シークレットシークレット-Secret Secret- by Perfume
Honto no kimi wo shee rit ah ino Kira kira de mega kuram ooh ked oh Nana mecha ra koi she not gara So no he meets ooh wo toy tay
本当のキミを知りたいの キラキラで目が眩むけど 斜めから恋しながら その秘密を解いて
I want to know true you It’s so bright that it makes me dizzy As I’m in love from off-center I solve the secret
Tally night yo kimi wo she ritai no hureru yubi saki ga key re soda saiko no amai egao de uso tsui ta kimi wa its ooh demo secret
足りないよ キミを 知りたいの 触れる指先が切れそうだ 最高の甘い笑顔で嘘ついた キミはいつでもシークレット
It’s not enough, I want to know about you My finger that touches is about to be cut You lied with the sweetest smile You are always the secret
Its ooh car daki she may tight de show Kakehiki no mie route basho Ushiro sugata ga setsu night So re wa hora kino say de show
いつか抱きしめたいでしょ 駆け引きの見える場所 うしろ姿が切ない それはほら気のせいでしょ
You want to hold me someday A place that you can see the stratagems of love His back gives me a heart break But see it’s only my imagination
Honto no kimi wo shee rit ah ino Kira kira de mega kuram ooh ked oh Nana mecha ra koi wo she tell ooh So no he meets ooh wo toy tay
本当のキミを知りたいの キラキラで目が眩むけど 斜めから恋をしてる その秘密を解いて
I want to know true you It’s so bright that it makes me dizzy I’m in love from off-center I solve the secret
Tally night yo kimi wo she ritai no hureru yubi saki ga key re soda saiko no amai egao de uso tsui ta kimi wa its ooh demo secret
足りないよ キミを 知りたいの 触れる指先が切れそうだ 最高の甘い笑顔で嘘ついた キミはいつでもシークレット
It’s not enough, I want to know about you My finger that touches is about to be cut You lied with the sweetest smile You are always the secret
coal lay wa un may nan da ne Tashi kani son na yo da ne Its ooh mo shin jite iru yo Kids ooh cut night huri suru yo
これは運命なんだね たしかにそんなようだね いつも信じているよ 気づかないふりするよ
This is destiny, right Yeah, it seems like it  definitely I always believe you I pretend not to notice
Honto no kimi wo shee rit ah ino Kira kira de mega kuram ooh ked oh Nana mecha ra koi she not gara So no he meets ooh wo toy tay
本当のキミを知りたいの キラキラで目が眩むけど 斜めから恋しながら その秘密を解いて
I want to know true you It’s so bright that it makes me dizzy As I’m in love from off-center I solve the secret
Tally night yo kimi wo she ritai no hureru yubi saki ga key re soda saiko no amai egao de uso tsui ta kimi wa its ooh demo secret
足りないよ キミを 知りたいの 触れる指先が切れそうだ 最高の甘い笑顔で嘘ついた キミはいつでもシークレット
It’s not enough, I want to know about you My finger that touches is about to be cut You lied with the sweetest smile You are always the secret
written by 中田ヤスタカ(Nakata Ysutaka)
0 notes
Let’s貢献!~恋の懲役は1,000,000年~ -Let’s Contribute! ~The Sentence Of Love Is 1,000,000 years~ by 貢献Girls( Koh Ken Girls)
Ah nut ah knee koi go coro tocki may ta Demo chick and zoo itch ah e kay night night Hey geenie ok route toe got beat oh no se shock what Meat omen rat rey te night night Ah rey ya korey hanna she tight Demo hanna she chat ike night night Hey geenie ok route toe got beat oh no se shock what Meat omen rat rey te eel night night
あなたに恋心、ときめいた でも近づいちゃ、いけ(ナイナイ) 平時における咎人との接触は 認められて(ナイナイ) あれやこれ、話したい でも話しちゃ、いけ(ナイナイ) 平時における咎人との接触は 認められて(イーナイナイ)
My heart beat fast for you But cannot get close, no no Ordinarily, the touch to criminals Is not permitted, no no This and that, I want to talk But cannot talk to you, no no Ordinarily, the touch to criminals Is not permitted, no no
tsuta what eh route yo key me no will’O What ah she no naka meguri ahure dashi so de
