#zuo ran fluff
Love Languages (Marius, Artem, Vyn)
Honestly, it's very difficult to do romantic hcs for the Tot guys. Mostly because the game doesn't leave much to head canon about. I should really come up with some fics instead of relying on hcs. (Also, I have a HSR version in drafts too)
Some of these may be spit into giving and receiving, since I don't always think those are the same
CW: non really. Maybe a smidgen of angst in Vyn's, but not bad
Marius x Reader, Artem x Reader, Vyn x Reader
It's fairly obvious right from the get go that Marius's love language is acts of service. Ok Acts of service and gift giving, though I could make an argument that his receiving love language is words of affirmation.
He doesn't have much time on his hands, so as much as he's probably love to spend a ton a time with you, he has to settle for other methods
But his penchant for acts of service is pretty well established fairly early in the game. Not Marius von Hagen measuring Rosa's shoe size by sight and sending someone to get a pair of flats. He's a little shit, but he's a definite sweetheart
He's the kind of person who lets his actions speak for him. But he also has a habit of letting his money speak for him. That meme that floats around about him buying Netflix? Yeah, he'd totally do it.
Marius is of the opinion that he's part of one of the richest people in the city, why shouldn't he make sure that his s/o has the best of everything.
This all being said, his receiving love language is a bit different. He wants to do things for you and give you things, but he wants words of affection. As many as possible.
I mean, he's always seeking praise and comfort, frequently resorting to puppy dog eyes to get them. This guy does not know how to be upfront about what he wants from people. I mean, look at the world he lives in. I don't envy him
Sweet, loving, very awkward Artem. I love him so much.
The guy is definitely a quality time guy.
I would say acts of service is his, but Artem is someone who does things for people. That's just a general behavior of his. So I'm not sure it counts as a "love language" as much as it's a fundamental aspect of who he is.
So we're going to go with quality time and, to a smaller extent, physical contact.
I would say that quality time is his primary love language, both giving and receiving. If he's not working he wants to e around you. He wants to do things with you.
And sometimes that quality time also includes plenty of physical contact.
His desire for physical contact is often a very subtle thing. Brushing knuckles, running his hand over your cheekbone. An arm around you when you're cold. As soon as he's aware that you're ok with casual touch, he's more touchy. But subtle touchy.
Of course, in private, it's less so. He absolutely love to cuddle while watching movies or in bed after a long day.
Vyn, why are you so hard?
Vyn is so self contained and so damn aware of his behavior. And elusive as fuck .Everything he does is intentional. So I see his giving love language reflecting yours to a large extent.
He's keenly aware of what you need and desires to fulfil that in any way he can. Which I suppose counts as acts of service.
As far as receiving...again he's elusive as fuck, so trying to figure this out is not easy. In a lot of ways it matters less how you go about it but show this poor man some love. Like, lots of it.
Spend time with him, give him compliments, and tons of hugs not me being convinced that hugs fix everything. You're going to have to show the man that he's lovable and fine even if he isn't totally perfect. But everything you give him, I see him returning tenfold.
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queenie-avenue · 7 months
Before the sun rises, stay.
—> every part of you is beautiful, so let Artem cherish this moment more.
⤻reader is gender-neutral, fluff, mornings with artem, clingy artem, established relationship, sfw, no content warnings, reader can be seen as Rosa if you want to
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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Artem was usually the early bird. Even during the weekends, he would get up at six o'clock right on the dot, not a minute less nor more. People called him a robot because of it, but he didn't see the value in dwelling on others' opinions, but yours? Artem felt on edge every time you glanced at him, and he could not help but wonder what was going on in your pretty little mind.
Do you find me too emotionless?
Do I show you I love you enough?
What would you like me to do?
Shall I do this? Shall I do that, instead? Will you love me more if I do?
Such thoughts plagued Artem Wing's mind often.
Which was probably why he was being like this right now, waking up a few minutes earlier than usual just to stare at your glorious face. It had become a habit.
A bit of sunlight pooled in through the cracks of the curtains that did not cover the window fully, illuminating your glorious face. Even now, as he lay in bed with you, Artem could not believe that he had gotten you — the love of his life — to fall in love with him. What did you see in him?
He reached out to your face in reverence and laid his hands on your soft cheek, caressing every bump or scar you could possibly have as he smiled. Once again, he could not help but wonder what he had done to deserve this.
He leaned in closer, observing every bit of your face; from your lashes to your lips that were chapped from the air conditioning, every part of you was perfect in Artem's eyes. He let out a shaky breath as he lay his head closer to yours, seeking comfort in the crook of your neck desperately. He breathed in your scent and let out a small groan, he really really hoped this was not some sort of dream or fantasy he would have to wake up from.
Suddenly, the alarm for six o'clock rang, and his eyes widened as you stirred in bed, eyes slowly fluttering open to Artem's bewilderment. He watched as your countenance shift from tiredness to adoration as your eyes met his.
Artem quickly shifted to turn the alarm off, never once leaving your side.
"Did I wake you up?" His raspy morning voice asked softly, not wanting to startle you too much so early in the morning.
"Good morning," you greeted first before answering him. "No, you didn't. The alarm did." You joked to him, to which he chuckled back and shook his head.
"I need to remember to turn off that alarm when I wake up next time." Artem scolded himself.
"No, no, it's fine. I need to get up anyway." You yawned, preparing to rise from the comfortable sheets of Artem's bed.
Surprisingly, though, two lean arms pull you downward.
"We don't need to arrive in the office so early today." Your eyes widened at your darling's words. Never before had you seen nor heard this disciplined man suggest the idea of being a tad bit late to the office, even if he wasn't required to clock in early. It seemed that Artem sensed your shock and blushed a deep shade of crimson. "I just thought that..." He started, his arms loosening on your body.
Upon realising the insecurity you inflicted onto Artem, you quickly wrapped your arms around him, returning his bear hug with a goofy grin.
"I just thought that we could spend more time before the sun properly rose." Said Artem, looking up at you for approval.
"That works." You smiled back as you eased into his hold.
This time, it was Artem's turn to flash a goofy smile as his grasp tightened again; not too harsh nor too soft, just enough so you would not be able to escape. He leaned in, his hot breath hitting your nape which caused a shiver to travel down your spine and before you could say anything else, Artem was already assaulting your neck with soft kisses and sweet words to your ears.
"I love you." Artem said as his laps dragged up from the side of your neck to your jaw, peppering excessive kisses — he didn't view it that way — against your skin. "I love you." He repeated again as his lips finally met yours.
"I love you too." You replied and Artem felt like all the weight on his shoulders just dispersed.
Artem looked down at you. You were perfect, that [e/c] shade of your eyes, the way your cheeks felt in his tough hands, the warmth of your body compared to his and the way you looked up at him with so much want yet with a hint of bashfulness.
It was like you were beckoning him to fall deeper into the rabbit hole that was you.
"I love you." He repeated breathily onto your lips as he pressed against them once again.
Not that he minded. He would gladly fall deeper for you if that was even possible.
"I love you more than anything." He promised.
"I love you, too." You giggled back, holding him closer to you. "I love you so much."
He wished that time could stop right now, just so he'd be able to cherish this moment — cherish you — for a longer period of time.
For now, as long as the sun was not fully in the sky, you were his to worship.
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tahdashi · 1 year
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: v suggestive!! just some needy lil guys. forever thinking about luke’s back.
