trishhkabob Ā· 4 years
This is going to be my first ā€˜journal entryā€™ during this quarantine shit. Iā€™m going to try to write something everything to understand how Iā€™m feeling and slow my mind down. We are like 3 weeks In to quarantine, and just found out the isolation has been extended for over another month, 4/30/20. I suspect it will be extended even further, but we will see. (This is for you if you are bored or feeling alone like I am)
Iā€™m not having a great day today. I was up until about 4am last night because I couldnā€™t sleep. I ended up taking 3 Benadryl to pass me out.
Not really sure why I was having trouble, could be the fact Iā€™ve been sober for like 3 or 4 days and my body isnā€™t used to that, or the fact that Katie(my girlfriend) and I have been weird. I feel very distant and donā€™t have A positive outlook on us right now. I feel she isnā€™t taking the time to reach out or talk to me, and in turn I feel super lonely. And Iā€™m probably over thinking that, but itā€™s hard. I miss her like crazy. I havenā€™t seen her for a week today and thatā€™s really hard for me. We were quarantined together and things got bad, she told be that I need to learn to do things on my own. That was a harsh thing for me to hear and triggered the absolute fuck out of me. And I know it was all miscommunication and we were at each otherā€™s throats from being together constantly, but it raises red flags. Iā€™m worried that we arenā€™t going to make it, maybe we arenā€™t as okay as Iā€™ve thought for these past 6 months weā€™ve been together.
But then again I know my mind wanders, and I literally have nothing to do but think right now. Iā€™m lonely and Katie doesnā€™t help with that. She called me today and the phone called ended in her basically hanging up on me. She told me to have fun laying in bed. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m laying here not talking to her because Iā€™m okay. But I have to understand her side and how she may be feeling with me being distant. I do love her, obviously
So now Iā€™ve been laying in this bed for god knows how long. I woke up around 12:30, because my grandma came to my house and wanted me to go with her to find a kitty crate for Toobs cat. We could t find a kitty one, so we got a light blue puppy one. Should work the same, not sure why it wouldnā€™t.
But anyways Iā€™m back here, we were probably at rural king for like 25 min looking for the damn thing, and I saw a person I went to school with there. I swear xenia eventually will turn anyone hillbilly. Glad I fuckin left... then grandma wanted me to take the window out of her door and replace it with a screen. Sheā€™s so worried the lawn mower guy will accidentally break it again, so of course Iā€™ll do it for her if it puts her mind at ease. But other than that, Iā€™ve been laying here, eyes sometimes closed, somethingā€™s watching YouTube or rotting my brain away with tik tok.
Itā€™s 4:45 now. I know I need to get up and do something. Could go on a walk, could run, could play a video game, could eat... lots of options but not of them sound like something I wanna put effort into doing. Depression is a fickle bitch.
Guess Iā€™m done writing for now.
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Guys Iā€™ve been having a rough time!!! Iā€™m a cook at first watch and while I was cutting bread I decided to cut the tip of my finger off too! I wasnā€™t even going to go to the hospital, but my co workers were urging me to. If any of yā€™all have worked in the food industry you know itā€™s bad when your co workers are telling you to leave. That lil bitch was a BLEEDER
So I go outside to get into the car to take myself to the hospital and I had a big fat $50 ticket on my car! To make matters worse, I had to go to the OSU hospital which is huge af and you have to park in a parking garage. So I had to pay for parking, then had to park 4 stories up and when I was on my way to the emergency room, my apple maps betrayed me(shouldnā€™t be suprised) and took me far from the emergency department. I had to walk into the hospital at a random spot, find a nurse as Iā€™m bleeding out to tell me where the energency department is.
He kind of chuckles saying itā€™s a pretty far walk so Iā€™m following him as he guides me. Iā€™m making conversation and stuff, then I joke about how i cut my finger off. He was like ā€˜oh! Youre the one that needs the emergency room?? I thought you were just visiting!!!!ā€™
Moral of the story: Iā€™m a badass bitch and tricked a nurse into thinking I was completely fine and wasnā€™t missing my finger tip!!!
So enjoy this picture of my girlfriend and I at this BDSM party called Traumaā€”- back to better times, when my finger wasnā€™t tipless
(Also also, buy our nudes pls weā€™re poor)
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
ā€œPeople think that intimacy is about sex. But intimacy is about truth. When you realize you can tell someone your truth, when you can show yourself to them, when you stand in front of them and their response is ā€œyouā€™re safe with meā€ - thatā€™s intimacy.ā€
ā€” The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo: A novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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ā€˜Barbie, eat your heart outā€™ šŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”ŖšŸ”Ŗ
This night is a complete blur, went a little too hard but thatā€™s all the fun right?!? Stayed up til 8am and rolled into my friends house like dats right bitch we baddass and donā€™t need sleep!!! Then I passed tf out, woke up still fucked up and for some reason needed to buy Taco Bell AND Burger King. Needless to say I was a tubby mess that didnā€™t need to eat for a few days. Still recovering from that Burger King my god! Moral of the story have friends that stop you from your fucked up food choices
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Guys I have a new lady who is so great to me and I really fucking like her!! Sheā€™s so fucking funny and makes me smile just thinking about her. Also this pic was taken by a creepy man whom of which I had just met, and another night came up to me at the bar talking about these ā€˜cuteā€™ pics he took of us.... like yes cute but in retrospect very creepy!! Why are boys so creepy wtf but also thx cause cute but also whyyyyyyy!!!!!!!
