tzuchenchan · 8 years
The many smiles of Chris Evans
Ok, we’re all agreed Chris Evans’ smile is the stuff of ovary-busting legend-
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He acts like it’s no big deal, but he’s fully aware of the effect his smile has on us!
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There’s the laughing smile…
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That smile when he’s REALLY laughing….
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The nervous red carpet smile…
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The trademark, much beloved smirk….
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The silly grin….
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the ‘I could fuck your eyes out’ …..
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‘I’d rather be anywhere but here right now’ public appearance smile…
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The ‘Puppy Dog’….
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the Squint ….
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Ohhhhh, that smile!!
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Also faves:
Boob laugh
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Double boob laugh
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And finally, the “I can’t” smile ♥
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Bonus: the AREYOUEVENREAL smile
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
people like to say that superhero movies “aren’t realistic” but what about that time Steve Rogers hurled himself out of a plane without a parachute rather than deal with a friend’s questions about his love life
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
sleep is for the people without internet access
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
I’m glad you’re back at the compound. I don’t like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours - maybe more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith’s in people, I guess. Individuals. And, I’m happy to say that for the most part, they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn’t. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself. And I’m sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you’re doing what you believe in, and that’s all any of us can do - it’s all any of us should. So no matter what, I promise you. If you need us - if you need me - I’ll be there.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
Dorky Sebastian.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
The characters in Civil War basically ...
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
reblog if a relationship between a blonde and brunette has emotionally destroyed you
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
↖ this person loves Tony Stark
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
What are your thoughts on Steve in CW? Cause my whole dash is Tony love and I love it but i wanna here the other side cause I totally understand why Steve does what he does in CW
ok so……..
i have the Serious Onions on mcu steve
but i gotta talk abt him first. 
Keep reading
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
you know, shit tony stark whatever you want but let clarify some things because i see y’all dragging robert downey jr for stuff isn’t on him. so first, robert downey jr is an actor, he is not a marvel exec, he is not a marvel producer, he is an actor. so i see you guys using a goddamn article of 2015 that isn’t confirmed to try to “prove” robert pushed marvel to make civil war (i mean, a actor, as famous as he is cannot force a goddamn company that hires them to make it)
so let show you some quotes of the directors, anthony and joe russo:
DEADLINE: You worked for the first time with Robert Downey Jr here, Iron Man changed his life and established the Marvel universe. What’s the balancing act in making him feel these jokes don’t undermine what he has built? ANTHONY RUSSO: It wasn’t a given that Downey was going to do Civil War. He wasn’t contracted, and so we had to go woo him.
DEADLINE: What’s that like? ANTHONY RUSSO: It was a big deal. Once we convinced Kevin this was the right way to go, he said, okay, now you guys got to go get Downey. So we met with Downey, and Kevin came with us. It took a series of meetings, […]. (Source)
another article:
The biggest hurdle was Robert Downey Jr.’s participation. While most of the other actors were still under contract, Downey’s Marvel agreement had been fulfilled and his team played hardball before finally signing on. Without Downey, without Iron Man, Civil War wouldn’t have happened.  (source)
Here’s Robert Downey Jr in a interview approaching the subject
“What do you think I just call people and say ‘Listen, you’re gonna do this movie’, No, what am I? What am I?” (Source)
here’s kevin feige (president of production at marvel studios) answer for how early did they wanted to go with the civil war arc in the mcu:
It’s was before the MCU even existed in the early days, I think we were even just beginning to dream about maybe become a studio and getting financing, it was about a little over 10 years ago which was when Civil War was published and was an amazing comic series and I remember reading every month when it came out and thinking ‘It would probably be impossible but be cool to someday to do this’ and wasn’t until about 2 and half years ago that we thought ‘Now is the time, we assembled enough players that we could do it now’“ (Video. Starts around 4:50)
so we have the directors saying they decided with kevin and had to WOO robert to do it, we have kevin saying they wanted to do it for a long time, we have robert surprised people think he would force them to make a movie and yet you still blame the actor for being part of a project and doing his job. if you want blame someone blame joe and anthony russo and kevin feige.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
The third time I watched CA:CW
And I paid extra attention on Bucky’s plums
Someone needs to make a meme about Steve Rogers crying over people talking about plums more than him in his own movie
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
but robert downey jr’s acting in That Scene is so fucking good?? you can literally see real pain, god, i love these raw emotions you can see in actor’ eyes and rdj’s was so full of pain/anger in such a real way. it was so powerful, he really did a wonderful job there also through the whole movie. no wonder everyone says is his best acting in a mcu movie.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
I don't know why people sympathize Tony. I mean Bucky's life is more tragic, he's forced to do things he doesn't want. And Steve lost his parents too and all good friends back in 40's. Tony is just a reich brat with some daddy issue, compared with Bucky it's not even worth mentioning.
