bozukastudio · 8 years
Hey bonkochan its me monsterdarkestdesire of deviant art is this really your work cause I love it but when I look on YouTube of Disney it like I don't see your name :)
This blog here is a joint account between Bonka and myself (Im Zuka hi~) if you’re meaning the Paperman Project well the actual short itself is made by Disney but we’re building off of it to make a bigger feature length movie
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bozukastudio · 8 years
Finally putting the Paperman Project preview trailer back online and adjusted.
Had an older version before that I posted for a bit, but then took it down again. I feel I should leave something of it still up regardless. It’s something we’ve been working on for the past 3 years and all of the pictures shown here are strung out from over that time and vary a bit in completion haha…
I still thought it was a good thing we should finally share more of and I wanna stick to that. Your support even just in the livestreams has meant the world to us and we only hope that one day this project can see the light~ Thank you!
Paperman Project - A full length movie continuation of the Disney Paperman short (the short itself taking place near the beginning of the movie) that we plan to pitch to Disney one day.
We follow George’s perspective through 1953, Manhattan, in a world where some people throughout history have had super powers and are called “anomalies”. Things can get pretty crazy, but  to George, everything has looked rather gray, at least up until he decided to throw some paper planes out a window and meets some colorful new people. It’s not a superhero story; just some people who happen to have powers trying to get by and make their own path.
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bozukastudio · 8 years
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Martin has probably come the furthest in character development than everyone else in the Paperman Project. Physically and character-wise. His body type just kept changing for a while. Started out scrawny, then super beef, then more lean beef, but still small haha.
Goes from some of the first pics I ever had of him to some of the more recent-ish ones done on paper. Come a long way over 3 years.
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bozukastudio · 8 years
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Very crudely boarded Paperman Project scene I did yesterday. Ver. 2 of Martin and George first meeting.
Some details may be apt to change still but this is a bit closer to what might be in the final cut for the story rather than the previous longer/older version I posted before. Some of the features stayed, but due to flow and time I knew we’d have to cut down on the one before.
I haven’t worked on my own boards since last September so it’s been good finally getting myself back into it again. My health has only been worse lately so that hasn’t helped my creative drive or will to draw... I’m glad to pick away at it bit by bit.
But yeah, just wanted to share that sometimes storyboards are just really shitty to get the point across and sometimes you need that. Clean it up later.
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bozukastudio · 8 years
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I’d like to announce after a lot of thought and readjusting, the Paperman Project will now be an anime!!
Zuka and I had a lot to consider in our decision but realized it would be the best route. I hope you all will support us in our new direction!
Domo arigato~
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bozukastudio · 9 years
Since it’s the 3rd year anniversary of Paperman and since I saw it I really wanted to share a bit more on our Project! :)
It’s only a short snippet of storyboards from our Paperman Project (can click the link to find out more on it!), but I’m always glad to finally be able to share more of our labor of love!
In this we have George and his roommate, Martin, trying to find means for a date George has set up. The rest I’ll leave out of context for now.
Hope you enjoy!
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bozukastudio · 9 years
I'm trying to keep up with your Paperman creation but I'm confused as to what it actually is. Is it more than that little love story that was made?
Here’s a brief summary on the set up and characters for you, friend!http://bozukastudio.tumblr.com/paperman-projectAnd, yes, it’s a full-length movie extension revolving around the short. :)
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bozukastudio · 9 years
Paperman came out 3 years ago today and has consumed me since and formed into this project haha... Technically I saw it the first time on Nov 3rd but it’s theater release was today along with WiR.
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SO! The Paperman Project is finally going online!
Slowly but surely. More basic info on some of the characters and the story/project can be found here in our tag.
We’ve been working on this full length movie extension off of Disney’s Paperman short for almost 3 years now. We’re not affiliated officially, but our dream is to make this story catch their attention and make it a real thing one day. It’s been just me and Zuka on this project and it’s been solely a labor of love and thus far, I’ve only been showing it in my livestreams (which you can still find it in when I go live on my personal blog).
Hopefully more to come in the future. These are just a promo. ;)
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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Baby family pics of George and Meg that I did today. ;u; There were some others but figured I’d post them separate.
Camilla and Richard taking young George for a stroll in the colder months and then Meg and her older sister, Rachel, rough-housing with their dad, Daniel (something they would do pretty often). Their mom, Eliza, isn’t in the picture but she’s still around. Also it’s around the later 30s when they were around this age since the story takes place in early 50s. It was nice drawing them again.
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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The one thing I managed to draw today. Sorta canon to Paperman Project but not word for word haha..
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bozukastudio · 9 years
FINALLY DreamWorks got back to me and I’m gonna be pitching this storyboard in front of directors, development executives, and heads of story on (Wed 16th as a rehearsal and) Thur 17th! :) I’ve never done a storyboard pitch so this will be exciting! Thank you all for your support!
This is part of an original story my partner and I have had for maybe 4 years in the work now but it’s been having some major revisions lately. We plan to have it as an RPG type game I think. This in particular was put together in about 3 weeks for a DreamWorks story pitch/interview (THIS ISN’T GOING TO BE A DREAMWORKS MOVIE; NOT THAT KIND OF PITCH) that I’d be doing in Sep. if all works out. I thought I’d share what I had for that in animatic form though. I could go on with how much I wish I could fix or clean up more with in betweens and such but I had to really rush finishing at the end fffff Enjoy! Youtube video here Isolated System & characters © Bianca Paz & Nicole Moad
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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These are pretty old but I still was quite fond of them. Not much plot relevance exactly but whatever (also blood *gasP*). I never bothered cleaning them up more but doesn’t need it too much. I only did these 2 like this so I’m posting them together.
