1: What is the best compliment you've gotten on any of your works?
-Onetime I wrote a plot twist in a fic and everyone in the comments (a total of 4 people) were shocked beyond words. Best chapter ever.
2: Do you have readers that you recognize by name (even if they may not comment regularly)?
-4 or 5, yes. I read their works, they read mine. We kind of are each others' fans.
3: Do you have scheduled uploads and if so, when?
-No...not yet.
4: How long was the longest work you've written?
-My longest work was the third draft of my novel, at 44K words.
5: What is your go-to way to deal with writers block?
-Random prompts. Journaling. Watching videos/making posts about writing (procrastination?).
6: Do you have a motivational cycle? (As in phases in which you barely write and phases in which you write so much holy shit).
-Yes, they sort of come and go, months at a time, maybe a year.
7: How long are your uploads in regular?
-In my fanfics, I keep most chapters 1.2K to 1.5K. In my novel though, each chapter is 2K to 2.5K.
8: Do you look through any and all replies to your work? Why?
-Yes! I love to see people's opinions on my work and build on critique. I often get inspired from comments on my works.
9: What genre is your favorite to write?
-Action/Adventure, but I had a romance faze at some point and it wasn't all that bad. I am currently writing Sci-Fi adventure, which is very interesting.
10: Do you read and write similar stuff or are there differences?
-To some extent. The things I DON'T read and DON'T write are exactly the same though.
11: What kind of relationships do you like writing best? (Family, platonic, romantic, etc.)
-Platonic friend (preferably groups) but a romantic one pops in once in a while.
12: Do you write in your first language? Multiple languages? A secret, third option?
-I used to write poetry in my native language (Arabic), but my works and novel are in English.
13: How many WIPs do you have open?
-3 atm. 2 will probably be abandoned fics soon. That and 7 other stories I have in my inventory.
14: What POV do you write? First person, second person, third person?
-I'm honestly still trying to decide. My works are mostly in 3rd, but I'm experimenting with 1st.
15: What is the weirdest thing you had to look up for writing?
-... Wendigos. 5 Punishments of Ancient China. Number of people who drown yearly in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. etc.
16: What is something you didn't have to look up but is still weird to know?
-I couldn't get an answer by looking it up, but I had to conjure the symptoms and after effects of having your earlobe split open.
17: Could you or could you not successfully pull of a murder (at least in theory)?
-I will do the murder, but it won't be long before they figure me out.
18: Do you have a beta reader?
-No... not yet.
19: Do you edit your works?
-Of course. The more serious ones at least. small changes here and there sometimes.
20: Do you start on new ideas immediately or do you write them down until after you finish your current WIP?
-I write them down, but every time I think of a scene or concept in them, I write it quick.
21: How serious do you take your writing? Do you get money for it? Do you want to? Is it a hobby or a profession?
-It is not what I'm planning to have as a full-time job, but it is a nice hobby but I hope I can publish and get money from writing a series one day.
22: How often do you write fanfic? (From not at all to exclusively).
-I used to. Not that often anymore.
23: Is there a project you want to talk about?
-I am dying to explain this book of mine to someone, except that it is the third in a series of four and it is yet to be fully plotted. (It's called Ruins of Place, btw).
24: Do you stick to the same writing style or do you try out new things when you can?
-I find my writing style change after every fallout a little, and I feel it's improvement :).
25: Have you ever gotten hate and if so, how did you deal with it?
-My fanfics were in a small fandom, so really, no one complained much. As for my novel, it has yet to meet someone else's eyes.
26: Do you have a special writing process you have to follow every time you write?
27: How many people you know irl read what you're writing?
-None. They know I'm writing, but unless this book is finished no one shall see it (and don't even come at the fanfics.)
28: What would you say is your specialty in writing?
-Internal monologue and fight scenes. Sarcasm too, if it counts.
29: Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind?
-Sometimes, but not that often. A mix of anything that doesn't put me to sleep in the first 30 seconds.
30: What is, in your opinion, the greatest achievement that you have reached in writing?
-Finishing each draft is a great feeling. 10yo me might have not known it, but the 210 pages of a hand-written abominable story I wrote back then was the reason I got the idea to develop steadily.
Know yourself as a writer.
Writer ask game! (Both fanfic writers and non-fanfic writers)
1: What is the best compliment you've gotten on any of your works?
2: Do you have readers that you recognize by name (even if they may not comment regularly)?
3: Do you have scheduled uploads and if so, when?
4: How long was the longest work you've written?
5: What is your go-to way to deal with writers block?
