So I’m archiving this blog. If you are here rn I’m going to create a new blog and PLEASE DON’T SORT THROUGH THIS BLOG a lot of the info is very very personal and I don’t want to delete it because it relates to my growth as a person. I will post my new url here later so stay tuned friends. 
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Hey. So how’s everything going. You guys having fun? For the two of you that are still here and active. 
I’ve been going through a lot but I’m probably gonna remake this blog someday and it’s gonna be fun. 
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what the fuck is fifth hormone and why is everyone so mad at carmella
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You are not bad for going back into the closet or not wearing your hijab or presenting as your assigned gender in the coming weeks. You are still deserving respect and you are still worthy of love. Your physical safety comes first.
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“omg who cares who wins just relax!”
poc, lgbt+ ppl, women:
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I know there are a lot of people terrified of a Trump presidency for a lot of reasons, but some of the most vibrant horror I’m seeing is coming from young queer people. These people were in middle school or grade school when Obama was first elected, when Glee came on with its revolutionary act of portraying a blatantly Disney-saccharine gay love story. RuPaul and Ellen are huge tv stars, Sulu owns Facebook. RENT is a musical theatre standby performed in high schools. Marriage equality and bathrooms have been their biggest fights. So this? Looks like the apocalypse.
It’s not. Within my lifetime, a president laughed at hundreds of thousands of people dying of AIDS. Within my lifetime, that was a death sentence, not a footnote on a Grindr profile. Within my lifetime, “transsexuals” only existed as cruel punchlines. The only trans guy I had even heard of at 19 was from a movie about him being murdered. Ellen was a pariah who had lost her show for coming out. Being gay was career suicide if you were anything but a hairdresser. It was automatic dishonorable discharge from the military.
This is not saying Trump couldn’t undo a lot of that. But not all of it. And even if, EVEN IF he did? Queer people survived. Flourished. Got to where it is now. And where it is now includes a younger generation who will not go back, and in another 20 years, will be the CEOs, the senators, the governors, the president.
If you don’t give up.
Don’t you fucking dare give up.
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where is girlfrond
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where is the one to bring smile back on her face
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Homestuck brought me back to life. What’s up everyone. 
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in japan there’s a magazine for female Go players and it’s absolutely incredible
like look at this, what is she doing
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play Go while doing the long jump
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play Go while giving birth???
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“If you don’t have a Go board, you can use my chest”
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I love this magazine
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I still get emotional every time I think about Appa getting kidnapped and Toph trying to save him and hold the library up and then she cries apologizing to him because she can’t do both and she shook me up more than Passion of the Christ ever did
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people ABSOLUTELY overblow how “bad” homestuck was. Say whatever you want about the fandom but the actual webcomic was amazing and practically defined itself as its own fucking genre. It created a storytelling medium we couldn’t have even fucking imagined, it spanned from deviantart to vine for gods sake, who could have imagined using fucking deviantart as a medium to tell the story of a webcomic? It’s one of the biggest works in the English language and spiraled into this status from a shitty little user command comic years ago.
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Pretty nice.
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how to draw arms ? ? 
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guessing what happened on pll without watching the episode: 13/?
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