伝わってるよ 君のWill’O 私の中 巡り溢れ出しそうで
I can feel your Will’O Inside me, it’s running and about to overflow
Dakara Let’s Koh ken Kenri kaiho shinsei no su eh Subete wo toe key hana te freedom Kan she she te ah get ai nah what ah she Ohayo kara oyasu me mad eh  Koi no cho eki what he yak man nen ( Let’s koh ken)
だから Let’s 貢献 権利開放申請の末 すべてを解き放って フリーダム 監視してあげたいな私 おはようからおやすみまで 恋の懲役は1,000,000年 (Let’s 貢献)
So let’s contribute At the end of application for availability of rights Unleash everything freedom I want to monitor you, I do for you From the morning to the night The sentence of love is 1,000,000 years
Kono sekai ga low go ku nara Mits may tell ooh no what Key toe kami sama dat yo ne
この世界が 牢獄なら 見つめてるのは きっと 神様だよね
If this world is a jail The one who is staring Might be a god, right
Dakara Let’s Koh ken Kenri kaiho shinsei no su eh Subete wo toe key hana te freedom Me mamo te ah get tight nah what ah she You ri cut go kara hat car bar mad eh
だから Let’s 貢献 権利開放申請の末 すべてを時はなって フリーダム 見守ってあげたいな 私 ゆりかごから 墓場まで
So let’s contribute At the end of application for availability of rights Unleash everything freedom I want to watch over you, I do for you From the cradle to the grave
Let’s Koh ken Kenri kaiho shinsei no su eh Subete wo toe key hana te freedom Kan she she te ah get ai nah what ah she Ohayo kara oyasu me mad eh  Koi no cho eki what he yak man nen ( Let’s koh ken)
Let’s 貢献 権利開放申請の末 すべてを解き放って フリーダム 監視してあげたいな私 おはようからおやすみまで 恋の懲役は1,000,000年 (Let’s 貢献)
Let’s contribute At the end of application for availability of rights Unleash everything freedom I want to monitor you, I do for you From the morning to the night The sentence of love is 1,000,000 years
written by 特別協汎者活動室 特務楽団
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貢献ユアセルフ-Koh ken Yourself- by 貢献Girls (Koh ken Girls)
Work now! Cure more he got no bought lee Obey now! So she take he got she zoo move Join hands! Take toe take wow toe lee ai Forever! Me light wow key zoo cool
Work now! 今日も日が昇り Obey now! そして日が沈む Join hands! 手と手を取り合い Forever! 未来を築く
Work now! The sun rises again today Obey now! And the sun sets again Join hands! Give each other’s hands Forever! Build up the future
Low dough what G can wow Cut cheer knee Hen can she Say kite knee Call tay cut Sou luke oh ooh dough So lay what Key me got Call no say kite E key tat ah car she
労働は 時間を 価値に 変換し 世界に 固定化 する行動 それは 君が この世界 生きた証
Laboring changes the hours Into worth and Is an action that establishes in the world And it is a proof That you lived in this world
Call ken yourself Zoo toe Me its met L ooh yo Dough chew no dough call Call dough chew no shot gear oh Me no got say night Call ke yourself So no sou bet eh key oak need key zap more Cut K got eh no night he beat wow
貢献ユアセルフ ずっと 見つめてるよ 道中の動向 行動中の諸行 見逃せない 貢献ユアセルフ その全て記憶に刻もう かけがえのない日々を
Contribute yourself I’m staring at you all the time The movement on a journey All things while moving Can’t miss it Contribute yourself Let’s engrave all the memories in our minds All the precious days
Freedom! Key me toe meets ooh may ah eel Forever! Let key she whorts ooh zoo loo
Freedom! 君と見つめあい Forever! 歴史を綴る
Freedom! Staring at each other Forever! String the history
G you what An shin wow who an knee Hen can she Say kite knee He tolly dutch eel Sou loo call wow eel So lay what Key me got Call no say kite icky loo ah car she