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✦ ARTEM isn't direct with his intentions, but on the occasion that he's feeling a bit needy, he'll let his actions do most of the talking. when you two are laying in bed after a long day of work, the legal technicalities long gone from your thoughts, artem's fingers slide underneath the fabric of your shirt. they linger there before he's rubbing soft, delicate circles into your skin. he tucks his face into the crook of your neck, basking in your warmth and scent, and even though this should be comforting, he only finds himself wanting you more. "love..." his voice trails off in a whisper. anyone else would mistake it for fatigue, but you know the meaning underneath the deep timbre of his voice. it's hypnotic — the song of a siren. you pull his face out from the juncture of your neck and shoulders, looking deep into his eyes. a glint of lust and affection sits atop his irises. placing a gentle kiss to your lips, artem pushes himself up to hover over your body before melting his lips against yours once again. “i need you,” he whispers into your skin — and you’ll give him all that you are. he kisses you with fervor, his hands dance along your waist and he pulls you closer until you can feel the pounding in his chest against yours. the night ahead is long and ardent, but it's just what he needed — the perfect distraction.
✦ MARIUS never shies away from riling you up, whether you two are in public or not. he has this habit, an annoying one, really, of whispering how needy he is right by the shell of your ear. and if you weren't surrounded by tons of a-list celebrities and other important people that marius obviously has in his contacts, you'd yank him by the ear and tell him not to do that. and marius thinks he's smooth for wanting to get a reaction out of you at one of his own galas, but little does he know — you're used to this. "you look really pretty in that, baby, give me a spin?" he slides his hands lower so they sit right below your waist, and his fingers pull at the shiny silk he picked out for you. twisting the material around his finger, he leans in again. "or you can give me a private show later." you look up to see his signature smirk. you scoff at his words, knowing he’s only saying this to rile you up, but the warmth of his hand bleeds through the fabric. the rest of the night passes like a blur, and the only thought marius has on his mind is showing you how beautiful you truly looked tonight.
✦ LUKE knows the easiest way to get you flustered. it’s simple, because when he walks around the apartment with just his sweatpants on, you’re always at a loss for words. his body is toned; the countless hours he spent working out didn’t go to waste. you stare at the way his back flexes when he reaches into the cabinet for a cup, and when he turns back to ask if you want something to drink, he catches you staring. “what? you’re looking at me like i have 3 heads,” his fang peeks out as he laughs. “or are you just impressed?” he flexes a little and you catch the way his abs tighten, his arms swell even bigger. you feel your cheeks heat up, and luke comes even closer, encasing you in his arms. pressed against his chest, you think you might just melt. he presses a kiss to your cheek, cooing at your flustered expression. “you’re annoying,” you try to push him away, but he only tries to kiss your cheek again, reveling in the sound of your laughter. “says the one that’s trying to burn a hole through me. tell me, babe, are you gonna let me kiss you properly now?”
✦ VYN is always deliberate with his actions, delivering his message smoothly and nonchalantly. he lowers his voice, the timbre of it dark and intoxicating. and paired with subtle glances at your lips, he’s got you in a trance. he does this out of the blue — when you’re telling him about your day, you’ll notice the way he hums and focuses on your lips. he encourages you to go on, “hm? what else, sweetheart?” and when he looks at you so intently, with so much ardor in his golden eyes, you lose every syllable that once crossed your mind. he’s got you in his trap (as if you’d ever pull away from his honeyed gaze). his lips move towards yours like a gravitational force, and you lean in instinctively. at the very last moment, before your eyes flutter shut, you see that vyn’s still looking at you through heavy lids, as if he’s trying to commit the sight to memory, as if he’d never get to look at your lips ever again. you both know that’s impossible — he’s insatiable, and you’re under his spell.
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reblogs are appreciated!
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Headcanon: Cooking For Artem
(Definitely not edited)
Okay, so I wanted to write something for Artem's birthday that is coming up (April 26th) because why not? Anyways, I know that I haven't written anything in awhile, but I hope that this kind of makes up for the sudden increase of workload. Either way, I hope you enjoy this one!
For our timeline, you can basically imagine any timeline. Whether you want to be dating, married, engaged to him; imagine this however you would like to. Also, I would like for you to imagine that you're working at Themis as Artem's partner if you decide to not be Rosa.
"How come you're yawning so much?" Kiki asks you in the middle of her story. With the new case that you and Artem received a couple days ago, you two are both swamped with work, trying to sort out the paperwork and known evidence. As much as you love working here, it definitely needs a lot of time and effort to get it done.
After taking a sip of your fresh coffee, you look at her to explain, "Mr. Wing and I just started a new case, so we needed to put in some overtime to get through what we wanted." Kiki only nods in response before taking a sip of her coffee. Suddenly, you notice the confusion in her eyes.
"I don't think that explains why you're so tired though?" she asks, staring into the reflection of her coffee to put the pieces together. "Even if you and Mr. Wing work overtime, he would make sure that you two get home decently on time," she continues before squinting at dark circles, "and you seem to be yawning more than the previous times that you two worked together into the night." You look back down at your coffee cup to hopefully hide your face a little; you didn't want her finding out about your plan and blurting it out to the entire office.
"Y-Yeah, I just didn't sleep well," your voice trails off before you take another sip of coffee. Although you can't exactly see her face, Kiki's studying eyes seem to bore a hole into your forehead. When you finally pull the coffee cup away from your face, Kiki's eyes seem to widen, seemingly putting the pieces together.
"Did you prepare something?" she asks teasingly, poking at your arm. With the blush in your cheeks, you realize that she knew your plans. With a sigh, you can only nod at her response where she excitedly places down her cup and claps her hand like a child who just figured out the hardest math problem in the homework. "What did you prepare? A gift? Or something more?" she begins bombarding you with questions, trying to figure out more about your little surprise. Suddenly, her voice seems to cut off, and you watch her freeze up in front of you. "G-Good morning Mr. W-Wing," she greets, stuttering on her words. Confused, you turn around for your eyes to meet with a familiar chest.
"Good morning," Artem greets with a slight nod. "If you don't mind, I would like my partner for the new case we're working on." Kiki can only nod and excuse herself awkwardly before escaping the senior attorney's gaze. You look back at Artem confused before he looks down at you. "Sorry to disturb your conversation, but I think I found another clue for the case," he explains briefly, catching your attention. The two of you start walking back to his office as you discuss the details.
"Does it regard the testimony of the main suspect?" you question, your thoughts returning to the case. Artem nods to confirm your suspicions before explain his train of thought. While you try to keep your mind on the task at hand, you feel the drowsiness catching up to you, making your steps slow down. Before Artem catches you lagging behind, you try to catch up to him again, but you awkwardly trip over your own feet, causing you to yelp slightly. Closing your eyes to brace for the impact of the hard floor, you feel yourself hitting a softer surface, hands on your arms and a familiar scent hitting your nose. Opening your eyes, your eyes land on the fabric of a suit, making you rush to stand.
"Are you okay?" Artem asks worriedly, looking over your body to visually check everything. Feeling the blood rush to your cheeks from the situation, you can barely give him a verbal response and look at him, making you choose to nod instead. With a sigh of relief, Artem appears to relax a little before checking you one more time. "Did you not sleep well last night?" he wonders aloud, and you're sure that he noticed the dark circles under your eyes.
"I slept well, but I guess I didn't sleep enough," you answer carefully, your voice small enough for only Artem to hear. Artem shakes his head helplessly before you two step into his office. The thud of the door shutting wakes you up slightly, but you can't help but to yawn and take another sip of coffee.
