 3 months
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Meet Batbayar; he’s a Pallas’s cat that resides in Roanoke VA at the Mill Mountain Zoo. The zoo is small, but houses a variety of animals not commonly found in captivity, like Batbayar. He was a bit bad-tempered - he chittered at me when I walked up to his enclosure - but he was my favorite animal there. I LOVE Pallas’s cats. (February 2024).
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