自由は 安心を 不安に 変換し 世界に 独り立ち する行為 それは 君が この世界 生きた証
Freedom changes Peace into anxiety And is an action that means independence to the world It is a proof That you lived in this world
Call ken yourself Zoo toe, me its ooh met eh loo yo Dough chew no conant Call dough chew no can nan Me mat more lee tight Call ken yourself So no sou bet eh key oak need key zap more Cut K got eh no night he beat wow
貢献ユアセルフ ずっと見つめてるよ 道中の困難 行動中の艱難 見守りたい 貢献ユアセルフ その全て記憶に刻もう かけがえのない日々を
Contribute yourself I’m staring at you all the time The hardship on a journey The difficulty while moving Want to watch over you Contribute yourself Let’s engrave all the memories in our minds All the precious days
Call ken yourself Key toe ooh mac ooh eek yo Say Call more She eat pie more Key me no more no sat Call ken yourself Cut K got eh no night Key me, he beat Call ken yourself
貢献ユアセルフ きっとうまくいくよ 成功も 失敗も 君のものさ 貢献ユアセルフ かけがえのない 君、日々 貢献ユアセルフ
Contribute yourself Sure it’ll go well Even a success Even a failure All of them are yours Contribute yourself Precious You, days Contribute yourself
written by 特別協汎者活動室 特務楽団
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永久幸福カリキュレーション-Eh kyu Koh huku Calculation- by 貢献Lady(Koh ken Lady)
He net mos ooh, eh got oh wow car zoe L Suck ooh gits ooh yo lee what, zog car no more yo Meow knee cheer up, motto what loud cut now Hahaha, car monel Knee got what loud  bayesian
終日、笑顔を数える 昨日よりは、増加の模様 明日は、もっと笑うかな? ハハハ、かもね 苦笑う ベイジアン
All thtough the day, counting every times you smile It seems to be increasing more than yesterday I wonder if you do more tomorrow Hahaha, maybe The bayesian smiling wryly
Tally night ya, cry wow cool it again take yo Yeah, mother ah who lay take nine jack? Call eh wow, me take yo call no, serotonin no rio! Aria mat, call eh what more, shicker tat night net
足りないや、位を繰り上げてよ いやー、まだ溢れてないんじゃ? これを、見てよ この、セロトニン���量! ありゃま、これはもう、シカタナイネ
It’s not enough, carry up the digit No, I guess it’s not full to overflowing yet? Look at this, this quantity of the serotonin! Oh my god, any longer, it cannot be helped
Kite lack ooh no rio ogre Shiah what say demo night Gay knee dough she key got tight “heat oh” toe you key me wow car zoe its ooh zoo kay yo
快楽の量が 幸せでもない げに度しき難き「ヒト」という君を数え続けよう
The amount of the pleasure Is not equal to be happy I’ll keep counting you who are one of “humans” that actually are incorrigible
Ey cue call hook cariculation Me light what matter, key toe, chigger ooh she key Ey cue call hook cariculation Overflow more matter, tat know she car lat zoo ya
永久幸福カリキュレーション 未来はまた、きっと、違う式 永久幸福カリキュレーション オーバーフローもまた、楽しからずや
Eternal happiness calculation The future might be another different equation Eternal happiness calculation Also overflowing could be fun
Ah may no heat more, cars F ooh cool yo rue more Ah matter wow car zoe its ooh zoo kelt He call ritz ooh wow yeah ligger eenie car eh Its ooh more yo lee more et rue euphoria
雨の昼も、風吹く夜も 数多を数え続ける 非効率をやりがいに変え いつもよりも得るユーフォリア
Even a rainy noon, even a windy night I keep counting a multitude Changing inefficiency to worthwhileness Euphoria that I get more than usual
Luck sou rue call toe got Shiah what say demo night Gay knee dough she key got tight “heat oh” toe you key me wow car zoe its ooh zoo kay yo
楽することが 幸せでもない げに度しき難い「ヒト」という君を数え続けよう