"It is nearing the time for lunch, so maybe you need some energy?" Artem pieces together before grabbing his phone from his desk. "Let's order some food, so we can eat twelve. Do you want your usual order?" he asks, scrolling on his phone screen. With your tired brain, you just process the situation, making you wake up instantly.
"A-actually, I don't think we need to order anything," you suddenly state, making him looking up from his phone confused. Without another word, you walk towards your bag and rummage through the contents from the specially packaged items. With your back facing towards him and his eyes on you, the nervousness finally hits you; you can only hope that he likes your little surprise for him. Your hand brushes against a familiar fabric texture and holds onto it. Carefully, you begin to dig it out of your bag, making sure your wrapping doesn't get too ruined. When you lift the two surprises out of your bag, you turns towards him, and his eyes stare at the two items in your hands confused.
Before you get the chance to explain yourself, Artem suddenly pieces the clues together, "Did you wake up early to cook for us today?" When he completely figures out, you can only nod at his response.
"I decided to cook today since you always cook for us and handle my meals even though that's supposed to be my responsibility," you explain quietly. With a small pause, you realize how the air in the office turned awkward, making you explain yourself further. "W-well I technically didn't really cook much; I only made the rice, cut up some vegetables, cooked it together with some meat, and arranged it. It really isn't much compared to what you do, but I just wanted to return the favor after everything you've done for me," you ramble quickly before realizing that you just made the situation even more awkward. In an instant, you try to hide your face and clear your throat. "W-we don't have to eat it if you don't-" you shyly start again before Artem cuts you off.
"You cooked for me?" Artem whispers, his tone reflecting his touched and confused feelings. You nod again at Artem before you hear his steps approach you. The load in your hands seem to lighten, and you see one of the lunch boxes you packed in Artem's hand. "Let's just eat here then," he softly offers, a small smile on his face. You nod with a smile on your face, feeling slightly relieved that he accepted your gift. After unwrapping and reheating the food, you two are seated on the couch and eating the meal you prepared. However, there's a slight problem: you messed up the seasoning; you only realize it after you take a bite and realize how bland the meal is. Sadly, Artem already had a couple bites while reading the document on his tablet, making you cringe at your mistake. You can only await his comments about the food, making you try to distract yourself by reading a document for the case.
An awkward silence lands over you as you nervously scan through the lines of the document. Although you feel like you need to break the silence, you know that it would still be too awkward for you. The most you could do was to shovel your bland stir-fry into your mouth and to cry internally about forgetting to season your own food. Seriously, how do you forget to season vegetables and meat? While you're mentally kicking yourself about this, you manage to not hear Artem trying to call your attention to the point that he needs to tap you on the head. When you realize what just happened, your cheeks burn red from embarrassment. Trying to compose yourself, you look up to see Artem staring at you blankly.
"W-what is it? D-did you f-find anything?" you stutter out, making you internally scream at yourself again. At the worst possible moment, your tongue slips on the syllables of your words, and you can only hope that Artem notices your nervousness.
"Not yet," he answers softly, "but you have been awfully quiet. Is everything okay?" Of course, he would notice; the top attorney of Stellis would definitely notice any abnormal behavior out of his partner.
You only sigh in defeat before you admit your mistake: "I forgot to season the food, so I just gave you bland food." You want to bury yourself into the ground, so your embarrassment can disappear. However, Artem's reaction catches you slightly off guard.
"The food was fine," Artem responds in an attempt to ease your feelings. "Yes, it was bland, but that's an easy fix compared to cooking it incorrectly." While honest with your cooking, you can't help but feel him picking at his words to not offend you. Because of this, you still feel upset about your lack of memory and don't notice him watching your face twist at your cringe. He carefully sets down the empty container and gently places his hand over yours. Not expecting his warm hands on yours, the blood suddenly rises in your cheeks, and your heart pounds against your chest. "Bland food is better than burnt food. I'm just glad that someone even tried to cook for me, alright?" Artem comforts you as his fingertips slightly press into your skin. You can only nod at him and not make eye contact, slightly relieved by his reaction.
"Next time, I'll make you something better then!" you promise out loud, finally making eye contact with him. With a bright smile on your face, his eyes widen in shock before a moment before returning your smile. His hand squeezes yours for a moment before letting go and turning his body towards you.
"Maybe you should try to cook when we're not overloaded with a case. I know you forgot to add the seasoning because you didn't get enough sleep last night," Artem reasons, patting your head. In shock, you stare at him, trying to piece together how he figured it out.
When you get stuck, you finally ask, "How did you know that?" Your eyes try to blink the tiredness away from your eyes as he stares at you with a smile on his lips.
"I know the work we have to do, and we're partners. Do you really think I wouldn't be able to figure out that you didn't sleep enough after seeing you get more coffee?" he asks. Trying to figure out how he knew you grabbed more coffee for yourself, he awkwardly clears his throat to cut off any questions you have, "I mean, you rarely get coffee around noon since I tell you that I'm going to order lunch soon." Understanding his logic, your cheeks grow red from embarrassment as he seems to read you like a book. Hiding your hands in your face, you hear Artem move off of the couch for a moment and walk to somewhere near his desk. You look over at him as he searches for something in his closet.
"Do you need any help looking for something?" you ask cautiously before standing up. You are about to walk over to him when he finally pulls out a folded blanket from the closet. Glancing over at you, he shoots you a small smile before closing the door and walking towards you.
"Lay down," he tells you, and you can only warily relax your body on the couch. He sits down beside you before unfolding the blanket and covering your body, adjusting the edges of the blanket to cover the entirety of your back and shoulders. "Take a rest. I have energy because of your food, but you must be exhausted from cooking in the morning," Artem quietly explains as he carefully tucks a pillow underneath your head. Before you can protest that two minds are better than one in the new case, he cuts you off, "Not having enough sleep will impede your logic and thinking. It's best if you sleep and let your mind process it for a bit." While you acknowledge that his explanation makes sense, you can't help but feel like you're not doing your part of the work for the case.
"But I want to finish another part before I rest," you complain quietly, almost feeling your lips pout. Although you want to keep working, your body feels warm under the blanket, slowly lulling you to sleep. "I should at least finish reading the document," you mutter out as you curl up under the blanket. Within another minute or two, your mind already eases your thoughts into silence, and you're sleeping soundly with the blanket covering half of your face. When you stop talking, Artem glances over to see you sleeping peacefully like a child and chuckles at you. His hand carefully brushes your hair away from your face, and his voice quietly mutters something.
"Thank you for today. Sleep well."
Okay, I'll admit that this one is really sweet. I swear someone is going to get diabetes from reading these sort of things lol. Anyways, I hope you liked this one! I know that this isn't exclusive to Artem's birthday, but I still wanted to write something sweet because it is his birthday. Anyways, I hope to see you in the next one!
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iceysghost · 2 years
gold for artem?
GOLD 》 luxury, prestige, elegance
◇ He gives you a new set of glittering jewelry.
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Artem Wing x Female! Reader
Word Count: 819 words
Trigger/Content Warning: kissing
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“Your tieclip, it’s so pretty.”
A quiet whisper, only five words; a whisper enough to make his heart beat quicker. Your hand tugged on his tie while you sat on top of him.
Comfort lied in how the law firm, often busy and unrelenting, was now quiet. It was a safe space, his lap, in his office, the two of you alone in the building as the city lights shone through the glass.
ARTEM, leaning into his office chair, gripped your cheek. 
“It's the same as your cufflinks, isn’t it? They look like your eyes.”
“Do you think so?”
“Mhm. Or, it can go the other way. Your eyes look like sapphires.”
