wrestlewriting · 1 month
#91 [Adam Cole]
Requested, #91: “Tell me you need me.” (Prompt from here.)
@superkixbaybay @hiitsmecharlie @ihtscuddlesbeeetchx3 @valeonmars @bulletbaybay @pjanina13
The way his hands felt as they glided down from your ribs to your hips, before moving back up the same path, taking your shirt with them…it was a feeling you knew you’d never be able to forget.
He was so light in his touch, yet so confident. Hot, yet distant. Your skin developed bumps as he left his hands gently against your ribs, just below your bra, his nails biting into your skin just ever so slightly.
Some things never changed.
The last time he’d been this close to you, this intimate, was about five months ago. That had been the last night you’d spent together. And the next day you’d told him you were ending the relationship, in no uncertain terms, and walked out of his house.
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wrestlewriting · 3 months
I miss writing
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wrestlewriting · 5 months
I am sorry to everyone who tagged me in some tag game and I never responded. I saw it and thought “aww they thought of me” and proceeded to forget about it right after
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wrestlewriting · 1 year
saw this on twitter rn, if you ever feel discouraged about writing fanfiction, read this again
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wrestlewriting · 1 year
writing fanfiction is just. i’m being so creative and original. i’m plagiarizing everyone by accident. i’m a genius. i’m cringe. i’m too angsty. i’m too cheesy. this is not in character. it doesn’t matter that it’s not in character because these are my characters now. i love my hobby. this is the worst possible use of my time. i’m seeking validation. i’m projecting my own personal problems onto this story and i’m barely hiding it. i know so many words and i’m using all of them wrong. im on tumblr posting about it instead of writing it.
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wrestlewriting · 1 year
A teaser,,,,,
            “Hey,” Reegan replied. “How’s it going?”
            “Oh ya know, just the night before my wedding, no worries over here, nope, none at all,” Bryan stated, causing her to giggle and roll her eyes.
            “I knew you’d take the freak-out route.”
            “It’s not a freak-out. Well, not in the like panic sense. Just a ‘holy crap, it’s happening’ kind of way, ya know?”
            “Not scared, just excited.”
            “Yea, that,” Bryan agreed. “It’s gonna be good, I already know that.”
            “It’ll be the best damn hippie-crunchy-granola wedding of all time!” Reegan agreed with enthusiasm. He made a long-suffering scoff sound.
            “Thanks,” he muttered, though she knew he was smiling.
            “Anytime,” she grinned to herself.
            “What about you? You alright?”
            “Peachy keen, jelly bean,” Reegan replied. “I’m just enjoying a nice night, looking at the stars.”
            “I was actually thinking about doing the same,” he laughed. “Figured it might help calm me down to maybe sleep.”
            “You should come join me,” she stated. “Bring a blanket too. It’s kinda chilly in Arizona tonight.”
            The moment of silence that followed her words was heavy, to say the least. She couldn’t help but hold her breath as she waited for him to process her words.
            “…you’re here,” Bryan breathed out, and the emotion in his tone made tears come to her eyes. He sounded amazed, surprised, happy.
            “Of course I’m here, pollo,” Reegan replied softly, blinking her watery eyes slowly to try to keep the tears in. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”
            “Where are you? Like, at the resort?”
            “Yep,” she stated. “In the back, back. Like past the pool.”
            “I’ll be there in a minute,” Bryan decided.
            “OK. And I was serious about the blanket,” Reegan replied.
            “Got it,” he agreed. And that was apparently his goodbye as she heard the phone call end. Reegan rolled her eyes to herself, not being surprised. Putting her phone back on the ground beside the bench next to the water bottle she’d brought, she looked back up at the stars.
Taking in a deep breath, Reegan attempted to settle her emotions, her heart. She knew it was going to be a heavy weekend. She had tried to prepare herself for it, but she knew really there was no preparing. She had to face many of her coworkers, friends, for the first time as a widow. She had to attend a wedding, a celebration of love and commitment, without the man she had done the same with so many years ago. And that wound of loss was still so very, very fresh. She was to witness one of her best friends, one of her husband’s best friends, get married without her husband by his side as had been the plan. She hoped that her presence wouldn’t put an even darker cloud over the celebration.
Reegan heard footsteps approaching, and found Bryan coming around the corner, a blanket from the hotel bed in his arms. He was in sweatpants and a hoodie himself, and once he saw her, a smile broke across his face.
“Annie,” he said, almost as if he had to confirm it was her in front of him. He threw the blanket down on the bench beside her, and she was barely standing before he had his arms around her. Reegan had to giggle, as he lifted her from her feet, her arms securely around his neck. “I am so happy you’re here.”
“Me too,” she replied. There were so many other things she wanted to say, but she found any words dying in her throat as she squeezed him tighter. His arms tightening around her kept the tears just a little more at bay.
“How did you pull this off?”
Her watery giggle was all the answer he apparently would get, as he put her back onto her feet, and stepped back enough to hold her by her arms.
“Seriously Ree, what the fuck? I really thought you wouldn’t be here,” Bryan stated, his eyes a strange combination of loving and hurt.
“I’m so sorry,” she sniveled, squeezing his forearms. Taking in a deep breath, she did her best to get her emotions back under control. Though the alcohol she’d had prior to this moment wasn’t making it any easier.
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wrestlewriting · 1 year
Exam passed.
Now officially a licensed CLINICAL social worker!
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
I don't have a Bucket List.
I have a Fuck It List.
As opportunities are presented to me, I go 'fuck it' and do the things.