Taking it easy Does not make them happy I’ll keep counting you who are one of “humans” that are actually incorrigible
Ey cue call hook cariculation Long lee got night no more, key toe, long lee she key Ey cue call hook cariculation show may who know more matter, tat know she cut lat zoo ya
永久幸福カリキュレーション 論理がないのも、きっと、論理式 永久幸福カリキュレーション 証明不能もまた、楽しからずや
Eternal happiness calculation It can be called a logical formula even without logic Eternal happiness calculation Also impossible proof could be fun
Cut zoe what sou lemon go IQ oh Cut cute eh key sou me yak ani hen E-key night nat lat, hoe lat, call no utter E wow tot eh Tally night tok oh low wow, ooh meh aw us eh yo
数え忘れもご愛嬌 可及的速やかに 変域内なら、ほら、この値を取って 足りないところを、埋め合わせよう
Take it as my charm when I forget counting As soon as possible If it’s within a domain, look, take this value and Where the amount is not enough, let’s offset it
Ey cue call hook cariculation Me light what matter, key toe, chigger ooh she key Ey cue call hook cariculation Overflow more matter, tan oak she cut lat zoo ya
永久幸福カリキュレーション 未来はまた、きっと、違う式 永久幸福カリキュレーション オーバーフローもまた、楽しからずや
Eternal happiness calculation The future might be another different equation Eternal happiness calculation Also overflowing could be fun
written by 特別協汎者活動室 特務楽団
0 notes
Tah et tah Got man she tah Back up not hooley duck take she tah everytime my selfish Its ooh muds ooh cool tat beanie hoe lat bock ooh lat coco low oh lay loo
堪えた 我慢した 馬鹿なフリだってした everytime my selfish つまづく旅にほら僕らココロ折れる
I did bear, I’d been patient I even pretended to be dumb everytime my selfish The journey that makes us stumble breaks our hearts
Shido vishasu mo john lenon mo Souk et night lee sou shoot gie shut nano? Deckie more she night call toe kanga et tell ooh Bock more momus oh cut sir
シドヴィシャスもジョンレノンも 救えない理想主義者なの? できもしないこと考えてる 僕も夢想家さ
Are Sid Vicious and John Lenon The unsaved idealists? Because I think about something impossible, I’m a dreamer too
Its ooh no he car key me got nag ah she tat ah no numb E that make you free Ey Q knee More ya she take she mount. that
いつの日か君が流したあの涙 make you free 永久に 燃やしてしまうんだ
The tears from your eyes on that day before make you free Endlessly We’re gonna burn it 
SO VERY VERY NICE Call lay FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Call dock ooh got oont may sir Call ey wow key cut say take Oh key nut call ey day Eamie night call toe wow
SO VERY VERY NICE これFiNAL FiNAL DANCE 孤独が運命さ 声をきかせて 大きな声で 意味ないことを
SO VERY VERY NICE This is FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Loneliness is my destiny Let me hear you say loudly Say something meaningless
GOING GOING GO MY WAY Call lay FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Oh more E darse ooh no more Coo its ooh knee nut loo yo? Mah E cut more shoot ten dut Ah she tah knee what what sou lay take loo
GOING GOING GO MY WAY これFiNAL FiNAL DANCE 思い出すのも 苦痛になるよ? まいっかもう終点だ 明日には忘れてる
GOING GOING GO MY WAY This is FiNAL FiNAL DANCE To remember those memories Gives you a pain, you know? But fine, we’ll almost get to the terminal And we’ll forget about that when it’s tomorrow
Shido viciousu mo john lenon mo Souk et night lee sou shoot gie shut nano? Deckie more she night call toe kanga et tell ooh Bock more momus oh cut sir
シドヴィシャスもジョンレノンも 救えない理想主義者なの? できもしないこと考えてる 僕も夢想家さ
Are Sid Vicious and John Lenon The unsaved idealists? Because I think about something impossible, I’m a dreamer too