“You think my eyes look like sapphires?”
He proved your point further as his albeit tired eyes seemed to light up. You could see so much in them: the bright sky, the night sky, the deep sea. Once a glimmer hit them, you saw the fluffy clouds, the twinkling stars, and the way the moon’s reflection bounces off the calm waves. You saw the world in his eyes, your world, your future.
“Yeah, I do think so. Your eyes are beautiful.”
“Never as beautiful as yours.” he hummed.
You pulled his tie. He focused so much on the sensation of his tie being pulled that he didn’t notice your face moving closer to his.
You gave him a gentle, simple kiss. He wanted more, more of you, and ran his tongue over your lips. And who were you to refuse?
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His office is messier now, you thought, as you walked around, looking for one of your files, waiting for Artem to get back from lunch. You tidied it up a bit, cleaned the empty coffee cups, took out the trash, putting stuff into its respective drawers....
A box caught your eye. It didn’t seem to belong in an office. Covered in black velvet, almost flat—
“[Name], you’re here.”
Your head snapped back at him and you shut the drawer with a loud boom. 
“Ah, Artem!’ you exclaimed.
He brisked towards you.
“Something wrong?”
“No, nothing!”
Your eyes flit to the drawer. What would happen if he found out you were looking through his stuff?
“Ah...” he sighed, “it seems you’ve found it.”
“Found it? what do you mean?” you smiled awkwardly.
He bent down and opened the drawer. The black velvet box was now in the palm of his hand.
“I was planning on giving this later, but I guess now wouldn’t be too bad.”
He opened the box to reveal a glittering, gold necklace. A deep, blue sapphire pendant sat in the middle. His eyes, it looks like his eyes.
“I suppose you’re thinking it looks like my eyes, yes?”
The events of last week flashed through your mind. His eyes, like the sky, the sea, and his lips as soft as pillows.
“Is that why you—?”
“I thought, maybe, if you really felt like my eyes looked like sapphires, maybe you could carry a piece of me with you.”
You looked up at him. This necklace was beautiful, so beautiful, but nothing beat the smile in his real eyes, the pink of his cheeks, and the way the parts of his face sat perfectly together to make his classic, slightly flustered face.
“Artem, you...”
You touched the pendant. It ran smoothly over your finger.
“Thank you.”
“Would you like me to put it on for you?”
You agreed and turned around. the necklace was cold, but as you glanced at it, it looked and felt as if it fit perfectly on you.
His fingers grazed your nape, making the hairs on it stand up, and even more so when his lips graced your skin.
“Artem, this is the office, they’ll see...”
One firm hand on your waist, the other on your shoulder, he kissed your nape and sucked on it lightly. You had to cover your mouth to stifle a moan. The necklace was the last thing on your mind. Since when was he so needy, so clingy, that even in the office he’d do such things?
Knock knock. You froze.
“Who is it?” he asked calmly.
“Celestine here, lunch break’s over. Here’re the files.”
You frantically pulled away from him. He walked over to Celestine at the door and received the files. You sighed in relief, as she didn’t seem to pick up on anything, until right before she stepped out of the door...
“[Name], care to help me handle one of my clients?” she looked at you.
“Ah, sure!”
You looked back at Artem. He stared with a look of confusion.
You followed Celestine outside. The moment the door shut she held the both of your shoulders and shook you violently.
“Nice necklace you’ve got there.”
She let go and walked off.
“But what about the—”
“There is no client, [Name]. Just wanted to tell you how nice that looks on you!”
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All works belong to @iceysghost on Tumblr. Reblogs and shares are allowed. Do not repost on other social media platforms without permission. Do not reproduce or plagiarize any part of my works in any shape or form.
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totromanticfool · 2 years
Hey, hello & hi! I'm back to make hc request again haha. How do u think would Artem, Vyn and Marius(or just vyn and Artem, doesnt matter) react if their s/o who loves to Draw drew them? Have a good day and thank you!
Thank you for another fun request, JuJu! I am really sorry it took me this long to fullfill it, but I hope you like it nontheless!
This piece had been sitting in my computer half complete for much longer than I would have liked, but it is finally finished! Thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs on my previous works.
Being your muse In these little ficlets, the ToT boys mentioned and you, the reader, are already dating. Enjoy the fluff! Order: Marius – Artem - Vyn 
Marius: When the artist became the muse.  
You met at an art exhibit, so Marius knew you were some kind of artist, like him. 
You put ''art time'' in your routine every so often, just to satisfy those creative urges. 
Marius was the painter and you were the drawer. It made a perfect combo, where Marius created the most stunning paintings from your excellent sketches.  
Both your houses hung full of those paintings. 
There was one thing you wanted to draw more than anything; him. But as an artist himself, you were afraid your sketch would never do him justice, until now. 
You were both in his office, him going over some paperwork and you lazily scrolling on your phone, waiting for him to finish work so you could go to dinner. When you glanced at him, the late afternoon sun glowed around him, softening his features. The artist in you almost jumped out of your chest, a picture perfect.  
Today was as good a day as ever to reveal your need to draw him. You knew Marius kept supplies in his office for the both of you, making art as a calming past time between you. 
Not wanting to disturb him, you tiptoed to the cabinet, carefully opening it. But as perceptive as always, Marius noticed you eyeing the supplies instantly. ''What are you doing, Miss?'' 
His question didn’t stop you from grabbing some lightweight paper and pencils, reclaiming your place at the table before answering. ''Starting my art time.'' You smiled, and you could see his face falter. ''Ah miss, why don't you wait for me to finish this? '' A pout formed on his beautiful face.  
''I don't want to wait. Just continue your work, you will see mine later.'' You showed a mischievous smile. He could only mumble a not fair, before his phone rang, beckoning him back to work. 
After a long silence, both of you focused on your own work, Marius noticed your gaze flickering back and forth between him and your paper. When he was done signing some documents, he patted over to you slowly, not wanting to disturb you. ''Babe, can I see?'' His curiosity made him giddy, almost jumping in his step. 
''Almost.'' You finished a line and looked at your work, judging if it was good enough to show. Before you could decide, Marius was already standing behind you, looking over your shoulder. When you heard a gasp escape his lips, you froze. You were afraid of this; that he wouldn't like it. But you turned around anyway, ready to explain your thoughts.  
Marius looked at you with an unfamiliar spark in his eyes, a big smile adorning his lips. A second of silence later, Marius dared to speak. ''You... you drew... me?'' He stumbled over his words, but admiration flowed from them. Your own smile grew bigger, realising he actually liked the drawing. You held up your sketchbook for him to see what you drew clearly. 
''Yes. You, being at work with that afternoon sun behind you, it was so pretty.'' You explained. Before you could say anything else, Marius wrapped his arms around you for a tight hug. It might have been because he did not want to show his real emotions, but you didn’t mind; it was confirmation enough for you that he loved it. 
Artem: A priceless piece of art made his house feel like home. 
Artem never understood art, or the world around it.  
He tried to do his research, like always, but not having the feeling for it made it that much more difficult. 
He learned a lot from you, and he was glad he could understand your thrills and creative moments. 
In time, he started to notice at which moments you were feeling more artsy than others, and he would encourage you to take time to explore those moments. 
The first few times you were at Artem's place for dinner, you would scroll on your phone, sitting at the kitchen table while he cooked the most amazing meals. When you two started getting closer, he noticed your drawing talents, finding books full of sketches around your house. From that moment on you felt comfortable enough to put time in your talent while he used his in the kitchen. 