So far, so good.
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
Hi!! I just read your "Promise me you'll stay" Kenny fic and !!!!!!!
It was the perfect combination of smut, angst, and fluff!!! It was sexy, but so tender, and *screams into pillow* ONE OF THE BEST FICS I'VE READ
Oh wow. Thank you!!!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it!!! <3
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
Are you angry/scared/worried about potentially losing Roe vs. Wade? Do you want to help?
A lot of people are REALLY WORRIED about the leaked Alito draft, and for good reason. If Roe vs. Wade is overturned, many states will enact trigger laws that revoke the right to safe abortion access. But that doesn’t mean that safe abortions won’t be possible. They’ll just be harder to access.
Fortunately, we aren’t powerless. There are things we can do to help preserve the right to abortion and, if Roe falls, help people get the abortions they need.
Here are some actionable things you can do to help!
Donate to your local abortion fund.
This is a financial commitment, obviously, but these funds are vital to helping people access abortions. There are different types of funds. Practical funds help with transportation, housing, and other practical needs. Clinical funds help with paying for the procedure. Both types of funds are necessary and helpful!
If you’re in a state with protected abortion access, see if there’s a practical fund in your state that you can donate to. These funds make it possible for people for other states to afford travel and lodging in your state. You might also want to consider donating to funds in states or regions that have trigger laws, like the Yellowhammer Abortion Fund, which helps people in Mississippi, Alabama, and the Deep South.
To find an abortion fund in your state, you can google “abortion fund + your state” or open up this google doc that’s a maintained list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T-aDTsZXnKhMcrDmtcD35aWs00gw5piocDhaFy5LKDY/preview?pru=AAABgKwRCFs*fZxkvUyYtHx7T4KXmRnOLA
There’s also https://abortionfunds.org/, but as of right now (2 May 2022, right after the SCOTUS leak happened), their website is down. Too much traffic!
Volunteer with a hotline.
As of writing this, a lot of abortion fund websites are completely overwhelmed. Lots of people are rightfully upset and looking for some way to help. Many of these funds have hotlines that you can help out directly from your own phone! Google “abortion fund + your state (or your region) + hotline” and see what comes up. These hotlines are going to be SWAMPED soon and many orgs are going to be onboarding volunteers very quickly to help deal with the onslaught.
Donate to grassroots causes. 
I love Planned Parenthood as much as the next gal, but donating to them isn’t actually going to help as much right now as donating to an abortion fund. Smaller, grassroots networks are going to be more effective at allocating resources to the people who need it most. Independent clinics are also going to need substantial help. Independent clinics provide the majority of abortion care in the US, and many are the only clinics operating in hostile states. Check out https://keepourclinics.org/ if you’re interested in donating.
Make a list of resources.
There are a lot of people out there who aren’t going to have the time or energy or emotional bandwidth to deal with this dumpster fire. If you have the capacity to do so, then maintain a file somewhere with the following information:
- any abortion funds that serve your area with their contact info- email and phone and links
- any abortion hotlines in your area
- national care hotlines, ESPECIALLY RAINN because this is going to be really, really hard on survivors
-a list of crisis pregnancy centers in your area, clearly marked with their names, contact info, and primary links. Make sure that these are highlighted in a way that separates them from the actual abortion providers because these centers are highly predatory and manipulate people who are distressed and confused. If somebody has access to that list and know who’s operating in an area, it might help them avoid these places!
Have this file ready to go so that you can share it with people who are overwhelmed!
Help the safe havens.
Losing Roe feels inevitable at this point. It might not be, but the world is terrifying. However, some states are safe havens and will maintain abortion access, regardless of what SCOTUS eventually decides. Practical access funds in these states will need help because they will help people traveling from unsafe states to safe states. Refer to this map: https://reproductiverights.org/maps/what-if-roe-fell/
Look for funds in states that are blue or yellow. This means they have expanded access or protection if Roe falls. But be sure to hover over and look at the summary of the protection– for example, Florida has abortion protection, but they just passed a 15-week ban. That’s basically protection in name only!
If you’re not sure which practical fund you’d like to support, I highly suggest the Midwest Access Coalition. MAC is based in Chicago and helps people from all over the Midwest come to the city for reproductive healthcare. A lot of the Midwest is really hostile to abortion, so MAC can help a lot of people. But there are many, many others!
In the coming days and weeks, there will be more to do. There will be marches, protests, and other organized action. But right now, tonight, these are things you can look into doing.
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
i hate those posts that are like "what if your mother aborted you?" because it's LIKE. i value my mother as having her own agency above my existence simply because she came first. if she aborted me, id be fine with it because in the fucking hypothetical of un-existence & knowing, id rather her have access to safe abortion than having to carry & birth when she didn't want to like wtf kind of egotistical question is that. do u not value yr mother in the least. whatever joys you've gotten out of life aren't greater than yr mother's choice
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
Masterlist - updated 4/10/19
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
daily reminder that if you create it, it’s art. it doesn’t have to be perfect. it just has to have bits of you in it <3
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
Reading my old writings and damn if I wasn’t such a ho for the likes/reblogs, I’d edit them to be better and repost them…
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wrestlewriting · 2 years
Dani is gonna try to hang in there for some Royal Rumble action and see if she's still young enough to hang for some #LiveBlogLushBlog
(Spoiler: I am likely not young enough to still hang)
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wrestlewriting · 3 years
so many ideas
so little time
so few moments of making it work
so much effort into nothing
so all-important stories
so pivotal words
so lots of thoughts
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