clearbolts · 1 month
At some point in your life, you were taught that being slightly annoying is an unforgivable sin. Maybe it was by your parents or a teacher or a friend or a bully or an older sibling. But someone taught you that being slightly annoying is a crime punishable by death.
You must unlearn this.
You must accept that all people will be annoying at some point or another in their lives, maybe all of their lives, and that this is okay. It is okay for strangers on the bus, it is okay for children in the grocery store, it is okay for people on social media, and it is okay for you.
If you ever want to truly love your fellow humans, if you ever want to truly love yourself, you must have forgiveness for being annoying.
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clearbolts · 2 months
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NIRVANA, 16.04.90 - Lee's Palace, Toronto, ON, Canada 🇨🇦.
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clearbolts · 1 year
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The prompt was ‘detention.’
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clearbolts · 1 year
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clearbolts · 1 year
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Marina Tsvetaeva, from “Poem of the End”, Bride of Ice: New Selected Poems
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clearbolts · 1 year
I’m a firm believer in the holy truth that missionary is not a “boring” or “vanilla” position. It’s elite, it’s intimate, it’s dirty, it’s the joining of fucking souls my dude
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clearbolts · 1 year
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Hanif Abdurraqib, A Little Devil in America: Notes in Praise of Black Performance
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clearbolts · 1 year
gay people should be allowed to have free tattoos and piercings forever and ever send post
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clearbolts · 2 years
flirting with a tumblr girl is like ohh yeah girl your beauty is so. morguelike and your uh tendencies vampiric. cannibalistic even. well im not really sure about murder suicide yet but a dinner at cracker barrel sounds nice
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clearbolts · 2 years
blowing a kiss to all the disabled people who cant work and a kiss to all the disabled people who shouldnt be working but have to because of their circumstances and a kiss to disabled people who have never and will never work and a kiss to the disabled people who dont want to work your worth is not measured by your productivity ily
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clearbolts · 2 years
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Kurt on drums Dave on guitar 1993
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clearbolts · 2 years
to the mutuals who i never talk to but we reblog each others posts sometimes i love you and you make me so happy because despite never exchanging a word i get to learn little trinkets about you from your reblogs hehe
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clearbolts · 2 years
Disclaimer: long ass response/statement
I am also a fellow annoying YouTube fandom person who looked up to these people, they’re relationships, and their messages. I watched about every buzzfeed video they made, I spent my teens watching these 4 guys, was one of their first subscribers when they announced their new business .
I am sorry to hear about your previous relationships, both you and Ariel deserve so much more than cheating scumbags.
For me, I was a naive depressed pre-teen who thought Ariel was the luckiest woman. To have a husband, who loves her unconditionally and didn’t care that everyone knew how he felt. I looked up to it because I thought it was brave and unlike anything I had experienced on my own.
I was never jealous of Ariel, I was so happy for her, I also looked up to her I thought and continue to believe that she is great, beautiful, funny, just awesome and deserves more than Ned could had ever given her. I respected them for this facade because I believed this was the best a human being could experience.
Now, that I’m thinking back to the old buzzfeed videos I do feel a little gullible for believing it. Idk if someone’s mentioned this before but I remember one video (I think it’s on the current try guys channel). Not sure if it was a podcast or what series it was apart of but Ned and Ariel were recounting how they met. I don’t need to rewatch the video to remember that they agreed that Ned wasn’t interested in Ariel when they first met, he was trying to get with her friend but something happened (I forgot this part, I think Ariel’s friend rejected him) but eventually they started talking.
I’m not bringing it up to show evidence that Ariel “should have seen this coming” because that is so beyond anything she should have ever had to worry about. I’m bringing it up because I looked past it as a “oh he came to his senses and wanted to win her over” but that was just bullshit!
I know that my opinion doesn’t really matter! I really hope Ariel, her kids, the guys, and everyone else that has been affected by Ned and Alexandria’s actions can solve any upcoming issues ♥️
(My bad for the long ass vent?,whatever this is )
Sorry to be an annoying YouTuber fandom person but this try guys Ned cheating scandal really has my mind swimming. I know a lot of people say they saw this coming but this blind sided me personally. I totally bought his wife-loving, family man persona. I've been cheated on by ex-partners and I wasn't able to see any signs that his brand was fake. I actually really liked them as a couple and looked to them as an example of how great you can have it.
Not sure if im just super gullible, or if men just cant be trusted 🤧
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clearbolts · 2 years
All jokes aside, Ned Fulmer put his best friends, his job, his marriage, his children, literally his entire livelihood on the line for sex. For SEX. I hope Ariel heals well and takes his ass for a wild ass ride in court. I can't imagine the level of hurt she has to be feeling right now. Fucking shameful.