I have to say anon, I respectfully disagree. I really don’t think it’s our place to compare the sufferings of these characters. Yes, 100%, no contestation, Bucky and Steve have faced some serious emotional distress, and it’s tragic and heart wrenching and not fair. They both have lost so much. 
But Tony never really had a lot to begin with. I am, of course, not speaking about money here. He has more money than he’ll ever need in his life, but for Tony Stark money certainly never equaled happiness. I’m sure he would have given it all away for just a few more minutes with his mother, or to finally have his father’s approval and attention for more than a few seconds at a time.
He says in the very first movie that Pepper (and Rhodey) is the only one he really has, and it’s true. Tony has never really known affection or what it is to be loved. He has surrounded himself with artificial intelligence that he himself built. Despite being idolized and adored by much of the world, he’s terrifyingly lonely and can’t seem to build or maintain relationships because he honestly doesn’t think he’s good enough. Tony thinks that he’s worthless, because that was how Howard Stark treated him.
Tony is the kind of person who gets kidnapped and put through hell by his only father figure in the world and comes out of it as a super hero, as Iron Man. He’s the kind of person who gives his friends all of his worldly possessions and then makes them hate him when he thinks he’s about to die so that they won’t miss him when he’s gone. He’s the kind of person who flies a nuclear missile into space, fully knowing it’s going to kill him, in order to save the world because, in his mind, better him than anyone else. He’s the kind of person whose worse nightmare is all of his friends dying when he isn’t there to save them, because he wasn’t good enough or strong enough.
Yes, Bucky and Steve have been through a lot and they definitely deserve to have our sympathy. But I will always, always, always have sympathy for Tony Stark, the man who doesn’t think he deserves it.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
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Well.....Superheroes aren’t perfect.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
I Call Bullshit
So am I the only one getting annoyed with mainstream media’s painful hetero-normative horse manure? Because I just saw captain America civil war and it was fucking painful to watch cap get his Mack on with Peggy’s niece.
Honestly the only reason I can see for this happening is that in a movie that fucking revolves around Steve’s relationships with two different men, they must have felt the need to no homo all over it.
The pair share five minutes of screen time, most of which consists of not talking to each other, talking about work or talking about Peggy. Her aunt. And then they randomly kiss and I fucking gagged because from the way it’s done Steve only notices her after he’s discovered the connection to Peggy. It’s gross. If someone dated my aunt, didn’t pay any attention to me, and then became suddenly very interested after finding out I was related to my aunt I would call it pervy, not romantic.
And I’m not saying this because I want Steve to get with a guy. I’m saying it because if you look at the fucking movie those douchewads made, it makes A MILLION TIMES MORE SENSE FOR HIM TO GET WITH ONE OF THE GUYS. But instead of leaving romance out of it or even *gasp* having a romantic plot with a guy, they shoved in a chick whose sole purpose in the movie was to be Steve’s no homo.
It’s disgusting and degrading. She could have been a great, dynamic character with an intense and interesting romance with Steve. But no. She’s a Love Interest, not a character. She is literally there to remind the audience that the main character who has some intense male relationships in this movie is STILL STRAIGHT GODDAMMIT.
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tzuchenchan · 8 years
Okay, this time I  borrowed the closed caption.
Still miss one part, if anyone knows please help me.
Tony, I'm glad you back to the compound. I don't like the idea you rattling around the mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine.
I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess, individuals. And I'm happy to say for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down, either.
Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't.
I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents was sparing you. But I can see now I was really sparing myself. I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand.
I wish we agreed on the Accords. I really do. I know you are doing what you believe in, and that's all ________.        (Please help me out this part..)
So no matter what. I promise you. If you need us, if you need me. I'll be there.
CACW: The last letter (Spoilers!)
Contains spoilers from Captain America Civil War.
I need some help about the letter.
I need someone to help me filling the blank and correcting my listening mistakes……..
Bold part means I’m not sure.
“Tony, I’m glad you back to the ________. I don’t like the idea you ________ around the mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours. Maybe more so than mine. I’ve been on my own since I was 18. It never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith in people, I guess, individuals. And I’m happy to say at most part, they haven’t let me down. Which is why I can’t let them down, either. Locks can be replaced, but, maybe they shouldn’t. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents’ ________ is ________ you. But I can see now I was really ________ myself. I’m sorry. Hope one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the accords. I really do. I know you are doing what you believe in, and that’s all ________. If you need me, I’ll find you. “
(Not sure the last part.) So many feels for this letter…………
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