4dkellysworld · 11 days
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4dkellysworld · 14 days
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4dkellysworld · 18 days
Hii hope you're doing well, if you're okay with it, I'd like to ask for some advice?
So, I've been trying to manifest something for a long time. But.. I haven't seen it. At all. It's been a really long time, like months. Normally I just brush it off and remind myself it means nothing, and imagination determines my reality, but after awhile.. it gets demotivating yk. It's been a long while, my self concept is pretty good, but I think it's slowly eroding because I haven't seen my manifestations yet. Thoughts?
Well, I have no idea what you've actually been thinking/doing/being to 'manifest' so you haven't given me much to work with. Also I am not a manifesting blog lol though I am changing my views on this, after all we are all creators of our own realities; we can either create consciously or unconsciously and self-mastery is all about taking responsibility for all our creations after all (this isn't an invite for more manifesting questions though, there's so many resources on this already lol). You might want to look into @aphroditeapprenticee-archive. A quick look at the asks shows me this one might be helpful to you, the others might be too. This reddit post might be helpful too.
Some other possible reasons:
You never accepted it as a reality/certainty and see it only as a fantasy or daydream
You told yourself you've accepted it as reality when you haven't actually. You can't lie to yourself
You're too fixated on checking if it's there or not, which just reaffirms the reality where you need to check [therefore it is not] >> you lack faith in what you have decided on
[An extension of above point] You keep changing your mind on whether you have it or not. Or you are also entertaining and identifying with thoughts that are opposite (Put another way, in LOA terms, "The old self has to die so the new self can live. Bury the old and live only as the new". Keep choosing the same thing)
You have resistance in the form of one or more: attachments, attachments to outcomes or expectations, fears, desires (you can't desire what you already have) etc which prevents you from accepting your "desired reality" as truth
The following excerpts may be helpful.
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I've linked a video below which might be helpful to you, it's not geared on methods and talks more on the importance of faith and being conscious of what thoughts/beliefs you entertain. Very spiritually-geared as opposed to being outcome-focused (their titles are rather clickbaity but the content is alright actually).
Navigating this landscape of thought requires a conscious effort to cultivate a garden of positive life affirming beliefs. Imagine your mind as fertile soil and each thought a seed. What kind of garden are you tending, are the seeds of doubt, fear and negativity finding too much purchase or are you diligently planting and nurturing seeds of hope, love and abundance? The mastery of thought is not an overnight achievement but a lifelong journey of choosing moment by moment which seeds to water and which to weed out. This deliberate act of selection empowers individuals to shape their destinies guided by the unwavering belief in the secret power woven into the fabric of their being.
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4dkellysworld · 18 days
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4dkellysworld · 19 days
If I just know that I'm dreaming. That everything right now is just a dream, and that I'm actually just dreaming that I am this person. And I just hold that state of mind or attitude. Would that lead to self realization somehow?
I don't know, it could? I don't have the answers for what is going to work for you. Personally for me though, doing that alone (without sadhana, without reading spiritual texts, without choosing to be conscious and witnessing etc) just led me to derealization which isn't self-realisation but a mental disorder of sorts (I wrote about it in a past post). Perhaps initial derealization is part of this path? I wish the realized masters covered this in their teachings, it's hardly talked about at all but I suppose this spiritual pathway and the teachings are quite 'radical' from 'normal' life/concepts to begin with..
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4dkellysworld · 19 days
How can I operate while knowing that I am not this body nor this mind? Because throughout my day I would know "I'm not this body" "these are not my thoughts" but I don't know how to live this truth, because after I go back to living and operating as the body and mind.
If you truly know you are not the body and mind then after that, imo it's just about living however you want. The body and mind will still be present and it's just a vehicle for us to experience the dream, the difference when you know you're not the body or mind is that you truly know (from experience, not because you were told this or read it in a book) that whatever is playing out in the dream doesn't have to define you unless you accept it because you know you create your reality; so you can choose to live consciously and in awareness, you are free to choose how to think and what to give reality to (disregard/let go/change your mind about negative or limiting thoughts/patterns/habits and replace them with ones that will serve you instead) and are no longer a slave to whatever external circumstances are happening.
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Even the understanding of 'how to live after realisation' has been quite a journey for me and I think it's another personal thing where we all have to find our own truth and way. After settling down for a bit from that realisation, I had many more and subsequently threw away a lot of old teachings I learned at the beginning of my journey as I realised it was more of a limitation and hindrance. Right now, I'm of the thought that even after self-realisation, we do not have to stop growing, infinite means no limit after all and growth is part of our self-expression which is the whole reason we are here on the physical plane to begin with. So basically just do whatever you want/like/enjoy, you are free! I think what comes after self-realisation is the desire/goal for self-mastery (at least for me). This is my truth and understanding right now. But perhaps it will change later on, who knows? I feel like my spiritual understanding, consciousness and state of being is very different compared to even a few months earlier.