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clearbolts · 2 years
the feminine urge to fucking sink my teeth into someone
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clearbolts · 2 years
hey over thinkers, we’re gonna be okay.
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clearbolts · 2 years
We love Wayne & Eddie in this household ♥️
This is more centered around Wayne and eddie cause we got robbed of seeing them together. Reader is coming over to watch a movie with eddie (maybe they're new and eddie was nice to them and reade had nothing to do that day or something.) So eddie is panicking and wayne finds it hilarious.
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"i've got a girl coming over."
the mug in his hand stops halfway, newspaper falling backwards with the lack of support. wayne's head lowers, looks up at his nephew—who looks...proper, today—through his short eyelashes.
"well, that's a first," he sips his coffee, tongue scorched but it's not as painful as it used to be. "you babysitting or something?"
"n-no," eddie fiddles with his rings, fixing everything on the desk he's standing next to. he fixes the mugs he bought for his uncle, the scattered pens and folding the bills, shoving it inside a drawer. "she's a friend- did you shower today?"
wayne furrows his eyebrows. "i shower everyday, excuse you."
but he doesn't believe it. he saunters over to him, leaning down to take a whiff of his shoulder which makes wayne swat him away with his newspaper.
"what the hell?"
"you smell okay," eddie straightens his back. "listen, she wants to meet you."
wayne chuckles, closing his newspaper. "you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend,"
"she's not!" he blushes profusely, mostly out of embarrassment that he's blushing in front of his uncle like he'd asked eddie about a crush he had when he was in first grade. "she just wants to hang out and she says she wants to get to know you."
he buys it just a bit, standing up from his seat. "well, whaddya both plan on doing today?"
"watching a movie,"
"boring," he snorts. "when i was your age, i took girls out on dates outside of town. ate at diners, watched movies at cinemas, then we'd get behind my car and-"
"okay well first, the cinema's down. second, i'm not ready to have that conversation yet and i don't think i will," eddie tugs on his jacket, chin jutted with pride. "besides, you're too late for that."
"glad to know that,"
"do we have mugs?"
wayne shrugs. "i don't know. why don't you check the shelves. you give me at least three every year. father's day, my birthday, christmas. wonder how many mugs we got."
eddie rolls his eyes. "haha. funny,"
when wayne sees you exit eddie's van from the porch, he certainly didn't expect you'd look like a freshly picked flower from a meadow; you looked too soft for eddie, in his opinion, despite your style as he so calls it. but he's happy his nephews happy with you.
eddie senses your nervousness, couldn't help himself but let a hand hover on the small of your back as you both make your way to his uncle who's stepping on his cigarette until it dies down.
"hi!" you quip. "i'm (y/n). you must be—"
"wayne," he shakes your hand. "eddie's therapist,"
"i'm kidding," he lets go of your hand, ignoring the murderous glare of eddie who towers behind you. "i'm his uncle. glad to meet you. he's never shut up about you."
that was a lie. he only heard about you earlier. but he loves to inflict embarrassment.
your cheeks roseate, looking back at eddie who's eyes burn holes at the bald head of his uncle who raises his brows as if to ask what had been wrong. eddie shakes his head, finally letting his hand settle on the dip of your spine as he leads you inside.
"welcome to my humble abode, provided by my ever loving uncle," you observe the baby picture beside the small television, with a much younger wayne with darker hair and a mush of curls coating the top of his head, and an eddie who's smiling brightly with missing teeth, his uncle's hands resting on his chest. "that's me."
"cute," you chuckle. eddie looks at wayne, who gives him a thumbs up and crosses his arms. "what movie are we watching?"
"the fly," eddie says, looking over the table where the dvd rests. wayne snorts, which makes you whip your head at him that he apologizes with a smile. "j-jeff goldblum's in it,"
"hey, uncle wayne?" eddie's voice cracks, wincing but luckily enough you're still at your curiosity venture. "do we have any candles? those long, good smelling sticks that you use when you cook?"
his face blanks. "eds, we never had candles. and we ran out of those good smelling sticks. write them down on the grocery list for me, would ya?" eddie nods, and he pats him on the shoulder. "miss (y/n), sad i wouldn't be able to stay longer but," he takes his cap from a rack. "duty calls."
"oh, it's okay," you smile at him. "i'll take good care of eddie, sir. make sure he's taking all his vitamins and tell me all about his childhood,"
"roger that," wayne tugs his nephew by the shoulder, reaching for his pocket as he leans in to whisper. "now, eddie, you know i'm old. and you know you've got two months left till you leave that hell of a pit, so here's a little gift,"
he takes his hand, opening it widely before he slams something plastic in eddie's palm. when wayne removes his hand, he winces at the sight of the trojan condom in his hand.
"what the fuck?!" he looks behind frantically to make sure you weren't looking before eddie shoves it in his pocket. "i just met her last week!"
"well, you never know,"
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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