chosemypain · 6 years
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oh captain..
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chosemypain · 6 years
For a moment, his face scrunches up in confusion. He’s never heard the name of this ship, nor it’s Captain, which automatically has him more alert, posture straighening up a little. Sure, he doesn’t know what every Captain looks like, but he’s sure he would have heard about the ship by now.
And the fact that he didn’t know what happened to Pike sets off an alarm in his head too. The cirumstances of why Pike stepped down from Captaincy are well known, considering the loss of Vulcan and the threat to earth.
“Chris stepped down after an injury, I got the offer of getting the ship and of course I took it. Couldn’t say no to a ship like the Enterprise.” there’s a playful smile on his lips, hands losely at his sides in case he needs to pull his phaser quickly.
Gabriel has always prided himself of his ability to read people -- from facial expressions to body language, the man was never oblivious to the stories they told. And right now, Jim Kirk’s posture tells him everything he needed to know, as does the hand hovering close to his holster, betraying the casual expression of the younger man’s face. Kirk is suspicious, probably unfamiliar with the Discovery or her captain. It’s further evidence that their ship doesn’t exist in this timeline, as Burnham had predicted all those years ago. Now Lorca is faced with the decision to keep up the charade or risk being called out on it -- with neither option being particularly appealing.
He smiles politely at Jim, his eyes hardening as he considers his options.
“Of course not. She’s a fine ship.”
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“Can’t say I’m surprised I didn’t hear of it sooner; spending four years isolated from the fleet has had its disadvantages.” He’s deliberately vague, probably causing more questions than answering them, but he’s got time. They don’t know much about this timeline, their knowledge not limited far beyond the events causing it to branch off from their own roughly 25 years earlier, but Michael’s brother had been involved, and Spock had been serving on the Enterprise in their universe back in ‘56. It was quite a gamble, but worth a shot.
“Are you familiar with a Vulcan by the name of Spock, by any chance?”
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chosemypain · 6 years
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“I think you’re overreacting. Commander Saru is- wait, are you drunk, Captain?!”
“--- Drunk? ‘Course not.”
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“I was just testin’ a bottle of Klingon bloodwine we recovered from the wreckage of a D5 class cruiser a couple of months back. Potent stuff. Y’ever tried it?”
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chosemypain · 6 years
Dammit. She was really hoping to keep this ‘tall’ feeling going for a few more moments.
“Thank you, Gabriel, I admit that I do miss my old ship, but I was able to at least bring some of my core crew with me. I don’t think the admiralty is very happy that the Maldonado twins are still on the same ship, but nobody else would want to work with us separately.”
“You and Chris work well together. Always have. If Starfleet doesn’t know that by now, then that’s their problem.”
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“When I heard your daughter was assigned to the Discovery, I have to admit, I was surprised. No room for a third Maldonado on the Alexandria?”
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chosemypain · 6 years
Scotty was growing tired of having to fight his corner every time he came up with a new concept. Fair enough, he was newly qualified, but that didn’t make him any less of a professor than the men who had been in tenure for more than decade. He might have been young, but he had a vision, that it seemed his peers were too old, or too close-minded to entertain. This particular morning had been spent trying to convince them to salvage the Shenzhou and bring her home to Earth where she belonged. So far, he hadn’t been very successful…
“– You’re not listenin’ to me! The failure of the Shenzhou had nothin’ to do with her engines! In fact, it had nothin’ to do with her design at all! She was ambushed by a hoard of bloody Klingons, in a ship that quite frankly contradicts everythin’ we thought we knew about Klingon vessels to date! Leavin’ that ship out there to rot is not only a travesty but it’s also an insult to the people who lived and served on her, and if I have to go out in a tug ship and haul her home myself then I will! I’m not about to stand here and allow years of work be torn to pieces by the elements, just ‘cause ye lot are too stuck up your own ar-!” 
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The Scotsman paused in his tirade upon hearing his name, and turned on his heel, throwing his arms up in exasperation that someone had finally decided to call him by his title. “Finally! Someone willin’ to acknowledge my contributions to this bloody establishment!” He turned to the Captain with a indignant grunt. “Aye, sir?”