This evening was no different. The sketchpad Artem bought you last week was laying in front of you, the page blank; there was no inspiration at the moment. When your boyfriend retreated from his home office to start meal preparations, wrapping the adorable apron around his torso, a flash of creativity coursed through you. 
Every so often Artem would look at you over his shoulder, a smile adorning his lips seeing you focused on your art. The whole scene you were in felt very homey, making him blush.  
The colour on his cheeks made your drawing even better; capturing him in his element with crimson adorning his face was wat you were going for. When you added the blush to your sketch, you felt it was done, looking at your model a few times to make sure. 
Artem finished making dinner, turning around from the stove with a pan, ready to put it on the kitchen table. The moment he turned around; he saw a content smile on your face. He put the pan down quickly, and aimed his eyes on you with curiosity. ''I can see you made something you are proud of. Can I look?'' 
Even though you were nervous you might have to show him at first, his gentle voice made it easier. He was genuinely curious, which made your heart jump a bit. You regained yourself and smelled the aromas of his food preparations. ''After your amazing dinner, deal?'' You smiled at him while closing the pad. He nodded. ''Deal.'' 
Once dinner was finished you started to get nervous again. You knew Artem would never judge you on your art, but him being the object of your latest work, you didn't know what that would do to him; he never liked being in the spotlight. To stall your moment of reveal, you started cleaning the table and filling the dishwasher. 
Fortunately for you, your boyfriend knew better than to push you in showing your work, but he needed to let you know it was okay. ''You don't have to show it, you know. I am just glad you found your vibe again.'' He smiled at you.  
He guided you to the couch, gently cradling you in his arms. He turned on the tv and you were both ready to watch some unknown movie while enjoying each other's close company. Half way through the movie not only your nerves but your curiosity spiked; you actually wanted to know what Artem thought of your drawing.  
Not wasting any time, you jumped off the couch and grabbed your pad. When Artem saw what you were going for, he paused the movie; a smile splayed on his lips.  
You returned at his side rather quickly. ''I hope you like it.'' You opened the pad to the correct page and gave it to him. The moment Artem's eyes focused on the paper, his heart grew. It was him in that silly apron, standing by the stove while looking over his shoulder at you. The blush adorning his cheeks made the sketch even more realistic and beautiful.  
The fact you drew him with such care and detail, made him fall for you even more. He put the pad on the coffee table, words lost on him. After a few seconds of silence, in which you started chewing your bottom lip in anxiety, Artem turned to you.  You had no time to react, for he pulled you in his arms tightly.  
''Thank you, I love it.'' He whispered. You found yourself melting in to his embrace, your nerves all but forgotten.  
Vyn: His beauty mark never looked so natural. 
Vyn admired certain types of art, especially sculptures.  
He didn't dedicate much time to visit exhibits, but when you came around, he was more than happy to accompany you. 
Whenever Vyn noticed you were in an artsy mood, he would put on classical music.  
He realised very early on in your relationship that the music made you relax, while putting your time and effort in your artwork.  
Sunday afternoons were reserved for leisure. Sitting in the garden sipping tea, or lounging in the living room with a book. It was time for both of you to destress, enjoy time together and energize for the coming week. 
This Sunday Vyn invited you into the garden, a floral tea set ready next to his garden materials. Vyn felt you were in your art mood again, so he made preparations for you to occupy the lounge set while he gave some much needed attention to his flowers.  
 ''My love, I apologise, it seems my flowers need urgent tending. Please forgive me.'' He lowered his head when both of you entered his garden. 
''Don't worry Vyn, I like spending time together, even if it's doing different things.'' Your warm smile made his heart skip a beat. Your ability to see the beauty in his missteps made him let go of his worries once again.  
''Thank you, love. Then please indulge me.'' He motioned to the new sketchbook and pencils, placed neatly on the table. Surprise written on your face, you let out a small gasp. Before you could mutter random words, Vyn speaks. ''I noticed you ran out of paper yesterday, while you were in your art vibe, as you like to call it.'' He took a deep breath before continuing. ''It pained me to see you weren't able to continue, and thus I made it my mission to give you more art time, with the proper tools. ''  
Your voice was barely a whisper, your heart tugged at the utter sweet gesture. ''Thank you, Vyn.'' The only thing you could think of was getting a closer look at your new supplies. After giving Vyn a chaste kiss on his cheek, you bounced up to the table and took a seat behind it. Your eyes were gleaming the moment you ran your fingertips over the book's cover. 
Recovering from your burst of intimacy, Vyn approached you. ''This must mean you like it?'' He asked. Vyn knew you did, but he was always hesitant when it came to your art and your dedication to it. He never wanted to push you, or buy the wrong supplies, you were more than sufficient in that yourself. ''I love it.'' You reply.  
''Then let me leave you to it. '' He smiled, his golden eyes smouldering in the afternoon sun. He returned your kiss with one of his own on your forehead and turned on the remote music box. Notes of Beethoven filled the garden, cascading both of you in the relaxed atmosphere you always find yourself in with this kind of music. 
While Vyn prepared himself with his gloves and other materials, you cautiously opened the sketchbook, deciding on which pencil to use. The truth was, your ‘artsy vibe’ was long gone after last night's running out of paper. You didn't have the heart to tell Vyn, even though you had a feeling he knew already. That man could see right through you, and you expected nothing less from the greatest psychiatrist of Stellis. 
Looking at your boyfriend on his knees next to the blooming rosebushes, your vibe started to return to you. Before this day you never wanted to draw him, your sketch wouldn't be as beautiful as the man himself. But seeing him humbly tending to his precious flowers, your pencil holding hand started gliding over the paper without a second thought. 
The afternoon went by quietly, until the last rays of the sun dimmed and the only light came from the moon. A cold breeze shook you out of your trance, and you decided it was time to go inside and prepare dinner. You notified Vyn, and he agreed.  
''May I see it now?'' Curiosity got the best of him. ''After you wash up.'' you scolded him, and gently pushed him towards the kitchen sink. By the time he cleaned his hands and arms, you placed the book on the table, ready for him to see. When he turned around and gazed at the paper, a version of himself greeted him warmly. 
''It's...'' Vyn rarely found himself lost for words, but the sketch was beyond beautiful. He noted the beauty mark on his collar did not get lost in your observation. The way you portrayed him felt pure and natural; it made him smile tenderly. 
Regaining his composure, he walked over to your side of the table. His arms wrapped around your waist for a tight embrace. ''It is very beautiful. Thank you, my love.''  
I hope you all like it! on to the next ask.
See you in the next drabble!
Love, Hann ❤
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exhausted-impact · 1 year
Event Task: Countdown
Happy New Year in advance, everyone! (And apologies for the format! Mobile posting between family things 😆)
When flowers lit up the night sky, Luke and Rosa jumped on his bed as high as they could.
"Happy New Year!" They cheered as Peanut watched from his perch. "Happy New Year! Haaaappyyy Newwww Yeaaarr!"
When they'd finally worn themselves out, the pair collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles, faces flushed.
"Please take care of me this year as well, dear Watson." Luke gave Rosa a quick peck on the nose.
"That goes without saying." She gently cupped his cheeks before giving them a light pinch. "And I know you'll have my back as well, my beloved Sherlock."
When the bells tolled twelve times near Stellis National Park, Vyn took Rosa's hand in his and kissed it.
"Happy New Year, my rose." His silver hair reflected the ever-changing colors of the sky. "May this year be kind to us as well."
"If not, then we'll make it be kind to us." Rosa smiled as she pulled him closer to her, his ever-graceful gait stumbling for a moment at the sudden action.
