thedailystudy · 3 years
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june 19, 2021 • 11:47PM // hi!!!! i haven’t posted on this blog in literal eons - since over a year ago, in may 2020. i don’t know who’s still around but i guess i just wanted to share that i graduated!! here are some pics from when i went down to do my little walk :) i am now in possession of a bachelor’s degree from UCLA in political science and communications, summa cum laude (not literally it will be mailed) and am working on finding employment~* so i guess this blog’s name will change to the daily job search har har har. anyway, i’m trying really hard to be proud of myself and appreciate all the growth i’ve achieved over undergrad, both personal and professional and academic and everything in between + be grateful for all the people and friendships and experiences which have come my way + take some time to rest and have fun amidst this pandemaroni we still find ourselves in
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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may 5, 2020 • 4:42PM // here is a midterm update from me! ft. a photo of some nize flowers i saw on my quarantine walks + me from literal eons ago loungin outside my school’s lovely library
i am right in the thick of midterms, and it is a baaaad time. i’m finding it hard to stay focused with all that’s going on in the world and in my household, but you do what you can. i’m doing what i can. i finished a midterm yesterday night (literally at 11:58pm jesus christ) and i did another midterm the day before, and i’m feeling pretty good about both of those. i have a midterm paper due tomorrow and then a smaller paper due tuesday and then another midterm exam on thursday. my laptop charger has broken - as in, the cord has frayed to a string. i should’ve seen it coming and ordered a new one sooner or taped it up, but i’m a bit stubborn and lazy and cheap with this kind of thing. so my macbook is basically dead for now, until i can get a new charger, and i’m borrowing my dad’s tablet. i’m thinking it may be time to get a new laptop type thing - i’ve had my macbook since 2012 (?), so it’s been a good 8 years. it’d be nice to have something faster and lighter and, you know, new and shiny. we’ll see. i’ve had a fair few mental health breakdowns, just because this environment with my parents is not good for me, and i need to remember that my fingernails are for fun things like painting sweet colors on and scratching my cat and not mini knives for my less healthy coping mechanisms. in a couple weeks i’ll be moving back to LA, and i’m nervous for that whole drive and just being in the center of our cases in california, but i’m also just. so desperate to get away from my parents and so looking forward to it after being “home” that feels like shit since the middle of march.
there have been good things. the weird thing about this time is that a day can be great and awful and i’m not sure how it averages out. if i start the day content and peaceful and happy and end it in the absolute pits, was it overall “ok”? we’re figuring that out, too. so, my cat is a darling. she always is. i’ve been social distancing/isolating/quarantining (still unsure what the correct terminology is) with my bf, so it’s been nice to not be long distance for a bit. i got all my grades back from last quarter and i’m still hangin’ onto my 4.0. i’m really happy about getting an a+ in this one class everyone said was gonna be a nightmare. i applied for a supervisor position at my job and this girl, who’s in that position rn and is gonna be our tours coordinator next year, texted me to say she thought i should apply to it; she said she “admired my poise and intelligence” and thought i would be a great fit for the role. it’s nice to have people believe in you, you know? i’m learning how to take compliments more gracefully, and i’m also resolving to learn how to give them more freely and easily.
ok, this was a long and winding post. i just wanted to say hi into the void and send a vibe check out. hope you’re all well, or are gonna get there soon. i’ll meet you there.
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thedailystudy · 4 years
my quick tips for working / studying from home
- get dressed and style your hair as if you’re going to school/work - even use the same perfume/ cologne as you normally do  (trick your mind into being motivated)
- plan things out - everything (plan out your week, day, meal, etc. you can make these as specific as you’d like. this will help you stay on top of your work as well as stay healthy, especially if you live alone.)
- make studying/ working the first thing you do each day - best if you can start in the morning (minimize the tendency to procrastinate)
- just start - don’t worry too much about perfecting or finishing anything yet (if you don’t start then there’s nothing for you to perfect or get done. and it will never get done)
- listen to old and simple (aka non-distracting) podcasts, Youtube videos, or café/ chattering white-noise, etc. simply leave them as background noise to create an illusion of being outside your room (bring the presence of people to you. my favorites lately have been slam poems from 2016, Mae Martin’s stages, and Awsten Knight’s crackhead podcasts)
- set timers, for both study sessions and breaks (so that you don’t overwork, burn out, or procrastinate. the Pomodoro technique works great here)
- take advantage of the comfort of your own home (light a candle, have crunchy snacks, play loud music, review notes out loud while pacing around, wrap yourself in a blanket burrito, study on your bed if you can focus there like me, etc. basically anything you can’t do in a classroom, office, or the library)
- if you miss your friends, call/ text/ facetime them, make a study group chat with them, etc. (that is what technology is for)
- choose recreational activities/ self-care for your breaks instead of going on social media (go on walks, make small art, play an instrument, stretch, take a nap, etc. I usually reach for my guitar, brainstorm writing ideas, or sketch very simple line art.)
- if you want to go on social media, do it during meal times - or the 15 minutes after your meals that you can’t work just yet (it also doesn’t make you feel like you’re wasting time)
- study in different rooms for a change of scenery (dining room, living room, the patio, etc. I have an armchair next to the window that I study in whenever I need some sunlight and don’t have to write anything down. however, if you need a designated place to focus on your work, you can also use these alternative spaces as designated “relax” or “creative” place for your breaks)
- use this as an opportunity to take care of yourself (get enough sleep, drink water, exercise, talk to your family, take your meds, be mindful of your mental health, etc.)
