angelblades95 · 3 years
They’re in the garage of the bunker, trailing out of the Impala, when it happens for the first time.
In all honestly, Dean shouldn’t be so aware of it. The touch is casual – everyday. Something that might happen when you pass a little too closely with a stranger on the street. Except it isn’t everyday (Dean can count on one hand the number of times someone has touched him in the last month) and it isn’t a stranger.
It’s Cas; it’s Castiel’s hand floating up to trail fingers along the middle of his back. Dean shouldn’t be so aware of it and he shouldn’t react like he does – which is a full-body shudder and a hitch in his breathing. He stops in the middle of a step, so that Sam behind him has to come up short.
His brother passes him an odd look, no doubt wondering if there was some lingering injury from the showdown they had with the wraith. Dean just passes him a Winchesters-patented “all good” smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. As Sam heads into the bunker, so does Cas. Dean watches the angel go, watches the flicker of his trench coat. His eyes track the curl of fingers from under the coat’s cuffs.
Later, Dean wishes it were further into spring, wishes he hadn’t been wearing his leather jacket, so the press of Castiel’s hand could have been closer to his body.
It starts happening regularly, is the thing. Cas’s shoulder against Dean’s chest as they maneuver through one of the bunker’s smaller storage rooms, Cas’s hand cupping Dean’s elbow to catch his attention, Cas standing so close as he reads the laptop over Dean’s head that Dean can feel the heat of him, smell that just-sideways-of-human smell Cas gives off – like metal melting and the milk from dandelions.
And then.
In the kitchen, beers open but untouched, Sam long-since asleep. Cas’s knee is against one of Dean’s but it has been since they sat down, almost an hour ago. They’ve been meandering through a conversation on the “future.” On what that could even mean for them, for Dean, and Sam. Dean can feel his heart beating in the swell of his knee, at the point where it connects with Castiel’s.
At least, until Cas’s hand comes up to fit over Dean’s cheek. The heel of his wrist is against Dean’s mouth and his fingertips are just brushing Dean’s hair and he lets out a truly mortifying, breathy noise at the touch. Like his chest has given out. His shoulders curl in a little and his eyes shut and without meaning to really he presses into the angel’s worn palm.
“You keep…doing that,” Dean roughs out after a moment.
“I’m sorry,” Cas says in that way, where he apologizes for the thing he’s doing, but doesn’t stop doing it. “You’ve been praying for it.”
Dean’s eyes flash open at that and he looks to Cas with a stricken expression. “No, I haven’t.” Still, he doesn’t pull away.
“You have,” Castiel insists. For all the panic through Dean’s system, Cas is calm. “Prayer doesn’t have to be words. This is more…intention.” His face does shift then and there’s an ancient sort of pain around his eyes. “I can feel…your longing.”
Thirteen years ago Dean would have rocked back on his heels and jeered out something about chick-flick moments but Dean is coming around forty and he’s tired and he hasn’t been touched in – well, he lost count. And this is Cas.
He swallows. Closes his eyes. Tilts his head. Murmurs into Cas’s hand, “What’m I longing for now?”
And Cas was telling the truth. He must be able to sense intention with crystal clarity because the next thing Dean feels is the warm press of Castiel’s lips on his own.
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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SAM WILSON APPRECIATION WEEK ↳ day 7: free choice (insp.)
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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I’m only gonna say this once. If you touch a hair on their heads, I will tear it all down. Our arrangement - everything. I’m still an Angel, and I will bury you.
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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↳ The Man Who Would Be King (6x20)
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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The Cheetah Girls, 2003.
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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I believe it’s what you would call a…tragedy from the human perspective. But maybe the human perspective is… limited, I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you, Father, one last time. Am I doing the right thing? Am I on the right path? You have to tell me, you have to give me a sign. Give me a sign. Because if you don’t… I’m gonna- I’m gonna do whatever I… whatever I must.
The Evolution of Castiel 8/? [Season 6 - Part 2]
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angelblades95 · 3 years
The Secret is Out
Samandriel was asleep in bed when something stirred him awake. He reached over to the other side of the bed, only to find a cold, empty space. He opened his eyes slightly and was met with darkness.
