clemprime13 · 1 month
I lost the game.
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clemprime13 · 1 month
I’m in the middle of writing a Persona 5 fanfic and I seem to be able to only write Ren as completely unserious at all times.
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clemprime13 · 1 month
I am getting kind of annoyed both at takes I see at rwde as well as anon who spammed my posts few weeks ago. Basically, they argue that on top of being awful character, Jaune also completely ruins his literary allusion, Joan of Arc.
Of course, you are free to like or dislike Jaune, however, when people claim they hate Jaune because he is a coward, I get really confused. Jaune is not a coward, he is pretty brave, to the point of it being kind of flaw since he has low regard for his own safety. If he was a coward, he wouldn't have went with Ruby, Nora and Ren to Haven, he wouldn't have challenged Cinder to the fight, he wouldn't have tried to infiltrate Salem's base to save Oscar, etc. They are pretty on the nose with it in Volume 8 when Ren states Jaune feels no fear.
However, meat of my gripes is with people not understanding Joan of Arc and how to translate her character to the story.
No, Jaune not being giga chad isekai self insert protagonist level of strong is not an issue or insult to his primary literary allusion, it's the opposite. I don't know do people get their Joan of Arc knowledge from Fate Grand Order, but Joan herself wasn't skilled fighter. She was never properly trained and never directly fought someone. In pretty much every major battle she fought she was wounded or knocked out (hit by an arrow at Orleans, knocked out by a rock at Jargeau, hit by an arrow at Paris, knocked off from her horse at Compiegne). In fact her knowledge of sword fighting was so lacking she accidentally broke her treasured sword when she struck a prostitute with its side. There is no good reason for Jaune to be some kind of prodigy when he is based on a character that never properly fought anyone.
No, Jaune relying on his team to solve problems doesn't make him pussy and isn't unlike Joan. Once again, Joan of Arc wasn't front line fighter, she was moral support to the army. Her greatest triumph, siege of Orleans, was just her directing armies where to go whenever she got a vision. And Jaune's Semblance makes sense for someone based on Joan of Arc. It is essentially morale boost Semblance considering boosting an Aura buffs both your health, defense and offensive abilities. It matches what Joan did for her comrades. Jaune relying on his team to accomplish things is not a bug, it's a feature.
No, Jaune failing doesn't make him an insult to Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc herself wasn't perfect and suffered handful of failures herself. After her victory at Orleans, she won at Jargeau, but then lost the siege at Paris. After that she was stalemated in Perrinet Gressart campaign, won a battle at Lagny and was then captured at Compiegne. After failed siege of Paris, and especially after stalemate against Perrinet Gressart, Court started doubting her abilities. It is simply different order of wins and losses with Joan peaking in her first battle while Jaune was completely useless during the Fall of Beacon but has upward trajectory after that.
Jaune's Joan of Arc is the one without any special abilities but with the same aspirations. He wants to be the hero and save the world, but he wasn't blessed with divine power that gives him unnatural charisma and allows him to see future events. People's gripes and suggestions how to "fix him" usually boil down to turning Jaune into generic power fantasy protagonist. Which is not only boring and misses the point of the character, it also misses the point of Joan of Arc. If Jaune was some kind of prodigy kicking ass since Volume 1, he wouldn't have been Joan, he would have been Roland, Arthur, Lancelot or whatever famous legendary knight you can find.
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clemprime13 · 1 month
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I would love this. Just laying there, melting into you, as you make me all empty for you…
It sounds like heaven.
Hush, pretty thing.
Your whisper is too loud, your thoughts too coherent.
Just relax into my chest and whimper softly instead.
Let me be the only sound you need.
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clemprime13 · 4 months
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you punch nazis!
(requested by anonymous)
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clemprime13 · 4 months
God I’m just thinking. And ugh, the Jedi’s martial arts must have been amazing. They had seven distinct styles, passed down over a thousand generations, by uncountable lineages.
Every lineage must have had their own katas, their own training methods and distinct variations on the forms. There were probably inter-lineage feuds on what type of sparring they taught, variations on specific katas, which techniques were acceptable in sparring, anything. You KNOW those High Republic Outpost Jedi must have created new styles that were gradually subsumed into the 7 forms.
What would a Jedi Tournament have looked like? Were there ones for specific forms, like Soresu-only competitions? Did they have some kind of point sparring? Was there an endurance/blocking division? How would they have measured Force abilities in a tournament setting? How did they score?
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clemprime13 · 5 months
I think I’m in love…
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clemprime13 · 5 months
Pooping on company time is morally right and ethically correct.
I ain't clocking out to shit during company time. fuck that.
been saving up shit all day to clog these pipes and make them pay me for it
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clemprime13 · 5 months
Comcast customer service just misgendered me.
I’m literally a cis man. I don’t know to applaud the woman on the other end of the line for trying to be inclusive (cause my IRL name can be used for both men and women) or shit on Comcast.
0 notes
clemprime13 · 5 months
When i was like 13 was allowed to use the internet unrestricted for the first time and i spent a lot of time on Runescape. One of the people i talked to on there was this person who had much higher levels than me in every skill and had, to my perception, a seemingly overflowing amount of game resources. One day i was taking about wishing i could get gold ore to level my smithing and not having access to any and they like “here, you can have this gold that i have” and just gave me this big stack and i was like “i don’t even have anything to offer back”. They told me they didn’t need anything and just wanted to be nice. I said that they didn’t have to and what they told me honestly has stuck with me since, they said “life’s too short to spend it being mean to people” and like it’s such a simple thing to say but combined with their actions and the weight they bore to me at the time was hugely influential on my outlook on life and the way i treat others. I don’t know who that person is but they changed my life that day and I’m so thankful to them.
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clemprime13 · 5 months
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Smash Bros Hyrule Temple Stage breakdown:
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clemprime13 · 5 months
I really love White Knight. It is so sweet.
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“But they were still incredibly brave… and good” has me by the throat
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clemprime13 · 5 months
warning, this post might be a little grim
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clemprime13 · 5 months
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clemprime13 · 6 months
p iracy is BAD!!!!!!!1!
i think piracy is EVIL!!!
ANYONE that pirates ANYTHING should go to JAIL!!
NOBODY should EVER take this base64 string (aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9NQTB4aElZSSNQX3BqNl82SkxkaFdCcl9odllqSm13) and put it into the converter at https://www.base64decode.org/ to get all the major adobe programs for free! that would be a crime!
ANYONE that pirates adobes 500 dollar programs should be ASHAMED!
that would just be evil!
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clemprime13 · 7 months
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Commission for @clemprime13
For their MHA fanfic, The New Normal (Ch 13)! Thank you so much!
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clemprime13 · 7 months
Here's uBlock Origin's official guide to bypassing youtube's anti-adblock popups, updated weekly. Please share widely. Don't reward google for their predatory anti-consumer bullshit
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