6: Do you have a motivational cycle? (As in phases in which you barely write and phases in which you write so much holy shit)
7: How long are your uploads in regular?
8: Do you look through any and all replies to your work? Why?
9: What genre is your favourite to write?
10: Do you read and write similar stuff or are there differences?
11: What kind of relationships do you like writing best? (Family, platonic, romantic, etc.)
12: Do you write in your first language? Multiple languages? A secret, third option?
13: How many WIPs do you have open?
14: What POV do you write? First person, second person, third person?
15: What is the weirdest thing you had to look up for writing?
16: What is something you didn't have to look up but is still weird to know?
17: Could you or could you not successfully pull of a murder (at least in theory)?
18: Do you have a beta reader?
19: Do you edit your works?
20: Do you start on new ideas immediately or do you write them down until after you finish your current WIP?
21: How serious do you take your writing? Do you get money for it? Do you want to? Is it a hobby or a profession?
22: How often do you write fanfic? (From not at all to exclusively)
23: Is there a project you want to talk about?
24: Do you stick to the same writing style or do you try out new things when you can?
25: Have you ever gotten hate and if so, how did you deal with it?
26: Do you have a special writing process you have to follow every time you write?
27: How many people you know irl read what you're writing?
28: What would you say is your specialty in writing?
29: Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what kind?
30: What is, in your opinion, the greatest achievement that you have reached in writing?
Please don't feel pressured to answer anything you're not comfortable with!
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Trying this with my original main character, called EX for this, from my pending book.
How is their relationship with their family?- EX's relationship with their parents is pretty weak and distant. An unexplained conflict several years ago had EX staying somewhere else, and after a while, they just weren't angry anymore and decided to put all that behind. They still don't see their parents a lot as they live in a different state. EX has a strong relationship with their uncle though, whom they stayed with for the past few years.
What are their beliefs, if they have any?- Generally, I don't think EX is religious in anyway, or has certain beliefs when it come to God, but after the events of the book, EX started to believe in the essence of pure power and energy (of sorts) that is discussed in the book.
What is their motivation?- EX's general goal changes from wanting adventure and to see new things to keeping those they care about safe. Their urge for discovery is still there, but there always seems to be more pressing matters.
Who were they raised to be vs. who they became/are becoming?- EX, after uncovering some truths, feels like many people from their childhood wanted to keep them safe from their own powers by keeping them in the dark, knowing of EX's impulsive character. Now, they are growing into a calmer person, trying to focus on their degree and settle down (even if only for a while).
What are their plans for the future?- EX is starting their collage years in a kinesiology course. They plan on applying to a job as a combat expert in the future to continue being close to people they know- who work in similar fields. They think this is a good balance between having some thrill to their everyday lives while also not putting themselves, or others, in danger like before.
How do they feel about themselves and how does it affect their behavior?- Ex doesn't have major/constant issues with self-esteem or confidence. However, they sometimes go through ruts, in which they feel they aren't progressing, which affects their mood and interactions greatly since they are otherwise open and social.
How do they feel about things they cannot control?- EX is very short-tempered , and would take an aggressive approach when faced with things outside of their control. They still do now, except while grieving someone lately, they started to have a colder side that they turn towards such problems.
Why is this character the protagonist?- EX had simply been the key to victory at the beginning, but after a fallout with their abilities, even though they managed to bounce back, they are only a piece of the solution now. Their internal conflict and actions that drive the plot, though, are still stronger and more evident than other characters, even now that they all play their parts.
basic things you should know about your main characters
how is their relationship with their family
what are their beliefs, if they have any
what is their motivation (preferably something unrelated to their love interest/romantic feelings)
who were they raised to be vs. who they became/are becoming
what are their plans for the future, if they have any
how they feel about themselves and how it affects their behaviour
how do they feel about things they cannot control
and last but not least: Why is This Character the Protagonist??
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How people think story structure is:
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Vs. How it actually is:
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Three act story structure be damned, this is my outline.
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Rating books I got from the library:
Worst to best!
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Terlamane: Realm of the Gerits, Aysha Alnaqbi. -3/10
The concept is amazing, I loved the idea, but it was done really bad.
It sounds like how bread in water tastes.
Barely got through the prologue and Chapter 1.
Written like these Mary Sue OC inserts (Wattpad flashbacks).
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Legend, Marie Lu.
Was sort of mid-ish.
I had somewhat high expectations, but didn't really get emerged.
Not guaranteed to read the next book.
Not outwardly bad. Good writing.