Sound carried in such an open space, and Gabriel couldn’t help but to have overheard some of the young engineer’s speech about the Shenzhou. It was a topic he noted to bring up later. if necessary, to convince Scott that Lorca’s was a worthy cause. There was no harm in a bit of trade, and the captain of a starship -- regardless of his past -- held more sway with Starfleet Command than a recently qualified professor at the Academy. Besides, he found himself agreeing with what the man had to say. While the conditions in space allowed for the preservation of objects far better than those on Earth, leaving abandoned ships out in the open wasn’t smart, from a tactical perspective. Databases could be accessed, computer systems, compromised, and it was likely the Klingons weren’t the only species who could value from the information found in those databanks, or the technology fitted throughout the ship.
           It was a shame that there was nothing left of the Buran for Starfleet -- or the Klingons -- to salvage. The lost ship’s former captain quickly suppressed the thought.
Lorca tried to avoid looking at the engine parts dispersed throughout the open hangar-like facility as he approached the engineer, focusing instead on the man in question. Admiral Terral had warned Gabriel not to judge the Scot on his age as his work was some of the finest Starfleet had seen in years, a sentiment supported by Captain Georgiou’s request for his presence on her ship well before the Shenzhou’s destruction. Gabriel stopped about a meter from the younger man, crossing his arms over his chest as he met Dr. Scott’s eyes.
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“Captain Gabriel Lorca. I’ve been informed that you might be able to assist with some --- lets just say, modifications, to the warp engines on my ship.”
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chosemypain · 6 years
"Well, lucky for me you were there, huh? Pretty sure my crew is going crazy because I am off the grid." he says with a chuckle. "I'm James Tiberius Kirk, Captain of the USS Enterprise. Thanks for saving my bacon, I don't think my XO would have liked to step into my place. Actually, he wasn't really pleased about me going at all, but that's Vulcans to you." he says with a shrug.
Lorca’s eyebrows perked up at the mention of the Enterprise. It seemed in both universes, the constitution class beauty was an exploratory ship – which would explain the man’s presence this far away from Earth. The Discovery had been hiding in the outer reaches of Federation territory for the past 4 years, trying to find a way back to their universe without disturbing the timeline of this one.
“Captain Gabriel Lorca of the USS Discovery. Pleasure to have you aboard, Captain.”
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“Last I heard, Chris Pike was in command of the Enterprise. Seems I’ve got some catching up to do.”
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chosemypain · 6 years
"Pretty sure I've read about 'em in the academy." he mutters, rubbing the side of his head, wincing as he rubbed over the small bump. "Just not my day, I guess. Could've been one, or something else. I blacked out before I could see anything more."
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“You’ll live. Lucky for you, the Discovery was nearby. The Gorn aren’t flighty creatures, but they know when they’re outgunned.” Lorca paused, taking a moment to run his eyes over the younger man’s uniform, the insignia confirming his suspicions. “You’re Starfleet? I didn’t realize the fleet was sending ships this far out of Federation space.”
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chosemypain · 6 years
@time-traveling-pitchforks​ | liked for a drunk starter
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     “--- Thought you’d be out of a job by now, considering most Earth religions died out decades ago. Remind me again why I need you on my ship?”
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chosemypain · 6 years
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“it’s not the harm that it can cause, but rather the nature of the creature that is making me question why there’s a tribble on a starship.”
"--- It’s my pet. There’s nothing in Starfleet regulations saying I can’t have one.”
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“Besides. Maybe one day its anti-Klingon instincts will kick in. Might be useful.”
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chosemypain · 6 years
My URL for the meme thing!