Don’t be fooled by these tho; Martin and Brandon are dorks.
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And tho Martin is a man of many talents, he’s ashamed that as a Scot he cannot play the bagpipes...
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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Our little buff ray of sunshine~
The middle pics are a lot older but the top and bottom were more recent in design for Lizzie. She’s from England but also of mixed race (kinda like myself haha). Filipino/Black/White. Also those aren’t freckles on her cheeks, it’s acne. Lot’s of people have skin problems and idk why it isn’t shown more on characters who aren’t meant to just be gross. Also she’s a young teen, and that’s p much when it starts haha
I’d like to have more posts getting into the characters individually, but for now enjoy one~
These are original characters from our Paperman Project, which you can read about more on our blog–> http://bozukastudio.tumblr.com/paperman-project
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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Dr. Kyle and Agent Olson!
These are original characters from our Paperman Project, which you can read about more on our blog–> http://bozukastudio.tumblr.com/paperman-project
The drawings are all relatively old at this point but I’m just gonna post what we had from the beginning and post more recent ones as we go. This has been in the works for almost 3 years so a lot of the concept art is pretty spaced out in skill level and design. ^^; Although, these 2 designs came at least after almost 2 years in development I believe.
   Dr. Kyle - The local doctor within the anomaly Community who was a former government scientist and has seen some shit and is extremely laidback. Not much surprises him anymore and doesn’t seem to care about anything, but Dr. Kyle does care for the people within the Community and helps where he can. He was also the closest thing to a mentor and father-figure to Brandon growing up.
   Agent Olson - His real name is Orochi. He’s a government agent like Lisa and helps contain anomalies but can be rather cold. He’s not heartless but takes the safety of the public at large very seriously when it comes to anomaly activity and isn’t hesitant to do what he thinks must be done to do his job. His biggest concern is the safety of everyone, whether he’s protected people from anomalies or anomalies from themselves.
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bozukastudio · 9 years
A Paperman Project storyboard/animatic?!?
Yes, this is Martin and George’s first accidental meeting. It was one of the older ones I had started and then last year picked it up again to clean for my portfolio (tho I changed it to the original version for that to stay safe).
Unfortunately, this was also done early enough that it ended up not being able to stay in the final cut of what we have no so I figured I’d share. There’s going to still be some aspect of it remaining, but a lot shorter. I hope others enjoy what we had anyway for the time in development!
You can read more about the project here! http://bozukastudio.tumblr.com/paperman-project
Paperman (c) Disney Paperman Project (c) Bianca Paz & Nicole Moad
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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Lizzie and Oscar!
These are original characters from our Paperman Project, which you can read about more on our blog–> http://bozukastudio.tumblr.com/paperman-project
The drawings are all relatively old at this point but I’m just gonna post what we had from the beginning and post more recent ones as we go. This has been in the works for almost 3 years so a lot of the concept art is pretty spaced out in skill level and design. ^^;
(I never really finished up that Lizzie sheet sadly, but she’s actually quite beefy now haha)
   Lizzie - Brandon’s adopted younger sister from England who basically includes everyone as her best friend unless otherwise stated. Her general default attitude is overly optimistic innocence. She has a very muscular and mature build from gynmastics and weight lifting and often gives the impression she may have super strength and is older, but her actual powers are just as electrifying as her personality and her mind just as naive. Despite her age, she knows when to be serious and is a good asset to The Crew.
   Oscar - A rundown guy with super speed who can be kind of selfish and grumpy but still is a part of The Crew and helps others. Lizzie helped recruit him and Brandon isn’t too happy about his presence but Brandon believes in Lizzie’s optimism more than he does Oscar and lets him stay. He’s been running to escape his problems practically all his life and, though he tries, is not always the most reliable when things get heavy.
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bozukastudio · 9 years
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Katie and Brandon!  
These are original characters from our Paperman Project, which you can read about more on our blog–> http://bozukastudio.tumblr.com/paperman-project
The drawings are all relatively old at this point but I’m just gonna post what we had from the beginning and post more recent ones as we go. This has been in the works for almost 3 years so a lot of the concept art is pretty spaced out in skill level and design. ^^;
Brandon - The leader of the anomaly group called “The Crew” that works through commissions from the police, as well as the heart of the Anomaly Community. Brandon wanted to be a musician but his passions fell more into helping others and with his flexible personality and powers, it comes easy to him. He’d give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it more. He doesn’t think any anomaly should have to hide or be ashamed of their powers and works to show how helpful and good powers can be.
   Katie - A ferocious, French mutant anomaly that likes cute things and wearing floral dresses but can rip your arms off. She was a ballerina until her mutation came about and she was forced to stop. While it was hard adjusting to living with her mutation, she did so and accepts them as part of her. What she hates most is people who treat her differently or like something broken and needing fixing, and it was that attitude that lead her to running away from home to find a place of acceptance in another country.
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