“Benny?” He called out. But he was met with silence. He called out again, “Benny?” He heard shuffling outside of the door and it cracked open slightly. “Hey Darling, what are you doing awake?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Samandriel replied, voice muffled with sleep. He turned on the lamp beside the bed to get a better look at Benny. He was looking at everything but Samandriel, which was very unusual because Benny loved to look into his eyes.
“What’s wrong, Benny?”
“Nothing, Cher. Go back to sleep.”
“Aren’t you coming back to bed?”
“O’ course suga’, just let me clean up in the kitchen.”
“Benny, that can wait until the morning. Come back to bed.”
How could Benny ignore such a request? Benny looked back at the door suspiciously. If it wasn’t three in the morning, Samandriel would have read more into it but he decided that whatever it was could wait until the sun was up. He turned the lamp back off, closed his eyes, and drifted back to sleep. Benny watched as Samandriel’s breathing slowed. He was planning on watching him sleep for just a few more minutes but, before he knew it, he drifted off as well.
The next morning, when Samandriel awoke, he desperately needed his morning cup of coffee. He got out of bed and put on his fluffy slippers and matching robe that Benny got him for Christmas. He cast one last glance toward Benny to see that the man was still sound asleep. As quietly as possible, he padded through the apartment towards the kitchen. As he was looking for his favorite mug, the one with angel wings that Castiel got him from L.A. last summer, in the cabinet, Benny came running into the kitchen, white as a ghost. “I can explain,” he yelled. Samandriel looked at him over his shoulder like he had lost his mind. He did that cute little head tilt not unlike his older brother, Castiel, when he was confused. That is when his attention was drawn to the kitchen table. With wide eyes, he took in the sight before him. Benny could see the color drain from his face.
Read it on AO3: Here
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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Pokeball Terrariums made by PalletCraftsbyXev
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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Phillipa Soo as Eliza Schuyler in Hamilton (2020)
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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daveed for style magazine italy.
he’s literally thriving im so beyond proud of bub
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angelblades95 · 3 years
Me, currently it's Hamilton. Now Satisfied is running on a constant loop in my mind.
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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I am no longer the Winter Soldier. I am James Bucky Barnes…
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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Rowena + red dedicated to @oohwinchesters
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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6.03 - The Third Man
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angelblades95 · 3 years
There were a lot of things Dean loved about Cas, but his favorite was this little routine Cas had initiated a mere few days after they got together.
2 kisses good morning, and 3 kisses good night.
The first thing Cas did when they woke up was place two little soft pecks against Dean’s lips and mumble a quiet, “Good morning.” And just before they fell asleep, Cas would press their mouths together in three lingering kisses, murmuring against Dean’s mouth, “Good night, Dean.”
So maybe Dean was a little smitten. But when he woke up one morning without any kisses because Cas wasn’t in bed, he moped all the way to the kitchen; only to find his angel at the coffeemaker with two mugs. “Where are my morning kisses?” Dean all but pouted, leaning his hip against the counter.
Cas instantly moved across the kitchen, nudging Dean until he was firmly pressed back against the counter. When Cas finally kissed him, it was slow and deep; so tender it made Dean ache.
“Good morning, Dean,” Cas hummed, leaning in and stealing a third kiss.
“What happened to just two kisses?” Dean asked, chasing Cas’ mouth when they broke apart and initiating a fourth kiss.
“Two kisses isn’t enough,” Cas replied, nudging Dean up onto the counter and pressing kisses 5 and 6 to Dean’s lips.
Just as Dean was about to wrap his arms around Cas’ neck to pull him into kiss number 7, the coffee pot dinged.
Cas disentangled himself and attempted to move back towards the coffee, but Dean slipped his fingers into the angel’s hair.
“Coffee can wait. Not done kissing you,” Dean said, nudging his nose against Cas’ softly.
Cas beamed so radiantly that Dean couldn’t stop himself from pressing his lips to that beautiful smile. And then Cas was slotting himself between Dean’s legs again, one hand settling on Dean’s thigh and the other resting on his jaw as they kissed.
They didn’t stop kissing until Sam walked into the kitchen twenty minutes later, loudly complaining, “Can’t a guy get his breakfast in peace without seeing the two of you make out? Get a room already.”
Dean threw a towel at Sam in retaliation, and stole another kiss from Cas just because he could.
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angelblades95 · 3 years
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➥supernatural random moments [9/∞]
2x19 | Folsom Prison Blues
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