Car kay got eh no night key me toss ooh go she tah he beat got make you free Ey Q knee Key eh take she mah ooh
かけがえのない君と過ごした日々が make you free 永久に 消えてしまう
The precious days with you make you free Endlessly It’s about to disappear
SO VERY VERY NICE Kore FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Kodoku ga ummei sa Koe wo kikase te Oh kina koe de Imi nai koto wo
SO VERY VERY NICE これFiNAL FiNAL DANCE 孤独が運命さ 声をきかせて 大きな声で 意味ないことを
SO VERY VERY NICE This is FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Loneliness is my destiny Let me hear you say loudly Say something meaningless
GOING GOING GO MY WAY Kore FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Omoi dasu nomo Kutsu ni naru yo? Ma ikka mo shu ten da Ashita niwa wasure teru
GOING GOING GO MY WAY これFiNAL FiNAL DANCE 思い出すのも 苦痛になるよ? まいっかもう終点だ 明日には忘れてる
GOING GOING GO MY WAY This is FiNAL FiNAL DANCE To remember those memories Gives you a pain, you know? But fine, we’ll almost get to the terminal And we’ll forget about that when it’s tomorrow
Ashita niwa sekai no heiwa wo nega unda make you free Eh kyu ni Aoki mama ni
明日には世界の平和を願うんだ make you free 永久に 碧きままに
When tomorrow comes, we all will wish for the world peace make you free Endlessly Young as we are
SO VERY VERY NICE Kore FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Kodoku ga ummei sa Koe wo kikase te Oh kina koe de Imi nai koto wo
SO VERY VERY NICE これFiNAL FiNAL DANCE 孤独が運命さ 声をきかせて 大きな声で 意味ないことを
SO VERY VERY NICE This is FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Loneliness is my destiny Let me hear you say loudly Say something meaningless
GOING GOING GO MY WAY Kore FiNAL FiNAL DANCE Omoi dasu nomo Kutsu ni naru yo? Ma ikka mo shu ten da Itsuka mata kono basho eh
GOING GOING GO MY WAY これFiNAL FiNAL DANCE 思い出すのも 苦痛になるよ? まいっかもう終点だ いつかまたこの場所へ
GOING GOING GO MY WAY This is FiNAL FiNAL DANCE To remember those memories Gives you a pain, you know? But fine, we’ll almost get to the terminal Someday we’ll come back here
Itsuka mata kono basho eh
Someday we’ll come back here
written by BiS
0 notes
トライアングラー-Triangular- by 坂本 真綾(Mahya Sakamoto)
Kimi wa dare to kiss wo suru Watashi? Soretomo ano ko? Kimi wa dare to kiss wo suru Hoshi wo meguru yo Junjo
君は誰とキスをする  わたし それともあの娘  君は誰とキスをする 星を巡るよ 純情 
Who are you going to give a kiss Is it me or that girl Who are you going to give a kiss I’m going to travel around the stars, pure in heart
Yowamushi nakimushi tsurete Mada ikundato omou watashi Aisuru yori motomeru yori Utagau ho ga zutto tayasui jibun ga kuyashi
弱虫泣き虫連れて  まだ行くんだと思う わたし  愛するより求めるより  疑うほうがずっとたやすい自分が悔しい
I’ll still take more steps With my weakness and tears, I guess It pains me that I doubt much easier  Than loving or desiring
Itai yo  Mikata dakedo aishite nai toka Mamoru kedo soba ni irenai toka
痛いよ  味方だけど愛してないとか  守るけど側にいれないとか
It hurts That you don’t love me though you’re my side Or that you don’t let me get close though you protect me
Nigai niritsu haihan Ima sugu Touch me Ummei naraba tsunagasete
苦い二律背反  今すぐ タッチミー  運命ならばつながせて 
It’s like a bitter antinomy Right now Touch me Let me connect with you if it’s our fate
Kimi wa dare to kiss wo suru Watashi Soretomo ano ko Kokoro yurasu kotoba yori Musekinin ni daite Genkai
君は誰とキスをする  わたし それともあの娘  こころ揺らす言葉より  無責任に抱いて 限界