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Lezbros in their natural habitat... in other news Iā€™m going to be moving out of mine and my exā€™s house for a few months to gather myself. Too much drama and sheā€™s been to shitty to forgive again. I need me a lady that will treat me the way I should be treated. Still taking girlfriend applications. And yes I am drinking a hard sparkling water. Sue me!!!!!
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Still figuring out how to style this mess itā€™s grown out since this also my phone is fucking broken and I canā€™t access punctuation or message people or Snapchat etc the very bottom corners are fucked so I apologize for this massively run on sentence I know it gives me anxiety too okay well Iā€™m gonna stop and and wait to post again cause this pisses me off and to any messages I see you I just canā€™t respond at the moment okay byeeeeeee
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Ya girl finally went ahead and chopped her ratty locks off!! And yes... I know I need to re-dye it but fuck off, Iā€™ll get there! And yes I also know my outfit looks like Fanny-Pack Dwayne the Rock Johnson, also fuck off.... new hair new me letā€™s see what kind of shit I can get into now šŸ˜ŠšŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Iā€™m so fucking tired of trying to find the good in others. So many people donā€™t deserve that, and thatā€™s why I keep getting hurt. Iā€™m not doing that anymore. If youā€™re shitty to me, youā€™re cut. Thatā€™s it. I just turned 24 and Iā€™m finally realizing it. Iā€™m single again and I couldnā€™t be happier. Prepared to be alone forever and ready to be a fuck boi. No more getting hurt!!!! On to the hoe phase byyyyyyeeeeeee
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Life is hard sometimes... I hate my job Iā€™ve been standing here since 6:30am. When I get to work at 9am Iā€™m so excited because I get to ā€˜sleep inā€™... and I am pissed off that thatā€™s what sleeping in means to me!! I just want a normal job with normal hours. In other news I lost my cat but found her and now she keeps opening the bathroom door so thatā€™s weird. Cats are weird. Gotta love em
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Best fucking friend right here.. sheā€™s adorable and deserves someone that will treat her right! Her boyfriend is an ass and never wants to take her on dates or anything... oh also we are both trying to sell our nudes so HMU šŸ˜œ... hard times call for desperate measures. Iā€™m also gonna start posting on my YouTube channel more, like a verbal diary rather than just writing all my shit. Okay thx byeeeeeee
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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My woman and I just got a new place together and it feels like weā€™re constantly in a hotel. Weā€™re used to being on OSU campus, and now weā€™re in some apartment complex with families and old people around. I gotta get used to not yelling FUCK randomly, because I feel like these people would get offended for some strange reason. I also keep hearing the lady above us making all this goddamn noise like bitch do you ever just sit down and Netflix and chill? I mean shit, Iā€™m over here tryna watch the hunger games but it sounds like this Bitch is recreating the moving in her home. Who knows? I have many questions for her... also my mom took this pic... ok itā€™s late goodnight!
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Guys Bonnaroo was soooooo fucking fun this year!!!!! This was the day after I did some fun stuff and saw Post Malone... best night ever! Was definitely dead the next day but I also saw a butt ass naked girl doing some sexy dancing and getting detained so that was fun. My girl took this sheā€™s my favorite. Iā€™m so glad we got to be together for this. Daddy Malone is the best!!!!!! Finally home and am feeling so fucking goooooooooood about life.
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
How do we know when to stop fighting for things? And how will we ever know if it will be worth it in the end? I just wanna be able to hang out with friends, eat and drink what I want and never get fat or have a hangover. Or maybe I just wanna be alone. Who knows but tonight Iā€™ve been binging The Society on Netflix and omg itā€™s so fucking good everyone should watch. I am completely content in staying in and watching tv. Last night was a little too much to say the least, and Iā€™m tired of feeling shitty! Mentally and physically! My girl pissed me off again but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not much of a suprise, only to me!!!! She wants to keep our relationship a secret it seems, even tho now sheā€™s telling me the opposite. Itā€™s ok Iā€™m young dumb and broken.... anyways hereā€™s to nights in alone watching a great fuckin show and downing some chipotle
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
ā€œLove makes you feel out of control. I think thatā€™s how you know itā€™s right.ā€
ā€” -Danny Diamond on That Wedding by Jillian Dodd (via suspend)
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
ā€œI always wish for you to find meā€
ā€” 3 am thoughts (via suspend)
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trishhkabob Ā· 5 years
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Isnā€™t it a little weird that we have animals that become our best friends, but weā€™ll never be able to have a full conversation with them?? Like I was just thinking Iā€™m sleeping with my dog snuggling me, is that our bonding time since we canā€™t speak to me?? Weird Iā€™ll have him for 15 years and heā€™ll never say one word to me. Anyways, no I am not high Iā€™m just curious... also this pic is from Seattle, WA like 2 years ago and I miss it so much. My old roommate is in this pic and she was such a bitch to me the whole time we lived together. Thank god my dog is my roommate now and not her šŸ‘¶
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