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The Midnight Star, Marie Lu. -8/10.
Magiano and Adelina *Chef's Kiss*
I was crying for the last 30 pages straight.
The rest of the series is also fire.
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Momo/ The Grey Gentlemen, Michael Ende. -10/10
The book looked so innocent when I picked it up and I was tricked.
Idk what they call him in English (I read the Arabic version) but Gigi is my boy now.
Best decision I've ever made. Well done, Michael of 1973.
Next book list: The Revenge of Seven, Eragon, The Inn, Divergent.
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Look at it three dimensionally. For every scene, it can be helpful to note down the elements, say events and characters to start with. Write the events that happen in the scene on a chart (Or better, a timeline) then make one for each character in the scene, listing their emotion and/or their actions.
Might be kind of complicated for some people, even I only use when confused with a scene myself, but it can be useful when you can't get your thoughts straight.
what鈥檚 the best piece of plotting advice you鈥檝e ever been given?
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Descriptive Prompts #1
With the last hours of day, the light seemed to grow brighter, a jewel in the sky reaching out its arms for the world one last time. The waves splashed on the sand over and over, the tides erasing all traces of those who walked here. The ocean's end seemed as limitless as the hues of the clouds, half bathed in the final glow of today.
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Dialogue Prompt: Villain-Hero
'----, was it?'
'I know that he's dead, so you might as well stop denying it.'
'Who said I was?'
'Weird that you haven't brought it up, for someone who was there when it happened.'
'SO WHAT? He took my ---- so I ended him!'
Silence. Starring at each other. Studying. Fear.
'I know.'
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My channel is on YouTube at last!
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NOVEL: a聽fictitious聽prose聽narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of聽realism.
There are a lot of things that people do measure in novels (ex. word count, pages, etc.) to define their novel, but I do not think it is true. A novel can be any written thing that is the product of your imagination.
5k or 50k are both novels.
100 pages or 1000 pages are both novels.
1 character or dozens of them are both novels.
Comparing your work to others is definitely not the best way you should look into it. Despite its size or content, it's a novel.
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This is something that is messed up a lot between writers. The term 'hero' is often confused, misused and abused, and I think differentiating between your protagonist and hero can help a lot with your understanding of the characters and their roles. After all, they are a very important concept.
A HERO: is the character who does the valiant thing, or 'saves the day', in other words. The term 'hero' contrasts the term 'villain' as they are measures of a person's morality. A PROTAGONIST: is the character that the story's narrative follows, or the main character that is involved in the events of a story. The term 'protagonist' contrasts the term 'antagonist' as they are the actual roles you must assign the characters.
Ex. In the TV series 'Loki', Loki, at every point of the story, is the protagonist. An obstacle or person trying to stop his goals is the antagonist, regardless of their intentions.
However, at points where Loki's morality was dark, he was a villain, and when it wasn't, he was a hero. Other characters can also be classified as heroes or villains.
This can be an easy way to understand morally grey and/or faking characters. 'The hero is the villain.' can only mean someone pretending to be a hero is a villain. However, 'the protagonist is the villain.' means the story follows a villainous character.
The Protagonist is the main character. The Hero is the good person.
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Writer, by the English Dictionary: A person who has written something or who writes in a particular way. Author, by the English Dictionary: A writer of a book, article, or document.
This means it doesn't necessarily require you to be an author in order to be a writer. A writer is some one who writes and piece or passage in whatever way, on paper, into a platform, a one-shot, a fan fiction, All those also fall under the umbrella of a 'writer'. An author is usually a published writer, and a more formal word to refer to someone who wrote a book or article.
This is why it's the WRITING mechanic. Going to be honest, I am not a author myself.
All authors are writers, but not all writers are authors.
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Introduction Post:
Hiya! This is my blog for all the writing/reading related stuff I think of. I'll be posting prompts, writing advice/techniques, book critique and I can take requests.
If you do wonder, I am in the following fandoms:
Gormiti 2018.
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus.
Tangled the Series.
The Owl House.
Lego Monkie Kid.
Hazbin Hotel.
The Amazing Digital Circus.
Fluff, angst, Hurt/Comfort, anything BUT smut.
Dialogue prompts or scenario prompts are both fine with me. (The one thing I can't stand is one-word prompts).
I write Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Horror, Paranormal and other genres but I'm not really the biggest fan of or the best crime writer, so it's a little off my grid.
You can request advice or opinions as well.
I can handle some sensitive topics like trauma etc. but I will not go towards suicide.
Feel free to ask!
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