Who are you going to give a kiss Is it me or that girl Rather than the words that will impress me I want you to hold me irresponsiby, limitation
Moso wo sabaku okite Ushiro kara keriagetara Mukidashi no koi ni yoroketa
妄想を裁くオキテ  うしろから蹴りあげたら  むき出しの恋によろけた
The rule that judges the fantasies Right after I kicked it from behind The straight love made me stagger
Kokyu dakede sei ippai Mukae ni kite Oboreteru kara
呼吸だけで精一杯  むかえに来て おぼれてるから
All I can do is breathing Come to save me because I’m drowning
Itai yo Maemuki na uso Ma ni ukeru no wa Waratteru koe segame nai kara
痛いよ  前向きな嘘 真に受けるのは  笑ってる声せがめないから
It hurts The reason why I take the positive lies directly is Because I can’t say nothing to beg you to laugh
Mirai moteamashita Ima sugu hold me Risei nanka oshi taoshite
未来もてあました  今すぐ hold me  理性なんて押し倒して
I don’t know what to do with the future Right now hold me Push your reason down
Kimi wa dare to kiss wo suru Watashi Soretomo ano ko Namida marude yakutatazu Hoshi wo kakeru yo Junjo
君は誰とキスをする  わたし それともあの娘  涙まるで役立たず  星を駆けるよ 純情
Who are you going to give a kiss Is it me or that girl My tears are totally good for nothing I’m going to fly around the stars, pure in heart
Kimi wa dare to kiss wo suru Kimi wa dare to kiss wo suru Watashi Soretomo ano ko Tatta hitotsu inochi wo tate ni Ima hurikazasu Kansho
キミは誰とキスをする 君は誰とキスをする  わたし それともあの娘  たったひとつ命をタテに  いまふりかざす 感傷
Who are you going to give a kiss Who are you going to give a kiss Is it me or that girl With only my one life as a shield Now I’ll raise my Sentimentality
written by Gabriela Robin
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-SUGAR♥ME- by Tommy February6
Broke up, omoidashite ita kino The Party’s Over Lay down, taikuts nano, mada nemuritak nai
Broke up 思い出していた昨日 The Party's Over Lay down 退屈なの まだ 眠りたくない
Broke up, I was remembering about yesterday The Party’s Over Lay down, I’m bored but don’t wanna sleep yet
Hi, Hello? Henji wo shite Baby Dolls! Knocking on my Dollhouse door Come on! Let’s do a GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT!
Hi, Hello? 返事をして Baby Dolls! Knocking on my Dollhouse door Come on! Let's do a GIRLS' NIGHT OUT!
Hi, Hello? Answer me Baby Dolls! Knocking on my Dollhouse door Come on! Let’s do a GIRLS' NIGHT OUT!
Many Many Candies here Me ga mawaru made Mitsumete Lollipop Kitto yume gokochi ni naru
Many Many Candies here 目がまわるまで 見つめて Lollipop きっと夢心地になる
Many Many Candies here Till things started spinning, stare at the Lollipop You may feel like in a dream
Marude koi mitai Babies yeah Hoshii mono dake Okini mesu mama Amai ayamachi wa suteki Iki mo tske nai hodo
SUGAR SUGAR ME まるで恋みたい Babies yeah 欲しいものだけ お気に召すまま 甘い過ちはすてき 息もつけないほど SUGAR SUGAR ME
It’s like a love Babies yeah Go ahead and help yourself until you get satisfied The sweet mistake is fantastic, as mush I couldn’t breathe
Who Cares Wasre tai no Wazurawa shii koto wa Let’s Dance Nani mo kamo ga hutashika na sekai yo
Who Cares 忘れたいの 煩わしい事は Let's Dance 何もかもが不確かな世界よ
Who Cares I want to forget about annoying things Let’s Dance It’s a world that makes everything unsure
Hi, Hello? Dekake ma show Candy girls! Knocking at my Dollhouse door Come on! Let’s do a Girls’ night out!
Hi, Hello? 出かけましょう Candy girls! Knocking at my Dollhouse door Come on! Let's do a Girls' night out!
Hi, Hello? Let’s go out Candy girls! Knocking at my Dollhouse door Come on! Let’s do a Girls’ night out!