She quickly put her arms around his neck. "Remember, we're the ones who make our dreams reality, right?"
"So I've been shown time and again." Vyn couldn't help but chuckle. "We have chosen each other as our happiness, affer all."
When cheers of "Happy New Year!" rang out across the city, Marius and Rosa stepped out onto the balcony and clinked their glasses together.
"Here's to a brand new year, Miss!" His eyes sparkled with good cheer. "Let's go on more adventures together, just you and I!"
"Just us, huh?" She shot him a smirk, feeling particularly mischievous. Time for payback. "What sort of adventures do you have in mind?"
"You know...this and that!" Marius knew what Rosa was up to. Oh, two could play at this game. "Trips, mostly...unless Miss was thinking of something else...?"
"Marius! Von! Hagen!"
"Five...four...three...two...one...Happy New Year!"
When the voice over the loudspeaker announced the arrival of the new year, Artem and Rosa shared their first kiss of the year at Celebration Plaza.
"Happy New Year." He murmured as they came up for air, his tender gaze taking in every inch of her face. "I hope to grow together with you this year as well."
"I'd like that, Artem." Rosa pulled him in until their foreheads were touching. "We'll walk together every step of the way."
No more words were said for a while after that as the two held each other, the sky blooming brightly behind the two as if to bless them.
Special shoutouts to some of the people who've made my 2022 a little bit better, a little bit brighter 😄
@actualbird @babylulururu @surely-galena @samsspambox @rexonalapis
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lxvebun · 2 years
heart-shaped kisses. Artem Wing
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request: hi im not sure if you take TOT request yet but if you do could you do your heart kisses thing with artem?
buns notes: thank you for requesting angel! And for being my first tears of themis request! I hope you like this!
content: Artem x gender neutral reader. Fluff. Around 350 words. Kissing of course. English is not my first language. Not entirely proofread.
♡dark blogs(consumers and creators), k!nk and ed blogs do not interact
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Kisses with Artem are always incredibly soft and sweet. They usually lasts for only a few seconds but during that brief time, you can feel the love and adoration he has for you flow into the kiss and linger on your lips after he breaks it. He doesn't have a preference for where to kiss you, he will take anything you offer and are comfortable with. However, he really enjoys it when you kiss his cheeks. He doesn't say this, but you can see it in the deep blush that covers his cheeks almost immediately and the way he shyly looks to the side while fixing his tie. At this point, because he is still a little awkward with directly telling you what he wants, you just measure how much Artem enjoys different types of affection by looking at how much and how quickly he blushes. As of now you noticed that his top three are cheek kisses first, neck kisses second and normal kisses on the lips third. Artem knows of that list, you showed it to him to make sure you were right and not overstepping any boundaries. He found it very heart warming that you were willing to learn his body language to figure out what he’s comfortable with when he has a hard time saying it out loud. Though looking at your list, he realizes you have missed one. It's understandable you haven't caught it yet, it rarely happens and you don't stay around for long to see his reaction to it. That quick goodbye kiss that you share before you sprint out the door on your way to work, when you grab his tie and gently pull him to your height for a soft quick goodbye kiss, makes his head fuzzy for the rest of the day and the blush permanently stain his cheeks. gosh even thinking about it makes him flustered. Though part of him would like to tell you because it means he’ll receive more of those kisses,The other part of him isn’t looking forward to getting teased by Celestine even more than she already does. He’ll just have to wait until you catch his reaction to it yourself, unable to decide if he wants that to happen soon or later.
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Thank you for reading bunnies!<3
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satorugojooo · 2 years
If you're ok with it, could you do tears of themis (artem specifically) calming down mc after she had a panic attack? I just got over my second one today and i just want to be taken care of
A/n: Aww I hope that your feeling fine now :( please rest and get well soon!! Thank you for requesting, artem is literally my favorite ToT character and I'm so glad to write for him, I hope this will help you as much as possible!
Pairings: Artem x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of panic attacks, but mostly fluff
You tried your best to stay calm, but in situations like these it seemed that nothing could calm you. You saw some minutes ago that an accident occurred at your parent's workplace and you were very worried for them.
Even if you were a part of the NXX investigation team you weren't as worried for yourself as for those around you.
While you kept calling your parents with no answer, the door from Artem's office at themis opened.
As artem turned to look at you and saw your condition, he rushed to your side enveloping you in a hug.
You buried your head in his shoulder while he caressed your back.
"It's okay Y/N, try to calm down... I don't know what happened but I'm here for you." Artem whispered softly and you looked at him trying to breath.
"M-my parents..." you tried to say but he looked at your phone and saw the news you were looking at. His face became serious as he looked at you.
"Did you call them?" he asked and you nodded.
"They won't answer... Well they usually can't answer my calls because of the project they are in, but I'm still worried for them..." you confessed and he looked at you.
"It's alright to be worried for those that you love, but try to calm down, in this condition your just harming yourself, we will keep calling them till we hear that they are good okay?" he said softly as he nuzzled his face in your hair.
You nodded embracing him tightly. After calming down, Artem took you to his office so you could rest without anyone watching you.
As you looked on your phone you saw a message from your mother.
'Sweetie me and your dad are currently busy working but I'll call you once I'm free okay?'
As you read everything you smiled. Artem was currently busy doing some paperwork so you went behind him and hugged him from behind. He left out a little gasp in surprise but then placed his hand on top of yours that was enveloped around his shoulders.
"How are you feeling Y/N?" he asked and you smiled.
"I'm doing way better, they are okay actually, thank you for being here when I needed it the most Artem!" you said and he smiled.
"Why of course Y/N, I will be always here for you." he said as he pulled you on his lap while he hugged you.
"Thank you." you said and he touched his forehead to yours.
"Oh by the way, do you have any plans after work?" Artem asked and you looked at him surprised.
"No... Why are you asking?" you said and he smiled.
"Uh actually mother wished to have dinner with you as well so I was wondering if you could come to my place." he said and you smiled.
"you know already that you don't even have to ask me, of course I want to have dinner with you and auntie~" (from what I know that's the way Mc calls Artem's mom from his second personal story SSR card!) you said as he smiled at you.
"Okay then well leave after work together to pick her up and then head to my home." he said while he kissed your cheek and you smiled.
"That's fine by me!" you said giggling.
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rinstrumental · 2 years
assigning lover tracks to the tot boys
luke pearce - the archer / paper rings / daylight
marius von hagen - i think he knows / cruel summer
vyn richter - false god / afterglow
artem wing - lover / cornelia street
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byeol-ssi · 2 years
HHI CAN I REQUEST NUMBER 8. yu, they/them (however feminine connotation/afab is completely fine in my book if that helps 👍) 🥹🥹❤️ i love your work sm and i can't wait to see more of u in the future
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✦ SAVE THE DATE ♡ for @dimayeon
✦ artem wing | tears of themis
✦ tags: camping trip, stargazing, established relationship
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"it's so ... peaceful. thank you so much for bringing me here."
ARTEM smiles, wrapping his arms around you tighter as you sat in between his knees, the bottom of his chin going to the top of your head. 
the mountains rose on the horizon, their base softened by a pine blanket. the lit campfire appeared to echo the starlight hanging in the heavens, and he gazes upon your face, toasted warm, at ease, and completely enchanted, instead of the constellations above.
"you've been working tirelessly, so you deserve this." the woods were never silent — though it is quieter than any street in stellis, for sure — and the words that artem speaks, earnest and true, make their way straight into your heart.