I'm not sure if this helped but feel free to send in another ask if there's anything else you want to ask/discuss.
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4dkellysworld · 20 days
To the anon(s) who have sent me reports of bloggers saying things about me, you may think you're doing me a favour through this but I've already said it doesn't matter to me what others say. I'm not interested in pettiness and I'm not here to engage in drama. I'm not even interested in reading what they have to say. If others want to engage in drama, then that's their prerogative. Though ask yourself why you're still following such people who aren't demonstrating oneness and love and whose words and actions only seek to promote judgment and separation? Are these the same people saying we are all One/there is only Oneness? Also any anons who send in asks to blogs with links to other bloggers are consequently pitting blogs against each other in a way and also supporting/fuelling this drama. If you're unhappy about it, simply stop, ignore and move on - you'll be doing more for the peace and unity of the community than sending in asks like this. I've said a few times now that we're all free to choose what we put into our minds and I'm quite happy to just be here without all this nonsense.
That's all I'm going to say on the matter. I won't be posting any more asks about this or addressing it again.
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4dkellysworld · 21 days
In Nisargadatta book 'I AM THAT' he says that any method is the right method as long as your goal is to discover the truth. So basically whatever you do for the sake of finding your real self will bring you to it.
I've been so anxious lately on what to do to discover and experience the truth that I am self, and it helped clarify things for me and also gave me some confidence to use a method that I've been thinking about but too scared to use because I was worried it might not work. But if I'm doing it with the purpose to 'reconnect' to my true self, then as Nisargadatta said it will surely take me to it.
Just sending this so that anyone who has been anxious about their 'journey' can relax and know that whatever they are doing will surely work. And for those that don't know what to do because they aren't sure which method is right, this is to let you know that any method will work.
"Q: Are you serious? Would you tell a Westerner to repeat 'Om' or 'Ram' or 'Hare Krishna' ceaselessly, though he lacks completely the faith and conviction born of the right cultural and religious background. Without confidence and fervour, repeating mechanically the same sounds, will he ever achieve anything?
M: Why not? It is the urge, the hidden motive that matters, not the shape it takes. Whatever he does, if he does it for the sake of finding his own real self, will surely bring him to himself.
Q: No need of faith in the efficacy of the means?
M: No need of faith which is but expectation of results. Here the action only counts. Whatever you do for the sake of truth, will take you to truth. Only be earnest and honest. The shape it takes hardly matters."
He even says that simple wanting it, a strong desire for it, is enough to also take you there.
"Q: Then where is the need of giving expression to one's longing?
M: No need. Doing nothing is as good. Mere longing, undiluted by thought and action, pure, concentrated longing, will take you speedily to your goal. It is the true motive that matters, not the manner.
Q: Unbelievable! How can dull repetition in boredom verging on despair, be effective?
M: The very facts of repetition, of struggling on and on and of endurance and perseverance, in spite of boredom and despair and complete lack of conviction are really crucial. They are not important by themselves, but the sincerity behind them is all-important. There must be a push from within and pull from without."
Thanks for sharing! Just remember that even Nisargadatta was only espousing his truth and way, not THE one and only truth and way, and it's perfectly fine if you disagree even with what he says. Always listen to your heart and feel what your truth is no matter whose words you're reading (even mine of course!).
For example, he says faith is not needed because it's only expectations of results and I strongly disagree with this based on my own personal experiences on this journey (where I started with no faith but lots of desire and somehow developed faith upon realizing its utmost importance). To have strong desire without faith.. how can the ego not think and have expectations of results?
Faith is what allows me to let go of expectations and trust that all is well right here right now. Faith is not false hope, faith is a deep acceptance, knowing and trust that what you are doing is right for you, it's something you feel deep within. It's what allows me to be satisfied and at peace in the present. Without faith (and subsequently surrender), it is easy for the ego to feel like it needs to do everything on its own, that it is responsible for everything but it needn't be so (however what you believe, IS. So if you think you are responsible for managing everything, then that will be so).
Also how can he talk about how faith is unnecessary when that wasn't even his own experience? He talked about how all he had was trust in his guru's word and practiced faithfully 'I AM' for 3 years while working. So even he was operating on faith before he was self-realized. Without faith, could he have gotten there? Hmm
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The very facts of repetition, of struggling on and on and of endurance and perseverance, in spite of boredom and despair and complete lack of conviction are really crucial.