Many Many Candies here Nakitai toki wa erande Lollipop Kowai yume mo heiki nano
Many Many Candies here 泣きたいときは 選んで Lollipop 怖い夢も平気なの
Many Many Candies here Whenever you want to cry Choose any Lollipop Now I can face any scary dreams
Makra wo kakaete Babies yeah Asobi ni iko Shinkokyu shite Huan ni makenai kurai Steki na yume wo tsukridasu kara
枕を抱えて Babies yeah 遊びにいこう 深呼吸して 不安に負けないくらい すてきな夢を作り出すから
Hold your pillow Babies yeah Let’s go hanging out, Breathe deeply As enough to win the anxiety We’ll create amazing dreams
Babies! Do you believe in magic? Candy girls yeah Let's just imagine
Many Many Candies here Me ga mawaru made Mitsumete Lollipop Kitto yume gokochi ni naru
Many Many Candies here 目がまわるまで 見つめて Lollipop きっと夢心地になる
Many Many Candies here Till things started spinning, stare at the Lollipop You may feel like in a dream
Marude koi mitai Babies yeah Hoshii mono dake Okini mesu mama Amai ayamachi wa suteki Iki mo tske nai hodo
まるで恋みたい Babies yeah 見たい夢だけ お気に召すまま 甘い過ちはすてき 息もつけないほど
It’s like a love Babies yeah Go ahead and help yourself until you get satisfied The sweet mistake is fantastic, as mush I couldn’t breathe
written by Tommy february
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-This World Is Yours- by プリングミン(Plingmin)
Boku wa flying, flying, flying takaku Flying, flying ai ni ik yo
僕はフライング フライング 高く フライング フライング 会いにいくよ
I am flying flying flying higher Flying flying and I’ll come to see you
So itsuka no hi made Kimi ni
そう、いつかの日まで 君に
Yes, until that day we know See you again
“Taksan no negai goto, nohto no smi ni kaita te Tobira wa tojita mama, doremo hiraka nai”
「たくさんの願い事 ノートの隅に書いたって 扉は閉じたまま、どれも開かない」
“Even if I write a lot of my wishes on the corner of a notebook, All the doors are still closed, none won’t be opened”
Kekkyok itsumo hitori dash, otona wa wakatte krenai shi Yappari sekai wa kyo mo kawara nai
結局いつも一人だし 大人はわかってくれないし やっぱり世界は今日も変わらない
After all I’m always alone and grown ups don’t try to understand us The world never changes as I thought so
Mo sonna no oitoite sa Daijobu, hayaku iko yo
もうそんなの置いといてさ 大丈夫、早く行こうよ
Hey leave such things behind It’s okay, come on, let’s go over 
Kimi wa crying crying, shitte ita yo Crying crying, mo nakanai de Neh, boku ga iru kara
君はクライング クライング 知っていたよ クライング クライング もう泣かないで ね、僕がいるから
And you are crying crying, I knew that you are Crying crying, don’t cry anymore Look, I’m right here for you
Dakara diving diving, door wo akete Diving diving, tobidase ru Kono basho kara
だから ダイビング ダイビング ドアを開けて ダイビング ダイビング 飛び出せる この場所から
So let’s go diving diving, open up the door Diving diving, and we can take wing Out of this boring place
“Kiki akita rock’n’roll, bedo room de dive” Boku wa yappari atama ga okashin daro”
「聞き飽きたロックンロール ベッドルームでダイヴ! 僕はやっぱり頭がおかしいんだろう」
“The rock’n’roll I’m fed up with, and diving in my bedroom I have known it but I must be crazy"
”Kaeri michi wa wakaranai sh, doko ni iru kamo wakaranai Neh, watash wa doko eh ikeba ii?”
「帰り道はわからないし どこにいるかもわからない ねぇ、私はどこへ行けばいい?」
“I can’t find the way to home and I don’t even know where I am Tell me, where do you think I should go now?”
