bylerdndzine · 1 year
Emergency Mod Applications: Results Sent for Graphic Design Mod!
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Thank you to everyone who was interested and applied!:) We now have someone -who you'll meet soon- as our graphic design mod.
However, we're still looking for a FINANCE MOD, so if you know someone who might be interested and knows about this, please reach out to them!
See you all very soon with more news and announcements!!
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
The Paladin and The Cleric - A DnD Byler Zine: EMERGENCY MOD APPLICATIONS!
Hello everyone! We're opening emergency graphic design and finances mod applications. If you're skilled in graphic design or know about budgets and finances, this is your chance to be a part of this project.
You can find the application form here!
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If you have any questions, please let us know!
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
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Contributor Results have all been sent out! Please make sure to check your spam folder and let us know if you haven't received anything yet!
We can't wait to get started!
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
The Paladin and The Cleric Zine: APPLICATIONS CLOSED!
Thank you everyone who applied! We'll be reviewing responses and results will be sent soon!
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
The Paladin and The Cleric Zine - Extended Applications: One Week Left!
A reminder that due our decision to extend the application period, there's now ONE WEEK LEFT to apply as writer, artist, or merch artist!
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Applications will remain open until December 30th.
ARTISTS, apply here!
WRITERS, you can apply here!
And MERCH ARTISTS, you can apply here!
And Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates!!:)
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
The Paladin and The Cleric Zine - Extended Applications: One Week Left!
A reminder that due our decision to extend the application period, there's now ONE WEEK LEFT to apply as writer, artist, or merch artist!
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Applications will remain open until December 30th.
ARTISTS, apply here!
WRITERS, you can apply here!
And MERCH ARTISTS, you can apply here!
And Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates!!:)
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
Just a reminder that you can apply for more than one role if you want!
If you applied as an artist but you'd also like to make merch, feel free to go for it and apply as merch artist too. Or if you're both a writer and an artist, you could also apply for both roles!
This means that you could get accepted for one role and rejected for the other, OR accepted for both.
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
I sent in an application a while ago, when Will I know if I was accepted? When the applications close at the end of the month? Or does getting nothing mean I wasn’t accepted?
Hi! We're still receiving applications and they'll stay open until December 30th. Then we'll take some time to review them and we hope to send out results within the first week of January! our schedule is tentative since we decided to extend applications and we had to adjust to that.
No worries if you didn't receive an email after you sent out your application, but if you want to confirm that we received it dm us and we'll chek. :)
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
hey! your apps were said to close yesterday but it seems you still have the form open
Hello! yeah, we're extending our application period. :)
Applications will oficially close in two weeks, on December 30th.
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
The Paladin and The Cleric Byler Zine: Applications EXTENDED
Hey, everyone! After discussing it, we've taken the decision to extend the application period TWO WEEKS. We know the holidays are very busy times for everyone, so we want everyone who is interested to put their writing samples and portfolio together without feeling stressed.
This means applications will OFICIALLY close on December 30th, right before New Year's Eve.
Meanwhile, we still have some guests to announce. :)
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bylerdndzine · 1 year
GUEST WRITER ANNOUNCEMENT FOR The Paladin and The Cleric: Byler zine
Hello again, everyone! today I'm here with a very exciting announcement.... Our guest writer. This is someone who has written a lot of fics for the stranger things/byler fandom. And i mean A LOT, making us laugh, cry, or both.
Please welcome author @andiwriteordie!
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We're very excited to have her and many other talented people as part of this project!
We'll be posting more announcements soon, so keep an eye out for that. Don't forget that if you haven't signed up as an artist, writer, or merch artist, you still have the chance to. An informative post about that will come out tomorrow, but meanwhile, you can find the application forms here.
Again, welcome Andi! And if you haven't checked out her ao3 profile, do it because there are so many amazing stories to read and enjoy.
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bylerdndzine · 2 years
The Paladin and The Cleric Zine Applications: ONE WEEK left!
How is everyone doing? With holidays being so close, finals happening and deadlines for other events being close, I'm sure a lot of you have a lot going on. We wish you the best of luck with everything, and remember to take breaks and dedicate some time for yourself doing things that bring you joy.
Now having this in mind, if you're someone who enjoys writing and making art, we still encourage you to apply for our Byler charity Zine: The Palading and The Cleric. And do not fear! We now December is a busy month for everyone, but there will be more than enough time to work on your pieces (art/short fics). This is just the application phase, and our schedule is flexible if we notice the need for modifications.
So, as for now, there's ONE WEEK LEFT to APPLY!
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For ARTISTS, apply here!
WRITERS, you can apply here!
And MERCH ARTISTS, you can apply here!
We promsise the final product will be totally worth it:) there's many surprises to look foward too, and we hope you find them as exciting as we do. We miiight reveal some soon, so watch out for that!
Any questions or if you just want to chat about DnD and Byler, our ask box is open.
See you all very soon, and take care!
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bylerdndzine · 2 years
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We're happy to announce the first guest artist for The Paladin and The Cleric zine. This is someone you might recognize because their amazing artwork has the ability to break your heart to pieces and then put it back together.
Everyone please welcome @kidovna!
More guests to be announced soon:) get excited, because I'm sure all of you love will love our guest writer too, who's work has made us cry, laugh and stay awake until past midnight to finish one more chapter.
A reminder there's still time to apply! ARTISTS can do it here, WRITERS here, and MERCH ARTISTS here!
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bylerdndzine · 2 years
If we take into consideration Will and Mike's MBTI's, they should be a Druid (INFP) and a Paladin (ENFJ)!
Wanna know a fun fact?? INFP's are likely to be Druids, while ENFJ's are likely to be Paladins. Will is INFP. Mike is ENFJ! Do you think this description matches their personality?
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I think it does, to be honest, but just like everyone, I LOVE Will as our beloved Cleric, which aso fits into the personality of an INFP, a mediator.
Pssst, do you also love DnD and Byler?? Check out The Paladin and The Cleric Zine and don't miss out the opportunity to participate!
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bylerdndzine · 2 years
hi in your latest post you wrote 3 days left to apply and in the graphic was 3 weeks and the 3 weeks sound more realistic with your timeline just wanted to let you know
Hi! thank you for reaching out, my mistake! I got it all mixed up haha but i corrected the post as soon as i noticed. Sorry for any inconvenience!
As of today, there are TWO WEEKS LEFT until applications close.
Again, thank you!
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bylerdndzine · 2 years
The Paladin And The Cleric Zine Applications: Two Weeks left!!
Hello, everyone!!:) are you just as excited as we are that Byler won Ship of the year? Do you also love to spend hours reading fics and looking at beautiful fanart?? Why no celebrate all of this by applying to The Paladin And The Cleric Zine?
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ARTISTS, you can apply here!
WRITERS, you can apply here!
We also have MERCH ARTISTS applications open. You can apply here!
If you have any question, concern, or simply want to chat about about dnd and byler, hit us up!
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bylerdndzine · 2 years
The Paladin and The Cleric: A Byler Zine. Three Days Left for Contributor Applications!
Good afternoon, everyone! There's three weeks left for contributor applications. We know this fandom is full of amazing creators so if you're someone who's interested in writing or art, don't miss out the opportunity to be a part of this project:)
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You can read the guidelines here.
ARTISTS, you can apply here!
WRITERS, you can apply here!
If you're someone who is knowledged in fandom merch, we also have MERCH ARTISTS applications open. You can apply here!
As always, if you have any question or concern, reach out to us and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
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