"you needed a break too." you tilt your head to look up at him, eyes dancing and filled with vast galaxies and moons. "but i'm happier because you're here with me." 
he chuckles low into the top of your head, but before he's able to voice out that he feels the same way, your eyes slide from his to the sky, widening in surprise. patting his arm, you exclaim, "artem, look! shooting stars!"
"we should make a wish," you propose hurriedly, closing your eyes and clasping your hands together. 
sure enough, an ensemble of stars takes to the midnight stage — graceful and balletic. they cut through the night in a brilliant streak of light, leaving glittering particles in their wake, and both of you in complete awe.
nothing would ever be more enchanting than you. and although the stars were indeed breathtaking in their transient beauty and performance, this moment — you — were something to savor. 
artem keeps his gaze on you though, even if they were previously bound to the sky.
he simply couldn't help it. he could never look away for too long. 
still, artem makes his wish. stardust encases the silent plea he sends to the heavens that even the stars, the planets, and all celestial objects, swoon in unison. 
please, let me stay here. like this. beside them. forever.
✦ byeol’s notes: aaa, in celebration of our new friendship, this is for you, my love! i can't wait to gush over more characters with you in the future. thank you for your love and support.
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✦ link to the event directory!
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kazumist · 1 year
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✩ — includes: nxx men x gn!reader. reader is not rosa. fluff <3. no cws. wc: 589. please reblog !! it would help a real lot. jinghe = marius, xia yan = luke, mo yi = vyn, zuo ran = artem (just to avoid confusion!).
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lu jinghe — !
the times where he would endlessly tease you until no end, the smirk that you oh so wanted to wipe off of his face still stitched onto his features as his confidence was very much loud between the two of you. loving lu jinghe can be quite messy. the times where you’d stay in his studio watching him paint and you hadn’t realized that you dozed off until he shook your shoulders to wake you up. or the times where you’d get mad at his idiotic teasing as he continuously apologized to you.
although loving him can be messy, it can also be nice and caring. the small moments where he would softly smile at you while you two were on a small date in a dessert shop, you could already sense the love he holds for you through that small glint in his eyes if you stared back at him.
xia yan — !
sweet as candy and as affectionate as he can be. that’s how he loves you; you’d never leave his mind if you two were far from each other. he’d try to spend a lot of time with you; who wouldn’t want so many memorable moments with their beloved? the little instances where you would randomly bump into each other on the street and soon spend the rest of your time together, whether it was just watching films with cuddles or just playing around in xia yan’s antique shop.
sweet, is how you would describe what loving xia yan feels like. the excitement in your chest when you see him means that you know that you will have a great time with him again today. but there will also be a few butterflies in your stomach as he makes you blush, but he blushes harder than you.
mo yi — !
as much as he enjoys music, loving mo yi is like playing the same track over and over again. it’s a never ending feeling of joy and fondness you hold for each other. even if you replayed this track, you still wouldn’t get tired of it. no matter how much you two bond over music, it doesn’t matter because your favorite track will still be his expression of appreciation for you. 
the track containing his soft words of confession towards you—how could you get tired of it? it’d make your heart flutter every time. although most flowers would wilt, you, being his rose in his heart, would never dwindle, for he would cherish it with the utmost care and love it more than anything. the rose in his heart could never wilt like other flowers, could it?
zuo ran — !
a balloon making it’s way up in the air before slowly popping. it’s how zuo ran’s heart would explode every time he was with you. he wonders how a person like you could be with him, but he isn’t complaining. he’s quite grateful that he’s got someone like you with him. the blush creeping up to his cheeks as you fix his tie because it was messy while the two of you are alone at his office is something that he can’t quite control as he tries to regain his composure and stop himself from stuttering.
loving zuo ran would be a nice feeling. a bit cliché during some moments, but overall, it’s just a nice feeling to have. delicate feelings in each other’s hands, his being with yours, and vice versa. it was fragile—this was fragile. but hey, there’s a first time for everything, right?
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tahdashi · 2 years
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✦ ft: the tot boys x gn!reader
✦ a/n: the 2nd anniversary cards have taken over my life >:(
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✦ ARTEM can be shy with kisses, only kissing your forehead or lips sparingly when in public, but when it's just the two of you in the comfort of your shared apartment, artem indulges a bit more. on nights when he's finishing some work up in the living room, his feet propped up on the coffee table, he'll play with your hand as you lean into him, taking in the scent of his freshly washed hair and eucalyptus body wash. and even in moments of deep focus, artem will bring your palm to his lips, leave a few kisses to the skin, and trail his lips up to your wrist and forearm. and although his actions are a bit mindless, you can't help but feel warmth rush to your cheeks — his casual affection catches you by surprise. and when artem's feeling a bit more spontaneous, he'll snake his hands around your waist, pulling you into his chest before placing several kisses to your jaw and behind your ear.
✦ MARIUS finds himself being drawn to you the second you're in his line of vision. whether you're preparing something in the kitchen, or working at your desk, you'll feel marius' fingers dance across your waist before feeling his breath linger on your skin. he starts with a whisper, usually a "missed you," even though he's been with you all day. he'll hover his lips over the shell of your ear, placing a quiet, featherlight kiss behind it before moving towards your neck — his haven. and sometimes, marius will do it casually, telling you about his day as he places kisses to the skin of your neck as punctuation. he can't get enough of your scent, your warmth, the way you adjust to give him more room to kiss your collarbones. his plum-colored hair tickles your skin, and he revels in the sound of your laughter.
✦ LUKE has a habit of kissing you as a distraction. the second he sees a wrinkle form between your brows, he's turning your face towards his ever so gently, flashing a soft smile with earnest eyes that look as if honey is dripping from them. and maybe, luke needed this kiss, too. you're both smiling into it, your hands always end up in his soft locks. his favorite kisses, though, are when you two are being lazy on the couch — a movie's playing in the background, but neither of you care enough to pay attention. somehow, you always end up on his lap, his fingers gripping your waist just enough to keep you in place. he jokes around a bit, telling you to pay attention to the movie, but he's looking straight at your lips. and when you make the first move, he's a goner. he kisses back lazily, his tongue meeting yours gently before pulling away to move to your jaw. when it comes to having his lips on your skin, luke pearce is insatiable.
✦ VYN always starts with an innocent kiss to the cheek, his lips linger for a quick second before he’s pulling away, smiling at you with sincerity and heart shaped pupils. but the innocence doesn’t last — he knows just how to make you melt for him. his kisses are intense, as if he’s pulling all the air out from your lungs, taking in all that you are. he pays attention to all your little movements — the quickening of your breath, the way your chest rises and falls, the way your fingers look for something to grasp onto. and he doesn’t stop until he hears those pretty sounds fall from your lips. you’re both gasping for air, looking at each other with something that looks like lust and love. he readjusts his clothes quickly, smoothing out the wrinkles from your roaming hands before he puts his glasses back on and swipes his thumb across your lower lip.
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feedback & reblogs are appreciated !!
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nagisadelune · 1 year
Headcanon: Artem With a Younger Sister
(Definitely not edited)
Okay. I know that officially Artem does not have any siblings (I think), but could you imagine how much sweetness there would be as the sibling of Mr. Wing, the youngest senior attorney in Stellis? Man, writing this one might make me think that I want to be his younger sister rather than a lover lol. Either way, I hope you enjoy this one!