Mo zenbu wasrecha te sa Daijobu hayaku iko yo
もう全部忘れちゃってさ 大丈夫、早く行こうよ
Hey forget about them all It’s okay, come on, let’s go over
Kimi wa blind blind, me wo akete Blind bllind, mae wo mirun da So mabushik temo
君は ブラインド ブラインド 目を開けて ブラインド ブラインド 前を見るんだ そう、眩しくても
Now you are blind blind, open up your eyes And blind bllind, please take a look forward Yes, even if it’s too bright
Soshite finding finding、itsu no hi ka Finding finding, deaeru yo Honto no kimi ni
そして ファインディング ファインディング いつの日か ファインディング ファインディング 出会えるよ ほんとうの君に
You will be finding finding, you will find out one day Finding finding, you’ll be able to See the truth of yourself
Mo boku wa ikanak cha ikenai yo Ts taetai koto mada ah ta kedo
もう僕は行かなくちゃいけないよS 伝えたいことまだあったけど
Now I have to be gone There are still a lot of thing to tell you
Yappari himitsu ni shite oko kana Mata kimi to au hi made
やっぱり秘密にしておこうかな また君と会う日まで
I changed my mind to keep them in secret for now Until the day I see you again
You better flying flying takaku takaku Flying flying tohku tohku So doko eh demo yukeru
You better フライング フライング、高く、高く フライング フライング、遠く、遠く そう どこへでも行ける
You better flying flying higher and higher Flying flying farther and farther Yes, you can go wherever you want
Flying flying nagaku nagaku Flying flying motto toberu Kimi no tsubasa de
フライング フライング、永く、永く フライング フライング、もっと飛べる 君の翼で
And flying flying forever and ever Flying flying, you can do more With you own wings
I’m sure
written by Shunsuke Sakai(酒井 俊輔)
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思想電車-Shiso Densha- byチュール(CureaL)
Inakamachi, ii tenki, yokogitte yuku Hitorigoto, boku ni yu, “norisugo so ka.”
田舎町、いい天気、横切ってゆく 独り言、僕に言う、「乗り過ごそうか。」
A country town, it’s a fine day, I’m crossing I talked to myself “try not to get off?”
Mishiranu hito tsugi tsugi to issho ni nosete Chira hora dakedo
見知らぬ人 次々と 一緒に乗せて ちらほらだけど
Strangers, one after another, the train is giving’em a ride together Sparsely though
Karugaru to boku mo nosete Ichi nichi areba koko made korechaun dana
軽々と僕も乗せて 一日あれば ここまで来れちゃうんだなぁ
Easily giving me a ride too I learned I can come here in a day
Yukisaki no nai tabi wo, skoshi demo boku wa shiawase ni naro to suru Yugure wo mitodoke tayo Nandaka ureshik te, yoru ga skoshi kirei ni mieru
行き先のない旅を 少しでも僕は幸せになろうとする 夕暮れを見届けたよ なんだか嬉しくて、夜が少しきれいに見える
Even a little, I try to make myself happy in a trip without a destination I watched the sunset through the end I’m happy somehow, so the night  looks beautiful a bit
Nagai tabi, kaeri michi, wasrenai yo ni Nikki wo kaiteru yo
長い旅 帰り道 忘れないように 日記を書いてるよ
A long trip, the way to home, not to forget I’m keeping a diary
Kimi no kao, anata no koe, wasurenai yo ni Mainichi yomikae shite
君の顔 あなたの声 忘れないように 毎日読み返して
Your face, your voice, not to forget Reading it again and again everyday
Yukisaki no nai tabi wo, skoshi demo boku wa aruite yukitaku te Yugure wo mite tara, skoshi sabishiku te... Hitori dewa irenain dayo
行き先のない旅を 少しでも僕は歩いて行きたくて 夕暮れを見てたら 少し寂しくて… 一人ではいれないんだよ
Even a few steps, I want to take a trip without a destination As watching the sunset, I miss you a little... And I can’t stand being all alone
Tohku made me wo korashite Asoko dayo! hora, itsu demo mieru desho?
遠くまで目を凝らして あそこだよ!ほら いつでも見えるでしょ?
Strain your eyes farther Over there! Look, it can be seen all the time
Yugure ni ma ni atta kara Nandaka ureshik te, chotto atatakak te Yoru ga skoshi kirei ni mieru
夕暮れに間に合ったから なんだか嬉しくて、ちょっと温かくて、 夜が少しきれいに見える
I got to see the sunset in time I’m happy somehow, and feeling warm So the night lookd beautiful a bit
written by Yurie Sakai(酒井 由里絵)
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