@bellicaptivus | accepting
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you:
My Opinion on;
Character in general: Ash Tyler is my guilty pleasure character, honestly. I’m so conflicted about him bc personally, I’m pretty in favour of the Voq = Ash theory, despite it being super controversial here on tumblr. My heart really goes out to him for all the traumatic experiences he’s been through??? He deserves peace and happiness and friends, and I admire his resourcefulness for being able to survive 7 months in Klingon prison, even if he had to sacrifice part of himself to do it. Ash is also really patient with and accepting of Michael and her inner struggles with her emotions and I think it’s really awesome that the writers are including such a healthy relationship in Disco! And not gonna lie, the man’s gorgeous.How they play them: LISTEN UP, KIDS. If you want to find an absolutely spot on portrayal of Ash Tyler, this is the blog for you! I cannot fault Robin’s Tyler. Their dialogue and writing is consistently perf, and while we haven’t interacted much, I’m always absolutely blown away by how realistic Ash seems!The Mun: We haven’t spoken much ooc, but they seem lovely!
Do I:
RP with them: Yep!Want to RP with them: Absolutely!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Phenomenal. 100% can recommend! Looking forward to future rp in days to come!
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chosemypain · 6 years
"It was big and green; that's all I remember."
sci fi starters | accepting
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“How specific.” Gabriel remarked dryly, holding himself back from rolling his eyes. “Might’ve been a Gorn. Nasty buggers. Green scales, sharp teeth, vicious claws… Ringing any bells?”
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chosemypain · 6 years
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“A tribble Captain? On the ship?”
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“Merkin’s perfectly harmless. Little thing hates the Klingons just as much as we do.”
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chosemypain · 6 years
@makeshistory | liked for a drunk starter
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“Do you think its too late to request another first officer? That KELPIEN is gettin’ on my nerves.”
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chosemypain · 6 years
Me, my url.
@starfleets1stmutineer | accepting
Send me your URL and I’ll tell you:
My Opinion on;
Character in general: can I just pls say that my girl Michael deserves way more love than she gets??? idk I think some people can’t handle the fact that she’s the main character and the story focuses on her this time instead of the captain and/or specific crew members, depending on the ep, and that just makes me super sad. Michael is strong and complex with character flaws and firm values, and I really really really love how she’s coming to terms with her humanity and discovering that and her emotions in a way that Trek hasn’t done before. How they play them: Alexis’ portrayal of Michael is SO GOOD. I love her so much. We haven’t actually gotten very far in our thread but with everything I’ve seen from other threads and our chats about the characters, she has Burnham down perfectly and really seems to understand and appreciate her muse! The Mun: Absolutely lovely and welcoming and kind and really fun to talk to! One of a few people who have definitely made this transition back into rp an easy and fun experience for me! Bless you, kiddo. And thank you for being so rad and putting up with my weird conversation
Do I:
RP with them: Heck yeah!Want to RP with them:  Did you read any of that? Of COURSE. Always.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: 1031/10, can recommend. Absolutely wonderful IC and behind the scenes!
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chosemypain · 6 years
Sci-Fi Starters
"The engines are offline and I have no idea when we can get them running again."
"There's something obscuring the sensors. I can't tell what's down there."
"I think something is on board..."
"You can try to track this transmission, but don't bother. You won't be able to trace the signal."
"All we need to do is lay low for a while. Slip into a busy spaceport and no one will notice."
"I don't know what you think this ship is capable of, but it can't perform miracles."
"It was big and green; that's all I remember."
"I want the shields up and weapons online."
"We just wait here for a search party. We have enough rations for a week and there's just enough power to keep the temperature control systems functioning."
"I don't care what's out there. Grab a phaser and do your damn job."
"We're dead in space and if we don't get this boat moving, we are REALLY doing to be dead."
"I hope there's enough containment suits for all of us."
"The ambassador hates the accommodations."
"There's no damage to the exterior. No immediate reason why the power is shut off... This ship is just floating, abandoned."
"It's been quiet out here among the stars. Almost makes you miss running for your life."
"Hold on! Let me scan it before you touch the damn thing."
"Just because it's furry and cute, doesn't mean it isn't dangerous."
"When we make planetfall I just want to go into the nearest bar and get a good drink."
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chosemypain · 6 years
@starfleets1stmutineer | liked for a drunk starter
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      “--- Burnham. Have you met my tribble yet?”
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chosemypain · 6 years
Send me your URL and I'll tell you
My Opinion on;
Character in general: How they play them: The Mun:
Do I:
RP with them: Want to RP with them: 
What is my;
Overall Opinion:
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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