andeeboo · 14 hours
has anybody tried being nice
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andeeboo · 23 hours
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Fuck i hate how funny he is
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andeeboo · 3 days
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when i was in college, i was high. the sentence usually ends there but one specific time when i was high, i wandered into a gym on campus with some friends. we saw 4 guys in skinny jeans playing basketball and we said hello. they asked if we were going to the show later tonight and we were like "uhhh no probably not, we just wanted to play some basketball" and they were like "oh cool, yeah let's play"
so i'm not like, an athlete in any sense of the word. neither were my friends. but these guys were clowns on the court—and i don't mean harlem globetrotters. i'm talking pt barnum. these guys could not ball. they all had boots on and one of em was wearing a tight leather jacket. so i think we won purely because we were wearing leisurewear. my friend makes this joke about how our liberal arts college is undefeated in pickup basketball and none of them laughed. we played to 21 points, said goodbye, and laughed at dinner about those weird guys
those weird guys were Kings of Leon and they were playing a show in on campus that night for some reason. i heard their set in the far distance, muffled through the window of my dorm room as i was playing Animal Crossing
that was 2014 and it's been downhill ever since for the band
i am what happened to Kings of Leon
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andeeboo · 3 days
I hate powerful examinations of the human condition thank god deep space nine is just gay sex!
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andeeboo · 5 days
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andeeboo · 5 days
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iit means you need to boil him in oil
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andeeboo · 7 days
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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andeeboo · 8 days
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Extruding pasta
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andeeboo · 9 days
at this point it bugs me when someone directs ppl to their twitter acct. like. twitter????? WHY are you sending them to twitter, the most harmful thing to look at other than the sun???
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andeeboo · 17 days
The word "religion" does not mean "Christianity."
The word "faith" does not mean "Christianity."
The word "spirituality" does not mean "Christianity."
You have got to stop equating all of these things. You have got to stop doing shit like saying "all religion is bad" or "all faith is destructive."
You have got to understand that you can't truly support Jewish people and Indigenous people and immigrants and refugees and marginalized communities if you're looking down your nose at their cultures.
There are more religions than Christianity.
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andeeboo · 20 days
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finally did something for mermay thanks to falin my beloved and her tiny gf
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andeeboo · 20 days
the year was Two Thousand and twenty-four. I took a puff of my Electronic-Cigarette, inhaling the vapours. my mobile terminal buzzed in my pocket, a flat slab of microchips and glossy touchscreen. I ignored it....... probably another Electronic-Mail
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andeeboo · 21 days
“we have wars because human nature is” shut up
“sexism is inevitable due to the differences between men and” I will beat you to death with a stick
PLEASE it’s so helpful to look at the concrete causes for things. PleasE stop assuming the current state of things must be how it’s “supposed” to be.
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andeeboo · 22 days
help my extended family leave palestine.
edit: decided to add my family friend's gofundme link here too. once again. please read through the notes. remember that these are real people, who are living through this as you read. this is my family. theyre all amazing people and i love them dearly stop scrolling, and take a minute to read about their story. i cannot stress enough that, when it comes to donations, every little bit counts. if you feel guilty and powerless about the situation in palestine, and you want a way to help, here it is. please, if you have even a little bit to spare, consider donating. If you don't have anything to give, at least reblog to spread the message.
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andeeboo · 23 days
While I'm talking about social stuff I had to learn as an autistic person
There's a LOT of social interactions between human beings whose purpose really boils down to being like that thing dogs do where they go "omg YOU'RE a dog??? I'M a dog!!!!!" And that's not a bad thing. Highly ritualized "meaningless" displays of human connection like friendly greetings and talking about things like weather actually do serve a purpose which is like idk ritualized displays birds do. YOU'RE a human? Omg I'M a human!!!! Wow!!!
And they don't have to be your favorite flavor of interaction. You can even think they're silly. But they DO serve a purpose or else they wouldn't be a thing.
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andeeboo · 25 days
This miniature horse in Colombia enjoys cuddling.
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andeeboo · 25 days
indeed dot com jobs the baby smiler
indeed dot com jobs smiling at babies
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