For context, you're three years younger than Artem, so you're born in 2004. (Yeah guys. Artem was born in 2001 according to the timeline at the beginning of the game.) I'm also pulling your sibling relationship off of the Shirogane siblings in Kaguya-Sama, so there might be some parallels. (Please don't copyright me or get me in legal trouble ;-;)
(Spoiler warning because of Artem's third birthday card in the Chinese server)
The little girl waits by the door of the classroom, trying to see her parents in the sea of people. One by one, her classmates wave her good bye, and she slowly loses hope in getting picked up today. Suddenly, in the crowd, she spots a familiar hairstyle; the young boy is slightly sweating from running as he frantically weaves through the crowd, trying to find someone. Instantly, the little girl's eyes light up, and she runs towards him.
"Artie!" she calls, her arms up and ready for him to catch her. He turns towards her and immediately catches her, picking her up. She giggles at the brief feeling of weightlessness before clinging onto her brother.
"Hey there, you little ball of energy! Did you say good bye to your teacher yet?" he greets before carrying her against his hip. Hesitantly, she shakes her head no before he walks over to the teacher by the classroom door. Setting her down, he reminds her, "What do you say then?"
"Thank you! Have a nice day, teacher!" the little girl exclaims before bowing, her brother following suit. With a bright smile on her face, the teacher bows back before the two are off walking home. He grabs his little sister's hand tightly, making sure she wasn't about to run off towards a distraction.
"Were you worried about Mom and Dad not picking you up?" he asks carefully as the two started walking on the sidewalk. The little girl nods slowly and pouts, looking at her feet kicking at the cement. Knowing that she feels slightly upset about not getting picked up, he attempts to make it up to her, "It's okay, mei mei (A/N: Chinese for little sister). I'll make sure to pick you up after my classes end; how does that sound?" He takes a step in front of her before squatting down to see her eyes. Although she tries to hide her happiness, she continues to pout her lips, but Artem can see right through her and decides to play along. "Wow, my own mei mei doesn't even want her brother around," he fake cries. "I guess I'll walk by myself."
As he fakes trudging along the sidewalk, his little sister runs up beside him and grabs his hand before trying to defend herself, "I do want ge ge (A/N: Chinese for older brother), but Mom and Dad didn't say anything about you needing to pick me up." She immediately notices her brother's face light up when she clings back onto him, and they continue walking home.
Although they are three years apart, the two siblings are very close with Artem often caring a little too much for his sister. Because of their parents' busy schedules, Artem often takes care of her even when the caretaker is there, making him an overprotective brother and her own personal bodyguard.
"Mei mei, how was your lunch today?" Artem asks, changing the topic of their conversation. When they almost approach the steps of the front porch, he suddenly remembers a detail from this morning.
"It was good!" she answers happily, making Artem's lips curve into a warm smile. "I know you cooked it though; the mapo tofu wasn't as spicy as the way our caretaker makes it." Immediately, she catches him red-handed. Although his cooking is not the best, Artem decided to cook their lunch since the caretaker wasn't feeling their best. This ended up with Artem staying in the kitchen late at night to make sure his dishes tasted good enough for his beloved little sister.
"Well I'm glad you liked it, mei mei," he responds, patting her head softly. Approaching the front door, Artem takes his set of keys out to unlock the door where his sister twists the door knob to open it. Inside, their eyes meet with two familiar backs. "You're back?" Artem asks confused as the pair starts taking off their shoes before stepping in.
"Yeah, the university let us out early for spring break, and the caretaker should take a rest," their mom answers, peeking behind her. After a quick glance at the two children, her eyes return to her hands lightly scrubbing the vegetables under the running water.
Their father silently cuts the freshly washed vegetables before he speaks up, "You two should go get cleaned up; you must be tired from school, but you must still have homework to do." With a quick glance to see the two nodding, he continues his knifework. The two siblings begin walking past them as they slowly unwind in their home.
"Mei mei, do you want to shower first?" Artem asks her as he helps her unpack her backpack. She nods before rushing to the shower. He sighs at her childness before he begins to work.
And that's a wrap! This one is a bit shorter because of work and stuff, and I want to apologize for the bad quality; it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but what can I expect after being so busy, right? Maybe I'll come back to redo this idea or build the characters more or something. No matter how good or bad this was, I really hope that you enjoyed this one! I'll see you in the next one!
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iceysghost · 2 years
Hiii! Could I request a White for Artem? If you're still doing your colors of romance of course!
Thanks a bunch! 💕💕
WHITE 》 softness, purity, safety
◇ Bright light shines through the windows as you share an embrace under the pearly sheets.
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Artem Wing x Female! Reader
Word Count: 400 words (sorry if it's a bit short)
Trigger/Content Warning: mentions of nudity, kissing
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Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, incessantly ringing through your ears. As your senses became clearer, the sensation of his arms grasped around your nude figure made you coil up like a plant shuddering and closing from someone's touch.
ARTEM's naked chest was pushed against your back. His fingers were gripped onto your body, pressed against your waist, holding you in a tight embrace, your legs intertwined under the soft sheets.
He pulled away, rolling onto his other side, and turning off the annoying alarm. You tried to follow him, turning towards him, but the sun had risen already, and a ray of it came through the curtains and hit you perfectly in the eye.
You wince, rapidly turning back to your old position, shutting your blinded eyes in a stinging kind of pain. He pushes himself towards you again.
"We have work today…" you mumble.
"Ten more minutes, please."
He cuddles closer. Artem buries his head in your neck and kisses your skin. Over and over again, fleeting, ticklish kisses. Sweet kisses.
You attempt to turn towards him again, this time using your hand to shield your eyes from the sunlight. He welcomed you, holding you tightly, covering your eyes before leading your face straight in front of his.
You're greeted with half-lidded breathtaking blue eyes, eyes full of gentleness and a glint of giddiness too.
He leans closer, kissing your forehead, letting it linger. He whispers:
"You're gorgeous."
You can smell him, the faint scent of sandalwood from his perfume yesterday, the perfume he's worn for so long and will probably wear for months or years to come. You reach a hand out to his face, and wipe off a glistening bead of sweat about to fall from his hair.
He holds tighter, and kisses you on the lips. Soft, gentle, quick; it was enough to leave you breathless, a quiet gasp escaping your lips.
His face was a subtle shade of pink, a slight smile plastered on his lips. You smile back at him. Now that there was no alarm, you could hear the faintest of sounds, even his slow, steady breathing. You moved closer even further and placed your head on his chest.
Ba bump, ba bump, ba bump, went his beautiful heartbeat. The heartbeat that gave life to your beautiful husband was now thumping in your ear.
"I love you, Artem."
"I love you too, darling."
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All works belong to @iceysghost on Tumblr. Reblogs and shares are allowed. Do not repost on other social media platforms without permission. Do not reproduce or plagiarize any part of my works in any shape or form.
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artemelle · 3 years
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there’s a wide range of emotions one could assume artem wing was feeling just by looking at his hand, particularly the left one. a shiny gold band rests on his ring finger, catching the light during early morning meetings with celestine.
“thinking of yn again, artem?” celestine would tease, her gaze flicking to his left hand. artem’s thumb runs along the cool metal, the smallest hints of a smile playing on his lips and the brightest pink tinting his cheeks. he shakes his head, trying to rid himself of your memory, needing to focus on his work.
“are you alright, my love?” you would ask whenever you notice the way he twisted the ring on his finger. his eyes would meet yours, widening in confusion. was he just that obvious? still, he mumbles a no and takes your left hand. artem runs his thumb over your ring before pressing his lips to your knuckles, “i'm fine, now that you are with me.”
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from elle ! guess who’s back on the wedding rings agenda (it’s me) <3 read luke’s here <3 read marius’ here <3
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