I also disagree with this because I've tried this before and all it does is create more resistance to practice and it isn't something I could sustain as a way of life. Everyone has their own way(s) that will resonate and work for them, yes there is no one or right way for everything but every individual will have methods/practices that work better for them so why not find those and practice those instead of suffering and struggling through boredom/despair/lack of conviction? Life is meant to be joyful and that includes this path and practice. The way he describes the practices here feels too mechanical to me, spirituality is not meant to be this way. Of course, if anyone wants to practice it this way, go ahead. But there's other paths with no resistance available so why not take those? It all comes down to choice.
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4dkellysworld · 21 days
Hi! Koda has dedicated so many answers to you and Sophie…..It's unpleasant. I think you should know😓
I don't follow their blog so I don't know what else has been discussed but there's nothing I disagree with in that particular ask. There is no one way or right way. And I have noticed most people in the community just jump around different blogs relying on the bloggers opinions instead of thinking for themselves and finding their own way. Even the readership of my own blog has dropped drastically compared to before but that's okay.
If there's anything unpleasant said, I recommend just ignoring it. There isn't anything else to do but stop feeding attention to things you don't like or enjoy. You are always free to choose what you put in your mind, that includes the thoughts and information you follow and consume.
I'm only here to share things I enjoy on my blog, I don't care what others say about me :)
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4dkellysworld · 21 days
Asks are open again for a bit
I want to try something new. Rather than answer them the way I used to, I will try answer with excerpts from books I'm currently reading. If there's nothing available there, I'll expand to some other books I occasionally refer to.
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4dkellysworld · 23 days
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4dkellysworld · 24 days
Tend lovingly to the garden of your mind
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4dkellysworld · 25 days
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I realised this myself too on my journey, in the past I was too busy making sure I intellectually understood what previous masters were saying (this came from a lack of trust in my Self) and thus delayed my own experience (and value of it). How many times in life have I chosen not to even try to experience something because of what others have said? Then later on I unexpectedly do try it by chance and my experience is different and thus my personal truth also becomes different to theirs. This is what taught me that you can't just take what any person (not even a master) says as gospel. At most, take it in for checking only if it resonates with your heart. That's why my best advice will always be to listen to your heart and take only what resonates. There is no right or wrong way to approach life, only you can know yourself what your personal truth is. Lesson learned, don't deny your own experiences for that's the whole purpose we came here for: to experience and know our Self 🩷
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4dkellysworld · 26 days
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4dkellysworld · 27 days
TW: addressing suicide
Thought this might help someone since I got asks about it before. There's nothing particularly triggering but just adding the label as it is addressing suicide. Excerpt talks about what happens after death.
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4dkellysworld · 1 month
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4dkellysworld · 1 month
What I don't understand is how is the mind tricking the self? Like how did it make self think that it was a person and separate? Because self is above the mind so how is it being fooled by it
Also, when we do things to quiet the mind is it self doing it or the mind? Like if I meditate everyday, is it self working towards quieting the mind, or the mind working towards quieting itself.
And if awareness is just being aware of this whole thing, then what is the point in trying to realize awareness? Because awareness isn't the one that thinks it's a person, it doesn't even think, so why are we trying to realize that we aren't a person but that we are awareness when awareness can't even think that it is a person and has instead just been watching. Because this whole thing just feels like I'm the mind trying to quiet myself so that I can see another thing that i think i am which in this case is awareness.
If you can help me understand this that would be greatly appreciated because this whole thing is just so confusing 🙏
What I don't understand is how is the mind tricking the self? Like how did it make self think that it was a person and separate? Because self is above the mind so how is it being fooled by it
All these questions.. but why? You are trying to understand from an intellectual perspective but can a limited thing completely comprehend a limitless infinite being? Why don't you ask yourself that? Why do you believe you are separate? You are the Self, you tell me.
Also, when we do things to quiet the mind is it self doing it or the mind? Like if I meditate everyday, is it self working towards quieting the mind, or the mind working towards quieting itself.
Honestly, who cares? You are asking irrelevant questions imo that just keeps the mind chatter and thoughts going but does it help? But anyway, it's the latter because Self is not a doer.
And if awareness is just being aware of this whole thing, then what is the point in trying to realize awareness?
Huh, realize awareness? Where did you get that from? I swear, some of you don't actually read my posts (or 4dbarbie) and are asking me questions based on what other Tumblrs are saying... Please stop lol. Ask them, not me. If you want a serious answer from me, then first make an effort to read what I've already written and ask me questions based off that. I will be ignoring asks in the future that are like this.
So why are we trying to realize that we aren't a person but that we are awareness when awareness can't even think that it is a person and has instead just been watching.
If you really want clarity, then read some teachings from realized beings such as Lester Levenson, Robert Adams or Siddharameshwar Maharaj, you are missing fundamental understanding because all your knowledge seems to come from reading a jumble of Tumblr blogs, hence the confusion. The resources are in the Google drives of Ada and mine, links are in the pinned posts of this blog and @4dbarbie-archive
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