Feel free to add your tips. The current situation sure is unpleasant but it is unavoidable. All we can really do now is take care of ourselves, others, and try to make the best out of this.
Good luck to everyone and stay safe! My heart is with you all 💕
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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Important! Credit @siouxsiew, @xtotl, @thespinofftv
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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𝙰 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎,
no words today - i didn't feel like writing for some reason. my thoughts wanna stay inside. the weather is so nice, the sun's warmth feels a lot like hope. don't give up. ily
journal spread 22/03
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thedailystudy · 4 years
catharticstudying replied to your post “so i have had it up to here *motions very high* with professors...”
im really feeling this; some of my teachers have been more accommodating but at the same time, i lost my source of income and only have a few of my belongings. i feel like someone pulled a rug from under my feet, yet all 4 of my classes have kept going; it’s been 4 days of class and i’m already behind and tired
ugh, i’m sorry you’re going through that man, it sucks. some of my professors have been good too - one emailed us and said he would cancel the final paper if he could, but he can’t so he extended the deadline for as long as possible. it’s just frustrating how poorly admin seems to think about students and it seems like we’re supposed to just operate like business as usual when everything so so far from normal
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thedailystudy · 4 years
A list of things to do during the quarantine
to keep sane and occupied! here are some ideas:
keep active:
take a walk
do yoga or pilates along to a youtube video
yard work if you have a yard
if you have potatoes in your house, you can easily plant new potato plants by cutting their eyes out.
deep clean your home
dance furiously around your house
start that show you were looking forward to! two shows i like that are available on amazon prime are good omens and fleabag.
google a list of the 500 most iconic movies and make a watch list of the ones that interest you
start reviewing the movies and shows you watch
make a reading list
read old books you liked as a kid
read in general!
see if your library is connected to overdrive (it probably is). overdrive allows you to check out ebooks and audiobooks from your library.
try a readathon—read as much as you can in 24 hours
play a new game on steam or nintendo online. you can start a farming co op on stardew valley with your friends!
watch a livestream of the monterey aquarium!
play online multiplayer games like trickster hearts and skribbl
watch game streams on twitch
explore new music
check out my self care tag for more ideas
make something:
make a scrapbook with stuff around your house
cook a comfort food or dessert
cook something complicated or create a new recipe
make a stop motion video with stuff around your house
paint with coffee
play an instrument
write a short story
write a poem
make an escape plan for the zombie apocalypse (for fun. this is not a real thing)
keep a journal
bullet journal
make random top ten lists (top ten songs by your favorite artist, top ten street foods, top ten movies influential in your life, etc)
make an impossible list
find ask games on tumblr and write down your answers to the questions in a journal or word document to read years from now
write a letter to your future self
learn something:
learn to read music
learn morse code
learn braille
practice duolingo
and much more! there’s an online class for everything
do something for others:
call your family and friends
register to volunteer at crisis textline. volunteers work remotely, so you can do everything at home. if you are selected you will complete a course to learn how to be a crisis counselor and then work as a crisis counselor
see if there is any way you can volunteer remotely
make nice cards to send your family and friends
research the best charities to donate to
general stuff to try:
establish a routine (exercise, mealtimes, work time)
keep in contact with friends and family through video calls
set goals
create events for yourself (for example, playing an online DND session with your friends every friday at 3pm)
i also made a list of things to do during break
check out my break tag for stuff to do when bored
please stay home!!!! while it might be difficult to do so and you may go a little stir crazy, there are things you can do to pass the time.
if you have suggestions, feel free to comment or send me an ask, and i’ll add them to this master post!
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thedailystudy · 4 years
so i have had it up to here *motions very high* with professors emailing me about sticking to final deadlines
and “thank you my students for not succumbing to the chaos”
and “order and stability is all we have”
and “we did it! we can do this, crisis or no crisis!”
like you can fuck right off with that sanctimonious capitalist productivity as morality bullshit
when we’ve just had graduation cancelled, lost our campus jobs, have had to move home with our parents suddenly, have loved ones in danger, are at home taking care of our families, without reliable wifi or a quiet study space, have no fucking clue what the next school year will look like, and all the myriad other ways our lives have been temporarily wrecked by covid 19
we deserve to breathe and rest and panic and read for fun and not be churning out papers on cue just because you’ve bought into the capitalist narrative that being unproductive is a moral failure
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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Another day, another study session..
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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the four founders
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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11.22.19 🔮
I set up these super bright pages earlier in the week when it was rainy and grey, and yesterday there was so much sunshine coming through the window I had to put my sweater away. So yes, I’m going to say I willed this sunshine into existence. You’re welcome, Boston
🎵 Golden Hour - Kacey Musgraves
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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almond blossom vincent van gogh, february 1890
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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so many firsts today!! first day of class, first completed notes for school and the first of 100 days of productivity!! gonna do my very best to stick to it as the schoolyear goes forward 😌
first college calc notes ever yayyy!!!!!
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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A timely reminder that we are truly all in this together. I am not safe until everyone is safe. My healthcare is incomplete until everyone has healthcare.
Healthcare is a human right.
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thedailystudy · 4 years
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It's been a week now, since university had started ! I am very happy because all the classes are interesting and almost all of my teachers are adorable. ♡
A lot of work is required and expected, but I kinda like that, I'm starting to enjoy school like before!
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